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Showing posts with label Sirius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sirius. Show all posts

Jul 14, 2015

July 14, 2015 Pluto opposes Mars and SIRIUS for its historic New Horizons Flyby

Today's Pluto Flyby to Give a Closer Look at the Outermost Planet

July 14, 2015: During the dark of the Moon, the shady days leading up to the July 15th *New Moon @23Cancer--which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx--at 7:49 am ET today, NASA's New Horizons reached Pluto for its closest flyby and some sharper images sporting higher resolution than ever before seen will result of Astrology's planet of power, subterfuge, and death--Pluto. Speaking of death, Pluto discoverer (1930), Clyde Tombaugh, requested that his ashes be inside any spacecraft bound for Pluto...and so they are.

Astrologically, 'sharp analysis' is a potential within the midpoint picture now formed with Pluto opposing the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Cancer. At 13Can18, Mars is also out of bounds (of the earthly plane = outstanding activities) and conjoins SIRIUS, a star intimately linked to the founding of America. Mars and SIRIUS now conjunct US natal Sun (leadership; the president) by a mere one-minute orb.

In addition, from Earth's perspective, Pluto arose today with fixed star Toliman, aka Bungala (Alpha Centauri); key theme: learning and education that expand the worldview of others (paraphrasing B. Brady). Curiously, Mars arose today with a star that is also in the Centauri constellation: Agena (Beta Centauri); key theme: to have a mission. Both themes of these stars seem applicable to NASA's New Horizons project which culminated near Pluto today.

Considering that there is a 'clamoring for power' vibe to Mars-Pluto contacts, I hope such adventurous thrusts into the Solar System won't relate to or promote further breakthroughs (Jupiter still within orb of its 'scientific breakthrough' trine to technological Uranus) in the realm of Space Warfare intended to enable transnational globalists' long term mission of full implementation of total global control. You can tell I have trouble trusting the organization invented by nazi war criminals, the German scientists exported to the US after the war, can't you?

#NASA #NewHorizons #Pluto

*Note that the military exercises known as 'Jade Helm 15' are timed by the July 15, 2015 New Moon conjunct US natal Mercury Rx which also activates our nation's surveillance-oriented Mercury-Pluto opposition which is visually represented in once instance by the all-seeing eye at top of the pyramid of power on US currency, America's Great Seal, and elsewhere. See the video What Is Jade Helm 15?, a previous post which includes the horoscope of the Solar Eclipse that will herald the ending in mid-September of the controversial Pentagon program of militarism.

May 28, 2015

Who was Paid What to Fast Track TPA? video - Thom Hartmann

TPA #TPP #FastTrack #FreeTradeDeals #USCongress #ThomHartmann

Well, America's natal Jupiter (the banker; the corporatist; the politician) of 1776 is at '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" and feather these pocket-liners do.

Source: America's traditional horoscope of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776, the date celebrated as Independence Day as recommended by the Founding Fathers, and of course you know that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson expired on the same day: July 4, 1826 with Sun conjunct goddess star, Sirius, which was probably their aim for their promoting that particular day as our nation's day of birth. So because of precession, every time we honor July 4th we are simultaneously honoring (aka, worshiping) Sirius-Isis.

May 21, 2015

Rand Paul Filibustering Renewal of Patriot Act 5.20.2015 - video

Last evening at 11:48 pm EDT with *Pluto in Capricorn rising, Senator Rand Paul completed his performance of something approximating a 'filibuster' on the Senate floor protesting the renewal of the draconian US Patriot Act part of which can sunset away at the end of May if Congress does what it does best, nothing.

As Senator Paul begins to speak we hear his communicative Gemini Moon expressing along side his governmental Capricorn Sun of goals and ego. The Sabian Symbol of the Sun at a critical 29th degree during his performance is (rounding up) '30 Taurus' = "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn" which you may take however you think is most appropriate for describing the aims of a 2016 presidential candidate.

Here are a few more astro-notes concerning the natal planets and Sun-Moon personality blend of Senator Rand Paul.

*Pluto in Capricorn rising spotlights the current transiting Venus-Pluto opposition with Venus at 13 Cancer conjoining Sirius, The Scorcher, the goddess star of Egypt.

Apr 24, 2015

Confirmed: Attorney General Loretta Lynch May 21, 1959

Astro-Notes on the Natal Planets and Senate Confirmation of Loretta Lynch

by Jude Cowell

Since Loretta Lynch was finally confirmed by the US Senate as US Attorney General on April 23, 2015 after the longest wait for confirmation in US history, I peeked at her natal planets (May 21, 1959, Greensboro, NC, birth hour unknown so I'm using noon) and was little surprised that a significant transit was in progress: Jupiter stationed direct upon her natal Uranus @12Leo39 on April 8, 2015. Astrological Jupiter on one level represents politicians and legal matters and natal Uranus denotes genius and change, and by sign, how a native behaves.

In soon-to-be-sworn-in Attorney General Lynch's case, the sign of her natal Uranus is Sun-ruled Leo (leadership; pride) and a planetary stationing upon a natal planet designates a very strong emphasis on matters related to the planets involved. Uranus can also be a disruptive influence and there are indications in her natal chart and the transits of her confirmation-vote horoscope that tradition and the upholding of it (or not) will be one of themes during her term as Attorney General. With Jupiter to Uranus, certain skids are greased in the realms of Politics, Finances, and Group Causes and Activities. It's a very inspiring transit full of newness and promise and if negative factors don't interfere overmuch, she will benefit in her new position from the independence and freedom Jupiter suggests for both planets insist upon freedom.

Loretta Lynch, Harvard Law School Graduate

Of interest during the Senate vote for her confirmation which was scheduled for 2:00 pm or so Thursday (4.23.15), her natal Pluto @1Virgo was rising then--the planet of power, transformation, stealth, and wealth. Pluto in Virgo potentially indicates an ability to achieve much with the simplest means, pursuit of scientific objectives with fanatical zeal, a desire to collect, and an inquisitive mind (Ebertin). Natal Pluto conjoins Royal Star Regulus, the planet that represents the US Capitol Building in the original Federal Triangle plan with the star's keywords: success if revenge is avoided. As you know, her ultimate confirmation was never seriously in doubt. The long stalemate was for the sake of political gamesmanship.

You must have heard that her fund-raising opponent Senator Ted Cruz skipped out on the vote entirely since he didn't get his way on blocking Lynch's confirmation--that was a big laugh on Mr. Green Eggs and Ham!

So with such a lofty position in society, it's unsurprising that Lynch's natal planets form a Locomotive pattern of high-powered success and executive ability with natal Mercury @15Taurus leading the engine--her natal Mercury conjoined Midheaven at 2:00 pm Thursday as did transit Mercury (votes and meetings) and had just returned to natal position along with transit Mars in Taurus to natal Mercury denoting a faster pace of life and potentials for verbal combat, energetic discussions and meetings, and/or a large volume of communications.

Actually at 2:00 pm a midpoint picture formed: Mercury-Mars = MC hinting at courage, determination, readiness for action, and an ability to retaliate in a proper way if necessary (Ebertin).

Now 'confirmation Venus' @14Gemini (perhaps representing the lady herself) on Thursday, was and is out-of-bounds as is her natal Venus @12Can25 (near goddess star Sirius @14Cancer, The Shining One or, The Scorcher) and since power and control issues are at stake, we must note that in Lynch's natal horoscope, there is a Grand Cross between her Sun-Jupiter opposition and a Pluto-Chiron opposition which necessarily includes Sun square Pluto and Chiron, and Jupiter square Pluto and Chiron.

Sun square Chiron indicates a life in which socio-cultural issues of authority play a significant part; Jupiter square Chiron hints at severe conflicts at some point due to being at odds with socio-cultural norms; Pluto opposite Chiron (from Virgo to Chiron @27AQ conjunct US natal Moon, We the People) will struggle on behalf of certain archetypal energies that seek to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle).

Though in dissociate signs, Lynch's natal Pluto opposing US natal Moon we expect that there will be citizens who resent her authority and control. Transformative plans may be implemented that many see as threatening--and perhaps they will be. Or not. Either way, no easy ride as US Attorney General is promised her by such astrological contacts with the public, historical as her promotion may be. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in aspect with plutocratic Pluto denotes an influx of exploitation and repression vibes though if her tenure turns out to be oppressive, she's probably following The Script that all must follow if they wish to buy a ticket for the Global Government train. 'Offers they can't refuse', and all that, with no option to do otherwise.

A Sun-Pluto square person is the 'might makes right' kind of mindset while a Jupiter-Pluto square indicates a wheeler-dealer who may exaggerate burdens to justify neglect of responsibilities and engages in large scale enterprises where great returns may be expected from little effort! (Pelletier).

Solar-Lunar Notes

As for Loretta Lynch's Sun-Moon personality blend, the Moon remained in Scorpio for the 24-hour period of May 21, 1959 but the Sun changed signs--from very late Taurus to 00Gem00:00 at 2:42:05 pm EST. So if born before that time, she has a muddy Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend of Earth-Water; afterwards, the influence is a Sun Gem-Moon Sco blend of Air-Water energies.

Let's consider a few notes on both combinations:

Sun Tau-Moon Sco is an earthy blend of pragmatism and practicality. Taurus/Scorpio is the Desire/Money Axis and relates well to her position in law enforcement since intense Scorpio's realm includes death, investigation, and surveillance. Late Taurus is near the difficult Fixed Stars of the Pleiades constellation and her natal Sun @29Taurus (or 00Gem) conjoins starry, unlucky Alcyone, one of the seven sisters, with keywords something to cry about and exile.

As for her coming to public attention, the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem conjoined this star and Lynch's natal Sun simultaneously making the 29Tau/00Gem degrees very sensitive and significant for her and denote an eventful or famous life if other eclipses and Fixed Stars concur.

