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Showing posts with label natal astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natal astrology. Show all posts

Apr 5, 2016

Astrology of 2016 Republican Candidate John Kasich

If you're curious, here is a bio of John Kasich which you may find to be quite mild. And without a known birth time for the former US Representative (1983--2001) and current Governor of Ohio (since 2011), we must depend on a somewhat out-of-focus reading of his natal planets since an accurate birth hour would helpfully time the Ascendant and other house cusps if we knew it. The natal info below is based upon a horoscope set for noon on May 13, 1952 (age 63) in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania. Angles are not considered:

Governor Kasich was born under a 22-degree + Taurus Sun with the Moon in Capricorn for the entire 24-hours of May 13, 1952. This personality blend gives him a double-Earth nature of practicality and common sense. No, there are not a lot of frills here, but there is a traditionalist willing to take on responsibility--one who relies on logic and realism, and possesses a paternalistic authoritarian mindset. (You know, like old men who want to dictate how a woman makes health decisions for her own body? see the Thom Hartmann clip, below, where he mentions Kasich's recently stated view on punishment for abortion.) My thought is that John Kasich campaigns on being his own man (as a conservative Republican) so from this I gather that his paternalistic keep-women-down nature fits perfectly with the misogynist GOP agenda--their attempt to take America back to the pre-1850s. (Or with theocrat Reconstructionist Ted Cruz, back to the laws of ancient Israel.)

And with John Kasich's Sun Taurus-Moon Capricorn personality, we know that ambition and striving for possessions, power, and control are foremost for him and yes, this is a good blend to have if you're a politician. Many people tend to place their confidence in such a dependable Taurus-Capricorn fellow and this one has a strong inner sense of confidence and integrity. Shrewd in business dealings, Gov. Kasich as a critic can be severe and completely honest in his assessments and he commands respect from others. Not one to forget when he's been wronged or slighted, he can also be kind and affectionate in private and when feeling secure though Taurus always adds a streak of pig-headedness to most any personality.

Mercury, Planet of Thinking, Planning, and Communicating

John Kasich's Mercury in late Aries widely opposes his Mars Rx in early Scorpio (7A27) and hints at a brusque manner and way of speaking to the point. This pair of planets relates quite often to Politics and shows an alert mind and good intellectual capacity. With maturity he has learned to avoid arguing whenever possible and perhaps the art of compromise has somehow been absorbed. One must wonder if he should become the denizen of the Oval Office how much compromise he'll feel is appropriate with his opponents. This opposition may cause him to draw conclusions too readily before hearing or knowing all the facts. Plus, Mercury is also in an out-of-sign conjunction (4A51) with expansive Jupiter in Venus-ruled Taurus which denotes far-reaching plans, a talent for communications, and a deep thirst for knowledge (which probably aids him with his Mercury-Mars opposition's tendency to jump to conclusions--he's something of a know-it-all.)

So does any of this Astrology portend Governor Kasich to be the victor of the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election? No. It doesn't. Actually, we're talking personality traits. Yet perhaps more importantly, I see no close links from his planets to US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) which may be one reason he's had difficulty gaining approval with the general public. Yet when folks listen closely to his message, they tend to be impressed (Mercury sextile North Node--2S25).

Of course, if we knew Kasich's accurate time of birth we might find US Moon on an Angle of his chart which could boost his presidential aspirations yet with his long career in government I don't think he sounds much like the outsider that Venus portends in November, do you?

April 5, 2016 Thom Hartmann reports:


Related: Astrotheme has posted an untimed version of the natal horoscope of John Kasich if you're interested in checking it out.

Feb 24, 2016

Stephen Colbert's Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini personality blend

With his exact birth hour a mystery, there are at least three potential natal horoscopes for comedian, actor, and political satirist Stephen Colbert. Tap or click for the data some of which has been rectified based on the timing of known life events and view versions of his natal chart while you're there.

Born May 13, 1964 in Washington DC, Mr. Colbert, now host of CBS's The Late Show, has Sun in Taurus with a chatty Gemini Moon. His rising sign may be Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (4Sag21 in the 9:02 pm version, 22Sag42 in the 10:30 pm chart) which loudly hints at a comedic persona (Jolly Jupiter!)

This is an Earth-Air blend of energies that supply him with innovation, efficiency, and rationality. Abstract thought melds with practical considerations to form the clear-headed, scientific approach of a pragmatic idealist. When Sun is in creative Taurus and Moon is in communicating Gemini ruled by Mercury, the messenger and trickster, we see hilarity concerning everyday issues and satire of the public figures who well deserve the ridicule.

Other traits many include the wit and flippancy of a penetrating conversationalist graced with 'the gift of gab'--a bit of an Irish signature. A charming opportunist, Mr. Colbert has an ability to sway the views and perspectives of others which makes a job on TV the perfect soap box for his Gemini Moon to broadcast from while the Taurus Sun keeps things down-to-earth. Of course, parenting children tends to puncture big heads, too!

On a difficulty level, Mr. Colbert may have to adjust some bullying tendencies and work on his lack of consideration for the emotional side of things if he should overdo his reliance on rational analysis. 'Unflappable and detached' describe his style but there is also a great sense of playfulness which the public sees in each episode of The Late Show and in every facet and stage of his comedy career.

Then if we check for an apt 'Image for Integration' describing Stephen Colbert's solar conscious mind when working harmoniously with his lunar unconscious, we find this: "A wealthy publisher launches another new project." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey) which reminds me of his hilarious books!

Unsurprisingly, the list is impressive of famous folk who share the Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini personality blend such as: Edward Lear, Teilhard de Chardin, Sigmund Freud, Catherine the Great (Russia), Empress Marie Theresa (Austria), Fred Astaire, David O. Selznik, explorer Robert Peary--and the brilliant George Carlin.

And for the sake of Jolly Jupiter, here is a popular illustration by Edward Lear from his Nonsense Drolleries, The Owl and the Pussycat (1889):

Public domain, published prior to January 1, 1923;

Feb 1, 2016

Feb 1, 2016: Thom Hartmann on Economic & Labor News

Catch up on the news with Thom Hartmann (his birth data and planets, below):

Thom Hartmann May 7, 1951 Grand Rapids, Michigan; no birth time known; planets at noon (Moon could be in late Taurus but since Gemini is the sign of communications, I'm going with a Gemini Moon):

Sun 16 Taurus; Moon 5 Gemini; Mercury 28 Aries; Venus 26 Gemini; Mars 20 Taurus; Jupiter 3 Aries; Saturn 25 Virgo; Uranus 6 Cancer; Neptune 17 Libra; Pluto 17 Leo.

Thom's Earth-Air Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini personality blend denotes a clear and practical intelligence though it can be on the dogmatic side. This 'mind vs body' combination suggests one who can be a stranger to himself (but his past career in psychotherapy hopefully took care of his inner confusion). Thom is a natural teacher and an impulsive talker (President Obama has an early Gemini Moon) but one who brings common sense to all endeavors as he attempts to talk others around to his point of view.

