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Showing posts with label Secondary Progressions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secondary Progressions. Show all posts

Apr 17, 2015

April 2015: Barack Obama's Natal and Progressed Sun-Moon blends

Just for kicks, let's consider President Obama's natal Sun-Moon blend and his Secondary Progressed Sun-Moon blend for April 17, 2015 with the SP Moon remaining approximately 10 more months in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus:

Assuming we accept its accuracy, the natal horoscope of Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii) shows a Sun Leo-Moon Gemini blend of Fire and Air, the "live wire" combo full of bluster and joie de vivre. In dramatic Leo we see a lion; in talkative Gemini is a teacher, orator, and a facile-tongued messenger whose rhetoric is lifted by the fire of his Leonine Mercury.

Sun Leo-Moon Gemini is a humorous, quick-witted, analytical, and resourceful blend of energies with high aspirations--the "thinking activist." Friendly, optimistic, and resilient, this blend can be emotionally fickle, restless, and rebellious like a child; there is a tendency to rationalize.

Sun Leo-Moon Gemini's 'Images for Integration' of the conscious mind (adult) and the unconscious (child) are: "Children singing 'Happy Birthday to you' at a celebrity birthday party...On a bright summer's day a butterfly turns into a radiant being."

Progressing the president's natal horoscope to April 17, 2015, we find his Sun has progressed from 12Leo32 to 4Lib33 and natal Moon from 3Gem21 to 20Tau46 which denotes that Barack Obama has evolved into a Sun Libra-Moon Taurus personality blend of Air and Earth. This describes the rationality of a 'practical idealist' who observes, plans, and takes action. Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus within her realms of evaluation, finance, growth (Taurus), beauty, art, partnership, and diplomacy (Libra) and denotes a time of cooperation, campaigning for the social good (except on Fast-Track authority to shove more so-called 'free trade' deals through Congress which will decimate US jobs, various protections, and America's sovereignty--and give Congress a free pass when they're campaigning again--aka, Global Government implementation). Also indicated by this Venusian blend are vanity and promoting the abstract theories of the upper class.

Sun Lib-Moon Taurus' "Images for Integration" are: "A lecture on ancient Greek architecture and town planning...Newlyweds go on a gourmet's tour of Italy for their honeymoon." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

The first Image reminds me of Masonic Washington DC architecture and its planning by America's early Freemasons and others--built using megalithic measurements as are Stonehenge and other ancient monuments (observatories) across the globe. The second Image reminds me a president's travel itinerary to foreign lands.

So there he is, morphed into a Sun Libra-Moon Taurus personality which will, in about 10 months, change into a Sun Libra-Moon Gemini personality with the SP (Secondary Progressed) Moon in about one year or so reaching his natal Moon position (3Gem21), a personal culmination of some sort, before he leaves office. This will result in a lazy double-Air Sun Libra-Moon Gemini blend that tends to skim the surface and spread itself too thin.

And in relation to Politics and the legal system, one of its Images is instructive, I think: "Having delivered a fair judgment, the chairman of a conciliation and arbitration board chats amiably with the previously opposing factions."

May 10, 2014

Apr 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse a direct hit to Pentagon natal Sun 8Tau38

On April 29, 2014, a Solar Eclipse @8Tau51 directly hit (conjoined) the Pentagon's natal Sun (leadership.) A view of the Pentagon's natal chart (April 29, 1942 10:30 am EWT) may be seen here and here if you wish (post contains the horoscope and details with the January 2010 Solar Eclipse chart around it.)

However, it is only natural that the April 2014 Solar Eclipse would conjoin the Pentagon's natal Sun since April 29th is the Pentagon's 'birthday' or foundation date. Transits and progressions to its Solar Return may also be informative for 2014 and is in effect until the Death Star's next 'birthday' in 2015.

As one result of the Pentagon's Sun being eclipsed, we may expect that General Eric Shinseki's leadership of the Department of Veterans' Affairs and the ongoing scandal of secret case loads placed off-the-books so that certain department officials can earn big bonuses is now spotlighted in high relief by the April 2014 Solar Eclipse. Those congressional incentives to shorten waiting lists didn't work with the tempted!

America's natal Jupiter @5Can56 now progressed to 15Can23 Rx

An example is the Secondary Progressed position of America's Jupiter @15Can23 Rx which has been conjunct the Pentagon's natal Ascendant degree (15Can30) for decades and signifies in part the bottomless money pit that is America's Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and the US military. Factor in Special Ops and Secret Agencies ('Dark Money') and it's no wonder the amount of our national debt languishes in a deep dark Jupiterian hole. The Transit-to-SP Return/s occurred three times: September 9, 2013, January 6, 2014--and most recently on May 3, 2014, a time when a new 12-year cycle begins and former beliefs and ideologies may be revised into new plans and projects. (I'm using Secondary Progressions as indicators of the physical plane, a la Robert Blaschke--Minor Progressions represent the mental plane, Tertiaries the intuitional/spiritual plane described astrologically by the *27:13:1 ratio.)

And of course we know that Jupiter the General must justify his lofty position and satisfy global string-pullers with their raptor's eye on the main chance so The General is always devising new plans to invade more countries, much to the American people's sorrow.

So is a Solar Eclipse of a natal Sun positive or negative? There are too many factors to consider for this brief post for results may go either or both ways depending on the condition of the Sun in the natal chart, house rulerships, plus, other transits, progressions, and return charts as they affect natal planets and chart angles and house cusps.

Yet perhaps most important of all is how conscious of the cosmic circumstances and potentials which are embedded within the natal horoscope are the actors and officials involved, how if at all do they use the energy whether consciously or not, and what--besides global conquest and protection of US assets--are their true motivations toward positive or negative outcomes.

Any thoughts?


*27:13:1 = we think (Minors/Mercury) 27 times faster than we act and as a thought bubbles up from the Unconscious it is either suppressed or allowed to become conscious; we then feel an emotion and perhaps an intuition (Tertiaries/Moon) about the thought or idea which occurs 13 times faster than we act upon it. Then, if we choose to do so (or are compulsively impelled), we act in order to manifest the idea on the physical plane (Secondaries) and bring it to fruition. See Progressions by Robert Blaschke.

The inward turning of America's Jupiter energies (how we expand, explore, and relate to the world around us) occurred with a Rx Station of our natal Jupiter in 1905 and relates, among other things, to the Panic of 1907 and the subsequent establishment of the Federal Reserve System (1910--1913) in the aftermath of the (rigged) economic crash that made J.P. Morgan our 'hero'.

As you know, 'The Fed' is the central bank of the US, controlled by the British banking system headquartered within the City of London--just what many of the Founding Fathers warned about and what the controversial President Andrew Jackson fought against so voraciously though he was an illuminated Freemason. See Freemasonry and The Illuminati.

For more info, you may wish to check out The Guardian's 2011 article concerning the unaccountable Corporation of the City of London "--where democracy goes to die."

Nov 13, 2013

11.28.13: US Progressed Moon-Saturn conjoin for a "House Raising"

On Nov 28, 2013, US Progressed Moon Meets Progressed Saturn @3Sco10

by Jude Cowell

The Secondary Progressed horoscope that issues from America's natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) shows an important conjunction becoming exact on November 28, 2013. Here's America's SP horoscope with transits for that moment and date (3:10 pm EST), set for Washington DC:

Secondary Progressions: Hour of Mercury (20AQ27 Rx in 6th house of Daily Rounds, Work, Service, and Health); SP Pluto @29Cap16, a critical or crisis degree, remains out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and has moved into SP 5th h--SP South Node @26Cap15 is closer than ever to Pluto indicating the US War Machine as the military arm of Pluto's forceful agenda; chart-ruler Sun @9Pis06 is in SP 7th h denoting a 'giving away' of control to others (Sun = leader) and transit Chiron currently conjoins this Sun showing the wounds now being inflicted upon President Obama, many of which involve the failed debut of the ACA website (Neptune = webs, networks, falsehoods, failures, losses); SP Jupiter Rx @15Can24 continues its conjunction to the Pentagon's natal Ascendant showing the bottomless money pit that Washington politicians through the decades have allowed our military misadventures to become.

(America's SP Jupiter Return occurred in September 2013 when transiting Jupiter 'caught up with' SP Jupiter in mid-Cancer); our natal Jupiter Return occurred on July 22, 2013 and a 12-year report may be ordered in this blog's sidebar.)

As you see (click image to enlarge), transit North Node (NN,a Jupiterian point of encounters and alliances) is moving nearer the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction which will separate at the end of December 2013 so we may expect the usual rush of excited energy for New Year 2014, at least until vinegary Washington politicians sour things the way they apparently prefer them. Single digits! Did you hear that Congress' approval rating has now dropped to 9%? Wonder what's the matter with the 9%? As some say, that's counting their family members and friends!

(Blog Note: as I began to type this post a look at my Solar Fire software was warranted and I discovered that Mercury's current position a few minutes before 11:00 am EST is: 3Sco10. Hmm.) '3Sco' = "A House-Raising" in the Sabian Symbols and what this could mean for Congress and the American public who holds their sorry antics in low regard is your guess and mine. Of course, real estate and property values may also be denoted.

Now if you look to the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values, you see the transiting Ascendant (the WHAT? Point) on November 28, 2013 at 3:10 pm (another '3:10'!) is @18Lib25 and so brings up US SP Mars @18Lib22 and retrograde since Summer 2006. '19 Lib' is the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree with its negative expression: 'abnormal mistrust of everything worthwhile" (Jones.) But robbers? The world has gracious plenty of those for every occasion.

In 4th house, the transiting Saturn-Pluto midpoint of loss, cruelty, and hard work, now conjoins US natal Ascendant which indicates cold feelings, melancholy, working with powerful or influential people, and/or, silent power (Ebertin; Munkasey.) This echoes the Saturn-Pluto opposition which conjoined the US natal ASC-DESC axis for the 9/11/01c coup. ASC-DESC = Self and Others, and Saturn-Pluto's activity in our natal chart also supports the depressive aspect of the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction.


