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Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Jan 29, 2015

Feb 3 2015 Leo Full Moon conjoins fixed star Dubhe

On Tuesday February 3, 2015 a Full Moon @14Leo47 perfects at 6:08:54 pm est across the 6/12 axis in a horoscope set for Washington DC. Along with Dubhe, the Full Moon rises with Jupiter Rx @18Leo00 conjunct the degree of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse which heralded New Millennium 'terror' and our subsequent global economic woes. Jupiter continues as the handle planet of a Bucket planetary pattern thus linking chart hemispheres and the actors (planets) opposite.

Sun @14AQ47 falls in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (military, police, civil, domestic), and Daily Tasks and with the Moon is part of a Focused YOD along with the Pluto-Chiron sextile.

Pluto-Chiron = plutocracy, oppression, exploitation, primal violence

The Pluto-Chiron sextile (the base of the YOD pattern pointing toward the Moon and by opposition, the Sun) denotes spokesmen and those who have a "finger on the mass pulse" (Nolle). Pluto @14Cap18 in 5th house applies to a final square (0A55) with Uranus--here @13Ari22 in 8th house (exact on March 16). The ongoing Saturn-Neptune square from 4th house to 7th continues to bellyache over its social burdens such as the funding of America's safety net programs and other social needs of the populace. Also, 7th house Neptune denotes the ongoing unreliability in February 2015 of partnerships and alliances domestically and in American foreign policy. A 7th house Venus, exalted in Pisces, brings in a potential link to the Vatican.

My suspicion is that the Full Moon's close encounter with fixed star Dubhe points primarily toward US foreign policy for fixed star Dubhe is the alpha star of constellation Ursa Major, the Great She-Bear, and as everyone knows, this is a traditional archetypal symbol for Russia. Potential expressions of Dubhe include: destruction, arrogance (A. Louis), a martial nature (Ptolemy), nastiness (Ebertin), strong feminine powers, intuition, psychism, persistence, endurance, and quiet strength (Brady).

Visions of an angry, protective she-bear appear with the February 3rd Full Moon in dramatic Leo! Yes, paternalistic egos may be viciously defended yet examples of the star's Mars-inspired energies include Princess Diana's natal Venus which is linked by paran to Dubhe and, as Ebertin notes, Dubhe links with the natal Moon of China's Mao Tse Tung who advised his political operatives (and all future politicians with an infiltrating mission) that,

"Wherever we go, we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them..."

Hmmm..I confess, this reminds me of The Americans returning to TV last evening and how Russian and other spies are embedded among us.

Note: a brief bio of Chairman Mao Tse Tung and his natal horoscope may be found here.

And for additional information on the February 3, 2015 Full Moon you'll find a comprehensive analysis showing lunation horoscopes set for various locations including the Middle East at Grand Trines.

Update 1/29/15: the 8th house Uranus is prominent in the Full Moon chart for it acts as the Thales Point (trine Moon, sextile Sun)--the negotiator--that can ease tension between the opposing Sun and Moon.

Nov 2, 2014

1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series ends

1971: the 9 Old South Eclipses Series Ends; 2009: Jupiter Meets Neptune Again

by Jude Cowell

Back in 1994, Hunter S. Thompson wrote on the topic of the US president who made unending debt a major part of American lives to the detriment of all but the super wealthy class. Check out He Was a Crook if you wish.

And since Richard Nixon ended the practice of the US backing its money with actual gold in 1971, it seems appropriate to have a brief peek at the Solar Eclipse in the 9 Old South Saros Series that ended on July 22, 1971, its last manifestation, and with its Initial Eclipse on June 23, 727 (OS) @4Can16 (conjunct US natal Jupiter @5Can56 on July 4, 1776.)

9 Old South's themes have a forceful, willful Mars-Pluto signature because both planets are in Leo in the Initial Eclipse of year 727 and there's a quarrelsome vibe to the picture in 1971. As in 2009, in 1971 there were 3 Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune, the pair of speculation, gambling, wastefulness, spend-thriftiness, inflation, and bubbles. The duo often contains a religious tone as well but that's not our topic for today (though how often religious leaders haunted Washington's halls of power and interfered with government policies during Nixon's presidency is for someone else to say. With Dick it was all political.)

Themes for 9 Old South include idealism, reunions, and great energy (Brady) though it seems to me that for the American people, reunions weren't as much on the political and financial menus as was separating us from our hard-earned money through usury rates and terms of un-payable loans that never end--kind of like student loans and other debts live forever now. But perhaps you disagree and are perfectly happy with what Mr. Nixon did on the financial level in order to change our society. There remain to this day justifications for his actions from some economists and Nixon apologists.

Anyway, my point (if there is one) is that America's ending in 1971 of backing the US dollar with the gold standard occurred in tandem with the ending of the 9 Old South Saros Series which looks significant to me in similar fashion to how the August 14, 1776 Solar Eclipse--the Initial Eclipse of its Series--describes the founding of America better than its official Pre-Natal Eclipse Series from earlier in 1776 (@00Pis33), the 12 South (themes: successful outcomes to long term worries or issues that have felt draining.) Applicable to our founding, one supposes, but the 13N sounds even more descriptive though it occurred after July 4, 1776, the Independence Day the Founders promoted as our day of celebration.

So the August 1776 Eclipse (13 North @21Leo52)) manifested within the 2-week window of a certain event with its own 'first-ever' vibe--the full signing of the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776 with our nation the very first to be founded on an ideal (or, idea.) 13N's themes are: separation due to the breaking of an existing bond (ex: with Britain) which leads to joint achievement; large ambitious group projects (ex: the New World and 'New Order' of America, a centuries-long Plan to re-establish 'Atlantis'.)

So the 1971 Solar Eclipse Series ended and we now see precisely where Nixon's actions have brought us--market crashes, bubbles bursting, and on through 2008's engineered collapse--and to the Fed's current overprinting of money (QE) with the inflationary Jupiter-Neptune pair of speculators and circus barkers imprinted (like pretend dollar bills!) upon the Obama presidency, the US economy, and certain actions of the Federal Reserve System (TARP, Wall Street bail outs) thanks to their Great Conjunction/s all through 2009, Mr. Obama's first year in office.

Their 2009 Conjunction/s in Aquarius fell exactly on US natal Moon (We the People--we were feeling dreamy with little sense of reality and had become involved in speculation--Tyl) so we had the idolatry of Barack Obama as 'Apollo' the sun god (and the Sun rules royal Leo and its metal, gold), along with a very similar tone in 1971 as Jupiter and Neptune met in Great Conjunction 3 times on February 1, May 22, and September 16, 1971--all within a range of 00-3 Sagittarius, ruled by banker and general, Jupiter. Of note is that this degree area includes '1Sag'..."A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" ('guns v butter') and you know one of the large projects rich old men like to undertake: waging wars for profit and making huge, fortune-founding usury-interest-rate loans to governments who should know better than to fritter away their autonomy.

