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Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts

Apr 19, 2020

April 2020: Will Trump Pardon Roger Stone?

April 19, 2020: One of the few topics of the week that does not directly involve coronavirus or Covid-19 and valiant efforts to treat the illness is, Will Donald Trump pardon his longtime pal and culprit-in-arms Roger Stone so that The Halloween Jester's prison sentence is lifted from his nattily dressed shoulders?

With our prison system rife with the contagion, Trump may use the coronavirus as justification for relieving Mr. Stone of the necessity to serve his sentence for as Stone told Tucker Carlson on his Friday night program (April 17th), With coronavirus my jail time is essentially a death sentence, something that could be said of all prison sentences for the foreseeable future, at least in the United States.

Thing is, Roger Stone is one of those well-connected fellows who know too much and that 'too much' happens to concern the mobbed-up miscreant Donald Trump. Yet there are more obvious political issues involved for Trump, such as his electability and the slight chance that a pardon for Roger could 'turn off' some voters who favor a second term for Herr Spanky. But I ask you: since when has Trump acted with careful deliberation of the ultimate consequences of his preferred actions? After all, in the realms of chaos and erratic behavior, Trump's Uranus in duplicitous Gemini is not only quirky and impulsive--it's oriental in his natal chart and as such acts as his guiding planet!

Of course, home detention may be a possibility for the convicted Roger Stone (with the aid of Cover-Up-General Bill Barr) and if so, Stone will become like (most of) the rest of us: isolated in sequestration, aka, social distancing, aka, sheltering in place. Actually, for myself I prefer to call it artisting-in-residence especially when I'm sitting at my drafting table facing a blank sheet of paper!

But from the looks of this developing situation, it would seem more appropriate for Roger Stone to call house detention a new lease on life.

Above image: Roger Stone; I'd give credit for the photo if I knew where it's due.

Apr 11, 2020

August 17, 2020 DNC with Syzygy Moon in Aquarius

DNC 2020 Changes Its Cosmic Tune

by Jude Cowell

As you know, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) has been postponed until August 17, 2020, still to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, last I heard. Obviously, the change makes my previous post Moon-Tracking DNC 2020 and RNC 2020 obsolete on the Democratic side. However, the RNC (August 24) horoscope and astro-notes hold true unless Republicans change their convention schedule, too.

As it stands for now: RNC August 24, 2020: Sun and Mercury in Virgo, Moon in Scorpio; Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio contains vibes of fanaticism, a fighting spirit, and a need to always 'get it right'.

The rescheduling of DNC 2020 to August 17 gives the Democratic Party a Leo Sun and Moon (once Luna leaves 29Cancer59 at 12:39 am CDT--and as you know, '30Cancer' is the "A Daughter of the American Revolution" degree.) Voting/nominating planet Mercury is also in shiny Leo and is no longer Stationing Direct as it was on July 13th, the original date for DNC 2020.

Now the last lunation prior to the opening of DNC 2020 on August 17th (aka, the convention's Syzygy Moon) is the Full Moon of August 3, 2020 @11AQ46. This Moon adds humanitarian vibes to the DNC 2020 picture and if the American people don't need more of that quality then I don't know what we need! Besides, Aquarius is our US natal Moon sign of We The People.

And yes, our Trump nightmare will linger long after he's gone (like a very very bad hangover) so I'm going to go ahead and type it: on November 3, 2020 - if we have an election at all - #VoteBlue no matter how you do!

Apr 10, 2020

Herd Immunity: Depopulation Foretold in 1980?

Can the Past Inform the Future? Let's Consult the Georgia Guidestones

by Jude Cowell

About three years ago a Steemit post appeared: The Georgia Guidestones and the Depopulation of the World which, despite its conspiracy theory implications, might actually make sense to many folks these days as the Covid-19/coronavirus contagion rages through society and Trump's apparent embrace of 'herd immunity' as a tactic. This amounts to a kind of a passive-aggressive way of "fighting" our "invisible enemy," as he calls it, and results in depopulation via 'thinning the herd' by letting the weaker citizens among us languish and die.

Now on several levels, this is a belated post for when I originally published the Horoscope of the Georgia Guidestones' dedication ceremony ("in the morning" of March 22, 1980, near Elberton, GA--I use 11:00 am since 'seeing/unveiling' Mercury in secretive Pisces is at Midheaven, the most visible point in a horoscope), the idea of depopulating the Earth of millions of people--advice listed on the Stones--seemed preposterous and certainly psychopathic. But now it's 2020 and the fact is, world "leaders" behave in psychopathic ways quite often--and with Trump it's multiple times per day. For as you know, his natal Mars rising opposes US natal Moon (We the People) so he considers the American people as little more than targets and enemies for him.