Does our November 28th Moon-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, sign of Regeneration, Surgery, and such, give us an astro-picture of the public's (Moon) depression over and delays (Saturn) in the health insurance sign-up process? In a previous post I mentioned that transit Mercury (websites, technology, signing up, contracts, negotiations, news, etc) will leave his retrograde shadow, the degrees he retraced during Rx phase, at the end of November 2013 which tallies with what the White House hopes will be the date by which the Obamacare website will be operating on or near its best performance level. And all of it encounters our SP Moon-Saturn conjunction!

Yet could the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction may be timing improvements more accurately? If so, their separation by at least one degree at the end of December 2013 may denote a brightening of the American public's prospects in the realm of healthcare and health insurance.

So what is a Progressed Moon-Saturn conjunction telling us about ourselves and our society for Saturn, along with Jupiter, are the societal planets?

SP Moon to Saturn indicates a period of dealing with basic survival for many Americans as we seek safety for ourselves and our families--perhaps another reference to the benefits of Obamacare, if those who need it can get its coverage. During this "don't rock the boat" conjunction, productive work wards off anxiety and depression and each person must do what they have the power and opportunity to do--then, let go. Plus, Pottenger and Dobbyns have called a Moon-to-Saturn conjunction in Progressions a "cosmic report card" concerning "how we are handling the rules of the game."

Well! Since the collective must necessarily include members of our 9%-approved Congress, I suspect their report card shows a big fat F minus next to the president's F, don't you? Perhaps demonstrations and protests are on the public's menu--but let's not give up on America, just on those who undermine our nation!

Another factor I must include is tr Mars' visit to US natal Neptune and SP Neptune (unwise decisions and actions, disguised culpability, hidden motives), as you can tell by Mars' position @24Vir59 where Mr. Quarrels has just entered the SP 2nd house with its cusp @23Vir19. And there in 2nd house awaits our SP Mars @18Lib22 Rx so there are multiple references to Mars-Neptune issues and concerns that have America's natal and problematic Mars-Neptune square 'running in the background'. The square's 'misdirected energy/misguided actions' inclinations just keep on tripping us up via the self-undoing of the political establishment's overly enthusiastic plans for conquest, domination, and fraud.

Additionally, President Obama is not left out of the situation since his natal Mars in Virgo conjoins US natal Neptune, a synchronicity between 1776 and 1961 that helped create the 'rock star' vibes of 2008 which made him popular, and which veils or obscures the public's clear view of his actions and motivations (she's blogged a zillion times before!) Yet with the president's approval rating now below 40%, it seems that the Inauguration 2013 horoscope wasn't kidding about a drop in his popularity with its 1st house Moon (the public; popularity) near the 1st house South Node of the Moon, a Saturnian point of separation and disfavor.

So we can't discount the possibility that the November 28th SP Moon-Saturn conjunction is descriptive of the low point in President Obama's approval ratings so if his popularity climbs in December--which one assumes it may once the ACA website is workable and more people have discovered better insurance and the amounts of their subsidies--we may assume that the SP conjunction correctly timed the president's ratings bottom and marks the start of a gradual improvement in public opinion.

Well, as you see, there are many more factors worth noting from both the November 28, 2013 SP chart and the planetary transits on what is our annual Thanksgiving Day, but my blogging time isn't as expansive as it once was, so I'll hush for now and publish what I have so far. As always, your comments and/or analyses are warmly invited!


Correction to the SP horoscope: near the top of the chart, I have wrongly labeled Mercury's SP position as '23Ari41' though it's noted above that SP Mercury is @20AQ27 Rx in 6th house. '23Ari41' is actually the position of SP Venus! And on another note: astrologers such as Nicholas DeVore call '3 Scorpio' the 'Fall of the Moon' degree which, if so, may only make matters more difficult for the length of time the Moon-Saturn conj is in effect through 2013. Obviously, its opposite degree, '3Tau' is the 'Exaltation of the Moon' degree and is considered to be fortunate; also, it is the degree of Chiron in its Discovery chart of November 1977 (3Tau08 Rx). jc

Oct 9, 2013

Uh-oh! Jupiter Stations Retrograde on November 7, 2013

On October 7, 2013, Robert Reich published Their Real Goal: To Make Us All So Cynical About Government, We Give Up in which the professor explains much better than I can do what this blog has been primarily about these last 8 years. (SO'W turns 8 on October 17th!)

Guess I can hang up my blogging spurs, right? But then how will I deal with my frustration with Washington DC, my favorite city of residence even though I relocated to Georgia years ago? Yes, I still miss its green parks and streets of stately embassies though I can't say much for what 'they've' done with the place lately--that 'Shining City on a Hill'. And yes, I know I've usually added "built on a swamp" to the glowing description that Ronald Reagan used so effectively but the District of Columbia was built on a swamp as selected by George Washington, wasn't it? And since Astrology teaches that the End is in the Beginning, well then...?

Anyway, the ongoing government shutdown and looming default on our debts (if Tea Party congress members are allowed to keep showing their patooties) is on the minds of many Americans, on tongue's tip for all TV and other pundits, in the news, wafting through the airwaves, and meanwhile, Moneybags Jupiter the Banker in Moon-ruled Cancer will soon prepare for a Retrograde Station on November 7, 2013, a mere 4 days after the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 at 11Sco15.

Today's Mercury @11Sco38 (thinking, communicating) conjoins what will be the November eclipse degree (11:15) and the position of austere conservative Saturn conjoined it in the Jupiter Direct Station chart of January 30, 2013 which denotes acceptance of responsibilities, or accountability if not. You'll note that several indicators of an improving economy have been apparent during 2013--until lately with shutdown-default fever hitting the overly excited Tea Party-Republican House. Now that Jupiter is about to Rx, money sources and investment may dry up or at least be stalled or delayed; this planetary about-face bodes ill for the staged "of course the US won't default" assurances being touted by many of the hostage takers on Capitol Hill (when there are cameras around.) Of course, a review of ideology may also be on Jupiter's menu which would perhaps be a good thing if it's hostage-takers doing the review of their success-at-any-cost tactics.

These upstarts (Uranus in Aries) seem to imagine that they'll have control of the situation once they put in motion their plan to undermine President Obama's agenda. How wrong they are for things will spiral and ripple out from their foolishness into what, after all, they may actually want--global meltdown, or at least circumstances where they can establish their Austerity Flag over our republic. Have Republicans accepted President Obama's victory in November 2012? Obviously not. And saying things over and over don't make them so.

Today, POTUS nominates Janet Yellen as head of the Fed and transit Jupiter will Station Rx @ 20Can30:39 on November 7, 2013 at 12:03:06 am est and in a horoscope set for the Capitol Building, falls into the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. This Rx period of The Banker may even affect Yellen's confirmation hearing in a negative way or simply indicate a nominee who's already been (Rx) working at the Fed.

Then, adding tension to the stalemates in Washington over budgets and fiscal responsibility, '20Can/Cap' are critical degrees, and since Jupiter increases or expands whatever he contacts, we may expect some of the themes of a certain Fixed Star @20Can to be potentially influential within current events...Castor: mental illness, sudden loss or fame, crippling of limbs (or of governmental branches?), murder. (A. Louis.)

Of course, a bright side may be the November 2013 Solar Eclipse itself with its Uranus-Neptune 'bright idea-break through-solutions' content along with the fact that as Jupiter seemingly moves backward through the Zodiac, Mr. Moneybags will again contact US natal Sun (13Can19) around January 20, 2014, then the Great Benefic will Station Direct @10Can26 on March 6, 2014. Direct Jupiter to US natal Sun (the leader) occurred during the last week of August 2013 and denotes a culmination of something begun 12 years prior (war?)--things must move to the next stage or level, or be discontinued. It also may bring recognition or some kind of honor or reward though ego inflation, over-promising, or over-expansion are possibilities.

As for the theatrical antics of the Teas and Republicans, perhaps you remember a discussion we had here some time ago concerning the Secondary Progressions of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI) which, beginning in May 2010, showed a worrisome YOD pattern (crisis; turning point) formed between their SP 6th house Mercury @27Sco01 (conjunct Mr. Obama's natal MC) sextile SP 8th house Jupiter @28Cap01 (conjunct US natal Pluto). The sextile pointed toward the SP Ascendant, the Party itself, at '28Gemini', a degree of Bankruptcy in Sabian Symbols--and the GOP idea to bankrupt our nation was apparently sanctioned by the international banking syndicate (Pluto.) Plus, they had worked hard at it through the 8 years of Bush-Cheney!

So now we find that Republicans have arranged everything skillfully (Mercury-Jupiter = ASC) and because of this planetary condition in the Party's evolutionary progress, I expressed deep concern then since the above-mentioned plan to undermine the US government (and shrink it till it can be 'drowned in a bathtub'--presumably along with a majority of the American people) seemed to be trotting right along for them and now, in 2013, even the most apathetic among us can plainly see evidence of their plan of attack as Ted Cruz & pals jerk around the US Congress in order to paralyze governmental functions while shouting "bankruptcy!"

Sadly, the fact that the rest of the world thinks America has gone mad doesn't begin to describe the problems the corporate infestation of our capital is causing and will cause to us and to global markets. And the coup is happening right under our noses.

So I ask you: are We the People so paralyzed into stupidity that we will allow the few to ruin the many?

Also see: Boehner Wants America to File for Bankruptcy.

Oct 3, 2013

Oct 2013 Republican Party: Pluto-ASC = Mercury @1Sag13

A quick post concerning the stalemates and quarrels ongoing in Washington DC over the Affordable Health Care Act ('Obamacare') and the soon-to-crest debt, deficit, and default clusters of chaos. Well, actually this post is more about the Secondary Progressions (SP) of the Republican Party, founded on July 6, 1854.

SP Ascendant, the Party itself, is at a World Point of Manifestation which possibly hints at their chance to crash the global economy with their self-serving antics. This ASC is sextiled by SP Pluto @1Tau56 Rx in SP 11th house of Hopes and Wishes (and Groups, Associations) and their sextile is in process of forming the base of a crisis-ridden YOD pattern, aka, a Finger of God, and representing a crossroads, turning point, special task, or a spiritual opportunity.

