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Showing posts with label YOD pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YOD pattern. Show all posts

Jun 9, 2018

Trump's July 12, 2018 Solar Eclipse = critical times

On July 12, 2018, a Solar Eclipse perfects in Donald Trump's personal 2 Old North Saros Series, this time @20Cancer41 (in 1946, @9Gemini) conjunct one of the dark-light twin stars, Castor. Here is a dual image of the July 12, 2018 2 Old North Solar Eclipse--one horoscope set for Trump's birth location of Queens, NY (lower right), the other chart set for the White House in Washington DC. Some differences will be noted especially with Angles and cusps though no planets change houses from one location to the other. Those who are curious about the differences in Sabian Symbols may choose to look them up and I will add Carelli's Degrees, below, to describe the critical-degreed eclipse @20Cancer (Carelli doesn't round up) and the planet opposing the eclipse, Pluto @20Cap00.

Most of my notes are squished on to the charts but one must read both to glean all the notes which are shared between the images--not enough space to do otherwise. Surprisingly, the Hour of the eclipse in DC is Jupiter but in Queens it's time for Mars types of activity (probably with psychological indications). This I have seldom if ever seen between such close locality charts since the timing of the eclipse (here, 10:47:47 pm edt) is the same in both places. Anyway, the notes hopefully are legible if you can enlarge the image as you wish. Note that fixed stars work through eclipses and their potentials are stimulated by them (Ovason) which in the case of this particular solar eclipse, the influences of Castor, and as noted below, its twin Pollux, are spotlighted by the July 12, 2018 'cosmic blink'. This solar-lunar event also emphasizes the dark-light qualities and polarity of the twin stars and suggests issues involving awareness, relationships, and culmination, or endings.

Themes of the Solar Eclipse

2 Old North themes denote potentials for separations and unfortunate news although taking fast action may somewhat improve matters (Brady). More info may be found via the eclipse's conjunction with starry Castor, a creative star but also one with difficult potentials such as sudden fame or loss, murder, crippling of limbs, mental illness (A. Louis); a tendency toward storytelling that blends evil with good (Castor plus Pollux = dark vs light, as noted); violence (Robson); and/or, mischief (Rigor). For Castor Ebertin and Hoffmann spotlight the star's changeable Mercurial nature mixed with Jupiter's expansive influence.

As for Pollux ('the wicked boy') sources seem to agree on its Martian qualities and reputed tendencies toward brutality, cruelty, violence, and tyranny--if negatively linked in the chart. I mention Pollux here because Trump's natal Saturn ('the old devil') @23Cancer conjoins Pollux, a combination which may possibly denote tragic endings unless the energies are responsibly handled. Also to Pollux we must add potentials for: the danger of disgrace, the occult, murder, cruelty, rape, and/or danger from women, large animals, and poisons (A. Louis).

Eclipses: What Are They Good For?

As you see, Trump's 2 Old North Solar Eclipse @20Cancer is opposed and challenged by powerful manipulator and saboteur Pluto @20Capricorn--and as you know, Pluto in Capricorn signifies The Dictator (Ebertin). The critical midpoint picture formed by Sun-Moon-Pluto is penned on the chart, upper right, and highlighted in red. The 5/11 axis of Self-Will is in the spotlight (in both locations) and also suggests Trump's offspring, family ties, and karmic relationships. A Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of tribalism and patriotism, implies that emotional extremes will block karmic progress (R. Lineman). This is penned on the left side of chart and highlighted in red. Also note that the self-protective nature of crabby, subjective Cancer indicates a man (Trump) in hiding or scuttling away from issues, and I wonder if opposing Pluto will block his deep need for worldly power and wealth--or empower it. Either way, events and conditions have reached a critical point of development while past actions are haunting Mr. Trump with their usual 'reap what's been sown' demands.

In addition, the White House chart reveals a YOD pattern of crisis/turning point implications between Saturn-ASC = North Node: unpleasant family circumstances; add the Mars-South Node conjunction of the loner on the separative end of the Nodal axis and we have: obstinacy; self-will; separation, and/or bereavement (Ebertin). Of course, this YOD pattern may or may not become activated at all, or its potentials may be delayed with restrictive Saturn involved.

Plus, law-abiding Saturn Rx--strong in its own sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn--isn't boding well in the 10th house of Career and Public Reputation during this period. And as we've previously discussed, 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 'collapsing lifestyles and plans' approaches on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North series. This karmic lunation (with an unaspected Pluto) could trigger major developments for tower-builder Trump and its effects could be felt as soon as two weeks prior to August 11th, around the time of the July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse @5Aquarius which conjoins US natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, karma, talents--or, dependence upon what worked in the past but which no longer solves the issue. In a word, neurosis.

Well, I could blab on concerning such topics but obviously from current events we know that Mr. Trump isn't having as good a time in the White House as he'd lazily expected--although his collapsing of America seems to be on schedule. Yet the Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign and that of Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen must keep them both up at night but let's not go there in this post. After all, we should know more details soon since eclipses occurring in any series frequently bring pending issues to a boil, disrupt events or conditions, indicate a new direction, bring shocks, and/or uncover secrets while revealing or triggering scandals. Plus, Neptune rising in first house, as you see, denotes more scandals, along with potentials for tears shed, drowning or leaks, and collective issues out of control and on the rise for eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' which are often termed, cosmic blinks. And now in closing here are...

Carelli's Degrees: the Critical-Crisis Degrees of 20Cancer and 20Capricorn (Sun-Moon-Pluto)

The following quotes are excerpted for the sake of brevity and are partial yet no meaning has been seriously affected:

Eclipse "20Cancer" = "A watchdog slumbering at the entrance of an old palace"..."Masters is what dogs have" (a popular Italian proverb); "a life of idleness...when kicked he will whine like a coward and will think nothing of kissing the hands that enslave him...nothing weighs so heavily upon his shoulders than personal responsibility...a lustful and lazy being...A thorough craven, he will boast of his master's valiant deeds...he will brag of his master's wealth...A bastard (or a degenerate) scion of a very old lineage, he would rather die that forget it...As long as mankind stays what it is, policemen, customs officers, sextons, career soldiers, jail wardens, harlots, all are necessary evils. The frontier needs watchdogs, justice needs bloodhounds, and the male needs the female."

Pluto "20Capricorn" = "A monkey and a mirror"..."A very versatile but altogether unoriginal mind; mimetic faculties may come to light as a merely perfunctory assimilation of foreign doctrines...pantomime and burlesque...Adaptation comes {} to such a character and, unfortunately, to such a conscience as a matter of course...yet (he) remains an insufferable crank...Physical vanity will be bottomless...and (he) may turn into something of a fop or a Beau Brummel, as the case may be."

With his overly pampered and sprayed 1980s hairstyle, spray tan of orange-ish hue, and the freakishly long red tie?

Apr 5, 2018

NYSE Buttonwood Chart 1792 and Trump vs Amazon

NYSE Created by a Wall Street Handshake; Trump Aims at Amazon and Bezos

by Jude Cowell

April 5, 2018: Thanks to the Buttonwood Agreement on the morning of May 17, 1792, 24 stock brokers and merchants formed what we now 'lovingly' call the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and what I tend to call the Wall Street Casino (you take your chances and the game is rigged). However, this was not the first American stock exchange for the Philadelphia Stock Exchange had formed two years prior.

The Handshake: By Gottscho-Schleisner, Inc. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

This week with Mercury retrograde until April 15, 2018, I've been culling through charts, notebooks, and scribbled notes in an attempt to create order out of my own personal chaos and have just discovered a decrepit little notebook that includes the founding data of the Buttonwood Agreement including the time: 7:52 am. This May 17, 1792 horoscope had been in my files for years until it and hundreds of other astrology charts were lost in a pc crash a few years ago. Since then I have been using a NYSE chart set for May 11, 1869, the after-war Re-oranization horoscope so I'm glad to add the 1792 horoscope back to my files. Unfortunately, I have no record of how the hour was ascertained (historical record perhaps?) but here's the chart for future reference:

NYSE 2018: Ups-n-Downs Volatility

Previous posts on such topics include: wealth-hoarder Pluto's upcoming shift as Astrologer Warns of Pluto Crossing October 31, 2018 and Natal YOD of the NYSE activated by Trading Halt which occurred on July 8, 2015 for 3 hours 32 minutes. Post details include a YOD crisis pattern which may, or may not as it turns out, point toward restrictive, law-abiding Saturn. If not, or if I explained chart factors badly, it's a mea culpa.

Jupiter-Neptune: Speculation, Bubbles, and Bursts

However, the Buttonwood natal chart of 1792 seen above does contain a crisis-turning-point-special-task YOD pattern of sorts involving Mercury-MC = Jupiter Rx with suggestions of recognition, publicity, success, good fortune, and an optimistic outlook, a phrase we've occasionally heard applied to the stock market through the years. And since moneybags Jupiter conjoins fraudulent dreamer Neptune in the 1792 chart (in Venus-ruled Libra) we may wish to include Neptune as apex of Mercury-MC as well with its varying tendencies toward fantastic notions, disappointments, a 'can't lose' position, lax or self-deceptive practices, and/or confused judgments (Ebertin-Munkasey-Tyl midpoint pictures combined).

Also note that 1792 Venus, ruler of evaluations, valuables, and small amounts of money, recently returned to her natal degree of 5Tau23 on April 4, 2018 beginning a new cycle of Venusian activities. In the Venus Return 2018 chart, Venus trines the current (now separating) Mars-Saturn conjunction which perfected @8Cap57 on April 2, 2018.

Trump Tanks Stock Market 2018 Messes with Amazon: Just Like Putin Would Do!

If only Russia's Vladimir Putin had an operative inside the US to do his bidding! Someone highly positioned inside the US government so that Nikita Khrushchev's prognostication in 1956 that Russia would one day "bury" America because history was on Russia's side could come true!

