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Oct 8, 2019

Halloween 2019 Mercury Rx is King of the Fairies

Image: Spooky Fairy Night by Jude Cowell

On October 31, 2019 at 11:41:19 am edt, speedy Mercury, planet of messages, negotiations, diplomacy, commerce, trade, lies, and tweets performs a Direct Station @27Sco38:16 in preparation for a retrograde ('Rx') phase until November 20, 2019 @11Sco35:11 ('12Sco' = "An Embassy Ball"). Transit Mercury stations on Halloween 2019 in the natal 4th house of Donald Trump (IC 24Sco18) along with transit Venus @28Sco30.

Rounding up Mercury's Halloween 2019 degree we have '28 Scorpio": "The King of the Fairies Approaching His Domain"; "Keyword: ALLEGIANCE--positive expression: a special competence of inward vision and a consequent outward perspective of high effectiveness; negative expression: capricious self-indulgence" (Jones). Is Trump "the king of the fairies"? Well, he seems to believe he's a king, as we know, and since bullies are always cowards at heart, some might say that his nibs is fairy-like.

And naturally, Mercury's 2019 path through Mars/Pluto-ruled Scorpio relates to current events and scandals in the news which include whistle blowers, memes, phone calls, transcripts, letters, meetings of various kinds, and testimonies--for Trump, in relation to the 4/10 security axis (Career and Home), and later, in relation to his natal 3/9 axis of lower and higher mind, plus, with dozens of legal battles thrown in and ongoing (9th house). And significantly, this Mercury station activates the very degree of the May 18, 2019 Scorpio Full Moon when May 18th Mercury conjoined the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Donald Trump so that enraged star Algol was also activated! Curiously, transit Mercury was also @25Taurus conjunct Trump's natal MC the day Don Jr, Kushner, and the rest of the conspirators met with the Kremlin lawyer in Trump Tower (June 9, 2016, if memory serves).

Now as you know, transit Mercury entered brooding, intense, big-business-oriented Scorpio during the first week of October 2019 and won't leave the Halloween-esque sign to enter Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (a happier place) until approximately December 10, 2019. This means that Mercury and his/her magic wand will hit '30 Scorpio' on or about December 9th which is the "A Halloween Jester" degree containing a "contempt for established values" vibe (Jones). And of course we think of the new film Joker and expect that its popularity will remain in force since many people attend theatrical movies during the holidays. And isn't it timely how Trump's recent shout-out to China about investigating the Bidens was soon 'walked back' by Trump and his defenders as being only "a joke"? Even so, I suspect that the Chinese government was in on the joke, don't you?

Eclipse Note: in the October 31, 2019 chart of Mercury Rx, transit North Node @10Can19 in 7th house (Washington DC) points toward the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 (10Can37) with 3N themes of 'worry, obsession, news that transforms a situation and/or involves young people', and with a caution 'not to get carried away with large plans' (Brady). Signs Cancer and Capricorn are intercepted in the Mercury Rx chart suggesting karmic conditions that need addressing, and of course eclipses are 'wild cards' of a disruptive Uranian nature which tend to contain a fated undertone as well. Late Sagittarius rises in the October 31st chart yet Capricorn holds the aligning Saturn (@15Cap24 conjunct the 2 South January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse of 'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal' of the 116th Congress), and Pluto at a critical degree (20Cap)--both rising with the separative South Node denoting difficult conditions for this Mercury Rx period. After all, Saturn, Pluto, and the Nodal axis are karmic as well (reaping what's been sown) so we can expect long-forming conditions to culminate soon in one way or another and with a sense of energy draining from situations and events (SN).

However, a bright spot appears in the Mercury Rx chart for there simpers the happy feelings pair of Moon conjunct Jupiter @23Sag+ rising in hidden 12th house near the natal Moon-SN conjunction (20--22Sag) of Donald Trump so his avoidance of facing his true condition and difficult predicament may continue awhile longer. But the three-fer exact conjunctions of transit Jupiter to his natal Moon conclude the first week of November, and significantly, the degree of Moon-Jupiter on Halloween 2019 pre-sages the upcoming 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag on December 4, 2020 with its difficult themes of 'blocked emotions, frustration over money and/or relationships, and potentially a sudden desire to end unions or alliances' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

And so for now, let's wind down this fussy post with a quote from Reinhold Ebertin describing general potentials for Mercury in Scorpio:

"Sharp criticism, fanaticism, endurance and perseverance in the pursuit of difficult problems and in the solution of arduous tasks, practical ability. Sarcasm, skepticism, cunning and craft. Lively disputes, arguments, fights." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R.E.).

Well, that's Halloween 2019 Mercury for us with its Scorpionic potentials which sound to me a lot like a day spent in or around the general vicinity of the fantasy world of Donald Trump.

Oct 4, 2019

Crimea, Scheat, and the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction

Misfortune and Danger for the Crimean Moon

by Jude Cowell

October 4, 2019: In Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes is a founding chart for Crimea #67 and since I've been reviewing the horoscopes of various nations to see where the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction falls and whether or not this difficult, karmic, pressurizing pair of heavyweights will conjoin an angle or a planet or two in national charts, I can say that for Crimea (Ukrainian Republic) the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 perfects within the nation's 3rd house between Neptune Rx (18Cap54) and Saturn (18AQ04) with Neptune 'roping in' Uranus Rx (17Cap56, both in 3rd house) as they align for their Great Conjunction/s of 1993 (the 'NWO' pair), and authoritative Saturn which conjuncts natal IC from the 4th house side.