Since the GOP's roots are firmly planted within a mystical heritage, we might wish for them to take advantage of this 'spiritual opportunity' but this is probably not on the agenda of an organization so focused on attaining and maintaining worldly power.

Perhaps the midpoint picture potentials for the trio may add a bit of light to the current behavior of the Republican-Tea Party who seem determined to crash the US government because things aren't going their ideological way:

Pluto-ASC = Mercury (thinking; communicating): rationalizing thoughts and ideas to work outside the law (ex: government shutdown over the ACA, a settled law)--and I would add, blurting them all over my TV; a mental outlook that is used to destroy or eliminate opponents (Munkasey); the urge to dominate others (Ebertin.)

There are several other factors of note in the Secondary Progressions and other Progressed charts of the Republican Party but that's all my blogging time for today.

Jul 14, 2013

July 2013: Mars in Cancer and the Cardinal Square

Planetary Tales of Summer 2013 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

Over at Celestial Space, Dipali Desai points out that the transit of Mars through Cancer from mid-July to the end of July, 2013 activates the Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square.

So Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn are involved with a Mars-Moon-Saturn signature which underscores America's Secondary Progressions which we discussed recently with the People's SP Moon now between SP Mars and SP Saturn which provides We the People and the public mood with feelings (Moon) about losing something while inducing for many a level of depression that hopefully will lift once SP Moon moves from between SP Mars and Saturn--after November 28, 2013, though around that date there may be a difficult or weakening event as SP Moon 'catches' SP Saturn Rx @3Sco10.

SP Moon symbolically moves about one degree per month.

A glance at the transits of Nov 28, 2013 shows a difficult transiting midpoint picture of Saturn-Neptune = Pluto which supports our Mars-Saturn-Moon condition through its potentials for feeling downtrodden, depressed, and/or fearful of loss...just how plutocrats of the Underworld want us to feel!

So in July 2013, this leaves the Venus-ruled sign of Libra, where US natal Saturn is placed @14Lib48, and it too--the planet of courts and justice (or sometimes, justice denied), evaluations, revenge, diplomacy, relationships, smaller amounts of money, the attraction principle, and ruler of America's natal MC @00Lib+ is being triggered for our Libran Saturn is within orb of activation from an opposition by quirky rebel Uranus, planet of freedom, which may have aided George Zimmerman's Not Guilty verdict last evening and announcing him "free to go".

Actually, a chapter of the Cardinal Square/Grand Cross tale is told in my upcoming US Jupiter Return Report 2013 available soon in PDF format for your printing pleasure. This is a 12-year horoscope and our nation's first Jupiter Return since the three-fer Return/s of 2001-2002. Testy Mars also figures prominently in the July 22, 2013 Jupiter Return so I hope you'll check out the JR 2013 Report which will be listed near the top of this blog's sidebar.

As Dipali mentions, Mars, motivator, activist, and sometime-shootist, also activates the ongoing Water Grand Trine from July 13--16, 2013 so check out her helpful insights concerning Mars in Cancer and his activist role in our affairs!

Nov 9, 2012

Horoscope: GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart

Delusional GOP Loses White House: SP Moon-Neptune Opposition

by Jude Cowell

My blogging time is brief today but I want to publish a copy of the Secondary Progressed (SP) Horoscope of the Republican Party set for November 6, 2012. Below you see that during Campaign 2012 their SP Moon was within orb of an opposition to SP Neptune with Neptune at '14Pisces' ("A Lady in Fox Fur" --Jones; that's FOX fur! --jc; Dr. Jones gives the negative expression of "14Pis" as: "amoral opportunism" which describes the GOP, FOX News, and Rupert Murdoch to me. Yet some say that Mr. Murdoch and FOX are happy Mr. Obama won because it means more profits for them! Who would they complain about and undermine with their ridiculously obvious 'echo chamber' of lies if Mitt had won?)

The following progressions issue from the natal chart of the Republican Party: July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI:

Horoscope: GOP Progressions for Nov 6, 2012; Hour Venus; Mars out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and up to who knows what in governmental Capricorn; Sun conjunct Venus (self-satisfaction.)

Another factor is that the Nov 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 (theme: "joy through commitment"--Brady) conjoins GOP SP South Node of separation and loss; the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of their SP chart manifested on Nov 20, 1854, the horoscope of which contains a character-implicating midpoint picture involving wealthy 'Jupiter-Pluto' ('special achievers, big financiers, those who mount grand projects, religious leaders', etc)...

Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune (transit Neptune @13Pis10 Rx--in FOX fur!): deceiving, seducing, cheating others; loss through others without being aware of it (Ebertin.)

Now if you can, please click to enlarge the image and read a few more basic details scribbled around the chart. The 'my correction' refers to the mess I made when writing 'NN/AS = Saturn' in the midpoint pictures list, upper right.

As you see, the SP Moon on Election Night was in process of moving beyond an exact opposition of a few months' duration (Moon @14Vir39, Neptune 13Pis15) and since aspects are stronger as they apply (approach), the delusion and deception indicated by the Moon-Neptune opposition have begun to fade as the re-election of President Barack Obama gave the GOP a well deserved Wake Up Call (to which they remain as of yet, determined to ignore--when the president called Boehner and McConnell after the results were announced, Mr. Obama was told that both men "were asleep"--puh! another sour-grapes instance of GOP rudeness and disrespect shown toward the president.

Another factor I shall mention is the inconjunct (or, quincunx, 150 degr = adjustment, strain) between thinking-planning Mercury @00Sag03 in 6th house of Military Service (@"1Sag" = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire") and the SP Ascendant (the party itself) indicating that the Republicans won't discuss their shortcomings when they're brought up in conversation and they primarily deflect doing so by changing the subject to other topics.

Yet most realistic folk know that you can't repair problems unless you first admit they exist and correctly identify them! This week's constant stream by the GOP and party surrogates of blaming Hurricane Sandy disrupting Mitt Romney's imagined "momentum", Governor Chris Christie's appreciation of President Obama's aid and attention in New Jersey after Sandy hit, the Democrats' "supressing the vote" (they're joking on that one, right?!) is no way to fix the party's considerable problems which are platform-based and attitudinal.

Look at that SP Mercury--it's your harsh and antiquated ideas, stupid! And by SP Mercury's Sabian Symbol we may infer that war was/is a big part of their hoped-for strategy especially since the neocon Vulcans were set to ride in on Mitt's white horse and take over the White House and Pentagon if they'd won the presidency.

So with one of Neptune's realms being mass media--FOX News in particular, in this case--we can see that the people (Moon) were awash with the faulty propaganda and bubble-protected ideas of the Republican Party put out for those gullible enough to be swayed.

And though the Democratic Party has few members of a saintly nature, I'm glad the delusional GOP got beat on November 6th as heartily as they did. Now as the weeks go by, we'll see how disruptive Election Day 2012 Mercury's Retrograde period will be with lawsuits and threats of recounts already being announced. A good example is Rep. Allen West who sees "communists" lurking about the halls of Congress.

Which is amusing because I see Crazy Nutzoids lurking about the halls of the Republican Party...

Sep 1, 2012

10.3.12 Romney's SP Moon = SP Mc: "The President--"

Oct 3, 2012: Romney's Progr'd Moon to Progr'd Mc = "The President of the Country"

by Jude Cowell

This weekend I'm in the midst of serious typing of my Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 issue #2 of Stars Over Washington Monthly so I'm squishing this post between the final night of RNC 2012 on Thursday, and the start of DNC 2012 early next week. Whew!

Yet as I study the horoscopes of the presidential debates and the one VP debate (their schedule/locations listed below, unless changed) it seems I couldn't put off any longer posting Mitt Romney's Secondary Progressions for the day of the first presidential debate of October 3rd (9:00 pm debate charts are used which doesn't matter much for Progressions--unless for some timely reason it does.) As you know, the symbolic movement of the SP Moon is based on the actual movement of earth's Moon which amounts to approximately one degree per month in astrological progressions. There are many interesting chart factors but I must only mention a few this evening (a new SNL tonight, I think!)

Issuing from Mitt Romney's natal chart, we see that his SP Moon (Moon = 'reiging need'--Tyl) has reached his progressed Midheaven (MC = Aspirations; The Goal; Public Status) and his 5-6 year Quest to be president of the land is very much in sight (MC.)

Now the American people don't need Astrology to inform them of Mr. Romney's longed-for vision (SP Moon opposite SP Neptune--and the sailing Moon occulted mystical Neptune for his nom acceptance speech) yet I thought you might wish to view Romney's SP chart showing Moon-to-MC 'in black and white' in case you hadn't seen it before. The synchronicity is quite striking given the circumstances and I believe that having his SP Neptune 8Lib19 Rx at IC, the Foundation of the Matter, represents on one level his vision of being CEO-in-Chief and on another level the Mormon Church and its hierarchy of 'gods on Earth' (puh!) who apparently intend to place Mitt at America's helm, in the White House.

As always, feel free to disagree, and No, I don't like thinking of four years of a Plutocrat-in-Chief even though I feel that international banking houses have ruled the US government at least since the early 1900s and act through a political arm (Washington agents) and through the US Central Bank, aka, the Federal 'Reserve' System (which at best, is quasi-federal, if that.)

Now perhaps it isn't fair not to post President Obama's SP chart for October 3rd as well but there's little time to spare. However, I can say that with his SP MC @18Cap24 (Honolulu, Hawaii) has SP Saturn 23Cap14 Rx and SP Jupiter 27Cap19 (turned Direct by Progression from its natal sign of AQ and conjunct US natal Pluto Rx) so there are good portents on a societal level (Jup-Sat = societal planets and on a pragmatic get-it-done level, too. Jipter to Pluto shows links to large financiers and funders though 'they say' not as many as Mittens has squirreled away. (Large tax breaks are expected, you know.)

