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Showing posts with label Dick Cheney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dick Cheney. Show all posts

Sep 15, 2008

Dick Cheney, hypocrite

Cheney Scales New Heights of Hypocrisy


If anyone doubted the vice president's disdain for those who elected him and kept him in power, this speech should have been an eye-opener.


Read my astro-analysis of what makes Dick tick if you wish.

Jul 24, 2008

Keep the terror pot boiling: attack Iran

Method In The Madness: Why They Want To Attack Iran

By Ed Kinane

Attacking Iran keeps the pot boiling. It perpetuates the phony war on terror. More war provides more enemies and so more pretext to erode civil liberties. Unscrupulous politicians and certain corporations thrive when fear keeps people dumb and dazed. With another invasion the Halliburtons and Blackwaters get to lap up more contracts.


Read Kinane's article here:

Information Clearing House


Additionally, here's a link to a previous post - one of my early ones here on Stars Over Washington - concerning an astrological signature of radical reformers in government who believe that chaos is not just useful for their purposes, but is the undergirding of their movement to create a one-world-government:

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government - and Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine theory is an extreme example of how these self-appointed social tinkerers work against society's good while pocketing all the cash and stacking up bricks of gold within their hidden Midas lairs.

Jul 12, 2008

Cheney's heart tune-up 7.12.08

Here are Dick Cheney's natal chart (center) and the transits for this morning when Cheney was reported to have a check-up or, as I'm calling it, a heart tune-up.

Time is set for 9:30:10 am edt, Washington DC, when the transiting cusps are same as his natal cusps since I don't know what time he arrived or the hour of treatment or procedure. It's a Mars Hour (fevers; attacks; surgical procedures; sharp instruments.)

What I do know is that the secretive vp was on board Nov 26, 2007 for what was reported as a 'heart shock'...and if you click to enlarge the current chart, you'll see my notation for Uranus to natal Moon (physical body; emotions - marked in green) as possible emotional changes - or a 'shock' of some kind.

Anxiety is present which may be in part from the threat of legal walls closing in on his political and world domination activities for even Mr. Darkside must have some emotions and feelings rumbling around inside that barrel chest.

Yet our congressional overseers' legal efforts have so far yielded little fair justice for Cheney's actions and duplicities that I can see. But perhaps legal threats are enough to stress a man with a weak heart (but a man with state-of-the-art medical care, as we know.) Or perhaps it's nearing time for the piper's paying.

~:~The outstanding signature between today's chart and his natal ASC ('physical body' as well) is marked in green - and from this we get a midpoint picture with Mars (energy) and Saturn (restriction) full it's...

Mars/ASC = Saturn: anxiety comes from feeling controlled somehow; defeat or dispute; sharing of worries; frustration and rebellion; others don't cooperate as they should; inhibitions; suffering; mourning with others (Tyl; Ebertin.)

You see I've marked his natal Pluto/Chiron in Leo with "wounded heart?" by which I mean the possibility of an inherited heart condition. Venus has recently plowed through this conj and she is today at a crisis/critical 29th degree (clarification: Pluto in Leo, Chiron in Cancer.)

Two asteroids (besides Chiron) which relate to health, Aesculapia and Hygeia, are near Midheaven (The Goal or Objective) and the Aquarian trio of North Node (meetings; encounters; destiny), Chiron (the wound or blindspot), and nebulous Neptune are in his natal 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Rounds, so Neptune has been causing dissolution in these areas of Cheney's life for some time.

Neptune traveling through 6th house also indicates secretive work and activities which cause people to wonder just what it is you do for a living - which is one expression of this transit. However, healthwise, diagnoses and treatment may be difficult when Neptune is in 6th house.

Also mysterious Neptune is in orb of natal Mercury, a time of confusion, deception, and lack of clear thinking. Higher inspirations are possible but more likely Neptune to Mercury inspires misunderstandings, obsessiveness, paranoia, and a fuzzy grasp of reality.

Pluto, also at a 29th degree, is focal planet in a T-square formed by Cheney's natal Moon/Neptune/NN opposition so we have a few pictures to consider...

Moon/Neptune = Pluto: high sensitivity; an emotional shock (physical shock?) or upheaval.

Moon/NN = Pluto: separation through a higher power; powerful forces affect interpersonal relationships.

And replacing natal Moon with transiting Uranus...

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: abandonment of resistance; remaining at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances; the necessity to give in; losses; calamities; the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed- very little option to do otherwise.

Uranus/NN = Pluto: the need to be influential; rocking the boat and people approving the motion; coming under the spell of other people (like doctors or surgeons?); upsetting experiences shared with others.

Well, Blogger is about to poop out on me so I'll mosey while the moseying's good.

Perhaps this astrological blurb spotlights Dick Cheney's current health climate for you - in case you should care a fig about this mountebank/scalliwag/varmint/wheeler dealer of a political thespian.