So in consideration of current events, I'm publishing here for the curious a marked-up Horoscope of the Georgia Guidestones in a bi-wheel with America's natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) in the center. No chart factors are noted - except that details of the 1980 planets as transits to the US chart are penned around the bi-wheel (please enlarge the image if you wish to read them!), plus, a few of Trump's natal planets (and his IC @25Scorpio) are listed in blue. For the most part, red = 1980, green = US natal.

So if the secretive intentions of the Georgia Guidestones for and against America and the American people are of any interest to you, consider the following transits of 1980 in light of current conditions which the suspicious among us could take as the dawning fruition of a dastardly depopulation/control plan designed by a powerful secret organization now using Spanky Trump as their figurehead 'to get the job done':

Of course, other planetary transits may be noticed as well so if you wish, leave your on-topic comments with this post. And do Share if you Dare! jc

UPDATE April 12, 2020: please see my two Comments underneath this post! jc

Updating the Astrology of Election 2020: But How?

What an Extraordinary Year to Hold a General Election

by Jude Cowell

Way back in March 2019, I climbed out on a limb to type and publish Astrology of Our Vulnerable 2020 Election. Considering current conditions in society of restriction and isolation, this was rather foolhardy of me, don't you think? Why, even Campaign 2020 has turned out to be an out-of-the-ordinary experience to the point where it's hardly happening at all. And yet a debate must happen soon, right? Meanwhile, Donald Trump is behaving like the shoe-in he's always wanted to be and Joe Biden thinks that our kids should hear more words. Because vocabulary.

So it seems that my re-reading the Election Day 2020 Horoscope would yield little if any additional information concerning the realms of Covid-19 and its negative effects on voting for no voter needs Astrology to tell them about the interference. It's in our faces - the faces we are cautioned not to touch.

Besides, much of our ongoing restriction-sequestration crisis has been written in previous posts including the ones with Eclipse topics. Enter 'eclipses' in the sidebar Search box to your right and you'll find a list of such posts. And I direct your attention to the December 26, 2019 ('Christmas') Solar Eclipse and to the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse at a critical-crisis degree, plus, any other eclipse posts you can find for 2020--including the Total Solar Eclipse pictured, above, which is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 (assuming we have one). For the curious, astro-notes on this December 14, 2020 Eclipse are here.

Yet if I added one more link to a previous post herein concerning portents for Election 2020 itself, it would be Is Election 2020's New Moon Prior Predictive? because of course, the answer is, Yes.

Apr 8, 2020

Current Conditions through the Lens of Eclipses

2020: Cosmic Time links via Historical Eclipses Now Reflected

by Jude Cowell

If you agree that solar and lunar eclipses yield fascinating information concerning the societal and historical realms, perhaps you caught a previous SO'W post Is This a Haunting Eclipse from 1777?. Manifesting within the 14 North Saros Series @13Can10--conjunct US natal Sun--a 14 North Solar Eclipse repeated as the 'Sequestration Eclipse' of November 25, 2011 ('a peculiar turn of events; illness; unexpected happenings in relationships and finances'). Now in 2020, we as a people are feeling 'sequestered' as we practice the doctor-recommended 'social distancing' and 'shelter in place' tactics intended to counter the spread of 'novel coronavirus' which, if infected, leads to Covid-19. Where observed, improvement in stats is shown and curves are "flattened." However, the fight must continue!

Simultaneously, the American people's stamina, endurance, and willingness to follow orders are being tested by government officials who are not necessarily following their own orders. Meanwhile, allegations have been made that celebrities and perhaps certain politicians have been paid to reveal that they have contracted the virus but are 'better now'. Cured even! Tests are readily available for them but for the rest of us, not so much.

So with eclipse themes running in the background of society and solar eclipses having a 19-year cycle of occurrence, history rhymes cyclically (giving society a chance to deal with themes more positively and make karmic progress 'this time around') so that current conditions may be studied via eclipses in history that either repeat by Series (ex: 14 North won't repeat until December 5, 2029 @14Sag), or are activated by degree, or, eclipse themes sometimes repeat within societal conditions so repetition of events/themes are also significant and may be tracked by previous eclipses conjoining modern eclipse degrees. Plus, as you know, certain degrees are deemed from ancient times to be critical or crisis degrees--as are 29 and 00 degrees which can add a sense of impatience and/or rashness to situations.