Star Note: In the confirmation-vote horoscope, transit Pluto @15Cap32 Rx conjoins Fixed Star Vega with potentials for 'luck in politics' and 'wealth through dealing with the government' but also 'fleeting fame' and 'double-dealing' (A. Louis). Additionally, the Sun is unaspected as are Saturn @3Sag39 Rx and the 2:00 pm Ascendant (the confirmation itself). Seems the Sun and Saturn are in league (president and Congress?) with the Sun @3Tau15 revealing a Sabian Symbol that supports the Vega implications--"4Tau" = "The Rainbow's Pot of Gold" (Jones). As you know, this is Chiron's Discovery degree (1977: 3Tau08) and it is opposed by Lynch's natal Neptune @4Sco56 Rx.

The claim-your-territory blend of Sun Tau-Moon Sco describes an impassioned leader of social causes and a shrewd business person. Independent, protective, 'bossy', and resourceful are hallmarks along with staying power, perception, and a willful stubbornness. Risk and challenge are sought and a change of mind seldom occurs. There is administrative power in this personality blend, a magnetic presence, and enormous self-confidence within the 'dark enigma' that is Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio.

The blend's negatives may include: 'strongly subjective responses, fixed prejudices, a difficult temper, and a ruthless desire for power'.

Taurus-Scorpio's conscious-unconscious Images for Integration are: "Persephone and Pluto...The Phantom of the Opera...The Mating Season...Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective. Note that this natal blend is that of President Harry Truman of "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" fame.

Sun Gem-Moon Sco is a lighter, breezier combo with a misty quality and may not tally with a legal official in high office. Plus, somehow I don't see her teary-eyed, do you? At least not in public. But let's consider the blend anyway for it could be hers if born after 2:42:05 pm--and her Locomotive leader Mercury, planet of intellect, is the ruler of Gemini after all:

Communicative yet secretive describes this blend along with a quick wit and a full heart. It may be totally committed or changeable, restless and superficial with a deep reluctance to face the darker side of life. How inconvenient for one who works with criminality!

Sun Gem-Moon Sco Images for Integration are: "An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...Elgar's Enigma Variations--'to my friends depicted within'"

Well, I can't say that the accomplished Loretta Lynch is not an 'elegant hostess' but I do think the gravity of her past and new positions in the legal profession call for the more serious Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend, don't you?

There are many other chart factors in her natal horoscope and in the confirmation-vote chart worth mentioning but my schedule doesn't allow so perhaps you'll set up the chart and have a peek for yourself! And wouldn't it be excellent if the birth time of Loretta Lynch turned up online or if someone took the time to rectify her horoscope?

Apr 20, 2015

Horoscope: Modern Humanity

A natal horoscope for Modern Humanity (our era) may be timed by the Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 during the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in Gemini. The chart is published here on SO'W for anyone's future reference such as transits and progressions that affect its natal planets, angles, and other house cusps; some US natal placements are penned around the chart:

Hour of Mercury Rx in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies; Cardinal/Earth strong; Angular. Tech genius Uranus rises in 1st house signifying such advances as Smartphones while conjoining US Progressed Saturn Rx @3Scorpio. Chart-ruler Venus @22Gem31 is posited in the 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands and Long-Distance Travel and makes two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects:

First, Venus squares Saturn Rx @24Vir00 in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Back Rooms, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies which denotes regrets over lack of money, wishes that once achieved may be disappointing, and neglect of burdens and responsibilities. Imitations of 'the real thing' may be prevalent and worry, anxieties, and obsessions too often permeates thinking particularly in relation to legal matters, relationships, and of course, finances. A preference for isolation and solitude may be noted and an antisocial quality is emphasized.

The only-planet-out-of-bounds condition of Venus, planet of relationships, romance, money, and evaluation, increases the isolation vibes of the horoscope and the general condition of humanity. You may wish to check out What If Being Single Weren't Stigmatized? and Marriage Not Included: The New American Dream?

Next, Venus inconjuncts the 4th house Mars @24Cap57 which further emphasizes relationships and romance (or the lack thereof). Venus also conjoins US natal Mars (desire for comfort and luxury) though in Business and Politics, it signifies the Venus-Mars duo's spirit of competition along with gaining satisfaction from fighting and from an exhibition of recklessness (as seen on TV?) (Munkasey). And of course, Mars (males) is in the 4th house of Domestic Scene which hints strongly at domestic disputes. Battles in Foreign Lands (I'm typing as an American, of course, since I am one) are also implicated by Venus and US natal Mars in 9th house--religious battles hardly describes the ongoing, centuries-long East vs West contest that now threatens all of civilization.

Another factor of interest is that the Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 conjoins a midpoint so we have this picture: Mercury-NN = Sun = Moon. The Mercury-NN (North Node, a point of encounter and destiny) involves mixed potentials for: new corridors of transportation, inefficient transportation methods, coordinated joint efforts, theft of material or information, and/or smuggling or other unlawful activities that use transportation systems.

Mercury-NN also relates to the Media, discussions and conferences, and joint plans. With Sun and Moon there we see potentials for the enhancement of communications, a focus on the importance of messages, details meant for the general public, locating people to gather information (GPS; NSA surveillance, etc), reactions about how others use information or data, using associates to research and/or disseminate info, intellectual associations, a desire to tell other people our troubles and to share thoughts and ideas (Munkasey; Ebertin). Naturally, tech advances and social networking come to mind.

Curiously, the Solar Eclipse @7Taurus conjoins fixed star Schedir (alpha Cassiopeia; demonic power), The Queen, which implies a nod to the super-wealthy British monarchy. The eclipse is in the 2 Old North Saros Series with themes of personal relationships (more Venus-Mars battle-of-the-sexes vibes), unfortunate news, separations, partings, and glumness though results may turn out more positively than they first appeared (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Also notable is the inconjunct (quincunx) between the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn from 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (Military, Police, Civil, etc). Of course, Saturn is in Virgo, the sign of Work of a Dedicated Variety and here it's working behind the scenes or in isolation. Jupiter plays many roles suitable for the planet of increase and expansion and wears the hat of The General when wars are waged. Their inconjunct signifies adjustments that need to be made between the principles of expansion and Saturnian restriction along with feelings of being burdened by responsibilities, neglecting duties, and guilt for past indiscretions and bitterness over binding restrictions. A need for moderation in all things such as diet and a healthy focus on exercise is highlighted by the Jupiter-Saturn inconjunct.

And since US natal Saturn (14Lib48) is rising in this chart (which emphasizes America's natal Sun-Saturn square on the Angles) we find that the tradition of political checks and balances that our nation has always touted to the world is on the modern menu and is being neglected and undermined on several levels--and tossed into the dustbin of history, if certain anti-government, anti-democratic politicians and their billionaire backers have their way.

And then there's starry Sirius at the top of the chart (MC 13Can46; The Goal) conjoined by US natal Sun (July 4, 1776; the president) and asteroid Panacea (illusions of cures). Has our cult-of-personality presidency been meant to calm and distract the public concerning America's true and ultimate goal of establishing a Global Government based on Zionism?

Well, in relation to Politics, Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred) one one level is a symbol of Venusian goddess worship (as America's Founding Fathers well knew and practiced in various ways--see the stars and architecture of Washington DC for clues--the District is simply lousy with horoscopes, Zodiacs, the sign Virgo, and symbols of Venus, Isis, Ceres) and with the mystical pair of Neptune and Pluto in the 8th house of The Occult (aka The Hidden, or Metaphysical Studies and Practices) we may expect a myriad of mysteries to continue along with research into them (#rabbitholes of distraction!)

The North Node (future direction) in Venus-ruled Taurus (the 'Bull of Wall Street') is in 8th house (Corporatism; Big Money; Insurance; Inheritance, Legacies) as well, with the separative SN in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (a great loss of US funds and resources trade deals, out-shoring of US jobs, corporate tax avoidance, the Great Heist and Bail-Outs of 2008, etc). Plus, in 8th house we see the drug use/trafficking and Organized Crime Syndicate tendencies of Neptune-Pluto whose Great Conjunction/s also identify the Era of the Robber Barons, and the environment-destroying mining for resources such as oil and gas.

Well, to me it all sounds much like a description of our 'modern world' doesn't it? And yet, there's nothing new under the sun...


For more info concerning the Horoscope for Modern Humanity, you may wish to see Alan Meece's book, Horoscope for the New Millennium.

Jan 11, 2015

"America Unearthed", three NYC Obelisks, and the Belt Stars of Orion

The topic of tonight's episode of America Unearthed relates to some of the subjects discussed from time to time here on Stars Over Washington particularly concerning the three stars in Orion's Belt, the Statue of Liberty, and Freemasonry in America.

America Unearthed showed its host, forensic geologist Scott Wolter, on a hunt for information about the three Egyptian obelisks located in New York City. These are situated in Central Park (see link just below), St. Paul's Chapel, or Church, and the Flatiron Building.

View full episodes at History Channel though tonight's episode won't be available immediately.

Related is a page of the official Central Park website which gives a few details concerning the Egyptian obelisk (aka, Cleopatra's Needle) from Thutmose III's temple in Heliopolis and delivered to Central Park, paid for and the Central Park site selected by the very wealthy William Vanderbilt.

The other two obelisks in NYC are located at St. Paul's Chapel (Church) where George Washington attended when in New York and the building of which Pierre L'Enfant, initial designer of DC (along with Andrew Ellicott), was architect in part. The third location is at the Flatiron Building (175 Fifth Avenue) where the obelisk honors General William Worth, a New Yorker who served as the Secretary of War for Texas and is the namesake of the city of Fort Worth.

Orion, Sirius, and Venus with a Multitude of Names

Now in the heavens, the three stars of Orion's Belt point toward Sirius, the home of goddess Isis in Egyptian mythology, and many people believe that the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau line up with the belt stars (though perhaps in reverse order--is it conclusive yet?) The ancient figure of Orion, the hunter, is god Osiris in Egyptian star lore, plus, constellation Orion is an archetype of the Immortal God, our Creator. In fact, some religious folk teach that Christ's Second Coming will be from the direction of Orion's Belt, an area of the sky which is sometimes identified as a 'star portal', a concept that actually tallies with Scriptural teachings, imho.

