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Aug 18, 2018

Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?

Starry Regulus: the Heart of the Lion and the Destiny of a Roaring Mr. Trump

by Jude Cowell

In the natal horoscope of Donald Trump it has often been observed here and elsewhere that at the time Baby Donny was born, royal 'kingmaker' star Regulus arose on the Ascendant just after his natal Mars in the royal sign of Leo. The Mars Rising signature we see each day through Trump's belligerence, brashness, impulsiveness, boastfulness, competitiveness, and street-fighting nature which punches back at every slight, whether real or imagined. But these days, due to his own actions, the slights and criticisms are real and have no better example than the John Brennan-Donald Trump feud currently in the news.

How predictable that vengeful Trump would take action against the outspoken former CIA director by revoking his security clearance and planning to do so for others on his 'enemies list' (those who stand in his way). Of course, as some pundits have pointed out, security clearances for former officials are left in place after their service for the sake of a current administration in case such expertise is called upon. But the current denizen of the White House never listens to anyone else so what's the point of pretending? For even in a national crisis such as a terrorist attack, Mr. Trump might only depend upon his own opinions and gut feelings to guide him in his chaotic, quirky Uranian manner--or else call upon one of the dictatorial mentors he prefers to mimic as he misguides the American Blimp of State.

So today Trump's battle to silence his critics remains in the news cycle as CNN reports that Trump blasts former CIA director John Brennan as 'loudmouth, partisan, political hack' which continues the drama of this particular Political Theater performance. And it would be amusing how the insults, labels, and nicknames Trump throws at people actually describe his nibs to a T if only his tenure in the White House weren't proving so tragic for our nation. Of course, Republicans, who are compromised themselves, cannot be depended on to stop the monster from crashing our blimp into the ground yet navigator Trump's own inherent nature and grand hubris may be what it takes to eventually crash him as the failure he fears he is.

Now it's often asserted that revenge is sweet, a handy reference to Trump's rising Regulus for all the Royal Stars of Persia, when linked to an individual's chart via planets or angles, contain great promise, but they also come with particular cautions when and if their energies are mishandled, their commands ignored. Of course along with Regulus rising at Trump's 29Leo Ascendant, we also see 'sun god' Apollo rising and expanding his ego, plus combative Mars which adds hyper-sensitivity to his touchy emotions and an annoying me-first attitude.

So what do we know about Regulus? As noted, this major historical star promises great success if revenge is avoided--and what if it isn't avoided but is a regular part of a personality such as we see in the actions and reactions of Donald Trump? Then all that has been gained will be taken way, a difficult destiny certainly but one that in Trump's case is self-inflicted. Yes, Leo (the lion) is the proud sign of ruler-ship and 'the natural leader' yet there are many ways of acting as leader and the natural law of karma--reaping what's been sown--still applies to even the loftiest among us! Plus, as we so often like to say in America, no one is above the law. Well, in the form of Donald Trump as 'leader' We The People with the aid of the US justice system now have a great opportunity to prove it. We're waiting to see how earthly justice plays out for Mr. Trump and his comrades-in-arms.

And if we consult ancient texts and mythologies concerning the stars of the Leo constellation and their early implications we find that Regulus, the Watcher of the North, was linked to king Feridun who once ruled the entire world. Similar to Zeus, Feridun was known as a good and great king much as Mr. Trump wishes to appear to us now--and ruling the world appears to be on top of his personal agenda.

For as Brady's Book of Fixed Stars informs us, "Regulus indicates power and success and so is active in the charts of successful people. But the higher this star takes a person, the more they must guard against revenge." {} "Always strong and hot in nature, this star will make its presence felt in a chart. Much depends on how it connects to the chart, but its meaning will have to do with the striving for success and the potential for ambitions to be fulfilled. However, at the same time it will suggest issues of revenge, always tempting and testing a person. If, out of anger or hurt, the person takes revenge, then as promised with all Royal Stars, there is a falling from grace. If revenge is taken then there is a loss of what has been gained. This loss may be public or private."

Strong and hot? So is Mars rising in Leo with his red ties and red face yelling a colorful tale!

As for other astrological references to Regulus, Ptolemy gives the star in the heart of the Lion a martial and expansive nature 'like Mars and Jupiter' while Robson links it to 'destructiveness and violence' and to 'honor that is short-lived'. Ebertin is generous and gives Regulus 'royal properties' and 'a noble mind, frankness, and courage', elusive qualities Mr. Trump seems to assume for himself. Rigor basically agrees with Robson and adds that the star 'gives the ability to command and to be successful but that any greatness suffers an "eclipse".' Might we agree that this refers to The Great American Eclipse @29Leo which in August 2017 precisely 'eclipsed' the natal Ascendant and rising Regulus of the very vengeful Mr. Trump? Add to that the disruptive 'cosmic blink' or 'wild card' energies of his very own Prenatal Solar Eclipse with themes of 'separations, endings, and unfortunate news' for it repeated on July 12, 2018 @20Cancer, conjoined starry Castor, and perfected quite near his natal Saturn, planet of law, government, business, karmic loss, and accountability.

Excerpt from a previous post: A Solar Eclipse in proud Leo, ruled by the Sun (ego, hero's journey, natural leadership, royalty, creativity, vitality) denotes that karmic progress depends upon use of the positive Leonine qualities rather than pride, arrogance, egocentricity, vanity, pomposity, and other negative traits of Leo which retard or block karmic progress.

Actually, we currently remain under the auspices of a Leo solar eclipse and it's a perfect time for all kinds of towers, lifestyles, and plans to collapse, even those of the self-exalting Donald Trump whose empire is under sustained fire via the Mueller investigation. For as you know, the current eclipse manifested on August 11, 2018 as The Tower clutch your pearls and corral the horses because something is falling down!