For more personality blend info see: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Dec 23, 2015

Teddy Roosevelt: Invisible Government (Neptune-Saturn) and his Sun-Moon Blend

Invisible government, secret government, whatever we call it, our Saturn (planet of government, business, law) Neptune (invisible, secret, deceptive) psychos have been manipulating strings from behind the scenes since the beginning of this nation (from 'Mother' Britain, I suspect.) Even Teddy Roosevelt, an American aristocrat, admitted it though having him say it may have been a political ploy meant to release some steam building within the public cauldron:

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

Theodore Roosevelt, April 19, 1906

Perhaps it's somewhat curious that Teddy Roosevelt's natal horoscope shows two dynamic T-Square patterns--one with his 3rd house Saturn in Leo as apex planet, the second with apex Neptune in its own sign of Pisces in his 10th house of Public Status and Career--and there are indications of falsehood and incorrect behavior (Venus-Jupiter = Neptune), and his well known ruthlessness is shown by Sun-Pluto = Saturn (Ebertin.) A Jupiter-Neptune square tends toward maudlin sentimentality, overindulgence, and promising more than can be delivered (politics!)

Of course, his Saturn-Pluto square denotes a dictatorial attitude and a life full of plots and intrigue so you may wish to view his bio and natal horoscope with its Watery (and very secretive) Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer personality blend if you are unfamiliar with it.

Freemason Teddy was quite a doozy with his expansive, boasting, 'bully pulpit' Jupiter in talkative Gemini rising!


Blog Note: if you may, please direct your attention to a new sidebar addition of a video embedded a few minutes ago. It's Senator Bernie Sanders' Social Democracy speech delivered on November 19, 2015 at Georgetown University in case you missed it and are curious. jc

Dec 15, 2015

12.15.15 GOP debate in Las Vegas: 5 Plutos Rising

A Republican Las Vegas Debate with Pluto Rising in Leo and Virgo

by Jude Cowell

The fifth and last of 2015, tonight's Republican debate in Las Vegas, Nevada should be interesting if you're in the mood for campaign promises on a national stage and perhaps some entertaining political fireworks which the networks and pundits are longing for. CNN and Facebook will host; follow the link for more details.

Astrologically it seems curious to me that in the natal charts of five candidates: Trump, Carson, Bush, Cruz, and Rubio--all have their natal Plutos rising or just risen as the show begins! Pluto's power principle is of course a major part of Politics and the stealthy one's manipulation tendencies are vital for propaganda purposes, publicity included. Pluto in dramatic Leo naturally expects to rule by force while Pluto in Virgo possesses zealous and fanatical tendencies for whatever is acquired. It's generational as Baby Boomers Meet...whatever you call Cruz and Rubio's 1970s generation...X?

Thing is, it isn't only their Plutos appearing tonight it's natal Pluto's condition in each chart so, with my blogging time brief today, I've taken a tiny peek to see what baggage their Plutos bring along. In chronological order of birth:

Donald Trump (June 14, 1946) was born in the Pluto in Leo generation as was Jeb Bush. Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo 'leads the pack' by degree (though it's his quirky 10th house Uranus that leads actually his natal planets in a Bowl shape making him a wild card candidate who tends to disruptively say out loud what others won't say.) His Pluto is unaspected, however, so his power principle knows no interference, thank you, and this we've seen during his campaign. It is apex in a midpoint picture which we've also seen and it's a difficult one: Mars-Saturn (the death axis) = Pluto: the need to take control; forcing an issue; strong anger (Tyl); brutality (Ebertin.) Sound familiar?

Ben Carson (September 18, 1951) has natal Pluto @20Leo conjunct his Mars @19Leo, a major indicator of surgery or the surgeon that he was. As a pair they also describe one who makes excessive efforts to achieve goals. Unconscious anger, manipulation, and taking 'controlled action' (as in surgery) are denoted. Carson's natal Pluto conjoins his natal Psyche with both Pluto and the archetype involved in Psychology or Psychiatry. (That's Psyche, not 'psycho'.) His Mars and Pluto are apex of a midpoint: Sun-Uranus = Mars: combativeness; rash action. And with Pluto the independnt pair of Sun and Uranus give a strong drive for power (Tyl.) (

Jeb Bush (February 11, 1953) as stated was born with a Leonine Pluto opposing natal Sun in Aquarius,a natal Sun within range of US natal Moon (uh oh--this can be a presidential indicator.) Sun-Pluto people crave power and control and usually have ways of attaining this (Poppy Bush has been Jeb's ticket.)

Ted Cruz (December 22, 1970) is one of two with Pluto in Virgo conjoining his natal Sisyphus--and you know how determined that manifests. A descriptive midpoint picture involves the power planet--Sun-Pluto = Saturn @16Tau08 Rx ('17Tau' is the "swords vs torches" degree we discussed previously...... and this adds potentials for his wild tendencies to be blocked (ex: no, Ted, you cannot shut down the US government a second time and waste millions of taxpayer dollars) and restraining one's fanatical tendencies (Munkasey.) Note that this midpoint picture between Sun-Pluto-Saturn is formed by a Fist of God pattern, aka, Thor's Hammer.

The last candidate I'm considering here is Marco Rubio (May 28, 1971) with Pluto in Virgo and a Thor's Hammer pattern between Venus-Mars and Pluto which gives him potentials for passion, envy, and stealth. Using sex for power is also indicated though I know of no scandals of that nature, so far, only his financial troubles denoted by his Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius. (Mr. Cruz has the Jupiter-Neptune 'grand spirit' with over-promising and wastrel issues as well though his Jupiter is in corporate Scorpio, not Sag--both have Neptune @1Sag+). And perhaps Rubio's 'passion' is intensified by the asteroid conjunct his natal Pluto for it's sexy, glamorous Lilith who should feel right at home tonight as Senator Rubio debates his opponents in Sin City!

Dec 12, 2015

Is This the Natal Horoscope of Senator Bernie Sanders?

Many thanks to my FB friend Sara Jayara for cluing me in to the fact that there is a possible known birth hour for Senator Bernie Sanders based on a glimpse of a natal chart done for him years ago by a girlfriend.

If fixed Scorpio is indeed rising, his rigidity of purpose concerning Scorpionic issues (corporations, big business, money including hidden funds, taxes, surveillance, etc) through the years makes sense though of course many other factors must be considered. In Astrology, rectification of a chart and time is quite a laborious task and one must know life events of the native and their timing in order to make a success of it. Since my study and blogging schedule was shortened by circumstances in 2012, rectification time is what I do not have so I'm posting my penned-upon version of said chart (September 8, 1941 12:27 pm EDT Brooklyn, NY King's County) for your consideration and for my future reference.

Please enlarge the image to view my chicken-scratch notes which hopefully can be read and perhaps we can get together later for a fuller discussion now that his natal planets can be placed in their proper houses (departments of life)--assuming that 12:27 pm is Senator Sanders' correct time of birth; a few astro-notes follow:

Of Midpoints and Other Considerations

As you know, there are many reasons why the portrait of a personality (aka, a natal horoscope or birth chart) becomes much clearer when a correct birth time is known. Progressions, Return charts, transits, and much more information can be determined accurately (which is why some politicians have sense enough to keep their correct birth data secret--you know, like Hillary does) though Solar Charts (sunrise) and Sun-at-Noon charts are helpful when necessary. One important distinction in a presidential candidate's natal chart is any links to the US natal Moon (18-28 AQ depending on which US natal chart you prefer for July 4, 1776.)

