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Showing posts with label Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neptune. Show all posts

Jun 4, 2011

Police smash cell phones w our Rights in Miami FL 6.4.11

Now taking a brief break from creating something new today in honor of World Drawing Day 2011 and found a news item that leaves me speechless concerning this fast-forming police state we once called America.

Sounds like their HoSec/Blackwater/Special Forces type of training is paying off for the power elite whose army they be. Or at least a point is being made as with the Jefferson Memorial dance-offs and the resulting over-reactive draconian arrests while the statue of Thomas Jefferson looked on.

So you think you can dance in America? How dare you! Not on the military industrial complex's watch, you can't.

Because as you know, global thugs and plutocrats of the oppressive, primally violent Pluto-Chiron persuasion ain't playin'. Why should they when the midpoint picture energies within the ongoing Saturn/Uranus = Pluto T-Square are still very much in force?

The transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint has reached US natal South Node (SN) @ '6AQ" this year. And that is the position of Neptune (spirituality; mysticism; Divine Source; veils; potential for deception) when the Prophet Muhammad created the world religion of Islam (symbolized by Neptune, planet of oil), and where in the Zodiac nebulous Neptune languished over the world's head on the morning of September 11, 2001. The separative SN is a point showing past behaviors of a neurotic kind.

As a process describing part of a select few's long-term agenda (for they too know the power of Astrology for timing purposes), society now has manipulating, destructuring Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by restrictive Saturn and representing government, law, and business) grasping every controlling puppet string of we-the-trussed as Mr. Underworld lumbers along and eventually reaches his position of July 4, 1776 @ 27Cap33...'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary," a degree given in DeVore's Encyclopedia as: the Exaltation of Mars.

Zealous Mars/Pluto = the Pentagon, the military industrial complex, powerful weapons and those who use or sell them, an overbearing military force, and the strong-arm policing that is on the rise in America.

Jun 3, 2011

Contagion, Neptune in Pisces, and Alan Watt on video 6.3.11

From June 2, 2011, the following series of videos present to you the Alex Jones Show featuring Alan Watt with updated details concerning the one-world-government agenda. The interview begins by discussing contagion and super-bugs as planet Neptune, dissolver of boundaries (such as cell walls), keeps a toe just inside its own sign of Pisces, yet is poised to return for a brief spell into late degrees of scientific Aquarius.

As you know, murky Pisces, ruled by expansive Jupiter and co-ruled by higher octave planet Neptune, relates, along with its opposite of Virgo (health, discrimination, categorizing function, digestive tract where much of our immune system is centered) to such topics as contagion, epidemics, contamination, poisons, and disease in general. Treachery is also indicated and population control is on the menu.

Of course you've been hearing in the last several days of an E. coli outbreak in Europe particularly in Germany where I'm sad to say people have been sickened and some have died from what sounds like a Frankensteinian bug (two strains
combined - by human hands of a reptilian persuasion?) First the powers that be blamed cucumbers! Turns out they blamed too soon.

(Click E. coli article link above for updated news about the outbreak with video. It's being named 'the worst ever seen'.)

Meanwhile the Russian government has stopped importation of food products from the affected region, another economic blow for the EU and a new example of food supply issues previously detailed on this blog in recent Solar Eclipse posts. Disturbingly, the June 1, 2011 eclipse in Gemini (trade, commerce, transport, communications, news, duality) is one, but the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 in Cancer (food, sustenance, nurturing, domestic scene) is even more worrisome.

Plus, the Cancer eclipse's influence is strengthened because it marks the birth of a brand new Saros Cycle - and manifests @ 9Can12 which is very near America's July 4th Independence Day 2011 and snugged between US natal Jupiter and Sun by degree.

The world can't seem to catch much of a break anymore, can it? It is my belief that there are social engineers making sure it can't and for their own selfish purposes which they consider to be more important than you, me, or our children.

So check out the June 2nd interview with Alan Watt, if you dare though I can't say it's for wilting flowers who wish to get their mainstream news served daily on a plate of roses laced with candy canes and lemon drops. Want unicorns with that?

Even in constantly propagandized America it's become obvious that there are two tiers of Medicine, one for the power elite, the other for the rest of us (if you can get treatment at all.) Discussed here are the two tiers of Science where superbugs don't invade (Neptune) the cells of the elite class who get the 'real' inoculations. You may disagree, but it's worth a listen just to see if the information rings any bells with you.

And if you don't care for Alex Jones, a bombastic sort of speaker, I do understand but please look beyond style to the basic info being provided, would ya? Keep a grain of salt handy, yes, and don't draw any conclusions before you take in the entire presentation at your leisure.

Warning: an open mind may be required!

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Related links:

Prison Planet
Info Wars


The Neptune in Pisces phenomena we're experiencing through health and contagion issues are also manifesting in the current upping of computer viruses and hackings but that's a topic beyond the scope of this article. And of course, invasion across sovereign boundaries also qualifies along with water and flooding catastrophes.

May 10, 2011

Visible Alignment of Planets: a presaging of 2012? 5.10.11

1999, the New Millennium, 2012, and Planets All in a Row 2011

by Jude Cowell

May 10, 2011: as of today it is possible to see with the naked eye a fabulous celestial show: a line-up of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the wee hours of the morning for the next few weeks.

Even quirkily inclined Uranus and shy Neptune may be viewed if environmental conditions are right and you have a decent pair of binoculars! (Do let me know here in a Comment if you spy them. Or message: judecowell at gmail dot com.)

Now some folk are relating the current line-up to the potential devastation expected in 2012 though astronomers at NASA are poo-pooing the idea. They say that no similar configuration is on the Universe's schedule for December 21, 2012, the end date of the Mayan Calendar. Yet what the date is the end of, no one really knows. Apparently planet Venus is involved and is said to have been the culprit in an earlier cosmic disaster some millions of years ago; the Sunspot Cycle is also implicated.

