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May 28, 2019

Saturn-Pluto, Economic Recessions, and Eclipses

The 1981-82 Recession

On November 8, 1982 Saturn and Pluto, both slow-moving planets of karma (reaping what was sown) met @27Lib36 as the unemployment rate in the US reached a distressing 11%. Of course, 1980 was no picnic either with unemployment at 7.5% so that the 1980s decade, aka, the Decade of Greed, began on a low note for millions of US workers particularly in the auto, manufacturing, and construction industries. This created a restrictive atmosphere over the next couple of years with the recession plodding on from July 1981 to November 1982, and, prior to the 2007--08 recession, this had been the worst economic downturn in the US since the Great Depression. Follow the link, above, for more details.

Will History Rhyme?

Now in 2019 signs are hinting that another recession is on the horizon or has already begun as heavyweights Saturn and Pluto align once again for another of their approximately 33-year conjunctions, this time in practical Earth sign Capricorn (@22Cap46), a sign that also relates to more than Business and Investments, but also to Politics, Government, and Law. Exact on January 12, 2020 (see link, below), some astrologers see trouble for Trump in or into the New Year (2020), and with this I must agree--for one reason, the 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction lands upon Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters and opposes his natal Saturn.

(Yet even though I have never wanted the self-styled 'King Of Debt' con man with mobster leanings mucking around in the Oval Office, I know that how POTUS goes, so goes America so I must wish him the best. Yet if he was selected to play the POTUS role in order to 'take down' America, he's doing a 'great' job of it so far but my fervent hope remains: that America is stronger than the oh-so-flawed snake oil salesman, Donald Trump, a cantankerous varmint as ever there was.)

Now some economists expect a recession by the end of 2020, some by the end of 2021--so basically, within the next two years. And astrologically, a recession time frame based on cycles may be linked to the next Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn especially since Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn tends to mess with markets even without input from powerful Pluto (a favorite with plutocrats everywhere!) and his extreme wealth and treasure in hidden places, plus, who can forget manipulator Pluto's nasty habit of exploiting the masses.

Then it occurred to me that for more info we can compare eclipse cycles via the Solar Eclipses of 1980, 1981, and 1982 with those of our current day to see how or if they link with one another by Saros Series theme, by degree, or by similar event. So here is an eclipse list I compiled for you, not to alarm but to inform:

1980: February 16 @27AQ (conjunct US natal Moon) 18 South: endings, separations, partings that can lead to positive situations. August 10 @18Leo 19 North: realism, coming down to earth, seeing an old situation for what it really is, a constructive time for tackling the truth. 18 South and 19 North also occurred in 2016--19N is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 (and we're still trying to 'tackle truth' while Trump and his minions work and sue to hide it). Plus, the 19N eclipse of 1980 is the PE of the Reagan Inauguration of 1981.

1981: February 4 @16AQ 19 South: the lucky win, a pleasant surprise, a joyful event. July 31 @8Leo 1 North: (this is the Mother of All Eclipses series of Nostradamus fame) unexpected events concerning friends or groups place great pressure on relationships; matters loom large but make no hasty decisions since information is distorted or possibly false; health or fatigue issues may be involved. A 1 North eclipse manifested on August 21, 2017 @29Leo as 'The Great American Eclipse' conjunct the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of Donald Trump. You'll remember his taking off safety glasses to look directly at the eclipse like a nimcompoop would do.

Four Solar Eclipses in 1982: 1. January 25 @5AQ (conjunct US natal South Node) 1 South: flooded with ideas and options. A 1 South eclipse occurred @27AQ (conjunct US natal Moon as did the February 16, 1980 eclipse of endings and separations) on February 15, 2018. 2. June 21 @30Gemini 2 Old North: separations, endings of relationships, bad news about relationships or associations; things look glum but fast action can bring good results. 2 Old North is Trump's Prenatal Eclipse series and it repeated for him on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer, about two degrees from his natal 11th house Saturn in watery, emotionally defensive Cancer. He remains desperate to build his lucrative wall (Saturn) to keep out marauders and boost his authority (also Saturn)! 3. July 20 @28Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto Rx) 2 New North: this is The Tower series with themes of: sudden collapse of plans or lifestyles, confusion, rebuilding once the dust settles, and complete changes of direction via the sudden collapse of an existing structure. A 2 Old North eclipse manifested @18Leo (as did the August 1980 19N eclipse) on August 11, 2018, and the series initially began on June 17, 1928 @27Gemini which you may or may not agree links 2018 to economic and market conditions of that time period. 4. December 15 @23Sagittarius (same degree as the upcoming December 2020 4S eclipse, see below) in the 2 South series which is the Saros Series we're now in as we await the July 2, 2019 eclipse. As you know, 2 South imprinted upon the 116th Congress with its theme of: joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from it and occurred on January 5, 2019 @15Cap25. Plus, 2 South was the PE of the New Millennium!

