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Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts

Aug 7, 2015

A Few Astro-Notes on Carly Fiorina

Astro-Notes: Carly Fiona (nee Cara Carleton Sneed) born September 6, 1954 Travis, Texas CST zone with no verified birth time RR: X has natal Moon in either Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius or Saturn-ruled Capricorn. As a conservative and former head of a large corporation (HP), natal Moon could very well be in business and government oriented Capricorn, sign of The Manager--or, in inspired, arrow-shooting Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker.

From Ms. Fiorina's September 6th birth date, natal Sun is obviously in Mercury-ruled Virgo (the Virgin), sign of discrimination, grasp of details, and intellectual capability which she has ably demonstrated during her 2016 presidential campaign. In fact, she's standing out from the crowd of candidates as something of 'a duchess'!

Watch this space for more details on the natal planets and personality of 2016 candidate and corporatist Carly Fiorina.

A brief bio and her noon natal chart may be viewed here.

Jun 13, 2015

'Understanding Corporate Logos' (video) and Symbolism

Early on in the study of Astrology, we novices become accustomed to working with glyphs such as those for planets and Zodiacal signs, ancient archetypes found in constellations and mythology, and symbols such as the Sabian Symbols. In our daily visual world we find symbols liberally sprinkled throughout our lives though their deeper meanings may be veiled, obscured, and purposefully hidden. Few are as ubiquitous as those used in advertising and promotion.

What we think we see is never all we perceive

For your consideration, here are excerpts in two parts of Understanding Corporate Logos (total run time 16 mins 28 secs) which discuss the occult (hidden) implications of certain symbols which the corporate world typically call logos, a Greek word from which English derives the word 'logic' and denoting persuasion of a targeted audience via reason and logic, a left brain function (analysis, words.)

This seems curious (by which I mean, duplicitous) since the following corporate symbolic logos are sneakily aimed directly toward the right side of our brains, the intuitive, image processing area:

Jun 10, 2015

Who are the Democrats Supporting TPP? - The Thom Hartmann Program

The US Congress is scheduled to vote this Friday June 12, 2015, and the secretive, anti-sovereign, anti-environment, anti-workers-rights, anti-democratic, anti-American #TPP "free trade" deal is on the verge of gathering 60 nations into a vicious glop of new world orderism. This "deal" may be the final sell-out of the American people and as a checkmate on China, it won't work because, thanks to Nixon, Reagan, and subsequent presidents and their enablers, that gigantic fire-breathing dragon has already left the cave.

So as Thom Hartmann says here as he calls out Capitol Hill Democrats who are induced to vote for the draconian "deal", Call Your Congressman Now!! Unless you value amoral corporations over people, that is:

#TPP #TPA #SecretTradeDeals #NewWorldOrder #Globalism #GlobalGovernment #Corporatism #Totalitarianism #ThomHartmann

One of the "Democrats" promoting the TPP (behind closed doors) is Nancy Pelosi whose Scorpio Moon is apparently telling a Scorpionic tale of betrayal with a side dish of manipulation and control of others.

Astrologically, on June 12, 2015 in the Eastern Time Zone, the Moon (We the People; the public mood) is bracketed in the morning (10:32 am) with a Moon-Saturn inconjunct (an aspect of adjustment--the Moon-Saturn duo is depressive but can also represent ambition, direction, and strategy, an echo-chamber word in the news these days) and a Moon-Venus square at 10:12 pm suggesting blockages, obstacles, and delay.

And of course we always remember the political equation (and calculation):

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.

May 28, 2015

Who was Paid What to Fast Track TPA? video - Thom Hartmann

TPA #TPP #FastTrack #FreeTradeDeals #USCongress #ThomHartmann

Well, America's natal Jupiter (the banker; the corporatist; the politician) of 1776 is at '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" and feather these pocket-liners do.

Source: America's traditional horoscope of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776, the date celebrated as Independence Day as recommended by the Founding Fathers, and of course you know that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson expired on the same day: July 4, 1826 with Sun conjunct goddess star, Sirius, which was probably their aim for their promoting that particular day as our nation's day of birth. So because of precession, every time we honor July 4th we are simultaneously honoring (aka, worshiping) Sirius-Isis.

May 27, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup (HBO)

#FIFA #WorldCup #Soccer #Football #Corruption #JohnOliver #LastWeekTonight #HBO

By now you've heard of yesterday's "shocking" arrests and indictments of several FIFA officials led out of a fancy Zurich hotel in handcuffs. A notable exception to the perp walk is head fraudster Sepp Blatter who will put the best possible spin on the situation.

The uncovering of FIFA corruption, bribery, and fraud is a good example of why I gave up watching or caring about sports years ago. Name one sport that hasn't been corrupted by gangsters and racketeers. Please.

