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Sep 16, 2019

Beyond Brett Kavanaugh's Crimes & Cover Ups - Thom Hartmann

Published September 16, 2019: here Thom Hartmann ventures beyond the usual topics that concern beer lover Brett Kavanaugh including the Republican cover-up of Kavanaugh's days working within the warmongering administration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney:

Wonder if Kavanaugh, in league with Bush and Cheney, had anything to do with the attacks of 9/11/01--used as a pretext for war and invasion of the Middle East? At the very least, we know on whose watch the attacks were perpetrated as the Saturn-Pluto opposition fell across America's natal ASC-DESC axis and this stirs up questions about the upcoming Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and the fact that the conjunction hits the natal Vertex (22:51) of Donald J. Trump. The harsh Saturn-Pluto duo meets his Vertex at the crossroads, we might say.

So will Trump meet fated encounters? Changing work conditions? Both? Or something entirely different?

Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures

Please enlarge the following image to read the potentials of Inauguration 2021's Midpoint Pictures. Any, all, or none may apply at the time of the 2021 Oath of Office and may be subject to transits, progressions, and/or other activation; potentials are blends of Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey, and as you see, apex planets include: Sun (US natal POTUS; leadership; goals), Mars (males; the military; weapons), Uranus (radicals; reactionaries; zealots; the future), Saturn (authority; legal system; the Establishment; the status quo; limitations; the past), Pluto (power; extreme wealth; hidden hands; saboteurs), Jupiter (finances, banking, investment, wealthy, politics, religion, the General, corporatism; expansion), and Neptune (the media, the masses, propaganda, fraud, deception, disappointment, dissolution). The remaining planets are not apex but are parts of the planetary combinations themselves.

Notably, one planetary picture (Venus-Jupiter) prominently sits atop the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope Midheaven, the Goal Point ('MC'); three planetary midpoints conjunct the Sun, four conjunct Neptune, and two conjunct Jupiter; 12:00 pm est is a Solar Hour, the lunar phase is Crescent (88:10 = crisis in action), and with regret, I add that the chart's planets are in the Bundle shape of a 'dictator' such as Mussolini's (whose natal planets formed the Bundle shape) which suggests a more authoritarian 'presidency' than We The People have always been led to expect from Washington DC--even though we can 'feel' America's three-fer Pluto Return/s approaching in 2022:

Now please note that the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope may not be a cosmic picture of a second presidential term for Donald Trump and yet you may agree that the 2021 Inaugural midpoint pictures suggest quite a mixed cosmic bag of negative and positive possibilities including: temporary or passing states of chaos, success and recognition, lowered standards and goals, magical effects, retaliation, impatience with interference, crooks and swindlers, and someone becoming the mistress or master of her or his own fate.

All this said under the assumption that America will continue to inaugurate presidents during this old order vs new order stage of societal dissolution and regeneration. Meanwhile, Pluto creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, imposes his own destructive energies, doesn't he?

And so for authoritarian Trump this marks a period when transit Saturn (3AQ55; planet of authority and legalities) opposes his progressed Saturn (3Leo09 conjunct his progressed MC 5:40) and progress is difficult if not impossible to achieve--and transit Pluto @24Capricorn opposes his natal Saturn in Watery Cancer, sign of tribalism and nationalism, and suggesting titanic challenges to his personal authority and control. Hopefully! Is he vanquished yet? Well, perhaps the 'Images for Integration' for Inauguration 2021's Air-Fire Sun AQ-Moon Aries blend of cosmic energies might be of an uplifting nature:

"A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). On second thought, mocking and/or outwitting can play out for good or ill, so maybe not.

Note: if you find that any midpoint picture's potentials are difficult to read, leave a comment with this post and I will add its potentials in a reply. Printing the page might increase readability. jc

Also included on the above image in the lower right corner you see listed the 4 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021, the DC Horoscope for which may be viewed in a previous post here with eclipse theme and other astro-notes included.

Sep 13, 2019

Update: Boris Johnson's Horoscope - Brexit and Britain 2019 and 2020

ORIGINAL TITLE: Boris Johnson's Horoscope - Brexit and Britain in 2019 and 2020

by James Lynn Page

This is an update of Boris Johnson’s Horoscope (written September 9th) to the original article of July 30th.

Boris Johnson’s Horoscope – Updated Sept. 9th 2019

As we might expect signs of confusion, blockage and severe impasse (unless a real breakthrough compromise is made) are all there in the prediction charts involving the UK, Brexit and British Politics. The original 1066 chart for England (from the time of William the Conqueror) has transiting Neptune opposite Saturn throughout October - the conflict between high ideals and hard-nosed reality. This can so easily mean self delusion or stasis – the inability to move forward. On this chart, too (for 25th Nov.) there is transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Uranus - the best time for the UK election if only because it symbolises an optimistic, forward-looking fresh start and the need for real progression. The best time for who, though?