For further investigation on such topics as 2012, you may be interested in a website I recently discovered called Shift of the Ages along with New World Order 2012 which addresses such head-scratching topics.

Plus, there's a classic A&E program that mentions the Mayan Calendar 2012 question and is narrated by the excellent Leonard Nimoy - click for a video of Part 1, then click through for the rest, if you wish, for it remains quite watchable as Planet Earth nears 2012.

Is Fear of 2012 Really Necessary?

Personally I suspect that one-world-government types have for decades played upon and manipulated public fears (perhaps assisted by the ancient cataclysm mentioned above involving Venus which, if so, rests deep within our Collective Unconscious) for their own power-grabbing purposes. Something is coming up that they will use to justify their increased control and reordering of our lives.

Such social manipulators use Astrology, too, you know!

And their agenda was ramped up after the Biblical portents in the Book of Revelation became visible astrologically in the horoscope of the King of Terror Solar Eclipse (aka, the 'King of Alarm Eclipse', or 'The Mother of All Eclipses') which Nostradamus predicted centuries ago and which manifested on August 11, 1999. The article lines you up with the eclipse horoscope if you wish a view.

1999: A Major Shift of Cosmic Energies

The mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are spotlighted in the August 11, 1999 chart and in Astrology have been known for ages as the Oxen Point, Lion Point, Eagle Point, and Angel Point.

So I must ask you: since the New Millennium began have we not experienced an abundance of misery and fear-mongering upon the Earth since God's angels (timed by the 1999 eclipse and predicted in Revelation) let go the four corners of 'the winds of war and strife'?

The Ultimate Dilemma

In an ultimate and eternal sense, all I can say is that everyone who ever lived, lives now, or will be born of Planet Earth has a true condition before God - what our Creator thinks of each one of us, not what we or anyone else thinks. (Mankind's ego need not apply!)

So to me, given the current climate of natural and other disasters - with more to come - it seems that the most important thing anyone could ever do in his or her life is to examine one's heart of hearts and attend to and repair His opinion - the only one that truly matters - in order to improve one's status according to The Light one has received!

Mar 15, 2011

Japan's Ripped Apart Water Molecules, Mysterious Bird Deaths, & Neptune to Pisces

A Nuclear Proposal and a Water Molecule Explodes in Japan

by Jude Cowell

Seems to me that nuclear radiation leaks in the global nuclear arsenal and aging power plant systems could have been leaking long 'ere this and could be part of the poisoning of wildlife in various regions: mysteriously dead birds falling from the sky en masse; fish kills washing up on global shores. Reactors are now 40 - 50 years old with what is now known as sub-standard containment provisions.

What say you to this idea, Anonymous commenter?

As you know, the world is in meltdown: the Japan Meltdown is ongoing with leaked radiation now wafting across the Pacific Ocean toward the West Coast of the US. Astrologically, transiting Neptune (planet of poisons, gases, oils, water, oceans, the masses, media, propaganda, lies, fraud, deception, disillusion, illusion, entertainment, art-music-acting, disappointment, and loss - let's see...does that uncover most everything about Neptunian veils and masks except the positive side: spirituality and The Divine Source?)

Cuing Mr. Hades, god of the Underworld and Primal Power

Pluto's plutonium is one of the distressing factors in the deteriorating situation; the 60 people left behind are sacrificing their lives in order to fight the meltdowns at at least three power plants where there is nuclear waste on top of the reactors, says *Thom Hartmann. I can hardly type of it anymore right now (feeling a little ill here at the thought of Science's hubris - they can meddle with natural laws but they can't equally repair what they irreparably ruin.

In this case, General Electric designed the plants with the nuclear waste just sitting on top in pools. If the refuse burns (and it has; there's no remedy for nuclear waste disposal given its long 'shelf life' and anyone who says they want more of it brought into the world is a psychopathic control freak to the nth dimension. They mean no good toward society, may be practicing massive population control, and should be deterred on behalf of the world's common good.)

Another sad factor here is highly combustible uranium, namesake of planet Uranus (Ouronos.) And as astrologers understand the myth, Ouronos the Sky God, represents creative genius and in the realm of nuclear and atomic energy, it's genius gone wild.

With our Frankensteinian, Uranian 'mad scientists' at work for decades (which implicates energies of the zodiacal sign Aquarius where Neptune now lingers at AQ's last degree, the crisis-critical degree of 29AQ), we see dire effects manifested of a Neptune gone wild and wafting its harmful way across the sea, aided by lab tech Uranus.

If nuclear meltdown and radiation poisoning, results of ripping water molecules apart, are the key event/s of the long-dreaded year 2011 (leading into the even more dreaded-for-mysterious-occurrences-2012), it's a hard lesson which the Mutual Reception between Uranus and Neptune has been teaching. My prayers go out for all mankind as we reap what the nuclear industry has sown (with our willing compliance through diversionary tactics), and it seems in Japan to point - for much if not all of the catastrophe's culpability - directly toward General Electric (along with Japan's national power company) in whichever of the corporation's guises apply. For like the Atomic Split which also broke a natural law, there's a no-turning-back-now tone to the whole sorry affair.

Then, with Weather as Weapon issues of 'natural' disaster proportions lurking around the edges of a concerned public consciousness (awareness = our "Great Awakening"?), we must respond kindly to the dire needs of the Japanese people who seem to be unfortunately ensnared within Science's seemingly limitless nuclear laboratory. (Please see sidebar, right, for a How to Help Japan link. And yes, I've seen TV ads for a new film, Limitless, a Pluto-inspired movie on all levels.)

