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Showing posts with label US economic crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US economic crisis. Show all posts

Jul 26, 2011

US Default 1979 Venus hit by July 2011 Uranus

After last evening's address by President Obama on the debt ceiling/default tussle of ideologies and Speaker John Boehner's reply--Mr. Boehner seems to think he's our 'shadow president'--I've taken a second look at the first time America defaulted temporarily--April 26, 1979.

Since a New Moon 5Tau43 occurred at 8:14:42 am est Capitol Building, I'm using the New Moon to time the chart. The degree of this lunation is interesting because it's in a money sign, Taurus, and it conjoins our US natal Sun/Moon midpoint from the Sibly version of our nativity.

In the New Moon horoscope of April 26, 1979 when the US defaulted on its debts for a little while`as Congress balked and dithered over raising the debt ceiling so bills could be paid, I am naturally struck by July 2011's position of disruptive rebel Uranus in early Aries conjoining 1979's 10th house Venus 4Ari05.

Venus/Uranus as a pair relates to unexpected or unusual new alliances or broken unions but also to being erratic, eccentric, or a wastrel with money; the emphasis is on an unpredictable change of status in these matters, and of course, 10th house relates to the wider world's opinion. (America looks quite the dummy about now if she didn't already.)

Michael Munkasey gives pertinent info on Venus/Uranus in the realms of Politics and Business:

Thesis: a treasury which shows unexpected rises and falls in its valuation; a strange appreciation for financial assets or planning.

Antithesis: ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden infusions or lacks of financial revenues; unpredictable vanity shown by leaders or executives.

(Vanity! Thy name is Politician!)

The dates that transit Uranus conjoins 1979 default's Venus are:

1. June 5, 2011
2. August 14, 2011
3. March 16, 2012

As you see, I've highlighted the Rx date of August 14, 2011 since it relates closely to the current stand-off as Utopians (Uranus in Aries, says Ebertin) revisit the scene of their 1979 crime.

There are other major 'hits' to the April 26, 1979 chart, one of which is exact on August 2, 2011.

Restricting, contracting Saturn will conjoin 1979's Pluto Rx 17Lib21 only once on September 20, 2011. This transit indicates a time when there are power and control issues (I'll say!), a temporary lack of resources (!), and most disturbingly, situations become too big to handle. Hopefully our erstwhile DC politicians--in spite of their selfish political aims-- will get America's financial act together prior to that date for the longer a default lasts (if it occurs) the worse for the US and global economies. (See the related quote at the end of this post.)

Now transit Jupiter, bringer of largess, has already conjoined the 1979 New Moon and will do so again:

1. July 5, 2011
2. October 25, 2011
3. February 22, 2012

So we know the ideological battles between Republicans and Democrats will continue especially with the 2012 campaign on tap and the GOP's assumption that only they should control the White House.

1979 Sun/Moon = 2011/12 Jupiter: desires for joint endeavors, possessions, and expansion. Well, yes, that's been the US mode of operation in the past but a New World Order kid is on the block and showing his claws more each day. (Again, see quote below.)

Jupiter also conjoins 1979's Chiron 9Tau08, a time of zealotry, idealism, chasing rainbows, and a sense of being 'on a mission'--which I assert is the ancient Merovingians' Secret Doctrine, aka, Bacon's Great Plan for America, the 'New Atlantis'.

Plus, as of FDR's 1937 inauguration, US Inaugural Sun '1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission", an endeavor which the GOP believes it has the better method for implementing and which dissolves government and other civil institutions all together--but with a select few in control of the world. Cheeky monkeys. Part of the disrespect the Rs show toward Democratic presidents is to sway citizens to do the same as the office of 'US president' will become obsolete along with nation-states, if they have their NWO way. See this blog's sidebar for the video of Bush Sr's shout-out to the NWO of which he and his spawn are obviously a part.)

The dates of tr Jupiter to 1979 Chiron stand out in particular for one of them occurs on the proposed Default Deadline:

1. August 2, 2011
2. September 26, 2011
3. March 11, 2012

Yes, Jupiter/Chiron conjunctions have a 'transcendental objective' up their questing sleeves--or perhaps it's tucked inside their knights' tunics or armour fanny packs.

And where was anarchist Uranus on April 26, 1979? Feeling frisky and exalted in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, and ready to adjust to upheavals and new forms of civilization! A Scorpio Uranus thinks that change must be brought about no matter how destructive (Sakoian.) Most of the American people are feeling this now with our social safety net programs "on the chopping block", as they say in Washington of the ruling elite who have their own pensions and health care provisions in the bag.

1979 Uranus was retrograde @ 19Sco33, the 'accursed degree of the accursed sign' of traditional Astrology. This Uranus conjoined a difficult Fixed Star, Zuben Eschamali (Beta Libra: social reform for personal gain--Brady, sometimes written as 'Elschemali'.) North Scale is also at this degree: wealth, intelligence, hasty words cause problems (Anthony Louis, Horary Plain & Simple.)

In 1979, Uranus formed quindeciles (obsession-compulsion; 165 degr) with the New Moon 5Tau43...

Sun QD Uranus = living on the edge with a 'the rules don't apply to me' attitude; a sense of mission in needing to be different; may take up a 'cause' for mankind.

Moon QD Uranus: emotionally distant and aloof; may have a 'my way of the highway' attitude; driven to live on the edge (as above); potential for breaking old habit patterns. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Of interest to my fussing over Utopian schemes in this matter is that in 1979, Uranus opposes asteroid Atlantis 19Tau55! In Astrology, Atlantis = abuse of power and/or where we feel doomed which relates to the legend of what sank the fabled land of Atlantis.

1979's 2nd house Jupiter 00Leo31 (the GOP; $$$) squared the 11th house New Moon and paralleled Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior; fear; restrictions.) Parallels are similar to strong conjunctions and are used as a timing device.

Mars 15Ari05 opposed Pluto in Libra which had recently conjoined US natal Saturn 14Lib48 which echoes the tr Saturn to 1979 Pluto transit mentioned above. the Mars/Pluto opposition gave a defiant attitude to the proceedings of 1979 much as we see now.

It's important with this aspect to fully evaluate the positives and negatives of any proposition before taking action, something which seems to be missing in the GOP stance of 2011 since their proposed cuts will lessen the money ordinary people have to spend and put back into the economy--so job losses will be ramped up. Denying other people their rights is a distinct potential with a Mars/Pluto opposition.

Also missing in 2011 are the implications of two 1979 midpoint pictures of note:

Moon/Saturn = US natal Jupiter: a sense of paying the credit card bills racked up by the last 5 Republican presidents!

Sun/Saturn = US n Jupiter: good fortune of the ill or elderly--something we'd like to see again in 2011, thanks. (I'm guessing that Harry Reid's debt proposal is the best we may expect from this ideologically manufactured situation, though you may disagree.)

At the Foundation of the Matter in 1979 (the IC) was Saturn 7Vir13 (Democrats) but Saturn trined the New Moon which must have aided in getting things moving forward again without much Saturnian delay or damage to the US credit rating. Looks like this time we may not get off as well if Washington's Political Theater doesn't end its performances very soon with a 'deal'.

Well, there's my brief consideration of Default 1979 v Default 2011. With the first default, we know how the plot turned out. This time it remains to be seen how far modern day Utopians will go with their overarching agenda to collapse the financial system of the United States of America.

And perhaps Washington's 2011 financial 'game of chicken' with the faith and credit of our nation will be enough to do just that.


Chart details: New Moon 5Tau43 April 26, 1979 8:14:43 am Capitol Building; Hour Sun; ASC 26Gem22 with '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY (Ssbian Symbols) rising; Mc 3Pis42 conjunct Fixed Star Fomalhout, one of the Royal Stars of Persia: success through noble ideals.


"The Merovingians had a 'Secret Doctrine' (also called the 'Great Plan'), which in part called for the creation of a Univeral Throne in Europe...The holder of the Universal Throne must...possess the Spear of Destiny;...also be Holy Roman Emperor; and...hold the title, "King of Jerusalem"...the plan began...after the Priory of Sion officially separated from the Templars in 1188...The Merovingians planned to diminish the influence of the Church through...a clandestine tradition...that found expression in Hermetic and esoteric thought, such as in Rosicrucian and Freemasonic secret societies."

--John Daniel, Scarlet and the Beast

Jul 16, 2011

President's Weekly Address July 16, 2011 (video)

President Obama has one of his weekly 'bully pulpit' messages for us which spotlights US economic issues and the theatrical Default Stand-Off with his usual well-crafted, seemingly direct approach.

