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Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts

Dec 28, 2014

Jan 20, 2015: The President's SOTU Address under Uranus-SN vibes

SOTU 2015 as the Tail of the Dragon (SN) Swipes Radical Uranus in Aries

by Jude Cowell

Today (12.28.14) in Kabul, the official NATO-US combat mission in Afghanistan ended with an hour's ceremony to mark the 13-year war of tragedy and loss. And though such a ceremony makes for a good public relations image (propaganda) there are those of us who think of the 'ending' more as stagecraft meant to deceive than reality--Neptune rather than Saturn. Perhaps the Pentagon and the CIA have simply lied to the American public too often and fought too many secret wars to expect to be believed now.

Be that as it may, America's 'totem planet', Uranus, meets the Saturnian South Node (SN) of the Moon (aka, the 'tail of the dragon') on January 20, 2015, the same day that President Obama delivers the 2015 State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress that evening. You'll find a few Astro-Notes on the pair's cosmic encounter here. And of course, their conjunction at a critical Cardinal degree (12) means that zealous anarchist Uranus will also be in Nodal Degree which adds to the karmic, fated reaping-what-was-sown quality of their problematic meeting.

Yes, the ongoing, dynamic, challenging Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square of rebellion and generational clashes just keeps on giving, doesn't it? And now the Nodal axis of The Dragon joins in bringing with it an indication of public contact. Is separation from the public indicated for the president? How about the threatened time and money wasting impeachment efforts by the GOP?

Well, hopefully my frets are unfounded yet something tells me the US government's past behavior (SN) of secretly committing and then lying (Neptune) us into wars (Mars-Uranus with a huge dose of the US natal Mars-Neptune square of foggy deception and misguided motivation), betrayals, coups, government topplings, assassinations, and other underhanded mayhem will be part of the January 20th cosmic picture so it will be interesting to hear what the president includes in his remarks concerning wars in the Middle East (Saturn-Uranus), and in other regions of the world including Russia, China, and the proxy kingdom of North Korea.

Recent technology (Uranus) disruptions such as hacking may well be mentioned by POTUS in SOTU 2015 and it's certainly possible that a new internet attack or two will have been perpetrated by then. The Uranus-SN duo is a marker for wars and revolution along with changing, unsettling social conditions that can very well include financial loss. Perhaps the current Republican coup of Congress with its GOP agenda of drastic cuts to social safety net programs is indicated here with Uranus-SN imprinted upon the whole of 2015 and beyond. Will it be soup lines across America? Depopulation certainly will be the outcome of such politically based stinginess toward what Ayn Randers may term 'useless eaters'--as if all life isn't sacred!

Complicating things during SOTU 2015, we may find the president under a spiteful 'rudeness siege' imposed by the separatists of Congress during his speech though interrupting him with "You lie!" has lost its original sheen of Republican glory. Well, astrological Uranus does represent things new, novel, and original and sudden events are right up the electrical planet's alley. Even a bad storm or a power outage cannot be discounted for whenever Uranus is active, sudden, unexpected conditions often appear unannounced in a disruptive fashion. Transit Saturn, the practical container for the ideals of Uranus, has recently left Scorpio for a while so it will be quite a while (late 2016 and affecting the 2016 Election) before radical Uranus in fiery Aries and status quo Saturn in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius trine one another from within Fire the element of creativity and vision.

And on another level, the Uranus-SN planetary energies of January 20th may relate to an announcement by President Obama which will come as a big surprise or even a shock to his audience and will lead to some sort of upheaval. It's even possible that something involving Uranian people is on the Uranus-SN calendar for January 2015 and beyond--and one such example is the one and only Senator Elizabeth Warren born under a Sun-Uranus conjunction!

Dec 17, 2014

Cuba's natal horoscopes 1902 and 1959: Alan Gross is released

Has America Faced Reality on Cuba?

by Jude Cowell

On today's happy occasion of the release of American Alan Gross from five years of captivity in a Cuban prison, here are details of the two natal horoscopes I have in my files for Cuba; both are set for Havana:

Cuba--Independence: May 20, 1902 '12:00 noon'; Sun 28Tau45 conjunct MC; Moon 9Sco58 in 3rd house; Cuba--Communist: January 2, 1959; Sun 11Cap06 3rd house; Moon 8Lib29 in the 12th house of Imprisonment.

Andrea Mitchell and others are reporting that the Vatican played a large role in Mr. Gross' release. Other sources report that an unnamed US intelligence officer imprisoned twenty years ago is also being released (and perhaps others as well). Cuban prisoners in the US are freed in a "separate" release, and President Obama's long-stated objective of normalizing relations between the US and Cuba are apparently being realized before our eyes.

Here, it is now 12:16 pm and POTUS has just remarked on this topic on TV as Raul Castro spoke to the Cuban people. I shall mention only a major astro-note: that Cuba's 1959 Sun @11Cap06 has been catalyzed for some time by transit Pluto thus deeply transforming the nation's leadership on various levels and perhaps bringing the Global Government and its banking network to knock on Cuba's door--and this time, the door has seemingly been answered as more money and other resources are about to be sent to Havana.

That is, after all, what the original embargo was about 55 years ago--Cuba refused to play ball with 'new world order' thugs. Perhaps you agree that the US embargo of Cuba has been a massive failure on many levels--neurotic South Node behavior on Washington's part as if expecting different results after 55 years of sanctions is a sane policy. However, it will take the US Congress to drop the embargo!

Of course, all this relates closely to the current collapse of oil prices and Russia's and Iran's currencies. "It's time now for a new approach," says President Obama (translation: a new order). And be the behind-the-scenes machinations however they may be and for whatever the ultimate goal of globalists, I must concur for the sake of the good people of Cuba, their relatives here in the US, and for released captives and their families.


Foundation data for Cuba: The World Book of Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion.

Dec 4, 2014

A Cosmic December 2014: Winter Solstice and on to January 2015

During the month of December 2014 and on into early 2015 the heavens ring with cosmic events and changes which will be reflected by earthly events, no less so in Washington DC.

All times are EST and all horoscopes are set for Washington DC USA; all events mentioned here are under the auspices of the Solar Eclipse of October 23, 2014 @00Sco24.

A partial list of cosmic highlights for December 2014 includes activist and warrior Mars entering Aquarius on the 4th, then the December 6 Full Moon @14Gem17 (7:27 am) with Venus out-of-bounds in later Sagittarius, a culmination/fulfillment stage and the 'cosmic bookend' of something seeded at the November 22, 2014 New Moon @00Sag03. The Full Moon @14Gem17 perfects during an Hour of Saturn with Ceres rising (food, nurturing, and security issues) and falls in the middle of America's natal Mars-Uranus midpoint, an explosive, conflicted spot to be and, besides military events, one thinks of the several legal actions against the president on the Republican agenda (all of which makes them look quite desperate, sputtering, and politically neutered in my opinion.)

Next in December is investing Jupiter (The General, the banker, the guru, and the high-powered executive in his recent role as lead in a locomotive planetary pattern--see his change of condition at Winter Solstice, below) performing a Retrograde Station on December 8, 2014 @22Leo37, known as a degree of "worst foot forward" or "foot in mouth" (A. Louis) so watch for such mentions in the news (or that you notice yourself) and you'll identify Jupiter acting in one of his many roles.

Naturally we may expect Jupiterian concerns--particularly finances, investment, and expansion since we're mainly considering a spiteful Congress--to stall (move backwards) or be delayed until Jupiter's Direct Station the second week of April 2015 @12Leo35 and forward movement beyond 22Leo37 which won't occur until a couple of days after July 4, 2015. Of course, any cosmic events as of January 2015 will be intimately reflective of the 2015 Congress. The Direct Station will again conjoin Mr. Obama's natal Sun denoting a time when projects begun about 12 years ago must either ramp up or cease completely--which has timed his expansion of US troops into the Middle East, sad to say. Yet perhaps you agree that he's only following orders from a higher authority as all presidents do since....well, that's up for grabs but one point in time when a major shift occurred may have been with Andrew Johnson after the ritual of America's first assassination. Once that event changed our course, US debt to foreign bankers really began to corrupt the entire ideal of this nation.

Next is Venus, an integral part of the founding of this nation for one has only to look at Washington DC statues lauding the goddess, plus, the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, to see this no matter the name. Venus will enter Capricorn, the sign of government, law, and business, on December 10, 2014 and this, of course, is 00Cap00, a World Point of manifestation, prominence, recognition, and fame. Capricorn is also the careful investor which is interesting since funding for running the US government is scheduled to expire on December 11, 2014 unless Congress acts with accountability, not grandstanding for political points. Yet as you know, another government shut down is in the air though establishment Republican leaders have denied it but Jim Demint of the Heritage Action group of anarchists knows more about the plan, I suspect, for he was behind last's year's costly 16-day fiasco.

(Apparently the "heritage" they tout is from pre-Civil War days in the secessionist/white supremacist mold and though I'm a southerner, theirs is a shady, forcible, even satanic way to behave imho, and a crummy way to run the US government based on paternalistic strong-arm tactics. They do not grandstand or obstruct progress in Washington DC for me!)

Next is the spoiling-for-a-fight Uranus-Pluto square, exact on December 15, 2014, the 6th of 7 exact squares at critical degrees of 12Ari-12Cap. Their square perfects at 12:14 am with its Mars-Saturn vibes due to sign rulership, a stop-go, frustrating influence of hardship inspiring more protests, conflicts, and generational clashes on the streets and on Capitol Hill, plus, more strong-armed police actions against the people. These social concerns issue from their Great Conjunction/s in mid-Virgo in the mid-1960s, the Civil Rights era when progress was made toward equality.

The last (7th) exact of the Uranus-Pluto squares occurs on March 17, 2015 after which perhaps things will cool down a little toward the end of 2015. Yet I'm quite certain grumpy, anti-social Republicans--still violently against New Deal and Great Society programs--and the new Congress with its 'charming' hog-castrating flavor will keep things riled up as much as possible for as long as they can. Considering their past behavior against the president, aren't you? Only political concerns over Election 2016 might keep the GOP under any control whatsoever if it will.

Next day, on December 16, speedy Mercury, planet of orators, communicators, reporters, young people, students, traders, transport carriers, magicians and tricksters enters Capricorn at 10:53 pm and we see the Winter Solstice 2014 stellium lining up in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (horoscope shown, below.)

Hannukah begins on December 17 and ends on December 24, 2014.

TV Note: the last episode of The Colbert Report is scheduled for December 18, 2014, a cosmic event to many of us.

December 20 brings a new cycle between Venus and Pluto as they conjoin @12Cap46 (critical degree) in the 8th house of Corporatism, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, the Occult--but mostly with vibes of financial disruption (square Uranus) possibly due to natural disasters). Denoted are events involving organized crime and a worsening of the ongoing breakdown of the social fabric (which plutocratic elements within the US government have been working toward for decades--ex: billionaires' ownership of politicians and judges, anti-New Dealers, etc.) Other potential areas of concern with Venus-Pluto include waste processing and disposal, both of nuclear and other toxic by-products, transformation of America's beautiful landscapes and natural resources--water comes to mind--such as with fracking and other destructive mining practices.