Summer 2020 Lunar Eclipses Activate Past Solar Eclipses

The Lunar Eclipse @15Sag34 of June 5, 2020 activates and reflects the 16 South Solar Eclipse of December 7, 1779 @15Sag45; 16 South Themes now reflected: 'misdirected motivations; wasted energy especially when dealing with groups'. Therefore, the Sabian Symbol of this degree, rounded-up, is also significant in Summer 2020: '16Sag' = "Seagulls Watching a Ship: Keyword: ALERTNESS; positive expression: a gift for recognizing every opportunity at hand; negative": (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "aimless expectation." Now you may disagree but for me, this symbol describes Trump's recent and continuing performance and his pie-in-the-sky expectations, plus, the plutocrats' habit of seeing every crisis as opportunity--especially the crises they engineer against us. It may also describe both friends and enemies of America watching our Ship of State sinking under the weight of corrupt governance, sails lowered.

Next this Summer comes the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020 @13Cap10. Obviously this 'eclipses' US natal Sun (13Can19 of July 4, 1776 = leader/s) and also activates and reflects the Total Solar Eclipse of July 4, 1777 in the 14 North Saros series, as mentioned and linked, above. Which is why I ask you, feeling sequestered yet? How about oppressed as during our Revolutionary era? And of course, the Cancer-Capricorn polarity contains Security issues and Home vs Career concerns, plus, Health conditions are implicated through the signs' Moon-Saturn influences. And naturally, Moon-to-Sun echoes a New Moon, a phase of 'seeding plans' as a new cycle of activity begins in the realm of The Public vs Authority Figures.

Now to close this fussy post, I am compelled to remind my fellow Americans in case anyone has forgotten that just because a Revolutionary War for freedom and independence from oppression was fought and won in the past doesn't mean that we don't need to fight for America all over again, even while an invisible enemy taunts and undermines us--as it did then. And globally, it's a very similar cosmic picture, the details of which will be more fully revealed and spotlighted by the June 2020 Summer Solstice Eclipse perfecting upon a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Recognition. And happily we should note that 00Cancer is the 'Gate to Life' degree.

So to open and enter such a grand portal, our need for stamina and endurance must continue, m'peops!

(Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Apr 6, 2020

Hospitals Prove Capitalism Needs To Be Reinvented! - Thom Hartmann

April 6, 2020: What the power elite and their hidden manipulators are expecting the CoronaVirus contagion and its subsequent difficulties and shortages to show us is that Global Government is desperately needed in order to solve such huge problems. But what it's making plain to a vast number of people is how weak the scaffolding of Predatory Capitalism is and how obviously the system needs overhauling! Here's a segment from today's Thom Hartmann program on just such a topic:

Mar 31, 2020

March 31, 2020: Moon-NN in Health-Politics-Business

March 31, 2020: Today at 12:51:25 pm EDT, the Moon conjoins by transit her own North Node @2Can43:53 which happens to conjunct America's natal Venus from 1776. Besides the Moon/North Node pair having health connotations such as 'the system of self-defense against infection in the human body, the lymphatic glands, spleen, and tonsils' (Ebertin), however, given our current health and related societal conditions and shortages, we may wish to consider today's combined lunar duo in relation to Politics and Business.

And I know of no better way to consider such things than to quote Michael Munkasey from his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (although I've heard he doesn't care to be quoted--we should make our own determinations using his information as guidelines--but mea culpa!).

Note that Ebertin also relates the lunar duo to expectant mothers and to spiritual links or unions, and as you know, emotional, tribal Cancer is the sign of mothers, families, nurturing, security, plus, the public and the public mood and trends. Naturally, these days the public mood is for people across the globe to be concerned about their own and family members's health and well being--and for good reason. So let's see what our public officials are concerned with--those with good intentions and those whose motives and intentions are not focused on what's best for the common good and are using the health crisis for their political and financial gains:

Potentials of Moon/North Node in Politics and Business

Thesis: The production of goods for trade or commerce; measurements of productivity; foreign trade and the channel or means for conducting trade; ports of entry; roadways, canals, transit systems, etc.

Antithesis: Common people involved in the conduct of foreign trade; the opinion of women in the conduct of trade or agriculture; agricultural failures or blockages at ports of exit or entry; public opinion about foreign trade.