Boris Johnson's Natal Horoscope June 19, 1964 2:00 pm EDT NYC:

We'll get this very soon, but also, on the 1801 chart (for the Union of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland) there are aggressive Mars squares between the 7th and 19th of October. This means, whether or not Parliament sits, the backbiting and political conflicts and name calling is going to get even dirtier - especially on the 18th. This is also reflected on Boris Johnson’s Horoscope with severe squares involving Mars on 17th Sept., and 1, 2 and 3 October, which see him more warlike and belligerent than ever in his comments and actions, especially by the 21st when the red planet crosses his ascendant (personality). By the 24th, Mars is square to his Midheaven (his career) when the challenges (from outside) increase and so does the intensity - now the gloves are off, and it may not be pretty! Oddly, the 25th-27th may be good for him personally, with Jupiter opposing the sun. Perhaps something now goes right for him, or the tension simply abates!

So what about the forthcoming Election? Matters are too complex and febrile to start predicting who is certain to win it, or when it takes place, precisely. However, the best astrological time for Labour is early November, provided that Johnson has sought the extension required of him with the EU. At this time, Jupiter crosses the Descendant (partners) on Labour’s birth chart - some kind of pact with the Liberals would be an excellent move. Early December is not good for the Tories to call an election, as Saturn is crossing the ascendant. Plus, on the Brexit chart - the referendum chart showing the progress of Brexit in the UK (below) – the old taskmaster Saturn has a long conjunction to the ascendant on 29th Sept. until 24th Oct. This is not a good augur for the Brexiteers since Saturn represents blockages, delays and limitations. (Didn’t Boris Johnson say he just wants to get on with things?)

Brexit Horoscope June 23, 2016 10:00 pm:

Later on (Nov. 9th to 20th) there is a Saturn conjunction to Pluto - this is not good for the Brexiteers, either, as it suggests some kind of immovable object in the path of Brexit itself. Interestingly, in the Article 50 birth chart - the chart for the negotiations involving the EU (below) - any talks over Brexit are likely to break down in rancour in mid-December, though things do look brighter on the negotiating front around 12th Jan, 2020, as transiting Jupiter moves into the fourth house (home). Even with a no deal Brexit, Britain still has to negotiate some kind of trading arrangement with Europe (and commentators have pointed out that this will be more difficult when we’re not members).

Article 50 Horoscope March 29, 2017 13:20 pm Brussels, Belgium:

Saturn crossing the Tory party’s ascendant early December signifies a new phase in their development, one (as we can see already) which is yet more hardline and authoritarian. But as nothing is ever set in stone, if the Tories were to remove Boris Johnson the new Saturn effect might mean something different - a return to a more traditional, centrist party where the likes of Ken Clarke are welcome again. On balance, Labour look to have the best chance in an election (around either the 6th or 25th of November) but only if Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party fails to support Johnson.

Thank You for the update, James! Hope you'll keep us posted on how things are going in the UK, Jude

Sep 12, 2019

What about Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto?

September 12, 2019: As you already know, the Sun-Pluto planetary pairing relates to the craving of power and ruler-ship and the attainment of power (Ebertin). The abuse or misuse of power is also possible and in America's July 4, 1776 horoscope/s Sun in mid-Cancer and Pluto Rx in late Capricorn are in a compulsive-obsessive quindecile (+/-165 degr) aspect denoting Washington DC as ruthless, manipulative, and intimidating in its drive for power and control.

Then today as I reviewed a long-owned book by David Hamblin which concerns one of my favorite branches of Astrology, Harmonics, my eye was caught by the 5th Harmonic, or the 'H5', as I prefer to term it in my notes, and an interesting feature of unaspected planets when converted to the H5. Often on the look out for another way to understand this complex wheeler-dealer using astrological principles, and knowing that Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) was born with Pluto @10Leo02 unaspected in the 12th house of the Unconscious, Politics, and Karma, curiosity got the better so I transformed his natal chart into an H5 chart just to see what his natal Pluto would 'do', if anything.

Turns out that in his H5 chart, Trump's Pluto @20Capricorn forms a trine to his H5 Sun (which conjoins his natal MC conjunct angry Algol!). Now according to David Hamblin, when an unaspected natal planet (split off from or unintegrated into the personality) aspects another planet in the native's H5 chart, Fiveness = an "unnatural link" that is "forged in an artificial or deliberate way" between features that are "naturally felt to be separate" and this relates to building, constructing, arranging, and harvesting for use. Then Hamblin cites John Harvey and John Addey for pointing out that, "Five is connected with power since "to be able to arrange matter into form of one's choosing is to exert power over it." And of course, astrological Pluto on its own is a planet of power and of hidden or invisible power (and of Underworld connections and extreme wealth like Trump's--secreted away and hidden in his 12th house like a puppet master pulling his strings.) And, funny thing--today transit Pluto @20Cap44 conjuncts Trump's H5 Pluto!

Now five relates to the mind of man and "is the first number in which man asserts his power over the world." So one of the most disturbing things to me is that, "--within the principle of Fiveness, {he} strives to change the world and to make it other than how he found it." Well, Trump is definitely all about that, and apparently he's aided by an H5 Sun-Pluto trine to do it, hidden though it may be. Does the trine reveal powerful criminal elements assisting him with his government sabotaging and wealth-purloining endeavors? Unsurprising, if so.