And so for these and other reasons, when it comes to the karmic destiny of the retaliating Mr. Trump, whose troubles are so often self-created, my money's on the great and powerful Regulus. How about yours?

Two related posts: The 2016 Solar Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator and Consulting the Tarot Over Mr. Trump and Mr. Mueller.

Above image: Department of Justice, public domain photo

Aug 16, 2018

Nov 10, 2018: a Military Parade and a Lunar Return

August 17, 2018 Update 1:14 am edt: have just seen a headline that Trump's controversial military parade has been "postponed" until 2019 so the following horoscope and details are now moot! This rather makes sense once you look at the chart. Apparently the huge price tag was ill-received!

Original post begins here...

August 16, 2018: News reports say that Trump's military parade set for Saturday November 10, 2018 are now estimated to cost $92 million, $80 million over the original estimate by the Department of Defense. Yes, Americans are always proud of their soldiers yet one wants to believe that the DOD has more important things to do than march showily through DC streets and better ways to spend this extravagant amount of tax payer money on what may certainly be called a vanity parade for Trump's weak ego.

America's last such military display was in 1991 to celebrate Bush41's 'victory' in the Gulf--you know the 'Operation Desert Storm' that Bush Sr characterized as "a triumph of the New World Order." That war he and the Pentagon finagled in time for the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune all through 1993, a cosmic significator for the 'NWO'. One must assume that their engineered 'WWIII' will 'seal the deal' of Global Government against the wills of everyone except the hidden power elite warmongers and profiteers who pull the strings that send young people to fight foreign wars.

Now, to make more palatable to the public Trump's military parade and its wasteful expense and the queasiness of seeing the US military marching through the streets of the nation's capital along with the suggestion of impending war, someone's strategic hindsight has provided the administration with the (apparent) justification of honoring the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I on November 10, 2018 which may salve some folks' consciences but yours truly isn't buying since the date was selected for said justification and has nothing to do with Trump's pathetic and phallic demand for a parade--as if to honor him. And perhaps he imagines that a parade held so soon after the November 6 Midterms will seem to 'celebrate' the expected Republican 'victories' at (hacked) voting booths and election officials' laptops across America with childish Trump playing drum-major-for-a-day. It's Admiral Bone Spurs: cowardly yet 'victorious' by hook or crook!

Of course, there are many other reasons for such extravagant spending on a pompous display of force (Scorpio rising ruled by Mars, sub-ruled by Pluto; proud, showy Leo at Midheaven, The Goal Point), and we can expect that more parade details will come out as November nears. But for now, how about the cosmic synchronicity of November 10, 2018 being a day of a Trump Lunar Return? Below is the Return horoscope with way too many details penned on and color coded for you (mea culpa!).

Even so, it's quite a revealing chart especially if one includes Sabian Symbols, stars, and links to Trump's and America's natal planets, some of which are noted on the chart which has been relocated for Washington DC from his natal Queens, NY; and note that Mr. Trump's natal Moon conjoins his Saturnian South Node, as you know, and is not a natal picture of sustained popularity:

Now as you see, a BOWL shape is in effect for Trump's November 2018 Moon Return with valuable Venus @25Lib58 Rx leading the Bowl's tilt and chaotic quirky Uranus (America's planet of war and revolt), opposite in the 6th house of Military and Civil Service. As we've experienced, Uranus is a zealous Utopian fanatic when in Mars-ruled Aries (Ebertin) and is Trump's guiding planet and 'inner voice' (of chaos and frenzy). Of course, the Aries-Libra axis relates to both war and diplomacy and there's Venus rising in the karmic 12th house of Self-Undoing, Politics, and Large Institutions.

Yet the Venus-Uranus duo is often known only for potential 'separations in relationships' but here it likely relates to the wasteful, extravagant spending of spendthrift Trump (but only with other people's money, not his own) and his enablers. Plus, as you see, the Venus-Uranus opposition forms a T-Square of sorts toward North Node in the 9th house of Foreign Lands--North Node (future direction) at a critical 29th degree of Cancer (patriotism; tribalism; nationalism; protectionism) which, when rounded up to "30Cancer" for its Sabian Symbol, gives a picture of "A Daughter of the American Revolution."

As a midpoint picture we have Venus-Uranus = NN: instincts lead to new associations (Ebertin); disruptive attention-getting methods; presentations of unusual forms of entertainment (Munkasey). Sounds about right.

And actually, if it occurs this parade may turn out to serve as a 'fanatical reform' to our traditions since a temporary YOD (turning point,crossroads, and/or special task) is temporarily formed by the powerful Sun-Pluto sextile at its base pointing toward the Gemini Uranus and North Node of Mr. Trump, a duo of 'radical politics' and such reforms.

Now hopefully you may enlarge the above image for further reading although I shall close this post for now with three significant chart factors--the Sabian Symbol for the degree of Jupiter the General in 1st house: "1Sag": "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire," warrior Mars @26AQ40 angering some, exciting others of the American people (conjunct US natal Moon), and note that Mercury @10Sag42 conjoins warring star Antares with both conjoined by asteroids Hopi (ambush or prejudice) and Icarus who overdid his objective, flew too close to the Sun, and fell into the sea.

The Solar Eclipse of Omarosa Manigault Newman

Image: Horoscope of the last manifestation of a 12 North Solar Eclipse on January 25, 2010 @25Capricorn.