Mar 20, 2015

A few thoughts on our modern Tower of Babel

Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Tower of Babel (Vienna) - Google Art Project - edited

Lower left, in the white robe is Nimrod, the king who reputedly ordered the construction of the Tower of Babel and whose wife/consort Semiramis is the feminine archetype--the Whore of Babylon--an ancient and modern symbol now modeled via such 'goddesses' as Venus, Inanna, Ceres, Diana, Vesta, Lady Liberty (holding the Illuminati torch in NY Harbor, sent from French Freemasons to American Freemasons), Mary (according to the graven-image-worshiping Vatican), Lilith, and more.

Then there are the corporate-owned pop stars and actresses who constantly bring the Semiramis archetype into modern awareness...or, perhaps I should say, unawareness, since few seem to care about the underlying symbol they're actually paying homage to as long as there are concert tickets and new tunes to purchase.

Now for several decades and especially since 2010, we have been induced to believe that "corporations are people" and yet most people see this falsehood as the monstrous lie it is. This blogger prefers to see corporations as a continuance of the corporate Tower of Babel project for Nimrod and the rest of the over-reaching people of his day thought they could 'reach heaven' and take God's place and usurp His authority by way of building a tower up to the sky.

And of course, the Twin Towers were sabotaged on September 11, 2001 by those who disagree with America's leadership as the 'New World Order' agenda is set more fully in place. Corporations, especially banking institutions, in their skyscrapers are now said to be 'too big to fail' and I suspect Nimrod and his stonemasons felt the same way about their Tower of Babel, that prototype of corporate structure ever since. And it seems that aid for, planning of, and/or collusion with the 9/11 attackers came from within the US (though this post is not about that 'official story'.)

Now you may disagree with my conclusions as much as you like, but I'm typing them anyway. Calling a chicken a duck doesn't make it quack. Calling corporations "people" is an exercise in and excuse for fraud, larceny, and corruption. The power elite fool no one but continue pretending that they do as they seek to take over control of the world.

It's tragic actually, their Nimrodian delusion fueled by irrational and stubborn will. Delusional because they only have this world in which to set up an earthly 'kingdom' and in their brashness they will never Be like the Most High--no matter how high the fabled corporate ladder or tower extends.


Note: This topic was inspired by the calendar: April 5, 2015 is Easter Sunday and yours truly will be celebrating because He Is Risen!

Jan 13, 2015

Papantonio: Defense Contractors Try To Gut Whistleblowers - video

Fraud loving Neptune now floating through its own murky, sometimes criminal sign of Pisces, just keeps outdoing itself as it expresses in the real world. And usually on Capitol Hill. Iraq war contractors, government fraud, the pharmaceutical industry--Neptune is working overtime during the Jupiter-Neptune-imprinted Obama administration--imprinted since their 3 conjunctions of 2009.

Of course, the criminality of Jupiter-Neptune, the grand scheming pair of wastrels, spendthrifts, speculators, and visionaries, is being conveniently enabled and undergirded by America's natal Mars-Neptune square with its misguided and deceptive motivations, misdirected actions, and 'fog of war' quagmires.

And let's not again discuss how America's natal Neptune @22Virgo precisely veils President Obama's natal Mars, planet of motivations and actions!

Jun 21, 2014

"Reality Is a Double Edged Sword" a Max Igan video (plus, Saturn-Neptune-Pluto)

From Maxwell Igan's Surviving the Matrix broadcasts:

Now Here's a Little Astrology

False (Neptune) reality (Saturn) is having its current midpoint (*Saturn-Neptune) transformed and deepened by transit Pluto which gives many activities in society certain vibes of 'denial of guilt from responsible parties.' Even the current "we broke Iraq but we can't fix it--the ISIS take over is not our fault" denials from the neocon warmongers of 2003 and from the Obama administration in 2014 fall very obviously under the influence of the Saturn-Neptune = Pluto picture--As Above, So Below.

And I'm quite convinced that you, dear reader, can easily think of several other situations and circumstances in the news and perhaps in your life where the above midpoint picture clearly applies.

*The midpoint picture shows that America's secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) is also being deeply affected by arch manipulator Pluto of Hidden Wealth fame and invisible helmet operations as Pluto (the saboteur and assassin) continues to oppose US natal planets in Cancer, most notably at this particular time, US natal Sun (leadership; the president) thus creating titanic contests of wills and 'power games with important consequences'. Additionally, the combination of austere Saturn (control) and insidious Neptune (contagion) also figures in with health care insurance meant to grab and control everyone's DNA (genetic manipulation), plus, Saturn-Neptune is known in Astrology as the 'illness axis' with Pluto also signifying surgery, toxins, and regeneration.

