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Showing posts with label mundane astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mundane astrology. Show all posts

Jan 13, 2015

Papantonio: Defense Contractors Try To Gut Whistleblowers - video

Fraud loving Neptune now floating through its own murky, sometimes criminal sign of Pisces, just keeps outdoing itself as it expresses in the real world. And usually on Capitol Hill. Iraq war contractors, government fraud, the pharmaceutical industry--Neptune is working overtime during the Jupiter-Neptune-imprinted Obama administration--imprinted since their 3 conjunctions of 2009.

Of course, the criminality of Jupiter-Neptune, the grand scheming pair of wastrels, spendthrifts, speculators, and visionaries, is being conveniently enabled and undergirded by America's natal Mars-Neptune square with its misguided and deceptive motivations, misdirected actions, and 'fog of war' quagmires.

And let's not again discuss how America's natal Neptune @22Virgo precisely veils President Obama's natal Mars, planet of motivations and actions!

Jan 11, 2015

1/11/15 Paris Unity Rally as world leaders line up for photo op

Today in Paris France thousands of people from across the globe rallied against the recent terrorist attacks and murders that began in a big way with the mayhem perpetrated upon the offices of a radical French publication and its political cartoons. Placards with Je Suis Charlie and Liberte were held up in the streets of Paris today in solidarity with the concept of freedom of expression which the victims were exercising via publication of satiric cartoons spoofing Islam. This morning American news broadcasts and other sources focused upon the Rally in Paris and the "historic" gathering of world leaders, hypocrites though they be.

Venus-Loving Paris, 'City of Light' Where the Term 'Terror' Was Coined

How opportunistic that world, I mean, leaders...positioned themselves at the head of the massive crowd of marchers while posing for the cameras in their black garb! Especially since many if not all of these same leaders and others before them have thrown journalists in prison for exercising their right to free speech. Mais oui, it's all happening today in Grand Orient Paris, City of Light--and underground City of Skulls (see link to creepiness at end of this post).

Back in the days of the French Revolution, Robespierre and his cohorts thought they would establish a 'new order' with France at its head--a 'Rational' State based on the Enlightenment principles of Uranus-Neptune (sans God) with the bloody guillotine at its ready disposal and aimed at the heads of all who disagreed. Has France's Reign of Terror ended or has a new phase now begun?

Astro-Notes: January 11, 2015 and February 18, 2015

Well, today's Rally in Paris, the attacks that inspired it, and other recent events fall under the auspices of the last lunation, the January 4/5, 2015 Full Moon @14Can3---conjunct Egypt's favorite star, Isis goddess Sirius. The January Full Moon also triggered US natal Sun (the president) and it's of interest that during this morning's broadcast concerning the Paris Unity Rally, it was announced that President Obama (who is not in Paris today but Abbas, Netanyahu, Cameron, Merkel, and several other leading chuckleheads of the monarchical bloodline persuasion are) has called for a "Security" Summit of global leaders to be held at the White House on February 18, 2015--the day of a Pisces New Moon and what the Vatican calls an 'Ash Wednesday'.

Yes, global leaders (signified by Jupiter Rx leading a Locomotive pattern) placed themselves at the head of thousands of marchers today yet Jupiter is unaspected, suggesting their complete detachment from the public and our concerns as they gathered for this weirdly stage-managed photo op--as if Merkel and her crew are really part of the event rather than mere opportunists.

And we must mention the 6th exact Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto on December 15, 2014 and the generational clashes and power struggles it's brought to the world as the ancient regime of Pluto attempts to block upstart Uranus, planet of a New Age. Their last exact square is on March 16, 2015 and we must hope that social stalemates can simmer down a bit as 2015 proceeds though the serious effects upon everyone's Civil Rights lie in the balance.

February 18, 2015: Some Shady Doings Under Cover of Lunar Darkness

The Summit will already have begun in Washington DC when, in the midst of lunar darkness, the Feb 18th New Moon perfects at 6:47:13 pm EST during a Solar Hour with 12Vir34 rising, a 6th house Neptune @6Pis59 as the chart's final dispositor (says SolarFire v9), a 6th house New Moon @29AQ59 (anxious to reach the depths of murky Pisces--squared by Saturn and reaching for Neptune's veil), and Jupiter Rx @16Leo02 in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing.

Financial planet Jupiter Rx is the handle of a Bucket pattern and as such, links the hemispheres of the chart together with cautious preparedness his aim. Leo is, as you know, the royal sign of the 'natural ruler' though until April 8, 2015, Jupiter will regress toward President Obama's natal Sun once again so perhaps we should consider this Bucket handle Jupiter to represent Mr. Obama since the Security Summit will be held at the White House. He will be using the physical assets of the White house to appear more attractive to the Summit's attendees (Mercury-Venus = Sun) with an increased sensitivity to the desires of others (Mercury-Venus = Moon) though one wonders with asteroids Sappho and intoxicated Bacchus conjoining quirky Uranus in the 8th house of Sexual Relations! Will some of the Summit's shady doings under cover of a darkened Moon involve drunken drugged-out orgies? If so, then...peep-eye! Of course, this trio in 8th house could just as easily be seen as practicing a delirious pagan ritual in honor of an ancient goddess, couldn't it?

A Bucket pattern of planets indicates an uncompromising direction of effort with little if any concern for conservation of resources or for the end results. Jupiter here is the executive, yes, but in a reviewing of resources role since he's retrograde--not weaker, but more inward facing. Allegiances tend to be adapted with a Bucket pattern so that 'efforts can count for the most'; Jupiter here is the motivator and inspirer of the Summit and provides us with clues to his 'unremitting zeal'. Historical figures born under the influence of a Bucket pattern include: Napoleon Bonaparte (handle: 'new order' planet Uranus), Dante (handle: Pluto, god of Hades), William Jennings Bryan (handle: Mars), and Evangeline Adams (handle: Saturn, traditional ruler of Astrology). (The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Another chart factor in relation to Jupiter is trickster Pan and wealthy Midas both Rx and conjunct Midheaven (The Goal Point) which falls at 10Gem01 so the Virgo Ascendant elects Mercury, planet of meetings, discussions, communications, crossroads, trade, and speeches, as chart-ruler (and MC-ruler) so we may expect the financial aspects of circumstances to involve the usual fraud and trickery (fraudulent Neptune as Final Dispositor, instigator Mars--at a critical-crisis 29th degree and about to join his own Aries Point--ruling the New Moon's corporate 8th house of Transformation with disruptive, zealous, new-agey anarchist Uranus in Aries therein.

Speedy traveler Mercury @4AQ05 (in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Speculation) closely sextiles Saturn @4Sag27 (in 3rd house of Communications), the Manager and Task-Bringer, and their near-exact sextile, the only applying aspect made by chart-ruler Mercury (0A22), offers clues about the underlying purpose/s of the White House "Security" Summit of global leaders, plus, with both planets at 4 degrees of their signs, we may say there are fated undertones to this "home grown terrorists" discussion during the February 18th "Summit on Countering Violent Extremism" (translation: suppressing all opposition to Global Government implementation by Global Police and Military Forces).

Certainly on at least one level there are fated undertones afoot of the reap-what-was-sown variety since 'blow back' due to the expansion of a controlling Global Government (forcing a 'new world order' upon the masses) has created many enemies for the West with innocent people the victims and Easterners attempting to enforce a global Caliphate of their own, Sharia law and all. The ancient East v West conflict continues to be about who will 'win' global control over the planet as World War III is triggered (you saw the Illuminatists out in force today in the streets of Paris if your eyes were alert! The true instigators remained behind the scenes, of course, but the nwo's political mouthpieces had their 'historic' photo op in full view of the public.)

A Talented Mercury-Saturn Sextile Tells a Tale

So what might Mercury sextile (60 degrees) Saturn intend to say and do during Security Summit 2015? Here is a list of potentials: issue warnings which may or may not be listened to, set priorities, manage resources, explain guidelines and rules, and organize expressions of discontent (of the group and/or of the masses). This sextile also indicates that conflicts and bickering may erupt among the chuckleheads in attendance.

Let me add that my above remark about attendees of a 'monarchical bloodline persuasion' is based in part on Mercury's rounded-up Sabian Symbol for '5AQ": "A Council of Ancestors" which aptly describes the February 18th Summit, imho, especially since even modern world leaders' descendancy from a certain bloodline has been recorded and includes despots like Alfred and Alexander the Greats, Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, pharoahs such as Cleopatra (natal chart shown), French, German, British and other monarchical families including Queen Elizabeth II, PM David Cameron--in America, George Washington (a Star family descendant), Thomas Jefferson, John Adams (a Dragon family descendant), the Roosevelts, the Bushs, Bill 'Clinton', the Rockefellers, Barack Obama, and others you may think to name.

Oh and btw: New Moon Mercury conjoins America's natal South Node which denotes the karma of past behavior the US government so often depends upon to deal with current problems while expecting different results--though I suspect that all governments prefer expectable results from their actions and don't really want 'different' outcomes at all.

Now if you're interested in the family ties of US presidents, here's a 7-minute video presentation posted October 4, 2013 concerning the topic:

Related articles include: Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson's remarks to the CFR concerning domestic terrorism and "suspicious individuals" and such on September 10, 2014; 3 quotes from Thomas Jefferson on newspapers and despots ; and, a previous posting of the Republic of France horoscope of 1792 in the midst of the country's Reign of Terror days and just after the discovery of revolutionary Uranus.

Being adventurous, you may also wish to see 9 Creepy Things you Should Know about Paris.

"America Unearthed", three NYC Obelisks, and the Belt Stars of Orion

The topic of tonight's episode of America Unearthed relates to some of the subjects discussed from time to time here on Stars Over Washington particularly concerning the three stars in Orion's Belt, the Statue of Liberty, and Freemasonry in America.

America Unearthed showed its host, forensic geologist Scott Wolter, on a hunt for information about the three Egyptian obelisks located in New York City. These are situated in Central Park (see link just below), St. Paul's Chapel, or Church, and the Flatiron Building.

View full episodes at History Channel though tonight's episode won't be available immediately.

Related is a page of the official Central Park website which gives a few details concerning the Egyptian obelisk (aka, Cleopatra's Needle) from Thutmose III's temple in Heliopolis and delivered to Central Park, paid for and the Central Park site selected by the very wealthy William Vanderbilt.

