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Showing posts with label Mars-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Neptune. Show all posts

Mar 23, 2017

Trump & Paul Ryan Team Up To Make Healthcare Bill Even Worse

Update March 23, 2017: as you've heard before now, Mr. Trump's health care bill vote has been postponed by congressional Republicans due to lack of support (not enough votes from their own party since allegedly no Democrat will vote for its draconianess and they need 215 votes to pass it). You may find that these actions and non-actions on Capitol Hill this week are at least partially described by the Mars-Neptune addition below The Young Turks' video report.

Another factor specific to Mr. Trump is Saturn's ongoing transit to his natal Moon (publicity) and South Node (a karmic Saturnian point of separation and/or of falling back on what worked in the past but no longer does = neurosis), a transit which restricts, denies, or delays his need fulfillment (Moon), lowers his popularity or approval ratings (Moon = the public), and may cause temper tantrums. Simultaneously (and because he was born under a Full Moon), Saturn opposes Trump's natal Sun and North Node which accounts for recent photos of a glum Mr. Trump with what is likely to be a bruised ego. Health and vitality may also be affected with transit Saturn opposing natal Sun and conjunct natal Moon--perhaps just a cold in his dose or a slight headache?

Original post begins here:

Farron Cousins reports on what happens when Mr. Trump and Speaker Ryan put their heads together and all conscience aside--politics and money trump people and those most in need of healthcare insurance, access, and treatment are left behind in the dust. Ideological mentor Ayn Rand would be so proud of her handmaiden, Paul Ryan:

For more non-corporate news and commentary, step into The Ring of Fire.


Mars in Pisces Not at His Best Then Along Comes Neptune

As you know, now sitting is the 115th US Congress which convened January 3, 2017 with testosterone-driven Mars @11Pisces where confused, confusing Neptune has floated of late suggesting much of the troubles Republicans in Congress are now having with their shaky (some would say, disappointing) attempts to repeal and replace one of their favorite political boogeymen, 'Obamacare' (the ACA). For when transit Neptune spreads all over action-oriented Mars we have a period when deception and delusion undermine physical efforts to the point where some refuse to make any effort (or cast a Yes vote) at all!

Other potentials of Neptune to Mars include impractical, unrealistic schemes that over-promise great and/or quick results (as Trump and the GOP did), and though intuition may run high, other planetary factors must provide stability and cooperation in the activities of the 115th Congress. The GOP health care 'plan' is sub-par legislation on many levels and if we use the Mars-Neptune influence as a clue we find that a potential for "rioting over nationalized health care" could be in our future.


More Mars-Neptune info can be found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Apr 29, 2015

US Police Forces: thwarted and distorted by Mars Rx

Depending on which of several horoscopes we use for America's founding and its hour ascending (Sag ASC in the 5:00 pm range, Scorpio rising in the 2:22 pm range, July 4, 1776 = Independence) we find our national Mars (police, military, males in general, etc) turning retrograde by Secondary Progression in 2006--in July or September of that year. This inward-turning, distorted condition for our Mars, warring planet of energy, action, and motivation, will continue for approximately 80 years, or, 71 years from 2015.

Note that the same progressed condition of natal Mars occurred for Germany in years past.

Here is master astrologer Maya Del Mar writing on US progressed Mars Rx (Part II) with a link to Part I of her article included. Maya's expertise is often missed these days yet the archive of her insightful articles, many of which have been published in The Mountain Astrologer magazine over the years, is a fantastic resource for all astrologers.

Now an SP Mars Rx is full of frustration, tension, and authority issues and denotes revolutionary actions such as riots, protests, and attacks on US soil, curfews and police and National Guard forces employed to control a discontented public and the few violent actors (some of whom may be 'plants' or 'black shirts' paid to discredit peaceful protesters and their causes and divert from real issues), self-directed mayhem such as committing arson in one's own neighborhood (ex: Baltimore), the famously touted concept of "black on black" crime, the Pentagon supplying America's police departments with military-grade weapons and equipment to use against the populace, the massive incarceration of American citizens for non-violent crimes, a lack of arrests for white-collar power elite crooks, and other conditions, situations, and bad ideas that I'm certain you can name.

Now as you know, America's natal Sun @13Cancer has progressed into murky Pisces and will in a few years be opposed by US SP Mars. Challenges to authority will increase around that time, not lessen, so it's important that the American people address Martian authority issues such as oppression and power abuse as soon as possible--and hold politicians accountable for their actions or lack of action where needed. We've become the Prison Planet some folks have warned about yet We the People cannot expect much if any help from the ruling class since most if not all of them are desperate to protect their cushy positions (and posteriors) from public pitchforks in the streets. Personally, I prefer figurative pitchforks because acts of violence only reduce We the People to the level of criminals and barbarians--and it's what 'they' want: an excuse to use all that military equipment against us. So let's not give them an excuse.

Blending its energies with the US SP Mars Rx condition is our nation's Mars-Neptune square of 1776 and its misguided/misdirected actions, muddled/confused motivations, deception as a tool, the 'fog of war' implications for warrior Mars and Neptune of the masses and the media that propagandizes all issues. These issues very much include racism and 'the powers that think they be' always know they can use racism as a social 'wedge issue' to keep the American people from realizing and acting as One using our true strength--in numbers.

Yes, everyone of every stripe possesses unconscious racist attitudes and this the power elite have known since Psychology (subversive Pluto) told them so. We the People have been studied from the start and from every angle and now they want deeper information on the internal workings of our brains! Guess the chemical soups they've contaminated us with through the years need more study so that total control may be's kind of the human genetics model of social engineering toward more docile slavery and a weeding out of 'the fittest'. But it isn't as if we've not been warned for decades now in entertainment venues such as movies, books, music, and TV, right? Transhumanism is said to be the latest thing, corporations are people, and it's no longer good enough to simply be a human being.

Well, I must dissent from all such poppycock along with the globalism-is-good crap they sell for globalism only benefits plutocrats. The current TPP trade deal is a blatant attempt to unite the world under a Corporate banner of total control and it's being promoted by those who would run it totalitarian-style. Meanwhile, current enablers of The Plan think they will remain in charge and will prosper by new developments but I beg to differ because evil cares nothing for its human tools and shills though a good facade may be employed until such time as lower-rung individuals are not useful anymore. Then they will find themselves in the same soup as those of us who decried their masters' Utopian ideal to destroy all civilizing institutions such as Familial, Religious, Social, Financial, and Political systems.

Get to Know Albert

For more info on the power elite ('NWO') agenda we see being implemented right under our 2015 noses, you may wish to view a previous post concerning Albert Pike, a major 19th-century promoter of the Great Plan. The post includes a video explaining who Pike is plus a few astrological notes on his natal horoscope for as you know, he is the only Confederate General to have a statue within the District of Columbia and some say his remains are interred in a vault or crypt inside the Scottish Rite Temple a few blocks from the White House. Coincidence?

Jan 13, 2015

Papantonio: Defense Contractors Try To Gut Whistleblowers - video

Fraud loving Neptune now floating through its own murky, sometimes criminal sign of Pisces, just keeps outdoing itself as it expresses in the real world. And usually on Capitol Hill. Iraq war contractors, government fraud, the pharmaceutical industry--Neptune is working overtime during the Jupiter-Neptune-imprinted Obama administration--imprinted since their 3 conjunctions of 2009.

Of course, the criminality of Jupiter-Neptune, the grand scheming pair of wastrels, spendthrifts, speculators, and visionaries, is being conveniently enabled and undergirded by America's natal Mars-Neptune square with its misguided and deceptive motivations, misdirected actions, and 'fog of war' quagmires.

And let's not again discuss how America's natal Neptune @22Virgo precisely veils President Obama's natal Mars, planet of motivations and actions!

Sep 23, 2014

The Mountain Astrologer: Mars square Neptune (the 'fog of war')

America's natal Mars-Neptune square has been a continual fuss here at Stars Over Washington and President Obama's new cycle of war in Iraq and Syria is shaded by its deceptive and misguided tendencies easily with his natal Mars (the warrior) veiled by US natal Neptune in Virgo. There's much more than meets the public eye as Caliphate meets Christian soldiers (though Washington and the Pentagon attempt to obfuscate this bigger picture.)

For clarity astrologers appreciate TMA's Mary Plumb noting the transiting Mars-Neptune square of 9/21/14 and summing up neatly our 'new' war based on shaky Mars-Neptune foundations: 

Wonder how Jupiter the General--now lead planet in a Locomotive pattern ('get on board or get left behind, coalition partners!')--will behave once planet Jupiter stations retrograde on December 8, 2014...withdrawal, task completed? A regrouping of forces to plan anew? A General steps down and is replaced? Or perhaps a failure of a misguided, ill advised mission which promises at best 'fluctuating success'?

Sep 9, 2014

Sep 10, 2014 POTUS on ISIS threat: Moon conjunct Uranus

Oh, Masonic Washington, What Are You Brewing?

by Jude Cowell

Update 8:12 pm EDT: the following post fails to mention that at 8:57 pm Wednesday evening the Moon becomes void-of-course (until Sept 11 at 9:16 pm EDT when Luna enters Taurus) and the usual implication for the beginning of an enterprise under such an influence is to expect no results. However, a VOC Moon period can also indicate that when a difficult or risky undertaking is about to start and there are others who might create problems or interruptions to it, they can do nothing against you. Ex: the 9/11/01 Moon.