Therefore, the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction hits nearest Crimea's natal Neptune (orb 3:46)--perhaps not close enough to affect its 3rd house Neptune unduly yet the midpoint picture formed by the transit-to-natal trio is not comforting for it suggests such things as: "instability, fraud, lies, immorality, shattered nerves, and danger" via the Neptunian realms of "water, poison, or gas" (Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds: "being doubted; not being seen for who one is; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable, because of fear" (Solar Arcs). Interesting since Crimea has been often described as suffering from an identity crisis.

When Fiery Mars the Warrior Meets Scheat, Star of Misfortune

Based on the date that the Crimean Parliament approved an act of independence from Ukraine, Crimea's horoscope #67 is set for May 5, 1992 16:00 GMT Simferopol, USSR (ASC 6Scorpio but my software gives ASC 10Scoo2) with a 7th house Sun @15Tau24 (the Oxen Point) and an 8th house Moon @22Gem53; as you see, the Crimean Moon conjoins Trump's natal Sun (a third of his 10th house Gemini trio) and exactly conjuncts US natal Mars. In 5th house, Crimea's natal Mars, the warrior planet of males, weaponry and strife, @29Pis49 forms an unfortunate conjunction with fixed star Scheat, known primarily for its negative potentials of misfortune, suffering, suicide, murder, imprisonment, and/or "malevolence of a sublime scope" (A. Louis). However, on a positive level, Scheat can bestow artistic and literary talents although Crimea's misfortune to be annexed by Russia in 2014 reveals the more negative expressions of the star as the people suffer human rights abuses and false accusations are leveled at innocent targets in order to stifle dissent against Russia and Putin.

As we see, Scheat's potentials for imprisonment and sublime malevolence afflict the land and the Crimean people and are made worse by the star's conjunction with fiery Mars. Meanwhile, the international community haggles over whether Crimea belongs with Ukraine or Russia. To me the answer seems obvious!

Now from 2018, here is a brief time-lapse video New bridge cements Russia's hold on Crimea, and although I don't care to admit it, the bridge linking Crimea to Russia is quite an impressive feat of engineering.

Above image: portrait of Planet Mars by NASA

Oct 2, 2019

Trump 2019 Mars Return and a Whistleblower Complaint!

Image: Mars from Hubble; NASA

The contentious, combative, hot-headed Mars rising of Donald Trump began a new 2-year cycle of activity for him recently when transit Mars returned to natal position (26Leo46) in Trump's birth horoscope (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY) on August 12, 2019. Curiously, August 12, 2019 is the very day the whistle blower complaint was submitted through the proper legal channels and an official impeachment inquiry was subsequently activated in the House of Representatives. As you know, Martian Trump, a master of resentment and revenge, depends on having enemies. And in similar fashion to America's habit, Big T will make them when and if there are none. And as we've seen, a cornered Trump is a dangerous Trump.

Plus, it's been reported that in March of this year, Trump proposed the craven idea of shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down when crossing the border, a tragically fitting expression of his Mars rising in its malevolent role with Mars the ruler of guns, snipers, knives and other weapons. This must be one of those 'be careful what you wish for' for other people because in one form or another, the natural law of karma (reaping what's been sown) will eventually boomerang it back on you.

So if you're curious, here's a previous post concerning the 2019 Mars Return of Donald Trump. And, rounding up his Mars degree to "27 Leo" here is a bit of Sabian Symbol info from Dane Rudhyar:

"The Luminescence of Dawn in the Eastern Sky"; Keynote: The exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle. {} Keyword: ILLUMINATION."

Sep 30, 2019

2020 Electoral College votes on December 14, 2020

Election Day: November 3, 2020 but the Real Deal Is Sealed on December 14th

As it now stands, the 2020 Electors will vote for a new president and vice president or will re-elect the incumbents on December 14, 2020. And as synchronicity would have it, a Total Solar Eclipse perfects @23Sag08 on that very day at 11:16:26 am est so the horoscope below is set for that date, hour, and the Capitol Building Washington DC in lieu of an accurate time and location for the Electoral College vote; please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbled notes:

As you see from the title on the above image, this chart shows the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 which falls within the 4 South Saros Series; however, it is not the PE of Election 2020 (that would be the 4 North in June 2020). Themes of 4 South are on the difficult side: 'strong emotional feelings concerning money and/or relationships; sense of fatedness in relationships or of being caught up in events beyond personal control; a sudden desire to end relationships; emotions may be blocked or checked causing a great deal of frustration; there may be anger or lust, and for best results, rash action should be avoided until issues settle down' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). The last 4 South eclipse occurred in 2002 @11Sag54; the initial eclipse in this series manifested on March 19, 1624 @29Pisces; therefore, for more depth of information the Sagittarian energies of the December 2020 eclipse can be viewed or filtered through a Pisces (Jupiter/Neptune) lens--double Jupiter which suggests the possibility of staged or feigned performances (Munkasey). Personally I tend to call such performances 'politics'.