The other two obelisks in NYC are located at St. Paul's Chapel (Church) where George Washington attended when in New York and the building of which Pierre L'Enfant, initial designer of DC (along with Andrew Ellicott), was architect in part. The third location is at the Flatiron Building (175 Fifth Avenue) where the obelisk honors General William Worth, a New Yorker who served as the Secretary of War for Texas and is the namesake of the city of Fort Worth.

Orion, Sirius, and Venus with a Multitude of Names

Now in the heavens, the three stars of Orion's Belt point toward Sirius, the home of goddess Isis in Egyptian mythology, and many people believe that the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau line up with the belt stars (though perhaps in reverse order--is it conclusive yet?) The ancient figure of Orion, the hunter, is god Osiris in Egyptian star lore, plus, constellation Orion is an archetype of the Immortal God, our Creator. In fact, some religious folk teach that Christ's Second Coming will be from the direction of Orion's Belt, an area of the sky which is sometimes identified as a 'star portal', a concept that actually tallies with Scriptural teachings, imho.

So, lined up upon the earth with Orion's Belt Stars as they seem to be, what are the three obelisks in NYC pointing toward in similar fashion? Why, the harbor and the Statue of Liberty, that feminine goddess of Venus-Isis fame created and brought to America by the Grand Orient Freemasons of France. You'll note France's past fascination with Egyptian pyramids and antiquities a la Napoleon Bonaparte, another of the world's 'new world order' visionaries as was Hitler.

Now as you may or may not know, I spend considerable time researching the connection between the founding of America and its occult roots which include such topics as Fixed Stars, the planning and construction of the District of Columbia (the 'Federal City'), and the Federal Triangle marked by the White House (a Masonic lodge), the Capitol Building (architecturally a Masonic temple if there ever was one), and the Washington Monument (built in the form of an obelisk itself). Regarding the Federal Triangle, it's a lesson in As Above, So Below: the White House = Arcturus, the Capitol Building = Regulus, and the Washington Monument = Spica ('the spike'; for obvious phallic reasons 'the spike' signifies George, the Father of Our Country, though curiously he doesn't seem to have physically fathered even one offspring of his own).

All three edifices and many others in Washington DC had their cornerstones and/or foundation stones laid in Masonic ceremonies by the Freemasons of the day--George Washington in apron, for one. Plus, triangles, 5-pointed stars, wheat sheafs, circles and squares, and other Masonic symbols and designs appear on and inside various official buildings and monuments and statues across the city along with horoscopes and references to constellation Virgo and its stars. Venus, Isis, Osiris, and the stars of constellation Pleiades are also represented in Washington, and perhaps you know of other starry symbols strewn about the capital city. America's Great Seal is one of the spots we find such occult symbolism with its design based on the Bavarian Illuminati seal of Adam Weishaupt (May 1776) heralding the coming of a 'new order'. The pyramid (a triangle) and the All-Seeing Eye of Providence (or, of Horus,) are found upon the dollar bill, thanks to Franklin D. Roosevelt (1935).

Speaking of a 'new order'--one of the potentials of the current transit of revolutionary Uranus (new order) in Aries opposing US natal Saturn (old order, the status quo, the established system) in mid-Libra, let's close with a reference to an interesting book that relates closely to current events as we watch the implementation of a global police state being manifested in the US and so obviously in France, as I type.

The book (1958) is Arthur Schlesinger, Jr's, The Coming of the New Deal 1933--1935, 2nd in his trilogy concerning Freemason FDR, in which he opens with a quote from ace political strategist Machiavelli and closes with words from H.G. Wells, the Fabian Socialist:

Machiavelli: "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

H.G. Wells, described FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

How suitable for FDR's natal Uranus rising in Virgo! This is the kind of information that makes FDR's presidency and New Deal programs sound extremely well-devised as one part of a long term plan, don't you think? Which to me makes the current divide-and-conquer monkeyshines in Washington via such tactics as 'R vs D' and 'conservative vs liberal' sound like a bunch of media claptrap meant only to deceive We The People and divert our attention from solving the real problems now faced by the American people. My advice to anyone who asks is to consider what actually results from what politicians say and don't say, do and don't do for most often it is just what they and their secret supporters intended all along.

But a populist common-gooder with Revolutionary ancestors such as yours truly probably would feel just that way, now wouldn't she?

Jan 4, 2015

Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791

Image: Founding via Masonic cornerstone ceremony of the Federal City, now Washington DC, April 21, 1791 " precisely 3:30 pm" (Ellicott) when Jupiter Rx @22Vir38 was rising along with America's natal Neptune (which veils President Obama's natal Mars).

Mercury-ruled Virgo, sign of The Virgin, is a prominently emphasized Zodiac sign and constellation across the District of Columbia and appears in horoscopes of various cornerstone laying ceremonies of buildings and monuments across the city including that of the executive mansion (lodge) we now call the White House.

In the horoscope, chart-ruler (and goal-oriented Midheaven-ruler) Mercury makes no major applying aspects to other planets so its sign, house, and degree are spotlighted (10Tau32 in the occult 8th house conjunct star Menkar...victim of the unconscious and associated with Cetus the Whale). Please enlarge the image to read a few basic chart factors for they are not discussed here.

If we look to the stars of the ancient constellation Virgo for clues to the nature of our capital city, we find that the Virgin was called Demeter by the Greeks, Ceres by the Romans, and on April 21, 1791, the Sun @1Tau37 (8th house) conjoined asteroid Ceres, goddess of the harvest. Spica is the alpha star of Virgo, and is represented in the Federal Triangle by the phallic Washington Monument, part of the Founders' Solar Cult in which George Washington was allegedly deified.

Spica ('the spike') is linked with the wheat sheaf in the hand of the goddess (our Founders were pagan goddess worshippers as you may know by now!) and was considered a symbol of her gifts to mankind of harvest, bounty, knowledge and wise insights. That's supposedly George all over according to his contemporaries.

Of course there is much more to say concerning this horoscope, the circumstances in 1791, and the stars and planets thereof but I shall leave you to be curious enough to check things out for yourself--if indeed you are curious at all.

Recommended reading: David Ovason's The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital.#ad

Former NY Governor Mario Cuomo: paradox, paragon, or both?

On the Life and Personality of Mario Cuomo

by Jude Cowell

The American people lost one of their liberal champions this week with the passing of former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, born at 9:30 am EDT on June 15, 1932 in Jamaica, New York, age 82. Astrologers recognize the timing of his life span as having a close connection to the 84-year cycle of planet Uranus, planet of genius, originality, and the radical politician (natal Uranus 22Ari37--transit Uranus not there yet but soon will be).

One source gives his time of death on January 1, 2015 (while his son was being sworn in to a second term) as 5:15 pm EST in Manhattan for those who wish to set up a horoscope.

Besides his inspiring oratorical talent, those close to Mario Cuomo describe him as having a writer's temperament which makes sense with both natal Sun and Mercury in Gemini, sign of writers and orators (Sun 24Gem12, Mercury 27:00). To check Cuomo's Astrodatabank wiki pages for a direct view of his natal horoscope tap or click here or, for more details visit his bio page as you wish.

Of interest may be a few highlights in the career of Mario Cuomo including his speech on July 16, 1984 at the DNC which catapulted him into the national spotlight (video below). His shout-out to President Reagan's touted 'Shining City on a Hill' (that Utopian ideal of Uranus) as actually 'A Tale of Two Cities' (the reality of Saturn--his in Aquarius) resonates even more strongly now as the 2015 political year begins with a newly rigged Republican majority in Congress threatening working and poor Americans with increased plutocratic oppression. Even the GOP's purported focus on the middle class bodes ill for the underdogs of American society, those weaklings Ayn Rand viciously despised.

Now on a personality level we may wish to consider Mario Cuomo's natal Sun Gemini-Moon Scorpio blend of conscious-unconscious energies, an ethereal Air-Water combination. His Gemini-Scorpio energies gave Gov. Cuomo a mixture of extrovert and introvert tendencies (an eloquent orator yet he loved to be at home which may be part of why he didn't run for president which then opened the door for Bill Clinton to run).

The former governor's Sun-Moon blend denotes a provocative head vs passion character who fought an inner battle between light-dark superficiality vs intensity, and a quick-witted operator who could sell anything (Gemini = commerce and trading), a very useful trait for a politician, lawyer, and educator. Dedicated to his convictions, Mario Cuomo could be humorous and infuriating at the same time with a scathing tongue and many inconsistencies to his character.

Respected by many Republicans, this Democrat may never quite be replaced in US Politics unless another Geminian orator takes the national political stage who holds genuine convictions rather than Gemini's usual changeable instabilities. A devoted Scorpio Moon and Mars in stubborn Taurus gave Mario Cuomo's nature more Fixed energy and thus provided him with an unbending rigidity and fixity of purpose.

R.I.P. Mario Cuomo June 15, 1932 - January 1, 2015.

For more Sun-Moon blend info I recommend Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey. And here's an apt quote from one who shares Mario Cuomo's natal Sun Gemini-Moon Scorpio combination--author, poet, and critic G. K. Chesterton:

"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people."

And now...Governor Mario Cuomo speaking on July 16, 1984:

Jan 1, 2015

Horoscope: March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse in Pisces--sneaks, leaks, and veils

Spring Equinox 2015 Brings a Pisces Solar Eclipse Conjunct Starry Scheat

by Jude Cowell

It's a rare Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) that includes a Solar Eclipse as we have on March 20, 2015 with the Sun reaching Aries Point at 6:45:29 pm EDT. Yet the horoscope image here is actually the Pisces Solar Eclipse set for the White House, Washington DC and perfecting at 5:36:09 am EDT:

As you see, the solar-lunar perfection occurs during a Mars Hour with planet Mars in its own sign @21Ari35 in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earnings, and Values. Mars rules the 2nd house via Aries and also the 9th house (viaScorpio) of Philosophy, Religion, Higher Learning, Foreign Lands and Long Distance Travel. Here transit Mars is seen leaving Uranus after their conjunction of March 11, 2015 @15Ari00 conjunct Fixed Star Alpheratz (Alpha Andromeda) which Reinhold Ebertin calls 'Sirrah' and Arabian astrologers, Al Surrat al Faras. This star links to a love of freedom and movement, an independent spirit, and the 'sheer joy of wind in your hair' (Brady). Rigor links Alpheratz to 'princess imagery' and adds potentials for 'wealth, honor, cheer, and a love of life'.