Naturally for timing peaks of the Venus-Pluto cycle we look to their waxing and waning squares (credit debasement?) and their opposition (tax, insurance, joint finance problems, plus, underworld involvements such as money laundering, counterfeiting, prostitution and sex trading, and so on).

A Venus-Pluto conjunction also suggests extreme amounts of wealth hidden in secret places which may or may not be outed in the news for this is the pair's 'New Moon', a time when things tend to be done in the shadows and may only come to light around the time of their opposition in May 2015. We may expect with quirky Uranus squaring their conjunction that certain actors will exhibit a studied indifference to any destruction caused to society by their corruption--but how else do they ever face themselves in the mirror each morning, right?

This brings us to a very busy day cosmically: December 21, 2014, the Winter Solstice of 2014 which is imprinted with a New Moon of new beginnings @00Cap06 (8:35 pm, Dec 22.) Yet prior, at 6:03 pm is the actual perfection of Sun entering Capricorn, the Solstice itself. And even before that is a prominent shift of energy performed by disruptive Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, a signature of anarchists and blind zealots (Ebertin.) Considering current and recent events, it seems safe to include Zionists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and secessionists in with this Martian bunch of political regressives--part of the anti-government movement against Washington DC.

Now it's time to check out the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2014 set for December 21, 2014 at 6:03:20 pm est, Washington DC, with a bow to royal star Fomalhaut, the Watcher of the South and guardian of earth's Winter Solstices:

It's a Balsamic phase between Sun and Moon (a dark few days of secret activities) and an Hour of Mars @13AQ11 (apex of the oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint of plutocrats, racists, and primal violence perpetrators); warrior Mars is in 8th house of Joint Finances keeping company with US natal Moon @27AQ33 (We the People); Mercury and Venus are out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and working on their own--both in 6th house; explosive Mars-Uranus are friendly in Mutual Reception (each other's signs) as the difficult pair Saturn and Pluto continue to be--here, from 5th house of Risk-Taking with a critical 29th degree Saturn, and Pluto @12Cap49, a critical degree affecting here 6th house matters such as Health, Work, Service (Military, Police, Civil), and our Daily Rounds.

Both mystical Neptune (Islam's 'totem planet' as Uranus is ours) and wounding-wounded Chiron, the guru and mentor, are in 9th house of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, and Higher Education and with Saturn anxiously on the verge of entering Sagittarius we may expect religion and austere ideologies to continue at the top of every malcontent's militant agenda, here and abroad.

Solstice 2014 Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius--often a happy placement--in Political Astrology may denote immigration issues and can have an 'attacks which weaken' vibe due to the Moon conjoining star Acumen. Plus, that's America's natal Ascendant on the 6th cusp which personalizes indicators relating to our government and its war machine sucking up all our money and resources not the least of which are our family members. And with critical degrees on the MC-IC axis (29Vir-Pis, the victim-savior polarity) we perhaps shouldn't expect our nation to fare well in the Public Status department during the next 6 months for between the Death Star Pentagon gorilla-ing around the planet and the US Congress willfully turning itself into a laughing stock, We the People are numbed, genetically modified, and too disengaged to actually do anything about the crooks in charge at this particular time.

Now the Solstice 2014 planets form a Bucket pattern with Jupiter Rx @22Leo20 as the handle and thus uniting the fuller and emptier hemispheres of the chart--carrying the chart. Coercive measures are being used and Jupiter Rx is delaying investment and other financial concerns as noted previously especially since 2nd house signifies the National Treasury in Political (Mundane) Astrology. A new direction is being forcibly installed within our government and having Leo-AQ on the 2/8 cusps increases the chances for breaks and breakdowns between the three branches of government (Sun-Saturn-Uranus).

And is that an elephant in the Solstice room you see before you? Only if you include the Nodal axis and the ASC of the chart (17Can08) as points in a Cardinal Cross involving planets Venus and Uranus which as a pair denote extravagance, eccentricity, and erratic behavior which will probably affect the US economy. Of course, North Node (the head of the dragon) always points to a future direction and as noted above, this NN conjoins US natal Saturn which is opposed by transiting Uranus (soon to conjoin tr SN), the old v new order condition already mentioned--but also significators of Israel and Palestine and their ancient disagreement at the base of all conflict. The Ascendant, a chart angle, is a point of manifestation of the Venus-Uranus-Saturn energies giving the Cross--or at least the T-Squares that are formed--a place to act out. Or up, if we're talking anarchy in the US Congress--such as another government shutdown at the expense of taxpayers once again.

(If any grandstanding Republican serves us 'green eggs and ham' again it may be hog castrator Joni Ernst's dream but none for me, thanks. I'll fast instead.)

To conclude my current remarks concerning the Winter Solstice 2014 horoscope:

The factor that should have been discussed at the beginning--Moon as chart-ruler and its applying Ptolemaic aspects which hint at how things will proceed from Winter Solstice 2014--we find only two such: Moon conjunct Sun (1A24) and Moon conjunct Mercury (9A01), the Speedy One, which conjoins difficult star Facies, one of the 'victim stars'.

Obviously the December 22nd New Moon @00Cap06 is spotlighted by Winter Solstice 2014 and as such, makes this particular Solstice prominent in many ways--and perhaps fortunate for some. At the least, new creative projects are planned and seeds now germinate, a condition which may reference on one level the dark agenda of sourpuss Republicans and their financial backers who just can't stand a Democrat in the White House especially when he dares to be half-black. Or is it his white-half they so despise? Either way, their shady plans to undermine proceed apace.

(Never mind that Mr. Obama was purposefully chosen by Those Who Select Presidents to--in my view--gum up the works of the US government and to get done what has been done since 2009--and to not get done what the power elite didn't want done. The ultimate goal is, as I've blogged here way too often, to dismantle our government system of 1776, take control, and replace it with one from a devilish plutocrat's dream--Lucifer's servant. You may wish to check out General Albert Pike's writings about WWIII if you haven't. Not only is he the only Confederate General with a statue in Washington DC--still!--but his body is entombed down the block from the White House at the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple. Mummified, you ask? Don't know. Don't want to know. Ugh and weird.)

Last in the chart: with Moon to Mercury we naturally think of such potentials as communication between leaders and the masses, propaganda campaigns (yes, we're constantly drenched in them already), speeches tailored to what the people need to hear, leaders who analyze the attitudes and moods of the public, family concerns, excitement over popular causes, restless workers, and agricultural statistics which come to light.

And the Solstice Sun? No application (isolated leader, but not weaker, stronger) unless we count the December 6th New Moon, a lunation we must discuss in a later post.

Because if you, dear reader, have managed to read this far (skipping or otherwise), I'm impressed and do hope my populist Political Astrology view of Winter Solstice 2014 won't ruin the celebratory season for you!

For it isn't as if planets and stars are forcing politicians to act like self-serving idiots with a higher oath to uphold than the one they took to the US Constitution and to the offices they hold. Therefore, we may freely blame any of the jacka*ses for deciding their own hee-haw behavior and choosing to follow orders and act in such a sorry fashion by putting the Greater Good last on their list of important considerations.

Kwanzaa observance begins December 26 and ends New Years Day 2015.

2015: a Grand Cross again: Moon, Sun and Pluto, Uranus, and the Nodes

As for January 2015's swearing in of the new Republican-led Congress, an imprint is found in the horoscope of the Full Moon of January 4, 2015 @14Can30 (the result of the previous New Moon) conjunct Sirius which conjoins US natal Sun (the leader, usually, POTUS.) Fixed Star Canopus ('the plumb line' waiting to weigh each of us in The Scales) is nearby as well and has several ancient myths associated with it as does Sirius ('the mundane becoming sacred' and more.) With the DC chart of the Full Moon which perfects at 11:53:14 pm est, we find the Full Moon in 10th house and Alhena ('to have a mission') conjunct MC (9Can54) which also places America's natal Venus and Jupiter (and Sun) at the Goal Point of the Full Moon chart.

Opposite in 4th house, the Sun @14Cap30 has met powerful saboteur Pluto @13Cap18 and they, plus the Cancer placements, tie in with zealous radical Uranus @12Ari39 (setting) and the rising North Node @14Lib40 Rx--which conjoins US natal Saturn (14:48) denoting a 'new order replacing the old'--the Republican majority in House and Senate? Or a more sweeping change to the US government? The planets form a massive, dynamic Cardinal Grand Cross made more conflicted and generational by the ongoing Cardinal Square of Uranus-Pluto which again perfects at critical degrees on December 15, 2014 (#6 of 7 exact squares, the last on March 17, 2015 but past critical degrees.)

Additionally, plodding manipulator Pluto continues his siege opposite US natal Sun in Cancer denoting the titanic power struggles 'with important consequences' (Tyl) against Mr. Obama and the US presidency itself. We might think of the Koch Brothers but Pluto represents more than that--foreign financial backers, governments abroad, and global bankers and other corporatists are implicated as well as occultists of the dark persuasion.

Now the January 4th Full Moon horoscope is weighted on the Angular side suggesting that actions are being initiated though not necessarily of a positive nature and a majority of planets are in the hidden hemisphere of the chart suggesting private events. Constricting authoritarian Saturn in 2nd house of the National Treasury adds his delay and disapproval blockages and tactics to the stalemates created by Republican maneuvers intended to stymie President Obama's initiatives on immigration, budgetary matters, nominations, and...fill-in-the-blank.

Then around January 20, 2015, look for disruptive rebel Uranus to conjoin the transiting South Node (the tail of the dragon and a separative point of neurosis yet possibly of inherited talents) denoting societal conditions disrupted by violence, war, or other large concerns such as electrical disruptions or natural disasters. Their exact conjunction still involves America's natal Saturn which squares US natal Sun (the president, not a comforting picture as the New Year begins.

Perhaps President Obama will reach a new stage of development, however, around the New Moon of January 20, 2015 for the lunation @00AQ09 conjoins the presidential Sun in all our Inauguration horoscopes. This New Moon times closely with the usual date of the president's address to a Joint Session of Congress, the SOTU, and since Republicans are making noises about ignoring a long congressional tradition by not inviting POTUS to deliver SOTU 2015 in the chamber of Congress, I suspect his alternate direction may be to address the American people via TV from the White House.

'Funny' how GOPers think they're dissing him when it's actually rude congress members of the anti-government persuasion who don't deserve the honor of being courteously addressed by the President of the United States.

Related news: Republican senators say they'll block President Obama's choice to head Social Security. As I was saying...

Nov 20, 2014

11.20.14: POTUS explains his solo move on Immigration

At 8:00 pm est, MSNBC will broadcast President Obama's remarks concerning his immigration plans to improve family conditions and separations via a presidential Executive Order. Naturally much Republican rage is being expressed over the president's "power grab" as such actions are usually characterized by the opposing party.