Plus, Putin may harbor more than a little sense of 'payback' due to his humiliation at the Disintegration of the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991 when the hammer (Mars) and sickle (Saturn) flag over the Kremlin was lowered for the last time. Last time? Promise? Well, given Trump's idolatry of Putin and Donnie's preference for dictator-style governing, I'm not convinced the Soviet Union flag won't fly again, are you? Perhaps over the White House with Trump the Tool in charge--or dismissed? Thing is, revenge is sweet for some like Trump and Putin and in 1991 the US should not have chortled over the demise of the Soviet Union into 15 separate countries as being proof of a "triumph of democracy over totalitarianism" and "capitalism over socialism." It's always a bad idea to poke The Bear and we see totalitarian governments now rising all over the globe as Earth heats up. The same correlation has occurred in the past and history does tend to rhyme, on one side's particular side or the other.

Also it's doubtful that global leaders of the transnational variety intend for America to be leader of their next 'new world order' when it's fully implemented. Some say the leadership role will be China's or Russia's, or on an alternating basis but without the US whose 'new order' reign was always intended to last from 1776 to 2025 or so. Perhaps we need to ask high-level Freemasons about that little rumor--not that they would spill those particular beans before they're fully boiled. Anyway, the Big Picture is in process now (1993 Uranus-Neptune @18Cap = transit Pluto: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl); 18Capricorn = "The Union Jack Flies Over a British Warship": POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism' and police power to "maintain the social order" (Rudhyar). Or is that actually a hammer and sickle flag?

Okay, maybe Trump's current campaign against Amazon and Jeff Bezos doesn't rise to such a traitorous level but when added to other curiosities between Trump and Putin it satisfies yours truly as part of a Russian 'collapse America campaign' which seems to involve the themes of the The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections (another meddling can of worms).

Is it curious that Jeff Bezos built Amazon Tower, a 524-foot structure which opened on December 14, 2015 in Seattle, WA where he founded Amazon on July 5, 1994? Is the Amazon Tower in Trump's grumbling cross hairs? We shall see, as they say. But after all, how dare the richest man in the world build a Tower as if he's a Donald Trump, right? Because vengeful Mars-rising Trump, master of retaliation, might grouse just this way over Mr. Bezos and his accomplishments which 'tower' over Trump's--until he took over the Oval Office from which he can take revenge.

As for Wall Street, I'll add one final note to this rambling post: that the 1792 NYSE horoscope when progressed shows that a Progressed (SP) Full Moon perfected @7Can25 (conjunct Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer, planet of trades, commerce, thought processes, tricks, and tweets) on March 10, 2017 and conjoined its SP Saturn-North-Node midpoint which provides some interesting potentials including: foreign enterprises offer assistance; a country in inner turmoil (Munkasey), both of which sound correct to me, if not to you, dearest of readers!

Jan 20, 2018

Jan 20 2018 Government Shutdown = Trump 1st Anniversary

Jan 20, 2018 UPDATE: actually the high roller fund raiser at Trump's Mar-a-Lago compound will proceed according to CNN.

Jan 21: fundraiser canceled. He'll pout for the rest of his life. #TrumpShutdown

Original post begins here:

After last night's flub on the Senate floor resulting in the government shutdown official at 12:01 am est January 20, 2018, today's first anniversary of the 2017 Trump inauguration hints at a difficult year ahead. For astrologers, the familiar planetary pattern, the YOD, may describe the R vs D stand-off and Donald Trump's turn from accepting a bi-partisan bill that included funding for his highly touted 'wall' and, sure enough, we find a YOD pattern in today's Solar Return horoscope of Trump's January 2017 Inauguration which may be viewed here. That's if we accept the North Node as apex of the sextile between Moon and Mercury but given current conditions in Washington DC, I'm willing to accept the pattern as a YOD if you are.

YOD = crisis, special task, crossroads, turning point, opportunity for karmic progress.

Perhaps the question is, what are the effects of a Moon-Mercury pairing in Politics and Business? In US Mundane Astrology, we know Moon = We The People, or The Public, and Luna's sign indicates the prevailing public mood (Pisces = confused--and compassionate toward all those who will be harmed by the US Congress not doing its constitutional duty to appropriate). Mercury represents many things such as negotiations, agreements, dealing, trading, communications, commerce, messages, votes, young people, and tricksterism.

Together Moon-Mercury denotes such potentials as: propaganda efforts (each party blaming the other for the shutdown--I see them both to blame but with Mr. Trump behind the curtain throwing a monkey wrench into the deal--he loves to cause quarrels); generating excitement among people on behalf of popular causes; restlessness among the population over business and commerce; compiling and analyzing attitudes of the people (aka, polls).

Well, the House is in session this morning and the Senate gavels in at noon as I type. Mr. Trump's big anniversary party tonight at Mar-a-Lago is on hold until this stalemate is resolved which could be the strongest leverage for forcing a bill signing from the legislatively challenged Mr. Trump.

In case you missed it, see Politico's Government Shutdown: Who's to Blame?

Moon-Mercury info: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Jan 5, 2018

Is America Due for Another Economic Crash? (w/ Guest Richard Wolff)

January 5, 2018: here's a segment from Thom Hartmann speaking with economics Professor Richard Wolffe concerning the Federal Reserve, interest rate increases, and the potential for another financial crash in our future:


And below is a link to an oldie but moldy post on what I call the Fed's New Moon of 1910 which perfected in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius during the secret meetings on Jekyll Island, Georgia that led to the unpopular creation via legislation of the so-called Federal Reserve System of the United States which, as Professor Wolffe states above, is the closest thing to a central bank we have in America.

And for the curious, see a previous post from April 2016, The Fed's New Moon, Mars Rx Station 2016, and Yellen's Secret Meetings showing the 1910 New Moon horoscope and its YOD of crisis-cross-roads-turning-point-special-task and karmic opportunity which the sneaky "duck hunters" (the New York financiers, German Paul Warburg, and Senator Nelson Aldrich) chose not to take advantage of after their 'midnight train to Georgia'. Yes, theirs was a special task all right. Bubble and Bust!

Aug 4, 2016

The August 11, 2016 Aquarian Full Moon Spotlights Campaign 2016

Astro-Musings by Moonlight on the Presidential Bid of Donald J. Trump

by Jude Cowell

The August 11, 2016 Full Moon @25AQ51 conjoins America's natal Moon though this may depend on which natal horoscope for our nation is used. All of July 4, 1776 gives We the People an Aquarian Moon yet a one-degree orb of influence widens depending in the 'birth' time of the natal chart and there are several to choose from due to conflicting historical sources.

(I tend toward the 5:09 pm LMT chart which gives a 27-to-28-degree Moon).

For the purposes of today's post, and considering what is going on in our nation (the 2016 campaign for the presidency and congressional seats that are up for grabs), let's say that the Full Moon of August 11, 2016 falls upon US natal Moon denoting a fulfillment or culmination of some kind and may act in similar fashion to an eclipse as lunations sometimes do. That is, in a 'wild card' Uranian manner of unexpected outcomes or events--something new or novel entering the picture.

When the August 11th chart is set for Washington DC, the Full Moon falls across the 1/7 house polarity of Self-Other, Partnerships, and Open Enemies, further personalizing this lunation for We the People and our relationship with leadership. Trining the Sun and sextiling the Moon from the 9th house is Uranus Rx @24Ari21 which makes the radical political planet the Thales Planet or Point with a Sabian Symbol of "A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meaning." Perhaps an intriguing revelation will (again) turn up and affect the campaigns of Mr. Trump and/or Secretary Clinton. Has opposition research something more to reveal?

Mundane Moon represents publicity, the public, emotional moods and trends, but also women--is the August 11th Full Moon shining more brightly on Hillary than on Donald?

Okay, but here's the thing: the chart also shows a crisis-turning point configuration--a YOD pattern--with the Moon-Uranus sextile at its base (leaders who rule at a whim with little sense of how their enterprise is seen by the rest of the world; an emotionally immature person place in an important and visible leadership role--Munkasey). Sound like anyone we know? There's more!

Moon-Uranus points toward apex Jupiter in 2nd house ($) @25Virgo25 so that Mr. Moneybags, the mogul and promoter, is revealed as one who is given opportunities to broadcast himself and his social concepts in order to stimulate mass consciousness. This apex Jupiter has dropped his former long held beliefs (of the liberal Democratic variety?) and adopted a different world view and this has provided the opportunities to expound, broadcast, and promote himself and the new beliefs that now inspire him. Rarely doubting the rightness of his ideas, apex Jupiter in Virgo ( sign of The Critic) has a strong impact on society; however, mismanagement, over promising, and extreme self-aggrandizement result in fateful consequences that are not the positive improvements he promises.

Note that planning Mercury @23Vir09 (planet of orators, dealers, reporters, and voters) and money planet Venus are also in the 2nd house of Earnings and Values (and the National Treasury in a mundane chart--can you imagine Mr. Trump getting his gambler's mitts on that?) indicates sudden news received. Will Mr. Trump drop out of the running? What are the odds, ask the New York Times this very morning!

Previously I have written that Hillary Clinton's natal Mercury-Saturn square is more preferable for a leader (more realistic) than Mr. Trump's fact-distorting, falsifying, confused Mercury-Neptune square (murky!) and I stand by that assertion. And since the DNC wrapped up at the end of July (and in spite of high unfavorables on both sides), it looks as if the voting public agrees.

Plus, it may be telling that the August 11th Full Moon is within the influence of the current March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse of endings, partings, and separations for August 11th is not within two weeks of the September 1st Solar Eclipse with its realism and seeing old situations for what they truly are themes (Brady).

Will one day soon the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump be only a bad dream the American people awakened from before it was too late? I'm setting my alarm clock in hopes!


Recommended for more info on YODs and other planetary patterns: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney.

Jul 9, 2015

Natal YOD of NYSE activated by Trading Halt July 8, 2015

July 8, 2015 Strife on Wall Street: The NYSE Experiences a Major 'Halt' of Trading

by Jude Cowell

The founding data of the New York Stock Exchange is based on the 'Buttonwood Agreement' of May 17, 1792 but it's the NYSE Reorganization horoscope of May 11, 1869 that contains a crisis-laden YOD pattern with a Uranus-Pluto sextile pointing toward natal Saturn Rx @15Sag33. The YOD was activated or triggered at the halt of trading yesterday (July 8, 2015 11:32 am edt NYC). Apparently there was a crisis in 1869 which required the 1792 stock exchange to be reorganized and those energies have carried forth into 2015, always subject to transits and progressions.