Well, Mr. President's SP Moon on Oct 3rd is @14Ari39 (in SP 12th house of Politics) and he is now on the waning side of a SP Full Moon (perfected @1Ari10 on Nov 6, 2011 near the AP) while Mr. Romney enters his SP Balsamic phase of the Moon on Sept 22, 2012, beginning a period when endings, partings, and separations are prominent and one may take over tasks and responsibilities for someone who, for some reason, cannot carry on. And you may as well know that it pains and annoys me very much to type this presidential possibility.

Chart shown: Oct 3, 2012 Secondary Progressions for Mitt Romney, born March 12, 1947 9:51 am EST Detroit, Michigan; natal ASC 1Gem01...'2Gem' = "Santa Claus Filling Stockings Furtively" which sounds like Mittens to me! And much like the grasping, furtive GOP as an entity and a win-at-any cost force for selfishness.

Sabian Symbols from SolarFire Gold v8 software which may be found at as you wish.

2012 Debates:

Oct 3 Denver, CO

Oct 11 VP Biden v Ryan, Danville, KY

Oct 16 Hempstead, NY

Oct 22 Boca Raton, FL

Jul 21, 2012

On Romney's Progressed Lunar Phase (Balsamic)

(The following should be filed under Sometimes You Just Want to Be Wrong...)

A Few Astro-Reasons Why Mitt Romney Could Take the Cake on November 6th

by Jude Cowell

Now I know that Mr. Romney won't know what to call the cake, but he may just take it and rush into the White House on January 21, 2013, much to my chagrin...

In 2011, I mentioned on this blog that Mitt Romney enters a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase by progression on September 22, 2012, just in time for the November 6, election/s. As you know, Balsamic phases are the dark of the Moon, just prior to a New Moon whether by transit (real time) or progression (moving the natal chart ahead approximately one degree per year of life to gain hints about one's evolutionary progress and 'time of life'.)

The Balsamic phase of the Moon often relates to 'taking over where another has left off' and/or may bring endings, partings, and separations. Natally, this phase describes one who is born with a prophetic streak (ex: George Orwell) but here we're talking about progressions. Now if you follow the link above, you'll find some info on Romney's Secondary Progressions and his Natal Chart data with the correct birth time--9:51 am, though some of my earlier posts here about Mr. Romney do not have his birth time (which Astrodatabank provides, as I discovered later on, for SO'W is quite gray around the muzzle, you know!

Therefore, today's post is an update due to the fact that November 6th is upon us, and I had not fully considered in 2011, as Romney entered the presidential race (again!), that the November 6, 2012 election/s will be affected by the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio with its 'joy through commitment; taking on responsibilities' theme (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) My point is that I'd taken Romney's SP Balsamic phase as inauspicious for starting a new presidency when it could also describe a 'taking over' of duties when another (President Obama?) could not, for some reason, carry on. I don't want to believe it, but there it is.

Yet when endeavors are begun under the influence of a Balsamic Lunar phase, they often do not last the duration or end suddenly which may indicate a presidency of less than four years if Romney wins (or, 'wins' if the election is skewed and marred as in November 2000 with voting Mercury moving retrograde on Election Day 2012 as in 2000. And you know what miseries that wrought for America. Say, one of the Romney sons isn't named Chad by any chance, is he?)

Another consideration is what Secondary Progressed Lunar phase has President Obama reached in life? Well, he's on the downside of a SP Full Moon which was exact on November 6, 2011 (precisely a year before this year's election!) @1Ari10 which conjoins US natal IC (The End of the Matter; The Foundation) in America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Phildelphia, PA.) This degree was recently transited by radical Uranus and conjoins the Aries Point of fame, recognition, and prominence of course, but this may not be enough cosmic fuel to garner Mr. Obama a 2012 election victory though the 'light' of his SP Full Moon certainly hasn't faded completely (his Disseminating phase begins March 13, 2015.) And 2012's election outcome may depend almost entirely on how successful GOP dirty tricks against him turn out to be.

Will the American people succumb to a vulture capitalist as CEO-president? For a different outcome, a landslide for Mr. Obama will be necessary, sans dancing leave your sofa on November 6th and it will be there when you return.

Meanwhile, candidate Romney, who seems to be in possession of the greater campaign chest of gold and rubies, has a boost from the Sabian Symbol of the degree at which his SP Moon enters the Balsamic phase which may possibly be supported by the theme of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse occurring within the two-week time frame of influence upon the 2012 election/s. His SP Balsamic Moon degree (10Ari24), rounded up is:

'11 Aries' = "The President of the Country" which I confess chills my soul with its "1% president" implications that intend to gut our social safety net programs to the bone in order to gift even more Corporate Welfare to those who have no need of it--plus, the degree's word picture has a negative/shadow side connotation for something which Romney seems to me to possess in great Jupiterian abundance: vain pretense.

Now, a la Ann Romney, that's all You People need to know about my concerns that Mitt Romney and clan will take all the cake. And being greedy, they'll gobble up all the crumbs, too.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (Sun Leo.)

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am Detroit, MI (Sun Pisces.)

Dec 22, 2011

GOP kittens tangled in own yarn? Their YOD says, Yes!

Republican Kittens and Jupiter the Thespian 12.22.11

by Jude Cowell

Sometimes when people try to be 'too clever by half' they end up out-doing themselves instead of the people they work so hard to best. At least, my hope is that this is the case with the current Political Theater now showing on a Capitol Hill whose hijinks threaten to mess with Christmas 2011 for millions of disappointed Americans.

So far, no wrapping is needed for we can clearly see that the American people's gift from the GOP as we enter 2012 is to be held hostage to ideological zealotry and an oath taken to what they consider a higher authority than the American people: Grover Norquist, famous for his no-tax-no-government psychosis of futurist utopianism.

Click 'Grover Norquist' to view his natal horoscope where you can see the elusive, mask-wearing Sun/Neptune conjunction which is now being restricted by transiting Saturn in late Libra and forming a midpoint picture--n Sun/Neptune = tr Saturn: having the discipline to shape reality through dreams (of drowning babies in bathwater--jc): persistence in working toward dreams and ideals; frustrations in attaining goals (Munkasey.)

Yes, the realism and accountability of Saturn more clearly identifies and calls to task Mr. Norquist's ego-based (Sun) other-worldly dreams (Neptune) of complete control (Saturn) over Washington politicians, policies, plans, and ideals (Mercury and Jupiter.)

And current planetary energies include the oily special-interest, behind-the-door devils' deals made by the head lobbyist for the Keystone XL Pipeline whose name would be...Grover Norquist.

Did you hear that Hades has frozen over? For even Republican strategist and Turdblossom Karl Rove has told the GOP to cut bait and move beyond the December 2011 tax cut stalemate. Wow.

Frustration Creates Impasse! And It Shows in GOP Progressions

During the US Congress' debt ceiling-default-credit downgrade fiasco of late July-early August 2011, you may remember that a horoscope of the Republican Party's Secondary Progressions was posted to SO'W showing a crisis-riddled YOD pattern between Mercury, Jupiter, and Ascendant which has now evolved into the tangled yarn of political strategy that GOP leaders now, some say, must extricate themselves from, thanks in large part to the gridlock agenda of Tea Party members along with betrayal issues between Speak John Boehner and the 'Judas' standing behind him, Eric Cantor, if what some say is true about their rivalry.

(You may wish to check out the natal horoscope of Eric Cantor which contains a money/ideology related YOD pattern between Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune.)

Well, the 'grand ideas and plans' of Mercury/Jupiter at the base of the YOD does seem to have GOP knickers in a twist--and since I posted the above chart, their Secondary Progressed ('Sec') Ascendant--the Party itself--has reached a 29th crisis-critical degree (29Gem+) which points to the current impasse concerning the payroll tax cut extension, unemployment insurance extension, and the poison pill provisions that certain industries slipped into the bill--all of which shows symptoms of GOP ideological illness and a meeting at the crossroads at least partially described by the party's Sec YOD.

Now I agree that the US government has become an overgrown gorilla yet under the guiding hand of current ideologues, 'anti-government' turns out to be a cover for 'anti-society' as more and more Americans fall underneath the weight of politicians working against us, not for us.

Can Jupiter in Venus-Ruled Taurus Beg to Differ?

With the potential for a marred-by-politics holiday approaching, Astrology tells a brightening tale of Republican Party significator Jupiter about to Direct Station on Christmas Day 2011, in money sign Taurus (@ 00:22.) Will this forward move soon be expressed on the physical plane by a Republican change of strategy?

Looks like it! And it seems we may be able to pin our dreams for social improvement and congressional bill passing on that important turn of direction and hope that jolly Jupiter, planet of abundance, material gain, and ideology--and one of our solar system's two societal planets--will enter 2012 with a forward tilt and workable, cooperative plans for solving our nation's problems caused in large part by the severe and growing imbalance of income inequality now bedeviling the hard working American people.

So although Jupiter is the patron planet of actors and acting (and Capitol Hill politicians are more thespians than problem-solvers), it's actually We The People who deserve an abundant end-of-year holiday--from the self-destructiveness of the US Congress and its current panoply of useful idiots.


Find similar topics (sans Astrology) through progressive reporting, interviews, and videos by DC-based broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann who plans to Occupy the Supreme Court @ noon est on January 20, 2012 in protest against SCOTUS's democracy-crushing Citizens United decision of January 2010!

Plus, political cat limericks and rhymes may be found at Lim's Limericks where I'll be publishing a new collection of verse later today concerning GOP 2012 candidates--don't miss the mild ridicule! jc

Aug 15, 2011

Dec 14, 1996: US Sec Saturn Rx Station @ 3Sco25

An Astro-Peek at When US Authority and Authenticity Changed

by Jude Cowell

In the Fall 2010 issue of Julie Demboski's Eclipse e-zine (subscription only, now an email subscription and worth it!), I wrote a column called American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun which detailed my views on one of the signposts along the way of America's change of trajectory toward overreach, over-expansion, overspending, quixotic notions leading us astray, and excessive arrogance and greed.

