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Showing posts with label SCOTUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCOTUS. Show all posts

Jun 26, 2012

SCOTUS decisions Thursday--Liveblogged by SCOTUS Blog (w Venus Direct)

Since this Thursday is the last day of the Supreme Court session this term, it's believed that on June 28, 2012 the Court will issue three important decisions including the one concerning President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act of 2010.

The brilliant SCOTUS Blog will be Liveblogging beginning at 8:45 am edt so we can all keep ourselves updated. The blog has upgraded its servers in expectation of many thousands of visitors!

Plus, as you know, Venus, ruler of Libra (sign of the scales of Justice) performs her long-awaited Direct Station on Wednesday June 25, 2012, @7Gem29--conjunct tr Midheaven (Public Standing) in Washington DC (at 11:07 am edt) and will be moving forward by Thursday, the day that SCOTUS makes its announcements, perhaps around 10:00 or 11:00 am edt.

Of significance: Venus stations near US natal Uranus 8Gem55, and is traveling with transiting asteroids Midas and Pan these days. Have many pieces of gold been paid to assure the outcome of the 'Obamacare' decision? It seems as if the Supreme Court justices don't have the moral standing they once enjoyed so you decide.

As for tr Venus to our national Uranus in multiplicitous if not duplicitous Gemini (ruled by Mercury, plant of decisions), this is a time when unorthodox or non-traditional alliances are being formed and unique methods are employed in order to achieve common goals--positively or negatively.

And of course any links between Venus and Uranus may denote relationsip break-ups, or extravance or eccentricity with money.

Still, the Venus Direct Station horoscope shows tr Jupiter 3Gem32 not just near tr Venus, but conjunct President Obama's natal Moon in early Gemini, a prosperous time for attracting popularity, cooperation, and commitments from others so perhaps SCOTUS will leave at least most of the president's Obamacare intact! Plus, Obama Campaign contributions should pick up now if they haven't already.

Well, here's a previous post which includes a little Astrology and was published as President Obama signed the Affordable Health Care Act on March 23, 2010 in case you wish a re-visit as Venus re-directs.


If you're feelin' Venus direct, please consider leaning forward and subscribing to my new Stars Over Washington Monthly newsletter if you're more than a little serious about keeping an eye on Politics and on the politicians of Washington DC using Political Astrology within a common-good slant. SOWM is a 3-month electronically-delivered affair: price $18US. Issue 1 (July-Aug-Sep 2012) is due pre-Independence Day 2012 so if you wish, click here to subscribe.

Thanks! jc

Apr 18, 2012

Senator Sanders and Dems v SCOTUS' Citizens United (video)

April 18, 2012: Senator Bernie Sanders and other Democrats speak out on the disastrous 'Citizens United' decision. What indeed has happened to America?

Apr 13, 2012

Strip-Searching SCOTUS

Another SCOTUS Assault Upon America

Will Americans bah like sheep for yet another outrageous assault from the monarchical Supreme Court Justices who deserve strip-searches of their own for such criminal action against our constitutional principles?

Read The Nation's article on the True Horror of the Florence Decision.

(Sorry but you may have to register or log in to read the article. Poo.)


Important Link: visit Buffet Rule Bill to weigh in on this coming Monday's cloture vote (a vote to agree to vote) on the wealthy paying a higher percentage of their fair share in taxes. And you know you want them to. Note to the 1%: it's okay, you'll still be wealthy.

Mar 31, 2012

2012, Maya, and the Milky Way

A May Solar Eclipse, Winter Solstice 2012, and a Royal Star of Persia make 2012 eventful

by Jude Cowell

Probably the best info on Winter Solstice 2012 and the Mayan Long Count 'prediction' that's giving many people the heebie geebies these days may be found at Neptune Cafe along with reading suggestions for those who wish to know more.

Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012 conjunct Alcyone

Also noted, if you're of the 2012 Awareness mindset, is the Mercury-ruled May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem21 (amongst the stars of Pleiades and with links to the Middle East) which master astrologer Celeste Teal has entitled, "Property Agreements" in her book Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation.

Disruption of communications or of power grids are some of the possibilities along with strong winds (Gemini, an Air sign), storms, and other natural disasters.

Winter Solstice 2012 Aligns with Galactic Center

Now at some point I shall update my 2008 post concerning Winter Solstice 2012 (horoscope shown is set for Washington DC) but until then you may wish to view the chart which in DC match the cusps of America's Sibly natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) Naturally this makes it a breeze to see which US natal houses are affected by which actors (planets) at Winter Solstice 2012 as it aligns with Galactic Center (as the Mayans knew--visit Neptune Cafe for the scoop!)

Plus, the December 21, 2012 horoscope contains a YOD pattern ('Finger of God' which I believe should be credited to Erin Sullivan) with Jupiter in Airy Gemini at apex (details included.) Jupiter is actually transiting US natal Uranus 8Gem55, a time when We the People will have reason to become more aware of freedom and independence issues, group activities may be highlighted, and our personal networks expand (not another new social media site to join? Argghh!)

Other themes or interests during a Jupiter-to-natal-Uranus transit include one of my personal faves--Astrology--plus, fund-raising, finances, investment, technology and computers, and travel-related industries including space.

Growth and discovery (Science; Exploration) are in the spotlight and breakthroughs of all sorts may be experienced on both collective and personal levels. And of course '9 Gemini' fingers one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Aldebaran (Mars-Mercury-Jupiter) with keywords: warmongering, courage, military leadership, and danger from illness or violence. (Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis.)

As you know, the last conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus occurred from 2010 into 2011 which makes it our current phase in their 14-year cycle:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (Aries Point, a World Point & US natal IC 00:53);
2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;
3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02.

You note that the late Pisces degrees have recently been traversed in its retrograde phase by speedy Mercury and will be so again...Jupiter/Uranus = Mercury: abundant thoughts; a fortunate turn (Ebertin.) The 2010/2011 time frame has many political implications which I have no time to detail for you now but a Search Bar is located in SO'W's sidebar if you wish to sleuth. However, my first thought is last week's SCOTUS arguments on 'Obamacare', the Affordable Health Care Act.

There was also a significant Bilderberg Meeting in June 2010 held in Barcelona, Spain and relating to the ongoing 'debt crisis' that's been trumped up by the global banking syndicate in an attempt to set up a world central bank of totalitarian proportions--a lousy idea, imho. During the conference, the Moon reached Aries Point conjoining Jupiter and Uranus, squared by wealthy Pluto 4Cap36 Rx (June 6, 2010 7:49:35 am CEDT Barcelona, Spain, with US natal Jupiter 5Can56 rising...'6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests." And de-feathering ours.)

Well, in any case, May through December 2012 will finally 'tell the tale' and our long period of expectancy will soon end, if not the world as we know it. And I'm quite convinced you know of other articles, books, and websites of note concerning the thorny topics of 2012, Mayan prophecies, eclipses, and galactic alignments so feel free to leave them here in a Comment, if you wish!


