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Dec 14, 2018

Horoscopes: Yemen - North and South

Dual image: Yemen North (lower left; September 27, 1962 '12:00 pm BAT -3:00' Sanaa' Yemen; Campion chart #392) and Yemen South (upper right; November 29, 1967 3:00 pm BAT = "end of British rule"; Aden, Yemen; Campion chart #393).

The horoscope of Yemen South is currently more activated of the two and is accurately timed so today's transits (Dec 14, 2018 est) are penned around the chart. Most notable is that Yemen's natal Mars @28Cap11 in 10th house is in process of being squared by transit Uranus @28Ari49 with both planets and their square having links to war, revolt, destruction, violence, explosions (bombs), injuries, and danger.

Another current indicator of war and violence is the transit South Node, a Saturnian point of restriction and loss (aka, 'the tail of the dragon') now swiping across Yemen South's natal Mars in Capricorn.

Then both charts reveal crisis-ridden YOD patterns within them. North's apex planet of its YOD is Jupiter Rx in Pisces, a compassionate sign for Jupiter yet as apex planet this denotes expectations that tend to fall short of their promised potential due to poor judgement, procrastination, and/or over-reach and this brings fateful consequences. In South's chart, we see 12th house Saturn Rx in early Aries (where transit Chiron is scheduled to visit later on) as apex of the YOD which doubles the karmic potential of the YOD and suggests an inherent ambition, plus, a destiny replete with determination, commitment and resolve if the energies are correctly faced and handled. Obviously, maturity and social responsibility must be part of apex Saturn's demanding imperatives and periods of Yemen South's Saturn Returns would be times when YOD conditions would be most in force with many lessons to learn. South's last/current Saturn Return was a three-fer: 1. June 3, 1996; 2. September 3, 1996; 3. February 21, 1997 - all when Bill Clinton was inhabiting the White House. South's next Saturn Return will perfect on April 2, 2026.

So as you see, transit Pluto @20Capricorn+ (a critical-crisis degree) is about to cross Yemen's Midheaven (21Cap10) with transit Saturn close behind. In fact, the two karmic planets' Great Conjunction takes places January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (see link, below) and will form a midpoint picture of potentials for Yemen: Saturn-Pluto = natal MC: desire to rise from difficult circumstances through the application of tenacity and endurance; severity; one-sidedness; self-sacrifice; asceticism (Ebertin).

And perhaps you've noticed that Yemen's Mars @28Capricorn conjoins the power-mad, manipulative natal Pluto of the United States (27Cap33 Rx). We can see this planetary connection in such inconvenient-for-the-Pentagon facts as Shrapnel in Yemen ties US bombs to civilian deaths, a massive cosmic peep-eye for we Americans who are usually the last to know what the Pentagon is actually up to abroad.

So what if anything is Washington doing about our complicity in these tragic, heart-wrenching war crimes in Yemen? Well, the US Senate voted to end our nation's involvement in the war at least in part but the vote is probably merely a symbolic gesture especially with Mr. Trump unlikely to sign on to the idea of putting an end to the bombing of Yemeni women and children. After all, Big T likes to cage children, we know - and he remains a supporter of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia in spite of the Saudi-ordered assassination of Trump-critic and Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Of course, big money, pay-offs, and favors are involved, a probability which neatly sums up the entire situation for the superficial Donald Trump who prefers to do just like his mentor Putin would do.

Wouldn't it be wild and crazy if Melania turns out to be asset Trump's handler?

Three Related Astro-Posts: The Pentagon's Progressed New Moon (with link to Pentagon natal chart); Horoscopes: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions; Saudi Arabia 1902 with October 2, 2018 Transits, Jamal Khashoggi links included.

Dec 13, 2018

January 2019: Opening of the 116th Congress

December 13, 2018: For the congress-curious reader Ballotpedia provides 2019 congressional information such as members' salaries, Committee details, and more.

Last I heard, the 116th Congress of the United States is scheduled to open on January 3, 2019, probably at 12:00 noon ET, Capitol Building, Washington DC. Of course, swearings-in of new members will be a first order of business--and the Moon in Sagittarius denotes outsiders, or someone different in the House! And amazingly, these new members have lowered the average age of Congress by a decade and many of them are ladies (Moon).

