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Showing posts with label Uranus-Pluto square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus-Pluto square. Show all posts

Sep 9, 2014

Sep 10, 2014 POTUS on ISIS threat: Moon conjunct Uranus

Oh, Masonic Washington, What Are You Brewing?

by Jude Cowell

Update 8:12 pm EDT: the following post fails to mention that at 8:57 pm Wednesday evening the Moon becomes void-of-course (until Sept 11 at 9:16 pm EDT when Luna enters Taurus) and the usual implication for the beginning of an enterprise under such an influence is to expect no results. However, a VOC Moon period can also indicate that when a difficult or risky undertaking is about to start and there are others who might create problems or interruptions to it, they can do nothing against you. Ex: the 9/11/01 Moon.

Original post starts here:

At 8:57 pm EDT this evening a Moon-Uranus conjunction at 15 Aries manifests with 'excited people-states of fear and anxiety' vibes supported by warrior Mars through its rulership of Aries. Nine pm is often the hour a president takes to the TV airwaves (Uranus) to address the American public (Moon) so that's the horoscope I'm considering until I know a definite hour for the beginning of President Obama's speech.

As noted today in a Washington Post blog written by Katie Zezima, this evening marks exactly one year since POTUS attempted to rev up the American people to support military airstrikes in Syria which failed to get us riled as the ISIS threat seems to be doing. A new WaPo poll cites public support for airstrikes at 65% while MSNBC this morning cited a poll with our support at 71%. Well, perhaps it depends on how is polled and how questions are framed. In 2013 the threat to the US didn't seem imminent or worrisome enough but as we see it has been considerably ramped up by beheadings and other vileness along with outright threats made by the militants against America and Mr. Obama himself.

(Perhaps you remember Osama bin Laden's nickname for our country: 'The Great Satan.' But with war being what it is, I assert that we're watching Satan fighting Satan in the West v East struggle for dominance, ancient as it is. Recently I heard an ISIS reference to the Ottoman Empire which adds much to the conflagration of long-held grievances--including Turkey and old Constantinople--but such interesting topics are way beyond the scope of this post.)

Folks, What We Have Here Is an "ISIS Crisis"

It may interest you to know that in Washington DC at 9:00 pm EDT tonight transit Mars (weaponry, war and warmongering) sits upon President Obama's natal Midheaven, his Goal, Aspiration, and Career Point, so the 'caution' he is said to have shown thus far seems to me to be all about timing not reluctance to enter the fray more directly. For the Global Government script calls for its actors and agents to listen to their masters' voices when it comes to mounting World War III which I sincerely think is being engineered right under our "supportive" noses. And curiously 29Sco45, a critical-crisis degree, is the position of the people's Moon in Obama's first Inauguration horoscope of 2009 as he 'reluctantly' touts war to The People tonight and we are made to feel we must join in with his Mars-MC aims as the will to war is forced upon us through deception and persuasion.

Now when we add the 'L' to ISIL, we add the Levant which includes, of course, Israel, the underlying motivator for this military action Mr. Obama is calling for in the Great Plan to establish a World Capital at Jerusalem. Do I digress from the president's effort tonight to persuade us? I only wish it were so. The threat to the Germanic-sounding "homeland" may be real as can be (false flag ops included) but on another level it is a pretext, a tactic the US government has used to lie us into military action before, as we know. (USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, 9/11/01, and now this. World Wars I, II, and...

So where are other chart factors of certain actors (planets) found in tonight's 9:00 pm horoscope?

Rising is 29Ari09, a critical-crisis 29th degree in the sign of Mars-ruled Aries. Naturally this places 29Lib09 on the Partnership cusp (Descendant) with Aries-Libra one of the military-diplomacy polarities. (Pisces is also a military sign.) "National Security" will be said to be the basis of public support or at least it will be asked to be. The Moon-Uranus pair are in 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing--take from that what you will.

The Security axis (MC-IC) shows the same with 16Cancer33 on IC (Foundation, Basis, Endings, the Drain) and Saturn-ruled Capricorn at Midheaven and keying up the enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune on and near that degree of Capricorn during their three great Conjunctions all through 1993. ('18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer"...POLITICAL POWER.)

Now at the IC we find two interesting chart factors: the Pentagon's natal Ascendant (not a surprise) and US natal Jupiter's current retrograde degree by Progression, the Station of which occurred in November 1905--just in time to propagandize the American public into entering World War I when the time was considered 'right'. A false flag op had to be mounted as well to stir our emotions and President Wilson had secretly pledged the US to war--on orders from international bankers--before the public ever knew about it. Wilson' famous address to a Joint Session of Congress basically sealed the deal and off we marched.

As you know, one of adventurous, expansive Jupiter's many roles in Mundane Astrology is The General so this paints a rather curious picture, don't you think? It was almost amusing (if not so tragic) how the mainstream media took our minds off important details with their "POTUS has no strategy" ridiculousness when clearly such massive plans for global dominance and the subjugation of anyone in the Middle East who disagrees with the establishment of a 'new world order' cannot be the responsibility of just one man, even one wearing a 'leader of the free world' mantle.

Yes, Globalism marches on, apparently with the American public in tow and powerful puppet master Pluto @11Cap01 Rx near an Angle, the only malefic planet to be so at 9:00 pm tonight in DC, so we may expect the Great Plan to proceed much as global operatives and secret cabals direct the action from afar (Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands.) Of course, a 9th house Pluto on another level signifies the Morbid One in his assassin role so ISIS-ISIL comes to mind.

And what of the 6th house of Military Service? North Node (a karmic point of future direction) @20Lib52 is posited there along with the Sun (leadership) @18Vir14 near its degree on 9/11/01. To me this shows that tonight's script is part of a piece, a progression from the WTC attacks which continue to look to many people like a false flag op. Warrign Mars as noted above @28Sco05 has just left the 8th house of Transformation and Corporatism with its 1Sag45 cusp and perhaps you know that in the Sabian Symbols, '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Transit Mars reaches the zone of 00-1Sag beginning on September 14, 2014 so we'll see if 'he' triggers military action--or, I should say, a more visible military action--and definitely attacks, airstrikes, etc.

Or will the Pentagon become more active after the April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse influence fades in October with its themes of 'wasted energy especially when dealing with groups--take no action as it is potentially unfulfilling' (Brady)? Perhaps but there are many other astrological timings going on including the 6th of 7 exact squares of Uranus and Pluto on December 15, 2014 (#7 on March 17, 2015.) Upheavals, war, protests, uprisings--you know the score on Uranus-Pluto and their titanic Cardinal Square which shouts impetuously for action on a global scale.

US natal Neptune in the 6th house of tonight's speech chart shows the propaganda at work as it continues to mask the deeper motivations and actions of President Obama for our national Neptune covers his natal Mars in Virgo. And as always, America's problematic Mars-Neptune square ('fog of war', misdirected or misguided energy, deceptive actions, confused motivations) is in play with our natal Mars in the speech's 2nd house of the National Treasury. The US Congress will be asked for more funds for war and when have they ever failed to provide them--openly and/or surreptitiously?

(You may notice that I have held back from mention of Armageddon for that would send us on a major tangent of Biblical proportions, again beyond the scope of this post.)

Well, there are more chart factors to discuss but my time is limited so I'll only mention again what I've blogged rather loudly about previously--that transit Jupiter @12Leo12 tonight again conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Sun, a period when something begun about 12 years ago must either be raised to the next level or be ended entirely. Now #POTUS has made much of a desire that US troops leave the Middle East and he has seemingly done such yet he'll appear on TV this evening in a rhetorical attempt to persuade the US public to support a new level of war in the Middle East.

Will the justifications President Obama puts forward be enough to sway you?

Further reading: Sept 7, 2014 an Atlanta Journal blog's thoughts with a list of potential topics.

Astro-Note: an exact time for tonight's address has so far remained elusive yet if 9:00 pm isn't the correct hour the Moon-Uranus conjunction retains its implications as do most of the interpretations mentioned above though house positions may vary. Maybe White House astrologers are being careful to study the portents for best results!

Update 1:38 pm EDT: 9:00 pm EDT is indeed the confirmed time for the president's ISIS address.

Sep 7, 2014

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2014: Jupiter becomes prominent

Set for Washington DC, here is the horoscope for this year's Libra Ingress, or as I usually call it, Autumn Equinox, 2014. If you click the image you may see my scribbles--it's an Hour of Saturn and with all the sober issues bedeviling the world at the moment it's no surprise that Autumn 2014 continues our serious concerns of a Saturnian nature.

In addition, we are at the square phase (90 degrees = blockages; obstacles; 5A15) of the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle (the two societal planets.) The current cycle began with their conjunction on May 28, 2000 and denotes, among other things, financial difficulties and delays plus, governmental (Saturn) blockages (square) along with lingering after-effects from events and conditions of 2000 and 2001 as the New Millennium got underway. You'll remember the Y2K scam, tech bubbles bursting, and other societal concerns at that time--and this wasn't long after the famous 'Nostradamus Solar Eclipse', aka the 'Mother of All Eclipses'. or, the 'King of Terror (or, Alarm) Eclipse.

Plus, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred in money-oriented Taurus, sign of the Bull of Wall Street, and paved the way into Millennial monetary robberies, fraudulent trading, 9/11 attacks and the missing gold from the World Trade Center vault/s... at 23 Taurus = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Valuable Gems" (Rudhyar)--all leading up to the Crash of 2007/2008. Plus, the current Pre-Natal Eclipse degree falls in the 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals (ex: trade pacts the American people oppose), and Karma--also in gold-loving Taurus @8:51 (on April 29, 2014.) This Solar eclipse is in the 16 South Saros Series and denotes 'wasted energy and misdirected motivations especially when dealing with groups--take no real action at this time' (Brady.) Sounds like President Obama is well-advised to be cautious and hold off on committing major numbers of troops to Iraq--for now, but it's coming. After, the Iraq War natal horoscope of 2003 did have its Jupiter (The General) Return recently.