For good info on the disturbing topic of weather manipulation and more, a must-see is the writing of independent scientist working on radiation issues, Leuren Moret who connects the dots across the globe in a scientific yet humane manner. The people of the world have a need to know so please pass along any Leuren Moren links you have without delay.

So is there perhaps a good reason why radiation carnage is happening once again in Japan where the doom-filled first atomic bombs were unleashed upon an innocent Japanese population by US President Harry Truman? It wasn't simply a way to 'end' WWII, as touted, oh no. It was a declaration of the over-arching power of America over the entire globe, even then. Imperial America has only grown in stature through the decades since, yet now the nation's mojo has been hijacked by global usurpers of the crime syndicate strain of lowlife amoeba, (aka, financial usury-rate-gougers/plutocrats. Yes, Pluto expressing himself through Saturnian Capricorn has become excessively busy, has he not? And now Mr. Hades lurks so near a ruthless Fixed Star, Facies @ 8Cap18, a star connected with earthquakes, as is cave-tunneling Pluto.)

Well, on March 11, 2011, a Fist of God planetary pattern formed between the Moon - adrift among the raging energies of nasty Fixed Stars Capulus and Algol - @ 28Tau43 (noon JST 3.11.11) - square crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ12; the Moon/Neptune SQ points toward manager-scientist-governmental-official Saturn 15Lib39 Rx, which implicates American involvement (General Electric? It's surely a multi-national corporation by now but one supposes it considers itself American still. In the normal scheme of things, corporations are meant to have built-in expiry dates - society needs to re-establish that helpful rule.)

A midpoint picture is formed by the Fist of God trio as well:

Moon/Neptune = Saturn: caution about neglecting important societal concerns (nuclear waste, an aging collection of reactors ill-designed and maintained); being strongly influenced by the prevailing yet temporary circumstances (temporary? hurrah! if only); a sense of suffering under the yoke; pessimism or despair; feeling frustrated or paralyzed; the suffering of the soul; hard work to restructure ambition. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

(It's safe to say we may all feel the horror which takes 'the starch' out of anyone yet the good people of Japan feel it most keenly and are most directly in harm's way. My intuition, such as it is, says that these conditions may culminate around May 20, 2012 with the arrival of a Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about. More eclipse stuff later...)

Plus, resonating with tr Saturn, apex planet of the Moon/Neptune square, is the ongoing three-fer process of another US Saturn Return (@ 14Lib48, and a 28-year-cycle) which in 2011 adds to our governmental, legal, and commercial culpability for the nuclear events at hand. (The helm of America was coup'd decades ago by world class meddlers.)

And Saturn's current and apt Sabian Symbol? '16Lib' = "A Boat Landing Washed Away."

Feelin' d'Guinea Pig Blues Deep Down, Y'all

There's a Fixed Star in the belly of constellation Cetus, The Whale (Menkar, victim of the Unconscious) which echoes the story of Jonah who was swallowed by a great Whale (aka, the Great Collective Unconscious of Humanity, or Humanity's Ark; Leviathan) for three days until he got with God's common good program and warned the people as he was meant to do. And I can't seem to shake an impression that the recent conjunction of Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by harsh Saturn) with tr North Node (NN, of the Moon) timed a 'mass destiny of a large number of people' vibe of shared fate which we now experience through the channel of the horrid Japan Meltdown, a catastrophe affecting the entire planet and our global environment. Pluto/NN also describes, powerful connections or encounters.

In response to all these plutonian considerations, here's a Wiki on the Anti-Nuclear cause if you wish to investigate alternate actions to sitting like a lump typing at a pc keyboard - oh, wait! That's me.

Remember Chernobyl 1986 for its fallout still haunts us and adversely affects the DNA of each individual and the very matrix, the mitochondrial DNA, of Mother Earth herself.

Image: Celestial Path and Beyond, imported from Secret Moon Art.


Recommended: Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron and its chapter on Chiron and the Bomb. If this research, pioneered by Bruce Cathe, is correct, there is a specific reason Why Japan Again? in 2011 and it concerns the fact that, to quote,

"--atomic war is a virtual impossibility on this planet because of the unbreakable laws of mathematics and geometry."

Now specifically that's bomb talk and in Japan now it's a slightly different tale of unfortunate disruption yet the catalytic actions are similar in their super-nature as natural laws go unheeded for the alleged sake of progress and new technologies. Besides, knowledge is power. And power is Pluto.

Check out the potential parameters of nuclear reactions occurring 'successfully', if you have the book (yes, there's a Kindle version for $9.99) which may indicate that Japan in March 2011 remains one of the particular spots on Earth where nuclear reaction can indeed take place. This need for timing in a precise location may show that human - shall we call it - "agency" - is more consciously at fault in Japan's catastrophe (earthquake at nuclear plants' locations causing tsunami conditions and death) than is clearly being seen with invisible Pluto, planet of fear and coping, pulling his usual strings of manipulation and control and sending ruinous particulates into our global atmosphere and water for soil, fowl, and fish to snarf up and pass on to us.

*Click the Thom Hartmann Show's link (aired March 15, 2011, above) to read or view his report on the Bush-appointed John Roberts Court and its increase of SCOTUS decisions which have sided with Big Corporations (asteroid Cupido in a mundane chart = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) against US citizens' best interests; the numbers are wa-a-y up since Roberts took over The Big Gavel.

Today Thom also plugged Senator Al Franklin's introduction of a bill for protecting Net Neutrality. We-the-people and the peoples of the world need this bill to pass, m'peops! Now I signed the petition. Will you?


In addition, my apology for not mentioning in this column Japan Meltdown's effect on global financial markets which was not my focus today even though world markets are currently wobbling or plummeting over such 'fears'. Supply-Demand routes will be interrupted as well yet we may assume from experience that wealthy Pluto will find himself in the best win-win situation from it all than any of the rest of us pawns and dupes.