Yet psychologically the most curious part of it all may be that Trump prefers to rule by chaos--he's a chaos-creator with his oriental Uranus @18Gemini (in 10th house of Career) which means that erratic Uranus is his guiding planet (last to rise before his Sun @22Gemini) and he's certainly known for suddenly changing of his mind back and forth, and creating shocks and disruption all around him, plus, there's his alleged tendency to rule by unusual notions and whims (Uranus in changeable Gemini).

And yet his H5 Sun-Pluto trine supplies the power for something he could use and impress us with if only he would--Trump can "create order out of chaos"!

And there, my friends, is yet another example of the complex personality and paradoxical nature of the cantankerous Donald J. Trump who, on a deeper level, and despite his advanced age catching up with him, may not be as quirky and erratic as he pretends to be. Especially fancying himself as a world class thespian and all.

Got any thoughts you can share?

Valerie Plame: Secret Agent Running For Congress - Thom Hartmann

Check out more from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann.


Astro-Note: in March 2007 I posted Valerie Plame's sunrise natal horoscope on the occasion of her appearance before Congress, her identity vengefully outed by Dick Cheney, a traitorous move on his part.

Sep 10, 2019

Sept 12, 2019 Democratic Debate: All About The Biden?

Joseph Biden; official portrait; United States Senate. [Public domain]

First, a few bio details concerning the Biden family. Next a glance at the natal horoscope of Joseph Biden if needed where you'll see the 2020 Democratic candidate's Midheaven, the Goal and Career Point, @19Vir54, suggesting a debate performance Thursday night during which Joe will shine in some way because the debate Sun @19Vir53 spotlights his Goal and Career Point in a positive way and allows his objectives and goals to be visible to all. Plus, with the debate held in Houston, Texas, Joe's natal Ascendant (self; physical body) @3Sag11 will rise as the debate begins, again an indicator of being placed in the spotlight, featured, and/or favored in some way. (By voters would be good! I'm for anyone but Spanky!)

However, all is not harmony and light for Joe Biden for there are a few cosmic flies in the political ointment on debate night and thereafter although they may be kept in a jar behind the curtain, yet perhaps they're worth mentioning. For one thing, Biden's natal Midheaven has always bothered me because a certain fixed star shines there--Denebola with key potentials: to go against society; against the mainstream. Years ago I put down the first potential as his membership in secretive groups of societal meddlers like the CFR and the Bilderberg Group promoting their own agendas which to me makes him a behind-the-scenes mover-and-shaker up to sneaky stuff, and its hidden facets make me fussy. The second potential I could only explain as his reputed habit during years of serving in Washington DC but riding a train home every night to his family. Actually, with this habit security concerns come to mind due to his past tragedy with wife and daughter (see bio link, above, if you don't know the sad story). Anyway, the former VP should be lauded for such familial devotion especially in a craven city like Washington DC (my former city of residence--and I despise what's been done to the place).

Then there's hidden hand Pluto @20Capricorn now trining Joe's natal Midheaven and supporting his ambitions and power potential while simultaneously sextiling his natal Mercury, an advantageous transit for political activities and for molding or transforming public perceptions. Mr. Biden does seem to be the Establishment's favored 2020 candidate, doesn't he?

Now the final 'fly' I shall mention is a major transiting influence upon Biden's natal chart and it is the other half of the transiting Sun-Neptune opposition which will be in force for all the debaters Thursday night (but without accurate birth times for them all it's impossible to say with confidence whether they'll be as affected as Joe--see links, below). For Biden it's nebulous Neptune @17Pisces in 3rd house conjunct his natal IC @19Pis54 (Basis; Endings; Roots; Domestic Scene, etc). Yes, Neptune is rapping softly on the door and about to float into Joe's natal 4th house. Yes, gas leaks and/or water damage are possibilities yet, while this transit hints at potentials for inspiration, it also suggests such things as confusion, deception, loss, disappointment or dissolution, if not now then later on. Plus, scandals, mysteries, and/or secrets may come to light during Campaign 2020 probably in relation to the Biden family or to Joe himself.

One situation we know of already is that his son Hunter recently married suddenly and in secret (apparently Joe learned about it by phone afterwards) so that should be no problem for now, right? And perhaps Hunter's secret wedding is exactly what transit Neptune at the Foundation Point of his dad's chart means, and only that.

After all, it was way back in June just passed that the Washington Post reported on Hunter Biden's "messy personal life" and wondered in print, Will it cause political headaches for his dad?. Well, I don't know about that but I do know that Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has a lot more nebulous work to do concerning the public and private life of 2020 candidate Joe Biden for the urge-to-merge planet is just getting started--moving in mysterious ways and rapping at the door. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents The Media and The Masses and politically has much to do with propaganda and/or mass social movements, but also with spirituality and the Divine Source if Neptune's compassionate energies are positively channeled.