August 16, 2018: If you haven't you may wish to view the natal horoscope of Omarosa Manigault Newman (RR: AA) who was born February 5, 1974 at 10:54 pm edt in Youngstown, Ohio with Sun @16AQ56, Moon @4Leo52, and Ascendant 6Lib54--with Pluto Rx and rising @6Lib36. This and other factors gives her a 'Trumpian' need for taking revenge against those who hurt or injure her in any way (Moon-Neptune = Pluto) and an ability to see through other people (Moon-Neptune = ASC).

Her powerful natal Pluto and ASC are also involved in a YOD pattern, an indicator of crisis, a special task, a spiritual opportunity, and/or a turning point or crossroads situation coming along in her life at some point. How she handles the situation or opportunity is her choice and it now seems we're seeing her handle--and best--Donald Trump and her firing from the White House (December 2017) with her book release and the outing of secret tapes she recorded while in the White House. Trump trained her on The Apprentice and Omarosa learned well enough to use his vengeful tactics against him now and she is aided by inherent plutonian abilities as noted, above. And her YOD pattern between Pluto in Libra sextile Moon in Leo points toward natal Mercury @4Pis35 (5th house), planet of communications, messages, news, and gossip! Through the YOD, Omarosa 'yields a powerful influence on the public through speaking or writing' (Moon-Pluto = Mercury--Ebertin). And yes, a Moon-Pluto sextile does have a tendency to hold grudges (Epstein) and attracts the same!

Yet this post isn't about her natal horoscope as a whole but concerns today's position of transit Saturn @3Cap53 which impels this Capricorn to post a bit concerning Omarosa's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) for the planet of facts, truth, accountability, responsibility, and commitment activates her PE (3Cap40) which perfected on December 24, 1973 in the 12 North Saros Series. This manifestation in the 12 North series was only an annular eclipse (not as strong as a Total) yet had an especially long duration: 12 minutes 03 seconds. The last manifestation of a 12 North eclipse is seen above in its horoscope set for Washington DC during the Obama administration.

12 North contains themes of: 'opportunities to accept greater responsibilities come suddenly into the life; new commitments likely come as a result of another person's being unable to carry on; events heralded by the eclipse may be difficult but outcomes in terms of harmony and self-esteem are positive' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). 12 North last occurred on January 15, 2010 @25Capricorn (opposite Trump's natal Saturn in self-protective Cancer!) and will next occur in 2028 @6Aquarius (conjunct US natal South Node). And actually, Capricorn PEs relate to authority figures, business, government, and to attempts to 'correct wrongful karmic situations' (Lineman). Some say that via Omarosa, Mr. Trump has met his match and I assert that her natal Astrology agrees!

And perhaps you agree that on some level, 12 North themes sound quite a lot like the format of TV's The Apprentice previously led by Donald Trump, the man who helped catapult Omarosa Manigault into the public eye where she has remained all these years--and the current activation of her PE themes by dutiful legal-eagle Saturn seems tangled up with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of allegations of Donald Trump's racism, his ties to Russia, his obstruction of justice, his financial crimes, his possible campaign violations, his breaking of the emoluments clause, and the demand for accountability for any and all of them which Mr. Trump hopes to avoid while undermining the White House and the presidency, and destroying America's reputation, laws, and traditions.

All this post is missing now is a hearty, kudos Omarosa!

Aug 15, 2018

The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes

August 15, 2018: Now that the last eclipse of this year has perfected on August 11, 2018 as 'The Tower Eclipse' during which season the 2018 Midterms will take place, let's look ahead to a chronological list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2019 with brief details of eclipse planets' links to the natal charts of America (1776) and Donald J. Trump (1946):

1. Partial Solar Eclipse January 6, 2019 @15Cap25 in the 2 South Saros Series with a theme of: 'joining unusual groups and feeling a great deal will be gained'; 2 South's initial eclipse occurred on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Tau47, the spot in the Zodiac where transit Uranus continues to ruffle off and on. As you know, eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that disrupt, intervene, reveal, and/or cause a complete change of direction in similar fashion to astrological Uranus, planet of chaos and Trump's guiding planet (his 'inner voice' of 'intuition' in Mercurial Gemini). For 00Taurus is the 'trigger degree' of Adolf Hitler, his natal Sun degree (00Tau48) through which it gained a reputation for triggering violence or military action of a forceful, invading kind when activated--and transit Uranus is known for such ability although as a catalyst Uranus may act early, on time, late, or never.

So 2 South's influence begins in late December 2018 (up to two weeks before January 6) and affects the first half of 2019; this is an unpredictable period and since planet Uranus is America's 'totem planet' of rebellion and war, the Pentagon may lead our nation into what once would have been uncharacteristic actions and reactions (though some might say Not so uncharacteristic but aggressive--similar to a belligerent man with Mars rising). Plus, the association of Uranus with Aquarius and with groups and causes suggests that efforts of the current administration (if it remains in the White House into 2019 as I suppose) will result in the break-up and reordering of the Trans-Atlantic Alliance and perhaps of other traditional bonds. For as we've seen, knee-bowing Trump does just like Putin would do!

2. Total Lunar Eclipse January 21, 2019 @00Leo51 opposes US POTUS Sun (00AQ48 for Trump 2017) and as you see from its date occurs just after the 2019 Solar Return to the 2017 Inauguration horoscope (inner chart); will the eclipse bring full awareness or even a culmination of some kind related to the US presidency? The Syzygy Moon (previous lunation) of this Lunar Eclipse is the Solar Eclipse of January 6 which isn't always the case so January 2019 should be a very eventful month.