So considering how China now owns a large percentage of our nation and our government debt, don't get me started on Nixon's often-touted Visit to China for that's another shady part of the genesis of the American people's current financial and economic problems since Nixon's 'opening of China' ultimately supported the establishment of 'free' trade, a normalizing of secretive trade deals galore, and the outsourcing of what used to be decent American jobs.

To this American, many of Nixon's actions made him more than a crook. They made him a traitor. And I personally felt his betrayal in real time for his presidency marks the era in which Washington DC was my city of residence.

Oct 7, 2014

"Hong Kong Protests Carefully Crafted, Not Spontaneous" video

An Interview from Hong Kong

Here is interesting information from journalist Peter Lee concerning the Hong Kong protests which delves much deeper into events than what Western journalism has presented to the American public.

A certain irony has not been lost around Stars Over Washington that Hong Kong's massive "student" protest against their election candidates being selected by China's power elite (as we're told) is exactly how elections have been rigged in America for years and accounts in part for the US voting public's depressing 'lesser of two evils' feeling we often get as we enter voting booths to consider corporate-backed candidates who are only cogs in an anti-democratic Global Government wheel of oppression, pretending otherwise as they may:

My thanks to The Real News Network and to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a heads-up on this informative 13-minute video.

Jun 16, 2012

6.19.12: A Gemini New Moon, TPP, and Obama v Romney

A Gemini New Moon, Romney, Obama, and A Draconian "Free Trade" Pact

by Jude Cowell

Wondering about the significance of the June 19th New Moon @28Gem43? Then let masterful Dipali Desai fill you in with pertinent astro-details and insights!

Coming so close to Summer Solstice 2012 (Wednesday June 20), this New Moon perfects at 11:02 am in the edt time zone, is disposited by Mercury (ruler of communicative Gemini) during a Mercury Hour, plus--Mercury is the only planet out-of-bounds. Whew! Lots of Mercurialism going on next week with a New Moon signaling a new cycle of activity beginning in the realms of Mercury (trade, commerce, journalism, travel including air and space, plans, thinking processes, teaching, speechifying, and more.) Plus, '28Gem' is a degree of BANKRUPTCY in the Sabian Symbols and the June 19th New Moon stimulates the Moon of 9/11/01 for it's something of a Lunar Return to the 9/11 horoscope.

Additionally, Moon and Mercury (the 'heart v head' combo) are engaged in supportive mutual reception for Mercury (what I think of as our solar system's 'tofu planet' for Mr. Speedy takes on the flavor of whatever it contacts) is now zooming through the zodiacal sign of Cancer, sign of Home, Nurturing, Self-Protection, crabbiness, caginess, and shrewd business maneuvers. And with its New Moon position @21Can15, we know that a US Mercury Return will soon occur, another 'new cycle' indicator for our nation.

However, restrictive Saturn 22Lib47 Rx in Mercury's natural 3rd house of Communication provides a bit of braking or delay by squaring Mercury in 11th H of Groups where the New Moon occurs (edt) while the Venus 8Gem45 Rx-Jupiter 1Gem47 duo in the New Moon's 10th H of Public Standing (both disposited by Mercury) contact US natal Uranus 8Gem55 and continue to affect the Republican Party's assumed presidential candidate Mitt Romney's natal ASC 1Gem01 and 1st house NN 5Gem29.

These expansive contacts are giving Mittens an airy lift of his thinking, plans, newsworthiness, and visibility though with all the unstable Mutable energy, the good effects may be temporary or alternating. As you know, in Washington DC, Mercurial thievery seems to be a constant and methinks we're very wise to mistrust any politician of any partisan persuasion who expresses a desire to join that particular club of elites! Yes, Mitt has been rapping at the club door for years and this former resident of DC had a good chuckle this past week when Mr. Romney said of Mr. Obama that 'talk is cheap'--for Mitt was talking when he said it.

Now with Venus to US n Uranus (plus the June 5/6, 2012 Venus Transit in mid-Gemini), unusual or unorthodox alliances are being formed, one of which is the super-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a draconian "free trade" deal (Mercury) between Asian nations and America which, among other Global Governance goals, will set up an international authority (tribunal) to which the US will bow, thus totally destroying US sovereignty with no legal recourse for the American people--ever. This makes a visit to an imperative for We the People--and we must forget Washington's tiresome 'con v lib/R v D' divide-and-conquer tactics and propaganda before all is lost.

And yes, my fellow Americans, communist China may join later as and when it will. Although an official site makes it all sound quite mild, others such as myself aren't nearly as complacent. If the radical reforms are so beneficial, why was the pact formed in complete secrecy during its nascent stages (2008--2010)? More offshoring of US jobs is afoot! This is a negative for President Obama's re-election campaign dreams for details and text now emerge in the light of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 (conjunct Alcyone--this pact is indeed something to cry about) along with the June 6 Lunar Eclipse (conjunct US natal ASC) and its uncovering-of-secrets function for TPP's "free trade" details have been leaked in line with the current (un-)veiling Neptune in oceanic Pisces influence. Such a leaky White House! Makes me wonder if the identity of the GOP mole will soon be leaked!

Now Back to Mitt Romney: March 12, 1947 9:51 am EST Detroit, MI

The political nature of these transits to Romney's Uranus-NN pairing in the personal 1st house denotes a 'political association advocating reforms' flavor (R. Ebertin.) Romney's natal 2nd H of Money and Earning Ability is affected as well with the June 19th New Moon occurring therein--cusp 25Gem00; some fluctuation in his campaign funding efforts--up or down--may be forthcoming as well once the new cycle begins and culminates two weeks later at the July Full Moon in Capricorn. Of course, revelations of financial double-dealing are possible for Romney with Gemini, the sign of multiplicity and duplicity--here in money matters (2nd H.)

President Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii

Yes, the Gemini planets of June also affect President Obama's natal 4th H Moon 3Gem21 which sextiles his n 6th H Mercury 2Leo20 but is squared by n Pluto 6Vir59 in 7th H of Partnerships. Natal 7th H also contains his 'political associations advocating reforms' duo of Uranus-NN in Leo which is in much closer orb than Romney's Uranus-NN in Gemini.

In addition, it may turn out to be politically significant--especially in the realms of speeches and goals--that Mercury's Rx Station @12Leo33 on July 14, 2012 is a direct 'hit' to President Obama's natal Sun @12Leo33--and will recur with a direct Mercury--but I can't type about that now since I'm in process of adding such notes to the first-ever issue of Stars Over Monthly which is coming soon!