So using the chart above, I can say that besides having no planets in that degree range of Aquarius providing a direct link to the American people, Senator Sanders has no midpoints in that range of Aquarius either--only two at earlier degrees: Moon-ASC @7AQ19 (emotional link) and Mars-ASC 9AQ27 (a fighter). Perhaps this is inconsequential but 6/7AQ is America's natal South Node degree, a Saturnian point of separation, inherited talent, and unconscious behavior (with perhaps some neurosis thrown in.)

In Leo is his Pluto-Chiron conjunction of Plutocracy, oppression, and Socialism (and other -isms in royal Leo which may help explain the Scorpio-related emphasis of his political career. Ideology, philosophy, and higher education are the areas where his Pluto-Chiron energies most easily express (natal 9th house.) Plus, you see his full 10th house of Career and Public Standing expressed on Capitol Hill in the US Senate, not the usual job for very many of us.

Opposite our Moon in the 18-28 Leo range, the senator has quite a few important midpoints beginning at 21Leo and ending with 29Leo (conjunct royal star Regulus, so prominent in the natal chart of Donald Trump).

They are: Venus-Jupiter, Pluto-MC, Sun-Pluto, Saturn-ASC, Sun-Chiron, Uranus-ASC, and Pluto-NN--and all may be applied on various levels to Politics. Yet having links via opposition to the US Moon isn't as powerful an indicator in an election (most US presidents have had such a link--Barack Obama's comes through his Leo placements) as conjunctions in Aquarius would be but for those voters who prefer Bernie Sanders for president, Leo placements may become significant on November 8, 2016 along with such connections as voting North Node @10Virgo, a Jupiterian point of union and public contact, conjunct his natal Midheaven (The Goal and Aspiration Point.) Natal Sun, NN, Neptune, and Mercury @2Lib41 (conjunct US natal MC 00Libra) are wonderful placements for a senator and if his 10th house Neptune doesn't interfere come Election Day 2016, it will be because the planet of compassion supplies a spiritual link that inspires and uplifts the American people and allows the senator wide popularity with the masses.


Of course it isn't as if I believe the 2016 Election vote count will be honest! Personally I go by the "it's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes" philosophy in American Politics. Plus, it will take a massive turn-out of Democratic voters to override the election fraud, gerrymandering antics, and other dirty tricks certain operatives have planned for Election Day for a Democrat to win the White House even though a landslide turn-out of voters may be just what helps crash our antiquated voting machines into oblivion as the old order of 1776 comes to a screeching and anarchist-engineered halt. Hopefully not.

Nov 9, 2015

Astrology for Dr. Ben Carson - Tom Jordan via video

Since I'll be enjoying some medical intervention the rest of this week and have not have a chance to investigate the planets of 2016 candidate Ben Carson I was glad to discover a presentation posted by Tom Jordan which may interest you. A contact between Mercury (thinking, thought processes, perception, communications) and Neptune (the Divine Source, but also self-deception, deception of others, illusion, unreality, irrationality, fantasy, fraud) in Carson's natal chart and psyche was not completely unexpected!

As you know, at least one other Republican presidential candidate was born with a Mercury-Neptune contact, a square creating distorted thinking, in his natal chart and as you know he's somewhat prone to telling huge whoppers from time to time himself--often without consciously realizing it.

Oct 21, 2015

Paul Ryan is the Same as He has Always Been (10-21-15) - video

Here are a Astro-Notes on the Personality of Rep. Paul Ryan if you're curious (I didn't have his birth time then.) So more to the point, The Political Astrology Blog has revealed Ryan's recorded birth time (2:37 am) on January 29, 1970 Janesville, Wisconsin. Born at 2:37 am CST gives him a Libra Moon and a Locomotive pattern of executive talent and a drive to success with powerful Pluto @27Virgo as the engine--in his 10th house of Career and Public Status.

As for assuming the heavy responsibility of the Speaker of the House position, karmic Saturn now @2Sagittarius has just crossed Paul Ryan's natal Ascendant (00:38) after a stomp upon his natal Neptune @00Sag35 (he's a thespian it seems.) This is the 'dream come true' or 'the grim face of reality' transit and my suspicion is that for Rep. Ryan, is he accepts the Speaker position he will experience a bittersweet mixture of both.

Oct 20, 2015

Oct 22, 2015: Astro-Notes on Clinton vs Gowdy

October 22, 2015 Re-Match: Gowdy 1964 vs Clinton 1947

by Jude Cowell

On September 3, 2015 I posted a video of Thom Hartmann discussing Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and his "political witch hunt" against Hillary Clinton, a 2016 candidate who is again scheduled to testify before a Gowdy-run Benghazi hearing on Thursday October 22, 2015.

Looking at a horoscope for Oct 22, 2015 set for Capitol Hill it looks like fairly smooth sailing for Hillary with negligence as the main charge against her if a rising Saturn @3Sag04 tells the legal tale (Moon-Jupiter = Saturn.) Check the 10th house of Career, Public Status, and Reputation and we find quite a fortuitous line up of planets: Venus (leader of a Locomotive pattern of success and executive power) @12Virgo, generous Jupiter @15Virgo, Mars @17Virgo, North Node @00Libra (conjunct US natal MC in the 'Sibly' chart), and testifying Mercury @12Libra, a critical degree, with Mercury also ruling hearings and such. And at 10:00 am edt, Venus precisely conjoins MC on Capitol Hill...

A rounding-up of lady Venus' degree to 13Sag gives a very appropriate Sabian Symbol (word picture): "A Powerful Statesman Overcomes a State of Political Hysteria" which Dane Rudhyar describes as "a personage endowed with CHARISMA, this elusive and mysterious power that comes from a man's or woman's openness to the power of planetary evolution."

Plus, considering recent news reports that undermine Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi Committee, it would save US tax payers time and money if this wastrel Republican partisan 'take-down' of a democratic candidate--their political nemesis--was canceled though of course you may disagree. And naturally Committee Chair Gowdy is defending Committee Efforts ahead of Clinton's appearance.

Yet there may be a fly in Hillary's Benghazi ointment and his name is Trey Gowdy.

Born on August 22, 1964 just prior to the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto (1965-1966), Gowdy's natal Pluto @13Virgo is also triggered these days by Venus denoting a period when strategy is necessary in order to manipulate outcomes and he attempts to take charge of every detail. Simultaneously, Pluto @13Cap now trines his natal Pluto, a generational influence denoting added power (or the demand for it.) Plus, Gowdy's natal Mercury @17Virgo Rx is activated on October 22 by transit Mars which shows a tremendous increase of ideas and plans, a faster pace of life, and which partially describes his insistent demands that others speak (testify) in combative group sessions (hearings.) Of course, when Mercury and Mars are linked there's a decided leaning toward Politics.

In addition, Gowdy's natal Uranus @9Virgo has recently been activated by the Virgo line-up mentioned above so unpredictability is part of the picture (ex: Kevin McCarthy's inconvenient revelation on the political nature of the Benghazi Committee to lower Hillary's poll numbers.) With quirky rebel Uranus involved, alliances breaking apart and/or unusual if temporary partnerships are possibilities for Mr. Gowdy.

Now it seems interesting to me that a natal midpoint picture in Gowdy's natal horoscope is now echoed or stimulated by a transiting Mercury-Uranus = Pluto T-Square which is in effect on October 22, 2015. Mercury-Uranus = Pluto: added slurs and vulgarities in speech (Munkasey); getting the biggest job done in a commanding way (Tyl); a hasty realization of plans; over-strained nerves (Ebertin.)