Feb 8, 2014

"You Are the Solution" - Max Igan video

Max Igan continues his empowering Surviving the Matrix broadcasts with, You Are the Solution:

Note: The first known use of the term sui generis was in 1754. However, the concept was debuted in Biblical scripture depending on how you, a totally unique individual, looks at it!

May 6, 2013

May 9 2013 Solar Eclipse themes and offerings

Thursday May 9, 2013, a Solar Eclipse in the 15 South Saros Series

by Jude Cowell

As previously covered (horoscope shown), the money sign of Taurus, with its dark side of greed, stubbornness, and intolerance, hosts a Solar Eclipse this Thursday (May 9th, or 10th, depending on your location/time zone) @19Tau31. That's Taurus the Bull, of course, which brings in Wall Street implications along with the political.

The 15S last manifested in 1995 during the presidency of Bill Clinton and happens to be the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of former president and Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, so its themes affected his life at various times--about every 19 years. You may remember 1995 and 1996 as when the Republicans caused a government shutdown as they're threatening to do again in 2013. The GOP's theatrical 'Contract with America' was part of the mayhem as well, after which Republican candidates lost mightily in elections (as they should have--my vote was part of the reason they lost, the borry sastards!)

15S themes: 'release of tension as a lingering situation suddenly clears but with a sense of loss or grief that's more collective or group-related than personal' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Curiously, the Harveys give an apt Image for Integration in Sun Sign-Moon Sign for the Eclipse's earthy Sun Tau-Moon Tau blend: "A loving teacher resolves an angry dispute." The purposefully induced turmoil in our plutocrat-controlled Congress perhaps? Pshaw! Yet resolution is just what I'd love to see for a change, wouldn't you? And progress rather than fighting the same old battles would be nice, too.

Well, it will be interesting to watch Politics for which of our many situations suddenly clears by or before November and whose tension is suddenly released!

Now if you wish to leave the awkward Saturnian realm of Politics a while (and who would blame you?) you simply cannot go wrong with two of my favorite astrologers who have May Solar Eclipse offerings for us: Julie Demboski's Eclipse Effect: Seeing a Splinter of the Shadow and Dipali Desai's Tangible Delights!


For more on Politics and the corporate ownership of what used to be the US Congress, don't miss ALEC Assembles Most Wanted List and Oklahomans Say ALEC Not Okay. Allowing an entity like ALEC to write America's laws and bills is exactly what the Founders feared so they must be doing a lot of rolling-over-in-graves by now.

Plus--did you hear that Sen. Ted Cruz challenged VP Joe Biden to a gun control debate? Sounds a bit like my recent assessment of Sen. Cruz as a crusader dueling with shadows!

Jan 26, 2013

"Confronting the Corporate Fiction" Max Igan video

Here in 4 parts is an excellent Max Igan presentation, Confronting the Corporate Fiction. Several matters including current news events are mentioned so if you're into finding solutions, freeing human consciousness, and changing directions this presentation is for you:

Nov 26, 2012

Famous Words for Corporate Welfare CEOs and Jupiter-Neptune

Of Fiscal Cliffs, Tax Pledges, and Jupiter-Neptune-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

As the New Year with its fiscal problems looms, I'm certain you've seen the very descriptive Huffington Post article on hypocritical CEOS who want to cut your Granny's food budget and de-fund Little Timmy's physical therapy sessions even though CEOs themselves have taken--demanded--outrageous bail outs, subsidies, and tax breaks from the hand of US taxpayers, aka, corporate welfare.

Keep the Charlatans--Gimme Those Old Time Republicans

Justice Earl Warren (March 19, 1891--July 9, 1974) was a highly popular Republican governor (in the days when Republican office holders actually governed) when President Eisenhower placed him upon the SCOTUS bench. Perhaps you'll that find one of Justice Warren's more famous quotes applies to America's greedy plutocrats and corporatists who can't get enough American abundance--which they bolster by perpetrating tax evasion and skewing laws in their favor--yet all the while working and lobbying so very hard to deny even the most basic crumbs to the needy as our nation approaches 2013:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism."

How true. Now I'm looking in the back of my copy of Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and there he is pre-SCOTUS, listed as, "Earl Warren politician." His birth date and hour are given and I will list his natal planets below for the mildly curious, and you'll note the humanitarian Aquarius components of his psyche along with his compassionate Pisces facets:

Earl Warren March 19, 1891 2:00 am (PST) Los Angeles CA; ASC 10Cap50 (where tr Pluto now approaches); MC 1 Scorpio; Sun 28Pis32; Moon 21Can32; Mercury 24Pis01; Venus 14AQ33; Mars 7Tau50; judging Jupiter 2Pis38; Saturn 12Vir38 Rx; Uranus 00Sco35 Rx (conj MC); Neptune 4Gem20; Pluto 6Gem00.