Yes, yes, of course I agree that "we're all in this together." It's just that a select few are a lot more in than together with the rest of us.

Such as the frisky elitist movers'n'shakers now frolicking together and exclusively under the shade trees of Bohemian Grove...

Say, anyone know where Barack Obama is spending his weekend?

Jul 14, 2011

Horoscope: Eric Cantor w July 2011 Debt Talks planets

Swords v Torches! Debt Talks & Walk-Outs Continue at the White House

by Jude Cowell

According to his Wikipedia bio page, Eric Ivan Cantor was born on June 6, 1963 in Richmond, Virginia. Mr. Cantor has inhabited the role of House Majority Leader since January 3, 2011, and is of a Republican persuasion. His father, a real estate firm owner, acted as state treasurer for the 1980 presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan so our Mr. Cantor is quite the dyed-in-the-wool Kool-Aid imbiber of Starve The Beast Ideology with a transnational corporation persuasion perking underneath all the charm.

UPDATE Friday 7.15.11: here's a fresh story concerning yesterday's debt talks at the White House during which the confrontational Mr. Cantor is said to have remained mum. Plus, you may wish to check out Cantor's Sun--Moon blend for a fuller picture of the fellow.

Original post resumes here:

Taking a squinty astro-peek at the cosmic implications of Mr. Cantor's day of birth (hour unknown, using Noon), we see a man with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius with Luna remaining in Sag for the 24-hour period (Moon sails from 3 Sag to 14 Sag.)

Image: horoscope Eric Cantor June 6, 1963 noon edt Richmond, VA, with 'debt talks' transits for July 13, 2011 White House, outer, in yellow.

With its Moon/Pluto conjunction @ 5Cap (and conjoining tr Siva, the destroyer-creator), the July 13, 2011 'debt talks' transits resonate with the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ 4Cap46 which conjoined tr Pluto 4Cap06 Rx (the revealing eclipse with the Cardinal Grand Cross stand-off energies) and I think a Moon/Pluto theme describes the current debt talks-negotiations-meetings (and emotional tantrums!) at the White House of late between the GOP's John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and President Obama.

See what you think about Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets info concerning Moon/Pluto as the combined energies may express themselves in Politics and Business:

popular promises concerning waste in appeals to the people; obsessions bring misuse of the available resources for country or business. A 'public relations' vibe is also noted with Moon/Pluto involvement.

Now I don't often spend much time blogging about a horoscope when an exact time for it isn't known (so we can know which houses the planets are posited in, and ASC and MC degrees), so I won't. But I will focus on natal chart factors relating to finances and/or to the current power play against a Democratic White House and president. Missions are butting heads here!

Click to enlarge the image, as suggested, and hopefully you'll be able to make out a few of my chicken-scratch notes written upon the chart along with the transits.

Note a dynamic T-Square pattern between Cantor's Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy - Mr. Obama was born with Pluto opposing Chiron, too) opposition pointing toward natal Sun in Gemini, his essence, personality, and the North Star leading him along his hero's journey. Geminian realms are part of his path: Communications, News, Trade, Commerce, ruled by speedy Mercury who serves as Messenger to the gods. Mmm-hmm. (Nor-quist, the North Star guiding his path, his mission in life?)

This apex Sun in a T-SQ indicates one with very strong willpower (enough to abruptly interrupt a president), a bold desire for accomplishment and recognition, a self-seeking tendency, over-confidence, arrogance, and an overbearing manner. This apex Sun attracts conflict and power struggles with others!

More specifically, apex Sun in a Mutable T-SQ hones the ambition to a deep and concentrated focus on being recognized for intellectual prowess. The changeable Mutable undercurrent gives him a highly nervous restlessness requiring periodic rest so that a tantrum taking his nibs suddenly out of a room when the heat is turned up and he over-fusses himself tallies quite well with apex Sun in a Mutable T-SQ pattern.

Well-managed, this solar energy is all set to make Mr. Cantor into 'something special' yet that doesn't guarantee it will benefit more than those in the ruling class--although it may retain for him the social status he so desires. Much fame is indicated for this natural authoritarian and plutocratic oligarchs are on hand to motivate him at every turn.

And this week, Mars conjoined Mr. Cantor's natal Sun in mid-Gemini, a time when aggressive energy rises, conflicts and confrontations may occur (even physical ones), and ego gratification is the driving force behind goals. He feels his principles, integrity, and pride are on the line so no wonder he's acting so frisky in the White House!

A Word About Eric Cantor's Jupiter in Aries

Rep. Cantor's Jupiter 13Ari29 describes a competitive risk-taker with an abundance of inner self-esteem, a self-assertive style, a big ego (typical for a politician), and big dreams for the future. If crashing the global economy is the goal, a one-world-government fanatic may be indicated for Jupiter in Aries is the 'holy crusader' and maybe Eric Cantor's mask just slipped a wee notch.

This reminds me of candidate Michele Bachmann signing a theocracy pledge which ignores America's traditional yet fading 'separation of church and state' tenet. We will be oh-so sorry when it's gone.

Jupiter inconjunct Neptune tends to create for itself impossible problems which then entail painful solutions; a misunderstanding of responsibilities can be evident, and psychosomatic conditions may flare under pressure which is more internally applied than externally.

Sun inconjunct Neptune causes over-reactions to anything perceived as criticism, a workaholic temperament, and a tendency to underestimate or overestimate one's capabilities - or to alternate between the two. Moderation In All Things is the best advice for this aspect, along with using caution when taking on other people's responsibilities (such as John Boehner's!)

These two inconjuncts (aka, quincunxes, 165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) make up the YOD pattern you see in the horoscope marked in red and with dotted line.

But of course! You of the eagle eye spy Mr. Cantor's natal YOD pattern (crisis; crossroads; turning point; special task; Finger of God) with a Sun/Jupiter sextile at its base, and pointing toward apex Neptune 13Sco29 Rx (Scorpio, the sign of Big Business, Surveillance, The Occult, and Science, with support from his scientific Saturn in Aquarius; the Neptune in Scorpio generation is charismatic.)

First, let's consider the 60-degree Sun/Jupiter sextile of opportunity at the YOD's base.

Alan Oken calls this the 'Cosmic Blessing' aspect and says it brings good fortune, material comfort, and pleasant journeys where significant experiences occur. Plus, Alan Epstein says a Sun/Jupiter sextile presents a challenge to gain recognition without becoming corrupted in the process. Well, I suspect Mr. Cantor works in the wrong town and business if he values non-corruptibility though we may be seeing this expressed in his fanatic clinging to the Reagan-Norquist Starve The Beast manifesto, no matter whose granny or child gets hurt. This aspect also shows political astuteness, an impressive facade, and a talent for playing competitors against one another!

Now apex Neptune in a YOD configuration denotes one who prefers to remain within an emotional ivory tower and ignore needed social adjustments--from there he can criticize and direct from a safe distance. Mr. Cantor is devoted to an ideal for which a sacrifice is required and around which may swirl illusion, deception, and mysticism. Here is an illuminated one (and a radical: Uranus in wide conjunction with transformative Pluto.)

A midpoint picture is formed by the trio involved in the YOD--any, all, or none may apply...

Sun/Jupiter = Neptune: purposeful deceit about the intentions of others; grandiose plans for projects others think are impractical; an interest in illusions; clouds of doubt; high sensitivity; a material loss; a successful medium or crook (all mdpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Plus, Mr. Cantor's Mars/Uranus conjunction in early Virgo, sign of The Critic, supplies him with a willful desire to determine his own rules and remain unrestrained by others; he believes he must be free in order to do what it takes to get what he wants. Here is a rebellious, impulsive nature of daring and courage. Now Mr. Cantor could use his warrioring Mars/Uranus energy to fight for the less fortunate in our society but somehow this imperative has been perverted toward a cold-hearted corporate ideology where tragedy for others results.

Yes, he is good at initiating challenges to powerful government officials, and to dramatize his point he may even threaten his opponents using any public support he has (or thinks he has.) Perhaps this tendency was involved in President Obama's pushback against Cantor--even if it takes down his presidency, BHO says. (Good!)

Well, since a Mars/Uranus conjunction describes a taker, not a giver, I shall wish Mr. Obama and the American people positive outcomes as the president deals with 'holy crusader' Eric Cantor.

In spite of it all, perhaps something will be agreed upon between the parties by the light of Friday's Full Moon in Capricorn a mere few hours hence: July 15, 2011 @ 2:39 am edt in Washington DC! Its Sabian Symbol seems appropriate as 'debt talks' and the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline continues making the news in our nation's capital...