For more on Jupiter/Uranus dynamics Anne Whitaker's excellent Jupiter Meets Uranus is recommended and includes information on past conjunctions and what they've meant for humankind through the centuries. Ex: if you're a Mary Shelly-Frankenstein fan, heads-up!

Feelin' like an April Fool? Then check out Lynn Hayes' Tarot's Fool: An Airy Aquarius and beware mercurial tricksters tomorrow!

Feb 24, 2012

2.24.12: CoffeePartyUSA Rally @ Supreme Court (video): overturn Citizens United!

Fewer than 300 people turned up at the CoffeePartyUSA Rally, several groups were represented including Boomers For Democracy ('enough is enough'!), and here you see former congressman and current President/CEO of Common Cause, Bob Edgar, speaking on our extreme need to overturn the globalism-boosting monstrosity known as Citizens United which has led to massive funding of political campaigns by SuperPACs with no public disclosure of the identities lurking behind the billions.

Now foreign entities meddling in US politics isn't new, of course, and earlier US presidents fought against it vociferously for they understood its dangers--yet thanks to SCOTUS 2010 and Justice John Roberts, the practice has now been placed on steroids in Campaign 2012. Is the Silent Coup of America basically a fait accompli?

To me it seems that the Supreme Court decision of January 2010 was a court overreach shoved onto the American people as if corporations and political ideologues needed help tipping the Scales of 'Justice' in their favor against The Little Man. If we need a real world example of 1% v 99%, the Citizens United decision resembles that remark and 'legally' embeds the inequality.

So perhaps the inclusion into our election process of mysterious donors from afar was one of the ruling's objectives. What do you think? After all, a US law that disenfranchises the American people (with the founders' insistence on setting up a by-for-of the people government) by allowing interference from invisible entities who care not a fig for democracy should, if justice prevails, be considered automatically null and void.

Citizens United's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series

The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2010 were no picnic and you may remember the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ '5Cap' conjoining powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto. The Citizens United decision (Jan 21, 2010) falls into the 12 North Saros Series of solar eclipses and will forever influence the democracy-undermining ruling in some way, on some levels of its existence.

12N occurred on January 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01 (in 3rd house in Washington DC = mercurial 'decisions') with Mercury 5Cap34 Rx and Pluto 3Cap49 in 2nd house of Money and Values (Merc/Plu = political speech, mind control, excitable 'opinions', propaganda as heard in political campaigns ads and during what passes for 'debates') and its flavors include:

opportunities to accept greater responsibilities come suddenly, new commitments due to another person not being able to carry on; events may be difficult but outcomes for self-esteem are good. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

25Cap01, besides joining President Obama's natal Saturn Rx 25Cap20 (and his Jupiter Rx 00AQ52, both in his n 12th H of Politics and Karma) is also at Midheaven of US Inauguration horoscopes (as of 1937 held on January 20, Capitol Bldg), the point in a chart which describes The Goal of the swearing-in of US presidents--and these days, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx, planet of subversion and control, is always The Goal of the US government and of the White House, our Masonic White Lodge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Click for some curious details including historic Freemasonry in Ireland.)

Plus, the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoined Inauguration 2009's MC, spotlighting their combined energies in the Wider World (MC) of oppression, disenfranchisement, and primal violence which are being demonstrated in our quickly evolving police state at home, global police force abroad, and by the disenfranchisement of American voters with the implementation of Citizens United.

Besides global war for world domination, I wonder what other anti-sovereign, America-dissolving antics global-elite, transnational corporations have hidden inside their polluting pipelines?


Blog Note: okay, dear reader, it's back to packing for my office relocation next week. The month of March should bring this blogger--and Stars Over Washington--more settled conditions! jc

Jun 29, 2011

Is Rick Perry the Prez Pick of the Bilderbergs?

My friend Alex D'Atria over at Political Astrology 2010 ~ 2012 is seeing Rick Perry as the presidential nomination choice of the social tinkering power elite known as the Bilderberg Group. One thing about: if he's the one they want, he's the one we'll get (remember that Barack Obama slipped away from his campaign plane in June 2008 to meet with the group in Chantilly, VA, with candidate Hillary Clinton in attendance as well. Was their choice for US president then declared?)

Now wouldn't a Perry-Bachmann ticket be yet another kick in the head to America's under-siege working class? And that's not counting the importance of who controls the White House in 2013 by which time Supreme Court Justices may retire and SCOTUS's already overly autocratic, monarchist traits will only be expanded by a Republican administration's appointments.

So if you'd like to read my astrological considerations concerning these two Republican specimens, try my Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann posts. Compare and contrast!

As for astro-peeks at the zealous, democracy-perverting Bilderberg Group of elitists (many of whom you know), simply scroll the sidebar a short way to SO'W's search field, type them in, and I promise you'll hit pay dirt.


'You Need to Know This' says Thom Hartmann, who just reported on his TV show that Goldman-Sachs has announced the layoff of 1,000 US workers so that the bailed-out-by-US-taxpayers firm can send the jobs to Singapore. So tell me: will you vote Corporate GOP in 2012?

Thom also correctly points out today that Michele Bachmann's 'John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father' misconception means that John Q. helped found this nation at the age of nine! Perhaps she meant to say, second president John Adams, his father. But apparently, John Q.'s Wikipedia page has been edited to reflect Bachmann's ridiculous revisionist history as was the page on Paul Revere! You know, Wikipedia, this is the sort of crud that causes me to use your links in my articles less and less.

And I agree with Mr. Hartmann when he says, Nationalize the Federal Reserve which is neither federal nor does it have reserves! jc

May 23, 2011

An Astro-Peek at Tim Pawlenty (R- MN)

Today in Des Moines, Iowa, former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty officially announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination after releasing an announcement video yesterday (watch it here.)

But not all Minnesotans are completely enamoured of Mr. Pawlenty, however, since he left the state a $6 billion deficit and used some shifty financial practices as many slick politicians are wont to do. For your consideration here's a list of Pawlenty's current claims and toutings vs the facts.

Mr. Pawlenty, who is presenting himself as a "straight-talking, truth-telling" candidate who - old story - intends to "shrink government" from the perch of the White House has a Wiki bio with details on his early life, education, political career, and religious affiliation (born and raised Catholic but now of an evangelical Christian persuasion.)

Yet these days, when Republicans spout the Reaganesque shrink government mantra it's code words for cutting social programs for the disadvantaged, the elderly, ill, and those too young to vote - while continuing to fight obscenely expensive wars for oil and other resources. Yes, it's very early days but so far, Pawlenty has concentrated his fire mainly upon criticizing the presidency of Barack Obama so it remains to be seen whether the former governor can tow the party line tightly enough while keeping the interested gaze of the American people upon his candidacy and ideas for reform. a

All of the GOP must be hoping about now that the American people have completely forgotten the eight l-o-n-g years of the disastrous Bush-Cheney presidency!

Tim Pawlenty November 27, 1960 St Paul, Minnesota (hour unknown; noon chart)

One natal aspect which can undercut his boasted "straight-talking" is a Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Scorpio which gives him a tendency to speak primarily in vague terms. Politicians can hide a lot of unpalatable details within a fuzzy haze of vagueness - and in mysterious Scorpio, too.

