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Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Nov 30, 2020

Biden's Fractured Foot reflected by the Lunar Eclipse?

As you've heard, President-Elect Joe Biden fractured his foot on Saturday while playing with his dog Major and will likely need a "a walking boot for several weeks".

Astrologically, we may expect multiple cosmic influences to be in effect when an event manifests in the physical world but one factor that 'stands out' (sorry!) in this case is the nearness of his accident on November 28th to the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards' and therefore can disrupt and/or reveal events early, late, or never. And if you're familiar with the natal chart of Joseph R. Biden then you know that this Gemini Lunar Eclipse 'eclipsed' his natal 7th house Saturn, ruler of bones, retrograde @9Gem57.

Of course, Saturn also rules such things as karma, stoppages, loss, the demands of responsibility, issues of accountability, authority, management, separation, and other realms but let's avoid considering that such accidents sometimes can be a plea for a break or an easing of Saturnian burdens! That's if the Biden campaign's explanation of 'slipping while walking his dog' holds up for the duration. And perhaps it's time for a bone density scan! Otherwise, it's too murky to imagine what sinister forces could be threatening from behind the scenes especially considering the mobster atmosphere now prevalent in the US. Yet if there are actors with sinister intent, I'd have to guess that the Fed, the National Treasury, currency valuation, and/or other financial matters could well be involved (because eclipse Sun 8Sag38 conjuncts The Fed's New Moon of 1910 during their secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia). But that's only a wild guess.

And since Pisces is the sign of the feet, it appears significant that transit Neptune conjunct Biden's natal IC (4th house cusp of the Domestic Scene - slipping = Neptune; at home: 4th house) has expressed in the physical world in a visible way. And yet the possibility of Neptune's tendency toward veils, illusion, and deception cannot be completely ruled out at this early date.

Meanwhile, the Lunar Eclipse Sun opposes Joe Biden's natal Saturn, not the easiest transit for a natal Saturn to manage for it suggests that the more responsibilities he takes on these days, the more there will be to take on. Plus, higher authorities could expect former VP Biden to execute plans that he isn't prepared for, or he may have balked at certain commands. (Please note that I type as one who no longer believes that the US presidency makes "the most powerful man in the world", if indeed it ever did; disagree as you wish!) This transit is not a period of time when the President-Elect can count on luck to see him through but its ill effects should hopefully be short-lived. Except for the visual reminder for the public of his walking cast - for several weeks (or months).

Any of this as it may or may not be, I wish President-Elect Biden a very speedy recovery!

Nov 20, 2020

The Biden-Harris Partnership: Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo

On November 7, 2020, Joe Biden was announced as President-Elect and a post appeared here on SO'W discussing the announcement's Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo blend of Fixed energies which may be said to describe the Biden-Harris partnership - he, the Sun, she, the Moon. The happiness (Leo) of a majority of the public (Moon) is also indicated as the emotional trend or mood.

However, in my previous post I was rushed and did not add a view of the announcement horoscope so it's added here for readers who may not have seen it. And for those who have:

Karmic planet Saturn rules many realms as you know, and here Saturn rules the Ascendant (the announcement itself) and reveals several factors that feature and will feature in the Biden-Harris administration and its managing style and ability. Demanding Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) rules realism, control, limits, responsibility, accountability, seniors, maturity, and the law and we find these issues and concerns mentioned within the public discourse on a daily basis.

In Mundane Astrology, Saturn also represents The Establishment and The System and with this one horoscope we can see the ongoing stand-off between reactionary anarchic forces of Utopian zealotry vs the steady energies of now-returning professional actors in government and their particular world view. (See Uranus conjunct both the IC and the previous Halloween New Moon @8Taurus). How closely the adage 'new boss same as old boss' will apply remains to be seen, as quirky as that may be considering erratic Trump (whose WH tenure was no bug but a feature, I suspect).

Yes, Trump managed to place a lot of things and principles up for grabs, an authoritarian agenda which has created conditions for a major reform of the US government. This is what 'the powers that think they be' wanted all along for pawns like you and me.

In closing, also note that the current 'midpoint gorilla' in the environment is the transiting Saturn-Uranus = Neptune picture. So it's 'Old Order vs New Order' with the veil or mask of sneaky Neptune overlaid which to me suggests that disguised changes are being utilized with the objective of altering traditional roles or methods (although inspired solutions should not be ruled out!). This alteration will be supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn, a cosmic shift into a more Aquarian era and a signal for the beginning of a 'new order' politically, financially, and socially.

Nov 8, 2020

Joe Biden's Inauguration Day 2021 Lunar Return

Biden Inauguration Day 2021: Who Goes There?

by Jude Cowell

The DC Horoscope, below, of Joe Biden's Lunar Return which perfects on January 20, 2021 (and operative until mid-February) is of concern to yours truly for a variety of reasons. One reason is that President-Elect Biden's natal Moon degree @00Tau59 (00/1Taurus are degrees of violence which he faced with the tragic deaths of his first wife and daughter), plus, there's the nearness to his Moon of the transiting Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfects a bit earlier at 3:38 pm ET @6Tau44. There are other chart factors of significance of course, both positive and negative, however, I doubt that it's a good idea to mention very much about the portents of such a subject here with certain of his opponents considering themselves to be enemies. Perhaps even 'sworn enemies'. You know who they are.

Therefore, I'll simply publish a few details concerning the Lunar Return horoscope and a dual chart image along with Mr. Biden's natal chart (lower left) for anyone who may wish to consider the Return, plus, I'll mention that on this significant day, Joe Biden's Return Moon rises with asteroid Circe with its potential for 'where we rescue or where we seek rescue'. Maybe both!

Meanwhile, the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter squares listed on the image are actually transiting squares to his natal Moon suggesting various internal blockages, plus, the possibilities of encountering arrogant people, critics and nitpickers, disfunctioning schedules and/or systems, and having to deal with other people's extravagance (wonder whose!). Will the White House computer keyboards be intact? Or worse?

Well, we know that President-Elect Biden and his team are certainly facing a daunting job if there ever was one, sabotaged conditions or not.

Then adding to the significance of any or all of his lifetime of Lunar Returns, you see listed on his natal chart, lower right, that his natal Moon leads an ambitious Locomotive shape of his planets. Natal Moon in Taurus (constant and steadfast, warm emotions) is ruled by valuable Venus - his @28Sco33, with transiting Nemesis on Inauguration Day 2021 @29Scorpio46 conjunct his natal Venus (see Return 5th house), Nemesis at a 29th critical degree. Scandals are ceain to be stirred up by then or at least until his next Lunar Return in February. Or we could say that this particular Lunar Return 'sets the clock' on Mr. Biden's entire presidency since it's his first of 2021.

So below the image, you'll find potentials of two midpoint pictures which conjunct his Moon Return's Midheaven, the Goal Point. They sound quite descriptive to me but see what you think, dear reader:

DC Horoscope: January 20, 2021 3:55:36 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter; Asc 15Can34 (conjunct natal Asc of the Pentagon/1942--protection?); chart-ruler Moon @00Tau59 has just entered the public 10th house (Placidus System); see the center of the Return chart for a couple of midpoint pictures involving the turbulent Moon-Mars-Uranus trio.

At Goal Point: Midheaven = Mercury-Mars: 'addressing life's problems more directly and completely; ready for action; courage' and Midheaven = Mercury-Uranus: 'mature insight into the needs of others; increased recognition' (Ebertin; Munkasey).

Nov 7, 2020

November 7, 2020: Scorpio Joe Biden Elected!

November 7, 2020: Finally, after the November 3rd election, this morning Democrat and former VP Joe Biden has been announced by the AP and other outlets as President-Elect.

As you know, the Fixed sign of Scorpio is deep thinking, great at detecting, and is sometimes brooding. Of note is that President-Elect Biden was born with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio. His Mars is unaspected which denotes one who can be quite uncompromising which will be a significant trait when dealing with Republican Senate Leader Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell. Plus, Mr. Biden's Taurus Moon can be stubborn, too.