Now voting planet Mercury @20Sag05 conjuncts South Node (see edit, below) and accompanies the eclipse in 10th house of Goals, Career, and Public Standing, and the Moon-Sun-Mercury trio ropes in Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, as noted. And as you know, a Moon-SN conjunction suggests a person with bad timing who has trouble doing things in the right way, and who tends to alienate others. It reveals a karmic condition due to the past mishandling of wealth, position, and popularity. Trump's opposing Sun-North-Node conjunction helps to uplift the depressive qualities of his 'estranged from mama' Moon-SN but who really knows how often his nibs sobs when he's all alone.

Actually, the planets form a BOWL shape with the 9th house Venus in Scorpio leading the tilt and denoting 'advocacy of a cause' or the 'furtherance of a mission' (Jones). If Venus leading the other planets could signify a lady candidate in Big Business Scorpio, perhaps Senator Elizabeth Warren is suggested.

As for the Electoral College, I can't say how they'll be persuaded to vote but I can say that there's an awful lot of Trump planets linked to this horoscope, some of which are penned around the chart. There's no space to pen on his speculative, overblown Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (5--18 Libra) but it snugs around the 8th cu$p of Corporatism and Debt. Plus, you see the 1st house Neptune @18Pis13 rising yet intercepted which is apex of two midpoint pictures penned on the chart and highlighted in green. Now interceptions are somewhat controversial and some astrologers don't use them at all (using a different house system sometimes removes them all together). But I think of them as indicating karmic conditions and/or something hidden which must be dealt with and in this case, it relates to victim-savior issues (Virgo-Pisces axis) with karmic Neptune strong in its own sign of Pisces and apex planet of multiple T-squares which place much pressure on the nebulous planet of fraud, deception, dissolution, disappointment, loss, glamour, and/or spirituality. Neptune also represents propaganda, the masses and mass media as well and a 1st house Neptune supports the eclipse theme of 'caught up in events beyond personal control' as noted, above. Of course, water, gas, oil, or other liquids or toxins may be involved with large events (exs: storms or floods).

Politically speaking even a very large Blue Wave may be represented by an active Neptune which could hopefully make it more difficult for the Electoral College to vote against the popular candidate as they did in 2016. Of course, much depends on how well Republican cheating tactics work this time around and many things can happen between now (September 30, 2019) and December 14, 2020, even impeachment but I'm not counting my chickens on that score, partially because too many rats would have to scurry into the spotlight if the Trump yacht sank.

Now another negative factor in the horoscope is that social and religious fanaticism is suggested by a midpoint picture conjunct the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma: Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter, ruler of the eclipse bwo Sagittarius. And when a solar eclipse is in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius it's important for best results that energies be focused, not scattered, a search for truth is engaged upon, and motivations are aboveboard. Karmic progress cannot be made if misplaced idealism and/or erroneous beliefs are the guides under the influence of a Sagittarian eclipse (Lineman). These are often the very sorts of things that 'wild card' eclipses tend to uncover whenever society sorely needs a change of direction.

Then as you see, ascending in the chart is Trump's natal Descendant @29AQ (Partnerships) and he's in the midst of a Nodal Return when new alliances tend to form and fortunate contacts may be made. At Midheaven ('MC'; @12Sag22) is what many astrologers use for America's natal Ascendant, and with North Node in 4th house (US natal 7th house), we may expect an emphasis on the Homeland, Domestic Scene, Family Members as Partners, and/or Roots. Real Estate and/or the Mining Industry may also be in focus and opposite, there's potential for someone prominent (10th house) to lose (SN) their social position or career (MC).

And yes, there are several other cosmic links to Trump's natal planets but I have no wish to spotlight all of them because it's making me feel fussy just looking at the chart. Yet mention must be made that the 4 South eclipse perfects quite near Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction so that secrets from his past may be illuminated as eclipses will do (tiresomely, I know, since there have been so many revelations already) via leaks, reporting, investigations, lawsuits, or, as it turns out, whistleblowing.

And of course this is a South Node eclipse so energies tend to drain from conditions and events possibly suggesting the exhaustion we all feel after years of resisting Trump-style destruction and his Geminian duplicity and constant tweeting.

Oct 20, 2019 edit: I neglected to add that Mercury conjunct South Node suggests persons or people who are mentally alone and cannot gain support for their ideas or plans, one who speaks out at the wrong time or in the wrong place, is not listened to, has ideas ahead or behind the times, may have ideas or plans stolen or plagiarized, and/or is able to escape the "pitfalls of popular opinion" (Sakaoian and Acker); positively Mercury-SN may denote an independent person with original ideas.

Yet there's one thing we know for certain for those with ears to hear: that truth will always have its own ring!

Looking ahead here are the Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures. Glancing back to 2016, the Electors voted on December 19th for con artist Donald Trump. Didn't they know he's a gangster? And here's a nostalgic post concerning the cosmic conditions on that December day in 2016 when we were all much younger and sooo naive.

Trump's 2020 Campaign Strategy "I'm Corrupt But So Are They" - Thom Hartmann

Trump: Swamp Drainer or Swamp Filler? Trump is also a fraudster and a gangster sporting a 2nd hou$e trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter in Libra. And as you know, Jupiter-Neptune suggests potentials for 'grand spirit' but also 'grand schemes, big dreams, corruption, speculation, fraud, and waste'--con man activity and his, with wounded-wounding Chiron between them showing that here is one of his blind spots in the house of Money, Possessions, Earning Ability, and Values.

