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Showing posts with label Uranus-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus-Neptune. Show all posts

Jul 24, 2020

Horoscope: Uranus to AQ 1996 = Jupiter-Saturn 2020

DC Horoscope: Uranus to futuristic Aquarius January 12, 1996 2:12:57 am est Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuation) which leads a BOWL shape of planets; 1996 Sun and Neptune @25Cap06 have been 'met' by the 2020 Capricorn trio of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto, here in the 3rd house of Communications (Technology!) which, combined, suggests potentials for dreams come true vs the grim face of reality (Saturn), fanaticism, paranoia, scandal, pretense, bankruptcy (Jupiter), Civil Rights struggles, control issues in the realms of politics, economics, society, and religion (perfect timing for Jupiter-Saturn's game-changing input), and/or the illusion of power, or power that erodes over time (Pluto). It all sounds familiar, yes?

The 1996 Uranus to Aquarius Ingress Horoscope is posted here because of the Winter Solstice 2020 Great Conjunction (or, Great Mutation from Earth to Air, if you prefer) of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn for the pair will also conjunct 1996 Uranus @00AQ+ then and thus create a midpoint picture of potentials (listed on the chart, upper right) for shifts, changes, and reforms. And noted in 3rd house are Jupiter and Saturn 2020, highlighted in blue, and Uranus 1996 highlighted in green.

Additionally, in the center of the horoscope a few potentials are listed for 2020 Neptune in Pisces conjunct 1996 Saturn (@20Pis14, 4th house) which transit Neptune has done off and on of late and will again, plus, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'; highlighted in red) of the 1996 Ingress event is in 12th house @00Sco17 in the 16 North Saros Series with its themes listed, lower right. Basically, 16 North = 'Illumination of ideas' and the Collective rising up of 'unconscious material and insights' (Brady) thanks to the vibes of Uranus-Neptune (with their NWO, Illuminati implications) with The Enlightenment pair of planets moonlighting as 'New World Order' heralds of visionary idealism, awakening, (or, loss of consciousness), higher planes of knowledge, mysticism, the occult including Astrology, illusions, disguises, and/or the possible use of underhanded methods. (As you know, Uranus and Neptune conjoined three times in Capricorn all through 1993 where 2017 Pluto activated their 'Big Picture which must be followed' potential.)

Now prior to January 12, 1996, about 84 years earlier, transit Uranus entered its own sign of Aquarius on January 30, 1912. A busy year, 1912 brought several Uranian-style events of novelty, new beginnings, suddenness, and/or shock such as: the establishment of the Republic of China (January 1), New Mexico (January 6) and Arizona (February 14) becoming 47th and 48th states, a Suffragette Parade in NYC (May 6), US Marines landing in Cuba (June 5), the eruption of Mount Novarupta in Alaska (June 6-8), the RNC nomination of Taft (June 18) and the DNC nomination of Wilson (June 25), US Marines invasion of Nicaragua (August 4), break-away progressive Republicans forming the Bull Moose Party and nominating Teddy Roosevelt (August 5), an attempt on Roosevelt's life while he was making a speech in Milwaukee (October 14), the first novel in the series Tarzan King of the Apes, and quite a bit more.

So will the 2020 activation of rebellious Uranus by the combined energies of Jupiter and Saturn in December 2020 be noticeable or merely an unconscious blip for us all as we fret over the future? Might the planetary trio reflect a 'history rhymes' condition in society or signify absolutely nothing at all? Or, because of the unpredictable nature of planet Uranus can there be reliable answers to such pertinent questions at all?

Well, to me it seems that if Uranian energies are activated in or around December and do express in noticeable ways (echoing any events of 1912 or 1996 - or not), we must wait patiently to see if astrological Uranus follows its usual erratic course and acts early, late - or never. Yet beneath it all, it's possible that the 'new order' or 'reset' implications of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction could combine with 'Age of Aquarius' Uranian vibes and boost the old world into 2021 with something like, say, A 'Great Reset' Agenda manipulated by the World Economic Forum at Davos in January.

If so, my suspicion is that that high-handed agenda (aka, the 'Big Picture which must be followed'?) is what the calamities and purifications of 2020 have been preparing the world for. Whether we like it or not.

May 5, 2020

A List of Planets' Meanings in Political Astrology

Here's an updated list with the meanings of planets in Political Astrology, a branch of Mundane Astrology. Now these are the meanings that I tend to use; no doubt others could add more or subtract a few:

Sun: supreme authority such as US President ('POTUS'), Prime Minister, Chancellor, CEO, leadership. (Solar eclipses hitting a Mundane Sun may denote the death or displacement of a head of state, national character and identity, major events, disruption or a turning point for government in the eclipse year and suggesting a new direction.)

Moon: the populace, We The People (USA), the popular mood, national security needs, basic necessities, women's issues, health, agriculture, nurturing, our daily rounds, the general emotional weather and/or societal trends.

Mercury: news media and the press, blogs and bloggers, oration-speeches/speakers-writers, messages, communications, and announcements, spreading of propaganda, negotiations, contracts, treaties and pacts, changes, votes-voters-ballots, literature, information, intell, spies, all schooling up to higher educational levels (Jupiter), the post office, thinking and planning, opinion polls, transportation (air+), sales, commerce, trade. As usual, young people in general, students and teachers are included where applicable, plus, medical research and doctors may also be represented by Mercury.

Venus: females, evaluations, smaller amounts of money, currency, relationships, partnerships, unions, diplomacy or diplomatic gestures, perspective; if afflicted: disease, arrogance, vengeance, defeat in war, anger, envy, possessiveness, and/or jealousy.

Mars: males between ages 25--35 or so, military and police forces, violence, criminals, war, industrial concerns, arsonists, sports figures, fighters, aggressors and combatants no matter the gender; combined with Uranus, Mars may cause explosions, terrorism, attacks, gun violence, operations; with Neptune, treachery, misguided motivations and/or actions, divisive elements in society, activists, protests or strikes (participants thereof), the fog of war, infections and epidemics.

Jupiter: clergy, churches, and religion, gurus, lawyers and judges, law and legal systems, higher education, prosperity, hope, breaking of boundaries, publishing, banking-bankers and the Fed, insurance; credit, corporations and CEOs, the upper classes; ministers of state, public relations and promoters, philanthropic institutions, especially if associated with Neptune, plus, Jupiter and Neptune = speculators, wastrels, spendthrifts, inflation, bubbles, grandiose schemers and planners, people who make promises they can't keep (ex: politicians).

Saturn: government, the system, The Establish, status quo, stability, institutions and bureaucracy, civil servants, conservatism, infrastructure, austerity, restriction or retraction, law and lawmakers (ex: US Congress), management, control, repression/suppression, accountability, loss, karma; with Jupiter, Saturn is associated with financial and business cycles (contraction vs expansion) and other cycles in society including in Politics; with Uranus, Saturn signifies the Middle East, especially Palestine and Israel; and/or old order vs new order; with Neptune Saturn = poor, sick, or depressed people, illness or disease, movements such as Socialism, social safety net programs, charities, those who suffer, undermining circumstances, difficulties or illness with causes difficult to diagnose.

Uranus: revolution, revolt, riots, protests, or strikes,reactive politics and politicians, progressive or radical movements, disruptive reforms, riots, counter-cultures; physical power such as electrical and nuclear, new technology, innovation; genius or sudden insight; the future; novelties; erratic persons; Uranus is also The Witness, The Awakener, the sky god; with Neptune: The 'Enlightened Ones' determined to establish a New Order to replace the Old, aka, a 'new world order' or the long-planned 'one world government'.

Neptune: the urge to merge, the Divine Source, the arts, glamour, the media, the masses, hope, idealism, covert actions, saboteurs, secrets, spying or other networks, secrets and leaks, socialism; hospitals, charitable institutions; the Navy or Marines. If afflicted: fraud, crime, scandal, deception, illusions, falsehoods, internet scams; undermining circumstances and those who cause them, brewing and alcohol, drugs; chemicals, oil, gas, water, footwear, oceans; with Pluto, Neptune = the Robber Baron class of the 1800s, resource plunderers, Organized Crime, mobsterism, the mafia.

Pluto: financial and/or political power, factions, oligarchies, Plutocracy, big business, nuclear energy, mines and tunnels, the Dragon Guarding the Riches; if afflicted: the criminal underworld, death, catastrophe, dictators, thieves and spies; Global Crime Syndicate/s; criminal detectives, spies, surveillance, hidden power/s behind 'the throne', The Pope, assassins, saboteurs, secretive men in invisible cloaks of power, death, transformation, regeneration, the occult and other hidden things and people.

Note that besides Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can be karmic, too!