So! Today's Moon sign is Fixed Leo, solar-ruled and on the dramatic side. A Leo Moon suggests the happiness, the joy, that a majority of Americans (and other folks abroad!) are feeling today. There's also the hope that the Trump regime's era is over although Herr Spanky will hang on to public attention as long as he can - in the courts, on Twitter, in news reports, on our TVs. Maybe he'll turn up with his own show, who knows. Yet no matter what he does, today's Fixed energies indicate that current circumstances will remain in force, as is, and will alter on January 20, 2021 at noon est when Trump's 'reign' officially ends!

But enough about Trump for he will, at some point, become old news. Huzzah! Let's move on to --

Today's Cosmic Weather: Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo

A forceful, intense Sun-Mars-Pluto combination of influences, this blend suggests those for whom personal and economic success, plus, a sense of self-esteem, are very important. A level of magnetism and charisma may be noticed (Moon in Leo until Monday November 9th at 8:30 am est) as well as an intense determination toward a cause or mission. Whenever ruthlessness is required, Scorpio natives are ready. Even better will be approval and applause for and from that Leo Moon: Dancing in the streets can be one happy expression!

And so speaking today for Stars Over Washington, I'm sending Congratulations (and Condolences!) to the victorious Biden-Harris team, their families, soon-to-be Cabinet members, lawyers, and staffers. Much is expected from them despite Republican opponents and others who would continue to interfere with common sense social programs and needed repairs to the damage Trump and his enablers have perpetrated. I choose to believe that the Biden-Harris team will do their best which will be a vast improvement over the saboteurs, thieves, gangsters, and racists America has suffered under for the last few years.

Of interest is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are to deliver statements tonight, plus, a transition website has been set up but I've yet to check it out.

Now to close, here's an Image for Integration for the Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo blend which you may agree applies to current events and conditions:

"A Samaritan mirrors sunshine into the depth of a dark pit bringing hope to those who live there" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Oct 23, 2020

The Natal Saturns of Biden and Trump: Who to Hire?

Job Interview! Whose Saturn Fits the Bill?

by Jude Cowell

October 23, 2020: My deep suspicion is that pretty much everyone knows by now that astrological Saturn is the planet of responsibility, reliability, dependability, maturity, realism, Time, gravity, accountability, limitation, restriction, flaws and fears, efficiency, seriousness, concentrated thought, fulfilling (or neglecting) demands and commands, studiousness, learning/teaching lessons, work, laws, rules, regulations, policies, perseverance, endurance, and other such sobering, often difficult things. Plus, we know that karma, loss, and several physical characteristics also apply to multi-dimentional Saturn but let's not fret over it just now because this post is for comparing/contrasting the natal Saturns by sign and aspect condition of Donald Trump, the incumbent, and Joseph Biden, the challenger, opposing one another on November 3, 2020 as they vie for the job of US president.

Pretending this post is a job interview of the planet of responsibility and work (even though it's the Electoral College that decides the victor, not We The People), we know from the outset that Saturn functions well from mental Air signs but not as well from emotional Water signs and is, in fact, in his detriment in Cancer because it's the sign opposite Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Now perhaps you'll agree that the role of President of the United States ideally calls for the more sobering traits mentioned above, and some would say that such seriousness and maturity have been lacking for nearly four years now. Be that as it may be, let us proceed to consider the proclivities of former VP Biden's Saturn in Mercury-ruled Gemini vs the current figurehead, Donald Trump, and his Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer - the first suggesting a Mercury-Saturn signature, the second with Moon-Saturn on its resume.

That both men are of a Saturnin age must please the planet of old age! Or at least it's no disqualifier for political office as far as Saturn the senex is concerned:

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Gemini: a logical, practical mind; well-disciplined; dependable; honest (for the most part--Mr. Biden is a politician, after all); reasonable; organized; adaptable; objective; intellectual; can manage well within systems; interests in Math and Science; prefers that things be well-defined (ex: clarity in contracts); a resourceful finder of solutions; wisdom through duress; philosophical; possible speech impediment such as stuttering; the nervous system.

Joe Biden was born with a wide conjunction of Saturn (7th house) and Uranus (6th house) suggesting willpower and perseverance; an applying sextile between Saturn and Pluto denotes one who requires details before making decisions; control issues require positive channels for best expression; priorities are self-reliance and financial security; opportunities (sextile) in work and career matters (Saturn) are provided by higher (hidden, wealthy) powers (Pluto in the corporate 8th house).

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Cancer: early family environment results in emotional inhibitions that lead to estrangement from family members and/or others; the parental unit may have been cold and austere causing emotional scars, depression, and an inability to trust; extreme emotional sensitivity, a touchy ego, defensiveness; a protective emotional shell forms (Cancer the Crab scuttles sideways to avoid uncomfortable situations/loathes being challenged); a lack of warmth in relationships; security concerns (Saturn rules walls, fences, and borders!); a deep need for respect and approval from others; domestic strain and financial problems; a sluggish metabolism leads to excessive weight gain and water retention; an unusually strong materialism (heightened by a deep fear of poverty). The Moon-Saturn signature also relates to ambitious plans and strategizing often based on unconscious motivations and emotional needs.

Donald Trump was born with a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. Discontent in relationships can be an excuse for disloyalty and unfaithfulness; concerns with justice, fairplay, and loyalty are evident - for Trump this is supported by his Jupiter in Libra through which we hear his cry of, "It's not fair!".

So! If you were the one hiring, and considering the dire problems America now faces, which fellow do you think would more efficiently and responsibly handle such a difficult job at this moment in history?

Birth Data Used (assuming accuracy): Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA (RR: A); Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Jamaica, NY (RR: AA).

Oct 11, 2020

Undermining SCOTUS? Who Else but Neptune!

Horoscopes: SCOTUS 1790 (inner) with a snapshot of the June 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction (outer); as you see, both transit Neptune and Mars were conjunct 1790 Saturn in June (Mars-Neptune = Saturn with potentials for: 'instability; misdirected energy; unfortunate consequences because of a weak will; lasting illness or weakness; an epidemic; toxins in the body'--R. Ebertin).

In Progress, a Significant Transit to SCOTUS Saturn: transit Neptune, now floating through its own sign of Pisces, is influencing and more than likely undermining Saturn in the SCOTUS First Session Horoscope (February 1, 1790 NYC--I use 9:00 am LMT). The slow-moving gas ball has been within orb of 1790 Saturn for some time, yes, but in February and March 2021, transit Neptune @20Pisces will directly conjunct SCOTUS Saturn, the legal-eagle planet of judges, The Law, attorneys, courts, government, authority, realism, facts, accountability, reliability, restriction, limits, and thereby will reveal a period when structures and traditions are being eroded and/or are disintegrating due to current conditions.

This erosion of our court and legal systems has already begun, of course, but early 2021 could be the period when such effects become stronger and thus more obvious to the general public, perhaps to the point of legal paralysis.

Other possibilities with Neptune-to-Saturn include contagion (Neptune) affecting judges or other court officials (Saturn) to a hobbling degree, there may be loss although it's impossible to say from what cause (it may be mysterious!), and/or there may be some combination of inspired ideals and misguided notions being argued during proceedings. Naturally, other court circuits may be affected as well (Saturn) with substandard judges attempting to adjudicate in positions they should not have taken due to inexperience, ill-preparedness, lack of education, and/or odd or strange ideas. Notably, conspiracy theories may crash against brick walls during this period.

Now as you know, much of the results of Neptune-to-Saturn for SCOTUS will depend on whether Trump manages to finagle four more years with sidekick Barr running interference for his scofflaw antics, or, whether Joe Biden takes the White House and brings with him a more professional team such as former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner who some see as imminently qualified for the position of US Attorney General to replace Billy Barr. Perhaps you've heard Mr. Kirschner's Justice Matters podcast or watched his videos, and as one born with four planets in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, I appreciate Mr. Kirschner's reality-based views and legal expertise!