So here's a September 30, 2019 segment from the Thom Hartmann broadcast which also includes whistleblower considerations, what was left out of the 'transcript' Trump provided, and his obsession with the Bidens, Ukraine, and Crowdstrike:


More on Jupiter-Neptune: the world remains under the auspices of the three-fer Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009. For Americans all three conjunctions occurred in the range of 24--27 Aquarius which hit our national Moon in Aquarius and we fell under the spell of Barack Obama (2009, his first year as POTUS) whose natal Mars (23Virgo) acted and acts underneath the veil of America's natal Neptune (23Virgo), a glamorous 'rock star' connection which can also imply secretive war activities (US natal Mars-Neptune square: misdirected/misguided motivations and actions; the 'fog of war').

The dreamy, swooning, fantasy-prone Jupiter-Neptune = US natal Moon (little sense of reality!) influences continue at least until the next conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59 conjunct fixed star Markab. Potentials for Markab when linked to a planet--in 2022, to both Jupiter and Neptune--include: legal problems, accidents, emotional scars, sorrow, literary ability, and/or tragedy (A. Louis).

Very sorry to type this concerning 2022 but there it is. jc

Sep 27, 2019

US Congress: Broken When We Need It to Get Busy

Has the US Congress disintegrated right before our eyes, now broken beyond repair? The sabotage of the US government has been in force for decades and infiltrators are having their merry way. Politico's When Impeachment Meets a Broken Congress lays out the case rather well (especially if readers scroll down a few paragraphs).

And astrologers are likely to be familiar with recent and current planetary transits to the US Congress First Session Horoscope and those affecting Inauguration 2017 planets, plus, a long-term transit of Pluto square natal Neptune with potentials for: 'psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration'. And since Congress is intended to represent We The People, this heavy plutonian influence applies to the entire population.

See the US Congress First Session Horoscope of March 4, 1789 for more transit details.

Now as you can see from the March 4, 1789 chart, the Midheaven (26Capricorn) of the US Congress (MC = Goals, Aspirations, Public Standing) is currently in turmoil from the approaching Saturn-Pluto pair of compressed, unyielding energies, and the same for US Inauguration Horoscope/s (January 20, 2017, 2013, etc, at noon Capitol Building Washington DC).

Karmic Saturn and Pluto are working together as they move closer and their energies peak @23Cap46 on January 12, 2020 (conjunct Trump' natal Vertex of fated encounters--an encounter with dictatorship apparently although personally I'm hoping for downfall). The Saturn-Pluto pairing denotes potentials for: turmoil in rigid or older structures, upsets in existing checks and balances, secret preparations for future restrictions, use of secret police or military agencies, blocked sewage systems, and/or lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction (Munkasey). But whether Trump stays on top or not, the ongoing sabotage, mostly by Republicans, is in process of achieving its objective of collapsing America and 'drowning her in a bath tub' as Grover Norquist promised. After all, everyone knows that no empire lasts forever--including the vengeful Vladimir Putin.

So as noted, plans to deconstruct the US government have been simmering for decades--actually from the start--and many see the 2022 US Pluto Return/s as a major signpost on the way to...whatever conditions and events from the Revolutionary years will rhyme if not repeat by 2022.

And naturally, the saboteurs are banking on modern generations of Americans having little if any of the spunk and determination our forefathers possessed during the Revolutionary era so that fighting to rescue our Republic when time catches up with need will be a weak and wimpy affair, easily vanquished, our combatants soft and otherwise engaged with their phones and viral videos. For as you know stealth has been one of our opponents' handiest aids (as always with sabotage) along with infiltration, lies, fraud, cheating, political 'spin', propaganda, wedge issues, and the entertainment industry. Bribery and intimidation work well for them, too, with their mobster/global crime syndicate selves focused on dismantling democratic societies. That the US will no longer act as global leader seems evident to me and is one of the saboteurs' goals.

Plus, you'll remember that in December 2008, during the Bush-Cheney Financial Crash, America symbolically reached as far as she/we can go (or should go) in the world via our nation's Progressed Full Moon in Virgo. Now, despite the massive amount of rigging it's taken to hide the fact that our nation has reached its pinnacle, we're nearly 11 years beyond that point and the karmic imperatives are coming in fast. Are our crumbling institutional structures too weak to withstand the sabotaging forces of the global crime syndicate? For that's what the Washington establishment fights when it battles against Donald Trump although some politicians may be 'fighting' and resisting while secretly supporting the fascist cause he leads (or is the face of--an orange figurehead!).

Now as you know, even before America's Pluto Return/s in 2022 we must navigate several Solar and Lunar Eclipses of note, plus, two titanic planetary conjunctions occur after Saturn-Pluto in January 2020--Jupiter-Pluto begin their cycle anew with the duo's financial implications on April 5, June 30, November 12, 2020 between 22 and 25 Capricorn (tri-wheel charts shown). And the Jupiter-Saturn (the societal pair) conjunct and end 2020 with a bang @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and marking the beginning of a 20-year cycle. When Jupiter and Saturn combine forces there are more checks and balances issues and significant changes in governmental, religious, and social orders with a judicial system at breaking point (Munkasey)--and this must include the lawmakers of Congress.