Coming Soon to a Cosmos Near You

So now we face another solar eclipse in the 3 North series occurring on July 2, 2019 @10Can37--directly in the midst of America's business-oriented Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio of 1776. So basically, the Cosmos gifts America with a solar eclipse for her 243rd birthday which can be positive, negative, or a mixture of both; and of course with any 'wild card' 'cosmic blink' eclipse, a change of direction is indicated along with some measure of Uranian-style disruption. 3N themes are: news concerning a young person or news that transforms a situation and can cause worry or obsession; large plans or activities are wanted but don't get carried away. 3N is the PE of The Crash of 1929 (@18Taurus) and also the PE of the 9/11 attacks for it's the Summer Solstice Eclipse of 2001 (@00Cancer, a World Point of global events) and, besides any economic influences (or perhaps because of them), may again herald a misguided excursion by the US military into yet another war of destruction, plunder, and misery for the masses. Sad to say, that with 'Captain Bone Spurs' at the helm of chaos, outcomes are even more unpredictable than usual.

And we must add here that the June 21, 2020 solar eclipse also perfects @00Cancer - but this time in the difficult 4 North series with themes of: restriction, restraint, inhibition, illusions, separation, and the tendency to misjudge strength or the situation. Next is a 4 South eclipse on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius--no picnic either--with themes of: strong emotions over money and/or relationships which are beyond personal control (sense of fatedness), possible endings, and blocks or frustrations; avoid taking rash action until issues settle down. And 23Sag is awfully near Trump's 4th house, problematic Moon-SN conjunction.

Yet as we look toward Summer 2019 and ponder such weighty topics there is at least one thing to be grateful for--that the July 2, 2019 solar eclipse does not perfect upon a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation!

Related Posts include but are not limited to: DC Horoscopes: July 2019 Solar and Lunar Eclipses; Horoscopes: The 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions; Horoscope: the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981. And check out economist Paul Krugman's 2009 op-ed Reagan Did It about The Gipper's 1982 signing of the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act which led to, as Professor Krugman terms it, "utter catastrophe."

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology now available on Kindle.

May 24, 2019

Horoscope of the White House November 1, 1800

A Brief Look at the White House Foundational Horoscope of 1800

by Jude Cowell

On November 1, 1800, President John Adams moved into the nearly completed Presidential Mansion, later known as the White House. That morning, a Full Moon @8Tau55 perfected at 8:35:30 am LMT and this lunation decides the hour, minute, and second of the hand-drawn White House Horoscope you see, below.

Why hand-drawn? Because if you've ever owned or used a printer-scanner that you loathe with every fiber of your being, then we're on the same page today for mine has chosen to pull its occasional antic of simply refusing to print. Scan, yes, print, no. So taking matters into my own paws, here's a messy horoscope for you, ink blotches and all. Perhaps enlarging the image is a good idea, perhaps not, so I must leave that decision up to you, dear reader, and good luck.

Note that the Full Moon falls across the 5/11 self-will axis and the shape of the chart is a Seesaw pattern indicating a pro vs con nature that must constantly balance polarities. The Full Moon perfects during an active Mars Hour with planet Mars Rx @19Tau06 and in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service. Mars rules the 5th house of Risk-Taking via Aries and the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Backroom Deals via secretive, brooding Scorpio.

As you see, the 12th house is quite full of planets including Chiron conjunct Mercury @24Sco20, a position that conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump (but that's just about the only mention of his name I shall make in this post). Also in 12th are idealistic Neptune in Scorpio and a rising Venus @2Sag00 which supports the trine between Venus and chart-ruler Jupiter and its capacity for foreign relations, diplomacy, fortunate circumstances, and success. Listed, lower left, is the fact that chart-ruler Jupiter makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets which emphasizes Jupiter's sign (royal Leo) and house position (8th house of the Occult which probably hints at the Freemasonic practices of the Founding Fathers and their use of Sacred Geometry; plus, Washington DC was built based on ancient megalithic yard measurements and principles).