Both horoscopes (1792 and 1869) remain operative for the Wall Street casino they call the NYSE and though the trading volume of the exchange is much less than it once was (10% these days but only 2% at 11:32 am yesterday!), the crisis situation of the "internal tech glitch" that shut down their computers after a morning of lower volume and messages sent out concerning gateway issues resonates with the implications of a natal YOD and the pattern's crisis/turning point and special task connotations. Even the health of the NYSE and other markets around the globe could be affected by yesterday's halt. Will there be more such events to come?

Since natal Saturn (1869) is in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, we know that the gentry of the NYSE like to retain their control, authority, and power which were lost for 3 hours and 38 minutes yesterday as technicians worked to bring the exchange back to life (reopened at 3:10 pm edt with the transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy exactly conjunct IC). This position for Saturn also denotes those for whom reputation is of primary importance, and pundits began speaking of loss of confidence and the image of the NYSE while the outage was in progress. No doubt we will hear more of such suppositions as the story plays out in the media.

Besides the YOD emphasis on the 1869 Saturn, the planet is also the 'handle' of a Bucket pattern of planets and as such, provides a release point for the natal energies (planets) in the horoscope and shows an uncompromising direction of the NYSE's purpose with undertones of the Jupiterian influence of Sagittarius. That Jupiter and Saturn are the 'societal planets' and their cycle relates to markets, investments, and finances spotlights their basic expansion vs restriction principles of our dualistic world.

A further consideration underscoring the Uranus-Pluto-Saturn YOD in the 1869 natal chart is the ongoing Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square (Aries to Capricorn) under which the world has been groaning with its last exact square on March 16, 2015 and more of its unrest and upset to come. In addition, we may wish to detail the potentials of the midpoint picture formed by the trio in the YOD which was activated by yesterday's Sun @16Can00--and instigator Mars @9Can26, out-of-bounds and representing an out-of-the-mainstream element that may have instigated a hack attack:

Uranus-Pluto = Saturn: exposure to extreme pressure from others; self-will; egosim; hatred (Ebertin); persisting despite obstacles on the path toward reform (Munkasey); tendency toward autocratic leadership; "my way is the best way"; pressure from others; toppled from position (Tyl.)

Plus, hidden hints exist if we substitute the natal Uranus @14Can26 conjunct US natal Sun and SIRIUS) with yesterday's transiting triggers, Sun and Mars (planet of attacks including those of a 'hacked' variety):

Sun-Pluto = Saturn:separation by a higher power; ruthless overcoming of obstacles; restriction (imprisonment) (Ebertin); a potential for fanatical ventures or destructive tendencies (Munkasey); potential loss through power struggle (Tyl.)

Mars-Pluto = Saturn: leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task (Ebertin); lessened personal power (Munkasey); hard, hard work; extraordinary discipline is needed and usually pays off (Tyl.)

Well, there's my brief analysis of yesterday's NYSE crisis as viewed through the lens of the 1869 YOD with its 'special task' and crisis potential. There is much more to consider in both the 1792 and the 1869 reorganization horoscopes so perhaps you may set them up and have a look, and if you do, you'll spy the Halt's restrictive Saturn Rx @28Sco45 sitting precisely upon the NYSE's 1792 IC, the Point of Endings, Separation, and The Drain!

Jan 12, 2015

Manly P Hall: Reap What You Sow (video)

Know Thyself

As a Saturnian astrologer I read in horoscopes South Nodes, the Moon, the Unconscious 12th house of karma and self-undoing, the Vertex and Anti-Vertex, and other karmic points and indicators as reaping-what's-been-sown rather than as past-life-reincarnation information. For me, past-life karmic material means genetic inheritance and I adhere to the theory that certain chart factors such as YOD patterns alert us to issues, circumstances, and behaviors that were not successfully or positively handled or resolved by our ancestors and which must now play out in the current life and be dealt with--hopefully with awareness and skill. The over-used word 'closure' comes to mind.

Astrology is not a belief system. Yet I do believe that the revelation of one's inherited tendencies is one of the better reasons to know and understand one's natal chart and thus to know thyself which includes unconscious motivations!

Yet on the other palm...

Though quite the Uranian, astrologer, author, lecturer, genius, showman, and pioneer Manly Palmer Hall remains a valuable source for Astrology studies and was a fascinating, complex character as well. See what you think about this excerpt from one of his talks on the topic of the natural law: Reap What You Sow...

Mar 18, 2014

Mar 30, 2014 New Moon @9Ari58

Looking at a horoscope set for Washington DC of the March 30, 2014 New Moon @9Ari58 we find the lunation of new beginnings squared by the Jupiter-Pluto opposition and about to conjoin, each in turn, quirky radical Uranus @12Ari19 (a critical degree). In the District of Columbia where I twice dwelled the New Moon falls in 9th house of Foreign Lands and perfects at 2:44:40 pm edt (using SolarFire Gold v8 software).

For this New Moon the 16 North November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse @11Sco15 remains in effect with its 'inspiration, illumination of ideas' Uranus-Neptune vibes, and in the New Moon chart for DC affects the 4th house most closely.

Rising is 13Leo44 so we immediately know that the New Moon will affect President Obama whose natal Sun in Leo is rising. There is a YOD pattern of 'special task; crisis; turning point' dimensions formed between Pluto and Chiron which point toward the New Moon's Ascendant (in DC) and thus, to the president's natal Sun. Therefore, his goals in life, hero's journey, and ego are involved with the sextile (60 degr) of Pluto and Chiron at the YOD's base, and as you know, Pluto-Chiron is the Plutocracy pair of oppression, primal violence, racism, socialism, communism, etc.

A Pluto-Chiron sextile describes those with a finger on the public pulse and those who may act as spokesman for the community (R. Nolle, Chiron the New Planet in Your Horoscope). And we know President Obama has a way with words and that he speaks on behalf of unknown entities and backers at times--well, maybe all the time. Don't they all?

So Pluto-Chiron is a supporting factor in this rather plutocratic picture since the Jupiter-Pluto combination also may be described as Plutocracy--and is, by none other than Reinhold Ebertin. Naturally the fact that transiting Pluto continues to oppose US natal Sun (the president) is being highlighted since Mr. Obama's struggles with strong forces--whether the Federal Reserve, political opponents, and/or Russian dictators--is in the news constantly so I won't bore you by providing links in this post to such political tales--you and I both have been inundated by them every day since Barack Obama took office in January 2009 by sore-loser Republicans in particular.

So with the New Moon at 9Arie58, it seems a gander at what Adriano Carelli has to say about '10Aries' may be of interest. His symbol for this degree is: "Saint George slays the dragon." Mentioned in explanation are 'courage, successful ambition, reaching the highest standing', and 'an exceptional career'. Sounds presidential enough, yes? Also, Carelli adds a potential for 'clairvoyance' and 'prophecy' for '10Aries'.

Here's a peek at the famous tempera painting by Bernat Martorell of Saint George Killing the Dragon and the Wikipedia info has other famous depictions along with the images tale itself. Yet I doubt mention is made of 'the dragon' relating to the Nodal axis, with North Node being the head of the beast and South Node being its tail!

Oct 31, 2013

10.31.13: Senator-elect Cory Booker sworn in w his Venus rising

At noon today, Senator-elect Cory Booker was sworn in and now joins the hallowed lions' den within the US Capitol Building. Assuming the ceremony and oath proceeded on schedule, we find that 2Cap26 is rising on the Ascendant at the Capitol Building (10.31.13) with Venus @25Sag21 rising in 12th house of Politics and Karma, and powerful Pluto @9Cap25 rising in the 1st house of Self.

This gives a 'fascinating, attractive personality' vibe to his tenure (Venus-Pluto = ASC) and makes Saturn the chart-ruler directing the event and his term. Saturn @13Sco32 is in 10th house of Public Status/Career and makes no major applying aspects though the societal pair of planets, Saturn and Jupiter, as in a lovely trine (6A54) from Jupiter's 7th house position 20Can26 (a critical degree).

With no application, Saturn's sign, degree, and house position become more prominent. Yet Saturn is not part of a rather massive YOD pattern with its base an 8th house Mars @9Vir32 sextiling Sun (8Sco23--conjunct President Obama's natal Neptune today and his alleged falsehoods in the news), North Node @7Sco45, and Mercury Rx @11Sco06--not great for taking Mercurial oaths. So will there be a flub? Or is Mercury Rx related to Booker's taking over for deceased Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, as in, a second oath taken for the same senate seat? Well, this is a Balsamic phase of the Moon period so taking over for another who can't carry on is denoted already and a retrograde Mercury seems to be supporting this.

Now the apex of the YOD (special task, crisis, turning point) is planet Uranus Rx @9Ari27 in 3rd house of Communications. As apex planet in a YOD, Uranus behaves as a catalyst, an extraordinary person with acute intellectual capacity who disrupts by making sweeping changes.

And we all know that the US Congress needs all the sweeping (and dusting and cleaning) it can get, so Welcome, Senator Booker, to Capitol Hill Antics Theater! May your 'special task' be successfully performed on behalf of the American people. I hope you brought a large broom.

As for Senator Booker's natal chart (April 27, 1969, Washington DC, 'noon'), his first natal planet to rise today at noon is Venus @10Ari35 with the magic wand of Uranus catalyzing it which indicates new or unusual alliances being formed and interactions with others that are difficult to predict. The swearing-in Moon today @1Lib59 conjoins Mr. Booker's natal Uranus @00Lib33 Rx (which conjoins his natal South Node, and both conjoin America's natal Midheaven, and if his natal Moon in Virgo is on or near 9Vir+, transit Mars @9Vir32 conjoins it denoting a quicker pace to life and emotions that are close to the surface.