Original post starts here:

At 8:57 pm EDT this evening a Moon-Uranus conjunction at 15 Aries manifests with 'excited people-states of fear and anxiety' vibes supported by warrior Mars through its rulership of Aries. Nine pm is often the hour a president takes to the TV airwaves (Uranus) to address the American public (Moon) so that's the horoscope I'm considering until I know a definite hour for the beginning of President Obama's speech.

As noted today in a Washington Post blog written by Katie Zezima, this evening marks exactly one year since POTUS attempted to rev up the American people to support military airstrikes in Syria which failed to get us riled as the ISIS threat seems to be doing. A new WaPo poll cites public support for airstrikes at 65% while MSNBC this morning cited a poll with our support at 71%. Well, perhaps it depends on how is polled and how questions are framed. In 2013 the threat to the US didn't seem imminent or worrisome enough but as we see it has been considerably ramped up by beheadings and other vileness along with outright threats made by the militants against America and Mr. Obama himself.

(Perhaps you remember Osama bin Laden's nickname for our country: 'The Great Satan.' But with war being what it is, I assert that we're watching Satan fighting Satan in the West v East struggle for dominance, ancient as it is. Recently I heard an ISIS reference to the Ottoman Empire which adds much to the conflagration of long-held grievances--including Turkey and old Constantinople--but such interesting topics are way beyond the scope of this post.)

Folks, What We Have Here Is an "ISIS Crisis"

It may interest you to know that in Washington DC at 9:00 pm EDT tonight transit Mars (weaponry, war and warmongering) sits upon President Obama's natal Midheaven, his Goal, Aspiration, and Career Point, so the 'caution' he is said to have shown thus far seems to me to be all about timing not reluctance to enter the fray more directly. For the Global Government script calls for its actors and agents to listen to their masters' voices when it comes to mounting World War III which I sincerely think is being engineered right under our "supportive" noses. And curiously 29Sco45, a critical-crisis degree, is the position of the people's Moon in Obama's first Inauguration horoscope of 2009 as he 'reluctantly' touts war to The People tonight and we are made to feel we must join in with his Mars-MC aims as the will to war is forced upon us through deception and persuasion.

Now when we add the 'L' to ISIL, we add the Levant which includes, of course, Israel, the underlying motivator for this military action Mr. Obama is calling for in the Great Plan to establish a World Capital at Jerusalem. Do I digress from the president's effort tonight to persuade us? I only wish it were so. The threat to the Germanic-sounding "homeland" may be real as can be (false flag ops included) but on another level it is a pretext, a tactic the US government has used to lie us into military action before, as we know. (USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, 9/11/01, and now this. World Wars I, II, and...

So where are other chart factors of certain actors (planets) found in tonight's 9:00 pm horoscope?

Rising is 29Ari09, a critical-crisis 29th degree in the sign of Mars-ruled Aries. Naturally this places 29Lib09 on the Partnership cusp (Descendant) with Aries-Libra one of the military-diplomacy polarities. (Pisces is also a military sign.) "National Security" will be said to be the basis of public support or at least it will be asked to be. The Moon-Uranus pair are in 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing--take from that what you will.

The Security axis (MC-IC) shows the same with 16Cancer33 on IC (Foundation, Basis, Endings, the Drain) and Saturn-ruled Capricorn at Midheaven and keying up the enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune on and near that degree of Capricorn during their three great Conjunctions all through 1993. ('18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer"...POLITICAL POWER.)

Now at the IC we find two interesting chart factors: the Pentagon's natal Ascendant (not a surprise) and US natal Jupiter's current retrograde degree by Progression, the Station of which occurred in November 1905--just in time to propagandize the American public into entering World War I when the time was considered 'right'. A false flag op had to be mounted as well to stir our emotions and President Wilson had secretly pledged the US to war--on orders from international bankers--before the public ever knew about it. Wilson' famous address to a Joint Session of Congress basically sealed the deal and off we marched.

As you know, one of adventurous, expansive Jupiter's many roles in Mundane Astrology is The General so this paints a rather curious picture, don't you think? It was almost amusing (if not so tragic) how the mainstream media took our minds off important details with their "POTUS has no strategy" ridiculousness when clearly such massive plans for global dominance and the subjugation of anyone in the Middle East who disagrees with the establishment of a 'new world order' cannot be the responsibility of just one man, even one wearing a 'leader of the free world' mantle.

Yes, Globalism marches on, apparently with the American public in tow and powerful puppet master Pluto @11Cap01 Rx near an Angle, the only malefic planet to be so at 9:00 pm tonight in DC, so we may expect the Great Plan to proceed much as global operatives and secret cabals direct the action from afar (Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands.) Of course, a 9th house Pluto on another level signifies the Morbid One in his assassin role so ISIS-ISIL comes to mind.

And what of the 6th house of Military Service? North Node (a karmic point of future direction) @20Lib52 is posited there along with the Sun (leadership) @18Vir14 near its degree on 9/11/01. To me this shows that tonight's script is part of a piece, a progression from the WTC attacks which continue to look to many people like a false flag op. Warrign Mars as noted above @28Sco05 has just left the 8th house of Transformation and Corporatism with its 1Sag45 cusp and perhaps you know that in the Sabian Symbols, '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Transit Mars reaches the zone of 00-1Sag beginning on September 14, 2014 so we'll see if 'he' triggers military action--or, I should say, a more visible military action--and definitely attacks, airstrikes, etc.

Or will the Pentagon become more active after the April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse influence fades in October with its themes of 'wasted energy especially when dealing with groups--take no action as it is potentially unfulfilling' (Brady)? Perhaps but there are many other astrological timings going on including the 6th of 7 exact squares of Uranus and Pluto on December 15, 2014 (#7 on March 17, 2015.) Upheavals, war, protests, uprisings--you know the score on Uranus-Pluto and their titanic Cardinal Square which shouts impetuously for action on a global scale.

US natal Neptune in the 6th house of tonight's speech chart shows the propaganda at work as it continues to mask the deeper motivations and actions of President Obama for our national Neptune covers his natal Mars in Virgo. And as always, America's problematic Mars-Neptune square ('fog of war', misdirected or misguided energy, deceptive actions, confused motivations) is in play with our natal Mars in the speech's 2nd house of the National Treasury. The US Congress will be asked for more funds for war and when have they ever failed to provide them--openly and/or surreptitiously?

(You may notice that I have held back from mention of Armageddon for that would send us on a major tangent of Biblical proportions, again beyond the scope of this post.)

Well, there are more chart factors to discuss but my time is limited so I'll only mention again what I've blogged rather loudly about previously--that transit Jupiter @12Leo12 tonight again conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Sun, a period when something begun about 12 years ago must either be raised to the next level or be ended entirely. Now #POTUS has made much of a desire that US troops leave the Middle East and he has seemingly done such yet he'll appear on TV this evening in a rhetorical attempt to persuade the US public to support a new level of war in the Middle East.

Will the justifications President Obama puts forward be enough to sway you?

Further reading: Sept 7, 2014 an Atlanta Journal blog's thoughts with a list of potential topics.

Astro-Note: an exact time for tonight's address has so far remained elusive yet if 9:00 pm isn't the correct hour the Moon-Uranus conjunction retains its implications as do most of the interpretations mentioned above though house positions may vary. Maybe White House astrologers are being careful to study the portents for best results!

Update 1:38 pm EDT: 9:00 pm EDT is indeed the confirmed time for the president's ISIS address.

Oct 12, 2013

Shutdowns 1995/96 and 2013 linked by Mars-Neptune

Mars-Neptune, Government Shutdowns, and Autumn 2013 Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

On Saturday October 19, 2013, transit Mars @2Vir39 returns to its position in the 'Shutdown New Moon 1995' horoscope (Sun-Moon @10Cap33), which is called a Mars Return, and which symbolizes a new 2-year cycle of activity relating to shutdowns and stalemates. For the current government shutdown, testosterone-driven Mars, the planet of quarrels, activism, and war, is opposed by transit Neptune @2Pis44 Rx.

As you see from the 1995 New Moon degree of 10Cap33, transit Pluto now conjoins it showing changed circumstances that lead to a critical time of development (Ebertin.) A New Moon begins a cycle of activity as well, and this one on January 1, 1995 occurred 3 days prior to the swearing in of the 104th Congress, and times the cosmic beginning of the New Gingrich 'revolution'. Rounding up, the negative expression of 11 Cap's Sabian Symbol is: 'egoistic satisfaction in matching the mediocrity of others' and I'm quite certain that then as now, the American people look to the US Congress for such sorriness as that.

In fact, some say that the approval rating of Congress has now dropped to the historic low of 5% (which causes me to wonder what on earth is wrong with the 5%.)

So with tr Mars about to return to its 1995 degree on October 19th, and with the current position of nebulous, fraud-producing Neptune opposing said Mars, what's up in the Mars-Neptune department? Well, you know about America's problematic Mars-Neptune square (22Gemini SQ 22Virgo) in our national horoscope (July 4, 1776) so whenever Mars and Neptune tangle, our 'confused motivations/misguided actions' tendencies are usually on display or are triggered. (Ex: Republicans seem to have forgotten their 'defund Obamacare' campaign which was irrationally instigated by wet-behind-the-ears senator, Ted Cruz. The GOP has "moved on" from that particular losing battle and have set their sights on other budgetary targets where they'll be able to save face, they hope.)

My fuss is that all this high drama is meant to undermine confidence in the US government of the American people--yet it doesn't do that for me but does serve to highlight my lack of confidence in the current doltish crop of Capitol Hill brigands, but not in the republican system itself. Efficient government is what I prefer, even if it means that government isn't 'smaller'. (Well, okay, so I was born with four natal planets in Capricorn, the sign of government, business, and law!)

So! Transit 2013 Neptune opposing 1995 Mars denotes a time of futile efforts (!) and debilitating factors which undermine actions; misguided ideals inspire acts of revenge and aggression while risk-taking endeavors and hostile confrontations do not work out in Mars' favor. Scandal, deception, illusion, and mistrust are on the Martian menu at this time. Headaches are difficult to diagnose yet a majority of Americans agree that it's quite simple to discern from what quarter the headaches the US Congress is giving We the People have their beginnings.

Obviously, the Mars-Neptune transit between Shutdowns 1995 and 2013 indicates that results are not conforming to what the Republican Tea Party's expected outcome was delusionally intended to be and the irrational, self-deceived energies that Neptune can supply to any situation turned out to be more prominent in the real world than Neptune's undermining of President Obama's signature legislation, the Affordable Health Care Act, at least at this time. Additionally, Neptune also signifies The Web and the ACA website's awful first week has been gummed up by Neptunian forces (are hackers involved, I wonder?) More political attacks from anti-government/small-government types will be forthcoming, I suspect, especially since they've fought against FDR's New Deal programs from the start and now consider Obamacare to be an increase in the size of government--which it is.

Well, no one should ever expect outer planets such as Neptune to provide dependable outcomes, should they?

As I type, the Senate is in session--rare for a Saturday--concerning an offer that would reopen the government and extend the debt ceiling limit so we can pay our bills and thereby avoid becoming a deadbeat nation in default.

However, uplifting the 'full faith and credit of the US government' and protecting the dollar as the global currency are quite different matters.

Yes, the Republican Tea Party has a definite 'genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset' (ruling by lurching from crisis to crisis) so the negative expression of the current Solar Eclipse degree (May 2013 @19Tau) is being demonstrated all too well by the austerity-loving political party. Perhaps this morning's Sun-Moon blend may be instructive as to the flavor of the meeting at the White House so let's check it out:

Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn (Venus-Saturn) is a purposeful, pragmatic, ambitious blend of energies with a social conscience; this blend of the 'artful manager' denotes diplomacy and an ability to work together as idealism morphs into decisive action.

This Sun-Moon blend is shared natally by activist Bobby Seale so here's an apt quote for the day from him:

"We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

At 2:00 pm edt today, the Moon enters Aquarius and prepares for a US Lunar Return on October 14, 2013. In the Return chart, the Moon is opposed by--you guessed it--Mars in late Leo, which indicates the deep anger and resentment of the American people toward whomever each one of us considers contentious Mars to be representing in the government shutdown fiasco!

For me, Mars is the actor involved with the anarchistic Uranus-in-Aries zealots as described by Reinhold Ebertin in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences though, as always, you, dear reader, may feel free to totally disagree.

So at 2:00 pm, the Sun-Moon blend becomes Sun Lib-Moon AQ which has a curious implication to the current anarchy in Washington for it signifies those who 'build castles and a Utopia' in their minds. You'll remember that the old 'Utopia' plan is that of the Adam Weishaupt crowd of Illuminatists whose descendants remain determined to destroy civilized systems such as government, law, religion, and education. And with the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse soon occurring with its illuminating Uranus-Neptune content, I'd say they've done a pretty good job of it so far.

News at 12:00 pm et: John Boehner touts that an impasse has been reached in this morning's negotiations with the president. Well, our political drama queens and prima donnas must be pleased that their starring time before the cameras hasn't ended...yet.

View the horoscope of the October 18, 2013 Lunar Eclipse in Aries set for Washington DC, if you wish.

Sep 30, 2013

10.1.13 @12 am Jupiter Rising: US government shutdown?

Looking at a horoscope set for the Capitol Building, October 1, 2013 @12 am edt, we find rising 11Can54 which brings up US natal Sun @13Cap19 (leadership, or, the leader.) Our national Venus and Jupiter have just arisen as a partial shutdown of the US government looms--unless a deal is reached in the hours prior to midnight tonight. If nothing else, this Utopian endeavor is adding to the distrust and lack of confidence the American people have in Washington DC as a federal centralized government--just as anarchists have long planned--bwa ha ha.

And given the ongoing battles over raising the debt ceiling to pay our already-incurred bills, the deficit (which has fallen by half under President Obama--as usual for a Democratic presidency), and other sticky wickets from the GOP wishlist, we may expect that tonight's possible shutdown isn't the worst of it for the balance of 2013 into 2014 promises to be sour grapes until the presidential agenda is weakened to the breaking point and an ideological point is made.

Obviously, the Republican Tea Party is not concerned that their dramatics undermine America's influence on the world stage, nor do they care a fig for the global economy which may collapse under their bossy boots. And we know that the fate of the American middle and working classes is of no moment as long as the GOP (working on behalf of international corporatists--the Koch Brothers come to mind) have their way. Which highway the Republican way plops us upon is our little red wagons for it's 'survival of the fittest' for the little Ayn Randers among us.

As you know, it's the Rand philosophy the Teas and Rs follow which favors 'death panels' for those who are 'too weak' to deserve life. That's part of why they despise New Deal programs so deeply--they allow the ill, small, and weak to live. Now I don't like typing such things as this, but there it is.

So on October 1, 2013 at 12:00 am edt on Capitol Hill, we find an interesting Sabian Symbol in the WHAT? position: '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message...MATERIALIZATION...positive expression: a gift for bringing the more Godlike resources or superior powers of self to a point of real community service; negative (shadow side) expression: completely unreasonable demands for recognition." (Jones.) Does our creditor the Chinese government have a message for Washington DC? Will another 'brink' in the GOP's Govern By Crisis be avoided?

Banker Jupiter, Deceptive Neptune, Quarreling Mars, and The Drain

Now moneybags Jupiter @18Can21 in 1st house rises as well and rules the 6th house (via Sag) and the 10th house of Public Status/The Goal with the MC @22Pis23. This places US natal Neptune precisely on the IC (The HOW? point; Endings; The Drain) @22Vir23 which happens to be President Obama's natal Mars position and I'm certain you know that US natal Neptune veils and glamorizes the motivations and actions (Mars) of the president, making his motivation for action hazy and thus difficult to identify correctly. US natal Mars in Gemini is also triggered here due to our natal and problematic Mars-Neptune square of confused motivations and foggily misguided actions.

A midpoint picture may be extracted based on the MC-Neptune-Mars trio...Mars-Neptune = shutdown MC: losing contact defensively (Tyl); discontent; hopelessness; failure; weakness (Ebertin) yet these potentials may manifest in part or not at all. I see the trio as a hint of the uncertainty of Obama supporters who fear he will again concede too much to the Republicans now or in future battles. If ever the bromide, 'give an inch, they'll take a mile' should be followed by the White House, tonight's the night. Especially since Mitt Romney's 'Repeal Obamacare' presidential campaign was rejected by a majority of voters. And many of us think too much was conceded in the ACA to insurance companies, a sentiment behind much of the negative polling 'Obamacare' receives. Change the label and polling results improve.

Curiously there's an Angular midpoint of note--Uranus-Neptune, the Enlightenment duo which relates to their 1993 conjunction/s of new world order proportions--at MC (The Goal) so we have peculiar dispositions, inner vision, impassivity, and a potential for dissolution to consider. I believe this links the current circumstances to the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 for it contains Uranus-Neptune content and is within the time frame of all fiscal stalemates now being fought--and Scorpio is the sign of Big Business/Corporatism with the sign's natural house being the 8th of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, and Transformation.

Meanwhile, 12 am tonight occurs within an energetic, contentious Hour of Mars and Mars has just had a visit from the Moon (We the People), a planetary combo denoting emotional anger on our parts and quarrels (Mars) about changes (Moon) on Capitol Hill.

Yet how will things proceed? Well, the only applying Ptolemaic aspect of chart-ruler Moon (since Luna's conjunction with Mars in the 2nd house of the National Treasury has past by 12 am--it's exact at 10:03 pm edt @21Leo18--will a shutdown be averted around or just after that hour?) is a square with Venus in 5th house of Gambling and Speculation as Washington politicians flirt and gamble with America's credit rating and the NYSE's health.

On one level, a Moon-Venus square indicates trouble with the ladies and also success delayed due to lack of cooperation. Republicans' envy of President Obama in the Oval Office (a Venus reference) shows in their constant critiques and fussiness over him. Even so, current attempts to overcome interference provide stimulating challenges to the camera-ready varmints who play-act in this performance of Washington Political Theater.

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but I've had more than enough of Capitol Hillers' 'stimulating challenges' which keep them obsessively occupied instead of working on behalf of We the People who pay them and pay for their gold-plated health insurance. But perhaps that's part of the point in their above-mentioned agenda to undermine and decrease the size of the US government until it can be "drowned in a bath tub".

In any case, wouldn't a forceful drowning be considered murder?

May 28, 2013

"Entitlement Reform" a Hoax (Robert Reich video) and US Mars-Neptune

Okay, all you sly "entitlement reformers" of America, listen to Professor Reich's realistic ideas which make a world of sense instead of wasting time propagandizing the public with your ideology-driven, not-my-brother's-keeper jackassery:

Several SO'W posts are Reich-inspired. Here is one of them:

What Do Rs Want for America? Social Darwinism. Nice crowd we got there.

And if you're up for it, check out America's Morning Natal Chart, the Zip Dobbyns version for July 4, 1776 set for 10:36 am LMT with America's Neptune in Virgo rising and natal Mars at the most visible point of the horoscope. Unfortunately, given our government's decades-long determination to create enemies at every turn (and considering current drone strikes, kill lists, and the military industrial complex ruling everything), a chart with Mars at MC--actually, our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided action and misdirected motivation on two Angles--makes a lot more sense than I wish it does.

Why, if we listen to Robert Reich on GOP "entitlement reform" proposals which won't solve our problems, even there we find governmental misdirection and misguided action and motivation!

May 15, 2013

May 2013: White House Scandals and Mars-Neptune concerns

When US natal Neptune Masks a President's Mars (Motivation; Action)

by Jude Cowell

On Friday May 10, 2013, the IRS scandal was outed during the typical Washington 'Friday afternoon news dump' and on Monday May 13, 2013, the AP reporters and editors communications scandal broke from its surly bonds. And of course, the GOP's much-touted Benghazi 'scandal' is already in the wind in ways that are perhaps overblown as far as a 'White House cover-up' angle is concerned.

For astrologers there are many methods and paths which can be explored astrologically concerning White House (or CIA-Benghazi, or IRS, or AP) scandals but with my blogging time limited these days, I chose to blurb in general about a natal planetary link that's been covered and re-covered here before: President Obama's natal 7th house Mars @22Virgo34 (near n 8th cusp 25Vir54) is veiled and thus obfuscated by US natal Neptune @22Vir25. This also means that the president's natal Mars squares US natal Mars, with both contacts dulling Mr. Obama's promise of "transparency" in government.

Yes, our national Mars-Neptune square ('the fog of war') has produced a varied plethora of problems for America since our founding for the square most assuredly includes misguided and misdirected energies expended in war, conflict, and business endeavors. Neptune's oil, gas, and water concerns are also involved as blockages (square) are dealt with or removed in an aggressive fashion.

With his natal Mars shielded or hidden by US natal Neptune (the media, the masses, dreams and visions, the collective, spying, propaganda, etc) the public has endured many diatribes on what the president is really doing, what is he hiding, etc, etc, etc. With the IRS and AP scandals now afoot--and uncovered in part by the *May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 on Thursday--we now find that there are several issues of government overreach and misuse/abuse of power to probe if not exonerate. And we know the Republicans are salivating over how President Obama has sneakily--or inadvertently--added fuel to his opponent's fire against him.

It seems curious to me how government agencies seem to get particularly busy and sneaky when there's a Democrat in the White House! Or is the public simply expected to believe that any commander-in-chief is totally unaware of what certain tentacles of government are doing at various times? Perhaps. Presumably this wouldn't be the first time actions were taken without a president's consent or knowledge. But often it's to protect a president that 'lack of awareness' is used as a tactic.

A Mars-Neptune contact between horoscopes indicates that Mr. Obama's actions (Mars) are quite incomprehensible or nebulous to many (Neptune) and yes, our nation's connection to the president is rather tenuous and prospects for our 'future together' are weakened though perhaps not broken during the 8-years duration. And we've seen how defusing (Neptune) his actions (Mars) has been a constant obsession of the Republican Party (ex: this week the House takes a 37th vote to repeal Obamacare--a waste of The People's time and money, imho, but Neptune also denotes waste and loss.)

Obviously all military considerations--his promise to close Guantanamo Prison, secretive drone strikes which include US citizens, surreptitious wars, supplying arms to rebels, etc--are confused, hidden, and made more complex by the Mars-Neptune veiling going on between us. And actually, deceitful acts may be thought 'necessary' wherever Mars-Neptune links exist (surveillance of AP calls is a prime example.)

Remember early on when Barack Obama was referred to as a "rock star"? That was our Mars-Neptune contact, too. Now in his second term, it's safe to say that our rock-n-roll parties have ended with what may be--if Republicans have their way--a sour taste in our collective mouth. Yet there is still hope for President Obama by way of dreamy Neptune and optimistic Jupiter that our shared mojo will return soon and not be permanently harmed. My primary concern is that where a US president goes, there goes the nation. And I wish that meant something to success-at-all-costs Republicans--sore losers since 2008/09.

And the president's natal Mars square our national Mars? A stimulating contact, of course, but it also denotes much frustration at the pace of getting things done and indicates that indecisiveness is a no-no if goals are to be reached.

Another astrological 'scandal factor' playing into current circumstances is the president's natal 9th house Neptune @8Sco36 conjoining US natal Ascendant in our Scorpio Rising chart. Although I usually use our natal Sagittarius Rising chart (the 'Sibly' chart: 5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776), the Scorpio Rising chart may be used for Surveillance-Secret Agencies, Corporate, and even Military and Nuclear matters (Scorpio = Mars-Pluto), and of course, Scorpio Rising is always used as our natal horoscope at the brilliant Neptune Cafe.

Neptune-ASC contacts tend to be unstable and/or ethereal with **intuitive promptings galore which have made it easy for propaganda-spreading through uplifting speeches and the often-praised rhetorical talent of President Obama. Yet this contact has tied in perfectly with his personal magnetism, charisma, and the public fascination with him. Even the GOP's constant drip-drip-drip against the president shows their fascination with him, aka, obsession. And since Neptune rules paranoia (which has increased greatly as Neptune floats through its own sign of oceanic Pisces), we find extremist groups across the country dogging the president's every move and doubting (Neptune) his every motivation (Mars) including proposed gun (Mars) legislation.

Plus, in March 2010, when much of the current scandalous troubles actually began, rebellious, anarchical Uranus entered Mars-ruled Aries and crossed US natal IC (00Ari53 in the Sibly chart) signifying uprisings, riots, protests, strikes, and violent disagreements. Uranus = Aries Point has lead to one problem after another with its titanic Cardinal Square with stealthy, wealthy Pluto at the foundation of many upsets...radical progress v ancient ways, and a generational clash ensues--including within the Republican Party and its wet-behind-the-ears Tea Party members!

And of course we've discussed here before the ongoing transit of limiting, austere, conservative Saturn in Scorpio hitting the president's natal Neptune, a time when dreams-come true (won a 2nd term) and/or the grim-face-of-reality (scandals ensue) peeks into one's life. For Obama, it's now officially both implications which are active. This is also a Saturnian take-responsibility/be-accountable transit to the US Scorpios Rising chart's Ascendant (the nation, but also the CIA, FBI, IRS, etc--depending on how the Scorpio Rising horoscope is used.)

Yes, the presidential second-term curse for Obama is being touted by all news sources and pundits but is it real? Obviously, the American people (those who are paying attention!) must stumble through to the other side of current scandals and consider all sides of the issues before we can hope to understand the ultimate results of Barack Obama's presidential legacy, a task which will take several years.

My feeling is that an internationally based Wider Agenda marches on, no matter what topics the press directs our attention toward while directing us away from issues and actions that should be scrutinized, not ignored. Are the Democrats complicit in this re-direction or victims? I'd say yes to complicity, for the business of the American People--jobs creation, immigration reform, returning vets, and many other critical issues--will be forced onto Capitol Hill's back burners or tossed out entirely while the GOP enjoys its tiresome gotcha celebrations against a Democratic president, an outcome which is sadly and tragically predictable.


On the IRS scandal see: Ambiguity on Tax Rules and Disintegration of Election Law May Have Led to IRS-Tea Party Mess with ambiguity and disintegration (and scandal) being words of Neptune. Repeal Citizens United!

*If you wish, scroll the sidebar for the Search Box and type, 'Eclipses' for a list of them. My post on the May 9th Solar Eclipse (horoscope shown) may also be accessed by checking out previous posts of recent weeks. According to the May 9th eclipse, some 'tension may be suddenly released but with a sense of loss or grief that is more collective than personal' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

**Neptune-ASC as "intuitive promptings": The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian.

Jun 12, 2012

Atty General Eric Holder w Neptune to Mars

Now you know that Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder is under fire from Republicans over the Fast and Furious fiasco, a Mars-themed project of misbegotten proportions.

Taking a peek at Atty Gen Holder's natal planets to see if current planetary transits are creating upsetting contacts with his natal planets, we see that tr Mars approaches Holder's natal South Node (SN @20Vir07), a point of separation and highlighting his past actions which are proving to be embarrassing for the White House--as embarrassing as the Republicans can make them.

Will Atty Gen Holder be politically forced to step down? Well, a separation may be in the cards for him with the Saturnian Mars-to-SN influence especially with the recent Mars retrograde period over his SN degree. Testy transiting Mars passed his Rx shadow degree (the degree on which he'd earlier turned Rx) on June 19, 2012 @23Vir06--conjunct US natal Neptune and President Obama's natal Mars.)

Adding confusion, obfuscation, and possible deception (which Fast and Furious very much involved), we find that tr Neptune in early Pisces has been conjoining off and on Mr. Holder's n Mars 29AQ20, the planet of guns, weapons, and shooters, and will go on to conjoin his n Jupiter 8Pis53 in the future. Also, tr Chiron (The Wound; the Blindspot) @ 9Pis45 today is in contact with n Jupiter, planet of ideology, beliefs, faith, expansion, development, and money. Mr. Holder, his reputation, and the White House are being wounded by the GOP investigation into Fast and Furious though a similar program was perpetrated under George W. Bush.

Of significance to today's topic is the Neptune to n Mars, a time when physical accomplishments (like Fast and Furious) are plagued by misunderstandings of methods and goals. Deception and confusion undermine efforts and relationships with males (Mars), and recognition is not forthcoming. In this case, congressional testimony was forthcoming instead (negative recognition!) as some opponents made certain to misunderstand though admittedly the program does seem to have been handled in ham-fisted fashion.

(Plus, that fancy deceptive practices tactic the FBI and CIA tend to engage in to entrap people who might not otherwise have had the means to do what they're accused of doing always represents Orwellian overreach to me. And what's the high side of showing yourselves to be sneakier than the sneaks you're after? To justify your organization's existence?)

Other areas of focus for a Neptune to n Mars transit applicable to Mr. Holder's case are the penal system and fraud.

Well, other than giving his birth data and Sun-Moon info below, that's all I wish to say about the Attorney General's planets today and his kerfluffle with (the convicted) Darrel Issa and the overbearing GOP who'll do anything to keep the Democrats out of the White House in November 2012. Now you know I believe that there's little difference in political parties in the US since they're only factions vying for control of the global government helm (as they think. But China may have something to say about it.) So perhaps one or both of the "Images for Integration" of Eric Holder's Sun AQ-Moon Can (Moon in Cancer for the 24 hours of his day of birth) may seem on the significant side to you:

"A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Eric Holder January 21, 1951 New York, New York (birth hour unknown--noon used; the Sun AQ-Moon Can personality has the ability to rationalize irrational actions and become absorbed in abstract causes which seems to me part of what happened with Mr. Holder during Fast and Furious. Who can say?)

May 26, 2012

Welcome Home, all US Soldiers!

Thoughts about Memorial Day May 28, 2012

by Jude Cowell

At NPR, Scott Simon's Remembering a Hero on Memorial Day gives a gentle and touching tribute to Vietnam soldier Leslie Sabo, who gave his all for his country 42 years ago--my generation. Click for the text, plus, the audio of Mr. Simon's report will be online around 12:00 pm et today and it's worth a listen if you missed it this morning.

The History and Astrology of Memorial Day is interesting coming as it did after the 'Civil' War when General John Logan, National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, offically proclaimed it on May 5, 1868. The first observance was held on May 30, 1868, and of course, you recognize the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag':

"A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"...REMINISCENCE:

Positive expression: accomplishment through the cultivation of and preservation of enduring ties with others;

Negative/(Unconsicous/Shadow Side--jc): superficial idleness and unhealthy veneration for the past.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones.)

Taking a look at planetary positions at noon on May 5, 1868, we see two significant conjunctions relating to our topic, the first at the Oxen Degree: Sun 15Tau26 conjunct Pluto 15:34, planet of death and regeneration. Astrological Sun signifies leaders and leadership but also the recognition and honor that Memorial Day brings. As a team, Sun/Pluto = rulers, those who strive for or crave power (such as empire-builders and conquerors), fighters, martyrs, and separation by force majeure such as war and violence. (Ebertin.)

The second conjunction has a wider orb: warrior planet Mars, strong in his own sign of Aries (18:12, with '19Ari' the Exaltation of the Sun degree) and compassionate if deceptive Neptune 15Ari54 joins Mars and brings to mind America's continually problematic Mars/Neptune square from 1776 indicating such things as deceptive actions, misguided and/or misdirected energy, and the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars.) Yet the planetary duo's potential for inspired action is what Leslie Sabo and other heros exhibit on behalf of their fellow soldiers and for their country even though they are 'lied into war' for dubious (money making) reasons by old white men, aka, war profiteers.

(Please understand that I cast no blame upon our valiant soldiers, but that's how I see the wars that Americans have been duped into fighting through the decades for all were begun by ruses and both or all sides are always financially backed by the same banking interests--simultaneously. I'm of the If Only No Soldiers Showed Up to Fight generation, remember--put the old global bankers in a ring and let them duke it out!)

Plus, Ebertin gives other implications for the Mars/Neptune combo such as "suffering harm or exploitation," "a desire to harm others," and "narrow-mindedness," all of which are activated during times of war.

Well, I've blogged myself into quite a grump when all I intended to do in this post was to remember and heartily thank all our veterans for their service this Memorial Day 2012. I think it was seeing those Sun/Pluto and Mars/Neptune conjunctions in the 1868 chart that riled me up. And after so many--too many--years of war, few will click to read this post anyway, I suspect. But if you did, please pardon my dissenting nature as a native Georgian and a Child of the Revolution! After all, a national Memorial Day wasn't agreed upon by the Southern states until after World War I for we steel magnolias can be something of a feisty bunch way down yonder in the South!


For further reading you may wish to try Civil War April 12, 1861 Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands. The first shot was fired at 4:30 am LMT with the *Moon at 15Tau36! And powerful, wealthy, subversive string-puller Pluto (the Hidden Hand) was at 8Tau34, the very degree of the Robber Barons' New Moon that times the generation's natal horoscope which may be viewed here where it was posted just last evening.

*Sun/Pluto = Moon: brutal suppression of the feelings (Ebertin): attempts to project power and persuasion (Tyl); determination to effect basic changes to the flow of life's events (Munkasey.)

Apr 11, 2012

Mars Direct Station April 13, 2012 at 3Vir40

If you've been feeling the sluggishness and frustration of the long Mars retrograde period--and Mars tends to be extra frustrated when in Mercury-ruled Virgo--you will notice in the next several days that the planet of action will begin to move forward once his Direct Station simmers a while as of Friday April 13.

Meanwhile, what a find! My friend, astrologer Dipali Desai, has published an article with the full scoop: Mars Turns Direct at 3 Degrees Virgo on April 13, 2012 which you won't want to miss if you've not glommed onto it by now!

Dipali uses '3Virgo' for the Station degree but considering that this is a Political Astrology blog and since current news contains an abundance of mentions of racial issues and events in America (from President Obama's daring occupancy of the White House to the Trayvon Martin tragedy and more) I shall round up to '4Virgo' for its Sabian Symbol, and the Illumination Point degree opposite for a fuller picture--quoting in part from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

'4Vir' = "A Colored Child Playing with White Children" = INTIMACY.

positive expression: successful participation in every possible variety of experience;

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): lack of capacity for psychological adjustment.

'4Pis" = *"Heavy Traffic on a Narrow Isthmus" = CONVERGENCE.

pos: an unusual gift for organizing all transient enterprise in patterns of a rewarding and overall effectiveness;

neg: stubborn blindness to the general welfare.

Now I don't have to say that the last negative expression reminds me of America's current crop of Social Darwinists in Politics, do I? "General welfare" just isn't their thing at all for they are not their brothers' keepers--it's 'survival of the fittest' for these jokers. How odd that many of them purport themselves to be 'Christians' while backing Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan, what someone--sorry I don't remember who first used the term--called Mr. Ryan's "Starve Granny Plan".

And hopefully, April 13's forward direction of contentious Mars won't inspire and bring to implementation an unfolding plan by the Pentagon to lead the American people into yet another disastrous war while austerity-implementing politicians continue beggaring our citizenry--and spying on us as if we're America's problem!

Yet the 2012 Direct Station of Mars shows the 'god of war' opposing nebulous, fraudulent Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, a military sign. A Mars-Neptune opposition hints at the 'fog of war' and at suspicion of motives where it's what we don't say that later incriminates us. And of course, there's that problematic, confused and misdirected energy of the Mars/Neptune square in America's natal horoscope of July 4, 1776. History repeats...

So with its constitutionally granted war-declaring power, where does our special-interest-loving US Congress fit into yet another duplicitous war-waging scenario? Well, here's a quote from Thomas Jefferson from his Notes on the State of Virginia:

"In Great Britain it is said their constitution relies on the house of commons for honesty, and the lords for wisdom; which would be a national reliance if honesty were to be bought with money, and if wisdom were hereditary."


Also recommended:

Dipali Desai's Spheres of Essence website, and the 'politically direct' Stephanie Miller now broadcasting on Current TV.

*I think of Florida and the Trayvon Martin case with this Symbol of a "narrow isthmus" though I suppose 'peninsula' would be more correct--plus, Mars Station Direct reminds me of Florida's 'stand your ground' legislation which seems highly suspect (Mars opposite Neptune) to me. jc

Feb 21, 2012

Jim Marrs on Bankster Control (video) w Mars/Iran Concerns

War Drums of Mars Rx w a Jim Marrs Interview on Bankster Control

February 19, 2012 Alex Jones interviews Jim Marrs...

Here's Part 1 of 3 with a link to the rest of the interview provided below:

View Parts 2 and 3 at

For further Mars-tinged reading you may wish to try Jeremy Scahill's article Washington's War in Yemen Backfires (war = Mars, backfires = Rx), and catch up with expert astrologer John Townley's analysis on the chances for war with Iran--possibly this summer--as shown by Mars' Rx and Direct periods, when a Window for War opens and the pent-up energies of Mars when Rx forcefully burst out in surprising or unexpected ways once the 'god of war' begins moving forward.

On April 13, 2012, Mars Direct Stations @ 3Vir41 in 9th house of Foreign Lands when the horoscope is set for Washington DC ('4Vir' = "A Black Child Playing with White Children"--sorry to point out that this symbol is rather apt for Washington, and the MC (Goal) of the Direst Station chart @ '28Vir' = "A Baldheaded Man Who Has Seized Power"--now that can't be Dick Cheney again, can it? Well, jingoistic neocons are feelin' their oats again these days--with global domination on thsir reptilian brains.)

Yes, things may really heat up in Martian fashion once Mars reaches shadow degree (of his Rx Station--'23Vir06') and rushes into the light on June 19, 2012 with Jupiter 1Gem50 and Venus 8Gem41 Rx (conjunct US natal Uranus 8:55) in worrisome 'nuclear degrees'--and snugged around Mr. Obama's natal Moon in early Gemini.

Plus, you know that President Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35 is *highly involved with US natal Neptune 22Vir25...the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars) may surround the Pentagon once again if neocons and other imperialists have their warring way.

*For the highly involved President Obama, 2012 has brought along a three-fer Mars Return and it remains difficult if not impossible for the American people to see or understand his true motives (Mars) with our national planet of veils and delusions (Neptune) tossed over his motivations and activities. The third of his 'hits' from transit Mars to natal Mars occurs on June 18, the day prior to Mars reaching shadow degree. Is this within the "window", as John Townley describes?

In addition, the hot actions and reactions of contentious Mars concerning an attack on Iran may also relate to May 2012 as timed by the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse which conjoins Alcyone (something to cry about.)

Yet on another level of Martian feistiness, we may say that Mars Rx Brings Women and Their issues into the Spotlight! Personally speaking, a return to a maternalistic world would be fine with me for we're experiencing worse than ever what a testosterone-driven world of paternalism so often forces upon the innocent--and by that, I very much include the good people of Iran. jc

Feb 10, 2012

Super Bowl Half Time of the Illuminati (Mark Dice video) w Drones Over America

Super Bowl-Committee-Congress-PACs & Drones Over America

by Jude Cowell

Lately we hear a lot about 'super' things in our society but not being a sports fan these last several years, I totally missed this year's Super Bowl broadcast, the commercials, and the much-touted Half Time Show which, according to Mark Dice, was replete with all the Illuminati symbolism the New World Order crowd could supply bwo rock music 'stars' acting like 'goddesses' for the public's edification--and which caused millions of viewers to, in effect, worship their lousy luciferian symbols.

Note Mark's comments near video's end concerning President Obama signing the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (aka, NDAA) on New Year's Eve while we (well, you) were partyin' on down in celebration--not of losing provisions in our Bill of Rights, but of Year 2012, when some say our feathers are scheduled to hit some kind of Venusian/Sunspot fan.

Here's the PDF of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 if you wish to check it out. Some of it reads as if written by a fifth grader, but have at it, if you dare.

Searching for the precise time of the bill's signing has proven fruitless though Mr. Obama is said to have signed it in private (aka, secret) on 'December 31, 2011'--so as long as we're thinking along Satanic/Illuminati lines, why not look at 11:11 pm est?

Which sign, degree, and planet were rising at the White House on December 31, 2011 at 11:11 pm?, you may ask. Here are two Angular considerations involving midpoints of combined planetary energies to consider:

11:11 pm est ASC 26Vir44; Mars 20:09 rising with Fixed Star Denebola ('to go against society'--ya think?) which puts President Obama's ongoing Mars Return 2012 well within the bill's Surveillance and Motivation spotlight.

Of course, you know that America's natal and Secondary Progressed Neptune rises as well since he and we have that 'rock star' Mars/Neptune conjunction between us where veils cover Mr. Obama's motivations and actions from We the People's clear view. A midpoint picture is thus created at 11:11 pm:

Mars/Neptune = ASC: strong mental focus on subtle ways to coerce or compel others into adopting your ideas.

Descriptive enough for you? Maybe fear-mongering is a large part of the bill's objective. Works for me!

Important here are the Political implications of the Mars/Neptune combo which apply to our topic and which Michael Munkasey gives as:

Thesis: the threat of war or force to be used against the ideals of the people or the country (exactly!); military rule as a form of national glamour.

Antithesis: scandals involving the Armed Forces; use of industrial espionage; delusion about the strength of the military; military spying or spies.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

This also implicates America's problematic Mars/Neptune square from Gemini to Virgo with its misguided, misdirected military actions and confused or deceptive motivations (sneaky spying included.) Yes, the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars) is tiresomely indicated once again but with H.R. 1540, the murkiness and deceptive practices of war are now more than ever being re-directed against We the People, innocent or not.

Now there are many interesting chart factors for the late evening of Dec 31, 2011 which I have no time to discuss today but I do want to mention another one which is also Angular (and thus, has room and place for expressing its energies--this one is all too descriptive of what's being done against the rights, liberties, and lives of the American people with the NDAA.)

Mars/Uranus = MC (The Goal) 26Gem17: "putting a pistol to someone's head"; an act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; an operation; an extraordinary achievement (Ebertin); new approaches to effecting social changes of lifestyles (of the poor and droned?); approval given for work done while pushing for modernization (Munkasey.)

(As always, any, all, or none may apply.)

The Political potentials for the explosive Mars/Uranus duo:

Thesis: reforming a military organization; changes within the armed forces of a nation; unplanned military actions.

Antithesis: malice, unrest, and violence (drones to watch over actions of the Occupy Movement and other protesters?); radical movements within the military; rebellion against modernization efforts; sudden attacks or outbreaks of hostility (what Washington fears?)

Then there's the planet of bills and signings (also chart-ruler), Mercury 20Sag04 in 3rd house (11:11 pm est) squaring Mars in 12th H of Politics, Behind-the-Scenes deals, Karma, and Self-Undoing which, since Mars is is process of returning to natal position in Mr. Obama's horoscope, represents the president himself--signing the bill 'privately' behind-the-scenes, out of public view.

Mercury SQ Mars denotes many things on various levels such as Mercury (young people; reporters/bloggers; Occupiers/protesters, etc) being blocked (SQ) by Mars (Obama, and military combatants and activists) which describes drone surveillance across America. Alternately, Mars is blocked by Mercury showing on one level that the president will find himself in conflict with others because he signed a bill containing the Bill-of-Rights-denying provision for drones with the notions of one man in the White House marking American citizens for arrest, imprisonment, or death--from the sky. (See a dollar bill if you have one--the Eye in the Sky is watching over each and every one, more than ever.)

Of course, you know that I don't believe a US president is in full control of his actions and policies any more if indeed they ever were. Illuminati-transnational monetary globalists are behind this bill and they mean to stifle dissent in the US over their totalitarian vision, for one thing. Their meddling is part of what's behind Internet censorship like SOPA as well so I'd better finish this post while I still can.

And then the Sun 10Cap08 (the UK's natal Sun) remains near transiting Pluto 7Cap20 so it isn't surprising that when I moved the chart to 11:59 pm to see the last dregs of 2011, the IC (Foundation of the Matter; Endings) became 7Cap20, a precise conjunction with spying Pluto at 7Cap20--Mr. Underworld of Invisible Helmet fame, the mysterious, subversive, controlling, fear-mongering actor at the base of the matter.

Curiously, Pluto's position at '8Cap' has a telling *Sabian Symbol, imho:

'8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which to my mind links to US natal Pluto @ '28Cap'..."A Large Aviary", and this I take to denote a happy Pentagon now able to rub out any US citizen it wants for reasons unknown--"legally."

Yet if you question why I mix the Pentagon, Pluto, and 'A Large Aviary' into one abusive clump, check out a must-read article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target by the excellent Leuren Moret, if you haven't.

Yes, it's a difficult read to be sure, but we're dealing with very difficult people whose interests Do Not Mix with those of us who much prefer to keep a sovereign America and our freedom documents intact, thanks very much.

Let's close with a brief excerpt from Dr. Moret's article which concerns today's beginning topic, the Illuminati and their favorite project, a NWO:

From 1785, the origin of the New World Order can be traced to Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati and his manuscript which was accidentally discovered when a courier died en route from Frankfurt-am-Main to Paris. Original Shift in Days of Illumination, contained the long-range plans for the secret society which was “The New World Order through world revolution”. Adam Weishaupt wrote:

"By this plan, we shall direct all mankind in this manner. And, by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupation must be so allotted and contrived that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions."

Well, 227 years have passed since 1785--world governments and heads-of-state are falling, collapsing, or being 'removed' by monetary globalists so we see the effects of Weishaupt's so-called Great Plan as it's being implemented right under our noses!

So I must wonder if you smelled its rank odor as you watched Madonna bump and grind during the Super Bowl's Half Time 'Show' 2012?


Speaking of abuse of power, did you hear that Rep. Spencer Bachus is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for insider trading while he's been allegedly 'overseeing' financial institutions who donate mightily to his campaign chest?

Mm-hmm. Foxes are guarding our hen house, yall. But it's doubtful Mr. Bachus has very much to worry about for the 'Ethics' Committee has become quite toothless and gummy these days unless this becomes a situation in which his alleged lack of integrity cannot be denied or swept under a congressional rug.

How amusing to remember that during the Bush-Cheney regime, a scandal-ridden Congress made a big PR show of attending 'ethics' classes, remember? Obviously they had better (more lucrative) things to do.

(*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Jan 10, 2012

Horoscope: US Syzygy Moon July 1, 1776 (and April 1, 2012)

A Horoscope for America: US Syzygy Moon July 1, 1776 @10Cap12

by Jude Cowell

Occurring during the final days prior to the public reading of the Declaration of Independence (and its partial signing on July 4, 1776, the date America's founding fathers seemed to have preferred us to celebrate as Independence Day) is a Full Moon @10Cap12 (Sun 10Can12 on July 1, 1776, a lunation which was recently 'eclipsed' or triggered by a Solar Eclipse @9Can12 on July 1, 2011.)

Below is displayed our Syzygy Moon horoscope with some rather messy chart details added by yours truly; please click image to enlarge; according to my SolarFire software, this Full Moon became exact at 10:30:06 am LMT Philadelphia, PA, and is the last lunation prior to our nation's birth (pre-July 4, 1776):

ASC 20Vir13 makes Mercury chart-ruler and brings up Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; if rising: good fortune attended by dangers and anxieties, because of folly--DeVore.)

Venus 29Gem05 in 10th H is at a critical-crisis degree (29) and hurrying to reach Cancer where she will reside on July 4, 1776 in the 3-4 degree range and nearer to moneybags Jupiter ('6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--Jones.)

Mercury's three applying aspects tell how things proceeded on this date, in this place, and at the hour of a culminating Full Moon showing an end of a phase of activity.

Chart-ruler Mercury applies:

1. semi-square Uranus (1A36; 45 degr) shows minor irritations between youthful orators, writers, and/or businessmen and the radical politicians and geniuses of the day; minor adjustments to future plans were necessary.

2. sextile Neptune (2A59; 60 degr) denotes inspiration, futuristic insights, and high ideals guiding the participants; however, if distracted, this promising energy makes it hard to begin again with the same high enthusiasm as before for it's rather wispy; philosophically minded people are indicated who put spiritual values above material concerns--well, some of them did; Mercury in 11th H shows groups, associations, hopes, and wishes centered on Cancer, sign of shrewd businessmen plus, domestic and security concerns; NN in 11th H denotes meetings and group encounters of a creative nature (Leo.)

3. square Chiron 20Ari04 in 8th H (5A17) gives mental exactitude, extreme opinions, high intuition, and a potential for creating magic (Clow.)

And as you see, our eye-in-the-sky, mind-controlling Mercury/Pluto opposition is separating as on July 4, 1776, but its unconscious influence continues to track and bedevil us when it isn't coping with problems of its own.

In Mundane Astrology, Moon = We The People

Moon inconjunct the planet of freedom and liberty Uranus @8Gem45 indicates recurring crises, anxieties and nervous conditions that lower resistance, and an excitable energy which attracts con men, politicians, and propagandists who play games in order to gain our willing if unconscious submission.

Venus inconjunct Pluto describes being left holding the financial bag (which has been painfully brought forward to 2007/08 and before--ex: corporate welfare and bank bail-outs), and a tendency toward financial over-extension which greatly added to our monetary woes. In its day, I believe this aspect described conditions of American diplomats going overseas to plead our cause and garner funding to support the American Revolution with about one third of the funding coming from the House of Rothschild (whether all the founders were fully aware of this enslavement to debt or not).

This is precisely what President Andrew Jackson fought so vehemently against--foreign banks holding debt over the US government's head when we may have to tussle on difficult issues or go to war with them later on. Makes you wonder about the wisdom of threatening China, our biggest creditor, doesn't it?)

Since members of the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia were in great danger of treason charges with dire consequences from Britain, the enterprise's conditions were at critical points all through deliberations in June and July 1776. Perhaps you've heard that Benjamin Franklin (almanac writer and publisher, astrologer/Freemason, and more) wanted the Declaration signing to happen after the Moon left Saturn-ruled Capricorn (thanks, Ben! An Aquarian Moon is much better in the humanitarian department) and sailed beyond opposition to the Sun (the leader.)

This chart marks the moment when the Sun/Moon opposition (we-the-people v leaders) culminates and is at its strongest--3 days before our nation's official birthday which falls into this particular lunation cycle and describes mundane (daily) conditions within the environment.

Some indication of the Convention members' testy arguments and stand-offs are also noted here through the opposition appearing across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of security, reigning needs (Moon), public status, business, law, and government (Saturn = lawmakers; Sun = the ruler, or, leadership) as the Full Moon perfects.

Note: The term 'Sygyzy' refers to a yoking together by conjunction or opposition of a planet with another--particularly with the Sun, and here it's Luna timing her own Full Moon with relationship/awareness/culmination and fulfillment implications.

So with America possessing several versions of a natal horoscope with most set for July 4, 1776, why am I showing you yet another one to consider?

It's not my scampish streak, it's our current societal conditions and the very real prospect that subtle plutonian forces of infiltration have been and are working to take over our country to an even greater extent than they already have (exs: 9/11/01; the 'Patriot' Act; death-dealing drones across America, global imperialism, US military as world cop, US citizens left out in the cold--too bad, so sad, Americans pepper sprayed in their faces and eyes for protesting legally, US wealth and resources heisted away to foreign entities, SOPA as mentioned below, etc, etc)...and the fact that progressing our Sygyzy Moon chart (a day for a year) shows that US Secondary Progressed Full Moon @4Vir10 (a phase which reveals what should be the limit of our expansion into the broader world)...hasn't occurred yet!

Why 'yet'?

Because progressing the US 'Sibly' natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT) results in a Secondary Full Moon @4Vir10 on December 24, 2008 and as we experienced, this timed the limits of our financial growth with the crescendo of the Bush-Cheney Financial Collapse 2008 presenting us with a major freak-out in December 2008. This may be because the 'Sibly' chart has Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (The Seeker on a Sacred Quest--to bankrupt the entire world while protecting the wealthy, it seems.)

As you see above, America's natal Mars/Neptune square (misguided inspiration and actions; deceptive ideals; a misdirected military) is on full display--Neptune rising and Mars at Midheaven, the Goal or WHY? Point of any horoscope. And military Mars is, sad to say, the closest planet to an Angle in America's Syzygy Moon chart of 1776.

Saturn a Karmic Planet

The T-Square between Sun and Moon pointing toward apex Saturn gives info we don't usually obtain from other US natal charts since here, Saturn is within orb of the Sun/Moon opposition; Saturn rules the Moon (Cap Moon = major ambitions; emotional coldness or isolation) so the lesson-bringer's involvement is made more pertinent in the chart, and the business-oriented Sun in Cancer is ruled by the Moon.

Apex Saturn in a Cardinal T-Square shows managers with executive talents who tend toward impatience, ambition, and self-determination; difficult challenges are confronted head-on until objectives are reached; issues of domination and authority are involved and concerns of immediate importance are directly dealt with.

And you see there, Saturn conjuncts 2nd cusp (money; earning ability; values) denoting the dearth of money the Continental Congress had to work with.

If you wish a view, here's the Secondary Full Moon Dec 24, 2008 post with horoscope shown which I published on my WordPress blog quite some time ago--the chart cusps differ from the upcoming April 1, 2012 Sec Full Moon horoscope, of course, but the basic planetary positions and Sec Full Moon's degree/s remain the same, including a Hard Rectangle pattern involving Sun and Moon (the pattern's details are noted in the post.)

Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy

Checking a transit chart for April 1, 2012, we find the Moon @6Leo48 conjoining US natal North Node (from July 4, 1776) which is apex of a YOD pattern (special task; crisis; turning point; crossroads) between Pluto 9Cap33 sextile Chiron 7Pis31 at the YOD's base--and the Pluto/Chiron duo work together to disenfranchise and oppress all whom they can while lining their lairs and pockets with goodies and loot stolen or exploited from people of all ages, stripes, hues, and professions.

Check out transits in the April 1, 2012 horoscope (5:03:26 pm edt) with its retrograde chart-ruler Mercury (@24Pis09 in 7th H), if you have a chance. With its 12th H (Politics behind the door; Karma; Large Institutions such as hospitals and zoos; Self-Undoing; the Unconscious) Mars 4Vir38 Rx (during his long stay in critical Virgo, sign of Work and Health), we may be in for an April 2012 of denials, delays in plans, equipment breakdowns, and the usual, tiresome performances of Opposition Politics so prevalent and debilitating to the national interests of the American people and which is now over-covered and promulgated with impunity by a complicit Mainstream Media that should act as the people's governmental 'watchdogs' but who choose to operate instead as willing and happy enablers of corporate Global Governance ideals.

Mercury rules reporters and is debilitated by retrogradation and bossed around by powerful Pluto acting in his role as The Publisher.

Well, what else to expect since they're all members of the same clubs and societies and serve on the same corporate boards!

In addition, did you know that America's Solar Return 2011 Horoscope also contains a YOD pointing to '6Leo' (position of the April 1, 2012 Moon.)

But in our SR 2011 chart of July 4, 2011, that position is held by speedy, Tweeting Mercury, twisting under the emotional stresses of career, financial, education costs and loans, and family anxieties as they prepared inwardly for a certain public debut on September 17, 2011 when they incarnated as the youth-infused Occupy Wall Street movement, with Mercury ruling young people, communications, oration (ex: 'The People's Mic'), commerce, trade, negotiations, thinking processes, plans, and education.

So will you participate on Election Day November 6, 2012? Just wondering since staying home is precisely the wrong course to take even though election results may be shady.

And do you want to keep Internet freedom intact? Then we must nix SOPA, the so-called 'Stop Internet Piracy Act'--a clever ruse of a name yet transparent in its attempt to more fully commercialize, surveil, and control the Internet while lowering and eventually stomping out any remaining vestiges of the democratic atmosphere that has so recently wafted across the Uranian-Neptunian waves of Cyberspace these last few years.

Our millionaire Senate is set to vote on SOPA on January 24, 2012 and this draconian bill will sail through to a corporate harbor if enough people fail to speak up and out. If it passes then subversive, controlling string-puller Pluto in staid Capricorn will win and we will lose a larger chunk of our republic and our right to exercise free speech than we may yet appreciate.

How much effort, courage, and sacrifice it took our early founders and patriots to 'win' for all of us a decent--and I say, living--Constitution!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

--The U. S. Constitution

As Benjamin Franklin replied to a shouted question as he left the Constitutional Convention on September 18, 1787 about whether America had ended up with a Republic or a Monarchy:

"A republic, if you can keep it."

This of course echoes the early rift between John Adams-Alexander Hamilton monarchists v the democracy championed by the Jefferson-Paine-Franklin-Madison alliance & their anti-King-George-III colleagues.

Yet since December 1913, the British-style Banking System rules the US government through the Federal Reserve System which is neither federal nor reserve-holding.

And so if we fast forward to modern Washington DC, Campaign 2012, political promises that will miss their mark, and actual consequences of political policies and decisions, many people note that there's little if any difference between Democrats and Republicans, and with this I must agree. Why, it's almost as if the power elites of Washington DC are not the real and final arbitrators of our concerns, you know? CRaZy!

And since the GOP is the prime party of monarchists in the US, our allowing headstrong Republicans to take control of the White House helm and bullhorn once again (so soon!) seems to me more grievous and damaging to our tattered Republic than what a sane people with scales fallen from their eyes should reasonably and self-interestedly allow.
At about 8:45 pm est, Mitt "I like to fire people" Romney was announced as the victor in today's New Hampshire primaries which was the predictable outcome for this former Bain Capital financial 'hitman' who signed pink slips hand over greedy fist during his years running the corporation and predictably boosted the company's bottom line. Legend has it, Mitt created a few jobs, too. Hmm.

And yes, his "I like to fire people" remark of January 9, 2012 has been taken out of context in order to hoist Mitt upon his own corporate spear of destiny.

Or was he pooshed?

Credit to a hilarious SNL skit with Bill Hader and Alec Baldwin.

Mild Update: Oct 18, 2016

Dec 30, 2011

Election 2012, Mars/Neptune, and 'The City of the Sun'

Foggy Mars/Neptune Rises in America as 'Utopia' Lurks

by Jude Cowell

If you have your Dec-Jan 2012 issue or online access to The Mountain Astrologer, then you've probably already read editor Tem Tarriktar's overview Peak Moments of 2012 and Forecast for Each Sign which begins by emphasizing the 8-month transit of Mars in Mercury-ruled Virgo.

Actually, our upcoming martian tale began on November 10, 2011 when Mars first entered Virgo, Mutable sign of discrimination, health, dedicated work, and 'the exploitation of every situation' (Ebertin) and is a sign and constellation intimately linked to the natal horoscope of America, circa 1776, and to goddess Ceres (Demeter) which is associated with grain, food supplies, nurturing, abundance, and protection.

US natal Ceres 8Pis41 Rx (unfortunately for the American people) conjoins to the degree our natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint (8:50), the duo of Plutocracy and oppression. Thus we see the massive efforts of the last several decades to control, adulterate, and chemically toxify the US food supply by plutocrats and corporate titans with greedy globalist dreams.

Testy Mars Stations Retrograde on US Neptune

Coming soon to a 2012 Cosmos near you is a strong Station Retrograde by Mars @ 23 Virgo (Jan 23) which conjoins a while US natal Neptune 22Vir25. This is the 'keep a low and cautious profile' transit that can inspire unwise decisions and misguided actions, things the American people have tired of groaning over since Washington so seldom listens to We The People--especially when it comes to waging war.

Quarrels, confusion, diversions, and misunderstandings abound whenever Mars squares natal Neptune--on one level a planet of spirituality yet also a planet of deceit, fraud, loss, and disappointment. So we may expect precisely the most contentious and deceptive election year that everyone has been dreading.

Efforts become murky, undermined, or eroded, and getting to the bottom of mysterious events can be next to impossible if it's possible at all. 'Who did what to whom and why' will continue to be perplexing--with the media (Neptune) implicated in most of the ruses. And of course, later in 2012, the visit of Mars to US natal Neptune in Virgo will recur which stretches 2012 into an entire smoke-and-mirrors Mars/Neptune year for the US.

Sad to say, the 'fog' (Neptune) of war (Mars) wafts upon the breeze of 2012 for any transit to US natal Neptune naturally kicks up trouble with America's problematic Mars/Neptune square of misguided, subversive, ineffectual, too-wide-a-target--or inspired--energy. So Mars at Station Rx will square our natal Mars (Virgo to Gemini), a time when physical actions are blocked (square = 90 degrees), obstacles appear intractable, and relationships with males are stressed out or broken.

Outrageously, the US government's lies into war tactic against Iran is already being promoted for as I type, excuses are being fabricated, plus, our natal Mars/Neptune square perfectly hints at Iran's threatened blockage of the Straits of Hormuz which would limit US and global oil supplies by about 1/6 with 'oil' one of Neptune's favorite liquids. The year-long Mars triggerings concur with this blockage scenario.

The Mars SQ Mars transit adds anger and rage to America's foggy Mars/Neptune scenario, and indicates a tense time when indecision adds to uncertainty and aggressive actions may be taken in spite of the evidence.

Now please note that I'm not mentioning here other 2012 planetary patterns which may support or mitigate the implications mentioned so I trust you will check out the TMA article linked above for a fuller view of what's in store for 2012; several of the pertinent horoscopes are shown.

2012 Marked (or Stained?) by US Elections

By Election Day November 6, 2012, out-of-bounds Mars will reach 21Sag49 and squares US natal Neptune (Sag to Vir) while opposing US n Mars in Gemini, a period when others are totally against our actions and purposes, and heads (Mars!) are bashed against proverbial brick walls. A sense of wasted energy and effort permeates the atmosphere under this transit as others apply an equal amount of force against us in response to American aggression. As you can tell, this is not good.

Yes, Mars in Sagittarius squaring US n Neptune denotes much confusion in the environment due to lack of organization and the poor execution of plans; logic may be missing altogether and for many, a concerted effort must be made to avoid laziness--though plenty of rationalization occurs to explain actions or lack of action in hopes of deflecting criticism while avoiding external interference.

Watch events around the New Moon of December 13, 2012 @ 21Sag45 which emphasizes the action and energy of election Mars at that degree: will election results only then be determined?

Now the pre-natal eclipse Series of Election Day 2012 is very telling but will have to be addressed more fully in a separate post concerning the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 in the 14 South Saros Series which has a Mercury/Pluto (propaganda, surveillance, obsessive ideas) flavor to it. (More on the May 2012 eclipse as time permits.)

Perhaps enlightening info may be obtained regarding '2012 in America' transits by noting the symbol for US n Neptune's degree found in Adrian Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac with its historical and political references which are often applicable to modern day topics.

Keeping in mind the astrological meanings of planet Neptune (god of the seas and purveyor of idealistic dreams), I shall type for you Carelli's Symbol and interpretation for '23 Virgo' and include his historical info for this degree as well since I believe it applies directly to America as the 'New World' of historical Utopians:

'23Vir' = "A man on a sailing ship in the middle of the ocean"...

"There is an irrepressible need of evasion in time and space. A nature ablaze with enthusiasm and fantasy, which will chafe if fenced in its birthplace and the mentality prevailing there.

By itself this influence will not supply the energy needed to prevail on such mentality and reform it; hence the need of escape. Disregarding the other astrological factors, it can be said safely that the native's success depends on real journey and migration. Any evasion into daydreaming will result in failure, since thirst for new experiences is the only real thing life can offer but may lead the native dangerously astray. Passion for the sea is a natural consequence.

While a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition in 1602, Thomas Campanella (1568--1639) wrote a book entitled The City of (the) Sun, wherein he advocates ideal social and political conditions on a utopian background. It is interesting to note that Campanella based his description of the legendary city on an imaginary skipper's tale."

Campanella's Sun City (a place where the ego--Sun--rules, apparently) resonates with the idealistic shining city on a hill" slogan of Ronald Reagan and others before and after him, as The Gipper 'saw' Washington DC.

Perhaps Campanella's "imaginary skipper' describes our collective delusion that one man--"the president"--controls the helm of America's often misdirected, tiresomely ill-guided ship of state.

That Long-Standing Utopian Dream

'The City of the Sun' was written in prison by Thomas Campanella and is in large measure a part of the Utopian idealism (global government; return to chaos--'The Garden' where man's reasoning ability assures his good behavior in all things--yuh, right!) with which America is now infested as US natal IC (Homeland; Domestic Scene) has been crossed and recrossed since 2010 by Uranus in Aries ('Utopians', reformers, dreamy idealists, says Ebertin.)

Transit Uranus in 4th house marks a time of uncontrollable events, unstable conditions, and unpredictable outcomes, all of which makes Election Day 2012 results even more difficult to forecast!

Plus, on November 6, 2012, both Mars and Mercury (voting; elections; speeches, etc) are out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and thus up to their own tricks (though Mercury comes back into bounds by around 9:00 pm) which to me seems to describe on one level the voting machine irregularities, miscounts, and the voting interferences that we've come to expect from the one-world-government types with which America is currently infested.


Stars Over Washington: Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them. And infest and infiltrate they have.

Further reading or video watching may be obtained from the websites of progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann and at Democracy Now!, and be sure to sign the petition to rid our backs of the Citizens' United monkey at Move To Amend.