And in the most-often used natal horoscope of John Adams (October 30, 1735 2:57 am LMT Quincy, MA) we find his Sun in early Scorpio (spotlighted by the Full Moon of November 1, 1800), Moon @20Ari15, and Ascendant 24Vir03 which falls near the Midheaven of this White House chart. However, his natal chart's Rodden Rating is C for 'original source unknown' yet a steamy Sun Scorpio-Moon Aries personality blend does seem quite right for this pugnacious, suspicious fellow known then and now for his penetrating intellect.

So! Hopefully I may one day be forgiven by certain exacting members of the astrological community for daring to use the moment of the November 1, 1800 Full Moon to time the first official use of the White House because I wanted to post the foundation chart of our White Lodge (doesn't it look like one?) on Stars Over Washington for anyone's future reference--and because I write and publish on behalf of my ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died to help establish our fledgling nation.

No, it isn't much but it's the least I can do while waiting for an annoying, unreliable printer to go belly up so I can replace its sorry self.

Why, I believe I'd even impeach it if I could!


Coming to America in June: Trump Solar Return 2019. Because as goes his nibs, so goes America.

DC Horoscope: Trump Solar Return 2019

This is a brief consideration of the 2019 Solar Return Horoscope of Donald Trump which spotlights for one year the SR house of his natal Sun (22Gem55) of Communications and the Lower Mind; Mercury-ruled Gemini is on the 3rd cusp giving opportunities for expression while Sun-ruled Leo on the 6th house cusp suggests active 6th house matters such as military, police, and civil service issues along with health and daily rounds. 6th cusp 27Leo32 holds Trump's natal Mars @26Leo in tow (energy, motivation, physicality) and may rope in his natal Ascendant (29Leo; physical body; Self) as well along with his royal Regulus rising.

Meanwhile, chart-ruler Mars @18Can42 in 4th house (touchy Mars in emotional Cancer) makes three applying Ptolemaic aspects in the chart which are listed, lower left. Note that the Ascendant degree ('11 Aries')'s Sabian Symbol is: "The President of the Country" ('Keyword: IDEALIZATION...negative expression: an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness or vain pretense' -Jones), plus, Mars also rules the corporate 8th house of Big Business, Credit, Debt, Insurance, and more. Its cuspal symbol ('19 Scorpio') is, "A Parrot Listening and Then Talking"...Keyword: CONVENTIONALITY...negative expression: idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretense' - Jones). So our nation will receive a double dose of pretense on our calendars as if it weren't already penciled in on the Oval Office schedule. And as you know, there are several parrots in the Trump administration who echo whatever Trump orders them to say if they want to keep their positions (as long as he keeps his!)

The applying aspects of Mars: 1. trine Neptune (in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Karma) work is carried on behind the scenes possibly to the benefit of charitable institutions, marine concerns, the pharmaceutical industry and its consumers, the energy industry, ship building, and ocean cruise companies. 2. opposite Saturn (in 10th house of Career, Public Status) resentment of and resistance to authority, attempts to circumvent rules, regulations and laws, plus, delays, cancellations, anger, frustration, and physically difficult tasks. 3. opposite Pluto (also in 10th house) suggesting hostile forces aligning, contests of will, antagonizing formidable opponents, failed manipulations, gaining the lower hand, and lack of control. Best advice for Trump's SR 2019 Mars is to leave the status quo alone!

Here's an excerpt from my previous notes on Saturn conjunct SN:

Extreme limitations; rigid habits out of harmony with the prevailing culture’s methods and ideas; isolation and seclusion; cooperation is the lesson; painstaking attention to detail as all external influences may be disregarded–esp in obscure fields; individualism achieves in a class by itself. (Sakoian and Acker, Astrologer’s Handbook.)

Then there's Trump's chaos-creating guiding planet, Uranus, rising in 1st house which denotes sudden, unexpected events coming soon which no one, not even the Uranian Trump, can manage well. That transit Uranus is now in Venus-ruled Taurus, sign of growth, possessions, and intolerance, indicates a period when unusual sources of income are sought, risking all in one throw of the dice, and there can be a disruption of the money supply--for Trump and/or for the nation. Earth changes and Environmentalism are also suggested by Uranus in earthy Taurus.