Oct 29, 2013

A Monetary Echo from Adams' 1787 Letter to Jefferson?

Of Money Lenders, French Debt, and All the Domestic Debt

by Jude Cowell

Sometimes when I find an interesting date in history upon which an event occurred, I like to calculate a horoscope for it to spot check what was being reflected between the Earth and the Cosmos for, As Above, So Below. In lieu of an event's exact hour, noon is usually used, or perhaps midnight or sunrise.

One such event is a letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson dated August 25, 1787, sent from Grovenor Square, London. The following is probably the most famous excerpt from this particular missive which is part of a discussion between them concerning such financial topics as "Money Lenders", "the French Debt", and "the Domestic Debt of the Unites States" which "might be transferred to Holland," writes Mr. Adams to Mr. Jefferson. Wonder if Adams' insights may be worth considering in light of our current predicament?

"All the Perplexities, Confusions and Distresses in America arise not from defects in their Constitutions or Confederation, not from a want of Honour or Virtue, So much as from downright Ignorance of the Nature of Coin, Credit and Circulation."

And yes, the sentiment has been expressed by others and in various ways. But this is correspondence between two of our Founding Rosicrucian-Freemason-Illuminatists so what planetary transits or links may have been influencing their discussion via America's natal planets (July 4, 1776) as Adams mentions these monetary topics?

August 25, 1787 London, England noon: Sun 2Vir07 at Midheaven (1Vir38), Moon 24Cap16 in 3rd house of Communications; transiting South Node of the Moon, a separative point, conjoins US natal Venus (money, evaluations) in early Cancer along with our national Jupiter @5Can56; both tr Mars and tr Jupiter are in Gemini and in 8th house of Debt and Credit (at noon) with Jupiter expanding the plans of our national Mars (energy, action, motivation, males) so we know that growth and development are on the menu and that male relationships are favored within fortunate working conditions.

At noon, it's a Mercury Hour, a good time to sit right down and pen someone a letter and with Mercury @25Leo18 and Rx in 9th house of Foreign Lands, we see that this letter is but one of a series on themes that have been discussed before (Rx.) Pluto Rx and Saturn Rx are in Aquarius which marks 1787 as an era of scientific advancement; Mars @19Gem26 shows the date to be within the waning days of an American Mars Return as a new 2-year cycle of activity is in preparation and will begin soon.

As you know, a YOD is a crisis pattern of special tasks and turning points and one is formed here between Mercury, Jupiter, and the Moon which denotes lively women in the environment--perhaps older ladies (Cap)--and many lively exchanges of thought--here, between Adams and Jefferson for the rift in their relationship had yet to occur.

The letter's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series is the initial Total Solar Eclipse (June 15, 1787) in the 5 New South Saros Series and indicates that 'good news, long term benefits, and peak experiences' were enjoyed (Brady.)

A Uranian Surprise?

And with America's 'totem planet', Uranus @28Can04, we see a transit in play whereby America's natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 is opposed by rebellious genius Uranus which implies that a clash between younger (Uranus) and older (Pluto) generations is in effect and concerns how resources should be handled; also, established sources of political power are disrupted or eliminated entirely thanks to the catalyzing tendencies of The Awakener, Uranus.

With Uranus in Aries now squaring Pluto in Capricorn (off and on until 2015), perhaps that last paragraph resounds a bit through the centuries and reflects Washington's current Capitol Hill antics which they continue to play act for us rather than seriously engaging in the governing we expected.

Curiously, the day's Sun Vir-Moon Cap (Mercury-Saturn) blend is shared natally by financier J.P. Morgan, Sr., and last manifested on November 23, 2003 @1Sag14.

May 1, 2013

April 30, 1803: Louisiana Purchase a done deal w Jupiter Rx in Virgo

Empiric Sorrows Developing Since 1803

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday April 30, 2013 marked the 210th anniversary of the signing of America's Louisiana Purchase, a Treaty signed in Paris, France, which doubled the size of the US and made us in 1803 the largest country in the world. Setting a bad precedent for future empire builders, President Thomas Jefferson put aside his doubts about the constitutionality of such an expansion (it wasn't and still isn't), aka, a land grab, in order to take advantage of what remains so far the greatest real estate bargain in history!

Subsequently, America's Jupiterian expansionist tendency was made irresistible by none other than Mr. Jefferson and became known as Manifest Destiny and has presented our nation with many difficulties through the years. Perhaps the ultimate problem we've encountered is Washington's unfortunate, over-reaching habit of playing the role of global cop, our domestic economy be dratted (though we're still expected to do our part and pay taxes to the IRS, our war-fund collector.)

As for the often-praised Louisiana Purchase, American Originals has the scoop, images, and a link to the Treaty's text if you wish to check out more details.

And because the whole endeavor is such a Jupiterian one, and since Jupiter left his shadow (of his Rx Station degree 16Gem22, of Oct 5, 2012) on April 25, 2013, you know I had to peek to discover where expansionist Jupiter was located on April 30, 1803--@26Vir46 and Rx, using the noon hour, Paris, FR.

Virgo is Jefferson's natal Jupiter sign though earlier by degree--still, it's a placement denoting a scientist, which he was. Being in the last decanate of Virgo, 1803 Jupiter had recently moved beyond US natal Neptune 22Vir25 but in Rx condition was headed back that way, so we may naturally consider the transit since the combination of Jupiter-Neptune is the speculator-spendthrift-wastrel-grand-schemer duo of energies, and this massive land deal of 828,000 square acres for $15 million falls neatly into such a category. Oui?

Transit Jupiter conjunct natal Neptune indicates a time of unprecedented development yet losing touch with reality is a possibility; actions may be grandly inspired or inspirational, and that it has been, but it can also lead to illusions, delusions, and fanaticism (which I also think it has.) Additionally, our representatives' journey across the ocean to France is also described by adventurous Jupiter conjoining urge-to-merge Neptune, ruler of The Seas.

And the subsequent problems created in 1803 by our imperial expansion? Why, there's a problematic YOD pattern of crisis, turning points, special tasks, and/or crossroads between the Sun (9Tau08, an Earth sign that can be rather greedy for more--in this case, land) and powerful hidden hand Pluto @8Pis04, the natal position on July 4, 1776 of US natal Ceres ("amber waves of grain") and of our natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint of take-what-you-want Plutocracy.

In Closing, a Powerful Midpoint Picture

Now the Sun-Pluto sextile at the base of the YOD points its two quincunxes (150 degrees) toward catalyst Uranus Rx @8Lib11 (in 3rd house at noon of April 30, 1803, Paris) so we have potential expressions of the trio's midpoint picture--any, all, or none may apply. Plus, 'Sun-Pluto' = 'striving for power; craving rulership; power of attainment; establishing and consolidating one's position as a leader'--Ebertin.) With this Purchase, I'm thinking of President Jefferson's opportunistic disregard for the US Constitution as I type, a bad habit, now ingrained, which Washington politicians can't seem to get enough of these days in their Quest:

Sun-Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself (Ebertin); sudden changes; rebellion; new individual perspectives (Tyl.)

Mar 22, 2013

March 22, 2013: Senate "vote-a-rama" w a Fire-Fire blend

How For Goes Thy Senate Vote-a-Rama 2013?

by Jude Cowell

In case you missed it, PBS has the scoop on today's Senate "vote-a-rama" though I must award Public Broadcasting a Big Phooey for falling in with the GOP line by using "entitlement" in their article when mentioning the American people's under-threat social safety net programs.

Taking a look at today's astro-portents, perhaps a picture can be captured of Vote-a-Rama energies. At 2:17 pm edt, the excitable pair of Mars and Uranus conjoin at 8Aries+ so we may expect idle posturing and an empty pretense of good will to be shown. ('8Ari' = "A Large Hat With Streamers Blown by the East Wind"--Jones.)

Plus, if senators actually intend to accomplish anything, it should be done prior to the Moon's last aspect of the day (Moon square Saturn at 11:38 pm edt) after which Luna is void-of-course until the wee hours of Saturday when she joins in with the crisis-crossroads-turning-point YOD configuration involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto ('trying to save what's left; adoption of the austere'--Tyl.)

In fact, looking at a 6:00 pm edt chart of today (3/22/13) and one for 11:59 pm edt, two YODs are in formation at 6:00 pm--by 11:59 pm, there are four YODs if we count the oppressive Plutocracy pair's pressure upon We-the-People's Moon...Pluto-Chiron = Moon @ 10Leo55. Ouch!

And with Moon in Leo, We-the-People are in the mood for a Friday and weekend of fun and entertainment, not austerity-implementation by politicians who will be 'debating' the issue of whether or not congress members, slack as they are, deserve automatic pay raises! I think most Americans can save them the effort by asserting that the majority of them Do Not Deserve the Pay They Already Receive, much less raises for their sorry mal-practicing performances of recent years.

Still in effect is the Neptune-NN (deception with the public) midpoint where manipulative propagandist Pluto sits giving people difficulties when attempting to blend their perspectives with that of others. However, the late evening YOD that forms tonight includes a lovely Moon-Jupiter sextile at its base (good for PR.) Alan Oken has called this the 'ray of hope' aspect so we'll see if anything beneficial issues forth toward the public from the bowels of the US Senate tonight--especially since its midpoint picture is rather telling:

Moon-Jupiter = Pluto: the big picture and the power to make it appear; major plans for major triumph (Tyl.) Mmm-hmm...but is it a triumph for the American people?

Topics of the day and evening may also include: the legality of drones (freaky draconianism and law-breaking), abortion (politicians get your noses out of our bedrooms and doctors' offices--and zip your pants lest you create a baby politician), and repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act (too expensive to repeal it even if its critics are correct--aka, boat left harbor.)