Of course, his year of birth--1891--puts him snugly within the Robber Baron generation by way of the Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto (1891/92, 3x @7--9 Gemini, conjunct US natal *Uranus 8Gem55.) And since horoscopes of deceased people continue to be triggered by transits ad infinitum, Justice Warrens' natal Jupiter @2Pis38 (in his natal 9th house of Legal Affairs, Higher Education, Philosophy, etc) is currently under the influence of transit Neptune (with its effects of illusion, deception, yet possibly inspiration) very active in its own sign of Pisces.

This transit highlights idealism and a need to keep a proper perspective on things as it points to the Jupiter-Neptune combination of energies which so easily tend toward grand schemes (which may not be valid or practical), charlatans (including Jupiterian gurus like no-tax-pledger Grover Norquist, or, hypocrites of the religious kind), large social projects, speculation, gambling, and the wasting of what is usually other people's money.

So! Is America a nation of her brothers' keepers? Or is she a nation of corporate raiders, outsourcers, tax dodgers, vultures upon the needy, and morally bankrupt psychopaths who work to undermine and shrink the US government into oblivion?


Related: a few astro-notes on Grover Norquist.

*Here's one planetary imprint upon the 1890s in relation to America--all, any, or none may apply: Nepune-Pluto = US natal Uranus: unusual, adventurous, mystical, and supernatural experiences; hypersensitivity; peculiar discoveries. (Ebertin.)

And of course, now as they move in and out of a fated or karmic septile aspect (51 degr 26 min), the 492-year cycle of veiled, undermining Neptune and transformative underworld figure, Pluto, continues its dance...

May 19, 2012

Chris Hedges: Colonized by Corporations (NYSE = Jupiter-Neptune)

On the topic of who really runs America, on May 14, 2012 TruthDig published a not-to-be-missed article by Chris Hedges, Colonized by Corporations, which makes the point that it's the declasse among us--the educated now left by the power elite with no position and few prospects--that the corporate class fears most. I provide the article link in case you missed it.

Here's a brief excerpt from Mr. Hedges' article:

"--those who hold power, real power, are not the elected mandarins in Washington but the criminal class on Wall Street."

Jupiter-Neptune Describes New York Stock Exchange

The quote from Chris Hedges 'outs' a concept that is one of the main reasons I created Stars Over Washington in 2005 (to vent frustrations!) so putting on my Political Astrology hat, I'll say that the birth horoscope of the *New York Stock Exchange shows just what Capricornian cynics like me might expect: a frothy Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, with both planets retrograde in late Libra (22:57/27:42.)

This means that the Buttonwood Tree agreement in NY was formed under such influences as speculation, waste, grand schemes (including 'bubbles'), idealism, over-extension, over-promotion, and fraud. Sad to say that the Obama administration is imprinted by a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction as well with their three exact conjunctions occurring on May 27, July 10, and December 21 of inaugural year 2009. There are no Great Conjunctions in 2013 to imprint the next presidency with different energies so unfortunately the Jupiter-Neptune themes are to be continued--plus, Neptune now resides in its own murky sign of Pisces which indicates the heights or the depths, and contagion of all sorts.

(Next up will be Jupiter conjunct Saturn once on December 21, 2020 @ 00AQ29--prominent at Winter Solstice--which hits the January 20th US inaugural Sun.)

As you remember, in 2009 all three conjunctions directly hit US natal Moon 27AQ10 (the public) which provided We the People such delights as: instability, becoming involved in speculation, losing oneself in plans, dreaminess (oh Barack!), little sense of reality, and uncertainty. Some people have experienced great loss through floods and gas damages to water tables (fracking chemicals), all provinces of Neptune with Jupiter expanding the negative effects and the size of the fraud and loss. Naturally much disappointment has resulted since inflated Jupiter-Neptune bubbles must pop eventually.

Now they say that how a person, event, or entity begins shows how things will end...the end is in the beginning. If so, We the People (and other disenfranchised populations across the globe) have already suffered grievously and lossed unfairly from the predictable actions of the weak characters of current and past Wall Street titans and traders whose natal Jupiter, planet of banks, large amounts of money, growth, gurus, and ideals, has been undermined from the start by gaseous Neptune which, according to astrological principles, wouldn't know how to provide stability if it tried. Unless it's in the spiritual realm and I think we can safely rule that out when it comes to those who worship gold, love money, and lust for power.