Sep 15, 2011

Pluto Stations Direct 4Cap53 Sept 16, 2011

The Tracker Pauses in His Tracks: Pluto Turns Direct 9.16.11

by Jude Cowell

In Mundane Astrology, Pluto has many layers of meaning. Some potentials are: plutocrats, the government (administration and infrastructure), power and its abuse and misuse, big business and corporatism, the criminal Underworld (ex: Mafia), surveillance and spies, detectives, assassins and saboteurs, fear, secrets and scandals, the mega-wealthy class, taboos, Psychiatry and mind control, propaganda, methods of coping, oil, plutonium, other valuable things under the earth, tunnels and pipes, nuclear energy and weapons, death, destruction, and transformation.

Yet Mr. Hades can be the monster lurking beneath the bed or play The Philanthropist with a conscience (but also an ulterior motive)!

Once absolute power has been attained--and it has, Pluto has no intention of giving it up yet we've seen the beginning of riots, protests, and upheavals from populations across the globe as radical Uranus on the streets squares entrenched Pluto in his ivory tower in an attempt to block (square) the furthering of Pluto's abuse of power against the disenfranchised underclasses (Pluto/Chiron.)

Yes, the Cardinal Grand Cross of 2010 extends into 2011 and beyond and will 'inspire' more societal stand-offs between classes and political factions.

Pluto's Direct Station Sept 16, 2011

In Washington DC on Friday September 16, 2011, Pluto turns Direct at 2:25 pm edt with 25 Sagittarius rising which makes a 4th house (Real Estate) Jupiter (banking) the chart-ruler. (Jupiter's applying trine to Pluto is mentioned below.) Moneybags Jupiter is retrograde @ 9Tau51, not the condition we prefer for a chart-ruler--this points toward continuing foreclosures which are now being put into legal processes again (Rx) by the banking industry (Jupiter Rx trine Pluto, now Direct.)

It also points directly toward China, whose totem is The Dragon (Pluto), opening the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions today--see NPR's China Tells Others to Put Financial House in Order. Our Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is to speak there tomorrow (9.16), the day Pluto turns Direct.

Thing is, Secretary Geithner speaks with the Sun (leadership) conjoining US natal Neptune in Virgo (work; workers; service) so idealism and fantasy are in the air and someone is zooming someone--probably on both sides (US and China.)

So with Pluto now moving forward and stationing during the World Economic Forum, will China act as the world's economic savior as some have suggested? Pluto, er...China, isn't much impressed with that idea but we'll see. To do so would give the Chinese government more leverage and plutonian control which it apparently desires.

In September, Pluto rises with Fixed Star Aquila (The Eagle; bold action) and there are indications of war drums with Pluto's degree '5Cap' = "Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance"--not what most Americans want since we're overburdened with Bush-Cheney wars as it is, but Pluto doesn't ask permission from anyone for his strong-armed pursuit of global power and domination.

A Cardinal T-Square with Apex Pluto

With a 9th house (Foreign Lands) Venus 2Lib03 opposing Uranus 2Ari57 Rx in 3rd house of Communications, a square from manipulative Pluto creates a Cardinal T-Square and forms a midpoint picture with these possible manifestations, some of which may turn up in the news as events or scandals:

Venus/Uranus = Pluto: potential for notoriety; exhibitionism; high excitability; accusations, attacks, or disruptions in seeking satisfaction; fanaticism when pursuing enjoyment of affection. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Sexy! Yet in Business and Politics, the Venus/Uranus pair itself relates to a treasury showing unexpected rises and falls in valuations, strange or eccentric behavior toward financial assets, and/or ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden increases or lacks of financial resources. (Munkasey.)

Now when karmic Pluto is apex (focus) in a Cardinal T-Square, high-level executives are indicated, and certain bloodlines may hold sway. Secluded in an ivory tower, this isolated Pluto never shares power and ruthlessly overwhelms any opposition to his plans for domination especially when challenged; subversive actions and manipulation are used to force his ambitions upon others.

(On the topic of plutonian, draconian bloodlines and US presidents, of course the satanic Merovingians come first to mind.)

So as Venus and Uranus both square The Dragon, US natal Jupiter--Geithner?--is again opposed by transiting Pluto, a difficult and key time for US finances and for political maneuverings as power struggles stymie efforts. The phrase "called on the carpet" comes to mind for Mr. Geithner's visit to China.

Apex Pluto in a Cardinal T-Square describes explosive endings making way for a new direction but if the 'new direction' is global totalitarianism, America's sovereignty and independence will be become things of the past--we're in process of that breakdown now, aren't we?

Jupiter trine Pluto (4A58) indicates aid from banking and other entities (Jupiter - gurus, preachers, generals, Republicans, etc) toward power goals, yet aid is delayed due to Jupiter's Rx state (until Christmas 2011.)

Venus square Pluto (0A55) shows overreactions to something said or done--things are Very Serious, no jokes allowed. Old issues surface bringing along resentments, suspicions, jealousies, and anger over past actions which perhaps were not aboveboard. (Plus, the Venus/Pluto pair has a connection to bankruptcy.)

Well, there are many other chart factors of importance if you care to set up a chart for Pluto's Direct Station on Friday. I'll close with a list of the midpoint pictures formed at 2:25 pm edt in Washington DC (9.16.11) for your consideration--any, all, or none may apply:

Mars/Pluto = Saturn: leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task; a desire to forcibly overcome obstacles at all cost; frustrated goals require persistence; lessened personal power.

Mars/Pluto = MC (15Lib49 = US natal Saturn, as above): learning to gain control and use powerful or extreme measures for improving status; unusual capabilities for advancement; facing overwhelming force without power (Pluto oppo US n Jupiter; tr Mars opposing US n Pluto 27Cap33 Rx in USA's 2nd house of Money); intervention of a Higher Power (China saves the global financial system?)

Jupiter/NN = Neptune (an ongoing mdpt picture): indecision or vacillation; inhibitions in partnerships; instability; unreliability; disappointment; getting sober again.

Moon/NN = Neptune: disappointment through others; an undermining of associations or unions.

Moon/Saturn = Mars: a lack of determination; the desire to overcome difficulties; feeling inferior; soul conflicts; separation or illness.

Moon/MC = Mars: total devotion to a task; industriousness; a spirit of endeavor.

And last but not least, our world's two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, point to activist Mars as well...

Jupiter/Saturn = Mars: a lack of endurance; enforcing changes of circumstances and life conditions; feeling unrewarded and making a change; not wanting to toe the line; ambition emerges out of discontent.

And since Mars opposes US natal Pluto...

Jupiter/Saturn = n Pluto: dramatic trust of self; fearlessness; major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; attaining aims slowly but surely; immense efforts; restrictions; separations; violent changes.

Mercury/Venus = Sun: compassion; recognition; a sunny disposition.


You may wish to check out a previous post on similar topics: China's natal chart and why Geithner is there with the nation's natal horoscope shown with transits for Secretary Geithner's visit in April 2010. You'll see that a transit now repeats due to the slowness of Pluto's orbit--tr Pluto opposing China's natal Uranus in Cancer, a time of struggles for control within the environment, and great conflicts occurring as power and resources are pitted against established financial and political institutions, such as the United States of America.

