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Showing posts with label Iraq War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq War. Show all posts

Jul 22, 2011

Rep. Dennis Kucinich tells what War is used for

Once upon a time there was a popular song that asserted, "War! Huh!...What is it good for? Absolutely nuthin'! Say it again..." (insert blaring horns; I totally dislike blaring horns. And war.)

Nowadays people realize that war is 'good for' many things such as plundering other people's resources and establishing imperialist power bases on behalf of a 'new world order' of global domination, aka, a one world government. We now know that it's 'good for' a select few, but really really bad for anyone who gets in the elitist Vulcans' way and their 'vision' of The Great Plan of universal power.

Wonder how much oil and gas it would save the US to stop bombing other countries and bring our soldiers home from Middle Eastern sands?

Here's Rep. Dennis Kucinich telling of another 'use' for war, and he's right:

How War Is Used To Redistribute Wealth

By Dennis Kucinich

"War Takes Money From The American People & Gives It To War Profiteers!"

Jul 3, 2011

Where Is Leuren Moret? 7.3.11

Geoscience watchdog Leuren Moret always reports in depth and with minute detail even if or when compared to other researchers and cyber-sleuths into governmental, official, and globalist hanky panky.

This evening I find that a Comment has been left here @ SO'W asking,

Where is Leuren Moret? Given her 'independent scientist' status and the criminal acts being perpetrated within every institution, we may well ask if she is okay.

'After the first week of June" (2011) seems to be the last sighting of the doctor so I shall keep my antennae revolving in case some word of the scientific whistle blower's whereabouts wafts by upon the wind. Will you as well? Hopefully she is safe, perhaps On Vacation, or in hiding and no one who has read her reports would fail to understand the reason for discretion.

For you, a snippet from the above-linked article which you may think curious:
National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled “Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests,” says:

“Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that ‘depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.’ He quoted reasons of national security, and because (t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries...Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S.”

Recently Leuren Moret has become known for her assertions about the Fukushima Japan Nuclear Meltdown. In March 2011, she was interviewed saying that the nuclear catastrophe in Japan 'was no accident'.

And Moret has stated that most of the world's uranium is owned by Jacob Rothschild, of international banking fame.

Then from 2004, you may wish to read a published report with Leuren Moret quoted on the topic of depleted uranium (DU) which the US has spewed all over Iraq and beyond: Washington's secret nuclear war. Guess it's dirty but no secret, right?

As you know, the 'half life' (length of time it takes for a mere half of the atoms to decay) of DU is 4.5 billion years. Guess the globally powerful, syndicated social engineers and 'imagineers' of that bet-on-both-sides (like Eric Cantor against the US dollar) speculation persuasion bethink themselves to have somehow cheated death since their destructive handiwork, for all intents and purposes, never degrades into perpetuity.

Well, I do hope you caught Amy Goodman interviewing Julian Assange in London, UK earlier on Saturday (7.2.11) but if not, it's available to you on video @ Democracy Now!

Maybe the quote noted below applies to much that's going on in our nation and across the globe, circa 2011, and with Independence Day 2011 this Monday, it reminds me of that vague sense of integrity we once imagined ourselves to possess as it was often expressed in the world by US politicians and public officials.

Nowadays, Washington's political, financial, and ideological demons lounge about the Halls of Power so fiercely and finally and do enormous amounts of harm to The Commons that they show themselves to be sorely in need of exorcism every day and twice at night, apparently - and I'm not even Catholic.

Have you read this one before from another era's whistle blower?

"When the President starts lying, he begins to need evidence to back up his lies because in this democracy he is questioned on his statements. It then percolates down through the bureaucracy that you are helping the Boss if you come up with evidence that is supportive of our public position and you are distinctly unhelpful if you commit to paper statements that might leak to the wrong people.

The effect of that is to poison the flow of information to the President himself and to create a situation where a President can be almost, to use a metaphor, psychotically divorced from the realities in which he is acting...."

- Daniel Ellsburg to the US Senate on Foreign Relations, May 13, 1970

That's 41 years ago this past May 13th. And still we learn nothing.

Astro-Peeks at DC Freaks

At noon in DC on May 13, 1970, Sun was in Aries, Moon in Cancer, a Fire-Water blend of steamy energies. It's a self-protective, temperamental, clannish, yet highly artistic combo which is shared natally by poet Robert Frost who thought that,

"Americans are like a rich father who wishes he knew how to give his son the hardships that made him rich."

Don't look now, but since Bush-Cheney Heist 2008, I do believe many Americans have figured out that Corporate America is in process of happily taking care of that wish in the Hardships Department.

Now! Please leave links to articles in a Comment concerning recent news about Leuren Moret if you have any. If possible, I really would like to know that the lady is safe and sound even if she's keeping quiet or gone into hiding for personal safety's sake. For those are the sorts of times in which we live. jc

Mar 19, 2011

Vulcans to Libya, a SuperMoon, & Iraq War's Solar Return March 2011

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Allied Aircraft Flying Over Libya

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has confirmed that coalition planes are in the air above Libya. "Our air force will oppose any aggression by Col. Gadhafi against the population of Benghazi," he announced in Paris.

More at NPR.


Astro-Note: the Iraq War's Solar Return 2011 occurs March 20, 2011 at 4:55:59 am BAT -3:00 Baghdad, Iraq; ASC 1Pis17 w the Neptune 29AQ30/Chiron 2Pis37 duo rising; Hour Mars 19Pis44 in 1st house and out-of-bounds and precariously motivated in Pisces. Transiting Neptune at a critical 29th degree approaches Iraq War's natal 12th H Uranus 00Pis30 (planet of rebellion and radicalism), a time when there are unrealistic expectations about societal changes, social breakdowns, and ideals and spiritual goals that conflict with current financial and technological conditions: as before, precarious.

Tr Pluto 7Cap24 has now crossed the war's natal Midheaven (The Goal; The WHY? Point) and nears the Piscean Mars 9Cap11. Thus, a midpoint picture forms at the very top of the radix chart: Mars/MC = tr Pluto: extraordinary zeal and tremendous vigor; the desire to bring immense tasks to a successful conclusion. (Ebertin.)

That would be a long-desired goal yet there are many portents in the natal and Solar Return 2011 charts which I won't bore you with on this SuperMoon day. But when tr Saturn, now @ 15Lib01 Rx, reaches Iraq War's natal 7th H Moon 23Lib06 (the people),
a valley of depressed feelings and despairing emotions will be experienced as staged and engineered by a spidery global network of warhawks, Vulcans, arms dealers, and other profiteers.

The Vulcans Are Forging Their War Tools Again

Disturbingly, the Iraq War's Solar Return chart for March 20, 2011 - it's 8th anniversary so the 9th year now begins - shows tr Hidalgo (power; expecting obedience) and Lilith (an archetype associated with the Middle East, especially with Israel; also, spies, surveillance, & potential betrayal) are at SR Midheaven (MC 12Sag10 = US natal ASC) of the horoscope which signifies a tag team effort possessing superior forces to bring down the government of Libya....another "coalition" which has been approved by the UN Security Council for enforcement of control in Libya as our Western Imperial March across the region continues with oil and gas (SR Neptune and Chiron rising) the main issue to be dealt with.

Now which entity on the world political stage do you think the Iraq War's SR 2011 Hidalgo in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius represents?

SuperMoon in Virgo March 19, 2011

Today is March 19, 2011, day of a SuperMoon, a lunar phenomenon which tends to herald disaster or catastrophe. Starting another war, this time in Libya, is one form of disaster begun by men who sit far away from the melee lest their pretty minds be stained or unduly ruffled. Yet all Full Moons and today's SuperMoon in late Virgo indicate the culmination and fulfillment stage of seeds planted at the New Moon of March 4, 2011 @ '14Pis' = "A Lady in Fox Fur." (We note how often we hear Hillary Clinton's name in the news of late.)

Then on a more personal, inner level which addresses our deepest concerns, my friend Julie Demboski has published a column on the SuperMoon that is not to be missed. The Full Moon of March 19, 2011: Birthing Uranus in Aries contains Lunar food for Mercurial thought with Uranian insights for all who care to listen. Thanks, Julie!

Sep 3, 2010

Opinions: Obama's 'end of combat ops in Iraq' speech

It was quite a dizzying tightrope he walked and perhaps President Obama's multi-messaged speech with two-directional, murky Pisces Rising concerning the 'ending of combat operations in Iraq' didn't go over very well among his more discriminating listeners. Here's an article round-up of opinions for you including mention of one of my favorite topics when it comes to the US government - Orwellian Doublespeak:

Obama's Iraq Speech An Exercise in Cowardice and Deceit

By Bill Van Auken

The most chilling passage came at the end of the 19-minute speech, when Obama declared, "Our troops are the steel in our ship of state," adding, "And though our nation may be traveling through rough waters, they give us confidence that our course is true."

The Audacity of Cynicism

By Elise Hendrick

Barack Obama's Iraq speech - is an impressive entry in the annals of warpropaganda. In it, he glosses over a criminal war as 'a remarkable chapter'in US history, and creates the false impression that the occupation of Iraqis over. He places the responsibility rebuilding a society out of the rubblewe created on the shoulders of the Iraqi people.

The True Cost of the War

By Paul Craig Roberts

Obama's "end of Iraq war" speech must have shattered any remaining belief in him. Forced to appease both his supporters and the warmonger right-wing, who denounce him as a Muslim and a Marxist, Obama resorted to Orwellian Doublespeak.

Flying the Flag, Faking the News

By John Pilger

Loud noises from Washington about a US pull-out from Iraq are a poor disguise for America's determination to keep waging war. And the same sort of spin is at work here in Britain.

Here's the text of the President's speech in case you missed it in all its hazy glory.

Aug 31, 2010

Obama on Iraq tonight 8:00 pm edt w/ Pisces Rising

This evening at 8:00 pm edt, President Obama will speak for approximately 15 minutes on the ending of official combat operations in Iraq, a war begun on March 20, 2003 6:35 am Baghdad time with 8Ari16 rising.

There's no time this morning to blog on the Iraq War chart itself but I can say that in tonight's TV speech chart, the first planet to rise will be 2003's Mercury 27Pis19, the spot where transiting Jupiter and Uranus have visited off and on of late and still hover.

Tonight at Aries Point tr Uranus 00Ari59 Rx is first to rise with Jupiter 00Ari59 Rx in tow as chart-ruler. As you know, any time a chart's ruler is Rx indicates delays having to do with the function of that planet. (This may refer to the '50,000' US soldiers left in Iraq. Now Jupiter indicates many things on various levels and billions of dollars in war costs is definitely one of them. The Bush-Cheney invasion of sovereign nation Iraq was begun with Jupiter Rx 8Leo25 which sat upon Bush's natal Ascendant and conjoined the natal Mercury positions of the GOP and Senator John McCain.

This at the time indicated to this reluctant astrologer a 'bottomless pit in the money department' as I described it. Eventually tr Jupiter in Aries will trine Iraq War Jupiter in Leo bringing a time of compatibility and success. Pisces Rising points to Neptune as well so we may find the speculation pair (Jupiter/Neptune) of influence in the President's speech tonight. Perhaps he will address the thorny issues of independent contractors and mercenaries.

At 8:00 pm edt in Washington DC this evening, the midpoint of Moon/NN, a significator of public contact, rises...Moon/NN = ASC: establishing personal connections; maintaining inner contacts with others.

Lots of publicity ensues, and pundits must have their jobs and salaries justified.

The Sun/Moon phase is Disseminating (261 degr 23 mins) which is a time when the info, message, and propaganda may be spread far and wide. 8:00 pm edt is an Hour of Saturn indicating 'stoppage' but also control of the narrative. Saturn 4Lib07 is in 7th house of the President's speech, the house of Partnerships, and traversing between US n MC 00Lib53 (Sibly chart) and our nation's natal Saturn (with our Saturn Return upcoming, a three-fer as mentioned in a previous post.)

But has America yet learned Saturn's lessons of accountability and responsibility?

Now with tonight's Uranus conjunct 2003's Sun 29Pis07, we may expect a 'going off in a new direction' theme (as advertised) in order to find a new identity - the ID as 'occupier' having grown stale and overly expensive. Also tonight's Jupiter hovers around 2003's Mercury showing a need for new experiences and methods yet taking on too many projects at once must come to an end. We expect the President to focus more attention and money on fighting in Afghanistan where many empires have failed before us.

Plus, we remember that the 2003 Iraq Invasion was a war of choice a la Bush and Cheney who shackled our nation in more ways than one with the power elite's misguided ideologies such as 'A New American Century' and the '1% Gang' of Dick Cheney and pals.

But since they were determined to do it, electing to invade after April 4, was the better choice since Jupiter the General would have been moving Direct thus shortening the war effort and costing less in taxpayer money. And with Saturn to US n Mars, it makes you wonder if the muddled outcome all these years was precisely their intention...more war profits, you know.

The North Node of public encounter conjoins 2003's Mars 9Cap41 (contacts concerning Iraq) near 2003's MC 4Cap59; tr Pluto Rx tonight @ 2Cap50 has crossed and recrossed the Iraq War's MC in recent months indicating that drifting along is no longer an option. Please form yourself a government, Iraqis!

Tonight, tr Pluto/NN = 2003's MC: dependence of one's future upon associations which influence one's objectives in life and may cause setbacks in one's career.

The speech's Moon 29Tau50 contacts 2003's NN 1Gem22 echoing the public notice of the President's speech which will be followed in Baghdad; Mr. Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 is nearby and communicating (Gem) with the public (Moon.)

The war's Saturn 22Gem45 conjuncts US n Mars = circumventing rules and regulations is ill-advised; a firm determination to succeed is needed along with more organization and focus. Physical efforts are difficult to say the least with dampening Saturn on America's military forces planet, Mars, god of war.

Tonight's 29th-degree Moon is at a critical crisis degree which shows the the people's dire condition in America - and in Iraq - and Moon is the only one out-of-bounds which signifies a large amount of emotional insecurity about our daily needs which expensive wars tend to ignore, as we see on Capitol Hill. (Our needs are 'unaffordable' says Congress, yet more war funds are easily found, etc. Taurus is all about the creature comforts; Moon also conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone: something to cry about and has a mystical yet judgmental vibe.)

And of course, tr Neptune and Chiron continue traveling in tandem upon US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) so fraud is still an option for use against us as our domestic conditions continue to waver or disintegrate.

Looking ahead, the human tendency toward holding unrealistic expectations will be evident again regarding US foreign policy when tr Neptune reaches Pisces and conjoins the Iraq War's Uranus 00Pis30: ideals and ideologies will conflict with technical and economic conditions and almost anything can happen. One thing is clear: the US invasion of Iraq will reverberate in global society for years to come no matter how effectively President Obama says his 'peace' tonight.

Okay, 'nuff said. Except for three things:

1. tonight's Venus 23Lib is conjunct more than Arcturus (a different approach) and Spica (potential for brilliance), but the Iraq War's Moon 23Lib06 as well which indicates popularity of the idea, if not the reality, of US troops' combat operations ending in Iraq.

2. the Sabian Symbol for the President's Sun this evening...

'9 Virgo' = "A Man Making a Futurist Drawing"...EXPERIMENT...

positive expression: a gift for the illimitable expansion of the human mind and a consequent extension of its powers;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: complete and continuous confusion of ideas. (Jones.)

('Extension of its powers'?? Confusion used as an oratory tactic?)

3. tonight, the planet of the masses, mass media, deception, and glamour sextiles MC (the goal; the larger world) at 8:00 pm, so we may expect much subtly within the President's message as he uses Neptune's subliminal talents to influence policy and get others to go along with him, thus avoiding opposition and confrontation. He hopes, as he employs a vision and symbolism to create a framework for future decisions.

That's Politics!


Note: my experience timing TV appearances with their horoscope is that speakers usually begin about 2 or 3 minutes after the scheduled hour. If so, at 8:02 pm edt, the ASC = 19Pis10...'20Pis' = "A Table Set for an Evening Meal" which seems to refer to ending combat ops in Iraq; my greatest fret is that it also refers to the closing operations of our nation.

Sep 26, 2009

Sibel Edmonds interview: those who played roles in 9/11

Being busy of late with various art projects, this Sept 21 interview with whistleblower Sibel Edmonds almost escaped my radar but thanks to a watchful reader, I've now caught up with her astonishing revelations concerning the attacks of 9/11 and the roles of Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz among other actors of treasonous proportions.

You'll note the reference to '4 months before 9/11' which implicates the Solar Eclipse Series prior to that of the attacks themselves which fell into the 3 North Series: 'over-excessive, news that involves young people or that transforms a situation; info causes obsessive worry; large plans are wanted to be undertaken, but don't get carried away.' (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The American military did get carried away by warmongers and liars - to Iraq to break the country in two, with the UK taking the south, the US the north. Turkey's role is detailed in the article above as well, so please check it out since the 2002 gag order issued against Ms. Edmonds by then-Attorney General John Ashcroft is now lifted. You won't like what you read, but I recommend you read it anyway.

As you know, the 3N Series occurred @ 00Cancer, a World Point where big events transpire, but '4 months before 9/11' falls earlier into the 2 South Series @ 4Cap14 where Pluto will be visiting before we know it. Pluto 00Cap+ now opposes 9/11's PE as the Edmonds interview is uncovered and spread.