*NYSE birth data: May 17, 1792 NYC; I tend to use the '7:52 am LMT' time which appears in various places online though I've seen some who favor 10:00 am LMT as does Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses, in which she cites Maggie Hyde for her rectifcation work on the chart which gives ASC 9Leo38 with Uranus 15Leo09 rising in 1st H, and MC 27Ari59 conjunct Saturn 26:23 in 9th house which places Neptune Rx on the IC (Endings; The Drain) but on the 3rd H side with Jupiter Rx. Neptune conj IC is descriptive of what I groused about, above, with its unstable roots and shady beginnings. A Saturn-Neptune opposition indicates trust issues, lack of confidence, and exploitation; Jupiter opposite Saturn shows fluctuations in values and worth, and a need for 'yes-men' for any criticism is deemed unmerited, the titans think.

Yet looking at a '7:52 am LMT' birth hour, ASC 13Can51 conjoins US natal Sun with 1792's Chiron 15Can25 rising and MC 23Pis21--so that NYSE's Career and Public Standing are ruled and sub-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune! In both natal charts a midpoint picture emerges: Jup-Nep = Saturn: feeling abandoned by one's luck (as you will if you gamble in the rigged casino on Wall Street); false hopes; plans that come to nothing; losses; disappointments; self-delusion; pessimism; combining the real with the unreal in one's activities. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.) Plus, by transit, Saturn in late Libra has catapulted off-and-on this difficult midpoint picture into 2012 for present-day expression!

Aug 20, 2011

Rally in DC! Freedom Square Oct 6, 2011

America Ours or Theirs? We-the-People v Corporate Interests

by Jude Cowell

Beginning on October 6, 2011 in Freedom Square, Washington DC, the majority of the American people have an opportunity to show our strength in numbers and turn up for non-violent resistance against the corporate direction America has taken which is now displayed by presidential hopefuls who are not speaking to the true condition of this nation but furthering the corporatist agenda.

The October 2011 Movement will mark the 10th anniversary of America's invasion of Afghanistan, a war that rages on while being a part of the bankrupting--financially and morally--of our nation. (Such extremist dynamics are explained below in the historical Timeline you'll find linked near the end of this post.)

Click the site's link above to sign a petition pledging to be in Washington DC on or after October 6, 2011, and check out the movement's Human Needs, Not Corporate Greed agenda which tallies most closely with the majority's sentiments and desires at this crucial time in US history.

(Read the text of the pledge below.)

Names of those who have so far taken the October 2011 attendance pledge are listed as well and include Bill Moyers, Larisa Alexandrovna, Jane Hamsher, Chris Hedges, Sibel Edmonds, Ray McGovern, and Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive Magazine (though he carries world banking's House of Rothschild name. Go figure. Or, see Timeline link below.)

If taxing the rich doesn't offend you, if ending wars, bringing home our troops, and cutting military spending seem part of a rational agenda to get the American financial system back on its feet, this could be the movement for you. Issues such as getting money out of politics, ending corporate welfare, protecting workers' rights, transitioning the US to clean energy, reversing environmental damage--all the things that the US government is ignoring or avoiding--are on the October 2011 agenda and if reversing direction on any of these issues appeals to you, please visit the website and see if there's anything you can do to help!

Plus, you know that October 2011 times the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget at a time when government spending should be expanded, not curtailed, if we wish our nation to continue its existence. (Why, it's almost as if a coup is underway! And the austerity touters are foaming at the corners of their corporate mouths to hurriedly create more loss, despair, and poverty in this country than their cold heartedness already has. It feels like we-the-people are in their crosshairs.

What To Do Now? We Are Not Powerless!

Then will we-the-people allow transnational corporations to continue ruling what should be our citizens' roost? Can we-the-people watch as Arab Spring protests lead the way in standing up to the tyranny of dictatorship while we busy ourselves playing trivial, inconsequential Smart Phone games? If so, that would make 'Smart' Phones more intelligent than we are!

Now keep in mind the basic tenet of the October 2011 Movement: non-violent resistance. The protest begins 8 days prior to the dedication of the new monument honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr on the Washington Mall on August 28, 2011, the precise day of America's Saturn Return (#3 of 3 conjunctions by transiting Saturn to US natal Saturn 14Lib48--Saturn is exalted in Libra, sign of the Balanced Scales of Justice, a balance our Justice Department tends to fall short of on a regular basis.)

Of course, Saturn rules such things as stone, granite, monuments, and permanence, along with matters such as responsibility, accountability, restriction, and austerity--and austerity is what the current US status-quo governing body and its corporate backers (bankers) have in mind for the entire US population's future. But the power elite's accountability for the resulting consequences (suffering, loss, despair) of their wealth-pilfering measures will somehow, they think, be avoided with only the disenfranchised taking the fall and paying the price they highhandedly set and extract...blood from a stone?