Other chart factors include a Scorpio Moon (changes, breakdowns) and the current Solar Eclipse of January 5, 2019 (until about two weeks before the Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 @10Can37) at Midheaven (The Goal Point), as you see, with its theme of 'joining an unusual group and gaining a great deal' (Brady) which imprinted upon the 116th Congress and which is here opposed by transit Mercury @15Can36 (the natal Ascendant degree of the Pentagon and of US progressed Jupiter Rx since 1905); Mercury opposing law-maker Saturn indicates opposing opinions and conflicts continuing and suggests the involvement of the US Congress. Also this opposition may relate to Trump's recent threat to shut down the government and hold US citizens hostage--again--because the
Democrats won't stop investigating him.

And as you see, SR Mars @18Cancer, the warrior planet is on course to conjunct Trump's emotionally deprived Saturn in Cancer, a transit of obstacles, frustration, delays, anger, and the imposition of unwelcome authority upon his nibs. This conjunction perfects only once on March 21, 2020 in the 4th house of the SR 2019 chart posted here.

Then as you see, SR 2019 Pluto opposes Trump's natal Saturn (23Cancer) showing that his attempts to enforce his authority will continue meeting with resistance by a higher power (Pluto). Of course, transit Saturn opposing natal Saturn is, for anyone, a time of regret for past actions (which Trump says he never does which is a large part of his inability to learn from his mistakes--which he 'never makes') and making progress needs reflection and analysis of what didn't work before so that adjustments can be made toward better outcomes. This is the 'life lessons' transit intended to inform so that a more realistic direction can be determined and which so far, leaves the flawed Mr. Trump AWOL from class.

And so the Siege of Trump continues as harsh cosmic agents of compression and karma Saturn and Pluto near their conjunction @22Cap46 (January 12, 2020) which happens to land directly upon Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters. Plus, we may wish to note that '23 Capricorn' is a degree of governmental authority according to Nicholas DeVore (Encyclopedia of Astrology).

May 22, 2019

Astro-Notes: Justin Amash with Donald Trump

A few basic details on Libertarian Congressman Justin Amash (uh-MOSH) are available such as his birthdate of April 18, 1980 in Grand Rapids, Michigan (hour unknown, noon is used, below). Rep. Amash is chair of the House Liberty Caucus (founded 1991) and has recently reached the top of the news heap by reading the entire Mueller Report and leaning toward the Impeach Trump side of the debate.

So a peek at Amash's natal planets in relation to those of Donald Trump's seems in order and there are several including their Mars-Mars conjunction (26Leo+). Actually, Mr. Amash was born under the sway of a trio of Mars-North Node-Jupiter Rx which conjoin the Mars-rising-with-Regulus-Ascendant trio of Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY). The inclusion of royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) is interesting and we'll see if or how their pile-up expresses. Obviously success is involved for both men yet motive is everything.

Now Amash's natal Moon remained in Gemini for the entire 24-hour period so his Fire-Air personality blend of Aries-Gemini suggests a creative 'live-wire' of wit and directness. Yet rather than re-typing the same info concerning this blend, you'll find a few more details in a recent post inspired by the life and sad passing of Doris Day who was born with an Aries-Gemini personality blend herself.

As for other links between the natal planets of Trump and Amash they include:

Amash Uranus Rx @24Sco34 conjunct Trump IC (Endings; Basis of the Matter) with Uranus the planet of liberty, freedom, independence, equality, separation, disruption, progress, awakening, and revolution. Plus, sometimes hyper-aware Uranus acts as The Witness.

Amash Neptune Rx @22Sag30 conjoins Trump's problematic Moon-South-Node conjunction (Mama was distant or detached from Baby Donnie whose emotional well as an adult is a bottomless pit; please clap). Plus, this means that Amash's Neptune opposes Trump's Gemini Sun which can cause an erosion of their relationship; perhaps Mr. Amash is uninterested in becoming as dishonest as Trump and cannot approve of Trump's criminal behavior. Mercury-ruled Gemini is, after all, the sign of duplicity and tricksterism, and Amash is said to be a principled man who is transparent concerning all his votes which he explains the reasons for via Twitter. (Contrast what Trump does with his tweets.)