Aug 22, 2011

Tripoli falls! Libya's Saturn Return 8.22.11

Tripoli, Libya in Hands of the Revolutionaries! August 22, 2011

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you heard that the capital of Libya, Tripoli, fell Saturday night (8.20.11), three of Gadhafi's sons are in custody, and the dictator's whereabouts are as yet unknown. Revolutionaries (Uranus in Aries!) are in process of taking over the capital though heavy fighting continues in many areas, reports Amy Goodman.

Journalist and scholar Juan Cole is providing updates and analysis on Libya, plus, Al Jazeera has videos and Live Blogs available.

Astrology of Libya and a Full Moon

Yes, transformative, destructuring Pluto in status quo Capricorn continues toppling government leaders in Mr. Organized Crime's long-time-coming kind of way. There's no going back once Pluto makes a change.

In February I published the natal horoscope of Libya with February 21, 2011 transits showing Libya in process of its Saturn (accountability; restriction; government) Return to natal degree and sign (in Libra, conjunct US natal Saturn!) along with its Jupiter Return.

Now it's six months later, and certain transits are still of influence so here is Libya's natal horoscope, if you wish a view.

You'll see that on February 21, Mars was @ 29AQ conjoining tr Neptune--see transits written around the outside of the chart which may be enlarged with a click. ('29AQ' = "A Butterfly Emerging from a Chrysalis.")

August 2011 Brings Mars to natal Uranus

But time and planets flee, so on Saturday night past, out-of-bounds (of the Earthly plane) Mars, now in Cancer (always a touchy sign placement for the activist and god of war, Mars whose OOBs condition can inspire unusual feats of courage and nerve) conjoined the country's natal Uranus, a revolutionary pairing indicating explosions, guns, and danger in the environment. Something out of character or out of teh ordinary is often perpetrated under this influence. Mars @ '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" interesting that mention of China turns up in Libya's revolution and the fall of Tripoli, yes?

Also on Saturday evening (8.20.11), Mercury 20Leo55 conjoined natal Pluto, a time of gaining power and discovering information about financial and surveillance matters, and when investigation supplies valuable details about travel (Gadhafi absconds for a visit-by-exile with pal Hugo Chavez? Or perhaps he's secluded in a Saddam-inspired hidey hole!)

An August Full Moon Across the Self-Will Axis

The Full Moon (a stage of culmination and fulfillment) of Saturday August 13, 2011 was triggered by the August 20, 2011 Mercury in Leo which conjoined Libya's natal Pluto, and my suspicion is that much was revealed and concluded under the rays of the Aquarian Full Moon with its Sun in Leo shining upon Libya's natal Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and control. Apparently even the Universe decreed that it was time for Gadhafi to go and these pressures had to be released.

Now when the Sun conjoins n Pluto, ego takes center stage, and one's power is under scrutiny such as we heard with world leaders, including President Obama, calling for months that is was time for Gadhafi to go, leave, vamoose--which is just what a one-world-government take-over crew would say!

Yes, oil wheeler dealers of the One World Company persuasion are simply rabid to get their greedy mitts on that Libyan oil and you'll notice that today oil prices are mixed but down--see HuffPo's Oil Prices Drop As Libyan Rebels Capture Most of Country's Capital.

One quick transformation is that Tripoli's 'Green Square' (so named by Gadhafi) has been returned by the people to its original name, Martyrs Square, and there is some concern that faction fighting may cause people to turn upon one another. My hope is that this won't be the case yet Libya's 2nd house ($) line-up of planets (Saturn, Mars 16Lib26, Neptune 21:27, and Moon--the people, at a critical 29th degree (29:04)--are about to be restricted by transiting Saturn.

Here are the implications which I hope are not too dire for the Libyan people who deserve better breaks than they've received during the last 42 years:

Saturn to n Mars: lack of energy; physical complaints; circumventing rules, regulations, and authority is ill-advised; male relationships may be interrupted or broken off. Yet it's a time for a focus on organizing and directing frustrations into more constructive channels.

Saturn to n Neptune: the 'grim reality' transit which may also bring dreams (Neptune) into reality (Saturn), and inspire practical efforts for or from charitable organizations. (America recently experienced this transit and its effects linger.)

Saturn to n Moon: a sobering period when the people feel--or are-- deprived; worry and depression rise, and monetary resources become more sparse; desires may still be attainable but only if deserved; mothers and children may be forced to move residence.

If you're of a mind and belief system, join me in praying for the Libyan people!

Now there are other transits of note to the country's natal horoscope and I hope that if you can, you may keep tabs upon the exciting yet dangerous happenings in Libya which is now seemingly liberated from 42 years of dictatorship under Gadhafi.

And remember that your comments and opinions on-topic are very much welcomed here.

Jun 10, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deadline Aug 2 2011: Jupiter-Neptune active

Fighting War on China's Dime: the August 2, 2011 Debt Ceiling Squeeze

by Jude Cowell

Well, the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune, are activated by midpoint on August 2, 2011 which is the Obama-Geithner promoted deadline for raising the US debt ceiling or else America defaults and the globalists have the world financial collapse they've long planned for - have engineered and guided along, in fact.

Let's hope those who scr*w the world find themselves royally scr*wed before a total collapse affects the innocent even more than power elite thievery has already done.

On June 9, 2011, a headline on Huffington Post concerns the chairing of debt ceiling negotiations by VP Joe Biden, a chair choice that almost amuses me for its aptness: may-I-call-you-Joe is from the beautiful state of Delaware where so many credit banks have traditionally spawned, cavorted, and overcharged us with draconian fees and robbed us by falsehood and usury interest rates.

Anyway, what about the Jupiter-Neptune speculation duo of combined energies which also indicates wastrels, spendthrifts, and those with bubbly plans and imaginings beyond all reason and practicality?

Here's their midpoint picture sitting directly upon erratic, radical Uranus 4Ari20 Rx in 12th H of Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Deals, and Politics. Because of our financial topic and the pair's connection to wasted money and inflationary bubbles, I believe the Jupiter-Neptune-Uranus trio wields a direct influence which is stamped upon the August 2, 2011 deadline and the debt ceiling question. One question: shouldn't it be called raising our 'credit ceiling' since more credit is the alleged solution - and we know it's long been the problem?

(Any, all, or none may apply; sources: Munkasey and Ebertin; remarks in parentheses are added by yours truly.)

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus:

Disruptions by events having no real explanation (unless the mysterious explanation is a global financial collapse plan that no one in Washington honestly talks about because most of them are completely enthralled - and culpable - in the big ruse); basing decisions on odd or unusual theories about the effects of the supernatural (our Masonic Washington: is the Masons' Grand Plan for America on the verge of being fulfilled?); unaccustomed confusion; experiencing the contrast between imagination (fraud and lies, political theater) and reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump (no more credit extension for you? default?); sudden recognition of a difficult situation (now? or perhaps it's the American people en masse realizing that our political brigands have sold us out even more than we previously suspected; or, perhaps the Tea Party rank and file will wake up to their own corporate zombiism. That could be helpful.)