Income Inequality, a Gap That Can Be Closed!

Yes, Pluto/Chiron's plutocracy and oppression never had it so good in America since the late 1920s and 1930s. Will we-the-people sit down for this? Or stand up and be counted on October 6, 2011?

Lessons from an Arab Spring

People acting in accord in large numbers in a coordinated fashion can deprive any tyrant of legitimacy by asserting their discontent and withdrawing any and all consent to a tyrant's rule--tyranny can be resisted! This includes the tyranny of big banks, for as you know, the US Federal Reserve wears a 'federal' or 'public' mask while acting as the private corporation of governors and share holders it really is.

Yet even nonviolent resistance can bring difficulties to a population--but what are we facing at their hands now with Austerity 2012 about to be implemented in full earnest? Sadly, US presidents are powerless against these actors since all are placed in the Oval Office by the same elite forces and powers of Big Money and Corporatism that undermine our nation as I type.

Even readers who disagree with this author's continual harping upon a One World Government conspiracy against us, our hopes, and dreams cannot fail to see that current events are undermining this nation's people, sovereignty, and future. What the despots have in mind for our children and their children is demonstrated in the austerity measures now being established.

President Barack Obama, Our Hero? Not So Much

Considering his recent flowery rhetoric and grand plans for jobs creation, I do hope President Obama's ideas for improving our lot are implemented very soon to bolster the US economy, but really: without banding together, what are our chances for real improvement given the last almost-three years of expended political capital, 'free' trade touting (and now, new calls for same), and corporate advice too readily whispered in our Oval Office out of our earshot?

My fret today is that we-the-lazy must finally face the fact that only by our own efforts will America be rescued from the global banking syndicate of crime, take-overs, and greed. Will a Progressive leaders arise? We need them Now!

So is there Anyone who still holds dear the quixotic notion that 'corporations are people' who care nary a fig for those not members of the power elite class? Shall we be snuffed out without a whisper of complaint?

I pray our damaging direction will be diverted and I ask that if you are reading this post and agree with supporting nonviolent resistance against the heartless, imperial path this warring nation's government insists upon, you will stand with the October 2011 Movement by passing along the word, and/or donating to the cause, and, if possible, showing up in Freedom Square on or after October 6, 2011 to add your voice to this protest!

For if America was worth the blood, sweat, and tears it took to found her, how can we-the-people possibly allow our nation to lapse into a plutocratic, theocratic tailspin?

Take The Pledge

"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day or the days immediately following, for as long as I can, with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine by occupying Freedom Plaza until our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning."

Not mentioned is October 6th participant Matthew Rothschild in this intriguing Timeline of The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock which includes info on attempted and successful assassinations of US presidents, and on the American 'Civil' War and the reasons it was fomented and fought. Also, President Andrew Jackson's battle against the central bank of the US is noted, the first of which was instituted under the guidance of Rothschild agent, Alexander Hamilton, a rat in George Washington's cabinet, and a political foe of Thomas Jefferson.

Its eventual success was assured in December 1913 when an infiltrated US Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and thus we see how 'The Fed' works against the American people today.

Note: My last sentence in no way lumps in my personal sentiments or beliefs with those of Texan Rick Perry's recent 'treasonous' critique of the Fed's Ben Bernanke which may or may not have been sincere on Perry's part. The 2012 candidate is just another tiresome Republican corporatist shill after all, mavericky as his personality may seem. But he'll tow the H of R line if he wants to enter the Oval Office as Commander-in-Thief because to become US president, you must agree to be led by the nose by the global banking syndicate and its agents. Ask President Obama. He knows it all too well. jc

Of similar concern to Americans who wish the US to continue--or regain status as--a sovereign nation is the quasi-religious group The Famuly (aka, The Fellowship) with which Republican John Ensign (among many other political men) has lived in their C Street house. Ensign was born in Roseville, CA, on March 25, 1958, hour unknown.

Therefore, you may be interested in a recommended post by asteroid researcher Mark Andrews Holmes's John Ensign Natal Chart Asteroid Analysis.

In Mundane Astrology, I primarily use asteroid Cupido as an all-purpose significator for The Family (Fellowship; Brotherhood), Corporatism, The Syndicate) though undoubtedly there are other astrological representatives for the concept of those who act in concert toward shared interests or common goals.

Aug 15, 2011

Mr. Buffett's grand idea for the US Congress and a link to his natal chart

Stop coddling the super rich, says one of the richest men in America to the US Congress.

Even if taxes on the wealthy are raised, who doesn't think they'll get by just fine? To say otherwise is simply acting, pretending, and political posturing.