Full Moon '23Cap' = "Two Awards For Bravery in War"...RECOGNITION.

positive expression: the social stewardship which demands a continual self-dedication;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: strutting self-exploitation.

Social stewardship from Washington DC circa 2011? Now we're talkin'!


Further Reading suggestions: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney. 'Unconscious/shadow side' is added to the negative expression of Dr. Jones' version of the symbols. jc

Jul 12, 2011

Horoscope: Uranus Square Pluto on Aug 8, 2011

Image: August 8, 2011 8:13 am edt White House, Washington DC; click chart to enlarge:

In case you wish a view, here's a horoscope of the closest orb I'm finding between disruptive rebel Uranus 4Ari14 Rx 8th house, and powerful, subversive Pluto 5Cap15 Rx in 4th house with the chart set for the White House, and Moon 11Sag53 conjoining the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron (Pluto/Chiron = plutocrats) of December 30, 1999 which helped usher in the New Millennium and 21st Century.

Their orb is 1S02 (1 degree 2 minutes separating) which indicates a past event of a frustrating, blocking, or explosive nature; or, on psychological levels, it signifies unconscious eneries with similar 'obstacle' flavors.

As you see, out-of-bounds Mars 3Can25 (always touchy in Moon-ruled Cancer) sits upon US natal Venus, planet of relationships, attraction, and valuations. This transit indicates new alliances, partnerships, or cooperative relationships being formed which involve vigorous assistance being offered. Legal and diplomatic matters and social events go well or are at least the target of attention. This is not an especially strong aspect by transit but it will support stronger indicators if or when they are operative - if Pluto opposing Mars will allow it.

The fact that Mars-to-US-n-Venus occurs in 10th H of Public Standing and Career may indicate global importance, however, though tr South Node (SN), a separative, Saturnian point, tells us that things may not be going as well as we'd prefer in the Public Standing category (US credit rating on Moody's cutting board? The desertion of the dollar as reserve currency? But who can trust financial ratings or other 'watchdog' agencies after the purposeful financial carnage of 2008?)

Lesson-bringer Saturn himself (always The Adult in the Room - and this is an Hour of Saturn)) is posited in one of the money houses, the 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values. Only hard work will do! Plus, Sun/Moon = Saturn: addressing problems.

Chart-ruler Mercury, planet of communications, trade, and commerce, is at a critical 29th degree: 29Leo57 Rx in 12 H of the Unconscious/Politics/Self-Undoing/Karma/Behind-the-Scenes and makes two applying aspects in the chart which gives clues as to how things will proceed in relation to the Uranus-Pluto Square. Also, Mercury conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus (00Vir00) with the keywords: success if revenge is avoided. With the Royal Stars linked to a chart, success is promised yet it can be taken away if the advice of what to avoid is ignored...similar in fashion to a test by old man Saturn.

One thinks of Rupert Murdoch's current embroilment with his papers' use of spying and hacking--and a publishing empire under threat of loss of reputation and business. Even a billionaire can have his credit rating affected by events, bad decisions, and illegal practices if they're egregious enough.

Mercury's first applying aspect is an opposition to nebulous purveyor of oil, gas, water, poison, scandals, and secrets - Neptune, also at a critical degree, 29AQ55 Rx in 6th H of Health, Work, Service including military and police.

And you see Ceres marked into the 7th H at 00Ari10 Rx, the Aries Point, where the asteroid makes her retrograde 'stand' or station, a strengthening of her energies for a specific period of time, on a World Point of Manifestation. Are more instances of starvation on the global agenda? Well, Ceres in Mundane Astrology represents grains, food supply, milk production, food security and insecurity, other security needs and issues, and nurturing conditions. GM foods may be emphasized here. And with the nurturing Moon, natural tenant of the 4th H, strong in the 4th H, Real Estate may be emphasized but with the Part of Fortune conjunct landlord Pluto.

NN 23Sag11, also in 4th H, describes a restless path toward philosophy, knowledge and understanding. This NN is trined by the Sun 15Leo38 in 12th H and near Venus 13Leo25. A Sun/NN trine indicates leadership talent, public favor and popularity - and it favors politicians.

One factor worth noting is that the difficult midpoint of Saturn-Neptune, duo of invisible or secret government, is now 'on the path' (NN) so I must tell you that...

Saturn/Neptune = NN: common or joint suffering; mourning.

As mentioned in previous posts, Uranus is in the sign of the pioneer or trailblazer, Aries, which denotes 'Utopians' (Ebertin.) Uranus remains at the apex of two planetary midpoints, one between the speculator-wastrel-inflationary-grand-spirit pair, Jupiter and Neptune, the second with forceful, zealous, military-minded Mars/Pluto. Created are two word pictures that show the synergies of the trios:

1. Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: experiencing the contrast of imagination v reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump (US default? jc); sudden recognition of a difficult situation; disruptions by events which have no explanation; basing decisions on unusual or supernatural theories or visions; unaccustomed confusion; impersonal treatment for those with drug dependencies.

2. Mars/Pluto = Uranus: use of whatever power or means available to reform, disrupt, stir up, or alter conditions (wonder who? jc; sudden calamities of great consequence (sorry, but you should be prepared, just in case - jc); violence, cruelty, brutality. Basically, this is an unwelcome echo of the off-on Cardinal T-Square's mdpt picture with the opposition between Saturn and Uranus pointing toward controlling, ruthless Pluto, The Spy.

Now Jupiter 9Tau34 is happy in his own 9th H of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands, Higher Education, and the Legal System. His helpful trine from Pluto has passed but is still of some slight influence (4S19), and the two money planets (actually Pluto is a third), Jupiter and Venus, separate from their square (3S51) showing someone's recent splurge toward self-indulgence, luxury, and laziness! Financial difficulties, obstructive legal matters, or secret involvements are also potentials of a Venus/Jupiter square and we hear of these in the news each day.

Highlighted in red pencil is the T-SQ pattern just mentioned between Mars-Pluto-Uranus, with quirky Uranus conjunct the 8th cusp of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Big Business, Transformation, and such. The Part of Brethren conjoins usurping revolutionary Uranus in this particular chart and I leave to you to decide if this Part describes any group of actors in particular. (Uranus shows how people behave so here the behavior relates to Mars-ruled Aries and, I believe, to 'Utopians' as Ebertin suggests.)

Around the chart in green, America's natal planets are notated; no natal ASC or MC are added for the US since their positions depend on which natal horoscope you prefer. If you use the Sibly version (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), then the Moon 11Sag53 conjoins US natal Ascendant.

This ASC 8Vir09 is part of a closed circuit of energies we like to call a 'Grand Trine' though here, at one point of the triangle (marked by a dotted line), no planet appears, only an outlet (ASC) for the planetary participants, Jupiter and Pluto. As a pair, Jupiter-Pluto describes: organizers of large projects, leaders of uprisings (and Uranus loves uprisings and squares saboteur Pluto), fanatics, and those who exploit the masses.

Betcha can't name just one!

Other potentials of Jupiter-Pluto are any, all, or none of these: squanderers, speculators, economic and law professors, conflicts with authority, a desire to lead the masses, those who desire or are determined upon instituting large social reforms, and spiritual or intellectual leaders. (Ebertin.)

Another mdpt picture may be of interest to our topic...

Mercury/Neptune = MC (The Goal; Aspirations): far-reaching plans and ideas (NWO? jc); self-deception; going the wrong way; to lie. (Ebertin.) Munkasy adds: psychic ability.

Now America's radical Uranus in Gemini is angular at Midheaven, yet the first US natal planet to rise in this horoscope is our national Neptune 22Vir25 which brings along President Obama's natal Mars at the same degree. Will we ever 'see' Mr. Obama's actions and motivations in a clear light? This I've tended to doubt. Yet possibly a sifting down of the current impasse concerning America's budgetary and debt ceiling matters will be needed before Mr. Obama's cards are placed on the table within full view of the public.,,and within full view of his opponents, the Republicans, with whom the current Democratic occupant of the White House plays high-stakes chess.


One annoying thing about writing in a blogging form is that in any given post, I must try to link or repeat myself such as with the current opposition from tr Pluto to US natal Venus and Jupiter, now affecting US finances adversely. Plus, to keep from repeating myself once again, I assume that you, dear reader, already know that the above discussed Uranus/Pluto square is a major phase in the cyclic dance between Uranus and Pluto. Their current cycle began when they 'met' in Great Conjunction/s on October 9, 1965 @ 17Vir10, April 4, 1966 @ 16Vir28, and June 30, 1966 @ 16Vir06, all at a critical degree, 17 Virgo.