A Closing Note: The above post was originally typed and included with a Thom Hartmann video (October 11, 2020) but Blogger wouldn't allow this text to be published with Thom's content as has been my usual habit these 15 years of writing Stars Over Washington. However, maybe I can share the link to Thom's video: Stacking the Supreme Court - History vs Fiction. Hopefully the link is Live but if not, you can always search YouTube (ex: Thom's channel) for it as you wish. jc

Aug 27, 2020

Power Shift: by astrologer Peter Doughty

With Campaign 2020 grinding on, Stars Over Washington is very pleased to present a guest post authored by Peter Doughty!

Power Shift

by Peter Doughty

The other night - Friday night, probably - I was sitting back with ye olde laptop in me lap as I digested a bit more of the bits and pieces I’d been chewing on, that came from the Democratic Party online shindig for anointing POTUS and VPOTUS candidates. It’s been quite the buzz, even in my perennially independent-minded head. Sure, I’ve leaned that direction all my adult life and never did vote for any R candidate that came along: their so-called conservatism never seemed to line up at all with my brand of such.

So, the news of the choice for VPOTUS was, frankly, exciting — somewhat, for a while. After all, the sorts of economic, cultural and political changes that even the near future would seem to hold were not about to pass her lips, masked or not — nor those of her running mate.

Yet from an astrological perspective, the charts of both candidates provide plenty of fodder for fascinating and perhaps illuminating study.

In the case of Mr. Biden, all that Scorpio energy — Mars, Mercury, Sun and Venus, in that order — in the twelfth house would mark him from birth with a path involving much struggle and suffering, and, maybe, inner work. So it would seem. As one with a diurnal chart (Sun in watery Scorpio above the horizon), his first personal cycle of Saturn would be under the general dominion of Venus. However, Venus also being above the horizon as well as “in exile” in Scorpio, she would not be adorning a path toward being a small-p party animal.

Life was evidently not much easier for Mr. B through his second Saturn cycle (until 2001), under Mars’ dominion. More strength and determination were called for, though he was still essentially trapped within labyrinthine institutions.

Now, though, his life is under the general sway of Luna: quite happy (under the overall circumstances) in the steady and huggy sign of Taurus. Ms. Harris could not be in much better astrological condition, conferring popularity and success as long as Mr. B. plays a caretaker role (natal Luna in the service-demanding sixth house).

There are some quite interesting connections in progressions and directions to his natal chart (of course). I will merely say this: The astrological confirmation of the appropriateness of, and the larger societal readiness for, teaming with a woman with roots in atypical cultures comes through most emphatically. The exact natal opposition between Juno in the first house and Saturn in the seventh, along with the seventh-house profection year (age seventy-eight) to begin in November, shout it out. This is a classic depiction of a need for a truly collaborative partner at this time. And the foreign-ness of Juno in Sagittarius is, well — astrologers couldn’t make up something more symbolically spot-on.

It looks like Biden — or, more likely, the hidden councils of his Party — has chosen well.

What I find most intriguing about Ms. H’s natal chart is the exact full moon, somewhat similar to that of the Agent Orange of the Oval Office.

His was a special full moon: a lunar eclipse, with all the spookiness implied and noticed whenever it recurs (at least twice a year). Hers was just a regular full moon.
Hers, like his, was an Air sun / Fire moon combination: cardinal signs, denoting initiative and new directions. His, with the individualistic and defiant element of Uranus thrown in, emphasized reaction, chaos and rendering asunder.

Evidently, Ms. Harris' role is to be one of the chief architects of a newly constituted polity arising from the ashes of the nation’s Pluto return and the depredations of Trumpism. There is apt to be, in her imprint on events and developments, a definite back-and-forth between instinctive, pointed response and action and, on the other hand, patterns of rational consideration to the point of vacillation: Luna in Aries, Sol in Libra.

What probably among most astrologers appears as the most significant portion in the synastry is the superimposition of Ms. Harris’ grand cross in the fixed signs upon Mr. Biden’s chart, linking with his Scorpio cluster and Chiron in Leo. The latter is his “wounded leader” placement, activated by the Great American Eclipse three years ago, nearly to the day. (I wonder what he was doing that day, and where he was?)

For Ms. Harris, the grand cross represents the inheritance of a great burden, just as she enters into her third personal Saturn cycle, under the dominion of Saturn. That placement for her links closely with his Chiron placement. Fortunately for her, and even more so for the citizenry, natal Saturn is in a dignified condition in Aquarius. This indicates that she would undertake great responsibility in this phase of her life, and that it would involve carefully balancing the needs and demands of disparate social or political groups.

As fate would have it, she might have been thrust into the role of headwoman of some tribe struggling to survive the onslaught of Jair Bolsonaro’s destroyers of the last of the delicate rainforests in the Brazilian hinterlands, or mayor of some hamlet on the Great Plains which lately lost its leader in the Great Derecho of 2020. Instead, she’s stepping into line to become the first female president of a faltering republic and shrinking empire which once styled itself champion of the “free world.” What will even be the shape of the presidency in this next era? That’s another and much larger question, with no attempt at an answer here.

Biden and Harris are holding out the carrot of a return, somehow, sometime, to something that might pass for “normalcy.” But it ain’t gonna happen. The largesse both are talking about are represented by Biden’s natal Jupiter, exalted in caring (when it’s not involved in accumulating) Cancer, in a close sextile (sixty-degree) relationship with Harris’ Jupiter in easy-going, got-plenty Taurus. Actually, the latter — in the context of her grand cross — represents the stemming of the bulk of the big-money projects they propose.

The overall national and international economies are on a cliff-edge, teetering near their tipping points.

The resources increasingly devoted to disaster-recovery take away big chunks from whatever Green New Deal ideas come forward. Those will have to depend on regional and local resources, even as their economies are broken.

Yet a great many localized enterprises, like a thousand points of light, can increase a sense of focus and purpose, within the potential for a measure of continuity. (The pervasive and persistent disruptions on a vast scale, symbolized in 2021 by Jupiter and Saturn in square to Uranus, guarantee an era of even-greater difficulties.)

Ms. Harris, whenever and to what degree she assumes prominent responsibility, will have to carry that cross. There will be many false starts and dead ends in cultivating the next stage, yet evidence shows that good-faith effort and due diligence will be among the new norms.

And those ain’t small matters.

For both Ms. Harris and the Agent, December marks the month of climactic shifts in circumstances. On 14 December — a week before the Great Solstice with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — a total solar eclipse falls on the natally-eclipsed Luna in the Agent’s chart, and on the western horizon of Harris’ natal chart. Translation: likely precipitous descent into total madness for the former, and full-scale partnership mode for the latter.

May our better angels prevail.

Biden-Harris synastry chart

In addition to his personal consulting work, Peter Doughty blogs every other Wednesday at Zodiacal Spiral and co-writes a monthly forecast with Aeolea Wendy Burwell at Rocmetaphysical online magazine.

Aug 12, 2020

VP Debate October 7, 2020: Jupiter vs Jupiter!

Astrological Jupiter: Planet of Politics, Finances, Ideology, and Expansion

by Jude Cowell

August 12, 2020: Now that 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden has named Senator Kamala Harris as his VP choice and running mate, we can be reasonably assured that the October 7, 2020 VP Debate in Salt Lake City, Utah will be between Senator Harris and current VP Pence. If this debate is held, and if these are the two combatants, an interesting cosmic event is forecast: the natal Jupiters of Harris and Pence (1964 vs 1959) precisely oppose one another in the Zodiac - hers @24Tau00 Rx (Earth), his @24Sco40 Rx (Water). And as you undoubtedly realize, their Jupiters conjunct the natal MC-IC axis (24+ Taurus/Scorpio) of Donald Trump whose name and antics are likely to come up during the first, and perhaps the only, VP debate of 2020. Not that we need Astrology to inform us of this!

So during their Jupiterian stand-off we may notice hints of Harris' Jupiter in Taurus ('Venus') traits such as 'liberality, generosity, an urge for financial security' (hopefully extended to the American people!), but also possible are 'streaks of wastefulness and overindulgence in the finer things'. Generally, Jupiter in Taurus is trustworthy and as you know, steady, practical Taurus is a sign of preservation, growth, increase, building, and development.