Sunday Update: the story they've put out is that all went well, Cheney is simply peachy keen, so it seems I fretted for no good reason. And yet, as they say, every puppy has his day - no matter how snarly he may be!

Jun 20, 2008

Scott McClellan and US' Venus Return 6.20.08

Here she is: America's natal Venus returning to her original degree of July 4, 1776, "4Cancer"..."A Cat Arguing with a Mouse."

My first intent was to publish this chart with details here on SO'W yet Blogger would not cooperate--and Venus doesn't appreciate lack of cooperation! But I thought her sensitive aesthetics would appreciate a white chart on a black background here at SO'W. Glad to say I got the chart up after all, as you see.

But--beige background it is, so you'll find this chart's image along with details which include Scott McClellan's appearance before the House Judiciary Committee this morning published at Jude's Threshold in case you'd care to take a look.

One thing I neglected to mention there in light of transiting Ceres (now conjunct US natal Venus) is the traditional association of Ceres with grains indicating nurturing and nutrition. This ties in with security issues when she's used in a national chart for hunger isn't good for one's sense of security, is it?

However, I did make one small mention of the tragic flooding of middle America which is resulting in our "amber waves of grain"--millions of acres of it--being ruined from this flooding.

As you know, Ceres, a significator of America herself, is often seen holding a sheaf of wheat. They've lost their amber color and Venus isn't happy about it, we can be sure, and we must now consider how the loss of these crops will be affecting food supplies in the coming year/s.

And then there's Dick Cheney and Valerie Plame, a lady who may just be our Venus Return personified for the upcoming year...well, check out the article to see what you think about today's performances on Capitol Hill.

Lady Venus does love a good drama!

Apr 11, 2008

9/11 a false flag op

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Apr 10, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

UN Official Calls for Study of Neocons' Role in 9/11 10 Apr 2008

A new UN Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel [Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University] is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The narrative that the attacks from 2001 were a "false flag" operation is a recurring theme in the literature challenging the consensus conspiracy theory that 19 al-Qaeda hijackers flew commercial jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. False flag refers to espionage or covert actions taken by one government made to seem like the work of another.

The false flag thesis has it that the Bush administration is somehow responsible for the September 11 attacks as a pretext for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. [And so much more! See: CLG 9/11 Exposition Zone.]#


And this is what I posted two years ago on April 10, 2006 about Cheney's Secondary Progressed chart set for the morning of 9/11/01 (chart's image included): Pluto/Chiron = Mc, a sight which may be difficult to believe until you see it--

--that the duo of plutocracy, corporatism, racism including white supremacy, violence, oppression, and primal power and the abuse of it--the Pluto/Chiron midpoint--is smack dab at Midheaven for Mr. Cheney on that morning his airplane games were interfering with our military's ability to protect the American People.

Whether someone told someone else that NORAD would be unstable or unavailable that morning, or whether it was all planned to let through the airplanes as a "second Pearl Harbor" false flag op, it amounts to the same thing--crooks in the White House and Pentagon.

Needless to say, I was glad to see LegitGov's article on the UN official calling for an investigation (a lone voice?), but little practical improvements ever result from political 'probes' and they're often simply smokescreens for the evil-doers among us.

Secrets stay hidden and culprits go on acting against society's best interests and by holding "investigations" certain actors seem to be 'doing something' about the problem under discussion.

So in this sense, I agree with Hillary--talking isn't doing. It's WHAT she'll do to nurture the NWO seeds she helped plant into the New Millenium that concerns me, not that she can or can't 'do' the job on "day one" or on any other day.

Questions and Consequences

You know how it takes one to know one? You know how "by their fruits ye shall know them"? Well, if you know someone in the illusive, supposed 28% of Americans who continue to favor Bush and his neocon whiteshirts, beg them to have their specs updated and upgraded because what the 72% sees is neocons producing __loads of merde and woe for their "vision" of a one world government.

Anyway, my babbling aside, please take a quick peek at Cheney's Progressed chart for 9/11/01. You don't have to speak Astrologese to see what's residing at the Aspiration Point of his chart--the abusive control of Pluto/Chiron.

Jan 17, 2008

What Leo Strauss and Dick Cheney share

A previous post of 2006 on Leo Strauss includes Strauss and Cheney's shared personality blend and a link to an excellent article on Strauss who is considered to be the father of neoconservatism.

Paul Spit-Comber Wolfowitz studied under Strauss (who died in 1973--Wolfie is still with us) and Strauss has been ID'd as the "ghostly mastermind of current US foreign policy" in similar fashion to Rousseau's being blamed for the French Revolution.

I cannot recommend highly enough the above-linked essay by Edward Skidelsky if you've managed to miss it so far.