And after three long years of Benghazi hearings we may wish to note that Mr. Gowdy's natal Saturn (authority; responsibility; accountability; fear) @1Pis49 Rx has in recent years been touched by nebulous Neptune's fairy wand of delusion with Neptune a higher octave ruler of Pisces. This marks a time when one becomes even more idealistic than usual and misguided tendencies cast an obscuring veil over one's sense of Saturnian reality. Add to that Gowdy's natal Neptune @15Scorpio--conjunct Hillary Clinton's natal Venus @16Scorpio--and it is doubtful that her relationships and diplomatic efforts can ever be truly and clearly perceived by Benghazi Committee Chair Trey Gowdy whose natal Sun (ego) conjoins royal star of Persia, Regulus, the king.

Oct 15, 2015

Caller: Anderson Cooper, Not Such a Great Moderator - video

Do you think CNN moderator ("ringmaster") Anderson Cooper directed the October 13th Democratic debate on behalf of Hillary Clinton? His efforts were somewhat subtle yet noticeable on my TV screen. For the curious, here are a few astro-notes on the natal horoscope of the well-connected Mr. Cooper.

Oct 7, 2015

Brief Astro-Notes and "Fun Facts" about Rep Jason Chaffetz

On October 5, 2015 The Daily Beast published Five Fun Facts about Jason Chaffetz the Newest House Speaker Hopeful which is interesting because Jupiter, planet of hope and expansion, is one of the prime motivators in his natal chart. (See Astrology notes below and get-to-know him.)

Some of the Five "Fun" Facts may be found in the Wikipedia bio of Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz with interesting information concerning his former status in college as a Democrat, his connection to the Dukakis family (political and familial) , and the fact that Chaffetz converted to Republicanism after meeting Ronald Reagan in 1990. Click or tap to read the rest as I switch to posting a few astro-notes on the natal planets of Jason Chaffetz, Mormon and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, a position he ascended to on January 3, 2015 once Darrell Issa cleared his bad self out.

Don't miss the New York Times on Chaffetz's quixotic House Speaker bid and how it's "in character".

Born on March 26, 1967 in Los Gatos, California (birth hour unknown), Chaffetz turns out to have an Aries Sun and his Moon in Libra (ranging in degrees from 7:44 to 22:57 on that date.) Natal Sun conjoins Saturn (2Ari50) making for a conservative outlook and resonating with America's natal Sun-Saturn square. A preference for working in isolation, links to senior folk, delicate health, and difficult advancement in career are often Sun-Saturn tendencies as well. Sleeping on a cot in his office is a well known quirk of Mr. Chaffetz though he may have discontinued the practice of late and I know of no comments from his wife or three children on such a habit with its workaholic flavor. Or perhaps it stems from a deep sense of frugality! Or it could involve the dynamic between his Venus-Mars opposition which tends toward friendship that leads to romance and romance that turns platonic.

First Is Mars, Ruler of his Sun

Now planet of motivation, energy, and initiative, Mars, is strongly posited in one of its own signs, Scorpio, is retrograde (seems to get nothing done and then voila! the job is done) but there's more to Mars than meets the eye for Mars @1Sco07 Rx is completely unaspected. The closest body to Mars is no nobody but a point--the South Node of the Moon which, if we allow a 6-degree orb, adds hints of a loner who disregards the opinions of others, acts on his own, and prefers to be out of tune with the standards of his society. Naturally this causes opposition to his actions, methods, and ideas (and it has) which leads him to lash out in anger, a tendency supported elsewhere in the chart as you'll see, below.

And since Mars rules his Aries Sun, ego needs are are strong in Jason Chaffetz though it certainly isn't unusual for a politician to be self-centered and egotistical--in fact, it seems to be required.

So what happens in the psyche when astrological Mars is unaspected and detached from other natal planets? Glad you asked for I think we've seen some of the Martian results his ruthless grilling of Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards and other 'investigations' Chaffetz has chaired in his top role on the House Committee. The way he asks question then won't allow the person to answer seems excessively rude to me though perhaps you disagree.

When Mars forms no aspects to other natal planets the warrior operates in his pure form: unencumbered, unhampered, and uncompromising with a one-pointed focus that suggests a non-stop flow of energy. Without other planetary energies to modulate the activities and motivations of Mars and provide constructive limitations on Martian impulses, we find one who can erupt in anger due to pent-up aggression and whose unconscious urges may seem irrational. Lacking the control, reason, insight, perspective, and an awareness of consequences that other planetary contact with Mars can supply, Rep. Chaffetz may be totally unaware of how his aggressive instincts appear to others--but as noted above, his Mars-SN tendencies don't care what others think! (Tierney.)

Add these factors to his Mars sign of Big Business, brooding Scorpio, the investigator, and we have a man who may have missed his era for a time such as during the Spanish Inquisition would have been a good fit for his laser-like drive and determination.

And while we're in Scorpio mode, let's add his Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series (PE), the 4 South, and the degree at which it manifested prior to his birth on November 12, 1966 @19Sco45 conjunct reptilian Serpentis! Traditionally this degree is considered problematic, even evil, so perhaps the implications of having a PE in Mars-Pluto driven Scorpio is even more important since much karmic progress may be made as long as the negative traits of Scorpio are conquered in favor of the more positive traits. This would include a strong emphasis on gaining self-control and less focus on the control of others.

4 South (4S) originated on March 19, 1624 @29Pis00 which by degree resonates with the 17 South Solar Eclipse of Spring Equinox 2015 @29Pis27. Therefore, both eclipses conjunct the Cardinal Aries Point of Fame, Recognition, and Prominence on the world stage (00Ari00) and herald the manifestation of large events that affect the masses (exs: increased refugee migration from the war torn Middle East into Europe; the flooding of South Carolina--Scorpio is a Water sign...picture disturbed gravestones floating around suitable for Scorpio's morbid tendencies.)

Themes of 4S, the PE of Jason Chaffetz are: strong emotional feelings regarding money and/or relationships; a sense of fatedness in being caught up in relationship events that are too big to handle; a sudden desire to end a relationship but emotions are blocked or checked in some way resulting in a great amount of frustration; anger or lust; caution: avoid taking rash action until issues simmer down (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

4 South is shared by a variety of people and events that include: the US Mint (1786), e. e. cummings, J. Edgar Hoover, the 33-day Pope John Paul I, the Bush-Cheney Iraq War (2003 -- ?), and Rupert Murdoch. 4S manifested in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, 1966, 1984, 2002 @12Sag (conjunct US natal ASC), and next in December 2020 @23Sag.

Another chart factor of Jason Chaffetz is natal Jupiter @24Can28 which conjoins

Procyon, star of short-lived opportunities. His Jupiter also conjoins US natal Mercury Rx with its mysterious Sabian Symbol of "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" (25Cancer) and of course Us Mercury opposes US Pluto (27Cap33). Astrological Jupiter wears many hats and among them are those of politicians and politics. That Mr. Chaffetz's Jupiter conjoins our national Mercury, planet of communications, planning, and news, is significant on several levels but here at Stars Over Washington it seems that Chaffetz on Capitol Hill intends to expand and broaden in the realms of Jupiter such as finances, the military (Jupiter the General), corporatism, religion--who knows what grand plans he has in mind to promote (another Jupiter word!) if given a chance to rise higher in the political stratosphere--but with a contrarian mindset (last I heard he favors keeping government shutdown "on the table" as a strategy to force his conservative convictions on others.)