With the 5th house Sun @28Sco37, Mr. Obama's natal Midheaven is spotlighted with its apt Sabian Symbol: "29Scorpio" = "An Indian Woman Pleading to the Chief for the Lives of Her Children"...EFFECTIVENESS (MEJ), and in fact, there are Moon-Mercury concerns uppermost in this chart indicating family, maternal, and children's issues such as being separated by America's overbearing and often illogical immigration policies which on another level, lack of action threatens our agricultural effectiveness. Tonight President Obama will use logic concerning agricultural, financial (*Jupiter @22Leo07 in 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values), and social conditions and needs in an attempt to at least temporarily redirect such policies in order to rejoin mothers and fathers with their children. 'Bout time in my book.

However, Republicans and their wealthy backers and bigoted supporters will use emotions as usual to rile up as many of the white populace as possible (Mars and Pluto in Capricorn setting and thus opposing tonight's Ascendant, the remarks and plan itself.) Activist and fire-starter Mars remains out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and is up to who-knows-what. But whatever he's up to may be considered anti-societal.

(This week's closely related post concerns the November 18th Sun-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, a picture of an isolated (Saturn) leader (Sun) acting alone: Sun-Saturn in Politics. See below for my take on certain political calculations involving tonight's plan.)

The horoscope for tonight at 8:00 pm est in Washington DC shows the family and business oriented sign of Cancer (tribal, protective, and shrewd) rising at 16Can03 which makes the Moon (The People in a mundane chart) the chart and speech ruler. Luna falls at 10Sco28 in 5th house of Children but this is also the house of Risk-Taking ('11Sco' = "A Drowning Man Rescued.") For hints of how things may proceed from the president's remarks about his plan, we look to the chart ruler's major applying aspects, if any.

In tonight's horoscope, these are: Moon sextile Pluto (1A22), an aspect of opportunity if one chooses to take it. Yet Moon-Pluto sextiles tend to become stuck in the past, in part a description of recessive, secessionist Republicans who pine for pre-Civil War days, perhaps, but the planetary pair also denotes a lunar-psychological-propaganda connection with public relations and Politics (Pluto = manipulation and control, Moon = The Public) so we know that the GOP and those driving them will not be letting go of their feelings of prejudice and intolerance concerning immigration issues and a black president's daring to inhabit the White House--and to sign an Executive Order rather than accept continued Republican inaction on the matter.

The expressed concern seems to be the fear (Pluto) that Barack Obama and immigration reform adds to the changing of the American complexion from white to brown and black which to me seems a natural process that's been ongoing for decades if not from the foundation of our country. My own fear is that immigration issues now herald a signpost on the anti-sovereignty road to a North American Union between the US, Mexico, and Canada (which may implicate Canadian pipelines cutting through America as more of same.) Plus, you know how stronger "border control" has been a major squawk between Democrats and Republicans for years--and most of the time their debates have completely ignored the people component where family members are deported and thus separated from each other. Which is tonight's presidential theme with the Moon-Pluto sextile picture containing deep sorrow and grief that may finally be expressed on behalf of the people most affected by excessive numbers of deportation.

Tonight's remarks may also result in calming the public and harmonizing the Latino population with the president's solo immigration efforts (Moon trine 9th house Chiron in suffering Pisces--2A37.)

Ultimately, the Moon conjoins orator Mercury @18Sco28 (8A20), also in 5th house, a Moon-Mercury meeting that will support the previous indications of harmony and rapport with the public noted in the chart. The public joins the orator's ideas, it seems--plus, the Moon's applying aspects make up a Water Grand Trine--see below for details. Yet in Washington Politics, there are always political undertones to everything that's done or not done, said or not said, aren't there?

Besides giving the GOP-drenched 2015 Congress yet another issue to get their collective panties in a bunch over, tonight's announcement of solo actions by President Obama may be meant to box in Republican presidential candidates for the 2016 election--if so, bravo! For it will give a tiny needle to thread for such bombastic candidates to spend the next two years blasting away at the president's taking immigration matters into his own hands (due to their own years of inaction and obstructionism--not that all Democrats are in the clear on this), then turn around and expect Latino votes in November 2016.

Why on earth would a single Latino ever again vote Republican?

So enjoy tonight's show expressing the chart's protective, security-minded Water Grand Trine between maternal Moon, young people's Mercury, wounded Chiron in the 9th house of Foreigners, and the Cancer Ascendant. But beware the 2015 Congress' Full Moon conjunct mystical Sirius on January 4, 2015 when the North Node rises in DC with US natal Saturn (lawmakers; judges), the Full Moon squares (blocks) NN-Saturn, and the Moon turns void-of-course immediately afterward denoting that others will not be able to interfere with actions and events--and/or that results will not turn out as expected.

Since the January 4, 2015 lunation precedes the swearing in of new members it is the Syzygy Moon of the New Congress. More will be posted on this important cosmic event and on the 2015 Congress in a future article.

*Investing Jupiter remains the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern--"high-powered executive" with a potential for ruthless actions. Here, Jupiter rules the 6th house of the Military, Police, Civil Service, other Workers, and Health--all with potential to be reasons behind taking action on immigration issues--will more soldiers for overseas and domestic control ultimately result?

Nov 16, 2014

Sun-Saturn in Politics: Sun and Saturn meet @25Sco55 on Nov 18, 2014

In Washington DC Can Passion and Politics Share Mutual Goals?

If you're familiar with America's natal horoscope of July 14, 1776, you know that our nation is imprinted with the influences of the Sun-Saturn combination for the two planets are in Cardinal square to one another with Sun @13Can19 and Saturn @14Lib48. This aspect and planetary duo influences our national 10th house of Career and Pubic Status on the world stage and thus their energies are prominent in our national psyche.

Unfortunately for the American people, our out-of-bounds government continues to neglect our natal 10th house Saturn's imperatives and lessons of responsibility and accountability which now leads our nation to a 'fall from grace' on the world stage (10th house) especially with deconstructing Pluto now creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. But there are infiltrators and operatives who have long wished it that way and they act totally under the sway of the Mars-Pluto energies discussed below.

Now if you've read this blog before you may know that for planetary pairings and their midpoints (halfway between two planets where their energies powerfully blend together) I tend to consult Michael Munkasey's excellent book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets. My basic reasoning for this is that the book, unlike others with midpoint directories, contains specific information concerning Politics and Business within the Hegelian Dialect manner of Thesis and Antithesis for each of the midpoints' potentials which then lead to Synthesis (triggering the power number 3.) There are several other uses for the book's info as well but since this is a Political Astrology blog, there we are.

So when the Sun (leadership; the president) meets authoritarian Saturn @25Sco55 on November 18, 2014, what might be triggered by this important pair of energies besides America's natal Sun-Saturn Cardinal square that relates, of course, to mature leadership, government, authority, control, status, and on some level or other, repression, suppression, or inhibition. The last Sun-Saturn conjunction occurred during the first week of November 2013 in earlier Scorpio, a time frame that includes the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11So15 (linked below.) Currently we're under the auspices of the October 23, 2014 Solar Elcipse @00Sco24 which gathers further Scorpionic influences as America's ongoing issues emerge then and now such as the aftereffects of this year's Midterm Elections which have switched the balance of control in the US Congress (Saturn) and spotlighted their rift with the Executive Branch of government (Sun = POTUS) as The Media constantly reminds us. For as it's reported, things will be 'different' on Capitol Hill come early January 2015 when a new Congress is sworn in, gun-totin' hog castrator and all. That is, if you believe America actually retains a two-party political system. I don't, but you'll make up your own mind about it, of course.

Now let's consider the implications of Sun in Mars/Pluto ruled Scorpio, an intense, secretive, and karmic sign that needs to learn to control itself before it exercises control over anyone else. Obviously, the ruthless Mars-Pluto vibrations of Scorpio are part of the political picture as well (the Sun is always in Scorpio for US elections) and they echo the power-control political issues already mentioned along with war, weaponry, brutality, violence, and forceful interference (Mars-Pluto's rape and/or invasion influences.)

When the Sun is in passionate Scorpio (sign of the Scorpion, the Eagle, the Phoenix) we expect strong willpower to be shown (though its true source may be hidden) and a struggle for existence to occur (which relates in part to the GOP's ongoing attempts to 'erase' the presidency of Barack Obama along with his Affordable Healthcare Act, a health and regeneration link to surgical Scorpio.) Plus, there are potentials for quarrels, fanaticism, secret or invisible motives, self-sabotage, fear or fearlessness, overestimation of abilities, or even tenacity and the power to succeed and maintain one's position. Apparently, "surgical strikes" by drones helps the US keep the upper claw.

Naturally included in any assessment of Scorpio are its 8th house realms of Corporatism, Big Business, and Big Money so we must note that the Nov 18th Sun-Saturn conjunction occurs in the 2nd house of the National Treasury when the horoscope is set for Washington DC--at 3:50 am est, with 18Lib21 rising and conjunct North Node @18Lib49 stationary. Additionally, our nation's frustrated progressed Mars Rx rises on Ascendant (Rx by progression since Summer 2006.) Near Midheaven @21Can04 (The Goal Point) is our national Mercury Rx in 10th house--spotlighting traders, reporters, orators, writers, transporters (exs: pilots, pipelines), young people, tricksters, communications, spies, etc. Opposite is US natal Pluto @27Cap33 Rx conjoining asteroid Eros ('the piercing', which supports the Mars-Pluto flavor) in the Foundation 4th house of the chart. As usual, manipulative Pluto is obsessed with control!

Now since austere old man Saturn has traversed Scorpio we've experienced potentials for: deeply delving into other people's business for political advantage, metaphysical studies and application, obstinacy, endurance, a serious or somber outlook, pessimism, fear and its uses, propaganda, difficult matters that need to be dealt with, displays of skill, transformation, restricted or lost funds and resources, and--positively in my book--spiritual rebirth. For as we found with the October 2014 Scorpio Solar Eclipse, karmic progress can be made during a Scorpio eclipse when forgiveness trumps humanity's urge for revenge.

However, as we've seen in Washington DC, Scorpio is a Fixed sign and inflexible attitudes and rigid ideals tend to be deemed more important than addressing the needs of the American people so little if any karmic progress is made. Plus, if on a politician's schedule too often, 'the people's business' threatens to interfere with the constant drive toward gaining financial donations and support for propping up and swaying politicians, political parties, think tanks, and for mysterious or other causes and projects that would wither in the light of day if revealed. Yes, such can be betraying Scorpio as more and more politicians act (or don't act) in breach of the public trust and undermine the US government.

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business--and a 'New Order'

As for Sun-Saturn energies working together, we find Thesis considerations in Politics and Business to be: the will of the people as defined in the principal founding documents (our will is still important to US politicians? Surprise!), checks and balances (#POTUS v Congress and the Judicial System), form and definition given to an enterprise.