Simply click and you shall find--for Knowledge Is Power.
The War in Iraq - 1,760 Days and Counting

By Robert Higgs

On October 19, 2001, in speaking about the new government controls and heightened surveillance already being clamped on the American people in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Vice President Dick Cheney said that the new war "may never end. At least not in our lifetime...The way I think of it is, it's a new normalcy."

We should have taken his grim forecast more seriously.

Read article here.

Actually, some of us did take it totally seriously.

On Oct 19, 2001 Neptune 6AQ00 was conjunct the Medina degree, Neptune's position as Mohammed entered Mecca which marks the beginning of Islam. Some astrologers count "7AQ" as the degree, perhaps because it occurred in the mists of many crescent Moons ago so let's look at the (Jones) Sabian Symbols for both degrees:

"6AQ"..."A performer of a mystery play"...SUBTLETY...

pos: a gift for dramatizing the deeper or real opportunities of a human society;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: consistent self-mystification and marked impracticality.

"7AQ"..."A child born of an eggshell"...ESSENTIALITY...

pos: a highly individual and completely unlimited resourcefulness;

neg: naive reliance on external accident.

Given the Pandora's Box that Cheney's war unleashed on the world, the shadow sides' impracticality and reliance on accident make Cheney and the Pentagon's unleashing of chaos in order to change the world to their liking and to control more of its resources even more criminal and sociopathic.

So can Astrology describe this kind of chaos-loving personality that imagines it knows what's best for the world? Here's a descriptive factor: see Chiron-Uranus Types in Government..."if you will."

Jan 4, 2008

government's cousins and fools

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out...without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.

--H.L. Mencken 1880-1956 American journalist, satarist, social critic

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

--Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 British philosopher, historian

Above quotes compliments of Information Clearing House

More cousinship revelations of the mind bending kind:

WaPo is revealing Mike Huckabee as a 9th cousin of George Bush bwo Connecticut grandfathers. So did Bush win Iowa? (see post just below--seems the void-of-course Moon took Hillary to the 'nowhere' of 3rd place!)

And we heard months ago that Barack Obama and Dick Cheney are distantly related. Did Cheney, on some weird level, win Iowa?

Can this, on a mysterious and hidden astrological level, be why last evening's caucus chart had Bush and the Rs all over it? Shall I wig out now or wait for later?

Hold on, Aint Bea, there's more:

Huckabee is also reported to be a 10th cousin once removed of Mitt Romney. Now that's even weirder...a Baptist and a Mormon go into an diner in Iowa, they both order Kool-Aid straight America buyin'?

Oct 25, 2007

Today in Washington and NYC

"Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just." --Thomas Jefferson

So do I, as should we all. (Physical) water is not the only thing in short supply.

Image: sunrise 7:33:01 am edt, Washington, DC, Oct 26, chart-ruler Mars in 9th house of foreign enemies, conj Fixed Star, Alhena, to have a mission. Mars is inconjunct Chiron at IC. (You'll find Chiron mentioned below.)

Click-to-enlarge chart to read my scribbles because it's on to New York...

As the fairy dust settles from last evening's Full Moon, we find that at 3:00 am edt in midtown Manhattan, Explosives in NYC's Mexican Consulate so explosive Mars is still busy in 'the homeland' (Cancer), out-of-bounds and lobbing makeshift explosives from a bicycle.

3:00 am in NYC brought up Bush's natal Virgoan Mars, just after tr Saturn, whose Hour it was. Saturn Hours are good for things like taking responsibility and for control, with an air of restriction and inhibition involved. This lobbing was a diversion of some kind, and indicates that activist Mars has more trouble in store. What else is new, right?

So Bush has this goin' on: Mars/Saturn = ASC: obstacles caused by others; illness; separation; bereavement; struggling for every step of advancement; possible health threat. (Will his colon come back to haunt him?) (midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Saturn will be restrictvely conjuncting his natal Mars soon (health concerns continue.) It's a period when circumventing rules is ill-advised and relationships with males may be interrupted or broken off entirely. Loneliness increases, yet a reaffirmation toward long-term goals is also possible. Kind of a 'stay the course' transit (ad nauseum.)

But back at the Mexican Consulate:

At the WHY Point of the chart (MC) was tr asteroid, Midas, the King, greedy lover of gold, and at IC (the HOW Point) was asteroid, Bacchus, keywords: denial; substitution; management of uncomfortable emotions. This lobbing occurred only a couple of hours after the Full Moon, Moon 3Tau46, "4Tau": "The rainbow's pot of gold."

3Tau08 is the Discovery Degree of Chiron, the Wound or the Wounded Healer, which is again splat upon Dick Cheney's natal Sun (10AQ48)--a transit which may spiritualize (Chiron) one's purpose in life (Sun), or indicate wounded vitality (health issues--with Cheney, probably heart-related. They do say he has one.)

And speaking of Politics in America, have you ever been to the Edge of Petrified Forest?