And on another topic (or is it?), a re-airing of the excellent Orwell Rolls in His Grave will be shown on LINK TV beginning March 24, 2011, just so ya know. If the page still says there are 'no air dates' scheduled, ignore. Because they announced March 24 a little while ago. jc

Oct 26, 2010

Got Obama Disappointment? US Neptune = Obama's Mars

Writing in The Independent, Johann Hari presents The Real Reason Obama Has Let Us All Down (which translates into a Saturn vs Neptune face-off.)

Now I agree with the basic ideas Mr. Hari poses yet it seems to me that GOP undermining from Day One has something to do with how the Obama presidency has not been as effectual as most of us wanted it to be by now. The legendary American impatience is involved as well, yet the article certainly gives a run down of the areas and ways in which we have been disappointed by Barack Obama.

And if you've ever read this blog before (or study Astrology yourself) you may remember that I fretted quite a bit over the fact that America's natal Neptune 22Vir25 and Barack Obama's natal Mars are closely conjoined which, I thought - uh-oh! - would veil the public's eyes from seeing President Obama's actions and motives (Mars) for what they really were and are. The lack of clarity, fuzzy dreaminess, and adoration exhibited by 'rockstar Obama' voters in the early days of his term are so perfectly described by our shared Mars/Neptune conjunction that it isn't funny.

The whole situation isn't funny at all, of course, for those of us who wish America to continue in decent fashion. But the rose-colored sunglasses of glamorous Neptune have made it difficult to face the facts - even now, with a clear-eyed assessment of our disappointments (Neptune) with Obama's failures and deceptions (Neptune) laid out in an article such as Mr. Hari's. Yes, facts and accountability are the provinces of realistic Saturn and not part of Neptune's cloudy, watery realms at all.

But feeling let down is. Plus, US natal Neptune is in Virgo, the sign of work, health, and service!

Ex: If you and a friend were born with one's Mars conjoining the other's Neptune, it can be 99% guaranteed that 'clear-eyed' would not describe your relations and dealings unless the one with Neptune was spiritually honest and on the up'n'up - fraudless and genuine, you might say. And the person with Mars (planet of action, energy, and motivation) could easily get away with all manner of things - basically whatever he or she desired - a confusion which also falls into the 99% range of probability. Others might see the Mars person's true motives, but the Neptunian in the equation probably never would (and would prefer not to.)

Perhaps the walk-on-water Apollo sun god that many of us expected or dreamed of for all our problem-solving needs has had other things to do of a more...material nature. Such as taking care of the wealthy bankers and other power eliters who installed him in the White House. To imagine that it was simply we-the-people who put Mr. Obama in the Oval Office is yet another Neptunian delusion we need to break free from.

So when/if the GOP takes over the House and/or Senate next week, you won't be too surprised for it's another chapter in the globalists' America-down-the-drain script. Then once again, we-the-people will know (or should know) we're being royally had.

Nov 18, 2009

Fort Hood, Neptune Direct, and America's Pluto

Astrology Mundo has an excellent post by Monica Starr on the Fort Hood shootings and Neptune's Station Direct of November 4.

Monica had left a comment under my post on Neptune's change of direction where she envisioned 'mass sorrow' due to Neptune's Station being so near the US natal Moon, and sadly, she was on-the-mark with the Fort Hood shootings.

Excellent insights from Monica yet I suspect she agrees with me that sometimes you just don't want to be right.

Yes, we-the-people are having Neptune to US Moon (the people), Saturn to US Neptune (ideals, hopes, dreams) - and Pluto in an ongoing opposition to US natal Venus in preparation for opposing US natal Jupiter, Sun, and eventually, Mercury Rx which stimulates the US natal Mercury/Pluto opposition.

No time to rant on secret hand Pluto's actions now, but if you'll read my previous post from a few minutes ago, you'll find a link to an article on George Soros, Russia, and Freemasonry which excerpts a book on the subject of Freemasonry's history in Russia and includes enlightenment on Freemasonic America's culpabilities.

You may freely relate the information to the financial 'meltdown' of 2008 which is also described by Neptune to US Moon and the frauds (Neptune) now being perpetrated against the American people (Moon.)

One thing that must be added though is a quote from Jeff Green's book Pluto (Vol I; 1996) concerning America's natal Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, business, and law:

'One a national level it is interesting to remember that Pluto is in Capricorn in the US chart. The day will come when the United States will "fall from grace." One day it will not be the world power that it is today; it will be one nation among many. This will force a restructuring of the national Soul so that a new collective self-image can evolve. The national sense of security linked with being a world power will have to change as a result of this evolutionary necessity.' (paperback, p. 192.)

My theory is that since Freemasonry has used Sacred Geometry (Astrology) since day one, they understand these principles very well and have always used the tool of Astrology to time their events of chaos, revolution, coups, and massacres, and for instructive insights on how to gain what they want - world government - by using the ancient art as their satanic guide rather than as the Great Mathematician intended - As above, So Below for the good of mankind, not for its subjugation by politically inspired psychopaths.

Nov 13, 2009

Feeling 'badgering and biased'?

If you're feeling badgering and biased these days you'll probably adore book author Sarah Palin's characterization of Katy Couric as being just that. Birds of a feather, you.

Yet in a fit of tough love, I shall let you find Palin's book all by your lonesome (if you must.) Toss a browser in any direction now and you'll happen upon the roguish thing.

Now you'll notice it isn't 'badgered' but 'badgering' - Couric's trick was to do the biased badgering in interview form, says not-ready-for-prime time-politics Palin. She wants to do all the biased badgering herself as she plays 'the underdog' with style and with verve, if not panache.