With his fiery Sagittarian Sun @ 5 to 6 Sag, and Moon in late Pisces or early Aries (25Pisc05 to 8Ari21 during the 24-hour period), Mr. Pawlenty either has a Sun Sag-Moon Pisces blend (Fire-Water = steam) or the more up-and-at-'em blend of Fire-Fire Sun Sag-Moon Aries, a Jupiter-Mars-ruled combination of energies.

First let's look at the Fire-Water situation before it evaporates.

Sun Sag-Moon Pisces is a fervent, humanitarian pairing with much visionary imagination. Deep convictions and irrational logic combine with a moralistic tone though it may be quite forgiving. This blend contains a tremendous amount of sensitivity when it comes to the human condition and evinces an artistic temperament full of wistful humility. This gushy, sentimental blend cannot be considered practical and tends to give 'the shirt off its back' to those in need.

(A Republican politician? Hmmmm...not certain this blend applies, are you?)

Still, Sun Sag-Moon Pisc is gullible and vacillating, two traits which support a midpoint picture mentioned below - a picture which does not depend on knowing his correct birth time since it remained in effect throughout the 24 hours of November 27, 1960.

The Sag-Pisc blend is shared natally by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the following quote from him doesn't sound Pawlenty-ish to me although it's true I know little of the candidate...unless the quote may be taken as a reference to meddling in other people's private business as Politics tends to do these days. See what you think:

"The salvation of mankind lies only in making everything the concern of all."

Or perhaps a better comparison can be made by Sun Sag-Moon Pisc Charles Schultz who famously informed us that, "I love mankind - it's people I can't stand."

Well, maybe we should mosey on to the Sun Sag-Moon Aries blend - a frank, forthright, impatient combo of energies. Right away, we find hints of Pawlenty's catch phrases for his nascent nomination bid and proposed campaigning and ruling style: "truth-telling" and "straight-forward."

This double-Fire blend describes a blunt but sincere, courageous and idealistic go-getter - one who is impulsive, restless, big-hearted, and possesses a far-seeing imagination along with a strong desire to succeed (never begin a political campaign without such a desire!) This independent-minded, plain-speaking blend seems to describe the man quite well, although its tendency to be a 'champion of the underdog' may be questionable for most any modern-day Republican. (But such a trait could fit nicely into Pawlenty's evangelical Christianity.)

Sun Sag-Moon Aries is an entrepreneurial combination that exhibits a childlike self-confidence but with weak spots such as a hot temper, irritability, and insensitivity toward more emotional or vulnerable individuals; listening to other people's needs is not a strong suit nor is paying attention to details.

The neurosis of this blend is to be considered the biggest and best yet a dark depression descends when things don't go his way.

This blend is shared natally by Mark Twain, who wrote that, "There was things which he stretched but mainly he told the truth." Mmm-hmm!

Sun square powerful Pluto; Pluto conjunct North Node in Virgo

No matter his birth hour, an important aspect of note has to be the applying (waxing) Sun/Pluto square (Sag to Virgo) which gives him a strong measure of willfulness that may be used constructively but often expresses combatively; here is a man with a powerful ego. Even a slight frustration can infuriate the guy, and he can explode under pressure (not in my Oval Office with his finger on The Button, he doesn't.)

The energy of this square tends toward the 'might makes right' way of thinking and acting which is so prevalent in US politics these days (and highly popular with neocons everywhere.) So if acting as US president, he would have that going for him within military-industrial-complex circles where obviously it would be appreciated.

Sun/Pluto square folk are enigmas even to those who know them well but once mature deliberation sets in and Pawlenty realizes his personal shortcomings - and the fact that he has them - executive ability shines forth along with a talent for managing large enterprises. Learning to accept advice is a constant evolutionary imperative as is learning how to compromise with others so they won't become too alienated to work with later on.

Pluto conjunct NN individuals (as is Barack Obama born about 9 months after Pawlenty) have the ambitious drive and willpower to take advantage of prevailing social trends in a calculating and deliberate manner which may be utilized positively (altruistically) or negatively (selfishly.) This is the "tiger by the tail" aspect for sometimes social forces are manipulated which are too big to safely handle. The Pluto/NN person may then be crushed under the weight of the circumstances as things spin out of control; subsequently conditions - or even careers - may collapse.

Pluto/NN indicates connections and encounters (NN) with a powerful elite or with the criminal Underworld (Pluto.) Whether this describes the same bunch of varmints, I shall leave it for you to decide.

Now I shall close with the all-day-in-force midpoint picture - the only one showing at noon on that date - of Tim Pawlenty, as mentioned above. It concerns the Jupiter/NN duo which by itself indicates potentials for interference from religious groups through legal processes, a legal system hampered by erroneous decisions about the status of groups or parties (which could also describe the SCOTUS decision, Citizens United), and/or closed legal societies (ex: the Federalist Society.) (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

As always, any, all, or none of these potentials may apply. But I suspect they may.

Jupiter/NN = Neptune: instability; unreliability; indecision or vacillation; emotional inhibition within partnerships or unions; disappointment; getting sober again; sharing the spirit with others but not much else.

(References: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Mar 22, 2011

After Citizens United, & Solar Eclipses 1993 = 2011

Perhaps you've seen the brilliant photo of the March 19, 2011 SuperMoon in Virgo rising above DC's Lincoln Memorial now posted on a new blog After Citizens United.

(Astro-Note: constellation Virgo and its stars have particular significance for the founding of America including the related archetype for nurturing asteroid Ceres ('security concerns') which in America's natal chart, conjoins our natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint @ '8Pis'...and Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy and its attendant class warfare and disenfranchisement.)

Well, if you're interested in the January 2010 SCOTUS decision on Citizens United which upped the corporate anty on the power elite's campaign contributions for 2012 and beyond (US gov bought and sold = Plutocracy), I hope you'll check out After Citizens United which contains an image of the SCOTUS Ruling horoscope of January 21, 2010, and links to related topics.

My feeling is that these birty dastards have a huge jump on the citizens of the US so pass around all pertinent info you can find! Apathy is no longer an excuse so it's imperative that as many Americans as possible pay close attention to all class warfare matters which are seriously undermining our democracy, and that obviously includes Citizens United v FEC.

Included on the blog you'll also find an essay by Joan McCarter entitled "Money's Sustained Assault Against Democracy" so if you're fond of democracy in America (or wish we had some rather than exporting it across the globe bwo lies and guns), Ms. McCarter's article is highly recommended. And a tidbit of info from the Citizens United blog: SCOTUS will hold hearings on March 28, 2011 concerning Arizona's public financing system; other related suits are pending so we must keep up!

Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya

Now some are saying that President Obama didn't have the authority to act in Libya as we're doing under cover of a 'humanitarian mission' to protect civilians (there we go again: bombing = 'saving'. Yeah, right.) Presidential overreach and the military action in Libya are facets of the global elite's Undermine America Agenda in order to set up a one-world-government and we're watching the US government further extending its imperial self into the region of the Middle East. It remains to be seen whether our incursion into Libya can be handed off to foreign entities in a few days.