Oct 22, 2007

interview with Barbara Slavin on US-Iran

Barbara Slavin, senior diplomatic correspondent for USA Today since 1996 and author of the recently published book,Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies: Iran, the U.S., and the Twisted Path to Confrontation (St. Martin's Press), writes that,

"Iran and the United States are like a once happily married couple that has gone through a bitter divorce. Harsh words have been exchanged - husband and wife have come to blows and employed others to inflict more punishment. Apologizing is hard and changing behavior even harder. This relationship is unequal, with one side or the other feeling more vulnerable at any given time and afraid the other will take advantage of concessions."

Currently, the public faces of both nations, presidents George W. Bush and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have been content to throw rhetorical bombs and raise the diplomatic temperature - increasing the likelihood of war. Indeed, at times it appears that conservative hardliners in both countries are eager for conflict as a means to maintain their respective grips on power.

Using her extensive contacts among the powerful inside Iran and the United States, Slavin documents missed opportunities for reconciliation between both countries during the administrations of the first President Bush as well as Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The combination of her remarkable access to people such as Madeline Albright, Condelezza Rice, Iranian reformers like former President Mohammad Khatami, longtime establishment figures such as Ali Rafsanjani, as well as dissidents like Akbar Ganji and everyday citizens, allows Slavin to shed sunlight on a nation most Americans know very little about. She is also the first newspaper reporter from the United States to interview Iranian President Ahmadinejad.

Slavin has accompanied three secretaries of State on their official travels and reported from Iran, Libya, Israel, Egypt, North Korea, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Syria. She is also a regular commentator for U.S. foreign policy on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting System's Washington Week In Review and C-Span. This month, she joined the U.S. Institute of Peace as a Jennings Randolph fellow, to continue her research on Iran. Slavin also serves as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Slavin agreed to a podcast interview with me about her book, Iran and their turbulent relationship with the United States. Our conversation is just under thirty minutes.

Listen to, "An Interview With Iranian Expert and Journalist Barbara Slavin" in the Intrepid Liberal Journal.#

Published by permission. Thanks, Rob, great work!

Aug 19, 2007

Guess Cheney owns the planet Mars

Because he's readying to drill for oil there with NASA as his enabler. Crazy. And if they break it, they sure won't be able to fix it, will they?

Thanks go to Astrology Communications Media for the link.

Aug 13, 2007

Foresight of the Neocon Chickenhawk


Dick Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire 12 Aug 2007

Transcript: Q: Do you think the U.S., or U.N. forces, should have moved into Baghdad?

Dick Cheney: No.

Q: Why not?

A: Because if we'd gone to Baghdad we would have been all alone. There wouldn't have been anybody else with us. There would have been a U.S. occupation of Iraq. None of the Arab forces that were willing to fight with us in Kuwait were willing to invade Iraq. Once you got to Iraq and took it over, took down Saddam Hussein's government, then what are you going to put in its place? ...It's a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq. The other thing was casualties... And the question for the president, in terms of whether or not we went on to Baghdad, took additional casualties in an effort to get Saddam Hussein, was how many additional dead Americans is Saddam worth? Our judgment was, not very many, and I think we got it right."

You'll also find video of Cheney figuratively gazing into his crystal ball at LegitGov.

Seems to me that their sorry invasion and occupation of Iraq was the desired quagmire and as these prescient words of 1994 made obvious, Cheney and pals knew all this would occur (more or less)...and remember that the black market for Middle Eastern oil was profitable for certain countries and entities until Cheney smirkily stirred the cauldron with a bwa-haha...

So here's a Q for 2007: How many dead Americans is Dick Cheney worth?

A: zero.

Jun 17, 2007

Summer Solstice 2007

Sometimes the bad poetry muse lands upon my shoulder before taking off for parts unknown--and there are folk who assert that she leaves more than verse as she goes.

Be that as it may, in studying the 2007 chart for the moment that the Sun 'reaches' 00Cancer00, this political Solstice rhyme appeared uninvited:

It's Summer Solstice on the way
George Bush will fight another day
we hear Dick Cheney often say
it's Summer Solstice on the way.

With plans proceeding nicely now
they gain the world but lose the plough
their fates in stone for habits tell
of power-grabs we know so well

no conscience forming larger views
it's theirs to win and ours to lose.

jude cowell (c) June 17, 2007

Please click Chart to enlarge where you'll find that Rx Mercury in Cancer crosses the MC while the Sun remains at 00Can00, a World Point.

Mercury-ruled things such as re-viewing, re-turning, re-doing concerning safety or nurturing issues are prominent in the chart as are the *Images for Integration for this Solstice's Sun Can/Moon Virgo blend.

This Mercury jumping over the MC into 9th house could re-fer to young soldiers returning home although Mars has something to say about it--a Mercury/Mars combo.

Mars actors (appr 25-35 or 36 years old) in a chart are somewhat older than Mercury-types who are "the youth." But thanks to being overextended by this administration, the US armed forces now contain old man Saturnians as well--all ages (or criminal records) need apply--please apply.