2S is the PE Series of Bush's first illegal, ill-fated, misguided, fraudulent term. (Just so you know where I stand on the varmints of 2000 and 2001 and always remembering SCOTUS and Justice Renquist's intimate roles in our election scam. And still, the US nervily pontificates on elections' legitimacy abroad!)

Actually Pluto's orb when transiting may be considered to be 5 degrees on each side of a particular degree, so perhaps plutonic delving is already occurring as he is now in orb of 4Cap14...

Paraphrasing Ms. Brady again on 2S which manifested on Dec 25, 2000: 'unusual groups and one's involvement in them and the feeling that one may gain a great deal with such involvement.'

Interestingly, 2S is the *PE Series of: Ronald Reagan, Woodrow Wilson, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Noam Chomsky, the New Millennium, and my favorite artist, Paul Cezanne.


*PE = Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the eclipse season during which a person, entity, or event are born. Every 18.6 years a repeat of a Solar Eclipse in a Series manifests bringing with it the same issues and casting similar shadows upon current events; some Series have a more negative flavor than others and a South Series Eclipse may carry more of an unconscious quality with them. 'Old behaviors' may be relied upon.

So every 18.6 years, one is provided with a chance to deal more effectively with these issues through more mature consideration, developed talents, and initiative which one could not have possessed in infancy. But the chance also exists to deal in a negative, unconscious way - one more reason to be aware of one's natal chart!

Aspects from natal planets to an Eclipse degree show where one might receive aid through positive aspects such as sextiles (60 degr), trines (120 degr), and sometimes conjunctions (0 degr); more challenging aspects such as squares, semisquares, sesquisquares, oppositions, inconjuncts, or quindecuiles, indicate where blockages may exist either from the environment or from within, mentally and/or emotionally.

My observances with eclipses seem to indicate, however, that oppositions, as aspects of awareness, may actually be one of the most helpful of all aspects since opposite degrees can operate as Illumination Points where unconscious motivations lurk. But then, of course, one must be willing to take the awareness ball and run with it.

As for governments, they aren't known for admitting or honestly dealing with much of anything, for honesty could interfere with 'winning' the next election.


Read more on Eclipses and their effects by ace astrologer Donna Cunningham on her SkyWriter blog.

Sep 11, 2009

A Saturn/Neptune quincunx and Financial Crisis 2008

In July 2009 I made an attempt to relate the cycle of Saturn and Neptune to the 2007-2008 financial crisis, and to my own general misgivings about the original and current forms of our US government.

And Saturn's 'cold water' end-of-August conjunction with US natal Neptune @ 22Virgo25, the 'grim reality' transit, has added to the general feelings of gloom in the collective. Reality is having to be faced, and it had better be! If only we could get all our Washington politicians to come clean so we could deal, right?

Well, the quincunx (inconjunct), an aspect of 150 degrees, is difficult to deal with at the best of times, which financially we may say these are not. Saturn is form, Neptune is formlessness, and their inconjunct adds to the diffulties as the irreconcilable must be reconciled.

Yet fulfilling social obligations and/or doing social work for the common good are two of the aspect's most positive manifestations, so with today being the 8th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, it's most apt that a drive is on for the newly established 911 Day of Service and Remembrance. This links 9/11 with the 2003 Iraq War response (misguided though it may have been) when Saturn and Neptune were last inconjunct (2003/04.)

That today's Sept 11 observances in Pennsylvania, New York, and DC fall just hours prior to the perfecting of another Saturn/Neptune quincunx seems synchronistically appropriate, doesn't it?

And most fortuitously for both of us, a brilliant article has been published concerning the transiting Saturn/Neptune quincunx and its part in our economic woes, just in time for the aspect's perfection tomorrow, Sept 12, 2009, with Saturn in Virgo, Neptune in Aquarius.

So if you check it out now, you'll be all set just in time!


Top 100

Aug 23, 2009

Warpaths and a Joyride to Hades

And in front of military veterans, too!

President Barack Obama sounds predictably Bush-like as he stumps on behalf of war to an allegedly willing audience, while evoking 9/11 to justify US imperialism against the whole world - but most especially against the Middle East where the oil lies.

Never mind the true and lasting consequences.

Did I hear you whisper, hope, change...or...audacity?

Once again I assert that changing presidents in honor of the Oval Office is a baton-passing exercise. It has nothing to do with deserting a previous agenda. It has everything to do with continuing an agenda, though perhaps under a different guise...this time, a suave one.

You know the old saw: would you buy a new or used car from this man? Well, it seems you and I already have, but unbeknownst to many, George and Dick were huddled together in the rumble seat, grinning like satanists on a joyride to Hades.

Mr. Obama steps on the gas...

Jul 13, 2009

Nuke expert Dr. David Kelly was Not a suicide

Nuclear weapons expert Dr. David Kelly did not kill himself just after his role was revealed concerning the UK's 'sexed up' intell designed to scam the British people into war with Iraq in spite of experts like Dr. Kelly saying there were no WMDs.

(There weren't. Even a few neocons will admit it now that it's too late.)

Thirteen UK doctors are now speaking out on behalf of an inquest...fine, if it's not simply a whitewash committee set up to lay suspicions, if not the victim, to rest.

Although I spent quite a few hours studying charts for Dr. Kelly and his July 17, 2003 'suicide' at the time, the only place on SO'W I mentioned Dr. Kelly's assassination was in October 2007 along with other mysterious deaths of a political persuasion.

Kelly had told someone that he would probably end up dead in the woods. (He did. He bled out from a slashed wrist, they say.)

Perhaps our former VP and his reputed 'death squad' can shed some light on the case of Dr. David Kelly who dealt with politicians and their backers, people who would do anything to promote their main cause and protect their elite positions.

And just like writer Danny Casolaro, assassinated during the last manifestation of the 11 South Solar Eclipse Series in 1991 - which repeats on July 21, 2009 at '29Cancer' - Dr. Kelly was writing a book, which would have to have been a very telling book, one suspects.

Wonder if Dr. Kelly's notes mysteriously disappeared just after his death as did Danny Casolaro's notes on what he called The Octopus, the world crime syndicate whose tentacles now throttle the entire globe?


Nov 1, 2008

America Battered by Bush

America Bruised and Battered is an article which takes an in-depth look at the presidency of George W. Bush. It's a surprisingly easy read unless you have blood pressure issues!

The article contains 5 parts and it's interesting reading with a different outlook on our '19% approved' president whose days in office are, we may hope, numbered.

Any of these may be read as stand-alone articles, but all are informative for a shell-shocked American people:

Part I: America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors
Part II: A Gambler Who Bet Everything on Iraq
Part III: It Wasn't Just the President Alone
Part IV: Bush on Trial?
Part V: The Job Ahead

You'll also find photo galleries of the Bush presidency including an album of "Funny Moments" of the scowler-in-chief including his bike-topple with right palm and face showing wounds - good for palmists to a take a peek at Bush's clawprint; plus, one link in the photo gallery section takes you to "Interactive Graphic: Obama and Biden vs McCain: The Candidates in Profile."

There's also an interview I find especially informative with neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan - he who early on counseled 'regime change' for Iraq (published Oct 27.) Of course, Kagan justifies his position and advice by decrying the way the war was mishandled.

This I don't buy from him or from any of the others because chaos is a major part of their world domination plans, antisocial as it is. To them our misery is "worth it." Naomi Klein chronicles this brilliantly with her explanation of Shock Doctrine to which the world is being subjected by a world crime syndicate. (I added world crime syndicate here - I'm not sure that Klein uses these exact words. But I do.)

Not that ineptitude wasn't shown in the Bush-Cheney invasion/occupation, but unintended consequences were simply sucked into the 'big picture which must be followed - very little option to do otherwise' as Astrology describes this sort of highhanded behavior from the holier-than-thou crowd.

You know - any mistakes they make can't be mistakes because they made them - and all is right with the world (on their say-so.)

So do you know my first thought when I saw the article's Part I topic: "America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors"?

The Sabian Symbol for George Bush's natal Mars, the planet of action, energy, desire nature, and the god of war..."10Virgo"..."Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" (reminds you of Cheney's 'Dark Side' doesn't it? Just two bubblethink noodleheads goin' to war based on lies with obscene profits on their to-do lists. And Rummy, Cheney's pal, intimately involved, of course. Such profitable chicken hawk fun!)

Here's Dane Rudhyar's take on "10Virgo"..."Keynote: The growth of true understanding, born out of the transcendence of duality even while immersed in the world of duality." SELF-TRANSCENDING ACTIVITY OF THE MIND." (An Astrological Mandala.) Bush Bubblethink?

But perhaps even more to the point concerning George Bush's Martian energy, action, desire nature, and war-promoting is Rudhyar's details for '9Virgo..."An Expressionist Painter at Work"...Keynote: The urge to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition. ORIGINALITY.

...what is expressed is usually the reflection of a deep catharsis with emotionally charged and often tragic overtones."

My italics, and yes, tragic overtones are the basis of the Bush presidency as millions of Iraqis flee for parts unknown and Americans are tossed out of their homes and (if certain partisans have their way) their voting rights taken away...because they're now homeless.

'Twas a grand plan, si? Make millions off 'em then toss 'em out on the sidewalk with their most basic American right pilfered so as to skew the 2008 election/s...because every little bit helps the GOP when it's steal election time in America.

So if the other George ~Orwell~ isn't skirming in his grave, I'll be an out-of-control cheeky monkey on a bicycle.

As TV's Craig Ferguson says,"Re-miiiiinnnnd you of anyone?"

Oct 13, 2008

American Empire's Secret History: video link

In case you missed it...

The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Global Corruption - Video

by John Perkins, author of Confessions of An Economic Hit Man

Perkins zeroes in on hotspots around the world such as Venezuela, Tibet, Iraq, Israel, Vietnam and others and exposes the network of events in each of these countries that have contributed to the creation of the American Empire and international corruption in "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption."

Sep 4, 2008

Palin views Iraq war as religious: video

Here's a link to the Palin video at Huffington Post where she gives shout-out to the Iraq war/occupation as holy crusade...God's plan.

Now God's plan is behind everything, I agree. It's the arrogance of those who think they have the right to tweak it that grumps me up.

And they do it for narrow political reasons.

Great. More of that with McCain. Is that what we want?

Jun 9, 2008

Aristocracy's need for political prophets

Information Clearing House Newsletter

News You Won't Find On CNN: 03/06/08

We're not a democracy. It's a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we're a plutocracy: a government by the wealthy." : Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General

"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy" : John Pierpont Morgan

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." : Thomas Jefferson

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." : Abraham Lincoln
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." : Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." : Benito Mussolini


Read this newsletter online: tinyurl


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,219,596"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq 4,087

The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs: $525,189,721,111

See the cost in your community: #


Ah yes, Corporatism...another of Pluto/Chiron's -isms of oppression, their midpoint now at 25/26Cap and will all too soon conjunct US natal Pluto. These "world servers"--one-world-government types have pre-1933 plans which are mimicking Hitler's rise-to-power tactics so closely, that it's astounding the MSM ignores the you-know-what out of it.

Why, it's as if the MSM never heard of Templars, Rosicrucians, Illuminati or anything of the like. Pshaw!! And yet they know what the skull and crossbones symbol means and have been known to blurb about prominent men being members of a certain society at Pappy and his Pappy.

And if what 'they' say is true--and going by all accounts it is--Grandpa Prescott's support of nazism a la 1930s is in process of being realized in the person of our archetypal father, the 'president' and CEO shoved down our gobs by a Supreme Court primarily composed of illuminated individuals of the highest order.

Let us remember that Bush's natal Saturn is opposite America's natal Pluto, echoing the cruel combo in play as an opposition on 9.11.01.