Some fancy pageant walkin' should be cued asap a la Tina Fey's impersonation of Madame Palin which continually delighted the masses during the 2008 campaign - except for the gullible whose particular dish is the former beauty queen and Alaska governor, Sarah Palin. Many of her fans were not amused.

Surprise! Palin's name as McCain's running mate was let out of the bag just on the tail of then-Senator Obama's Apollo-flavored acceptance speech at the 2008 DNC, Denver. This tactic, you remember, was masterful by the GOP for stealing thunder from Barack the Annointed.

So naturally you can read whatever book you want. Just let me know how it goes. And think about transiting Neptune's veils and deceptions still within range (orb) of Palin's Aquarian line-up in her 7th house of Partnerships: a clumped-together trio of Sun, Mars, and Saturn 25AQ12. I say, '7th house' if the '4:40 pm pst' birth time circulating online is correct (ASC 19Leo34; Feb 11, 1964 Sandpoint, ID.)

Of course, Neptune also brings along The Masses and mass media in a trail of clouds and illusions, with its silver screen (or TV, photos, video screen, etc) and cameras/recorders a-blazing and along for the ride, long as the media circus lasts. Yet Palin has shown herself to be a political lightweight, a perception that would hamper anyone's career in government. Ask what's-his-name Quayle.

At least around here her political reputation is hampering. But it's her n Saturn (responsibility; accountability; maturity) that's being energized with fairy dust by dreamy Neptune. Hmm.

Let's look at the current configuration formed by tr Neptune with Palin's Mars/Saturn conjunction in 7th house by checking what Michael Munkasey has to say and knowing that Mars/Saturn action is usually brash and has a stop-go flavor:

Mars/Sat = Neptune: inefficient use of energy; a weakening (Nep) of well-prepared plans (Saturn) for the development of desires (Mars); defects in training regimens; pretense or cover-ups about the state of preparedness or readiness of self or others.

Then is a World Book Tour in Palin's cards?

Lack of preparation holds our Sarah back yet again unless she comes clean to herself and others concerning deficiencies which may (or may not) then be addressed effectively. Or will it be, Foiled Again? For sparklingly, Neptune's glamour factor holds Madame's cue cards, muddles the mind, and often loses the thread which dissipates like Neptune's wisps of fog...

Then one more thing to remind you of: wherever politicians tell you to look - always look in an opposite direction to discover what political operatives and handlers don't want we-the-public paying attention to.

And illuminate and disseminate the you-know-what out of it.

Well, I'm really just babbling on...been under the weather due to allergies but things are smoothing out now. A parcel has just been Big Browned to the door so for now, adios! We'll soon cue up an old fave: Dinner Rush.

To close this zyrtec-infused, rambling post, here's a close-up of Golden Chanterelles in honor of the Neptunian fairy dust and moonbeams through which even Sarah Palin looks glamous enough for a leadership role.

Wait a minute...what?

Golden Chanterelles, detail from a drawing by Jude Cowell, published in full view @ Secret Moon Art.

Mar 7, 2009

Christina Romer, mother figure + Neptune of the Veils

Yeah, I like this interview with 'mother figure' Christina Romer on the economy as she tosses buckets of cold water from Old Man (or Woman in charge) Saturn, the Teacher and Lesson-Bringer, who continues to tangle with America's natal Neptune, planet of dreams, ideals, illusions, the masses, and mass media, in Virgo, sign of the dedicated worker...the same worker who is now getting a pink slip for often obscure reasons.

But Neptune of the Veils is comfortable with 'obscure''s Saturn's grim reality that's numbing the sensibilities and tamping down confidence, however illusory confidence may have been in the past.

And thus closeth (Saturn) another newspaper (Neptune) - unless they're very savvy and do what they do best, then link to the rest.

A benchmark? That Mark Twain would approve, I suspect.

Sep 12, 2008

NYSE, Eclipses, and Danny Casolaro

Have you ever read the tale of the founding of the NYSE as told by astrologer Ed Kohout?

Under the buttonwood tree on the morning of May 17, 1792, the stock exchange began with Pluto at 23AQ31...where dissolving Neptune is drifting now.

Neptune to Pluto is a period of time when power (Pluto) is dissolved and undermined (Neptune) but not necessarily by anarchy - it can be done by treachery or poison. The current ruler or system of power and control is removed or perhaps, in today's lexicon, outsourced or...downsized and given Neptune's link to webs and nets, I'd say computer hacking and other tech shenanigans may be involved along with Neptune's deceptive and fraudulent qualities.

Yes, progeny of the super-powerful PROMIS tracking software could be part of what's going on with Wall Street's ups and downs these days; plus, a Solar Eclipse in the same 11 South Series as the Eclipse of *July 11, 1991 (at '19Can' - a degree that keeps turning up in several of the charts I study relating to violence) will occur again on July 22, 2009, this time at '29Can' which is considered a critical or crisis degree.

The 11 South Series is concerned with:

the need to make sudden reforms; old methods and ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with the events that come up; as a result, new ways of handling issues are needed and any blocks may be tragically or violently removed. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

*It was during the 11 South Eclipse Series that the murder of writer and journalist Danny Casolaro took place - he was in the final stages of readying a book for publication outing what he and others called the Octopus, a worldwide organization of thugs for which PROMIS software has proven very useful over the years.

In its original form, the software had been stolen from the Inslaw Corporation, modified (with a 'backdoor' for surveillance), expanded, and sold for big bucks to many countries including Canada and Israel - and, some say, to Osama bin Laden (who was never intended to be "caught" by Bush-Cheney, btw.)

The weekend that Casolaro was murdered, there was a New Moon (a lady - Moon - meets a man - Sun...?) at 17Leo00. Casolaro had had meetings at his motel in Martinsburg, WV, and was last seen walking back to the motel from a convenience store where he'd gone to get a cup of coffee around the time of the New Moon on the dark night of Aug 9, 1991.

As you see, this New Moon in Leo was a month after the Solar Eclipse of July 11, and Casolaro had his notes for the book with him plus other information which he had gone to Martinsburg to receive. As you would expect, none of his notes were found after his mysterious death (he supposedly slit his own wrists while lounging in a tub of water.)

The July 11 Eclipse degree, '19Can' is conjunct Fixed Star Castor, to write or create - and is conjunct Danny Casolaro's natal Mercury, the writer; the messenger; the reporter.

The weekend of his death, transiting Sigma, the scribe, was conjunct activist Mars 15Vir54, and tr South Node 18Can47 was triggering the July Eclipse degree.

If you use the Googly Web you can find info on this strange case but I want to give you the midpoint pictures for the New Moon of Aug 9, 1991...Danny Casolaro was trying to warn the world about what was up and I believe we've been seeing the world crime syndicate having its way these last several years in countries all over the globe, so the least I can do is give you the planetary pictures. The first one concerns Pluto, the saboteur or assassin...

Mars/NN = Pluto 17Sc36: others must 'get on the train' or get left behind; a violent or forced separation in a partnership; joint achievements.

Saturn/MC 6Cap28 = NN: people in mourning; a major stroke of fate may affect all development.

Neptune/Mc = Uranus 10Cap28 Rx (Uranus out-of-bounds): self-righteousness; intense impatience; a desire to bring ideas to realization at all costs; confusion; sudden inner experiences. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

~All, none, or some combination of factors may apply.~

One more thing - the wound, Chiron, was in early Leo in July, 1991. Chiron in Leo is **easily overwhelmed by Uranus, which is the only OOBs planet in the chart and in process of approaching its Great Conjunction with Neptune at '18Cap' which is the NWO degree...smug and strong-armed paternalism...'SUPERVISION' in the Marc Edmund Jones version of the Sabian Symbols, but in the Dane Rudhyar version?

POLITICAL POWER - which is quite well-consolidated now.


** Chiron in Leo info from Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron.

Aug 17, 2008

Astrologer calls Bush-McCain 'poopy puppies' in blog post

Blogosphere soon recovers, however, and balance is restored!

In an effort to find astrological evidence of the reputed sameness between George Bush and John McCain, this reluctant astrologer has crossed the line of decency and called them 'poopy puppies' out loud in a blog post.

Why resort to such vicious name-calling - don't we have politicians for that? Why, yes, we do!

And they do it very well, but sometimes the stars have a little something to say about planetary pups and old dogs who use the same tired tricks to bamboozle us unawares.

See what the secretive Neptunes of Bush-McCain are up to by clicking above link...

Feb 19, 2008

Neptune or Pisces on Midheaven

Having dreamy Neptune, that planet of nebulous illusions, veils, and insecurities upon one's Midheaven (Mc--the Career/Public Status Point) or the sign Pisces at Mc (as does Hillary Clinton if you use 8:00 pm for her seemingly unverified time of birth) you get...well, let astrologer Elsa P of ElsaElsa fame tell you what it's like!

You know, this could nail down the 8:00 pm time for me as far as Sen. Clinton's natal chart is concerned even though I have questioned its validity before for her Pisces Mc could explain why people often say they don't really "know her."

Because with a Neptunian Mc, the most public point in any chart, it would be easier to catch hold of a squirming flounder flip flopping about the deck than to get a true bead on Hillary Clinton!

Let Elsa explain...

Dec 11, 2007

Michael Hayden infiltrates Capitol Hill backroom

Due to spychief Hayden's secret meeting with Congressional enablers today, here's the link to a previous post on Michael Hayden's natal chart with the transits for the day of the never adequately explained gunfire in the Rayburn Building.

Guess it was just another day in Washington.

Go to the end of the above-linked post to find a certain transit coming up for Hayden in 2008 which involves mysterious Neptune.

Today's meeting of invisible-helmet-wearing Pluto, the spy, with Jupiter, the judge, rich man, guru, and Republican is yet another obvious manifestation of today's Great Conjunction and Hayden's meeting with politicians on The Hill.

Oct 5, 2007

are you celebrating Columbus Day?

Perhaps you are, but you can be more celebratory by reading my tiny Ode to Columbus Day which has a drawing from Secret Moon Art included with artist's compliments, entitled: You May Cross the Great Water--a quite Neptunian image.

But on another level, so is the festive bottle of bubbles seen above!

And on a political note, you know America has the Saturn to natal Neptune transit beginning with any, all, or none of the following influences:

giving up under stress; denial; losing focus; misrepresentation of responsibilities; assuming the burdens of others; deception in money matters; harsh reality surfaces; disillusionment.

The positive side includes creative projects benefiting through traditions, structure, and more realism; spiritual growth through established institutions; and charitable efforts are put to more practical, focused uses.

image: Celebrate! (c) 2007 by jude cowell

Sep 12, 2007

Putin's Neptunian dissolve

Putin Dissolves Russian Government

As Neptune continues meeting with Vladimir Putin's natal North Node at IC (endings; partings), Putin has used the dissolving action of Neptune in order to name his own successor as was done for him in 1999.

One of the stronger transits to Putin's natal chart has been powerful, transformative Pluto (26Sag18 today) conjunct his natal Mars 26Sag31 in 2nd house of earning ability and values.

The transit of Pluto to Mars is obviously fraught with control issues, and relationships with males in the environment can be intensely competitive at this time, even dangerous. (Yet one supposes that Danger is Vladdie's middle name.)

Pluto/Mars contacts cause a seeking of greater control, not less, so this dissolution to pick a successor may not be all Putin has up his sleeve. There is an increase in stamina and determination, whatever the direction of one's efforts, and a single-minded approach which can be risky if revenge or anger are involved--and they usually are with the zealously fanatic Mars/Pluto combination on the scene.

Transit Mars (21Gem48 today, conj US n Mars) will soon oppose Putin's natal Mars, so there will be someone diametrically opposed to his actions and methods who will gum up the works within the next few days...opposition exact Sep 21/22.

Mars oppo Mars is the "butting head against the proverbial stone wall" transit when shows of aggression are met with equally determined force from others. Making headway is blocked or delayed--until perhaps enemies are taken out of the picture in some way.

But not to fret! for expansive Jupiter will soon be at his natal Mars (first week of Dec 07) so his Achilles Heel will be a feeling of over-confidence with an over-estimation of his abilities. Otherwise, his plans will be successful if wisdom and moderation are used. And December may bring him a luxurious vacation...such is Jupiter's traveling effect upon Mars.

Sept 11's Solar Eclipse occurred in Putin's natal 10th house of Career and Public Status so the "bringing to the surface issues to do with paperwork and communications" flavor of this Series (9 New South) may have made a shake-up of his government at this time a necessary distraction from the Russian president's past actions.

And you know that the globalist torch must be passed to the next brazen crime boss, after all, must it not?

Vladimir Putin: Oct 7, 1952 9:30 am BAT St. Petersburg, Russia; source: Sun 13Lib56, Moon 2Gem55.

Noon Hour Update: Putin Names Surprise Nominee Victor Zubkov for PM

Jun 19, 2007

Bush's mojo haunts Philadelphia mint

mint releases more "godless" dollars so you know he's had a thumb in the pie.

May 17...just after the New Moon of May 16 = double Taurus (money) flavor.

Art is still prevailing, sorry to all my excellent starry friends. Back to SO'W before you know it but for now I'm hangin' out at Cosmic Persona Designs, Secret Moon Art, and my Lulu Storefront with Downloadable Art Goodness just oozin' from layer to layer...

June 25...Saturn opposes Neptune...exactly (partile) so smoosh your hats down around your ears, m'peops...the reality vs illusion game is really in the air now and all summer--with new art in the wings, propaganda flying thick, and more leaders and authority figures being undermined everywhere you turn.

Jun 14, 2007

New Moon in Gemini June 14

With art-related projects taking over around here this week, my astro-politicking time has been limited but I want to mention the New Moon 23Gem41 occurring tonight at 11:13:06 pm edt (Capitol Hill.)

New Moons are new beginnings, Gemini is the sign of Communications, and this New Moon perfects in the 5th house for Washington DC. 5th house: risk-taking, creative pursuits, new ventures...and the 5/11 house polarity is aka The Will Axis.

And with Mercury's Rx station Friday--in possessive, self-protective, side-windin' Cancer--emails may not be revealed until after Mercury goes Direct on July 9.

Pluto's power opposes this New Moon yet so does the midpoint between Rx Jupiter and Pluto...

Jup/Pluto = Sun: keeping things within one's own grip; successful use of strong personality power; the creation of magical effects;

Jup/Pluto = Moon: desire to bring about social improvements; establishing one's position with gut feelings; emotional conviction guides a new start (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are in a highly idealistic, visionary Fire Grand Trine pattern of closed energies which may become stagnant and inert as all such patterns may do without a kick in the patootie.

With a Grand Trine in Fire, there is emphasis on egotism, personal power, and heightened self-pride. The right to do as one pleases tends to be overused which suggests a sense of special privilege so common in governmetal types.

Washington's stalemating stand-off continues with more info (Gemini) to be revealed in the light of June 30's ambitious Capricorn Full Moon.

Tonight's New Moon degree, "23Gem":

"Three fledglings high in a tree"...keyword: ELEVATION...

pos: an unconditioned creativity exalted to the point of complete freedom from any immediate involvement;

neg/shadow side: psychological witlessness and a false sense of release from responsibility (MEJ.)

This degree concerns issues of immaturity which passes the buck on down the food chain and the New Moon chart has 6AQ01 rising which is the US natal South Node (SN conj ASC: separation, seriousness, strong individualism, but no popularity.)

6AQ+ is also the Medina degree--Neptune's position when Mohammed entered Medina (the foundation of Islam)--and you know that the attacks of 9/11 on America were a Neptune Return to this degree, don't you?

Cross-Pollination Heads-Up: Lim's Limericks has just published new verses on the kitten from Miers and a feline named get your meow-meow up and have a peek!

Or...check out how Bush prefers Enron thieves over its victims as if you could be surprised that thieves stick together.

Mar 16, 2007

Valerie Plame goes to Congress

After some requests I'm posting Valerie Plames's natal chart (sunrise) with this morning's transits set for Capitol Hill.

You see that tr Sun is conjunct her n Venus and tr Venus is conjunct her n Sun! Very appropriate given today's comments that she was a "platinum blonde" who looked like a "movie star" as she strode into the hearing room this morning.

On a side note--or is it?--Jupiter at 19Sag08 is conjunct the Chiron/Pluto midpoint of the Patriot Act chart (Oct 26, 2001)...that's Chiron/Pluto: plutocracy, oppression, racism, class warfare, and all that. And there's Jupiter (the judge--hey, that's Al Gonzales' nickname, isn't it?)...Jupiter to expand, over-expand, and/or broadcast the concept.

This morning, tr Moon conjoined tr Neptune, nebulous planet of obfuscation, veils, and covers...and the glamorous lady spy was in the House, her identity as a spy revealed for all to see. Glamour is also a function of Neptune, as you know, as were all the photographers present for her testimony.#

Feb 28, 2007

Dick Bomb-Magnet Cheney?

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
28 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here: Breaking News.