Years ago I wrote somewhere--probably in The Fray on Slate Magazine--that the GOP wants illegals to enter the US so they'll have future soldiers. Well, what did I know?

I also said that al-Qaeda's long-range plan was to bait us into the Middle East then use up all our resources--financially, militarily, and emotionally; and to ruin our shaky standing in the world. What did I know and when did I know it?

Back to the Summer Solstice of June 21, 2007, 1:54 to 2:18 pm edt over the White House:

This Sun-Moon personality combo is natally shared by Emmeline Pankhurst who revealed:

"It was becoming clear to my mind that men regarded women as a servant class in the community, and that women were going to remain in the servant class until they lifted themselves out of it."

Pluto/Chiron's disenfranchised speak out! It's going to be a hot summer, isn't it?

*Images for Integration from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.

May 14, 2007

New Moon: Wednesday 5.16.07

As a new beginning, Wednesday's New Moon should be interesting esp since it occurs in the middle of Whistleblowers Week--or 'Whistleblower' singular, if you prefer--and with tr Mars 00Ari56 conj Aries Point (AP) it's the start of a new 2-year cycle for Mars-ruled activities...kind of a 'springtime' for Mars aka the god of war and explosions...but may also describe positive activities as well--motivation (another Mars word) is important.

AP = a world manifestation point when big events tend to happpen which affect many people...and testy Mars rules pioneering, me-first Aries.

Setting the New Moon chart for Washington, New Moon 25Tau33 at 3:27 pm edt with Mars and Pluto both angular...not the most comforting chart, is it?

Let's consider "25Tau" and "26Tau" for our Symbols...this is a part of the zodiac where two nasty Fixed Stars are located, both very active in the world now--and in the Middle East--Algol and Capulus. One is destructive and vengeful female energy, the other intense male energy...but first, the degrees' Symbols for the New Moon:

"25Tau": "A large well-kept public park (in CA? DC or NYC?)...RECREATION:

pos: a high devotion to the practical welfare of all people collectively;

neg: complete surrender of personality to mass judgments and transient superficialities.

"26Tau": "A Spaniard serenading his senorita"...CONSTANCY:

pos: the continual reassurance by which the will of man coaxes the depths of his soul into his experience;

neg: futile attempts to control life by empty blandishment.

(from Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Fixed Stars:

Algol: ruthless female passion; in China, known as piled up corpses; in Arabia, the wife of the devil, or the Head of the Demon.

Algol's companion star, Capulus: intense male passion; focused, decisive, ruthless; relates to the "if it can be touched, weighed, or seen" mentality; blindness; penetrating action; keyphrase: to lose one's head.

The current Solar Eclipse degree from March 19 (9 New North: 28 Pis) is setting in the New Moon chart (i.e. conj DESC), and the previous Solar Eclipse degree from Sept 22, 2006 (8 South: 29 Vir) is rising:

9 New North: great physical effort, violence, or accidents are possible--be mindful of safety issues (our current Eclipse phase.)

8 South: separation and loss; sad endings; physical injury possible. (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; available at

The New Moon of May 16 has the most links and connections natally to the chart of Dick Cheney:

NM Mars: opposes n Neptune (efforts come to nothing or are off-the-mark; may undermine health); trine n Pluto (recuperative power; intense energy in environment) and n Chiron; conj SN--will there be a separation from a relationship?

NM Jupiter: square n Moon; conj n Mars; and sesquisquare n Pluto...this last may be a health indicator;

NM Saturn: opposes n Mercury; trine n Mars; square n Uranus (clash between old methods vs new--authority seen as 'in the past');

NM Neptune: conj n Mercury (murky thinking; deceitful information); square n Neptune (society throws obstacle in the path which cause disappointment and dissatisfaction);
square n MC (his Aspiration Point--his true goals still obscured and may be dissolved; Career Status may be undermined);

NM Pluto: square n Moon (determination to achieve goals is blocked or tested; physical health may be affected); semi-sq n Sun: health irritations; square n Neptune (conservatism and political power at odds with spiritual ideals); inconj n Chiron. Contacts between Pluto and Chiron bring up Pluto/Chiron issues...plutocracy, oppression, class warfare...inconjunt = adjustment, crisis.

NM Jupiter conj n Mars: may be too confident, but can have a supporting influence, including healthwise. Expansive Jupiter has been playing about with Cheney's n Mars bwo Jup's ongoing RX phase and will continue to support or overexpand his actions and activities. His recent trip to Iraq was under this transit which causes an attraction to luxurious travel and indulgences, and has a risk-taking flavor.

With tr Pluto squaring his n Moon/Neptune opposition we see this picture:

Moon/Neptune = Pluto: high sensitivity; emotional shock, upheaval, or change.