For as progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has maintained, if wealthy CEOs won't create jobs in America, then you'd think they'd want to aid their country by paying a larger share in taxes!

Though kicking and screaming, we came to their rescue when large corporations and plutocratic banks 'needed' massive bailouts to cover their fraud and gambling losses and make off with a huge payday yet now they leave millions of US workers idle. Paying more in US taxes when the funds are sorely needed for the sake of the nation is the least they can do after profiting off the backs of the American people for decades.

And the media's much-touted 'lack of confidence' has nothing to do with it since the willing participation of wealthy corporations would quell any such lack immediately by bolstering the system. (Mr. Buffett didn't say that, I did.)

If you haven't, you may be interested in reading Dan Cuiboda's analysis of Warren Buffett's natal chart, a study of the Oracle of Omaha!

Jun 2, 2011

Massey Energy name change fools few as Romney enters race in N. H.

That was quite a performance yesterday to mark Massey Energy's name change to Alpha Resources though those who have experience with the safety-challenged company don't seem to be fooled by the obvious public relations ploy. But Massey shareholders decreed!

Meanwhile, in an apparently unrelated event, Mitt Romney (former management consultant advising corporations on how to 'reinvent themselves') will announce today (12:30 pm edt) that he is indeed a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Yet so far, rebranding himself on the health care reform issue (his program as governor being the model for Obama's reform bill) hasn't gained much traction with the public but we'll see how Romney manages the presto change-o as the 2012 campaign drags on. Especially since his past corporate work experience includes changing bad names into 'good' (aka, new) in order to hide true and already demonstrated characters.

Here's a SO'W post concerning Mr. Romney's activities during the 2008 presidential campaign when he attempted to reinvent the Democratic Party as the party of Big Brother! It seemed to me then that the shoe fit the other (Republican) foot a little more comfortably, though in 2011 it's admittedly become awfully hard to tell the difference. With our Rs v Ds, it's become a sad case of pot calling kettle black.

Perhaps that's partially because Washington's Big Brother oligarchs are all just power elite rulers of a feather when propagandistic push comes to real world water boarding.

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am est Detroit, Michigan

Still, one understands Mitt Romney's public relations talent which is natural: he was born with a very close Moon conjunct Jupiter aspect in Scorpio, sign of big business and corporations. Natal Sun 22 Pisces conjoins Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and squares Uranus which makes him an unpredictable, arrogant fellow with a big ego.

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not be in a good phase for being elected US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check it before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Actually, his emotions are actually quite expansive (Moon/Jupiter) and a temper may be shown behind closed doors (Scorpio.) Well, who doesn't, right?

Wealth indicator, the Sun/Jupiter trine, helps with public relations as well for optimism always 'sells' in America yet the aspect indicates a certain apathy with a desire for only moderate demands to be made upon his time and freedom. Can a White House schedule provide him this? Some say it worked well for the multi-vacationing George Bush!

A wide conjunction of Mercury Rx (oration; speeches; thought procresses) with activist Mars 6Pis14 gives some oomph in the political opinion department yet the conjunction occurs in obfuscating, deceptive, creative if self-deluded, Pisces. An interest in social service (Virgo/Pisces) is indicated.

Is Romney's Progressed Moon Phase a Presidential Factor?

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not have evolved into a good phase for election as US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check its veracity before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Progressing his natal horoscope, we find that Mr. Romney's Sun/Moon phase is now third quarter, the crisis in consciousness phase which began on November 29, 2008 at 21AQ44. Now I don't remember when he dropped out of the 2008 campaign but it isn't surprising that he realized the imperative of doing so prior to the November election as the third quarter mark closed in upon his expansive aims.

Now just as it really counts toward his presidential aspirations, Romney's Balsamic phase begins on September 22, 2012 at 10Ari24 though the Sabian Symbol for '11Ari' is of note:

"The President of the Country"! IDEALIZATION.

Positive expression: the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value (the presidency); negative/unconscious/shadow side: an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness of vain pretense.

(Those are my italics with an addition of 'unconscious/shadow side'; from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Will his natal Sun/Jupiter trine allow this amount of self-sacrifice?

Plus, the thing about the Balsamic phase in a Secondary chart is that it indicates a time of endings, partings, and separations though it can also have a 'taking over responsibilities for someone who's just left' vibe, along with a certain prophetic flavor. Leaving home for Washingotn may be a possibility, too. Also, shady deals may be made during this Dark of the Moon phase (perfect for a White House-White Lodge tenure, I know.)

But generally, it is not a phase of new beginnings unless someone else flakes out first.

Hmmm...wonder if Mitt Romney could be more easily selected as US president next time around?