Also of importance in the Sun-Saturn chart is an active Uranus-North Node midpoint (radical politics and groups) which points in a T-Square pattern toward activist Mars @17Cap12. This degree is another reference to the grand Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s of 1993 with its Illuminati/Enlightenment/NWO and unconscious implications and note that the karmic Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 sprinkled its energies of a trine between Uranus (science; revolution) and Neptune (spirituality; illusion) upon our Collective Unconscious and thereby fertilized the seeding of a 'new order' which is and will be further stimulated by the ongoing transit of disruptive Uranus opposing US natal Saturn in Libra...progressives v conservatives. And that difficult stalemate occurs along with the dynamic yet exhausting Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto, a clash of generations now seen within the Republican Party and the 'newbie v oldsters' US Congress, and elsewhere. Thankfully, the final Uranus-Pluto square of rebellions and explosions will be exact on March 17, 2015 and issues from their cycle of civil unrest which began in the mid-1960s.

Meanwhile, Executive Jupiter Still Chugs Along in the Sign of Leadership

Even with investing Jupiter in shiny Leo continuing to lead a Locomotive pattern of success, the potentials for Antithesis of Sun-Saturn are stark: a gloomy, pessimistic policy focus, unreasonable centralization of authority in one location (Reagan, California! it's one of the same old American arguments used by politicians to keep We the People divided and conquered--so tiresomely touted by secessionists aka, anarchists), and/or leadership preoccupied with various forms of law enforcement (note that the Nov 18th Sun-Saturn Ascendant in DC conjoins US progressed Mars Rx at this degree, an inward-turning of America's Martian energies expressing via protests, the upgraded and militarized Police State, our Wounded Warriors, secretive surveillance of the American people, homegrown terrorists, terrorist acts on US soil or the threat of them (with false flag ops not to be ruled out), and the American people turning against one another, among other things. For our weakened and spat upon military forces of global imperialism, the historical cry abroad of "Yankee Go Home" has never been meant more genuinely or venomously than it is now.

Well, there's my brief assessment of Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business yet I have faith that you, dear reader, can add much more if you wish. It may be no small event when in the wee hours of November 18, 2014, the cosmic clock starts once again on the cycle between the Sun and timekeeper Saturn, a planetary pair whose influences are deeply imprinted up the psyche of the United States of America and its government.

Jude Cowell (c) 2014

Oct 9, 2014

"Is the Bilderberg Group Behind Ebola?" video (7 min 17 sec)

As astrologers have recognized for years the current long term transit of Neptune through its own sign of Pisces has heralded a time of contagion, infection, and mysterious health issues with suspicious causes not the least of which is this: is the current ebola outbreak due to human engineering and implementation?

This 7-minute video spotlights names including that of Atlanta Mayor *Kasem Reed who attended Bilderberg Conference 2014 along with many scientists whose work applies to contagion and infectious diseases. As you know, Atlanta, Georgia hosts the headquarters of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which has been recently in the news for its lackadaisical practices concerning 'misplaced' anthrax spores and such--and the CDC is where President Obama sent the first two ebola-infected patients/missionaries who have now recovered thanks to the proper treatment being paid for.

Also spotlighted in the video are names of other Bilderberg attendees and their stock portfolios which stand to benefit greatly from an ebola outbreak which will be allowed to spread (it is theorized) long enough to depopulate certain countries including the US. See what you think for these 'conspiracy theories' are not as far-fetched as they may at first appear--a phenomena that mysterious, obfuscating Neptune excels in.

*Mayor Kasem Reed was elected to a second term on November 5, 2013. He has been a player in the scheme to widen the Savannah River so that larger ships can enter my home state of Georgia importing products of all sorts plus whatever contagions and other problems they may bring.

Sep 23, 2014

The Mountain Astrologer: Mars square Neptune (the 'fog of war')

America's natal Mars-Neptune square has been a continual fuss here at Stars Over Washington and President Obama's new cycle of war in Iraq and Syria is shaded by its deceptive and misguided tendencies easily with his natal Mars (the warrior) veiled by US natal Neptune in Virgo. There's much more than meets the public eye as Caliphate meets Christian soldiers (though Washington and the Pentagon attempt to obfuscate this bigger picture.)

For clarity astrologers appreciate TMA's Mary Plumb noting the transiting Mars-Neptune square of 9/21/14 and summing up neatly our 'new' war based on shaky Mars-Neptune foundations: 

Wonder how Jupiter the General--now lead planet in a Locomotive pattern ('get on board or get left behind, coalition partners!')--will behave once planet Jupiter stations retrograde on December 8, 2014...withdrawal, task completed? A regrouping of forces to plan anew? A General steps down and is replaced? Or perhaps a failure of a misguided, ill advised mission which promises at best 'fluctuating success'?

Sep 9, 2014

Sep 10, 2014 POTUS on ISIS threat: Moon conjunct Uranus

Oh, Masonic Washington, What Are You Brewing?

by Jude Cowell

Update 8:12 pm EDT: the following post fails to mention that at 8:57 pm Wednesday evening the Moon becomes void-of-course (until Sept 11 at 9:16 pm EDT when Luna enters Taurus) and the usual implication for the beginning of an enterprise under such an influence is to expect no results. However, a VOC Moon period can also indicate that when a difficult or risky undertaking is about to start and there are others who might create problems or interruptions to it, they can do nothing against you. Ex: the 9/11/01 Moon.

Original post starts here:

At 8:57 pm EDT this evening a Moon-Uranus conjunction at 15 Aries manifests with 'excited people-states of fear and anxiety' vibes supported by warrior Mars through its rulership of Aries. Nine pm is often the hour a president takes to the TV airwaves (Uranus) to address the American public (Moon) so that's the horoscope I'm considering until I know a definite hour for the beginning of President Obama's speech.

As noted today in a Washington Post blog written by Katie Zezima, this evening marks exactly one year since POTUS attempted to rev up the American people to support military airstrikes in Syria which failed to get us riled as the ISIS threat seems to be doing. A new WaPo poll cites public support for airstrikes at 65% while MSNBC this morning cited a poll with our support at 71%. Well, perhaps it depends on how is polled and how questions are framed. In 2013 the threat to the US didn't seem imminent or worrisome enough but as we see it has been considerably ramped up by beheadings and other vileness along with outright threats made by the militants against America and Mr. Obama himself.

(Perhaps you remember Osama bin Laden's nickname for our country: 'The Great Satan.' But with war being what it is, I assert that we're watching Satan fighting Satan in the West v East struggle for dominance, ancient as it is. Recently I heard an ISIS reference to the Ottoman Empire which adds much to the conflagration of long-held grievances--including Turkey and old Constantinople--but such interesting topics are way beyond the scope of this post.)

Folks, What We Have Here Is an "ISIS Crisis"

It may interest you to know that in Washington DC at 9:00 pm EDT tonight transit Mars (weaponry, war and warmongering) sits upon President Obama's natal Midheaven, his Goal, Aspiration, and Career Point, so the 'caution' he is said to have shown thus far seems to me to be all about timing not reluctance to enter the fray more directly. For the Global Government script calls for its actors and agents to listen to their masters' voices when it comes to mounting World War III which I sincerely think is being engineered right under our "supportive" noses. And curiously 29Sco45, a critical-crisis degree, is the position of the people's Moon in Obama's first Inauguration horoscope of 2009 as he 'reluctantly' touts war to The People tonight and we are made to feel we must join in with his Mars-MC aims as the will to war is forced upon us through deception and persuasion.

Now when we add the 'L' to ISIL, we add the Levant which includes, of course, Israel, the underlying motivator for this military action Mr. Obama is calling for in the Great Plan to establish a World Capital at Jerusalem. Do I digress from the president's effort tonight to persuade us? I only wish it were so. The threat to the Germanic-sounding "homeland" may be real as can be (false flag ops included) but on another level it is a pretext, a tactic the US government has used to lie us into military action before, as we know. (USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, 9/11/01, and now this. World Wars I, II, and...

So where are other chart factors of certain actors (planets) found in tonight's 9:00 pm horoscope?

Rising is 29Ari09, a critical-crisis 29th degree in the sign of Mars-ruled Aries. Naturally this places 29Lib09 on the Partnership cusp (Descendant) with Aries-Libra one of the military-diplomacy polarities. (Pisces is also a military sign.) "National Security" will be said to be the basis of public support or at least it will be asked to be. The Moon-Uranus pair are in 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing--take from that what you will.

The Security axis (MC-IC) shows the same with 16Cancer33 on IC (Foundation, Basis, Endings, the Drain) and Saturn-ruled Capricorn at Midheaven and keying up the enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune on and near that degree of Capricorn during their three great Conjunctions all through 1993. ('18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer"...POLITICAL POWER.)

Now at the IC we find two interesting chart factors: the Pentagon's natal Ascendant (not a surprise) and US natal Jupiter's current retrograde degree by Progression, the Station of which occurred in November 1905--just in time to propagandize the American public into entering World War I when the time was considered 'right'. A false flag op had to be mounted as well to stir our emotions and President Wilson had secretly pledged the US to war--on orders from international bankers--before the public ever knew about it. Wilson' famous address to a Joint Session of Congress basically sealed the deal and off we marched.

As you know, one of adventurous, expansive Jupiter's many roles in Mundane Astrology is The General so this paints a rather curious picture, don't you think? It was almost amusing (if not so tragic) how the mainstream media took our minds off important details with their "POTUS has no strategy" ridiculousness when clearly such massive plans for global dominance and the subjugation of anyone in the Middle East who disagrees with the establishment of a 'new world order' cannot be the responsibility of just one man, even one wearing a 'leader of the free world' mantle.

Yes, Globalism marches on, apparently with the American public in tow and powerful puppet master Pluto @11Cap01 Rx near an Angle, the only malefic planet to be so at 9:00 pm tonight in DC, so we may expect the Great Plan to proceed much as global operatives and secret cabals direct the action from afar (Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands.) Of course, a 9th house Pluto on another level signifies the Morbid One in his assassin role so ISIS-ISIL comes to mind.

And what of the 6th house of Military Service? North Node (a karmic point of future direction) @20Lib52 is posited there along with the Sun (leadership) @18Vir14 near its degree on 9/11/01. To me this shows that tonight's script is part of a piece, a progression from the WTC attacks which continue to look to many people like a false flag op. Warrign Mars as noted above @28Sco05 has just left the 8th house of Transformation and Corporatism with its 1Sag45 cusp and perhaps you know that in the Sabian Symbols, '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Transit Mars reaches the zone of 00-1Sag beginning on September 14, 2014 so we'll see if 'he' triggers military action--or, I should say, a more visible military action--and definitely attacks, airstrikes, etc.

Or will the Pentagon become more active after the April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse influence fades in October with its themes of 'wasted energy especially when dealing with groups--take no action as it is potentially unfulfilling' (Brady)? Perhaps but there are many other astrological timings going on including the 6th of 7 exact squares of Uranus and Pluto on December 15, 2014 (#7 on March 17, 2015.) Upheavals, war, protests, uprisings--you know the score on Uranus-Pluto and their titanic Cardinal Square which shouts impetuously for action on a global scale.