An example from real life of these strong energies expressing in a not-so-destructive manner, is my own Uranus-Pluto experience during these mid-1960s conjunctions all of which occurred on an angle of my natal chart so that with their intense, powerful connection to Rock-n-Roll, I saw the one and only Beatles concert performed in Atlanta, GA. It was very very Uranus-Pluto! jc

Jul 10, 2011

US Default? America's Jupiter Makes the News!

A Sabian Symbol Makes the News: US Jupiter @ 6 Cancer: 7.10.11

by Jude Cowell

With the August 2, 2011 default deadline looming large, this morning's Meet The Press featured Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner laying out the argument once again--for Republicans, it is said. No doubt there's hope that Tea Partisans might listen in from behind the ideological door.

One long-range sort of theory that's come to the top of one barrel since Cantor nixed Boehner's Jupiter-laced 'big deal' with President Obama on the mess Washington and Wall Street got us into is a so-called "feathering in" method which I first heard mentioned this morning on The Chris Matthews Show by reporter Bob Woodward who was citing those who know about economic theory. (Watch!)

And this may be a dedicated link to today's MTP interview with Mr. Geithner in case you missed the, I mean, the program. If not, please search the site for it's something to check out if you missed it on TV (July 10, 2011.) So far, I'm not having much success playing their audio-videos except for the one with Sec. Geithner.

But Let's Talk about *Birdies

Now the "feathering in" concept may be interesting to anyone who uses the 360 Sabian Symbols available for the position on July 4, 1776 of America's Jupiter @ 5 Cancer 56. Rounding up the degree to '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests", the deeper meaning of which I leave for you to discern in these financial matters.

Yet here I shall quote and paraphrase both Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones in their explanations for '5' and '6' Cancer since the actual degree of a planet (here, '5Can') applies as well because all flows together and each degree is a part or phase of life's evolutionary process as symbolized by the circle.

The previous degree also represents an unconscious element still of influence just as the next degree represents the next step in development. In this case, US natal Jupiter's '5Can' word picture well describes what's going on in Washington DC in the political theater to which we-the-people are being 'treated'.

(Rudhyar = DR; Jones = MEJ.)

US natal Jupiter, planet of expansion, money, largess, generosity, corporations, and any number of social archetypes such as priest, guru, shaman, banker, financier, professor, attorney, or general, has made a surreptitious "feathering in" cameo in the economic considerations and news of the day.

Both Rudhyar and Jones give the same word pictures but there are nuances within their explanations. First up is '5Can' from DR as we think of the US debt-ceiling-raise tussle (which first off should be presented as a Clean Bill, asserts this American) and a possible first-ever default on debt by the current US government - see what you think, but I'll tell you that the first one reminds me most closely of the corporate-backed Tea Partisans and GOPers in Congress about to drive America off the financial precipice for the sake of some freakish Zionist Utopian ideology from Hades.

But maybe that's just me talkin'...Buckle Up!

'5Can' = "At a Railroad Crossing, An Automobile Is Wrecked By a Train"...

"Keynote: The tragic results which are likely to occur when the individual's will pits itself carelessly against the power of the collective will of society."

This is "an early stage of the new process...all such individual and relatively anarchistic or law-defying attempts are bound to fail. The driver may live but the car will be wrecked."

Yet "--most of the time man learns his lessons through relatively destructive experiences--the via negativa of the mystic, or even the strange occult concept expounded in some sects of 'salvation through sin'. One may speak here more generally of KARMIC READJUSTMENT."

(MEJ) '5Can' = "DISPERSION...

positive expression: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience;

negative/**unconscious/shadow side: an insensitive recklessness."

See what I mean about '5Can'? Here's the next symbol for US natal Jupiter:

(DR) '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"...

"Keynote: An instinctual dedication of self to new forms of life.

'Birds' are spiritual forces "placed within a social context...we see here the beginning of a process; action is definitely oriented toward the future. A new wave of life is starting and a concrete--and no longer symbolical--preparation is made for it. At a social level--we can speak of the pioneering efforts dedicated to the building of a new culture, new institutions."

(That seems to be what the ruling class and their backers, the power elite, have in their global-dominating minds for everyone no matter what we-the-people want for our families and our nation.)


pos: high intelligence and skill in enlisting the potentials of experience for the service of self;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary concern over everyday security.

"Unnecessary concern"? On one level I can say that since we couldn't trust the operatives of Washington DC in 2008 after they'd spent years aiding and abetting Wall Street criminality, then rrrushed back to DC to 'save the economy'--so how easy is it to trust them and the dramatic script they present to us now?

Nothing in Politics is an accident!

Check out the Rudhyar Audio Archives and perhaps the natal horoscope of Marc Edmund Jones, as you wish.


*Interesting that the symbol for US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx), '28Cap' = "A Large Aviary." You may agree with me that the plutonian death star 'The Pentagon' as Aviary certainly shows great skill learned through the decades in order to keep its cushy nest well-feathered for all its many little birdies. So let's recount for 2011: America now has a transnational-corporation-backed Supreme Court and a military industrial complex on steroids and drunk on its own misguided power while millions of American people are wandering Main Street searching for a job of most any description. (A cynical recruitment scheme for the US military?)

Then it's no wonder the global banking syndicate with its usury interest rates and many underworld tactics have the world's populations 'over barrels' and trapped within a financial system which now, 'they say', needs "feathering in" ("-the pain," Woodward said at one point) in order to fini their big ruse, thereby successfully completing the Greatest Heist The World Has Ever Known in preparation for Bacon's tiresome Great Plan for America.

Yes, dark forces are at work and we've seen what they produce, now and in the past. Please, lone reader - don't succumb to the hypnotic effect of destruction as if before you a king cobra is poised to strike! Though a threatening cobra does make for great political theater, doesn't it? jc

**As usual, yours truly is the very varmint who sassily adds 'unconscious/shadow side' to Dr. Jones' analyses of the negative expression of each degree. His work doesn't need the addition but mine does. jc

Jul 8, 2011

Dear Obama, Keep SS Off the Table: Sanders and Whitehouse

Considering the Social Security Loathing of the GOP

by Jude Cowell

Well, the Rs get to finally Starve the Beast! But we the American people are self-destructive numbskulls if we allow the corporate elite's handmaidens in Washington DC to steal from Social Security to pay what is really credit card debt run up under three Republican presidents: Reagan, Bush, and W-Bush, as Thom Hartmann points out today. As Thom adds, "Now they don't want to pay the bill!" which mummery we see playing out in the political theater auditorium we call the Capitol Building, that bastion of Freemasonry architecture and futuristic, one-world ideology now so deeply embedded within the US system of government, plus, within our financial, educational, and religious systems.

It's like living inside a very bad sci-fi movie! Or, like an old episode of V.

But there's some good news! Senators Sanders and Whitehouse are attempting to stop the carnage even as President Obama goes all wobbly on the topic of protecting Social Security benefits (the parties seem to be in league with one another to fundamentally change this nation. But I don't believe in the kind of life-threatening changes they're enforcing, do you?)

The negative effects from a failure of the SS safety net program are incalculable and many whippersnappers are tempted to think its demise is not their concern. Yet ripples from a lessening of SS payouts would affect families all over the nation since someone must step up when Granny can't pay her bills or house herself any longer. A myriad of hard consequences will ensue as well along with other negatives from social program cutbacks which the rich class say they simply must depend upon 'at this juncture', poor things.

Now I tend to feel that what's commonly good for All is, by definition, good for The Many. To muddy those waters, we-the-people have been separated from one another by political factions and sloganeering, entertainment and tech gadgets that endlessly fascinate right under our individual noses, corrupted elections, lies into war, and by many other methods used to divide and thus conquer.

And all the while the powers-that-be work tirelessly and lucratively to keep us medicated and our bodily systems and waters so toxic and ill that we don't fully notice or care about what the power elite crowd perpetrates. Of late, you can just ask the Yellowstone River! "The solution to pollution is dilution"? Nope, Exxon-Mobile. Not even close.

Yes, the task of trussing the American turkey is almost completed--so come on, let's Hold Accountable the Raptors Among Us before the oven overheats with our names carved on it! Sure, perp walks may have just gone out of style but that certainly doesn't validate or justify the schemes and fraud of the criminal International Banking Syndicate.

On similar political topics, Richard Cohen takes a Look Beyond Bachmann's Looks and finds what one might expect concerning the theocracy-loving Sun in Aries presidential candidate with a compulsive drive for power--as all candidates must possess to even consider running for the propaganda-catapultin' job allegedly centered in our Venusian Oval Office.

Jul 7, 2011

Moon-Saturn meeting Washington DC July 7, 2011

On June 10th I wrote a brief description of what I see as prime astro-factors occurring on August 2, 2011, the debt ceiling deadline when all feathers hit the financial fan if America's credit line isn't raised and our nation defaults. The signature of Jupiter-Neptune is upon it thus indicating that the pair's 'speculation-inflation-grand-schemes' flavor is in the brew.

Then on July 21, 2011, America has a Mars Return indicating a new (2-year) cycle of activity. Perhaps we'll have our higher credit limit in place by or around then (not wishing to leave our homework till the last minute!)

If not, there's another signpost, the US Saturn Return (#3 of 3 which began in 2010) on August 28, 2011, when accountability and responsibility are on the front burner. Saturnian lessons abound but will our government learn them or continue to play politics as they conduct the first-ever default in US history? With Saturn having a 28 to 30 year orbit, it makes sense to say the economic melee actually began with the Reagan administration about 28 to 30 years ago - the 1980s with US Saturn Return occurring on October 22, 1981.

There was a YOD formed that day (crisis; special task; crossroads; turning point) with a sextile between Jupiter and Neptune, the planetary pair of speculation and waste, pointing to wounding, wounded Chiron Rx '22Tau', one degree from the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction degree of May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Magnificent Gems". The process has been long, but these Utopians (Uranus in Aries) see the end in sight. Where did all the world's money go? Ask Pluto in Capricorn as he corners the resource market and gathers up national economies the world over.

For the American people, it's very late in the day to play politics since all three parties (including the Tea Party) will be held at fault if the US de-faults since
they're the bunch in charge as the deals go down and the country teeters on the brink. (Neither you nor I were on the scene, so we know we didn't do it.) If it becomes necessary that Saturnian blame be cast, we have quite a gaggle of shills, operatives, and vermin who deserve to share that blame.

But what about today's meeting at the White House with what may be President Obama's Final Offer (which does included 'entitlement' cuts, as I suspected it would.) Without a lot of blogging time available to me this morning, a quick peek at today's planets is all I can muster. The first thing I'll be looking for is a fresh conjunction (meeting), so I'm going now in real time to conjure a chart for today, White House, noon....(sound of this post being saved as a draft...)

Okay, besides the Venus-Pluto opposition (with US natal Venus involved as things don't go well with finances, valuations, or relationships with Pluto opposing our Venus, and moneybags Jupiter is next), there's the Moon in Libra approaching Saturn(Dems) which remains on its Direct Station degree of June 12.

As a pair, Moon/Saturn possibilities are: direction, ambition, and strategy, and in Politics and Business shows: the people exercising authority; institutions formed to oversee and coordinate business, agriculture, and commerce. A lack of output or production from manufacturing or agricultural sectors of the economy, and an inability to grasp the intentions of the people and their needs are also indicated. (Munkasey.)

Actually, planet Saturn is experiencing lovely storms upon its surface just now, as shown by photos from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. (I'm having trouble with New Scientist's blog link not going Live so here's the article address w photos if you wish to copy/paste: .)

And in Saturnian solidarity, Saturn's doppelganger, Earth, is having not-so-lovely political storms upon it which seem to be centered for the most part in Washington DC and everywhere else the Republicans hold the reins.

Jul 5, 2011

Paul Krugman: the 'Corporate Cash Con' (Pluto/Chiron)

Economist Paul Krugman's July 3, 2011 NYT op ed on the Corporate Cash Con being perpetrated by the global Pluto/Chiron criminal banking syndicate lays out clearly the power elite's scheme now throttling America's neck with Reagan's old 'trickle down' economics scam.

And Thom Hartmann renounced on his broadcast today (Tuesday July 5, 2011) the 'trickle down' theory of economics which didn't work then and hasn't and won't work now. Not for The Commons anyway. That'd be the rest of us who are not members of the select few (or acting as their servants.)

Related post: Horoscope of the Reaganomics Eclipse 1981. Hint: the Saros Series of this Solar Eclipse (1 North) repeated on August 11, 1999, the Mother of All Eclipses that Nostradamus forewarned about with its Biblical references emphasized: the mid-degrees of the Fixed Grand Cross: Oxen Point (15 Taurus), Eagle Point (15 Scorpio), Lion Point (15 Leo: see sidebar for more on this degree's impressive symbolism), and Angel Point (15 Aquarius, aka, the Center of Humanity degree - DeVore.)

That's one reason why I prefer economists like Paul Krugman and Robert Reich to take part in the public debate. They express monetary theories and their consequences with what comes across as a humane point of view, what I might call a 'For the Commons' mentality.

And without that, what has the world got besides a global herd of rough-shod riding criminals, thieves, and political operatives fronting for the plutonian power-grabbers who direct them to beggar us all?

Dismantling America is their grand scheme, long in planning, and now being implemented in a social network or marketplace near you (fraudulent Neptune now at '1 Pisces' = "A Public Market.") The US Cash Cow has been milked dry and is being sent to the lower pasture.

Why, yes! Americans can start the experiment 'America' over. Re-gearing and calibrating our country for manufacturing again is being done here and there yet it must become our modus operandi. Family, religious groups, and community institutions (food banks, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, Boys' and Girls' Clubs, and other social aids) need our support. Plus, no one can know if they'll be the one to need a leg-up one of these days, right? The way this crew is acting, that is. Covet, covet, covet!

So the way I figure it, we-the-people are in this boat together, folks, it's the ruling class who have deserted what they intend to be a sinking ship of State. Yet if they are the ones who make up The State, may they shipwreck themselves while we sail to a brighter shore in a re-commissioned tugboat we call America. If we're of-by-for ourselves, the Invisible Government of The Masses will take up the (disputed) mantle of power and put on trial or toss out the brigands and charlatans...the usurpers.

No! It is not for Republican or Democratic politicians to brazenly wear the mantle of power for their authorization to do so wilts without Our Support. The legend is that America was founded so that the mantle of power belongs in truth to we-the-people; if diverted, then the character and identity of the "United States of America" ceases to exist. What Zionist *Utopians desire to build in its place, we've already seen in part since the 1980s when the top percent of citizens began raking in larger and larger profits, while the rest finagled to get by.

Why do I squawk? Why dissent? To be American is to dissent and I do so because America is my only nag in the race. And though political partisans may be a necessary evil for a nation that practices 'politics', we don't have to accept their lack of moral standards and secretive, high-minded allegiance to whatever creeds have ensnared their fancies for greatness.

This is no game, for Machiavellian types play for keeps: success at any cost as long as it's someone else's loss. This is currently and starkly illustrated by highly placed Republicans who bet on the US economy to fail.

As for the current political theater we're being treated to by Washington politicians, presidents, and operatives, let's glance in Thomas Jefferson's direction for a little wisdom along the Common Good lines this blogging gnat prefers:

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

Amen. (Scott Walker. Corporate Welfare. Big-Bank Bailouts...)

July 4, 2011 US is 235 years young

As the US begins a new year, may the Bush Tax Cuts expire and may tax loopholes for wealthy corporate jet lovers be closed. May US corporations pay their fair share in taxes. May militarist monarchs be stopped from dismantling our state governments, raiding workers' pension funds, and further ripping into our social safety net in order to give balding corporate geniuses on a mission an unearned financial 'break' they won't spend to boost the US economy.

How clear is it that outrageously wrong 'sacrifices' are forced upon the American people by the US government every time a baby, child, or a pregnant woman goes hungry in America?


*Utopians = radical Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries (Ebertin.) We may wish to watch the disruptive path of Uranus in Aries as its separative mission becomes clearer and the quirky genius nears the end of Aries. For next up will be 00 Taurus to 1 Taurus, which is sometimes called, Hitler's Trigger degree, for he ramped up violent actions when it was triggered by a planet or two. It's his natal Sun degree indicating his life purpose or mission which his occult associates encouraged him to set up as a Quest for a new world order - to be administered under Adolf's thumb, he expected. Or, did his psychotic career mainly showcase the ego of a megalomaniac and sex fiend warped by a cruel childhood?

Which reminds me of the cruelty of US politicians forcing hunger and want upon American children, circa 2011. Why? Because wealthy bankers and their cronies desire more lucre of the filthy variety.

Jun 30, 2011

Jon Stewart on the US Debt Ceiling Crisis (video)

Wednesday June 29, 2011: Thank goodness! Someone without an election campaign to finance, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart, deals with the tiresomely political stalemate and one-upsmanship between Ds and Rs concerning the US economy and the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline.

Here in Athens, Georgia I suspect it's proving difficult for some of my aquaintances to take much of it very seriously since in Washington DC the issues are being treated as an opportunity to hold a 3-ring circus and score points against a Democratic White House. And did you hear that Treasure Secretary Timothy Geithner may be stepping down (or absconding) later in the year?

Actually, Secretary Geithner is denying it.

Personally I can't help but feel that if the GOP delights in making Capitol Hill look so completely idiotic and childish to the rest of the world because 'lawmakers' can't leave the golf course and come together long enough do their jobs and raise the debt ceiling without all the ideological crap piled in, then the Rs' campaign to 'make Obama fail' at the expense of all but the topmost tier of Americans is merely par for their cynical, zealous, corporate-worshipping course.

And if they don't shape up soon, may gophers and ferrets purloin every one of their balls.

Jun 10, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deadline Aug 2 2011: Jupiter-Neptune active

Fighting War on China's Dime: the August 2, 2011 Debt Ceiling Squeeze

by Jude Cowell

Well, the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune, are activated by midpoint on August 2, 2011 which is the Obama-Geithner promoted deadline for raising the US debt ceiling or else America defaults and the globalists have the world financial collapse they've long planned for - have engineered and guided along, in fact.

Let's hope those who scr*w the world find themselves royally scr*wed before a total collapse affects the innocent even more than power elite thievery has already done.

On June 9, 2011, a headline on Huffington Post concerns the chairing of debt ceiling negotiations by VP Joe Biden, a chair choice that almost amuses me for its aptness: may-I-call-you-Joe is from the beautiful state of Delaware where so many credit banks have traditionally spawned, cavorted, and overcharged us with draconian fees and robbed us by falsehood and usury interest rates.

Anyway, what about the Jupiter-Neptune speculation duo of combined energies which also indicates wastrels, spendthrifts, and those with bubbly plans and imaginings beyond all reason and practicality?

Here's their midpoint picture sitting directly upon erratic, radical Uranus 4Ari20 Rx in 12th H of Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Deals, and Politics. Because of our financial topic and the pair's connection to wasted money and inflationary bubbles, I believe the Jupiter-Neptune-Uranus trio wields a direct influence which is stamped upon the August 2, 2011 deadline and the debt ceiling question. One question: shouldn't it be called raising our 'credit ceiling' since more credit is the alleged solution - and we know it's long been the problem?

(Any, all, or none may apply; sources: Munkasey and Ebertin; remarks in parentheses are added by yours truly.)

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus:

Disruptions by events having no real explanation (unless the mysterious explanation is a global financial collapse plan that no one in Washington honestly talks about because most of them are completely enthralled - and culpable - in the big ruse); basing decisions on odd or unusual theories about the effects of the supernatural (our Masonic Washington: is the Masons' Grand Plan for America on the verge of being fulfilled?); unaccustomed confusion; experiencing the contrast between imagination (fraud and lies, political theater) and reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump (no more credit extension for you? default?); sudden recognition of a difficult situation (now? or perhaps it's the American people en masse realizing that our political brigands have sold us out even more than we previously suspected; or, perhaps the Tea Party rank and file will wake up to their own corporate zombiism. That could be helpful.)

Making matters more complex, there is a second midpoint of zealous Mars/Pluto, with Mars out-of-bounds - up to his own activities - at a critical-crisis degree: 29Gem51 in 2nd H) which spotlights the same degree as bubbly, over promising Jupiter/Neptune, so we have:

Mars/Pluto = Uranus: using whatever power or means available to reform, disrupt, stir-up, or otherwise alter conditions (mm-hmm); brutality; violence; cruelty; sudden catastrophes.

The Mars/Pluto combo also relates to military troops, powerful weapons, and the Pentagon, that bottomless money pit bleeding us dry these too-many years. And you know the Pentagon must think it's too big to fail. It isn't, and will have only itself to blame. Wonder how long the neocons think the financial craziness can go on?

Yet I have a difficult time thinking this wasn't all done on purpose on behalf of an over-arching plan in which we-the-people are un-included. We are usurped.

More on August 2, 2011 11:59 pm Washington DC

ASC 8Tau20 with rising Jupiter 9Tau09 in the Earth (practical) sign of Taurus and Taurus does love its comforts and luxuries, and tends toward greed, possessiveness, and intolerance; here it may describe the builder and architect. Neptune is happily floating in the seas of Pisces (00:03 Rx) yet soon will re-enter scientific Aquarius; wounded Chiron 4Pis08 Rx continues nearby reminding us of the water damages our nation and other regions of the world have sadly sustained.

(Water water everywhere but very little clean water to drink anywhere. Or, it's contaminated with radiation, fluoride, mercury, hormone disruptors, or __?__.)

Chart-ruler Venus 6Leo50 conjoins Sun 10Leo30, a pair indicating self-satisfaction, even pompousness, and wanting to be liked - they conjoin the Republican Party's natal Leonine Mercury, planet of negotiations, agreements, deals, trade and commerce; Mercury 1Vir12 is retrograde, so hopefully a deal may be reached before August 2nd especially since Mercury turns Rx only 9 minutes earlier (August 2, 2011) at 11:50 pm edt.

Therefore, deals and negotiations committed to based on the August 2nd deadline may soon reverse, be delayed, or be up for major review before things settle down and move forward. Earlier would be better.

Stationary (strengthened) Mercury here rules 2nd H of Earnings and Values and US natal Uranus 8Gem55 sits upon its cusp, along with transiting MIDAS and Pan (a trickster element whose name is the basis for words such as 'panic' and 'panacea' - raising the debt ceiling would be a panacea and not doing so would cause a panic.

Mercury also rules the 6th H where the Moon (we-the-people; the public) 26Vir18 reflects the several months of US Secondary Progressed Moon's visit to US natal Neptune 23Vir and Sec Neptune 26Vir. This is part of our ongoing water catastrophes and fraud-to-the-people scenarios along with the debilitating transit of fraudulent, deceptive Neptune to US n Moon: home foreclosures, thefts, refugees, exiles, a sense of inferiority, and feeling rootless.

My guess is that a majority of the public wants war occupations and bombings overseas to cease since We Cannot Afford Them with this 6th H Moon in serving Virgo, and US troops being brought home is alleged to be on the president's calendar for Summer 2011; fluctuations in the health care debate may also be shown though usually staid Saturn in 6th H is busy blowing soap bubbles (its Sabian Symbol for '13Libra'.)

Another interesting factor in the chart is a Mystic Rectangle (practical mysticism) pattern between Pluto and Chiron (sextile; this is the plutocracy duo of oppression and corporatism) trining a Mercury-Mars sextile (60 degrees). Their sextile indicates a challenge to consider alternative options before acting; the need to be 'right' be must avoided (on Capitol Hill?!), and articulating grievances clearly is a talent. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

If Not Now, Then When? US Mars Return 2011

If the pressure from China and others speeds up the process, or more important political considerations turn up, perhaps an agreement to raise the debt ceiling may be reached around the time of the US Mars Return (a new cycle of activity begins every two years) which occurs on July 21, 2011 with Mars semi square Jupiter 7Tau52 in 8th H.

US natal Mars 21Gem23 is in 9th house of the Return chart set for DC, and North Node (in the August 2nd chart and in US Mars Return chart) at '23Sag' has an "Immigrants Entering a New Country" vibe. Return Mars in 9th H denotes martian activities such as war in Foreign Lands (9th H), and this Return chart shows US natal Mars conjoining the transiting South Node, a separative point; Mars/SN is a marker for war, violence, and other disruptive conditions. Our past (SN) actions (Mars) are dogging us and yes, will probably be repeated.

(You'd think that our dire financial condition would stop the warring - raising the debt ceiling seems to be about grabbing more fake, inflated money to wage more war and build bombs. It's certainly not an increase of funds for the benefit of the American people, as their 'austerity measures' have made clear. Some would call this treason.)

Mars makes no other aspects in the July 21, 2011 Return chart; the applying semi square with Jupiter indicates minor irritations to be worked out.

Now back to August 2, 2011 and chart-ruler Venus, planet of relationships, attractions, evaluations, and valuable things. Venus is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) so dealing with things of value is on her work schedule. Any applying aspects tell how things will proceed.

From 4th H of Real Estate and Domestic Scene, Venus applies (2A20) only to a square with moneybags Jupiter (who may act as banker, judge, general, guru, hierophant, preacher, teacher, attorney, Republican, etc; Jupiter here rules the 8th cusp, the house that describes our topics of debt and credit); this frustrating aspect of blockage between two money planets denotes indulgence and being neglectful of one's duties and responsibilities; if there's generosity, it satisfies ulterior motives, and the offer to make adjustments is but an empty gesture.

Perhaps fickle Venus doesn't think she has to do anything she doesn't 'want' to do being conjunct the Sun and all. But does she hold all the cards on August 2nd? Perhaps not...

For in 6th H (Work, Health, Military and Police Service) is manager Saturn (also a stand-in for the Dems) now moving direct and approaching a rendezvous with US natal Saturn 14Lib48 on August 28, 2011 (#3 of 3), a time when US chickens will come home to roost if they haven't by August 2nd.

The August 2nd Saturn provides opportunity (sextile; 2A00) for the leader (Sun) in dramatic Leo, sign of the natural leader (and monarchy) in the house of Real Estate. Will something surface or improve concerning Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? It's difficult to imagine Real Estate in general suddenly improving before the end of 2011, isn't it?

Still, the Sun shines on the Homeland in this chart (4th H) with lucky Venus there, too, both in happy Leo, and our topic is the debt ceiling and its effects on the US economy and our hesitant off-again-on-again recovery which will subsequently impact the rest of the world.

Well, there's a quick overview of a date we're being inundated with in the news: August 2, 2011. Apparently they want it infused within the public consciousness and imagination along with the ongoing propaganda of failure they're serving 24/7 - morning, noon, and night.

Hey! Did you notice that this post contained nary a phrase about the GOP crashing the US economy so that President Obama would fail? As if I'd ever consider voting for them after watching them spend mega-bucks for 8 years under Bush-Cheney only to crash America and blame the Democrats for their handiwork - puh!

Well, I didn't think any of us looked that stupid, but of course I could be wrong...


Blog Note: SO'W is taking a family weekend off. Hope all goes well in your area of the world...see you soon! jc

May 31, 2011

House Debt Ceiling Vote: Saturn/NN Rising 5.31.11

Astro-Notes: US House's Debt Ceiling Vote 6:30 pm edt May 31, 2011

by Jude Cowell

With C-SPAN reporting this morning that the House is expecting to vote to raise America's debt ceiling at 6:30 pm edt this evening, the horoscope set for the Capitol Building at that moment shows the Saturn/NN (North Node of the Moon) sitting upon the Ascendant, the WHAT? Point of any chart.

ASC 17Sco39; MC 27Leo22: 6:30 pm edt falls within a Mercury Hour, perfect for voting, negotiations, oration, commerce, trade, and transport issues. This is a 'clean' vote with no spending cuts and is not expected to pass the House which requires a 2/3 majority; all Republican and some number of Democrats are said to be part of this evening's Just Say No mummery. Political points will be made.

In Politics and Business, Saturn/NN = 'help from others in times of internal difficulties, including foreign enterprises; a country in inner turmoil which does not know how to use organizations for aid; trying to do things internally without outside aid; building authority; long-standing ties to old friends'. (Munkasey.)

Saturn/NN also indicates serious (Saturn) meetings (NN) with Saturn the significator of the Democratic Party, and of managers and legal workers, or simply workers. US Saturn (14Lib48) is ongoing with the third of three 'hits' occurring on August 28, 2011; here, Saturn 10Lib34 Rx continues its isolated stance from the 11th H of Groups and Associations. However, Saturn is on its Direct Station degree.

The Saturn/Uranus = Pluto T-Square remains to plague us with its brutal conditions;Venus 19Tau27 is the final dispositor and now separates from conjunction with activist, warring Mars 15Tau27 (the Oxen Point) with Mars dropping below the Descendant of Partnership and Open Enemies into the 6th H of the Military.

From Munkasey and Ebertin, here is the midpoint picture formed at 6:30 pm edt on Capitol Hill; any, all, or none may apply, yet all seem applicable:

Saturn/NN = ASC: important life-altering events; discussion (voting) on the wisdom of continuing or supporting an effort; events which cause suffering, loss, or pain; a scarcity of help in depressing times; shared suffering; inhibited development.

One hopes the 'wisdom of continuing or supporting an effort' isn't America herself.

The 8th cusp 17Gem25 is at the degree of the June 2004 Venus Transit ('18Gem' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd") with a Venus Transit indicating new and unusual alliances being formed, alliances that are unexpected or unsuspected. The rare Transit occurred at sunrise (Sea Island, GA) during G-8 Summit 2004. You'll note that China is not on the (public) attendance list of nations.

With banker, religious leader, and general Jupiter at a critical-crisis degree (29Ari15 in the 6th house of Military and Police Service, Work, and Health, we might expect that war costs should be discussed yet this, as noted, is a 'clean' vote with spending cuts attached...the reason it is certain to fail as the GOP-Tea Party continues holding America's public standing hostage with the threat of the US becoming a debt deadbeat nation if the credit ceiling isn't raised a couple of trillion dollars.

Another crisis-ridden 29th degree is seen: the Moon (we-the-people, but also publicity and daily matters) @ 29Taur15 in 7th H with Venus, Mercury, and Sun. This vote is set to be taken during the Balsamic phase of the Moon, a dark period when sneakiness lurks about. Transiting Midas, the gold-hoarder, sits between Sun 10Gem08 and the crisis Moon.

Obviously the Sun is just before reaching 11Gem02 on June 1, 2011, when a Solar Eclipse will occur (in 8th H with the chart set for Washington DC; click to view horoscope with the vote's debt ceiling Moon 29Tau conjunct the eclipse's 8th cusp of Debt, Credit, Insurance, Other People's Money...and Transformation.)

IC (End of the Matter; The Drain) 27AQ22 has the US natal Moon (Sibly chart) upon it. Gotta motor into the city so my blogging time has ended so I'll end with the descriptive Sabian Symbol for '28AQ', then the Images for Integration for this evening's Sun Gemini-Moon Taurus...

"A Tree Felled and Sawed."

Yes, the US Congress, Wall Street, the global banking syndicate, monarchists and secret societies, the White House, and SCOTUS have managed to fell the American people en masse. We are now being sawed into pieces with this Moon conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about.

One of the Images seem to describe President Obama's wheeler-dealer-in-chief, VP Joe Biden (Trilateralist, CFRer, and professed Zionist), who says he goes home by train from Washington to Delaware each night:

"The can-can from Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld...A master chef gives a dinner party for her intellectual friends...A country boy lives it up among the city bustle but goes back to the farm at night." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Yes we can-can?

Apr 6, 2011

Wisconsin: 19 counties flip for Dems in Supreme Court Race!

Hurrah, Wisconsin!

19 Counties Flip To Democrats In Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

Significantly, 19 counties that went for Walker in the 2010 elections this time flipped and went for Kloppenburg, including LaCrosse (59 percent), Sauk (56 percent) and Dunn (56 percent).

Nearly 1.5 million people turned out to vote, representing 33.5 percent of voting-age adults -- 68 percent higher than the 20 percent turnout officials had expected.

So does this mean that Gov. Scott Walker has had a speck o'mud thrown in his eye?

Oct 18, 2010

Will Foreclosure Fraud bring a 2nd TARP? (video); Neptunian vibes continue

This rather racy yet imaginative video and post came in this morning from in which you may be interested. It concerns the mortgage document/foreclosure fraud that's been perpetrated upon American home buyers, the lawyering boom it entails, and the further undermining of the US economy so that a World Government will seem a necessary 'savior' for our power-elite-engineered woes:

(IMVA) – This is actually a very funny video about a new and dangerous development in the world of finance and economics. The first three paragraphs below just set the stage for what state prosecutors and investigators in every state house in America are burning the midnight oil about. And are they ever going to have a field day with what they are investigating. Life also just got a lot better for lawyers around the country. And like vultures they will swoop in for the kill and will pull the mountain down on big banks and mortgage companies.

Read the rest of The Banking Industry's Stalingrad.

Does any of this make you wonder when the fraudulent Neptune to US natal Moon (we-the-people) transit will finally be over? My guess is that the oft-used 5-degree orb of influence must be gotten past by lumbering giant, Neptune. The question is: what degree is America's natal Moon actually in? Depends on which version of the US horoscope you use.

For July 4, 1776, this could indicate a Moon as early as 18AQ+ yet Neptune has already passed its 5-degree orb to that degree (23/24 AQ) as late as January 2010.

The latest rounded-off degree for our Aquarian Moon - and thus hinting at the longest time left in the fraudulent transit's affects - is 28 Aquarius. 28 AQ plus 5 degrees = 3 Pisces. Neptune reaches 3 Pisces in May 2012 though the Gaseous One meanders back to 00Pis and performs a major Direct Station @ 00Pis21 on about November 22, 2012. Transit Neptune reaches 3 Pisces again at the end of February 2013 and makes sneaky forays to that degree on and off through 2013 when the foreclosure crisis may be finally resolved.