Now voting Mercury hangs out at 6Pis+ all day into the night and everyone knows Pisces can be murky, confused, deceptive--or, inspired by compassion. So let's look at the Sun-Moon blend in effect all day into night for it's a creative, volatile, and dramatic (to answer the question posed by the above-linked article) Fire-Fire combination which can get very down in the dumps when things don't go its way:

Sun Aries-Moon Leo is full of pride and optimism and describes idealists with tremendous passion--even leaders and heroes. 'Fiery feeling and sharp intellect' combine within a big-thinker mix that's full of conviction as those with 'large personalities' take center stage. A childish insistence on 'my way is the only way' may be the attitude shown along with massive ego needs that blind true self-perception (lookin' at You, Republicans!); plus, in Arien fashion, large objectives are sought before debris from previous projects is tidied up.

Let's close with a word picture which may or may not symbolize any of our senate players acting in the March 22, 2013 Political Theater tragi-drama:

"Image for Integration: After slaying the black dragon of sloth and greed, the young warrior is knighted by the one true king. He marries the maiden of purity and they live happily ever after." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, if only the people of the world could live happily ever after! And perhaps we could without the self-serving meddling of greedy, power-mad politicians, none of whom deserve pay raises for refusing to govern on our behalves, or for their fumbling ineptitude when they do.


Astro-Note: 3/22/13 at 6 pm edt: Sun 2Ari26, Moon 7Leo48; at 11:59 pm edt: Sun 2Ari41, Moon 10Leo55, and I believe the '2-3 Aries' degrees of the Zodiac is an area of no follow through; DeVore's Encyclopedia gives '2Ari' as: 'abscesses' and '3Ari' as: 'birds, aviators; collisions; goitre'. Nice.

Mar 13, 2013

Horoscope: Full Moon in Libra March 27, 2013

Mar 27, 2013 Full Moon @6Lib53: Continuing Resolution or Government Shutdown?

by Jude Cowell

Update Mar 31, 2013: thanks to a with-it reader, it's been noted that Wednesday's Libra Full Moon is a perfect descriptor of the week's SCOTUS arguments (Mars) on Marriage (Libra) Equality. What a great observation! Should we include Uranus transiting me-first Aries to denote equality?

Original post begins here, sans marriage references (except for '7th house of Partnerships') even though any full moon may describe relationship issues! And of course, Libra is the sign of Justice's Scales of Balance...

Here you see the horoscope of March 27, 2013's Full Moon at 6Libra52, in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies when the chart is set for Washington DC (Capitol Building):

Chart shown: March 27, 2013 5:27:18 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of the Sun @6Ari52 in 1st house along with first planet to rise, Neptune @4Pis03 conjunct Fomalhaut, a Royal Star in constellation Piscis Australis and the brightest; key themes: magic, mysticism, lofty ideals; when active, Royal Stars always carry a challenge--here, to maintain the purity of ideals and visions (Brady), things which dreamy Neptune knows much about.

And of course, we think of the 'new pope' conclave going on this week at the Vatican but I have chosen not to blog about crisis-plagued cardinals who brought their challenges upon themselves through lack of purity. Expecting the Vatican to go forward with pure morals is like expecting right wing GOPers to find a conscience, though you may disagree if you like.

Rising after Neptune are Mercury @9Pis34, priestly healer Chiron @11Pis05, Venus @6Ari32 conjunct the Full Moon's Sun, Uranus @8Ari23, and testy Mars @11Ari42--a full house. As you know, Full Moon phases are about relationships and partnerships, awareness (of relationship dynamics and other things), and possible stalemates, a condition the US government has decided to use against We the People.

So not only is the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD of crises, special tasks, and turning points back within orb (Jupiter @11Gem06 conjunct IC 11Gem20), we find that another YOD is found in the horoscope, or two YODs is we use catalyst Uranus which will close the gap soon as it nears 11Aries (and hits the Full Moon's Mars which may result in high emotions and disruption relating to matters influenced by the March 27th Full Moon.

At YOD's base: a sextile with austere Saturn @10Sco25 Rx posited in the 8th house of Shared Finances, Corporations, Debt, Credit, etc; Saturn's partner in the sextile--and in a mutual reception of friendliness--is Pluto @11Cap30 in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Wishes and Hopes. And visions of austerity where the wealthy are made wealthier, according to Sen. Paul Ryan who again must be reminded that he and his party lost on November 6, 2012. He's tooting the same austerity-for-the-masses horn with his 'budget plan' even though a majority of the American people said No! to his plan on Election Day 2012.

As you see from the Ascending sign and degree--27AQ24--America's natal Moon rises, aka, We the People, and our needs are 'coming up' along with the social program funds (taxes) we paid for years--and pay still, keeping our end of the bargain--which is under threat of being heisted by Washington politicians for the benefit of wealthy one-percenters who prefer their masses standing in long soup lines, too weak and encumbered to shake pitchforks at castle windows.

Issuing from the March 27, 2013 Full Moon horoscope:

Yes, any time there's a Moon rising, it represents unstable conditions with fluctuations and changes afoot. Now let's look at the applying aspects of chart-ruler Saturn and co-ruler Uranus which are in aspect with each other:

Saturn inconjunct Uranus (2A02) indicates problems with priorities and obligations--clearly! A Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (aka, quincunx) was in effect on Election Day 2012 but austere, restricting Saturn was Direct--and the Republican Party's budget ideas were rejected, another Saturnian word. And of course, contracting Saturn is one of the two societal planets, the other being expansive Jupiter, with the tension between them keeping our Solar System's planets in their courses.

A Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (150 degrees) denotes those who try to hold on to the past with all their might and as they desperately try to force old concepts into acceptance rather than new methods and ideas. Since I know this reminds us both of facets of the neanderthal-based Republican 'war on women', I won't mention it other than to mention it. Flexibility is the only cure! Yet Saturn-Uranus is a brittle combination of energies which may break before it bends.

Saturn then applies to a helpful trine (120 degr) with rising Neptune (6A21), an aspect denoting those with enormous responsibilities and which can bring about positive changes in society. This is a willing 'helping hand', in fact, and bodes well if those who wish to obstruct improvement and investment in our society can be somehow pushed out of the way--which is exactly what a majority of us called ourselves doing when we re-elected President Barack Obama in November 2012.

And since a Saturn-Neptune trine relates closely to writers and journalists, I believe we're seeing some effect of the trine when reporters and TV talking heads question more fully the assertions made by interviewees like Paul Ryan. The Media could really help things improve by holding to account politicians and others who spout odd theories and mathematical formulas which do not 'add up'.

Dec 30, 1999's Great Conjunction of Plutocracy's Pluto and Chiron @11Sag

At MC (The Goal Point of any horoscope) is 11Sag20 and the good news is that the Public Sector 10th house is ruled by Jupiter which now moves Direct (since Jan 30, 2013) so financial matters may proceed. Banker Jupiter will soon be out of orb from its conjunction to US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which takes our natal Uranus away from apexhood in the Saturn-Pluto YOD pattern and its midpoint picture I love to hate for we now suffer under its draconian birth pangs:

Saturn-Pluto = n Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses. Add Jupiter at apex and we have potentials for: adoption of the austere; trouble with authority; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left.

Now that's pretty much what the Washington Political Theater is scamming us with at the moment, and have done for decades (taking over America is certain actors' long-term project), or, as some would say, for centuries.

One more thing about the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD--the Saturn-Pluto midpoint falls at MC in the Mar ch 27th Full Moon chart which denotes: hard hard work to rise from difficulty; major separation as a last resort.

The additional YODs are formed by the Mars-Jupiter sextile which points toward an 8th house Saturn in secretive, spying, business-loving Scorpio so we get a fortunate pair of energies in stress with Mr. Status Quo:

Mars-Jupiter = Saturn: pulling in one's sails; having to toe the line; struggling with impulse.

If we allow for Direct Uranus to enter the scene (and knowing that the disruptive planet of rebellion and anarchy has been within orb of this YOD before) we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Saturn: patience and practicality introduced to boundless self-projection; temperance over excess. (All mdpt pics today from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs.)

Planetary Aspects of March 27th's Libra Full Moon

As you see, the March 27th Full Moon in Libra, sign of balance, justice, partnerships, and war, causes lunar fluctuations in relationships while making a few applying aspects. Here's a list of the Full Moon's 5 aspects in order of occurrence with the Luna's natural sign, Cancer, on both the (risk-taking) 5th cusp and the (work-military-health-daily rounds) 6th cusp:

1. Moon opposite Uranus (1A31) indicates emotional and mental stress for The People as many decisions must be made. Resolution can be found but a feeling of being crushed is evident.

2. Moon inconjunct Mercury (2A41) shows more stress (inconjuncts = difficult adjustments) showing emotions (Moon) and intellect (Mercury) interfering with one another; reasonable evaluations are impossible if feelings enter logical thinking, and reactions may be out of all proportion with the truth.

3. Moon trine Jupiter (4A14) with Jupiter conjunct the 4th house's cusp relates to domestic matters, home, and security. Is Jupiter playing his role as guardian angel? Well, we need several if we can get them! And of course, the Real Estate market is said to be improving and we may hear more of this under the rays of the March 27th Full Moon in Venus-ruled Libra--including lawsuits against fraud-committing mortgage lenders. Yet the facts of the cases may remain unclear with Mercury in confused, often deceptive, Pisces. Still, their trine indicates some amount of happiness, good fortune, generosity, and/or glad news especially for those of good character.

4. Moon square Pluto (4A38) is a fly in our improving ointment for it denotes difficulty letting go of the past, plus, blockage (square) from wealthy, stealthy Pluto, manipulator and controller of The Underworld, toward the populace and our reigning needs (Moon) which causes us apprehension, anxiety, and heavy burdens.

Note: dontcha 'love' politicians? They embezzle, misspend, and waste America's financial resources, make huge profits off our hard work, then stick We the People with all their bills, plus, their own fat paychecks.

5. Moon opposite Mars (4A49) indicates opposition from radical reformers and activists (Mars-Uranus) of the 25--35 year-old generation, give or take a year or two. Some politicians, their staffers, and reporters are in this age category though loose canon shooters may be as well, as is the NRA (Mars = weaponry and those who use it.) A Moon-Mars opposition tends to bring crises, criticism, and resentments, with 'hitting back' in anger a definite possibility. Aggression and lack of patience may be noted which lead to quarrels, debates, and emotional outbursts.