In addition, if born around noon, Rep. Amash's natal Moon @17Gemini conjoins Trump's natal 10th house Uranus, his 'guiding planet' of chaos, disruption, and revolutionary rule, which suggests, if so, that emotional closeness is not a feature of their relationship.

Finally, let's add Amash's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which falls within the 18 South Saros Series @26AQ50 (conjunct US natal Moon and opposite his and Trump's 26Leo Mars positions and the trios listed, above). 18 South themes include 'endings, partings, and separations yet the new situation created tend to be positive' (Brady). An 18S eclipse last manifested on March 9, 2016 @19Pisces and the next 18S will occur on March 20, 2034 @30Pisces at Spring Equinox.

May 21, 2019

Warrior Planet Mars in Aries 2020

Today on Stars Over Washington I am featuring this morning's post just published to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology titled Mars in Aries 2020: That Fighting Spirit which mainly concerns the frustrating squares that transit Mars will form to karmic planets Saturn and Pluto in 2020, dates included.

If you're up for it, that is.

May 20, 2019

May 21, 2019 Trump, Mercury, Nemesis, and McGahn

In April just passed we discussed the possibility of former White House Counsel Don McGahn (his 'noon' natal chart shown) testifying before Congress on Tuesday May 21, 2019. If he shows up (see video link, below).

Taking the Fifth against self-incrimination notwithstanding, Mr. McGahn may or may not appear on Capitol Hill tomorrow or at a later date and yet (for the curious among us) the current transit of asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) may deserve our attention this week for its Zodiacal meet-up with a certain natal planet of Donald Trump.

Because on the morning of May 21, 2019, transit Nemesis clocks in @8Can35 - conjunct the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51). However, this conjunction of Nemesis-to-Mercury @8Can51 won't perfect until May 22, 2019 at 1:13 am edt Washington DC when a YOD pattern forms with potentials for crisis, crossroads, turning point, special task, and/or karmic opportunity for progress. With the transiting and explosive pair of Mars-Uranus sextile at its base, the YOD's apex is the May 22, 2019 Midheaven ('MC') @2Sag49, and the Sabian Symbol for '3Sag' (rounding up) is "Two Men Playing Chess"...keyword: ABILITY; negative expression: "unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude" (Jones).

Well, since we're talking Trump here I'm not certain how unsuspected the bigotry is. But I am certain we can read the trio in the YOD as a midpoint picture containing potentials...Mars-Uranus = MC: an inflexible character; desire for independence; a person 'putting a pistol to someone's head'; act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; accident; operation; extraordinary achievements (Ebertin). These potentials affect the Goal Point of the Nemesis-Mercury May 22, 2019 1:13 am edt Washington DC chart and seem to express Trump's extreme desperation to keep his affairs as private as possible.

Video: Ted Lieu: If McGahn Doesn't Testify May 21 he'll be held in contempt by the House Judiciary Committee.

So as everyone has noticed long before now, foes, enemies, and opponents are always on Trump's mind and his tendency toward mobster speak spotlights this (ex: people who reveal the truth about him are "rats"). Meanwhile, Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun in Mercury-ruled Gemini reveals his life vs death attitude, often a feature of Gemini along with the sign's desperate need to always be right. Plus, Trump's oriental Uranus in the 10th house describes his love of chaos as a ruling style for he likes to disrupt everything, then watches to see who's still standing.

And aptly enough, in May 2019 Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 has progressed to 16Leo09 conjunct his SP Mercury 15Leo48. That transit Nemesis now conjoins his natal Mercury (8Can51) spotlights the unbeatable foe/divine retribution implications of Trump's thinking and, of course, his communications such as his revenge tweeting. But is he pondering the joy of separation and of saying good-bye?

Perhaps, because his current progressed ('SP') midpoint pictures affecting his SP Mercury in Leo reveals interesting potentials such as: SP Moon-Saturn = SP Mercury: 'sadness, saying good-bye'; and SP Mars-Uranus = SP Mercury: 'a test of power carried out calculatingly; nervous irritation; an achievement; acting independently'; and SP Moon-MC = SP Mercury: 'soul stirrings' (Ebertin). Really?!!?