A square by manipulator and Hidden Hand Pluto to both Mars and Uranus in conjunction heavily imprints the beginning of their combined energies' new cycle with potentials continuing for societal unrest and riots, violence, explosions, attacks, and military actions. In Politics and Business, the Mars-Uranus pair's influences may include reforms within a nation's military, modernization of energy or steel industries, exploitation of energy resources, radical movements involving military or police forces, rebellions against modernization efforts, and sudden outbreaks of hostility (Munkasey). Unpopularity, toppled leadership, and/or revolution may also occur when Alpheratz is contacted by a malefic planet--and mythological Mars is the 'god of war' while Uranus is America's planet of revolution and war.

Now I won't bore you further by adding links to current headlines since you already know of the tinderbox politicians and their enablers have plunked our world into in this, the much-lauded 'New Millennium.'

And what of Fixed Star Scheat (Beta Pegasus) which the March 20th Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 stimulates into expression? Scheat is known as a difficult or turbulent star with potentials for 'misfortune, drowning, suicide, and possibly murder' (DeVore). Yet it also links to the concept of a 'love of intellect' and being 'a thinker' (Brady) which sounds much better, doesn't it?

However, Scheat was prominent in many ancient cultures during humanity's matriarchal goddess-worhipping era and the star was seen by the Greeks as being born from Medusa's neck as she was slain by Perseus. Constellation Pegasus is near another ancient constellation, Equuleus ('The Little Horse') and both point toward the gradual change from matriarchal beliefs into the patriarchal system we're in today though I won't say that idolatry of the feminine form (goddess) isn't a major component in today's societies (exs: Hollywood films, church statues, our Venusian Lady Liberty) with some of the weirder practices of old still hidden but now venturing to peep out from behind her alabaster hem.

Perhaps some of the 'hidden messages' to be uncovered by the Solar Eclipse in Pisces (sign of mysteries, secrets, crimes, and military generals) will relate to unusual worship practices and anti-social oaths taken by those of the ruling class who have not been suspected before (time for white power 'hoods off'?) Or, with an eclipse's usual 'wild card' tendency for suddenly revealing or leaking what some wish would stay hidden, the revelations will simply involve the typical foibles of the human race from the sexual to political to financial and back again. As a former resident of the District of Columbia (a Venusian goddess!), I have often mentioned here that DC runs on blackmail and bribery but that's gray-whiskered news for most of us.

Now with Venus unaspected, we may expect skewed perspectives to be prominent for aspects to other planets (actors) would provide Venusian folk with input from the outer environment. Here, the evaluating function of Venus is impaired and since she's posited in one of her own signs of Taurus, economists, and bulls of Wall Street are potentially represented. Fedhead Janet Yellen is an obvious choice to play this Venusian role though mega-financiers and well-funded politicians of the female persuasion may be noted as well for having a 'lack of perspective'. (Note that Venus is at '4 Taurus' = "The Rainbow's Pot of Gold" degree where Chiron was first discovered in 1977; this gives a materialism vs spirituality hue to the picture especially since a Pisces eclipse spotlights a need for karmic progress where materialism is second to the needs of humanity. Someone please explain this to the Republican Party).

As for the dove symbol that meshes with goddess symbols such as Columbia, Venus-Aphrodite, Isis, and the rest of the gang, you may have noticed the degree of the eclipse's Ascendant and its Sabian Symbol...'20AQ' = "A Big White Dove, a Message Bearer." This image may refer to persons such as an orators, writers, or reporters, or to the Solar Eclipse itself. And I'm certain you can think of other possibilities--like the fact that the eclipse Ascendant is within one degree of the natal Ascendant of President Obama (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii). Well, he is the one in charge of the 'bully pulpit' for two more years.

A Bully Pulpit with Hidden Messages Intercepted?

Perhaps you'll agree that the chart is weighted on the secretive (and possibly the spiritual) side with all but two planets in the hidden half of the chart below the horizon. And of course, a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon indicating that the light has yet to brighten and it's been the 'dark of the Moon' for about three days prior.

And so my chart title 'hidden messages' refers to several chart factors such as the eight planets in the private portion of chart, the abundance of secretive Pisces (rising), and the fact that this is a South Node eclipse when energies tend to rush out of the environment; plus, SN denotes past actions 'catching up' with us in the present--they are refusing to remain hidden or neglected. The critical-crisis 29th degree of the eclipse hints that though many people want to rush into Cardinal Aries along with the Spring season, they cannot do so successfully until the past is dealt with in the here-and-now.

A 1st house Chiron (18Pis01), the be-here-now centaur and priestly mentor, concurs for much karmic progress may be achieved once baggage is handled responsibly and reparations are made for past mistakes so that forward movement may reliably occur. Adding to the chart's Neptunian complexity, the Solar Eclipse set for DC is in an intercepted sign which provides even more of a karmic must-be-dealt-with nature to events inspired by the eclipse energies. Falling in the 2nd house, we naturally think of the Fed and the 2015 Congress and any attempts to deal with past errors in judgment in the realms of finance, budget and tax cuts, and other resources such as the energy resources mentioned above regarding the Mars-Uranus meeting on March 11th.

Solar Eclipse at '30 Pisces' = "The Great Stone Face": Archetypalization

Illustration:'Temple of The Great Stone Face' by Jude Cowell

A Pisces eclipse also emphasizes that esoteric and mystical secrets, codes, or carvings may be discovered and/or clarified perhaps at archaeological digs such as New Grange. Adding more inspirational influence, magical Neptune in its own sign is first planet to rise in the chart which may also denote confusing, deceptive, watery, stormy, tearful, or dissolving conditions in effect around the time of the Spring Equinox--or for two weeks prior and months afterwards. Plus, the Veiled One's nearness to message-deliverer Mercury @11Pis--planet of writers, speakers, journalists, bloggers, internet users, traders, travelers, students, teachers, and young people--may show high inspiration but also woolly thinking with a large potential for fantasy, falsehoods, and scandals to emerge.

Meanwhile, surveillance agencies continue their shady dealings against the innocent, spies infiltrate, and hackers sabotage. It seems reasonable that Edward Snowden will speak out again or that more NSA files will come to light.

Can natural or man made disasters affecting large numbers of people be ruled out in the eclipse chart? Sadly no, and there's that karmic planet Saturn on full display at the top of the chart--is an elderly Justice or congress member stepping down or retiring this year? On an another level, hardened Saturn rules austerity measures (sequestration) but also earth, soil, tectonic plates, calcification, walls, boundaries, and loss that's been a long time coming. Is Saturn in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius a shout-out to immigration issues? How about America's social safety net about to go further under the GOP ideological knife? Maybe so. Maybe all of the above. Funding wars and lining pockets remain no problem, however.

We do know that Jupiter @13Leo10 Rx in the 6th house relates to the planet's many roles such as The General, the Politician, the Corporatist, the Priest, the Lawyer, the Broadcaster, the Professor, the Banker--and 6th house is the house of work, health, and military and police service. Jupiter Rx is within orb of Mr. Obama's natal Sun once again and rules the 10th house of Public Status so any of the president's expansive projects and programs will continue to affect his public standing and political career as 2015 unfolds and Republicans balk. Hopefully, we can all patiently hold on until generous Jupiter turns Direct on April 8th and moves forward beyond Rx shadow degree in July 2015.

Mercury: '11Pisces' = "Men Seeking Illumination"

Communicator Mercury is apex planet in a YOD pattern ('Finger of God') if we don't mind including the North Node in sextile with Jupiter Rx. Typical YODs have a health connotation along with a crossroads-crisis-turning-point-special-task reputation that hints at a timing issue (time to speak up or blow whistles?) so we'll know as Spring 2015 proceeds if this particular YOD pattern should be counted as one at all.

Even if not, there are clues within a midpoint picture created by the Jupiter-NN-Mercury trio which identifies Mercury as researchers in fields such as Politics, Jurisprudence, or Religion; Jupiter-NN adds conventional religion to the possibilities along with obvious hypocrisy, antisocial conduct, and potential revelations about secret alliances, advantageous relationships, and/or trade pacts. (The shady TPP deal comes to mind for it is on Washington's agenda, secret giveaway though it is. Protecting a sovereign America? Puh! Not with these globalist jokers).

Apex Mercury is also seeking higher education so student loans and various university and college issues may be indicated. Perhaps Yale's secret society 'Skull and Bones' will be in the news even more now that Jeb Bush is running in 2016 and his grandfather Prescott had a role in the alleged theft of Geronimo's skull (and who knows what other schemes. How perplexing that many of our leaders since the 1800s became 'bonesmen' such as Dubya and John Kerry...ew! To me, S and B is a death cult.)

Now in Politics and Business, the Jupiter-NN duo suggests such things as closed legal societies, a justice system hampered or bound by erroneous decisions about the status of groups or parties (Corporations Are People, Citizens United, etc), and/or consequences that issue from treaties with allies (TPP?); religious leaders may interfere in legal matters or decisions and imports can disrupt business or trade (Munkasey). Perhaps researcher Mercury will reveal secrets concerning a few of these matters to the people's advantage.

Now let's consider a few more chart factors before closing (you must be tired!)

A primary factor, of course, is any applying aspects made by the chart-ruler/s--here with Aquarius rising, Saturn and Uranus are up. Establishment Saturn @4Sag54 Rx is Angular but past its conjunction with the eclipse MC (The Goal) indicating a condition or event that has already occurred (by March 20th).

On one level, Saturn-MC may tally somewhat with transit Saturn recently in late Scorpio crossing the natal MC of Barack Obama, a time of increased status as past efforts and hard work pay off. However, this betterment brings more responsibilities--as long as others are not blamed for one's failures and lapses. Saturn's 28-year transit to natal MC is partially the basis for the president's recent improvement in popularity along with improvements in the US economy, job creation, troops 'leaving' Afghanistan, releasing more prisoners from Gitmo, and lower gas prices in the US. Its influence will occur for the president again during Saturn's back up into Scorpio.