A Little Astrology: January 3, 2019 noon est Capitol Hill

If this date and hour are accurate, some interesting midpoint pictures appear at that particular moment, some that involve the Midheaven ('MC'), Point of Aspirations, Goals, and Public Status as it passes over the Capitol Building. This chart works symbolically even if the opening hour changes so let's consider a few chart factors for this date which has quite often been the opening date of Congress--I know, because it's my birth date and as a child it seemed that Congress opened every year as 'a gift' for little Capricorn me. Silly, of course, but no one told me differently so I persisted with the illusion! For it seemed a small and private honor then but that was before Congress members broke the public trust they had had with the American people back then and began neglecting their constitutional duties. Now we see the hot mess that has brought to America.

Yet hope must forever spring! So let us consider some prominent chart factors and their potential expressions for January 3, 2019 at the semi-speculative hour of 12:00 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC with a few basic chart details penned messily upon the chart, plus, some natal placements of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (in blue) and Donald Trump (in lavender pink):

Rising is 18Aries14, appropriate for a new undertaking, plus, 19Aries is the Exaltation of the Sun degree (but also the Fall of Saturn degree--Devore). This places the natal Jupiter of Speaker Pelosi on the Ascendant--opposing the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump on Descendant. Financial quarrels rising! yet Jupiter also relates to Politics, ideals, and plans for expansion. And note that Venus in Scorpio leads a BOWL shape of all the planets which suggests to me that Venus represents Nancy Pelosi whose natal Mars is opposed by this Venus (see chart notes in blue, bottom left). It's a 'battle of the sexes' continued for you know what Speaker Pelosi said about Trump's manhood after their dust-up in the Oval Office over funding for his border wall and his threat of a possible "Trump Shutdown"!

Now Aries rising makes testy Mars the chart-ruler and therefore the ruler of the 116th Congress. Meanwhile, activist Mars @1Ari45, just past the Aries Point ('AP') of Fame and Recognition, has risen and is in the 12th house of Politics and Large Institutions such as the US Congress; can Back Room deals be far behind? No doubt some have already been proposed and accepted. Or perhaps 12th house Mars, a leader and trailblazer, (with guru Chiron @28Pis11--a mentor?) will act as a Secret Enemy of the behind-the-scenes 12th house variety. After all, The Leader, the Sun @13Cap01 is in 10th house near the MC (10Cap07) but surrounded by enemies--or are they henchmen? For restrictive Saturn @11Cap41 and powerful manipulator Pluto @20Cap41 (at critical degree) form a trio with the Capricorn Sun (also at critical degree) and we might wish to consider the trio's potentials within a midpoint picture--fading but still somewhat in effect due to the weightiness of karmic Saturn and karmic Pluto along with the solar importance of the day. Plus, the Sun's position in Capricorn marks the annual opposition to US natal Sun @13Cancer when plans and goals of the nation should be reassessed and altered if necessary in order to reach goals.

Saturn-Pluto = Sun: sparing no pains in one's work; renunciation; privation; physical toil and over-exertion; physical separation. A closer midpoint picture exists at noon as well--Sun-MC = Saturn: the necessity to make grave or difficult decisions; reserve; a negative outlook (economic, I suspect, along with Everything Trump, plus, big donor/corporate interests interference). But another thing about the 2019 Sun: it conjoins asteroid Icarus who in hubris flew too close to the Sun in an escape attempt so that his wings melted. As you know, Icarus refused to listen to his papa (Saturn)! Yet does this Capricorn Sun surrounded by legal-eagle planet Saturn (Mr. Mueller?) and hidden-power Pluto (foreign and/or wealthy manipulators--saboteurs or assassins) actually represent on another level Donald Trump who is also an Icarus figure? Will he escape indictment and/or impeachment? (See today's CNN news about Trump's Friends Flipping on Him.)

Or does the Icarus archetype signify congress members whose wings are singed by standing too close to Trump (Republicans) or who will somehow stand in Big T's way as the congressional session continues (Democrats)? Perhaps all of the above? Not knowing as I type if the Mueller Report will have been released by January 3, 2019 and possibly sent to the House--or partially revealed to the public--these questions are impossible to answer with any certainty, at least by yours truly. Plus, Trump's tax returns by federal law can be demanded by the chair of the Ways and Means Committee without approval by the Senate, as House Democrats have promised - yet Astrology can't tell us everything.