Making matters more complex, there is a second midpoint of zealous Mars/Pluto, with Mars out-of-bounds - up to his own activities - at a critical-crisis degree: 29Gem51 in 2nd H) which spotlights the same degree as bubbly, over promising Jupiter/Neptune, so we have:

Mars/Pluto = Uranus: using whatever power or means available to reform, disrupt, stir-up, or otherwise alter conditions (mm-hmm); brutality; violence; cruelty; sudden catastrophes.

The Mars/Pluto combo also relates to military troops, powerful weapons, and the Pentagon, that bottomless money pit bleeding us dry these too-many years. And you know the Pentagon must think it's too big to fail. It isn't, and will have only itself to blame. Wonder how long the neocons think the financial craziness can go on?

Yet I have a difficult time thinking this wasn't all done on purpose on behalf of an over-arching plan in which we-the-people are un-included. We are usurped.

More on August 2, 2011 11:59 pm Washington DC

ASC 8Tau20 with rising Jupiter 9Tau09 in the Earth (practical) sign of Taurus and Taurus does love its comforts and luxuries, and tends toward greed, possessiveness, and intolerance; here it may describe the builder and architect. Neptune is happily floating in the seas of Pisces (00:03 Rx) yet soon will re-enter scientific Aquarius; wounded Chiron 4Pis08 Rx continues nearby reminding us of the water damages our nation and other regions of the world have sadly sustained.

(Water water everywhere but very little clean water to drink anywhere. Or, it's contaminated with radiation, fluoride, mercury, hormone disruptors, or __?__.)

Chart-ruler Venus 6Leo50 conjoins Sun 10Leo30, a pair indicating self-satisfaction, even pompousness, and wanting to be liked - they conjoin the Republican Party's natal Leonine Mercury, planet of negotiations, agreements, deals, trade and commerce; Mercury 1Vir12 is retrograde, so hopefully a deal may be reached before August 2nd especially since Mercury turns Rx only 9 minutes earlier (August 2, 2011) at 11:50 pm edt.

Therefore, deals and negotiations committed to based on the August 2nd deadline may soon reverse, be delayed, or be up for major review before things settle down and move forward. Earlier would be better.

Stationary (strengthened) Mercury here rules 2nd H of Earnings and Values and US natal Uranus 8Gem55 sits upon its cusp, along with transiting MIDAS and Pan (a trickster element whose name is the basis for words such as 'panic' and 'panacea' - raising the debt ceiling would be a panacea and not doing so would cause a panic.

Mercury also rules the 6th H where the Moon (we-the-people; the public) 26Vir18 reflects the several months of US Secondary Progressed Moon's visit to US natal Neptune 23Vir and Sec Neptune 26Vir. This is part of our ongoing water catastrophes and fraud-to-the-people scenarios along with the debilitating transit of fraudulent, deceptive Neptune to US n Moon: home foreclosures, thefts, refugees, exiles, a sense of inferiority, and feeling rootless.

My guess is that a majority of the public wants war occupations and bombings overseas to cease since We Cannot Afford Them with this 6th H Moon in serving Virgo, and US troops being brought home is alleged to be on the president's calendar for Summer 2011; fluctuations in the health care debate may also be shown though usually staid Saturn in 6th H is busy blowing soap bubbles (its Sabian Symbol for '13Libra'.)

Another interesting factor in the chart is a Mystic Rectangle (practical mysticism) pattern between Pluto and Chiron (sextile; this is the plutocracy duo of oppression and corporatism) trining a Mercury-Mars sextile (60 degrees). Their sextile indicates a challenge to consider alternative options before acting; the need to be 'right' be must avoided (on Capitol Hill?!), and articulating grievances clearly is a talent. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

If Not Now, Then When? US Mars Return 2011

If the pressure from China and others speeds up the process, or more important political considerations turn up, perhaps an agreement to raise the debt ceiling may be reached around the time of the US Mars Return (a new cycle of activity begins every two years) which occurs on July 21, 2011 with Mars semi square Jupiter 7Tau52 in 8th H.

US natal Mars 21Gem23 is in 9th house of the Return chart set for DC, and North Node (in the August 2nd chart and in US Mars Return chart) at '23Sag' has an "Immigrants Entering a New Country" vibe. Return Mars in 9th H denotes martian activities such as war in Foreign Lands (9th H), and this Return chart shows US natal Mars conjoining the transiting South Node, a separative point; Mars/SN is a marker for war, violence, and other disruptive conditions. Our past (SN) actions (Mars) are dogging us and yes, will probably be repeated.

(You'd think that our dire financial condition would stop the warring - raising the debt ceiling seems to be about grabbing more fake, inflated money to wage more war and build bombs. It's certainly not an increase of funds for the benefit of the American people, as their 'austerity measures' have made clear. Some would call this treason.)

Mars makes no other aspects in the July 21, 2011 Return chart; the applying semi square with Jupiter indicates minor irritations to be worked out.

Now back to August 2, 2011 and chart-ruler Venus, planet of relationships, attractions, evaluations, and valuable things. Venus is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) so dealing with things of value is on her work schedule. Any applying aspects tell how things will proceed.

From 4th H of Real Estate and Domestic Scene, Venus applies (2A20) only to a square with moneybags Jupiter (who may act as banker, judge, general, guru, hierophant, preacher, teacher, attorney, Republican, etc; Jupiter here rules the 8th cusp, the house that describes our topics of debt and credit); this frustrating aspect of blockage between two money planets denotes indulgence and being neglectful of one's duties and responsibilities; if there's generosity, it satisfies ulterior motives, and the offer to make adjustments is but an empty gesture.

Perhaps fickle Venus doesn't think she has to do anything she doesn't 'want' to do being conjunct the Sun and all. But does she hold all the cards on August 2nd? Perhaps not...

For in 6th H (Work, Health, Military and Police Service) is manager Saturn (also a stand-in for the Dems) now moving direct and approaching a rendezvous with US natal Saturn 14Lib48 on August 28, 2011 (#3 of 3), a time when US chickens will come home to roost if they haven't by August 2nd.

The August 2nd Saturn provides opportunity (sextile; 2A00) for the leader (Sun) in dramatic Leo, sign of the natural leader (and monarchy) in the house of Real Estate. Will something surface or improve concerning Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? It's difficult to imagine Real Estate in general suddenly improving before the end of 2011, isn't it?

Still, the Sun shines on the Homeland in this chart (4th H) with lucky Venus there, too, both in happy Leo, and our topic is the debt ceiling and its effects on the US economy and our hesitant off-again-on-again recovery which will subsequently impact the rest of the world.