(I won't list the DOW closing over 18,000 points for the first time this year since presidents have very little if anything to do with it and it's merely a Wall Street bubble of speculation anyway. Besides, I never forget the primary planetary imprint upon the presidency of Barack Obama: the Great Conjunction/s of the speculator-wastrel pair, Jupiter and Neptune, which occurred three times during 2009--all conjunct US natal Moon (We the People) and spotlighting the 2008 Bush-Cheney Heist and Wall Street's mortgage and derivatives frauds which the 'Voo Doo' GOP now bring back to life to vulture upon the American people. In addition, eclipse Saturn and Neptune, the combo of ill, poor, and weak people, square one another denoting blockages and restrictions to our social programs and possibly to Obamacare as well--see Jupiter Rx in 6th house, above.)

Then What Do Eclipse Saturn and Uranus Say?

So how might things proceed from the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse as Spring begins to flower? In this chart, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is waning (exact for the last time on March 16, 2015--still inspiring unrest but thankfully not at critical degrees) and there is no applying aspect by disruptive Uranus to Neptune to consider in the chart. That leaves us with Saturn, ruler of Aquarius: though in dissociate signs (Sagittarius to Pisces--square--rather than a Sag-Aries trine), the Lesson Bringer trines the Sun and Moon (5A26) which lends support to the reparation imperative of the Pisces eclipse by providing mature reliability and an acceptance of responsibility which ties in with the karmic implications of reaping what's been sown.

The Pisces eclipse's Saros Series is the 17 South with themes of 'good news; success in group projects and creative endeavors; happiness in love matters' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady). A varied list of people and events were born or begun under the vibrations of the 17S Series and the March 20th eclipse alerts us to a potential for secrets to be revealed concerning any of them or their interests.

My 17S list includes: Princess Diana, Ayn Rand, Adolf Hitler, Newt Gingrich, Heath Ledger, Rachel Carson, Christopher Walken (Natalie Wood's drowning death?), Barbara Bush (or son Jeb?), Tim Roth, the initial visit of "R. C. Christian" to an Elberton Georgia bank and granite quarry in order to set up the construction of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones. And there are two more in my files: Iran (1979), and President Barack Obama.

As for Sagittarius and Pisces, their natural 90-degree square relationship reminds me of Scheat in winged Pegasus for the constellation forms a great square in the heavens--and a square's quality of 4 relates to the paternalism already mentioned, above. Plus, Sagittarius is the sign of the horse--or, more specifically, the half-horse/half-man of the centaur.

A related post for a little context as we 'lean forward': Solar Eclipses of 2015--2017.

Dec 30, 2014

The American Character Seen Through the American Revolution

"Character Is What You Are When You Are in the Dark" (a quote from the film, *Buckaroo Bonzai)

Set for 5:00 am LMT on April 19, 1775 in Lexington, Massachusetts, a view of the natal horoscope of the American Revolution shows a rising Sun at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries and an 8th house Moon @13Sag50. Interesting that this degree and sign of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rises in the 'Sibly' version of America's natal horoscope for July 4, 1776 5:10 LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (or any hour around that time on that date such as the Dane Rudhyar version; Independence Day celebrations did occur on that date and both Jefferson and Adams apparently wished July 4th to be used--you know the tale of how both men took their last breaths on that date in 1826).

Of course, the Founding Fathers are long gone but astoundingly America so far remains so is there anything to be gleaned concerning the American personality and character which began with revolution, fighting, and separation from our Mother Country by reviewing our national Sun-Moon blend in the horoscope of the American Revolution? After all, the US 5:10 pm natal chart does show our IC (Foundation, but also Ending) at Aries Point, the primary of the four Cardinal Points of world prominence--and suitably Mars-ruled for revolution and sadly for the wars the US government can't seem to stop itself from waging against all common sense.

Aries is known for starting big and seldom completing what it begins and we must notice the mysterious endings of wars we engage in...desultory sometimes which hints at our confused, deceptive, misguided Mars-Neptune square.

Okay, I'll hush on Martian topics and consider now America's natal Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius blend of energies with Sun the male/conscious principles and Moon the female/unconscious principles that in Mundane Astrology represents the masses, the three words: We the People.

Aries-Sag is a passionate double Fire combination full of volatility, creativity, and drama--a 'pure Fire' temperament. A biographer of Winston Churchill, a double Fire type, described a problem of double Fire blend as he described Churchill, "The seven league boot tempo of his imagination hastens him on to the sunny uplands of the future, but he is apt to forget that the slow steps of humanity must travel every inch of the weary road that leads there."

Ever heard America and Americans criticized as 'arrogant' or 'brash'? Well, there we are! Thing is, the above description of our double Fire blend reminds me as well of our frequent wars and conflicts with enemies, some of whom Washington had to search for and create so that our national Mars and Uranus in duplicitous Gemini, sign of the Twins, would have opponents to fight. And of course, US natal Uranus (8Gem55) has been active when America goes to war on a cyclic basis particularly during periods when Uranus--discovered in 1781 between the American and French Revolutions--returns to its US natal position. As you know, sudden, upsetting events like bolts of lightening that tend to cause separations and social upheaval art the sort of results independence-loving Uranus prefers.

Is our nation and our national character still of this fiery mindset? Well, double Fire is compelled to engage in an 'enthusiastic fight toward glory' so perhaps you'll agree that this is certainly the propaganda we've all been fed with our pablum since the Revolution but especially in the last several decades. As for still being fired up, many people say the American people are way too apathetic (lazy) to take needed actions because we won't risk our (alleged) security for freedom.

This is partially described by America's double Fire blend for when reality catches up with our ideals, we tend toward a 'compensating pessimism' in order to deal with 'coming down to earth' whether it's financial and budgetary decisions and lacks, or being otherwise restricted in how we wish to expand. This trait supports our childish 'let's ignore the bad stuff and it will go away' tendency.

Our entrepreneurial Sun Aries-Moon Sag in particular is a visionary, impatient, talkative, exuberant, outspoken, ideology-bound, and confident explorer (Manifest Destiny, you say?) We love to have fun but are prone to exaggeration. Highly-strung, we convince ourselves of an intense moral certainty as we arrogantly instruct other nations on how to conduct themselves yet we consider our nation to be above the laws that we expect others to follow--torture and invasion of sovereign nations (pre-emptive war--supposedly against American principles) come quickly and tragically to mind.

As things now stand, it seems the US Constitution is merely a suggestion and not meant to be an actual guide of our national conduct, as modeled in recent years by the US government, and in Washington DC our traditional constitutional principles have been dispensed with as soon as was possible--by hook or crook by a villainous faction of operatives and infiltrators.

Putting aside our nation's usual 'grandiose philosophizing' and insensitivity to the feelings of others, perhaps the word picture of the fiery Sun Aries-Moon Sag blend's Image for Integration will add a further detail that some Americans may resonate with in our deeply-held idealistic way:

"A child shoots an arrow toward the enchanted castle in the distance as he follows the road less travelled."

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but the image opens up several cans of ideological worms for this **Child of the Revolution--for one thing, the blend is also found in the natal horoscope of Thomas Jefferson!


*For popular quotes from Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension try this blog and I promise to never ever call you 'monkey boy'. :) What about politicians? No promises! jc

**30 Cancer' = "A Child of the Revolution" in Sabian Symbols and is linked to this dissenting American's natal Mars and to a few of my ancestors' military service and the losses such participation always entails. jc

Dec 28, 2014

Jan 20, 2015: The President's SOTU Address under Uranus-SN vibes

SOTU 2015 as the Tail of the Dragon (SN) Swipes Radical Uranus in Aries

by Jude Cowell

Today (12.28.14) in Kabul, the official NATO-US combat mission in Afghanistan ended with an hour's ceremony to mark the 13-year war of tragedy and loss. And though such a ceremony makes for a good public relations image (propaganda) there are those of us who think of the 'ending' more as stagecraft meant to deceive than reality--Neptune rather than Saturn. Perhaps the Pentagon and the CIA have simply lied to the American public too often and fought too many secret wars to expect to be believed now.

Be that as it may, America's 'totem planet', Uranus, meets the Saturnian South Node (SN) of the Moon (aka, the 'tail of the dragon') on January 20, 2015, the same day that President Obama delivers the 2015 State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress that evening. You'll find a few Astro-Notes on the pair's cosmic encounter here. And of course, their conjunction at a critical Cardinal degree (12) means that zealous anarchist Uranus will also be in Nodal Degree which adds to the karmic, fated reaping-what-was-sown quality of their problematic meeting.

Yes, the ongoing, dynamic, challenging Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square of rebellion and generational clashes just keeps on giving, doesn't it? And now the Nodal axis of The Dragon joins in bringing with it an indication of public contact. Is separation from the public indicated for the president? How about the threatened time and money wasting impeachment efforts by the GOP?

Well, hopefully my frets are unfounded yet something tells me the US government's past behavior (SN) of secretly committing and then lying (Neptune) us into wars (Mars-Uranus with a huge dose of the US natal Mars-Neptune square of foggy deception and misguided motivation), betrayals, coups, government topplings, assassinations, and other underhanded mayhem will be part of the January 20th cosmic picture so it will be interesting to hear what the president includes in his remarks concerning wars in the Middle East (Saturn-Uranus), and in other regions of the world including Russia, China, and the proxy kingdom of North Korea.

Recent technology (Uranus) disruptions such as hacking may well be mentioned by POTUS in SOTU 2015 and it's certainly possible that a new internet attack or two will have been perpetrated by then. The Uranus-SN duo is a marker for wars and revolution along with changing, unsettling social conditions that can very well include financial loss. Perhaps the current Republican coup of Congress with its GOP agenda of drastic cuts to social safety net programs is indicated here with Uranus-SN imprinted upon the whole of 2015 and beyond. Will it be soup lines across America? Depopulation certainly will be the outcome of such politically based stinginess toward what Ayn Randers may term 'useless eaters'--as if all life isn't sacred!

Complicating things during SOTU 2015, we may find the president under a spiteful 'rudeness siege' imposed by the separatists of Congress during his speech though interrupting him with "You lie!" has lost its original sheen of Republican glory. Well, astrological Uranus does represent things new, novel, and original and sudden events are right up the electrical planet's alley. Even a bad storm or a power outage cannot be discounted for whenever Uranus is active, sudden, unexpected conditions often appear unannounced in a disruptive fashion. Transit Saturn, the practical container for the ideals of Uranus, has recently left Scorpio for a while so it will be quite a while (late 2016 and affecting the 2016 Election) before radical Uranus in fiery Aries and status quo Saturn in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius trine one another from within Fire the element of creativity and vision.