So now I must regress because during all the years of writing Stars Over Washington (since 2005) I have encouraged readers to contact Congress with 'call often call angry' concerning their issues but now I strongly suspect that calls and emails to Congress offering our support and firm 'don't allow the institution to dissolve' messages would serve both the higher and lower purposes of We The People much better. Don't you?

Related Posts include: The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s; and, The Facist Plot to Overthrow FDR (documentary). My point is, the fascists are at it again and have learned much from their previous mistakes and miscalculations.

Trump Now Reaping Results from the July 2019 Eclipse

September 27, 2019: Upcoming in the 2019 holiday season is the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap07, a 'Christmas Eclipse'. But for now we remain under the influence of the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 @10Can37 which fell between America's Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio (3--14 Cancer)--directly between the Sun-Jupiter duo which relates to leadership (Sun), and money, corporatism, the military, and idealism (Jupiter) with Cancer the sign of patriotism, tribalism, home, self-protection, and business.

Since the whistleblower complaint has publicly whistled Trump's name and the House run by Democrats has opened a formal impeachment inquiry this very week, perhaps the themes of the July 2019 3 North eclipse should be reviewed for they now make more sense.

3 North Themes: 'an over-excessive series involving news that transforms a situation and causes worry or obsession; the undertaking of large plans is wanted which can be very positive as long as one doesn't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Besides the obvious reference to transforming news (ex: whistleblower complaint), plus, whatever overblown plans and spin the very worried Trump feels he must set in motion in order to muddy clear waters, I believe Speaker Pelosi has been keeping her impeachment powder dry until such time as Trump overplayed his autocratic hand and news arrived that transformed the situation into more votes for impeachment. Yet crazily, the House is scheduled to go on recess Friday September 27 until October 15th! Momentum will be lost--unless certain committees stay behind and continue working.

Additionally, July 2019 also contained a Lunar Eclipse @24 Capricorn which 'eclipsed' Trump's natal 11th house Saturn in Cancer, planet of authority, accountability, realism, and government. Both the Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes of July 2019 may be viewed here set for Washington DC.

Then coming in December, as noted, is the 3 South eclipse bringing vibes of 'traumatic transformation through news received'. Now Trump is a mighty slippery varmint, it's true, but I can't help but wonder what events the 3 South eclipse themes could possibly describe as 2019 melts into 2020!

Sep 25, 2019

Horoscopes: SCOTUS and Minerva 1789 and 1790

Head of Minerva Elihu Vedder [Public domain]

On September 24, 1789, George Washington signed the Judiciary Act in order to set up the US Supreme Court, aka, SCOTUS. The Court's first session was held in New York City on February 1, 1790 with John Jay presiding as Chief Justice, plus, associate justices John Rutledge, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison, and James Wilson (6 in total). SCOTUS was established as the ultimate arbiter of the laws of the United States particularly those dealing with constitutionality and we find the institution of the Supreme Court ensconced and empowered within Article 3 of the US Constitution.

Below is a dual-chart image of both September 24, 1789 (lower left) and SCOTUS' first-session February 1, 1790 (upper right). Highlighted in green on both horoscopes are heavy-weights Saturn 'the judge' and Pluto 'the power behind the throne' (possibly the Pope!). Both timings are speculative--1789 is set for noon LMT and 1790 is set for 9:00 am LMT; both are located in New York City (as they should be based on historical events) and a few asteroids and midpoints are sprinkled around the charts.

Astrological Minerva Provides Big Answers and Solves Problems

Significant is that in the 1789 chart, asteroid Minerva conjoins Pluto Rx @17AQ07 (with planet Pluto undiscovered until 1930 and, in both charts, out-of-bounds of the earthly plane). Therefore, Pluto, planet of psychology and hidden control (among other things) operates unconsciously, if at all, upon people and events of the era but certainly in a behind-the-scenes or invisible capacity. Perhaps Pluto's relationship as the higher octave planet of astrological Mars sneaks into play and in the 1789 chart, Mars @24Can32 not only leads a Locomotive shape of planets denoting a high-powered executive determined on success (George W., I think), but Mars also conjoins US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776) which denotes a time when ideas become reality, thinking is energized and enthusiastic, and activities are vigorously undertaken. However, challenges may be encountered and impatience and/or disagreements may temporarily interfere with carefully planned endeavors, plus, political activities and opinions are indicated by Mercury-Mars contacts.

Clues to Minerva's influence in September 1789 are shown by Pluto's sign and condition. In Aquarius, Pluto signifies a strong communal sense, a wealth of plans, and an urge to reform; life advancement comes with the help of other people (Ebertin). Since the timing of both charts is speculative let's leave out Pluto's 2nd-house position and emphasize Pluto's condition as shown by aspects from other planets to Pluto: a sextile from the Sag Moon was within orb for the afternoon suggesting an ability to 'unclutter' issues; Sun sesqui-square Pluto is a complex aspect which implies a square-within-square relationship identifying leadership ambitious for power and a strong will imposed upon others; Mercury trine Pluto suggests an ability to get at the root of issues and good powers of concentration; Jupiter opposite Pluto provides ambition, an urge to acquire wealth and power, a tendency toward dogmatism, and an autocratic attitude that feels it must reform the morality and standards of others. All rise!