US natal Neptune in the 6th house of tonight's speech chart shows the propaganda at work as it continues to mask the deeper motivations and actions of President Obama for our national Neptune covers his natal Mars in Virgo. And as always, America's problematic Mars-Neptune square ('fog of war', misdirected or misguided energy, deceptive actions, confused motivations) is in play with our natal Mars in the speech's 2nd house of the National Treasury. The US Congress will be asked for more funds for war and when have they ever failed to provide them--openly and/or surreptitiously?

(You may notice that I have held back from mention of Armageddon for that would send us on a major tangent of Biblical proportions, again beyond the scope of this post.)

Well, there are more chart factors to discuss but my time is limited so I'll only mention again what I've blogged rather loudly about previously--that transit Jupiter @12Leo12 tonight again conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Sun, a period when something begun about 12 years ago must either be raised to the next level or be ended entirely. Now #POTUS has made much of a desire that US troops leave the Middle East and he has seemingly done such yet he'll appear on TV this evening in a rhetorical attempt to persuade the US public to support a new level of war in the Middle East.

Will the justifications President Obama puts forward be enough to sway you?

Further reading: Sept 7, 2014 an Atlanta Journal blog's thoughts with a list of potential topics.

Astro-Note: an exact time for tonight's address has so far remained elusive yet if 9:00 pm isn't the correct hour the Moon-Uranus conjunction retains its implications as do most of the interpretations mentioned above though house positions may vary. Maybe White House astrologers are being careful to study the portents for best results!

Update 1:38 pm EDT: 9:00 pm EDT is indeed the confirmed time for the president's ISIS address.

Sep 7, 2014

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2014: Jupiter becomes prominent

Set for Washington DC, here is the horoscope for this year's Libra Ingress, or as I usually call it, Autumn Equinox, 2014. If you click the image you may see my scribbles--it's an Hour of Saturn and with all the sober issues bedeviling the world at the moment it's no surprise that Autumn 2014 continues our serious concerns of a Saturnian nature.

In addition, we are at the square phase (90 degrees = blockages; obstacles; 5A15) of the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle (the two societal planets.) The current cycle began with their conjunction on May 28, 2000 and denotes, among other things, financial difficulties and delays plus, governmental (Saturn) blockages (square) along with lingering after-effects from events and conditions of 2000 and 2001 as the New Millennium got underway. You'll remember the Y2K scam, tech bubbles bursting, and other societal concerns at that time--and this wasn't long after the famous 'Nostradamus Solar Eclipse', aka the 'Mother of All Eclipses'. or, the 'King of Terror (or, Alarm) Eclipse.

Plus, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred in money-oriented Taurus, sign of the Bull of Wall Street, and paved the way into Millennial monetary robberies, fraudulent trading, 9/11 attacks and the missing gold from the World Trade Center vault/s... at 23 Taurus = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Valuable Gems" (Rudhyar)--all leading up to the Crash of 2007/2008. Plus, the current Pre-Natal Eclipse degree falls in the 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals (ex: trade pacts the American people oppose), and Karma--also in gold-loving Taurus @8:51 (on April 29, 2014.) This Solar eclipse is in the 16 South Saros Series and denotes 'wasted energy and misdirected motivations especially when dealing with groups--take no real action at this time' (Brady.) Sounds like President Obama is well-advised to be cautious and hold off on committing major numbers of troops to Iraq--for now, but it's coming. After, the Iraq War natal horoscope of 2003 did have its Jupiter (The General) Return recently.

Okay, without further fussing, here's the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope:

Chart-ruler Mercury (26Lib13 in 5th house of Gambling and Creativity) is unaspected so its sign and house position, the houses it rules (1st and 5th), and its dispositor (Venus in 5th house @21Vir34--they're in Mutual Reception so there will be cooperation between Mercury and Venus) is all-important for gleaning details on the character of Autumn 2014. Mercury is, of course, the communicator, messenger, orator, trader, teacher, and young person or student among many other roles for we often consider planets as actors on a stage.

Yet I would be remiss not to mention that Venus conjoins difficult Fixed Star Denebola indicating 'going against society' or, 'against the mainstream' and this to me denotes entities and groups which are doing and will do just that--in Politics at home and abroad, plus, violent actors and usurpers on the march and demanding that more power and control be added to their dubious accomplishments. And yes, this points toward the current crop of psychopaths!

Then there's trickster Pan, retrograde in Gemini (the Mercury-ruled sign of tricksters, traders, and magicians) and rising on the Ascendant (13Gem00) along with America's natal Descendant (Others, Partners, Open enemies) in the 'Sibly natal chart' so we may expect elements of surprise within alliances which the US government forms or has formed and which may now be up for review or revision. Not all is as it seems (propaganda, bait-and-switch) though I can't say that's anything new for a country saddled with a government that lies its people into war based on fraudulent schemes of global domination and control and thievery of natural resources, can you? POTUS apparently wants partners-in-crime for our further misadventures abroad but our cred may be sorely lacking--others may not want to cooperate as Washington thinks they should--or they may promise cooperation then not deliver as they've done before.

Kind of a 'say what they want to hear then do what you want secretly' ploy so typical in Politics and in human nature. Of course America has been guilty of such duplicity as well with US natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini, sign of multiplicity, one of the factors in the Pentagon's insistence that 'of course we can fight more than one war (Mars) at once'. But is it the sane and responsible thing to do?, says our natal Saturn exalted in balanced Libra.

Deceptive Neptune in its own sign of Pisces placed in 10th house shows media propaganda on view as well as contagion issues such as ebola infections continuing across the globe. Astrological Neptune also signifies the masses, scandals, mysticism, spirituality (including Islam), and paranoia, as you know, and Pisces is the sign of The Oceans--will the spreading Fukushima radiation finally be in full view? Will the mismanaged #CDC get its act together? Wounded Healer Chiron, also in 10th h, indicates a definite need for this yet on another level shows infected healthcare workers such as those evacuated to the US from Africa and healed of ebola. Will there be more infected workers to come?

Well, the very moment that the 2014 Sun reaches 00Libra00:00 happens to be during a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase which is the Dark of the Moon prior to a New Moon and indicates shady goings-on, things going bump in the night, a potential for prophetic visions, and/or an endings-partings vibe. Someone may take over where another had to leave off (ex: November 2014 Midterm Elections) and the Stationary Pluto @10Cap59 in the 8th house of Corporatism and Big Business is actually conjunct its transit position in the January 1, 2014 New Moon horoscope--a New Moon conjunct Pluto, a powerful portent for the entire year of 2014 and pointing ahead in the US toward our Midterm Elections, the propaganda campaigns involved, and our changing perspectives. Therefore, transformation in 8th house matters is on top of wealthy Pluto's menu for Autumn 2014.

As you see, US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) falls in the 10th house of the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope thus hinting at the importance placed upon public moods, trends, polls, and perceptions. US natal Sun (POTUS, leadership) @14Cancer (conjunct Dog Star Sirius, one of our nation's many links to Egyptian mysticism, Freemasonry, and goddess Isis worship--yes, 'ISIS', symbolized astrologically and mythologically by planet Venus) falls in the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values. US natal Jupiter @5Can56 conjoins the 2nd cusp and always carries its "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" vibe from July 4, 1776, and of course, wherever the Moon or sign Cancer turns up in a chart we may expect fluctuations and change with a potential for instability.

Here we also find Moon-ruled Cancer on the 3rd cusp of Communications, Early Education, the Lower Mind, and Short Trips with US natal Mercury Rx @24Cancer actually in 2nd house having just left the 3rd. And with transit Pluto stationing mightily in 8th house as previously noted, and America's surveillance-obsessed and secretive Mercury-Pluto opposition affecting both the 2/8 and 3/9 axes, we may expect more secrets revealed concerning financial, trading, corporate and spying, hacking, communication matters. (Wealthy string-puller Pluto begins creeping forward the night of September 22 at 8:36 pm EDT.)

Plus, with the critical-degreed Moon (17 Virgo, sign of The Critic) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate one wonders how such changeableness may affect the US economy though a fluctuation can be more positive than negative given our lackadaisical 'recovery' that so few of us feel. Problems while traveling may also be indicated yet the Moon in its own 4th house is dignified and may also denote people feeling most comfortable when at home and passing around the apple pie!

However, an unsettling placement is warrior Mars in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of Religion, Philosophy, and Foreign Lands, in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (Military, Police, and Civil) denoting military incursions and more actions at home on the weaponized police/Police State front. Mars rules 6th house via the Scorpio cusp and its degree of 00Sco44 points directly toward the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco23. Mars-ruled Aries here is intercepted in the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes and Uranus there in Mars-ruled Aries (Utopians, anarchists, fanatic reformers--Ebertin) may indicate a karmic task has arrived--that the time has come for such infiltrators to be dealt with. Will American voters on November 4, 2014 do just that?

Synchronistically, the transiting South Node (SN)--the 'Tail of the Dragon'--will conjoin disruptive Uranus in January 2015 spotlighting the month that newly elected congress members will take office on Capitol Hill--and possibly be voting for war. Yet along with Uranus-SN's 'war and uprising' connotations, might this conjunction indicate that the Saturnian SN, a point of separation and neurosis (when past ideas no longer suffice to solve present problems and conditions) bring about a release of non-governing, anti-government tea-baggers from the US Congress and from other political positions?

Well, in spite of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square energies of revolt and upheaval 'running in the background' (next exact Square on December 15, 2014, the last on March 17, 2015), this populist common-good blogger certainly hopes so!

Looking Ahead

As Jupiter, generous planet of investment and growth--and possibly representing an expansion of investment in America by the Democratic Party--brightens into prominence and visibility in shiny Leo in mid-November 2014 into 2015 there are several other factors of merit that your eagle eye will notice in the chart above so be on the lookout for transits to the Autumn Equinox 2014 horoscope as you get a chance and hopefully you and I will meet again soon.


Blog Note: though not as constant, my tech troubles continue in an off-and-on-again fashion so my plan if all goes well is to post on the powerful October 8, 2014 Lunar Eclipse asap followed soon after by a look at the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse which conjoins the 6th cusp of the above horoscope so please stay tuned if you may! jc

Sep 3, 2014

NATO Summit Sept 4-5, 2014: a Moon-Pluto Affair

Astro-Notes: NATO Summit September 4-5, 2014 Newport, Wales

by Jude Cowell

As you've heard the first NATO Summit since Chicago 2012 is being held this week in Newport, Wales, U. K. with President Obama among the attendees. It is reported that President Putin of Russia will not be in attendance.

Interesting that the Summit is in and around the cathedral and university town Newport (Monmouthsire County on the River Usk about 12 miles from Cardiff) for its history is long and storied. Even King Arthur is linked into the region for ancient Caerleon is one of the many places Arthur's legendary castle may have been located. Here's a website with a photo of the remaining Roman Tower and several article links if you're curious about such ancient events and places pre-Norman invasion.

As for the Astrology of the NATO Summit 2014 itself, my blogging time is too limited to say much though there are many chart factors of note. Venus in Leo (Caer-leon--Leo the Lion) moves into Virgo and touches Royal Star Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided'), a star which also links cosmically to the Capitol Building in Washington DC which is very much a Virgoan city.