This is not our Founders' country anymore, as many Americans feel!

Astrological Jupiter's connection to idealism, broadened horizons, philosophy, and finances figures into the path-diverted picture as well for a planet moving direct at birth (July 4, 1776 US natal Jupiter 5Can56 conjunct US natal Sun and Venus) may turn retrograde by progression depending on whether it turns Rx in real time (1776), and a progressed chart is based on a natal chart when the 'clock' starts ticking by degree as well as moment--for America's founding, Jupiter began @ 5Can56.

So, you ask, just when did America's planet of Jupiterian realms turn Rx onto a more inward-looking, subtle, distanced course which transformed its participation with other natal planetary energies? Precisely on November 15, 1905, and right away we think of President Teddy Roosevelt, the Progressive Social Movement, the soon to blowup Panic of 1907, and the resulting creation of the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank. Other events and changes occurred as well, and perhaps you can locate my article in Julie's Eclipse issue for more details.

Besides, today I want to focus on US *Sec Saturn's Rx Station on December 14, 1996 during the President Clinton era--especially with the final conjunction of US Saturn by transit to US natal Saturn @ 14Lib48, our national Saturn Return, occurring soon on August 28, 2011--the date that the new Martin Luther King Jr Memorial is to be dedicated in Washington, DC. Plus, Saturn rules stone and stone markers, of course, in an attempt to create a permanent (Saturn) remembrance of a person or event.

Astrological Saturn, as you know, rules such things as authority, accountability, responsibility, austerity, reality, restriction, constriction, restraint, constraint, reserve, inhibition, Time, delay, endings, discipline, loss, lack...but also form, function, structure, walls and boundaries (even bones, teeth, skin), prisons, membranes, old age, the elderly, etc. You know the senex scoop.

If such a Rx change of direction by progression occurs simultaneously with major transits (as they did with US Sec Jupiter's Rx Station of 1905--lots of powerful Mars/Pluto action in the early 1900s), then a "backdrop for new perspectives" becomes evident although it will be subtle at first. However, something tangible may happen during that year (1996), perhaps directed by those who are aware of the planetary change, and some US leaders are nothing if not aware of such subtle forces which they attempt to engineer to suit their wills--the old win-win way of playing the game for those in charge. Plus, a need-to-know-basis is used for keeping the strings of power within certain hands.

With Saturn Stationing Rx, a progressed trine to the Sun follows in about 11 to 13 years when a fruition of some kind is achieved which stems from the year of the directional change--1996, here, so the years 2007--2009 are implicated (US Sec Full Moon Sun 4Pis10, December 2008, occurred less than one degree past the Sec Sun/Saturn trine.)

This info, of course, provides us with a time frame linking the internalization of America's Saturnian functions (such as authority, authenticity, realism) during the Clinton era 1996 (his second term) into the era of George Bush and on into the Obama Inauguration of January 20, 2009--and beyond to this very moment, for Mr. Obama is still in office.

Yes, the presidential baton was passed from Dubya to Barry in 2009, yet on many levels, the new boss of Saturnian authority acts much the same as the old, doesn't he? And we have basically the same problems grinding on.

So looking back to the Clinton era we may one day be able to see a suspension or weakening of Saturnian functions more than we can now. And it would take months or years for me to study and blog at you concerning the effects of Saturn's directional shift as evidenced by actual events. (My Sec Jupiter Rx Station article took about 5 months off and on to compile and compose.)

Besides, you probably remember some of the authoritarian actions or non-actions of the Clinton administration (the February 28, 1993 Siege of Waco comes to mind as Sec Saturn was slowing down in preparation, already on its Station degree @ 3Sco24 and had just crossed Sec IC by progression into 3rd house where it remains) but here is a brief list of December 14, 1996 events to whet the whistle of those who are concerned with the condition of the US government and the inverted condition of our Saturn, planet of government, law, and business.

Yes, it's 2011 and America's 'broken systems' have been in the news every day now since 2007/08--and tottering, they tell us, on the brink of Saturnian collapse with transit Pluto (transformation; destruction) in Capricorn working his toppling magic.

The rest of 1996 applies as well but why not use the actual date since we have it?

Now you'll note from these news stories the use of Saturnian words such as loyalist, rigid rules, big conservative, hostages, governor, law-politics-labor-business, blockages, obstacles, and other terms which tie in directly to Saturnian themes and issues.

All 5 articles are from the Baltimore Sun and the list begins with the nation that is now our biggest creditor and a man who, it states, once worked for General Electric:

China's new man in Hong Kong Governor-elect Tung Chee-hwa was a big conservative in the US;

Clinton taps Reno, Richardson, Daley Commerce, U.N. posts go to loyalists (contains 'free' trade agreement mention--current lack of US tariff barriers now pose a huge problem along with Ross Perot's predicted "sucking sound" of US jobs being shipped overseas, aka, the NAFTA SHAFTA);

Daley has ties to law, politics, labor, business Son of Chicago mayor ran Clinton's '92 Ill. campaign (Daley 'managed' it: Saturn!);

Businesses challenge Glendening lawsuit planned to block Governor on collective bargaining;

Richardson has knack for freeing hostages abroad Nominee for U.N. envoy also is Clinton loyalist with Hispanic roots.

Well, do you feel that 'something changed in America' during Clinton's presidency as his 'authority' was constantly under challenge and threat from the GOP? Our legal system certainly was affected by the brouhaha. But I'm not so certain that the legal challenges by conservatives to his administration weren't just staged Political Theater meant for public consumption (and for the usual dividing-and-conquering of the people, plus, a financial boondoggle) for it isn't as if the Clinton presidency ended over Ken Starr's investigation, now is it?


Some key themes and potentials for Saturn in Scorpio: skill, obstinacy, occupation with spheres of metaphysical knowledge, endurance, a serious outlook, transformation, delving into difficult problems, spiritual rebirth, melancholy. (Ebertin.) As I type, US Sec Saturn Rx is @ 3Sco14.

Station Rx info inspired by Erin Sullivan.

*I tend to use 'Sec' for Secondary Progressions (aka, SP) to distinguish them in my notes from Minor and Tertiary Progressions. The three represent the 27:13:1 planes of existence: mental-causal, emotional-intuitive, and physical. jc

Jun 2, 2011

Massey Energy name change fools few as Romney enters race in N. H.

That was quite a performance yesterday to mark Massey Energy's name change to Alpha Resources though those who have experience with the safety-challenged company don't seem to be fooled by the obvious public relations ploy. But Massey shareholders decreed!

Meanwhile, in an apparently unrelated event, Mitt Romney (former management consultant advising corporations on how to 'reinvent themselves') will announce today (12:30 pm edt) that he is indeed a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Yet so far, rebranding himself on the health care reform issue (his program as governor being the model for Obama's reform bill) hasn't gained much traction with the public but we'll see how Romney manages the presto change-o as the 2012 campaign drags on. Especially since his past corporate work experience includes changing bad names into 'good' (aka, new) in order to hide true and already demonstrated characters.

Here's a SO'W post concerning Mr. Romney's activities during the 2008 presidential campaign when he attempted to reinvent the Democratic Party as the party of Big Brother! It seemed to me then that the shoe fit the other (Republican) foot a little more comfortably, though in 2011 it's admittedly become awfully hard to tell the difference. With our Rs v Ds, it's become a sad case of pot calling kettle black.

Perhaps that's partially because Washington's Big Brother oligarchs are all just power elite rulers of a feather when propagandistic push comes to real world water boarding.

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am est Detroit, Michigan

Still, one understands Mitt Romney's public relations talent which is natural: he was born with a very close Moon conjunct Jupiter aspect in Scorpio, sign of big business and corporations. Natal Sun 22 Pisces conjoins Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and squares Uranus which makes him an unpredictable, arrogant fellow with a big ego.

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not be in a good phase for being elected US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check it before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Actually, his emotions are actually quite expansive (Moon/Jupiter) and a temper may be shown behind closed doors (Scorpio.) Well, who doesn't, right?

Wealth indicator, the Sun/Jupiter trine, helps with public relations as well for optimism always 'sells' in America yet the aspect indicates a certain apathy with a desire for only moderate demands to be made upon his time and freedom. Can a White House schedule provide him this? Some say it worked well for the multi-vacationing George Bush!

A wide conjunction of Mercury Rx (oration; speeches; thought procresses) with activist Mars 6Pis14 gives some oomph in the political opinion department yet the conjunction occurs in obfuscating, deceptive, creative if self-deluded, Pisces. An interest in social service (Virgo/Pisces) is indicated.

Is Romney's Progressed Moon Phase a Presidential Factor?

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not have evolved into a good phase for election as US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check its veracity before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Progressing his natal horoscope, we find that Mr. Romney's Sun/Moon phase is now third quarter, the crisis in consciousness phase which began on November 29, 2008 at 21AQ44. Now I don't remember when he dropped out of the 2008 campaign but it isn't surprising that he realized the imperative of doing so prior to the November election as the third quarter mark closed in upon his expansive aims.

Now just as it really counts toward his presidential aspirations, Romney's Balsamic phase begins on September 22, 2012 at 10Ari24 though the Sabian Symbol for '11Ari' is of note:

"The President of the Country"! IDEALIZATION.

Positive expression: the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value (the presidency); negative/unconscious/shadow side: an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness of vain pretense.

(Those are my italics with an addition of 'unconscious/shadow side'; from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Will his natal Sun/Jupiter trine allow this amount of self-sacrifice?

Plus, the thing about the Balsamic phase in a Secondary chart is that it indicates a time of endings, partings, and separations though it can also have a 'taking over responsibilities for someone who's just left' vibe, along with a certain prophetic flavor. Leaving home for Washingotn may be a possibility, too. Also, shady deals may be made during this Dark of the Moon phase (perfect for a White House-White Lodge tenure, I know.)

But generally, it is not a phase of new beginnings unless someone else flakes out first.

Hmmm...wonder if Mitt Romney could be more easily selected as US president next time around?