Okay, without further fussing, here's the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope:

Chart-ruler Mercury (26Lib13 in 5th house of Gambling and Creativity) is unaspected so its sign and house position, the houses it rules (1st and 5th), and its dispositor (Venus in 5th house @21Vir34--they're in Mutual Reception so there will be cooperation between Mercury and Venus) is all-important for gleaning details on the character of Autumn 2014. Mercury is, of course, the communicator, messenger, orator, trader, teacher, and young person or student among many other roles for we often consider planets as actors on a stage.

Yet I would be remiss not to mention that Venus conjoins difficult Fixed Star Denebola indicating 'going against society' or, 'against the mainstream' and this to me denotes entities and groups which are doing and will do just that--in Politics at home and abroad, plus, violent actors and usurpers on the march and demanding that more power and control be added to their dubious accomplishments. And yes, this points toward the current crop of psychopaths!

Then there's trickster Pan, retrograde in Gemini (the Mercury-ruled sign of tricksters, traders, and magicians) and rising on the Ascendant (13Gem00) along with America's natal Descendant (Others, Partners, Open enemies) in the 'Sibly natal chart' so we may expect elements of surprise within alliances which the US government forms or has formed and which may now be up for review or revision. Not all is as it seems (propaganda, bait-and-switch) though I can't say that's anything new for a country saddled with a government that lies its people into war based on fraudulent schemes of global domination and control and thievery of natural resources, can you? POTUS apparently wants partners-in-crime for our further misadventures abroad but our cred may be sorely lacking--others may not want to cooperate as Washington thinks they should--or they may promise cooperation then not deliver as they've done before.

Kind of a 'say what they want to hear then do what you want secretly' ploy so typical in Politics and in human nature. Of course America has been guilty of such duplicity as well with US natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini, sign of multiplicity, one of the factors in the Pentagon's insistence that 'of course we can fight more than one war (Mars) at once'. But is it the sane and responsible thing to do?, says our natal Saturn exalted in balanced Libra.

Deceptive Neptune in its own sign of Pisces placed in 10th house shows media propaganda on view as well as contagion issues such as ebola infections continuing across the globe. Astrological Neptune also signifies the masses, scandals, mysticism, spirituality (including Islam), and paranoia, as you know, and Pisces is the sign of The Oceans--will the spreading Fukushima radiation finally be in full view? Will the mismanaged #CDC get its act together? Wounded Healer Chiron, also in 10th h, indicates a definite need for this yet on another level shows infected healthcare workers such as those evacuated to the US from Africa and healed of ebola. Will there be more infected workers to come?

Well, the very moment that the 2014 Sun reaches 00Libra00:00 happens to be during a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase which is the Dark of the Moon prior to a New Moon and indicates shady goings-on, things going bump in the night, a potential for prophetic visions, and/or an endings-partings vibe. Someone may take over where another had to leave off (ex: November 2014 Midterm Elections) and the Stationary Pluto @10Cap59 in the 8th house of Corporatism and Big Business is actually conjunct its transit position in the January 1, 2014 New Moon horoscope--a New Moon conjunct Pluto, a powerful portent for the entire year of 2014 and pointing ahead in the US toward our Midterm Elections, the propaganda campaigns involved, and our changing perspectives. Therefore, transformation in 8th house matters is on top of wealthy Pluto's menu for Autumn 2014.

As you see, US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) falls in the 10th house of the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope thus hinting at the importance placed upon public moods, trends, polls, and perceptions. US natal Sun (POTUS, leadership) @14Cancer (conjunct Dog Star Sirius, one of our nation's many links to Egyptian mysticism, Freemasonry, and goddess Isis worship--yes, 'ISIS', symbolized astrologically and mythologically by planet Venus) falls in the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values. US natal Jupiter @5Can56 conjoins the 2nd cusp and always carries its "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" vibe from July 4, 1776, and of course, wherever the Moon or sign Cancer turns up in a chart we may expect fluctuations and change with a potential for instability.

Here we also find Moon-ruled Cancer on the 3rd cusp of Communications, Early Education, the Lower Mind, and Short Trips with US natal Mercury Rx @24Cancer actually in 2nd house having just left the 3rd. And with transit Pluto stationing mightily in 8th house as previously noted, and America's surveillance-obsessed and secretive Mercury-Pluto opposition affecting both the 2/8 and 3/9 axes, we may expect more secrets revealed concerning financial, trading, corporate and spying, hacking, communication matters. (Wealthy string-puller Pluto begins creeping forward the night of September 22 at 8:36 pm EDT.)

Plus, with the critical-degreed Moon (17 Virgo, sign of The Critic) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate one wonders how such changeableness may affect the US economy though a fluctuation can be more positive than negative given our lackadaisical 'recovery' that so few of us feel. Problems while traveling may also be indicated yet the Moon in its own 4th house is dignified and may also denote people feeling most comfortable when at home and passing around the apple pie!

However, an unsettling placement is warrior Mars in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of Religion, Philosophy, and Foreign Lands, in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (Military, Police, and Civil) denoting military incursions and more actions at home on the weaponized police/Police State front. Mars rules 6th house via the Scorpio cusp and its degree of 00Sco44 points directly toward the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco23. Mars-ruled Aries here is intercepted in the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes and Uranus there in Mars-ruled Aries (Utopians, anarchists, fanatic reformers--Ebertin) may indicate a karmic task has arrived--that the time has come for such infiltrators to be dealt with. Will American voters on November 4, 2014 do just that?

Synchronistically, the transiting South Node (SN)--the 'Tail of the Dragon'--will conjoin disruptive Uranus in January 2015 spotlighting the month that newly elected congress members will take office on Capitol Hill--and possibly be voting for war. Yet along with Uranus-SN's 'war and uprising' connotations, might this conjunction indicate that the Saturnian SN, a point of separation and neurosis (when past ideas no longer suffice to solve present problems and conditions) bring about a release of non-governing, anti-government tea-baggers from the US Congress and from other political positions?

Well, in spite of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square energies of revolt and upheaval 'running in the background' (next exact Square on December 15, 2014, the last on March 17, 2015), this populist common-good blogger certainly hopes so!

Looking Ahead

As Jupiter, generous planet of investment and growth--and possibly representing an expansion of investment in America by the Democratic Party--brightens into prominence and visibility in shiny Leo in mid-November 2014 into 2015 there are several other factors of merit that your eagle eye will notice in the chart above so be on the lookout for transits to the Autumn Equinox 2014 horoscope as you get a chance and hopefully you and I will meet again soon.


Blog Note: though not as constant, my tech troubles continue in an off-and-on-again fashion so my plan if all goes well is to post on the powerful October 8, 2014 Lunar Eclipse asap followed soon after by a look at the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse which conjoins the 6th cusp of the above horoscope so please stay tuned if you may! jc

Aug 13, 2014

Oppressive Uranus-Pluto updates itself as US Mars Rx tear-gases the American People

Aware of the US Police State? Mid-1960s and the New Millennium

by Jude Cowell

Issues of Love v Fear abound as the sixth exact Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square nears on December 15, 2014 (plus, the 7th and last conjunction occurs on March 17, 2015), a square which cyclically issues from the Uranus-Pluto conjunction/s of the mid-1960s (@17Virgo, a critical degree) with all the social upheavals the world experienced, we find ourselves in a hot mess across the globe. With protests, unprovoked shootings of teens in the US, sadistic tear gas and pepper spray use, military tanks showing up in neighborhoods for no good reason, 'shoot-first' police officers in camouflage gear or soldier's armor, drone strikes, and more, we find America's warring Mars now retrograde by progression (since Summer 2006) making its inverted, crabbed, frustrated energies known on a wide scale on many levels of society as the violence of astrological Mars seeks expression on the physical plane both here and abroad.

Plus, Mars in Libra, as our national progressed Mars is, presents an often difficult picture of frustration all by itself!

Now as you know, the same astrological condition of Mars occurred in Germany's progressions decades ago and a similar period of 80 years now faces the American people (2006 + 80 = year 2086 = relief?) That our military can be successful abroad (whatever "successful" means within the realms of war and draconian policing) is doubtful or spotty and if History Repeats in similar fashion, we have real-world lessons to endure in America during the New Millennium which echo Germany under psychopath Hitler, the arsonist (Mars!)

Ex: Berlin's Reichstag Building (Germany's Parliament) burning down to make way for Adolf is roughly equivalent to the WTC destruction of 9/11/01 to make way for the US Patriot Act, creation of the massive Department of Homeland Security, financial heists culminating in 2008, the increase and deepening of the Surveillance State, and other controls we find upon us in 2014 and beyond.

Yet all government 'laws' are simply words written on paper--or on a computer screen and will go pouf! as soon as enough of We the People consciously stop believing in the inventions of "the powers that think they be" as Max Igan describes the plutocrats and oligarchs now making their move toward totalitarian control of the entire planet.

But Not so fast, Pilgrim!, we may rightfully say. You create chaos in order to ramp up 'consent of the governed' concerning your manufactured crises. Wonder if any of the know-it-all 'power elite' class, isolated from society as they are, know or care how transparent their motives--another Mars concept--actually are to the rest of us?

May 1, 2014

SCOTUS, the 6th Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square, and a New Millennium

Progressive Uranus in Explosive Aries! 

This morning as I glanced at the horoscope of the next exact square (#6 of 7) between Uranus and Pluto (December 15, 2014 @12+ degrees of Aries/Capricorn), my eye was caught by a Think Progress headline: There's a Hidden Time Bomb in the Senate Rules That Will Go Off If a Supreme Court Justice Retires. How might the symbol for '13 Aries' link to the headline and its topic, above?

Because rounding up the degree of disruptive Uranus to 13 Aries gives a certain Sabian Symbol which may apply to the situation: "A Safely Concealed Bomb Fails to Explode" (Solar Fire software), or, as Dane Rudhyar puts it: "An Unexploded Bomb Reveals an Unsuccessful Social Protest." Keynote: An immature evaluation of the possibility of transforming suddenly the status quo.

And of course, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is the current phase of their Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s when 'social protest' was all the rage in US streets as it exploded across the globe on behalf of human rights; plus, the 'old order v new order' vibes of Uranus-Pluto have insinuated themselves into every institution these days. Can you feel it?

Now for more info on 13 Aries, Marc Edmund Jones adds: "An Unsuccessful Bomb Explosion." Keyword: IMPETUOUSNESS...positive expression: a dramatic rejection of any accomplishment falling at all short of a very deep or hallowed purpose; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): a waste of opportunity and a futile expenditure of self through vanity or petulance. Hmm. Sounds rather like some obstructive, politically motivated judge-appointee nomination hearings to me. And Capitol Hill denizens and shills do like their drama, don't they? Some have made it known that they prefer to govern by not governing.

Sadly for the rest of us, 99% of our politicians are in breach of the public trust and their "very deep or hallowed purpose" seems to be totalitarian control of a 'new order' Global Government based on 'higher' (secret) oaths they've taken which have little if anything to do with their oaths of office and absolutely nothing to do with carrying out 'the people's business.' Yes, We The People must seem only a quaint notion to varmints, brigands, pirates, thieves, psychopaths, and tyrants who imagine themselves kings of the world because they're brazen enough to plunder, pillage, and break societal taboos!

Here's something speculative from April 2013: Ginsburg Eyed as Possible Retirement from Supreme Court. Well, she's an admirable 80-something so it will be interesting to see what happens within the ranks of SCOTUS benchers in or by December 2014.

Another View of the 6th and 7th Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square

On March 17, 2015, the last of the exact Cardinal Squares (Ari/Cap) occurs between Uranus and Pluto and considering the "progress" made in their 'new order' (Uranus) plans so long ago initiated, it is tempting to consider the Sabian Symbol for 2 Libra. Why? Because the period of time between exact square #6 and #7 (December 15, 2014 -- March 17, 2015) may be crucial to government plans whatever character they may ultimately turn out to have. And in America's often used  'Sibly' natal horoscope, the Midheaven (Mc) which represents The Goal/Aspirations Point of the American Experiment is very near by degree--'1 Libra'. One has only to move the chart from 5:10 pm LMT (Philadelphia, PA) on July 4, 1776 to a couple of minutes later to not only set the Mc for '2 Libra'--but '3 Libra' happens to be the midpoint of our nation's Saturn (15Lib) and Neptune (23Virgo).

Together there are many possible expressions for the Saturn-Neptune combination such as: secret or hidden (Neptune) government (Saturn), social programs, socialism, communism, capitalism and other -isms, suffering, martyrdom, illness, loss--you know the list. Well, the 6th square of  Uranus-Pluto morphs into the 7th square so let's check out the symbol for '2 Libra':

Rudhyar: "The Transmutation of the Fruits of Past Experiences Into the Seed-Realizations of the Forever Creative Spirit." 'Keynote: A repolarization of inner energies leading to a creative centralization of consciousness.'

In the occult, this may relate to Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine and mankind's evolution, yet it may apply more fully to the occult meanings of the numbers 6 and 7. Rudhyar continues: "Number 6 (Solomon's Seal) represents the synthesis of descending spirit and descending matter. It represents the fullness of all past efforts; within the six-fold fruition the seed may be found, the seventh.Outer activity is fulfilled (the Six Days of Creation in the first chapter of Genesis); and the Supreme Actor can be seen in His changelessness and therefore his transcending all-inclusiveness."

"All that was manifested in the plant is gathered in the hidden seed, which in due time becomes the foundation of a new cycle of existence. The fruit decays. For a brief moment the released seed may be seen; this is the 'seventh' period that becomes the creative power fathering a new cycle."

Rudhyar goes on but I shall close for now after reminding myself of the ceremony at the Washington Monument (our national phallic symbol meant for 'seeding' all those feminine goddesses sprinkled abundantly around the District of Columbia--how odd that George, the Father of Our Country, apparently fathered no children of his own!) on New Year's Eve December 31, 1999 when Bill and Hillary seeded the nation and the world into the New Millennium. UPDATE Jan 20, 2016: which to me means that consciously or unconsciously, Hillary (now a 2016 presidential candidate) and Bill Clinton 'seeded' every event and condition that has occurred in this, the New Millennium. A lady 'feminine goddess' president "fathering" our nation? Turn over the Great Seal of America to its covert side and there you'll find America's future.

~:~An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Solar Fire Gold software--v9 now available for download:

Apr 21, 2014

Natal Horoscope/s of Venezuela hit by Uranus-Pluto Square

According to Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes there are two sets of birth data for Venezuela, a country now experiencing political and social upheaval, protests, and police action which may be ascribed to the ongoing Cardinal Square between radical Uranus and powerful transformer Pluto. The square (90 degrees; obstacles, blockages, frustration) issues from their last conjunction/s in mid-Virgo which occurred in the mid-1960s as Civil Rights and other concerns were protested and subsequently legislated in the US and elsewhere. The planetary duo tends, of course, to bring revolutionary vibes to The Collective and generational conflicts arise.

The first birth horoscope for Venezuela (Independence Proclaimed) is the July 5, 1811 Caracas 'noon' (no exact hour known) chart with 12Lib51 rising and 11Can45 at Midheaven with the Sun (leadership) @12Can40. Libra ascending makes the 9th house Venus @16Gem40 potentially the chart-ruler which conjoins Jupiter @20Gem45 and Mercury @23Gem51. Moon (the people) is in 3rd house of the noon chart @4Cap08 so we know that transit Pluto (today @13Cap--the Uranus-Pluto Square perfects today at 3:21 pm edt) has been powerfully affecting this natal Moon. This horoscope's IC (homeland) is @11Cap45 so tr Pluto has crossed the IC into 4th house though without knowing a precise hour for the chart this is speculative timing. Yet a plutonian totalitarian government is apparently on someone's agenda for Venezuela.

Naturally with the 1811 natal Sun @12Can40, tr Pluto in Capricorn has also been in opposition to the leadership of the country much as in the US with our own natal Sun @13Cap19--and you know how that is playing out for President Obama--Pluto isn't playing and signifies several entities such as The Fed, the World Bank, the IMF--all the power brokers and controllers of the world. The Cardinal Square puts tr Uranus @13Aries on the Descendant of the 1811 chart and tr Jupiter (opposite tr Pluto, square Uranus) conjunct n Sun and MC.

The second horoscope for Venezuela also relates to independence and is set for September 22, 1830 'noon' Caracas with 26Sag43 rising and 1Lib07 at MC (Sun on 9th house side @critical degree of 29Vir08.) Moon @00Sag15 conjoins 12th cusp of Politics and Karma and at noon LMT has just entered into 11th house from the 12th. In 1st house are Jupiter @8Cap28 (recently hit by tr Pluto) and Neptune @20Cap02 Rx (20Can/Cap are critical degrees.) So tr Pluto will eventually hit natal Neptune, a time of conflict within moral, political, financial, and religious realms with issues such as genetic engineering, Civil Rights, abortion, mercy killing, executions, fraud, and more.

At this particular time in the 1830 horoscope, tr Pluto plods between natal Jupiter and Neptune (the grand spirit, wastrel, speculator pair) which helps describe difficult conditions in Venezuela with midpoint picture potentials for unreasonable plans that spiral out of control, political conflicts, scandals, speculation, and loss.

And of course the transiting Cardinal Square between Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter--now a Grand Cross thanks to tr Mars in Libra--catalyzes not only the 1st house Jupiter but also the 4th house (Domestic Scene; Endings) Pluto Rx @8Ari46. That protests, riots, and police action now occur in Venezuela is understandable for even tr Uranus conjunct n Pluto has a revolutionary signature all its own--and tr Uranus' opposition to n Sun during the last few years has added an unpredictable quality to the country's government as the will and authority of its leadership (Sun) has been challenged on many levels by separatist Uranus.

Global Post publishes articles concerning Venezuela if you're interested.

Mar 26, 2014

"Former FBI Agent Reveals Who Really Killed John Kennedy" video

What a former FBI agent says in this 5-minute video about the JFK assassination makes more sense than the white-wash conclusions of the Warren Commission though he does not address the possibility that someone or a group of elites ordered the killing of an American president:

1960s: Pluto, the Assassin, Meets Uranus, the Anarchist

If you wish, you may view a totally unmarked version of the JFK assassination horoscope here. Among other chart factors, you'll notice the explosive, 'collapse of the old order' duo lining up for their mid-1960s Great Conjunction/s in mid-Virgo, Uranus and Pluto. The old order v new order pair now transit in a Cardinal Square aspect (next exact square April 21, 2014) and are supporting mayhem across the globe.

The horoscope also shows the Sun (leader) at a critical 29th degree of secretive, betraying Scorpio, and near fixed star Bungala (Alpha Centauri), aka, Toliman, a star that is only visible in southern latitudes but since I deal here with symbology, I'll add that Bungala has a Jupiter-Venus nature and indicates themes of relationships with females that are somehow spoiled (adultery can do it); or, a happy relationship that is suddenly stricken by exceptional circumstances...such as your husband being assassinated.

Feb 22, 2014

Natal Horoscope: Ukraine with Jan-Feb 2014 Transits

The following horoscope for Ukraine is one of three given in Campion's Book of World Horoscopes. It is set for December 1, 1991 6:00 EET when the announcement was made after a referendum that Ukraine was legally independent and the country "began to function as a genuinely independent sovereign state." I choose to show this version of a Ukraine natal chart because one of the current transits involves government-toppling Pluto in Capricorn now crushing natal Uranus @11Cap57 in the 6th house of Police and Military Service:

Ukraine December 1, 1991 6:00 pm EET Kiev; Hour of Venus; Ascendant 3Leo29; chart-ruler Sun (Leadership) @9Sag02, Moon (The People) @17Lib48. This is a Fire-Air blend which denotes a 'live wire' relationship full of bombast and impracticality--the 'Utopian idealist' or maverick with many ideas who lives at a very fast pace.

An On-Going Conflict: Independence v Dependence

Sun Sag-Moon Lib reveals Ukraine to be replete with philosophers who possess social consciences, and those who like to frequent coffee shops and theaters. It is a warm-hearted combo of energies with a streak of prophecy tossed in yet it can be assertive, aggressive, and temperamental when challenged or treated unjustly as The People have been of late when President Yanukovych succumbed to Russia's trade deal rather than agreeing to the one offered by the EU.