Since I will be keeping my squintiest eye upon the planets this week, I hope you'll check back as Whistleblowers Week grinds on in Washington.

Apr 30, 2007

Anonymous Whistleblower at your service

The emailing Anonymous Whistleblower has caused Mr. Wolfowitz (defending his actions today with his World Bank colleagues) much trouble, although as we all must admit, troubles are most often self-created.

Wolfie (my affectionate name for the geezer) has decried the charges against him as an attempt to oust him from his cushy post (duh!) and says he "will not resign in the face of a plainly bogus charge of conflict of interest."

Oh great--if the hydra wins, the heads will sprout even more viciously and it makes you wonder how such a contentious appointment can flourish after the rest of the cat-birders show their colors against Wolfie's undoubtedly autocratic, high-handed rule.

Yet..."smear campaign" he whines! Ethics Panel, you say? Puh...we'll see if they boot him in the end. And Wolfie should recognize a smear campaign when he sees one--he's a cohort of Karl Rove!

Bush, of course, came out with the usual reach-around for the incompetent...once again, it takes one to recognize one.

The Superb Perps Line-up: Brownie, Gonzo, Rummy, Condi, and now Wolfie...those are only the ones who come to a bloggled mind just now...except for Bushie himself.

And then there's Shot Gun Dickie who is a royal pri*k among pri*cks doing what he loves--the pillaging and looting without conscience which passes for governmental expertise in the Bush administration.

So I ask you: what Wolfie did for his girlfriend's bank account, portfolio, and prestige: isn't it similar to what Bush did for Condi? It's just the rarified pot giving the autocratic kettle a reach-around...wink!


SO'W blog-note: it has been brought to my attention that SO'W is simply fraught with screaming typos..and after some consideration I may have figured out the deal--two or three hapless readers are getting my first publish before an EDIT appr 5 mins later. Sorry for that, but sometimes typos slip through until I can grab them's a truly bad habit and I will try to do better in future!

And There's More: this blog views best with IE (for me, Firefox is pretty jumbly here and about you?); and no, T.K., my own version of 'Cowell' isn't pronounced like Simon's because around here it's Coh' wull...thanks much for asking! -jc

Apr 2, 2007

what makes Dick tick?

Some say it's a cyborg's heart, while some credit the Energizer Bunny who's been spotted in the vicinity of Cheney's favorite undisclosed location.

But this reluctant astrologer believes it's the dynamic squares in DC's natal chart for squares (90 degr) give us the oomph and determination to develop and to reach our goals and ambitions.

Note: a few years ago, I awoke from a lucid astrology-infused dream to hear a voice saying: squares form due to essential quests. Let's look at Cheney's natal squares, sesqui-squares, and one opposition between Moon and Neptune which affects relationships--the Escapist aspect is Moon opposite Neptune which works best when working alone.

First we see that the closest applying aspect to natal Sun--the most integral part of his essence and life's purpose--is a sesqui-square (or tri-octile, 135 degr) with illusive, nebulous Neptune. This aspect affecting n Sun may be involved in his long time heart (Leo/Sun) problems.

A sesqui-sq works as a minor affliction, a weak square. This aspect in DC's chart is waxing/applying and therefore indicates an awareness of objectives--an urge toward dynamic self-expression and promotion of ideas. His low-key style of self-expression is shown elsewhere.

This Sun-Neptune aspect shows a difficulty in accepting reality for Neptune gives big, quixotic dreams, and other-worldy ideals. It gives a certain "running from responsibility" quality to the personality as well which is seconded by his Moon-Neptune opposition.

One of the strongest features in his natal chart is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in stubborn Taurus, sign of money and possessions. This conj makes several important squares to other natal planets:

Sun square Jupiter: there's actually a tendency toward lack of moderation in this square which tends to bite off more than it can chew and then must desperately attempt to cope with the consequences. There's a lack of planning but yet annoyance when others make suggestions, even when he asks for advice--which he seldom if ever does given the arrogance and pomposity of this square.

A Sun-Jupiter square is the Wheeler-Dealer aspect that enjoys manipulating others and their lives. A good fight is appreciated for there's a love of challenge and a talent for communication. Truth may be bent to achieve goals which leads to complications later on which are resentfully dealt with.

Physical problems are caused bwo self-indulgence, as his potbelly shows. This turns up in the food, drink, and lack-of-rest areas of life, and acting impulsively is discouraged esp during periods of relaxation--such as sports activities--because this aspect can lead to accidents as Harry Whittington knows too well.

Sun square Saturn indicates an early sense of inferiority probably caused from his father who tended to block his efforts to 'shine.' But with adulthood comes the recognition of the necessity to plan the rise to prominence one step at a time. (We may all agree Dick has aced this.)