Our sense of Neptunian rootlessness and the possibility of homelessness continues through, one more time, I'm inspired to add one of my Neptunian drawings from one of my art blogs, Secret Moon Art, with the ocean representing the collective unconscious...

Neptune Ascends by Jude Cowell

May 6, 2010

Sanders' Audit the Fed amendment breathing shallowly

Right now (9:57 am edt) Senator Bernie Sanders is answering callers' questions on C-SPAN's Washington Journal and his Audit the Fed amendment has gained some play today on Capitol Hill.

If the Sanders amendment is allowed to tag along on reform legislation (which so far sounds quite toothless) will it lead to anything useful for the American taxpayer or merely entertain us with yet another trifling performance of the infamous Capitol Hill Theater?

Now here's a post from Jan 2008 which I began with a quote from Senator Sanders and which displays the horoscope (sans my notations) of the *Generation of Materialism, aka the Robber Baron class, which is timed astrologically by the New Moon 8Tau14 of April 28, 1881, as noted by E. Alan Meece in his book Horoscope for the New Millennium.

Click to view the New Moon and the rest of the line-up in Taurus for a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (2 - 4 Tau) had been exact on April 18, Venus and Neptune were just beyond conjunction with Venus Rx (13 - 17 Tau), and the plutocracy-corporatism-oppression duo, Pluto and Chiron, were headed toward conjunction as well (16 - 28 Tau) which is a tremendous amount of Taurean energy - great for architects, builders, and gardeners but with greed and intolerance lurking in the shadows.

The New Moon's Sabian Symbol for '9Tau' = "A Christmas Tree Decorated" = SYMBOLIZATION...

positive expression: man's achievement of complete self-satisfaction through a simple sharing of his potentials with his fellows;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a desire to place people under obligation and to enjoy life's riches without payment in kind. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

A House of Cards Always Topples

The credit card industry is one example of a concentrated effort to place millions of people 'under obligation' with the lure of easy, instant luxury and the promise of riches that only the Robber Baron and banker classes can truly 'enjoy'.

As I've blogged here previously, it's the Robber Baron class' modern spawn (biological or ideological) who now bedevil our society and undermine it with corruption and greed so out of bounds that the world's financial system has been shoved to the precipice of total collapse...and right on schedule, after they've made their riches by robbing and exploiting others while funneling collective dollars into their private and corporate accounts.

And enriched America made the perfect vehicle.


*As Mr. Meece cites in his book it was Carlton Hayes who coined the term 'generation of materialism.'

Blog Note: this is probably my last post until Monday or Tuesday of next fun is on my agenda so y'all have a great weekend! jc

Mar 17, 2010

The Fed will be raising interest rates: Peter Schiff video

Here's a 7-minute-17-second video concerning the Fed having to raise interest rates in spite of the recession. Sad to say, 'this is only the beginning' of economic woes is supported by astrological influences over the next few years. Sorry, guys. American supremacy is basically over. Guess we got too big for our britches - and you know that pride comes before a fall.

(Ex: US Secondary Progressed Full Moon Dec 24, 2008 - a natural cycle of being extended as far as we can reasonably go in the world; pullback necessary, but so far quite ignored) unless our 'team' can manage to wrest control of the New World Order helm from other vying governments as our 'team' is struggling to do.

But if so, the American people won't like that situation either, surfs as we'll be.

Mr. Schiff is probably correct, but it's the 'will have to raise interest rates' part I don't trust because I think the Fed and other entities are behind the engineered, long-planned financial collapse of 2008, aka 'done on purpose'...transiting Pluto now in opposition to US natal Venus, then opposing natal Jupiter and later on, Pluto opposing US natal Sun, the leader. Perhaps Britain will take back the keys to the US jalopy, the keys that Congress, the bankers, and industrialists have virtually handed over to China. Yet America may need Daddy to drive.

So if the Fed 'feels compelled' by circumstances to raise interest rates, which will further squeeze the little guy and further wipe out what once was a middle class, it's because it's part of the plan to collapse the world economy and build a new (crappy) one-world-government model based on totalitarian control and founded upon the ruins, the slimey lucifer-worshiping sots.

To again paraphrase FDR: 'Nothing in Politics happens by accident. If it happens you can be sure it was meant to be that way.'

How very true.

Jun 24, 2009

Did you notice? America is a bank-owned state

Samah El-Shahat has written an informative series of columns on Why America is a Bank-owned State which quotes Nouriel Roubini concerning the Geithner (non-) stress tests.

As I blogged during the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama would not have been a presidential candidate at all if he hadn't gotten in with the power bankers and agreed to do their bidding. He won for promising to dance to their tune and because 'the electorate' liked his pitch the best...makes the medicine go down more easily with such obvious oration abilities.

But is he dancing fast enough? Perhaps, because already the American people, our economy, and our futures are trussed up like turkeys on a spit, so I'll look forward to El-Shahat's next article in the series.

And since no banking or government officials are honest with us, Obama's 'failure' may be pre-written in their script while he's secretly being richly rewarded for a job well done - assuming he doesn't end as their sacrificial lamb!

May 18, 2009

Fixing the NY Fed + EU headquarters fire May 18, 2009

Being just-returned from vacation, I can't possibly catch up with the news fast enough to suit me (much less all five of my readers) but I think this opinion from Eliot Spitzer on fixing the NY Fed makes some interesting points and connections.

That's if you think the rotten banking system should be repaired after gross amounts of spoilage have taken place.

Turns out the much-touted Wall Street 'gentry' aren't all that, are they?


And if anyone discovers the precise time the fire broke out today in the Brussels headquarters of the EU, please clue me in...I'm about to search for something more exact than 'early afternoon' (NPR) so I can set up a chart to compare with the EU's natal chart.

European Economic Community: Jan 1, 1958; 12 midnight, Central European Time; Brussels, Belgium.

This chart shows a rigid Fixed Grand Square; Marjorie Orr interprets the entity as having a tendency toward "lavish expenditures" and "a deep-rooted resistance to change" in her excellent book, The Astrological History of the World.

Feb 16, 2009

Naomi Klein's 'The Shock Doctrine' now a documentary

Naomi Klein's book 'The Shock Doctrine" concerning 'Disaster Capitalism' is being brought to the screen by film makers Michael Winterbottom and Matt Whitecross.

Klein's 2007 book, which details an alternate economic history of the last 30 years, will be updated by this documentary to reflect 2008's economic crisis/meltdown and is now being shown at the Berlin Film Festival in not-quite-completed form.

Naomi Klein believes that the recent banking bailouts amount to "a massive transfer of wealth from public to private hands" which is a demonstrable fact, we know. And we also know where the banks' massive debts have gone - onto the public ledger.

And Voila! Hitler's power-grabbing tactics come round once again!

Yet the documentary doesn't aspire to be a conspiracy theory ode, but a chance for the film's viewers to look at the consequences of the ideas of neo-liberalism's economic guru, Milton Friedman, and make up their minds if they agree with him - or not.

My suspicion is that the long-jobless of the US and the rest of the globe may be inspired to burn Old Miltie in effigy.

What do you think?


Here a SO'W post from July 2008 which relates 2008's economic crisis and banking bailouts with Uranus-Chiron, the 'radical political reformers' duo, and another from Nov 2008 marking the oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint at MC, the Aspirational Point of any horoscope chart, to Inauguration 2009.

You'll find links to several articles in both posts, but the second link contains Ralph Nader's 'Uncle Tom' label for Pres. Barack Obama and what Fox News did with it.

Oct 26, 2008

new financial order? as planned

"Down For The Count: The whole system is contracting"

By Mike Whitney

The US Treasury and Federal Reserve are now underwriting the entire financial system. The free market has been abandoned altogether. Everything from commercial paper to money markets is now backed by the "full faith and credit of the United States."


Yes, Pope John Paul called for a 'new financial order' on Jan 1, 2004...not that he was the first wheeler dealer to do so; plus, he'd probably uttered the words before.

Guess he must known more about world financials than Benedict now lets on...headed-for-Capricorn Pluto (the pope) is having his final fling at '30Sag': "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree, so this pass compliments of the saboteur and assassin will have to do for quite a while as far as Pluto traversing the last degrees of Sagittarius goes.

Then there's the Dragon Guarding the Riches aspect of Pluto. We don't want to bullyrag him, but Mr. Invisible Helmet is proving to be, in these economically compromised and undermined times (with thieves scattering on every side) a busy catalyst for all occasions.