Meanwhile, traits of Pence's Jupiter in Scorpio ('Mars-Pluto') include 'ruthless striving for possessions, materialism, a tendency to overrate oneself, optimism, a craving for pleasure, and an overly pronounced sexual life (oops! does Mother know? It would seem so since he can't be trusted alone with women). And as you know, sexy Scorpio is a brooding, deep thinking sign of such things as Big Business and occult study.

Please note that these Jupiter in Taurus-and-Scorpio indications are from Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.

(To me the Harris-Pence-Jupiter situation seems a curious cosmic echo of the fact that the natal Jupiters of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump also precisely oppose one another across the Aries-Libra axis. So actually, with both Jupiter pairs (Aries-Libra and Taurus-Scorpio), the degree and its Sabian Symbol for each planet is the Illumination Point of the other!)

Previous posts concerning the two politicians have been published on SO'W if you care to take a look:

Kamala Harris: Peacemaking Crusader with Spunk!, and Trump natal Horoscope with Pence natal planets penned outside. Plus, you may wish to check out Alex Miller's Astrological Profile of Mike Pence using asteroid placements as Alex so ably does.

Above NASA image: Jupiter

May 22, 2020

Senator Bernie Sanders on The Young Turks - interview

May 22, 2020: Here Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks interviews Senator Bernie Sanders concerning the Joe Biden Task Force - and the possibility that such a progressive influence can sway DNC objectives:

Apr 10, 2020

Updating the Astrology of Election 2020: But How?

What an Extraordinary Year to Hold a General Election

by Jude Cowell

Way back in March 2019, I climbed out on a limb to type and publish Astrology of Our Vulnerable 2020 Election. Considering current conditions in society of restriction and isolation, this was rather foolhardy of me, don't you think? Why, even Campaign 2020 has turned out to be an out-of-the-ordinary experience to the point where it's hardly happening at all. And yet a debate must happen soon, right? Meanwhile, Donald Trump is behaving like the shoe-in he's always wanted to be and Joe Biden thinks that our kids should hear more words. Because vocabulary.

So it seems that my re-reading the Election Day 2020 Horoscope would yield little if any additional information concerning the realms of Covid-19 and its negative effects on voting for no voter needs Astrology to tell them about the interference. It's in our faces - the faces we are cautioned not to touch.

Besides, much of our ongoing restriction-sequestration crisis has been written in previous posts including the ones with Eclipse topics. Enter 'eclipses' in the sidebar Search box to your right and you'll find a list of such posts. And I direct your attention to the December 26, 2019 ('Christmas') Solar Eclipse and to the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse at a critical-crisis degree, plus, any other eclipse posts you can find for 2020--including the Total Solar Eclipse pictured, above, which is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 (assuming we have one). For the curious, astro-notes on this December 14, 2020 Eclipse are here.

Yet if I added one more link to a previous post herein concerning portents for Election 2020 itself, it would be Is Election 2020's New Moon Prior Predictive? because of course, the answer is, Yes.

Mar 23, 2020

Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn on Election Day 2020

Jupiter-Saturn Joined by Saboteur Pluto: Karma 2020 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

March 23, 2020: If you have yet to view the horoscope of Election Day 2020, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of November 3, 2020 showing 12:00 am to 11:59 pm set for Washington DC. There you'll see a Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn forming a revealing midpoint picture on that significant day of a super-significant presidential election. Not that down-ballot elections aren't important--they are, of course, especially since the Democratic Party needs to take the Senate and keep the House. Otherwise it's more years of regressive reactionary politics and policies led by Republicans and their crabby anti-constitutional backers - and no picnic even if Democrats prevail. Keeping our democratic Republic is the objective - or it should be.

However, if Republicans follow their usual formula now that wastrel Trump and his fellow culprits have demolished the National Treasury with their tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate welfare hand-outs, and other financial schemes and thefts, the reins of power will be handed to Democrats to 'fix' the economy. That's if it can be fixed after Covid-19 has its way with us. But as you know, faith is necessary in order to believe that there will be a US economy! For isn't it 'faith' that keeps fiat currency afloat to the extent that it has?

Well, be that as it may or may not be, this post is about societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) which, as a team, represent in Politics such things as 'checks and balances' - the form of government the Founders created back in 1776, and the form of government zealous saboteurs have shoved Washington away from - with circumstances made worse under the faithless Trump, McConnell, and friends. Will their Executive Branch power grab be permanent?

Jupiter-Saturn: More Changes Coming

Now as you know, year 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction (or Great Mutation, if you prefer) of Jupiter and Saturn, a 20-year cosmic event of major importance marking the time when a new cycle begins in society. Formerly conjoined in practical Earth signs, the upcoming conjunction occurs in the Air sign of water-bearer Aquarius with its Saturn-Uranus vibes of old order vs new order. If this marks the fabled "Age of Aquarius" it leaves much to be desired.

Now hopefully the following information will not be too confusing to read for instead of typing it all again, here's a slightly-edited-for-clarity reprint of my previous Jupiter-Saturn post followed by potentials of the Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto midpoint, plus, a few fussy remarks by yours truly:

Note that the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction perfects on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun and a few minutes after Winter Solstice) at 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = "checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems."

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: "government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration."

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: "Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has 'made it happen'; strategy."

And here are the potentials of the Winter Solstice 2020 midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun:

"Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others" (Munkasey); "inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience" (Ebertin); "taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (Tyl).

(As for "positively" influencing social change, I'd prefer the laid-back Joe Biden, thanks, especially since it's difficult to imagine how "King of Debt" narcissist Trump, 'the divider', could have any positive influence upon society at all. For it seems to me he's proven his negative intentions with his natal Mars opposing US natal Moon (We The People) although you're welcome to disagree. Yes, I complained about this touchy Moon-Mars opposition before Election 2016 but Trump voters were totally entranced by the snake and his lies to take heed.)

Yet we know that any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2021 and beyond, and any of the midpoints may be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses. This can make positive changes to previous changes a possibility!

Yes, the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it even more influential and doubles its global significance. Especially since the two planets are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses. Personally, I thank the Great Mathematician for this!

Yet we might also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus duo rises and conjoins the Ascendant in the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Horoscope which suggests potentials for more changes and for 'upsetting events, arrests, or injuries' (Ebertin); and/or 'deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others' (Munkasey). Well, arresting culpable corporate culprits would be an improvement for a change, wouldn't it?

As for their last conjunction--the current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020--that would be the Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium, at '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction perfected upon the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre--and for power over the world, corrupt and authoritarian though it may be. Jupiter-Saturn = natal MC: "changes, losses, fluctuating success" (Ebertin).

So the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since the two planets are indispensable as the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

Yet we must also note that the explosive, violent, gun-totin' Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for "upsetting events, arrests, or injuries" (Ebertin); and/or "deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others" (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is their conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who, imho, seems to continually betray his country for filthy lucre. To me the New Millennium has so far seemed a crooks-run-wild affair although you're welcome to disagree.

Karma Knocks at Society's Door

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: "intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes" (Munkasey); "violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation" (Tyl). (Note that "violent changes" may refer to earth changes such as natural disasters with disruptive Uranus in Earthy Taurus, a money sign, so there are economic implications as well.)

And here are the midpoint's potentials provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets: "Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to plans previously made; extreme lifestyle changes; transforming personal ideas about the future into today's reality."

Of course, the trio of planets in Capricorn play musical chairs off and on as the months go by creating different midpoint pictures as they change positions, yet considering that we're already experiencing such extreme changes now, it's safe to say that restrictive societal reforms will continue in one form or another into 2021 no matter who 'wins' in November 2020 or whether election results can be trusted--or, whether Election 2020 collapses or actually occurs or not.

And through all this, what I'm trying to say is that apparently, major changes and reforms to governmental, social, economic, and religious orders, as timed primarily by Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 2020 is an 'idea' (Aquarius) whose time has come, digitally and otherwise. And although we're feeling strong hints of them now, how harsh the upcoming changes, reforms, and restrictions will be remains to be seen.