Got more political potentials to add to this list? Then leave your on-topic comment with this post! jc

Nov 16, 2019

Making America Radical Again! - Thom Hartmann (via Uranus)

From his series the Thom Hartmann Book Club, here is Thom reading from Harvey J. Kaye's Take Hold of Our History: Make America Radical Again. Now I don't yet own a copy of the book but I see from its Table of Contents that my favorite chapter (16) will probably be one dear to my heart, "Let Them Call Us Rebels - We Are All the Heirs of Thomas Paine." Here here!

Now naturally, all astrologers familiar with America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope, no matter the hour used to set it up, know of the radical planet of our Revolutionary era, Uranus, @8Gemini55 in most US founding charts. Check out Thom's reading, then you'll find the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for America's radical Uranus (9Gemini), plus a few Paine-inspired notes are added below the video:


US Uranus at "9 Gemini": "A Quiver Full of Arrows" = "PREPARATION...positive expression: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience; negative: querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions." (Jones). The positive we aspire to, the negative sounds just like Uranian Trump!

Confusing, obfuscating, and shading America's reputation in the world and our national self-image a la Trump, during his campaign and ultimate selection to play the POTUS role, a three-fer series began in 2016 which culminated on February 16, 2017 (just after Trump's oddball "inauguration") when 2017 Neptune hit the American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces. Perversely, for Uranus is the planet of perversity, Trump's guiding planet is his 10th house Uranus @17Gem53 ('18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd") bringing forward his chaotic, erratic, contrary and disruptive style of so-called leadership, so perfect for foreign leaders to exploit in their ongoing campaign to sabotage America and our global alliances. And this makes my Child of the Revolution blood boil as my Revolutionary ancestors spin in their sacrificial graves. (To my knowledge, Trump has no Revolutionary ancestors. Can't you tell?)

Meanwhile, astrological Uranus is also known as The Awakener--and as we're currently hearing in the public discourse an echo from Thomas Paine, the times have found us, my fellow Americans.

So it seems clear that if Trump's authoritarian push to replace our constitutional Republic with a lousy, sub-standard Pluto-in-Capricorn dictatorship (effectively a monarchy such as our Founders so valiantly fought against!!) - if this misguided change of direction won't awaken the American people to the fight before it's too late, then tragically nothing ever will. Of course, it isn't merely Trump attempting such a coup, it's his wealthy backers, foreign and domestic. And my suspicion is that they too know about radical Uranus and about the usefulness of Astrology as a timing device.

So in closing my fuss, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post, sans edits, concerning misused or abused power, revolutionary Uranus plus Neptune, and our radical Founding Father Thomas Paine--born in 1737 with an arousing Uranus-Neptune opposition:

The Current Cycle of Uranus-Neptune Tells of Power Misused

In our era, Uranus and Neptune (reason + faith) met in Great Conjunction/s three times in 1993 at or about 18 Capricorn which implemented the degree's enlightening Sabian Symbol, "The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship...Keynote: the protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER" (Rudhyar). "Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of 'law and order'." Ah yes, pretexts are totally relied upon in Politics and I doubt politicians could manage without them for then truths would have to be told and their masks would slip.

Additionally, the symbol for '18Cap' highlights a warning "against using power for selfish advantage" and points toward the ruses and scams perpetrated by Britain (the City of London) and its never-really-severed alliance with the American government. For example, Uranus and Neptune in opposition identifies the era of freedom-lover Thomas Paine as a time of secret alliances, important information withheld from the people, apathy of the masses which allows leaders to undermine the people's natural freedoms, nationalism, unrest, strong economic and military developments, and countries hurled into a major world conflict a few years later (Pelletier).

This generational opposition also gave Thomas Paine and his contemporaries an intrinsic understanding of national and international politics for which he personally felt a responsibility to arouse the people whenever public opinion can reverse a threatening danger which may involve religious, social, and racial issues along with the political.

Such was the life and the mission of seeker Thomas Paine who died a pauper on June 8, 1809 and whose dedicated service to the Cause of Freedom I hereby honor with this post. jc.

Blog Note: the above Amazon link to Mr. Kaye's book may qualify as an #ad .

Aug 21, 2019

Chiron-Uranus Chaos in the White House 2019

August 21, 2019: Seldom do I re-publish one of my own posts but seldom do I re-read one that closely applies to current events and/or people in the here and now. Such has occurred with the following remarks posted here on SO'W on December 30, 2005 and which I applied to George W. Bush at the time--obviously, since Dubya was playing the POTUS role in 2005. Therefore, you'll notice references to the departed Bush, below.

And so I ask all readers to consider the following in light of the chaos-creating Trump personage and his 'administration' along with his enablers and fellow saboteurs and would like to know if you agree that Big T is described herein to a 'T'. If you wish, please leave your on-topic opinion with this post.

As for the Astrology of it, little did I know in 2005 who my post was describing in the future! For as you know, Trump was born with his guiding planet, Uranus, in Gemini (10th house), and Chiron in Libra (2nd house), an Air trine between them. Their trine indicates one whose Quest involves a lifestyle that attracts public notice and social reactions which greatly influence him (R. Nolle). This sounds somewhat mild, like Trump's current obsession with polls and his years of headline-grabbing activities--until we consider the rest.

Original post begins here, with precious few edits:

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government

by Jude Cowell

Our current system of government is being guided in the last few years by those who know better than the average bear, and don't mind telling us so.

I refer to the restless, opinionated, passionate, other-worldly reformers who have Chiron/Uranus aspects or other signatures of these two planetary mavericks in their personalities and natal charts.

See if any of the following sounds like US 'public servants' you know for I think we're suffering under a whole gaggle of them - and have been for decades:

Thriving on change, the Chiron/Uranus type of personality has an inability to accept a higher authority than his personal choice, and possesses a strong belief in individualism--as long as it's his own.

Existing social systems and any sort of restrictions upon him personally are things to rebel against and to reform, and although there is a belief in freedom, including freedom of speech, there is deep intolerance of others' ideas. Blithely unaware of this contradiction, he plows along, like an unstoppable bulldozer with utter belief that he (they, really) know what is best for all humankind.

He feels an urgent need to improve the world according to his personal belief system, and frequently can be found in politics, law, or other social institutions. According to his agenda, institutions are little more than systems which must be broken and remade--and the resulting chaos they cause is "temporary" and to them, "worth it."

And while a love of humanity may exist, the love is detached and abstract--there's no love of people up-close or personal, for that would involve an exchange of feelings, and might result in the Chiron-Uranus person's authority being challenged. This gives a tendency to dehumanize others, and to keep them at a distance.

"Energy follows thought" is an intrinsically-understood concept, and overthrowing the old system and challenging prevailing wisdom is assumed to be a worthy and necessary goal.

This is the "speculator for great gain" personality, and if a few toes get crushed underfoot, so be it. One's Mark Must Be Made in History, preferably in an individualistic way.

Here is an agent for change, either positively or negatively, yet an "escape hatch" must always be available, for this type hates being pinned, tied down, or inconveniently held accountable for the unfortunate consequences of his actions. (Unless it's furry handcuffs--there can be a kinkiness behind closed doors, but Let's Not Go There.)

There is an ill-considered zeal and self-righteousness coupled with an indiscriminate willfulness which causes disaster rather than the creative change hoped for. Yet "outstanding in his field" is an apt description of this sort of rebel with his abundance of intense preoccupations that can widen horizons too far--his over-concern with the larger picture allows the devil to take over the details, and things can fall very flat.

And while he may think freedom is to be had by overthrowing structures "out there", his personal freedom/authority issues are what is in need of reform and careful consideration.

Rash, crusading, and hypocritical, he seldom feels the beam in his own eye, for the trouble is always seen as being outside himself--yet he would do well to address these issues stemming from his own unresolved adolescent conflicts with mummy and daddy.

Above all, there is a conviction that anything can be changed--that traditions are minor restrictions to be dispensed with--and that nothing is really sacred, including boundaries, borders, inconvenient laws, treaties, or Constitutions. Laws are for commoners, he thinks..."we" are the "ruling class" who make up the rules for others...we don't follow them, we just make them.

A numbing lack of connection to his own feelings makes it difficult for him to admit mistakes, especially when added to the above-mentioned "out there" tendency. The black-white, "for us or against us" method of polarization has worked well for him--exs: Bush after 9/11, and the illusory "con vs lib" arguments which have kept most Americans busy infighting for years and under the plutocrats' claws. (I can't say 'thumbs' here because this kind of primal reptilian behavior is way beneath most human beings' evolutionary level and shows a tendency to eat one's young, quite frankly.)

W Style?

Is the quickest way to unite all "evil-doers" against the "white-hats" simply to draw the line in the rhetorical sand and keep repeating your most calculated lies? 'Twould seem so. Especially in Washington, DC (my favorite former abode.)

Yes, the Chiron-Uranus types of personalities have a strong and consuming urge to remake the world, a tendency shared by globalists who have the same arrogance and greed to make their marks upon the world, and who don't hesitate for a second to use Chiron-Uranus types as tools for their NWO purposes.

Chiron info: my own chart studies blended with Melanie Reinhart's book Chiron and the Healing Journey.

Posted by Jude Cowell Dec 30, 2005 at 4:48 PM est #

Above image: my drawing 'Chiron Returns 2027--2028' to its 1977 discovery degree of 3Tau07. And curiously, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Chiron's discovery fell within the gentle 16 North Saros Series with themes of 'Uranus-Neptune illumination, sudden release of unconscious material which brings a great deal of insight that can be acted upon' (Brady). Last 16 North: 2013 in Scorpio, next 16N: 2031, again in Scorpio, sign of regeneration.

Apr 6, 2019

Not only Was America Not Christian but Founders Invented a Goddess

Now as a Christian myself, I know that this recent segment from Thom Hartmann may ruffle a few feathers in the realms of "America Was Founded as a Christian Nation" (incorrect as that is! the US is more of a Utopian Uranus-Neptune trine affair!) but what Thom says is true: our Founding Fathers set up America as the 'New Atlantis' via principles of The Enlightenment which were secular (based on reason, the Uranian half of the equation) and they 'invented' the goddess Columbia to watch over our nation--our 'totem goddess' we might say (see Capitol Building dome!).

Please allow Thom to explain if you haven't run across the following segment already:

Looks as if Columbia Wants You!


On similar topics, a probably related SO'W post of the previous persuasion: A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Plus, Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the eagle says Yes!

And in case you missed it try Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election.

As you know, founders Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are known to have been deists so What Is Deism?

Aug 1, 2018

On the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Alexander Hamilton

John Trumbull [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Because of the uncertainty of the birth data of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton I've never properly posted his natal horoscope or made much mention of him astrologically here on Stars Over Washington. However, there are multiple rectified versions of his natal chart for the curious if you wish to have a look at them or at his noon chart. His early childhood on the Island of Nevis has been subject to speculation through the years although more seems to be known these days. Here's his Wikipedia bio page if you're interested and a view of his 'noon' chart is available here. The version I tend to favor is a rectified chart (by Dr. "H") set for January 11, 1755 1:23:37 pm Charlestown, Nevis with ASC 19Tau53 and MC 9AQ20--and lots of Capricorn planets suitable for the man who championed America's national banking system, served as our first Secretary of the Treasury, and more.

The Age-Old Question: Who's Your Daddy?

In the natal chart I favor, Hamilton's natal Neptune @7Leo47 Rx, leader of a Locomotive shape of planets (toward success), conjoins his IC which describes Hamilton's mysterious beginnings or roots. Plus, rising is Taurus, a money sign (the Taurean 'Bull of bullish Wall Street') and an Aquarian Midheaven, the Aspiration and Career Point, brings in humanitarian or social work which resonates with his natal Uranus inconjunct Neptune aspect that identifies his generation as fighting social ills and becoming involved in political work. This aspect (150 degrees) between the two planets of The Enlightenment (and of the NWO, as their energies have since been directed) was also in effect from 1922 through 1928. And as you know, they last conjoined three times in 1993 @18Capricorn..."POLITICAL POWER...neg: smug or strong-armed paternalism" - Jones. Of course, paternalism is how America began by the Founding Fathers and what is now 'on steroids' under dictator-wannabe Trump.

Yet there are horoscopes relating to Alexander Hamilton which can be accurately timed without doubt. One is the chart of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which perfected @22Lib35 on October 15, 1754 in the 9 New North Saros Series. This is a difficult series containing potentials for physical violence, accidents, and great physical effort (Brady). (A 9 New North last perfected in 2007 and will again in 2025.) His 1754 PE horoscope contains a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; crossroads; special task; spiritual opportunity) with Neptune sextile North Node (understanding of cultural trends but evading them) at its base pointing toward natal Uranus @7Pis49 Rx. As you know, astrological Uranus can be crisis-prone on its own so when rivals Hamilton and Burr met with pistols in 1804, transit Pluto Rx, god of Hades, had been in process of conjoining Hamilton's natal Uranus with Uranus-Pluto combinations always explosive and often daring and foolhardy.

Now the YOD in his natal PE chart may be read as a midpoint picture: Neptune-NN = Uranus: unrestrained self-will; upset over the anti-social conduct of others; a sudden undermining or destruction of relationships. Add transit Pluto to Uranus' place in the picture on July 11, 1804 7:00 am Weehawken, NJ and Hamilton encountered potentials for: exercising a bad influence upon associations between people and/or the breakdown of a relationship between people living together (Ebertin). Tragically, sudden death by duel or any other means can do that to a man and his family.

Bitter Rivals

As for the 1804 duel's PE, it manifested on February 11, 1804 @21AQ36 in the 4 North Saros Series with themes of: illusion, restraint, restriction, separation, events that block, and people who are prone to misjudge their strength or the situation. These themes sum up conditions and events around the Hamilton-Burr duel rather well, I think, especially since at 7:00 am LMT in Weehawken, vengeful Venus in proud Leo was rising and shooter Mars was at the critical-crisis 29th degree of Taurus.

A solar eclipse in the 4 North series last perfected in 2002 @20Gemini (conjunct US natal Mars and Trump's natal North Node) and will manifest next as the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse of 2020.

Jul 31, 2018

August 2018: Is Trump's Mojo Wilting?

Based on Donald Trump's dismally dropping support among Midwestern voters some pundits are saying that the Trump-Putin 'Summit' in Helsinki, Finland with its anti-America flavor was a turning point in Trump's popularity if not his White House tenure. Is Trump's mojo wilting? we might ask. Did it have far to fall in the first place? Are tall towers phallic enough for him?

Well, I posted on the Helsinki 'summit' at the time as Trump reporting to Putin and sad to say, nothing has occurred or been said since that changes my personal opinion as an American on the unacceptable circumstance of Trump sucking up to Russia's Putin. If you wish, follow the Trump-Putin link, above, for astro-notes on the horoscope you see re-posted here. And keep it under your babushka that no matter how Trump and Putin behave or what they say, Putin's long-term plan to collapse the USA is on-track and thriving with a compromised Donald Trump in the White House and the white supremacist Republican Party all-in on the global government game.

For as we saw with transit Pluto recently reaching the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree of 18Capricorn (NWO/POLITICAL POWER: smug or strong-armed paternalism--Jones) under Trump, 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). This makes me wonder who's Putin's boss behind the scenes! Does the name begin with Rothschild?

Nov 18, 2017

Republican Tax Cuts to Harm the American People

Update Nov 20, 2017: Bruce Bartlett has a piece published today in The Guardian today, Republican tax cuts will hurt Americans. And Democrats will pay the price in which Bartlett asserts that Republicans know they'll lose in 2018 and 2020 which will put Democrats in office but Democrats hands will be tied on the economy and budget for years to come. And that's a major goal of their 2017 tax cut tactic. It's part of the '2 Santa Clause' con game that both parties engage in. (See video link, below). Original post begins here:

The indented paragraph, below, was originally posted January 27, 2017 here on Stars Over Washington yet for legislative reasons I'm re-publishing it today, November 18, 2017, because the House passed the Republican Tax Cuts and Jobs Bill this week. And so mayhem has occurred on Capitol Hill as billionaires and other GOP donors rejoice at our expense.

The tweeted announcement of the bill's passage that I saw Thursday afternoon was time stamped 1:58 pm on 16 Nov 2017 by @HouseGOP with deceitful Neptune in Pisces rising and austere Saturn in Sagittarius at the Goal-and-Aspiration Point (MC) of the 1:58 pm est horoscope set for the Capitol Building. As you know, the Saturn-Neptune pair relates, among other things, to social concerns and programs for the retired and the needy among us, and suggests America's invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn), what some now call the 'Deep State'.

See 115th Congress: Tax Cuts and Jobs Bill but now the US Senate version of tax-cuts-for-the-rich must be reconciled with the House bill, for better or worse. So while we still can, we must express our opinions by phoning the US Senate at 202-224-3121.

And remember that the Republican Party (March 20, 1854) is now in process of a drawn out Neptune Return of five conjunctions to 14Pis01 extending from 2017 until the end of 2018. Illusions and delusions abound! Plus, an interesting midpoint picture formed on Nov 16, 2017 at 1:58 pm est of Sun-Neptune = Pluto (@18Cap): tragic deceptions or illusions (Ebertin). Yes, I believe that tragedy will be the result of the GOP tax cut legislation if the Senate chimes in and passes the bill in order to make the Koch Brothers and other billionaire donors wealthier by making the American people poorer.