So that last aspect is basically Luna joining in with the ongoing generational Uranus-Pluto square in which we again deal with issues we thought were settled by legislation in the 1960s when they last met three times in Great Conjunction at 17 Virgo, a critical-crisis degree. To close, here are two midpoint pictures formed by the Moon-Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-Square/s:

Moon-Mars = Pluto: demanding nature; powerful opinionation.

Moon-Uranus = Pluto: sensationalism; bombast; a fanatical push for fulfillment of needs (Full Moons are phases of fulfillment/culmination--jc.)

Well, if you've read this far I hope my post with its sorry political implications won't ruin the beauty of the Full Moon on March 27, 2013! A March Full Moon is, after all, considered the annual Worm Moon so click for more info and a video concerning this earthy and seasonal topic.

But also remember please to keep your eye on the wormy infestation eating at the core of the US government as it purposefully and willfully creates havoc and chaos in our lives while enriching the wealthy at our expense.

Further reading on cutting Social Security benefits and other dumb ideas that the president is offering the austerity-promoters of the Republican Party may be found on the website of Senator Bernie Sanders who always points out that (though fiscal vultures want to get their claws on SS funds), the Social Security insurance program contributed not one nickel to our debt problems. And not one penny either so let's keep it off the cutting table, Mr. President--raise the taxing cap instead.


Yes, there are other factors worth considering in the horoscope shown above, so please leave your on-topic comments with this post as you wish! jc

Feb 20, 2013

Horoscope: Mars = Aries Point Mar 12, 2013 (a YOD returns)

March 12, 2013: Mars to 00Aries00 denotes conflict and fanaticism

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you'd like a view of the horoscope of transit Mars to 'his' own Aries Point 00Ari00:00 on March 12, 2013 at 2:26 am edt in Washington DC. Mars = AP, a World Point of Manifestation and Prominence, also denotes testy activist and warrior Mars conjoining US natal IC (Homeland; Foundation; End of the Matter; The Drain) in our national 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) This indicates fiery actions and, as it happens, rash action on the home front, and of course, we think of police departments applying for permits to use drones to spy and control the American people, and many other Mars-based activities such as protests, strikes, quarrels, fires, and military concerns.

Since March 20, 2013 heralds this year's Aries Ingress (Spring Equinox) when the Sun reaches 00Ari00:00, we may expect quite a Mars-infused season since it's not every March that Mars hits the Aries Point before or after the Sun which makes the AP a tender or sensitive spot in the Zodiac in March 2013.

The Sun-Mars duo of energies in Politics and Business relates to potentials for: military development as an extension of internal policy, hostile actions or challenges to authority which are subdued by guards or armed forces (prison riots? arresting protesters? tear gas or tasers?), a leader with a military background (Chuck Hagel?); then: extending aggression as the will of the people; military might developed to be used against others (build-up and deployment?), government or business authority that is linked to the armed forces (drones across America?), and/or violence against chosen leaders. (Munkasey.)

As you see, the difficult YOD pattern of special tasks and turning points from the Winter Solstice 2012 horoscope is back in force as of March 10th when Jupiter moved into orb again with the Saturn and Pluto inconjuncts. The YOD describes the ongoing conflicts and conditions of the end-of-year, manufactured 'fiscal cliff' embroilment in Washington which wasn't fully resolved and has resulted in the current March 1st 'sequester cuts' of which we speak. Some pundits say resolution of some sort will come around March 27th and there is a Full Moon on that date in the early morning but the Moon becomes V.O.C. at 2:14 pm edt so we'll see how their timing goes on Capitol Hill and if their deliberations 'flow' with the Moon's natural rhythm.

The YOD Pattern Forms Difficult Midpoint Pictures

Social fanaticism, quarrels, and sudden upsets are some of the midpoint pictures' potentials from the YOD configuration of Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto--but when we include US natal Uranus (which is conjoined by Jupiter in December and into 2013) we find a disturbing picture: 'brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses' (Tyl) which I believe denotes the anarchy and austerity reforms now being attempted in Washington DC against our government and our people. If the 'sequester cuts' miss the military budget while cleaving out funds from our social safety net, we'll know the anarchists have finally won against FDR's and LBJ's social improvements--"regardless of (the) potential losses" suffered by We the People.)

Chart: Hour of evaluating Venus at a critical degree (17Pis), Sun 21Pis50 and Moon 27Pis18 are 5 degrees 28 minutes past their New Moon conjunction @21Pis24 ('22Pis' = "A Man Bringing the New Law Down from Sinai"--or, the karmic degree '21Pis' = "A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant" (Jones, with my bold emphasis due to our topic.)

In The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli (who does not round up the degree) gives '21Pis' the symbol, "Nightly duel of two ancient crusaders" and says the degree gives a "warlike temperament"; Carelli adds, "My son, the cut was good, now think of the stitching," words of Catherine de Medici to her son Henry III after the murder of the *Duke of Guise--of course we are reminded of March 2013's sequester 'cuts' with which the GOP intends to throw the US economy back into recession thereby messing with President Obama's second term and preventing his plans from being realized. Obviously, 'crusader' is also a facet of astrological Mars.

Pluss, sex, guns, axes, knives and other weapons fall within the province of the Red Planet (even figurative ones used to cravenly slash budgets and starve small children) so you won't want to miss the instructive insights of expert astrologer John Townley in his article American Circus.

And here's a peek at the Spring Equinox 2013 horoscope set for DC with a few details added, if you haven't yet checked it out.


*In 1908, a film was made about The Assassination of the Duke of Guise.

Jan 30, 2013

Thomas Jefferson on "the spirit of this country" (and Jupiter Stations Direct)

"The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force."

So Thomas Jefferson informed us. But that was way before the Pentagon's 'military industrial complex' and the CIA began dictating where our National Treasury and human resources were spent. And that's where the spirit and soul of America were sacrificed on a devilish altar of conquest, war profiteering, and revenge. Seems to me that neocon war hawks have made a chump of Mr. Jefferson and the rest of us along with him.

Blog Note: now I can't imagine why my article on Thomas Jefferson's natal horoscope is so all-intriguing as to make it this blog's most-viewed post ever (obviously it's due to the elusive Mystic of Monticello and not to my incomplete analysis!), but if you haven't read about our 3rd president and the Yod pattern in his birth chart, you may wish to do so by clicking here.

And speaking of our soul-staining US military and America's compromised spirit, here's Glenn Greenwald's Obama's Non-Closing of Gitmo and US Government Irony. America's 'fog of war' Mars-Neptune square from 1776 just keeps on fooling us with its misdirected energy-confused motivations vibes, doesn't it? To be fooled one must first fool oneself.

Plus, our nation's Geminian Mars turned Rx (inward) by progression as of Summer 2006 is providing many problems at home through drought, arrests and an exploding prison population, protests and police action against protesters, gun violence upticks (ex: Chicago), gun legislation proposals causing conflict and "debate" on Capitol Hill today, parents against children-children against parents, and other aggression-related conditions and events.

Then when we consider America's Secondary Progressed Moon of December 2008 @4Vir10 along with our SP Mars Rx, it becomes clear--even to the big spenders in Washington--that our nation must now withdraw many of our tentacles (military bases) across the globe or at least decrease them in size because the SP Full Moon indicates that our country has extended her reach right up to the limit as far as the wider world is concerned. And of course, 'Dec 2008' times Financial Crisis 2008 (aka, the Great Bush-Cheney Heist as I call it.) Yes, our Atlas Days have ended and frankly, the overly fatigued American people are due a rest.

Besides, investing in America is a great way to proceed and since this very day Jupiter Stations Direct @6Gem19 and will soon hit US natal Uranus again (denoting financial and political improvements), perhaps projects and finances will begin to move forward in tandem with the Great Benefic's zodiacal path, as long as GOP ('Grand' = Jupiter!) members don't completely throttle into unconsciousness any improvements that need be made and should be made.

And who knows? With Jupiter's freedom of movement maybe the next financial conflicts on Capitol Hill on March 1 and May 19 will go better than in 2011! Well, at least this Jupiterian can hope, can't she?

Jan 23, 2013

2013 Solar and Lunar Eclipses w America's Planetary Returns

2013 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Listed w US Planetary Returns

by Jude Cowell

Here is a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2013's dates and degrees, with Saros Series' themes paraphrased from B. Brady; included in order of occurrence are America's 2013 planetary Return dates and degrees with a few Sabian Symbols and their keywords (symbols from M. E. Jones):

1. April 25: Partial Lunar Eclipse @5Sco45; '6Sco' = "A Gold Rush"...AMBITION;

2. May 10: Annular Solar Eclipse @19Tau31; '20Tau' = "Wind Clouds and Haste"...EXALTATION; 15 South Series theme: a lingering situation will clear with a sense of collective grief or loss and a release of tension; 15S last manifested in 1995;

3. May 25: Appulse Lunar Eclipse @4Sag08; '5Sag' = "An Old Owl Up in a Tree"...NORMALITY; this eclipse conjoins the degree of 'voting' Mercury's Rx Station of the November 6, 2012 Elections--will scandalous details be uncovered? Eclipses are known for revealing secrets and Mercury is a known trickster and thief!;

June 5: US Venus Return to 3Can06 (all Returns based on America's natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA); '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse"...JUSTIFICATION;

June 30: US Mars Return 21Gem22; '22Gem' = "A Barn Dance"...GREGARIOUSNESS;

July 5 (not a typo!): US Solar Return 13Can19, our nation's 237th birthday as far as declaring independence from Britain goes; '14Can' = "A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast"...SANCTION; an occult symbol with far-reaching implications that go beyond the scope of today's post so here's a site to check out if you're in the mood for uncovering secrets of early Washington DC as laid out by our Founding Templar Freemasons;

July 22: US Jupiter Return 5Can56 (a 12-year cycle of what should be 'rewards'); '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" (as toffs will do--jc)...METICULOUSNESS;

August 4: US Mercury Return 24Can12 (Rx natally); '25Can' = "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder"...DESTINY; (an occult symbol which may relate to ORION's shoulder and the 'Great' Plan for America's destiny--jc); August 4th is President Obama's day of birth and this year, transit Mars @14Can51 conjoins SIRIUS, an important star in the secretly shared 'District of Columbia/pyramids of Giza' mythology;

4. Oct 18: Appulse Lunar Eclipse @25Ari45; '26Ari' = "A Man Possessed of More Gifts Than He Can Hold"...EQUIPMENT;

5. Nov 3: Hybrid Solar Eclipse @11Sco16; '12Sco' = "An Embassy Ball"...DISPLAY; this eclipse falls in the 16 North Saros Series which is denoted by Bernadette Brady to be a "gentle family of eclipses' which 'brings a sense of inspiration or the illumination of good ideas' through a "sudden release of material from the unconscious" and a "great deal of insight"; 16N last manifested in 1995 making that year a 'time link' with year 2013 as is the May eclipse, above;

However, since 16N's initial eclipse of Feb 15, 1599 (@6Pis02) contains unconscious Uranus-Neptune content by way of a trine aspect, and considering the way the world is being marched toward global governance (aka a new world order, or, new economic order), I'm calling this the 'Illuminati Eclipse' and unfortunately must consider its "illumination" to be part of the constant subliminal propaganda we Americans and others across the globe are drenched in and permeated by...based on an ancient illuminized plan to undermine all civil institutions including governments. How I wish I could feel and think otherwise but I don't, so there it is.