Well, the power elite do have one limitation I can think of off the top of my Obama Button: they have only one way of seeing things and it's all from their side of the high-tech wall. Actually, better make that a firewall, I feel Mars stirring in the breeze.

Mar 28, 2008

Iraq War 2003 + 2008: 3 YODs

With the US-occupied tinderbox of Iraq erupting of late, the composite chart of the Iraq War (set for the White House, March 19, 2003 8:00 pm) and the War's 'natal' chart (Mar 20, 2003 6:35 am BAT) when averaged together using the Davison method (which averages time AND place and thus gives a mid-date, in this case: Sept 24, 2005) is showing three YOD patterns.

A YOD, as you know, is aka a Finger of God and indicates a special task or purpose, a crisis situation. YODS express most purely when all the points are actual planets although ASC and MC, points of manifestation, may also be pertinent.

The base of a YOD is a sextile and it points to an apex planet or point. In Iraq's case, the three YODS have apex planets under stress: Mercury, Mars, and Uranus. I have highlighted the YODs in the image so hopefully you can see them more easily.

It would take all day to type out all the factors in this Composite-Davison chart (C/D) and I'm sure you notice that the 10th house Chiron is conj US n Pluto 27Cap. And that's Cheney's natal Venus (money; values; relationships) at Midheaven.

Transit Pluto/Chiron midpoint has been at the general degree area this year (19--24 Cap) so we have the plutocratic, oppressive, racist duo on display.

So let's see what the midpoint pictures for the YODs show, beginning with another plutocrat indicator, Jupiter/Pluto.

*Jupiter/Pluto = Mars: applying controls to suit one's particular purposes; leaderhsip; the desire to achieve great things; organizing talent; publicity.

Mercury/Saturn = Uranus: great inner tension; incompatibility; quick decisions or sudden departure; anxiety about a change of status quo; great tension between the old way of thinking vs the new; the inclination to go one's own way; excitability; haste.

Uranus/ASC = Mercury: the tendency to interfere in everything; nervous planning; fault-finding; caustic; oraganising power; the ability to sum up situations quickly; the stage of making arrangements; sudden news; technological progress.

You may also see that Cheney's natal Jupiter is rising, with his n Saturn following. We may then say that:

Jupiter/Saturn = ASC: the tactitcian; keeping properly in one's place (secret state-of-the-art bunker?)

*Replace Mars with Cheney's natal Uranus and we have...

Jupiter/Pluto = n Uranus: intense application of resources to establish a new perspective; overturning the tables; getting back on track or finding a better one; quick exploitation of every situation; a sudden reform or a quick development; sudden adjustment to new circumstances (how about some hot tar, a bunch of feathers, and a rail out of Washington?)

In Bush's nativity, Neptune (5Lib+) is conj the C/D Mercury, so we may replace Mercury in the YOD with his idealistic, deceptive, over-the-top Neptune...

Uranus/ASC = Neptune: sudden undermining of associations; disappointments; a feeling of martyrdom can be exploited.

Replace the C/D ASC with Cheney's n Jupiter and we see...

n Jupiter/Uranus = Mercury: ready wittedness; an abundance of thoughts; a fortunate turn in one's occupation (!!); planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks.

Hmmm...sounds like Cheney is happy with the way things are going in Iraq this week...still. Quite the "success" for his portfolio.

Now here are the midpoint pictures within the C/D chart which link the war's start in March 2003 with today, March 28, 2008...

Mars/Pluto = Uranus: fight first, talk later; dangerous sense of attack; chip on one's shoulder; cruelty; violence; sudden calamities of great importance.

Mercury/Uranus = Pluto: indefatigability in one's work; over-strained nerves; a hasty realization of plans; getting the biggest job done in a commanding way; leadership; tremendous power for action.

Mars/Jupiter = Saturn (Saturn is conj 2003's Jupiter Rx: the general): difficulties in making decisions; letting good opportunities slip away; having to toe the line; pulling in one's sails.

Saturn/Uranus = Mars: tremendous upheaval possible through calamity or anxiety; challenges leading to a decisive fight; violence; undergoing great efforts and toil.

More YOD details:

Bil Tierney, in his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis says that in composite charts, YODs with Mercury as the apex planet indicate one who is combining too many concepts to establish coherency, and that concepts must be streamlined in order to work. Given the current chaos and confusion, the chances don't sound so great, do they?

An apex Mercury in a YOD pattern works in similar fashion to Rx Mercury, and the US natal Mercury is Rx. If you've read my article on the first US presidency (George Wasington, of course) you'll know that the White house tends to 'psych out' the public in order to tell us what to think. We're seeing/reading/hearing war propaganda on the current chaos-in-the-tinderbox, but getting the real picture is another matter, isn't it?

Yet this apex Mercury seeks compulsively to find new communication avenues to make a greater educational impact on the environment--and the C/D chart is in the Disseminating phase which is the spreading info stage.

And remember that this Mercury = George Bush's n Neptune which as an apex in a YOD prefers to stay in his ivory tower, thanks. Ivory Tower = White House? Well, hopefully Bush won't be able to pull the snuggly blanket of power around his shrugging shoulders past Jan 2009--at least not from the Oval Office.

Mars as apex planet in a YOD, if poorly used, shows non-productive energy expenditures which need adjustments within the aggressive instincts. Hostility is aimed at inappropriate targets (and this C/D chart describes all parties of all sides as well, not only the US.)

An acute crisis situation may trigger mobilization of vital forces full of daring and courage, and wavering or vacillation won't do. Ties from the past may be broken by this apex Mars and quick adaptation leads to a new path.

Uranus apex here views everthing from a unique angle and is contrary and perverse (as Uranus may tend to be in any situation.)

New directions are best handled only after this apex Uranus alters his willful mental temperament, and disruption of all carefully formulated plans is jolting. Apex Uranus in a YOD pattern is a catalyst and trailblazer. Lawlessness is part of the turning point and causes irrevocable shifts in the environment.