After all, his natal Jupiter is in a waning (unconscious) trine with nebulous dreamer Neptune which hints at his links to religion (converting to Mormonism from Judaism as previously mentioned) and to harboring such grand plans and he may not always be forthcoming with natal Mercury in shady Pisces. Though it may not seem to be the case, Rep. Chaffetz is impressionable, sensitive, and may have an interest in mysticism. Adding to the complexity of his psyche is a sesqui-square between his Mercury in watery Pisces and Jupiter in watery Cancer with Pisces ruled by Jupiter (I favor Neptune as co-ruler or sub-ruler of Pisces but feel free to disagree.) His Mercury-Jupiter aspect denotes that his perceptions may not always be accurate or well informed and are subject to personal bias. A tendency to be led astray rather easily (Jupiter in Cancer) has probably played in to the relationship and money themes of his Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (noted above) with self-protective Cancer being a sign of shrewdness in business.

1967 Infused by Uranus Conjunct Pluto in Virgo Vibes; Sun and Moon--Venus and Mars

Rep. Chaffetz was born in a year when the difficult Uranus-Pluto conjunction was still fresh in the Collective Mind with its rebellion-riot-protest-social-change imprint. That their cycle has recently reached a square phase supplies a background influence of a generational clash upon his actions and motivations but is beyond the scope of this post. Needless to say, he embodies the critical faculty inherent in the sign of Virgo quite well along with the pioneering spirit and audacious lust for power that an Aries Sun indicates (we know he simmers with a 'lust for power' because he's a politician operating on Capitol Hill--with Mars in brooding Scorpio!)

That natal Moon is in Airy Libra spotlights the Aries-Libra axis and thus the importance of relationships and alliances in his life. A quarreling nature is indicated but is softened by his Venus-NN conjunction in Venus-ruled Taurus, lover of luxury and possessions. Venus in Taurus lends support to his conservatism and deeply felt emotions; North Node in Taurus (7 degrees--Venus in karmic degree) adds a flavor of striving for advancement with the help of others and provides beneficial support in his alliances and partnerships; attractive contacts with the public is also indicated by Venus-NN though his wide Mars-SN conjunction adds the complexity of a maverick nature.

In addition there's a Mercury-Venus sextile that adds charm and popularity but does not rule out a contrary manner. This sextile denotes an ability to work with others and an urge to challenge complacent people; debate easily turns into bickering though a talent for presenting ideas convincingly may be noticed, however, the ideas may actually come from others which hints at a tendency to plagiarize if he isn't careful. Cultural criticism is also a talent typical of an individual with a Mercury-Venus sextile (The Sextile, A. Epstein.)

As for priestly guru and healer Chiron @26Pis16, a trine to religious Jupiter pegs Chaffetz as "the Seeker who aims to transform the socio-cultural environment in some way, given the opportunity--and it usually is given." (Chiron, Richard Nolle.) Curiously, Chaffetz adopted Mormonism and a Jupiter-Chiron trine is found in the natal horoscope of Brigham Young and this aspect echos some of the reformist traits mentioned here. He may even consider past church figure Brigham Young as one of his mentors (Chiron in Pisces.)

Politics and a Double Quindecile: Uranus, Pluto, and Natal Sun

Now there are two one more chart factors you may find interesting about Jason Chaffetz. One involves his natal Sun (adult self; hero's journey; ego) and the purveyor of power, manipulation, powerful perspectives, propaganda, and wealth--Pluto. Chaffetz has a Sun-Pluto quindecile (165 degrees; 5Aries to 18Virgo54 Rx), an aspect of obsession and compulsion (Reeves.) (Quindeciles resonate with the unconscious indications already mentioned.)

A Sun-Pluto quindecile denotes one who uses intense drive to gain power and control (against the karmic imperative of his 4S PE in Scorpio!) Focusing on success and prominence, Mr. Chaffetz can be ruthless, manipulative, and intimidating (though I don't think Cecile Richards fell for his rude questioning as he tried to intimidate her into playing the scapegoat for his party's political purposes.) Purging is a theme of this aspect via purifying Pluto though ideally Chaffetz must work on himself before he attempts such tactics with others. Time will tell whether his own cupboards are spotless enough for him to act as a stern judge of others. However, we must remember that his Sun-Pluto quindecile echos that of the USA (July 4, 1776: 13Cancer to 27Capricorn.)

Meanwhile, a quindecile between natal Sun and Uranus relates to radical reformist Politics of the zealous variety (anarchist Uranus in workaholic Virgo is a reformer, a rebel who can trip himself up with his tactless frankness and has a good intellect--but focuses on what may be foolish aspirations! - Ebertin.) This aspect identifies Chaffetz as a man on a mission who lives on the edge (of an office cot?!), and believes that "the rules don't apply to me" (tiresomely typical in Politics.) Living for a cause is a tendency of a Sun-Uranus quindecile individual and apparently social wedge issues such as *abortion rights (1960s civil rights movements via Uranus-Pluto) are a part of his urgent 'mission'.

Well, there's my thumbnail astro-sketch of Rep. Jason Chaffetz using chart factors which don't depend on knowing his correct birth time. As such they are incomplete but feel free to share as you wish and post here any links you may have to other astrology articles concerning this man on a mission!

And now in case you missed it, check out a priceless clip of John Oliver featuring Jason Chaffetz and his nonsensical chart that isn't.


*A personal political note: I assume that most readers consider me to be a Democrat even if unofficially. Yet as an Independent, I've been known to vote Republican a time or two through the years of slim pickins'. Yes, I lean toward progressive Democrats and it is my considered opinion that the Democratic Party made a huge mistake decades ago by fully embracing Roe vs Wade and a "woman's right to choose"---not because a woman shouldn't be able to choose what to do about her pregnancy but because politicians and SCOTUS judges do not belong in the examining room.

As is often said, Conscience cannot be legislated for personal morality is involved. And on the question of abortions I think medical justifications are for a woman, her doctor, her partner (if there is one), and her conscience to decide. Yet for me, abortion used as birth control is quite another matter in a legal sense though I have no idea how 'policing' them could be accomplished though with politicians in the mix, I'm pretty certain such efforts would include the injustice and corruption within the US Court System.

So what do American geniuses do instead of directly addressing such a difficult legal issue? Invent go-for-it chemicals like viagra, force austerity measures upon the public which don't provide the needed care for the children who are already born, and limit women's healthcare availability and the very contraception methods that would prevent unwanted pregnancies! Often men keeping their pants zipped would help conditions immensely but as a class, many men tend to think of abortion as only a woman's problem, don't they? Yet often it began as a zipper problem!

So you see, it's the meddling irrationality of politicians and their anti-societal backers that keeps me from posting on the abortion and contraception issues in our society and not for lack of concern. After all, I have to protect my sanity on some level while I write about the pathological politicians who infest America and work 24/7 to ruin my old stomping ground, the beautiful city of Washington DC. jc

Oct 3, 2015

Kevin McCarthy Admits Caucus Room Conspirators Now Target Hillary! video (Astrology included)

We know they wasted time and taxpayer money scandal-hunting against Hillary Clinton but did Kevin McCarthy and fellow conspirators of the Republican persuasion commit a crime?