Well, there's a quick overview of a date we're being inundated with in the news: August 2, 2011. Apparently they want it infused within the public consciousness and imagination along with the ongoing propaganda of failure they're serving 24/7 - morning, noon, and night.

Hey! Did you notice that this post contained nary a phrase about the GOP crashing the US economy so that President Obama would fail? As if I'd ever consider voting for them after watching them spend mega-bucks for 8 years under Bush-Cheney only to crash America and blame the Democrats for their handiwork - puh!

Well, I didn't think any of us looked that stupid, but of course I could be wrong...


Blog Note: SO'W is taking a family weekend off. Hope all goes well in your area of the world...see you soon! jc

Jan 20, 2011

Pluto opposes US natal Jupiter: Is America run from Beijing? video

The following presentation arrived in my Inbox last evening so I'm posting the 5-video series by Lindsey Williams in case you want to leave a comment or opinion about its topic and assertions:

Transition to tyranny: America has been swallowed up by the globalists and will now be run from Beijing:

Is it ironic that after America set up or propped up puppet governments all over the world, Washington may now be a capital of puppets jerked around by Beijing? With Communist Party leader Hu Jintao royally feted by President Obama at the White House this week, it's no wonder Washington's marionette strings are showing.

And it's tempting when using Mundane Astrology to count 'secret hand' Pluto (The Dragon, symbol and favorite mascot of China) as one of the 'powerful, wealthy partners' opposing America's natal planets in Cancer which includes US natal Sun 14Can, our leader.

'14Can' = "A Very Old Man Facing Dark Space to the Northeast"...SANCTION:

positive expression: a highly effective enlistment of deeper and hidden elements of life for some momentary end;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: lack of purpose and utter chaos in understanding.

But which Sabian Symbol describes the American people? Using the US Sibly natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), we-the-people = '28AQ"...

"A Tree Felled and Sawed"...IMMEDIACY:

pos: man's uninhibited and enthusiastic desire to be at work or to mobilize everything around him in his own interest;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary surrender to hard or unrewarding effort through a total lack of imagination.

Transiting Neptune still hangs about the US Moon causing floods, massive storms, fraud, deception, disillusion, and media campaigns against the American people.

Now both symbols for US Sun (the leader) and Moon (the people) can relate to the Iroquois Confederation from whence most of our 'freedom documents' were inspired...the northeast - the League of the Iroquois and the Great Law of Peace. In fact, a contemporary of Benjamin Franklin, Cadwaller Colden, wrote that the Iroquois had "outdone the Romans."

For further reading on such topics I recommend Founding Fathers, Secret Societies by Dr. Robert Hieronimus...subtitle: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great Seal.

And I don't know about you, but considering how the US government has been steadily selling out our nation's future and sovereignty these last decades, I'm feeling pretty much 'felled and sawed'.

Jan 19, 2011

What is Democratic Socialism?

As I meandered around the Web this morning while watching the US-China PR mummery at the White House being shown on C-SPAN, I ran across Senator Bernie Sanders' recent remarks on how Social Security benefits have nothing to do with the US deficit.


Then I ran across a pdf that explains how Sen. Sanders labels himself: a Democratic Socialist.

The whole warm-fuzzy political theater now on display in Washington is designed to soothe the American peoples' fears over China, the place US jobs have gravitated toward since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Richard Nixon opened the door (as Teddy Roosevelt had pined for at the turn of the 20th century), Reagan strutted in, and we-the-people have been paying with our livelihoods and our national sovereignty ever since.

Meanwhile, other US presidents have continued the globalists' sell-out agenda (Clinton's NAFTA, CAFTA, and the illusion of 'free trade') until the US looks more like a 3rd world country every day while the Chinese people work hard for the money and dream of better lives. Now this is what Politics can do for global populations: build up, tear down, tinker with people's lives - and all with the power elite's bottom line upper most in their reptilian brains.

Democratic Socialism sounds better than the glaringly bad deal we've been handed by our own government officials who may be found lurking within the US Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 pair of Communism-Socialism-Fascism-inner-and-secret-government signature which falls near US natal Midheaven in the Sibly chart:

Saturn/Neptune = Mc: use of shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, completed work is needed; taking a definitive stand on practices which lessen the quality of life; giving up and capitulating totally to the demands of the environment; peculiar loss of ambition; wavering between idealism and materialism; emotional suffering; moodiness; a peculiar character. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Michael Munkasey, in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, gives the Political and Business implications for Saturn/Neptune; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs that have no real purpose; policies that restrict spies; misusing law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient business practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices; reliable equipment failures; a leader capitulates.

As you know, the Saturn/Neptune cycle is approximately 36 years in length. Their last Great Conjunction occurred in 1989 as the Reagan presidency morphed into that of George H. W. Bush who loudly touted the New World Order:

1. March 3, 1989 @11Cap55;
2. June 24, 1989 @11Cap14;
3. November 13, 1989 @10Cap22.

As you see, these positions in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, have a weighty encounter within range for an important state visit: transiting Pluto.

Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories; punishment for those who've allowed decay and decadence to persist; tremendous awareness for potential for loss; feeling downtrodden; workers' rights campaigns.

Since Pluto moves very slowly, this transit will be particularly difficult for society and America is emphasized here due to our Cancer planets (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun 3 - 14 Cancer) in opposition to underworld god, assassin, and spymaster Pluto triggering the effects and the aftermath of Saturn/Neptune in 1989, the year that Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus conjoined for the first time since the 15th century.

Historically, the triple conjunction marked a pivotal moment and its long lasting effects will continue to play out for decades to come. Yes, 1989 saw the 'end' of the Cold War yet it's interesting how often we hear that phrase from the media and politicians today.

Jul 21, 2010

Financial Reform Bill signed

President Obama signed into law today his Financial Reform Bill @ 11:48 am edt White House, DC; Hour of Mars; chart-ruler Venus 12Vir25 is in 12th house and makes one major applying aspect (how things will proceed): a square with the Moon (the people); US natal Saturn 14Lib48 is our first natal planet to rise.

Here you see the Horoscope of the Financial Reform Bill signing, aka 'Wall Street Reform' (and thus this horoscope is the natal chart of the bill itself) but we'll have to keep the Wall Street potential for ethics improvement in mind as things go forward:

With separative South Node of the Moon at Mc (The Goal Point), Fixed Star Alhena (to have a mission) at Mc, and the above-mentioned Moon/Venus square, I don't expect the bill to garner much support from the American people especially with the constant and tiresome undermining from the opposing political party whose determination to cause Obama's failure as President affects America the Nation's failing or succeeding as well.

A good point is that the housing market may receive a boost from having NN at IC, the cusp of Home, Domestic Scene, and Real Estate. Yet there is lurking Pluto 3Cap28 Rx in the neighborhood (3rd house) focal planet in a midpoint picture:

Uranus/ASC = Pluto: use of force; a desire to attain success even under the most difficult circumstances; commanding success. There's a midpoint of energies opposing Mercury 20Leo55, planet of contracts and such...the combo = radical reforms; reformist policital groups.