And on another level, the Uranus-SN planetary energies of January 20th may relate to an announcement by President Obama which will come as a big surprise or even a shock to his audience and will lead to some sort of upheaval. It's even possible that something involving Uranian people is on the Uranus-SN calendar for January 2015 and beyond--and one such example is the one and only Senator Elizabeth Warren born under a Sun-Uranus conjunction!

Dec 27, 2014

"Rebalancing the Matrix" -- Max Igan (plus, right--left eye symbology)

(If only you could watch it), here is (not!) the first part of a Max Igan broadcast which, among other topics, mentions the power elite's subtle switch of our collective thinking from *right brain to left rather than using a balance between our brain hemispheres necessary for best results and decision making ability. This, I believe, is one reason a majority of us have trouble figuring out solutions for societal problems in the US and this confusion suits total control-global government purposes for our minds to be muddled like kittens-in-string.

And isn't it curious (and undermining) how, for decades, we've been propagandized with the notion that 'we only use 10% of our brains'?

Update December 2022: No Max Igan video which was initially embedded here for it has been deleted due to Max's YouTube account being removed. However, Max's website and content are accessible at The Crowhouse.


With a considerable amount of ruffling and editing for clarity (Dec 2022), my original post continues here:

Eye = Mandala = the Center of Order in the Unconscious (Carl Jung)

*On the topic of right brain to left, it's curious to note that the eye over the pyramid symbol on the reverse of America's Great Seal (as per Barton's design 1782) was depicted as a right eye which in ancient Egyptian symbology represented the sun, the creative aspect of the Deity. So the all-seeing eye in the triangle was a symbol for divine providence overlooking the activities of the Founders of this nation. Did Barton and colleagues intentionally use the sun in this way? Most likely, since many of them were Freemasons and knowledgeable about esoteric symbolism.

Now as you know, in traditional esoterism, the sun symbol signifies intuitive power, inner light, and illumination ("If therefore, thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22) and these links, when perverted into Luciferianism, tally with the hidden beliefs of certain of America's Founders and their colleagues who were more than Freemasons--the eye over the pyramid or in a triangle as a Masonic symbol--for some of the key figures were members of the Illuminati Society which is said to have supplied the design for America's Great Seal.

As for the subtle yet significant switch from right eye to left eye in American symbology, we have an interesting occurrence in 1856 (put in place in time for the delusions and misplaced motivations of the 'Civil War', a delusional Mercury-Neptune affair), for though the 1782 seal depicted the usual right eye, an article appeared in Harper's New Monthly Magazine which included artist Benjamin Lossing's design of the seal (The Lossing Realization) in which right eye was replaced by left eye. Subtle enough for you? For me it is, though when I posted about it previously here on SO'W, someone left a comment disagreeing with me. Fair enough!

Yet as you may know, the left eye signifies the lunar hemisphere of the brain, which indicates our functions of measuring ability, words, and analysis. Yes, there is more to life and the understanding of its issues than using the brain's mental functions. There is also the feeling-intuitive-imaging functions represented by the right eye (left side of the brain). And so to me, it seems that the symbolic switch could have caused an imbalance of mental functions in the American people, or a confusion, so that conscious rebalancing is the option.

Then in the realm of US Politics, cold calculations are valued most by the budget slashing Republican Party, an entity whose natal Sun (March 1854) conjoins US natal Sun in the protective sign of Cancer--and Sirius, the Isis goddess. Republicans are more like a paternalistic 'Father' whose conditional love may often be expressed heartlessly toward those they consider to be burdens, or beneath them and unworthy.

Since the days of Thomas Jefferson, the Democratic Party's natal Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius conjoins US natal Moon (July 4, 1776) which symbolically identifies the party as 'Mother' of the American people which has set up the much-derided 'nanny state' of 'socialism' - and with 1776 Ceres, asteroid of democracy in the compassionate sign of Pisces.

Through a critical consideration of water, food, domestic products, and chem trail contamination, we gain a further hint concerning mankind's current kittens-in-string condition in how our bodies have been inundated with fluoride and other chemicals which calcify and clog the 'third eye', the pineal gland, where intuition and deep knowing are intended by our Creator to inhabit. And as you know, much of the astrological symbolism here is represented by Neptune, planet of veils, clouds, toxins, poisons, undermining, dissolution, disguises, deception, fraud, gas lighting (lies)...and the Divine Source's spiritual and intuitive insights which are freely ours if only we honestly seek them.

In closing, a related video: Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill.

Dec 23, 2014

"A Christmas Tree Decorated": America's Second 'Gilded Age'

Decking the Halls as the Gilding of America Continues

by Jude Cowell

In case you missed it, the website of Bill Moyers has published an excerpt from a new book The Age of Acquiescence by historian Steve Fraser.

The book concerns the Robber Baron era of Industrialism, the 1880s into the 1900s (sometimes called the 'Generation of Materialism' or 'The Gilded Age') and relates the era to America's current 'gilded' conditions. The complexity of today's conditions is addressed as the book notes an obvious difference: then the populace rose up against the inequities, oppression, and exploitation perpetrated by the Plutocracy and their political enablers--unlike today's watered down efforts by a largely apathetic public.

Since the founding our nation, America has had a 'materialism v spiritualism' conflict (Saturn v Neptune) and perhaps we may say that Alexander Hamilton and the monarchists have won. And unfortunately for most Americans, the November 4, 2014 mid-term election outcomes in Congress will prove this tragically the case as 2015 proceeds along with SCOTUS' 'Citizens United' treason against the foundation of our alleged democracy.

Now if you're in the mood for a little Astrology concerning such topics, perhaps you'll consider the Robber Baron-Gilded Age era as timed by the Taurus New Moon of April 28, 1881. Here's a view of a previous post concerning the Natal Horoscope of the Robber Barons with a few notes. (No edits have been made so the post includes some then-timely Campaign 2012 content).

Actually, here is the post's horoscope so that a quick peek may be taken:


Most likely this is my last post until after Christmas so my warm thanks and best regards go out to all Followers, reTweeters, and Google+ers of this and my other blogs and posts as 2014 draws to a close (you know who you are!)

Sending well wishes for a wonderful and joyous holiday season to you and yours!



Dec 20, 2014

Beware: 'Full Moon' Congress in session Jan 6, 2015

January 2015: a Full Moon in Cancer Spotlights the 114th Congress

by Jude Cowell

On January 4, 2015 a Full Moon lights the way as 114th US Congress members saunter toward Capitol Hill to meet in session on Tuesday January 6, 2015. By then, the Capricorn Sun will team with a dramatic Leo Moon, a dictatorial blend of energies suitable for what I call the 'Full Moon' Congress of 2015 with its 'Revolution Rocks the Boat' vibes of regime change that threaten to transmute the very identity of the venerable, traditional institution (Sun conjunct Pluto opposing We the People's Moon across the 4/10 axis: awareness, fulfillment, culmination of career and security objectives).

The January 4th Full Moon issues from the prominent 'World Stage' New Moon of December 21, 2014--Winter Solstice--@00Cap06 which will have germinated plans and projects toward fuller flowering at the January 4, 2015 Full Moon; this cosmic imprint will affect the entire year and for two years, describes the 114th Congress. The Pluto-Chiron midpoint (plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, Capitalism, Communism, Bolshevikism, Nazism, National Zionism, White Aryanism, Socialism, and more -isms than we can shake a stick at) is active in both the New Moon and Full Moon horoscopes and if you look at the chart shown below, you see Pluto-Chiron conjoins the 5th house of Risk-Taking and Speculation @13AQ02/37. Actually, Pluto, Chiron, and the 5th cusp are all at 13 degrees suggesting that a fated or karmic condition is involved--possibly an ancient one at that.

Naturally, the Winter Solstice 2014 horoscope is important in considerations concerning the 114th Congress, at least until Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) in March 2015, an Equinox which will be imprinted by a New Moon @29Pis27--a Solar Eclipse.

Image: January 4, 2015, a Full Moon @14Can30 perfects at 11:53:14 pm EST Capitol Hill, Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity); Angular Uranus at critical degree (12Ari) conjunct tr SN denoting separations of some kind possibly involving technology (breaches, leaks?); the pair conjoins Descendant Suggesting Broken Alliances or Partnering with anarchists, radicals, or zealots:

Please pardon a typo penned on the chart as "115th Congress" which should read as the 114th Congress--thanks, jc

Though it isn't marked on the chart, at Midheaven (MC = Aspirations) are nestled America's natal planets in Cancer (5--14 degrees). The 10th house Moon exalted in her own sign conjoins US natal Sun and Sirius (Alpha Canis Major: the shining one; the scorcher; the fire of immortality). Sirius is the star-goddess venerated by several ancient cultures and active in the founding of America, thanks to our nation's Freemason-Rosicrucian-Illuminati founders who were, it turns out the more I study them, feminine goddess worshipers rather than Christian believers--'Deists' as they are often called in an attempt to make their true allegiances and ultimate goals more palatable to the public.

Even the 10 x 10 shape of The District of Columbia--a diamond laid out by George Washington--is an archetypal symbol of Venus, and Sirius is the Star of Isis. Since Sirius may signify 'great deeds' (Brady), perhaps in 2015 the American people will shake off the politically engineered apathy that assails us and act on behalf of ourselves for a change because I doubt that the changes the GOP have in mind are what most of the public will desire or wish to accept (exs: Medicare vouchers, more dissolution of US sovereignty, lower corporate taxes, fatter political donations, additional banking bailouts on the backs of taxpayers as Wall Street gambles again and crashes the economy, expanded wars, less privacy, less health insurance coverage, more racist legislation, etc.) Plus, a Full Moon conjunct US natal Sun (the president) suggests that a majority of the public is more in tune with White House aims (as they are stated) than with GOP austerity measures which are punitive for us, liberating for corporations and others of the power elite class who have ensnared most of life's advantages as it is--at our expense.

And so I have entitled the Full Moon of Congress 2015 horoscope, "Revolution Rocks the Boat" even though the Uranus-NN = Pluto midpoint picture suggests that billionaire backers (supra-national bankers), plutocrats, and secret society types intend to do the rocking via political action, obstructionism, and propaganda campaigns.