Yes, 2013 is a pivotal year for global movers and shakers and it was ushered in by Winter Solstice 2012 and that crisis-laden YOD pattern of Saturn sextile Pluto pointing toward apex Jupiter Rx = social fanaticism/trouble with authority. My prayer is that 'ordinary', decent people won't fall for too many of their cynical political and social scams and fancy 'tricks of light and sound' as 2013 plows on. May we of good faith use the combined Uranus-Neptune energies to Awaken the Masses!

Dec 19, 2012

Billionaires dumping US stocks: an End -of-2012 YOD crisis?

Okay, this is the sort of news I've been hoping not to hear--that billionaires including Warren Buffet and others are 'dumping' US stocks in some of our nation's biggest corporations such as Johnson & Johnson. You may check it out at Money News if you're interested.

And even though I know that astrological Jupiter signifies large sums of money, corporations, bankers, billionaires, and such and remains retrograde until January 30, 2013, I'd hoped that the end-of-2012 YOD pattern of crisis and turning points wouldn't indicate financial calamity such as the above linked article portends--in spite of Washington's ways.

The YOD's base is the Saturn-Pluto sextile, normally a helpful sort of aspect of 60 degrees, but the two planets involved are both considered karmic, or fated (reaping what's been sown--in the case of global financial systems, corruption, fraud, and greed)--and denote a working relationship between two planetary actors that can, if warranted, bring loss and destruction. Wealthy Pluto of the Underworld is super-avaricious, you know, and wants all the treasure.

Now tell me: have you been 'hoarding resources for potential future disasters'? Then you're feeling the Saturn-Pluto pairing at work, according to astrologer Michael Munkasey in his, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets which adds these potentials for the Saturn-Pluto duo of energies in Politics and Business:

Thesis: restraints on destructive weapons (Congress and the White House after the recent school massacre in Newtown CT? jc); turmoil in any rigid or older structures; upsets in existing checks and balances; using secret police or military agencies.

Antithesis: secret preparations for future restrictions (so-called 'fiscal cliff' negotiations? jc); lengthy consideration of methods for removal or destruction.

Well, this is some crummy way to end 2012, isn't it? Balancing the budget precariously on the backs of the working class! Why, it's as if there are radical zealots in Washington who wants the US economy to fail! Plus, President Obama said he wouldn't accept a GOP deal that would harm the needy and elderly, but will he keep his Jupiterian promise with hard-nosed Saturn-Pluto aiming in his direction? He's looking mighty wobbly with Jupiter Rx and in the Mutable (changeable) sign of Gemini.

Now you've probably already considered the midpoint picture/s created with Saturn-Pluto pointing directly at Jupiter Rx in Gemini (sign of young people and of reporters colluding and otherwise); Jupiter simultaneously conjoins US natal Uranus @8Gem55, the radical planet of rebellion, sudden change, and disruption...I'll type them for you once again; the first potential seemingly has a positive nature so we may have to put our tattered faith in it:

Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: favorable outcomes in the use of large expenditures of resources or energies; people with leadership and the power to dispense it; opinions about how to reclaim the use of waste products for other uses.

Saturn-Pluto = US n Uranus: sudden changes or upsets in plans related to very important activities; reforms in punishment for important crimes; the erratic or uneven use of retaliatory measures (Munkasey); now we must add this: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses (Tyl.)

Now if you've read this grumpy blog before today you probably know that I quite regularly complain about the power elite's determination to force a 'new world order' upon the world. Even so, I don't like to think that the last potential has anything to do with restricting gun ownership in America due to the horrific nature of the attack on the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Second Amendment notwithstanding, I won't say more but if you've fallen in with the cynicism that Washington politicians and their backers have managed to instill in many Americans, you just might understand what I mean without my having to type it for it comes under the heading of Thinking the Unthinkable.

And if the 5:10 pm LMT horoscope ('Sibly' for July 4, 1776) is correct and America's natal IC (End of the Matter; The Drain) is at the Mars-ruled Aries Point (00Ari+), then weaponry and rebellion are how our nation began--and how it will, at some point, end. For as you know, it's a natural law that the end is in the beginning...are we watching it unfold before our very eyes?

Dec 15, 2012

12.14.12: Violence in Connecticut

12.14.12: Violent Mars Not Out-of-Bounds (But Exalted in Capricorn)

by Jude Cowell

Being a mom myself, it's too soon for me to put on an astrologer's cap and take more than a brief glance at yesterday's astrological placements for the Newtown, CT school shootings--and seeing them does not put me in a typing mood today though one can't miss that the shooter was born in 1992 during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune around 18 Capricorn, a degree that transit Mars has very recently passed:

Potentials for Uranus-Neptune = Mars: lack of stamina; states of lameness or paralysis; a nervous feeling of foreboding (Ebertin; Tyl.) Negative expression of'18Cap': smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones.)

Obviously there are several heavy portents in the chart set for 9:40 am est, however, so if you wish an expert astrologer's analysis, I recommend John Townley's Newtown Slaughter: Dire Aspects for a fuller report than I can muster.

John includes the birth data of the shooter, Adam Lanza (April 22, 1992 Kingston, NH) and uses 00:00:00 pm edt in lieu of a verified birth hour, along with Lanza's current progressions and yesterday's transits which triggered his natal planets.

It saddens me to say that, besides the current influence of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (sign of transformation and death), the end-of-2012 YOD pattern of crisis and turning points which pressurizes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, sign of young people, is already in the news in very negative ways--and we have yet to reach next week's much-touted, often-dreaded December 21, 2012.

And so, my heartfelt condolences go to all who are directly affected by yesterday's violence in Connecticutt, and to those in other parts of the world who are also dealing with deep personal grief caused by the violence and cruelty of others.

Nov 28, 2012

Horoscopes: 'Fiscal Cliff' w Full Moon Dec 28, 2012

A 'Fiscal Cliff' Resolution Around the December 28, 2012 Full Moon?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago, Mother Jones published an enlightening article What's Happening: Fiscal Cliff Explained, in case you missed it or haven't been paying much attention to the end-of-2012 Political Theater performances about to continue on Capitol Hill.

As you know, it was Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke who coined the term "fiscal cliff" back in Summer 2011 during the last performances of America's debt and deficit crises which, thanks to the grandstanding gridlock acted out by Republicans and the Tea Party congressmen they hide behind--plus, their foils, the Democrats--our nation received its first-ever credit downgrade since records began to be kept in 1918. We can thank the GOP for that. Apparently Mr. Bernanke wished to spur Congress on to doing their jobs efficiently and stop the political-ideological stalemate but as we know, it didn't have that effect in 2011.

That this is a set up to force an unacceptable agenda upon the American people may be the case, and in fact, Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr calls the "fiscal cliff" a "foolish austerity bomb" created by the US Congress with Democrats playing 'good cops' and Republicans starring as the 'bad cops'.

Now with the re-election of President Obama this November 6th, most Americans must pin hopes on his determination to protect our working class families while assuming that Congress will actually govern as per Capitol Hill tradition, yet who can say? The "fiscal cliff" (or, hill, slope, curve, whatever) won't actually take quick effect precisely at 12:00 am est on January 1, 2013, of course, but will soon become more obvious as the November 2011 sequestration cuts affect social programs, the Pentagon budget, and other programs--the dispensable and the indispensable alike--and lead us back into recession (aka, depression.) The tactics being used in Washington are like a slow austerity throttling of the US economy not unlike the European model if carried to extremes as 2013 proceeds.

Unless the White House ploy to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire on January 1, 2013 @12:00 am est and then pass new tax cuts for the 99% after we slip slide into 2013 is an honest plan.

America's Militant Mars Must Cool His Heels

Of course, astrologers know that America's natal Geminian Mars (war, action, energy, initiative, police forces, etc) turned retrograde by progression in 2006 (in Libra) while Bush was 'manning the helm' and his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were in full swing and overtopping the national credit card, creating in large part our fiscal problems Now. The Rx period of our Mars will last approximately another 74 years--80 years all together--and it echoes the same Mars condition of Germany during their difficulties decades ago. You've probably noticed recent references by US pundits and journalists to the Weimar Republic (natal chart data given below), begun by the socialist revolution of 1918 which preceded by two decades Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s. (That's a second mention of 1918 in this post.)

Now political pundits on my TV say that even the GOP doesn't want sequestration to take effect for it would slash our military budget though I suspect it has as much to do with their share holding status in weapons companies and other war-profitting endeavors as it does maintaining America's hold on global territories and the natural resources and antiquities of other nations. Feel free to disagree, but there it is.

Horoscopes shown: January 1, 2013 12:00 am est ('Fiscal Cliff'/Tax Cuts Expire) and December 28, 2012's Full Moon

Before we consider the horoscope of the December Full Moon, let's view the later horoscope for January 1, 2013 at 12:00 am est, set for the Capitol Building. The chart's Midheaven @8Can16 (MC = The Goal; Aspirations) highlights the December 28, 2012 Full Moon, and I believe the Full Moon chart (below) shows most clearly the "fiscal cliff" potential and what is so far another congressional stalemate as a major YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; crossroads; special task; karmic opportunity) involving Jupiter Rx(planet of money, bankers, generals, professors, priests, beliefs, ideals, and ideologies); Jupiter also happens to conjoin US natal Uranus 8Gem55 placing both planets at apex in the YOD configuration with a Saturn-Pluto sextile at its base.

Since Full Moon phases bring culmination or fulfillment, perhaps the January 1, 2013 expiration (sunsetting) of the Bush tax cuts with tax increases for All, and the purposefully engineered "fiscal cliff" threat, may not be addressed by our barely functioning Congress until around December 28th or in the few days prior to New Year's Day 2013--or after. Our political thespians do like to keep We the People on the edge of cliffs of all kinds, don't they?

Actually, investing Jupiter doesn't perform his Direct Station (when financial matters can move forward) until January 30, 2013 @6Gem19 (in the foundational 4th house of the chart set for DC.) Tr Jupiter will again conjoin US n Uranus 8:55, a favorable time for politics, finances, and group endeavors (more on this transit, below.)

Image above: January 1, 2013 12:00 am est Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Mars; Mercury @00Cap57 (a Cardinal Point of Manifestation which spotlights Winter Solstice 2012 with Sun 00Cap00:00) disposits Jupiter and is out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane--plans beyond reason? Intellectual folk working alone? Unusual accomplishments? Unlawful trading? Journalists out of the loop? All, none, or other?

Below you see the chart of the December 28, 2012 Full Moon @7Can05 (conjunct Fixed Star Mirzam (The Announcer; rises before Sirius which you see in the 8th H of Finances, Credit, Debt, Shared Resources, and Transformation--its Cancer cusp indicates changes/fluctuations and the stock market may be very upset by then. Plus, the 8th cusp and the Full Moon are snugged within America's natal planets in Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, Sun (3--14 Cancer) which may show that eventually We the People will be pleased with the results of this latest manufactured embroilment on Capitol Hill--as long as upper class toffs begin paying more of a fair share. Markets may improve as well once the fiscal dust settles.)

Yet There's Trouble Before We Rest

Yes, it's an Hour of Mars, planet of conflict, and the ASC @8Sag33 brings up Royal Star Antares (quarrels, suspicions, violence) opposite Aldebaran (military leadership, courage, warmongering) which sets with Jupiter 8Gem07 Rx, tr Midas, tr Pan, and US natal Uranus--quite a fiscal and political pile-up. The December 2012 Full Moon is the Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) of the January 1, 2013 'fiscal cliff' horoscope, shown above.

More Chart Details:

This Full Moon perfects at 5:21:10 am est; horoscope set for the Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour Mars (@1AQ52 Mars energizes US Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ or, in 2013: 1AQ+, 'the president'); Mars is in 2nd H of our National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability indicating initiating action and a potential for conflict in these matters; chart-ruler Jupiter is weakened, his beneficence delayed in the preparatory 6th H @8Gem07 of Military and Police Service, Work, and Health, and conjoins by transit US n Uranus 8Gem55, an extended period of independent actions and thoughts when involvement in group endeavors or causes may bring gains as our personal networks expand.

Difficulties and adjustments come from a very close Sun-Jupiter inconjunct (1A01) showing potential for generosity to the point of wastefulness, rigid legalisms, relationship problems, and/or making promises that are hard if not impossible to keep (so typical of politicians and other Jupiterians.) Given Washington's purposefully engineered 'fiscal cliff' scenario, the 'promises' may relate to social programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

As you see, the Sun also applies to conjoin powerful, wealthy Pluto (2A06) (the power behind the throne) and forms a helpful sextile with authoritative Saturn (2A09.) The Sun-Pluto combo denotes policy changes foreign or domestic, influence coming from crime organizations and from plutocrats, extreme amounts of corruption, and/or the use of secret police to control others. A Sun-Saturn sextile shows a tendency to be careless over large expenditures and programs, yet uncompromisingly penny wise-pound foolish over smaller matters. Limits and boundaries are of prime concern with this sextile so Washington's usual overstepping tendencies may be held in check, at least for a while.

Yes, the pairing of Sun-Jupiter relates to our national reputation on the world stage, religious or philosophical concepts that tie our country to predetermined outcomes (congressional sequestration; the Norquist no-tax-increase pledge, disadvantageous trade deals, etc), and/or an executive leader battling the justice system of a nation (because of Election Day 2012 re-counts or fraud? Other?) This Full Moon casts a silvery reflection upon January 1, 2013 at 12:00 am est when the foolhardy, unaffordable 'Bush tax cuts' are set to expire (as originally set up in 2001) unless a lame duck session in December is used by the president in some way, or a deal is made to fight that fight in 2013 while extending in 2012 much-needed tax cuts for those with incomes under a certain amount such as $250,000 for a couple.

As you know, tax cut monies the Middle Class and workers receive are soon put back into the economy while additional funds for the wealthy only sit sunning on a Cayman Islands beach while having a cocktail and good belly laugh over the forcing the fallacy of 'trickle down economics" on us again.)

Jupiter orbits faster than quirky Uranus as chart-ruler is involved in an applying sextile with 4th H Uranus (Uranus = radical reformers and zealots when in Mars-ruled Aries) denoting valuable opportunities for success and growth which may be presented by those of a different generation. This condition echoes the generational conflicts and uprisings the world now experiences through the Uranus-Pluto Cardinal square. Original, adventurous ideas are indicated by the Jupiter-Uranus sextile in fields such as teaching, politics, philosophy, finances, science, religion, and astrology though some of those affected by this sextile may become resentful and harshly critical of others even though it's the beam in their own eyes that need attention. The Republican Party comes to mind.

Planning Mercury @25Sag10, ruler of 7th and 10th Hs, is in 1st H and in Nodal degree (fated or karmic; NN-SN @25Sco-Tau29 across the 6/12 axis); Mercury rules commerce and trade as well as communications and is related to stock markets, with the Nodal axis related to encounters and to future and past directions. And since Mercury and the separative SN are inconjunct (need for adjustments), we may expect a falling back on past behaviors ('debt-default crisis' of August 2011?) at SN even though such neurotic behavior does the American people no good and may further undermine our country's future.

Now as you see, there is a Kite pattern in the chart (a Grand Trine, plus) with the Sun-Moon opposition of the Full Moon part of the high-flying picture. In fact, Sun and Pluto make up the nose while the Moon is the Kite's tail and is conjunct, as noted, Fixed Star, Mirzam (aka, Murzims; Beta Canis Major: carrying a message--Brady) which may relate to a message from We the People directed toward our government, or a message concerning a myriad of various things as conflicts turn up (Jupiter square Chiron) and the oppressive, violent Plutocracy duo of Pluto and Chiron, here in an opportunistic sextile aspect, keeps 'its' finger on the public pulse and contacts us through spokesmen/women who, though they may wish to hide it, are agents for the promotion of global governance more than they are American politicians with We the People's interests on top of their to-do list.

Now since chart-ruler Jupiter is retrograde, the delays and stalling it causes will be mitigated or released once the planet's Direct Station occurs on January 30, 2013, as noted. Applying Jupiter forms an inconjunct with the Sun 7Cap05 (1A01), a square with Chiron (2A14), a sextile with Uranus (3A24), and a helpful trine with Mars (6A14.) If we take the Sun to signify President Obama, we see that he will meet with Pluto of the plutocrats and/or, the underworld, by year's end. A Sun-Jupiter inconjunct shows those who must be on guard for opportunists using the ideas of others as their own; taking over what should be the responsibilities of others may be evident, and moderation in all things is advised.

At MC (The Goal), we find America's problematic n Neptune 22Vir25 and our Progressed Neptune 26Vir12 Rx, too. This places Us natal Mars 22Gem in 7th H of Partnerships and brings with it the difficult Mars-Neptune square our nation is famous for: misdirected energy; unconscious motivations; self-deception; the fog of war.)

Now you see the Kite pattern with the Full Moon as Kite's tail; Sun and Pluto are at its head with restrictive saturn ruling both, plus the 2nd H of Earning Ability and Resources, while Saturn himself @9Sco15 is posited in 11th H of Hopes/Wishes, Groups and Associations. Mars 1AQ52 in 2nd H is ruled (or, co=-ruled with Uranus) by Saturn as well and has just conjoined US Inaugural Sun, a time of increased energy and determination for the president.

As you know, Kite configurations are modified Grand Trines and are indicative of success--a 'creative outpouring' is possible (B. Tierney.)

So what of the midpoint pictures found in the December 28, 2012 Full Moon horoscope with which we end Year 2012? Let's list them with a few details and include the YOD's base, the Saturn-Pluto sextile, for a fuller explanation.

Let's close by detailing a few of the primary midpoint pictures formed by planetary patterns (YODs, T-Squares, etc) in the Full Moon chart and other pictures with planets or points at apex--details are gleaned from Noel Tyl and/or Reinhold Ebertin--any, all, or none may apply but notice the last picture, the one that most concerns me about events of the last few years and Washington's entire 'fiscal cliff' scheming:

T-Square--Sun-Saturn = Jupiter: fortunate separations (from Over Grover and The Pledge?); good fortune of old, ill, or serious persons.

Sun-Saturn = US n Uranus: crises; unusual circumstances; fluctuating attitudes; separation; imprisonment; seclusion; mourning.

YOD pictures--Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: adoption of the austere (White House agrees to 'entitlement' reforms that harm the weakest among us?); trying to save what's left; trouble with authority.

Saturn-Pluto = US n Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack regardless of potential losses; sudden violence.

Weimar Republic natal data: November 9, 1918 1:30 pm CET Berlin, Germany; source: Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes and historical record.