During such high-flying meetings I always look for planetary conjunctions and on September 4th at 5:56:19 pm the Moon conjoins powerful Pluto @11Cap:04:43 and in this case, I'm not thinking of the Moon as 'the public' which is shut out of the proceedings as usual but as 'tribes' for the Summit is primarily being held at the Celtic Manor Resort. Celtic tribes and their descendants are gathering to discuss security and terror methods though who will be on the receiving end of their terror tactics we shall have to see.

Another quick factor to consider for a hint of the Summit's flavor is the Sun-Moon combination. If we look at 'start/end' horoscopes beginning with September 4, 2014 at 12:00 am, we find the Moon at 00Cap26, a World Point of Manifestation and Sun @11Vir21. The latest degree of Moon and Sun (September 5th at 11:59 pm though events may not go on that long--I'm speaking symbolically here) are: Moon @29Cap23 in 8th house and Sun @13Vir18 in 4th house (Endings; Foundation.)

Conveniently then the Sun-Moon blend is Virgo-Capricorn, a double Earth combo of practicality and pragmatism. Sun has the Mercurial details (Virgo) and Moon is about ambition, management, control in the political, business, and legal spheres.

Sun Vir-Moon Cap tends to 'hide its light under a bushel'...or behind a ritzy facade with massive amounts of warships in the harbor, police forces at the ready, and a well-regulated press. And note that Capricorn can signify the old country.

The Harvey's book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign gives three Images for Integration for this combo:

"A headline: 'Small-town boy makes good'...A student passes entrance examination to a prestigious technical college...Fine bone china." Make of these as you will though I add that beautiful Wales is reportedly very glad to have the world spotlight cast upon it this week!

And what of the combined energies of the Moon-Pluto influence? Obviously a few ladies are in attendance (Moon) along with international big-wigs from finance (wealthy, creepy Pluto with treasures hidden in secret places and an obsession with secrecy, spying, and gold), the Vatican (Pluto as The Pope), and we know that the ISIS assassins (Pluto) may come up as a topic. But Moon-Pluto as a duo also implicates criminal syndicates (organized crime--ISIS isn't the only one operating), popular promises about ending war, waste, etc, people's opinions about topics such as crime, war, or internal secrecy, and doubts about how to control terrorist elements in society (Munkasey.)

Misuse of available resources certainly should be a topic though improvement in that quarter by those who practice it regularly is unlikely for with this crowd guns tend to win over butter for the people every time.

Jun 28, 2014

Aries Ingress 2014 and a GOP "stunt" to sue the President

Aries Ingress 2014, the Desperation of Sore Losers, and a "Stunt" Announced

by Jude Cowell

On February 4, 2014, the horoscope of Aries Ingress 2014 was published on this blog. As you know, it is an ancient Arabian practice to use an Aries Ingress that occurs prior to an important political event to signify the event itself but little did I suspect when I wrote about the horoscope that Speaker John Boehner would announce a plan to "sue" President Obama for his use/abuse of Executive Power. At least I think that's Boehner's point since he won't divulge what the threatened legal suit will allege. Meanwhile, President Obama has termed the GOP suit "a stunt."

Such a stunt attempts to ignore the fact that Mr. Obama has signed fewer Executive Orders than other presidents so obviously it's only another wasteful GOP attempt to de-legitimize a Democratic administration and many pundits are saying the ploy could backfire on Republicans in November as would another "stunt" revisited--a threatened GOP government shutdown which could occur only 5 weeks prior to the November Elections! Perhaps this will be when Democrats can say, "proceed, Mr. Boehner."

Here is the original post with horoscope shown if you wish a view that is set for Washington DC.

Related: brief notes on the Natal Chart of John Boehner, a piece published in September 2010.

Interestingly, the Aries Ingress horoscope may take precedence over the Autumn Ingress 2014 in September since it represents all of 2014 and thus describes Election 2014 in November though there is also a Solar Eclipse in October which will add its background influences on election results. However, the Aries Ingress 2014 chart shows Jupiter @10Can46 rising along with US natal Sun (the president) and the Saturn-Neptune midpoint, a significator for social welfare issues such as New Deal and Great Society programs that support our social fabric and provide aid to those not so well-off.

Mundane Moon = We the People, Saturn = Austerity Measures

For me the risings suggest that Jupiter's investment potential is uppermost here and perhaps the American people will turn out in droves to vote in November--for Democrats, in both state and national elections. Otherwise, Dick Cheney's scorn over spending money on the needs of the American people instead of funding more wars of conquest (and fattening the stock portfolios of wheeler-dealer warmongers like Cheney) will be victorious and our society will sink further into beggardom--right where the plutocrats and neocons want us. The Moon-Saturn conjunction in the March 2014 horoscope will then describe 'loss, oppression, and depression' more than the 'ambition, direction, and strategy' the duo in Scorpio could portend.

In case you missed it, here is author-broadcaster Thom Hartmann on "Why is John Boehner Suing President Obama?

Here we find one result of the ongoing Cardinal Grand Square as it forms a Grand Cross with US natal Saturn (14Lib48), that transiting Pluto, planet of hidden power, squares our national Saturn thus creating circumstances where 'abuse of authority' emerges and is blocked as the president's ambitions are severely criticized. Yet if Mr. Obama's goals are morally above reproach--which is what the American people ought to decide, not the president's political opponents who have made it clear that undermining or disrupting his presidency is their all-consuming desire--will his plans for domestic Jupiterian investment triumph over Republican opposition and their stunts of desperation. The simultaneous opposition by transit Uranus to US natal Saturn is similar in effect and adds to a 'threat to authority' vibe as opposing forces strive to impose "a new order"--in the US Congress and around the globe.

Jun 18, 2014

Brief Notes on Summer Solstice 2014 (Washington DC)

A Long, Hot, Steamy, Scorching Summer 2014

by Jude Cowell

On Saturday June 21, 2014 at 6:51 am edt the Summer Solstice perfects as Sun reaches 00Can00:00--in Washington DC with 13Can53 rising along with star Sirius, 'The Scorcher', and thus with America's natal Sun, 'the president'. Portentous? Undoubtedly, with global domination plans much more visible to the masses as the global government types' satanic goal is nearer than ever.

It's a Saturn Hour of consolidation and restriction with President Obama's last two years in office expected by many to be years of little action, lame and dull--and certainly of few improvements if certain trans-global entities continue to have their way about it. And of course, Saturn is also the planet of ancient religions and cultures such as are found in the Holy Land, Israel in particular.

Yes, the Summer Solstice 2014 horoscope contains worrisome aspects and planetary patterns as the As Above So Below adage bears out since Time began--a YOD, or Finger of God, for 'special task, crisis, crossroads, turning point' vibes appears (Venus, MC, North Node), overlaid by the yoke of the Cardinal Grand Cross the world has been groaning under off and on for months now--here between the usual culprits, Uranus (16Ari07 in 10th house), Pluto @12Cap36 Rx just barely setting in 6th house), Mars (14Lib52 in 4th house and conjunct US natal Saturn, a time of obstacles and rules that chafe yet possibly of better organization and careful planning.)

The Solstice chart's Ascendant makes the 4th point in the Cardinal Cross which of course denotes that US natal Sun is also the 4th point of the Cross. This highlights Pluto opposing US natal Sun as anarchist Uranus squares it, and the ASC is where these dynamic energies can easily express just as this Saturday morning rolls around and spotlights Summer 2014 as its primary season for whatever the difficult Cross brings.

Karmic = We Reap What Was Sown

Probably what the horoscope describes is 'more of same' yet the synchronicity of Summer Solstice 2014 with US Sun precisely rising may indicate a new element arriving on the scene, brought to us by Washington DC. In 1st house rises protective Jupiter--intent on expansion, investment, and exploration, yet is a hint of over doing things involved? Well, Jupiter @24Can33 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx, a time when new methods and experiences appear, travel and business ventures expand, and all Jupiterian realms are apt to blossom--in size if not in greatness. Development in communities and many local affairs may benefit from someone's generosity; banks and corporations of various kinds may merge or mergers may be announced (as if they're not too big already.) Perhaps a politician will 'switch sides' before November thinking it a better advantage, a tactic that's been tried before with what is usually temporary success.

Now the Solstice Sun is in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Secret Deals, Karma, and Self-Undoing along with Mercury Rx @27Gem43--'28Gem' is a degree of BANKRUPTCY and is the degree of 9/11/01's void-of-course Moon, if that means anything.

Plus, as noted above, transit Pluto continues its power struggle and stand-offs with President Obama (US natal Sun), a titanic power game with important consequences. And of course the US Mercury-Pluto opposition of spying and total surveillance is at the heart of the plutonian mix as transit Jupiter moves into alignment opposite US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx), denoting a period when power and success are grossly mismanaged and 'a contest of wills' hardly describes the snit of miffdom everyone is in--and with Election 2014 looming in November. However, those contests will be influenced specifically by Autumn Equinox 2014 in September and the October 2014 Solar Eclipse.

Actually in the Summer Solstice 2014 horoscope, the primary chart factor to be considered above all is any applying major aspects of the chart-ruler--here, the Moon (Cancer ASC.) This provides clues to how things will proceed this summer and in this case it's Luna's square to Jupiter (3A27--from 10th house of Public Reputation and Career to the 1st house which signifies the Summer Solstice and season.) Remembering that the Moon represents The People, the Public, and the public mood in a Mundane chart (Mars-ruled Aries = active and angry!), a Moon-square-Jupiter condition supports the above indication of obstacles and blockages when gratification is delayed if not denied. (Moon in Aries = We ARE the People.) Impatience is out of proportion to frustrating delays or denials yet we still may stamp our feet at injustice. And yet once gained, we may not truly appreciate or properly use what was received. We may wish to beware extravagance!

Flowery or overblown emotional outbursts may seem entertaining this summer--and certainly will be in our ongoing and tiresome Political Theater performances--yet outbursts may waste energy more than they actually improve anyone's situation. And don't be surprised if it seems that 'nothing' falls into place as it should for the next few months but with the element of timing that Astrology brings to the table we always know that This Too Shall Pass.

Summer 2014's steamy Sun Can-Moon Aries blend of energies, a Water-Fire affair, has a politically infused 'Image for Integration' you might appreciate:

"A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause."

Hillary? Is that You, Hillary? More like Elizabeth Warren!

'Image' from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Feb 17, 2014

Presidents' Day Feb 17, 2014: a T-Square for a radical planet

It seems rather interesting that on this Presidents' Day 2014 a T-Square forms over head between the Jupiter-Pluto opposition (Can/Cap axis) squaring radical Uranus @10Ari06, America's 'totem planet' of freedom, independence, and revolution.

And of course you know that Ebertin describes Uranus when in Mars-ruled Aries as dreamy Utopians fanatically fighting, violent, and filled with blind zeal. And you know one example of their 'dream': the determination to force the world into Global Governance and under their thumbs--those kind of people. What's interesting to me is that today's degree of planet Uranus when rounded up for its Sabian Symbol to "11Aries" "The President of the Country."