So, lined up upon the earth with Orion's Belt Stars as they seem to be, what are the three obelisks in NYC pointing toward in similar fashion? Why, the harbor and the Statue of Liberty, that feminine goddess of Venus-Isis fame created and brought to America by the Grand Orient Freemasons of France. You'll note France's past fascination with Egyptian pyramids and antiquities a la Napoleon Bonaparte, another of the world's 'new world order' visionaries as was Hitler.

Now as you may or may not know, I spend considerable time researching the connection between the founding of America and its occult roots which include such topics as Fixed Stars, the planning and construction of the District of Columbia (the 'Federal City'), and the Federal Triangle marked by the White House (a Masonic lodge), the Capitol Building (architecturally a Masonic temple if there ever was one), and the Washington Monument (built in the form of an obelisk itself). Regarding the Federal Triangle, it's a lesson in As Above, So Below: the White House = Arcturus, the Capitol Building = Regulus, and the Washington Monument = Spica ('the spike'; for obvious phallic reasons 'the spike' signifies George, the Father of Our Country, though curiously he doesn't seem to have physically fathered even one offspring of his own).

All three edifices and many others in Washington DC had their cornerstones and/or foundation stones laid in Masonic ceremonies by the Freemasons of the day--George Washington in apron, for one. Plus, triangles, 5-pointed stars, wheat sheafs, circles and squares, and other Masonic symbols and designs appear on and inside various official buildings and monuments and statues across the city along with horoscopes and references to constellation Virgo and its stars. Venus, Isis, Osiris, and the stars of constellation Pleiades are also represented in Washington, and perhaps you know of other starry symbols strewn about the capital city. America's Great Seal is one of the spots we find such occult symbolism with its design based on the Bavarian Illuminati seal of Adam Weishaupt (May 1776) heralding the coming of a 'new order'. The pyramid (a triangle) and the All-Seeing Eye of Providence (or, of Horus,) are found upon the dollar bill, thanks to Franklin D. Roosevelt (1935).

Speaking of a 'new order'--one of the potentials of the current transit of revolutionary Uranus (new order) in Aries opposing US natal Saturn (old order, the status quo, the established system) in mid-Libra, let's close with a reference to an interesting book that relates closely to current events as we watch the implementation of a global police state being manifested in the US and so obviously in France, as I type.

The book (1958) is Arthur Schlesinger, Jr's, The Coming of the New Deal 1933--1935, 2nd in his trilogy concerning Freemason FDR, in which he opens with a quote from ace political strategist Machiavelli and closes with words from H.G. Wells, the Fabian Socialist:

Machiavelli: "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

H.G. Wells, described FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

How suitable for FDR's natal Uranus rising in Virgo! This is the kind of information that makes FDR's presidency and New Deal programs sound extremely well-devised as one part of a long term plan, don't you think? Which to me makes the current divide-and-conquer monkeyshines in Washington via such tactics as 'R vs D' and 'conservative vs liberal' sound like a bunch of media claptrap meant only to deceive We The People and divert our attention from solving the real problems now faced by the American people. My advice to anyone who asks is to consider what actually results from what politicians say and don't say, do and don't do for most often it is just what they and their secret supporters intended all along.

But a populist common-gooder with Revolutionary ancestors such as yours truly probably would feel just that way, now wouldn't she?

Jan 4, 2015

Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791

Image: Founding via Masonic cornerstone ceremony of the Federal City, now Washington DC, April 21, 1791 " precisely 3:30 pm" (Ellicott) when Jupiter Rx @22Vir38 was rising along with America's natal Neptune (which veils President Obama's natal Mars).

Mercury-ruled Virgo, sign of The Virgin, is a prominently emphasized Zodiac sign and constellation across the District of Columbia and appears in horoscopes of various cornerstone laying ceremonies of buildings and monuments across the city including that of the executive mansion (lodge) we now call the White House.

In the horoscope, chart-ruler (and goal-oriented Midheaven-ruler) Mercury makes no major applying aspects to other planets so its sign, house, and degree are spotlighted (10Tau32 in the occult 8th house conjunct star Menkar...victim of the unconscious and associated with Cetus the Whale). Please enlarge the image to read a few basic chart factors for they are not discussed here.

If we look to the stars of the ancient constellation Virgo for clues to the nature of our capital city, we find that the Virgin was called Demeter by the Greeks, Ceres by the Romans, and on April 21, 1791, the Sun @1Tau37 (8th house) conjoined asteroid Ceres, goddess of the harvest. Spica is the alpha star of Virgo, and is represented in the Federal Triangle by the phallic Washington Monument, part of the Founders' Solar Cult in which George Washington was allegedly deified.

Spica ('the spike') is linked with the wheat sheaf in the hand of the goddess (our Founders were pagan goddess worshippers as you may know by now!) and was considered a symbol of her gifts to mankind of harvest, bounty, knowledge and wise insights. That's supposedly George all over according to his contemporaries.

Of course there is much more to say concerning this horoscope, the circumstances in 1791, and the stars and planets thereof but I shall leave you to be curious enough to check things out for yourself--if indeed you are curious at all.

Recommended reading: David Ovason's The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital.#ad

Dec 27, 2014

"Rebalancing the Matrix" -- Max Igan (plus, right--left eye symbology)

(If only you could watch it), here is (not!) the first part of a Max Igan broadcast which, among other topics, mentions the power elite's subtle switch of our collective thinking from *right brain to left rather than using a balance between our brain hemispheres necessary for best results and decision making ability. This, I believe, is one reason a majority of us have trouble figuring out solutions for societal problems in the US and this confusion suits total control-global government purposes for our minds to be muddled like kittens-in-string.

And isn't it curious (and undermining) how, for decades, we've been propagandized with the notion that 'we only use 10% of our brains'?

Update December 2022: No Max Igan video which was initially embedded here for it has been deleted due to Max's YouTube account being removed. However, Max's website and content are accessible at The Crowhouse.


With a considerable amount of ruffling and editing for clarity (Dec 2022), my original post continues here:

Eye = Mandala = the Center of Order in the Unconscious (Carl Jung)

*On the topic of right brain to left, it's curious to note that the eye over the pyramid symbol on the reverse of America's Great Seal (as per Barton's design 1782) was depicted as a right eye which in ancient Egyptian symbology represented the sun, the creative aspect of the Deity. So the all-seeing eye in the triangle was a symbol for divine providence overlooking the activities of the Founders of this nation. Did Barton and colleagues intentionally use the sun in this way? Most likely, since many of them were Freemasons and knowledgeable about esoteric symbolism.

Now as you know, in traditional esoterism, the sun symbol signifies intuitive power, inner light, and illumination ("If therefore, thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22) and these links, when perverted into Luciferianism, tally with the hidden beliefs of certain of America's Founders and their colleagues who were more than Freemasons--the eye over the pyramid or in a triangle as a Masonic symbol--for some of the key figures were members of the Illuminati Society which is said to have supplied the design for America's Great Seal.

As for the subtle yet significant switch from right eye to left eye in American symbology, we have an interesting occurrence in 1856 (put in place in time for the delusions and misplaced motivations of the 'Civil War', a delusional Mercury-Neptune affair), for though the 1782 seal depicted the usual right eye, an article appeared in Harper's New Monthly Magazine which included artist Benjamin Lossing's design of the seal (The Lossing Realization) in which right eye was replaced by left eye. Subtle enough for you? For me it is, though when I posted about it previously here on SO'W, someone left a comment disagreeing with me. Fair enough!

Yet as you may know, the left eye signifies the lunar hemisphere of the brain, which indicates our functions of measuring ability, words, and analysis. Yes, there is more to life and the understanding of its issues than using the brain's mental functions. There is also the feeling-intuitive-imaging functions represented by the right eye (left side of the brain). And so to me, it seems that the symbolic switch could have caused an imbalance of mental functions in the American people, or a confusion, so that conscious rebalancing is the option.

Then in the realm of US Politics, cold calculations are valued most by the budget slashing Republican Party, an entity whose natal Sun (March 1854) conjoins US natal Sun in the protective sign of Cancer--and Sirius, the Isis goddess. Republicans are more like a paternalistic 'Father' whose conditional love may often be expressed heartlessly toward those they consider to be burdens, or beneath them and unworthy.

Since the days of Thomas Jefferson, the Democratic Party's natal Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius conjoins US natal Moon (July 4, 1776) which symbolically identifies the party as 'Mother' of the American people which has set up the much-derided 'nanny state' of 'socialism' - and with 1776 Ceres, asteroid of democracy in the compassionate sign of Pisces.

Through a critical consideration of water, food, domestic products, and chem trail contamination, we gain a further hint concerning mankind's current kittens-in-string condition in how our bodies have been inundated with fluoride and other chemicals which calcify and clog the 'third eye', the pineal gland, where intuition and deep knowing are intended by our Creator to inhabit. And as you know, much of the astrological symbolism here is represented by Neptune, planet of veils, clouds, toxins, poisons, undermining, dissolution, disguises, deception, fraud, gas lighting (lies)...and the Divine Source's spiritual and intuitive insights which are freely ours if only we honestly seek them.

In closing, a related video: Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill.

Dec 4, 2014

A Cosmic December 2014: Winter Solstice and on to January 2015

During the month of December 2014 and on into early 2015 the heavens ring with cosmic events and changes which will be reflected by earthly events, no less so in Washington DC.

All times are EST and all horoscopes are set for Washington DC USA; all events mentioned here are under the auspices of the Solar Eclipse of October 23, 2014 @00Sco24.