Please note that minor editing has been applied by yours truly to this, a 'previous post':

My suspicion is that most people could agree that the positive traits of Pisces such as compassion and creative inspiration are much preferred when dealing with societal problems and issues rather than austerity measures that cause suffering when cutting funds for social programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and/or Social Security (insurance premiums paid in for years by holders who trusted government officials who now make up a long line of embezzlers, thieves, and worse). Such cuts will not only cause suffering and harm to the American people but will seriously affect the US economy, damage that is already in the works under the GOP 'repeal and replace' ideology meant to sabotage the ACA and end or limit health insurance of millions of citizens. Such massive social safety net cuts will also affect the middle class via family ties to the targeted individuals--the elderly, ill, dying, mentally impaired, and needy children.

Destructive Pluto, the Creeper and Saboteur

Please note that for yours truly, it is not the form of the US government (a Republic with representative democracy) that this American has lost faith in, it's the infiltrators, saboteurs, and agents of destruction who pretend to represent their 'constituents' that I take major exception to. They are, in fact, in breach of the public trust while merely masquerading as US politicians. Yet even if the centuries-old Grand Plan to destroy civilization is fable and not fact, such agents are perpetrating before our very eyes exactly what the 'Great Plan' outlined years ago and called for with the Hegelian Dialect as one of their main tactics--create the problem (thesis) then apply a previously designed 'solution' to it (antithesis) which benefits members of the ruling class and the international bankers who fund them. This describes events such as 'false flag ops' and weather disasters which are not so 'natural' after all---one as a pretext to dismantle more of our freedoms and rights and the other to commandeer property for corporate interests. For the ruling class, any depopulation which occurs from these events is considered by them to be a bonus.

The 'New World Order' Pair of Planets: Uranus and Neptune

In the New Millennium, as transit Pluto in Capricorn repeatedly creeps over the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s degree of 1993 (18Capricorn), a revealing midpoint picture uncovers a suspicious tale of: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto--Tyl). In Sabian Symbols, the Key phrase for '18Cap' is POLITICAL POWER...with its negative/shadow side/unconscious expression: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' which ought to sound extremely familiar and disturbing to every American since it's occurring now. And we have the current sexual misconduct and harassment against women (and against some men) to show for tolerating such rampant paternalism.

Now here is a mildly edited excerpt from a 2011 SO'W post:

The Hegelian Dialectic is designed to get us into a frenzied defense or offense of a particular idea or thesis. The natural outgrowth of the original idea is the opposite idea or anti-thesis, which will breed its own defense and offense. The predetermined answer of the power elite class will be the synthesis of both sides of the conflict--win-win for them, lose-lose for We The People.

In America, probably the most familiar example of the Hegelian Dialect is the Republican and Democratic parties. On the right are the Corporate Fascist Republicans that are pro debt, pro war, pro corporation, and pro austerity for We The People. On the left are the Socialist, Communist Democrats who are pro tax, pro social issues, and pro labor. Both of these factions (of one political party!) fight back and forth year after year in a contrived, scripted drama known as Washington Politics. The synthesis of these two seemingly opposite ideas or parties, is the middle of the road 'lesser of two evils' conundrum that comes up most clearly in every election, debate, or in legislation yays and nays on Capitol Hill. Thespians all!

Now many times since SO'W began in 2005, I have posted that, My only nag in the race is America and so I post it again today. Yet tragically, Mr. Trump has been in office less than one year but so far he and his fellow conspirators have managed to handicap our nag in major ways--by tactics such as relinquishing the reins of global leadership and by attacking from the inside what America has traditionally stood for, imperfect as our nation is. Do you believe that the Republic of China is the next 'world leader'? Then, dear reader, we are in complete agreement. Unless top dog turns out to be Trump's favorite, Russia.

So in closing, here is a link to the audio-video of President John F. Kennedy in 1961 delivering a speech during which he remarks upon the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" of which I continually complain.

Here's a video link to a younger Thom (weren't we all??!) explaining the 2 Santa Clause theory of US Politics.

Feb 5, 2017

2017 Neptune hits American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces

2017 Neptune Veils Yet Reflects the Solar Eclipse Influences of the American Revolution

by Jude Cowell

Those familiar with the Year 1775 in US history know that it was a tremendously eventful 12 months in the American Colony during which our major struggle for Independence was sparked and set aflame. Let's take a look at the horoscope of the March 1, 1775 Solar Eclipse @11Pisces11 set for Lexington, Massachusetts where the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired less than two months later on April 19, 1775 and triggered the beginning of the American Revolution.

The March 1, 1775 eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series is the Prenatal Eclipse of the American Revolution and its horoscope, planets, and eclipse themes may reveal a few insights into, and motivations behind, our fight for independence from Britain which ultimately (after many struggles and hardships) brought to fruition the Uranian-Neptunian ideals of The Enlightenment - Utopian ideals which were held by America's Founding Fathers, many if not all of whom were members of secret societies. Does this Neptune transit return with revolutionary ideals in tow?

And if we fast forward to 2016 and 2017, we find transit Neptune conjoining and reflecting the PE of the American Revolution (11Pis11). These hits occurred twice in 2016 and were exact on April 17, 2016 and August 12, 2016. Significantly, the third and final transit of Neptune to the 1775 Solar Eclipse degree occurs on February 16, 2017 and I think you'll find that the themes of 11 South apply closely to the Electoral College selection of Mr. Trump to play the POTUS role, and to the events and behavior of the newly minted Trump presidency with its lack of a mandate from a majority of We the People--hence the millions of people worldwide now protesting in the streets against Trump and his policies. They are re[resented by Neptune, too!

11S themes are noted below the horoscope; please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbled study notes, some of which will be discussed, below:

Image: 11 South Solar Eclipse March 1, 1775 5:01:13 pm LMT Lexington, Massachusetts; the Hour belongs to warrior planet Mars, the Mutable Earth/Water/Angular chart shows a Seesaw shape of polarities and conflicts, and a KITE pattern with rebellious anarchist Uranus at Midheaven (The Goal and WHY? Point--see bottom, left) includes Venus exalted @24Pisces and Mercury @27Pisces as the focal planets (emphasis on Venus) of the KITE pattern--and Neptune, the higher octave planet of Venus, as its tail. A Mars-North Node conjunction (military and police contact) rises in the horoscope, as you see, with NN @3Vir47 stationary so the chart is now having a Nodal Return which suggests new alliances, particularly of the Jupiterian kind ($$; politics; religious leaders; Jupiter the General--Mr. Trump's newly chosen Cabinet and staff) but with an aggressive Martian flavor of violence, war, military action, and quarrels--lots of quarrels stirred up by the Mars-Rising Mr. Trump, the litigious.

11 South Themes: sudden reforms are needed as old ideas and methods will fail so that new systems are required to deal with events; thoughts of new ways to handle issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

To approach the topic sans Astrology, try Paul Mendoza's article posted on February 22, 2016, 2017: The Third American Revolution? written during Campaign 2016.

And, for comparison's sake, here is a dual image of the 11 South eclipse of 1775, plus, its last manifestation @30Cancer (Sabian Symbol: "Daughter of the American Revolution" on July 21, 2009, Barack Obama's first year in the Oval Office and the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-wastrel-inflationary pair of planets that hit US natal Moon (We the People) and caused that dreamy feeling over Barack along with 'little sense of reality', 'becoming involved in speculation', and the sense of rootlessness engendered by the mortgage and home foreclosure crisis embedded within the 29th anaretic degree of Cancer, sign of home, family, security, and those responsible scuttling sideways to avoid confrontation. Note that we're talking of Politics and the negative expression of "30Cancer" is: "the ultimate betrayal of self-hood by a false assumption of superiority" and its Illumination Point opposite ("30Cap") is: "rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others" (Jones):

11 South 1775 eclipse is lower left and 11 South 2009 eclipse is upper right; note that the zealots-on-a-mission pair of Jupiter-Chiron in the 12th house of Karma and Politics (2009 chart) at "25AQ" has a curious Sabian Symbol: "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" (my italics). Also note that 11 South manifested in the years 1901, 1919, 1937, 1955, 1973, 1991 (events: GHWB's Desert Storm invasion, his public touting of a 'new world order', and the assassination of writer Danny Casolaro), (2009), and next in 2027 @10Leo. 11 South's initial eclipse at Cardinal World Point 00Can48 occurred on June 14 (Trump's birthday, NS), 1360 (OS), the year of the Treaty of Calais between England and France which did not end their Hundred Years' War). And so a Cancerian lens is used through which to view all subsequent 11 South Solar Eclipses, no matter their sign, and 11 South themes contain the potential to trigger worldwide events.

Floating Back to Nebulous if Inspirational Neptune (photo, above)

Now as you know, astrological Neptune resonates with the Arts, veils, masks, disguises, leaks, deception, lies, fraud, weakness, confusion, corruption, disappointment, and the undermining of current conditions, but also suggests the urge to merge, erosion, distrust, delusion (including self-deception), liquids such as water, oil, gas, plus, toxins, infections, and drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, and prescription pills. Yet Neptune's resume also includes such entities as: the Divine Source, the mainstream media, the masses (unwashed or otherwise), the so-called "useless eaters", spiritualists, idealists and ideologues, the Collective and its Unconscious, and propaganda.

To Neptune add realistic Saturn, planet of authenticity, and we have Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts", invisible/secret government, and sick, depressed, and/or weak people. In other words, Saturn-Neptune keys the now-tattered social safety net programs of FDR's New Deal, the ones Trump and the Republicans (and their financier enablers) are determined to disrupt and destroy--with the help of corporate Democrats--so that control and the money involved in these social programs are handed over to reckless, greedy Wall Street speculators and warmongers. Plus, some creative depopulation occurs by default, leaving more resources for the 'elite' ones who remain. You know how some 'unintended consequences' are actually (Saturn) secretly (Neptune) intended all along.

In addition, the zealous anarchists (Uranus in Aries; Jupiter conjunct Chiron) want our Education Department monies, too, and for this purpose they are forcing an unqualified anti-public-school Betsey DeVos into office to undermine our school system and steal from public education funds (and from our children! You just know that Mr. Jefferson must be turning over in his grave--over the theft and over 'fake news', too).

So obviously, Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces can 'help' with the *destruction of our social and political institutions and we hear more and more in the Neptunian news media that America is again having a revolution thanks to the alt-right white supremacists who have coup'ed the White House--and the resistance from the pubic. And the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 with its 'good time for tackling the truth; seeing a thing for what it really is' vibes being opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces had its 'realism demands' confused and muddled by deceptive Neptune in opposition to the eclipse themes that were and continue to be sorely needed in this country. A 'good time for tackling the truth' is about to give way to the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse themes but has had spotty success so far and Mr. Trump's fake news continues to be promoted ad nausem.

And so in closing, we see that the February 16, 2017 Neptune transit to the 1775 American Revolution Solar Eclipse falls between the upcoming Lunar and Solar Eclipses of February 10th and February 26th and thus creates a trio of significant cosmic manifestations that suggest political reforms in the manner of "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" with its negative connotation of "unhappy and rebellious conceit." But how about the positive manifestation of "25AQ", so near the US natal Moon?

Positive expression: "A genius for turning deficiency into a real asset."

Sounds huge to me! As long as We the People get busy turning the many deficiencies of the Trump regime into real assets to be used against his and Steve Bannon's bigoted alt-right agenda so that the movement becomes our revolution, not his!


*destruction? Other chart factors apply, of course, very much including plutocrat Pluto, now in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, for the saboteur is in process of destroying institutions, systems, traditions, and taboos. And this, as the wealthy dragon creeps along toward fulfillment of America's first-ever Pluto Return in 2022 (27Cap33 Rx, opposite US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer, our sneaky surveillance and spying pair; progressed US Pluto has been at the crisis-anaretic degree of 29 Capricorn for some time--conjunct the 00AQ Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and opposing the 2009 11 South Solar Eclipse!) Yet occurring even sooner than 2022 is a Pluto Return to its position (25Cap57) in the 'American Revolution's PE' horoscope, a period beginning once transit Pluto reaches 20Cap55 in March 2018.

Related: After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump. That would be unpredictable Uranus, planet of anarchy, sudden disruption, eccentric behavior--and is America's revolution significator.

Jan 27, 2017

DC Horoscopes: Feb 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses

February 2017 'Wild Card' Eclipses with Murky Karmic Conditions

In February 2017, the first eclipse of the year is a Lunar Eclipse on February 10, 2017 @22Leo followed by the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pisces in the 19 South Saros Series. Here are both charts set for Washington DC; please enlarge to read notes for not all chart factors will be discussed in the following text:

Lunar Eclipse @22Leo28 Feb 10, 2017 7:32:49 pm est:

Solar Eclipse 19 South February 26, 2017 9:58:19 am est:

19 South last manifested on February 16, 1999 @27Aquarius, the position of US natal Moon (We the People) for those who use a late afternoon chart (July 4, 1776). The next Solar Eclipse in 1999 was the 'King of Terror' (or 'Alarm') eclipse which had apparently been predicted by doctor, seer, and astrologer Nostradamus with its Fixed Grand Cross of planets in mid-degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. And into the New Millennium, we know what the so-called 'War on Terror' brought the world, don't we?

The August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse is aka, The Mother of All Eclipses because it's in the 1 North Saros Series. 1 North will repeat across the continental US as The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 @29Leo, a critical degree that conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and his rising star Regulus. This will 'pull in' his natal Mars @26Leo as well and gives us pause when we consider that Mr. Trump was born into the 2 Old North Saros Series which occurred on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini--conjunct America's revolutionary planet of anarchy, Uranus. His natal Uranus is prominent in his natal 10th house (the world stage) and my suspicion is that the US and global Million Woman Marches the day after his inauguration, plus, other protests against Trump's Uranian presidency are only the beginning of the disruption and chaos he and his ilk will cause. I sincerely hope not, but there it is.

Unconscious Lunar vs Conscious Solar

All that aside, my purpose in this post today is to publish the February 2017 Lunar and Solar Eclipse horoscopes (set for DC) but also to mention a bit about the role of a Lunar Eclipse in relation to a Solar Eclipse. Naturally, the astrological Moon represents the unconscious and the Sun aligns with the conscious mind. Instinctive habits and childhood are in the realms of the Moon while one's adult personality and purpose are solar functions symbolically seen in horoscopes by the Sun and its condition via sign, degree, house placement, and aspects to other planets and points.

With a Lunar Eclipse, the sign relates to how we instinctively respond to karmic events and circumstances so the February 2017 Lunar Eclipse in Leo signifies pride, vanity, conceit, egoism, and drama with a potential for leadership qualities. If there is spiritual support for karmic progress to be made it is seen via the house polarity of the eclipse, a Full Moon, and in this case, the Lunar Eclipse manifests across the 6/12 victim-savior axis in Washington, as you see, and this also includes Health Matters, Jobs, Police, and Civil and Military Service. And of course, in Mundane Astrology, politics, backroom deals, large institutions such as hospitals and prisons, karma (reaping what's been sown), and self-undoing are associated with the secretive 12th house of The Unconscious.

As you see, the previously occurring Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 (Sept 1, 2016) is also in 12th house of this chart but there's a new solar influence coming on February 26th which will override the effects of the Virgo Solar Eclipse and its themes of truth-tackling and realism--which struggled because it was opposed by delusional, deceptive Neptune in Pisces. On one level, Neptune has expressed in the Collective as fake (Neptune) news or facts (Saturn). Yet realistic, authentic Saturn does not care for Kellyanne Conway's promotion and use of "alternate facts" as on the January 22nd Meet the Press (video)! But what else does Mrs. Conway have to offer the public? She may hear Mr. Trump's "You're fired!" sooner than she thinks if he no longer considers her useful.

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway.

Still, it is a fact that the February 10th Lunar Eclipse occurs prior to the February 26th Solar Eclipse, a condition reflecting the waning or declining phase of the Moon from Full brightness to New shadiness. This suggests a passive response on our parts to what the Pisces Solar Eclipse has in store for Humanity (11th house). And since the 11th house is also the house of the US Congress (senators and reps alike) we may expect Neptunian actions of a secretive and/or undermining nature to be taken against the public with Pisces ruled by Jupiter, sub-ruled by Neptune--and Neptune as Key Planet (a 3m-22s-degree orb to the Solar Eclipse).

So instead of Neptune influencing a solar eclipse by opposition as in September 2016 into 2017, Neptune will now conjoin the February Solar Eclipse which hints at the confusion, delusion, disappointment, obfuscation, lies, and even fraud and corruption which may be expected from a Trump administration peopled by amateurs, propagandists, anarchists, bankers, and foreclosure kings (like nervous tic Mnuchin). And with Neptune as ruler of mass media, some political pundits, media personalities, and reporters are already kow-towing to Trump's way of doing things (as in, no criticism allowed). The Trump administration prefers hiding behind Neptune's mask and a solar eclipse, the dark of the Moon (publicity), in the shady sign of Pisces is an opportune time for unpopular activities.

However, there are several planetary patterns in the charts, particularly in the Lunar Eclipse chart describing the public reaction to the Feb 26th Solar Eclipse conditions. Two Kite patterns (high-flying success) involve the Moon (We the People) and one Kite includes the Sun (leadership). A Mystic Rectangle of practical mysticism made up of positive sextiles and trines provides inspiration, and two T-Squares (though one only expresses at MC and involves corruption and improbable schemes) tell a tale of 'The Big Picture' directed by powerful Pluto at 18 Capricorn, the Uranus-Neptune New World Order degree spotlighted in 1993. This apex Pluto parallels asteroid Cupido which denotes The Family, The Underworld Syndicate, and Corporatism which are the puppet-master entities that exploit us. Jupiter-Uranus = apex Pluto suggests devices that transform the world (Munkasey) and/or sudden changes in financial conditions (Ebertin).

The Lunar Eclipse's degrees of Moon and Sun are revealing for Luna is at the 'worst foot forward' or 'foot-in-mouth' degree of Leo and the Sun's Sabian Symbol is: "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws" which may refer to Mr. Trump (his Leo Mars-ASC-Regulus on the Leo end of the Full Moon) and Vladimir Putin of Russia, a country known by its symbol of a Big Bear.

With Pisces There Are Karmic Implications Afoot

The karmic implications of a (secretive) Pisces Solar Eclipse imply much difficulty uncovering hidden relationships and the causes of negative conditions due to a multiplicity of veiled factors which are made even more obscure because the Virgo-Pisces axis and solar eclipse are intercepted--here, across the Self-Will axis (5/11) in Washington, DC. A karmic stalemate is in force as the eclipse manifests and affects the Collective (around the time of the Feb 10th Lunar Eclipse) although the interception will disappear as the chart and the year progress. Dream interpretation may be helpful for those who are interested in finding insights as they drift up from the personal and the Collective Unconscious--as long as taking action isn't allowed to be stymied or negated by Piscean apathy or laziness.

My suspicion is that most people could agree that the positive traits of Pisces such as compassion and creative inspiration are much preferred when dealing with societal problems and issues rather than austerity measures that cause suffering such as cutting social programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and/or Social Security. Such cuts will not only cause suffering and harm to the American people but will seriously affect the US economy, damage already in the works under the GOP 'repeal and replace' ideology meant to sabotage the ACA.

The time for apathy has long passed, dear reader! For as progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has often said, Democracy is not a spectator sport...participate!

Related: Karmic Planets Hit Natal Chart of Donald Trump including Saturn, planet of realism and accountability.

Jan 15, 2017

Eclipses, Truth Tackling, Congress, and the FBI

With Director James Comey and the FBI under something of a congressional microscope these days it seems the still-current September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 has been very active within the Collective in more ways than one. Its 'truth tackling' theme is operative though the American people may wonder if such a noble quest is in need of cleansing since transiting Neptune @10Pisces (planet of deceit, disguise, and dissolution) opposes the eclipse and muddies issues via distraction, insinuation, and outright lies. Subterfuge, spying, sabotage, and hacking are on various agendas these days and the perpetrators are not all based in the USA. And if the undermining of yet another of America's institutions (ex: the FBI) is one of their objectives, the plan is working quite well for public scrutiny is more scathing than what congress members are fitfully dishing out.

NYT Jan 13, 2017: Democrats Confront FBI Chief at Closed-Door Intelligence Briefing. Sh-h-h! Secretive Neptune at work!

And as Hillary met with the FBI last year concerning her emails, I wondered if the 19 North Solar Eclipse would manifest early. (Tap or click and you'll find a link to a post concerning the FBI natal chart and the 19 North eclipse with its 'realism' and 'truth' themes which are background influences in force until the next Solar Eclipse on February 26, 2017--or within two weeks prior to that date; there is also a Lunar Eclipse @22Leo due on February 10th which we must soon discuss).

All this to say that the current Virgo Solar Eclipse (Virgo, sign of discrimination, purification, and criticism) in the 19 North Saros Series resonates strongly with the Comey-directed agency since 19 North is the Prenatal Eclipse of the FBI which was created on July 26, 1908. Nowhere can I locate an exact or approximate hour the agency came into force so noon on that date (Washington, DC) is used to set up a natal horoscope for our domestic spies. Formed during a Uranus-Neptune opposition, the agency formed during a period when one ideology was replacing another and I think most historians would agree that major shifts in our nation's goals and direction took place during the first years of the 20th century. Example: President Wilson campaigned on a 'peace platform' yet secretly pledged America into World War I, the 'war to end all wars' which, as we now know, was actually the war to start all wars, as planned by the racketeering big bankers of the day.

Note that the 'Federal Reserve Bank' of the US was secretly created during those years in order to force its credit and usury systems upon the US government and the American people--once the Panic of 1907 was engineered to make such a change seem necessary to the public.

Now there's that pesky 19 North again--helping us see things as they really are rather than what we previously thought they were! Apparently, 19 North is a handy lens of clarity through which to see through propaganda and how the American people have so often been duped into accepting banker-engineered wars and now, a presidential campaign and 'election' full of lies, fraud, innuendo, and--as it now seems--interference by foreign governments. Yes, opposing Neptune in its own sign of Pisces is at work dissolving the US election system and the government that goes with it.

And I don't know about you but personally I'm tired of the media-fueled 'debate' of distraction from real issues over why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. She lost because the Electoral College selected Donald Trump to play a presidential role he's ill suited for in spite of the populist campaign promises he had, and has, little if any intention of fulfilling. So thanks for nothin', Federal Bureau of Investigation, your "cabal within" played a large part in the current political drama with Neptunian flair and ideological zeal in the ongoing plan to take over America and rule the world. After all, 2017's transit Pluto @18Capricorn = 1993's Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s: *the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise.

As previously posted, here are a few Dates and Degrees of 19 North which first manifested on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo (conjunct the natal Mercury of the Republican Party); July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter); September 1, 2016 @9Virgo; next: September 12, 2034 @20Virgo. 19N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for certain politicians? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative although history doesn't repeat...but it does, as they say, often rhyme.


*Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl.

Eclipse themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Jan 6, 2017

"..and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

An Open Letter to the Readers of Stars Over Washington,
Are you part of the 'Posterity' for whom the Founding Fathers ordained the Blessings of Liberty as written in the US Constitution? Are you a participant in the Great American Experiment established 241 years ago and based on lofty ideals? How easy to forget what men and women sacrificed and died for in those long ago days and to take for granted the Liberty, Freedom, and Independence their actions bequeathed us through the decades since. Ours is not a perfect union, that we know, but it is close enough to be worth fighting for again in 2017 and beyond. Yes, it is a herculean task we now face as we realize more fully in recent months that All Is At Stake.
The forces now lined up against We the People wear a different mask than in Revolutionary days yet conquest and control remain the oppressors' objectives and to this we must respond. Now it is not pitchforks in the streets that are called for as much as righteous indignation and resistance to allowing our nation to take the low road of bigotry and hatred, the narrow-minded path that leads not toward but away from the ideals established by Founding Fathers such as Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Mr. Paine.
Are the American people up to such a task? Are binge-worthy TV shows and tech gadgets lulling us into complacency?
Astrologically, there is a caution perhaps too well concealed from our consciousness unless we purposefully shine a light upon our nation's 'hidden square' of July 4, 1776 (256 degrees) and take its lessons seriously. The aspect is between the Enlightenment Planets, Uranus and Neptune, the planetary pair used by certain social tinkerers and puppet masters as a signature of 'the new world order' or 'global government' which has come to oppress not liberate, to deny not empower, We the People and the rest of the world. The oppressors' watershed moment in modern times consisted of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune in 1993, the true effects of which have reached a culmination as transit Pluto arrives at the pertinent conjunction degree of 18 Capricorn and forms a fretful picture for those who prefer the benefits uplifted in the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017/18 Pluto @18Cap (opposite Pluto's discovery degree and thus more powerful): the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) is the caution that transforming Pluto now embodies with conquest and control the power elite's long-term goal via the restructuring of world power. Those Americans who cannot or who refuse to 'feel it' are apparently inattentive to current societal events or perhaps they feel that resistance is useless, why bother. How glad modern Americans must be that such sentiments didn't hold sway during the American Revolution!
So what potentials and cautions are revealed by the hidden square in America's natal horoscope (and psyche) of July 4, 1776?
Refusal to honor societal obligations, feeling apathetic when it comes to demonstrating our opposition to political subversion, ignoring the corrosion of our traditional values and principles embedded in America's Freedom Documents--these are only some of the effects of a negative aspect between radical Uranus and inspirational Neptune, planet of the masses. Also associated with negative Uranus-Neptune vibes are: muddled thinking, lack of clarity concerning social movements and issues, mild acceptance of the bondage that power-mad leaders represent, fear of 'rocking the boat' or 'becoming involved' lest personal security is adversely affected, laxity toward corrupt political and other leaders in society, apathy about holding crooks and fraudsters accountable for their crimes, a lazy expectation that others 'will deal with it'--the list goes on and the unfortunate results are incompatible with the principles proclaimed in the US Constitution and undermine any moral standards we care to name.
Now is the time when We the People cannot afford to relax our watch though many of us turn away. It is for those who fight and re-fight for freedom, liberty, and independence who must recognize the danger when it presents itself and then call it out for what it really is. For no one ever promised that the Revolutionary era's many benefits would continue forever without major 'tune-ups' and without our dedication and constant attention to what is so easily lost and hard-won when regained.
A Fellow American
Constitution We the People

By Constitution_Pg1of4_AC.jpg: Constitutional Convention derivative work: Bluszczokrzew (Constitution_Pg1of4_AC.jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Nov 5, 2016

Jan 6, 2017: 115th Congress Counts Election 2016's Electoral Votes as a New Session Begins

Big Picture in Focus: a New President, the 115th Congress, and Jupiter Leading the Throng

by Jude Cowell

Nov 5, 2017: If like me you've been clinging to hope that Election Day 2016 will soon end without causing major mayhem to our nation, perhaps you've had a moment to notice that Wikipedia has the low down on the 115th Congress which extends from January 3, 2017 to January 3, 2019. Electoral votes from Presidential Election 2016 are scheduled to be counted in Joint Session on January 6, 2017 which will hopefully settle the matter. VP Joe Biden acts as Senate President at least until January 20, 2017 at 12:00 pm est when a new White House occupant takes the Oath of Office.

Now since we're about to end 2016 and enter 'Happy New Year!' 2017 with a spiffy new Congress, perhaps you remember the 114th Congress and its cosmically auspicious beginning when an ongoing transit of Pluto opposed America's natal Sun (the president and the leadership of the country), a time of challenges, power struggles, contests of wills, and no-compromise attitudes. All this while Pluto and the January 2015 Sun in Capricorn hooked up and created potentials for displays of aggression, domination, self-interest, and ego-based demands.

And even though it's doubtful that President Obama's Republican opponents needed the synchronicity of a double Sun-Pluto condition (power cravers all!) to continue their sabotage of his presidency (and America with it), that's definitely the theme under which they labored while We the People marveled at how brazenly in-breach of the public contract so many of them were.

And of course, 14 Cancer is the position of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, the Dog Star, aka, The Scorcher. Maybe you agree that Pluto's presence in mid-Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) has deepened and intensified events of 2015 and 2016 (ex: the insulting Campaign of 2016) so perhaps we should see if anything stellar is occurring over Capitol Hill on January 6, 2017 which will imprint upon political and societal matters during the upcoming congressional sessions and the first two years of a new president's term in office.

January 6, 2017: Well, obviously the Sun is in Capricorn so Pluto's manipulative influence continues but not as intensely (at 9:00 am est, Sun 16Cap26 and Pluto 17Cap08--both in the 12th house of Politics and Karma--chart set for the Capitol Building). The 'new world order' (global government) pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune, are near by Sun and Pluto by degree and in spirit since their 1993 conjunction/s occurred on or about 18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones) which sounds more Trumpian than Clintonian, doesn't it? Unless you think Hillary is a manly woman, that is! ("You're a puppet, no you're a puppet!" - Stephen Colbert on Hillary's and Donald's debate).

Additionally, the overstayed-its-welcome Uranus-Pluto square is involved in something of a Thor's Hammer pattern if you don't mind counting the North Node (public contact; future direction) so we may as well consider the midpoint picture the trio forms: Uranus-Pluto = NN: accomplishing immense tasks through teamwork; sharing upsets or excitement with others (Ebertin). Along with this there's Sun and Pluto at apex of a T-Square between the Jupiter-Uranus opposition (which can become despotic) so we have a powerful amount of far-sightedness and a strong awareness of objectives involved as 2017 gets underway. Jupiter and Uranus also make up the rim of a BOWL shape with Jupiter leading all the other planets--probably alternating his roles as politician, banker, fund-raiser, professor, The General, the priest, the CEO, the actor, the promoter, and other societal roles he likes to play when it suits.

As for We the People, we'll be more than a little riled up with Moon in Mars-ruled Aries separating from rebellious Uranus, 5S42) in the 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and the National Treasury. Radical reformer Uranus opposes the 8th (corporate) house where Jupiter leads the merry cosmic throng in the cause-advocating BOWL pattern.

Now as you suspect, there are more chart factors of interest but I'm only listing the ones that pop out at me on first glance. We see from this chart and the events it times, that America is not out of her destructive Sun-Pluto phase of forced conquest, and the world remains in the grip of illuminating Uranus-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto with wealth-hoarding saboteur Pluto at apex of 1993's prominent conjunction degree which imprints 2017 and beyond as the 'Big Picture' demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise era (Tyl). Add to that the fact that when the revolutionary energies of Uranus and Pluto clash, we have: collapse of the old order, construction of the new (Ebertin) which for me echoes the far-sightedness and strong awareness of objectives mentioned, above, of a long-range plan for order out of (purposefully created) chaos.

The 2017 Eclipses begin in February and we'll cover those background influences later on. Meanwhile, we remain under the rays of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse until February 2017 but paradoxically there is transit Neptune (10 Pisces) opposing the eclipse's realism and tackling the truth themes via confusion, illusion, fraud, lies, and deception which muddles things up for some, while others see things more clearly than ever before as Neptune's mirror reflects the degree area of 9 to 10 Virgo. And of course, astrological Neptune also represents the masses, mass delusion, and mass media, the largest propaganda spreader of all.

So with the Electoral Vote Count and a new Congress approaching, we may wonder about the day's Sun Cap-Moon Aries blend of energies, an Earth-Fire combo of 'scorched earth' tendencies that mimic Sirius 'The Scorcher'. This relates to more wildfires, drought, and to more political tactics in Washington by politicians and their backers who'd rather burn the place down than lose a jot of their earthly power and prestige. Actually, Sun Cap-Moon Aries is known for its tendencies toward overvaluing career success, insensitivity to the needs of others, and for an emphasis on crass materialism. Sounds like most pocket-lining politicians to me!

Update Nov 6, 2016: see PoliticusUSA's article that mentions the continuation of Republicans' 'scorched earth' policy toward a Clinton presidency.

And so, as New Year's Day 2017 approaches, yours truly is pre-wishing Joy and Good Fortune to everyone around the world--for the shrivel-hearted rich elites can take care of themselves and are completely insensible to how very very poor they really are.


Recommended books: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Sun Sign-Moon Sun, Charles and Suzi Harvey; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger; The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard.

Sep 2, 2016

What Did President Truman Think About Republicans?? video (w Eclipses)

Although it makes me feel sad for our country and for our system of government, here is Thom Hartmann reading President Harry Truman's description of the Republican Party which sounds eerily similar to a modern day assessment:

And here is a related post from 2015 entitled Harry Truman's NSA and Pluto's Covert Actions which includes brief details on President Truman's natal chart, Freemason as he was.

Speaking of Freemasons and politicians, have you had a chance to check out the History of Freemasons and the Skull and Bones video? Recently I read somewhere (I'd tell you where if memory served!) that Yale's Skull and Bones Society is purely an Illuminati endeavor and as you know, the Bushs, John Kerry, and many other 'politicians' are members of this secretive group (though few if any will admit it).

Also related is a post on the 16 North Illuminati Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Scorpio, so called because 16 North's initial eclipse in the series brought events via the trine between Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune (the last conjunction/s of which occurred three times in 1993 during the first term of President Bill Clinton--@18Cap = strong-armed paternalism). If curious, see Historical Events of 2013 and you may discover something of a light-dark nature.

Actually, it's amusing to remember that during the 16 North eclipse's 1995 manifestation (00Scorpio), I began drawing on black paper which I had not done since high school art classes! So I wonder: in 1995 were you doing anything that brought light to dark? Yes, chiaroscuro art has always been a favorite of mine and a pretty good example is one of my top-viewed drawings Spooky Fairy Night which was perpetrated by manipulating white pencil on black-as-night paper!

Of course, that may be what we call the night of Election Day 2016 once our a-shambles political system with its rigged voting machines gets through with us.

16 North manifested or will manifest in the years: 1905 (Einstein!), 1923, 1941, 1959, 1977 (Chiron discovered!), 1995, 2013, 2031, 2049 (Brady).

Jun 29, 2016

Vince Foster leaves the White House: "I'll be back," and Mr. Trump's troublesome Pluto

White House 1993: a New President, a Resignation, and Uranus Meets Neptune

by Jude Cowell

As you know, 1993 was the year that Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune met three times in Great Conjunction on or about the 18th degree of Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for 18Cap is: POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones).

The following paragraph is the text of what is allegedly the suicide note of Vincent Foster who died July 20, 1993 after leaving his White House office and saying he'd be back. Wife Lisa Foster has said that the following text (or part of it) reads like a letter of resignation which it could be since Mr. Foster apparently intended to resign from the President Bill Clinton administration only 6 months into Mr. Clinton's first presidential term which began on January 20, 1993:

I made mistakes from ignorance, inexperience and overwork I did not knowingly violate any law or standard of conduct No one in The White House, to my knowledge, violated any law or standard of conduct, including any action in the travel office. There was no intent to benefit any individual or specific group The FBI lied in their report to the AG The press is covering up the illegal benefits they received from the travel staff The GOP has lied and misrepresented its knowledge and role and covered up a prior investigation The Ushers Office plotted to have excessive costs incurred, taking advantage of Kaki and HRC The public will never believe the innocence of the Clintons and their loyal staff The WSJ editors lie without consequence I was not meant for the job or the spotlight of public life in Washington. Here ruining people is considered sport

Yes, "ruining people" in DC still takes up quite a bit of their time and effort, even on a good day. And so I must agree with Mr. Foster on that point even though my DC residence in decades past (during the Nixon era) was not specifically related to Politics or to politicians other than having friends who were the children of diplomats. Yes, a few paths were crossed but I was not the political one and did not care to be.

Is It Time for Smug or Strong-Armed Maternalism?

Well, here it is, 2016, and a presidential campaign is underway which provides the American people with two wounded candidates (unless a replacement is brought in for Trump or for Hillary). And if Vince Foster is correct, "the public will never believe the innocence of the Clintons..." particularly Hillary Clinton, a current presidential candidate. If she is (s)elected for the Oval Office, the American people will be subjected to an endless stream of Republican criticism, innuendo, and fluffy scandals about her activities and I doubt that GOP Capitol Hill-ers will behave any better toward her than they did during the presidency of Barack Obama. (Much of that behavior is Political Theater, designed to keep the American people divided and conquered.)

However, this week another Benghazi Report was released and Trey Gowdy and his Republican posse held a presser yet couldn't provide any new information they'd found in any of their several 'investigations' of Hillary Clinton--concerning Benghazi or her State Department emails--after millions of dollars down the drain when Republicans could have been doing something actually useful for the American people. A spendthrift, in-breach-of-public-contract GOP has become quite a bunch of wheel-spinners, haven't they? And with Democrats enabling.

So although yours truly is not the best at believing in the innocence of the Clintons, come November 8, 2016 my vote will go to the Democratic nominee, no matter how much baggage the yappy GOP loads her down with for 4 years or 8. Because for one reason--always consider the source, and after 8 excruciating years of oilmen Bush-Cheney in the White House, I dearly wish for America's sake that Hillary Clinton weren't so obviously a neocon follower of the Global Government script of world domination. And we can't depend on mainstream media to honestly inform us.

Well, let's be thankful for small favors because at least Hillary wasn't born with an unaspected Pluto, an astrological condition which describes Donald Trump and accounts for some of his lack of personal reflection and his I-never-make-mistakes stupidity. An unaspected Pluto identifies him as an isolationist and a man "overshadowed by shadows" with "primal urges and obscure drives" in control, plus his separating (and thus unconscious) Mercury-Neptune square only distorts his thinking further and scrambles the facts.

So in November, I'll be voting for Hillary's shadows over Trump's. Even if shades of Vince Foster come back to haunt us all.

Data: Vincent Foster January 15, 1945 Hope, Arkansas (birth hour unknown); Vince Foster leaves his White House office: July 20, 1993 1:00 pm EDT; Rising is 21Libra17; his first natal planet to rise: Mercury @1Cap33 (conjunct Mars @7Cap17); in process was a transit from Jupiter @8Lib10 to his natal Neptune @6Lib24 Rx, a time with potentials for: scandal, paranoia, fanaticism, funky or inflated financial schemes, pretense, and/or illusion.

R.I.P. Mr. Foster.

Jun 26, 2016

2nd Sept 1666: Great Fire of London breaks out in Pudding Lane - video (w/ Astrology)

2nd September 1666: Pudding Lane, London, England. A baker leaves an oven burning as he retires for the night, a fiery conflagration ensues. Winds blow as London goes up in flames. HistoryPod shares the basics of the tale in 2 minutes 40 seconds with a little Astrology to follow:


A Brief Astro-Peek at the Great Fire of London

by Jude Cowell

Naturally when it comes to fire, planet Mars must be investigated and on September 2, 1666, the planet of arson was at 14 Scorpio, a sign that Mars rules. Morbid, secretive, sometimes betraying Scorpio is sub-ruled by the permanent transformation planet of wealth, stealth, and sabotage, Pluto (when in Gemini = ruthless behavior toward society or the social order--Ebertin). That Britain's current financial center, the City of London (51N51:55 00W09:22) developed from the clearing out of London by the Great Fire of 1666 is beyond the scope of this post and yet it lurks within my own thoughts, if not in yours. As you know, the City of London is Sui generis as are we all as unique individuals and is a sovereign state as is the Vatican with its scandal-prone Vatican Bank of money launderers and thieves.

A Few Primary Planetary Influences Active on September 2, 1666:

Pluto and the North Node of Destiny were coasting in tandem though Pluto remained in late Gemini (28Gem28--'28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY), yet North Node (the public) @2Cancer58 would soon meet Mr. Hades to form the tiger by the tail duo of Pluto-NN. This pair implies a common and tragic destiny, according to Ebertin.

In addition, another conjunction held sway: Saturn @13Cap59 Rx and Neptune @19Cap38 Rx with loss-bringer Neptune curiously at its 'new world order' degree as in 1993 when the nebulous fraudster met radical reformer Uranus, forming the oh-so-rational planetary pair of the Enlightenment.

(You, dear reader, must be quite fatigued with my near-constant mention of this pair of arch conspirators of Globalism but with all that's occurring before our eyes since the New Millennium, how can I do otherwise?)

Now I have yet to find an exact or approximate time that the sleepy baker left the oven burning but an early night of it must have been the case since bakers must arise extremely early, you know. At 8:02 pm LMT on that date, the Moon was freshly into Scorpio (2:29 and setting) and the Sun was @10Virgo25--with a critical-crisis 29th degree rising (ASC 29Ari06 = fiery Mars ruling the chart and the event, I suspect). Sudden event planet Uranus was not only strong in its sign of Aquarius (21:33 Rx) but conjoined wounded Chiron (22:32 Rx) while hidden by Dark Moon W'Mat2. Intriguingly, MIDAS Rx conjoined Uranus as well and perhaps suggested some type of monetary motivation for the conflagration. Plus, Uranus may cause difficult disruptions and upsets at the most inconvenient of times.

Another reason I like the '8:02 pm' chart is that Egyptian goddess star Sirius conjoins the IC, the Ending Point of the chart where a draining of energy occurs. Sirius is sometimes known as The Scorcher, a most descriptive application in such a case.

Still, the prime motivator of any fiery show has to be Mars, the fire-starter, in mid-Scorpio as noted, conjoined fixed star Zuben Elschemali, keywords: negative social reform. And of course, the influence of Saturn's and Neptune's combined energies by conjunction indicates a time period with potentials for distrust, hysteria, sacrifice, tormenting conditions, illnesses, weakness, and/or a 'methodical execution of plans' (Ebertin). Both Saturn and Neptune are considered karmic planets that can bring losses of all kinds--combined, they may bring societal woes and conditions of suffering that were most likely a long time forming.

As I type at you from North of Atlanta, Georgia, let's consider the Solar Eclipse Saros Series under which the Great Fire of London occurred and a curious synchronicity which you may find rather interesting:

Prior to September 2nd, on July 2, 1666, a Solar Eclipse manifested @10Can26 in the 11 North Series with fiery Mars @7Lib23. Round up the degree of Mars and its Sabian Symbol seems appropriate for our topic: "A Blazing Fireplace in a Deserted Home"..."the ever-nascent HOPE for a rebeginning." (Rudhyar). Of course, much rebeginning (rebuilding) was necessary with perhaps the most famous architect in history, honorary Freemason Christopher Wren redesigning London, cathedrals and all.

And the curious synchronicity? That would be the fact that 11 North is also the Pre-Natal Series of The Burning of Atlanta to the ground, via Union General Sherman and his troops, on November 15, 1864.

And the most recent manifestation of 11 North? That would be what I then called the New President Eclipse of January 26, 2009, the eclipse @6AQ30 (conjunct US natal South Node) which is cosmically imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama--inaugurated it, we might say. It's aka, the Ring of Fire Eclipse. 11 North's initial manifestation was on August 1, 1125 (OS) @14Leo33 and its themes that were in effect in 1666, 1864, and 2009 are: suddenly changing groups through travel or ideas and feeling that a great deal may be gained (Brady).

So 11 North has influenced at least two major fires burning cities to the ground and a suspicious financial heist that wiped out trillions of dollars from the pockets and pensions of millions of regular folk while the 1% "gained a great deal." Therefore, it seems to me that forms of exploitation and oppression of the masses must be embedded within the 11 North Saros Series. The next occurrence of 11N will be on February 6, 2027 @18Aquarius, fyi, so if you're around for it, please watch your back.


In no particular order, other events influenced by 11 North include: the '13 Bankers' visit to the Oval Office (Mr. Obama's alleged 'pitchfork warning' to the sorry jack*sses), the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, Bush Senior's Desert Storm invasion (his touted heralding of a 'new world order'), the Hindenburg Disaster of 1937, and the construction of the White House where US presidents have come to expect "a great deal" -- as long as they follow the transnational bankers' script toward Global Banking though the Rothschildian conspirators' long term plan received a bit of a goosing this week as Britons voted to Leave the EU.