'The basic rule is this: when Bush and Cheney move around in space, especially Middle Eastern space, other people die. A bomb magnet is going to attract bombs.' Cheney, The Bomb Magnet --The Rec Report -- By Michael Rectenwald Wednesday, 28 Feb 2007

Military chiefs give US six months to win Iraq war --Violence expected to rise after UK withdrawal --'Coalition' is 'disintegrating' 28 Feb 2007 An elite team of officers advising US commander General David Petraeus in Baghdad has concluded the US has six months to win the war in Iraq - or face a Vietnam-style collapse in political and public support that could force the military into a hasty retreat.

Democrats Back Away From War Fund Plan 28 Feb 2007 House DemocRATic leaders are backing away from a plan to scale back US involvement in the Iraq war by using Congress' most powerful tool - withholding money in the budget. #

This makes a lot more sense when you consider the neocon-Israeli bigger picture described in Craig Unger's insightful Vanity Fair article From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq...another thanks to Alex for the link!

Netanyahu's hoofprints are showing up behind every sand dune and I remember his address to the joint session of Congress, July 10, 1996. That speech is when he called for the democratization of terroist states in the Middle East and stated that, "War might be unavoidable." Uh huh.

Perhaps someone should've smelled sulphur after that one because it sounds to me like one of those seeing-the-mote-in-your-neighbor's-eye-but-you-can't-see-the-beam-in-your-own moments...actually the whole "war on terror" comes across as part of this very basic problem...a human tendency we've all been warned against yet our learless feaders continue to demonize everybody but themselves.

(A "beam" for the whippersnapper reading this is like a two-by-four...a large plank, you might say.)

It's where we criticize in others what we refuse to acknowledge in ourselves--for if we didn't have the same trait, we wouldn't know how to recognize it, now would we?

So we think the bad stuff is "out there"...not within us. The devil made me do it--IF I did it at all. Or did I?

Ah-h-h...1996...Bill Clinton was playing prez then...I remember it well. They kept us mollified with good returns on stocks'n'bonds, and created a bottomless pit for the millions spent on supposedly "going after" Clinton.

I still say Kenneth Starr and those behind him then owe the US taxpayers a huge pile of dough...and that's not counting their Middle Eastern misadventures now--an agenda which they have No Intention of ever giving up, sad to say.

This is part of why I had reservations about the Nov 2006 elections--Dems are on the payroll as well. Do you doubt it given the "stalemates" prevalent upon The Hill now?

Jack Murtha's part in it all I have yet to understand. Is it possible there's one honest man in Washington? Pshaw. Well, Bernie Sanders perhaps.

So as evil-doers of all stripes force their holier-than-thou attitudes upon anyone handy, the Saturn-Neptune opposition continues bedeviling the entire world and the burning question remains unanswered after all these years: is it real (Saturn)--or is it PhotoShopped (Neptune)?!!

And Netanyahu, Bush, Cheney, Perle, and the rest think they can Secure the Realm--the Realm! no matter the cost to the unwashed masses who could use merely a bath, clean drinking water, and good meal or two.

Oh. And World Peace.

Feb 15, 2007

White House Oct 13, 1792

After Bush mentioned the beautiful White House yesterday, it seemed time to get off my duff and post the natal chart for the White House.

Put on your peepers and click to enlarge chart for the Feb 16, 2007 transits, sunrise, scribbled around the outside.

You'll find controlling, restricting Saturn stomping upon natal Uranus, the reformer and rebel, tr Venus conj n South Node--a separation point, tr Mars, the testy instigator, nearing Ic, the Foundation of the chart (although this is only the sunrise chart, 'tis true.)

There's a full 5th house of Speculation and Risky Ventures including tr Sun conj the 5th cusp, plus you'll notice that natal Mars 11Sag17 is in the same degree as the plutocratic Chiron/Pluto conj of Dec 30, 1999. Chiron/Pluto were parallel in mid-August, tr Pluto/Chiron = n Mars (Mars = energy, action, initiative, and in a national chart, the military. US imperialism shines forth.)

Astrologically speaking, it seems there is much to what some people said and wrote early on in the Bush regime--that plans for war were pre-laid from the start...with which SO'W must concur.

The natal chart of the White House has 3, count'em, 3 planets at the crisis-ridden 29th degree--and two of them are Saturn opposite Neptune under which the world suffers now by transit...true or false, reality vs illusion, accountability vs slackness, traditional religion vs mystical pursuits and esoterism.

There's also an explosive opposition between Uranus and Pluto, and tr Saturn is now opposing n Pluto, the generational transit which was in effect on 9/11/01. The White House probably was a target on 9/11.

There's a lot of karmic stuff is goin' on, m'peops, but there's no time today to type out more notes. Please refer to your own noggin for more details, if you speak astrolgese.

Feb 14, 2007

Bush hearts Press Conference 2.14.07

Yes, I was watching Bush's press Conference this morning and didn't have time to post.

It ended at noon and there was a certain planet conjunct Mc, the Aspiration Point--the WHY Point of the chart--and the planet was....illusive, deceptive, self-deluded Neptune, the thespian, prevaricator, and confuser.

The degree of Neptune/Mc is same as the USA's sec progressed New Moon of Oct 14, 1994 (Sibley chart 7.4.1776). A New Moon is the beginning of a 28-year cycle. The degree is:

"20AQ": "A big white dove, a message-bearer"...*CONVICTION:

pos: a facility for ordering all personal desires in a cosmic framework and a gift for knowing when to act and what to do;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: sanctimonious self-deception.

We can also use the progr'd New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) with Neptune for this midpoint picture:

Sun/Moon = Neptune: inner discontent; easily upset; illusions or deceptions; the undermining of associations; misunderstandings; shared suffering.

So which was Bush exhibiting today? Or perhaps a better question would be: which has the US been exhibiting for last 12+ years? All of them?

You be the decider this time. Just don't gaze into Putin's eyes while deciding.

*Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones