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Showing posts with label US Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Constitution. Show all posts

Aug 19, 2018

US in Crisis Mode under Anti-Constitutional Forces

America, We Remember Her Well

by Jude Cowell

August 19, 2018: As you've probably heard by now, former Republican Steve Schmidt told Nicole Wallace that "America is headed for a constitutional crisis" under the 'leadership' of Donald Trump who appears to believe the mistaken notion that he is above the law. Plus, Mr. Trump definitely doesn't care to preserve, protect, or defend the US Constitution as he swore to do and his backers the Koch Brothers, along with Australian mogul Rupert Murdoch and other billionaires, are simply antsy to tinker under the hood of the venerable document with their anti-democratic "liberty" inclinations during a (sham) Constitutional Convention. Their sabotaging reforms would free the compromised Mr. Trump and others to subvert and weaken our nation even more easily than they already have which would clear the way for a 'new order' global government control grid of draconian proportions to complete its implementation--for which implementation America must be knocked from her throne as global leader.

In light of this crisis, a previous SO'W post grumpily attempted to make a big deal out of such threats to the America we've known and want to maintain by posting the horoscope of the upcoming Progressed New Moon (SP) of the US Constitution, a symbolic word picture representing a moment in time--the seeding of a new cycle of activity, or in this case, a new cycle of existence. Now operating within a darkened Balsamic phase of the Moon (a period when shady things can 'go bump in the night'), our Constitution is under assault by forces and entities such as Russia, China, and other actors hiding behind dark curtains--with Trump currently acting as their 'face', his 'MAGA" mask slipping a little every day to reveal the sabotaging smirk underneath.

Note that a horoscope of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the US Constitution is also shown in the above post but here I shall re-post below the horoscopes of the US Constitution itself (September 17, 1787) and its SP New Moon of November 5, 2018 which perfects one day before the 2018 Midterms. To me such cosmic synchronicity demonstrates another example among others of the importance of voting in the 2018 Midterm Elections for those of us who are determined to keep the US Constitution as-is without Trump-style anti-government types weakening its principles that America depends on. This suggests that it will be necessary for everyone to vote against all Republican candidates on November 6, 2018 although I don't prefer typing what seems to be a partisan message. However, the current American Crisis is that important so I'll do it for the Republic's sake.

Because after the Declaration of Independence was negotiated and partially signed, Benjamin Franklin is reputed to have answered a question from a man on the street, What kind of government do we have? "A Republic if you can keep it," Ben replied. Let's vote to keep it!

First, the original chart of September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA:

Note that the US Constitution actually came into effect on March 4, 1789.

Chart two shown below is the document's SP New Moon Horoscope of November 5, 2018 with the New Moon's Sabian Symbol of 'RESOLUTION': "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches," a mysterious symbol which may have yet another meaning these days since white supremacists have famously marched with torches in hand. Yet 'lighted torches' are actually an Illuminati tell similar to the one held up by the Statue of Liberty (or 'eternal flames' at certain victims' grave sites)!

Now I wonder if our founding Illuminati-ists, Freemasons, and Rosicrucians would approve of the reforms the Kochs and other anarchists want to perpetrate upon the US Constitution as part of their authoritarian take-over of our country against any and all wishes of We The People?

As you see, the planetary pair of Mercury and Neptune--here rising and setting in opposition--are prominent as they are in the natal chart of Donald Trump who was born with the thinking-tweeting planet Mercury and deceitful Neptune squaring one another, an aspect of "The Sneaky Mind" (Oken). This square, as previously discussed here and elsewhere, identifies Trump as an indiscreet, fantasy-prone fellow whose misconception of facts, off-kilter ideas about other people, and tendency to live in a fantasy world of his own creation aid him in the ruination of our nation.

So is it to be out with the old order of 1776, in with the new? Astrologically that's a Saturn-Uranus kind of thing! Then please keep an eye on the 'resolution' or proposed legislation introduced in Congress for a Constitutional Convention for they are dangerously close to success with calls coming from both Right and Left. Last I read, only 6 more states are needed to reach the 34-state minimum requirement. And let's not fall for the justification of 'strengthening' the document or otherwise 'improving' it for this is precisely the opposite of what the zealots intend.

Here are America's inspiring Charters of Freedom.

Recommended Posts: Horoscope of The Syzygy (Full) Moon Prior to the 2018 Midterms and 'The Conspiracy Party' and Its Neptune in Pisces (talk about weakening!)

Aug 5, 2018

Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

Trump Neglects Presidential Oath to Defend the Constitution So We Must Do It

The US Constitution's Progressed New Moon is a symbolic marker for the seeding of a new phase of activity and perfects one day prior to the 2018 Midterms when American voters must roar back their rejection of the alt-right and ring-wing instigators and infiltrators now seeking to radically reform our Constitution. Revoking the Seventeenth Amendment, which would be a regression to prevent voters from electing US senators, and shoving a Voter ID law into the 'freedom' document are but two of the reforms they intend under the misleading guise of "The Liberty Amendments." (There's a book of that title popular with rightists but I refuse to link to it here because it fronts for their deceptive scheme.)

Now protecting the US Constitution is but one of many reasons to Vote Democrat on November 6, 2018--not because all Democrats are groovy but because corporate Republicans suck at democracy and prefer Russia to the America most Americans intend to keep, thanks very much, even while Trump voters follow him off a cliff into the abyss of totalitarianism. Meanwhile, the ongoing alliance between 'economic royalists' like Trump, the Kochs, the Mercers, and their handmaidens in the Republican Party and abroad have the US Constitution in their sights.