A related post: brief astro-notes on Kevin McCarthy with a video concerning why he should not be Speaker of the House. His apparent inability to speak the English language without sounding foolish and inept should be one of the reasons.


And then there's Timing the Natal Chart of Hillary Clinton if you're interested. She's been ready for primetime for years.

Oct 2, 2015

video: Bernie Sanders Joined Congress: Health Insurance, Economics (1990 interview)

When Independent Senator Sanders entered the US Congress it had been 40 years since Frazier Reams of Ohio entered the House of Representatives as an Independent. Here's an informative C-SPAN interview with Bernie Sanders whose hair could have used a comb then, too!

View C-SPAN with Bernie Sanders, now a Democratic candidate for US president in 2016 whether the Democratic Party wants him to be or not. Personally I'm glad the senator keeps reminding both Democrats and Republicans of the critical issues now affecting the American people and how our concerns should be addressed in order to level the playing field in this rigged game that favors plutocrats, transnational corporatists, and their political handmaidens and operatives of Washington DC.

For as you know, corporatism + statism = fascism.

Closely related: the Sun Virgo-Moon Aries personality blend of Bernie Sanders.

Sep 24, 2015

World War III - Who Will Be Blamed? 17-min video--plus, Saturn

For your consideration:

Related: the natal horoscope of Zbigniew Brzezinski born in 1928 so his Uranus Return has occurred around the age of 84 and when transit Saturn now at the beginning of Sagittarius reaches 19Sag08, yet another Saturn Return will occur for this 80-something and who knows what old man Saturn will bring to such a powerful global chess player for what surely must be Saturn's last 28-year go-round since the time keeper's original position in Baby Brzezinski's 1928 natal chart.

Also of interest is E. Alan Meece's Looking Past the Point of No Return: 2012 - 2020.

Sep 5, 2015

Nikola Tesla - The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt - video (w/ Astrology added)

Presented here are some of the more intriguing theories about the true purpose of the Great Pyramid (not a tomb for pharoahs!) along with ancient Egyptian links to one of my favorite historical figures, the Uranian genius, Nikola Tesla:

"I don't care that they stole my idea...I care that they don't have any of their own." - Nikola Tesla

Wonder if Tesla was referring to thieves like inventor Thomas Edison and his financier J. P. Morgan?

Related: Tesla's Sun Cancer-Moon Libra blend.

Sep 4, 2015

An Inaugural Address to Die For? (w/ video and a little Astrology)

Notes on the 1841 Inaugural Address of William Henry Harrison

by Jude Cowell

An hour and forty-five minutes stood President Harrison during a snowstorm (after choosing to wear no overcoat, hat, or gloves) to deliver his Inaugural Address on March 4, 1841 and it occurs to me that one or two of us should at least do Harrison the Hatless the honor of reading through it!

Is his speech wordy? Yes. Full of the extra grammatical flourishes common to the rhetoric of his day? Why, of course. And so it also occurs to me that if he'd been speaking today he might have taken about 30 minutes to utter the same felicitations, a brevity which could possibly have saved his life.

Here's a page with an excellent overview (video) of the 1840 election and President Harrison's brief term of 31 or 32 days. Harrison, chosen as nominee over Henry Clay, supported the establishment of a US central bank which puts him on my personal no-no list of anti-Constitutional presidents yet my four natal planets in history-oriented Capricorn find his era most interesting:

Now Showing:'s William Henry Harrison.

And here you may view a brief bio and natal horoscope of President Harrison (the Elder) if you wish though his birth data is rated conflicting/unverified. However, after comparing this natal chart to that of his 1841 Inaugural Address there are several interesting connections which cause me to add this version of his natal horoscope to my files: born February 9, 1773 10:38:52 am LMT Charles City, Virginia with Sun @21AQ18, Moon @20Vir09, and 15Tau12 rising with Uranus which is part of a Kite pattern of high-flying success. Plus, his Sun AQ-Moon Tau personality blend imprints him as a neurotic nitpicker who was obsessed with sanity and order. (Harveys, Sun Sign-Moon Sign.) A hypochondriac, perhaps? Well, if so, this president may be a member of the famous I Told You I Was Sick club.

Aug 23, 2015

Sept 2015: Cosmic Events and Pope Francis to Washington DC

Amidst 3 Cosmic Events of September 2015 a Pope Comes to Call on America

by Jude Cowell

As three major cosmic events dot our September 2015 calendar, an illustrious visitor bestows a golden papal glow to the proceedings scribbled on Washington's earthly schedule.

1. First is the September 13th Solar Eclipse @20Virgo which falls within orb (1'13") of the natal Neptune of Pope Francis (December 17, 1936.) As you know, Neptune is the planet of the Divine Source on a positive level, the masses, mass media, the glamour of the silver screen, things that spread (like propaganda and ideas), and many other negative Neptunian possibilities. As you may know, Pope Francis was born during a Saturn-Neptune opposition phase so adding its usual 'wild card' status which all eclipses are capable of, the September 13th Solar Eclipse contains somewhat negative themes (click or tap to read) which may catalyze or activate his natal Saturn-Neptune opposition. Perhaps this will be expressed by his topics such as how we treat the weak, poor, elderly, and ill (Saturn-Neptune) among us.

2. Next on the calendar is September 23rd's Autumn Equinox 2015 (chart shown set for DC) which involves quite a mix of portents to go around and with the Sun reaching a Cardinal Point of World Manifestation, Prominence, and Fame (00Libra), we may easily guess that one expression of this is the Roman Pope's visit to Washington DC with Sun representing leadership. In his natal chart, the Pope has a Sun-North Node conjunction in late Sagittarius. During his speech to Congress, the transiting Sun and North Node @1Libra will conjoin in a very shiny and public encounter--upon America's natal MC! (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) The 'god-related' solar significance of Sun-NN at MC should be noted and some form of spiritual inspiration may be experienced.

3. Finally, this stellar month nears its end with a prominent Lunar Eclipse on September 27th @4Ari40 and is thought to have esoteric or even prophetic vibes attached (tap or click to view the horoscope with details.)

Well, it's quite a full month As Above and Below--and that's not counting the dire financial and other predictions being made about September 2015 especially after the steep decline of the stock market on Friday. Is is time once again for The Fed and Wall Street gentry to work their economy-crashing voo doo?

Be that as it may, here's a view with of the natal horoscope and a brief bio of Pope Francis I if you're curious or haven't seen it with his Sun in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker and the foreign traveler, and Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, sign of The Water Bearer, a socially concerned blend with high ideals and a tolerant temperament. If he's managed to genuinely retain such kind-hearted traits and sentiments may not go over very well with Republican congress members of the Ayn Rand persuasion. Before the Pope speaks, maybe right-wingers will suddenly remember they have other engagements to fly off to!

But really, they can't since Speaker John Boehner wrote to Pope Francis last March inviting him to address a Joint Session of Congress and as a result the Pope is to speak on September 24, 2015 at 9:15 am edt--one day after Autumn Equinox and one day prior to Pluto's Direct turn.

In fact, in the horoscope of the Pope's September 24th address, Pluto is stationing @12Cap58 ('13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper".) Notably in Mundane Astrology, as a single planet, Pluto can play the role of 'Pope' and I won't tell you how I know, but there will be some play acting afoot. I believe topics in the news may relate to issues around the time of the Solar Eclipse @00Gemini (conjunct starry Alcyone of the turbulent Pleiades constellation--themes: mystical but judgmental; something to cry about) which manifested on May 20, 2012 in the 14 South Saros Series. 14S themes include: 'an obsessive idea is finally accepted; a long awaited breakthrough; success' due to its Mercury-Pluto content. Curiously, September 24th's stationary Pluto conjoins the Pope's natal Mercury, planet of speeches and the delivery of messages.