As you see, the potentials are expressed in the Hegelian form--create or pose problems so you can 'solve' them as you'd planned or wish. And I suspect few would disagree that many if not all of these potentials apply to our current calamitous situation. Whether or not mention of any of these potentials or an event in relation to them will occur today at or about 12:51 pm EDT or later is anyone's guess. Perhaps an erstwhile reporter will pose a question of a politician or a commerce or trade representative, and perhaps an answer, truthful or full of adjusted data, will be offered.

As for this particular post, this is the moment that I type in closing, As Above, So Below.

Above image: Curious Night, a drawing by yours truly. Of course our days have turned mighty curious as well.

Mar 30, 2020

Asteroids in the Spotlight: Koronis and Wuhan

Four Asteroid Archetypes of a World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Since what was apparently the first case of the 'novel' Coronavirus came to light in Wuhan, China on November 17, 2019, the world has increasingly been gripped by a contagion difficult to vanquish. Most astrologers and astrology novices (like yours truly) have long appreciated the masterful work of Demetra George, an expert on asteroids and their archetypes which often 'come to light' when their expressions within the public discourse are spotlighted during related events, illnesses, and/or societal conditions, places, or persons associated with them.

Within the ongoing, crisis-laden global pandemic there are at least four asteroids that relate directly to timely medical issues of health, wellness, and illness: Aesculapia (#1027), Hygeia (#10), Wuhan (#3206), and Koronis (#158).

For the sake of comparison, here is a list of where in the Zodiac the four asteroids were located on November 17, 2019 (EST) and where each of them are as I type on March 30, 2020 (EDT):

11/17/2019: Hygeia @5Gem35 Rx; Aesculapia @9Can40 Rx conjunct transit North Node (future direction; destiny); Wuhan @11Sag16 conjunct US natal Ascendant; Koronis @26Cap50 in the vicinity of karmic Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and directly conjunct Inauguration 2017's Midheaven, the Goal Point, where US natal Pluto now lurks in the wings and rehearses for his starring role in America's first-ever Pluto Return--exact three times in 2022 (27Cap32).

03/30/2020: Hygeia @7Gem46 conjunct US natal Uranus; Aesculapia @3Can11 conjunct transit North Node and US natal Venus; Wuhan @26Cap14--still in Saturn-Pluto territory and joined by transit Mars and Jupiter--so Wuhan has now conjoined 2019 Koronis; meanwhile Koronis, now @18Pis41, conjuncts infectious Neptune (19Pis13) as transit Mercury @13Pis42 (who knows quite a lot about spreading things around including germs and gossip), conjoins a fixed star of crisis, Achernar, and is symbolized by the Caduceus, now applies to conjunction with deceptive fantasist Neptune (@19:22 9:14 pm edt) in secretive Pisces on April 3rd which suggests a certain wooliness of thought and expression, even lies, illusions, delusions, and confusion, as propagandist Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square continues influencing, seducing, and gaslighting the Collective Mind. Note that data is being adjusted, distorted, and in many cases, just plain falsified.

In closing we may wish to note that Asclepius was the son of Apollo (the sun god of healing, truth, and prophecy) and his mother was the nymph Coronis. And as everyone knows, what hides in shadows tends to fester while the best disinfectant is sunlight!

Mar 26, 2020

Covid-19 and an Eclipse: "a peculiar turn of events"

March 26, 2020: With the ongoing pandemic in full effect and the isolation and sequestration of people undermining national economies across the globe while stressing out people's health, plus, their personal and work lives, I'm adding here a link to my August 13, 2011 SO'W post of the sinister 14 North Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope (14N: "a peculiar turn of events"; unexpected financial events'--Brady) which perfected on November 25, 2011 @2Sag36--the era of the scam-prone "Super Congress" formed to enforce austerity measures, as I think you remember. Now the post is fairly long and involved so you may wish to skip the text but check out the eclipse horoscope shown twice--in a reasonably unmarked version and another image with my usual scribbled notes.

Also see Zach Carter's Senate Democrats Are Handing Trump the Keys to the Country via the outrageous Stimulus Bill about to be voted on by the House on Friday March 27, 2020 with the vote set for 2:00 pm est, last I heard. You'll recognize shades of the GOP 'tax cut for the rich' corporate welfare bill passed in December 2017, happily signed by plutocrat Trump, "the king of debt." Yes, the 2020 stimulus money may boost our economy to some degree (with $1,200!!?) with more relief packages to follow via Congress but it also has the ability to bankrupt the country as Republicans and their enablers have planned for decades. This is working perfectly for Trump will be the one to provide "oversight" of the money! "Oversight" by a deadbeat con man--what could possibly go wrong? Probably something like withholding stimulus funds from states that don't back him for re-election in 2020, imho.