Yet opposite the powerful Sun-Pluto duo, is the public's natal Moon with starry Sirius denoting that We the People must not sit on our hands while Pluto, The Secret Hand (the Vatican and others) effect changes toward totalitarian global government, well on the way toward implementation as it may or may not be. I say this knowing that all or most Democrats are part of the 'Big Picture' as well and must also take orders from hidden bosses of the global 'New Jerusalem' persuasion (and the 'Big Picture' includes the TPP, NAFTA, the UN, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Star Families, the Dragons, etc.)

Few can now deny that 'Total Awareness' and control are their goals which are reflected by the first Full Moon of 2015 spotlighting the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security and Control with Capricorn the Saturn-ruled sign of government, law, and business--at IC, the Foundation or Basis of the chart and of the 114th Congress. And if you enlarge the horoscope you may wish to read (lower left) a few notes concerning the ongoing transit of Uranus opposing US natal Saturn with its 'new order replaces old' connotation seen in part by this Full Moon Congress horoscope, the first lunation of 2015.

Please note that this SO'W post and all others are written from my populist viewpoint and in light of my considered opinion that the 'R v D' ploy is meant to divide and conquer (and weaken) the American people with pointless diversions while hiding the true nature and intent of the 'ruling class' as its members follow the globalist script. They play a 'power game with important consequences' so I look at what actually results from their theatrics rather than at what any politicians say, promise, legislate, or tout. By their fruits ye shall know them.

Now as you know, Cancer is a subjective, self-protective, nurturing placement for the compassionate Moon and reflects the 'reigning needs' and the mood of The People as 2015 begins--and that means all of us, including the less fortunate. These needs must not be allowed to be ignored or neglected by members of the Republican-led 114th Congress of neo-con hawks and Vulcans of war who are anti-government and anti-democracy.

Perhaps the man intended to be the people's standard-bearer, the president, will help staunch the Republican tide about to roll over and capsize our already-leaky boat (which includes our social safety net). After all, in the Foundation 4th house of the chart, you see Mercury @00AQ14 along with Venus (1:59) which times transits of both planets to the US Inaugural Sun--the Office of the President.

Mercury to Sun denotes willpower and communications being used to promote goals along with an originality that can win the day. We're already seeing this condition in President Obama's immigration initiative, the normalization of diplomatic relations with Cuba, and other endeavors. Attracting Venus conjoining Sun adds charm, popularity, easy relationships, and perhaps smaller amounts of money yet both planets are about to oppose Barack Obama's natal Mercury in Leo which on another level describes those who oppose his ideas and plans as Republican rudeness and spite continue. (Edit 2.10.15: Venus in this chart may also represent such figures as Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren as well as other feminine politicos--see more about Venus, below).

In addition, moneybags Jupiter in Leo is retrograde (11th house of Groups) which partially describes the anti-Obama contrariness of Republicans determined to financially stop or delay the president's initiatives from going forward--and this includes 'Obamacare'. Banker Jupiter's path into 2015 has been previously discussed if you'd care for a look.

Yes, Jupiter the General, the Guru, the Professor (as in, Prof. Jonathan 'foot in mouth' Gruber), the Corporatist--the Jolly One's roles are varied and his Rx periods tend to stall plans and activities on several levels. Yet perhaps Jupiter Rx denotes that the continuing stalemate between the White house and Congress will be more evenly matched than a new Congress (un)balanced toward the GOP suggests. In Sun-ruled Leo, ego-driven plans for expansion and investment are under close scrutiny by critics including broadcasters (another of Jupiter's roles) especially around April 8, 2015 and not letting up until after July 2015. Among others, #POTUS will be broadcasting from the Bully Pulpit in order to get his points across to the public while circumventing his opponents' blocking efforts.

Now it's usual in a horoscope to find the Ascendant and Midheaven squaring one another and they act, of course, as places for planetary energies to express. Yet if we wish to gain a bit more insight into what's up with activist Mars in Aquarius (5th house), we find that the warrior planet is apex of a pattern some call a 'Thor's Hammer' (or, 'Fist of God') and this condition depends on the meaning of the ASC-MC midpoint with potentials for: lessening the quality of life, a lack of common or shared goals, leaders who guide through periodic cycles of expansion and contraction, and/or exclusion of racial groups (Munkasey). With Mars as catalyst, this yields a fighters who demand appreciation as they attempt to protect themselves against threats to their lifestyles. Of course, this picture may also describe well-heeled individuals who never seem to hoard enough wealth or resources--and testy Mars isn't known for his sharing qualities, is he?

2015 Begins with a Full Moon in a Cardinal Grand Cross Pattern

Now I have yet to mention the titanic power struggle seen in the Cardinal Grand Cross between North Node, Ascendant, Moon, MC, Sun, Pluto, and Uranus/South Node and which hinges upon the Full Moon, the Nodal Axis (Past and Future direction), the MC (the Goal Point), and the continuing generational conflict of the Cardinal Square of Utopian Uranus and powerful manipulator, Pluto. Civil Rights issues continue to be front and center within their Cardinal Square as 1960s legislative progress is under fire. Also described, the White House v Congress turbulence; the Cross creates several midpoint pictures which you may wish to consider such as the one I penned on the chart and already mentioned, Uranus-NN (radical political groups) = Pluto (the Hidden Hand, plutocrats, saboteurs, etc). Why, just the Pluto opposing US natal Sun transit is enough to describe the power struggles and challenges the president has been facing.

Also prominent in the Full Moon chart as an indicator of good fortune is the 1st house North Node (NN) @14Lib40 which now joins US natal Saturn (lawmakers, judges, managers, our Founding Documents) @14Lib48 and shows that serious meetings are taking place. Though it may suggest limitations on the 'good fortune' of NN in 1st house, Saturn-NN also denotes longstanding ties, foreign enterprises that offer assistance, and/or new alliances forming (Munkasey). Given current conditions in the US, this duo may also point to an encounter (NN) with our national 10th house Saturn, a 'fall from grace' placement that indicates the breach of public contract and neglect of responsibilities and accountability being practiced by many politicians, along with the longstanding determination of certain entities to undermine and collapse the US government and thus control America's direction as global cop and enforcer for a 'new world order' as mentioned and penned on the chart concerning disruptive Uranus in Aries opposing US natal Saturn in Libra.

5th house Mars @24AQ20 conjoins or nears (depending on which US natal chart you prefer) US natal Moon which denotes that the public is very busy as 2015 begins and may act from feelings of anger; our domestic activities are hectic or at least, energetic. In Aquarius, planet Mars loves to reform and here opposes Jupiter Rx though the aspect is separating (2S55) suggesting events and conditions that have already taken place prior to the January 6th Full Moon. This Moon-Mars and setting-Uranus condition may herald more of the public's break with Tea Party politicians such as gasbag Ted "Green Eggs" Cruz--and his Party's rather obvious lack of appreciation for his egoistic efforts.

Chart ruler Venus in Aquarius

Oddly, the first chart consideration has so far been neglected by yours truly and that is Venus as chart ruler (and thus, 114th Congress ruler) and any applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects formed with other planets in the chart. Application of the chart ruler hints at how things will proceed from the January 4th Full Moon, a lunar phase denoting that what was primarily felt in the past is now seen (Rudhyar). On one level this describes the current Republican coup of House and Senate as of November 2014. Yet some political pundits say President Obama has been energized or liberated by this new condition--we shall see as 2015 gets underway.

Now as you see, 4th house Venus is posited in humanitarian Aquarius near US Inaugural Sun as noted above, and makes no applying (waxing) aspects to any of the Full Moon planets. Every planet in this chart is within bounds of the earthly plane so all actors are accounted for and involved yet with the condition of chart-ruler Venus we find that sign and house are emphasized along with the Venus-to-presidential-Sun transit already mentioned. Females and feminine issues are also denoted with any Venus placement.

Plus, a 4th house Venus denotes Real Estate Matters, Security Needs, and Domestic Interests along with projects that beautify the environment. This placement also hints at the attractiveness of our nation for Cuban immigrants who finally may visit their relatives in the US. However, their return to Cuba will involve much complexity and such outcomes cannot be known from the January 4, 2015 Full Moon chart since Venus is non-applying but this does suggest that at least some foreign visitors may endeavor to remain in the US (no application from 4th house).

Note that besides 1st house, Venus also rules the 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies and Inheritances, the Occult, Transformation, and Death and is part of the National Treasury axis, the 2/8 (Republican blocking of Obama's immigration plans via the purse strings?) and if We the People are enraged at Washington DC politicians for providing Wall Street with additional opportunities to gamble with the US economy and our livelihoods and mortgages while spending tax dollars on waging war which fattens their stock portfolios, we have every right to be--even before the December 2014 'Cromnibus' spending bill of last-minute poison pills was passed.

Now on positive levels, Venus in Aquarius signifies potentials for: sponsors who offer protection for those who long for freedom, progressive views concerning relationships, and happy social contacts. Negatively, the placement may also describe those who entertain peculiar plans and ideas (Ebertin) which may not sit well with a majority of the American people for our natal Venus of 1776 is in nurturing Cancer and our Moon is in humanitarian Aquarius.

One example of peculiar plans? Shrinking government until it can be drowned in a bath tub, a favorite goal of the tax-cutting, monarchic Republican Party which has apparently derailed their primary debating Clown Car of ridiculous presidential candidates for 2016. Well, their silly displays have served the purpose the last few years of ignoring real issues and solutions for the American people just as their spiteful obstructionism during Democratic presidencies have done. Undermining President Obama's efforts is a deep and guiding obsession for the GOP!

It's all part of Washington's Political Theater script, folks! And since the US government is owned by foreign entities who do not have America's best interests at heart, US politicians have no option to do other than follow orders.


An upcoming post concerns the horoscope of President Obama's January 2015 SOTU Address so I hope you'll stay tuned to Stars Over Washington! jc

Dec 17, 2014

Cuba's natal horoscopes 1902 and 1959: Alan Gross is released

Has America Faced Reality on Cuba?

by Jude Cowell

On today's happy occasion of the release of American Alan Gross from five years of captivity in a Cuban prison, here are details of the two natal horoscopes I have in my files for Cuba; both are set for Havana:

Cuba--Independence: May 20, 1902 '12:00 noon'; Sun 28Tau45 conjunct MC; Moon 9Sco58 in 3rd house; Cuba--Communist: January 2, 1959; Sun 11Cap06 3rd house; Moon 8Lib29 in the 12th house of Imprisonment.

Andrea Mitchell and others are reporting that the Vatican played a large role in Mr. Gross' release. Other sources report that an unnamed US intelligence officer imprisoned twenty years ago is also being released (and perhaps others as well). Cuban prisoners in the US are freed in a "separate" release, and President Obama's long-stated objective of normalizing relations between the US and Cuba are apparently being realized before our eyes.

Here, it is now 12:16 pm and POTUS has just remarked on this topic on TV as Raul Castro spoke to the Cuban people. I shall mention only a major astro-note: that Cuba's 1959 Sun @11Cap06 has been catalyzed for some time by transit Pluto thus deeply transforming the nation's leadership on various levels and perhaps bringing the Global Government and its banking network to knock on Cuba's door--and this time, the door has seemingly been answered as more money and other resources are about to be sent to Havana.

That is, after all, what the original embargo was about 55 years ago--Cuba refused to play ball with 'new world order' thugs. Perhaps you agree that the US embargo of Cuba has been a massive failure on many levels--neurotic South Node behavior on Washington's part as if expecting different results after 55 years of sanctions is a sane policy. However, it will take the US Congress to drop the embargo!

Of course, all this relates closely to the current collapse of oil prices and Russia's and Iran's currencies. "It's time now for a new approach," says President Obama (translation: a new order). And be the behind-the-scenes machinations however they may be and for whatever the ultimate goal of globalists, I must concur for the sake of the good people of Cuba, their relatives here in the US, and for released captives and their families.


Foundation data for Cuba: The World Book of Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion.

Dec 16, 2014

An Updated Horoscope of a New World Order (1993)

Horoscope: a Modern 'New World Order' October 24, 1993 Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

Now that my SolarFire Astrology software is updated to v9, I'm in process of reviewing some of the older horoscopes I've worked with through the years and finding that many of them are now easier to calculate for a more precise 'birth' hour. One such is the 'Modern NWO' horoscope set for the third of three Great Conjunctions of outer planets Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment/Age of Reason duo, which occurred on October 24, 1993 @18Cap32.

1. February 2, 1993; 2. August 20, 1993; 3. October 24, 1993 (from 18Cap33 to 19Cap34).

Now if you've read this blog of my dissenting fusses before you may know that the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' seems to me most applicable for the so-called 'new world order' or, 'new economic order' or, Global Government, or, Zionist Earthly Kingdom at Jerusalem--whatever you want to name the luciferian global syndicate and its centuries-long 'great Plan' to take control of the entire globe. Smoosh the 'Illuminati' in there somewhere with its Total Awareness program, and you have a picture of most, if not all, of the Plan's anti-societal, depopulating, genocidal, psychopathic illness which becomes more visible in public every day. The false reality of 1999's The Matrix was pretty close to the beast and is a good example of how they use the entertainment industry to place ideas into consciousness thus making drastic changes seem more palatable later on when it's time to implement them or something very like them.

Go back further than 1999 and you find Robocop hinting at Transhumanism and the current robotic, militarized Police State.

So here you see a horoscope of what may be considered (if you wish!) a natal horoscope of the Modern New World Order for the power game is really older than the hills--back to Heaven, if you think that way. For astrological purposes, its genesis can be dated at various times in history with events such as: the beheading of King Louis XVI, the founding of America (and the Bavarian Illuminati, also set up in 1776--it's like we're twins), the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush Sr's invasion of Kuwait (he actually stated publicly that 'Desert Storm' "heralded" the new world order, plus, other historical dates and events you care to name. Such events are signposts along the way and to them may be added previous Great Conjunctions of scientific genius, Uranus, and elusive Neptune, planet of spirituality and mysticism--but also of deception of the masses.

'Fanaticism' is the title I have given the horoscope (and the Syndicate of zealots and criminals it signifies), not the least because of the toxic Pluto-NN duo of violence, brutality, infiltrators, security breakdowns, secret treaties, pacts, deals, and the use of clandestine information and data-gathering. It's the "tiger by the tail' duo with karmic Pluto, god of Hades, sporting his invisible mantle of power and hidden wealth, and using the Jupiterian point of encounters and meetings, NN, as his contact with the public and with his minions and infiltrating agents and assassins. Machiavelli is twerking in his grave.

2014 into 2015 Planets Affecting the Chart: Destiny of the Masses?

Of note in current transits is karmic Saturn soon to leave intense Scorpio and enter Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker and The Foreigner. Consolidating Saturn now travels between 9th house Pluto @24Sco29 and the North Node @3Sag32 Rx, a point of future direction, or, destiny. Now I won't take up your time analyzing all the transits and what they indicate since you can do so yourself, but I will add the midpoint picture it creates, plus, a bit more.

When transit Saturn catalyzes the Pluto-NN midpoint we may expect some people to realize that relationships must be built over time and based on trust--meanwhile, the crooks and malcontents among us are more likely to express the trio's rebelliousness and rigidity which usually result in violent terminations of relationships and alliances.

Another midpoint picture of importance involves the Uranus-Neptune conjunction itself: transit Pluto is within 5-degree orb of 18Cap now and for me, the timing includes the current take-over of the US Congress (as of the first week of January 2015--Jan 3rd?) by the Republican Party of radicals and anti-government plutocrats and their cousins, the monarchists. Not that Democrats aren't enablers and complicit culprits in the Great Plan--most if not all of them are--and are also descendants of the original culprits. Now that's long-range planning.

And so we will do no better here than to quote expert astrologer Noel Tyl concerning the trio's midpoint picture, Uranus-Neptune = transit Pluto: "The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise."

Why, this 'big picture' evens describes how political candidates are 'vetted': can you make decisions based on no facts but what we tell you? In other words, will you follow orders without refusing our tap on the shoulder and disregard the fate of the unwashed masses below you? It also denotes the tiresome political script we hear from all players in Washington DC and elsewhere--never answering questions directly--and hints at the planned program of militarizing police departments across the country, among many other things now in plain sight.

In addition, a 29th-degree Moon (in critical or crisis condition--the people) at the end of Aquarius rises along with its preceding planet, Saturn Rx--a depressive pair as you know. Venus, one of the names of the ancient goddess these modern-day psychopaths worship (as did America's Founding Fathers--ex: Columbia), is the lead planet in the chart's Bowl formation which reveals their tendency to follow the feminine archetype against the mainstream of current thought and belief. The star, the diamond, the 8-petaled flower, a 'V' hand signal (not for 'victory' when a departing Richard Nixon flashed it, but for Venus)...all and more symbols signify the Founders' goddess-based religion of mysticism.

So! I'll hush for now and hope that you can enlarge the horoscope to read a few notes such as the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which this abomination falls (13 South). Its degree (00Gem31) in 3rd house conjoins Alcyone of the Pleiades and if you're familiar with that area of the Zodiac you know it's a fated or karmic region of Middle Eastern stars of bullish rage that inspire revenge, beheadings, and other calamities and when activated gives all of humanity 'something to cry about'.


Blog Note: you may wish to type 'Eclipses' or 'New World Order' in the sidebar Search field and you'll find lists of related topics including the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse, also @00Gemini; so by degree sensitivity, there's a resonance between 2012 events and those of 1993. You'll also note that the IC of the above horoscope, its Foundation Point, was recently illuminated by the December 6th Full Moon @14Gem18 of fulfillment and awareness. The IC is also where America's natal Mars-Uranus midpoint is placed in mid-Gemini with its explosive, dangerous, and warring implications. But please remember: I only study the charts and write this stuff which grumpily issues from my child-of-the-revolution dissatisfaction with how our nation is being run into the ground but I've never intended to tell you what to think.

All on-topic comments and shares are appreciated! jc

Dec 15, 2014

Dec 15, 2014: Bill of Rights Day as the Uranus-Pluto square perfects

Have You Total Awareness of Enslavement?

by Jude Cowell

Today is Bill of Rights Day in America for the Bill of Rights, the 'foundation of our liberty' was ratified 223 years ago on December 15, 1791.

In the heavens, this day is marked (or honored?) by the sixth of seven exact squares between the radical and rebellious combination of Uranus (America's totem planet of revolution) and ancient Pluto, planet of entrenched power, wealth, control, and manipulation--also known as The Pope, the assassin, and the saboteur. And you don't have to use Astrology to see the titanic, generational struggle for power going on now across the globe via civil rights protests and the challenges between political factions within the US government.

One of our nation's founders, Thomas Paine, believed that all monarchies were illegitimate and it saddens me that apathetic voters in November 2014 have allowed the new Congress of 2015 to welcome entrenched monarchistic forces of the power elite class--which includes monarchists--to take over the rule of our government leaving no room for the American people. The Uranus-Pluto motto of the day--I Can't Breathe applies to this case as well for We the People may find ourselves as a class devoid of breathe well before 2015 ends. I hope I'm wrong, but there it is--disagree if you will but I expect the machinations of Congress to take our collective breath away with its brutal draconian measures.

At 12:14 am ET today, Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries (anarchists, zealots, Utopians) and Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (dictators) squared one another at critical degrees of the two Cardinal (active, initiating) signs. The seventh and last of their dynamic squares will occur at 10:54 pm ET on March 16, 2015 (not on March 17, as previously stated.)

Additionally, transit Uranus in Aries has moved into orb of opposition to US natal Saturn, planet of government, law, and business, and signifying the lawmakers of Congress among others. This is an indicator of a 'new order (Uranus) supplanting the 'old order' (Saturn, the status quo', the Establishment), another factor clearly demonstrated by ongoing Capitol Hill dramas and the grandstanding of zealous gasbag wrench-throwers such as Mr. Cruz.

So given the current shaking of the 'foundation of our liberty' on this Bill of Rights Day 2014, we shall see what the "party of the rich man" (as Harry Truman plainly called them), the Republican Party--along with an out-of-bounds Supreme Court, a complicit Democratic Party, the White House, and all their happy little backers with anti-democratic foreign allegiances--have in store for our seemingly 'free society'.

And all their shady plans may crescendo at the 2016 presidential election during which yet another of the Bush Crime Family may be encrowned within the Venusian Oval Office and under orders to do the will of 'New World Order' global bosses of a satanic-luciferian nature, usually identified as the Bavarian Illuminati (officially formed on May 1, 1776) with its eye-over-pyramid symbol placed in full view upon the US dollar bill (by Illuminati agent, FDR) and glaringly used as a symbol on America's Great Seal.