Then another SP midpoint picture may apply as well--SP Neptune-NN = SP Pluto: exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; relationship breakdown between people living together. Of course you know the Neptune-NN pair denotes 'a lack of communal sense and feeling; the inclination to exploit, deceive, and cheat other people'. So says Reinhold Ebertin about fraudulent, undermining Neptune when combining its urge-to-merge energies with the North Node of public contact and future direction. Michael Munkasey adds the potential to: 'use strong destructive forces to protect one's privacy'.

And one's tax returns, and Don MacGahn's and Robert Mueller's information about the criminal activities and obstructive behavior of Big T.

Now to close, it may be of interest to mention that Don McGahn's natal Nemesis @25Tau54 sits upon the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump (conjunct enraged star Algol) while opposite, Mr. McGahn's natal Neptune Rx @24Sco21 conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump! So no matter when (if) Don McGahn testifies on the topic of the Trump White House, this cosmic condition involving McGahn's Neptune-Nemesis opposition and Trump's MC-IC axis promise to make the revelations of Don McGahn, if any, very very interesting.

Above NASA photo of planet Mercury, aka, The Messenger.

May 16, 2019

The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021

DC Horoscope: Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020 11:16:26 am est Washington DC @23Sag08 10th house; Solar Hour; one retrograde planet: unaspected Uranus @7Tau07 Rx in 2nd house of the National Treasury (see chart, center upper). Ascendant 29AQ01, a critical or crisis degree, and conjunct the natal Descendant degree of Donald Trump so his natal ASC conjunct royal Regulus and natal Mars set in this chart. Plus, this eclipse will affect Trump's problematic Moon-South-Node conjunction.

The heavyweight trio of Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn in governmental Capricorn snug around the cusp of the 12th house (Politics, Self-Undoing; Large Institutions; Karma; The Unconscious; Secret Enemies) with Saturn strong in its own sign and at a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Also in 12th house is the Neptune-MC midpoint @00AQ17, the precise degree and minute of Inauguration 2017's POTUS Sun which creates a midpoint picture penned on the chart, upper right--someone is pretending to be what they are not. My suggestion: POTUS. Neptune-MC also conjoins the Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn trio which activates potentials for (more) criminal offenses, pursuit of peculiar objectives, gambling and speculation, putting all the eggs in one basket, insecurity, uncertainty, an inability to get over losses, and/or suffering from the consequences of wrong actions. The Neptune-MC pairing itself points toward crooks and swindlers (Ebertin) and deception, disguise, and/or fraud used in career matters and in public life.

Rising are two midpoints--Pluto-Chiron, one of the Plutocracy/Plutocrat pairings of exploitation, racism and various other -isms, plus, primal violence, and Mercury-Uranus which bestows someone with organizing talent, and the ability to act with prudence or deliberation.

Near MC is the transiting Mercury-South-Node conjunction which shows someone feeling mentally alone, whose ideas or communications are stolen (or, a plagiarist; emails hacked?), and/or, one whose ideas are ahead or behind the times.

As for the BOWL shape of planets led by Venus @28Sco44 in the 9th house of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, Higher Education, and Legal Affairs, the empty houses of the chart identify areas of challenge; a BOWL often indicates a mission to fulfill or a cause to advocate, plus, frustration, uncertainty, and/or vindictiveness that arises from a sense of division are possibilities of this particular 4 South Eclipse season. Here, evaluating Venus in Big Business Scorpio acts as the point of application (Jones).

Themes of a 4 South Solar Eclipse identify it as a difficult eclipse series which will affect or influence events and circumstances leading up to the January 20, 2021 Inauguration, the person who takes the Oath of Office, and thus the next administration to inhabit the White House. We may expect issues such as: "very strong emotional feelings concerning relationships and/or money", a sense of fatedness in relationships which are beyond personal control, a sudden desire to end relationships or alliances, blocked emotions that lead to "a great deal of frustration," and a need to "avoid taking rash action until things settle down" (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Well, there are multiple other chart factors of note and I hope you'll ferret them out for yourself if you haven't already for a time of further turmoil approaches and we need all the fore-arming we can get.