As for the current Covid-19 pandemic, it's interesting in hindsight that US natal Neptune (23Virgo) rises in the DC 2011 eclipse chart and US natal Mars (22Gemini) conjoins the chart's Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope. This spotlights America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and actions as well as reflecting the Mars-Neptune duo as a marker for infection and illness. Of course, no one in the public knew in 2011 to expect the current widespread contagion and its ability to ruin lives and finances but here we are 9 years later with "a peculiar turn of events" that includes illness, death, and potential bankruptcy.

Current circumstances are made worse, as noted in a previous post or two, by Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = (12th house) Pluto: 'death of many people; murder; bodily harm; intervention of a Higher Power'(Ebertin).

For as you know, Mars-Saturn is, among other things, the 'death axis' - and here I shall add something that I've shied away from posting before, something that fixed star users are most likely familiar with already: Trump's natal Midheaven (25Taurus) sports enraged Algol upon it--and in Chinese Astrology the keyphrase for vicious Algol (Tseih She) is "piled up corpses." Just sayin'. And only those not keeping up with coronavirus news can miss the aptness of Algol's message when translated from the Chinese. For in NYC, a makeshift morgue has been set up after 88 people died in one day.

But back to the 14N Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope of 2011 for it shows a Mars-Neptune opposition squaring the Eclipse, the Sun and Moon (a dynamic T-Square). Mars-Neptune = Sun: 'danger of infection; undermining of the health; dissolution of a body'; Moon: danger of infection; sick or moody women; nervous weakness' (Ebertin).

In closing, I'm adding a note on how I came today to focus on the Sequestration Eclipse of 2011--because 14 North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of New York Governer
Andrew Cuomo
('noon' chart shown) who has taken the lead from can't-handle-the-truth Trump with the governor's clear-eyed public news updates concerning Covid-19 conditions and issues. After all, Trump the sugar-coater has proven that he has no place in this emergency and says he takes no responsibility for his failures.

Looking ahead, we can note that the next manifestation of a 14 North solar eclipse occurs on December 5, 2029 @13Sag45 conjunct what many astrologers view as America's natal Ascendant. Just sayin'.

Please note that although this post contains very difficult topics and Saturnian realism, your shares and on-topic comments are always appreciated for, as you know, we're all in this together! jc

Mar 23, 2020

Household Products That Kill COVID-19? - Thom Hartmann reports

Monday March 23, 2020: Some household products kill Covid-19 and some don't. A helpful Thom Hartmann fills us in on which is which:

Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn on Election Day 2020

Jupiter-Saturn Joined by Saboteur Pluto: Karma 2020 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

March 23, 2020: If you have yet to view the horoscope of Election Day 2020, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of November 3, 2020 showing 12:00 am to 11:59 pm set for Washington DC. There you'll see a Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn forming a revealing midpoint picture on that significant day of a super-significant presidential election. Not that down-ballot elections aren't important--they are, of course, especially since the Democratic Party needs to take the Senate and keep the House. Otherwise it's more years of regressive reactionary politics and policies led by Republicans and their crabby anti-constitutional backers - and no picnic even if Democrats prevail. Keeping our democratic Republic is the objective - or it should be.

However, if Republicans follow their usual formula now that wastrel Trump and his fellow culprits have demolished the National Treasury with their tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate welfare hand-outs, and other financial schemes and thefts, the reins of power will be handed to Democrats to 'fix' the economy. That's if it can be fixed after Covid-19 has its way with us. But as you know, faith is necessary in order to believe that there will be a US economy! For isn't it 'faith' that keeps fiat currency afloat to the extent that it has?

Well, be that as it may or may not be, this post is about societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) which, as a team, represent in Politics such things as 'checks and balances' - the form of government the Founders created back in 1776, and the form of government zealous saboteurs have shoved Washington away from - with circumstances made worse under the faithless Trump, McConnell, and friends. Will their Executive Branch power grab be permanent?

Jupiter-Saturn: More Changes Coming

Now as you know, year 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction (or Great Mutation, if you prefer) of Jupiter and Saturn, a 20-year cosmic event of major importance marking the time when a new cycle begins in society. Formerly conjoined in practical Earth signs, the upcoming conjunction occurs in the Air sign of water-bearer Aquarius with its Saturn-Uranus vibes of old order vs new order. If this marks the fabled "Age of Aquarius" it leaves much to be desired.