By comparison, the 115th Congress horoscope for January 3, 2018 12:00 pm est showed evaluating Venus @11Cap56 in place of 2019 Saturn with Sun 13Cap16 (opposing US natal Sun in Cancer, did we say?) and primal Pluto @18Cap52 which activated the 1993 'New World Order' Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s with their 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) and Sabian Symbol for 18Cap: POLITICAL POWER (Jones) which implies foreign control or interference (ex: the City of London). It will interesting if tragic as 2019 proceeds to see what the idealism and plans of the progressive new members morph into as the riot act is read them by party bosses Pelosi and Schumer. If past methods hold, new members will be instructed that they will vote how they're told to vote but hopefully such strong-arming will lessen for the good of the American people who voted for a more progressive agenda than party hats have provided so far, their cotton-filled ears notwithstanding. Yet Ms. Pelosi has reportedly agreed to step down in 2022 so we'll see if the backlash against her speakership has abated for now in this generational clash.

Now with Mars as chart-ruler 'his' applying Ptolemaic aspects give clues as to how things will proceed. However, this Mars makes no applying aspects in the chart which emphasizes the warrior planet's sign and house position--Aries, his own sign, and 12th house of Politics and Karma so it looks like it's going to be an active, possibly pioneering, and secretive two years, folks, for among the new members of the 116th Congress there must be at least a few Aries-inspired ladies among them!

For more on midpoint pictures see: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, and Tyl's Solar Arcs.

Related posts include: Chiron to Aries Point and America's Chiron Return.

February 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus!

February 19, 2019: POTUS and a Full Moon with Lots of Stars

by Jude Cowell

If the Trump administration remains in the White House until February 2019 as I suppose it will, the Full Moon horoscope of February 19, 2019 seems significant to me for multiple reasons: royal star Regulus @00Vir05 ('the king' or 'the kingmaker') will be reflected and revealed by the light of the Full Moon along with the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald Trump. Note that prominent New and Full Moons sometimes act in Uranian fashion as if they are 'wild card' eclipses, and fixed stars express or are activated via eclipses (Ovason).

Alcyone rises at the moment the Full Moon perfects (10:53:29 am est) at the location of the White House, with the star's key phrase, "something to cry about." Plus, Trump's natal MC (25Taurus) with furious Algol upon it (and Nancy Pelsoi's natal Mars!) has just risen and languishes in the 12th house of Politics and Karma. The Sun-Moon midpoint (00Sag42) sets upon the Descendant along with asteroid Kassandra, key phrase: "a prophetess telling the truth but no one believes her" which may suggest someone's testimony in the Mueller investigation or to Congress. As you know, Lying vs Truth is such a problem for Mr. Trump and his associates with so many activities to cover up. (Confession: I still wonder if there's a love child behind Trump's curtain!)

Also of interest in the Full Moon chart is the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in mid-Pisces, sign of secrecy, for it conjoins fixed star Achernar, key phrases: crisis at the end of the river and risk of rapid endings. This conjunction is particularly notable since Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square has always given him much to lie and leak about and has provided our nation with a fantasy-prone, indiscreet, unreliable, unable-to-learn, emotionally immature man playing the role of US president. As you see, this conjunction falls in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. And legal eagle planet Saturn @16Cap53 (conjunct steady, strong Rukbat = Mr. Mueller?) has just conjoined the January 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25 (which conjoins the 9th cusp of this chart) in the 2 South Saros Series--theme: 'joining a new group and gaining a great deal by it' (Brady). In a previous post I related this eclipse theme to the new members of the 116th Congress which seems appropriate, agreed? Perhaps Mr. Trump will soon join a new group!

Now notice in the center of the chart I've penned an 'Image for Integration' for the practical Water-Earth Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo combination: "Small events bring enormous consequences" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey). Another 'Image' for this combo: "Faith and reason shake hands." (btw, this is the natal personality blend of Senator Ted Kennedy.)

Well, there are several other chart factors worth noting here and many of my study notes are penned upon the chart if you don't mind enlarging the image to read them. See if you agree that the February 19, 2019 Full Moon may represent a significant signpost on the Path of Donald Trump with Full Moons the phase of culmination, fulfillment, awareness, and relationships (or perhaps the ending of them) - perfecting as the Full Moon does upon Trump's natal Ascendant, replete with several activated stars--plus, a Thor's Hammer pattern with its midpoint picture notated on the right side of chart:

Of course, perhaps I fret over nothing for a Full Moon conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant could simply indicate a larger, more revealing publicity event than unusual. But really now, how is that even possible?