Of SuperMoons and Eclipses 1993 - 2011

The last SuperMoon occurred in March 1993 which is of time-link interest since the two Solar Eclipses (SE) of 1993 are repeating in 2011 with similar influences upon society.

May 21, 1993's SE @ '1 Gemini' is in the 13 South Series as will be the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ '11 Gemini', a degree which falls between US natal Uranus 8:55 and US natal Desc '13Gem'...Uranus/ASC = Sun: friendships with leaders and important people; physical unrest; mobility; a restless colleague or partner; anxiety about putting one's best foot forward; hoping for success. Uran/ASC = Moon: getting excited through the influence of others; quick mood changes; emotionalism spills into view; needing support, sympathy, and approval (speaking of 'approval', Obama should've gotten that from Congress before he took us into Libya in what may be an extended piece of Hades - UN approval is not congressional approval - for a little while longer at least.)

From Brady's Predictive Astrology we find that the influences of 13S include: expansive energy under which lies a sinister flavor; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively; urge to expand brings frustrations, inhibitions, and loss or separation. And for Australia in 1975, 13S included a Constitutional Crisis (which may be brought to the White House circa 2011 due to Libya invasion or ___?___.)

The second Solar Eclipse of (November 13) 1993 @'22Sco' which repeats on November 25, 2011 @ '2Sag' is in the 14 North Series with vibes that include: draining of energy; an acute time of confusion in relationships, and unexpected happenings in financial matters; despair; a peculiar turn of events; too much confusion and delusion to make clear judgments (paraphrasing Brady, as above.)

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the '11Gem' Jun 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse, "Something to Cry About" (though that's usually reserved for '00Gem' because it conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, of the Seven Sisters.) She states that its nearness to US natal Uranus indicates surprising developments in government which may be dealing with a "lack of support"; falling in 8th house in DC, this eclipse heralds issues of taxation, mortality, burial concerns, sanitation, or contagion (radiation from Japan?).

Other possibilities for the June 1, 2011 SE are that trade agreements are strained in foreign relations, workers' strikes and protests continue, military controversies surface, and there may be an urgent health situation, hospital condition, or prison crisis to deal with. Plus, a particularly mysterious crime/s may be in the news (bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler? Someone new?)

Teal's title for the 14N SE of Nov 25, 2011 is: "Blazing New Trails" - yet workers will still be discontent, there are concerns over secret enemies, and there's an "extension of power of nation in the world, although some complications to overcome." Is Libya only the US government's first 'no-fly-zone' justification?

Well, on that New World Order note I must leave you for my pesky old day job and a sincere hope that we'll reconnect another day while remembering what Herbert Hoover said on such topics: that old men make wars and young men fight them. How correct he was.

Now if only we could get the world's young men and women to turn their backs on war.

Mar 10, 2011

President's Presser 11:15 am est Friday 3.11.11 w SN Rising

President Obama will hold a press conference tomorrow, March 11, 2011, at 11:15 am est, it is announced.

Rising gas prices is said to be his topic during the presser yet rising at 11:15 am est in Washington DC tomorrow, we find the transiting South Node of the Moon (SN), a separative, Saturnian point of unconscious behavior and bad timing. SN rising indicates strong individualism, a non-conforming attitude with a very serious demeanor, and a lack of popularity. It's possible that the presser will be watched by few of the public (though w YouTube that's no serious problem for we can catch up later if we like.)

That Mr. Obama's Secondary Progressed (Sec) Sun now at 00Lib32 (at US natal Mc) is conjoined by transiting asteroid Nemesis (an unbeatable foe; divine retribution) tomorrow morning describes in part what's going on in our nation now stimulated by rebellious Uranus about to cross US natal Ic again (00Ari53 in our Sibly natal chart) and opposing Nemesis.

His Sec Ascendant @ 20Can05 (conjunct his n 6th cusp) brings up Fixed Star Castor which adds to the foe/enemy vibe for him since Castor's key phrases are a pos/neg mixture: to write or create, but also sudden fame or loss and murder. (Yet as you know, Astrology works in AC-DC fashion: energy flows in either or both directions alternately or simultaneously.)

Mr. Obama's Sec Moon 21Pis20 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'22Pis' = "A Man Bringing Down the New Law from Sinai" (which frets someone like me who isn't favoring Zionism these days.)

Tomorrow at 11:15 am est, Moon 5Gem31 is in the karmic 12th house of Politics and Self-Undoing; earlier in the morning, Mr. Obama will experience a Lunar Return with his n Moon @ 3Gem21 in n 4th H; tr Moon conjoins tr Pan (namesake of panic and Pan-American) and the chart's Part of Treachery is close by them. Wealthy gold-horder Midas 8Gem12 is in 12th H as well and now conjoined with US n Uranus which we've seen in Wisconsin when Gov. Scott Walker thought he was sucking up to David Koch (Midas) on the phone; US n Uranus is disruptively rebellious and describes behavior - in Gemini there is duplicity in the works.

In DC, March 11, 2011's 11:15 am est presser horoscope (lots of 11s!), the president's Sec Moon falls in 10th H with tr Sun 20Pis45 spotlighting it. Also in 10th H is tr Uranus (so soon to hit the Aries Point 00Ari00 again in the afternoon which triggers US natal Ic as mentioned above and stirs up we-the-people in Madison WI and elsewhere) is for the moment at crisis degree 29Pis59 and straining toward the AP.

Rising Friday at 11:15 am est in DC (Hour: Jupiter '11Ari' = "The President of the Country"!) is 26Gem26 making Mercury the chart-ruler. So how will things proceed?

Mercury's two applying aspects give hints: square Pluto (3A40) with Pluto 7Cap18 in 7th house of Partners, Legal Matters, and Open Enemies. This square indicates penetrating insights and speech which may arouse bitterness in others and bring harsh criticism. (Can we expect anything better from the GOP toward a Democratic president?) And of course, any contacts between Mercury and Pluto may always have propaganda and surveillance connotations (US n Mercury opposite Pluto across the Can/Cap axis.)

The other applying aspect of chart-ruler Mercury is a conjunction w Jupiter (6A37) indicating that things may turn our all right after all (in 6 seconds, minutes, hours, days, months?) Mercury/Jupiter contacts often bring success with communications and plans yet can describe an inflated treasury straining budgets (we all resemble that remark), and legal decisions which affect commerce or transportation (oil pipelines? oil tankers and the Suez Canal?) Yet Sun/Jupiter = Uranus: a sudden turn; sudden success or good fortune; speculating; gambling.

Speedy Mercury, planet of pressers, reporters, bloggers, statements, remarks, announcements, questions, trade and commerce is @ 3Ari37 (10th H); Mercury in Aries is decisive, competitive, and is fond of debate. Good thing, since no matter what the President announces concerning rising gas prices (or anything else), we can be certain his plans and ideas will be debated and criticized by opponents who've remained in perpetual campaign mode since January 20, 2009.

With Neptune (gas, oil, liquids, oceans, deceptions, illusions, fraud) also at a crisis degree (29AQ13 in 9th H of Foreign Lands where most of the world's oil is located) and Venus @ 11AQ20, their midpoint is near the President's *natal ASC (18AQ03) so we have a midpoint picture...