Now hopefully the following information will not be too confusing to read for instead of typing it all again, here's a slightly-edited-for-clarity reprint of my previous Jupiter-Saturn post followed by potentials of the Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto midpoint, plus, a few fussy remarks by yours truly:

Note that the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction perfects on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun and a few minutes after Winter Solstice) at 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = "checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems."

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: "government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration."

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: "Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has 'made it happen'; strategy."

And here are the potentials of the Winter Solstice 2020 midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun:

"Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others" (Munkasey); "inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience" (Ebertin); "taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (Tyl).

(As for "positively" influencing social change, I'd prefer the laid-back Joe Biden, thanks, especially since it's difficult to imagine how "King of Debt" narcissist Trump, 'the divider', could have any positive influence upon society at all. For it seems to me he's proven his negative intentions with his natal Mars opposing US natal Moon (We The People) although you're welcome to disagree. Yes, I complained about this touchy Moon-Mars opposition before Election 2016 but Trump voters were totally entranced by the snake and his lies to take heed.)

Yet we know that any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2021 and beyond, and any of the midpoints may be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses. This can make positive changes to previous changes a possibility!

Yes, the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it even more influential and doubles its global significance. Especially since the two planets are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses. Personally, I thank the Great Mathematician for this!

Yet we might also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus duo rises and conjoins the Ascendant in the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Horoscope which suggests potentials for more changes and for 'upsetting events, arrests, or injuries' (Ebertin); and/or 'deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others' (Munkasey). Well, arresting culpable corporate culprits would be an improvement for a change, wouldn't it?

As for their last conjunction--the current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020--that would be the Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium, at '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction perfected upon the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre--and for power over the world, corrupt and authoritarian though it may be. Jupiter-Saturn = natal MC: "changes, losses, fluctuating success" (Ebertin).

So the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since the two planets are indispensable as the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

Yet we must also note that the explosive, violent, gun-totin' Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for "upsetting events, arrests, or injuries" (Ebertin); and/or "deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others" (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is their conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who, imho, seems to continually betray his country for filthy lucre. To me the New Millennium has so far seemed a crooks-run-wild affair although you're welcome to disagree.

Karma Knocks at Society's Door

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: "intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes" (Munkasey); "violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation" (Tyl). (Note that "violent changes" may refer to earth changes such as natural disasters with disruptive Uranus in Earthy Taurus, a money sign, so there are economic implications as well.)

And here are the midpoint's potentials provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets: "Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to plans previously made; extreme lifestyle changes; transforming personal ideas about the future into today's reality."

Of course, the trio of planets in Capricorn play musical chairs off and on as the months go by creating different midpoint pictures as they change positions, yet considering that we're already experiencing such extreme changes now, it's safe to say that restrictive societal reforms will continue in one form or another into 2021 no matter who 'wins' in November 2020 or whether election results can be trusted--or, whether Election 2020 collapses or actually occurs or not.

And through all this, what I'm trying to say is that apparently, major changes and reforms to governmental, social, economic, and religious orders, as timed primarily by Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 2020 is an 'idea' (Aquarius) whose time has come, digitally and otherwise. And although we're feeling strong hints of them now, how harsh the upcoming changes, reforms, and restrictions will be remains to be seen.

: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 (DC Horoscope shown) which manifests @23Sagittarius conjunct Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, his bottomless pit of reigning emotional need for Jupiterian expansion and freedom.

Mar 21, 2020

March 2020 and a Tragic Midpoint Picture of Death

March 21, 2020: Readers who are familiar with SO'W posts concerning the natal horoscope of Donald Trump have most likely run across my complaints about a certain midpoint picture under which Trump was born: Mars-Saturn = Pluto found in his natal 12th house of the Unconscious, Hidden Enemies, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions such as Hospitals, and Politics. As you know, Mars-Saturn is known as the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, and denotes harmful, destructive energy. And as you know, astrological Pluto, planet of invisibility and karma, rules the realms of the Underworld, criminality and mobsters, power (including political and nuclear), transformation, surveillance, manipulation, control, the occult, and death.

Six Days in March 2020

Then a cosmic synchronicity occurred from March 13, 2020 (1:47 am edt) until March 18, 2020 (12:49 pm edt) when the very same tragic midpoint picture pulsed from within the transiting Capricorn line-up of planets and the Mars-Saturn-Pluto trio formed to echo Trump's Mars-Saturn = Pluto with its unfortunate potentials for: 'death of many people; murder; bodily injury or harm; intervention of a Higher Power' (Ebertin).

Of course, multiple Events of March 13, 2020 involved Covid-19 (plus, it was 'Friday the 13th').

And here is Democracy Now!'s March 18, 2020 Covid-19 Update as the number of infections were increasing.

Now as you know, large numbers of people are being tested and treated for CoronaVirus in other countries but in the US, "blameless" Trump, who initially called the contagion a "hoax" and kept to himself its existence for weeks as did others) has successfully managed to keep the American people and our healthcare system behind the curve with test kits, ventilators, hospital beds, masks, and other needed supplies and resources.

Yes, we can add Donnie's lackluster performance in the Covid-19 catastrophe to his other deficiencies of leadership--the list too long to mention--but to me, current events and his failures in leading the fight to protect and aid us against the virus seem more devilish than that since his sorriness could very well be purposeful, a method of depopulation, in fact, and an excuse for making extreme changes and reforms in and to our country (watch for them, they may turn out to be permanent!). And remember that the harsh, cruel January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 conjoined Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters--and/or wish fulfillment!

In addition, many people have theorized that the current conditions of enforced isolation and illness could potentially include a cancellation of the 2020 Election and Trump retaining office. Now there's motivation for the power-mad gold-hoarder!

So whether Trump purposefully dropped the Covid-19 ball or not, I can never forget or discount Trump's natal midpoint picture of tragedy since the day in 2015 I first noticed it in his natal horoscope: Mars-Saturn = Pluto.

How about you? Can you forget that the trio may motivate him unconsciously? Or maybe the question should be, Are you rich and famous in America? If so, congratulations and don't fret--for you'll be tested and treated if you haven't been already!


On the topic of plutonian Trump's 12th house Pluto here's a related post What About Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto? And looking ahead a bit, April 4, 2020 brings the first of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions (in the 22--25 Capricorn degree-range), the duo of plutocrats exploiting the masses, bankers, international corporatists, wealthy people, organizers of large projects, economic professors, speculators, squanderers, and a planetary symbol for the Federal Reserve Banking System, its board and members. More (Jupiter) Pluto may also be indicated as well as loss.

Please note that the March 13--18, 2020 time frame was identified via the Astrology software I use--SolarFire Gold v9+; other software programs may give slightly different timings.

Mar 18, 2020

Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope

Tiger by the Tail, a 4 North Eclipse, and A World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

March 18, 2020: In a January 1, 2020 SO'W post we considered the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, re-published here:

But that was before the CoronaVirus ("COVID-19") crisis stepped into the spotlight as a global contagion and now we find that a vicious, deadly assault upon civilization has begun. Plus, a cruel new phase of cyber war has been launched and threatens various institutions, industries, and organizations, both medical and otherwise. Nothing new, just more problematic for ill patients and the doctors and hospitals who treat them.

Are hackers susceptible to COVID-19? Of course! Everyone is.

Summer 2020 into December 2020: Crabs and Tigers

That the horoscope of the June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse @00Can21 in the difficult 4 North Saros Series casts a different hue upon 2020 events when the chart is viewed in hindsight is understandable so perhaps a few chart factors should be brought forward here. As noted in my previous post, 00Cancer00 is a critical degree and a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and recognition where global events can occur and come to light. If we wish to include in the eclipse picture Betelgeuse at the end of Gemini, we can add the star's keywords: fevers and/or acute illnesses.

Now obviously, all eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that tend to disrupt the even flow of earthly events and have long been seen as omens of catastrophe. However, in modern Astrology, most astrologers prefer to say that they presage a variety of events both negative and positive, and yes, they disrupt lives and place us on new paths much as erratic Uranus can do--usually while uncovering inconvenient facts, secrets, and scandals in the process. (And their background influences are active during historical events.) So as you know, a particular eclipse's configurations with other planets and points in a horoscope are all important for how its energies and themes express, plus, the presence of fixed stars, if any, must be considered for stars and eclipses work through or with one another (ex: Betelgeuse).

Eclipse Note: the previous 4 North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 10, 2002 @20Gemini--near US natal Mars--and an ill-advised war in Iraq soon followed; 4 North's initial eclipse occurred May 25, 1389 (OS) @12Gem08 with Pluto conjunct North Node @24Taurus (conjunct Trump's natal MC and enraged Algol). Plus the 1389 eclipse's doubly karmic Pluto-NN pair suggests "common destiny of a large mass of people" (Ebertin) and can be described as having a "tiger by the tail." That we have! So far from my chart studies I have to agree with Donald Trump that current viral effects may alter our lives for the rest of 2020 and beyond. My fret is that this medical catastrophe will be used to make permanent restrictive laws and regulations, even the implementation of martial law on the streets of America. You feel this too, don't you? The old 'crisis as opportunity' as they say in China. China! Or "shock doctrine" as Naomi Klein has ably informed us.

So as seen in the above horoscope, the planet of unexpected events, Uranus, rises yet positively this can also signify coping ability. And with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, a cosmic picture of infection and contagion of epidemic proportions can be seen--in the 12th house of Hospitals which in the US are now in danger of being overwhelmed by large volumes of contagious patients. That our nation's healthcare systems are unprepared for the onslaught caused by such a crisis is a circumstance that must be laid upon the door step of DC politicians, their donors, and others who have supported Republican austerity measures through the decades while snatching taxpayer monies from our National Treasury to support the foreign wars they profit from. Are these direct results of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and misguided ideals? I think so although you, dear reader, are welcome to disagree.

The massive funding now under discussion in Washington DC could further weaken America's financial resources although some measure of strengthening of the economy should also occur if money is properly distributed. Meanwhile, my cynical mind wonders if this is part of the plan all along--the plan to bankrupt and collapse the USA. However, such a conspiracy theory of sabotage is beyond the scope of this post so perhaps it will be for a another day. Besides, SO'W is replete with similar theories already!

Now as you know, America was founded in 1776 with Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Cancer and for a solar eclipse manifesting in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, karma is at work for we all must reap what we sow (including Donald "blameless" Trump). Additionally with a Cancer eclipse, family ties are suggested along with genetic inheritance and it's an emotional and highly receptive period when people tend to hide in their shells like crabs! Well, sheltering in place is the order of the day in March but with continued 'restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions' to come if the themes of the 4 North Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse influence earthly events from June to late November into December 2020. And they will.


In Addition:

Occurring just prior to Summer Solstice 2020, you might find a previous post June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope of interest with its focus on June 18, 2020. Plus, you'll notice in the 2017 Inauguration chart (center of the bi-wheel) that infectious Mars and Neptune were 'fore-tellingly' conjunct in Pisces! Who knew?

Then previous to June 18th, Donald Trump's 2020 Solar Return occurs with--you guessed it--a Mars-Neptune conjunction which has the transiting Saturn-Uranus midpoint sitting atop and suggesting a weakening strength or a weak condition of some kind.

But no cheers here for as I constantly remind myself: however Trump goes, so goes America. And as I've asserted many times on SO'W since 2005, America is my only nag in the race.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcome and please share if you care or dare! jc

Mar 10, 2020

Is America on Edge of Recession? (w/ Richard Wolff)

March 10, 2020: here's an insightful discussion of the US economy and its current challenges between economics Professor Richard Wolff and the always informative Thom Hartmann:

Neptune in Astrology: Contagion, Erosion, Corruption, Deception, and Secrets

Now I don't know about you, but I'm ready to give urge-to-merge Neptune floating through contagious Pisces some very loud boos. Besides, you know that Pisces is also the sign of fragile health and of course seniors and folks with underlying medical conditions are most at risk of succumbing to Covid-19. Our financial prospects are being undermined now as well and recessive conditions are a mark of Neptunian activities. Other planets are doing damage, too, but it's Neptune in Pisces I'm fussin' about at the moment.

So when can we look forward to transit Neptune leaving its own sign of watery Pisces and entering fiery Aries? Not until the very end of March 2025 for about 6 months or so. Then the Gaseous Giant meanders back into Pisces the third week of October 2025 and makes her final crossing of the Aries Point during the last week of January 2026 where she'll laze about in Aries, to-ing and fro-ing, until 2039.

Besides contagion, infection, fear, and paranoia, Neptune in Pisces has brought to the Collective surface interests in mysticism, psychism, ghosts, seances, UFOs, divine inspirations, perceptions from higher realms, Astrology, cravings of all sorts (particularly for drugs), loss, vagueness, ocean changes, floods and mega-storms, bubbles (including economic ones), deceptions, delusions, illusions, disappointments, pathological tendencies, hypersensitivity, and/or pessimism--to name a few.

Considering Neptune's 164-year cycle, it feels as if long-term karma has left its calling card for humanity.

However, with Neptune in Aries we may expect a continuation of hypersensitivity, and for some, a love of humanity will blossom. There may be longings for far distances, remote viewing could become more of 'a thing', expressions of rich feelings could be heard more often, confusion may reign off and on, insane ideas will astound, while some folks are prone to feeling a sense of aimlessness or nervousness. Yet from some gifted people will come dreams and plans that benefit the social welfare and make a real difference in society!