Scorpio Girl 2 a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell

May 15, 2019

US Mercury-Pluto Opposition w more Pluto (by transit)

May 15, 2019: As anyone who uses one of the various July 4, 1776 horoscopes to represent America knows, our national Mercury Rx in Cancer is opposed by Pluto Rx in Capricorn. In the 5:09 pm LMT chart, below, this opposition falls across the 2/8 axis with all the Taurus-Scorpio issues it brings. And of course, the Cancer-Capricorn axis relates to security, the domestic scene, nurturance, national issues including patriotism, public status concerns, and the Capricornian realms of business, law, and government. Besides obvious surveillance and spying issues, a Mercury-Pluto opposition tends toward potentials such as an obsession with social concerns and the responsibility for solving them, fear and anxiety, competence, impatience, and a habit of becoming arrogant when challenged lest America's credibility is being questioned.

Now this post is not about the May 18 2019 Full Moon @27Sco38, the 'flower moon', but its DC Horoscope is used, below, as a transit chart set around America's natal chart, the 5:09 pm version that I most frequently use. Outside the Full Moon chart are penned Trump's natal planets highlighted in a lovely shade of lavender. And as you see in US natal 6th house, transit ('tr') Mercury @24Tau24 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal Point, so with the 6th house relating to military service (among other things), we could mention Trump's apparent tendency toward war with Iran (or Venezuela, or___). But we won't.

Other than to say that he seems to be following the Bush-Cheney playbook of re-election via the waging of war (under tutelage of warhawk John Bolton--him again), and of course, a war would serve Big T as yet another distraction from his political problems at home.

Here are the DC Horoscope/s in bi-wheel form with the main point of this post to follow:

Highlighted in green: transit Pluto @23Cap00 Rx within orb of America's natal Pluto position (27Cap32) in natal 2nd house of the National Treasury opposite US Mercury @24Can11, with all three planets in retrograde motion. In 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Debt, and Transformation you see Trump's natal Saturn conjunct US natal Mercury, a cosmic picture of our depression, suppression, and the isolation of America he has caused. Schemes, criticism, and aggravating circumstances come along with this planetary connection as well and brings to mind Trump's 'trade war' with China and the harsh conditions it's causing or will cause our farmers and others.

Plus, Trump's natal Saturn conjunct US natal Mercury accounts in part for his limited popularity with the public while his Venus opposing US natal Pluto keys the constant emotional upsets (his and ours!) and his desire to force his and his donors' demands upon us. Trump's lack of trust in US systems and institutions is also suggested by the Venus-Pluto pairing as are organized crime, hidden wealth, and immorality.

Now it's true that multiple transits are in play right now yet the reason Mercury-Pluto with more Pluto (by transit) is highlighted here is the main point of this post. For that, I refer you to Michael Munkasey's Midoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for its Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis information concerning the Mercury-Pluto pair of energies within the realms of Politics and Business:

"Thesis: High security communications and intelligence activities; political talk which offers abrupt changes to some functions; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases.

Anti-Thesis: Secrets concerning the business community or transportation systems; communications within the intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; breakdowns in the road networks."

Add more Pluto to Mercury-Pluto and we have: "A ruthlessness when seeking whatever information you desire; increased needs to hide your actions and activities from others; increased likelihood of hearing depressing information; the end of discouraging information."

And that's the end of this post. Except to say that,

Stars Over Washington never asks for donations so Please Share this or another post if you appreciate!

May 14, 2019

Astrology: The 2020 Potential for Beto O'Rourke

Beto O'Rourke official portrait; US Government [Public domain]

Recently yours truly was asked why no post concerning the astrology chart of 2020 candidate Beto O'Rourke has appeared on Stars Over Washington. For one thing, an accurate birth time for Baby Beto is elusive though perhaps it will eventually turn up. Another reason is that I must agree with expert astrology Marjorie Orr who writes that, Beto O'Rourke: Not a Good Bet for 2020. Marjorie cites O'Rourke's natal Saturn (21Gemini) experiencing a series of squares from transit Neptune in Pisces beginning in late April 2020 (confusion, uncertainty, perhaps a scandal--I'll add potentials for discouragement, deception, false hopes, false promises), plus, from late May 2020 transit Uranus squares his natal Mars-Saturn midpoint which suggests a series of crises, one after another. His strength (Mars-Saturn) will definitely be tested by disruptive Uranus square Mars-Saturn along with the potential for brute force to be applied by and/or toward him (Ebertin). Of course, with Uranus involved results are always unpredictable.