Presser's Venus/Neptune = BHO's n ASC: appreciation of how reality can be altered; a union with peculiar people.

Some potentials for the combination of Venus/Neptune energies are:

appeals to the ideals of the people (listen for that), an inflated treasury (we know); using inflation as a means to manipulate growth (Rs, Ds, and the Fed are guilty of it); wealth derived from gas, oil, chemicals ; exaggerating or misstating internal resources (like strategic petroleum reserves?); scandals about deceptive practices within the treasury or internal resources (oil, gas?); subversives who want to gain access to finances; monetary fraud; spies in the financial branches. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

To Venus/Neptune Reinhold Ebertin adds, uncertainty.

On the presser's 8th cusp of High Finance, Debt, Credit, and Transformation is the NWO degree (Uranus conjunct Neptune all through 1993) of '18Capricorn' = "The Union Jack" = SUPERVISION...

negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones) - which is precisely what we're dealing with (oil and gas industry titans, Wall Street bankers, rich patrons of Republican union busters, bank rollers of Washington politicians on all sides) who, by their mega-wealth, are calling the political shots in America even louder than they ever did before.

So thanks for making the situation worse, SCOTUS. Some of you should be 'recalled' for the Citizens United decision.


*Chart used for President Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii.

Mar 5, 2011

Fate v Free Will: 'The Adjustment Bureau' right on time

Social propagandists often run concepts and bad ideas up the proverbial public flagpole to see if anyone salutes, to undermine our traditional social fabric of decency, and/or simply to get us accustomed to certain ideas prior to implementing them (or some version thereof.)

The eeriness of HAL (the computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey) is a good example of our collectively shared feelings of creepiness, dread, and threat in this New Technology Age ('www', the oft-touted Age of Aquarius?) You'd be forgiven about now if you hearkened your mind back to Dr. Frankenstein's obsession with overstepping natural boundaries no matter the cost, monster be da*ned.

Astrology Tussles with Fate v Free Will, Too

A Huffington Post article The Adjustment Bureau: Fate or Free Will? explains the premise of the new Matt Damon film...or is it just another Hollywood propaganda effort to make light of what really is an overarching and manipulative Plan by shadowy global figures and criminal networks?

Well, just for fun (and because it could look good against SO'W's charcoal background - and we do talk on this blog about stars, here's a 10 min 30 sec video of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey from way back in 1968. I was a sprightly teen then, saw 2001 in a theater, and was fairly freaked out over uppity HAL's new attitude. You?

Enjoy! For it has atmospheric music, too. And America had a Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2001 after SCOTUS played their snaky December 2000 role in yet another sordid Bush affair.

And the primary planetary signature of 2001?

No Great Conjunctions that year but in 1997 there were two which describe fantastic filmeries and progressive ideas that are perhaps a little creepy; Jupiter/Uranus in particular have that dazzling scientific vibe of new discoveries and explorations; Jupiter/Neptune relates to fantastical entertainments, flights of bubbly fancy, the grand spirit, speculation and fraud:

January 9, 1997 Jupiter caught up with filmy, glamorous Neptune @ 27Cap09, thereby conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx simultaneously...

Tr Jupiter/Neptune = n Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; self-projection out of hand (or out of this world?); a great loss ('free' trade?); far-reaching speculations.

Then on February 16, 1997, the Great Benefic Jupiter expanded his guru's magic-wand toward inventive and original Uranus @ 5AQ56, conjoining US natal South Node of the Moon (SN), a separative, Saturnian point describing past behaviors, talents, and unconscious, self-defeating manners of behavior - where our neuroses lie. Through bad habits (character) we find karma and reap what was sown.

Now let's stretch a bit to include sub-frequencies so that we'll spy a midpoint picture or two to consider on our nation's Nodal Path of Destiny, whether 'Manifest' or not...

Tr Jupiter/Uranus = n NN: individuality attracts; striving for a common purpose; shared happiness.

Jupiter/Uranus = 'Saturn' (SN): one-sided principles; sudden disadvantages or losses; sudden inhibitions before reaching an objective; obstinacy; introduction of patience and practicality to boundless self-projection; temperance over excess.

Back to the Jupiter/Neptune pair: if we stretch to include America's natal Mercury Rx (25Can) as one axis of our nation's Mercury/Pluto opposition, we have...

Tr Jupiter/Neptune = n Mercury: skills with deceptive practices; the raising of hopes; talking a lot and putting on an act; self-study in the realms of mysticism; rich powers of visualization; speaking for the deprived; misleading or misdirecting the attention of others.

Ah, 2001! That last sounds like Hollywood using HAL to distract the discontented masses from political shenanigans, doesn't it? But if such a techno-distraction isn't enough, the powers-that-be can always use the centuries-old trick of tyrants and kings everywhere: start a war. Oh yeah. They did.

And they are apparently getting US troops ready for more carnage.

If so, then Washington will have our nation playing a triple role as the 'bomb first ask questions later' brigade serving courageously on behalf of the suckiest over-reaching government in world history and one that seldom if ever admits culpability for its crimes. Washington refuses to put Wall Street fraudsters on trial and fairly convict them for collapsing and riding down the global economy.

Who are these people?


UPDATE 9:00 pm est: my bad! I neglected the planetary signatures for 1968, the year 2001 premiered:

Great Conjunction Jupiter and Uranus, the scientific breakthrough duo, occurred on December 12, 1968 @ 3Lib39, near US natal Midheaven (Aspiration Point) and conjoining the US natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint of secret (Neptune) government (Saturn); two more conjs occurred: March 11, 1969 @ 2Lib27, and July 20, 1969 @ 00Lib40, an exact conjunction with our national Mc...

Tr Jupiter/Uranus = n Mc: a fortunate turn in life; optimism; fortunate powers of adaptability; comfortably becoming known for who one is; personal rewards from making changes.

We might even stretch toward:

n Saturn/Neptune = tr Jupiter: very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight; depression; egoism; narrow-mindedness; lung or liver disease.

n Saturn/Neptune = tr Uranus: indifference to decay in older structures; a new discipline adds Astrology to religious or mystical practices; frustration; irritability; inner unrest; excitability; a suddenly manifesting weakness or illness.

The other Great Conjunction of 1968 is the plutocracy/banking system duo of Jupiter and Pluto on October 13 @ 23Vir40 - conjunct US n Neptune...

Tr Jupiter/Pluto = n Neptune: inclinations to deceive, cheat, or seduce others (ya think? and they were only warming up in 1968...for 2008!); suffering damage or loss through others without being aware of it (the beaky snastards); a general disappointment; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into ones own format.

Presidential background: LBJ was sworn in on Nov 22, 1963 after JFK's assassination, and was inaugurated once on Jan 20, 1965. Therefore, the above Great Conjunctions both took place and greatly influenced events during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration; Richard Nixon was inaugurated the first time on Jan 20, 1969 but he campaigned to win the White House, of course, in 1968.