As for the other debate participants Thursday night, the current transiting Sun-Neptune opposition, though fading, may provide a similar scandalous vibe to their candidacies and/or debate performances, suggesting a chameleon-like quality, or, it may uplift their rhetoric in the idealism-hopes-and-dreams department barring any glaring gaffes or fibs, while suggesting the possibility that a public image may be tarnished or undermined via deception by fellow debaters, or by Republican opponents determined upon Democratic losses no matter how many lies and insulting tweets it takes.

Ah well, such is politics, that "organized system of hatreds." (H.B. Adams).

Now here are three previous astro-posts concerning other Democratic debaters: Elizabeth Warren (her natal Chiron Rx @4Sag12 will rise in Houston while her Sun-Uranus conjunction @00Cancer, a Cardinal World point, will always stand out in an original and unique way); Kamala Harris (Thursday's debate Sun near her natal Venus in Virgo but debate Neptune opposes it, an undermining influence particularly in regard to relationships and/or allies); Cory Booker whose natal Sun in Taurus has been energized of late by transiting Uranus which may cause him to stand out from the crowd!

And if you wish, check out my previous 'Moon Talk' post concerning the September 12, 2019 Democratic Debate.

Sep 9, 2019

DC Horoscope: The Very First Eclipse of 2020

Looking Ahead with The Past in Mind: a 2nd Look at the January 10, 2020 Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

On January 10, 2020 will manifest a penumbral lunar eclipse, aka, an appulse eclipse (light not fully dimmed); for more info see Keith's Lunar Eclipse Page. Yet as some readers know, my focus with solar and lunar eclipses and their effects on history and society is on their degrees--their symbolism, conjunctions, oppositions, and other prominent factors related to their particular place of manifestation in the Zodiac. Sensitive degrees are created when eclipses occur upon them and can remain 'sore' for years as is the case with sensitive critical degrees (Mansions of the Moon are not covered here!) which may suggest possibilities for crisis conditions and/or events--at the least, disruption--usually externally with solar eclipses and internally with lunar ones.

Therefore, it's notable that the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse, although not Total, is at the critical degree of 20Cancer00, plus, this is the first eclipse of 2020 so its cosmic 'wild card' energies are imprinted upon the entire year. What 'cosmic blinks' are in store? What shenanigans are perpetrated in the dark? What can Castor reveal? Related may be the fact that a 12 South Solar Eclipse occurred conjunct Castor on July 11, 2010. Will a discovery or two concerning 2010 issues and events turn up during 2020? Consider 12 South themes: 'a long-term worrisome or draining issue at first seems worse then suddenly clears with successful outcomes' (Brady). Okay!

As for the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse, the Cancer-Capricorn axis is ruled by Moon and Saturn which relates to security and domestic concerns, plus, has ambition, strategy, status, and direction interests. Set for Washington DC, the horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Can00 reveals a variety of reactions to the previous Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (see eclipse list linked, below) with its 'traumatic transformation' theme. And obviously, a 'new start' is heralded by a New Year on January 1, 2020 so what may we expect for Year 2020 besides the major changes of direction timed by the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto (@22Cap46)? For as you know, eclipses also tend to disrupt earthly affairs and bring changes of direction although no one can say with complete confidence exactly what's ahead (other than Campaign 2020 and the usual political antics and overblown promises). However, new social, financial, and political orders are suggested and point toward another Great Conjunction in the 20-year cycle of 'societal planets' Jupiter and Saturn begins again on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29--at Winter Solstice, and conjuncts the US POTUS Sun degree.

So let's have a glance at the 'cosmic blink' eclipse horoscope that 'opens' 2020, below, for eclipses are always Uranian in nature--erratic, sudden, sometimes shocking, or perhaps merely full of surprises. Adding extra information, as noted, we have the lunar eclipse activating one of the Gemini Twins, Castor, a star containing possibilities for 'sudden fame or loss, mental illness, murder', and/or 'the crippling of limbs' (A. Louis). Yet Castor is also a writers' star and suggests much creativity in its positive manifestations. Eclipses 'work through' fixed stars and strengthen or empower their potentials - and vice versa.

A previous post also concerned the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse.

DC Horoscope: January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer00 Conjunct Castor:

Hour of Mercury (time for change) but Mercury is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane ('OOBs') but here we see the little fella posited in 8th house with Jupiter, South Node, Sun, Saturn, Pluto, and asteroid Ceres ('democracy' restricted or over-powered by Saturn-Pluto authoritarianism; plus, potential interruption of food supplies). The 2/8 axis (Taurus-Scorpio) is emphasized (Money, Shared Resources, the National Treasury--what's left of it--Insurance, Debt, Corporatism, Transformation, the Occult, Death, etc). And the Jupiter-SN conjunction suggests clashes and conflicts of interest between social and ethical aims vs current trends and traditions, issues of bad timing, difficulties or delays in or concerning foreign lands, and genuine morality that could suffer from false religious it has before. In addition, Mercury's OOBs condition can relate to messages from an unknown source and/or to someone who is out-of-touch, here with 8th house matters and issues. Perhaps he's wandering off from a microphone or podium, forgetful of where he is and losing the thread!