Dec 12, 2018

Astro-Notes on Heather Nauert: next UN Ambassador?

Image: 'Neptune Ascends'

by Jude Cowell

Donald Trump's choice for UN ambassador to replace Nikki Haley is former Fox News personality Heather Nauert born January 27, 1970 in Rockford, Illinois. Follow the link for a few bio details on her life and a view of a speculative natal horoscope for her (birth hour unknown).

If confirmed to the UN post, Ms. Nauert will be the least experienced ambassador to the United Nations in US history with a diplomacy resume as thin as my own! Yet a communicator she is, and quite Airy, too, as we can see from her natal planets. I won't bother posting her 'noon' natal chart here since it's only a possibility that she'll be confirmed by the Senate. In her favor? She's a Fox alumni, blonde, and Mike Pompeo and John Bolton seem to be in her corner along with Mr. Trump so we'll see how her confirmation hearing goes.

And the downgrading of her UN position from Cabinet-level is being pushed by Pompeo and Bolton thanks to Trump who intends to run the show entirely and carry Putin's water on the global stage as far as the 'United' Nations goes.

Well, you know how astrological Neptune likes to downgrade, downplay, dissolve, undermine, deceive, disappoint, merge, infect, and confuse, right? Well, the Nauert-UN saga seems right on time since the first Mars Return to Trump's 2017 Inauguration horoscope (24Pis21) will perfect on December 23, 2018 at 11:20:54 am est, and in Washington DC, guess what rises at that moment? Why, Neptune @13Pis55, of course! Ascendant = 13Pis58 and Heather Nauert's natal North Node, a point of public contact, falls at 12Pis11 or so.

And if we round up to '14Pisces' for Neptune-ASC's Sabian Symbol we discover "A Lady in Fox Fur," aka, Heather Nauert. Now some pundits are saying that Ms. Nauert as UN Ambassador is in for a world of hurt. Astrologically I'd say that the December 23rd Neptune-ASC-NN trio in the Trump Inauguration's Mars Return chart suggests potentials for rumor, deception, hurt through others, and being duped (Tyl) for this Lady in Fox Fur. Master-of-disguise Neptune must supply Ms. Nauert with quite a weighty mask to wear in New York! And to New York I suspect she will go for the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Capricorn activates her natal Mercury in Capricorn with its eclipse theme of: "joining a new group and gaining a great deal" (Brady). For even if downgraded from a Cabinet-level position, a UN ambassadorship would be a lucrative step up for Heather Nauert after a brief stint as State Department spokesperson.

And if Nauert's personality blend of Sun AQ-Moon Libra is the case instead of a Water-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Virgo blend (if born not very long after midnight) which tends toward puritanism and a nit-picking attitude toward others, her double Air combination of energies suggests she is civilized, sociable, charming, broad-minded, and humanitarian with a good intellect. The AQ-Libra blend is shared by author Boris Pasternak and I shall end this post with an extremely appropriate quote from him which may very well remind you of someone we both hear from ad nauseum every single day,

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth."

Dec 11, 2018

Dec 12, 2018: Maria Butina hearing on Capitol Hill

The Sabotage of America Ongoing

by Jude Cowell

If need be, NPR shares some background info on 'gun-rights activist' Maria Butina, a Sun Scorpio born on November 10, 1988 in Barnaul, Siberia. Reportedly, her Russian agent activities have been ongoing in the US since 2014 when she began encouraging guns-rights demonstrations. A mild activity when compared to her more recent ties to US politicians and officials, plus, there's her work for or with the National Rifle Association (NRA)--and all seem to be compromised by the Kremlin now.

Word is, Ms. Butina has changed her plea to 'guilty' and agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation. Unless otherwise is announced, her hearing is set for tomorrow, December 12, 2018, starting at 3:15 pm, on Capitol Hill. Here's the horoscope of that date, hour, and location:

Some of Maria Butina's natal placements are marked in and around the chart (highlighted in lavender pink), a few of Donald Trump's are added (highlighted in blue), and some of America's natal placements, too, such as US natal South Node, the 'tail of the dragon' conjunct the 3:15 pm est Midheaven (5AQ50) and the transiting South Node now 'swiping' across US natal Pluto (27Cap33). And that would be the same Pluto that was spotlighted at the RNC 2016 by a Full Moon Conjunct US natal Pluto: Russian Encounters when Vladimir Putin had the Republican platform changed more to his liking.