Related topics:

Historical events of 2001

Brief natal details for Ayn Rand admirer and austerian extraordinaire Paul Ryan

SpaceWeather News


Midpoint pictures: Tyl: Ebertin: Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.

Jan 26, 2011

Robert Scheer's 'Hogwash, Mr. President' (SOTU 2011)

Glad I found Robert Scheer's article Hogwash, Mr. President because it sums up (in a way I would if I could) the primary debate on President Obama's State of the Union address of last evening, sans distractions and trivialities.

Some writers I've read today talk about 'the things he didn't say' and other such topics and naturally they identify several weaknesses or admissions in the presidential presentation of how the nation is managing at this juncture.

But Mr. Scheer's effort today somehow speaks to my innermost common gooder, that populist streak of Democratic Socialistic moderation of feeling and ideology where everyone is allowed to live and let live, truth is honored, faced, and dealt with, and America's destructive/self-destructive bomb-dropping and strong-arming cease.

Oh, and Wall Street banksters, their partners, and the crooks on their corrupt payrolls are rounded up and prosecuted with vim and vigor. Because that is the only thing that can restore America's Jupiterian confidence at this late date. Yet as Mr. Scheer points out, Mr. Obama is surrounded by 'em!

You know the globalists have infiltrated the US court system, too, right? Like with the wacky, out-of-all-reason Citizens United decision, Bush v Gore, etc. So that now, if Justice Clarence Thomas is even investigated honestly - much less debenched as he seems to deserve - I'll jump for joy on behalf of a separate branch of government acting in the independent manner it was designed to maintain.

Though he rhetorics otherwise, Mr. Obama sounds disconnected from the people's daily lives when he touts that he has "broken the back of the recession." Guess it's only possible to say such a thing if you can ignore the bent backs you're raising taxes on for 2011 while passing expensive party favors to uppercrust-ers who bankrolled you into the White House.

It's a real deal, if you can get it.

Note: please answer SO'W's How Do You Rate SOTU 2011? poll, upper right. Thanks! jc

Poll Update 1.27.11: Funny thing. Today 10 or 11 votes have disappeared from the poll results of last evening. Most were for 'Talk to the Hand'. Odd. Maybe they'll reappear as if by a magic hand? jc

Nov 4, 2010

Bill Moyers: Welcome to the Plutocracy

Here's an excerpt from Bill Moyers new book, Welcome to the Plutocracy:

"On another site – “” – you can find out how the multibillionaire Koch brothers – also big oil polluters and Tea Party supporters – are recruiting “captains of industry” to fund the right-wing infrastructure of front groups, political campaigns, think tanks and media outlets. Now, hold on to your seats, because this can blow away the faint-hearted: Among the right-wing luminaries who showed up among Koch’s ‘secretive network of Republican donors’ were two Supreme Court Justices: Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. That’s right: 2 of the 5 votes to enable the final corporate takeover of government came from justices who were present as members of the plutocracy hatched their schemes for doing so." #

Bill Moyers: Money Fights Hard and It Fights Dirty.

(My bold. Didn't want the SCOTUS names to be lost in the shuffle: Scalia and Thomas. jc)

Further reading: We're No# 49.

My thanks go to Alex D'Atria of Modern Astrology for the heads-up.

Oct 22, 2010

Impeach Justice Roberts over Citizens United?

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) is talking big about the potential of impeaching Chief Justice John Roberts whose only-an-umpire status touted (aka, lied about) at his confirmation hearing has been seriously undercut by 2010's democracy-numbing Citizens United decision which has allowed the flooding of the November 2010 midterms with obscene amounts of money from unnamed, foreign sources and corporations (who fancy themselves to be 'people too'. The American people have SCOTUS to thank for that outrageous, illogical decision as well.)

In an unusual move, it was Justice Robert's idea to consider the case!

So if a Roberts impeachment is attempted (or accomplished, but I'm not holding my breath), it may deepen the level of astrological meaning of January 20, 2009's Inaugural Mercury retrograde! The 2009 Inauguration chart had its Mercury Return on February 10, 2010 so the Citizens United decision handed down in January was in play during the period that transiting Mercury was in process of returning to its Inaugural degree 00AQ41 (Sun 00AQ47)...'1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission", a Vatican reference in the Sabian Symbols which links to esoteric subjects such as America as the New Atlantis for the 'New Age'.

The Obama presidency's Mercury Return chart of 2.10.10 shows Mars Rx 5Leo14 opposing Mercury, an opposition which falls precisely across the Nodal axis in the US natal horoscope. Activist Mars can be brash and spunky in Leo and he was apparently feeling his oats with a judicial activist (and pretend 'umpire') like Roberts leading the fight against the American people's right to choose who wins our elections (always assuming there's such a thing as an accurate voting machine somewhere in this nation.)

And on 2.10.10, Mars was apex (focal) planet in a YOD (special task; crisis; turning point; crossroads - I'm thinking of Karl Rove) pattern with the powerful, overstepping, internationally inclined big bankers-plutocrats-leading-the-masses duo of Jupiter sextile Pluto at its base...

Jupiter/Pluto = Mars: a desire to achieve great things; organizing talent; applying controls to suit one's aims; a controlling and ruthless purpose in life. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.) Et tu, Justice Roberts?

Interestingly, John Roberts (Jan 27, 1955, Buffalo, NY; birth time unknown) entered Earth's time flux with Chiron @ 00AQ00 and his Mercury/NN midpoint 00AQ17. Chiron can represent the blind spot, and Mercury/NN = 'well-coordinated joint efforts; the arrangement of social or business contacts'. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Of course, you'll remember that it was Justice John Roberts who mucked up the Presidential Oath of Office (Mercury) which was re-taken (Rx) later just to be certain no one could say that Barack Obama was not duly sworn in.

Now wouldn't a John Roberts impeachment be ironic? And yet it could indicate yet another signpost on the road to completely undermining the US Justice System.

May 12, 2010

Kagan supports media censorship

President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan supports media censorship including the internet but which may or may not include books!

A Blog Note: last evening I wrote a post on Kagan's natal chart but when I published it to my Wordpress blog, the post was eaten alive by web gremlins. No censorship involved, just auto-save-draft issues. There's no time to re-do it now (a real world job awaits) but I hope to reconstitute it asap and will link to it here when it's published.

You know, the more I read about former Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan the more she sounds like a NWO shill like the rest of them. No surprise, really. Just thought I'd share that disappointment with you.

Apr 1, 2010

Determining when we-the-people lost America

Astrologically I have tried for some time to date the primary sea-change in America, when our democracy - or 'republic', if you prefer - turned into a Frankenstein-esque creature unrecognizable to most Americans.

But it isn't that easy because a time-dependent discipline such as Astrology magnifies and illumines best when a precise date is known. Knowing an hour and minute of an event focuses its study even better and it is in this spirit that I have previously titled a post on the assassination of JFK as "The Day America Died" - this was a televised, time-stamped murder!

But even that heinous, disillusioning event was only one marker on the usurping path to total oligarchic one-world-government control and there have been other events with obvious coup d'etat signatures.