: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 (DC Horoscope shown) which manifests @23Sagittarius conjunct Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, his bottomless pit of reigning emotional need for Jupiterian expansion and freedom.

Mar 4, 2020

Astro-Notes on Joe Biden and the CFR

March 4, 2020: Not to Dissuade But to Inform

by Jude Cowell

For some time now it's been known that 2020 candidate Joe Biden, he of the Democratic persuasion, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, or is somehow associated with the social tinkering group. The following post is intended to inform anyone who is unaware of what such an association has meant and what it could mean in US Politics if former VP Biden enters the Oval Office once again--this time as president. Take the information with a grain of salt if you wish but don't cast your vote on November 3, 2020 without considering! And as always, your on-topic comments are welcome.

The CFR website has a page on Democratic candidate (and probably the party's 2020 nominee for POTUS) Joseph R. Biden for those who care to look. The Council on Foreign Relations was founded on July 29, 1921 with headquarters in New York City and an office in Washington DC. As we can see, the group will be 100 years old next year. Its statement on why the organization (aka, a think tank) was founded sounds pretty good to anyone unaware that the CFR is a promoter of the One World Government agenda, what elites once called the 'New World Order' (1993 horoscope shown). Maybe they still call it that, I do not know. But I do know that CFR members have infested the White House through several decades so having CFR Joe back there again and calling the shots can make little if any difference to America's "march" to global government (which means good-bye to 'nation states' and to US sovereignty) - other than the exalted mission of removing from office Herr Trump and the global crime syndicate/s he's in league with. An improvement? We can hope.

(Personally, I prefer a civilized society to Trump and his natal midpoint picture of horror and brutality, Mars-Saturn = Pluto, which is excessively violent, crass, cruel, and obviously on the barbaric side. As a maternal type, Trump's tendencies are naturally way over the line for a common-good supporter such as myself.)

So from the vantage point of March 4, 2020 in the throes of the 2020 campaign, it feels to me that the American people are caught in the crossfire between the CFR syndicate of experts vs figurehead Trump and his underworld criminal operatives and saboteurs who banded together to take over the White House, the US Supreme Court, and the US Congress. Meanwhile, as you've noticed, some pundits are calling the November 2020 Election the most significant ever and with this yours truly must agree even though I believe that social tinkerers purposefully set things up to be this way. Plus, with voting planet Mercury changing directions on that day I must wonder if the potential that the 2020 Election will be cancelled by Trump or by others--so that he can make a grandstand play for permanent control. Voting machines across America are so compromised after all yet election officials and politicians have had plenty of time to do something about the situation but didn't. Wonder why?

So please pardon me, dear reader, if I recognize the 2020 conflict as basically part of a final contest between Good and Evil. It's how I roll, and of course, you don't have to agree in spite of the super-karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction--two archetypal devils meeting @23Capricorn, a degree of governmental authority (DeVore) and forming a more or less steel trap clamping shut against society--against civilization. In fact, the corruption of the US legal system has been an integral part of the saboteurs' take-over plan. Could and will a President Biden fix it? I truly hope so and am willing to give him a vote and a chance to try!

Social Tinkerer and Early CFR-er David Rockefeller

Now perhaps you've read before the following quote by David Rockefeller which was previously published in a 2009 SO'W post:

"{For} as David Rockefeller said in his speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991:"

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Surely preferable? Dear reader, in your opinion, does his holier-than-thou elitist attitude serve as justification for world domination?

Well, here's David Rockefeller spouting off again and bringing a complicit mainstream media directly into the globalist picture:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years but the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of authority.” - David Rockefeller, member Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission, June 5, 1991." (My italics.)

Peace and prosperity! For elites only?

Well, for me such revelations suffice as tells: greedy world bankers with a history of finagling global financial crashes and waging lucrative wars while continuing to exploit the masses--and a complicit intellectual elite who are no more honest than they have to be. For in recent years I've noticed that many such 'elites' in journalism, politics, and other fields 'answer' questions with phrases like, "What I can tell you is--". Is this phrase what they've been instructed to say publicly and nothing more? Is that all they can say without revealing too much of the agenda? Do lies always follow?

Well, anyway, I had a peek at CFR's 'noon' horoscope of July 29, 1921 (NYC) and discovered that the CFR was founded under some interesting midpoint pictures. Below is a list of a few of them with their potential manifestations--note that midpoints are always subject to future transits and progressions but some may never express at all ('noon' chart Angles are not included):

Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune: 'being deceptive; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one's own format; cheating'.

Neptune-Pluto = Mars: 'used as a tool for other people's interests; succumbing to external powers; great personal magnetism to set things right, or rejection of actions because of misunderstanding'.

Neptune-North-Node = Jupiter: 'exploitation'.

Venus-Mars = Pluto: 'the conquest'.

Venus-Jupiter = Sun: 'advancement in life; being appreciated'.

Sun-Mercury = Mars: 'nervous drive; energies to tackle a project'.

And if we wish to include the position of the Taurean Moon at noon we have Uranus-Neptune (the NWO pair) = Moon: 'emotional conviction, realistic or fanciful; the sense of being on the right track to do one's best'.

Well, it's a fact that transit Pluto in 2017 reached 18Capricorn ('POLITICAL POWER'--Jones) and triggered the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction (18Capricorn) and the midpoint picture the trio formed has seemingly acted as a karmic timing device for the globalist agenda:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: 'the big picture demands a certain course of action, which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like an offer they couldn't refuse! Then was Donald Trump aware of such a demand in 2017? Is Joe Biden aware of it in 2020 and 2021? Is Trumpism part of the agenda or against it? He pretends to be against globalism but is he? Will there be a Bidenism?

1921: A Sinister Solar Eclipse for the CFR

Now the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the CFR occurred on April 8, 1921 @17Ari59 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of 'sinister energy underneath; potential constitutional crisis; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Then is it poetic injustice, or simply a cosmic synchronicity, that the PE of the third of three conjunctions of NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune (October 24, 1993 Sun @1Sco24, Moon @29AQ; Uranus-Neptune @18Capricorn--horoscope linked, above), also fell into the sinister 13 South Saros Series? And when is the next 13 South Eclipse?

In 2029.

Now here are Two Natal Horoscopes of note: David Rockefeller (an untimed chart, but born in 1915, he was a powerful Saturn-Pluto kinda guy, plus, a double-dealing double Gemini). And Trump opponent (unless they're secretly on the same page!) Joseph R. Biden. How tragic for America and the world if it turns out that these two players are cheering for the same ultimate result while vying for the same WH catbird seat?

Well, there's more to the CFR situation, of course, but I'll hush my fussin' for now and add that midpoint potentials herein are suggested by master astrologers Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey, and do leave your on-topic comment with this post if you feel so inclined. And please Share if you dare. Oh! And be certain to vote on November 3, 2020 for anyone but the current crime-boss-in-chief!! jc

Oct 30, 2019

Is Election 2020's New Moon Prior Predictive?

Attempting a Realistic Look at Election Day 2020 via its Prior New Moon in Libra

by Jude Cowell

As you know, the Electoral College Votes on December 14, 2020 after the popular votes are cast (and possibly 'flipped' or somehow tossed into File 13) on November 3, 2020.

One predictive method for determining the outcome of an election's popular vote is a consideration of the New Moon Prior to the election--in this case, it's the New Moon of October 16, 2020 @23lib53 which perfects at 3:30:54 pm edt (Washington DC) with 15AQ26 rising and 3Sag29 at Midheaven (The Goal and Career Point). And as the Cosmos would have it, the October 16, 2020 New Moon Horoscope's Midheaven sports the natal Ascendant of Joe Biden but before Democrats grow too giddy, Election 2020's North Node @21Gemini points directly toward Trump's natal North-Node-Sun conjunction in his 10th house, his natal Uranus @17Gem53 chaotically guiding the throng.

(Note that the 2020 New Moon Prior culminates @8Tau38 with a Boo! at the Full Moon of October 31, 2020.)