But with a massive wave of Democratic votes from the millennial generation and women voters, We The People can stop these anti-constitutional chaos agents at the November 6, 2018 barricade!

Related: The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterms, a Full Moon conjunct erratic planet of chaos, Uranus, the guiding planet of Donald Trump. And of course We The People must navigate Autumn Equinox 2018 (DC horoscope shown) in September, plus, the ongoing erosion of the Republican Party's Neptune Return continues all through 2018 into 2019 and spreads its delusions and deceptions (and hopefully, losses) all over the 2018 Midterms. Now that's a great description of a Neptune-in-Pisces Blue Wave!

Above image: 'Neptune Ascends', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Feb 1, 2018

US Constitution Teeters w/ Trump as a New Moon Rises

Under the norm-defying, disruptive, unpredictable influence of kingpin Donald Trump, the US Constitution and a "constitutional crisis" are in the news and within reach these days as the attacks against our checks'n'balances system continue, the US government is hollowed out, and an evil authoritarianism rises here and across the globe.

As you know, the quirky Uranian Mr. Trump aligns himself with Nationalism and implies that he's against Globalism which must include global government, yet he'd be fine with a form of Globalism as long as it mimics Hitler's or Mussolini's old fascist regimes (who thought they could rule the world, too) or regimes of other world class pea-brained dictators who stifle/d the press of their day and work/ed to undermine the laws and morals of their societies. In our day, we have a Regulus-rising kingpin attempting to impose his capricious will upon us now.

So in honor of one of the Enlightened documents my ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died for, here is a link to both the Natal and Secondary Progressed New Moon (SP Moon) horoscopes of the US Constitution, posted here for either one of you curious readers.

Please share if you care!

And if you dare, check out Chris Hedges addressing The Fall of America.

Jun 28, 2017

Astro-Notes: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Back in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act ('Obamacare') legislation was all the Republican rage around Washington and elsewhere and the GOPers were well into their mantra of "Make Obama Fail", I posted a few astro-notes concerning the (noon) natal chart of Senator Mitch McConnell with a gracious helping of President Obama's planets tossed in for comparison's sake. You're welcome to read those notes if you wish (sans edits).

Now with the delayed glare of 'Trumpcare' upon it, here is the noon horoscope I then used for Senator McConnell whose Moon is in either Mars-ruled Aries or Venus-ruled Taurus; this is only a saved copy so hopefully you can enlarge the image enough to read it as you wish:

Now for biographical information, Politico's 2013 Profile of Kentucky Senator McConnell remains interesting. And if you haven't, be certain to check out master astrologer Marjorie Orr's article US Midterm Elections 2018: Stressed and Unpleasant as I expect they very much will be and rigged as well. Because aren't all elections rigged nowadays?

Also see: Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2018 and the Progressed New Moon of the US Constitution which perfects on November 5, 2018--only one day prior to the 2018 Midterms!

May 13, 2017

The US Constitution's Progressed New Moon 2018

Near the halfway point of the Trump presidential term the midterm elections in the US are scheduled for November 6, 2018. All House seats will be up for grabs and 34 of the Senate seats are to be contested as well as some state and territorial Governorships.

With current debates over whether or not the US is in a constitutional crisis created by Mr. Trump (and some say it is not, it's a political crisis) over his tweeted intimidation of FBI Director James Comey earlier this week, I noticed what to me seems an interesting if not curious synchronicity: that the Secondary Progressions (SP) of the US Constitution's foundation horoscope (September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) reveal an SP New Moon which perfects on November 5, 2018 @16Tau03 and seeds the beginning of a new cycle.

And when the 230-year-old US Constitution's 5 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of June 15, 1787 (chart shown, below) 'progresses' to the next Saros Series, it's the 6 North which in real time manifested on December 7, 1787 (day-for-a-year). Both 5 South and 6 North have appropriate themes for cyclical events that concern the US Constitution and thus for the US government. Curiously, the Trump presidential bid announcement in 2015 is also involved:

US Constitution's PE: 5 South June 15, 1787 @24Gem20, the exact degree of the New Moon on the morning of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign announcement. 5S themes:

Here is the horoscope of the US Constitution's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) @24Gem20 with Mercury @23Gem09 which was the initial eclipse in the 5 South Saros Series with themes of good news, a peak experience, and benefits (Brady):

The curious nature concerns the fact that this 1787 Gemini Solar Eclipse was conjoined or stimulated on June 16, 2015 by a New Moon @25Gem07 and transit Mars (Mr. Trump's rising planet) @24Gem35. The New Moon perfected that morning as Donald Trump lowered himself down the escalator of Trump Tower to announce his bid for the presidency of the United States to a paid audience hired through an actors' employment agency ($50 per head). And perhaps you're familiar with the Sabian Symbol for '25Gemini': "A Man Trimming Palms"!

US Constitution's Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon

Now progressing the US Constitution's chart to May 2017 shows its current soli-lunar phase to be balsamic, a dark-of-the-moon stage of transition, a seed state turned toward the future (Rudhyar) and with a prophetic feeling of finality. If Americans now feel "possessed by a social destiny" (or, victims of our often-touted 'Manifest Destiny' as the US military drains our coffers and conquers the world) this may describe one reason for it because what would our nation be without the US Constitution? Rudderless, I should think. And coup'd by plutonic forces which have always manipulated our government from abroad (US 1776 Pluto out of bounds).

Symbolically upcoming on November 5, 2018--one day prior to the 2018 Midterm Elections--is the SP New Moon of the US Constitution. In its chart, below, you see the SP New Moon @16Tau03, the US Inaugural Ascendant (14Taurus+ = Oath of Office) conjunct the 8th cusp, and dissolving Neptune Rx and rising:

Outside the chart are penned the approximate 2017 positions of transit Jupiter through Pluto plus, Chiron (in green); please enlarge to read. As a timing device, the SP North Node @17Sag11 conjoins the 6 North 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse with themes of: relationships to father figures, authority figures, or the need to take responsibility and control; time to accept commitments which may occur due to another person's illness or unreliability (Brady)--topics currently under discussion which concern the chaos in the Trump White House, his fitness for office, the potential for impeachment, and whether or not Trump's actions undermine the US Constitution.

US Constitution SP New Moon: '17Taurus' = "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches" - RESOLUTION (Jones) which in my opinion relates to the longstanding battle between certain secret societies and their control of the US government. Dane Rudhyar adds: "Keynote: Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal 'Great War'...POLARIZATION OF VALUES."

Apr 8, 2017

June 9, 2017: Jupiter Stations Direct at the Full Moon

A Brief Peek at June 2017's Sag Full Moon with Jupiter Stationing Direct in Libra

by Jude Cowell

On June 9, 2017 two cosmic events occur: a Full Moon @18Sag53 perfects, and, 52 mins 30 secs later, Jupiter turns Direct @13Lib12, a conjunction by transit to US natal Saturn (restrictions partially lifted; possible success with legalities).

The following Full Moon horoscope is set for the White House and shows that North Node (a point of encounter and future direction) points to Mr. Trump's natal Mars, planet of aggression, there's a dynamic T-Square from the Full Moon to the delusional 8th house Neptune in mid-Pisces (conjoining fixed star Achernar = crisis; risk of rapid endings), the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, Insurance, and Transformation also contains the currently reigning Solar Eclipse in Pisces which manifested @8Pis12 on February 26, 2017, US natal Chiron conjoins the goal-oriented Midheaven (21Aries: "A Pugilist Enters the Ring"), stationing Jupiter is in 3rd house as is Mr. Trump's *natal Jupiter which was Station Direct at his birth, Venus and Uranus are in the 10th house of Public Reputation suggesting the potential for lack of resources and/or erratic or eccentric spending, the Full Moon conjoins authoritarian Saturn, and the Gemini-Sagittarius planets are intercepted across the 5/11 Will axis suggesting something hidden, secretive, and/or karmic is afoot.

Please enlarge the chart if you wish to read my scribbles:

This Full Moon horoscope's ASC-DESC house cusps are in the same signs as those of Mr. Trump's natal horoscope (though in earlier degrees) and the June Full Moon echoes his own natal Sun Gem-Moon Sag opposition (his natal chart is linked, below). The Sun to his natal Uranus transit denotes a brief period when group organizing is difficult due to issues of disloyalty, unreliability, and/or stubborn pride, non-traditional solutions and methods are sought (pretty much his modus operandi), and Mr. Trump's uniqueness and unpredictability are singled out to receive more attention than usual (which is hard to imagine how much more he could receive--and we could tolerate).

Of course, this Full Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius, the natural sign of Jupiter, so perhaps its perfection denotes a sort of culmination, fulfillment, or an ending of political alliances.

Now as you know, astrological Jupiter can play many roles (exs: broadcaster, CEO, banker, financier, guru, actor, politician, the General) and once the Great Benefic of Good Fortune begins to move forward, Jupiterian matters in legal, diplomatic, political, religious, and financial realms will progress as well though this shall be more obvious once transit Jupiter leaves his own shadow at the degree of his last Retrograde Station (February 6, 2017 @23Lib08). Will generous, jolly Jupiter's forward movement aid a grumpy Congress in their careful deliberations? What careful deliberations?!

Tragically, the US Congress seldom if ever engages in such exalted non-partisan activities these days since the majority of them serve corporate interests rather than The People's.

But wait! According to some folk, the US Constitution was suspended in 1933 by FDR and every emergency act signed by presidents ever since have continued the tragic illusion:


Well, bless my habeus corpus! From 1996, here's a nuanced look at the issue of our suspended Constitution and the invoking of presidential Emergency Powers. Now I wonder why presidents continue to take their Oaths of Office to defend and protect a suspended document with provisions so often ignored? Probably to keep the ruse of a constitutional Republic intact and the wool pulled firmly over our eyes.

Related: Donald Trump's Natal Chart with VP Mike Pence's planets added.

Jan 6, 2017

"..and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

An Open Letter to the Readers of Stars Over Washington,
Are you part of the 'Posterity' for whom the Founding Fathers ordained the Blessings of Liberty as written in the US Constitution? Are you a participant in the Great American Experiment established 241 years ago and based on lofty ideals? How easy to forget what men and women sacrificed and died for in those long ago days and to take for granted the Liberty, Freedom, and Independence their actions bequeathed us through the decades since. Ours is not a perfect union, that we know, but it is close enough to be worth fighting for again in 2017 and beyond. Yes, it is a herculean task we now face as we realize more fully in recent months that All Is At Stake.
The forces now lined up against We the People wear a different mask than in Revolutionary days yet conquest and control remain the oppressors' objectives and to this we must respond. Now it is not pitchforks in the streets that are called for as much as righteous indignation and resistance to allowing our nation to take the low road of bigotry and hatred, the narrow-minded path that leads not toward but away from the ideals established by Founding Fathers such as Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Mr. Paine.
Are the American people up to such a task? Are binge-worthy TV shows and tech gadgets lulling us into complacency?
Astrologically, there is a caution perhaps too well concealed from our consciousness unless we purposefully shine a light upon our nation's 'hidden square' of July 4, 1776 (256 degrees) and take its lessons seriously. The aspect is between the Enlightenment Planets, Uranus and Neptune, the planetary pair used by certain social tinkerers and puppet masters as a signature of 'the new world order' or 'global government' which has come to oppress not liberate, to deny not empower, We the People and the rest of the world. The oppressors' watershed moment in modern times consisted of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune in 1993, the true effects of which have reached a culmination as transit Pluto arrives at the pertinent conjunction degree of 18 Capricorn and forms a fretful picture for those who prefer the benefits uplifted in the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017/18 Pluto @18Cap (opposite Pluto's discovery degree and thus more powerful): the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) is the caution that transforming Pluto now embodies with conquest and control the power elite's long-term goal via the restructuring of world power. Those Americans who cannot or who refuse to 'feel it' are apparently inattentive to current societal events or perhaps they feel that resistance is useless, why bother. How glad modern Americans must be that such sentiments didn't hold sway during the American Revolution!
So what potentials and cautions are revealed by the hidden square in America's natal horoscope (and psyche) of July 4, 1776?
Refusal to honor societal obligations, feeling apathetic when it comes to demonstrating our opposition to political subversion, ignoring the corrosion of our traditional values and principles embedded in America's Freedom Documents--these are only some of the effects of a negative aspect between radical Uranus and inspirational Neptune, planet of the masses. Also associated with negative Uranus-Neptune vibes are: muddled thinking, lack of clarity concerning social movements and issues, mild acceptance of the bondage that power-mad leaders represent, fear of 'rocking the boat' or 'becoming involved' lest personal security is adversely affected, laxity toward corrupt political and other leaders in society, apathy about holding crooks and fraudsters accountable for their crimes, a lazy expectation that others 'will deal with it'--the list goes on and the unfortunate results are incompatible with the principles proclaimed in the US Constitution and undermine any moral standards we care to name.
Now is the time when We the People cannot afford to relax our watch though many of us turn away. It is for those who fight and re-fight for freedom, liberty, and independence who must recognize the danger when it presents itself and then call it out for what it really is. For no one ever promised that the Revolutionary era's many benefits would continue forever without major 'tune-ups' and without our dedication and constant attention to what is so easily lost and hard-won when regained.
A Fellow American
Constitution We the People

By Constitution_Pg1of4_AC.jpg: Constitutional Convention derivative work: Bluszczokrzew (Constitution_Pg1of4_AC.jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Jan 5, 2017

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism: From Past to Future

Can Washington DC's Past Inform Our Nation's Future?

by Jude Cowell

Did you know there's a website containing curious facts concerning our capital city and its monuments, particularly the phallic obelisk, the Washington Monument? Washington DC: Chamber of Secrets (#ad) reveals some of the past machinations of our Masonic Founding Fathers and their contemporaries who designed Egyptian, Roman, and Greek tributes and symbols that were purposefully built into the city's architecture and monuments.

This could be a fascinating topic for US History buffs who wish to see below the surface of the time-honored myths associated with America's Founders, with Washington DC's construction, and with the beginnings and continuance of the US government these 241 years. The Founders' esoteric leanings seem especially a timely study in my opinion since the continuance of the US government is more in question now than ever before for we face a questionable, nontraditional regime of a chaotic, ham-fisted Trump administration and its lack of a mandate from We the People.

Predictably, Sun worship plays a major role, of course, and we've see this plainly in our 'cult of personality' presidencies through the decades, with Trump no exception (Campaign 2016 was all about his 'character' and 'temperament'). What isn't widely appreciated is how US Constitution Day, September 17th, plays into the solar idolatry with the Sun seeming to pause atop the Washington Monument at 6:43 pm each year--on September 17th. Here, as in Freemasonic rituals, there are death and rebirth themes laced underneath the surface and even the blood and sacrifice of the Civil War are part of the picture as is the assassination of President Lincoln--and the positioning of his Memorial (1914--1922). Stand at the bottom of its steps on a certain date (April 9th), look toward the Reflecting Pool, and at 7:38 am you'll see the same solar performance as the Sun 'sits' atop the Washington Monument.

Coincidental? Puh!

Now I'm not certain the website linked above mentions it so I will...the star that the Washington Monument points to in the heavens is Porrima, a star of fertility--and of prophecy. Yet isn't it curious that our first Masonic president, George Washington, known as the 'Father of Our Country', never generated natural children of his own? At least, as far as I know! This infertility may have been caused by an early case of smallpox, if memory serves, but still...he was, they say, a good dancer (natal Sun in creative Pisces, ruler of feet)!

Now there are other curious facts concerning our nation and its purpose and you can probably think of them on your own but I do hope you'll visit the website I mention (buy the book or not! I did so it's on my shelf as I type) if you haven't, and perhaps you might ponder the facts of the mysterious case we call the United States of America and divine what our nation's ultimate destiny is meant to be--especially with such a presidency appearing on the future dance card of We The People.

Sep 27, 2016

Anonymous: Message to the United States Government 2016 - video

The US government, aided and abetted by the global corporate syndicate, is working to undermine the US Constitution. Tyranny has been the result of this infiltration and the time for resistance is Now.