Possibly Related Reading: LBJ's War on Poverty: 1964 v 2014 Planets and of course, there's this from 2010: Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle Says Yes!.


Aug 14, 2015

Sen. Sanders' consistency - Rachel Maddow's 'Tale of the Tape' (her Sun Aries-Moon Pisces!)

Oh great! I was hoping a clip from MSNB's Rachel Maddow Show last evening would be available for sharing on Stars Over Washington! Last evening (August 13, 2015) she showed Democrats as they were before their 2016 presidential campaigns, or you could say, what lead up to their 2016 bids. Tonight Republican candidates will be featured in the segment, Tale of the Tape:

A Brief Astro-Peek at Rachel Maddow, My Personal 'Splainer-in-Chief for Complex Topics

News reporter Rachel Maddow was born on April 1, 1973 at 12:23 pm PST in Hayward, California (RR: AA, BC/BR in hand, collector: Taglilatelo.) This gives her a Sun Aries-Moon Pisces personality blend and a Moon-ruled Ascendant in late Cancer (she loves to fish and has a 4-degree orb between natal Moon @20Pis29 and Mercury (16Pis21). A Pisces Moon gives empathy and compassion for others, traits that are also seen in a dynamic T-Square pattern involving her Saturn-Neptune (weak, ill, poor people) opposition pointing to communicating Mercury, planet of journalists, reporters, speakers, and thought processes.

Natal Sun in Mars-ruled Aries, sign of 'the pioneer' along with her soft Pisces Moon is a Fire-Water live wire combo of one who lives at a fast pace and with a hint of moralism attached. This blend indicates that Rachel Maddow is a Utopian idealist and visionary (Harveys, see below) whom her Rockefeller colleagues and bosses use to good advantage (to make the public feel that someone cares about the Common Good?) A Rhodes Scholar, Ms. Maddow's Mercury in murky Pisces doesn't seem to have interfered much with her ability for clarity of thought and facility with language but supplied a broad vista for her talents--the 'big picture', as they say, with her reporting putting things into historical context really well.

The Sun Aries-Moon Pisces blend denotes one who can be a restless worrier, single-minded yet dreamy, a kind-hearted maverick, ambitious in career, and a romantic. Possessing an off-beat style, Rachel can be moody yet can act as 'a powerful force for good in the world'. Being intellectually and emotionally true to herself is of utmost importance.

Well, this is a very brief astro-portrait of a complex lady! For a fuller picture, check out her bio and natal horoscope here and catch her Tale of the Tape show tonight if you can!

Related: you may wish to review her presentation in 2013 of 'Hubris: The Selling of the Iraq War'; included are a few war astro-notes.

For more info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Aug 8, 2015

Thom Hartmann: Trump Tells the Truth, but No one listens...

Are there two truth-telling candidates among us?

#ThomHartmann #DonaldTrump #Bankruptcy #AtlanticCity #Corporatism

Is Donald Trump exposing too many secrets of the false reality matrix? To some degree, and yet Democratic candidate Senator Bernie Sanders is the one drawing huge crowds at every campaign event because he reveals truths and discusses topics that the American people want and need to hear!

Related: the natal horoscope of Donald Trump Part 1 with details and Part 2 with his Sun-Moon Blend. And since his birth time is unavailable, here are a few astro-notes concerning the Sun-Moon Personality Blend of Bernie Sanders.

Plus, you may wish to review the famous clip of Senator Sanders's 2012 speech on the Senate floor: The American People Are Angry.

Jul 23, 2015

The Venus Cycle and US Presidential Election 2016

First Vote 2016, Venus, and the Election of a US President

by Jude Cowell

In September 2008 in her Visual Astrology Newsletter, Bernadette Brady published an intriguing article titled Standing in the Radiance of Venus: A Visual Astrology view of the US presidential election and its self-imposed union with Venus using the 8-year cycle of planet Venus as a predictive guide. With the 2016 campaign season already percolating thanks to interested billionaires and an overeager corporate media industry (using it to divert from other matters), let's take a peek at Election Day November 8, 2016 and focus primarily on the position and condition of Venus who radiates the candidate and ruling party she favors with success, or empowers the challenger she favors, while appearing in her cosmic role as either Morning Star or Evening Star.

Venus Must Have Her Way

Now as Morning Star, Venus favors the incumbent candidate or ruling party (even if 2 terms--8 years--have been served by one president)--aka, the "one who wears the crown" as it was termed in the olden days of Mundane Astrology. The Morning Star status of Venus occurs in November (2nd through 8th, when presidential elections are held) when the lady is in the early degrees of Libra, one of the signs Venus rules. Since our elections are on a 4-year cycle, Venus is Evening Star in alternate elections since Venus returns to her same position every 8 years. As Evening Star her position is the mid-to-later degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of the stranger or foreigner---someone different or 'other' who acts as the challenger to the throne -- such as a non-politician, or an Independent (neither Republican nor Democrat).

But in her Evening Star role, Venus bestows favor upon the incumbent party's rival as if she's wielding influence in the court of a king and 'the crown' may be given to the opponent of the king who rules. Yet there have been two notable exceptions to this predictive guide--the successful election of Democrat Franklin Roosevelt in the election of 1932 when he whisked away 'the crown' from the head of one-term Republican Hoover, and the election of Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980 who finagled 'the crown' from one-term Democrat Jimmy Carter. Both elections occurred with Venus as Morning Star yet upsets were somehow allowed due in part to both candidates' tendencies to hastily give favors to others and/or make advantageous backroom deals (Iran hostages for Reagan; for Hoover, his tide of popularity had turned due to economics after 1929.) Let's not use the word 'cheating' though I will say that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing. Plus, a fed up American public makes a difference as well--if we show up and vote.

So setting aside the two exceptions of 1932 and 1980 while remembering that 'dirty tricks' are typically used by power elites to skew election results their way, we look ahead to a horoscope of Election Day 2016 in the form of a symbolic chart of the Dixville Notch, New Hampshire 'first vote' in America which traditionally is cast between 12:00 am and 12:01 am by the small yet representative population of Dixville Notch:

Horoscope: Dixville Notch, NH 'First Vote' November 8, 2016 12:01 am EST; 1st quarter lunar phase = crisis in action

Hour of the Sun; Venus out-of-bounds (OOBs); Venus rules 3rd and 10th houses; ASC 1Vir00 with royal Regulus rising; MC (The Goal) @24Tau08 with golden Midas Rx and trickster Pan Rx in Gemini, 10th h; 3rd house Sun @16Sco13 conjunct voter Mercury which has just crossed the IC (one minute of voting and it's over!); 6th house Moon @20AQ47...'21AQ' = "A Woman Disappointed and Disillusioned" may be significant to our 2016 Venusian election tale.