Of course, the Neptune-Pluto trine, active during both years and beyond, is generational and identifies a period when mysticism, the occult, clairvoyance, and strong intuition featured for those in tune with such energies but considering our topic, let's say that the trine relates to reformers who work for improved societal conditions and gain the power and social positions to do so. You know--like Supreme Court justices do.

Then in the 1790 chart, Minerva conjoins lawmaker and judge Saturn in Pisces, a modest, reserved placement for the taskmaster planet whose hard, concentrated work in seclusion is somber, serious, and may never receive much if any recognition. (This applies to law clerks as well). A struggle with opponents is also indicated by Saturn in Pisces (Ebertin) and the planet's rising position with Minerva is significant if 9:00 am happens to be the hour, or near the hour, that the first court session opened. Obviously, answers and solutions within the biggest picture were on the institution's Saturnian agenda that day and this remains the case.

Now let's take a look at Saturn's condition in the 1790 chart via planetary aspects: with the Moon square Saturn aspect within orb, we find austere attitudes and support for the above 'somber work in seclusion' indication; Venus sesqui-square Saturn denotes stiff formalities and ceremonial events (probably done with Masonic flair behind closed doors--many of the Founders and their contemporaries were a bunch of goddess worshipers, you know--see goddess Columbia's statue atop the Capitol Building, for one example!); Mars trine Saturn provides ambition, an authoritative mindset, capabilities for shouldering heavy responsibilities, taking purposeful actions, working hard and long, and acting shrewdly when it comes to politics.

Finally, a Saturn-North Node trine suggests careful, conservative justices who followed the moral, social, and business codes of their day--and the trine favors conservative politicians and our first justices who studied the issues before them without favor and delivered well-considered, fair decisions.

Well, congratulations to both readers of this post who managed to get this far as I'm certain few will! In closing I'll add that we might wish to say that knowledgeable Minerva on her path from September 1789 to February 1790 may be said to have "translated light" in a symbolic sense and carried her rays from Pluto to Saturn, and to me this says that the Supreme Court of Saturnian justices was intended to act as a beacon of Minerva's brilliance on behalf of The People of the United States of America. That SCOTUS is now corrupted by two illegitimate justices and the lax morality of the current White House administration marks yet another tragic turn in America's destiny and sullies all SCOTUS decisions forward unless and until Supreme Court integrity is reestablished.

Sep 23, 2019

Trump’s New Worldwide Autocratic Alliance - Thom Hartmann

September 23, 2019: Yes, Herr Trump's actions, secret deals, and law breaking are extremely disturbing to many Americans and to others but there can be no true solutions to our problems unless and until we face our monsters realistically and call them exactly what they are.

To that end, here's a segment from earlier today with Thom Hartmann interviewing author Seth Abramson concerning Seth's latest book Proof of Conspiracy and the autocratic, anti-democratic 'leaders' now being organized into a global network of despots--and if they succeed they plainly have plans in mind for future restrictions. Trump's recent attempt/s to strong-arm the leader of Ukraine into providing dirt against Joe and Hunter Biden is clearly explained in the interview as an ongoing saga, and a larger context is helpfully provided by author Abramson.

And so as an astrologer who follows politics I must wonder: could the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of compression, fanaticism, destruction, and reversals have anything to do with an increase of such strong-arm tactics? Mr. Abramson answers the question of What To Do?


A Previous Post: The 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn Conjuncts The Fed's Uranus. As with the previous Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 1982 in Libra under Ronald "Trickle Down" Reagan, US finances will most likely be involved. Plus, with the 2020 conjunction perfecting in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investments, it will be surprising if the US government and our economy escapes unharmed especially considering how much damage is already done by Trump and his backers since they moved in and took over--and then there's Pluto in Capricorn determined to play "the dictator" (Ebertin). And btw, in 2016/2017, that was a monstrous coup of America in case you know anyone who failed to recognize it for what it was and is.

Sep 22, 2019

Autumn Equinox 2019: a Pentagram of Ordo Ab Chao

Autumn EQ 2019 Washington DC: Good vs Evil, As Within So Without

by Jude Cowell

In Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages we find that, the pentagram symbol (5-pointed star) is "the time-honored symbol of the magical arts".."the five senses of man, the five elements of nature, the five extremities of the human body. By means of the pentagram within his own soul, man may not only master and govern all creatures inferior to himself, but may demand consideration at the hands of those superior to himself." (My italics.)

Will Order From Chaos occur and override Uranian Donald Trump who only knows how to 'govern' via chaos and who is overshadowed by lawsuits and investigations everywhere he turns? We can hope. Now as you see in the Autumn Equinox 2019 Horoscope, below, the US Inaugural Ascendant (14Taurus) sits atop the chart at Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, as does the Moon-Neptune midpoint. This forms two pictures suggesting an unstable personality who is "gripped by forebodings." Can this be Trump under pressure and feeling cornered? Well, in mundane charts the Sun represents the leader, or in this case, US POTUS (by which I mean the fellow currently playing the role) and this Sun 00Lib00:00 conjoins the Jupiter-North-Node midpoint in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (with chart-ruler Sun making no Ptolemaic aspects in the chart other than opposing Chiron). Of course, one of Trump's favorite planets, Mars @23Virgo, is in 2nd house as well and conjoins US natal Neptune, a time when unwise decisions are probable and getting to the bottom of things is difficult if not impossible. Keeping a low profile is the best course of action but who would expect such moderation from attention-hound Trump? Especially since America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misguided action is activated by transit Mars to Neptune.