Because his Secondary New Moon occurs at 28Tau42 on February 23, 2016 which is better timing for starting such large enterprises as the helming of our American Corporation of greedy, power-mad Oligarchs.

Heads-Up: C-SPAN will carry Live Mitt Romney's nom bid announcement today at 12:30 pm edt from New Hampshire.

Oh, and Gretchen Morgenson (co-author of Reckless Endangerment) is guest today with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! which should be an informative interview concerning Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street crimes.

If you miss the broadcast, check the website to watch the video.


Dates for the candidate's Lunar Phases may differ slightly if another birth hour is used. jc

Mar 18, 2011

UN okays No-Fly Zone for Libya, UN horoscope activated 3.18.11

Here is Resolution 1973 (2011) in a form meant for public consumption (not the official version, it says) which was voted on Thursday after a closed door meeting. Click for more details on the 'No Fly' resolution.

You may wish to view the United Nations' natal horoscope here. Progressing this chart to 3.17.11 gives a SP Sun 7Cap13 with transiting Pluto 7Cap23 coming to call with power ascendancy and control issues on tap.

The UN's SP Mc/Ic axis is at critical-crisis degrees (17Pis/Vir) with the Virgo Ic stimulated by the last Great Conjunction of revolutionary combo Uranus and Pluto @ sensitized '17Vir' (mid-1960s); SP Sun conjoins Sec Venus at crisis degree 29Sag01; SP Mercury 15Sag16 ('16Sag' = "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" with Libya being the ship of opportunity) opposes SP Uranus 14Gem33 Rx, an aspect that tends to assume that its opinions and ideas are the only ones that are valid - the 'know it all' aspect of tactlessness which tends to cause resentment in others. SP Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Sec 6th house of Military/Police Service, Work, and Health.

Obviously, the bombing and other actions that are about to take place in Libya are alleged to be for the purposes of 'rescuing' civilians and stopping Qaddafi from killing more of his own people but will cause the cold hearted Orwellian-labeled 'collateral damage' simultaneously.

UN's SP ASC 7Can51 brings up the US natal trio of Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer even though the US role is being semi-veiled for now for typically political and strategic reasons though protecting sea lanes is understandably part of our nation's motivation.

UN's SP Moon 9Sco37 is ruled by warring Mars (sub-ruled on a higher octave by saboteur Pluto) and it's an Hour of Mars in the UN's Secondary Progressed chart (UN was 'born' during a Mars Hour, natal chart data is listed below; UN n Mars conjoins Saturn in Cancer, a 'destructive energy' combination, says Ebertin.)

UN's SP Mars is Rx by progression at a critical-crisis degree: 29Can11; '30Can' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution."

Tr Uranus 00Ari20 (AP) has brought the world much strife and disaster of late and this operation will be part of that strife though I certainly hope it ultimately will do the beleaguered people of Libya much good - yet we know that the world still groans under the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto yoke: harm through force majeure.

At the time of the UN Security Council vote on Thursday, asteroid Circe (keywords: where we seek rescue) conjoined the New Moon of March 4, 2011 @ '14Pis' = "A Woman in Fox Fur" and March 19, 2011 brings its book end Full Moon as previously noted. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to be fulfilling this role for the US.

Apparently there may begin a new war for this weekend, if not before, a sad portent for the celebration of Purim which begins at sundown on March 19, 2011.

United Nations natal data: October 24, 1945 4:45 pm est Capitol Hill Washington DC from public record; natal ASC 20Ari06 conjoins US natal Chiron, the Sacred Warrior archetype; '21Ari' = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring"; natal Mc (The Goal) 11Cap11 where transiting Pluto now approaches.


SP = Secondary Progressions based on the day-for-a-year principle of the Sun's daily motion.

Oct 31, 2009

Horoscopes of the Ds' and Rs' Progressions 10.31.09

Here is a dual wheel of both parties' Secondary Progressions set for today, Oct 31, 2009, at noon edt in Washington, DC.

Please click image to enlarge because I may leave out a detail or two in this text and there are several notated which a need for brevity prevents me from mentioning; a few US natal planets are around the outside of the chart.

Important midpoint pictures have been written on the charts as equations and will be discussed below.

Both parties - and I sound as if I think there's much difference in them other than their styles of fulfilling ego needs to be Number One in Charge - have Sec Sun in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker: Dems with Sec Sun 26Sag02 conj Sec MC (the Goal), and Rs with (Cadent) Sec Sun 16Sag54 conjunct Sec Venus 15Sag54, a conj of self-satisfaction which is able to morph into whatever the current situation or present company expects in order to be better appreciated.

A few asteroids have been included here which relate to mysticism and the supernatural because the planets indicate it: one indication is the Ds' Sec Venus/Chiron opposition - magickal satanist Aleister Crowley has this aspect natally.

Rs have Sec Sun nearing Sec Pan, associated with the ancient mystical sign of Capricorn (mer-goat), and the Goat of Mendes which is associated with the layout of Washington, DC and DC's Freemasonic Temple of the Scottish Rite. You may think mysticism doesn't apply to modern day politics - you would be incorrect. Two examples before our eyes: the White House is actually a White Lodge, and just look at the architectural style of the Capitol Building and the crypt under the rotunda!

So let's first discuss the Sec chart of the Numero Uno Democrats (Hour of Jupiter), now placed at the helm by the powers-behind-the-throne which are primarily represented by Saturn/Neptune (secret or invisible government), and by Pluto, a manipulator described by Reinhold Ebertin in his 'The Combination of Stellar Influences' as:

Principle: Force majeure or providence, invisible forces or powers.

(As you know, the 'Eye of Providence' (aka the Eye of Horus) is the capstone on the pyramid of power on US money and elsewhere.)

Sociological Correspondences for Pluto: persons who exercise a magical influence over the masses such as propagandists, actors, public speakers, and politicians.

Psychological Correspondences: the will or wish to exercise power; ruthless frankness; the urge to influence the masses; undertanding the masses; propagandistic objectives; ruthless coercion; inclination to incite; a fanatical zeal to state one's own doctrinal principles; to agitate.

In the Ds' Sec chart we see that Venus, planet of values, relationships, and smaller amounts of money equals two midpoints: Saturn/Neptune and Moon/Mercury so we have these pictures which may or may not apply. See what you think:

Sat/Nep = Venus: feebleness; lack of initiative; longing for attention; lacking popularity; appreciated more by senior people.

Moon/Mercury = Venus: a sense of beauty; art appreciation. (Nice, but not very political. I include it because it expands the Venusian influence and may involve appreciation of the ancient mysteries' symbolism and logos; Moon/Mercury together = perception; thinking influenced by feeling; an active mind; good judgment.)

Ds' Sun/Moon midpoint 18Cap45 in 11th house of Groups, Association, Hopes and Wishes is at the POLITICAL POWER degree (18Cap) of the NWO-flavored Uranus/Neptune conjs of 1993. This may indicate Ds' connections to UK leadership and goals - see the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' - "The Union Jack..."

With Dems now acting as the ones in charge, Sun at MC makes sense, yet Fixed Star Acumen is there at MC, too: keywords: enduring attacks which weaken. We're certainly seeing that with the health care stand-off and other attacks from opponents upon the party's actions and principles - and the president.

If we round off Sec Mercury's position we also have '18Cap' conj the Sec 11th cusp as Mercury has recently been 'taken' into the more visible 10th house of Public Status and Career. Sec Sun/Moon phase is now at Crescent stage of crisis-handling (45 degr 25.)

ASC 21Pis13, ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled by Neptune, two planets whose combination indicates speculation and grandiose schemes; 1st house Sec Midas 29Pis51 conj Aries Point. Sec Neptune 1Sco25 conjs the UN's natal Sun which is also the natal Sun of the NWO (birthday Oct 24 in both cases. Is Sec Neptune veiling these links?)

Sec Mercury and Sec Pluto are out-of-bounds from the earthly plane so who knows what they're actually up to in private. They're working on their own from the other planetary energies of the chart and probably working together. (Mercury/Pluto = propaganda; wielding influence; sharp criticism; cunning; crafty subtlety.)

At MC is the mystical, supernatural Neptune/Pluto midpoint so we have:

Nep/Plu = MC: mystical peculiarities; profit through the occult or the spiritual; high and purified soul life.

Nep/Pluto = Sun: impressionability; sensitivity; creative enterprise; possible 'drain on the system' through over-indulgence; rationalization reigns over realism. (I emphasize 'drain on the system' since we know they do it regularly and because it relates to the Solar Eclipse season we're in: July 21, 2009's 'systems fail; new ideas and methods needed to deal with events' - Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

Nep/Pluto also relates to resources such as oil, gas, and anything underground, and to the Robber Baron class.

Also at MC are two fortunate, successful money-related midpoints:

Venus/Jupiter = MC: wonderment at feelings os success; gladness.

Ven/Jup = Sun: being popular, well-appreciated, and successful; life advancement; good will.

Mars/Jupiter = MC: love of enterprise; ability to make fortunate arrangements; the excitement of being 'on top'; opportunities for success.

Mars/Jup = Sun: organizational talent; leadership; success. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Authoritative Saturn 25Ari25 Rx is in 1st house which is better for ruling than the Rs' Sec Saturn in 12th house @ 12Gem01 Rx - both are emphasized by their Rx condition which indicates some weakness, or perhaps a Father Complex; Rs' Saturn is setting - conj Desc in the US natal chart (Sibly), another indication of the GOP's 2nd position in Washington. And as you see, the Rs' Sec Sun opposed Sec Saturn in the last 4 or 5 years which played into the 2nd term of Bush being more problematic for them than his 1st term due to Saturn's restrictive, tamping down qualities - and heralded their subsequent losses at the ballot box as their 'shine' (Sun) dimmed (Saturn.)

But back to the Ds:

The Dems' Sec Jupiter is happy in Scorpio (and in 8th h) where Jupiter fulfills his biggest large-scale enterprises. A Scorpionic Jupiter has occult interests, too, and 8th house is the house of The Occult. In Scorpio, Jupiter likes to acquire secret info about the affairs of others - well, who doesn't in Washington, right? I've said before here that if it weren't for blackmail as a tactic, the federal government would have to shut down.

Another thing about a Scorpionic Jupiter is a tendency to be uncompromising about principles and religious or philosophical beliefs which makes for powerful, bitter enemies. (Ronald Reagan has a Scorpionic Jupiter in his natal chart.)

The Harveys give the sometimes impractical, out-of-touch, crusading Sun Sag/Moon AQ blend's 'Image for Integration' as: 'On a tour of primitive lands, a university professor goes through a tribal initiation and becomes a blood brother of the chief.' More mysticism a-hoof?

Now what about the Rs' Sec Progressions?

ASC 1Can53 with tr Pluto at Desc; Hour of an out-of-bounds (OOBs) Mars; chart-ruler Moon 8Leo36, approaching the R Party's natal Mercury; the Moon seeks support, approval, recognition and applause in Leo; Sun/Venus conj in Cadent 6th house where they're not as strong as the GOP could want; mystical Pan near the Sun as noted above.

At MC (The Goal) sits nebulous, mystical, yet often deception, self-deluded Neptune, the hiding-in-plain-sight combo, and I suspect the majority of Americans who prefer the R Party think they're seeing spirituality and religion with this Neptune at the most visible point of the chart rather than the goat-footed mysticism it implies; 'deceptions or illusions about religion' are possible.

Ebertin gives Neptune/MC as: putting on an act; the supernatural; insecurity; uncertainty (how to shove themselves 'back on top'?); a devotion to far-reaching objectives that are hard to bring to realization; peculiar ideas; investigating the unconscious or the supernatural.

Sociological Correspondences of Neptune/MC: people with utopian ideas; crooks and swindlers; 'men of big talk, no action'; weaklings.

(Wonder if our rank and file conservatives see the oppressive midpoint of class warfare, racism, corporatism, fascism, gender bias, and other such heavy-handed delights: Pluto/Chiron = MC...?) 'Crooks an swindlers' indeed; are these 'far-reaching objectives' of the NWO agenda?

Plus, 'uptopian ideas' is highlighted above because I believe this relates to the founding of America spurred by the esoteric ideas of Sir Francis Bacon with Atlantis as the 'new world' - meant to be the old world's cash-cow and vehicle for world domination. And though it seems we got a little uppity along the way, Utopians are still pulling strings from behind the curtain, imo. This is undergirded by transiting Saturn/Uranus' current opposition as: 'old vs new.'

Now Ebertin gives the combo of Saturn/Pluto energies as: hard labor; cruelty. And we know it relates to violence and possibly to mass murder (such as during their opposition on 9/11/01 across the US natal ASC/DESC axis of the 'Sibly' chart.)

The Nodal axis of Destiny (including 'destiny of the masses') in the Rs' Sec chart has Saturn/Pluto conj NN...

Sat/Plu = NN: misery of the masses; common suffering shared with others.

This mdpt picture in the GOP's Sec chart does nothing to dispel my constant memory that it was 8 years of GOP rule under Bush-Cheney that broke and raided the US treasury and has led directly to the 2008 financial crisis (engineered on purpose as I believe it was), and to the suffering which war and loss entail. The 9/11 attacks are part of the 'bankrupt' timeline as its ripples fan out today.

So thanks, neocons of the Republican Party, she types with scorn a-dripping over the keyboard.

However! Ebertin also gives Saturn/Pluto as 'adepts; magicians' which brings again mystical correspondences into the deal along with the occult talents of whoever is guiding these varmints and heisters in their strategies. He also gives the controlling Sat/Plu combo as 'silent activity' and 'martyrdom.'

Yes, sometimes the Rs are up, sometimes it's the Ds, but the real cuprits remain in control.

Sociological Correspondences of Sat/Pluto: deeply searching scientists; reactionaries; violent people.

Ah yes, reactionaries. Saturn/Pluto people tend toward purely egoistic aims and use force to get what they want. My belief is that this relates to the attacks of 9/11 and the neocons' and zionists' desire for 'a new Pearl Harbor' meant to take the US into endless war while bankrupting the American people. And as you know, the plan is working famously for them - many of us are ruined while they're wealthier than ever and can easily relocate from America to the next happenin' place, even if it's a space station above our heads.

And since we're speaking of mysticism: in Capricorn, sign of politics, business, and law, we see magician alchemist Hermes conjunct Chiron, his teacher! Why, Aleister Crowley must be sitting up in his grave at the thought.

So let's close with the 'Images for Integration' for the grandiose, opinionated and bossy Sec Sun Sag/Moon Leo combo of the Republican Party:

'At an emotionally moving ceremony, the shaman of the gypsies is given an honorary university degree in herbal folklore and ancient geography.'

Did you notice that the Images of both parties involve the word 'university' - and that both relate to mysticism bwo blood initiation and shamanism?


Natal Charts used to calculate the Progressions:

Democratic Party May 13, 1792 12:00 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA; Republican Party July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT, Jackson, MI.

May 24, 2008

US Progressed Moon to ASC: May 30, 2008

Here you see America's Secondary Progressed chart for May 30, 2008--date of the real Memorial Day.

(Secondary Progressions describe the physical plane and I tend to abbreviate them to 'Sec.')

As you can see, Sec Moon 27Leo11 is conjunct Sec Ascendant which relates to the Self or physical body, and any time a planet or luminary (Sun or Moon) progresses to a chart's angle, change is in store.

This position also happens to be opposite US natal Moon (the People; the public) so let's see what this may indicate for the American people.

Our Progressed Moon has been in the warm-hearted sign of Leo for some time now since Sec Moon progresses appr one degree per month. This quickness is due to the fact that the natural Moon is the fastest moving body in our solar system and its orbit around the Earth creates our calendar month, as you know.

Sec Moon remains in a sign for about 2 1/2 years so we see here that we're nearing the last months of Leo, with our Sec Full Moon exact on Dec 24, 2008 at 4Vir10.

Having Sec Moon opposite natal Moon brings issues similar to those of Sec Moon to 1st house/ASC, so for briefness' sake, I'll simply list what's being emphasized here:

nuturing, food, veganism, home, homeland, domestic concerns, personal security, ecology (Earth, our home), emotions and emotional security, caretaking roles, public involvements (ex: elections; publicity; the silver screen), and identity and/or residential changes.

Sounds like locavores may come into their own!

Of course, changes and fluctuations are always where the Moon resides in a chart--natal, progressed, Returns, etc. And we know that the Moon describes the mundane ups'n'downs of our daily lives as well.

But having Sec Moon advancing from the hidden, secretive 12th house into the more visible 1st house is a big change...and to make things more interesting, the midpoint of Neptune and the North Node (NN of the Moon--a destined joining point which relates to public involvements) is sitting directly upon the ASC and 'pointing' toward the Sec Moon.

Thus we have a couple of midpoint pictures to consider:

Neptune/NN = Moon: high sensitivity; feeling ostracized; being misunderstood; a lack of community spirit or adaptability; cessation of an inner understanding with others; disappointments.

Neptune/NN = ASC: feeling uncomfortable in the presence of others; experiencing deceit; being duped; appearing strange to others; disappointments. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Now you know that Neptune/NN contacts also relate to films as well as to deceit with the public and use of illusions in public life, political or not.

Two examples are perhaps becoming more aware of propaganda than usual within Hollywood films or in TV shows--or Photoshop pics may imply what isn't there (of course I'm thinking of Politics as I type for there would be no Hollywood without Neptune's illusions--and synchronistically, we're plopped in the midst of a political campaign of great import where Neptunian image is everything.)

Neptune is sextile NN and thus in Nodal degree (fated) and has formed a YOD pattern with US natal Moon (marked in pink at the Desc) so the above midpoint picture is doubly ephasized. YODs indicate special tasks or a crisis.

To paraphrase Frances Sakoian, in The Astroloer's Handbook, Neptune sextile NN indicates:

an ability to subtly influence public opinions, moods, and actions; riding the current of public moods and trends; evasions are used rather than direct confrontation.

Plus, connections between Neptune and NN tend toward sleeplessness, and a lack of judgment leading to wrong ideas about associations (Ebertin.) Not such a good situation with November elections upcoming, is it?

Actually this sextile in the US Sec chart has been of influence for quite a while with its confusions, deceits, and illusions--and the YOD once focused on Mercury in AQ. I posted on this pattern some time ago so I won't repeat it here.

Also rising in this Sec chart is Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, whose *keywords are: success if revenge is avoided.

Taking revenge when this Star is prominent means that all that has been gained will be lost, and if this isn't so for America since the attacks of 9/11, I'll eat my beanie cap sans mayo or mustard.

I see Regulus as relating to the old saw, the bigger they are, they harder they fall, for the higher one climbs and the more success one achieves, the more Regulus expects noble actions of us...and revenge is perhaps the basest action of all.

But taking pride in the small things of life may help offset some of the problems that are created by mishandling the energy and gifts of this important Star, so perhaps the American people may be allowed to focus on their domestic needs, family, nurturing, etc (and turn vegan?!)...and thus mitigate some of the damage our 'leaders' have perpetrated toward their selfish ends to the exclusion of our needs.

So will the upcoming shift to a new Oval Office occupant bring change of identity for our country along with more presidential focus on our security and other real needs? Will more people lose their homes as Washington's massive amounts of deceit continue to bedevil and undermine us?

A change of identity is certainly on the way as our Sec Moon enters further into 1st house territory. My prayer is that improvements will accompany it.

* Brady's Fixed Stars.

UPDATE 8:30 pm: You'll find more details on this chart including Capulus at Midheaven and the Sun Pisces-Moon Leo blend here.

May 16, 2008

Dec 24, 2008: day of US Progr'd Full Moon

This image is the transit chart for Dec 24, 2008, 11:45 pm est, Philadelphia, PA, which is the exact time of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon (based on the US 'Sibly' chart, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT.)

Secondary Progressed Full Moons are the end of a cycle which everyone's natal chart enjoys and which gives important info regarding relationships, goals and joint successes, and public life.

Not liking the looks of this chart am I, yet it may as well be faced with its Mars/Pluto opposition to Midheaven, *Sun/Atlantis conjunction, tr Jupiter conj US natal Pluto 27Cap33--a pair which is conj US Secondary (Sec) South Node (a point of separation, unconscious or neurotic behavior, talents, and/or past connections.)

An hour of Jupiter emphasizes the Jupiter-to-Pluto transit when resources and resourcefulness are increased as well as achievement of greater power and control unless negative factors interfere.

Evaluation and distribution of monetary assets and raw materials procede if all goes well although these assets seem to be mainly in the fatcat coffers already, if you're asking me. How greedy can plutocrats (Jupiter-Pluto) be? It's quite mindboggling, isn't it?

Dec 24's asteroid, Tisiphone (retaliation) is there with Jupiter and US n Pluto as well, and you see the 6/12 cusps are conj the Sec Full Moon's degrees...12th cusp = Sec Moon (4Vir10) and 6th cusp = Sec Sun (4Pis10.) The 6/12 house polarity with the Virgo/Pisces axis = the victim/savior axis, as you know.

So Virgoan health concerns and Piscean spiritual issues may be on the nation's front burner, along with the victimization of war and violence. And Pisces' link with Neptune brings oil and gas into the picture, as we may expect.

Quite worrisome is the pile-up at the Foundation Point of the chart--the HOW? Point, the that warrior Mars (which is out-of-bounds and working on his own), nuclear Pluto, and the Sun (purpose, the leader in a national chart) affect the opposite point--Mc, the Goal/Aspiration/Public Status of the chart.

Mars/Pluto = Mc: ambition; self-confidence; facing overwhelming force without power; danger; dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver.

You see lesson-bringer Saturn in the karmic house of the Unconscious (12th) and readying to conj US natal Neptune in Virgo (exact 8.27.09.) Saturn to n Neptune is a disillusioning time of facing grim reality (so we have That to look forward to--within the presidential term of whomever gets the job, though why anyone would want it eludes me.)

Blogging time is brief so I'll temporarily close this post with the Sun Cap-Moon Sag details--this is an Earth-Fire combo indicating an ability to enlist others to action.

Earth-Fire blends are aka "the bulldozer" and may be described as volcanic molten lava which eventually forms new, fertile land.

Earth-Fire can deal with molten metal like a blacksmith (or a 'Vulcan'?) or as an engineer who shapes raw materials into serviceable tools (such as weaponry? see 'Jupiter to Pluto' above), plus, there's a dictatorial attitude and a certitude about beliefs which we've unfortunately seen in Washington before with ginned up pretexts for going to war...

Sun Cap-Moon Sag:

zealousness, practical idealism, and faith in values; alternately austere and humorous; hard-headed businessperson + visionary social reformer; high standards; charismatic and capable; forceful and powerful; ability to grasp facts and hold onto the vision; must 'get it right'; explorative; moody and impatient under too many demands; verbosity and pomposity; intellectual pretensions; energy may be wasted in a nervous seeking of new pastures; fixations on narrow views that are rigidly moralistic.

Images for Integration:

A bank clerk plans a world cruise...In his spare time, a High Court judge takes up the serious hobby of gambling at horse races. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

to be cont'd...

note: scroll just below to see the chart of America's Secondary Full Moon and for more details please visit:

Jude's Threshold where you'll find an entry dedicated to the subject on my sidebar list of Pages. You'll also find a new Page there...'Wedding Day Astrology: John and Elizabeth Edwards.'

* Atlantis can be a stand-in for America, the Atlantic Ocean, the myth of Atlantis, NASA's shuttle, but the asteroid has these keywords: where we feel doomed; abuse of power.

May 12, 2007

Bush's Progr'd Chart 5.12.07

Playing US President is a busy undertaking--it's hard werk, yall--and we might expect that George Bush's Secondary Progressed chart (physical plane) would be very active at the moment.

It is.

If you click to enlarge the chart you may see the Sun Vir/Moon Cap blend which gives these Images for Intergration:

A student passes entrance examination to a prestigious technical college...A headline: 'Small-town boy makes good...Fine bone china (my italics-jc)

(The first word picture sadly reminds me of the posthumous degrees that VA Tech is awarding this weekend.)

There are three midpoints rising in GB's Sec chart:

Jupiter/Pluto = ASC: organizing talent; desire for power; far-sightedness; prudence.

(The Jup/Pluto combo is a significator of plutocracy as is Pluto/Chiron.)

Mercury/Neptune = ASC: potential overreaction to others; exploitation or being exploited.

Ven/Pluto = ASC: an attractive personality wielding a great influence over others; an unusual love affair.

At MC (the Aspiration or WHY Point of the chart--the most visible point) we see Uranus/NN--the unusual political groups combo with the reformists' swagger...

Ura/NN = MC: the desire to bring plans to fruition jointly with others; seeking stimulating ideas from others (see Sec Moon degree's Symbol below); teamwork paying off; professional recognition.

Transit Saturn, now direct, is tromping on Bush's Sec Mars/Uranus midpoint...

Mars/Ura = tr Saturn:

A clash between controls and the freest spirit; controls cannot be tolerated; potential battles and separations; lack of adaptability; violent destruction; a heavy injury; surgery.

As you know, midpoint pictures give us a look at any or all ways in which things may manifest...or 'none of the above' yet I think we're seeing some of these manifestations now, don't you? And the Sec Progressions represent internal changes while tr Saturn (above) would bring external events and conditions...and in tr Saturn's case: accountability, restriction, and denial.

Nep/NN = Pluto: difficulty blending one's personal perspectives with others's views; exercising a bad influence upon associations (last Tuesday's meeting with 'concerned about re-election' Rs?); breakdown of relationships (some of the rats are leaving the sinking White House ship in droves while the gettin's good-jc)

Nep/MC = Pluto: adventurous enterprises; criminal offenses; pursuit of peculiar objectives; supernatural experiences or the supernatural as a professional focus (see Sec Moon degree's Symbol below); strange happenings on the job or in the home (the White House? like 11 pm meetings with the Brethren? -jc)

Mercury/ASC = Sun: desire to discuss vital matters which affect many people.

And let us not leave out Sec Mars for our very Martian dice-roller and Holy Land-bomber...

Jup/Nep = Mars: speculation; unreliability; irresponsible actions; relying on others and being let down; strong idealism with the need for practical focus.

Moon/Saturn = Mars: sense of real problems (it's hit him at last-jc); soul-conflicts; desire to overcome difficulties; feeling inferior; difficulty getting off the ground except by carefully planned strategies.

Venus/Nep = Mars: easy self-delusion; misdirected energy; sex drive has difficulty being fulfilled (they have Viagra for that--jc)

And old man Saturn is also being affected by two midppoints, NN/ASC (personal relationships) and ASC/MC (ID awareness; higher self + lower self.)

NN/ASC = Saturn: conservatism; feelings of suppression or oppression in the presence of other people; seclusion; mourning or bereavement (he's certainly brought a lot of it to the rest of the world-jc.)

ASC/MC = Saturn: conservatism is comfortable; austerity is important as a part of maturity and reliability (puh!-jc); feeling inferior (he is-jc); depression; mourning or bereavement.

Sabian Symbols (Dr. Marc Edmund Jones) for Sec Sun and Moon are:

Sun "13Vir": "A strong hand supplanting political hysteria (again: last Tuesday at the White House meeting with worried Rs?-jc)...keyword: POWER...

pos: consistent effectiveness in dramatizing personal potentials (it's all about the drama, photo-ops, and propaganda, isn't it? -jc);

neg/shadow side/unconscious: loss of all opportunity by timid action (seems odd considering his public brashness--pass the kool-aid?-jc)

"13Vir" is about providing an overall ordering for each moment of history if it is to count for much in the lives of others...since there is always a counsel of confusion to take over when events are allowed to drift or
when the immediate leadership proves deficient (oh yeah! my italics-jc)

Bush's Sec Moon has been at 00Cap00 lately, which is one of the four World Points (00Aries/Libr; 00Can/Cap)...where the most public events may manifest; and the Symbol for it (using the rounding-up method) is:

Moon "1Cap": "An Indian chief claiming power from the assembled tribe"...keyword: INFLEXIBILITY...

pos: an ever-effective authority following from a single eye of vision and a consistent dignity of character;

neg/shadow side/unconscious: idle pompousness and a senseless raising of minor issues (he tried that diversion with his peanut-funding whine-jc)

This degree concerns a determination to maintain every advantage gained by birth or through experience and to grasp every oppportunity for genuine self-expression (my italics-jc)

The opposite degree, the Illumination Point, an unconscious point which if integrated can move things along in a more positive fashion, is:

"1Can": "A furled and an unfurled flag displayed from a vessel"...keyword: ADAPTABILITY...

pos: a gift for highly profitable adjustment in every developing relationship with others;

neg: vacillation if not complete instability.

(I include the Illumination Point due to the Moon's connection to the Unconscious and because he needs to adapt and adjust--to learn how to 'play' fairly with others-jc)

So it seems that the Skull'n'Bones Society--and other secret associations (Ura/NN)-- are very busy now being called upon by Bush for extraordinary power from "the assembled tribe."

And with Bush's Sec Pluto/Chiron midpoint (16Vir34) now having risen in his Sec Chart, I believe we've ALL been feeling it--the plutocratic oppression and class warfare which is in process of being waged upon the world and which are touted ad nauseum by George Bush in his role as US President.

Since his Sec Chart is now at a Jupiter Hour we might look at Sec Jupiter's degree as well:

Sec Jupiter "27Libra": "An airplane hovering overhead"...keyword: REFLECTION...

pos: high effectiveness in self-adjustment or real skill in meeting the crises of life;

neg: complete inability to get down into immediate realities.

My fret is that his seldom-used self-reflection is coupled with self-pity now as Bush retreats into the bowels of my White House...will the Bubble World of George Bush continue to hover over America as he continues to run from the reality of the mess he's made?