And if you view the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart, you'll see that the current position of the North Node of destiny points toward the Full Moon's Sun (the leader). Interestingly, a Sun-NN connection in Politics can lead to 'political associations which eventually do more harm than good, formation of ties to allies drain vitality, and/or a loss of respect due to unfortunate mergers or alliances' (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets). Well, yes.

Besides a few midpoint pictures you see listed, notable in tomorrow's chart is that 3:15 pm falls within a Jupiter Hour and Butina's natal Jupiter Rx @2Gem+ is her first natal planet to rise in this horoscope suggesting Jupiterian themes on the menu such as finances and politics. Boundaries have been broken! Donald Trump's first natal planet to rise is his chaos-loving Uranus (@17Gem+ in his natal 10th house of Career and Public Status) which forms his nibs' quirky and very visible trio along with his North Node and Sun; plus, his natal Sun conjuncts the 2nd cusp (22Gem23) of this chart--along with US natal Mars. Has the money been followed? Of course!

Listed in the 5th house of the chart and highlighted in orange is Maria Butina's Prenatal Solar Eclipse @18Vir40 ('PE') which manifested prior to her birth on September 11, 1988 in the 8 South Saros Series. Themes of 8 South are 'loss, separation, sad partings, and possible physical injury' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). An 8 South eclipse last occurred in 2006 @29Virgo; next 8 South: 2024 @10Libra.

And in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service appear her natal Scorpio line-up of Mercury, Pluto, Sun, and Moon. Transit Venus now conjoins her natal Mercury, planet of communications, deals, and pleas and suggests her decision to cooperate with investigators though it remains to be seen if her information will be reliable for with so much Scorpio within, perhaps we can say that Ms. Butina was born to betray, spy, and sabotage.

Dec 5, 2018

Is Republican Party Policy Leaving People With No Choice?

Dec 5, 2018: Now here's a very good question posed and discussed by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann:


And let's remember a significant cosmic event arriving soon for the Republican Party for on December 29, 2018 comes the fifth conjunction in a series of five Neptune Return/s for the Party--with Donald Trump's natal Neptune @6Libra at Midheaven in their December 29th Neptune Return horoscope (shown)! Yet we don't need Astrology to tell us that tragically for our nation, scandals, rumors, conspiracy theories, leaks, veils, subterfuge, 'fake news', false propaganda, fraud, corruption, bribery, schemes such as Medicare "Advantage", underhandedness, sabotage, paranoia, fear, fanaticism, delusions, falsehoods, deceit and lies are major parts of the GOP's disappointing Neptunian-Piscean agenda which nowadays includes compromised politicians and those who actually act on behalf of foreign governments--exactly as the Founding Fathers feared!

Dec 3, 2018

Trump's New World Order - Truthstream Media

The following presentation posted to YouTube in 2017 and I almost missed it. And if you've ever read Stars Over Washington before this moment you may be aware that globalism and a 'new global order' (economic, financial, social, and 'moral') have been constant refrains of the dissenting kind by yours truly, a fan of sovereign nation-states and big D-little d democracy rather than totalitarianism and its 'strong-armed paternalism' now expressing through the NWO pair 1993 Uranus-Neptune and their midpoint @18Cap, hit off-and-on in our day by transit Pluto ('18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER: "A British Destroyer"; Jones gives '18Cap' the negative expression of "smug or strong-armed paternalism"). Often I have cited here and elsewhere from Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book: "Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise." It's an offer compromised politicians can't refuse!

Plus, tragically we must add to this creepy picture and the underworld criminality it suggests one of the potentials of the harsh energies of Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator (R. Ebertin).

Of course, the upcoming Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn (see link, below) gives us cold if any comfort with its extremely conservative, reactionary determination against all progressive movements, improvements, and legislation intended to lift the yoke from our Collective neck. And curiously enough, Donald Trump's natal Vertex of 'fated encounters' falls upon 23Capricorn. Will these circumstances reveal the prophecy of America "speaking like a dragon"? Sadly I suspect so--although many folks domestically and across the globe say our nation has been speaking with draconian overtones for decades. Remember that Bin Laden labeled America as "the great satan"? Well, I tend to think of that little ditty as satan calling out satan, a time-worn trick of his meant to fool and distract the unwary. Especially since the 'destructive force' is all around--and inside us if we let it in!

So okay I'll hush typing for now and recommend for your consideration a report from Melissa and Aaron of Truthstream Media in case you also missed it:

UPDATE: June 2022: Unfortunately, this video has been deleted from SO'W but may be seachable on YouTube. jc

Related are dual horoscopes of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions of 1982 and 2020. Note that until January 12, 2020 we remain mired within the current Saturn-Pluto cycle which began in 1982 @27Libra36 under the conservative, greedy auspices of Ronald Reagan whose 'trickle down economics' remains a big joke played upon the masses by the GOP.

Dec 1, 2018

Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2019 - Virgo Moon Rising

Image: Spring Equinox March 20, 2019 at 5:58:20 pm edt White House Washington DC; ASC 14Vir25; Moon @27Vir48 rising; MC 12Gem10 conjunct Uranus-North Node midpoint (see chart, lower right); Sun 00Ari00:00 in 7th house of Partnerships, Open Enemies, and Legal Affairs/rules 12th house of Politics, Karma, Large Institutions, and Back Room Deals. Chart and MC ruler Mercury Rx @18Pis58 conjunct Neptune = "the illusionist" (A. Oken); Mars @23Tau08 in 9th house of Philosophy and Foreign Lands soon conjoins Trump's natal MC where raging star Algol twinkles. And we should mention that Donald Trump's natal Neptune @6Libra is his 'first to rise' planet at Spring Equinox 2019 bringing along his expansive, inflationary trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter of speculation and schemes.

Lower right is a Note: Speaker of the House Pelosi's Mars Return (25Taurus) occurs on or about March 25, 2019 beginning a new 2-year cycle of activity for her with the House as of January 2019 ruled by congressional Democrats. Interestingly, the Moon leads a Locomotive shape of all the planets in the chart indicating a ruthless drive toward success by an executive--is this Speaker Pelosi representing the Democrats, plus, We The People? I suspect on one level 'tis She of The Gavel. Yet the Moon's Sabian Symbol suggests otherwise: '28Virgo' = "A Bald-Headed Man Dominates a Gathering of National Figures." Trump is balding, so obviously Spring 2019 is gonna be Trump vs Pelosi for the duration of the year (Aries Ingresses symbolize entire years) with a Virgo Moon signifying practicality and methodical procedures. Also see the Sabian Symbol of the Sun ('1Aries') at the top of the horoscope - America's Great Seal is hinted at along with the Founders' pagan worship of goddess Venus.

Future Direction: 11th house North Node in Cancer (conjunct US natal Mercury Rx) denotes contacts, meetings, and encounters of a Cancerian nature which includes; business, security, family, and domestic matters along with Cancer's penchant for tribalism (ex: Trump's 'nationalism'.)

Eclipse-wise, Spring Equinox 2019's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') manifested on January 6, 2019 @15Cap25 (2 South: 'joining a new or unusual group and gaining a great deal' - Brady; perfect for new Congress members). The PE conjuncts the 5th cusp of this horoscope (15Cap51)--5th house = risk-taking, speculation, creative pursuits, children (such as the ones Trump cages and tear gases). The Equinox 2019's Syzygy Moon, a New Moon, occurs on March 6, 2019 @15Pis47 conjunct Neptune = illusions, delusions, illusions, pretense, and disguises. This may denote a new cycle of deception beginning for or by the Trump administration or the seeding (New Moon) of them. Either way we'll know more very soon by the bright light of the next Full Moon @00Lib09 (March 21st) which conjoins the natal MC of the US natal chart (5:09 pm lmt) with the Sun @00Ari09 conjunct our national IC, the Foundation of the Matter, but also The Drain and the HOW? Point. America's public status and reputation in the world should be in the spotlight more than usual around that time, such as they are thanks to asset Trump and the Kremlin. (Have you ever wondered if Melania is actually Trump's handler?)

Good news is that protective Jupiter in his own sign of Sagittarius is in the 4th house of Domestic Scene, Real Estate, and Mining which happily is ruled via Sag by moneybags Jupiter, the financier, politician, guru, broadcaster, and The General. Between February 20th and 23rd, transit Jupiter passes over Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction (20-22Sag), a real mixture of both positive and negative feelings (Moon) for him (will he relocate back to NYC? it's a transit of 'conflicts of interest' plus, 'happiness' - and he misses his penthouse so!). Yet if we look below the surface, we find the Hopi Blue Star of Prophecy, Ras Alhague waiting patiently for expression--apparently through mouthpiece Donald Trump. For more details on this star, see Donald Trump's natal Moon and the Sapphire Star.

Now as you see, unpredictable Uranus @00Tau41 (a degree of violence--Devore; and Hitler's natal Sun degree) is in the corporate 8th house of Shared Finances, Credit/Debt/Insurance, Death, Transformation, and the Occult, and is unaspected which emphasizes the detached, isolated quality of astrological Uranus, the chaos-creator (and Trump's guiding planet). Disruptions, shocks, or upsets may occur. And when unmodulated by aspects from other planets, quirky Uranus's energies are difficult for any individual to handle and denotes one who acts independently of outside influences, is restless, nervous, and discontent. There may be spurts or flashes of genius (positively or negatively) in the house (area of life) where Uranus is located. Then with Venus in detached Aquarius, Uranus has something to say about finances (8th house) of such things as the military, police, and civil services (6th house), and about perspective (Venus). Even health issues could be in the Uranian barrel (6th house) especially since the Venus-Uranus pair when acting negatively tends to indicate extravagance and waste. One is reminded of the sad state of America's Veterans Administration along with the EPA and every other government department suffering underneath the hefty Trump.

Yes, there are a many other chart factors worth mentioning here but I shall keep to my aim that this be a post, not a book, and shall leave them for you, dear reader, to admire. However, of special interest is the 5th house Saturn-Pluto conjunction which perfects @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 - conjunct the natal Vertex of Donald J. Trump. Yet in this 2019 Equinox horoscope, Pluto @22Cap51 already conjoins Trump's Vertex, a point in Astrology of 'fated encounters' or 'appointments with fate'. This may suggest a meeting between Trump and one of his idolized dictators or it could suggest a cosmic picture of something even more sinister, something that's been brewing for a long time in that karmic reap what's been sown sort of way.

For there is one thing everyone in the Universe agrees on: the piper must always be paid!

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish and you'll spy some of Mr. Trump's natal placements penned around the chart and highlighted in a lovely lavender pink shade.

A Related Post: on February 18th Chiron again conjoins the Aries Point, America's natal IC Point of Home, Roots, and Endings, and which is, of course, the degree of the Spring Equinox Sun.

Nov 30, 2018

Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon

Image: dual horoscopes of the Masonic Cornerstone-Laying by George Washington who, with his Masonic brethren, founded our Federal City April 21, 1791 3:30 pm LMT (Ellicott) and the same horoscope's Secondary Progressed Full Moon which perfects on January 10, 2024 @18Gem33 at 2:00:35 pm est; basic details and more are penned upon the charts:

Plus, you'll find brief details concerning the Federal City 1791 horoscope in a 2015 Obama-era SO'W post if you care for a peek. Of course I had no 'Trump' in mind in early 2015 when I typed the post, yet Trump's natal 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio perches saucily atop the Midheaven of the 1791 chart (MC 22Gem58) along with US natal Mars just as 1791 Jupiter in Virgo rises (3:30 pm selected by the Masons because Jupiter in Virgo was rising) along with America's natal Neptune. 1791 Jupiter conjunct US natal Neptune (1776) in our era suggests pretense and illusion as the Federal City was founded--or, inspiration and the grand spirit. Yet the Founding Fathers of 1776 and 1791 were apparently unaware of the existence of far away planet Neptune with its potentials in Astrology for delusion, deception, fraud, dissolution, and its basic urge to merge.

Now naturally, your eagle eye spies a YOD pattern, too, between the 1791 Mars-Pluto sextile pointing to the rising Jupiter and Ascendant (and US natal Neptune) although Neptune and Pluto were unknown in 1791. YODs suggest turning points, crossroads, special tasks, or crises for Washington DC in relation to ideals, finances, promotion of ideas (spreading democracy? propaganda, media), expansion, growth, and/or exploration. Plus, this is a Jupiter-square-US-Mars transit denoting a period when moderation is needed, too much force may be used, rash actions can create more problems, and overestimation of strength or ability often occurs. In addition, a heady whiff of America's Jupiterian 'Manifest Destiny' may be noticed.

So each time since 1791 that transit Jupiter has returned to its 1791 degree, the Federal City's Mars-Pluto YOD has been re-activated, plus, other transiting planets and progressions have had their effects as well. The last/current Jupiter Return to 22Vir38 is a three-fer due to retrogradation; the exact conjunctions perfected on December 19, 2015, January 27, 2016, and August 3, 2016--reminding us of Donald Trump riding his escalator down from on-high (June 2015), paying an audience of actors to applaud his prez bid, campaigning ad nauseum (ongoing), and on November 8, 2016 being selected by the Electoral College to play the POTUS role against all common sense. For those of us attempting to ignore the recent and ongoing chaos he thrives upon and his dismantling of our traditions and institutions which he has apparently been plopped in the Oval Office in order to perpetrate, Wikipedia keeps a handy list of the Events of 2016 for our reviewing pleasure; of course, 2015 events are available there as well.

Eclipse watchers might wish to consider the solar eclipse themes of 2024 of which there are two: April 8th @19Aries in the 8 North Saros Series (prophetic visions, dreams, hunches), and October 2nd @10Libra (conjunct the 2024 SP Full Moon's North Node!) in the 8 South series (separation and loss; physical injury is possible; over-straining of one's strength--Brady).

And if we read the planets of the Federal City's YOD as midpoint pictures, we have potentials for: Mars-Pluto = Jupiter: the big plan comes into focus (Utopian America, aka, the New Atlantis!); making things happen (a capital city); Mars-Pluto = ASC: showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; and Mars-Pluto = US natal Neptune: cunning strategies; subterfuge; plotting rebellion (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl).

These potentials all sound like my former Federal City of residence to me.

Now here's a very much related previous post concerning associated topics: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington.

Nov 27, 2018

2019 'Wild Card' Uranus Activates 'The Tower' Eclipse

Wild Card Uranus Returns to Its 'Wild Card' Solar Eclipse Degree of August 2018: Eclipses Are aka 'Wild Cards of the Universe' and 'Cosmic Blinks'

by Jude Cowell

Now you might think the following cosmic event pictured in a DC Horoscope, below, is insignificant and perhaps you're correct. You may also believe that once a new solar eclipse manifests, all previous eclipses are no longer subject to activation, whether the eclipses were Total or not. There we disagree.

So in consideration of the crisis-ridden political climate in America these days as led by chaotic Uranian Trump, and the themes of the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 which is also known as 'The Tower Eclipse' for its karmic collapsing/rebuilding energies in similar fashion to the planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus (Donald Trump's guiding planet in his natal horoscope) here is Uranus conjunct the Sun on April 23, 2019 as it returns to its partile degree of 2Tau33 in 'The Tower Eclipse' horoscope of 2018:

Most of my notes are penned upon the chart so please enlarge the image for better viewing as you wish--although I should point out a few factors: that the transiting Mars-Uranus midpoint sits upon the natal MC of Donald Trump along with enraged star Algol of Medusa fame and this suggests that any, all, or none of the potentials you see penned inside the horoscope may express--plus, transit Mars will soon hit Trump's natal Uranus (17Gemini) in his 10th house of Career and Public Status and this will activate what could be an especially explosive or dangerous period for him; also note that chart-ruler Venus makes no application (other than her conjunction with Chiron), and the chart's BOWL shape is led by an 8th house Moon in Sagittarius (Moon = women and children; the public; Sag is the sign of foreigners and immigrants).

Plus, it's impossible to ignore the cluster f**k at Midheaven with Saturn in Nodal Degree (doubly karmic, or fated) and conjoining South Node, a Saturnian point of separation (see chart notes). Plus, there's power-mad Pluto nearby as the two heavy-weights prepare for their rendezvous on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (see link, below) which conjoins the natal Vertex ('VX') of Mr. Trump. Some of Big T's natal placements surround the chart and are highlighted in lavender pink, a perfect shade for cowardly bullies, don't you think?

Related: Saturn Conjunct Pluto January 12, 2020 showing the 2020 horoscope, plus, the current Saturn-Pluto Conjunction horoscope, the cycle we remain in (since November 1982) until their next conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, an Earth sign of government, law, business, and materialism.