Then with the anti-social Neptune-North-Node midpoint conjunct the Equinox MC we may expect that the help of others is needed in order to reach objectives, while someone is in seclusion (though he may still be tweeting up a storm and calling heads of state on the phone for cozy chats. The way you do).

Above you see the DC Horoscope for Autumn Equinox 2019 which perfects when the Sun enters Libra (00:00:00) on September 23 at 3:50:25 am edt (aka, the Libra Ingress); highlighted in red is a stretched pentagram pattern pointing toward the Midheaven of the chart (MC 14Tau54) which subsequently conjoins America's Presidential Oath of Office, the Ascendant, at noon on January 20th, the swearing in of a new president. In this case, that would be Trump playing the POTUS role. The lower left point of the star conjuncts Trump's Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio in his natal 2nd house--closest to his Chiron and therefore the middle of his speculating, inflating, fraudulent Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. So for Herr Spanky a midpoint picture of potentials is formed by transit Mercury (conjunct US natal Saturn 14Lib4) as apex---his natal Jupiter-Neptune = transit Mercury: skills with deceptive practices; misleading or misdirecting the attention of others. With US n Saturn: combining the real with the unreal in activities; curtailed occult practices (Munkasey). Also note that rising in 1st house is transit Nemesis @28Leo26 conjunct the natal Mars and Ascendant of Donald Trump (which brings royal Regulus along as well: success if revenge is avoided--if not, every gain is taken away). Finally, is this a cosmic picture of a foe that's unbeatable for Teflon Trump?

Note: you're welcomed to take exception to my use of the stretched pentagram shown here but let's proceed in case the pattern turns out to have relevance to events and to current crises at least until Winter Solstice 2019 occurs and 'takes over' in December. If the pentagram is irrelevant, we'll find out by the time 2019 careens on into 2020.

Now a pentagram is a 5th Harmonic pattern and with an exact one, all five points (planets, points, etc) would be conjunct in a 5th harmonic chart ('H5'). Yet pentagrams rarely turn up in horoscopes so I'm allowing a stretching for this one. For as you know, its symbolism has been used for centuries by secret societies, other organizations, and in sacred, gnostic, Kabbalistic, and satanic systems and beliefs. In Christianity a pentagram often represents The Star of the Magi (or, Star of Bethlehem) and, as noted by Manly Hall in the quote, above, relates to man--and particularly to Leonardo da Vinci's illustration of the Vitruvian Man (health, fitness, asteroid Hygeia, the practice of medicine). Issues of the 'balance between mind and body' are implied which suggests some of the public discourse prevalent concerning the health of Donald Trump.

So pentagrams also relate to the Mind of Man (and Woman), the Fire element, to creative regeneration, and to those who are on a continual, adventurous quest upon which new, often unexpected events are encountered which may help rectify mistakes or past events--thus bringing order out of chaos. Plus, a definite spiritual component (good vs evil) is involved when a pentagram appears and there's often a 'brilliant bolt from the blue' that hints of erratic Uranus, The Witness, the Rebel, the Disrupter, the Maverick--and changes of direction become necessary. (Note that Uranus @5Tau55 Rx in 9th house is unaspected in this chart suggesting 'spurts of unusual behavior projected onto others'--Tierney.) Also Sun unaspected indicates a self-involved person with no conscience.

So does the Autumn EQ 2019 pentagram symbolize that someone new will appear on the scene, someone to counter Uranian Trump successfully? If so, he or she may be characterized as a 'giant' who has the power to affect and manipulate global events either for good or evil. Is she/he already on the scene (exs: the fellow lurking in the Oval Office, or, a 2020 candidate?) or is she/he someone new as suggested by the pentagram? With Venus in Libra in the 2020 Election Horoscope, the incumbent party is expected to retain control of the presidency although the Venus Cycle didn't manage to block a couple of exceptions to the rule in past presidential elections. So the certainty that this must be Trump in 2020 isn't necessarily the case, I suppose, and certainly much has happened in recent weeks on the Trump-whistleblower-Ukrainian front to suggest more strongly and blatantly than ever how unfit for office Trump is. Plus, Venus Cycle or no, if enough women, minorities, and Millennials vote Democrat, another Blue Wave could sweep his nibs out to sea.

Yet it's also possible that his status as Teflon Trump, a Bacchus figure (see 2nd house Sun @00Libra conjunct transit Bacchus!), will continue to protect him from all accusations and threats which suggests to me that people in very high places want him to remain in the White House as the saboteurs of America tick off items on their devilish to-do list. We know that major shifts are occurring around the world so is US global leadership becoming a thing of the past under agent Trump?

Then with another look at the horoscope, we see that Pluto-MC = Neptune which denotes potential scandals, other-worldliness, peculiarities, and "power run amuck" (Tyl)--a few of the things we already have experienced under the auspices of scofflaw Donald Trump. So if someone 'new' intends to appear, let's hope our difficulties will abate soon even if they can't disappear all together especially since December 26, 2019 brings the world a Capricorn Solar Eclipse in the 3 South Saros Series with its authority-related karmic imperatives and the promise--whether we're ready for it or not--of traumatic transformation, a concept which is well supported by transit Pluto plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, transforming structures and systems as he creeps toward 2022 and his position in our nation's July 4, 1776 chart.