A partial list of cosmic highlights for December 2014 includes activist and warrior Mars entering Aquarius on the 4th, then the December 6 Full Moon @14Gem17 (7:27 am) with Venus out-of-bounds in later Sagittarius, a culmination/fulfillment stage and the 'cosmic bookend' of something seeded at the November 22, 2014 New Moon @00Sag03. The Full Moon @14Gem17 perfects during an Hour of Saturn with Ceres rising (food, nurturing, and security issues) and falls in the middle of America's natal Mars-Uranus midpoint, an explosive, conflicted spot to be and, besides military events, one thinks of the several legal actions against the president on the Republican agenda (all of which makes them look quite desperate, sputtering, and politically neutered in my opinion.)

Next in December is investing Jupiter (The General, the banker, the guru, and the high-powered executive in his recent role as lead in a locomotive planetary pattern--see his change of condition at Winter Solstice, below) performing a Retrograde Station on December 8, 2014 @22Leo37, known as a degree of "worst foot forward" or "foot in mouth" (A. Louis) so watch for such mentions in the news (or that you notice yourself) and you'll identify Jupiter acting in one of his many roles.

Naturally we may expect Jupiterian concerns--particularly finances, investment, and expansion since we're mainly considering a spiteful Congress--to stall (move backwards) or be delayed until Jupiter's Direct Station the second week of April 2015 @12Leo35 and forward movement beyond 22Leo37 which won't occur until a couple of days after July 4, 2015. Of course, any cosmic events as of January 2015 will be intimately reflective of the 2015 Congress. The Direct Station will again conjoin Mr. Obama's natal Sun denoting a time when projects begun about 12 years ago must either ramp up or cease completely--which has timed his expansion of US troops into the Middle East, sad to say. Yet perhaps you agree that he's only following orders from a higher authority as all presidents do since....well, that's up for grabs but one point in time when a major shift occurred may have been with Andrew Johnson after the ritual of America's first assassination. Once that event changed our course, US debt to foreign bankers really began to corrupt the entire ideal of this nation.

Next is Venus, an integral part of the founding of this nation for one has only to look at Washington DC statues lauding the goddess, plus, the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, to see this no matter the name. Venus will enter Capricorn, the sign of government, law, and business, on December 10, 2014 and this, of course, is 00Cap00, a World Point of manifestation, prominence, recognition, and fame. Capricorn is also the careful investor which is interesting since funding for running the US government is scheduled to expire on December 11, 2014 unless Congress acts with accountability, not grandstanding for political points. Yet as you know, another government shut down is in the air though establishment Republican leaders have denied it but Jim Demint of the Heritage Action group of anarchists knows more about the plan, I suspect, for he was behind last's year's costly 16-day fiasco.

(Apparently the "heritage" they tout is from pre-Civil War days in the secessionist/white supremacist mold and though I'm a southerner, theirs is a shady, forcible, even satanic way to behave imho, and a crummy way to run the US government based on paternalistic strong-arm tactics. They do not grandstand or obstruct progress in Washington DC for me!)

Next is the spoiling-for-a-fight Uranus-Pluto square, exact on December 15, 2014, the 6th of 7 exact squares at critical degrees of 12Ari-12Cap. Their square perfects at 12:14 am with its Mars-Saturn vibes due to sign rulership, a stop-go, frustrating influence of hardship inspiring more protests, conflicts, and generational clashes on the streets and on Capitol Hill, plus, more strong-armed police actions against the people. These social concerns issue from their Great Conjunction/s in mid-Virgo in the mid-1960s, the Civil Rights era when progress was made toward equality.

The last (7th) exact of the Uranus-Pluto squares occurs on March 17, 2015 after which perhaps things will cool down a little toward the end of 2015. Yet I'm quite certain grumpy, anti-social Republicans--still violently against New Deal and Great Society programs--and the new Congress with its 'charming' hog-castrating flavor will keep things riled up as much as possible for as long as they can. Considering their past behavior against the president, aren't you? Only political concerns over Election 2016 might keep the GOP under any control whatsoever if it will.

Next day, on December 16, speedy Mercury, planet of orators, communicators, reporters, young people, students, traders, transport carriers, magicians and tricksters enters Capricorn at 10:53 pm and we see the Winter Solstice 2014 stellium lining up in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (horoscope shown, below.)

Hannukah begins on December 17 and ends on December 24, 2014.

TV Note: the last episode of The Colbert Report is scheduled for December 18, 2014, a cosmic event to many of us.

December 20 brings a new cycle between Venus and Pluto as they conjoin @12Cap46 (critical degree) in the 8th house of Corporatism, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, the Occult--but mostly with vibes of financial disruption (square Uranus) possibly due to natural disasters). Denoted are events involving organized crime and a worsening of the ongoing breakdown of the social fabric (which plutocratic elements within the US government have been working toward for decades--ex: billionaires' ownership of politicians and judges, anti-New Dealers, etc.) Other potential areas of concern with Venus-Pluto include waste processing and disposal, both of nuclear and other toxic by-products, transformation of America's beautiful landscapes and natural resources--water comes to mind--such as with fracking and other destructive mining practices.

Naturally for timing peaks of the Venus-Pluto cycle we look to their waxing and waning squares (credit debasement?) and their opposition (tax, insurance, joint finance problems, plus, underworld involvements such as money laundering, counterfeiting, prostitution and sex trading, and so on).

A Venus-Pluto conjunction also suggests extreme amounts of wealth hidden in secret places which may or may not be outed in the news for this is the pair's 'New Moon', a time when things tend to be done in the shadows and may only come to light around the time of their opposition in May 2015. We may expect with quirky Uranus squaring their conjunction that certain actors will exhibit a studied indifference to any destruction caused to society by their corruption--but how else do they ever face themselves in the mirror each morning, right?

This brings us to a very busy day cosmically: December 21, 2014, the Winter Solstice of 2014 which is imprinted with a New Moon of new beginnings @00Cap06 (8:35 pm, Dec 22.) Yet prior, at 6:03 pm is the actual perfection of Sun entering Capricorn, the Solstice itself. And even before that is a prominent shift of energy performed by disruptive Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, a signature of anarchists and blind zealots (Ebertin.) Considering current and recent events, it seems safe to include Zionists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and secessionists in with this Martian bunch of political regressives--part of the anti-government movement against Washington DC.

Now it's time to check out the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2014 set for December 21, 2014 at 6:03:20 pm est, Washington DC, with a bow to royal star Fomalhaut, the Watcher of the South and guardian of earth's Winter Solstices:

It's a Balsamic phase between Sun and Moon (a dark few days of secret activities) and an Hour of Mars @13AQ11 (apex of the oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint of plutocrats, racists, and primal violence perpetrators); warrior Mars is in 8th house of Joint Finances keeping company with US natal Moon @27AQ33 (We the People); Mercury and Venus are out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and working on their own--both in 6th house; explosive Mars-Uranus are friendly in Mutual Reception (each other's signs) as the difficult pair Saturn and Pluto continue to be--here, from 5th house of Risk-Taking with a critical 29th degree Saturn, and Pluto @12Cap49, a critical degree affecting here 6th house matters such as Health, Work, Service (Military, Police, Civil), and our Daily Rounds.

Both mystical Neptune (Islam's 'totem planet' as Uranus is ours) and wounding-wounded Chiron, the guru and mentor, are in 9th house of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, and Higher Education and with Saturn anxiously on the verge of entering Sagittarius we may expect religion and austere ideologies to continue at the top of every malcontent's militant agenda, here and abroad.

Solstice 2014 Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius--often a happy placement--in Political Astrology may denote immigration issues and can have an 'attacks which weaken' vibe due to the Moon conjoining star Acumen. Plus, that's America's natal Ascendant on the 6th cusp which personalizes indicators relating to our government and its war machine sucking up all our money and resources not the least of which are our family members. And with critical degrees on the MC-IC axis (29Vir-Pis, the victim-savior polarity) we perhaps shouldn't expect our nation to fare well in the Public Status department during the next 6 months for between the Death Star Pentagon gorilla-ing around the planet and the US Congress willfully turning itself into a laughing stock, We the People are numbed, genetically modified, and too disengaged to actually do anything about the crooks in charge at this particular time.

Now the Solstice 2014 planets form a Bucket pattern with Jupiter Rx @22Leo20 as the handle and thus uniting the fuller and emptier hemispheres of the chart--carrying the chart. Coercive measures are being used and Jupiter Rx is delaying investment and other financial concerns as noted previously especially since 2nd house signifies the National Treasury in Political (Mundane) Astrology. A new direction is being forcibly installed within our government and having Leo-AQ on the 2/8 cusps increases the chances for breaks and breakdowns between the three branches of government (Sun-Saturn-Uranus).

And is that an elephant in the Solstice room you see before you? Only if you include the Nodal axis and the ASC of the chart (17Can08) as points in a Cardinal Cross involving planets Venus and Uranus which as a pair denote extravagance, eccentricity, and erratic behavior which will probably affect the US economy. Of course, North Node (the head of the dragon) always points to a future direction and as noted above, this NN conjoins US natal Saturn which is opposed by transiting Uranus (soon to conjoin tr SN), the old v new order condition already mentioned--but also significators of Israel and Palestine and their ancient disagreement at the base of all conflict. The Ascendant, a chart angle, is a point of manifestation of the Venus-Uranus-Saturn energies giving the Cross--or at least the T-Squares that are formed--a place to act out. Or up, if we're talking anarchy in the US Congress--such as another government shutdown at the expense of taxpayers once again.

(If any grandstanding Republican serves us 'green eggs and ham' again it may be hog castrator Joni Ernst's dream but none for me, thanks. I'll fast instead.)

To conclude my current remarks concerning the Winter Solstice 2014 horoscope:

The factor that should have been discussed at the beginning--Moon as chart-ruler and its applying Ptolemaic aspects which hint at how things will proceed from Winter Solstice 2014--we find only two such: Moon conjunct Sun (1A24) and Moon conjunct Mercury (9A01), the Speedy One, which conjoins difficult star Facies, one of the 'victim stars'.