Now this word picture could refer to any country's president, even Russia's Putin with so much of the world's current emphasis upon the Sochi Olympic Games, but writing from Stars Over Washington, I naturally think first of President Obama. Especially since transit Jupiter @10Can55Rx is amongst America's natal planets in Cancer (3--14 degrees: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun, the president) and tr Pluto continues to oppose US natal Sun which shows the titanic power struggles Mr. Obama is in process of negotiating (as if creepy Pluto of the Underworld--The Global Banking Syndicate, its allies, and political puppets--can be reasoned with!)

Uranus "11Aries" = IDEALIZATION...positive expression: the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value; negative (unconscious/shadow side): an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness or vain pretense.

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones

Feb 10, 2014

Police confiscate priceless statue of Apollo, Obama still president

A Priceless Bronze Statue of Apollo has turned up in the Gaza Strip and has been confiscated by police.

So given America's 'cult of personality' presidential worship along with the fact that President Obama was likened to god Apollo, a sun god, in the 2008 campaign, it may be interesting to note where asteroid Apollo (#1862) now travels in the Zodiac since it isn't mentioned in the article (above) the precise date the fisherman says he rescued Apollo from the Neptunian sea!

fyi: Today, Monday February 10, 2014, Apollo clocks in at 13 Libra28 Rx, one degree from US natal Saturn. On the evening of August 28, 2008 (Mr. Obama's acceptance speech, video below), Apollo was at 9Vir46 between his natal Mars (22Vir34--conjunct US natal Neptune of hopes and dreams, our 'rock star' link and one of disappointment, as we now know) and his Pluto (6Vir58) in the 7th house of Relationships.

Here again, for old time's sake, is our media-touted 'Apollo' in 2008 speaking while asteroid Circe (where we seek rescue) conjoins the Moon (We the People):

Jan 26, 2014

Jan 28 2014: SOTU 2014 w US natal Neptune rising

Our 2014 State of the Union Is...Nebulous and Deluded?

by Jude Cowell

On the evening of Tuesday January 28, 2014, President Obama is scheduled to give his 2014 State of the Union Address to Congress and the nation. At the scheduled hour of 9:00 pm est--though he won't begin speaking until a few minutes afterwards--America's natal Neptune rises in Washington DC and since our nation was *founded with a problematic square (90 degrees = obstacles, blockages, yet dynamic energy) in effect between warrior Mars in Gemini and veiling (if inspired) Neptune in Virgo, we may expect many of the same related topics to be broached which are described by our nation's typically 'misguided or misdirected actions and motivations'.

Yet since it's deluded, often fraudulent, Neptune rising, can we expect clear explanations of our problems and what's needed to solve them? Neptune-inspired words are nice, of course, but we've had plenty of them and little improvement, haven't we? Or, perhaps we'll hear a spiritual or sacred tone used!

At an Hour of the Sun on January 28, 2014 9:00 pm est Capitol Building: Ascendant 22Vir55 brings up US natal Neptune, as stated, along with President Obama's natal Mars, our 'rock star' pairing of Mars-Neptune that seems seldom as glamorous these days after his years in office and the disappointments (Neptune) the American people (Neptune, the masses) have felt with some of his actions (Mars) that remain, for the most part, veiled by our Neptune which can delude us on many levels. Well, all agree that second presidential terms are problematic and always fraught with difficulties, scandals, and such.

And with Virgo being the sign of Work, US jobs are lacking even as their creation is promoted--yet secret trade deals are being signed which will export more jobs away from our workers. Perhaps SOTU 2014 Sun @9AQ04, which is now traversing President Obama's natal 12th house of Behind-the-Scenes deals, is denoted here. Will he mention the #TPP or the two other trade pacts in progress of implementation which will dissolve not just US jobs--but US sovereignty?

Naturally the Mars-Neptune link, plus our national Neptune rising places US natal Mars (males between 25 and 35, give or take, and the military and police, plus, activists, etc) at Midheaven, The Goal, or WHY? Point of any chart. On one level, what actions (Mars) are needed will be a focus of SOTU 2014 along with the usual mentions of the economy and investment although moneybags Jupiter remains retrograde until March 6, Mars in late Libra turns Rx on March 1, and we're all waiting for Venus (evaluations; small amounts of money; diplomacy; relationships) to turn Direct which she soon will do on January 31, 2014--@13Cap33 and still conjunct Pluto, as she is here.

Chart-ruler and thus SOTU 2014 ruler is Mercury which is appropriate for speeches and announcements. Mercury the Orator is positioned @27AQ09 conjunct US natal Moon so my guess is that the public (Moon) will be attentive to this particular SOTU Address. Mercury is in 6th house of Daily Affairs, Work, Health, Police/Military Service so we'll be listening for information on those topics in particular, plus, a transit of Mercury to natal Moon brings concerns about domestic matters, travel, and education.

Pluto Opposes US Natal Sun

Now I've typed a lot in the past on SO'W about the current power struggles and stalemates reflected by tr Pluto, the wealthy manipulator and saboteur, opposing US natal Sun (the leader). Plus, as you know, the current Jupiter Rx @12Can32 conjoins US natal Sun (when something begun 12 years ago must be wound down or upped to a new level--war.) To me, the stand-off between these major power players seems to behave as a bit of a vise--a big squeeze, you might say, concerning matters the president is dealing with. And I believe this squeeze relates in part to efforts of those who would dissolve America's social safety net programs instituted under Franklin Roosevelt since tr Pluto conjoined our natal planets in Cancer during the 1930s. Now Pluto, planet of Plutocracy, opposes the president, and by extension, Plutocracy opposes the US government and We the People. Wealthy Pluto wants all the money and he almost has it, too!

Meanwhile, we hear the echoes of this argument in the form of 'income inequality' and other related topics. I believe that SOTU 2014 will be received quite well by the American public (Mercury trine North Node 5A19), however, chart-ruler Mercury makes first a complex sesqui-square (135 degrees) to banker/politician Jupiter Rx and though the aspect is not Ptolemaic (major), it suffices to describe the difficult square-within-a-square conditions of unbalance which a single SOTU Address will attempt to deal with. And of course you've heard that there will be three Republican responses this year including the Tea Party challenge to the president's presentation. My joy can hardly be contained.

So What Does Mercury the Messenger Say?

As for an applying Ptolemaic aspect by chart-ruler Mercury which can tell us something about how things will proceed, that is a conjunction with Neptune (6A55) which is posited @4Pis05, conjunct star Fomalhaut (crisis; risk of rapid endings, in the 6th house between Mercury/US natal Moon and Chiron @11Pis19. This aspect makes it difficult to ascertain accuracy of information and the facts. Actions taken may be misunderstood--and more questions are raised than are answered.

A Cardinal T-Square is formed with radical Uranus @9Ari20 in 7th house as apex planet, the catalyst and reformer. A progressive Uranian vision is certain to be promoted yet too much aggression will alienate or intimidate others. Any sudden moves by the president may seem contrary, illogical, or inconsistent to plans he has already set in motion and even lawlessness may be prominent. (One example: I refuse to believe that the secret provisions of the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, are consistent with the US Constitution!)

Yet in spite of any negatives--or saboteurs who work to undermine a Democratic president's message--let's not rule out the positive benefits of the current Solar Eclipse (@11Sco15 on November 3, 2013) with its helpful Uranus-Neptune-trine vibes indicating 'bright ideas and brilliant solutions' which are desperately needed if we hope to improve upon the State of Our Union in 2014.


US horoscope used in this post: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.

Dec 9, 2013

Selling Out: WTO, NAFTA, Citizens United, now TPP and Singapore

America! Going for Bargain Basement Prices

by Jude Cowell

In the 1990s there was the draconian World Trade Organization (WTO) and its first push back from the people, what the media termed the 'Battle in Seattle'. Then it was jobs-destroying NAFTA (effective January 1, 1994) and Citizens United in 2010 (the anti-democracy 'corporations are people' ruling of SCOTUS). Now it's the secret anti-sovereign trade deal they call the Trans-Pacific Partnership--what many are calling 'NAFTA on steroids', and rightly so.

It's taking a lot of effort by these corporate pirates to totally sell out America and US workers, yet Global Government types must be highly excited this week after the past weekend's Bali Summit and the talks that immediately followed on Saturday, December 7, 2013 as Bali officials flew to Singapore to further the devilish TPP.

Meanwhile, the press helps the White House with articles and videos that imply that there's hope for US workers and US sovereignty after all, but this Capricorn frets that such expressions are only smoke and mirrors to keep the populace quiet about our nation being sold out to the Corporate Global Syndicate of bankers and other criminals. Oh look! Here's a panacea now from Huffington Post: Obama Faces Backlash Over New Corporate Powers in Secret Trade Deal. Did you read it or watch the video and feel better? How much force and push back from We The People and from other populations would it take to counter these jokers' Great Plan of global domination via backroom 'trade deals'?

"He that injures one, threatens many," said Sir Francis Bacon, an early adopter of the Great Plan with America in the New World--the 'New Atlantis'--leading the way...E Pluribus Unum, indeed.

And how curious that the president has been so determined to implement his Affordable Care Act yet the TPP will make lower priced prescription drugs impossible to obtain...because there won't be any. As with NAFTA, it won't be America that benefits most from this 'trade deal' which will financially unite 160 nations!

(Makes me wonder if my initial ACA misgivings are justified--that it's about controlling the people who sign up, nosing into our medical histories, further weakening our health with toxins, vaccines, etc (depopulation), guinea-pigging us which they've done for decades already, and 'owning' every person's DNA.)

Many horoscopes have been studied by yours truly concerning these topics but it would take days of typing to publish the astro-notes in my files. Therefore, I shall mention here a few notable chart factors and provide some data in case either of you wish to set up charts (if you haven't yet.)

One of the most stunning factors that jumps out at us is the current position of destructuring, secretive, stealthy wealth-hoarder, Pluto (the saboteur), of Invisible Helmet fame. Pluto now conjoins Mercury, Mars, and Sun in the NAFTA horoscope and stomps upon Singapore's natal Moon (10Cap56)--horoscope data below.) Plus, Pluto @11Cap16 will be fertilized on January 1, 2014 by a New Moon @10Cap57, representing the seeding of a new cycle of activity.

Now Pluto transits are always intensely life-changing and permanent, as you know, and Pluto to Singapore's ambitious, business-oriented natal Moon in Capricorn (which is out-of-bounds denoting the people's feelings of emotional insecurity and lack of connection to those in power who ran and run the place) shows that manipulation and control can bring devastating consequences with powerful motivations leading to great achievement; yet if reckless determination is followed there can be a loss of everything--including national sovereignty and jobs, in the case of the TPP.