Well, Len Hart presents here interesting political insights into our loss of America along with informative quotes and video from E. L. Doctorow who dates important 'sea-changes' to the 1970s, particularly 1974 and the SUN-PAC decision of 1975, which is said to be similar in its impact to the recent SCOTUS decision that 'corporations are people' too - a brazen sell-out of American democracy if there ever was one.

In addition, you may wish to listen to a YouTube audio of President John F. Kennedy concerning his opposition to "secret societies," a sentiment which may have contributed to his cruel assassination in 1963 - as perpetrated and televised from Masonic Dealey Plaza, Dallas. And just like the attacks of 9/11/01, TV networks and stations played the tape over and over and over...

(A Dealey Plaza Note: I personally find the making of a nude music video in that particular place to be a crass exploitation, if not an honoring, of an illegal act which grabbed the helm and changed the course of America. And where America goes, so goes the world. Even for desperate-for-attention singers, talented as they may be.)

Oct 23, 2009

George W. Bush smirks his regrets...

Eight years of a George Bush presidency saw hundreds of thousands of Americans repeatedly protesting in the streets, but funny how it made no difference in his decisions. Apparently the fix was in with the ones who select presidents, profit from war, build and export armaments, and plot to dominate the world 'on the ground' and from space...Bush stayed in office, and the majority of us cringed several times per day.

During the Bush administration, the attacks of 9/11/01 were used, at the least, to paper over the Bush-Cheney-SCOTUS affair which shoved the two oil men through the back door of the White House, and personally I see no reason to pardon SCOTUS for the travesty - EVER.

But in Canada these days, where Bush is on a rather extensive speaking tour, it's a different story and Bush is including a 'self-reflective' schtick meant to deflect inconvenient questions posed by audience members. And yet grumpy protesters keep showing up outside each venue, burning effigies and making it clear where they stand on George Bush's heinous ways and his sorry, sociopathic self.

Now I don't know what version of the Bible Bush clings to for his justifications, but as I groused before he invaded Iraq: the God in my Bible couldn't possibly rubberstamp his and his backers' decision to bomb the Holy Land back to the Stone Age and kill millions - millions of people who also happen to be God's children, oil or no oil.

And that is the best I can say for George W. Bush who now 'regrets' not sending troops into New Orleans earlier for Hurricane Katrina.

Troops? He thinks they only needed troops? What a jacka*s.

Oct 22, 2009

The Declaration of Independence as Corporate Document

Today I am pleased as can be to present a summation by my astro-friend Alex D'Atria on what the Declaration of Independence actually is and the relationship between America and Britain long before we Americans (and perhaps a few Brits, too) had been propagandized for decades on this noble experiment, we-the-people's America.

Experiment, yes. Noble? You decide.

The Declaration of Independence was the commemorative document making America a provisional government; it announced, declared that the Continental Congress had the authority and control to conduct trade and commerce for its own interests; the British Crown shareholders could no longer have a 'cut' in American business ventures without agreeing to new terms of business with the American principles.

The British Empire-Crown operated their business ventures with three types of agreements; the charter colony, the proprietary colony, and the royal colony.

British charters are partially analogous to corporations who have shareholders - owners who get dividends on their investment; in a way you could say the Declaration of Independence document was the first prospectus of The American Enterprise, a financial document defining the rights of individuals - owners severing their former 'contracts' consisting of the Proprietary Colony financial deals with the 'Crown.'

The pivotal event (pre-American revolution for the individuals who held Proprietary colonial agreements) happened when the British Crown converted the Proprietary colonial terms of business to the Royal Colony terms of business; the British Empire reversed itself and reclaimed the resources and assets formerly granted under Proprietary colony terms.

The British empire granted land and the resources therein to the party-principles holding the proprietary agreements similar to venture capitalists giving seed money and development phase money to a new enterprise. Then later when the enterprise had developed into a thriving business, the venture capitalists-British Empire took the developed business back pulling the rug out from under the business owners, so to speak.

The Treaty of Paris 1783 was the official formal closing of the American Revolutionary War. The Treaty was the official recognition by the British empire that the American colonies were a sovereign nation.

The Jamestown Virginia settlement 1607 was a charter colony; the charter, analogous to corporation, put up the capital for the new world settlers for transportation, supplies, seed money, living expenses, etc; the British and global capitalists were collective shareholders in the start-up Jamestown settlement venture.

Alex D'Atria

For further reading:

British colonization of the Americas

Treaty of Paris

Proprietary colony

Charter colony


Thirteen Colonies


Checking the date (without knowing the precise hour) for the signing of the Treaty of Paris we see that the Moon reached 00Sag00 at 10:58 am LMT (Paris, FR, Sep 3, 1783) which gives "The Halloween Jester" as the Moon's Sabian Symbol; at 11:00 am Moon 00Sag01 gives "1Sag": "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire."

Sun at 11:00 am is @ 10Vir45, with ASC 11Sco36, Mc 25Leo10; Hour of the Sun; Crescent phase 79degr16; Chiron 20Tau10 Rx; NN 18Pis42; Venus 24Lib27; Uranus 11Can02; Neptune 8Lib54.

There are a few interesting midpoint pictures which do not depend on an exact time, so here they are, and as usual with midpoint pictures it's an any~all-or none-may-apply affair, yet they may give us some flavorings of the day:

First, two T-Squares form these pictures - you'll notice the Saturn/Uranus opposition and the Mars/Neptune opposition:

Mars/Neptune = Uranus: changing energy levels; crisis.

Saturn/Uranus = Neptune: falsehood or malice caused by weakness; resolving oneself to the inevitable; abandonment of resistance; weakening strength; separation.

Saturn/Pluto = Jupiter: religious and social fanaticism; trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; trying to save what's left; self-sacrifice.

Venus/NN = Saturn: a renewed awakening to reality.

The following mdpt pictures depend on the hour because the fast-moving Moon and the transiting Midheaven are involved, but see what you think (and if you can find the precise time of the Treaty's signing, please let me know - with Freemasonry's Sacred Geometry available to them, you know they elected a particular and auspicious moment for the signing of such a document):

Moon/Mars = Pluto: one-sidedness; fanaticism; powerful opinionation; a demanding nature (that's string-puller Pluto @ 8AQ07 Rx...'9AQ' = "A Flag Turned into an Eagle.")

Dane Rudhyar gives the Keynote for '9AQ' as: 'The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values.' He continues: 'The image has become a Power' (America - jc); 'the seer must become the doer; the impersonal is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the ACTING OUT of the vision.' (An Astrological Mandala.)

And Sir Francis Bacon's 'vision' was (a globe-dominating, new-world-ordering) America.

Another lunar midpoint picture from 1783: in complete synchronicity with 2009's three conjunctions of the speculative, grandly designing pair, Jupiter and Neptune, meeting all through 2009 with the US natal Moon of we-the-people...

Jupiter/Neptune = Moon: becoming involved in speculation; wastefulness; instability; little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; going with the wind; an emotional swoon.