Now we should also consider that the January lunar eclipse is the cosmic 'bookend' of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 in the 3 South Saros Series with themes of traumatic transformation and relationship endings (Brady) so its themes are yet another suggestion of major changes afoot. Plus, the Cancer eclipse hints that the public reacts to the Capricorn eclipse of 2019 and its effects in emotional and/or patriotic or nationalistic ways; Trump's insistence on protectionism comes to mind. Personally, I react with, 'America going it alone is a weakened America' while the sabotage and undermining of our nation as led by Trump continues.

As you see, communicating Mercury, planet of young people and ruler of the chart (ASC 13Gem53 with Trump's chaos-creating natal Uranus first to rise), conjoins the Sun @20Capricorn, the sign of government, law and business, so Mercury is also at critical degree. This conjunction on a political level suggests a leader (Sun) fond of his own ideas (Mercury) who doesn't listen (Mercury) to others (Full Moon = the public, and/or women). Sound like anyone you know, and perhaps like the continuing lawsuits, investigations, and scandals now in the news which are certain to continue into and through 2020? As you know, fantasist Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square blocks both his hearing and his understanding!

Then on a behavioral level, there's quirky Uranus unaspected in money sign Taurus which emphasizes the planet's isolation and detachment qualities while hinting at spurt-like bursts of energy. Without sufficient channels through which to discharge the intense energy of Uranus which aspects would provide, nervous electrical tension can build up and increase restlessness and feelings of discontent. Uranian flashes of genius can still occur but there's less impetus to change rigid behavior patterns--implicated in this case are Taurean traits of possessiveness, selfishness, greed, and intolerance. And since on a behavioral level I often ascribe planet Uranus as a representative for Donald Trump (it's his guiding planet), I suspect this horoscope with Uranus in 12th house of Karma and Politics shows that he's feeling 'unique and unmatched' in the political arena (Tierney). However, to me Trump is more of an embarrassing sticks-out-like-a sore-thumb figure with his natal Uranus in duplicitous Gemini. And although Uranus is unaspected, it is apex planet in a midpoint picture:

Venus-North-Node = Uranus: unsettling news; disrupted meetings or contacts; polite (?) indifference to ideas (Munkasey); a quick liason; unusual friends or encounters (Ebertin). Note that Munkasey gives the Venus-North-Node pairing potentials for 'poor management or bungling of wealth' and/or 'society shapes collective destiny'. And who's our top bungler?!?

The final factor I'll mention in this my second look at the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart is transit Jupiter @8Cap55 opposing Trump's natal 11th house Mercury (8Can55) suggesting potentials for his grand ideas, plans, and schemes to be rejected outright and/or blocked by others, while lots of talk and no action continues as the order of the day (except for the sneaky things he and the GOP are up to while Trump distracts with his nonsense--consciously or unbeknownst in his role as the 'useful idiot'). Misjudgments on his part will affect financial and other matters (still), and more of his words and rhetoric will meet with criticism. Unimpressive may be the word, plus, Trump's lack of popularity comes to mind--and the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse will certainly uncover new facts that lead to more criticism, a lack of legal success, and a previously unknown critical or crisis situation, condition, secret or scandal--at least, it will probably uncover a tidbit or two not revealed by the 'Christmas Solar Eclipse' as 2019 concerns carry over into 2020.

And now for the daring here's a List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses July 2019 through 2022.

Sep 6, 2019

Donald Trump's Bacchian September 2019!

Early September Trump Tweets About Dorian and Other Stuff

Now you don't need me to tell you of recent news stories about Hurricane Dorian, Alabama, Trump's recent flubs and his dumb lies meant to cover his flubs. Meanwhile, beginning the first of September, a certain transiting asteroid, Bacchus, became prominent by traveling in tandem with Mercury exalted in its own sign of discriminating Virgo, and representing such things as communications (exs: speech, tweets, drawing lines with Sharpies, and the telling of lies). And as you know, Virgo is also the sign of The Critic which describes Trump but also describes the boatload of criticism he has received for his latest distraction from other news items he finds personally embarrassing or in some political way, inconvenient (exs: finking out on his trip to Poland, sending Pence in his stead, and Pence's stay at Trump's hotel in Ireland). With so many laws to break playing POTUS, how can Trump ever find the time!

Once his tweeted Weather Forecasts began, we can note that the Sun-Mars conjunction occurred on September 2, 2019 @9Vir41, the position of the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016--the Prenatal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 which occurred opposite deceptive Neptune but which called for 'realism, truth-tackling, coming down to earth, and seeing an old situation for what it really is' (Brady). This continues to be excruciating for the public as Trump's lies, head-fakes, and fraudulent actions and behaviors pile up and up thanks in part to deceitful Neptune in secretive, scandal-prone Pisces gumming up the works, undermining the truth...and continuing to conjoin and thus disguise America's progressed POTUS Sun now floating about in mid-Pisces. In other words, Neptune gives Trump 'cover' as they like to say in politics.

And so the schedule of transiting Bacchus extends through the month for on September 3rd Bacchus picked up a second traveling partner, Mars in Virgo, and naturally when Mercury and Mars combine energies there are often political opinions of a forceful nature to accidentally or purposefully unnerve the populace and/or annoy an audience. Of course, other planetary transits and factors are influencing current events now as well but our focus today is on fatty grub Bacchus.