Now there are several predictive techniques for reading a New Moon Prior to Election Horoscope and for an overview of them I direct you to E. Alan Meece's new book Horoscope for the New Age for full details including both favorable and unfavorable aspects for getting oneself elected.

But briefly for this post, it's a negative for a candidate if the election is held contemporaneously with her/his Saturn Return, and, disruptive Uranus near the Nadir of the New Moon Prior chart denotes upset for the incumbent party. My preliminary study of the New Moon Prior chart, plus natal charts of the top candidates, shows that changeable Uranus Rx @9Tau17 is in 3rd house (Washington DC) near the Nadir (and the IC) but is closer to Nadir when the Equal House system is employed. (I tend to use Placidus which gives 3Gem29 at IC, Biden's natal Descendant degree.)

Therefore, can unpredictable Uranus end the residency of the current occupant of the White House based on New Moon Prior Horoscope indications?

If so, it must be in spite of Election 2020's North Node conjunct Trump's natal Sun and what is basically a Nodal Return for him (public contacts, new alliances). This, plus Election Day's Moon-North-Node conjunction (which can denote union or estrangement!) may indicate that the public (North Node) and America's future direction (North Node) favor Trump (public Moon to his Sun-NN) yet more study is needed to make an assessment--and even then a definitive answer may not result. Because, besides the fact that Astrology can't tell us everything, my personal feeling is that too much election cheating and gerrymandering of districts occur these days to have confidence in election outcome predictions via Astrology. Plus, there are difficulties awaiting us in Election 2020's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Horoscope (4 North) with its themes of, "restriction, illusions, restraints, separation, and obstacles; strengths or the situation are prone to misjudgment; best advice: wait until the eclipse passes before taking any real action." (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Well, we can't wait because November 3, 2020 is Election Day in the US assuming that all goes as planned. And the fact that voting planet Mercury @25Lib53 at station begins the day in retrograde motion but turns Direct at 12:49:33 pm edt is significant of such potentials as minds being changed, results delayed, and/or votes being mysteriously 'flipped' by partisan cheaters, paid operatives, and/or foreign hackers. Additionally, the sign of Venus, her cycle associated with the US Election Cycle, is in Libra (8:27--8:40) which predicts victory for the incumbent party. Sorry to type this indicator but there it is. If Venus were in Sagittarius in November 2020 as in November 2016, this would indicate an upset by an outsider, aka, victory for the rival candidate.

Now again I ask myself, is Uranus in conservative Taurus at Nadir enough to upset the outcome of the 2020 Election according to the New Moon Prior Horoscope and in conflict with Venus in Libra? Several cosmic factors go against the 'sky god' planet's interference on November 3, 2020 but the planet's shocking, electrical qualities may suddenly surprise us all especially since Donald Trump must first navigate the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 conjunct his natal Vertex (of fated encounters and changing work conditions) which times a peak in the cycles of karmic Saturn and Pluto as they oppose and balefully scrutinize Trump's natal 11th house Saturn in watery Cancer.

So with both Saturn and Pluto opposing his natal Saturn--already within orb (and later, opposing natal Venus affecting relationships, finances, and legal matters)--a negative period arrives when Trump may feel regret over his past actions and crimes--if only because (hopefully!) he's being held accountable for them for the first time in his life. Restrictions and a lack of freedom will chafe, structures or systems he's depended on will be significantly altered (will his network of mobster supporters jump ship?), his authority will be successfully challenged by higher powers (powerful Pluto 'trumps' Saturn!), and he must accept whatever losses, failures, and disappointments come his way.

Of course, negative karma must eventually have its way, but what I most dislike about this negative period for Trump is that its portents and conditions relate to our nation as well. Yes, he's a rubbish POTUS, I agree, but he's the one who's been playing the role unless and until he resigns from office, is somehow removed, or goes belly up in a natural sort of way. Then our nation would fall under the yoke of theocrat Pence, a hideous possibility for those of us who prefer America's principle of a Wall of Separation between Church and State a la President Thomas Jefferson's letter of January 1, 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Association. Yes, I am a Protestant Christian--one who prefers to worship and follow my faith when and how my conscience pleases--with no orders from the White House, theocrat or secular. No matter any American's faith or lack of it, we're all accustomed to religious freedom and will tragically long for it if political theocrats and dominionists manage to toss it into the dust bin of history. Yet you can't legislate morality but tell that to the GOP.

So! However things turn out in November and December 2020 (via popular and electoral votes), this particular Child of the Revolution is eager for We The People to begin rebuilding our nation as soon as possible in reaction to the damage that predatory Trump and his decrepit gaggle of oligarchs and mobsters have visited upon America through their obsessive need for power, control, and the plundered wealth of others.


Blog note: either one of the links to two Astrology books, above, may qualify as an #ad - jc

Oct 10, 2019

October 15, 2019: Democratic Debate Number 4

October 10, 2019: the upcoming 2020 Democratic Debate is scheduled for Tuesday October 15, 2019 at 8:00 pm edt and will be hosted by CNN's Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett, plus, the National Editor of the NYT, Marc Lacey. Predictably, this 4th debate is billed as another "showdown" between former VP Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren with 10 other Democratic candidates flanking them onstage. Whether Biden and Warren will fuss'n'tussle as The Media so desires remains to be seen. Why, you'd think the networks and the press make money off the debate's entertainment value, or something, though I do agree it's primarily a performance of America's Political Theater. However, the cosmic weather of the debate's Sun Libra-Moon Taurus combo of energies, with both signs ruled by Venus, suggests that cooperation between the candidates is more likely to be shown than competitiveness, and we may hear the assertion that everyone has the right to health, wealth, and education.

The full line-up of political performers on October 15th consists of Gabbard, Steyer, Booker, Harris, Sanders, (Biden, Warren), Buttigieg, Yang, O'Rourke, Klobuchar, and Castro and will be held at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio where they 'serve the common good' (then it's my kinda place!).

So with the October 15th debate's North Node of future direction @11Can43 in the 3rd house of Communications (8:00 pm Westerville, OH) we can round up to '12 Cancer' which spotlights a certain Sabian Symbol: "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message". You see my artful depiction of this symbol, above left, but its display is not intended as a shout-out to Chinese interference of any kind!

Meanwhile, Venus @9Sco03 in 6th house with debating planet Mercury is chart-ruler because ascending at 8:00 pm is 19Tau12 with the Moon (the public) rising @16Tau12 (it's a "Swords vs Torches' affair!). Chart ruler Venus makes no Ptolemaic aspects to other debate planets but she does trine the North Node of public contacts and future direction, as noted. Will a female be the Democratic nominee or someone's VP pick? Obviously, there is a beneficial feminine touch to the proceedings yet it's the 6th house Mars @7Lib37 which leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets toward success and Mars suggests males or a male, and US military and/or civil service issues (such as whistle blowers?! Trump's troop withdrawals for the sake of Russia's ambitions?).

And as you know, health can also be a factor when the 6th house is involved and we think of Senator Sanders' recent heart procedure which casts doubt upon his continuing stamina. Here's hoping Bernie is feeling fine now with his medical problem taken care of.

Yet perhaps the most obvious planetary stand-out in the October 15th horoscope is the rising Moon in Taurus opposing the setting Mercury in Scorpio which paints an appropriate cosmic picture of the 4th debate itself (Taurus-Scorpio issues) and suggests that someone's progress is blocked or frustrated, conflicts flare, ideas and opinions (Mercury) are confronted (opposition), and things that don't run very smoothly. Any, all, or none of these head vs heart potentials may involve the younger (Mercury) candidates challenging the female (Moon) candidates but may also represent a public (Moon) challenged by the ideas and policies (Mercury) of any or some of the Democratic candidates in this debate. Consequently, indecision can be one of the results of the Moon-Mercury opposition which implicates both economic and domestic issues--and lively debates.