The early lack of confidence becomes self-assurance yet there remains a desire for seclusion and for presenting oneself in a self-effacing way. Experience has sharpened his judgment, yet the above-mentioned Sun-Neptune aspect interferes with reality-based judgement (as we've seen from Mr. Bubble's war...we'll be "greeted as liberators"!!)

Jupiter conj Saturn:

There is enormous success potential in this conjunction if much effort is applied along with an eagerness to explore new means of making a massive assault which asserts him in the world. This conj gives fortitude and staying power for mobilizing all resources for this task (9/11? Read this as the Great Jup-Saturn Conj of May 28, 2000 also.)

There is a tendency to muse philosophically upon destiny which one assumes includes America's "Manifest Destiny" of which he seems so fond. His striving for significance needs the ability this conj brings in order to manifest his clearly pictured mental vision (and personally I'm not enamored of his vision as the world has experienced it so far because it s*cks.)

Jupiter squares Pluto:

Here's the rebel who challenges authority in an effort to find easier ways of reaching his goals and which expects large returns for little or no investment...another indication of the Wheeler Dealer (as Wall St. knows. Does this also apply to those risking their lives in the Middle East for Cheney's oil and defense contractor returns?)

Only large-scale enterprises will do for a Jup-Pluto square and the more people affected, the better he likes it. Sunstantial financial returns are expected yet risky schemes can run him into legal difficulties. Political maneuvering, money-lending, and professional gambling are some favorite activities of this square.

Unscrupulous exploitation of others is considered a rewarding use of his faculties yet he is prone to becoming victimized himself. This square makes it difficult to learn from mistakes--he has to get this from other factors, if he will.

Romantically, he prefers people who yield to momentary impulses and ignore proprieties--and romance may flower from business contacts.

Saturn square Pluto (this one's orb is slightly wide, but look at who we're talking about here):

Early in life, this aspect gives a tendency toward being a "sore loser" who wouldn't play if he thought he couldn't win. Later on he associated with people younger or weaker than himself so that he was guaranteed supremacy over them.

There is a lack of generosity with the Sat-Pluto square--an inability to admit that others may be more qualified and this emotional insecurity (supported by the Sun-Saturn square) makes his value judgments unrealistic.

DC is inclined to defensively avoid social responsibilities because he sees them as obstacles rather than as opportunities and becomes bitter if forced to submit.

This aspect gives resentment and impatience concerning the time-consuming efforts required to reach the top by the usual methods. His deep envy of the powerful and wealthy make his climb over others to the social status and power of Washington he so craved a major objective in his life. He wanted it all so much he could taste it.

Chart-ruler Mercury square Uranus: this is the "know-it-all" aspect which can't abide by the rules. In fact, rules are taken lightly unless they apply to others for his ingenious, eccentric thinking makes him, in his estimation, above-the-herd.

Arrogance is masked (often unsuccessfully) with humility to make acceptance more likely. This square is useful in politics where egos thrive and often clash. It gives a tendency to project the self foolishly and prematurely which runs the risk of being discredited--and he certainly excels at discrediting others.

Lack of compromise causes personal relationships to end rather quickly and even when obstinacy is unrealistic, he refuses to give in (on Meet the Press he never has to.) Mrs. C must've done a great deal of giving in over the years!

Moon square Mars: touchy feelings! emotional outbursts! DC considers others' differing opinions as challenges to his sense of competence and his intelligence. His Royal Arrogance becomes abusive when confronted-- there's a lack of control with this aspect.

Forceful demands are made of others but he is not equally prepared to fulfill what is expected of him...a double standard which irks those who work closely with him.
His constitution suffers due to the distress caused by the Moon-Mars square esp in the tum-tum department.

Mars is sesqui-square Pluto, another significator of possible heart problems esp since "minor" aspects often show nagging qualities which take their toll on health.

Mars sesqui-square Pluto: again this aspect is applying/waxing so there's the extreme awareness and promotion of ideas. There's a subtle yet forceful quality to Dick's nature for he's a bellicose kind of guy.

Foolish recklessness and a tendency to assert the self with impunity is evident, and there's a proneness to becoming abusive when challenged--physical violence as retaliation is a possibility. Issuing ultimatums when running into resistance is to be avoided (oops!)

Two midpoints sit upon angles in Cheney's natal chart which may be of interest to you and which both involve powerful, manipulative Pluto:

Pluto/NN = ASC: the need to gain influence upon the public;

Moon/Pluto = MC: ego-consciousness prevails; remaining alone and never acting in accord with others.

Taken altogether, Mr. Cheney sounds like a discordant fellow wearing a humble mask when it suits his objectives. His quixotic notions and visions are being reached and yet he isn't satisfied...his ego wants more more more! He's a maverick who considers himself to be above the law and will take any means necessary to fulfill his vision---a true Machiavellian, Straussian, Hegelian character...a real go-getter and devil take the hindmost--which may be all that's left when Dick gets his.

It's no wonder he's noted for his ugly snarl.

Disclosure: Two astrology books may have been harmed in the typing of this post:
The Astrology of Relationship by Michael R. Meyer, and Robert Pelletier's Planets in Aspect. My apologies to both authors but I can't promise it won't happen again. jc

And here's a Cheney News Nugget:

The BYU campus is protesting Cheney's upcoming speech due to the church's and school's high standards for personal honesty and integrity. An online petition has been created asking Brigham Young University to rescind its invitation to the vp citing his promotion of faulty intell that sent the country into Iraq, and the connection between Cheney and the convicted Scooter Libby.

Dick's not going to like this.

Mar 31, 2007

when killers speak of killers

"The best way to protect this country is to defeat the enemy overseas so we don't have to face them here at home. And for the long-term peace and security of this country, we must advance an ideology that stands in stark contrast to the ideology of the killers. The best way to secure this homeland is to stay on the offense, and in the meantime, encourage the spread of liberty as an alternative to tyranny."

George W. Bush--using same old tired rhetoric with no apparent recognition of the hypocrisy of his sentiments. Guess takes one to know one has seldom been so obviously shown to so many on behalf of so few.

Bush's catapultin' rolls on. Do you accept killing as a "viable" solution to the world's problems? I don't.

Is there a nation on the planet who longs for the same (sham) liberty the Bush-Cheney team has brought to Iraq?

Only their brother dictators could for their own self-serving reasons and for help in controlling their own unwashed masses...their dream? to be part of the world-domination league, the biggest crime syndicate the world has ever known.

The Roman Empire is considered a close second, I suppose, but greedy globalists are taking the world cake.

Now as a US citizen and Child of the Revolution with a dash of noble Cherokee blood, I love America for many reasons--rephrasing...I love the ideal of America which has been espoused since her inception about the time the Angel Gabriel is said to have given George Washington America's natal chart for July 4, 1776 (Sibly's imaginative version of how it happened--even though the signing of the D of I continued past July, some say.)

But it's tres difficult to be proud of my government these days assuming I ever could, so I may as well remind myself of the Sabian Symbol for our nation's natal Jupiter 5Can+:

"6 Cancer": "Game birds feathering their nests"...METICULOUSNESS:

"This is a symbol of the unlimited degree to which the spirit of man may develop and preserve its initiative by utilizing the natural course of things in the world at large, and of the satisfaction anyone may know through his conscious participation in a group destiny. Individuality flourishes whenever it is able to establish its personal rights over some desirable segment of reality, and thereupon justify its own being by fulfilling the expectation of others.

pos: high intelligence for the service of self;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary concern over everyday security." (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)#

It's our concern for security that's undermining us and liberty taking the hindmost.

But if you prefer "5Can" for our national Jupiter you get: "An automobile wrecked by a train"...DISPERSION:

pos: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience;

neg: an insensitive recklessness."

Either way, the gamebirds have themselves well-covered while shoving the rest of us into chaos and despair. Just as they envisioned...the war in Iraq is going so well, says top gamebird Dick Cheney.

By their fruits you shall know them.

Mar 17, 2007

John Howard has plane trouble too

Howard in Iraq plane drama 18 Mar 2007

An RAAF Hercules carrying Prime Minister John Howard was forced to make an emergency landing in southern Iraq on Saturday night after its cabin filled with smoke. All aboard were told to don oxygen masks. The emergency came just minutes after the aircraft had taken off from the Australian base in Tallil, an area known for its 'insurgents' loyal to Shiite leader Moqtada al-Sadr. #

It's not just Dick Cheney, it's his pal, John Howard as well. Perhaps they should both keep their boots on the, make that loafers.

Mar 6, 2007


Scooter Libby found guilty of all but one charge--perjury--lying to the FBI (and what politician hasn't done that?)--now facing up to 30 years in prison but federal guidelines recommend less.

His attorneys say they will ask for a new trial and will appeal if it's not granted.

You see here a chart for his to enlarge.

And while my heart goes out to Libby's family, I think perhaps families shouldn't let loved ones enter politics--or become toadies and sacrificial lambs for people like Dick Cheney.

Mar 5, 2007

Cheney and the deep thrombosis

Well, monkeying with his plane when he was leaving Australia the other day didn't get him and bombing his snuggly bunker in Afghanistan failed to do the trick. But even 66-year-old Dick Cheney is subject to the health constraints of a bad heart and to the harvesting sickle of Old Father Time.

Yet Cheney's close calls on his recent global journey nagged at me--who knew where he'd be and when? Who sent him on his mission to pollinate the globe with Washington payoffs, threats, and kudos?

Who do we know would stop at nothing?

And still this "deep venous thrombosis" didn't keep the old workhorse from his desk, not to fret! Read the AP article by clicking on title above if you're concerned.

Perhaps the recent (Jan and Feb) Saturnian Scythe up above has been aimed at Cheney all along!