Will the Global Crime Syndicate Have its Way?

The ancient plan of Francis Bacon ('The New Atlantis") and others, promoted in the 1800s by Albert Pike (the only Confederate General with a statue in Washington DC, his body entombed in a vault a few blocks from the White House) marches on toward Global Government and they want us to believe this is inevitable. And considering that the American populace, weakened in so many ways, shows such apathy and a willful lack of awareness of what these zealots and crooks are perpetrating upon America and the world through their 'Total Awareness' program, it may be that inevitability is a pretty good bet.

For further Uranus-Pluto thoughts, read Mary Plumb's the vigilant present.

Dec 8, 2014

Week of Dec 8, 2014: Jonathan Gruber before Congress as Jupiter Rx spotlights unfortunate remarks

Obamacare on Trial, Economist Jupiter Turns Rx, and Mr. Gruber Re-turns to Testify

by Jude Cowell

On Tuesday health economist Jonathan Gruber will testify to Congress concerning his recent Obamacare remarks caught on tape about the bill being passed via "trickery," an apt expression of a major transit of great influence at that time (March 2010) when tricky Neptune conjoined US natal Moon (We the People) denoting the public's complicity in speculation and, some say, fraud.

Check out an article concerning Mr. Gruber's testimony here while noting that the Neptune conjunct US natal Moon was actually rising in the legislation's signing horoscope indicating that instability, deception, and a potential for fraud were bound to appear concerning the ACA, its provisions and confusions.

Leading up to the passage of the ACA was 2009 when three times the Obama presidency was imprinted by a Great Conjunction between the wastrel, spendthrift, grand spirit, speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune, with all three conjunctions sprinkling magic fairy dust upon the American people's natal Moon which gave the entire period of events a 'little sense of reality' vibe from which Obamacare may never recover.

And if you follow Sabian Symbols at all, you may have noted that today's Jupiter Station Rx falls @22Leo37, a degree known as an "open mouth insert foot" or "worst foot forward" indicator (A. Louis) and such a description is mentioned in the article by people who know him well as a known tendency of Jonathan Gruber who also, friends say, has no screen upon what may pop out of his mouth.

But even without applying an astrological lens to the week's congressional proceedings, we may expect the odds that Jonathan Gruber will deliver a "worst foot forward" testimony this week to be quite high which, if Republicans have their way, will lead to more turbulence and further undermining of the ACA, aka, Obamacare. Mr. Gruber may even "open mouth insert foot" deeper than he already has.

Fascinating entertainment especially for the media and results may very well supply support for what SCOTUS will soon do to the ACA's much needed subsidies which create the "affordable" part of the legislation.

Yet as usual, affordable healthcare coverage for the millions of Americans in need of it will be a casualty of tiresome Republican antics and of little if any consideration during their dramatic grandstanding on Capitol Hill.

Dec 6, 2014

Dec 8, 2014's Jupiter Station Rx @22Leo37: delay tactics prominent in 2015

Following Expansive Jupiter's Path 2014--2015

by Jude Cowell

On Monday December 8, 2014, as the US Congress lamely addresses the expiration of funding for the US government (set for December 11), generous Jupiter, planet of growth, investment, and expansion, seems to stand still in the heavens in preparation for a period of retrogradation indicating a regression of progress in the realms of Jupiterian matters such as budgets and funding.

You know the list of roles is too numerous to fully name here but it includes Jupiterian masks such as: The General, the Banker and Financier, the Guru and god, Professor, and Executive Leader (especially with Jupiter's recent position as the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern involving all the planets--though in this position, Jupiter can act with ruthless determination to reach his goal--by Executive Order, perhaps? Tactics by members of the Jupiterian 'Grand' Old Party? Yet GOPers act as austere Saturnians these days--and tend to when there's a Democrat in the White House.)

Obviously financial, military, and immigration issues are atop the calendar and unfortunately We the People must 'rely' upon a congressional body intent on making itself obsolete and already having made itself a laughing stock of the world. Well, Jupiter is the Jolly One but somehow the potential for over confidence and brash behavior is being overdone to the point of aiding transit Pluto on his destructive trek through structural, systemic Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business.

So with neocon warhawks (the Vulcans) about to re-take control of Congress the first week of January 2015--under Jupiter Rx--we may confidently expect the Jupiterian jingoism of war ("Bomb bomb bomb Iran," said John McCain) to again ring out across the nation with the complicit, propagandizing Media doing its part to pacify the public. (The previous sentence is replete with Jupiter-approved words of re-trogradation! Plus, Jupiter also signifies The Broadcaster and The Corporation.)

As for financial matters, the horoscope of Jupiter's Station Rx (Dec 8, 2014 3:41:02 pm est Washington DC) shows 00Gem10 rising, a degree conjoining star Alcyone of the Pleiades constellation--as did the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 in the 14 South Saros Series (horoscope shown). Alcyone's key theme is something to cry about and you may remember that spiteful congressional antics of obstructionism and a willful lack of professionalism continued to give the American people plenty to cry about in 2012 as well as other difficult events including the much-touted and written about anxiety over the 2012 Mayan Calendar prophecy.

Other potentials when Alcyone is stimulated include rash and ruthless judgments which are often incorrect, blindness, narrow-mindedness, wantonness, ambition, causing turbulence and conflict--and Ptolemy gave the stars of the Pleiades a Moon-Mars nature so rage may be indicated.

Jupiter the General Salutes, Spends, and Imagines that He Conquers

As for upping US war efforts in Iraq and in other regions of the Middle East and elsewhere, we wouldn't be wrong to consider current efforts a continuation of the much-touted "Manifest Destiny" the ruling class has insisted upon for America's direction almost since day one. And though various natal horoscopes are in use for America, they all feature prominently the Jupiterian aspects of our bullying, know-it-all, might-makes-right national character as we seek to expand across the globe--the archetypal 'Atlas' we might call ourselves. We must include, of course, our tendency toward religiosity, materialism, and the worship of "the almighty dollar". Yet how ostrich-like must anyone be to avoid the realization that the era of the US dollar is in jeopardy? The 'petro-dollar', that is.

Well, no matter how our sentiments lean, our national Jupiter in self-protective Cancer is revealing for many reasons none the least being its Sabian Symbol...'6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" which is precisely the opportunity (Jupiter) that becoming a politician makes possible! America and the US government relate to the global community as Moon-ruled Cancerians in the sign's canny, shrewd, and subjective way and as the world noticed centuries ago, 'it's all about America', according to us.

Born under a Sun-Jupiter conjunction and with a lifelong preference for Peace and Harmony--two Jupiterian concepts--it saddens me to remind you that America's natal Jupiter in Cancer turned Rx by progression in 1905 and now falls @15Cancer, the degree of the Pentagon's natal Ascendant, our 'Death Star' of Venusian persuasions. For me this describes US resources such as our National Treasury being ensnared and misdirected away from the needs of the American people by the military industrial complex acting as the military enforcement arm of Global Government--at least until China finishes building up its military forces.

So without further fussing, here is a tracking of Jupiter's path from December 8, 2014 (with details) until The General and Banker reaches Rx shadow degree after which things can then move forward more easily in matters related to investing Jupiter (all horoscopes used are set for Washington DC):

Dec 8, 2014 Station Rx @22Leo37 in 4th house (Security; the Germanic "Homeland"; Real Estate); stationing Jupiter is trined by a 7th house Sun-Mercury conjunction @16Sag, applying and deposited by Jupiter; trined by Venus @27Sag41 in the corporate 8th house, separating; Jupiter rules Descendant 00Sag10, position of the Nov 22, 2014 New Moon with '1 Sag' the "Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree---'jingo all the way' and opposite the previously mention Solar Eclipse of May 2012; at IC, the How? point of any chart, is 8Leo19 which conjoins John McCain's and the Republican Party's natal Mercuries, conjoins the financially prominent Solar Eclipse of August 2008, and sits upon the natal Ascendant of George "Warrior" Bush, one of the primary authors of our economic and warring catastrophes.

(I say, Beware another Bush in the White House! Another Clinton, too.)

April 8, 2015 Station Direct @12Leo35 which re-conjoins President Obama's natal Sun (leadership) and previously denoting a time when projects begun about 12 years before (war) must be elevated (he began sending more troops abroad, some surreptitiously) or discontinued entirely (as he had promised multiple times); this time Jupiter is trined by Sun and Mercury from Mars-ruled Aries, separating, and also by the Moon (6A20) suggesting some amount of public popularity and perhaps an improved public mood; a separating trine from radical political activist and techno-planet Uranus completes Jupiter's aspect picture during this strengthening station which may facilitate the organizing of group activities and allow political matters to make headway in areas of finances, development, and investment. By April 8, 2015, Jupiter is the Handle planet of a Bucket planetary pattern.

So Washington's 'wise plans' and any reliable improvements must await Jupiter's passing of Rx shadow degree (22Leo37) on or about July 6 or 7, 2015--just after Independence Day 2015, a day honoring a freedom-infused concept that archetypal Jupiter's tendency to break through boundaries greatly appreciates. Thus, Jupiter's link to immigration issues as we remember that were all immigrants in the beginning except, of course, for (disenfranchised) Native Americans. Manifest Destiny is a cruel master if truth be told.

Additionally, one date to spotlight is the Composite date between December 8, 2014's Rx Station and April 8, 2015's Direct Station of Jupiter, and that is February 7, 2015 when a peak or crescendo of some sort concerning Jupiterian issues and events may be noticed on or very near that date.

So will Jupiter's forward movement denote that the second half of 2015 will be more productive, politically impressive, and thus happier for the American people? As you know, a fuller view depends upon many other astrological factors (for As Above, So Below) and may be studied in a myriad of horoscopes including Equinoxes, Solstices, Planetary Returns, Progressions, Natal and Event charts, and more!

Transit Jupiter reaches Royal Star Regulus and 00Virgo around August 12, 2015 suggesting a period (until September 2016 during which time an obstructive Jupiter-Saturn square will interfere or restrict) of planned expansion and investment in Virgoan matters such as Health, Work, and Science with the key theme of Regulus (reflected by the US Capitol Building and thus Congress in the Federal Triangle of stars) being success if revenge is avoided.

And what are humanity's chances of avoiding that? Our track record isn't very good, is it?