We might also note that 4th debate Mars conjoins powerful asteroid Hidalgo which hints at social climbing and may possibly denote Julian Castro. To close, there are only two midpoint pictures in the 4th debate horoscope and both involve planet of The Masses and the Mass Media, Neptune:

Assertive Uranus-MC = Neptune: expecting recognition, and withdrawal if frustrated; and, the patient, wise, and/or inhibited pair of Saturn-ASC = Neptune: over-making a point, and arguments about strange dimensions or obscure things (Tyl). The topics of Trump's crimes, antics, bad decisions, and unsuitability for office may be included here, plus, Big T appears at other places in the chart.

Now naturally there are several more chart factors of note (ex: debate's Syzygy Moon @20Ari13 = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" which is the degree of America's natal Chiron--an injured public will be watching the debate!) but to keep this a post not an e-book, I'll stop here and let you, dear reader, ferret out the rest!

And as always, your on-topic comments and kind shares are welcomed and encouraging. Jude

Sep 23, 2019

Trump’s New Worldwide Autocratic Alliance - Thom Hartmann

September 23, 2019: Yes, Herr Trump's actions, secret deals, and law breaking are extremely disturbing to many Americans and to others but there can be no true solutions to our problems unless and until we face our monsters realistically and call them exactly what they are.

To that end, here's a segment from earlier today with Thom Hartmann interviewing author Seth Abramson concerning Seth's latest book Proof of Conspiracy and the autocratic, anti-democratic 'leaders' now being organized into a global network of despots--and if they succeed they plainly have plans in mind for future restrictions. Trump's recent attempt/s to strong-arm the leader of Ukraine into providing dirt against Joe and Hunter Biden is clearly explained in the interview as an ongoing saga, and a larger context is helpfully provided by author Abramson.

And so as an astrologer who follows politics I must wonder: could the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of compression, fanaticism, destruction, and reversals have anything to do with an increase of such strong-arm tactics? Mr. Abramson answers the question of What To Do?


A Previous Post: The 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn Conjuncts The Fed's Uranus. As with the previous Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 1982 in Libra under Ronald "Trickle Down" Reagan, US finances will most likely be involved. Plus, with the 2020 conjunction perfecting in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investments, it will be surprising if the US government and our economy escapes unharmed especially considering how much damage is already done by Trump and his backers since they moved in and took over--and then there's Pluto in Capricorn determined to play "the dictator" (Ebertin). And btw, in 2016/2017, that was a monstrous coup of America in case you know anyone who failed to recognize it for what it was and is.

Sep 10, 2019

Sept 12, 2019 Democratic Debate: All About The Biden?

Joseph Biden; official portrait; United States Senate. [Public domain]

First, a few bio details concerning the Biden family. Next a glance at the natal horoscope of Joseph Biden if needed where you'll see the 2020 Democratic candidate's Midheaven, the Goal and Career Point, @19Vir54, suggesting a debate performance Thursday night during which Joe will shine in some way because the debate Sun @19Vir53 spotlights his Goal and Career Point in a positive way and allows his objectives and goals to be visible to all. Plus, with the debate held in Houston, Texas, Joe's natal Ascendant (self; physical body) @3Sag11 will rise as the debate begins, again an indicator of being placed in the spotlight, featured, and/or favored in some way. (By voters would be good! I'm for anyone but Spanky!)

However, all is not harmony and light for Joe Biden for there are a few cosmic flies in the political ointment on debate night and thereafter although they may be kept in a jar behind the curtain, yet perhaps they're worth mentioning. For one thing, Biden's natal Midheaven has always bothered me because a certain fixed star shines there--Denebola with key potentials: to go against society; against the mainstream. Years ago I put down the first potential as his membership in secretive groups of societal meddlers like the CFR and the Bilderberg Group promoting their own agendas which to me makes him a behind-the-scenes mover-and-shaker up to sneaky stuff, and its hidden facets make me fussy. The second potential I could only explain as his reputed habit during years of serving in Washington DC but riding a train home every night to his family. Actually, with this habit security concerns come to mind due to his past tragedy with wife and daughter (see bio link, above, if you don't know the sad story). Anyway, the former VP should be lauded for such familial devotion especially in a craven city like Washington DC (my former city of residence--and I despise what's been done to the place).

Then there's hidden hand Pluto @20Capricorn now trining Joe's natal Midheaven and supporting his ambitions and power potential while simultaneously sextiling his natal Mercury, an advantageous transit for political activities and for molding or transforming public perceptions. Mr. Biden does seem to be the Establishment's favored 2020 candidate, doesn't he?

Now the final 'fly' I shall mention is a major transiting influence upon Biden's natal chart and it is the other half of the transiting Sun-Neptune opposition which will be in force for all the debaters Thursday night (but without accurate birth times for them all it's impossible to say with confidence whether they'll be as affected as Joe--see links, below). For Biden it's nebulous Neptune @17Pisces in 3rd house conjunct his natal IC @19Pis54 (Basis; Endings; Roots; Domestic Scene, etc). Yes, Neptune is rapping softly on the door and about to float into Joe's natal 4th house. Yes, gas leaks and/or water damage are possibilities yet, while this transit hints at potentials for inspiration, it also suggests such things as confusion, deception, loss, disappointment or dissolution, if not now then later on. Plus, scandals, mysteries, and/or secrets may come to light during Campaign 2020 probably in relation to the Biden family or to Joe himself.

One situation we know of already is that his son Hunter recently married suddenly and in secret (apparently Joe learned about it by phone afterwards) so that should be no problem for now, right? And perhaps Hunter's secret wedding is exactly what transit Neptune at the Foundation Point of his dad's chart means, and only that.

After all, it was way back in June just passed that the Washington Post reported on Hunter Biden's "messy personal life" and wondered in print, Will it cause political headaches for his dad?. Well, I don't know about that but I do know that Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has a lot more nebulous work to do concerning the public and private life of 2020 candidate Joe Biden for the urge-to-merge planet is just getting started--moving in mysterious ways and rapping at the door. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents The Media and The Masses and politically has much to do with propaganda and/or mass social movements, but also with spirituality and the Divine Source if Neptune's compassionate energies are positively channeled.

As for the other debate participants Thursday night, the current transiting Sun-Neptune opposition, though fading, may provide a similar scandalous vibe to their candidacies and/or debate performances, suggesting a chameleon-like quality, or, it may uplift their rhetoric in the idealism-hopes-and-dreams department barring any glaring gaffes or fibs, while suggesting the possibility that a public image may be tarnished or undermined via deception by fellow debaters, or by Republican opponents determined upon Democratic losses no matter how many lies and insulting tweets it takes.

Ah well, such is politics, that "organized system of hatreds." (H.B. Adams).

Now here are three previous astro-posts concerning other Democratic debaters: Elizabeth Warren (her natal Chiron Rx @4Sag12 will rise in Houston while her Sun-Uranus conjunction @00Cancer, a Cardinal World point, will always stand out in an original and unique way); Kamala Harris (Thursday's debate Sun near her natal Venus in Virgo but debate Neptune opposes it, an undermining influence particularly in regard to relationships and/or allies); Cory Booker whose natal Sun in Taurus has been energized of late by transiting Uranus which may cause him to stand out from the crowd!

And if you wish, check out my previous 'Moon Talk' post concerning the September 12, 2019 Democratic Debate.

Jul 31, 2019

Kamala Harris: a peace-making crusader with spunk!

Below you see a marked-up version of the natal horoscope (RR: AA) of Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is inherently qualified to fulfill the role of President of the United States. Whether she can successfully circumvent the multiple cheating tactics and propaganda campaigns of Trump and the GOP on and prior to Election Day 2020 remains to be seen but Senator Harris definitely has the talent, drive, and ambition to take over the job of POTUS on January 20, 2021!

Outspoken and competitive, Senator Harris is a "peace-making crusader" and a "cool-headed idealist" with "spunk and courage" according to her steamy Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries personality blend. Her Scorpio Mercury adds objectivity to her Libran Sun while indicating practicality, intellect, and an ability for deep study and perseverance in pursuit of arduous tasks and solutions. With no applying Ptolemaic aspects, chart-ruler Mercury's sign and house position (5th h of risk-taking, gambling, romance, creativity) are prominent. However, lively disputes and sharp criticism are potentials with Mercury in Scorpio and these were observed in the June 2019 Democratic Debates as she leveled her sights on fellow candidate Joe Biden and handily aided herself in the polls! Plus, having Mercury (Scorpio) and Pluto (Virgo) in Mutual Reception resonates with her political activities, some of which are of a secretive nature. This planetary duo finds sympathy with America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of spies, secrets, surveillance, and investigation. If you wish, check out her law-related career in her Wikipedia profile.

So tonight (July 31, 2019) is a return engagement for Kamala's debating Mercury in intense Scorpio so let's see how she does this time--and with transit Mercury's Direct Station tonight at 11:58 pm edt in her natal 2nd house of Values. And as you know, there's a New Moon @8Leo37 tonight, the phase when seeds are planted, and the New Moon conjoins Kamala's natal 3rd cusp of Communications. Some measure of harvest comes with the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24 in Harris' 9th house and opposes her 3rd house Mars. Therefore, there may be a spot of disappointment, and defiant or hostile reactions involved for her at the Full Moon for natal Mars is apex of her natal speculative Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. Will a bubble burst?

But for now, tonight's the night and we can't miss her powerhouse trio of Uranus-Pluto-Venus in 4th house, one of the Psychological Houses at that. Yes, accusations and attacks can fly from this particular trio and may very well do so in tonight's debate. After all, that very visible 10th house Chiron in Pisces mentor didn't mentor her for nothin'! Will the mayor's name come up as Campaign 2020 progresses? Well, I think it already has.

Another interesting factor about Harris' Mars @21Leo17 is that it's near Trump's natal Mars @26Leo rising--and conjoins her natal Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which adds intensity to her competitive nature. And there in 2nd house is her Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @17Can15 in the 2 New North Saros Series--the degree of transit North Node as I type! Curiously, Harris' PE spotlights Trump's natal Nemesis (16Can40). Were they born to rumble? Maybe so considering the karmic nature of the Nodal axis.

And of course you'll remember the last manifestation of a 2 New North eclipse as 'The Tower Eclipse' for it was only on August 11, 2018 that it perfected @18Leo41 with its 'collapse of plans or lifestyles' and 'rebuilding' themes that continue to threaten tower-builder Donald Trump and his empire with the distinct potential of falling into rubble. And as you know, Trump recently 'fibbed' about being at Ground Zero on 9/11 which everyone in his audience of First Responders knew was a lie! Actually, Trump touted on that day how Trump Tower was then the tallest building in New York. That was his greatest concern, his Tower's rat infestation notwithstanding.

Now whether Trump will be mentioned in tonight's debates I know not but it won't be surprising if he is especially since Senator Harris' natal 12th house Jupiter Rx @24Tau00 sits directly upon Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) where vicious star Algol holds sway. And after all, his nibs constantly provides Democrats and others with so much ammunition how can anyone on camera neglect to mention his unsuitability for the office he precariously holds--the office each one of them on stage tonight is determined to grasp as their own?

Well, at least the candidates with enough spunk are that determined!

Related: DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020 displaying both 12:00 am and 11:59 pm horoscopes for November 3, 2020. The Election Moon in Gemini (We the Voters--of two minds?) will approach the natal Ascendant and North Node of Kamala Harris but will actually conjoin the 10th house Sun-NN conjunction of Donald Trump but oppose his problematic natal Moon-SN. So will the outcome of the 2020 race be disputed and take a little time to settle once transit Mercury, planet of ballots, votes, and decisions, begins moving forward and passes its shadow degree on or about November 19th or 20th?

Care to venture your thoughts, dear reader?

Natal Data: Kamala Harris October 20, 1964 9:28 pm pdt Oakland, CA; RR: AA.

Oct 8, 2012

Oct 11, 2012 Debating Sun-Moon Blends: Biden v Ryan

Natal Sun-Moon Blends of Debaters Vice President Biden and Rep. Ryan

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday October 11, 2012, VP Joseph Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan cross swords in Danville, Kentucky at 9:00 pm EDT with 29Tau50 rising (a critical or crisis degree.) This brings up Fixed Star Alcyone of the Pleiades with its 'something to cry about; exile; suffering' themes, plus, the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 ('an obsessive idea is finally accepted'--Brady), and makes Venus (10Vir15) chart-ruler though soon Mercurial Gemini rises (and the debaters will probably begin speaking a couple of minutes after 9:00 pm.)

If we consider the appyling aspects made by Venus (29Tau50) in 5th house, we find there are none though faster-moving Moon will conjoin Venus (7A05) and speedy Mercury, the soon-to-be chart-ruler, sextiles Venus (0A45) from the 6th house of Work, Service (Military; Police, etc), and Health.

A Mercury-Venus sextile sounds lovely and aptly enough contains the temptation to argue and debate pros and cons--which may morph into bickering. A contrary tendency not to listen to others may also be evident as both men attempt to line up support for their ideas and policies.

Very descriptive, of course, is challenger Mars (Ryan) @3Sag28 setting at 9:00 pm in Danville, and conjoining Biden's natal ASC 3Sag11! This will provide the Vice President with extra dynamism and an aggressive, impatient energy. This 'meeting of the minds' is also affected by the fact that the two men have their Nodal axes in opposite signs--Biden's NN in Virgo, Ryan's in Pisces--which can either be complimentary to their encounters, or extremely challenging and separative.

Interestingly, the Sabian Symbol for debate Mars ('4Sag') is: "A Little Child Learning to Walk" so with 28 years difference in their ages, perhaps the more experienced Mr. Biden will do a little schoolin' on Thursday evening especially since Ryan's natal ASC = 00Sag38 conjunct his hard-to-pin-down Neptune 00:35 with transit Mars now in Ryan's 1st house of Self.

And of course you know which planet will be at Midheaven (the Goal Point) of the Oct 11 debate horoscope when they finish at 10:30 pm, right? Neptune Rx @00Pis36, the planet of idealism, glamour, the media, the masses, propaganda--and falsehoods. Just as with the completion of the presidential debate on October 3.

A peek at their natal charts (birth data given,below) shows VP Biden with a Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus personality blend (Water-Earth = practical), and Paul Ryan sporting Sun in Aquarius-Moon in Libra (Air-Air = reasoning) so let's consider both blends:

Sun Sco-Moon Tau has a quiet determination, concern for others, and may occasionally feel torn between bright optimism and brooding pessimism. When the conscious side (Sun) and the unconscious (Moon) are working in tandem, an intense idealism is noted which upholds all that is solid, traditional, and dependable in society. This is an intuitive, pragmatic, and factual combo that thrives on harmony though it can be stubborn and pigheaded when it wants to be; there's an instinctive understanding of basic human needs and of the financial realities involved.

Sun AQ-Moon Lib is a highly idealistic blend with a good intellect, avant-garde tastes, and plenty of charm. Long on theory, this combo is not always practical, and may be accused of making up its philosophy as it goes along. (Ryan's theatrical Neptune-ASC conjunction is aided by this tendency.)

Seeing life from endlessly shifting vantage points, this personality blend denotes global interests, an overly abstract approach to life, and a dislike of imperfection. (Ayn Rand disliked imperfection, too, as do adherents of Social Darwinism--and I think the Ryan 'Prosperity' Plan is meant to weed out the weaker among us: survival of the fittest!--in markets and in social safety net programs.)

Now let's look at 3 quotes from some who share natally these Sun-Moon blends:

Biden's Sun Sco-Moon Tau:

"British management doesn't seem to understand the importance of the human factor"--Prince Charles; and, "Our country needs not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration"--Pres. Warren G. Harding.

Ryan's Sun AQ-Moon Lib:

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibilty that they do their utmost to ignore truth"--Boris Pasternak.

Well, hopefully you'll enjoy the VP debate. Bickering or not, I know I will!


Chart data used: Joseph Biden Nov 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA; Paul Ryan Jan 29, 1970 2:37 am CST Janesville, WI.