Another interesting transit is from Saturn @17Sco52 (on Dec 7, 2013) to Singapore's natal Neptune @17Sco15 in the 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values. This is the 'grim face of reality' transit that can bring misinterpretation of responsibilities and below-board financial dealings although a 'dream come true' can also apply--but probably only for the Global Government movers'n'shakers who are secretly brokering this draconian deal they've have long dreamed of.

By the New Moon on January 1, 2014, a T-Square forms between the Mars-Uranus opposition which points to banking planet Jupiter @14Can04 Rx which denotes those who are planning a course of action for the future and this, of course, supports my Global Government fretting (aka, a 'new world order' or 'new world financial order'.)

In the New Moon chart of 1.1.14, Jupiter is the handle of a Bucket pattern which shows banker Jupiter to be the important actor and determinator of these issues since it is Jupiter Rx in Cancer that links the two sides of the horoscope with the rest of the Capricorn planets in the chart.


Chart data from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes which gives its own sources: NAFTA took effect January 1, 1994 at 12:00 am est Washington DC; there are at least three natal charts for Singapore, two of which are on the same day--here I use August 9, 1965 at 10:00 am JT--ASC 9Lib24, MC 8Can01 conjunct Mirzam, the announcer with a message; Moon @10Cap56 conjunct IC; Sun @16Leo17 in 11th house; Jupiter @23Gem58 in 9th house conjunct US natal Mars.

The New Years Day 2014 New Moon @10Cap57 perfects at 6:14:08 am est Washington DC--ASC 22Sag52, MC 13Lib36 conjunct Mars @11Lib51 which approaches US natal Saturn (14Lib48). See my previous post on the New Moon New Moon, a Grand Cross, and a Bucket.

Sep 10, 2013

9.10.13 President Obama speaks on Syria with Uranus Rising

September 10, 2013 Washington DC: the President's Case for More War (He's Kidding Us, Right?)

by Jude Cowell

Tonight President Obama is scheduled on TV to address the issue of a US 'strike' (just a tiny little thing!) upon the beleaguered country of Syria in the midst of their ongoing civil war. You know--the old "make the world safe" ploy of Woodrow Wilson who was Mentioned by Mika on Morning Joe this morning--that Mr. Obama might "channel Woodrow Wilson" in his speech tonight. And as you've heard, since yesterday, something unusual may have entered the Big Picture of Global Governance ring in the form of John Kerry's apparently offhand comments that supposedly inspired Russia to convince Syria's President Assad to fork over his chemical weapons pronto to the UN, one assumes.

Is this diversionary Political Theater? Or is it a genuine solution that could save face for the US and possibly lead to improvement in the world's chemical weapons stockpile?

Perhaps the US war machine backing slowly away from the brink of another war theater in the Middle East can be achieved in this diplomatic way (and we did discuss Autumn Equinox 2013 being a season of diplomatic Venus, didn't we? At least on my other blog we did.

So many astro-ideas are swirling in my head just now and with my recent tech troubles solved I only wish there were time to publish more on these and similar topics. However, there are a few things I wish to say for now--pre-TV-speech--is that rising at 8:00 pm edt in Washington is transit Uranus (our war and revolution planet) Rx @11Ari24, and if we round down for the karmic implications of its Sabian Symbol we find that '11Aries' = "The President of the Country" indicating Mr. Obama and that something new, unusual, or shocking is rising on the political menu.

In Washington tonight it's a Saturn Hour at 8:00 pm edt but it morphs into a Jupiter Hour by 9:00 pm so there's the 'Jupiter the General' reference we'll all wait, authoritative Saturn and NN (future direction) are traveling in tandem now (@'9Sco' = "Dental Work"--and it'll be like that extracting such weaponry from Assad's oily grasp. Well, Syria has oil is why I used that word and in the West, it's always about the oil and gas.)

Tonight, the 8:00 pm ASC @5Ari15 makes Mars @8Leo50 the chart-ruler and as such, Mars applies first to an inconjunct with Pluto Rx (9Cap00) in 10th house of World Status, then to another inconjunct with Chiron @11Pis06 in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing--though we don't actually count Chiron as a planet) so Mars inconjunct power-mad Pluto shows the US as the 'workhorse' of war on behalf of the vested global interests who direct US foreign and domestic policy.

Mars also squares the NN indicating war issues discussed in a public encounter.

The last applying major aspect of contentious Mars is a trine with Uranus (2A34) and you know how explosive and aggressive the Mars-Uranus combo can be though it also indicates much vitality for mobilization. Sadly this may indicate military mobilization against Syria--2A34 = in 2 1/2 hours, days, months...? Even tonight's Moon agrees for at '27Sco' we find "A Military Band on the March" as Luna floats toward a return to We the People's Moon in the 2009 Inauguration horoscope--Scorpio betrayal may be most what we feel this evening at the idea of war with Syria from our Nobel Peace Prize president. His rhetorical skills are meant to be able to 'sell' us the idea just as Wilson did in 1917!

(A New Moon occurred the day after Pres. Wilson's 'make the world safe for democracy' address to Congress--a New Moon @2AQ45 which conjoins Jupiter's 10th house position in the Inauguration 2009 horoscope. Hmm...

So! Tonight America's first natal planet to rise in the 8:00 and 9:00 pm charts is our totem planet, Uranus (9Gem55) and of course we know that war is the primary topic in spite of all propaganda to the contrary. Changes are denoted as well and more indicators of crisis are afoot--vengeful Venus @29Lib41 sets at 9:00 pm edt, White House, and the 9:00 pm Ascendant = 29Ari31.

Again: the Titanic Uranus-Pluto Square

Now tonight's cosmic baggage which the 1st house Uranus in Aries ('Utopians, radicals, fanatics, dreamers'--Ebertin) and rebels as in Syria, brings to the the president's topic of joining the conflagration in the Middle East is its Cardinal Square with manipulative, wealthy Pluto in 10th house. Yes, the strikes (both kinds), riots, and protests (against war in Syria, even in our often apathetic America--it makes me feel proud that the protest tradition hasn't completely retired with my Flower Power Generation!) continue as public support and appetite for more war (when Mr. Obama promised less).

It is no accident that Woodrow Wilson's name and presidential example are being lifted up in the media now in relation to Syria, Obama, chemical weapons, and red lines...and Wilson's influence on Obama's address to the nation tonight. After all, it was the First World War that the 'new international world order' fanatics remain so proud of as being the real beginning of their Great Plan for global domination for it was ushered in on the world stage with Wilson's cooperation (he, as so many other presidents, was a Freemason, btw, and into metaphysical studies) and promotion.

(Wilson's League of Nations was a prototype of such nwo fanaticism to harness the globe.)

And as you know, WWI timed the first use of gas in war so here we are again as the energies of the Uranus-Pluto square provide mankind with another chance to improve the chemical situation. Tonight's symbol for Mercury (speeches; the orator--Wilson was known for his oratorical talent of persuasion as is President Obama--another correlation between them) @2Lib53 is: '3Lib": "The Dawn of a New Day, Everything Changed" (Jones)---plus, this Mercury position conjoins America's natal MC (The Goal). So in spite of NWO implications, this is hopefully a positive indicator of diplomacy though Obama (Uranus) squared by global masters Pluto denotes blockages and obstacles along the way, as before.

There Must be a YOD of Crisis Around Here Somewhere

Yes, this evening there is a YOD crisis pattern in the sky between the tr Pluto-Chiron sextile at base and pointing toward an apex Mars, planet of war and testosterone. Mars @8Leo50 will soon conjoin President Obama's natal Sun (as an observant reader of SO'W noted to me), a time when he's feeling a surge of vitality, and the guiding forces behind his actions are determination and ego satisfaction. Aggression to push ahead will soon be plentiful as he chooses to initiate direct confrontations with others. Will it will be with Assad, the US Congress, or both?

Apex Mars in YOD Formation

In this condition, hothead Mars tends to react to an acute crisis situation in a rash manner that leads to fateful consequences (ex: 'blowback'), plus, Mars as The Actor in this war drama represents soldiers everywhere. His hostility may be aimed at inappropriate targets if he's not careful while his pioneering spirit longs for a 'new start' (aka, a 'new world economic order'--globalists want central banks set up in the Middle East!) Complete self-sufficiency may be noted which tallies with the US "going it alone" in Syria. Yes, this apex Mars is able to act independently as the president knows and may do, but no wavering is allowed--only one-pointed focus will do, says the demanding Pluto-Chiron duo of Plutocracy, primal violence, and oppression at the base of the YOD and seeking to utilize Mars, the warrior-soldier.

Of course, the Russian-Syrian proposal is allegedly part of a wavering attitude on the president's part, as seen by his many opponents and so-called opponents of a neocon/Republican persuasion. Yet Congress' 'bacon' may also be saved if this surrendering of chem weapons is allowed to work out. And if it does, we may surmise that global string-pullers aren't quite ready to move on Syria with Iran in their sights--yet.

Unfortunately for the entire world, it sounds like the march to war in Syria could be diverted to better outcomes through Russian-Syrian diplomacy but the path toward Global Government will eventually be taken up again by Washington and our Death Star, the Pentagon. Adventurous Jupiter, now @15Can38 (in 4th house at 8:00 pm and conjunct IC at 9:00) conjoins the Pentagon's natal Ascendant and the position of US SP Jupiter Rx which has been retrograde by progression since 1905 and the Teddy Roosevelt administration.

TR is another president who has been mentioned in relation to the presidency of Barack Obama, as you remember. And of course, in 1910, the secret plans for the Federal Reserves System was hashed out on Jekyll Island, Georgia, which led to the passage of the Act on December 23, 1913--when Woodrow Wilson sold America's financial system to the highest bidders and later allowed them to bankroll the First World War which ushered in the 'new world order' as have the attacks of September 11, 2001, an important signpost. That the 12th anniversary of 9/11 is tomorrow is no accident either, for it's another step toward a totalitarian future that Middle Easterners and a few others of us wish to nullify and secede from.

Additionally, there is another cosmic body rising in the 8:00 pm speech chart tonight--our national Chiron (The Wounded; The Healer) denoting on one level our maimed and lost vets from current wars. They are still being killed overseas and some kill themselves after returning to the US--because of what our government has wrought upon them and the negative condition of America they find.

In closing for now, I must mention US natal Chiron's Sabian Symbol which creates a sad word picture for those of us who long for peace in every nation and are sincerely tired of the new world order freaks who bedevil us:

'21Aries' = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring."


It's time for a Lehman Bros anniversary so you don't want to miss Robert Reich writing on the topic.

Blog Note: you may as well know that this post was prepared, typed, and published with Radiohead's Low Down from OK Computer playing in my headphones. Loudly. I listen on behalf of the disappointment of the American people over the 'perpetual war' direction Washington has taken while acting as Global Cop and turning America into a lousy Police State.

Update 9/10/13 10:45 pm edt: below is a video of the president's speech in case you missed it. He spoke for 16 minutes, finishing at 9:17 pm edt from the East Room of the White House with '6 Taurus' rising..."A Bridge Being Built Across a Gorge" and '6 Scorpio' setting in the Partnership position..."A Gold Rush":