Obviously the December 22nd New Moon @00Cap06 is spotlighted by Winter Solstice 2014 and as such, makes this particular Solstice prominent in many ways--and perhaps fortunate for some. At the least, new creative projects are planned and seeds now germinate, a condition which may reference on one level the dark agenda of sourpuss Republicans and their financial backers who just can't stand a Democrat in the White House especially when he dares to be half-black. Or is it his white-half they so despise? Either way, their shady plans to undermine proceed apace.

(Never mind that Mr. Obama was purposefully chosen by Those Who Select Presidents to--in my view--gum up the works of the US government and to get done what has been done since 2009--and to not get done what the power elite didn't want done. The ultimate goal is, as I've blogged here way too often, to dismantle our government system of 1776, take control, and replace it with one from a devilish plutocrat's dream--Lucifer's servant. You may wish to check out General Albert Pike's writings about WWIII if you haven't. Not only is he the only Confederate General with a statue in Washington DC--still!--but his body is entombed down the block from the White House at the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple. Mummified, you ask? Don't know. Don't want to know. Ugh and weird.)

Last in the chart: with Moon to Mercury we naturally think of such potentials as communication between leaders and the masses, propaganda campaigns (yes, we're constantly drenched in them already), speeches tailored to what the people need to hear, leaders who analyze the attitudes and moods of the public, family concerns, excitement over popular causes, restless workers, and agricultural statistics which come to light.

And the Solstice Sun? No application (isolated leader, but not weaker, stronger) unless we count the December 6th New Moon, a lunation we must discuss in a later post.

Because if you, dear reader, have managed to read this far (skipping or otherwise), I'm impressed and do hope my populist Political Astrology view of Winter Solstice 2014 won't ruin the celebratory season for you!

For it isn't as if planets and stars are forcing politicians to act like self-serving idiots with a higher oath to uphold than the one they took to the US Constitution and to the offices they hold. Therefore, we may freely blame any of the jacka*ses for deciding their own hee-haw behavior and choosing to follow orders and act in such a sorry fashion by putting the Greater Good last on their list of important considerations.

Kwanzaa observance begins December 26 and ends New Years Day 2015.

2015: a Grand Cross again: Moon, Sun and Pluto, Uranus, and the Nodes

As for January 2015's swearing in of the new Republican-led Congress, an imprint is found in the horoscope of the Full Moon of January 4, 2015 @14Can30 (the result of the previous New Moon) conjunct Sirius which conjoins US natal Sun (the leader, usually, POTUS.) Fixed Star Canopus ('the plumb line' waiting to weigh each of us in The Scales) is nearby as well and has several ancient myths associated with it as does Sirius ('the mundane becoming sacred' and more.) With the DC chart of the Full Moon which perfects at 11:53:14 pm est, we find the Full Moon in 10th house and Alhena ('to have a mission') conjunct MC (9Can54) which also places America's natal Venus and Jupiter (and Sun) at the Goal Point of the Full Moon chart.

Opposite in 4th house, the Sun @14Cap30 has met powerful saboteur Pluto @13Cap18 and they, plus the Cancer placements, tie in with zealous radical Uranus @12Ari39 (setting) and the rising North Node @14Lib40 Rx--which conjoins US natal Saturn (14:48) denoting a 'new order replacing the old'--the Republican majority in House and Senate? Or a more sweeping change to the US government? The planets form a massive, dynamic Cardinal Grand Cross made more conflicted and generational by the ongoing Cardinal Square of Uranus-Pluto which again perfects at critical degrees on December 15, 2014 (#6 of 7 exact squares, the last on March 17, 2015 but past critical degrees.)

Additionally, plodding manipulator Pluto continues his siege opposite US natal Sun in Cancer denoting the titanic power struggles 'with important consequences' (Tyl) against Mr. Obama and the US presidency itself. We might think of the Koch Brothers but Pluto represents more than that--foreign financial backers, governments abroad, and global bankers and other corporatists are implicated as well as occultists of the dark persuasion.

Now the January 4th Full Moon horoscope is weighted on the Angular side suggesting that actions are being initiated though not necessarily of a positive nature and a majority of planets are in the hidden hemisphere of the chart suggesting private events. Constricting authoritarian Saturn in 2nd house of the National Treasury adds his delay and disapproval blockages and tactics to the stalemates created by Republican maneuvers intended to stymie President Obama's initiatives on immigration, budgetary matters, nominations, and...fill-in-the-blank.

Then around January 20, 2015, look for disruptive rebel Uranus to conjoin the transiting South Node (the tail of the dragon and a separative point of neurosis yet possibly of inherited talents) denoting societal conditions disrupted by violence, war, or other large concerns such as electrical disruptions or natural disasters. Their exact conjunction still involves America's natal Saturn which squares US natal Sun (the president, not a comforting picture as the New Year begins.

Perhaps President Obama will reach a new stage of development, however, around the New Moon of January 20, 2015 for the lunation @00AQ09 conjoins the presidential Sun in all our Inauguration horoscopes. This New Moon times closely with the usual date of the president's address to a Joint Session of Congress, the SOTU, and since Republicans are making noises about ignoring a long congressional tradition by not inviting POTUS to deliver SOTU 2015 in the chamber of Congress, I suspect his alternate direction may be to address the American people via TV from the White House.

'Funny' how GOPers think they're dissing him when it's actually rude congress members of the anti-government persuasion who don't deserve the honor of being courteously addressed by the President of the United States.

Related news: Republican senators say they'll block President Obama's choice to head Social Security. As I was saying...

Nov 20, 2014

11.20.14: POTUS explains his solo move on Immigration

At 8:00 pm est, MSNBC will broadcast President Obama's remarks concerning his immigration plans to improve family conditions and separations via a presidential Executive Order. Naturally much Republican rage is being expressed over the president's "power grab" as such actions are usually characterized by the opposing party.

With the 5th house Sun @28Sco37, Mr. Obama's natal Midheaven is spotlighted with its apt Sabian Symbol: "29Scorpio" = "An Indian Woman Pleading to the Chief for the Lives of Her Children"...EFFECTIVENESS (MEJ), and in fact, there are Moon-Mercury concerns uppermost in this chart indicating family, maternal, and children's issues such as being separated by America's overbearing and often illogical immigration policies which on another level, lack of action threatens our agricultural effectiveness. Tonight President Obama will use logic concerning agricultural, financial (*Jupiter @22Leo07 in 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values), and social conditions and needs in an attempt to at least temporarily redirect such policies in order to rejoin mothers and fathers with their children. 'Bout time in my book.

However, Republicans and their wealthy backers and bigoted supporters will use emotions as usual to rile up as many of the white populace as possible (Mars and Pluto in Capricorn setting and thus opposing tonight's Ascendant, the remarks and plan itself.) Activist and fire-starter Mars remains out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and is up to who-knows-what. But whatever he's up to may be considered anti-societal.

(This week's closely related post concerns the November 18th Sun-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, a picture of an isolated (Saturn) leader (Sun) acting alone: Sun-Saturn in Politics. See below for my take on certain political calculations involving tonight's plan.)

The horoscope for tonight at 8:00 pm est in Washington DC shows the family and business oriented sign of Cancer (tribal, protective, and shrewd) rising at 16Can03 which makes the Moon (The People in a mundane chart) the chart and speech ruler. Luna falls at 10Sco28 in 5th house of Children but this is also the house of Risk-Taking ('11Sco' = "A Drowning Man Rescued.") For hints of how things may proceed from the president's remarks about his plan, we look to the chart ruler's major applying aspects, if any.

In tonight's horoscope, these are: Moon sextile Pluto (1A22), an aspect of opportunity if one chooses to take it. Yet Moon-Pluto sextiles tend to become stuck in the past, in part a description of recessive, secessionist Republicans who pine for pre-Civil War days, perhaps, but the planetary pair also denotes a lunar-psychological-propaganda connection with public relations and Politics (Pluto = manipulation and control, Moon = The Public) so we know that the GOP and those driving them will not be letting go of their feelings of prejudice and intolerance concerning immigration issues and a black president's daring to inhabit the White House--and to sign an Executive Order rather than accept continued Republican inaction on the matter.

The expressed concern seems to be the fear (Pluto) that Barack Obama and immigration reform adds to the changing of the American complexion from white to brown and black which to me seems a natural process that's been ongoing for decades if not from the foundation of our country. My own fear is that immigration issues now herald a signpost on the anti-sovereignty road to a North American Union between the US, Mexico, and Canada (which may implicate Canadian pipelines cutting through America as more of same.) Plus, you know how stronger "border control" has been a major squawk between Democrats and Republicans for years--and most of the time their debates have completely ignored the people component where family members are deported and thus separated from each other. Which is tonight's presidential theme with the Moon-Pluto sextile picture containing deep sorrow and grief that may finally be expressed on behalf of the people most affected by excessive numbers of deportation.

Tonight's remarks may also result in calming the public and harmonizing the Latino population with the president's solo immigration efforts (Moon trine 9th house Chiron in suffering Pisces--2A37.)

Ultimately, the Moon conjoins orator Mercury @18Sco28 (8A20), also in 5th house, a Moon-Mercury meeting that will support the previous indications of harmony and rapport with the public noted in the chart. The public joins the orator's ideas, it seems--plus, the Moon's applying aspects make up a Water Grand Trine--see below for details. Yet in Washington Politics, there are always political undertones to everything that's done or not done, said or not said, aren't there?

Besides giving the GOP-drenched 2015 Congress yet another issue to get their collective panties in a bunch over, tonight's announcement of solo actions by President Obama may be meant to box in Republican presidential candidates for the 2016 election--if so, bravo! For it will give a tiny needle to thread for such bombastic candidates to spend the next two years blasting away at the president's taking immigration matters into his own hands (due to their own years of inaction and obstructionism--not that all Democrats are in the clear on this), then turn around and expect Latino votes in November 2016.

Why on earth would a single Latino ever again vote Republican?