Uranus/NN = Mercury: studying deeply before effecting change; a quick comprehension of things; excited thoughts shared with others; fast-traveling news; criticizing others. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Another picture of interest: Mercury/Mc = Sun: further change.

If you count the ASC and MC, there's a Cardinal Grand Cross with the big bankster duo, Jupiter and Pluto which are squared to the degree (3Ari/Cap.)

A YOD between Sun/Saturn (sextiling one another still but just barely since Saturn changed signs) was pointing to an apex Neptune but now points to a crisis-ridden 29th degree: Chiron 29AQ57 Rx in 5th house of Gambling and Speculation.

And as you see, the ongoing opposition of wealthy, secretive Pluto to US natal Venus is on the Mc/Ic axis, the security/career axis - not a good portent for the signing, imho, yet it is one of the many reasons that reform is necessary.

SN at Mc has this Sabian Symbol: '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" - and you know, this isn't the first time in recent weeks that a reference to China turned up in a US mundane chart, for obvious reasons: China is our #1 creditor, and Pluto the Dragon echoes China's national and traditional archetype of The Dragon. So, the Dragon it is, opposing our evaluating Venus, one of the money planets. Our n Jupiter is within orb of Pluto's opposition, too. Double dip recession?

(Also, Venus is a significator of our Statue of Liberty made of her favorite metal, copper, which today was evacuated for supposedly an incorrect smoke detector reading. None were hurt, I believe, except for the long stair hike down. Hmm...)

Sun (the leader) 28Can47 in 10th house, a bright and shiny place, yet Sun opposes US natal Pluto (in the 4th house of this chart' US natal planets are scribbled outside the chart in red) which indicates that others will firmly stand in one's way when trying to get to the bottom of things. If this bill is a power play, it won't work as far as secret hand Pluto is concerned. As a power move against the American people, it will be blocked or resisted but is now on track to be ruthlessly forced upon us, unintended consequences, or no.

Additionally with Sun opposing our national Pluto, others may be jealous or intimidated by the events of the day, by the power wielded by the President.

Be that as it may or may not be, today Mr. Obama got to play boss and sign another large piece of legislation - and the DOW closed down this afternoon 109 points.

Perhaps Wall Street is pouting. Someone is trying to take away their red truck and they only have 1,000-gazillion-bazillion blue ones, boo hoo.

Plus, there are interesting items tucked into the new reform bill (one concerns Jim McDermott's 'conflict mineral' provision) and many specifics are not yet written - guess they're still in the 'vision' stage - but not to fret. For hordes of lobbyists are already on Capitol Hill and working to sway how the specifics are written in favor of the financial, real estate, and insurance industries.

Meanwhile, the careless-with-oversight ratings agencies (S&P, Moody's, and Fitch) are up to shenanigans, too, concerning the bond markets. Seems they're afraid they could get themselves sued. Oh really? Integrity in one's business doesn't often lead to getting sued, my financial friends! Oh ye Ponzi-enablers!

Oh, and transiting Saturn 00Lib00 conjoins US natal Mc 00:53 in the Sibly chart, and opposes more closely tr Uranus 00Ari29 Rx, both planets now in Cardinal (active, outgoing energy.) Jupiter 3Ari24 Rx travels in tandem with Hermes, one of trickster archetypes...aka, the magician or alchemist.

Speaking of alchemy, I wonder if anyone has spotted in the bill provisions that concern gold or the gold market? Plus, tr Midas 8Gem53 (conjunct US n Uranus 8:55) and Pan, another trickster element with a 'panic' vibe @ 7Gem43 - both opposing the people's Moon in Sagittarius.

So please click to enlarge the image for more details, consider this horoscope and the situation as you will, and get back to me with a comment, if you may, because LINK TV is rebroadcasting Orwell Rolls in His Grave right now, a documentary about media being part of the problem rather than being the public watchdogs that Thomas Jefferson thought they'd always be on behalf of the American people.

But instead, the mainstream media obfuscates issues, focuses on trivial stories, and blurs the line between news and entertainment. Is the future of this nation and our children's futures only 'entertainment'?!? (See link below for news of real value with no fluff; check local listings for regional times. In edt, Amy Goodman broadcasts at 11:00 am weekdays.)

All these class warfare 'players' are part of a global crime syndicate, and have weakened our democracy over decades. And I fear that we haven't held on to our republic very well either.


President Obama's remarks at signing ceremony July 21, 2010:

Over the past two years, we have faced the worst recession since the Great Depression. Eight million people lost their jobs. Tens of millions saw the value of their homes and retirement savings plummet. Countless businesses have been unable to get the loans they need and many have been forced to shut their doors. And although the economy is growing again, too many people are still feeling the pain of the downturn.

Now, while a number of factors led to such a severe recession, the primary cause was a breakdown in our financial system. It was a crisis born of a failure of responsibility from certain corners of Wall Street to the halls of power in Washington. For years, our financial sector was governed by antiquated and poorly enforced rules that allowed some to game the system and take risks that endangered the entire economy.

Unscrupulous lenders locked consumers into complex loans with hidden costs. Firms like AIG placed massive, risky bets with borrowed money. And while the rules left abuse and excess unchecked, they also left taxpayers on the hook if a big bank or financial institution ever failed.

Now, even before the crisis hit, I went to Wall Street and I called for common-sense reforms to protect consumers and our economy as a whole. And soon after taking office, I proposed a set of reforms to empower consumers and investors, to bring the shadowy deals that caused this crisis into the light of day, and to put a stop to taxpayer bailouts once and for all. (Applause.) Today, thanks to a lot of people in this room, those reforms will become the law of the land.

Passing this bill was no easy task. To get there, we had to overcome the furious lobbying of an array of powerful interest groups and a partisan minority determined to block change. So the members who are here today, both on the stage and in the audience, they have done a great service in devoting so much time and expertise to this effort, to looking out for the public interests and not the special interests. (Applause.) And I also want to thank the three Republican senators who put partisanship aside -- (applause) -- judged this bill on the merits, and voted for reform. We’re grateful to them. (Applause.) And the Republican House members. (Applause.) Good to see you, Joe. (Applause.)

Now, let’s put this in perspective. The fact is, the financial industry is central to our nation’s ability to grow, to prosper, to compete and to innovate. There are a lot of banks that understand and fulfill this vital role, and there are a whole lot of bankers who want to do right -- and do right -- by their customers. This reform will help foster innovation, not hamper it. It is designed to make sure that everybody follows the same set of rules, so that firms compete on price and quality, not on tricks and not on traps.

With this law, we’ll crack down on abusive practices in the mortgage industry. We’ll make sure that contracts are simpler -– putting an end to many hidden penalties and fees in complex mortgages -– so folks know what they’re signing.