3. Total Solar Eclipse July 2, 2019 @10Can37 (between US Jupiter and Sun) in the 3 North Saros Series (the PE series of the 9/11/01 WTC attacks) with themes of 'news that transforms a situation possibly involving young people; information causes worry and obsession and large plans are formed but don't "get carried away."' Apparently, security measures, business, finances, funding, and/or currency issues are involved as perhaps secrets and scandals revealed with this eclipse almost in time to act as a national birthday present.

4. Partial Lunar Eclipse July 16, 2019 @24Cap04 opposes US natal Mercury Rx: plans, revelations, and/or secrets leaked or uncovered? New Scandals--or solutions? Cautions: dishonesty and/or grandstanding;

Year 2019 Ends With a Slightly Belated Christmas Gift from the Cosmos:

5. Annular Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series and opposes US natal Venus in Cancer (2--4 Cancer) and US natal Jupiter (5--6 Cancer) continuing what is mainly 2019's Cancer-Capricorn themes across the Home and Security axis with its ambitious or depressive Moon-Saturn influences that stretch into 2020 and include the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. 3 South contains potentials for 'sudden and (what could be deeply emotional) endings of relationships, possibly with young people'; Pluto @10Leo15 is strongly involved in 3 South's initial eclipse of August 13, 1208 (OS) @27Leo10 which conversely conjoins the natal Mars rising of Donald Trump--and curiously enough, we might say that Mr. Trump's natal Pluto (unaspected in his 12th house) @10Leo02 is a sort of 'Pluto Return' to the initial eclipse's Pluto of 1208.

And as previously posted, Mr. Trump is A Man "Overshadowed by Shadows" as revealed by his 12th house unaspected Pluto in ego-centered Leo.

Related posts: The Presidencies of Washington and Trump = Uranus!; The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017. We're now in the throes and woes of experiencing the unaspected Sun of January 20, 2017.

Eclipse Themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Aug 11, 2018

The Conspiracy Party and its Neptune in Pisces

Are Republicans Drenched by Neptune?

In September 2017, a post appeared on SO'W concerning the fact that the Republican Party is in process of its first-ever Neptune Return, a five-fer return which began on May 17, 2017 with its final exact return on December 29, 2018.

Actually, today is August 11, 2018 so the party's next Neptune Return perfects on October 20, 2018 with Neptune Rx @14Pis01, the party's natal degree of the planet from their founding on March 20, 1854 (6:30 pm LMT Rippon, Wisconsin). Between the five return charts, let's count the last return of December 29, 2018 as the major one you see below, since it must serve the party for the next 164 years (as if). Of course, all five return horoscopes 'count' and perhaps the first one of May 17, 2017 is the most significant. But since it's now 2018, the December chart is shown here and is set for the party's natal location (Rippon, WI) because unlike the December return chart relocated to DC, three planets are angular, as you see:

Please enlarge image to read scribbles! Hour of Mercury which @20Sagittarius conjoins the Party's natal Moon (info, communications, and plans relate to education, domestic circumstances, family and child concerns, real estate sales or property, and/or health issues); Locomotive shape of ruthless success led by the Moon @8Lib51 conjunct MC; Trump's natal Neptune at MC: loss of position or simply more lies and scandals? Chart-ruler Jupiter rising in Sagittarius applies to a square with Republican Party's natal Neptune in Return 3rd house of Communications: details of potentials are penned on the chart; as you see, Jupiter-Neptune qualities infuse the chart and US natal Pluto sits in the middle! Star of extreme misfortune, even suicide, Scheat, @29Pisces conjoins Mars, Chiron, and the Return's IC (The Drain; the Basis of the Matter; Endings). '29Pisces' = "A Prism: VALIDATION"...positive expression: "exceptional accomplishment through judgment of unusual accuracy:; negative/unconscious expression: "fatuous pride of intellect" (Jones). Wonder who suffers from that?

Naturally, there are other chart factors worth your consideration as are several stars that attach to the return's planets such as self-sacrificing Diadem conjunct Moon (the public; publicity) and Midheaven, the Aspiration and Career Point of all horoscopes; warring star Antares rises with its themes recently expanded by transit Jupiter; Sun @7Cap41 rises with Aculeus (enduring attacks but success) and conjoins Facies while serious Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, rises with Facies (ruthlessness or, the victim). Noted in the center of the chart is the severe Saturn-Pluto midpoint @15Cap47 which by degree points toward the first Solar Eclipse of 2019 @15Cap which perfects on January 6th in the 2 South Saros Series (joining unusual groups and feeling you'll gain a great deal from it--Brady).

Negative Nabobs of Neptune

Now as you know, there are many words and concepts typically assigned to the nebulous if inspired realms of astrological Neptune, with conspiracy being merely one of them. Made more prevalent as it floats through its own sign of tropical Pisces, Neptune also relates to: paranoia, fear, propaganda, fraud, deception, illegitimacy, illusion, veils and cover-ups, secrets, leaks, scams, grand schemes and dreams, erosion and dissolution, insecurity, uncertainty, karmic loss, glamour, disguises, mass media, and the masses--all come to mind as well as oceans, rivers, drinking and other water, gases, floods, epidemics and toxins. In Astrology, expansive Neptune's list is quite endless, or should I say, infinite? For The Divine Source is the highest designation for Neptune so we also find the GOP's association with religion (except that's really codifying Jupiter's domain with Neptune more a marker for spirituality and compassion.) Of course, fear and paranoia are what conspiracy theories are often based upon and are what such fanciful notions are meant to raise through the continual spreading of them.

Worth a gander is a 2013 TYT video segment Which Party Buys More into Conspiracy Theories? (5:58). (Confession: some of the theories mentioned appear factual to me!)

So how appropriate during the Republican Party's ongoing Neptune Return/s of 2017--2018 that various media and entertainment figures have recently called out the GOP as the 'Conspiracy Party' based on what the party has become--especially under the 'leadership' (?) of Mr. Trump, an ace conspiracy theorist in the flesh. 'Birtherism' against Barack Obama is a prime example of a political tactic that Trump based his presidential candidacy on meant to rile up fellow bigots at voting booths and place white supremacists within his administration (as if that's okay but it isn't). Plus, Neptunian cover-ups of domestic and foreign interference methods used in the 2016 Election (and threatening future elections) aided Trump in his quixotic quest for the White House.

Yet as his nibs fears, his is now seen as an illegitimate presidency by a many Americans and even transit Neptune veiling US Progressed Sun (POTUS) in Pisces has not successfully hidden the fact, nor has Neptune managed to hide Mr. Trump's purposeful ineptitude, weakness, financial shortcomings, and basic unsuitability for playing the role of POTUS. Besides, Trump in the White House isn't about playing the role well, it's about collapsing the American system of government and eroding our institutions, traditions, ideals, and beliefs, isn't it?

So in the 1854 founding chart of the Republican Party, let's consider a certain natal midpoint picture involving Neptune...Neptune-MC (goal point) = Uranus in the corporate 8th house: the desire to bring ideas to realization at all costs (Ebertin); and self-righteousness (Tyl). Yet oddly enough 'realization' is a concept belonging to astrological Saturn, planet of reality, form, law, government, business, and The Establishment. And of course, astrological Uranus represents potentials for: revolt, war, shock, disruption, upheaval, radical reform, chaos, and inventive and/or Utopian ideas. Science, Technology, and Progress are also Uranian but these days fact-based systems and progressive social reforms, among other things, act as garlic to the vampires of the regressive GOP--regrettably, and this I type as a Protestant Christian who continues to rely on the natural laws of the Universe set up by our Creator just as our Solar System (The Great Cosmic Clock) was and which makes Astrology's 'As Above, So Below' structure possible for our better understanding of life on Earth.

In The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin also supplies information on the Neptune-MC blend itself which reveals potentials for: pursuit of wrong ideas; people with Utopian ideas (and plans!), crooks and swindlers, and a leaning toward deception. Does this sound like any politicians, indicted and not yet indicted, you can name? And with transit Uranus in Aries (blind zealots, anarchists, Utopians) we must add to their Utopian zealotry the Sabian Symbol of the Republican Party's Ascendant, the rising point which describes the Party itself, and the fact that America's natal Jupiter in Cancer rises in their chart as well and we have: '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds feathering Their Nests".

Now most everyone agrees that elected candidates of all political stripes go to Washington for one of two basic reasons: either to idealistically represent, as well as they can, We The People (what we once called public service and 'doing the people's business'), or, to create personal wealth within a compromised system based on favors, bribes, pay-offs, blackmail, intimidation...and doing the work of corporations--and nowadays, bowing to foreign dictators. Tragically for our nation, it often happens that the idealists find once there that materialism is the only way to keep their positions and many succumb as party leaders read them the riot act as dictated by un-elected financiers and anti-democratic saboteurs who care nothing for America.

Now in a spirit of disclosure, I should admit that for years I've blogged in dissent against America's role of World Cop for transnational Corporate Crime Syndicates--and have habitually complained against Global Government dissolving America's national sovereignty. But even as campaigning Trump gave lip service to such concerns, his 'walling in' of the American people is not the answer for these issues for I believe that Trump's border wall is more about playing on bigotry for votes, isolating America from her traditional allies and neighbors so that our leadership role on the global stage is reduced to allow authoritarian regimes to take over the reins. Perhaps you agree that China and Russia are the obvious culprits as we've observed foreign agent Trump approving of this radical notion. So often we see that Trump does just like Putin would do! so that his chaotic ways make more sense in such a disturbing light.

So as one of those many Americans with ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died to help establish this nation--plus, with ancestors of non-Caucasian persuasions--the erosion and corruption of the Republican Party is of no joy to me nor is the corporate corruption of the Democratic Party. The fact that political parties were considered by our nation's Founders to be a negative course for America to take, their forming occurred in the past, a reality long accepted by my fellow Americans and used tactically by Washington DC, my former city of residence. That the Republican Party, said to have been created upon compassionate ideals (Neptune in Pisces) during the slave era, has slipped or been pushed into becoming a ridiculous 'Conspiracy Party' bodes ill for America's future unless and until clear and close scrutiny is performed by those who care and dare. Because even arrogant America, with her exalted Saturn in Libra, must abide by the natural laws of karma via sober Saturn's demands for realism, responsibility, integrity, honesty, and the accountability that Mr. Trump and the Republicans now encounter through the current fact-finding investigations of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the prosecutors of New York.

And speaking of Neptune, a 'noon' natal horoscope for POTUS-in-training Republican theocrat Mike Pence is available for viewing with two suggested rectified birth times and Ascendants--one ASC in Scorpio, one in Aquarius. Striking is his Minor Grand Trine formed by Saturn-Pluto = Neptune (quick decisions made in difficult situations; sudden acts of violence) with Neptune in this pattern alerting and inspiring him to a more objective use of the Saturn-Pluto trine, an aspect of The Magnate (Oken) which gives him an enormous capacity for accumulating wealth and for refining "existing forms of authoritarian institutions" (Alan Oken's Complete Astrology).

Related Posts include: Inauguration 2017 Horoscope in which we see that the final dispositor is Neptune in Pisces (of course it is!); Robert Mueller Appointed May 17, 2017; Reality Is Not What You Think, a Max Igan broadcast via video with his usual intriguing graphics and thought-provoking remarks; Horoscope: a Starry Autumn Equinox 2018; and it's up to We The People to shrug off our apathy and Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018 before Neptunian erosion via radical reforms by the Republican Party and their shady enablers change forever the America we've known and loved.

Above NASA photo: Neptune

Aug 10, 2018

NRA Founded under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes

Way back in 2012 when I published a few astro-notes concerning the NRA and the horoscope of its chartering (November 17, 1871 "noon," probably at Albany, NY), I mentioned the fact that Pluto (the assassin, saboteur, 'god' of Hades, manipulator, wealth-hoarder, spy, foreign agent, The Pope, the loner in the "ivory tower") was activating by transit a certain Mars-Saturn midpoint. Today I remind myself that Donald Trump was born with that exact midpoint picture in his natal chart and psyche: Mars-Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (murder, death of many people) (Ebertin). Of course, in 2012, the safety of President Obama was on many minds for obvious reasons which don't need to be detailed here since racism in America continues to be used in Politics as a go-to wedge issue.

Of course, other astrologers have analyzed the NRA astrology chart as a quick duck duck go search will show such as an interesting discussion in a Skyscript forum which emphasizes the organization's compulsive, forceful, taking-power Mars-Pluto signature.

Another enlightening perspective was posted by astrologer Paul Saunders in 2014, an insightful analysis of the NRA's natal or founding chart focusing first on the organization's fanatic Mars-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And the thing is, a footnoted quote by Reinhold Ebertin in his The Combination of Stellar Influences may be instructive concerning the Mars-Saturn blend of energies which colors the NRA with its cosmic brush:

"One is inclined at times to consider Mars-Saturn as the 'death axis.' This combination is found in many cases at the time of death, but one should not make the mistake of taking it for granted that death will result. During the course of life this 'death axis' is very often stimulated by transits and directions, but life continues."

And so the 'life' of the death-cultish National Rifle Association continues as it turns 147 years old on November 17, 2018 with its Mars-Saturn fervor unabated although it remains to be seen whether Russian mob ties and funding scandals will take a significant toll on its reputation or its coffers. This particular Southerner (yes, with CSA ancestors) would think and hope that the Civil War could be laid to rest by now as the horrific ritual sacrifice and divide-and-conquer tragedy (manipulated by foreign bankers) it actually was.

Four Related Posts: Horoscope of The Confederacy; Civil War: April 12, 1861 Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands; The Statue That Binds White Supremacy, World War III, Trump, and the US Congress; April 28, 2017 Trump to NRA Convention Atlanta, Georgia with Trump's natal Pluto (unaspected) and gun-polishing Mars in Leo rising...

Aug 9, 2018

Aug 9, 2018: Nixon Resigned 44 years ago today Will Trump Follow His Excellent Example?

Photo: After Resigning Richard Nixon Departs Washington DC

August 9, 2018: Forty-four years ago today, Richard Nixon resigned from the Office of the Presidency in order to avoid impeachment and the parallels between Nixon's actions in the White House and those of Donald Trump are revealing. Perhaps you've seen today's CNN segment with John Avlon pointing out the similarities between the two men--up to the point where Nixon resigned. Editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast and a CNN political analyst, Mr. Avlon is the author of Washington's Farewell which yours truly is currently reading along with several other books, a habit I can't seem to break because I don't want to.

As we learned 44 years ago, resigning from the presidency is an easy task as evidenced by Nixon's resignation letter sent to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger which may be viewed here. In a SO'W post of August 4, 2007, I included a link to the letter and some natal details on Nixon himself noting that his Sun Cap-Moon AQ personality blend suggests a very descriptive 'Image for Integration' concerning Mr. Nixon's presidential destiny:

"Having struggled unaided to the peak, a mountaineer hitches a ride on a passing helicopter." (Sun-Sign Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Perhaps you agree that the 'struggling' and 'hitching' are exactly what Tricky Dick did thanks to his 'fall from grace' which can be astrologically associated with taskmaster Saturn in 10th house or near Midheaven. That's because law-abiding Saturn, planet of The Establishment and the status quo, demands that human beings abide by laws and rules, honor worthy traditions, wisely administer their responsibilities, and stand up when accountability comes to call. Past mistakes that are never made whole eventually overwhelm when karmic Saturn's imperatives are neglected.

Yet power-mad control freak Nixon was born with Saturn @27Tau29 in his 9th house and power-broker Pluto in late Gemini--also a karmic planet--in his 10th house of Career, Public Status, and Aspirations so that the planetary pair of hardship and severity straddle Nixon's natal MC (Saturn-Pluto = MC). And now, with Mr. Trump under siege and hunkered down in the White House--and many of the 'best people' he hired turning out to be crooks--we shall note that Nixon's natal Saturn conjoins the natal MC of Donald Trump who was born with the nasty star of rage and violence Algol at Midheaven. And this is how Donald 'Algol' Trump is seen by the world (MC). Then significantly enough, the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 precisely conjoins Donald Trump's natal Vertex, a point of fated encounters.

Another interesting chart factor is that, assuming Trump's birth data is accurate with a birth time of 10:54 am, royal Regulus rises, a star carrying a serious imperative of its own: 'success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away.' Why, 'revenge' is what exactly Donald Trump loves to take--just like Nixon did! Did I hear you say 'enemies list'?

Plus, there's yet another link between Donald Trump and the Nixon administration and resignation which you can read about in a previous post Trump and the 1973 Eclipse of the 'Saturday Night Massacre', a popularized term for Nixon's firing of the Special Prosecutor investigating him--you know, like Trump longs to do to Mr. Mueller (a vengeful firing which would not stop the investigation).

Now do any of these markers and cosmic links signal in America's future a Trump resignation as he treads the Nixonian path? We must wait and see!

Aug 8, 2018

Oct 2018: Tail of the Dragon Smacks 2017 POTUS Sun!

On October 27, 2018 transit South Node ('Tail of the Dragon') 'smacks' the 2017 POTUS Sun 00AQ49:53 for just under 3 minutes from 6:50 am edt to 6:52:50 am edt. The horoscope below is set for Washington DC at the first minute of this conjunction; the transit may have no significance at all but is posted here for the sake of recording the cosmic event--and because of the tribulations of the Trump administration since he 'took office' at noon on January 20, 2017 at noon est with an isolated 10th house Sun that represents, since Inauguration Day 2017, thespian Donald Trump in the leadership role.

Obviously this particular nodal transit also occurred approximately 19 years ago while Bill Clinton was in office, his second term ending on January 20, 2001. Embroiled in legal, political, and personal battles, Mr. Clinton's White House experience resembles on a basic ethical level that of the embroiled Mr. Trump, as you know, and although SN to Sun is a cosmic event of brief duration, perhaps its Saturnian vibes of separation and lack of resonance with the public (or with the public mood or societal trends) returns in 2018 for the American people's further dealing in the inflated form of ethics-challenged Donald Trump. Both planet Saturn and the Nodes of the Moon are considered karmic (what was sown is reaped) and both play roles in the element which only Astrology can provide the seeker--timing.

DC Horoscope: October 27, 2018 6:50 am edt Washington DC; SN conjunct POTUS Sun 00AQ49:53;Trump natal positions are penned around the chart in blue; chart-ruler Venus Rx opposes Uranus Rx highlighted in green; 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 is this karmic event's PE; its Syzygy Moon 1Tau13 perfects on October 24, 2018 conjunct planet of upsets and shocks, Uranus, here at 00Tau24; Venus-Uranus hints at financial improprieties, extravagance, devaluation of currency, and/or unusual sources of funding; in 2nd house, transit Mercury 25Sco12 has just entered Mr. Trump's natal 4th house (joining tr Jupiter) suggesting communications focused on domestic matters, family members, real estate, and potentially a 'change of residence' (not to get our hopes up!) if enough factors agree:

Now since it's America's POTUS Sun involved ('President of the United States'), the US presidency will be 'smacked' or 'swiped' in some way along with the man playing the archetypal role in October 2018; therefore, the Presidential Oath of Office will be involved. This brings Trump's affirmation to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution into this Saturnian picture with its 'separation' theme. Agreement that Mr. Trump is actually doing the required job in the required way is hard to find unless you look toward the morally bankrupt GOP and their billionaire enablers who are determined to re-write the US Constitution in unrecognizable ways. Plus, Trump's mesmerized supporters, who at this typing, remain devoted to his quirky, eccentric, chaotic Uranian way of doing things, tradition be da*ned. For after all, Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in mutable Gemini (sign of duplicity, variety, tweeting, and gossip) is his guiding planet because it rises just before his Gemini Sun (aka, 'oriental').

And if we look to a South Node/Sun conjunction in general for clues to what may be involved in late October, we find circumstances, conditions, and people continuing to block and limit Trump's self-expression, leadership, and power potential. Obstacles via others litter his path of achievement to the point that aims may be denied altogether. That Trump has and does promote his own selfish aims at the expense of others--aka, exploitation--complicates the situation for SN-to-Sun is a doubly karmic event in which current actions are thwarted by pipers who rightfully demand full payment. You've probably noticed how Mr. Trump has demonstrated an alarming lack of self-discipline and an inability to control his primal urges which do not sync with Saturn's requirements which can lead to positive outcomes and best results.

And of course, astrological Saturn is the taskmaster bringing lessons of limitation, restriction, and accountability (The Establishment in the form of Mr. Mueller?!) but as we know, Mr. Trump has shown himself to be learning disabled concerning most topics, and a know-it-all to boot. In fact, he has stated that he's never asked for forgiveness because he's never sinned or made a mistake--quite an unsullied 'god' he imagines himself to be! Perhaps having royal Regulus rising along with asteroid Apollo (the 'sun god') inspires such a misconception about himself as being superior to the rest of humanity. Yet in his role of US president, and allegedly accountable to the American people and to the laws of Saturn, it may soon be time for cosmic comeuppance for such hubris as that belonging to the very flawed Donald J. Trump.

Aug 7, 2018

Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, and 2024

Image: 'Wild Bill Hickok'; public domain; wikicommons

Eclipses affect History so as I await delivery of author and science writer David Baron's book American Eclipse: A Nation's Epic Race to Catch the Shadow of the Moon and Win the Glory of the World concerning the Solar Eclipse of July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 (conjunct US natal North Node!), I'm posting below brief astrological details on the themes of the 1878 eclipse, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 (conjunct the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump--ASC = physical body--the fool who daringly removed his safety glasses to stare at it), and the next Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24--precisely conjunct transit Chiron @19Ari24.

All three eclipses were/are Total and their themes listed below paraphrase those found in Brady's Predictive Astrology:

July 29, 1878 6 South themes: 'being forceful; taking power; huge efforts in a group activity; sudden events; manic energy'. The group of eclipse chasers, which included Thomas Edison, were determined to put fledgling America on the scientific map and their activities boosted our nation's standing in the world and romanticized US expansion into the 'Wild Wild West'. A 6 South eclipse will next manifest on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio.

August 21, 2017 1 North themes: 'unexpected events put great pressure on relationships via issues that loom large; fatigue or health problems are attached; make no hasty decisions because information is distorted or possibly false'. (The 1 North Saros Series is 'The Mother of All Eclipses' and a repeat of the August 1999 'King of Terror' eclipse which some folks link to the predictions of Nostradamus--and of course we think of the attacks of 9/11 and the engendered fear, paranoia, hasty decisions, and the propagandized 'war on terror' that resulted.) The next eclipse in the 1 North series will perfect on September 2, 2035 @9Virgo.

April 8, 2024 8 North themes: 'flashes of genius and inventiveness; dreams and visions; insights and new-found inspiration which can temporarily pull people away from relationships and cause strain in their private lives'. The next 8 North after 2024? Not until April 20, 2042 @00Taurus, a degree where 'wild card' planet Uranus hangs around these days.

Of course, all that being said on August 7, 2018, we must first deal with events over the next few months or more brought to us by a Universal 'wild card' via The Tower Solar Eclipse which soon perfects on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 with its 'collapse of plans or lifestyles' and 'rebuilding after the dust settles' theme which may very well relate to tower-builder Donald Trump, Trump Jr, and/or other of Trump's cronies and enablers, both foreign and domestic.

Aug 5, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez OBLITERATES Fox News - TYT clip

From August 3, 2018 here is a don't-miss segment from The Young Turks with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling it, as my Flower Power Generation once liked to say, like it is:

Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

Trump Neglects Presidential Oath to Defend the Constitution So We Must Do It

The US Constitution's Progressed New Moon is a symbolic marker for the seeding of a new phase of activity and perfects one day prior to the 2018 Midterms when American voters must roar back their rejection of the alt-right and ring-wing instigators and infiltrators now seeking to radically reform our Constitution. Revoking the Seventeenth Amendment, which would be a regression to prevent voters from electing US senators, and shoving a Voter ID law into the 'freedom' document are but two of the reforms they intend under the misleading guise of "The Liberty Amendments." (There's a book of that title popular with rightists but I refuse to link to it here because it fronts for their deceptive scheme.)

Now protecting the US Constitution is but one of many reasons to Vote Democrat on November 6, 2018--not because all Democrats are groovy but because corporate Republicans suck at democracy and prefer Russia to the America most Americans intend to keep, thanks very much, even while Trump voters follow him off a cliff into the abyss of totalitarianism. Meanwhile, the ongoing alliance between 'economic royalists' like Trump, the Kochs, the Mercers, and their handmaidens in the Republican Party and abroad have the US Constitution in their sights.

But with a massive wave of Democratic votes from the millennial generation and women voters, We The People can stop these anti-constitutional chaos agents at the November 6, 2018 barricade!

Related: The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterms, a Full Moon conjunct erratic planet of chaos, Uranus, the guiding planet of Donald Trump. And of course We The People must navigate Autumn Equinox 2018 (DC horoscope shown) in September, plus, the ongoing erosion of the Republican Party's Neptune Return continues all through 2018 into 2019 and spreads its delusions and deceptions (and hopefully, losses) all over the 2018 Midterms. Now that's a great description of a Neptune-in-Pisces Blue Wave!

Above image: 'Neptune Ascends', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Aug 2, 2018

Natal Horoscopes of Capone-Manafort-Trump

August 2, 2018: Now that the tweeter-in-chief has compared his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort with Chicago gangster and tax-dodger Al Capone you know a comparison between their natal horoscopes had to occur. Below is a bi-wheel with Capone's C-rated natal chart in the center and Paul Manafort's 'noon' chart, outer. Penciled around the charts are some interesting links between Al Capone's planets and those of Donald Trump. As you see, Mr. Trump's Sun-NN-Uranus trio opposite his natal Moon-SN is prominently showcased on Capone's natal MC-IC axis:

The more stand-out links are Manafort's natal Jupiter conjunct Capone's Sun (28Capricorn--conjunct US natal Pluto), Manafort's natal Chiron 8Sag58 Rx (the wound and blind spot) conjunct Capone's natal Chiron 9Sag34, Capone's natal Jupiter 8Sco06 conjunct Manafort's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree (4 South themes = 'strong emotions about money and/or relationships; a sense of fated events; frustrating blocks; sudden desire to end a relationship'). I won't mention Capone's Mars 29Can16 (Rx, OOBs, and at critical degree) conjunct Manafort's Ascendant since Manafort's chart is speculatively set for 'noon'. But we need no accurate birth time for Mr. Manafort to see Al Capone's Sun shining upon the natal Jupiter of extravagant spender and tax-dodger Paul Manafort during his current trial, thanks to the tweet-in-chief's (helpful?) efforts.

Plus, you see that Manafort's natal Saturn 00Vir04 Rx conjoins royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided)--and conjoins Trump's natal Ascendant and, by extension, his rising Mars in Leo. This link suggests that Manafort will 'stick' (Saturn) with Trump (ASC) and not turn state's evidence, even if convicted, but we'll see since 69-year-old Manafort's prospect of dying in prison may be a prison cell too far.

Also note that Al Capone's Syzygy Moon is his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') 21Cap33 in the violent 9 New North Saros Series (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) and is the same series as that of Alexander Hamilton's PE, as already discussed.

Now here's a brief bio plus the natal chart of Al Capone if you wish a peek at his chart without my scribbles. And of course The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018 is affecting events already and may have much more to 'say' about the whole sordid mess--or in quick Uranian fashion may put an end to it!