So enjoy tonight's show expressing the chart's protective, security-minded Water Grand Trine between maternal Moon, young people's Mercury, wounded Chiron in the 9th house of Foreigners, and the Cancer Ascendant. But beware the 2015 Congress' Full Moon conjunct mystical Sirius on January 4, 2015 when the North Node rises in DC with US natal Saturn (lawmakers; judges), the Full Moon squares (blocks) NN-Saturn, and the Moon turns void-of-course immediately afterward denoting that others will not be able to interfere with actions and events--and/or that results will not turn out as expected.

Since the January 4, 2015 lunation precedes the swearing in of new members it is the Syzygy Moon of the New Congress. More will be posted on this important cosmic event and on the 2015 Congress in a future article.

*Investing Jupiter remains the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern--"high-powered executive" with a potential for ruthless actions. Here, Jupiter rules the 6th house of the Military, Police, Civil Service, other Workers, and Health--all with potential to be reasons behind taking action on immigration issues--will more soldiers for overseas and domestic control ultimately result?

May 12, 2014

Monday May 12 2014: Washington Monument re-opens

Since the East Coast earthquake/s around 3 years ago the Washington Monument was been closed for repairs of fissures and cracks until today when it re-opened to the public.

That George! Always with his hm hm hm on display!

Now here's a brief consideration in an April post about the stars overhead some of DC's Federal Triangle monuments--it's A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC.

Apr 6, 2014

A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC

When Pierre L'Enfant laid out three major landmarks of the Federal City he reflected the triangular pattern of three stars in the heavens: Arcturus (the White House), royal Regulus in zodiacal Leo (the Capitol Building), and Spica (the Washington Monument.) In the Zodiac two of the stars are in Libra as astrologers use them now yet constellation Virgo is the prime influence upon the planners and architects--the Freemasons--of Washington DC.

Arcturus (alpha Bootes; Greek: the Bear Watcher; aka, Al Simak by Arabian astrologers--'the one on high') conferred its guardian function upon the Executive Branch of government with the White House situated so that its inhabitants could 'keep an eye' on Congress and vice versa. However, subsequent constructions within the Federal Triangle have interfered with such a function as L'Enfant (and Andrew Ellicott) intended.

Another diverting of L'Enfant's original plan for the 'Dream City' of George Washington is the Washington Monument which had to be re-located due to its weight when the cornerstone was laid at noon on July 4, 1848 when the Moon and North Node (aka, the Dragon's Head) were in Virgo. Previously the White House cornerstone was laid at noon on October 13, 1792--also with the Moon and Dragon's Head in Virgo. George Washington laid the cornerstone of the Capitol Building on September 18, 1793 with Sun, Mercury, and Dragon's Head in Virgo.

All cornerstone layings were performed with Masonic ceremony including that for the Federal City itself (April 21, 1791 at 3:30 pm, also by Freemason George Washington.) The City's natal Jupiter of 1791 falls upon the 23rd degree of Virgo, the position of our national Neptune (July 4, 1776) which is actually a transit to America's natal horoscope indicating potentials for spiritual awareness, inspired expansion, and promotion yet with fanaticism and paranoia lurking underneath. Well, it seems that Jupiter-Neptune themes of fraud and grand promises are embedded into Washington DC--and therefore the nation and the US government--from their very founding.

An Egyptian Star and its Feminine Archetype, Isis

Another important star closely associated with America is SIRIUS which the Sun (leadership) conjoined in Cancer on July 4, 1776. When Sirius is linked into the gestalt of a horoscope it lustrously shines and brings wealth, success, and good fortune in government yet Sirius may also scorch for its energy is strong and hard to handle well--in fact, honesty is required for best results. Sad to say, our current crop of government-undermining entities and agents are proving themselves fanatically determined to scorch America's wings and besmirch our nation's centuries-long reputation as the One Nation Among Many and an idealistic model of the light of freedom, equality, and independence for the entire world.

As for America's extreme leaning away from democracy toward plutocracy now coming to fruition, we see it partially through the Virgo lens via The Virgin holding wheat sheafs or corn (the matrix of life.) These are nurturing symbols also associated with goddess Ceres, another feminine archetype with an Isis vibe. (Two examples are found on top of the Capitol Dome, and in New York harbor via the Enlightenment/Illuminati-infused Statue of Liberty made of copper, the metal of Venus.)

And when we look to America's natal Venus in nurturing yet business-loving Cancer and to our natal Ceres in Pisces, we find evidence of Corporatism (US Venus conjunct corporate Jupiter) and Plutocracy via our Pluto-Chiron midpoint of oppression and primal violence conjoining US natal Ceres (security; food supply.) Unfortunately, we've bowed to Science and allowed Corporate America complete control of our food supply and the farming industry and now it's easy to see one particular result--Monsanto's genetically modified, patented seeds which can't reproduce and must be re-purchased for each planting.

(Weather modification affecting climate and planting seasons that tend to create conditions of famine are beyond the scope of this post though you can certainly think of several other examples of corporate interference that cause and will cause much suffering and loss for the people when the power elite decide the time is 'right'.)

Yet in spite of it all and even though the entire project of expansion into the New World we call 'America' was funded by and as a corporation, it does not necessarily follow that We the People must be trampled underneath the hooves of wealthy plutocrats who intend to depopulate the globe so that there are more natural resources to nourish them!

So will you vote in November 2014 and show the world's greedy plutocrats that the American people are determined to keep our republic on the democratic side of history's ledger? I hope for the sake of our nation's future and the future of our children that you will.

If you have a yen for further reading on Fixed Stars try 'Brady's Book of Fixed Stars', 'Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation' by Ebertin-Hoffmann, and David Ovason's 'The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital' (#ad) which goes into much detail concerning constellation Virgo and the many Zodiacs sprinkled across my former city of residence, Washington DC.

Aug 24, 2013

Aug 27, 2013: Jupiter to US natal Sun (conjunct Sirius)

Here you see a horoscope for the transit of Jupiter to America's natal Sun (the president; leader) @13Can19:21 conjunct Fixed Star *Sirius (14Can26) in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability (when the horoscope is set for Washington DC).

This conjunction perfects on Tuesday August 27, 2013 at 11:53 pm edt during a Venus Hour with both Venus and Jupiter known as 'money planets' and the Sun @5Vir01 in 4th house and about to conjoin President Obama's natal Pluto, a time when one is compelled to 'get to the bottom of things' and aggressive people who have this transit become pushier and more intense. Self-control and the uses and abuses of power are at issue and there are feelings of resentment toward those who ultimately control things and/or manipulate outcomes or events.

US natal Uranus rises bringing unexpected or shocking events, and/or, coping ability, and chart-ruler Mercury @8Vir14 applies only to a trine with 8th house Pluto @9Cap07 Rx showing debts or favors repaid, lost items found, and shrewd business deals in process; property assessments are likely to be favorable and info and/or intell gathering is successful though Pluto's Rx condition may cause some delays or glitches in 4th house (Real Estate; Security Issues) and/or 8th house matters (Debt, Credit, Insurance, Corporate Concerns, Shared Resources, Death Matters, Transformation, the Occult...the usual 8th h suspects.)

Click image to enlarge and read a few notes such as YOD patterns of crises and special tasks--the Saturn-Pluto sextile and a sextile between Pluto and North Node point toward the chart's Ascendant (and US natal Uranus) so there's sadness and a potential for mourning to manifest; with US natal Uranus--as in the Winter Solstice 2012 horoscope--we have my least favorite midpoint picture again: brutal efforts to start a new order, and/or, an attack, regardless of potential losses. (Tyl.)

Plus, the 3rd house activist Mars has just entered Sun-ruled Leo, sign of romance and the natural ruler, where the 'god of war' and testosterone will be happier than when in touchy Moon-ruled Cancer. Yet it's a fiery transit through Leo...

As you see, there's a dynamic Cardinal Grand Cross between Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, and Uranus which spotlights the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square of unrest, riots, and revolution. Midpoint pictures are formed by the four planets and include potentials for getting back on track, overturning tables (of the money-lenders? that would be brilliant!), intense efforts made to establish new perspectives, ruthlessness, power struggles that cause losses in relationships, quick responses, a 'crush the opposition' mindset, adventurousness, and excitability (Tyl; Ebertin.)

So What Does Transit Jupiter to US Natal Sun Indicate?

Meanwhile, as noted in my recent 12-year USA Jupiter Return 2013 Report (which may be ordered for electronic delivery from this blog's sidebar!), transit Jupiter conjoining natal Sun is a time of culmination when something begun 12 years ago must either end or move to the next level or stage. Such matters are forced by circumstances so important decisions must be made. A greater attainment of knowledge is in the works as well along with an expanded need for ego recognition.

For 'attainment of knowledge' we naturally we think first of the NSA domestic spying activities which didn't actually begin 12 years ago but were greatly increased and enhanced then by the passage and signing of the USA Patriot Act and, thanks to Edward Snowden's leaks, are now known to be much broader in scope than we were told. And there's the propagandistic 'war on terror' which was and is used to emotionally manipulate the American people along with false flag ops that have been used in the past (and present) to finagle and trick us into war.

Plus, Jupiter is known as the broadcaster so wouldn't it be amazing if the news media finally stopped touting the fraudulent government script about the 'war on terror' and got real about the roles of banksters in our Fed-owned economy and the crimes of the other scam artists and embezzlers of Washington DC--you know, the psychopathic 'politicians' who breach the public trust 24/7 in order to enrich themselves and their pals and hang on to their cushy positions of power?

And maybe the President and Eric Holder of the US Department of Justice will receive a beneficial boost from Jupiter around August 27th given the recent rhetoric which promises (one of Jupiter's functions) more activity on the Voting Rights Act enforcement issue.

Year 2001 + 12 years = 2013

We must also consider the turn of the *New Millennium when the 'seeding' of the 'new world order' (aka, a 'new age') was performed by the Clintons at the illuminated, phallic Washington Monument for the 1999-into-2000 New Year celebration. Perhaps you remember that there was at the time quite a bit of hair-splitting about whether the 21st Century began on January 1, 2000, or on January 1, 2001.

So is another global government phase about to be implemented? Let's continue this topic in a few weeks when we discuss the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.

*Sirius, the Dog Star: the mundane becomes sacred (SolarFire software); the fire of immortality (Brady); in Egyptian star lore: Sirius Isis, The Scorcher, or, The Shining One which may relate the star to Illuminism and its 'Great Plan' of global governance and implicates the triad of Cairo, London, and Washington DC.

**Click the link to view my version of a New Millennium horoscope as transit Pluto in Capricorn now conjoins NM Sun, a time when circumstances can force a 'new start'--especially if you're a member of the success-at-any-cost cabal of global players who manipulate circumstances as and when it suits.

Jul 19, 2013

July 22, 2013 Aquarius Full Moon impacts US presidency

July 22, 2013 Full Moon @00AQ05 Conjoins US Inaugural Sun

by Jude Cowell

Now if you mosey over to Celestial Space you'll find Dipali Desai's details and insights concerning Monday's Full Moon @00AQ05 which conjoins the degree of the US Inaugural Sun (the president) and which denotes a fulfillment or culmination (Full Moon), or at least, an awareness of something relating to the White House and/or its presidential endeavors and relationships.

Will more inconvenient secrets be revealed under the rays of Monday's Full Moon which also conjoins President Obama's natal Jupiter Rx? Well, in addition, transiting Mercury Rx, planet of reporters, young people, messages, orations, trade, commerce, travel, and plans, now sits atop US natal Sun as you read this!

Yes, for a Political Astrology blog, the above is a very general assessment of the July 22nd solar-lunar synchronicity of the Full Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius (the water-bearer), I know, but honestly--who knows precisely what plans are afoot, on the drawing board, or being implemented as I type? For after all, there are a lot of secret spaces underneath the fortified White House building where all manner of hidden-from-the-public activities take place. And it is a white lodge as well.

If you're feeling a might on the occult side today, you may wish to investigate The Sirius Mystery and Freemasonry's Great White Lodge. The Dog Star, Sirius, is intimately connected to the natal chart and founding of America and in recent years the star has precessed in the Zodiac to conjoin US natal Sun @14Cancer. Sirius worship in ancient Egypt is well-known, too, as are the pyramid with its all-seeing eye in the floating capstone in American iconography of the Great Seal and the dollar bill. Plus, there's also Freemasonry's Blue Lodge, if you wish to explore.

One thing we may wish to do now is to review the Sabian Symbol (rounded up) which represents the US Inaugural Sun (the elected president): '1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission" (Jones; Rudhyar adds, --"in California".)

DURABILITY (Jones); THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL (Rudhyar); Jones gives this symbol's positive expression as: effective breadth of vision and a respect-compelling depth of character; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): lack of ambition and blind adherence to superficialities.

Perhaps by the degree's 'lack of ambition' you can tell why it's always seemed to me that the karmic degree and symbol just prior to 1AQ may be more descriptive of American presidents as they alone allegedly 'helm' the US government:

'30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference"--OPPORTUNITY (Jones); "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs"--EXECUTIVE POWER (Rudhyar.)

Jones' positive expression for '30Cap': a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative (unconscious/shadow side): rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.

And of course, the Illumination Point (opposite degree) of 30Cap is 30Cancer: "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which is the degree and symbol opposite this reluctant astrologer's natal Mars! Maybe that's one reason why these Washington DC varmints intrigue me so--that, and the idea that to dissent is as American as it gets!


Since the days of George Washington, the US presidency has been a Sun cult of personality and exalted pretensions, so you may wish to review Tomas Campanella's City of the Sun with its 'Old Adobe Mission' implications while keeping in mind that 'shining city on a hill', Washington DC, and the old-Europe establishment of a New Atlantis, aka, America. Plus, the fact that US Inaugurations were until 1937 (FDR) held in early March with the Inaugural Sun around 13 Pisces--where transiting and wounding Chiron now traverses.

So what other astro-shenanigans have I been up to? Posting on my WordPress blog about a rectified natal horoscope for Dracula!

And remember that Monday July 22, 2013 also times America's Jupiter Return 2013 and a full Report on it is available for ordering near the top of this blog's sidebar in PDF format, suitable for printing, horoscope provided. Thanks a bunch! Jude, the Reluctant

Aug 10, 2012

Saturn-Neptune, The Drought of 1953 and Wilhelm Reich's 'cloudbuster' (video)

Of Saturn-Neptune, Droughts, and Controversial Rainmakers

by Jude Cowell

The current drought in the US got me thinking about the drought of 1953 and the triple Great Conjunction/s of Saturn (restriction, stoppages, loss, and drought a long time coming) and Neptune of water, rain, gas ('orgone energy', in this case), and oceanic tendencies, with Neptune also a planet of loss and both planets karmic in nature (reaping what was sown, or in the case of drought, perhaps not reaping it.)

Below is a list of Saturn-Neptune conjunction dates and degrees of 1952/53 though they did meet again in 1989 in the 10--12 Capricorn degree range, where transiting Pluto soon will trod (Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of a potential for loss; fear--Tyl; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories--Munkasey.)

Saturn conj Neptune:

1. November 21, 1952 @22Lib47; 2. May 1, 1953 @22Lib39; 3. July 22, 1953 @21Lib12, as Saturn 'stopped' the Neptunian 'rain' from falling.

You'll note that the Libra degrees from 1952-53 are recently being re-visited by dry, drying Saturn, today @24Lib28. Also today, Neptune is @2Pis07 Rx ('3Pis' = "A Petrified Forest," a very dry scene) yet you'd think there would be no droughts at all in any location with Neptune in its own watery sign, wouldn't you?

Drought 1953

Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich's invention, the cloudbuster, was demonstrated on July 6, 1953--just before conjunction #3, above, near Maine's Bangor hydro-electric dam (hydro = Neptune, electric = Uranus) in what's called The Blueberry Experiment, beginning at 10 am (yes, it rained and crops were saved!)

Well, if you set up a horoscope for July 6, 1953 you'll see a vital, interesting planetary conjunction with a major star: Sun, Mars, and SIRIUS in Cancer, a water sign (the Crab.) In an appropriate synchronicity, SIRIUS is linked with the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egypt. Plus, in 1953 Sun-Mars-SIRIUS were quite near electrical Uranus @18Can29.

Read more details if you wish...and here is a 44-minute video on quite a dry and curious topic:

The next Great Conjunction of Saturn (government; boundaries) and Neptune (invisible, secret; merging) is on February 20, 2026 at Aries Point (@00Ari45), a World Point of Manifestation and/or Recognition, which will greatly enhance the significance of the Saturn-Neptune combination of antithetical energies while emphasizing the year 2026. Perhaps a drought will occur then and if so, its threat of famine could well be of global proportions (AP.) Or, maybe the masks of the global syndicate's secret government officials, agents, and operatives will be finally washed away for all the world to see their dirty, vicious faces.

Yes, it's true! There is a variety of curiously intriguing videos available at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Oct 8, 2011

Political Astrology, the Age of Saturn, and the elusive Rule of Law

On America's Natal Chart, Saturnalia, and Ed Kohout

by Jude Cowell

Well, once mundane astrologer Ed Kohout commented on one of my recent posts, I discovered the articles he published in December 2008 and January 2009 concerning America's odd *Sibly natal horoscope, the US Constitution, the Masonic laying of cornerstones in DC, and the significance of Fixed Star Sirius in the US natal chart, among other topics.

Now what do modern politicians in Washington mean when they tout a return to "the rule of law"? Can they really intend mankind's regression to that Saturnian Age of old? Well, America's natal Saturn is exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and the balancing thereof.

We're still working on getting that 'balance' part down pat so perhaps it's old fashioned of Capricorn me to assume it but doesn't the US Constitution already establish America under the rule of law?

Being birthed with Saturn in Libra gives our national character a conscientious, loyal, and industrious streak so how crazy that modern politicians seem intent on causing America's downfall (natal Saturn in 10th house of the Sibly chart = fall from grace if Saturnian responsibilities are ignored as Washington GOPers and their allies are determined to do, 2011) through lack of accountability for the guilty, breaking our social safety net contract/s between the generations and dissolving public institutions, and the rampant corruption to our capitalist core of governmental, financial, and other systems.

Concerning political "rule of law" references, Harry Reid is sometimes guilty of making them but G.H.W. Bush was fond of spouting the phrase, too--I can hear him now. Especially if I scroll down this blog's sidebar and watch the video of Bush Sr calling for a New World Order with a "credible United Nations", and "the rule of law--not the law of the jungle," as Poppy threatened in 1991 (or 1990--there is some disagreement on the date of his NWO utterances.)

Or, is someone trying to hide the date of Bush's famous NWO shout-out--"Sept 11, 1991"? That's ten years to the day of their "new Pearl Harbor" event that sent America into war and perpetual occupation of the Middle East, as long-planned by global-minded Vulcans. And our troops were sent there by way of lies, as usual--half-truths used as a tool for deception. How very Machiavellian of them.

Yes, politicians' "rule of law" references point us toward the Saturnian Age, aka, the
Golden Age of ancient mythology which seems to be the level of 'reality' upon which our Washington politicians operate within their privileged Beltway Bubble, doesn't it?

As you know, it's easy to be super-idealistic when you're physically removed from the problem and from the real-world consequences which your ideologies and actions set in motion--and that other people pay for.

How appropriate that I'm typing this post on Saturday--Saturn's Day--in a word, Sabbath. For as you know, the Vatican set up their Christ's Mass--'Christmas'--to coincide with the traditional date of the Saturnalia (at Winter Solstice) so 'the church' would gain in popular appeal amongst pagans who were feasting, dancing about the place, and not contributing to the pope's coffers.

So! If you're interested in America's founding and other such historical topics as seen through the useful lens of Political Astrology, check out Ed Kohout's Emersion: An Alternative Study of Electional Astrology in Political History without Saturnian delay.

And if you haven't, a visit to the Ed Kohout website may be overdue for there you'll soon spy Ed's excellent study of the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel along with brilliant mundane articles on the Astrology of America's Masonic (and I would add, Illuminati-Sionist Rosicrucian) beginnings.


For further reading, excellent Political Astrology articles may be found @ Theodore White's Global Astrology (October 2011 Forecast now available), Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe, Nancy's Starlight News, and Alex D'Atria's Political Astrology with Comet info by Mark Andrew Holmes.

Jun 23, 2011

Thomas Jefferson and the karmic Solar Eclipse July 1, 2011

If you've had a chance to read my column on the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12, then I don't have to tell you that the eclipse manifests snugly between America's natal Sun and Jupiter - actually precisely upon our national Sun/Jupiter midpoint.

The importance of the July 1st Solar Eclipse 'hit' to or triggering of the expansive point of Sun/Jupiter relates closely to financial and spending matters, material loss, and to issues of striving for more power and control, recognition, and/or to conflicts caused by arrogance, pretentiousness, or lawlessness.

Perhaps a crook or two will be outed by the light of the July 1, 2011 eclipse, the first to launch in a new Saros Series. Often an eclipse 'acts' early and you probably heard that a fugitive mob boss from Boston was arrested just today in California after 16 years of giving the FBI the slip.

Historical Horoscopes Alive!

There is another triggering of historical importance because the July 1st eclipse conjoins *Thomas Jefferson's natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction @ 9Can26 and 9Can37 respectively, in 6th house of Military and Police Service, Health, Daily Lives, and Work (Employment.)

Now the eclipse (Sun/Moon) forms a midpoint picture with Mr. Jefferson's nebulous, spiritually oriented Neptune (made more **sacred by Chiron's ministrations):

Sun/Moon = Neptune: illusions and deceptions; becoming easily upset; inner discontent; realizing the importance of thinking through plans and ideas; dreaming of options for redirecting plans; delusions about what can be done and how hard people will work to accomplish it; misunderstandings in relationship.

Solar Eclipses are of course oppositions of the Sun (consciousness) and Moon (unconscious) and in general denote relationship and/or awareness issues.

To the extent that our third president Thomas Jefferson may be taken as an archetypal symbol of America and the US government, I surmise that the midpoint picture formed synchronistically by the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse is instructive concerning the pertinent issues of our day.

And perhaps the Sun/Moon midpoint itself should be considered more specifically in the realms of Politics and Business. From Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, we find potentials that are up-to-the-minute on several levels including to raise or not to raise the US debt ceiling and war making decisions of President Obama:

Thesis: the international reputation of the country; how the will of the people is is applied (or not! jc) to taking the country into new or important directions; reading the attitude of the people when creating internal policy.

Antithesis: a loss of face in international politics (leaving Afghanistan? debt ceiling/default? jc); smears on the national reputation; pessimism flowing through the population or lawmakers (or both. jc)

You remember that the recent transiting Neptune/Chiron conjunction has mirrored disasters involving water such as regional flooding and levee breaches, BP's Deepwater Horizon Blow-Out of April 2010 which effectively sabotaged our Gulf Coast and its people, and which may have been an inspirational factor in this May 2011's World Will End prophecy with Chiron now in mystical, spiritual Pisces. And of course, 'water' is a stand-in for The Spirit in the Aquarian archetype of The Water Bearer, the sign in which the exact conjunction/s of Neptune and Chiron occurred last year.

Now what of such a close Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Watery Cancer in Jefferson's natal chart and psyche? Since it is about to be 'eclipsed' and highlighted on July 1, 2011, let's first take it apart including its apparent placement in Jefferson's 6th house (see below for his *birth data and the time I am using to set up his natal chart.)

Watery Neptune in Watery Cancer indicates a generation of folk with strong psychic ties to home, family, security, and the Earth (ecological interests.) Jefferson's love of home and family is well-known as are his regular rides across his lands with his daughter after his wife died and before, so naturally, his love of Monticello comes easily to mind.

Neptune in Moon-ruled Cancer denotes an emotionally sensitive and religious nature yet there is a still-ongoing debate as to Mr. Jefferson's religiosity (the Jefferson Bible; was he a Deist? an astrologer? etc) but these deep issues are beyond the scope of this column. However, his philosophical interests and talents are never in question.

Notable is the resonance between Neptune as the higher octave of Jupiter (the priest, guru, hierophant, philosopher) through their rulership of mystical Pisces, sign of Jefferson's natal Mercury. Thinking upon such inspired topics came easily to his highly idealistic nature; plus, Neptune in Cancer can also give mediumship or channeling abilities either from a higher or a lower plane.

His natal Neptune/Pluto trine indicates a response to the more positive side of the invisible realms but in modern times, we're stuck with a Neptune-Pluto septile (51 degrees 26 minutes), which is a fated, karmic 7th harmonic aspect.

Assuming that Neptune is posited in his natal 6th house, the placement emphasizes one whose work and service are done in a spiritual manner and/or for collective purposes. Yet with Neptune in detriment in 6th H, these issues will bring difficulties yet they had to be addressed for the sake of Jefferson's evolutionary progress (and America's, as it turned out.)

Many sacrifices are demanded by Neptune in 6th H, and we think of his desire to be home with his family instead of in Philadelphia attending and plying his penmanship of the Declaration of Independence at the Continental Congresses of 1775 and 1776. (The First Continental Congress was held in 1774 but Mr. Jefferson did not attend until 1775.)

Yet Jefferson's Sun in Aries Was Ambitious to Get On in the World

The red-haired young man arrived (unwigged yet Whiggish) in Philadelphia on June 20, 1775 with Neptune in Virgo (spiritual, devoted, and/or inspired work) snugged between Mars 18Vir55 and Saturn 2Lib18...hardworking Mars/Saturn = inspired Neptune: self-torment about identity (his fame and repute were yet to be established and his wordsmith genius known except by a few - he was a whippersnapper!); confusion; feeling threatened; pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness.

But the whippersnapper did all right by us, didn't he? Perhaps that's because the difficult placement and conjunction of Neptune/Chiron were greatly eased by a natal trine to Pluto at Eagle Point, near Midheaven (Career, Aspirations, Public Status.) Plus, without difficult natal placements, one seldom bothers to stir oneself to make a sustained effort, does one?

Chiron in Cancer describes a "crisis over cultural roots and/or a crisis of personal protection" (Clow.) Cultural roots of the American experiment and personal protection reminds me of how America's Founders would have been strung up if their secret deliberations on independence from Britain had become known abroad.

In Cancer, Chiron tends to be tied to the past (a conflict for such a visionary futurist as Mr. Jefferson: home life v career ambitions), and reveals insecurity issues which are underscored by TJ's natal Moon out-of-bounds in Sagittarius which, when Moon is the only OOBs planet, points to one whose childhood connection with the mother was faulty or non-existent; a wounding (Chiron) from the mother (Cancer) is indicated as well, and TJ grew to have contempt for his mother and showed little, if any, regret at her passing. Jefferson had chaffed under her parentage after his father's death.

With Chiron in Cancer, a tough battle ensues to break Saturnian control (of his personal father/controlling mother and of colony-oppressing Great Britain!) and thus utilize the brilliance of Uranian genius, a task which he certainly managed to do. For his natal Uranus in Capricorn had a willing container in which to pour by way of Saturn's rulership of Capricorn, sign of Government. The inconjunct between natal Saturn and Uranus, though indicating crises and turning points, was better to have than no contact at all since the inconjunct (aka, quincunx) gave the creative ideas of Uranus a form (Saturn) in which to become practically realized on the earthly plane.

However, extreme consciousness of aims and objectives were necessary for the success of his Saturn/Uranus endeavors and he was nothing if not self-reflective while answering the call of service to the collective.

Another interesting factor to note in the 1743 horoscope of Thomas Jefferson is that the position of **Fixed Star SIRIUS, so intricately linked to America's natal horoscope and founding, closely conjoins his natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction by degree and thereby increases the conjunction's sacred nature.

In Astrology, the key phrases for SIRIUS (Alpha Canis Major; aka, the Dog Star, the Shining One, or, the Scorcher and relates to the annual flooding of the Nile River, and to gaining much more than was expected - Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) are: the mundane becoming sacred and the fire of immortality.

Few would disagree that Jefferson's work devoted to the founding of this country by penning the Declaration of Independence and through his service as Secretary of State, Ambassador to France, Vice President, then President (1801 - 1809), has garnered him an immortal name as well as high recognition in his day. Of course, founding the excellent University of Virginia in 1819 has increased his renown as well.

So! Will the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 relate to Mr. Jefferson, his era and its politics, or to the very founding of our nation? Independence Day 2011 soon follows, after all. Will UVA be in the news? Or will another dance-off protest occur at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC with strong-arming police arresting peaceful American citizens? (I suspect the freedom-loving Mr. Jefferson would be very ill-pleased and disapproving of such arrests, don't you?)

These and other related concerns may turn up soon on the US menu and in The Press whose freedom he eloquently championed and my hope is that if they do, you will give a small, perhaps fond, thought to the Sage of Monticello!


For further reading you may wish to follow a link to the Monticello website or perhaps check out Thomas Jefferson's Wiki page. Also of timely interest may be The Cultural Contradictions of the American Media which contains his famous quote concerning the continuance of a free press in America:

"The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it up to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter."

*Thomas Jefferson April 13, 1743 Shadwell, Virginia; birth time most often used: 1:53 am LMT though a day time birth may be a possibility; at 1:53 am: ASC 00AQ52, Sun 22Ari54, Moon 10Sag47; Neptune/Chiron conjunction in 6th house; 9th house Pluto at Eagle Point (15 Scorpio) conjoins MC; NN 18Tau57 conjoins IC 22Tau02...he'd rather have been contemplating and studying at home (Monticello), thanks.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl, Ebertin, Munkasey.