Playing with fire hardly describes what the actors are up to in Iraq, some from within their Ivory Towers, and some from an independent spiritedness determined toward a new path fraught with fresh perspectives.

George Bush is calling the US offensive in Basra a "defining moment" in Iraq, and after looking at the above composite chart, I must agree--but would have to add that it's also a defying moment.

Now why don't we-the-people leave Iraq as best we can with as many apologies as Washington can muster, and take the consequences from the over-extended, misdirected efforts of the Bush-Cheney regime?

It was, after all, their bad--and they had many foreign actors egging them on in what was known to be their Saddam-removal intentions from the start.

Defeat for America, you say? As Astrology shows, how a thing begins is how it will end so we were defeated by fraud and deception from its beginning by Chalabi, the White House, the Pentagon--and others pulling secret strings.

The US should face the music while the band can still play because the White House isn't protecting its's got none to hide.

midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.

~~note: please pardon typos--my isp is on the verge of crashing (again) so I must publish now and correct later. ;o(

Mar 25, 2008

Pentagon mea culpa and nukes across America

The Pentagon's cone head is showing! as Defense Secretary Robert Gates admits to "The Mistake of the Taiwanese Cone Heads" or something like that.

Is he planning to write a mystery novel or get to the bottom of their supposed incompetence?

Actually Gates has called for an investigation (and we know where those tend to lead--down the garden path) into four containers of fuses shipped to Taiwan in "error"...a charade which must infuriate China, no doubt. Grumps me up no end and I'm only American.

Well, I guess Gates had to say something to, oops!

Is it me, or does the US seem to say oops to China quite often?

Anway, you'll see that I've included in the above-linked post the sunrise chart for the day that the Air Force (they're on OUR team, remember) "mistakenly" loaded a bunch of nuclear bombs onto some B-52s and flew them from ND to may want to check out the chart with asteroid Toro at Ic and conjunct the "A Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree.

Ole! Oops! and all that.

Mar 23, 2008

Spitzer's nemesis + blackmailing for war

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Mar 23, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

GOP political operative told FBI of alleged Spitzer sexscapades--Roger Stone, who shut down the 2000 presidential 'election' recount effort in Miami-Dade County, is longtime Spitzer *nemesis. Mar 21, 2008:

Almost four months before Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in a sex scandal, a lawyer for Republican political operative Roger Stone sent a letter to the FBI alleging that Spitzer "used the services of high-priced call girls" while in Florida.

The letter, dated Nov 19, said Miami Beach resident Stone learned the information from "a social contact [i.e., his own hooker] in an adult-themed club." ..."It is also my client's understanding from the same source that Governor Spitzer did not remove his mid-calf length black socks during the sex act. Perhaps you can use this detail to corroborate Mr. Stone's information," the letter said, signed by attorney Paul Rolf Jensen of Costa Mesa, Calif. [See: Spitzer's Sex Life Is Weapon of Mass Distraction for Bunch of Bad News for Bush.]


Top Diplomat Says US Pressured Allies on Iraq--Ambassador says White House threatened reprisals on nations who withheld war support, spied on allies prior to Iraq invasion Mar 22, 2008:

In the months leading up to the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration threatened trade reprisals against friendly countries who withheld their support, spied on its allies, and pressed for the recall of UN envoys that resisted US pressure to endorse the war, according to an upcoming book by a top Chilean diplomat [Heraldo Munoz.] #

Well neither of these items seem surprising...except perhaps for the black socks...

*Nemesis' keywords: the unbeatable foe; karmic retaliation; Greek goddess of divine retribution--or of fertility.

Mar 21, 2008

Sen. Byrd's speech Mar 19, 2003

Surely now we ALL weep...except for a certain few too proud to admit their infallibility or reveal their true motives.

"Today, I Weep For My Country"

The speech given by Sen. Robert Byrd

Exactly five years ago, on the afternoon of March 19, 2003, mere hours before bombs began falling in Baghdad, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate condemning the use of military force in Iraq. As soon as Byrd was finished speaking, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) delivered a response defending the Bush administration's decision to go to war.

Check it out: Information Clearing House #

And if you missed it: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government

Mar 19, 2008

When US overthrows were young

When US overthrows were young--and foolish?

Since it was making me crazy as a bed bug to hear Bush and Cheney remarks being played and replayed in the media today on how 'well' America is doing in Iraq, I wrote a Page on USA's first overthrow: Hawaii 1893 when we were just getting started in the meddling and resource-exploiting departments.

Here are the midpoint pictures from 1893 which I didn't type into the Page (which has the sunrise chart's image) and which may sound eerily familiar in 2008--and a lot like Bush's speech at the Pentagon this morning...1893's Sun is conj US ntal Pluto:

Mars/Mc = Sun: the drive to be important; self-promotion; the power of attainment; a strong will; attaining success at all costs; the ability to procure the power for giving orders to others; overcoming resistance or obstacles.

Mars/Mc = n Pluto: publicity; the big picture; extraordinary zeal; energy; promotion; great vigor; the desire to bring immense tasks to a successful conclusion.

Mars/Uranus = Sun: sudden adjustment to new circumstances; a person who is able to act quickly.

Mars/Uranus = Pluto: force; intervention of the big shock; a Higher Power.

A Higher Power? Seems as if that's the only thing that can stop the insane war twins from striking again like the crazed psychopathic Vulcans they are.


Midpoints: Reinhold Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.

Mar 18, 2008

America's mission: to 'own' the world

Information Clearing House Newsletter

News You Won't Find On CNN 3.16.08

"America is a Nation with a mission-and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate, no ambitions of empire. Our aim is a democratic peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman."

George W. Bush 43rd US President since 2001. b.1946)

"Our purpose in Vietnam is to prevent the success of aggression. It is not conquest, it is not empire, it is not foreign bases, it is not domination. It is, simply put, just to prevent the forceful conquest of South Vietnam by North Vietnam."

Lyndon B. Johnson


"An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war."

Charles de Montesquieu (French Politician and Philosopher, 1689-1755)


"In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments"

Napoleon Bonaparte


"The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy."

Woodrow T. Wilson (American 28th President of the United States 1856-1924)


Read this newsletter online: tinyurl


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq:

"1,189,173" justforeignpolicy


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America'sWar On Iraq: 3,988


The War in Iraq Costs: $503,043,935,510

See the cost in your community: nationalpriorities


We Own The World

By Noam Chomsky

The whole debate about the Iranian "interference" in Iraq makes sense only on one assumption, namely, that "we own the world." If we own the world, then the only question that can arise is that someone else is interfering in a country we have invaded and occupied. So if you look over the debate that took place and is still taking place about Iranian interference, no one points out this is insane.

Full article here: Information Clearing House #

Montesquieu's quote sounds like Astrology's tenet: how a thing begins is how it will end. And I would add, "Character is what you are when you are in the dark."

Will America ever honestly face her shadow?

Pastor Wright spoke of it and look at the melee that resulted! You'd think he'd bomb a few thousand children his very self. And you'd think that America had only ever acted on her best behavior--and that somehow our bombs are better and more noble than anyone else's, secret motives notwithstanding.

(film quote: Buckaroo Banzai and the 8th Dimension.) Was it 'Bonzai' or 'Banzai'??)

Mar 16, 2008

Iraq war: Solar Return 2008

On March 19, 2008; 11:23:31 am BAT, Baghdad, Iraq, the Sun returns to its degree which marks the birth--the beginning--of the Bush-Cheney war of choice in Iraq.

~note: at end of this post, see link to article on what Hillary really said in 2003's build-up to war.

Click image to enlarge and you will see contentious Mars 5Can22 conj US n Jupiter, a time when one tends to give others more credit than they deserve, and when taking on an unnecessarily exaggerated role in activities is a temptation.

Mars and US Jupiter rise together, in fact, and will be first on the administration's plate for the upcoming period...and I refer to the Iraqi government as well as to Washington's neocons. More money, more troops? Probably both.

Others may facilitate or inspire expansion of the present circumstances and since Congress is apparently on the verge of signing yet another blank check for the Bush-Cheney war (yes! another $102 billion down the drain of this bottomless pit of a war adventure just so Bush-Cheney won't have to admit they were wrong), we may as well look at the war's Solar Return--the 5th anniversary--of the Iraq war chart.

Moon 00Vir32 is chart ruler applying to conj with depressive Saturn Rx, both linked to Royal Star Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. It's probably safe to say that no horses are left in that barn on any side.

This pairing of Moon-Saturn snug around Cheney's natal ASC so we may say that...Moon-Saturn = ASC: a reserved self-presentation; meeting with sick or depressed people. (He created a bunch of them, the least he can do is meet with them.)

Another indication of money issues is that the US natal Venus (money; values; relationships) is rising: ASC 3Can45. "4Can" is the "A cat arguing with a mouse" degree and I can think of several entities to nominate for 'cat' and 'mouse' roles in this obscene mystery play, can't you?

You see rebellious Uranus 19Pis15 near Mc 16Pis28 ("17Pis": "An Easter promenade") yet Mars is slightly closer to ASC than Uranus is to Mc. It's the combustible combo of Mars-Urnaus that concerns me--they're not square but will be when Mars reaches 19Can22, a degree which is often prominent in violent charts, as I have observed.

As you know, a Solar Return chart is "good for" the coming year it describes and may be used successfully as a predictor bwo transits to it throughout the year. Transits to its Angles--ASC/Desc and Mc/Ic are times of great energy manifestation and should be watched closely whenever timing issues are important.

Having said that (eeuwww--don't think I've ever typed that before--how tiresome) it's the two Dissociate T-squares I'm considering above all (two if you count ASC as part of one of them.)

Using the Tyl and Ebertin directories, here are their midpoint pictures which are driven by the current zealous Mars/Pluto opposition, and both involving the SUN in this Solar Return...any, all, or none may apply, or they may do so at some time during the upcoming year that this Return chart is operative...

Mars/Pluto = Sun: hard work; accident potential; upset of plans that is unredeemable; intervention of some undeniable force or authority; ability to work until collapse; violent measures; upset or shock through the intervention of a Higher Power.

Pluto/ASC = Sun: ruthlessness toward people in the environment; attaining respect through physical prowess and strength; seeing a whole new avenue for development and success; full steam ahead.

Now this is a Cardinal T-square with a Mutable apex planet--the Sun (not a planet of course, but referred to as such in Astrology); this is why it's called a *Dissociate pattern for then the apex planet expresses with more ease psychologically even as the T-square functions like a standard T-SQ on a situational level.

The lessening of internal pressures gives the apex planet (Sun) more leeway in responding to the challenges of the opposition (Mars/Pluto) as long as 'he' can relate to the intensity of outer conditions.

There could be, however, less motivation to extend the needed energy in order to overcome obstacles, and this is obviously made more difficult by the fact that the war's Sun is in Pisces, sign of oil, oceans, fish, confusion, and a desire to escape the real world's responsibilities.

Well, self-motivated Mars is still out-of-bounds and lighting matches and fashioning IEDs on his own, while this Return chart shows the 'loner's position' pair of Saturn/NN at the "1Sag" degree..."A Grand Army of the Republic campfire" indicating our standing alone in the world through our misguided and ill-directed invasion and long-drawn-out occupation of Iraq.

Yes, George and Dick and their imperial, elite globalist pals just had to do it, and with Bacchus, an asteroid whose keyword is: denial, conjunct the war's Sun at a high frequency, critical 29th degree, it bodes ill that the Bush administration will face the reality of their misdeeds and missteps which are bankrupting our nation.

*Dissociate T-square notes from Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney

UPDATE March 18: In the build-up to war in 2003, what did Hillary really say?