The negative influences of both these significant cosmic stop signs run into early 2021 for Beto so his suggestion of a "blue Texas" sounds good to the Democratic hierarchy but may not be enough to stem the Neptunian and Uranian tide soon to wash against him. Yet many of Mr. O'Rourke's ideas are good (ex: repairing the misery created by Nixon's 'War On Drugs') and the more he spouts them on the campaign trail, the better for those of us who want Trump out of the White House and demand progressive policies to create a fairer balance between the haves and the have-nots in our nation. Is this Beto's ultimate goal? You tell me! But yes, Beto's Kennedy-esque vibe is alluring, I agree.

And yet, as with all transits and life itself, positive aspects to his natal planets also manifest during the 2019-2021 period. Two such significant examples are:

Transit Pluto conjunct natal North Node (future direction) three times, the first of which occurs on or about January 24, 2020. This plutonian influence of power and wealth is karmic and suggests a major turning point for Beto O'Rourke, certainly a boost or perhaps a powerful endorsement--and the Pluto-NN conjunction perfects all through 2020.

Another positive influence is also a three-fer: transit Saturn, planet of authority, accountability, and authenticity, trine natal Mars which first becomes exact on or about February 21, 2020. This period denotes a sense of realism concerning his abilities (he is self-reflective as we've seen), taking appropriate actions, and having lots of energy available for the required hard work. Some form of further recognition is also a potential--maybe an offer of a vice presidency?

Ah! There I show my personal sense that Beto isn't quite ready for the POTUS role due to his political inexperience. Of course, that didn't stop The Trump, did it? Plus, if nominated, Beto would be well-vetted for playing the POTUS role and isn't as heard-headed as Big T who is unable to learn via his natal Mercury-Neptune square.

Now as for us all, Solar and Lunar Eclipses will also be part of Beto's cosmic picture as will other transits during the 2019-2021 political season but this is a post, not an e-book, so I'll close with only one mention: that the Lunar Eclipse of June 5, 2020 @15Sag34 conjuncts his natal Lilith (the seductress) so this Lunar Eclipse may uncover the scandal noted, above (tr Neptune square n Saturn) if there is one for opponents to make hay of, since Lunar Eclipses affecting one's chart very often reveal precisely what one most wants to hide!

May 13, 2019

G-20 Summit June 28-29, 2019 Osaka Japan

Just prior to the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse and within its two-week period of influence, the 14th annual G-20 Summit will be held June 28th and 29th in Osaka, Japan. Expected to attend are Trump, Xi Jinping, Putin, and other government figureheads who play the roles of 'world leaders' on the global stage but whose true puppet masters (bosses) remain elusive in the shadows.

Horoscopes of the July 2, 2019 Solar and July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipses (charts set for Washington DC) may be viewed here.

And note that the Solar Eclipse @10Can37, falling between US natal Sun and Jupiter, is in the business-oriented sign of Cancer while the Lunar Eclipse perfects @24Cap04--within the 22-25 Capricorn degree-range of the Zodiac now lighted up like a threadbare Christmas tree thanks to transits by restrictive, authoritative Saturn and wealthy, manipulative powerhouse Pluto, both karmic planets (reaping what's been sown), and their upcoming Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46. Together Saturn-Pluto energies can be harsh, frustrating, cruel, and fanatic with a deep desire to escape all limitations. And as you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is also a sign of business and of government and law so there's no predicting what the G-20 boys and gals will get up to as they hunker down together in luxurious seclusion without oversight or supervision.

Perhaps the summit will be more of an oath-refreshing session during which new orders will be given and new 'tasks' will be undertaken. Plus, under the over-excessive influence of the July 2nd 3 North Solar Eclipse (which brought the world WTC 9/11/01), Trump and his culprits-in-arms may even receive 'news that transforms a situation' and be handed outlines of the next 'large plan' to obsess over. Who oh who can they exploit next? Will Uranian-in-chief Trump play along? (Fat Jupiter still leading a Locomotive shape of planets = a ruthless high-powered executive demanding success.) Or will his nibs be the ostracized wallflower in the corner? (Unaspected Venus in Gemini conjunct Trump's natal Sun.)

Well, eventually we'll know more than we wish we knew about what these large-scale Jupiter-Pluto developers and plutocrat-wanna-bes have in mind for the world by or around the end of the year since the December Eclipse ends 2019 wth Jupiter and Pluto issues.

Related Posts include: Horoscopes: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions and Astrology Overview: Eclipses of 2019.

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology.