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Showing posts with label Nemesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nemesis. Show all posts

Jul 31, 2019

Kamala Harris: a peace-making crusader with spunk!

Below you see a marked-up version of the natal horoscope (RR: AA) of Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is inherently qualified to fulfill the role of President of the United States. Whether she can successfully circumvent the multiple cheating tactics and propaganda campaigns of Trump and the GOP on and prior to Election Day 2020 remains to be seen but Senator Harris definitely has the talent, drive, and ambition to take over the job of POTUS on January 20, 2021!

Outspoken and competitive, Senator Harris is a "peace-making crusader" and a "cool-headed idealist" with "spunk and courage" according to her steamy Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries personality blend. Her Scorpio Mercury adds objectivity to her Libran Sun while indicating practicality, intellect, and an ability for deep study and perseverance in pursuit of arduous tasks and solutions. With no applying Ptolemaic aspects, chart-ruler Mercury's sign and house position (5th h of risk-taking, gambling, romance, creativity) are prominent. However, lively disputes and sharp criticism are potentials with Mercury in Scorpio and these were observed in the June 2019 Democratic Debates as she leveled her sights on fellow candidate Joe Biden and handily aided herself in the polls! Plus, having Mercury (Scorpio) and Pluto (Virgo) in Mutual Reception resonates with her political activities, some of which are of a secretive nature. This planetary duo finds sympathy with America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of spies, secrets, surveillance, and investigation. If you wish, check out her law-related career in her Wikipedia profile.

So tonight (July 31, 2019) is a return engagement for Kamala's debating Mercury in intense Scorpio so let's see how she does this time--and with transit Mercury's Direct Station tonight at 11:58 pm edt in her natal 2nd house of Values. And as you know, there's a New Moon @8Leo37 tonight, the phase when seeds are planted, and the New Moon conjoins Kamala's natal 3rd cusp of Communications. Some measure of harvest comes with the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24 in Harris' 9th house and opposes her 3rd house Mars. Therefore, there may be a spot of disappointment, and defiant or hostile reactions involved for her at the Full Moon for natal Mars is apex of her natal speculative Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. Will a bubble burst?

But for now, tonight's the night and we can't miss her powerhouse trio of Uranus-Pluto-Venus in 4th house, one of the Psychological Houses at that. Yes, accusations and attacks can fly from this particular trio and may very well do so in tonight's debate. After all, that very visible 10th house Chiron in Pisces mentor didn't mentor her for nothin'! Will the mayor's name come up as Campaign 2020 progresses? Well, I think it already has.

Another interesting factor about Harris' Mars @21Leo17 is that it's near Trump's natal Mars @26Leo rising--and conjoins her natal Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which adds intensity to her competitive nature. And there in 2nd house is her Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @17Can15 in the 2 New North Saros Series--the degree of transit North Node as I type! Curiously, Harris' PE spotlights Trump's natal Nemesis (16Can40). Were they born to rumble? Maybe so considering the karmic nature of the Nodal axis.

And of course you'll remember the last manifestation of a 2 New North eclipse as 'The Tower Eclipse' for it was only on August 11, 2018 that it perfected @18Leo41 with its 'collapse of plans or lifestyles' and 'rebuilding' themes that continue to threaten tower-builder Donald Trump and his empire with the distinct potential of falling into rubble. And as you know, Trump recently 'fibbed' about being at Ground Zero on 9/11 which everyone in his audience of First Responders knew was a lie! Actually, Trump touted on that day how Trump Tower was then the tallest building in New York. That was his greatest concern, his Tower's rat infestation notwithstanding.

Now whether Trump will be mentioned in tonight's debates I know not but it won't be surprising if he is especially since Senator Harris' natal 12th house Jupiter Rx @24Tau00 sits directly upon Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) where vicious star Algol holds sway. And after all, his nibs constantly provides Democrats and others with so much ammunition how can anyone on camera neglect to mention his unsuitability for the office he precariously holds--the office each one of them on stage tonight is determined to grasp as their own?

Well, at least the candidates with enough spunk are that determined!

Related: DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020 displaying both 12:00 am and 11:59 pm horoscopes for November 3, 2020. The Election Moon in Gemini (We the Voters--of two minds?) will approach the natal Ascendant and North Node of Kamala Harris but will actually conjoin the 10th house Sun-NN conjunction of Donald Trump but oppose his problematic natal Moon-SN. So will the outcome of the 2020 race be disputed and take a little time to settle once transit Mercury, planet of ballots, votes, and decisions, begins moving forward and passes its shadow degree on or about November 19th or 20th?

Care to venture your thoughts, dear reader?

Natal Data: Kamala Harris October 20, 1964 9:28 pm pdt Oakland, CA; RR: AA.

Jul 27, 2019

Planet Mars on Trump's Mind - and natal Ascendant

July 27, 2019: As the steamy month of August 2019 approaches and transit Mars in Leo nears a return to its position in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (August 11 @26Leo46), the hazy focus of his nibs includes NASA's proposed Mars Mission which necessarily must include a stop-over on Earth's Moon. Yet Trump wants to go directly to Mars, no stop-overs and no safety measures. If this sounds to you like a brash, impatient dumblehead know-it-all with only a superficial understanding of space travel and the science behind it who was born with Mars Rising, then we're on the same page in the Trump department.

Now as you know, the Ascendant is considered by astrologers to be the most important point in a natal chart and represents the Physical Body and, in a word, The Self. So in the case of Trump, his Self is Mars, the planet of energy, action, motivation, and desire. (Please note that yours truly would be happy to contribute a modest amount to a Mars Mission Fund if it will help send his nibs directly into outer space, and as far as I'm concerned, Big T can claim ownership of the mineral, water, and any other lucrative rights the alluring red planet promises. After all, red ties, red planet here he comes!)

So what does Trump's Mars-Ascendant duo promise its owner and how does he express its combined energies in the external world? Let's see if we can recognize the combative, enemy-seeking Herr Spanky in any of the descriptions below:

In A Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin states that Mars-Ascendant denotes "a fighting spirit." Check! But there's more, both positive and negative, and I quote:

"Psychological Correspondence: + Tendency to force one's own will upon others, ability to lead or guide resolutely, active teamwork. - A fighting and aggressive spirit with regard to others. A quarrelsome person, inclination to become physically violent. C Advancement in life by the use force." Well, yes. No matter what it costs or how much cheating it takes.

Ebertin continues...

"Biological Correspondence: Prone to accidents. A surgical operation. Sociological Correspondence: Colleagues and coworkers. Bullies and ruffians." Peep-eye!

"Probable Manifestations: + Tendency to drive and push others to get on with their work, successful creative activity in teamwork, forceful attainment of success. - Quarrels conflicts, disputes." Constant quarreling and vicious insults! Yet as most people know, cheating isn't actually winning, it's stealing.

Then the fact that Trump was born with enraged star, screaming Algol, conjunct his Taurus Midheaven visibly adds fuel to his fiery Mars-ASC nature of a roaring lion made more vengeful and threatening by his negative, retaliatory use of royal star Regulus rising. Wonder if Big T ever carries a weapon (Mars) on his person (ASC)? No surprise, if so. If not, his mouth is probably lethal enough for most if not all opponents.

So naturally, being easily provoked to anger and having tendencies toward trouble-making and arsonist behavior can be parts of the Mars-Ascendant combination so now let's consider a few of Michael Munkasey's insights into the testosterone-driven pairing for further information:

"In Relationships: How you evaluate others for their ability to keep up with you physically; urge to show anger toward others; an impulsive shifting mental focus from event to event; scattered energies. With Body or Mind: Pressure or heat within the ocular fluids" (staring directly at the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse can't be good for this!); "elevated blood pressure caused by (the) environment." How could it not be elevated at his weight and with his hot temperament?

"Thesis: a well-trained military and an active armament industry; an ability to focus sharply on the business needs of industry" (always transactional!). "Antithesis: leaders who don't have the will or energy to mobilize their resources productively" (troops sent to the southern border? dreams of vanity-inspired military parades? diverted military funds to build a stupid non-effective if lucrative wall?); "a poorly prepared defense or war making capability" (cyber warfare and 2020 election hacking?); "focusing the efforts of an enterprise upon its energy or armament needs." Why, war profiteering is one of Herr Spanky the Martian's favorite cups o' tea!

Now in closing, here's a view of the natal chart of Donald Trump but please heed a small warning: penned on are the natal planets of Mike Pence sucking up around the outside with planetary contacts of the two men noted. Spy more links between them if you dare!

Previously on SO'W: Is There a Silver Lining for Trump in 2019? in which transit Nemesis comes to call upon Trump's natal Ascendant (29Leo) after aggravating natal Mars and goosing royal Regulus and the star's 'avoid taking revenge' caution with a nasty little karmic tickle.

Jun 26, 2019

July 17, 2019 Mr. Mueller to Testify as Regulus Rises

On July 17, 2019 at 9:00 am edt, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller is to testify before two congressional committees in back-to-back open session detailing his Muller Report findings, followed by closed session questions and answers. As you see, this will be a mere day after the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04--an illuminating eclipse that reflects Mr. Mueller's natal Circe Rx (@24Cap29: where we rescue or seek rescue) while eclipse Pluto Rx @21Cap50 conjoins Mueller's natal Nemesis Rx (@21Cap45: divine retribution; the unbeatable foe). Plus, the 9:00 am chart angles and cusps conjoin the natal Angles and cusps of Trump's natal chart including enraged star Algol at Midheaven.

No, the subpoena Mr. Mueller insisted upon receiving (or he wouldn't testify) is not considered a "friendly" one according to news reports but it will be answered by the law-abiding Mr. Mueller and his legal-eagle team on July 17th, obstructions by Trump and Barr notwithstanding. Since Mr Mueller no longer works for or at the DOJ, I hope his testimony goes forward without a Trumpian hitch.

Now there is much to say about all the pertinent horoscopes involved but in the flush of this exciting morning, I haven't the time to type much of it. However, at precisely 9:00 am on July 17, 2019, Capitol Hill, royal star Regulus rises just as it does in the natal chart of Donald J. Trump although for Trump in 1946, Regulus was still @29Leo. But now the star of 'success if revenge is avoided' fame is @00Virgo, the more practical Mercury-ruled, detail-oriented sign of discrimination and purification (when expressing at its best, plus, The Critic--the one Trump is very scared of). Perhaps here I may be pardoned for remembering a previous SO'W post wondering Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? for if revenge is not avoided (and who will disagree that 'revenge' is big T's middle name especially with his Mars in brash Leo rising?) all that has been gained will be taken away.

In addition, there's the harsh January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 conjunct Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'; @22Cap51), a point of fated encounters, changing work conditions, and possible endings, a karmic event for him (and thus for America) if ever there was one. Simultaneously, transit Saturn (strong in Capricorn sign of government, law, and business) opposes Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer while transit Pluto aligns to do so as well. So as we know, abuse and misuse of power issues are involved in this period for Trump and his authority is challenged on a vast and permanent scale.

As for testifying Mercury the Messenger, planet of reports, reporting, reviews, and "do-overs" the little guy is retrograde which may signify the two (actually four) sessions on July 17th (a 'speaking again' for Mr. Mueller) and could also simply denote his repetition by voice of what is in his written report which he will "stick to"--and hopefully a clarification of what was misrepresented in the report by AG Bill Barr. Of course, Mercury Rx may also indicate that Mueller's July 17th testimonies won't be the end of the matter yet we don't need Astrology to tell us that! Did you say "media circus"? Well, a curious synchronicity is that Mercury @1Leo08 will conjunct the natal 12th cusp of Donald Trump and you know that the unconscious 12th house contains such realms as Politics, Large Institutions (exs: Congress, hospitals), Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Karma: reaping what's been sown. But I must suppose that a straight jacket is too much to wish for even if needed.

So if we may agree, dear reader, karma is a natural law which no one escapes in the end and this must also include the likes of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family of crime.

But things get more curiouser! For testifying Mercury Rx @1Leo08 will conjunct and activate the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse while opposing US POTUS Sun (00AQ+). This Lunar Eclipse was first to imprint upon year 2019 (after the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25) and you'll find some quite interesting info and astro-links in that previous post!

Also related: February 19, 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus making Regulus the star of the year!

May 20, 2019

May 21, 2019 Trump, Mercury, Nemesis, and McGahn

In April just passed we discussed the possibility of former White House Counsel Don McGahn (his 'noon' natal chart shown) testifying before Congress on Tuesday May 21, 2019. If he shows up (see video link, below).

Taking the Fifth against self-incrimination notwithstanding, Mr. McGahn may or may not appear on Capitol Hill tomorrow or at a later date and yet (for the curious among us) the current transit of asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) may deserve our attention this week for its Zodiacal meet-up with a certain natal planet of Donald Trump.

Because on the morning of May 21, 2019, transit Nemesis clocks in @8Can35 - conjunct the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51). However, this conjunction of Nemesis-to-Mercury @8Can51 won't perfect until May 22, 2019 at 1:13 am edt Washington DC when a YOD pattern forms with potentials for crisis, crossroads, turning point, special task, and/or karmic opportunity for progress. With the transiting and explosive pair of Mars-Uranus sextile at its base, the YOD's apex is the May 22, 2019 Midheaven ('MC') @2Sag49, and the Sabian Symbol for '3Sag' (rounding up) is "Two Men Playing Chess"...keyword: ABILITY; negative expression: "unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude" (Jones).

Well, since we're talking Trump here I'm not certain how unsuspected the bigotry is. But I am certain we can read the trio in the YOD as a midpoint picture containing potentials...Mars-Uranus = MC: an inflexible character; desire for independence; a person 'putting a pistol to someone's head'; act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; accident; operation; extraordinary achievements (Ebertin). These potentials affect the Goal Point of the Nemesis-Mercury May 22, 2019 1:13 am edt Washington DC chart and seem to express Trump's extreme desperation to keep his affairs as private as possible.

Video: Ted Lieu: If McGahn Doesn't Testify May 21 he'll be held in contempt by the House Judiciary Committee.

So as everyone has noticed long before now, foes, enemies, and opponents are always on Trump's mind and his tendency toward mobster speak spotlights this (ex: people who reveal the truth about him are "rats"). Meanwhile, Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun in Mercury-ruled Gemini reveals his life vs death attitude, often a feature of Gemini along with the sign's desperate need to always be right. Plus, Trump's oriental Uranus in the 10th house describes his love of chaos as a ruling style for he likes to disrupt everything, then watches to see who's still standing.

And aptly enough, in May 2019 Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 has progressed to 16Leo09 conjunct his SP Mercury 15Leo48. That transit Nemesis now conjoins his natal Mercury (8Can51) spotlights the unbeatable foe/divine retribution implications of Trump's thinking and, of course, his communications such as his revenge tweeting. But is he pondering the joy of separation and of saying good-bye?

Perhaps, because his current progressed ('SP') midpoint pictures affecting his SP Mercury in Leo reveals interesting potentials such as: SP Moon-Saturn = SP Mercury: 'sadness, saying good-bye'; and SP Mars-Uranus = SP Mercury: 'a test of power carried out calculatingly; nervous irritation; an achievement; acting independently'; and SP Moon-MC = SP Mercury: 'soul stirrings' (Ebertin). Really?!!?

Then another SP midpoint picture may apply as well--SP Neptune-NN = SP Pluto: exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; relationship breakdown between people living together. Of course you know the Neptune-NN pair denotes 'a lack of communal sense and feeling; the inclination to exploit, deceive, and cheat other people'. So says Reinhold Ebertin about fraudulent, undermining Neptune when combining its urge-to-merge energies with the North Node of public contact and future direction. Michael Munkasey adds the potential to: 'use strong destructive forces to protect one's privacy'.

And one's tax returns, and Don MacGahn's and Robert Mueller's information about the criminal activities and obstructive behavior of Big T.

Now to close, it may be of interest to mention that Don McGahn's natal Nemesis @25Tau54 sits upon the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump (conjunct enraged star Algol) while opposite, Mr. McGahn's natal Neptune Rx @24Sco21 conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump! So no matter when (if) Don McGahn testifies on the topic of the Trump White House, this cosmic condition involving McGahn's Neptune-Nemesis opposition and Trump's MC-IC axis promise to make the revelations of Don McGahn, if any, very very interesting.

Above NASA photo of planet Mercury, aka, The Messenger.

Apr 2, 2019

April 2019 Lunations, Nemesis, and AG Bill Barr Stalls

In yet another stalling attempt on behalf of Donald Trump, it looks as if AG Bill Barr will pass the Mueller Report to Congress on or around April 15 (2019) smack dab in the middle of lawmakers' upcoming 19-day congressional recess (April 10 to April 29). If I were a Democrat in Congress I'd make certain to be on hand to receive the thing, however redacted it may be.

Of course, Trump lurks behind the actions of AG Bill Barr because AG Barr is 'his man' and was put into the DOJ position for purposes of creating obfuscation, confusion, and for the use of stalling tactics. The question of whether Barr is the GOP's 'man' seems a given around SO'W though perhaps you disagree. However, you can't disagree with Barr's known history of finagling George Bush Sr off the hook for his role in the Iran-Contra Affair, plus, the pardons Barr enabled for the crooks involved. For sweeping scandals and crooks under political rugs, it seems that Bill Barr is 'our man'.

And when we look at April 2019's lunations (New and Full Moons) we find the April 5 New Moon @15Ari17 opposing Trump's fluffy, problematic Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (in n 2nd house) and the culminating Full Moon of April 19 @29Lib07, a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Obviously, the Full Moon, the phase of fulfillment, awareness, and relationships, relates closely to current political conditions of a critical nature in America (ex: the Mueller Report and its shadow term paper, the Barr Letter/s he provided in lieu of) as Luna eagerly rushes to enter intense Scorpio, brooding sign of betrayal, cover-ups, deep study, big business, and surveillance. Ruled by brash Mars and sub-ruled by powerful Pluto, Scorpio's dark side also resonates with the concept of chaos, Trump's favorite way of behaving via his 10th house Uranus in duplicitous, variety-loving Gemini (his Uranus is oriental and thus operates as his 'guiding planet'). Of interest to me the last several days, is asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which has been sitting atop Trump's natal Uranus @17Gemini53 although today (April 2, 2019) transiting Nemesis clocks in @20Gemini--conjunct Trump's natal North Node, and soon his natal Sun.

Yet there's more! Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 conjoins two of his natal midpoints: distrustful Mercury-Saturn and power-craving, fanatical Sun-Pluto. In Secondary Progressions ('SP') his SP Nemesis has advanced to 16Leo06 conjoining SP Mercury @15Leo36 (in SP 10th house).

Note that at his birth, Trump's Mercury, planet of communications, and his Nemesis were approximately 7 degrees apart.

These SP conditions support other chart factors indicating Big T's vengeful, fight-for-existence nature.

So perhaps it will be revealing of his nibs that the bright rays of the April 19 Full Moon shine directly upon Trump's current SP Ascendant @28Lib39 on or around the mid-April date that AG Barr and his minions say they will meander with the Mueller Report up to Capitol Hill where (Trump hopes) there will be no one there to answer the Masonic door unless a heroic effort is made to return to DC by an erstwhile Democrat or two. Unless things change and circumvent the proceedings as they so often tend to do thanks to the cantankerous, moody Donald Trump, The Gemini.

Jun 30, 2018

Horoscopes: Trump-Putin in Helsinki plus Finland 1917

In From The Cold: Trump to Meet Putin in Helsinki July 16, 2018

by Jude Cowell

For starters, you may want to Shine with Facts about Finland. Next, how about a peek at the natal horoscope of the Republic of Finland as detailed in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #104?

Above: Republic of Finland 6 December 1917 3:00 pm -1:39:52 Helsinki; conquered by Russia in 1809; independence gained during the Russian Revolution; in October (OS)--November (NS) the Bolsheviks seized power; proposal for Finnish independence accepted "at around 3:00 pm on 6 December 1917"; Campion chart #104 set for 3:00 pm although 'some Finnish astrologers use a slightly earlier time'.

"The Finnish claim to independence was accepted by the Sovnarkom (Soviet Committee for Nationalities) on 31 December 1917, and became fully legal when the All Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets confirmed Sovnarkom's acceptance on 4 January 1918. The constitution was then adopted on 17 July 1919." (The Book of World Horoscopes, N. Campion).

Please enlarge both images for most of my notes are messily penned upon the charts.

Here I should add a few details concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Finland (@25Can51 in 3rd house conjunct IC in the 9 New South Saros Series perfected on July 19, 1917 (its initial manifestation) with themes of: bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, family (in Cancer), health, or paperwork and communications issues; a worrying piece of news may arrive and responsibilities involving paperwork 'could come home to roost' (Brady). Note that its position of 25Can51 falls between the natal Venus and Saturn of Mr. Trump--and conjoins US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776).

As you see in the above horoscope, Finland's natal Mercury (7th house, in Nodal Degree = karmic) is chart-ruler and makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect--an opposition to Pluto Rx (3A39) which was transiting rather closely with the Tail of the Dragon, the Moon's South Node (Pluto-SN = upheavals, war, violence, criminal elements afoot). See bottom left corner for details. Another curious chart factor is the elevated Venus @00AQ58 which would be conjoined by US POTUS Sun (the leader) once FDR changed our inauguration ceremonies from early March to January 20 in 1937. Finland's Venus (values, perspectives, attraction, relationships, diplomacy, art) conjoins fixed star Altair, the Eagle (bold and determined).

And so America's natal Mercury also flails around in there between Trump's Venus-Saturn conjunction and suggests potentials for narrow-mindedness and visions of stark reality (Ebertin) which is almost amusing until you think of Trump's tragically loose relationship with the truth egged on by his problematic, fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square. Yet 'stark reality' does hint at Trump's dreary dystopian inaugural address of January 20, 2017, as written by 'political scientist' Stephen Miller who lurks about casting shadows in the White House. "America First," Trump promised, just as Pat Buchanan had. See Jeff Greenfield's Trump Is Pat Buchanan with Better Timing in Politico Magazine.

Another 1917 Solar Eclipse

Yes, those were karmic days, as our ours, and we must note that another 'cosmic blink' or 'wild card of the Universe' manifested within two weeks of Finland's founding for a second Solar Eclipse perfected on December 14, 1917 @22Sagittarius in the 10 North Saros Series. 10 North's themes also shine a spotlight on communications along with frustrating or inhibiting events via news received, paperwork, or young people; those affected may feel tired or drained of energy but progress can be made by working through issues one at a time (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady). Perhaps I needn't mention that the 10N eclipse @22Sag conjoins the SN-Moon conjunction in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump--and his conjunction ensnares within its net starry Ras Alhague the Blue Star of Hopi Prophecy.

Finally, if the schedule holds, Trump and Putin are set to meet in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018 and since no exact hour is known by yours truly, here's a horoscope for that date and location set for 11:44 am EEDT -3:00 which puts the Cardinal World Points of manifestation on the chart's angles:

Hour of the Sun, chart-ruler Venus @6Vir57 conjoins fixed star Thuban (to protect or make a treasure; relates to hoarders and misers); Venus makes no applying aspects which further emphasizes her sign and house position; in Virgo, Venus is in her fall since she's exalted in Pisces and as diplomat may not be particularly successful. Virgo, sign of The Critic--will there be criticism for Mr. Trump from Putin--or vice versa? Venus likes partnership and these two players act as if they're already some sort of team--yet someone involved holds very high standards. Frustration may result from this 'diplomatic' meeting if indeed it can be described as such.

Mercury, Planet of Messages and Meetings

Perhaps the planet of meetings, communications, reporting, negotiations, gossip, and such has more to tell us--Mercury @19Leo43 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations seems promising yet the little fella is unaspected and thus quite uninformed except on certain limited topics! Unaspected, that is, unless we count Mercury's inconjunct to Neptune @16Pis17 Rx which conjoins Achernar, a star of crisis and rapid endings. In the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, Neptune continues its campaign of contagious propaganda with streaks of paranoia, delusion, and fraud which may be all the public gets out of this 'conference' between Trump and Putin. But Astrology provides clues because the inconjunct between Mercury and Neptune suggests that priorities need establishing, promises have been made and perhaps not kept, someone has taken on too many tasks, overreactions have occurred or will occur, worries concern problems that may be only imaginary, uncomfortable misunderstandings are possible, and someone feels disappointed to find that he's been used.

July 16, 2018: Now I suspect you've already noticed that the Sun @23Cancer47 shines upon the natal Saturn of Donald Trump (and with his natal Venus nearby). Sun to natal Saturn is a time of serious situations when one is called upon to be more reliable and trustworthy (ruh-roh!) and issues of authority and maturity are under consideration. Has Trump made the grade with mentor Putin?Well, on a side note, Finland's natal Nemesis (the unbeatable foe) here conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (@25Taurus with enraged Algol there) along with the country's natal Hidalgo, the social climber asteroid which also relates to foreigners. That's quite a cosmic duo of archetypes at Trump's Point of Aspiration!

As for Vladimir Putin himself, the Sun on July 16, 2018 has just squared his natal Neptune (21Lib27), a time when reality is elusive (or he is), and now squares natal Mercury (23Lib10) denoting that others seek his advice or opinion and it will be best for him to avoid those who boast, over-promise, and/or mislead. Well, I guess we both know who that sounds like. Still, listening closely to the words of others yields interesting tidbits of information and as a former KGB spy, Putin does this automatically--and who better to leak and share, consciously and unconsciously, than the indiscreet Mercury-Neptune-square fellow named Donald Trump?

Besides, I suspect that Putin's natal Mercury-Neptune conjunction resonates extremely well with Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, don't you? Guess they're kind of 'birds of a feather' sympatico. For the conjunction 'merges real with unreal' similar to the way a Mercury-Neptune square has trouble separating fact from fiction. And according to master astrologer Alan Oken, the conjunction is "The Illusionist" while the square describes "The Sneaky Mind."

Now here are a few Related Posts: July 7, 2017: Trump-Putin Face Off at G20; Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised; Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order (a reference to the Bretton Woods Accord after WWII); and The Natal Planets of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump showing the partile conjunction (17:27) between Putin's natal Saturn and Trump's natal Jupiter which is Stationary in his 2nd house of Money and Values. Does Putin control and/or restrict (Saturn) Trump's funds and/or development (Jupiter)?

So if we round up for the Sabian Symbol representing Putin's Saturn and Trump's Jupiter both @18Libra we find, "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" which speaks of sanctions and societal order protecting itself by their use. "Keynote: A breakdown in the constructive relationship between the individual and society, and the expectable result." {} Excluded are "exiles, the alien, the unassimilable; if (society) cannot send them to outer space, it must isolate them in a special type of inner space, a prison. The individual whose actions introduce unacceptable principles into the established order runs the risk of being 'punished' or re-formed according to this order." (Rudhyar).

Whew! This sounds like so much going on right now--Trump's vicious separation of children from their parents at the border, refugees, America's overcrowded prisons, who-knows-what criminality by Putin--and the fact that the world's 'top dogs' are usually the ones who most deserve to be locked up. How curious that various billionaires are into blasting rockets into outer space these days--even Trump has blabbed about it and has gone so far as to call for the establishment of a sixth US military branch, a pie-in-the-sky Space Force which would probably be against International Law (a fact he may not know) so his announcement was intended to divert public attention from his self-created border crisis and change the subject from the Mueller investigation closing in around his ears.

Feb 28, 2018

On the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse and Aspects of Roger Stone

Roger Stone, political consultant, opposition researcher, long time lobbyist, and old pal of Donald Trump, was born on August 27, 1952 in Norwalk, Connecticut. No birth hour is known so below we'll briefly consider a noon chart for this WikiLeaks-Putin-Trump-Manafort associate.

And on what isn't really a side note of current events, in 2008 I posted this: Spitzer's Nemesis + Blackmailing for War. Not a side note because the 'nemesis' of Eliott Spitzer is identified as Roger Stone.

And from September 2017 comes Method to the "Madness": Dissecting Roger Stone's Statement to Congress, by a former Fed prosecutor which includes Stone's statement to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence given on September 25, 2017. And perhaps you remember that Stone was involved in stopping the Florida recount in 2008 which allowed the Bush-Cheney regime's backdoor entry into the White House (with the help of a bogus SCOTUS decision). In June 2008, The New Yorker published an article on Mr. Stone The Dirty Trickster. Roger Stone had also worked with the infamous political operative Lee Atwater and with Richard "I am Not a Crook" Nixon, a president who was called in his day Tricky Dick and for good reason. Such a gaggle of cheaters and knaves!

There's even a Trump-esque documentary released in May 2017 titled Get Me Roger Stone for Stone pretty much invented the political career of Donald Trump and perhaps animated the Frankenstein monster itself.

So for a view of Roger Stone's noon horoscope and an analysis of its BOWL shape and other planetary factors you'll want to check out some good astro-splaining of the man. But here and for now, let's consider a few chart details, plus, the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which little Roger Jason Stone as born for some background influences in his life.

August 27, 1952 'noon' edt; Norwalk, CT

First, his Moon ranged from 17Sco28 to 00Sag36 during the 24-hour period of his birth date with a 29-degree Scorpio Mars reaching 00Sag11 as the Moon entered Sagittarius. You recognize the '1Sag' degree for its "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" Sabian Symbol with its negative expression, 'superficial idleness and unhealthy veneration for the past' (Jones). However, if we assume that Trickster Stone was not born during the waning hour or so of August 27, 1952, we find "30Scorpio" more applicable for his natal Mars and perhaps for natal Moon: "30Sco" = "The Halloween Jester" with its negative expression of, 'ineptness of self-expression and a contempt for established values." On one level this may be a cosmic reference to the long-held desire of the GOP to collapse The Establishment of the US government, a project that seems more within their reach thanks to a Trump White House which Roger Stone helped bring to fruition.

His Virgo Sun (3-4Virgo) seemingly has no major applying aspects so we can't use the closest one to reveal the essence of the man. However, a midpoint picture has natal Sun at apex--Uranus-Neptune = Sun: impressionability and vaunted self-regard (Tyl). And of course, Uranus and Neptune are the 'Age of Reason'/'New World Order pair which met three times all through 1993 @18Capricorn (POLITICAL POWER = smug or strong-armed paternalism--Jones). And with transit Pluto so recently hitting 18Cap, we find that, "the big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise." (Tyl). Stone's natal Sun as apex suggests that he's on board with the agenda of these shadowy entities, or at least that he (and most of our politicians) are under their control--which is why lawmakers tend to vote on behalf of their corporate donors (masters) rather than doing the bidding of We The People.

Astrological Pluto: Wealth, Stealth, and Power

And since power and its uses and abuses are always part of any political consideration we should note Stone's Pluto-South Node conjunction in proud ego-based Leo. This hints at an inherited condition in which his ancestors may have oppressed others and now he will know what it's like to be a victim of larger circumstances. The conjunction also denotes a man whose will is out of harmony with current social trends or ethics and this lack can cause resentment and misunderstandings in his life. Violence or associations with violent people may also be indicated though he does have a gift for surviving hardships since the Moon's South Node has a Saturnian separative quality--somewhat similar to Saturn with Pluto. Plus, Pluto-SN may be a cosmic reminder of past family members who were affected by war or other oppressive socio-economic conditions.

Mr. Stone's Pluto-SN may also describe his background involvement with those in charge rather than publicly taking over the reins of power himself. (Edit: due to neglect I am adding Stone's Jupiter-Pluto square to this post--this square describes a wheeler dealer and The False Prophet (Oken).)

Please note that these chart factors, typed in no particular order, may or may not be astro-splained in the article linked above but are worth mentioning concerning this tricky political activist (Mars). Erratic reformer Uranus @17Cancer sesqui-squares (135 degrees) Stone's Mars making his activities be-tangled and complicated via obstacles within obstacles. Sun in Virgo, sign of The Critic, when added to a Scorpio Moon denotes one who is analytical, dedicated, meticulous, self-sufficient, shrewd, and perceptive. This pragmatic Earth-Water personality blend suggests a zealous fanatic and problem-solver. The Harveys, in their Sun Sign-Moon Sign book describe the Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio blend as having "a servant's loyalty but a tycoon's lust for power."

In the emotional realm it's bottled up feelings for Mr. Stone which of course tend to explode at some point and this may be supported by his only out-of-bounds planet, the Moon, which points toward a faulty or separative relationship with Mother.

Now if by chance Stone was born between 10:54 pm edt (Moon 00Sag00) and midnight, his is an Earth-Fire blend of Sun Virgo-Moon Sagittarius and this would give a 'scorched earth' quality to his personality. However, Sun Virgo-Moon Sag denotes genuine helpfulness, intelligence, a quick wit, and restlessness. It's a blend of a communicator with moral certitude and a "desire for reasonable answers in the face of human suffering" (Harveys), plus, a lack of empathy and a judgmental attitude toward others. Forgive me for saying this, but I don't find 'answers to human suffering' to be part of the GOP agenda. If anything, their goal, and perhaps that of some Democrats, is to worsen human suffering. But that's just me and you may, of course, disagree as heartily as you wish.

Money Money Money

In the realm of finances, we need only look at his Venus-Jupiter trine to see fortunate benefits, wealth, and luxury. Alan Oken calls this trine,"The Golden Horseshoe" for the luck it brings its owner. However, a Sun-Mars square shows dissatisfaction with achievements so that he's always striving for more.

Society Says...

In the realm of societal issues, a Saturn-Uranus square identifies a touchy fellow who rebels against established laws and behaves as a "law unto himself" (Oken). Uranus square Neptune is a common aspect for those born in 1952 and denotes tendencies toward muddled thinking, confusion, and participation in ill-fated social movements. To me this sounds as if Mr Stone would do himself (and us) a favor by closely examining the political and occult organizations to which he may belong because criticism of and resignation from them may be needed rather than continuing to carry water for sinister forces and destructive entities.

Now Stone's Mercury-Jupiter square resonates well with the Mercury-ruled Virgo and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius blend and suggests one who draws incorrect conclusions and tends toward impaired judgment via a general misunderstanding of facts. If this sounds similar to Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of misperception and faulty relationship with truth then we're on the same page. A Mercury-Jupiter square also denotes "a mind that never stops creating a barrage of ideas" and is termed by Alan Oken as "The Exaggerator." This sort of Mercurial aspect is shared by White House Director of Communications Hope Hicks and if you follow her link you'll read about Roger Stone's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series, the 8 South, which is shared by Miss Hicks (1988) and was detailed in yesterday's SO'W post profiling her. Update Feb 28 5:30 pm est: Hope Hicks has resigned!

And so the Sun Virgo-Moon Sag blend mixes optimism with realism and denotes one who can bring their vision down to earth. Therefore, if this blend belongs to Roger Stone and putting Trump in the White House has been one of his visions, we would have to admit that Roger Stone has succeeded.


"As a society is composed of individuals, how could a society be more immoral than its members? It becomes immoral if its structure is such that moral individuals cannot act in accordance with their moral impulses.” - E. F. Schumacher, as quoted by Henry Geiger in Manas Journal

Jan 17, 2018

Trump Money Laundering and Kazakhstan natal data

Wednesday January 17, 2018: by now you've heard of more money laundering accusations apparently being leveled against Donald Trump having to do with the Trump SoHo Hotel (now The Dominick) and kleptocracy Kazakhstan, plus, the fact that Trump welcomed the autocrat of Kazakhstan to the White House yesterday. Guess they had stuff to catch up on! (Or stories to get straight). Well, here's the country's foundation data for its declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in case you don't have it yet:

Kazakhstan December 16, 1991 14:00 GMT Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan; ASC 29Cap45; MC-IC 12:41 Aries-Libra (critical degrees); Sun 24Sag01 in 5th h; Moon 19Ari51 10th h; unaspected Pluto 21Sco35 5th h (foreign control); Prenatal Solar Eclipse (July 11, 1991) 11 South 18Can58.

11 South themes: old ideas/methods fail, new systems needed to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed (Brady). Set up specifically for money laundering ventures and other financial crimes, was it?

Last 11 South Eclipse: July 22, 2009 29Can26--conjunct Kazakhstan's natal Ascendant.

See the BBC Timeline of Kazakhstan history which includes four events in 2009 (check out the French action).

Is it curious that two descriptive asteroids are angular in the Kazakhstan independence chart? They are Nemesis Rx rising @29Cancer and Panacea at the critical-degreed Midheaven. Banking Jupiter (also plays The Politician) is in the 2nd house of Money and Values and traveling with asteroid Cupido which contains several archetypes within, any of which may apply: The Family (religious, criminal, or other type of large organization), Corporatism, the Criminal Underworld. Actually, the word 'mafia' comes to mind.

Interesting that all the transiting planets now in Saturn-ruled Capricorn are snugged within the chart's 6th house with the national North Node 9Cap57, Uranus 12Cap47, and Neptune 15Cap39, the 'Enlightenment Planets' shown as they were lining up for their three Great Conjunction/s in 1993 @18Capricorn: smug or strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER..."The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer." And with transit Pluto @18Capricorn off and on these days, the trio forms the stark midpoint picture: 'the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise' (Noel Tyl).

And on this towering financial topic we then look to the upcoming Solar Eclipse due on August 11, 2018 @19Leo in the 2 New North Saros Series, the themes of which mimic the meaning of Tarot card #16, The Tower which collapses in a cloud of dust. Perhaps 2 New North eclipse energies refer to the global economic system on course for demolition and rebuilding in The Dragon's image, and/or, on another level, to Donald Trump's much touted, now weakened 'empire' of gilt and illusion. After all, some Trump buildings have been taking 'TRUMP' off their facades for a while now in vain attempts to hide past links to the man. And personally, I don't blame them. Do you?


For more info on the creation of Kazakhstan see Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes chart #175.

Dec 7, 2015

Dec 6, 2015 The President Addresses the Nation on Keeping the American People Safe

In case you missed it:


President Obama Speaks and Is Mindful of The Importance of Being Earnest

by Jude Cowell

If you know about or have read lately about the current Mars-Uranus opposition which now squares powerful manipulator Pluto (Dec 6 - 10) then you know that this evening's TV address by President Obama delivered from the White House (to show how serious he is) fits right in with the T-Square's dynamic, intense energies.

Mars-Uranus, Mars-Pluto, Uranus-Pluto--all three pairs combine into explosive, forceful, aggressive actors designed to catch attention and rearrange present conditions into something more chaotic, even brutal. Naturally, military action is denoted as well along with warriors of all stripes joining battles, initiating conflicts, and fighting until the end. Challenges are issued and accepted!

These planetary conditions now reflecting events on the earthly plane (As Above, So Below) describe what I have been dreading for some time but these are not all that was on display tonight as President Obama spoke. He began at 8:00 pm est with his natal Mercury 2Leo19 rising though Ascending was a lunar 28Can47 and this degree of Cancer places US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 setting on the Descendant of Partnerships and Alliances; US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer had risen and was traversing the 12th house of Politics and Karma by 8:00 pm.

Soon after he began, the president's natal Sun 12Leo32 arose and there are several planetary hints that self-promotion was one of his goals as he adapted his visions and perspectives for presentation to the public (Mars-Neptune = Mercury) on the topic of ISIS and terrorism. The need to fulfill dangerous tasks was communicated and flavored with what passes for stark realism in US Politics though many conditions and associated affairs remain private and not open to public scrutiny (Saturn-Pluto = Mercury.) As you know, Mercury is the planet of communication, speeches, messages, young people, and journalists (or what passes for them these days) so they have their parts to fulfill in what was very much a role-playing event tonight--bully pulpit and all that, promoting the US perspective on things.

Hmmm...young people. Was this speech also meant as an outreach to inspire young people (including women who can now become combatants) to sign up for duty? More troops are needed, say neocon war hawks. Pass the canon fodder!

If so, President Obama showed shrewdness tonight as he presented what are basically over-expansive ideas (transit Jupiter, planet of expansion, now conjunct his natal Mars, planet of warriors, war, and action.) However, you may have noticed a lack of coping ability melded with the shrewdness which made a very odd mixture. On one level, this may be due to Mr. Obama's natal Mars being shrouded and clouded by US natal Neptune, both @22Virgo and the conjunction now has quite a pile-up of energies in the 20--22 Virgo area of the Zodiac: the current Solar Eclipse (September 13, 2015 @20Vir10) provides a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength influence (Brady), transiting Jupiter as noted @21Vir38 tonight increases it all, and fixed star Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream) springs more fully into action, triggered by Jupiter.

Another concern is the Cardinal Grand Cross now brought into manifestation by the above noted Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square (thanks to Mars joining in) which adds explosive force and ruthless brutality to US natal Sun @13Cancer (POTUS) for as you know, US natal Sun has been opposed by transiting Pluto for some time now with its 'titanic power struggle and challenge' implications. Tonight's speech was part of taking control of the situation where 'destroying ISIS' is concerned. And it may be no coincidence (for nothing really is) that in recent weeks and certainly this very evening--two descriptive asteroids (archetypes) are traveling in tandem at 22Libra: Nemesis and Isis, with Nemesis having 'the unbeatable foe' and 'divine retribution' flavors. Note that just who is actually behind the creation of ISIS (ISIL) is beyond the scope of this post.

For the US, this deadly East vs West battle calls for more organization and structure (transit Mars @14Libra conjunct US natal Saturn at IC, the Basis of the Matter) and as tonight's Moon @24Libra approaches Venus @2Sco11 (preparing for the holidays?), we might better find a clue in the Uranus-MC (8:00 pm est) conjunction with the MC as the Goal Point of the speech's horoscope: 'strife or radical movements which force new internal policies or methods' (a new agenda), a strategy we've seen used before--most notably after the attacks of 9/11/01 and the ready-to-go US Patriot Act, plus, preemptive war and occupation, and other policy changes distorting the character and principles of our nation. Now that's what has resulted in what I would call a Crippled America--crippled by fascist traitors and infiltrators.

Though he mentioned destroying ISIS and not giving into fear, the Astrology I'm seeing in the speech horoscope shows the fostering of paranoia for political control of the people via Mars at the IC (Endings; The Drain: Death.) Is Election 2016 part of Washington's political calculations? Now this wouldn't be surprising since it's been done successfully before (ex: 'bin Laden tapes' released just before election day.) Yet whatever the motive/s, tonight's speech will probably be fairly well received with chart-ruler Moon first sextiling Mercury (0A27), then conjoining popular Venus (7A22). Round up speech-maker Mercury's degree to 26 Sagittarius and we have "A Flag-Bearer in Battle" (Jones) which supports the president's expansive agenda in the Middle East along with more young people joining the military, if and as they may.

Washington's stubborn refusal to recognize its limitations bodes ill for many

Tragically for innocent people both here and abroad, it likely will take more than the Paris and the San Bernadino attacks to 'justify' the draconian changes the power elite (and those who direct them from behind the scenes) are determined to force upon us. After all, transiting Uranus, planet of anarchy, chaos, disruption, and shock, has been opposing US natal Saturn for a while now and this describes a 'new order' vs 'old order' stand-off and the collapse of traditional institutions--along with de-structuring Pluto now in structure-building Capricorn and plodding his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022.

ISIS is "part of a cult of death," said President Obama tonight which is obviously true. And of course I am on America's side yet it amazes me how a drone-striker president projects such a mote into the eye of 'the other guy' while ignoring the beam in his--in our--own.


Speaking of the anti-constitutional US Patriot Act, remember in May 2011 when President Obama authorized its extension via auto-pen while on a visit to France with US natal Pluto rising?

Jun 25, 2015

June 25, 2015: SCOTUS upholds Obamacare again as Nemesis rises

June 25, 2015: Today, in a 6--3 ruling, the Supreme Court upheld the subsidies in President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act, aka, Obamacare.

As a symbolic horoscope for this event I'm looking at a chart set for Washington DC at 10:00 am the hour that SCOTUS ruulings are generally announced and a mildly surprising picture forms: asteroids Sisyphus (determination--though efforts may be fruitless) and Nemesis (the unbeatable foe) arise on the Ascendant (24Leo) along with transit Jupiter (expansion, growth, investment, development, ideals, politics) @20Leo conjunct transit Isis. Isis!

Naturally, Republicans are now and will continue to play the "fight isn't over" card (Sisyphus) though this ruling has excused them from having to come up with an actual solution for America's ailing health care system while being responsible for a regression to how it was prior to March 23, 2010 when @POTUS signed the ACA with 22 pens. This 'excuse' applies to Campaign 2016 candidates who will probably bark the loudest (guess they feel they must to satisfy "the base" and their anti-ACA political funders) and it will really gather steam if a Republican president is (s)elected on November 8, 2016.

And if we look to the 10:00 am horoscope's Midheaven (MC) degree, the Aspirations-Goal and Why? Point of any horoscope, we find '19 Taurus' with its interesting Sabian Symbol when considering American politics and the motivation of today's SCOTUS ruling concerning this controversial Act:

"A newly formed continent rises out of the ocean" (Rudhyar), an obvious reference to America as a 'New Atlantis' and the establishment of a 'new world order' in 1776. In his The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones gives potentials for positive and negative expressions of this degree:

Positive: a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe.

Negative (shadow side--jc): a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset.

To me the negative expression of 19Taurus describes conservative US politicians to a T as they pose within their Political Theater performances which these days tend to serve as "governing" in America though it takes enough enabling Democrats to bring the New World Order script authored by foreign corporate meddlers to life.

Mar 10, 2011

President's Presser 11:15 am est Friday 3.11.11 w SN Rising

President Obama will hold a press conference tomorrow, March 11, 2011, at 11:15 am est, it is announced.

Rising gas prices is said to be his topic during the presser yet rising at 11:15 am est in Washington DC tomorrow, we find the transiting South Node of the Moon (SN), a separative, Saturnian point of unconscious behavior and bad timing. SN rising indicates strong individualism, a non-conforming attitude with a very serious demeanor, and a lack of popularity. It's possible that the presser will be watched by few of the public (though w YouTube that's no serious problem for we can catch up later if we like.)

That Mr. Obama's Secondary Progressed (Sec) Sun now at 00Lib32 (at US natal Mc) is conjoined by transiting asteroid Nemesis (an unbeatable foe; divine retribution) tomorrow morning describes in part what's going on in our nation now stimulated by rebellious Uranus about to cross US natal Ic again (00Ari53 in our Sibly natal chart) and opposing Nemesis.

His Sec Ascendant @ 20Can05 (conjunct his n 6th cusp) brings up Fixed Star Castor which adds to the foe/enemy vibe for him since Castor's key phrases are a pos/neg mixture: to write or create, but also sudden fame or loss and murder. (Yet as you know, Astrology works in AC-DC fashion: energy flows in either or both directions alternately or simultaneously.)

Mr. Obama's Sec Moon 21Pis20 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'22Pis' = "A Man Bringing Down the New Law from Sinai" (which frets someone like me who isn't favoring Zionism these days.)

Tomorrow at 11:15 am est, Moon 5Gem31 is in the karmic 12th house of Politics and Self-Undoing; earlier in the morning, Mr. Obama will experience a Lunar Return with his n Moon @ 3Gem21 in n 4th H; tr Moon conjoins tr Pan (namesake of panic and Pan-American) and the chart's Part of Treachery is close by them. Wealthy gold-horder Midas 8Gem12 is in 12th H as well and now conjoined with US n Uranus which we've seen in Wisconsin when Gov. Scott Walker thought he was sucking up to David Koch (Midas) on the phone; US n Uranus is disruptively rebellious and describes behavior - in Gemini there is duplicity in the works.

In DC, March 11, 2011's 11:15 am est presser horoscope (lots of 11s!), the president's Sec Moon falls in 10th H with tr Sun 20Pis45 spotlighting it. Also in 10th H is tr Uranus (so soon to hit the Aries Point 00Ari00 again in the afternoon which triggers US natal Ic as mentioned above and stirs up we-the-people in Madison WI and elsewhere) is for the moment at crisis degree 29Pis59 and straining toward the AP.

Rising Friday at 11:15 am est in DC (Hour: Jupiter '11Ari' = "The President of the Country"!) is 26Gem26 making Mercury the chart-ruler. So how will things proceed?

Mercury's two applying aspects give hints: square Pluto (3A40) with Pluto 7Cap18 in 7th house of Partners, Legal Matters, and Open Enemies. This square indicates penetrating insights and speech which may arouse bitterness in others and bring harsh criticism. (Can we expect anything better from the GOP toward a Democratic president?) And of course, any contacts between Mercury and Pluto may always have propaganda and surveillance connotations (US n Mercury opposite Pluto across the Can/Cap axis.)

The other applying aspect of chart-ruler Mercury is a conjunction w Jupiter (6A37) indicating that things may turn our all right after all (in 6 seconds, minutes, hours, days, months?) Mercury/Jupiter contacts often bring success with communications and plans yet can describe an inflated treasury straining budgets (we all resemble that remark), and legal decisions which affect commerce or transportation (oil pipelines? oil tankers and the Suez Canal?) Yet Sun/Jupiter = Uranus: a sudden turn; sudden success or good fortune; speculating; gambling.

Speedy Mercury, planet of pressers, reporters, bloggers, statements, remarks, announcements, questions, trade and commerce is @ 3Ari37 (10th H); Mercury in Aries is decisive, competitive, and is fond of debate. Good thing, since no matter what the President announces concerning rising gas prices (or anything else), we can be certain his plans and ideas will be debated and criticized by opponents who've remained in perpetual campaign mode since January 20, 2009.

With Neptune (gas, oil, liquids, oceans, deceptions, illusions, fraud) also at a crisis degree (29AQ13 in 9th H of Foreign Lands where most of the world's oil is located) and Venus @ 11AQ20, their midpoint is near the President's *natal ASC (18AQ03) so we have a midpoint picture...

Presser's Venus/Neptune = BHO's n ASC: appreciation of how reality can be altered; a union with peculiar people.

Some potentials for the combination of Venus/Neptune energies are:

appeals to the ideals of the people (listen for that), an inflated treasury (we know); using inflation as a means to manipulate growth (Rs, Ds, and the Fed are guilty of it); wealth derived from gas, oil, chemicals ; exaggerating or misstating internal resources (like strategic petroleum reserves?); scandals about deceptive practices within the treasury or internal resources (oil, gas?); subversives who want to gain access to finances; monetary fraud; spies in the financial branches. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

To Venus/Neptune Reinhold Ebertin adds, uncertainty.

On the presser's 8th cusp of High Finance, Debt, Credit, and Transformation is the NWO degree (Uranus conjunct Neptune all through 1993) of '18Capricorn' = "The Union Jack" = SUPERVISION...

negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones) - which is precisely what we're dealing with (oil and gas industry titans, Wall Street bankers, rich patrons of Republican union busters, bank rollers of Washington politicians on all sides) who, by their mega-wealth, are calling the political shots in America even louder than they ever did before.

So thanks for making the situation worse, SCOTUS. Some of you should be 'recalled' for the Citizens United decision.


*Chart used for President Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii.

May 3, 2010

Horoscope of the Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970

The US Government Lost All Moral Authority on May 4, 1970

by Jude Cowell

But that's assuming America had any moral authority left to lose by 1970.

On TV, as I watched coverage of the Kent State Massacre on May 4, 1970, my scorn and fear of President Richard Nixon and 'my' government grew. Having traveled to Georgia to visit family, I was heading back to DC soon but with ambivalent feelings - eager to return to friends and get their reactions, yet dreading the city's gray pall that drooped ever lower now thanks to the presidency of Richard Nixon and his opposition to my countrymen's anti-war sentiments.

Actually, it was my own anti-war sentiments that led to creating this blog in October 2005, and my hope that frustrations with the US government would somehow lessen by tapping out my dissent on a keyboard. Well, you know how the Bush-Cheney wars were going in 2005 and you know they continue into 2010 and beyond, so perhaps you share my pain - a world pain suffered at the hands of a select few history-directing men who hold themselves so far above the rest of us that common decency and moral standards mean absolutely nothing to them.

Hence the order from on-high given to the on-campus National Guardsmen @ 12:24 pm on Monday, May 4, 1970, Kent State:

"Right Here, Get Set! Point! Fire!"

Although an enhanced audio tape of the order was released publicly in 2007 (see articles linked below), the FBI has never found a shred of evidence that the shootings were carried out under 'orders' of any kind!

And yet they say they're good at detectin'!! Leaving all common sense out of it, it does seem that some coordination among the soldiers was witnessed because...

Sixty-seven shots were fired in 13 seconds by some of the 77 Guardsmen on the hill, four unarmed students lay dead, nine wounded, and Nixon, who apparently held a grudge against the Kent State SDS since 1968 when they disrupted a speech he was giving at Akron University in Oct 1968, attempted to deal with his lifelong feelings of powerlessness and envy while simultaneously rationalizing his latest abuse of power on behalf of his masters, and was probably acting under the haze of a bottle or two.

Over The Line: A Man Gone Wild

Richard Nixon, a shrunken man if there ever was one, sent steel helmeted, gas masked Guardsmen to quell the four-day protest on the Kent State campus, known as a working class college. Harvard, Yale, and other ivy leagues had no worries on that score, no matter their politics.

But violence against the working class is always permissible, say the upper crusters.

Even 40 years later I recall the feeling of pride that beamed upon my face as I heard of two protesters that weekend, one 'burying' the US Constitution (as US presidents have done for decades - I think Tricky Dick - both of them - must have used it for dart practice, too) while the other protester burned his draft card issued from the same draft that Bush Jr and Cheney chose to wiggle out of honoring. But as it turns out, they sure didn't mind sending others to war!

Richard Nixon Jan 9, 1913 9:30 pm pst Whittier, CA (rated AA: from B.C.)

Sun '20Cap'; his natal Moon '21AQ' conjunct Nemesis (unbeatable foe; divine retribution), Tricky's reigning need was to take revenge on all enemies, and he never forgot a single one - and was very good at making them, in fact. He, with his noble Capricorn Sun, was a petty, vindictive, and vicious man.

The National Guard troops, who arrived on campus May 2 around 10 pm when the ROTC building was already in flames (it burned to the ground but was already scheduled for demolition) were ostensibly sent to 'maintain the peace' but that's what all the tyrants say, now isn't it?

For America is hardly a virgin in use of false flag ops so the broken bank windows in the town of Kent, Ohio, and confrontations downtown on the night of May 1 could have issued solely from protesters, yes - but also from those pretending to be protesters. Plus, there remain unsolved mysteries concerning a 'school photographer' on the scene named 'Terry Norman' who was rumored to have been hired by the FBI and the campus police. The young man may have been armed as well.

A sniper was rumored to be present, too, and this may be the case, imho (Mars in Gemini = multiple shooters - plus, an extra one in a sniper's nest: vengeful Venus?) These are typical tactics used by those jealous of their power and enraged that anyone dares oppose them, and 1970's transiting Pluto 24Vir56 Rx was in process of eroding US power by stomping upon our natal Neptune 22:25, a generational transit that brings political, social, economic, and spiritual power struggles.

(As you know, US natal Neptune is in 'working class' Virgo.)

Now it's reported that 43 bank windows were broken on Friday night, May 1, 1970; then Saturday night, the ROTC building was burned to the ground, as noted. One of the murdered students was a member of the ROTC yet was against the Vietnam War: he was shot in the back and killed (curiously to me this seems a targeted hit: hidden sniper or Guardsman?)

Money-man Jupiter @ a crisis 29th degree of Libra conj IC (Foundation; Basis of the Matter) in the chart you seen shown below. Of course, Jupiter also indicates a guru, preacher, pope, judge, lawyer, actor, professor, banker, general...whomever he represents in this chart, he's at the base of the matter. Perhaps he was one of the Kent State officials...the president, perhaps, or, a member of the Republican Party since in Mundane Astrology, planet Jupiter = the Rs.

Perhaps he was an ideologue encouraging Nixon to make his 'own' decisions (1970 Neptune/NN = Nixon's n Sun: being tormented; feeling let down by others; encouraged to 'be your own person' when making decisions.)

So not only did the protesters tweak Nixon's nose repeatedly, they tweaked bankers' noses and the US military's snoot who were actively recruiting students on campus to serve - in the unpopular Vietnam War! Nixon had just announced the Pentagon's "incursion" - aka, invasion - of Cambodia a few days earlier on April 30. Four days of protesting resulted at Kent State, culminating on May 4, 1970 with the strong-armed and deadly paternalism of the US government abusing its power.

(Asteroid Atlantis: abuse of power; where we feel doomed) is rising in the chart @ 14Leo34; ASC 10Leo27 conjoins the R Party's natal Mercury.)

However, the power-mongers didn't quite get their way altogether, did they? At least not while my fellow Flower Power Generation-ers were on guard and marching...

For Nixon's unarmed-student murders resulted in the largest wave of anti-war protests and campus shut-downs in US history. Too bad our colleges and universities weren't just as determined to follow truth and engage in dissent against an out-of-control, lying administration in March 2003 (their faculties and administrations had been well-infiltrated by then.)

Yet millions of people demonstrated against Iraq Invasion 2003 across the entire globe, but the Zionist neocons were listening to the voice of their plutonian masters and refusing to heed the conscience of The People.

In 2007, Democracy Now's Amy Goodman interviewed brother and sister Kent State students Alan and Roseann Canfora, he a victim of an Ohio National Guard bullet to his wrist on May 4, 1970, she an eyewitness who was in the parking lot where the 4 deaths occurred. The parking lot was where the more radical protesters were located, as stated by Alan Canfora.

And on May 2, 2010, NPR thoughtfully considered the shootings.

Horoscope of the Kent State Massacre

May 4, 1970 12:24 pm edt Kent, Ohio: ASC 10Leo27; Hour of Venus (values), conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (unorthodox alliances form and there are egalitarian attitudes on all sides); Sun is chart-ruler and makes only one applying aspect, a conjunction with Mercury Rx (students, speakers, protesters, young people) 20Tau54 (7A07.)

As you know, the Sun tends to signify 'the leader' in a mundane chart, and here we see a 10th house conjunction of Sun 13Tau47 and Saturn 12Tau21...both transiting the US Inaugural Ascendant @ noon on Jan 20 each year we change NWO mouthpieces...thus, a midpoint picture is created for the Office of the President...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: mental pictures of one's goals; difficulties in development; separation; isolation; a misunderstood person (but now that you're pointing a rifle at me, Dick, I think I see your point.)

Now of course, Saturn also indicates the manager, the boss,the authority, and the old man and the planet's restrictive tendencies and difficult lessons brought to presidential ASC must have seemed a weighty interference in Nixon's Oval Office tenure and out-of-bounds war-escalating.

The Massacre's Moon 1Tau54 at Midheaven 28Ari49 is passing across the 'Trigger Point Degree' of 00Tau/1Tau, a point of violence in the zodiac (degree of Hitler's natal Sun.) And as we would expect in a chart of violence and murder, Moon is angular and so is Jupiter, two primary planets to notice in horoscopes depicting death which often show an angular Moon, Mars, or Jupiter.

So, angular Jupiter Rx @ 29Lib28 conjuncts asteroid Arachne, also @ 29Lib28; '30Lib' = "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head"...PRESCIENCE. Does this indicate a cold-hearted
Hegelian influence
upon the president's thinking with mayhem as the final solution?

Surveilling Arachne indicates networks, webs, or traps such as may be described by hidden snipers and armed soldiers at the top of the hill as they rained down bullets on the students they had driven into the area below...almost a 'turkey shoot' as it's termed. (See the beginning scenes of the film Cold Mountain for a perfect example of one.)

As you see, this is a Balsamic Moon chart indicating endings and separations and a time when sneaky monsters can grab the unsuspecting unawares at this, the Dark of the Moon.

The 'encounter with destiny' North Node (NN) in 8th house of Death points to US natal Ceres (security issues) and Pluto/Chiron midpoint (for they were conjoined on July 4, 1776), all in deceptive, confusing Pisces, curiously one of the signs of War. Pluto/Chiron is a duo of plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, racism, corporatism, fascism, other -isms, crime syndicates, primal violence, and other nasty things that the holier-than-thous use against both the masses and the individual who thinks to stand in the way of their plans and desires.

Deceptive Neptune 29Sco58 Rx in 4th house has much to answer for as well with its quincunx (150 degr) to the Moon, the protesters on one level, the public and we-the-people on another...

Moon inconjunct (quincunx) Neptune indicates people who feel deeply and cannot remain detached; they may unconsciously seek situations in which they can be persecuted due to Neptune's martyr/victim tendencies. Social service is an area of interest but it isn't easy to see other people as they really are: 2 of the students were shot while simply walking to class and the ones who were more involved in the protests couldn't believe they were looking at a death squad until the dirty deed was done; then the soldiers merely turned and walked away as US students lay dying on the ground...meanwhile, back in Washington, the president paced the White House halls of power.

And this, the Kent State Massacre, was Richard Nixon and his international crime cronies' idea of a good course for America to take!

Yes, sometimes I feel similar droopy feelings as I did in 1970 when I think about how the majority of 2010's American people don't seem to get it. They seem to think the 'Rs vs Ds' diversion makes one bit of difference to who's selected to guide the helm of this nation when, really, it makes absolutely no difference at all which 'Party' (faction!) resides in the White House, or lurks in the Capitol Building.

My wish is that we-the-people can use Pluto/Chiron's energy more positively in the class warfare being waged against us by a separative power elite, with Us vs Them replacing the worn out, simplistic, disingenuous, and democracy-perverting Rs vs Ds!


Many chart factors have not been mentioned in this post, so feel free to leave your chartful insights or 1970 remembrances in a Comment, if you wish!

Linking 1970 with 2010 is a major factor: the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto midpoint 00Lib06 sitting atop the US natal chart ('Sibly' version: 5:10 pm LMT) which gives us a telling picture worth considering on May 4, 2010, the Kent State Massacre's 40th anniversary, because Uranus and Pluto are in process of squaring off now.

(As with all midpoint pictures all, any, or none may apply.)

Uranus/Pluto = n MC: vision; restlessness; aspirations for reforms and innovations; instant grasp and exploitation of every situation.

Plus, the mid-60s Great Conjunction/s of disruptive, rebellious Uranus and Pluto occurred upon Mr. Nixon's natal ASC '17Virgo'...this degree happens to be very near my n ASC as well - I attended a Beatles concert under this intense electric energy, while Dick Nixon was bombing foreign women and children into smithereens, and killing and maiming unarmed Americans who objected to the practice...

Uranus/Pluto = n ASC: applications of force; focusing on the kind of world which must grow out of today into tomorrow; being placed in an unusual or restless environment.

And let me not forget that the 'illuminated' pair of Uranus and Neptune, whose Great Conjunction/s of 1993 ('18Cap') time the natal chart of the NWO, have their midpoint in Mr. Nixon's birth chart @ 28Ari44, conjunct the Massacre's MC, the Goal and Aspiration Point of the chart and thus, of the shootings...

n Uranus/Neptune = 1970 MC: dissolution; mourning; a nervous breakdown; lack of stamina; subconscious forces grow in strength; guidance is sought from other realms or never-before-tapped sources (from Sun Myung Moon? Just a thought!); supernatural concerns come into play; restraint is placed on half-baked ideas. #

All midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey; half-baked ideas from the global crime syndicates now successfully in control of governments and all other social institutions the world over. Seriously.


Update May 4, 2010: just found a time capsule video you may wish to view:

Edit Nov 4, 2015: here's the New York Times with Nixon's statement on the tragedy if you can stomach reading his weasel words.

Mar 12, 2010

Mitch McConnell Feb 20, 1942: Sun in Pisces

Synastry grid of natal charts: Across President Obama (D-WH); Down Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY); as you see I've circled squares, oppositions, inconjuncts, sesqui-squares, and semi-squares between the two men and have titled this synastry grid comparison, 'Friction and Tensions.'

Pictured below is the noon horoscope for Mitch McConnell, born Feb 20, 1942 in Tuscumbia, Alabama although his website skips Alabama entirely and goes directly to his being 'raised in south Louisville' Kentucky.

Yes, Tuscumbia is the birthplace of Helen Keller but perhaps Sen. McConnell's apex Neptune in a YOD pattern (with Sun sextile Moon - if he was born earlier than noon) gives us a clue: apex Neptune in a YOD configuration indicates one who in early years longs to be elsewhere in a better, calmer place.

In fact, discontented is a good word for him on more than one level, and he's something of an idealist who'd rather stay in his emotional ivory tower and ignore needed social adjustments. In a 'safe' emotional place you don't have to deal with real life's harsher realities yet this is the kind of inner (possibly unconscious) attitude that causes distortions in judgment and errors concerning others' situations (to the extent he notices them, one supposes.)

The senator may feel quite fearful and defensive when life fails to live up to the ideal vision of his Airy Jupiter - unless and until he learns to sacrifice whatever it takes in order to gain an intangible ideal; apex Neptune in a YOD pattern may indicate an illumined one who deeply delves into the mysteries of life.

If you've ever read this blog before you know that politically speaking I take all references to words such as 'illumined' or 'illumination' as a link to the Illuminati and its over-arching plan to rule the world - just in case...wouldn't want to miss a glaring honker like that!

These YOD factors are tied in to his Sun in Pisces (Jupiter/Neptune), and his natal South Node in Pisces indicates that he tends to 'fall back' on past, unconscious behaviors of a Piscean nature - perhaps alcohol, with Bacchus prominent (see chart.)

Now I've heard that Baptists 'don't drink' but I also hear that most senators consider themselves to be far above the natural laws the rest of us are subject to! Well, if he doesn't drink, perhaps he writes poetry or plays violin when he's in seclusion.

Senator McConnell has a Leonine Pluto/Chiron conjunction, the pair of plutocracy, oppression, fascism, sexism, and all the disenfranchising -isms you may care to name; plus, for him and for other Jupiterian Republicans, I'm-not-my-brother's-keeper-ism could be in the mix, too.

Now you see in the noon chart below that McConnell's Moon 4Tau36 has traveled from Aries recently - actually, @ 2:58 am CWT the Moon reached 00Tau00, so he either was born with a Sun Pisc/Moon Aries blend (Water-Fire = steam) or a Sun Pisc/Moon Taurus blend (Water-Earth = mud.)

Therefore, I shall include a few notes on both Sun/Moon blends since he seems more the quarrelsome Arian type than the placid Taurean type. Of course, Taurean Moons do like their creature comforts, don't they? And perhaps an Aries Moon is too fiery for the solemn fellow. Yet I always remember a famous man with an Aries Moon, so fond of spouting, "I AM the people." (Robespierre.)

And Senator McConnell keeps saying over and over (in an attempt to make it true) and speaking for us that the 'American people don't want' health insurance reform legislation to pass. Or is financial reform legislation his oft-repeated mantra of obstruction as he tells us what we (all) don't want?

Both health and financial, if either bill's passage means success for the President.

You see in his chart a massive trio of Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in stubborn, intolerant, greedy Taurus (the dark side of Taurus.) Those with Mars conj Saturn are not accustomed to having their plans challenged and can launch vicious attacks against adversaries, even to the point of physical violence; Saturn/Uranus conjunction folk have a talent for putting inspirations and innovations (Uranus) into form (Saturn), and lots of self-discipline for reaching their goals...Senator McConnell is purposeful and is not afraid of responsibility; he belongs in the socio-political a word, Politics. He's impatient with superficial people and may consider Mr. Obama to be one. Don't trifle with McConnell!

Sun Pisc/Moon Aries: independent; big talker; touchy; quarrelsome; understanding but self-centered; vivid imagination; willful; nervous; a quick thinker; introverted poet vs zealous crusader and explorer.

Weaknesses: fear that abilities and worth won't be noticed making him go overboard in efforts to win; taking himself too seriously makes him touchy, temperamental, and argumentative.

Images for Integration: In tattered rags, the small, obscure young servant named Arthur pulls the sword from the stone and becomes king of Camelot.

(Whoa, big aspirations for such a grumpy fellow - bet he'd love a White House stint!)

Sun Pisces/Moon Taurus: fantasy world vs mundane world; caring and capable; lover of harmony; emotionally demonstrative; sociable, charming, and sensual; a gentle, compassionate nature (?) backed by a real stubborn streak (!); appears compliant and low-profile but knows what's right for him - has a quiet strength that tells others, don't trifle with me; dreamer and realist.

Weaknesses: strongly subjective, emotional view of life; possessiveness; tends to maneuver situations to satisfy personal security needs; stubborn, old-fashioned, clings to the past.

Images for Integration: A nature mystique bakes bread in an earth oven...An artist decorates her home lavishly. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Well, as usual, there's a lot more to say about Senator McConnell's natal chart but the press of time weighs upon this gnat of a blogger so I shall ask you to click the chart to enlarge and read a few basic notes I've scribbled there which include the impressively long list of asteroids linked to his natal planets (Sun = Bacchus = Hermes! Pluto = *Nemesis, and interestingly, McConnell has been described as President Obama's political nemesis. Considering that McConnell's Nemesis-Pluto-Chiron trio is about two or three degrees from Mr. Obama's natal Sun, I must astrologically agree with that political assessment. Plus, Obama's natal Mercury 2Leo20 conjs MM's n Pluto - quite a planetary pile-up between them. As you know, Merc/Pluto contacts can be critical and cruel.)

But one more thing...the closest applying aspect to natal Sun which describes the core essence of our subject:

Sun inconjunct Pluto (150 degrees, aka, a quincunx): can take on duties that others neglect, then feel bitterly resentful about it; may overreact to the expectations of others; deep guilt causes continual striving to prove he's doing his share; makes punishing demands on himself so that moderation is needed to avoid health consequences; may compare himself to others who become bitter when forced to follow his example of overdoing; obsessed with gaining the admiration of others to whom he feels inferior; sacrifices must be made to realize ambitions; must learn to accept his limitations; can focus efforts on a particular objective and ignore nonessentials; wrestling with other people's wills should be avoided for best results - the less conflict and tension he creates in dealing with others, the better.

(Physically, a Sun/Pluto inconj may indicate heart issues or weakness.)

Since President Obama moved into the Oval Office, Senator McConnell seems to me to be more energized than ever to create conflict as part of the GOP's 'anything to undermine Obama' campaign in order to ensure, as Rush Limbaugh announced at the outset in January 2009, the failure of the Obama Presidency.

Never mind that where a US President goes, there goes our nation.

What do you think?


You'll find a few sketchy details on McConnell's Vietnam service at Wikipedia if you can stand to read of an entire daring month of his military derring-dos (that siren, Capitol Hill, was whispering his name and offering him apprenticeship.)


*Nemesis = the unbeatable foe; divine retribution; arch enemy.