With this law, students who take out college loans will be provided clear and concise information about their obligations.

And with this law, ordinary investors -– like seniors and folks saving for retirement –- will be able to receive more information about the costs and risks of mutual funds and other investment products, so that they can make better financial decisions as to what will work for them.

So, all told, these reforms represent the strongest consumer financial protections in history. (Applause.) In history. And these protections will be enforced by a new consumer watchdog with just one job: looking out for people -– not big banks, not lenders, not investment houses -– looking out for people as they interact with the financial system.

In the end, our financial system only works –- our market is only free –- when there are clear rules and basic safeguards that prevent abuse, that check excess, that ensure that it is more profitable to play by the rules than to game the system. And that’s what these reforms are designed to achieve -- no more, no less. Because that’s how we will ensure that our economy works for consumers, that it works for investors, that it works for financial institutions -– that it works for all of us.

This is the central lesson not only of this crisis but of our history. Ultimately, there’s no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street. We rise or fall together as one nation. So these reforms will help lift our economy and lead all of us to a stronger, more prosperous future.

Jan 30, 2010

US arms sales to Taiwan a Presidential misstep?

China will impose sanctions on the US and that's just for starters. Is President Obama 'misstepping' as they love to term their mistakes in Washington?

If so, he's really stepped in it this time.

Will such a large amount of weapons even fit on the island of Taiwan? Is the US-China relationship on thin ice already? Or is sparking Armageddon on all world leaders' to-do lists? ("I want to start it - no, me!") They seem psychotically insane, imho, and highly delusional about who will end what they arrogantly start.

Now I definitely don't wish to ignore the plight of the good Taiwanese people, but does anyone else think that Mr. Obama's arms sale to Taiwan is pure madness?

Yet with timing being everything, maybe the weapons sales are meant to make a point or provide a bargaining chip. Yeah, that must be it - diplomacy. Otherwise it seems that a serious psychological evaluation is needed pronto at the White House.

But never mind about the Pentagon - they went nuts when they went nuclear decades ago.

Jun 17, 2009

China's richest man now held in undisclosed location

China's Communist Party is now said to be cracking down on the rich and it seems that the condition of being very rich in China is subject to abrupt termination.

Just wondering: does this show lessons learned from Russia?

Mar 6, 2009

Pollution Photo Gallery: China

Here's a small collection of 8 photos showing pollution in China which pains me to see no matter where on the globe it's allowed to harm the populace while enriching the greedy and powerful.

Particulate matter from a belching smokestack eventually affects us all!

Dec 4, 2008

Hank Paulson in China

US-China relations are on the boil over economic issues. Yuans and dollars are dropping all around us.

Treasury secretary and bailout czar Hank Paulson is there now to take meetings with America's main creditor, the Chinese government.

Is Paulson being called on the Chinese carpet?

Now either someone on Capitol Hill and Wall Street thought selling out America to China was a grand idea when it began years ago and the screws are now inconveniently being applied, or the one-world-government scheme's script is being followed word for word with much success for the fatcats of the world.

You may wish to visit Patrick Wood's The August Review which covers this topic and more.

Nov 19, 2008

Melamine adds widespread in China

Adding melamine to milk is standard practice and the government of China is attempting to hide its widespread use by pointing to particular companies' culpability.

No matter who you are, if you'd poison small babies, I'm guessing there's not much you wouldn't do. And to engage in this type of practice to increase profits makes you even more of a vulture.

Here in America, we don't know (and our FDA probably will never divulge) how many products we use every day which are contaminated with this chemical. Makes your kidneys ache just to think about it.

Even 'health' products such as vitamins and 'natural' formulas may contain melamine.

Oh Irony. You abound.

Aug 8, 2008

Cat limericks Beijing Olympics!

Heads-up, cat limerick lovers - Cat from Beijing has been typed up and published by yours truly on behalf of Mr. A. Cat, an agent formerly in service to our nation, who phoned in a verse today concerning the Olympics in Beijing, China.

You'll find a photo of a Turkish Van, too - ever seen one of these marvelous water-loving kitties? Good thing there's no Turkish Van in the swim competition or Michael Phelps might be in for some real trouble!


And on a serious note, you'll find a fresh post at Jude's Threshold concerning Bruce Ivins' natal (solar) chart and the FBI's attempt to close the anthrax letters case.

Post is titled, Bruce Ivins and the Quindecile Effect.

Jul 31, 2008

Headed for China: the August 1 Solar Eclipse

Space Weather News for July 31, 2008

SOLAR ECLIPSE: On Friday, August 1st, the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun producing a total solar eclipse. The narrow path of totality stretches from arctic Canada through Greenland, Siberia, and Mongolia, and comes to an end in China where millions of people will witness the event.

Even more people will see the partial eclipse, visible from almost all of Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia and a corner of North America.

The action begins at approximately 09:20 UT (5:20 am EDT) when the Moon's shadow first hits Earth in northern Canada and begins its rapid sweep toward China.

Visit for photos, webcasts, timetables and full coverage of the eclipse. #


On August 17, 2007 I wrote a post about the NYSE's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series - which repeats tomorrow, Aug 1, 2008, along with a few notes from astrologer Sybil Leek concerning Neptune in Scorpio, sign of big business and marking the start of living beyond one's means bwo credit cards, plus some comments on Ben Bernanke. (Given today's financial mess the 'experts' have dumped us in, I want to type Stanky Bernanke but guess I'd better not. What then would I call the rest of 'em?)

Anyway, here's the post link if you'd like to peruse:

NYSE and its Solar Eclipse Series 2008

Jul 28, 2008

August 1 Eclipse scares up: The Mummy!

The Mummy is being released on August 1, the very day of the Solar Eclipse from the 10 South Series.

The Pluto-inspired The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor looks pretty good in the trailer so I've provided a link for viewing it in the above post along with Eclipse details in case you've missed them. Pluto, the Dragon is rising, it seems...along with China whose symbol is The Dragon.

Mar 25, 2008

Pentagon mea culpa and nukes across America

The Pentagon's cone head is showing! as Defense Secretary Robert Gates admits to "The Mistake of the Taiwanese Cone Heads" or something like that.

Is he planning to write a mystery novel or get to the bottom of their supposed incompetence?

Actually Gates has called for an investigation (and we know where those tend to lead--down the garden path) into four containers of fuses shipped to Taiwan in "error"...a charade which must infuriate China, no doubt. Grumps me up no end and I'm only American.

Well, I guess Gates had to say something to, oops!

Is it me, or does the US seem to say oops to China quite often?

Anway, you'll see that I've included in the above-linked post the sunrise chart for the day that the Air Force (they're on OUR team, remember) "mistakenly" loaded a bunch of nuclear bombs onto some B-52s and flew them from ND to may want to check out the chart with asteroid Toro at Ic and conjunct the "A Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree.

Ole! Oops! and all that.