Because his Secondary New Moon occurs at 28Tau42 on February 23, 2016 which is better timing for starting such large enterprises as the helming of our American Corporation of greedy, power-mad Oligarchs.

Heads-Up: C-SPAN will carry Live Mitt Romney's nom bid announcement today at 12:30 pm edt from New Hampshire.

Oh, and Gretchen Morgenson (co-author of Reckless Endangerment) is guest today with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! which should be an informative interview concerning Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street crimes.

If you miss the broadcast, check the website to watch the video.


Dates for the candidate's Lunar Phases may differ slightly if another birth hour is used. jc

Apr 4, 2011

Is the US infested with the Hegelian Dialectic?

In an attempt to make sense of the mess the US is in, the following article link is posted for your consideration with an excerpt:

The Hegelian Dialectic is designed to get us into a frenzied defense or offense of a particular idea or thesis. The natural outgrowth of the original idea is the opposite idea or anti-thesis, which will breed it’s own defense and offense. The predetermined answer of the Elite will be the synthesis of both sides of the conflict.

In America, the most familiar Hegelian Dialectic is the Republican and Democratic parties. On the right we have the Corporatist, Fascist, Republicans that are pro debt, pro war and pro corporation. On the left, we have the Socialist, Communist, Democrats that are pro tax, pro social issues and pro labor. Both of these two fight back and forth every year in a contrived scripted dramaknown as Washington politics. The synthesis, of these two seemingly opposite ideas, is this middle of the road “lesser of two evils” mess we have now. Read more....


Now there's a basic reason I've often mentioned on this blog Washington's Capitol Hill Theater - it's all theater, dahlink. They don't govern in Washington, they manipulate us while serving their corporate masters. And their illusory D v R-lib v con-blue v red script keeps we-the-people divided and conquered. So please stop following a political 'party' and follow OUR best interests - for someone needs to.

And yes, I heard that President Obama has announced his 2012 candidacy online which was to be expected. However, I don't care who plays the role of Mouthpiece-in-Chief, it's how cruelly they dissolve our republic and sovereignty, destroy our freedom documents, ignore our social contract between the generations, and further disenfranchise the American people - those things matters most to me.

How inconvenient the Tea Party must have seemed to them for a time! But they quickly recovered when the Koch Brothers and others took over what was originally a grassroots movement. Now, like 99% of Washington politicians, the Tea Party has become a tool of corporatism.

What are two of Corporatism's prime signatures in Mundane Astrology charts? The combo of Pluto/Chiron, and asteroid Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate.)

For further reading on such topics as Hegelian philosophy, here's a rabbit hole to follow which includes an image of the modern natal horoscope of the 'New World Order' because that's really the power elite's 'end game' which we're talking about here.

Jan 21, 2011

JP Morgan Profits Big from Food Stamps (video)

Giving 'a finger in every pie' new depth of meaning, JP Morgan is the largest processor of Food Stamps in America. What could possibly be wrong with this picture?



New Blog Feature in Sidebar: just under my Tweet feed, you'll find 'Freemason US Presidents and VPs'. If you're unaware that some number of US presidents were followers of The Craft (or associated in some way with Freemasonry), you may wish to be initiated into the knowledge. Rosicrusianism is harder if not impossible to document as is Illuminatiism but their muddied hoofprints do turn up here and there in America.

Jul 27, 2010

BP to take almost $10 billion in US tax cuts

Can BP head Tony Hayward leave any sooner than October 1, 2010?

Too late, for BP has decided to take nearly $10 billion in US tax credits to offset the costs of cleaning up and compensating the Gulf Coast due to the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout and its subsequent environmental disaster extraordinaire.

Besides the raw audacity of this tax credit move, its brazenness points out to me how big corporations hold all the cards on their side (with the US government's collusion) for even when industrial titans seem poised on the verge of paying up fairly for their wrongs, transgressions, and cost-saving neglect they can always pull a legal rabbit out of a privileged and silken top hat...perhaps the one they wore last to the yacht races.

Why, it's almost another form of corporate welfare, isn't it? What a sneaky way of transferring corporate costs incurred by their own hand onto the backs of US taxpayers!

And it will be interesting to see if our hallowed US Congress can - or will - move an exalted muscle (so weakened is Congress by executive privilege encroachments these last few years) to do a single, practical thing about BP's tax dodge.

But that's with camera ops and long-winded grandstanding notwithstanding, of course.

Oct 19, 2009

Fixing the World made fun

Fixing the World the Yes-Men way as these anti-corporate activists continue to rake the ruling class over the coals of ridicule while outing corporate greed and fraud - wish they'd rake faster! Well, now they have a movie.