As you see, Venus @25Sag13 has sashayed past austere (conservative) Saturn in mid-Sagittarius in the 4th house of Domestic Security, the Foundation of the Matter, and she glances back as the Evening Star and radiates her favor upon conservative Saturn, planet of law, government, business--and the US Congress (lawmakers, senators, and such.) Plus, evaluating attracter Venus is disposited by political and banking planet Jupiter in 2nd house of Money and Values. Additionally, Venus and Jupiter are in a Mutual Reception of friendliness with Jupiter prominent as lead planet of a Locomotive pattern (high powered executive ability and a drive to success.) Jupiter approaches US natal Saturn (14Lib48) so we may expect a conservative slant to the proceedings on Election Day 2016 with optimist Jupiter bringing US Saturn hard work structured toward reaching goals, an increase of responsibility, a deeper awareness of needed changes, and a chance to turn ideas and ideals into reality as a long-held ambition is achieved.

For the hidden manipulator, wealthy Pluto @15Cap22 here he's posited in the 5th house of Speculation, Risk-Taking, and Creative Pursuits along with activist Mars, the warrior, @29Cap14, a critical 29th degree which has a revealing Sabian Symbol considering foreign investors set freer than ever by SCOTUS' Citizens United ruling of 2010: "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference." For certain they do! This could easily be seen as a reference to plutocrats, transnational bankers, and even the pope (Pluto) meddling secretly from on high and utilizing testy actor Mars to instigate his schemes to control outcomes in business, law, and government (Capricorn.) Plus, with Mercury in big business Scorpio, we know that Mars and Pluto have a lot to say about what Mercury plans to do.

Mercury: the Voter, the Ballot, and our Thinking Processes

As chart-ruler and planet of voters and ballot-casting, Mercury @23Sco10 is near the Sun (6S56) and may not see issues as objectively as needed. Mercury rises on November 8th with starry Ras Alhague with its imperative to 'create balance' so we may assume that American voters may attempt balance of our political system in our traditional way--but switching parties in the White House lest our country lean too far from 'center' after 8 years of a Democratic White House. Venus in Sagittarius supports a change to someone 'different' though this may describe several of the varied 2016 candidates--even Donald Trump, if his nontraditional campaign style gets him all the way to November 8, 2016 (ed: Senator Bernie Sanders is also 'someone different'.) Plus, one of the asteroids of transition and change, Proserpina, is rising on the Mutable (thus, changeable) Virgoan horizon so a different style and/or political party seems to be exactly what Dixville Notch voters prefer in 2016...and the rest of America as well.

As for chart-ruler Mercury's major applying aspects, there are none but there is a square from the Moon (the public) in 6th house (Military, Police, Civil Service) in America's natal Moon sign, Aquarius. Moon-Mercury square indicates blockage between head (logic) and heart (emotions) which is a time-tested political tactic to confuse the public. This horoscope leans toward Fixed-Earth energies and we think of stubborn, possessive Taurus, sign of the Bull of Wall Street which seems to favor GOP candidates more than progressive Democrats (not that Hillary Clinton is a genuine progressive! That would be Senator Bernie Sanders), and of course, what planet rules greedy Taurus?

Even for all that, it is tempting to say that the cyclical Venus Effect on US Presidential Election 2016 must obviously favor a female victor, unless dirty tricks and arm-twisting backroom deals skew results. But as you see, Venus here plays the role of Evening Star and points toward a change of ruling party in the White House in 2016, a portent which can be satisfied by a Republican victor--and doubly so with one such as former CEO Carly Fiorina, a lady Republican and corporatist.

Yet if a Fiorina victory is too disconcerting for you (and hard to believe), there is at least one other possibility shown for "the other" to be favored by Venus in the person of Senator Marco Rubio for on November 8, 2016 the 'social ladder climber' power asteroid Hidalgo @00AQ03 conjoins the January 20, 2017 US Inaugural Sun, mundane significator of The President. This factor supports the potential for a Republican--perhaps a member of Congress--taking the White House throne in 2016 since the 'king star' Regulus @00Virgo rises and is the starry representative of the Capitol Building in L'Enfant's original plan for the construction of Washington DC's *Federal Triangle (see below.) Regulus may also signify a candidate who has held office on Capitol Hill--even VP Biden fulfills that role.

Actually, the Cycle of Venus timing 'the other' as victor in 2016 possibly may be satisfied by someone like Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist of a democratic persuasion. Is he different enough for Venus with his political views quite apart from establishment politicians--those we may call "the old guard" as denoted by status quo Saturn? Or will it take a change of political party to satisfy Lady Venus?

Update Oct 15th: after watching the Oct 13th Democratic debate, the performance of Hillary Clinton now identifies her as one who could possibly satisfy 'the other' imperative of Venus in Sagittarius as "someone different" (as pundits are saying)--the first female president of the United States. Yet I dread the Clinton baggage she'd carry for the Republicans would never shut up about it and let the issues of the American people take precedence over partisan politics. Republicans are so very very tiresome and Democrats only somewhat better for both have played large roles in the weakening of our democracy and the undermining of our Constitution.

Now if these considerations seem arbitrary or too iffy for you, perhaps it's because you know that many more events will occur between today (July 23, 2015) and Election 2016 and circumstances will change. On the cosmic list are Solar and Lunar Eclipses, and New and Full Moons which can affect matters in similar fashion to 'wild card' eclipses. Or does Astrology have nothing valuable to offer Politics as far as you're concerned?

Be that as it may, Election Day 2016 Astrology and Politics will again be a topic here on Stars Over Washington in the future and my hope is that you'll think to return to SO'W soon in case new information turns up or new perspectives become necessary to discuss. More natal planet info of Republican and Democratic candidates is to be added as well though not all exact birth times are to be found online. Here are a few I've posted so far, in no particular order:

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton here and here (includes her Fist of God or Thor's Hammer pattern), Senator Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump here and here and--uh oh!--he was born with Regulus rising!

Related reading: Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2015--2017.


*Federal Triangle: The White House = Arcturus (a different approach), the Washington Monument = Spica (the spike), and the Capitol Building = Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) for it's As Above, So Below, as the Founders and Builders of Washington DC well knew as their plan for the District reflected the stars above upon the earth below.

A Jupiter-Saturn Astro-Note: in Mundane Astrology Saturn and Jupiter, the societal planets, can handily represent the Democrats and the Republicans in various circumstances since both parties tend to alternate wearing restriction-and-expansion caps at will. Most often it's the Republican Party that insists on austerity measures (miserly Saturn) even though they are members of the Grand (Jupiter) Old (Saturn) Party. Of course, they spend lavishly like Jupiterians when they're in the White House or when the largess is for themselves or for the military, weaponry, and other things that make them mega-bucks via their stock portfolios and bribes from lobbyists and billionaire donors. It's that Saturn urge that wants to 'shrink the US government small enough so we can drown it in a bathtub', said Grover Norquist whose noon Natal Chart with details may be viewed here.

Note that Mr. Norquist is the midst of a Saturn Return and that his natal Jupiter in Virgo (planet of money, corporations, funding, investment, growth, politicians, preachers, teachers, mentors, military generals, etc) conjoins fixed star Denebola, keywords: to go against society.

Yet as the older of the two parties, Democrats also play Saturnian roles in US politics while playing generous Jupiter when it comes to Social Safety Net Programs, and promoting investment, development, and growth. Naturally, humankind needs the concepts of both Jupiter and Saturn to balance one another and thus, moderation is achieved. Too bad restriction and investment are so often used as cynical talking points to stall opponents' advancement while keeping any progress whatsoever from moving ahead which might benefit the American people. jc