At 11 am LMT, Mercury, planet of negotiations, contracts, signing documents and those who sign them, was @ 23Vir33 which sextiles US natal Mercury "25Can"...1783 Mercury @ "24Vir" = "Mary and Her White Lamb." Mercury made no applying aspects that day and thus is strenthened by its sign and degree, but had separated from SN 18Vir42 and was beyond a trine with Jupiter 22Cap59 Rx.

Transiting Jupiter approaches US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx, a time when success and resources increase. Jupiter-to-Pluto actually occurred 3x in 1783: Mar 23, July 20, and Nov 14...1783 was an important year for American expansionism with natal Pluto in n 2nd house of Money and Values (US Sibly chart.)

Plus, on June 1, 1783, tr Uranus conjoined US n Jupiter, a 'breakthrough' transit of independence and a period when we headed down a new path as our horizons expanded; lifestyle choices and political, religious, and economic affiliations were prime interests...keyword: growth.

There was a generational transit in effect, too: tr Neptune trine US n Uranus, planet of revolution: another 'breakthrough' transit when our blend of idealism and inspiration created fortunate circumstances for our fledgling nation.

Mars, planet of war, @ 14Ari34, was a participant in the T-Square as previously mentioned. Mars opposes US natal Saturn, a period when the authority of others is resented (!), and caution is needed to keep from provoking resentment in others; rules and regulations must be followed.

Jupiter opposed US natal Mercury 3x in 1783: March 4, Aug 17, and Oct 20, so the Treaty is in the midst of this drawn-out transit, a time when the true value of ideas or information may be misjudged and the sheer volume of info is confusing; impractical ideas, grandiose schemes, and a lack of attention to detail are probable.

Another factor that I personally find of much interest is that the signing of the Treaty of Paris occurred during a Mercury-to-US-natal-Neptune transit which indicates that the true meaning or accuracy of information is difficult to grasp and 'getting to the bottom of things' only results in more questions.

Ideas and information are understood in a mystical or spiritual sense.

Authoritative Saturn 5Cap59 Rx has an intriguing Sabian Symbol..."6Cap": "A Dark Archway with Ten Logs at the Bottom"...'archway' can relate to Freemason lodges of the Grand Arch, etc, and '10 logs' refers on some level to the 10 articles of the Treaty!

Now I have no idea if MP David Hartley, who signed on behalf of King George III, was a Freemason, Rosicrucian, or Illuminatist, but the US signers, Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay were Freemasons and perhaps more...John Jay was SCOTUS' Chief Justice from 1789 - 1795.

To close, here is a list of SCOTUSers who were Freemasons. Enjoy!

Jul 28, 2009

Sotomayor resigns from ladies' version of Bohemian Grove - oh! and her nom was voted up today

Since the Senate Judiciary Committee just voted Yes today (13 to 6) on Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination with the full vote probably sceduled for next week, I googled 'Sonia Sotomayor + Bohemian Grove' to see if her name popped up and whaddaya know?

The judge is said to have resigned recently from her membership in the ladies' version of this group which met in California last week for their annual shindig of satanic rituals so it wouldn't disgruntle anyone voting for her - with their constituents, I imagine.

Some of them may be members of the Grove themselves! Perhaps a fully revealed membership list is in order, si?

Scroll below to my July Archives for a previous post on the Bohemian Grove or click here - their meeting was held during last week's Solar Eclipse.

Of the GOP, only Republican Senator Lindsey Graham voted for Sotomayor's SCOTUS benching - such Capitol Hill Theater, dahlink, in our Masonic Capitol Building on The Hill!

May 26, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor (6.25.54) nom'd for SCOTUS 5.26.09

Update Wednesday 5.27.09: here's Robert Reich weighing in on the Republicans v Sotomayor question.

Original post starts here if you don't stop reading immediately:

NPR has live-blogged this morning's announcement by the president of his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice. If confirmed, Sotomayor will be only the 3rd woman ever to serve and the 1st Hispanic on the SCOTUS bench.

When Pres. Obama began his announcement this morning (10:15 am edt), 4Leo50 was rising with his natal Sun '13Leo' in tow, and his natal Mercury just risen.

Moon 4Can31 (conj 12th cusp of the announcement) conjuncts Sotomayor's natal Sun, a small indicator of new beginnings, yet the Moon makes no applying aspects, however, in the announcement chart, and is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane (which may only signify that she currently is not in the circuit or on the SC bench as of yet.)

A quick Wiki tells us that she was born in the Bronx, NY, on June 25, 1954. The Moon was in Aries for most of the 24-hour period but moved into Taurus, sign of the values preserver. This tallies with her statement this morning about the US Constitution and the Founding Fathers, but we'll see. I'll supply the 'Images for Integration' for Sun Can-Moon Aries/Taurus and you may compare them if you like.

But going by today's nom announcement chart with messenger Mercury Rx 23Tau35 and Pluto 2Cap40 Rx opposing her natal Sun, I'm not certain the secret hand of manipulating Pluto will allow her confirmation, although personally I'm reasonably happy with the possibility of her serving on the SC bench.

As was noted afterwards by NPR's Nina Totenberg (see NPR coverage above), the Republicans will have difficulty opposing an Hispanic, and her judicial record is "not particularly controversial." Oh the tangled webs...

Plus: she's been called 'The Woman Who Saved Baseball' because she quickly ended the 1994/95 strike!

Yet I'm sure the GOP have their 'she's liberal and an activist' brushes out and are busy painting posters and funding ads galore to undermine, not just Sotomayor, but to gum up a successful, trouble-free SC nom from a Democratic president, his first but probably not his last. Politics put ahead of the nation's sake, hmm?

Sun Can-Moon Aries (Water-Fire): A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause...A quiet home-body becomes a sports champion.

Sun Can-Moon Tau (Water-Earth): A family photo album...A flourishing family business...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Aries is the sign of the pioneer, of numero uno, which certainly fits her opportunity for SCOTUS.

But considering Pres. Obama's remarks about her this morning, about how she's "rooted in the real world" and has not forgotten where she came from, I'll vote for Sun Can-Moon Taurus, for now. And she gave her mother, who was in the audience, a big shout-out for making her who she is.

Yet if Sonia Sotomayor as SC Justice doesn't please those in charge of the whole ballgame, this post and my surmises on her Moon sign will turn out to be moot in the end.


Read more on tactics against Sotomayor's nomination: 'Enemy of the White Male'!

May 5, 2009

eta Aquarid meteors from Hally's Comet May 6, 2009

A day late but nary a meteor short. Get ready for Wednesday morning...

Space Weather News for May 4, 2009

METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of dusty debris from Halley's Comet, the source of the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on Wednesday, May 6, with as many as 85 meteors per hour over the southern hemisphere. Rates in the northern hemisphere will be less, 20 to 30 per hour.

The best time to look is during the dark hour before local sunrise on Wednesday morning. Visit for sky maps and details. #

And here's what I posted last year this time (a day late then as well) on the eta Aquarid meteors from Hally's Comet which had something of a">Moon-Mercury/Politics flavor to it due to the 2008 campaign.

As you know, the Moon 'sailed by Mercury' all right and on to another governmental position which may soon morph again into a Supreme Court justice seat on The Bench.