Update Dec 5, 2022: the video by Anonymous has been deleted from this post by unseen forces and, as it turns out, it's the Republican Party of Herr Tr*mp wanting to delete the US Constitution because the orange albatross thinks destroying it will shove him back into the Oval Office again so he can steal more national security documents and make mega-profits off the Office of the Presidency. Again. Oh, this would greatly please his foreign handlers. jc

Original post continues here with mild edits for clarity:

The main purpose of Stars Over Washington: "Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them..."; so types yours truly, A Child of the Revolution, whose ancestor, Francis P. Power of Maryland (1756--1818), joined John Glover's Marbelhead Mariners and risked his life participating in the ferrying of George Washington and 2,400 troops and artillery across the icy Delaware River, December 25/26, 1776, and who fought in the Battle of Trenton which changed the tenor of the Revolutionary War.

Therefore, writing SO'W is the least I can do for the sake of America! Jude

Related posts include: Christmas Day and a 'Double' Ancestor (the natal chart of my 4th-great grandfather (paternal and maternal!) David Barnett born that auspicious day, December 25, 1776 in Christiansburg, VA); The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777; and the natal Horoscope of the US Constitution set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and showing the document's Sun Virgo-Moon Sagittarius blend of 'moral certitude' -- which is one of the reasons that criminals are determined to be rid of it and We the People must be even more determined to defend it.

Jude Cowell

Aug 5, 2015

"Americans are hungry.." for Government that Works for Every Citizen

"Americans are hungry, indeed starving, for candidates who will take action to ensure that government works for every citizen, not just those who are able to write big checks to candidates, parties, and political action groups." — Miles Rapoport, Common Cause

The above excerpt is from Facing $5 Billion Campaign, Hunger for a '21st Century Democracy Agenda'.

Pathethic, isn't it? That the democracy, the republic, and the Enlightenment principles our ancestors fought and died for have been under attack from usurpers whose goals include a dismantling and collapse of all civilized institutions, a "drowning" of the US government, and the anti-constitutional establishment of a draconian global government where freedom, independence, liberty, human rights, and personal conscience dissolve as an anti-sovereign regime grasps power in its hot little claws.

Many people feel it these days especially with *Pluto in process of returning (in 2022) to its July 4, 1776 degree in late Capricorn: that powerful transnational entities have grown tired of the Novus Ordo Seclorum--the new order--of 1776 and presume to have the right to replace it with a crabbed plutonian model of their own design!

If you are an American by birth or by inclination, do you beg to differ?


*One of the roles of Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin.)

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

Jul 4, 2015

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws of the USA - video

Now here's a very interesting interview to publish here on Independence Day 2015 concerning America's founding, its government, and laws:

#FederalGovernment #USConstitution #DeclarationofIndependence #StatesRights #UShistory #OrganicLaws

Mar 28, 2014

"How to Steal an Airplane" video

As it turns out, cyber-hijacking of airplanes has been around for over a dozen years. For your consideration:

When the attacks of 9/11/01 are mentioned, I think of the 9/11/01 horoscope with Mercury (travel) conjunct US natal Saturn (authority; stability, @14Lib48) rising, all at '15 Libra' = "Circular Paths"--note this discussion of airplanes expertly turned from their paths such as the one that hit the second Tower--and including Malaysia 370. This presentation also reminds me of the void-of-course Moon on the morning of 9/11/01 and its implications that something put into action could not be interfered with...such as the course-change a computer-hacked plane would experience.

Transit Mercury to natal Saturn denotes a time of seeking or using information and skills in order to attain a more senior or authoritative status. Remember that Bush and Cheney were recently installed in the White House and were spoken of as "illegitimate" after Justice Rehnquist placed them in office in December 2000 after the bogusness of Jeb Bush's Florida election.

Serious pursuits are also indicated by Mercury to Saturn along with a hint that the preparations for 9/11 were a long term enterprise which resulted in a restriction of ideas and communications--such as police phones that didn't work properly that morning, the often touted inability to "connect the dots" between the FBI and CIA, and the silencing of dissenting journalists and others since that day.

'15 Libra' from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones; "Keyword: CONGRUITY: a rather extraordinary facility in self-adjustment or practical reorientation." I'll say! After all, it was the 9/11 attacks that allegedly made the US Patriot Act implementation and all the subsequent cyber surveillance by The State 'necessary', sans the US Constitution.

Jul 27, 2012

US Constitution under direct attack as echo chamber grows louder

If you remain enamoured of the rights and tenets embedded in the US Constitution as do I, you may wish to consider this:

US Constitution September 17, 1787 11:29 am LMT Philadelphia, PA

Well, I made no note years ago about why I set up the horoscope with '11:29 am' so perhaps it came from another astrologer's website or book because I see no particular astrological reason for setting the chart for this time. Even so, here are the natal chart's basic factors:

ASC 2Sag25 (transiting NN almost upon it); 1st house Moon 4Sag55 (tr NN recently conjoined it) and NN 1Cap09; 3rd house Pluto 14AQ12 Rx and Saturn 23AQ23 Rx; IC 17Pis46 (at critical-crisis degree as is the MC); DESC 2Gem25 (conj President Obama's natal Moon), 7th H Chiron 13Gem40, Jupiter 25Gem22 (Jupiter Return on the way: June 5, 2013 with Jupiter unaspected), and Mars 2Can50 (OOBs and conj US n Venus); 8th H Uranus 20Can11 (opposite US SP Pluto Rx and at the "Daughter of the American Revolution" degree in Sabian Symbols); 9th H Mercury 11Vir36 and Venus 16Vir35.

MC 17Vir46 with 10th H Sun 24Vir39 (about one day past US n Neptune spotlighting the document's idealism, compassion, 'divine source' spiritual precepts--rights are god given at birth--and also its flexibility as a 'living, breathing' Constitution. Also, the 'divine source; planet, Neptune---unknown until 1846--is in 10th H @17Lib48 which had recently conjoined US n Saturn 14Lib48 and denotes a new maturity and way of dealing with authority.

Today, tr Neptune @2Pis28 Rx has passed n Pluto and Saturn in Aquarius some time ago--these undermining (Neptune) attacks have been going on for some time, and as tr Neptune approaches opposition to n Mercury (document; contracts; agreements), we may expect the Constitution of the American people to experience many misunderstandings, obscuring of facts, deceptions, errors, and the potential for loss.

In days like these, with agents and operatives doing all they can to undermine our nation's sovereignty, economy, and the US Constitution, the only hope of preservation for the American people is through educating ourselves on the facts!

(See SOW's sidebar for links to texts of our Freedom Documents--never depend on someone else's interpretation, or, as Ronald Reagan once advised, Trust but verify!)


You may find that progressive sites such as Thom Hartmann and Democracy Now! are of value on constitutional matters. Have another? Then please leave your suggestion/s in a comment! jc

Feb 11, 2012

Chris Hedges sues President over NDAA 2012 (interview/video)

Yesterday I published something about the President signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 in private, before midnight, just beyond the heart of Winter's darkness, behind the scenes, out of public view or certain knowledge. A strong hint of Astrology permeated my post and for this I won't apologize since Astrology makes such an excellent lens through which to eye the squirmings and spunned illusions of the varmints who eye each one of us 24/7.

As a dissenting American in the Thomas Jefferson tradition (The Seer whose name is now publicly evoked by certain presidential candidates--as if!), I call out those who would pass laws that pretend to supersede (yet another super!) the US Constitution as the Law of the Land.

No lawyer here, but I do entertain opinions on these topics which I will share with you. No law is more important than the people who bow under it--the bow must be willing to create an effective law--even God assures us that 'the law was made for man, not man for the law'); and, a country with a myriad of entangling, contradictory, and/or idolicized laws is a land of criminals, thieves, and brigands.

Well, in spite of what some might assume, I'm not against the US government at all, I just want the misguided, misdirected Constitution busters tossed out of it. If America's progressed Sun has to be in murky Pisces for years, its two fishes symbol swims Up as well as Down, as you know. And this particular American prefers the Up direction for my country, thanks very much.

Okay, that's enough personal venting for this beautiful Sabbath Day. Didn't intend to, it just happens sometimes. I tend to be maternal in that way and want the best for everyone.

And as Benjamin Franklin said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

Visions and Provisions

If you note in the second half of this video interview with Chris Hedges, they go into details over the NDAA and its unconstitutionality which destroys the American people's protections under our Bill of Rights. As an American, how patriotic would I be if I didn't take issue with this allegedly 'legal' assault on my and my family's personal liberties--and yours? Why, provisions in the NDAA undermine to the core the ideals this nation is said to have been founded upon--an Idea of a Better Society, a Golden Atlantis v2, as they've touted it. Now shady entities want to dismantle The American Experiment in support of Bigger Plans.

As this interview brings out, the tip of the totalitarian iceberg peeks out and it's the freaky neocons again, my friends, scurrying from their lairs into the camera lights and microphones of 2012. You know what burdens their 8 out-of-control years laid upon the world and so recently, too. Are we self-destructive enough to spring and vote for more perpetual war from weapons promoters and power brokers whose activities are part of the problem and certainly are not the solution?

Now if you've read this far you must be wondering how long my blog will be available online. Well, I'm very sorry to report circa 2012 that we're thinking along the same lines. Therefore, hear Chris Hedges interviewed while ye may, and if you speak astrologese, note how descriptive are their remarks concerning the PR circus Washington actors played in the lead-up to the Dec 31, 2011 signing of NDAA 2012 by the President. The spin was in as the White House blamed Carl Levin for including the offensive provision and the secret plot thickened.

Also note that, when translated into Astrology, the secretive signing took place around the time that Mr. Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35 (motivation; action) arose at the White House with US natal Neptune (illusions, deceptions, fraud, veils, etc) tagging along...and the fog (Nep) of war (Mars) grew thicker over the heads of innocent Americans just trying to live their lives in--dare I say it?--the peace our government doesn't always afford to others.

My Further Reading suggestion was demonstrated this week by the President's about-face on the trumped up 'contraception/Vatican' brouhaha since Mr. Obama's
Mars Return 2012 is in progress (a three-fer: Jan 14, Feb 1, June 18) and transit Mars is now retrograde as the President reversed his actions on and handling of the matter.

One more thing about the interview above: I can't whole heartedly agree about (pseudo-) candidate Ron Paul. To me he plays in part the role of devil's advocate but not just for the sake of argument, as the term is normally applied. Rep. Paul is tops in expressing views that are inconvenient for the powers that be and thereby his inclusion in our public discourse diverts or obscures any serious efforts toward ever implementing--or prosecuting--any of his more popular proposals into the 'real world' unless they are molded and weakened into a very toothless form.

This tactic acts as something of a pressure release for the public, they think. And besides, what politician in Washington would cooperate on derailing his/her fancy gravy train? How ugly that their own self-interests more and more often seem to trump ours.

Jan 17, 2012

Tell Scott Walker: America founded as a Union!

January 17, 2012 8:15 pm est near Athens, Georgia

The following words are posted here using my own italics and BOLD in order to make the point of this particular entry for I am lazy--actually, just busy with a major undertaking that now demands my close attention. Even so, my prayers remain with our America this night and I believe that we may benefit by exalting our traditional Spirit of Endeavor within us against challenges from those who work as you read to undermine our sovereign nation:


"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

View a linked and searchable U.S. Constitution (1791 -- ) while we still have it, tattered by enemies from without and within as it may be.

At least outer enemies are usually easier to identify as what they really are, aren't they?


If you're game, here's a brief astro-peek at James Madison, known as the Architect of the US Constitution.

And speaking of unions, I wonder how Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's recall count is going for the anti-unionist? You might also mention the Concept of Perpetual Union just to get his goat.

Aug 24, 2011

List: Donations to Deficit 'Super Committee' members

Oh good! Shining light upon political intriguers is always worthwhile and eventually may serve to disinfect their contamination of democracy. has published an updated list of donations to members of November's Deficit 'Super Committee' made up of 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats (aka, a 'Super Congress' formed in part to drive a spike into the heart of the US Constitution and to circumvent a traditional role of the US Congress.)


Four favorite sites covering progressive issues:

Move To Amend
Democracy Now!
Thom Hartmann
Global Astrology

And three quotes of note:

"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above...and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below--to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."

-Hermes Trismegistus

"Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It has taught me many things and I am greatly in debt to it."

-Albert Einstein

"Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do."

-J. P. Morgan, Sr, client/student of Astrology pioneer Evangeline Adams

Mar 22, 2011

After Citizens United, & Solar Eclipses 1993 = 2011

Perhaps you've seen the brilliant photo of the March 19, 2011 SuperMoon in Virgo rising above DC's Lincoln Memorial now posted on a new blog After Citizens United.

(Astro-Note: constellation Virgo and its stars have particular significance for the founding of America including the related archetype for nurturing asteroid Ceres ('security concerns') which in America's natal chart, conjoins our natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint @ '8Pis'...and Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy and its attendant class warfare and disenfranchisement.)

Well, if you're interested in the January 2010 SCOTUS decision on Citizens United which upped the corporate anty on the power elite's campaign contributions for 2012 and beyond (US gov bought and sold = Plutocracy), I hope you'll check out After Citizens United which contains an image of the SCOTUS Ruling horoscope of January 21, 2010, and links to related topics.

My feeling is that these birty dastards have a huge jump on the citizens of the US so pass around all pertinent info you can find! Apathy is no longer an excuse so it's imperative that as many Americans as possible pay close attention to all class warfare matters which are seriously undermining our democracy, and that obviously includes Citizens United v FEC.

Included on the blog you'll also find an essay by Joan McCarter entitled "Money's Sustained Assault Against Democracy" so if you're fond of democracy in America (or wish we had some rather than exporting it across the globe bwo lies and guns), Ms. McCarter's article is highly recommended. And a tidbit of info from the Citizens United blog: SCOTUS will hold hearings on March 28, 2011 concerning Arizona's public financing system; other related suits are pending so we must keep up!

Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya

Now some are saying that President Obama didn't have the authority to act in Libya as we're doing under cover of a 'humanitarian mission' to protect civilians (there we go again: bombing = 'saving'. Yeah, right.) Presidential overreach and the military action in Libya are facets of the global elite's Undermine America Agenda in order to set up a one-world-government and we're watching the US government further extending its imperial self into the region of the Middle East. It remains to be seen whether our incursion into Libya can be handed off to foreign entities in a few days.

Of SuperMoons and Eclipses 1993 - 2011

The last SuperMoon occurred in March 1993 which is of time-link interest since the two Solar Eclipses (SE) of 1993 are repeating in 2011 with similar influences upon society.

May 21, 1993's SE @ '1 Gemini' is in the 13 South Series as will be the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ '11 Gemini', a degree which falls between US natal Uranus 8:55 and US natal Desc '13Gem'...Uranus/ASC = Sun: friendships with leaders and important people; physical unrest; mobility; a restless colleague or partner; anxiety about putting one's best foot forward; hoping for success. Uran/ASC = Moon: getting excited through the influence of others; quick mood changes; emotionalism spills into view; needing support, sympathy, and approval (speaking of 'approval', Obama should've gotten that from Congress before he took us into Libya in what may be an extended piece of Hades - UN approval is not congressional approval - for a little while longer at least.)

From Brady's Predictive Astrology we find that the influences of 13S include: expansive energy under which lies a sinister flavor; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively; urge to expand brings frustrations, inhibitions, and loss or separation. And for Australia in 1975, 13S included a Constitutional Crisis (which may be brought to the White House circa 2011 due to Libya invasion or ___?___.)

The second Solar Eclipse of (November 13) 1993 @'22Sco' which repeats on November 25, 2011 @ '2Sag' is in the 14 North Series with vibes that include: draining of energy; an acute time of confusion in relationships, and unexpected happenings in financial matters; despair; a peculiar turn of events; too much confusion and delusion to make clear judgments (paraphrasing Brady, as above.)

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the '11Gem' Jun 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse, "Something to Cry About" (though that's usually reserved for '00Gem' because it conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, of the Seven Sisters.) She states that its nearness to US natal Uranus indicates surprising developments in government which may be dealing with a "lack of support"; falling in 8th house in DC, this eclipse heralds issues of taxation, mortality, burial concerns, sanitation, or contagion (radiation from Japan?).

Other possibilities for the June 1, 2011 SE are that trade agreements are strained in foreign relations, workers' strikes and protests continue, military controversies surface, and there may be an urgent health situation, hospital condition, or prison crisis to deal with. Plus, a particularly mysterious crime/s may be in the news (bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler? Someone new?)

Teal's title for the 14N SE of Nov 25, 2011 is: "Blazing New Trails" - yet workers will still be discontent, there are concerns over secret enemies, and there's an "extension of power of nation in the world, although some complications to overcome." Is Libya only the US government's first 'no-fly-zone' justification?

Well, on that New World Order note I must leave you for my pesky old day job and a sincere hope that we'll reconnect another day while remembering what Herbert Hoover said on such topics: that old men make wars and young men fight them. How correct he was.

Now if only we could get the world's young men and women to turn their backs on war.

Oct 17, 2010

Lord Monckton: no need for World Government (video)

Here is the first video installment of Lord Monckton speaking on October 14, 2010 concerning the global warming hoax which is a ruse meant to lead we-the-world-sheep into accepting the establishment of a One World Government which will include total control of the global banking system. The full series of this exclusive interview may be viewed here.

If you are American (dissenting or otherwise) - please note his remarks on the US Constitution and elected government which will turn extinct if global bankers have their way.

And guess who he thinks is a prime movers/shakers of the World Government agenda?

In the US, it's the banking industry! Surprised much?

Lord Monckton points to the world government agenda's long term existence as evidenced by the setting up of the Federal Reserve Bank, an idea big bankers and their pals hatched during secretive meetings held on
Jekyll Island, GA in 1910
(under cover of a 'duck-hunting expedition'!) and deemed to be triggered by the bankers' Panic of 1907.

Top financier J.P. Morgan took the lead within the 1910 - 1913 script of fear, and the subsequent solutions are eerily similar to Financial Collapse 2008 and its resulting legislation meant to 'improve' the way things are done in America's corrupt financial industry. (Yet US consumers' lack of confidence in our banks and in Wall Street markets has not been addressed, as you know, since no bandits, robbers, or vandals will be serving prison time, it seems.)

Curiously enough, during the Panic of 1907, President Teddy Roosevelt was said to be on...wait for it...a duck-hunting trip in Louisiana at the time. Yes! Ducks were being hunted all around though American consumers seem to have fit that bill even better. So perhaps we should consider the Sabian Symbol relating to the topic to see if it applies; it's in the Big Money sign of Scorpio, well known for its secrets and betrayals...

'22 Scorpio' = "Hunters Starting Out for Ducks"...ENTERPRISE...

positive expression: a complete lack of personal frustration and a constant refinement of special and practical skills in the approach to daily problems;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a callous exploitation of all life.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)
Ah, yes, that most American of all enterprises taken to its nth degree: callous mortgage selling, foreclosure processing, sub prime vulturing, other banking practices, and in Wall Street trading, a rigged casino if there ever were one.

And now, to knit the ends of this post together into a wintry neck scarf of paraphrased synchronicity, here's one of J. P. Morgan's most famous quotes:

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Touche, Mr. Morgan. Touche.

Sep 16, 2010

An astro-peek at Constitution Day September 17, 2010

Tattered by constant assaults in recent years, ignored by arrogant, bossy globalists everywhere, the US Constitution was signed by 39 men on September 17, 1787 making tomorrow, September 17, 2010 Constitution Day and the document's 223rd birthday.

However! Master astrologer Zip Dobyns did excellent work in the mid-1980s concerning the horoscope of the US Constitution and she stated that (unlike the Declaration of Independence and our nation's founding) there is, "no question about the time the US Constitution became law" and that it "went into effect at 00 AM Local Mean Time, NYC on March 4, 1789."

Dobyns adds her views on the existing plethora of US natal charts as well so if you've ever felt conflicted over the variety and 'which one is the real natal chart?' you may wish to read her thoughts on the topic and put your kerfluffling to rest.

In its March 4, 1789 birth chart, Sun 14 Pisces conjoins Saturn 14 Pisces and Saturn is the planet ruling law, government, and business; Moon is in early Gemini, conjunct South Node (another Saturnian tone); Moon conjoins the natal Moon of President Barack Obama, former Professor of Constitutional Law.

The disciplined combination of Sun/Saturn energies in Politics and Business, according to Michael Munkasey in his excellent book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets are described as:

Form and definition of an enterprise; the will of the people as defined in the principle founding documents; checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; older and more distanced leaders; a leadership preoccupied with various forms of law enforcement.

Now the US Constitution has worked reasonably well in the past 221 - 223 years even with the ongoing debate between 'living document' vs its stricter interpretations. My suspicion is that the mutable sign of Pisces having the rigid conjunction of Sun and Saturn as tenants indicates the typical confusion of watery, nebulous Pisces (an energy that does not like to be pigeon-holed or held captive) along with the changing character tendency shared by all mutable signs, it is, in a word, adaptable.

My thought is that if the founding fathers could have known back in the day about modern technology and other facets of modern life we deal now, they would have thought we were daft idiots to expect the US Constitution to remain as if written in Saturnian stone - and stone is never a match for Piscean waters.

So on September 17, 1787 the document was signed and then it sprung to life on March 4, 1789. Here's a link so you may view an image of the Constitution's natal chart plus, the progressions and Solar Arc work Dobyns did on behalf of us all.

The Constitution's Sun Pisces-Moon Gemini blend has a weakness which may actually be a strength: *it lives according to an ever-changing relative morality.

A weakness in an individual, oh yes. But for a living document built to last and not break from rigidity, I consider it a very great strength indeed. Do you?

Happy Constitution Day 2010, America.


*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.