Then on September 4th, with Trump still Dorian-tweeting, the Sun caught up and added its bright rays of public attention upon Bacchus, an ancient 'god' and cult-leader associated with 'the outsider' and one of the primary asteroid-archetypes I have previously suggested as an astrological significator for Donald Trump, calling him a Bacchus figure (see his image, above).

Now it may be that the current kerfuffle over Trump's Dorian tempest imaginings will settle down or be superseded by a new flub or scandal soon--or, things won't settle down until transiting Bacchus is left behind without a planetary limelight under which to cavort. However, Bacchus keeps the Sun's attention from now and through the 30 degrees of Libra, then loses the limelight as the Sun enters Scorpio on or about October 23rd leaving Bacchus behind in late Libra.

Whew! You'd think that even self-indulgent Bacchus would need a break from his revels before that. Wouldn't you?

Sep 5, 2019

Exposing the Secret Christian Group Seeking Political Power - Thom Hartmann w/ Jeff Sharlet

September 5, 2019: So glad that Thom Hartmann is again interviewing Jeff Sharlet, author of the best-seller The Family, a book I read in 2009 and was positively chilled by. The group makes a huge pretense of emphasizing 'Jesus' but after that the chills set in. And I do not agree that seeking the 'halls of power' was a teaching of Jesus Christ--in fact, just the opposite. Even their 'National Prayer Breakfasts' held annually on Capitol Hill have always seemed odd to me like a cover for secret goings-on especially since America is not meant to mix religion with politics. And yes, I'm in process of watching the Netflix dramatization of The Family but am finding it somewhat difficult to finish!

Anyway, without further fussin', here are Thom and Jeff:


Theocracy in the White House

Astrologically, we have Uranian planet Cupido (#763) to signify multiple things in a horoscope including The Family, Corporatism, and marriage; Cupido can also represent Art and cultural events. Plus, 'Cupido' relates to Cupid and his Bow, an archetypal cherub aka, Eros with the piercing quality of an arrow or a glance.

Now here's a question for you: do you think this group of slick, secretive 'ends justify means' religionists have any influence over, or relationship with, that White House theocrat, VP Mike Pence? At the very least, Pence must have attended one of their Prayer Breakfasts, don't you think?

A Sun Gemini (like Trump), Pence's Moon is in dualistic Gemini or in tribalistic Cancer (no birth time is known for him, last I heard) but here you can see Trump's timed natal chart with the natal planets of Mike Pence penned around it. Why, they're like 'Gemini Twins' with Gemini being the sign of duplicity. And of course, either or both of them can turn their Mercurial energies upon the other at any time!

Sep 4, 2019

The Death Eclipse of Robert Maxwell (1923--1991)

A brief bio of wheeler-dealer media magnate and Mossad superspy (and MI-6 agent or asset and ??) Robert Maxwell (nee Jan Ludvik Hyman Binyamin Hoch; June 10, 1923 Prag, Czech Republic MET 'noon') notes his enigmatic death by drowning off the Canary Islands, Spain, on November 5, 1991--somehow 'falling off' his yacht, suiciding himself, or being pushed. Conflicting autopsies indicated possible heart attack--he had both heart and lung conditions and had not been feeling well--or drowning possibly after slipping and falling due to a sudden heart attack or other event.

Reportedly there were no signs of assault on his body yet heart attacks can be helped along by nefarious stow-aways so we see the enigmatic quality of the fatal event. However, a second autopsy revealed "froth' in his lungs consistent with drowning--and it seems that he was about to face massive, reputation-shattering bankruptcy, a very good reason to commit suicide, get yourself murdered by disgruntled associates, or to elaborately fake your own death. Yes, the word inconclusive comes to mind which is one reason Maxwell's cause of death continues to seem suspicious.

Note that Robert Maxwell's natal horoscope is available set for noon (RR: X = date w/out time) if you're curious about his Gemini Sun and Moon in either Aries or Taurus. Of interest is the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for his natal Jupiter Rx @10Sco07 (11 Scorpio): "A Drowning Man Rescued." Then was his death a ruse? Jupiter is only one factor, yet there are ways, such as his wife and elder son identifying a look-alike as husband and father but that's quite unlikely, plus, he may already have been 'rescued' once too often during his life. Yes, astrological Jupiter is protective but is often active and near a chart Angle during times of death, whether fair or foul.

What we do know is that his body was located "at the end of the day" (November 5, 1991) so we have that to set a horoscope by if we wish (sunset at 6:11:16 pm UT Canary Islands provides a definite time to work from if you wish to have a look). Also his gone-overboard event from whatever cause seems to have occurred between approximately 4:30 am and 6:30 am UT according to testimonies by the yacht's crew members interviewed in the 53-minute video Robert Maxwell - The Downfall (in English with Dutch subtitles). Now at least one researcher has mentioned Maxwell as the Mossad agent who stole Promis software for Israel, then a 'trap door' was installed for spying purposes and sold to multiple governments around the globe--and to Osama bin Laden, but without personal knowledge I prefer to file that under So They Say. This post is only for entertainment purposes, after all.

July 11, 1991: a 'Wild Card' Suddenly Appears

And so amidst all the dates and hours known and unknown concerning the life and death of Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, there's one cosmic factor (As Above, So Below!) that we have a definite moment for: the 11 South Saros Series eclipse that is Bob Maxwell's death Solar Eclipse which occurred on July 11, 1991 @18Can58. The themes of 11 South are quite descriptive of multiple events which occurred in 1991 including the mysterious death of journalist-writer Danny Casolaro whose research notes for the book he was writing on what he called The Octopus disappeared from his hotel room prior to the discovery of his body. Part of his investigation was the theft of Promis software and for more info, here's a What Really Happened? video originally posted here in 2016 concerning Danny Casolaro and The Octopus, aka, the global crime syndicate.

Above is the 11 South Solar Eclipse Horoscope of 1991 and its themes which to me describe the deaths of both Casolaro and Maxwell with Maxwell's natal planetary links penned in green around the outside for the sake of comparison. As you see, Maxwell's natal Jupiter Rx @11Scorpio rises (11Sco = "A Drowning Man Rescued', as noted). This chart is set for Washington DC although a New York chart works, too, and shows almost the same cusps. Setting the chart for Jerusalem (where he's buried on the Mount of Olives) or Maxwell's place of birth is possible but don't show as many Angular planets. Yet charts must be set for some location or another, and of course with an eclipse, the exact hour of perfection is chosen by the Great Cosmic Clock of which Planet Earth is a part.

11 South Themes: the need for sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required in order to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Other potentials for violence, murder, bodily harm, and intervention of a higher power are in the horoscope and include: the eclipse rises with Pollux (danger of disgrace, murder, rape cruelty--A. Louis) and leads a Locomotive shape of planets denoting the ruthless, high-powered executive determined on success (Maxwell or...?); planet Pluto of the Underworld, aka, 'the assassin' rises in intense Scorpio (the sign associated with death) with Pluto apex in a midpoint picture with Mars-Saturn (the 'death axis'--Ebertin) so we have potentials for rage and fury of destruction, bodily harm, death, and murder. Also rising is Venus-Saturn = Pluto: retaliation, separation, and/or passing states of chaos (Ebertin).

Additionally, there's Maxwell's natal Neptune (ruler of the oceanic realms) @15Leo54 conjunct the Midheaven of this chart which suggests loss, death by drowning (or by heart attack: Leo), dissolution, identity change, subterfuge, and/or deception as possible goals (MC). Then with his Jupiter conjunct ASC and Neptune at MC, the speculative, bubbly, wastrel pair of Jupiter-Neptune are prominent for him at that particular period in relation to the eclipse suggesting potentials for misjudgment, fraud, deception, and living in a dream world that results in a rude awakening. Could Pluto in Scorpio provide such a rude awakening? That would be my suspicion, in an assassin role or not.

And note that marked on the chart, lower right, is the current position of transit Neptune @17Pis27 closely conjunct the natal Uranus (17:29) of Robert Maxwell which suggests generational conflicts that bring significant changes to how things are done. This reminds me, if not you, of the 11 South eclipse themes and the fact that a poorly performing Bob Maxwell was on the verge of facing bankruptcy, disgrace, loss, and possible prison not to mention how his fate would affect his offspring, wife, his investors and associates (underworld and otherwise). He'd mismanaged finances for a while imho, plus, years of over-indulgence had taken a toll on his health as well so whether or not he 'fell' or whether steps were taken against him before he could 'name names' remains a mystery--including in the spy world. Yet this is a typical mystery since death from one cause or another can be an outcome for people who 'know too much' and this could be the case according to the messages lurking within the 11 South eclipse horoscope. Unless you have other ideas?

Sep 3, 2019

The Planetary Conjunctions of 2020

Image: Neptune Ascends, a drawing by Jude Cowell

February 28, 2020: Here are the two SO'W posts I've published so far concerning the upcoming Planetary Conjunctions of 2020 with only incomplete information, 'tis true, but they're all I've had a chance to compose and publish in this very busy 2020--what with Trump's impeachment, a 2020 Campaign in full swing, and now the corona virus pandemic spreading across the globe while an incompetent, faithless "president" mismanages and propagandizes the US government response from a sabotaged White House which (purposefully) leaves the American people vulnerable to the ravages of this Neptune-in-Pisces contagion which brings with it paranoia, fear, panic, and deception:

Jupiter-Pluto - these two conjoin their energies three times in 2020--the first on April 5th!

Jupiter-Saturn (includes midpoint pictures; this conjunction hits America's Oath of Office (POTUS) Sun @00AQ29, a significant cosmic and political event.

And as you know, the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto occurred on January 12, 2020 but the horoscope is 'good for' about 33 to 35 years until their next conjunction. The karmic planetary pair's harsh influences are in force as I type and let's note that the conjunction horoscope shows a pseudo YOD (pseudo because a chart angle is involved in the pattern as one of the YOD's points rather than a third planet). I mention this here because contagious Neptune in Pisces is also one of its points, plus YOD patterns are considered health indicators, and because the difficult Saturn-Pluto combination of oppressive, compressed energies can represent deeply searching scientists--and mass murder, with their January 12th conjunction @22Cap46 falling upon a governmental degree (DeVore).

Sep 2, 2019

Sept 12, 2019: Democratic Debate and some Moon Talk

Is it Moonrise at the Crossroads for America?

by Jude Cowell

September 12, 2019 brings another televised Democratic debate with thankfully only 10 candidates qualified to participate. In alphabetical order they are: Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Andrew Yang. Air times: 8:00 pm EDT, 7:00 pm MT, 6:00 pm CT, 5:00 pm PT, and will be broadcast live via ABC from Texas Southern University, Houston, TX. My illustration you see here is posted in a spirit of We The People's dependence on the Democratic Party, allegedly the party of the people, to heft us through to a more beneficial path--if they can and will.

As Campaign 2020 Pushes On Through 2019

So as you know, the first Democratic debates of 2019 aired over two nights on June 26 and 27, 2019 and with the Moon changing signs over the two events, we were able to 'Moon-track' them. However, with only one debate scheduled this time around we must be satisfied with a Pisces Moon to pair with a Virgo Sun. The public mood (Moon) on September 12th is a Piscean one of compassion within a sense of victim-hood, martyrdom, and suffering, and reflected and activated by the cruel, brutal administration currently in the White House.

Yet Pisces is a creative sign as well and signifies rising to the heights or plunging to the depths, an up-or-down decision (direction) which must be chosen. We know where Trump stands in that department (at the lowest point possible thanks to his regrettable lack of character--to this materialist everything is 'transactional', as you know) but where do the American people stand when it comes to Trump's hateful policies against children and others? We must wonder since, First he 'came for' their children, will ours be next?

Now hopefully we can count on such vital topics to turn up in the September 12th debate but if not, why not? For there's an awful lot to complain about with Trump in the Oval Office! Self-serving tactics and rhetoric used in order to get elected is one thing but after all, America and the entire world are under many dire threats right now so will Democrats mention on stage such problems as Trump's vicious immigration policies, his lack of climate change preparations and natural disasters, the US and global economies, etc etc--and will they offer at least a few viable solutions or ideas of how to improve conditions? Yes, Senator Elizabeth Warren "has a plan" but what do the others offer and will they share more openly on a debate stage or elsewhere? For it's mighty late days for US political candidates to keep hidden their true intentions, even ham-strung as they are once in office!

September 12, 2019: Cosmic Weather Brings Virgo-Pisces Vibes

As you know, the astrological Moon is a handy timing device and the September 12th Moon @6Pisces+ opposes the debate's previous lunation, its Syzygy Moon, a New Moon which perfected on August 30, 2019 @6Vir47 (6:37 am edt) and spotlighted the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces. As you know, New Moons are a 'seeding' phase for new or developing plans and ideas and point toward culmination, fulfillment, and/or a full awareness of some kind at or near the next Full Moon (September 14, 2019 @21Pis05 2:26 pm edt). Additionally with a Full Moon, we may expect relationships to be part of this Virgo-Pisces emphasis and, similar to eclipses and disruptive planet Uranus, all lunations may suddenly reveal secrets, inconvenient facts, scandals, and/or may trigger changes of direction. You know--like when you're at a crossroad and must choose a direction--except that with Uranian vibes involved, the Cosmos may choose for you if you balk too long.

And if we consider the September 12th debate vibes of Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces we know that influences are on the Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune side (rulers of Virgo and Pisces) so that common sense with a streak of idealism and a tinge of over-promising may be noticed. Yet Earth-Water blends are perhaps the most practical of combinations and have an innate ability to understand what's truly important. (Note that we may hear a candidate say, "what's really important" during the debate--it's been used before). Plus, someone's capacity to see both the forest and the trees may also be on display.

As for the cosmic energies running in the background of the September 12th debate, its Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') falls into the difficult 3 North series of July 2, 2019 @10Can37 (among America's Cancerian planets 3--14 Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun = finances, economics, and POTUS in a glaring cosmic spotlight, possibly with shocks involved).

And one more thing--debating Mercury @27Vir39, planet of voting, discussions, negotiations, communications, rhetoric, changes, commerce, thieving, etc--applies to conjunction with Venus (27:59) and asteroid Hidalgo (the social climber; someone with Latin heritage; one of the power asteroids). Note that Mercury-Venus contacts suggest pleasant communication skills (Julian?) although I don't know how 'pleasant' a political event can possibly be! Plus, if we round up the conjunction's degree to '28 Virgo' we find, "A Bald-headed Man Dominates (a) Gathering of National Figures": "Keyword: DOMINANCE...positive expression: accomplishment through a completeness of self-mastery and a rigid control of others; negative" (unconscious/shadow side--jc) "expression: a sadistic sophistication." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones).

And so I shall leave it for you, dear reader, to decide just who this symbol may describe!

Additional Note: curiously, a google of Texas Southern University turned up Judge Lina Hidalgo!. Wouldn't it be funny if her name is mentioned during or in relation to the September 12th debate?!