See How Much Money Did Ukraine Lose When It Nixed the EU Deal? and more on the violent protests which began peacefully.

Now as natal chart-ruler, the Sun makes only one major applying aspect in the chart, a square to Jupiter which is the lead planet of the chart's Bowl pattern. This IDs the country and its leaders (Sun, Jupiter) as wheeler-dealers who don't mind bending the truth when it suits. Alan Oken calls a Sun-Jupiter square 'the squanderer' aspect if that tells you anything about the quality of the leaders the good people of Ukraine have had to put up with (as in America and elsewhere!).

Now let's discuss current transits to Ukraine's natal horoscope and as you see (please tap or click to enlarge), the ones for February 21, 2014 (coup d'etat?) are penned around the outside of the chart. However, in my quirky Uranian way (Uranus in 10th house), I'm going to list the transits for January 22, 2014 since that is the date of the first deaths of protesters and police officers.

So by consulting the displayed horoscope with February transits you can see how far the planets have moved since January 22nd--and that Mercury Rx now sits upon the country's natal 8th cusp of Death and Transformation. Mercury Stations Direct on February 28th @18AQ09 and will cross 8th cusp again; Mars will Station Rx on March 1st @27Lib31 (in natal 4th house of Domestic Scene--Mars = activists, protesters, police, military, and males between 25 to 35, give or take a year or so); Jupiter Stations Direct on March 6th @10Can21 and is, as you see, conjunct natal South Node, a point of separation, in the 12th house of Politics.

you'll undoubtedly notice more aspects to natal planets but these are the planetary influences I see as most affecting current events in Ukraine.

Key: UKR = Ukraine; 2014 = position of planets on January 22, 2014:

2014 Sun conjunct UKR Saturn @2AQ49 in 6th h: authority is highlighted, police and military are used by the president;

2014 Venus conjunct UKR Neptune @15Cap08 in 6th h: someone is out of touch with reality and hard to pin down, disguise is afoot, and mysterious events take place;

2014 Jupiter conjunct UKR South Node of the Moon (the public) which may be on one level a karmic picture of a president stepping down as he did; Jupiter also opposes UKR Uranus @11Cap57, the exact position of the January 1, 2014 New Moon and transiting Pluto! Jupiter opposite Uranus shows it to be a negative time for Politics and Group Endeavors as everyone goes off in different directions--including fleeing presidents and resigning cabinet members;

2014 Saturn conjunct UKR Pluto @21Sco01 in 5th h of Risk-Taking, but very close to the 4th h: situations are too large to be kept under control and there may be deep disappointment about something from the past;

2014 Uranus square UKR Uranus in Capricorn supports disruptive circumstances, separations, and unpredictable events as obstacles to personal freedom are met with an independent spirit; additionally, you see that transiting Uranus, planet of rebellion, rioting, and revolution, is at the top of the natal horoscope at Midheaven (11Ari32), the Goal Point of any chart with revolution and fire in the streets of Kiev being highly visible upon the World Stage--in Independence Square! What better place for the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square to trigger its work of rebellion?

You may wish to view the following video concerning the Divide in the Ukraine--Russia v EU, with astrological Uranus' 'separation and disruption' vibes on display:

One last note about the natal chart: in UKR's 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Secret Deals contains the country's Pre-Natal Eclipse @18Can58 in the 11 South Saros Series. Its themes include: 'the need for sudden reforms, old ideas and methods fail and new systems are needed to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) 11S last manifested on July 22, 2009 @29Cancer+ with '30Can' being the "A Child of the Revolution" degree in Sabian Symbols. 11S also occurred in the years 1901, 1919, 1937, 1955, and 1973, and will next turn up in year 2027.

During this dangerous time, my heartfelt prayers go out to the good people of Ukraine who, like all of us, deserve much fairer treatment from the government that is allegedly serving them. jc

Sep 4, 2013

Uranus-Pluto, Mercury-Mars, and America

You may have noticed that I keep a link to The Mountain Astrologer Magazine's blog written by Mary Plumb near the top of this blog's sidebar yet today a particularly insightful article there makes a shout-out with a direct link necessary.

In the realm of Mundane Astrology, there are many practitioners and authors of merit but you may go far afield to find a more useful view of how America's natal chart/s are now affected by transiting planets such as the Cardinal Uranus-Pluto Square, and in addition, a consideration of the cosmic activity affecting the natal planets of President Obama now offer a peek into how things will play out for our nation, and thus, for the world.

And since that basic topic has been a primary focus of this 8-year-old blog (a bit gray around the muzzle as it may be), I recommend to you The Uranus-Pluto Squares: Crisis in Action by Gary P. Caton (horoscopes shown) for a masterly overview of cosmic portents which reflect difficulties and obstacles for humanity, yes, but which offer opportunities to revisit old issues from the past (ex: the 1960s, when the current Uranus-Pluto cycle began) and hopefully to resolve them with better, more humane results.

Jun 30, 2013

Heard the one from Mark Twain? (Sun Sag-Moon Aries)

Astro-Notes on the Double Fire of Mark Twain

by Jude Cowell

"There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man's notion that he is less savage than the other savages." - Mark Twain (Nov 30, 1835--Apr 21, 1910)

Click for a bio and a view of his natal horoscope where you'll find natal Sun @7Sag34, Moon @15Ari37, and natal Ascendant @9Sco44. This double Fire Sun-Moon combo 'marks' Twain (nee Samuel Langhorne Clemens) as volatile, dramatic, hopeful, and creative, for as you know, his 'creative fire' burned brighter than most contemporaries of his day.

Yet upon our dualistic Earth, double Fire signatures set up a darker side for him to explore--the 'black dog' of depression (as Churchill called it) that howled whenever his passion for 'the vision' waned--or, brooded as he struggled to develop that inner level upon which the embers of high inspiration and wider perspective had to be stirred and banked when necessary in order to recapture a debilitating loss of meaning. And thus, after lifting himself out of the doldrums, he began again to creatively express himself in the outer world. His Mercury in intense Scorpio aided and abetted him in his work, and for this creative output he grew accustomed to being rewarded quite handsomely though finances were always an issue in his grand-scale life that lived beyond its means.

However, Sun Sag-Moon Ari denotes frankness, sincerity, courageous idealism, and restless adventurism. A vivid imagination and a certain missionary streak are notable, along with a bighearted demeanor and an irreverent attitude toward the outdated and the classic. (See above quotation for an example of his irreverence for that quaint, distorted notion long-held--still held--by white men of a haughty persuasion.)

It would seem that Mr. Twain, the writer, speaker, and journalist, preferred lots of freedom to 'do his own thing' though in the 19th century he may not have addressed his desire in so many words! Feelings of real dejection could take over if the applause wasn't loud enough--and dark moods swept in when appreciation and reward were not forthcoming. Of course, family disasters will oppress anyone if they come and for the Clemens family, come they did.

And yet with a Sun Sag-Moon Ari personality blend, Twain's zeal never waned for very long (though illness eventually weakens us all) because a natural devotion to principles supported an admirable inner belief in himself. His tendency toward impatience and an insensitivity within close relationships aside, Mr. Twain exhibited exemplary moral integrity for the most part and I allege that the issue of moral integrity peeks out of the following quote from one of his more famous novels:

"There was things which he stretched but mainly he told the truth."

His kind of "stretching' was the storytelling! Now let's close with some good advice from the American Bard that applies even more closely to We the People's truth-challenged Federal Government (its clandestine panties of frilliness so recently yanked down for all to see) than it applies to you, me, or the dog catcher down the block:

"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."


More Sag-Aries info is available from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

1835 - 1910 v 2013: as I type, transit Uranus Direct @12Ari24 conjoins and catalyzes Mark Twain's natal Pluto @12Ari57 Rx denoting our current time frame as one in which abrupt changes occur within general social conditions and familiar ways of life are transformed. 'New patterns' are brought along that require psychological adjustments for many people and situations may spur our hidden fears to surface within the collective mindset. Since Mark Twain often feared loss of family, wealth and possessions, my suspicion is that current fears in society are in part along those lines--and quite naturally so--especially for those whose socio-economic positions are eroded or eroding--which means most of us whether we are aware of such insidious effects or not.

The ongoing Cardinal (initiating, active) Uranus-Pluto square (a titanic generational struggle in effect: 2010 - 2015) can act as a destructive factor in the adjustment process for it is that type of intense energy we must now deal with as 'new patterns' are foisted upon us...if we allow the foisting without uttering a peep.

And btw--secret underworld organizations wish to remain secret or hidden precisely so that they may do as they will: undermine and weaken the masses without being detected, called to account, or--stopped. Frilly underpants notwithstanding!

Also see a trailer of the video that asks Are you Surviving Progress?, if you wish.

Jun 26, 2013

SCOTUS decisions and the Uranus-Pluto Square

SCOTUS Acts Under Influence of 1960s Uranus-Pluto Conjunction Now Squared

by Jude Cowell

By now you've heard the gut-wrenching news of yesterday's SCOTUS decree that states no longer have to clear their plans with the feds when they wish to disenfranchise voters.

The Court's majority opinion states that, "coverage today is based on decades-old data and eradicated practices." Chief Justice Roberts wrote, "Congress--if it is to divide the States--must identify those jurisdictions to be singled out on a basis that makes sense in light of current conditions. It cannot rely on the past."

The Court complained that Congress could have acted to update the formula, but did not. Yet SCOTUS has now tossed the ultimate fate of minority voting rights upon the 'good auspices' of a feckless, reckless US Congress overflowing with buffoons and foreign agents who've determined to overthrow the sovereign government of the United States of America. No longer should our operatives sally forth into the election process of any other nation or state and give instructions on how to hold fair elections.

Apparently, America has "spread (so much) democracy abroad, she has none left to spread at home about the states--kind of like our past and current foreign reconstruction efforts, and the trillions of dollars the US government passes under tables to heads-of-state (dictators) in a vain attempt to stay on top of the global government pile of clothes-less emperors and their Orwellian districts and regions.

First it was the Rehnquist Court installing Bush and Cheney in the White House in December 2000 by stopping the Florida vote-count for no good reason (other than to throw the election Bush's way), then it was the Roberts Court's Citizens United decision in January 2010 meant to throw our election campaigns into the "dark money" pools of billionaires and trillionaires (foreign and otherwise), and now John Roberts fulfills his Reagan-era dream of gutting the heart from the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Now, thanks to the Supreme Court of the United States, the spirit of intolerance, oppression, and persecution will again walk this land--this time even more brazenly than before. For as of yesterday, it has the imprint of the Court's approval upon its passport and permission to march America in a direction which very few if any of the American people want to go.

Yes, the three conjunctions rebel Uranus and powerful manipulator Pluto in the mid-1960s timed the Civil Rights movement and its subsequent legislation signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Many people died or were injured in the passing of this legislation but it only took 5 out of 4 Supreme Court Justices to neuter what until now has been a law that protected minority voters wherever states didn't ignore its provisions or pass pre-Civil-War inspired regulations.

As a child of the Revolution and a daughter of the South, I apologize to the nation for what my 'brethren' hath wrought whenever they heat up the old states' rights v centralized federal government debate with its tiresome divide-and-conquer tactics. Yes, the stirring up of racial issues has always been one of the primary methods the power elite use to stymy our national debates and render our national progress paralyzed. Why, the so-called Civil War was engineered by warmongers and moneylenders in part as a result of foreign meddling and interference!

Sigh! It all makes me sad for America, for our children, and for anyone's ancestors who fought and died for this nation. And it's craven how the most damage to our country is now being done by those who never served themselves but have no trouble sending other people's children into battle, or gutting laws that don't personally affect them, their rights, or even their comfort.

Well, I'm about ready to hush for now and close with a list of the dates (2012--2015) of all the exact Uranus-Pluto squares I can find (perhaps you know of more?) So far, we've experienced 3 of them with 3 more to go--from Uranus in Cardinal Aries to Pluto in Cardinal Capricorn with harsh Mars-Saturn undertones:

1. June 24, 2012 @8:23 Ari-Cap; 2. Sept 20, 2012 @6:58 Ari-Cap; 3. May 20, 2013 @11:14 Ari-Cap; 4. Nov 1, 2013 @9:25 Ari-Cap; 5. Apr 21, 2014 @13:34 Ari-Cap (exactly hitting our presidential US natal Sun 13Can19); 6. Mar 17, 2015 @15:18 Ari-Cap (hitting US natal Saturn 14Lib48 (lawmakers and the legal system.)

As you know, Jupiter the Judge has just crossed World Point 00Can00 and since the Great Benefic increases or expands whatever he touches, I fret that this post understates the threat to our democracy by the Supreme Court's current and previous decisions as mentioned above. We can glean a midpoint picture from this cosmic shift with Jupiter in Cancer lining up in opposition to Pluto across the Can-Cap axis of Security, and catalyst and anarchist Uranus feeling feisty in Mars-ruled Aries:

Jupiter-Pluto = Uranus: striving for social improvements (social aspirations); pursuit of philosophical or religious objectives; achieving immense success (Ebertin.)

But of course, the Uranus-Pluto pair of energies also relates to criminals and crimes and I feel that it is a crime what SCOTUS has perpetrated upon the America people through perversion of our once-proud justice system. Not that they haven't had plenty of help from agents in other quarters.


Also on the docket: a politically minded SCOTUS is taking up the constitutionality of President Obama's recess appointments. You know, SCOTUS would not have been our 'final arbiters' of constitutionality of it weren't for Marbury v Madison 1803 which skewed the checks and balances of our three branches of government toward the prominence of a panel of unelected judges. In other words, in 1803 SCOTUS took upon themselves the mantle of power and look at the sorry way they wear it in the New Millennium (horoscope shown--you'll note that Pluto has crossed its IC and conjoins natal Sun, and soon natal Mercury in Capricorn. At Midheaven is America's natal Sun being slowly if karmically undermined.)


Dust off the grill, y'all! It's nearly time for Independence Day 2013 so America's 237th birthday will arrive just after midnight on July 5th. Have you ordered your copy of my Stars Over Washington Report on US Solar Return 2013 as seen through a common-good lens? This horoscope is 'good for' one year and you'll find a 'Buy Now' PayPal button in the sidebar at the top. So if you nab yourself a printable copy (PDF/19-20 pp) for later astro follow-alongs, you and I will be on the same astro-page for future references when they're discussed in SO'W posts and articles!

My Thanks to all who have ordered their copies already,


Jun 14, 2013

2012 into 2014: Syria's natal chart hit by authoritarian Saturn

Knuckle Under for Global Government...or Else

by Jude Cowell

It's official: as long suspected, Washington's Pentagon intends to topple yet another regime in the Middle East as evidenced by this week's White House announcement (which neocon war hawk John McCain "stepped on" on the Senate floor) that military aid will be sent to anti-Assad rebels in Syria. This is a ramp-up from the night goggles the US previously sent and an increase of militarism to ostensibly bolster the training and support the CIA is already providing there.

That the weapons the US provides will sooner or later fall into the wrong hands and be turned against our forces seems certain, imho. We're such patsies!

Well, former President Bill Clinton approves of America stepping into the fray of the sectarian war in Syria and he doesn't think popular opinion in the US matters a bit. In a well-rehearsed and scripted moment, Clinton says Obama's decision to involve the US in yet another war is "trending in the right direction." That direction, as some of us believe, is the internationalists' long term plan to march the world toward a 'new world order' where national sovereignty will be a thing of the past ('the old order'.)

(Besides, toppling governments and other structures is one of Pluto in Capricorn's favorite tasks and he's coping with it as he plods along.)

Yes, "the past" and "the old order", the status quo and authoritarianism finger the Assad regime and all are under the province of planet Saturn which now, @5Sco16 Rx as I type, is poised to stomp over Syria's 12th house planets in Scorpio: Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun. As you know, the Unconscious 12th house denotes Politics, Karma, Secret Deals, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions, and I'm looking at the Assad coup 1970 natal horoscope set for sunrise (a coup at dawn) on November 13, 1970 with Sun and ASC @20Sco22, Moon (the people) @18Tau33 conjunct natal Saturn @19Tau01 Rx, both in 6th house of Military and Police Service.

As you see by the 6th house conjunction's degrees, the current Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 'eclipsed' Syria's Moon-Saturn conjunction on May 9, 2013 (15 South Saros Series: 'a sudden release of tension but with a sense of grief or loss that's more collective than personal'--Brady.) Apparently the Assad government's 'restriction' and rule of the Syrian people is nearing its end. If there can be any up side to US involvement in this sectarian conflict (and proxy war between Russia and the US), I hope that is it though who or what will be propped up in Assad's position of power is anyone's guess.

So now in June 2013, as restrictive, depressive Saturn prepares to hit natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Ascendant, we find the Task Master also threatens opposition to Syria's natal Moon-Saturn conjunction with December 2013 the most difficult month. As you know, Saturn is a karmic planet (reaping what was sown) that brings along changes and loss if responsibilities have not been honestly dealt with in the past, and regrets ensue. Gassing one's population, if it did occur, can be tucked into that category in Mr. Assad's column. Click above to view Syria's 1970 horoscope (with 2012 transits added) and you'll see gaseous Neptune now wafting its murky through Syria's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene.

Or, considering America's natal and problematic Mars-Neptune square of militarism, misguided actions, and misdirected energy, is the propaganda campaign touting intervention in another region where we don't belong only sending US troops into yet another 'fog of war' with little if any clear outcome?

Tragically, there's another far-away sound being heard underneath empiric Washington's drum beat to war and I think it's America's Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves at the mess we've made of their Enlightenment experiment, America.

Related reading: Salon's President McCain Declares War.

You may also wish to view or review my version of the Summer Solstice 2013 horoscope set for Washington DC with the summer's power-wielding, regime-toppling 10th house (world stage) Pluto in Capricorn squaring rebellious Uranus in their titanic struggle for control.

May 4, 2013

Remembering the Kent State Massacre of May 4 1970

Since we're now in the contentious throes of the Cardinal Square between generational planets Uranus the rebel and Pluto the wealth manipulator (uprisings, protests, and strikes until 2015--ancient v new), here is an excerpt from my 2010 post concerning the Kent State Massacre of May 4, 1970 with today the tragic event's 43rd anniversary--I remember watching in on TV and despising Richard Nixon:

"Linking 1970 with 2010 is a major factor: the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto midpoint 00Lib06 sitting atop the US natal chart ('Sibly' version: 5:10 pm LMT) which gives us a telling picture worth considering on May 4, 2010, the Kent State Massacre's 40th anniversary, because Uranus and Pluto are in process of squaring off now."

If you're curious, here's the post which shows the May 4, 1970 horoscope with details.

Dec 14, 2012

Jupiter in Gemini and Stalling in Washington DC

Jupiter Still Rx, Fiscal Responsibility Stalls, & Republicans Con

by Jude Cowell

Here's a handy timeline of debt celings and other fiscalities including 2011's Stalemate Theater on Capitol Hill.

Unfortunately for the American people and the US economy, tickets for matinee performances remain available and may be valid into 2013.

Now as you know, moneybags Jupiter, a planet that at times in Mundane Astrology is acted out by the Republican Party, other times by the *Democratic Party, won't turn Direct and willingly dispense his goodies "leaning forward" until January 30, 2013 @6Gem19. Then there's the imperative of the Jolly One's leaving his own shadow, the degree at which he performed a retrograde station during the first week of October 2012 @16Gem22.

Transiting Jupiter will reach shadow degree in late April 2013 though I hope we won't have to wait that long until fiscal cliff issues, debt ceiling stalemates, and other budgetary woes (created by self-interested, corrupted-by-big-money politicians and banksters) are resolved. Plus, will global markets be patient with a purposefully disfunctional US Congress? (By which I mean there are those who are determined to undermine the US government and have been doing a da*ned good job of it for decades.) All this drama in spite of the fact that, like many voters, I think the re-election of President Obama in November ought to make fiscal decisions more clear and with less Republican obstructionism!

Jupiter in Gemini: Have We Teetered on This Cliff Before?

In a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, the usually benefic Jupiter has traversed the Zodiac on a similar fiscal/debt-problems trail in the past with difficult economic consequences as 'he' performed a retrograde station @16Gem24 in early October 1929--and the direct station @6Gem21 occurred on January 31, 1930! Anyone who says that history doesn't repeat has a short memory, don't they?

As in our day, 1929 was a year of social unrest, upheavals, protests, strikes, fanaticism, and starvation for the unheeled, a condition we experience now with a transiting Uranus-Pluto square though Pluto was then in Cancer (now in Capricorn and opposing US natal planets in Cancer) and with radical Uranus zealous in Mars-ruled Aries, as now. (Ebertin says Uranus in Aries = Utopians and the concept of an Ideal Utopia remains at the base of our current problems (see link, below.) Utopians are simply much farther along the path to implementing a totalitarian global government and a 'new economic order' than in 1929/30--and the current GOP gaggle of brash bullies are radical, not conservative.

Then of course, you know that October 29, 1929 brought the Wall Street Crash (link, below) which ushered in the Great Depression and if we think much of Jupiter's similar actions of 1929/30 and 2012/13--along with fanatical Uranus-Pluto square influences--we may become suspicious that the worst economic catastrophes are yet to be revealed.

Is there a less harsh light in which to compare and contrast planetary conditions of 1929/30 and 2012/13? Actually there may be because back then Saturn was strong in its own sign of Capricorn (President Obama's natal Saturn placement) and opposed wealthy string-puller Pluto (Mr. Hades of the Underworld.) As you know, the two were in opposition during the 9/11/01 attacks when cruelty, hardship, and brutality prevailed.

These days, Saturn and Pluto are in a more pleasant sextile (60 degr) yet its influence is not perfectly amiable for we are talking about two karmic planets that can bring loss when they're ready! A Saturn-Pluto sextile (here, from Scorpio to Capricorn) denotes a need to persevere without becoming obsessed or too single-minded, quite an impossibility for ideologue politicians, obsession being their stock in trade. Plus, we must give props to the beginning of the current Saturn-Pluto cycle, their Great Conjunction on November 8, 1982 @27Lib36--during the Reagan era of greed and avarice (see Reagan link, below.)

Another facet of a **Saturn-Pluto sextile, are control issues relating to finances and decision-making which describe the current Obama-Boehner stand-off occurring on the precipice of a manufactured 'fiscal cliff'; some measure of hiding from the public and from one another is also described by the sextile. The hiding is usually done to avoid being taken advantage of though as a populist and common-gooder, I have to say that the American people know way too much about plutonian politicians doing that to us already.

On the level of political loss, fear, also a province of both planets, makes even the taking of prudent actions or risks difficult but let's hope that the beneficial opportunity indicated by the sextile results in the president and house majority leader coming to a partial if not full resolution over these dire economic matters before, or perhaps after, the end of 2012.

Now if only they could find and cooperatively use the services of a mediator they both could trust to negotiate the deal! Wonder if Bo the White House Pooch has a spot open on his December calendar?


A must-read, if you haven't, concerning alternating 'R v D Jupiterianism' is Thom Hartmann's excellent article, Two Santa Clauses or How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years.

**You may wish to consult Alan Epstein's book Understanding Aspects: The Sextile for more information.

Related reading: 12.12.12 Robert Reich's Why Is Washington Obsessing About the Deficit and Not Jobs and Wages? (see? Saturn-Pluto = obsessing); Black Tuesday Oct 29, 1929 (horoscope shown); Rosicrucian Utopia; 'Fiscal Cliff' and the December 28, 2012 Full Moon; horoscope shown of Reagan Signs the Garn-St-Germain Act and says they "hit the jackpot!"

Sep 15, 2012

More Election Day 2012 Astro-Thoughts thanks to Mercury

September 15, 2012: Additional Mercurial Thoughts on Election Day 2012

by Jude Cowell

As the second issue of Stars Over Washingotn Monthly is being typed, my natal Mercury in Capricorn is naturally busy studying many political horoscopes and keeping up as best I can during this fast-paced period with all the Politics I can manage to watch, read, and consider--all provinces of Mercury.

Election Day 2012 (November 6) with its Mercury Station Retrograde has been noted here on this blog and well-analyzed by many other astrologers for we all see trouble ahead with astrological Mercury so intimately connected to such things as voting, decisions, communications, thinking processes, considerations, ideas, plans, agreements, and voting machines which can be tampered with. Even in the fairest of elections, it is, after all, he who counts the votes who determines the winner.

Yes, Mercury in his trickster guise is obviously desperate to win the race and is definitely up to something, can you feel it in the air? The wings on his sandals flutter wildly in the political breeze and Mercury's wing'ed helmet is strapped tightly in place for the climb!

As previously noted, Mercury's Rx Station on Election Day 2012 falls at 4Sag18, directly opposing President Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 (in natal 4th house) and I have made suggestions in previous posts of what this and other astrological factors on that day may indicate for the president's re-election bid and have rather mildly asserted that the outcome for Mr. Obama doesn't look as good as I personally might prefer (common-gooder and populist as I am. No plutocrat-lovers around here!)

Remaining stationary (seemingly at standstill) all of November 6 until 6:03:47 pm est (as per SolarFire Gold v8) when the Speedy One reverses gear is a sign of strength for the celestial body I tend to call the Tofu Planet because Mercury tends to pick up the flavors of whatever planet or planets in a horoscope it contacts. A Jack-n-Jill of all trades is The Youthful planet, servant to the gods, messenger, and bringer of Good (or sometimes bad) News.

But with Political Astrology, placing all threads into a clearer astro-tapestry without going nutzoid is a complex task to be sure and few do it better than The Daykeeper Journal's Alex Miller who includes in his articles additional information on Black Holes, centaurs, and other objects that reflect psychological facets from within the Collective Unconscious as they orbit in space, and embody our archetypal traits while transiting various degrees of the Zodiac. These then contact the planets we're so accustomed to considering in chart analyses and provide fuller, deeper indications, amplifications, and support for what the horoscope already tells us. Then the Law of Three becomes a multitude of portents for those who use extra bodies in chart interpretations so that readers may benefit from the added details supplied by an expert astrologer such as Alex Miller.

So if you wish an indepth analysis of President Obama's chances for success with his second presidential bid in November, check out Alex's Election Preview for Barack Obama.

And yet! If you've been keeping up with current events the last few weeks and you're like me, it's a bit difficult at this late stage in the race to understand what could possibly go wrong for the president on November 6 considering Mitt Romney's lowering approval ratings, his recent blunders, and his tone-deaf, precipitous, callous, and incorrect accusations about the president's handling of the tragic US embassy attacks of September 10, the amaturish and inciting 'film', and the other discordant notes issuing from the Romney-Ryan camp--including their survival-of-the-fittest Ayn-Randish world view of hardship and misery for the masses.

Middle East Crises Could Spiral Ever Outward and the EU Could Collapse

Or they could simmer down (she typed optimistically.) But even with current real-world events which are well-described by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square of conflict, protests, and mayhem, the Astrology of Election Day 2012 may turn out to astound us all by showing a preview of what extreme wealth and the use of nasty political tricks can do for a takes-himself-too-seriously, overly self-conscious Republican candidate--a most wishy-washy, mysterious, and mystical Pisces--whose deepest fears are failure and suffering any loss of his shadily-gained financial status--especially through something as common and 'beneath him' as paying his fair share of income taxes which would set a good example for other tophats and bolster the nation from whose capitalist financial system Mr. Romney has benefited tremendously all his life.

So can astrological portents be 'wrong'? No, only misread by finite minds. For as the complexity of the language of Astrology (and Political Astrology at that!) seeks to describe and explain the intricacies and myriad experiences of Life on Earth, it is naturally subject to interpretation by 'only' human beings who, in common with everyone else, can often be incorrect in their assumptions and limited by personal viewpoints unless and until they are well-inspired by higher forces. I certainly count myself well within the limited category in particular considering the populist slant I use so frequently on this, my personal weblog of peeking at Politics through the lens of Astrology.

However, you'll perhaps agree that some chart factors fairly scream out from a horoscope, don't they? And in the end, I believe that Mercury's Station Rx on Election Day 2012 will be one of those screamers for it will not turn Direct and release us from our expectant condition until about the time the Voting Planet performs a Station Direct on November 26, 2012 @18Sco10, then moves forward past its Shadow Degree (4Sag18) in mid-December, 2012 when we may hope soon after that our election trevails will end and clear victories, presidential and congressional, are announced.

On November 6, 2012, all slices of Washington DC's political pie are up for grabs! So for all our sakes, please make certain that on Election Day 2012 you'll be one of the bakers in America's kitchen.


On a lighter political note, perhaps you joined me in catching Current TV's broadcast last evening (9/14) of the new documentary on Stephanie Miller's Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour because these days we must make an extra effort to laugh at Washington politicians just to keep ourselves from sobbing over what they commit against our nation.

May 11, 2012

FDR on "economic demoralization" plus, Morgan Chase revelations

A revealing quote from *Uranian President Franklin Delano Roosevelt seems applicable to current conditions in America as inner and outer forces continue undermining and destructuring our government and transforming the very lives of the American people:

"Here in America we are waging a great and successful war. It is not alone a war against want and destitution and economic demoralization. It is more than that; it is a war for the survival of democracy."

FDR June 27, 1936

Eclipses Reveal, Pluto in Capricorn Destructures, and Venus Shows Her Face

by Jude Cowell

As you know, June 24, 2012 brings earthlings the first of seven exact squares of frustration and unrest between upstart Uranus and Pluto the powerful (from Aries to Capricorn, a difficult Mars-Saturn, stop-go vibration.) These two generational planets' current cycle began with three Great Conjunctions in the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo, discriminating sign of The Critic, and of Work, Health, and Service. Virgo's 'The Virgin' archetype appears often in the iconography of America and is usually shown holding a sheaf of wheat. Ceres, Columbia, Mary, and Isis are a few of Virgo's many faces as well and the constellation's stars link our nation with Egyptian myths and goddesses along with an older goddess, Innana whose planet is Venus, now implicated in the Mayan Calendar long count which ends December 21, 2012 at Winter Solstice's alignment with Galactic Center. Plus, busy Venus is about to perform her rare transit of the Sun on June 5-6, 2012--while in mid-Gemini!

Then there's the soon-arriving May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini (communications; trade and commerce; travel; duplicity) which conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, keyphrase: something to cry about.) This may be of interest to you especially if you've heard CEO Jamie Dimon's sour news about the $2 billion-dollar trading loss riskily finagled by (the House of) JP Morgan Chase.

Astoundingly JPMC managed to effect their "flawed" strategy in only six weeks! Apparently fraudulent Neptune now in early degrees of its own murky sign of Pisces has helped lift London trader The Whale up from the depths and into the consciousness of the collective and into our bank accounts.

Are Globalists aiming for a World Economic Collapse? It seems so to me. The ongoing opposition between transiting Mars (males) and Neptune (loss and crime) is now separating but has been squaring the Nodal axis (direction)--lots of naughty, criminal, and misguided actions have resulted. Let's watch closely the next G-20 Summit in June in Mexico, home of The Maya, a Summit timed with Venus Transit 2012--as was the 2004 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia! Sea Island is, of course, very near Jekyll Island where the secretive meeting ('summit') of banksters planned in late 1910 the creation of the Federal Reserve System which The City of London (aka, 'the Square Mile'), backed by a certain European banking House, directs.

Predictably the announced losses by Morgan Chase are very unpromising for the US and global financial markets 'going forward'--and possibly for the re-election prospects of President Obama since financial revelations by other banks (ex: CitiGroup, weak banks in Spain, etc) will mount as Uranian "shock waves" are suddenly dragging things downward across the globe as the Geminian news spreads. Well, today is May 11 but solar eclipses astrologically can influence conditions for up to two weeks prior to eclipse manifestion and they often bring The Hidden to light, as you know--plus, keywords for the current Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 include "A peculiar turn of events." To add complexity to current conditions, these two Solar Eclipse degrees are opposite one another (00Gem21 v 2Sag37) thus yoking their indications.

Mittens Romney, Hairstylist

Even candidate Mitt Romney's bullying ways in high school are now uncovered in the Washington Post (yet he seems so mild!) His forcefully cutting another student's long hair, strapping the family dog to the top of the family car for a twelve-hour a pattern of arrogance at best, cruelty at worst, being revealed? 'Funny' how both Romney and Dimon have used the word "stupid" to describe their questionable actions. We have entered the May Eclipse season and there may very well be more of such awkward and unfortunate revelations in the news, sorry to many culprits and only a 24/7 news cycle!

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do," said J. P. Morgan, client and student of the great astrologer Evangeline Adams.

And speaking of Morgan Chase, you may wish to check out a previous post on old wheeler-dealer financier and astrologer J.P. Morgan Sr himself which cites April 2008 transits to his natal chart (shown.)


*FDR is 'Uranian' because his natal chart shows quirky genius Uranus rising and the sign of Uranus describes the behavior of each 7 1/2-year generation, the approximate length of time that Uranus remains in each of the twelve signs--here, in Gemini. Yes, communication, acting, juggling, quick decision-making, trading, equality, and duplicity were some of his specialties!


On a lighter note:

Calling all Fine Art Lovers who find themselves in the Canton, GA area the weekend of May 19-20: the Canton Fine Arts Festival will delight--plus there will be a writer's workshop led by Terry Kay, author of To Dance with the White Dog so do drop in and bring the kids for art activities, a Serenity Garden, and more!

Mar 14, 2012

Spring Equinox 2012, Washington DC

Astro-Notes on Spring Equinox 2012

by Jude Cowell

Spring Equinox 2012, or Aries Ingress 2012, if you prefer, manifests on March 20, 2012 at 1:14:09 am edt in Washington DC, with 11Sag56 rising. This chart dovetails with America's natal Ascendant and house cusps in our nation's Sibly horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm lmt Philadelphia, PA) with approximately one degree difference. Ex: instead of 00Lib53 at Midheaven (The Goal; Public Status; the WHY? Point), we see a critical-crisis 29Vir38 at MC.

Plutocratic Pluto 9Cap27 rises, and it's a Mars Hour suitable for action, contention, quarrels, and potentially, for waging war or for at least promoting and propagandizing on behalf of such manic destruction. Hopefully, American politicians will stand against the fool-hardiness and tamp down our disastrous war machine of imperial overreach. But that's just a peacenik American typing, isn't it? For we know that The People are pawns in a much wider and broader chess game for global domination--these decisions are for the Powers That Be, whoever they are.

MC's Sabian Symbol--'30Vir' = "A False Call Unheard in Attention to Immediate Service"...SAFEGUARD.

positive expression: exceptionally gratifying self-fulfillment through the development of a genuine integrity (if only!--jc);

negative/(unconscious/shadow side--jc): consistently witless indiscretion.

ASC '12Sag' = "A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows"...ADJUSTMENT.

pos: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;

neg/(unconscious/shadow side): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims. (Jones.)

'12Sag' is, of course, the degree at which powerful, subversive, wealthy Pluto met with wounded/wounding Chiron on December 30, 1999 and issues from the mid-to-late 1990s and early New Millennium may be on our plates and in the news once again during the next six months with some particular emphasis upon them, even a re-hashing (Spring EQ Mercury is retrograde in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Real Estate, and Security Concerns.

As you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo is one of the astrological signatures of oppressive plutocrats who rob, steal, defraud, disenfranchise, and use primal violence to reach their self-interested goals, and so far, they have made this their own personal 'New Millennium'. This condition relates to Nostradamus' famous 'King of Terror' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 but there's no time to reconsider its rigid Fixed energies today. This eclipse, predicted so long ago, is also called The Mother of All Eclipses, and/or the King of Alarm Eclipse, and has financial implications as well as violent ones. It presaged the era of Bush-Cheney, the NWO Duo, and they passed the baton to Pres. Barack Obama in January 2009.

Both cosmic events--Pluto meets Chiron and the August 1999 eclipse--ushered in the 21st Century with much pomp and ceremony. Remember the 'Y2K' silliness? Wonder what programmers were really up to with that as a veil? Perhaps Brussels knows...

Vernal Equinox 2012

>As for the March 20, 2012 horoscope itself, let's look at chart-ruler Jupiter's applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects for a clue on how things will proceed. Easy! There are none! But there is an inconjunct (150 degr; quincunx = adjustment, which echoes the '12Sag' ASC, above) to the Ascendant (and thus to Pluto/Chiron 1999 which was so intimately involved in the 1999 Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization, one of the main culprits in the dearth of jobs in the US, circa 2012. Search for 'Battle in Seattle' in this blog's Search Bar.)

Expansive, ideological Jupiter 10Tau47 (an Earth sign of money, possibly greed, and intolerance) is posited in the 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, and Children so educational issues and speculation concerns remain on our front burner this Spring. Jupiter inconj ASC indicates an undisciplined if well-meaning urge to be of service to others though a decided opportunistic vibe may be expressed or felt. (R. Pelletier.)

More Jupitarian philanthropy from millionaires? Any of them who refuse to aid this country in her time of need--well, we know what team they play for: the dismantling of America.

This Venus-ruled Jupiter--conjoining valuable Venus 15Tau50 (The Oxen Point, and descriptor of Wall Street's Bullishness) rules 1st H (11Sag56) and 4th H (29Pisces36) with Pisces sub-ruled by unstable Neptune 1Pis41 in 3rd H so we may expect much pontificating, promoting, and possibly fraudulent communications on financial topics (by economists, the White House, and/or the Fed--so what's new, right?), and in other realms that Jupiter, natural ruler of Sagittarius (The Seeker on a Quest), controls for Jupiter's lack of major applying aspects puts emphasis on the house and sign of Mr. Moneybags (and on religious leaders with political aims, aka, meddlers whose power ambitions should stay spiritual, not earthly.)

Thing is, Jupiter is a relational planet so we're all tending to relate to others now in a Taurean way, either positively or negatively: supportive and nurturing with growth and development in mind, or, intolerant, greedy, and possessive of one's resources. How are you relating to others these days?

So with the IC (Foundation of the Matter; Endings; The Drain; the HOW? Point) in a crisis degree of Pisces (29), the 2009 Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s, which is imprinted upon President Obama's White House tenure and relates to speculators, wastrels, spendthrifts, and grand schemers and dreamers--and for DC politicians, this can only mean the spending and looting of the American people's riches and resources--we find our basis this Spring 2012 for recovery to be on an unstable footing rather than on a hearty comeback for the US economy.

Yet perseverance and a steady pace can win out slowly but surely, and it will be interesting to see the indications in the Summer Solstice 2012 chart. (Here, a 10th H Saturn trines Moon and Neptune.) However, interference is possible through the ongoing, generational Uranus-Pluto square indicating more strikes, protests, and societal unrest upcoming (1st H to 4th H) with the potential for a false flag op being perpetrated in order to keep us in line while furthering someone's global domination goals.

Plus, the 8th cusp of Shared Money, Credit, Debt, Taxes, Insurance, Transformation, etc shows 15Can19, the degree of the Pentagon's natal Ascendant, and is Moon-ruled for indications of fluctuation and change.

This horoscope also shows Spring EQ 2012 occurring during a Balsamic phase (dark of the Moon) when sneaky things go bump in the night, secret deals are made and sealed, and someone is replaced due to an inability to carry on.

(Update 3/21/12: Mr. Obama signed an Executive Order late in the afternoon of Friday March 16 so we wouldn't notice, which usurps for the White House the constitutionally granted fiscal authority of the House of Representatives. Mars Rx was rising with Zosma, one of the victimization stars you'd rather not see hanging about with warring Mars.)

In 12th H of Politics, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, Karma, and those 'secret deals' politicians profit by, is the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse at 2Sag37, the 'Super Congress/Super Committee play-acting on the deficit and debt crisis--you know, the spending cuts they 'unable' to agree upon. Issues from the time continue to echo rather loudly into Spring 2012, at least until the next Solar Eclipse on May 20, 2012 (horoscope shown) @ 00Gem21, indicating 'something to cry about' in the realm of Gemini (ex: communications, technology, power grids, a young people.)

Military spending 'cuts' are very much a part of the picture though they are illusory.

Another signature of instability is a receptive, impressionable Piscean Moon 2:43 (The People) which has just sailed past deceptive yet possibly inspired Neptune 1Pis41 in 3rd H, which again echoes the Jupiter-Neptune hook-up (3 times through 2009) which occurred upon US natal Moon 27AQ...remember the picture which described our weakened circumstances, thanks to banksters and fraudsters, a picture still reverberating through our lives?

Jupiter/Neptune = Moon: little sense of reality; a desire to dream; losing oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation; instability; wastefulness. (Ebertin.)

Yes, the Obama administration is a Jupiter/Neptune affair but with many Republican 'helpers' brewing a big pot o'their Social Darwinism cruelties in which to stew the working class, the elderly, our children, and the poor...

A closed circuit of energies is shown by a practical Earth Grand Trine involving Mars Rx 7Vir38 (9th H of Foreign Lands, Distant Enemies, and Legalities), Jupiter (as noted), and 'secret hand' Pluto rising which denotes important conditions out of our personal control but which are transformative. This trio provides three midpoint pictures, along with one picture involving Sun 00Ari00:00, but since my schedule has changed recently and blogging time is brief so will I be. My hope is that these energies will be expended on behalf of the American people and not just for the benefit of the 1% who need no support whatsoever. Besides, they can always steal it.

Mars-Jupiter = Pluto: an extraordinary spirit of enterprise; people capable of tacking big projects; brilliant successes.

Mars-Pluto = Jupiter: unusual success; enjoyment of freedom; consciousness of aims; the right use of one's energy.

Jupiter-Pluto = Mars: an ability to inspire others with enthusiasm (and confidence? jc); a desire to achieve great things; organizing talent.


Sun-Uranus = Mercury: a young reformer; making arrangements; quick and prudent acting.

Well, Happy Spring 2012, everyone, in spite of our shadow governemnt's perfidies and anti-social behaviors. Let's work on that confidence thing, keep our chins up, and pick a few Spring bouquets along the way, shall we?

Now here is the Image for Integration for Spring 2012's Fire-Water (steam!) Sun Aries-Moon Pisces romantic and moody combo:

"A world-champion boxer and an artist in Greenwich Village meet, fall in love, marry, and struggle happily ever after."



Image from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by the excellent Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Astro-Bonus: read astrometeorologist Theodore White's informative and advice-filled 2012 Climate Forecast on Global Warming which, Theodore reminds us, is due to the Sun and not to manmade actions!

And for personal astrological indicators and more, it's always a great idea to check in regularly with Julie Demboski's Astrology for her insightful blending of planets with asteroids!

Feb 16, 2012

Nigel Farage on Takeover of Greece by Globalists (video)

What's really going on within the EU-Greece bailout (takeover) by global banksters? Allow Nigel Farage to explain his view as the world groans under the rebellious rays of Uranus square Pluto:

Oct 12, 2011

Uranus to US 4th house as Anonymous says, Bankers Are the Problem (video)

So the first time I saw the film V is For Vendetta in 2006, I loved its message, its history lesson, and its insouciance. Now it's 2011 and members of the activist hacking group Anonymous have taken to wearing the oddly affecting mask from that film as in the following video.

But don't fret over the fellow's mask for it's global bankers who are at the bottom of the world's tragedies and They are the scary Anonymous says, The Bankers Are The Problem:

As it turns out, disruptive Uranus moving into America's 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland since 2010 and squaring powerful string-puller Pluto has brought a new era of public activism with radical, populist, grass roots, anti-corporate Uranian ideas for how our world can be rather than what plutocratic one-world-government promoters have told us it must be.

But the illuminized globalists are wrong.

So please wake up your friends and tell them the news! After all, The 5th of November rolls round again in about 3 weeks...


Scroll down the sidebar if you wish a video reminder of Bush Sr's 20-year-old freaky shout-outs for a 'New World Order' and if you type those words into the sidebar Search Field, you'll find many posts on that and similar topics, some containing quotes from public, corporate, and secret society figures touting--and revealing their own culpability--in their satanic take-over plan.

Love of money is the root of all evil. And money is what all global bankers and their minions dearly love. Mankind? Not so much.

Info Wars's Alex Jones says that Republican nom candidate for 2012, Herman Cain (once an agent for the Kansas City Federal Reserve), is backed by the (Skull & Bones) Pillsbury family! Given Mr. Cain's demonstrated globalist views, the connection doesn't surprise me one bit.

Guess that makes Herman Cain a real-life 'Dough Boy'!


UPDATE 12 noon edt: mundane astrologer Ed Kohout has alerted me to an article detailing who is paying NYC policemen to pepper spray Occupy Wall Street protesters in their faces. My fret is that more brutal tactics against peaceful demonstrators are planned by the corporate titans who run the US government.

As you know, the strong-arming of dissenting US citizens is happening on President Obama's watch-- and many if not all of those pepper sprayed for wanting improvements in America probably voted for him!

Read more here. Thanks, Ed! jc

Uranus conjunct Neptune, the Illuminati-NWO pair that last met during the Age of Reason in mid-Sagittarius, conjoined three times in 1993--at '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER...negative manifestation: "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

And here we are.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Oct 3, 2011

Astro-Link Round-Up on Occupy Wall Street w a 'Ferdinand the Bull' video!

Uranus/Pluto Rages as Ferdinand Hearts Occupy Wall Street 10.03.11

Did you know that on The Mountain Astrologer website today, expert astrologer Mary Plumb has published a News and Astrology article round-up of links concerning the ongoing and spreading (!) protests in progress in Manhattan of the Occupy Wall Street movement where I'm proud to say that America's younger generations (who are suffering from the thieving of Wall Street top hats wearers and champagne goblet toasters) and are not afraid to tell the fancy swells about their--our--grievances!

Mary includes images of America's natal horoscope, US Solar Return 2011, and a sunrise (solar) nativity for Occupy Wall Street set for its beginning: September 17, 2011 6:38:03 am edt NY, NY, with transiting Mars, the activist/protester/instigator, opposing US natal
Pluto 27Cap33 Rx (in US natal 2nd house of Money and Earning Ability.)

This transit of opposition marks a period when hostile forces are encountered (protesters v banksters, and riot police v we-the-people) with powerful, card-holding Pluto insuring a mobilizing effect, and the Mars/Pluto combination of energies relating to zeal, massive amounts of energy, heavy-handed police or military actions, and potentially explosive conditions.

Yes, this is the very contest of wills which this transit warns us against yet that is precisely what is happening in NYC, plus, the protests are spreading like...a contagion of a more positive kind than Gwyneth Paltrow can muster onscreen.

The interference of protesting Mars with business-as-usual and the attempt of the street marchers to change the status quo are at the foundation of Occupy Wall Street's motivations and resulting events as many journalists and pundits echo an off-the-point Establishment cry of "But what do they want?" (duh!) and "They have no leader" and "there's no one-pointed goal," with Mars, ruler of Aries, the poster boy for me-first-ism and pioneerism...but The Angry One is in more than a passing snit over continued Wall Street fraud and outright corporate deception as our lives and futures are co-opted by conglomerates more powerful than in their initial heyday of the Robber Baron Era of the 1880s and 1890s.

With Mars opposite US natal Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (business, government, law--all of which institutions the protesters and marchers are riling up in an unusual fashion--Uranus square Pluto), the movement if imprinted by this opposition to the people's desires (Mars) and its heartfelt sentiments are palpable and arouse Wall Street's antagonism and deep sense of self-protection (Saturn = boundaries and rules; Cancer = the canny self-protection of The Crab who will move sideways, if necessary, to escape and avoid.)

Now regardless of pepper-spray-in-face Tony Baloney's overreaction, the NYC police force has pension worries of its own thanks to fraud and embezzlement by corporate and government types--wonder if they know they're on the wrong side? Actually, police and other city officials are on the proverbial horns of a dilemma for their paychecks must be signed to be deposited even as the Wall Street Bull snorts its disapproval of the grass roots goings-on.

My opinion is that an honest and direct approach may shine a favorable light upon those who are involved in the Occupy Wall Street protests and indeed this manner of doing things in a peaceful way is the only chance to gain an upper hand through taking the moral high ground.

Goodness knows, Wall Street CEOs and their agents, minions, and operatives haven't a clue how to proceed along such a decent path without being lead by their comfort-loving noses like Disney's Ferdinand the Bull smelling flowers...


My Q for you: Aren't you loving the old films and photos (and history info) in Ken Burns' Prohibition which began showing on PBS last evening, Sunday? It's a three-part series detaili,somehting which must come from within. Astonsishingly, a majority of Americans in those days drank day and night but most brew weren't as strong as they are today.

Wish I could tell Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and any proto-fascists such as the corporate-backed Tea Party hierarchy crowd, and all Federalist Society disciples that their tiresome scapegoat tactic (it's them, not us) of 'projecting the shadow upon others; not being accountable or held accountable' has worn papery thin and we're fed up with wealthy, globally-inclined bankers and monarchists jerking our country around by her Aquarian nose. Even with transit Neptune, planet of loss, fraud, and delusion, still languishing near US natal Moon @ '28AQ' (we-the-people)--we are so over your sorry ways!

Now what a nasally post about the upturned snoots of Wall Street this turned out to be. Still, Mary Plumb's chart analyses are not-to-be-missed (thanks for the SO'W link, Mary!)

Plus, on a lighter note, I do hope you'll enjoy a little flowery Ferdinand just for old times' sake because...

2011 minus 1938 equals this Ferdinand cartoon is 73 years old! jc