Sep 20, 2019

Trump Whistleblower Complaint and a Leo New Moon

July 31, 2019--August 12, 2019: Trump and Our National Security

Well, according to Fortune Magazine, here is today's update Trump Whistleblower Complaint: Everything You Need to Know by Natasha Bach, and while I can't personally vouch for the accuracy of the update I do know that when Trump allegedly called Vladimir Putin on July 31, 2019, a
New Moon perfected @8Leo37
less than 2 degrees from Trump's 12th house Pluto (10Leo02; Rx and unaspected) which suggests that seeds (ideas) were planted and a new cycle of activity began. Was this mobster calling mobster? Underworld boss Pluto called and answered, if so.

Now as you know, astrological Luna may be used as a handy timing device in horoscopes and the July 31 New Moon culminated with the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24, book ending a time period when the current turmoil over a suppressed whistle blower complaint against Trump making a disturbing, possibly national security endangering, 'promise' to a foreign leader during a phone call, may have begun (July 31) and the whistleblower complaint filed or aired (on August 12--within the August 15th time frame). Of interest may be the rounded-up degree's symbol for the Full Moon: "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving all Its Paws," with 'big bear' a traditional symbol for Mother Russia. The symbol's negative/shadow side expression: "frantic efforts to gain and hold attention" (Jones).

Also note that on July 31st, communicating message-bringer Mercury @23Cancer stationed and turned Direct precisely upon Trump's natal 11th house Saturn (seeking or giving advice; serious communications)! Hello Moscow? Is that you, Moscow? It's me, Donald.

Now as it turns out, Ukraine is said to be involved which to me includes Putin, so some people are calling this Trump's Ukrainegate. Do you suppose the Trump-Putin pact to finagle Russia back into the G-8 is any part of this 'promising' picture? For as you know, Putin's actions against Ukraine got him kicked out of the G-8.

Trump's Mercury and a YOD Points to Mars and Crisis

As for America's national security, I confess to being one of those Americans who have considered the loose-lipped Donald Trump to be a major national security risk from the start with a huge clue pre-2016 being his natal Mercury-Neptune square of deception, lies, fraud, indiscretion, fantasy, inability to hear or to learn, and misperception. Naturally there were other clues but the square is a major 'tell' especially since the former reality show host uses his mouth almost non-stop for boasting, propagandizing, demagoguing, promoting, broadcasting, tweeting, insulting, and whining for what feels like 24/7. Aptly, Alan Oken calls the Mercury-Neptune square "the sneaky mind" and on that perhaps you and I can agree.

So was Trump addressing a crisis in a phone call on July 31, 2019? Perhaps so since a crisis pattern--a YOD (also, a special task; a crossroads)--is present in the July 31st New Moon horoscope (linked, above) and points toward fire-starter planet Mars (males; the military; warriors; energy, action, motivation). And if we use the YOD's planets to determine midpoint pictures we get the following potentials (my italics):

Neptune-Pluto = Mars @19Leo09: compulsion to use violence; imminent destruction emphasizes hostility; lack of resistance; used as a tool; and Saturn-Neptune = Mars: defending shabby practices; emotional depression or sickness; listlessness. (Munkasey; Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds: preoccupations that can't be explained.

No, I don't imagine that Trump's true preoccupations can be honestly explained but we know that he and his minions expend a huge amount of energy and time hiding, obstructing, and suppressing them from congressional and public scrutiny. It's the tyrant's way!

Recent and Related: What About Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto?

Sep 18, 2019

Sept 18, 2019: 226 Years Ago the Capitol Cornerstone Laid

After yesterday's circus theatrics and stonewalling before the House Judiciary Committee one is tempted to wonder if the United States Capitol Building remains standing on Capitol Hill where George Washington put it. Well, though its foundation may be somewhat shaken, it still stands even as the power of Congress over a rebellious Executive Branch is in question. For after all, the temple-like building is all of 226 years old if we count its genesis from the Laying of the Cornerstone by Freemason George Washington and his brothers in Masonic ceremony (bros from Lodges No.22 Virginia and No.9 Maryland). Their solemn procession gathered in Alexandria at 10:00 am LMT, crossed the river, and must have reached Jenkins Heights (aka, Jenkins Hill) around lunch time or thereabouts, give or take.

The symbolic founding horoscope I use for the US Capitol Building is set for 10:53 am LMT September 18, 1793 when expansive, freedom-loving, protective Jupiter @27Scorpio peeked over the horizon; The Sun, Mercury, and North Node were in Virgo which is typically a prominent sign in any horoscope dealing with the founding of Washington DC and is highly important in Freemasonry symbolism with its wheat shaft, the goddess/Virgin, and 'widow's son' implications along with Ceres, an asteroid of nurturing that is sometimes used to represent democracy. Yes, there are goddess archetypes galore across Washington DC, Zodiacs and horoscopes, too.

Actually, in December 2017 I posted on the Laying of the US Capitol Cornerstone with a little Astrology added for good measure (see The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital by David Ovason for more details). Or as Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and the others must have called it, Sacred Geometry.

So here's wishing a Happy 226th Anniversary, US Capitol Building! But in future, please figure out a way for your proceedings to do without the infiltrators and saboteurs currently undermining your very foundation.


Your friend,

A Child of the Revolution.