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Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts

Oct 7, 2014

Discovery of Uranus: America's totem planet of War and Independence

William Herschel's discovery of planet Uranus in 1781 was the first of the 'modern' (transpersonal, or, outer) planets to enter human consciousness from beyond the boundary of Saturn's orbit. Its discovery date times its synchronicity with both the American and the French Revolutions and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality, brotherhood--and anarchy and rebellion against the old established order denoted by status quo Saturn.

Although Mercury, planet of ideas, thinking processes, and communication, is the traditional ruler of Astrology, Uranus--as co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius and, some say, the higher octave planet of Mercury--has come to signify the 'New Age' and its realms of Astrology and a variety of otherworldly pursuits and studies. Certainly aspects between Mercury and Uranus represent intuitive thinking occurring in a flash like a bolt of lightening, and the inventions and new ideas that may come from such moments of enlightened realizations, devoid of Saturnian steps in between.

Yet even Uranian ideas, plans, and visions need reliable containers in which to pour and be manifested upon the earthly plane and these must be supplied by Saturn, ruler of form, substance, and reality. Most people know someone who often has marvelous new ideas yet who seldom if ever manages to bring them to fruition by putting them into practical form and utilization. Their ideas tend to remain on the Uranian 'drawing board' for lack of an aspect between 'old' Saturn and 'new' Uranus in the natal chart and can give the person an otherworldly vibe and an impractical aura that can keep more reality-based folks at arm's length.

As for the Political Astrology lens used on this blog, the more mundane associations between Uranus and political thought and policy, radicalism, and disruption are uppermost and this is predictable (though Uranus never is!) Uranus may disrupt, separate, isolate, or interrupt at any time--either early, late, or never, and is linked with the 'wild cards' of the Universe, Eclipses, two of which are occurring this month of October 2014. Tomorrow, October 8th, times a Lunar Eclipse @15Aries05 with its potential effects made even more unpredictable by a close conjunction to quirky Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, an astrological portrait of zealots, anarchists, and Uranian Utopians (as described by Reinhold Ebertin.)

Two weeks later on October 23, 2014, the Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 occurs, when karmic progress can be made thanks to its manifestation in Scorpio, sign of regeneration. Yet Scorpio also denotes betrayal, revenge, and secrets so what are our chances? After all, karmic progress entails making better decisions concerning how to deal with current events rather than relying on past mistaken choices and behaviors that may have been appropriate then but will no longer serve if improved outcomes are desired.

And that, as I'm certain you recognize, is a handy definition of the obsessive neurosis that grips Washington DC politics as the "shining city on a hill" continues its draconian attempt to remake the world in its now-quaint 'New Atlantis' image.

Thanks to the help of sister Caroline Herschel: Discovery of Uranus March 13, 1781 "between 10 and 11 pm" according to William Herschel's account, Bath, England. At 10:30 pm LMT: ASC 11Sco43, Moon 14Sco59 rising, 1st house Jupiter @27Sco25 Rx, 2nd house Pluto 6AQ09 (discovered in 1930), IC 27AQ12, 4th house Venus @2Pis54 (sister Caroline selflessly giving her all to brother's work?), Sun 23Pis45 (the self-denying William?), 5th house planet of sight, Mercury @11Ari45, a degree that transit Uranus has so recently electrified), 6th house of Chiron @3Tau20 (conjunct the healing Centaur's discovery degree of 3Tau09, November 1, 1977), North Node of Future Destiny @5Tau08 (which puts SN rising showing the Herschels' isolation and "outstanding in their field" status), Desc 11Tau43. The 8th house of occultism and hidden things holds Uranus @24Gem27, with Gemini ruled by insightful Mercury; MC @27Leo12, The Goal Point, showing perhaps some desire for achieving prominence within the scientific community of his day, modest though he was. Perhaps the proud Leonine Midheaven refers to some amount of unconscious arrogance within his nature and his discovery of Uranus did lead to his acceptance by the scientific establishment and to being favored by the king.

Finally, as-yet-undiscovered Neptune @4Lib48 is Rx and in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes, an idealistic placement by house and sign for the planet of dreams and visions.

Source for Uranus discovery data: Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad)

Mar 16, 2014

Brief Astro-Notes on James Garfield's Assassination

A Few Notes on the Assassination of President Garfield

by Jude Cowell

According to sources online, the assassination of President James Garfield occurred at 9:30 am on July 2, 1881 in Washington DC as he prepared to board a train to take a vacation trip.

The story is that the self-proclaimed "Stalwart of Stalwarts" Charles Guiteau, who had bothered the president for weeks concerning the granting of a government position, fired two shots into James Garfield's back. The Masonic president succumbed to his wounds and to subsequent medical treatment (his wounds probed by unwashed hands).

Related links include the bio of Senator Roscoe Conkling of New York, leader of the Stalwarts faction of the Republican Party, a Saturnian group if I may say so. Conkling and Garfield had major disagreements over the Patronage system which Conkling was accustomed to running and a Congress vs White House tiff concerning the exercise of power, something we've seen repeatedly since Democrat Barack Obama was elected and the inspiration for yet another do-nothing Congress particularly in the House of Representatives. My branch is bigger than your branch? Apparently Republicans feel more powerful when they deny Mr. Obama his agenda, block nomination approvals, and such.

Same old same old? Well, yes, a staunch (Saturnian) belief in negative government continues to motivate the Republican Party (and any Democratic enablers hidden under GOP coat tails.) Negative government believers are the current small-enough-to-drown-in-a-bath-tub varmints and the late-1800s Stalwarts vs Half-Breeds factions describe what today is referred to as real Republican conservatives vs 'RINOs'--Republicans in name only as they attempt to out-Saturn one another--the internal war some say the GOP is fighting against itself.

Astrology of an Assassination, July 2, 1881 9:30 am LMT Washington DC

A horoscope for this time, date, and place shows an Ascendant (the deed) of 8Vir28 with rebellious zealot Uranus @10Vir33 rising along with the Moon @16Vir40--and with James Garfield's natal Saturn @13Vir51 tucked between. Right away this gives a midpoint picture: Moon-Uranus = natal Saturn: suffering sudden damage; separation (Ebertin.)

In his midpoint book, Michael Munkasey describes the Moon-Uranus duo in Politics as 'rulers who rule at whim', 'little sense of how an enterprise is seen by the rest of the world' (possibly relates to Garfield but also to Guiteau who was executed by hanging on June 30, 1881), and/or 'an emotionally immature person placed in an important and visible leadership role', among other indications.

James A. Garfield, born on November 19, 1831 at 2:00 am in Orange, Ohio, had natal Saturn in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing. And we see in his natal chart great happiness at leaving DC for vacation (his ill wife was feeling much better and he was traveling to join her, plus he had 'won' a political battle against Senator Conkling) in the transit of jolly Jupiter to his natal Moon @19Tau36 in wide conjunction with natal Chiron (The Wound) @13Tau23 Rx--also in the 8th house of Transformation and Death.

And with transiting Chiron @21Tau09 in the assassination chart, we know he had recently had his Chiron Return which occurs for everyone around the age of 50. All in all, the natal horoscopes of those involved and the shooting and death charts are very interesting to those who enjoy Historical Horoscopes but I must mosey for now and stop blathering on about America's second assassination--that of Masonic President James Garfield.

As always, any on-topic comments or queries you may have are appreciated.

Mar 2, 2014

"Slipping Into Fiction"-- Max Igan video

In a Hollywood mode of illusion and creativity,here's a previous drawing of mine, Roxy's Red Room:

Now for tonight's premiere presentation by Max Igan:

Why do we allow ourselves to be "ruled"? I love it when Max says, "The powers that believe they be":

A "guiding hand"? A hidden hand? In Astrology, that would be Pluto.

"Slipping into fiction"? Sounds like Neptune's influence and the murky one's 'silver screen' of illusion and appropriate to post this video on the evening of the Academy Awards in Hollywood, California.

Max also addresses the public's fear of speaking out against the system--a province of astrological Saturn--the austere, paternal planet that strongly evinced its influence upon the Collective today turning Rx in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio, another significator of the hidden hand.

Feb 25, 2014

"Cultivating the Social Pathogen" --Max Igan (video)

This broadcast from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series opens with a quote from Marianne Williamson, author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher.

Has the economic pathogen affected your mind? Are you alive on planet earth" Then, yes. It has.

The title of this presentation is quite apt for the current transit of Saturn (business, government, status quo, systems, etc) in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Corporatism, Mysteries, and more.

Once austere Saturn leaves Scorpio (at Christmas 2014 for several months, then the Old Man moves back into Scorpio around mid-June 2015 until mid-September 2015), Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius becomes its focus until Saturn enters its own sign of Capricorn in December 2017, initially passing one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation and Prominence (00Cap00:00.)

Saturn in Sagittarius denotes a focus upon legalities and justice, religion, philosophical research, prudence, doubts, and emigration.

In Capricorn, Saturn's focus is on issues that concern industry, economies, diplomacy, self will, ego, endurance, concentrated work, one-sidedness, and partiality (Ebertin.)

Year 2020

One of the watershed moments of Saturn's journey through the Zodiac over the next few years will be its next Great Conjunction with powerful, wealthy Pluto @22Cap46 which occurs once on January 12, 2020. Plus, banker Jupiter joins conjoins Pluto and turns everything into a big deal on: April 5, 2020, June 30, 2020, and November 12, 2020--from 22 to 25 degrees Capricorn (near US natal Pluto and opposite US natal Mercury in Cancer.) Yes, as many astrologers are noting, 2020 is one of the upcoming years to be on guard however we can as America's first-ever Pluto Return nears.

In current news, both abroad and at home, we're in the Saturn-Pluto cycle (about 33 years long) which began with their conjunction @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 (on Reagan's watch.) The March 2, 2014 Mars Rx Station will hit that degree indicating more violence and brutality, assaults, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence.

Nov 4, 2013

Nov 5, 2013: Venus to Saturn-ruled Capricorn until March 2014

With America's presidential office in the White house oval-shaped, and considering all the statues of feminine goddesses sprinkled about the District (plus, there she is uplifting her Illuminati torch in New York harbor), one concludes that Venus was and is very important in the pantheon of idols in our leadership's thinking and ideology.

So whatever planet Venus does in relationships, finances, or diplomacy, it pays to keep a cautious eye upon her for in Astrology Venus on the most basic level represents the attraction principle.

After a sojourn in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, Venus moves into Capricorn on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 3:43 am est. Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business where Venus must exercise more control and may hold obsolete views. Once in Cap, Venus will soon oppose America's natal Venus (3 Cancer) denoting a time when America's opinions, proposals, and reactions in the realms of relationships, diplomacy, and finances are met with disagreement and...well, opposition.

This is currently the case in many realms, as you know, from US foreign policy-- now gummed up by our government's spying on allies--to draconian drone strikes, to reforming our health care insurance and the health care system some call "the best in the world." Funny how that's a sentiment often touted by those with cadillac health care insurance paid for on the public dime, isn't it?

So when Venus is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, maturity, constancy and faithfulness are required yet distrust, jealousy, disappointment, separation, and too much of a 'factual' manner may be in evidence instead. Plus, the Moon (ruler of US natal Venus) follows Venus into Cap on Wednesday, Nov 6th, at 4:44 pm est and they conjoin Wednesday evening at 7:22 pm est which may lift spirits a little with a pleasant contact, and/or reveal pretenses so that they may be viewed more clearly and be tactfully dispelled.

But enough! My guess is that if you've read this far you're more than ready to check out an article by expert astrologer Julie Demboski who will give you her perspective on Venus in Capricorn for the planet of love retrogrades on December 20th and will remain in Capricorn until early March 2014!

Sep 18, 2013

"Push It Until the Wheels Fall Off" Max Igan video

Needed: Awareness, Self-Empowerment, and Unity!

In the following presentation, Max Igan begins his broadcast with a quote from a personal favorite of mine, humorist Mark Twain. But if you're looking for minced words of wit concerning the condition of America and the world (and who's to blame), you're about to listen to the wrong presentation...

The globalists are "getting sloppy", folks. And "the wheels are falling off" may be described astrologically by toppling, transformative Pluto traversing the structural sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of government, law, and business. And Uranus the Awakener is the planet of awareness!

As above, so below...

Aug 27, 2013

With Pluto in Capricorn US to wage war against Syria

Syria in the Cross Hairs of Pluto's New World Order

by Jude Cowell

With the media echo chamber resounding across the airwaves of America once again, few of the American people agree that waging war in Syria is what it's touted to be--or for what reason. Okay, I hate the fact that chemical weapons were heinously used, but by whom? What country's name appears on the canisters? Who manufactured and sold the chemical weapons? The US, or perhaps our comrades in arms, the UK?

Was the gas deployed by the Assad regime? Really, Washington? If Assad is winning, why resort to killing his people in such a way that is sure to result in worldwide condemnation and attention? Well, Washington's record is smudged from previous lies so it's difficult to believe the Pentagon Vulcans now. I suppose having a Nobel Prize winning president (who dithered--I mean, really thought this situation through) is meant to make the bitter medicine go down easier than with oilmen Bush and Cheney but for this dissenting American, Washington's warmongering ploy isn't working. And as always, my maternal heart and prayers go out to the good people of Syria, a nation that has drawn the raptor's eye of the 'new world order' global government operatives just as General Wesley Clark said it would (see video below.)

In fact, as noted in Politico, Obama is dealing with the scoffing of a war-weary public. Poor him. Poor us, the taxpayers who have no say in how our billions are spent. Guess the 'savings' from sequester cuts to domestic programs are precisely to be used as I fussed about previously: cut money for domestic programs in order to wage more war. Is it time to bomb already? Then poor countries across the globe that international banking houses are determined to control.

Even Colin Powell is doing his part in the war propaganda against Syria though he has some nerve, considering his performance at the UN of his pre-invasion of Iraq presentation. Yes, all our politicians are nervy, aren't they? Almost as if they're in on 'the game'--privy to some larger secret agenda to topple governments and dominate the world. And naturally, all astrologers know that purging Pluto traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn is about just that. Saturn is structure, status quo, and established government but Pluto cares not because Mr. Underworld (or, Mr. Hades, if you prefer) wants to create his own design, no matter who gets hurt...

Just below is a brief excerpt from remarks given a few years ago by General Wesley Clark on toppling governments. You may have viewed or heard before, however, I believe this information regarding their 'no option to do otherwise' sort of plan to alter the course of history is relevant to Washington's 'drums of war' stance against Syria right now, don't you? With a small dash of reluctance lightly tossed into the brew, they let it simmer on the hob within the bowels of the White House, as we tend to call the residence of the president. A Lodge, really.

America is in crouched and ready to spring against a perceived enemy or enemies. The Generals are ecstatic and astrologically I shall blame much of the energy on America's recent Jupiter Return 2013 (on July 22, 2013 @5Can56)--Jupiter in his role as the General. For clues we'd look to the sign the US natal Jupiter is in on July 4, 1776 which is Moon-ruled Cancer (Moon-Jupiter energies resonate quite well together). And of course US natal Moon is in Aquarius, sign of mental acuity, Science, a streak or more of futurism, and/or humanitarianism in some cases, on some levels, and lack of emotional depth.

Crock of Merde!

8.28.13 Update: neglected to mention that America's last Jupiter Return was a three-fer--in 2001 and 2002 when Jupiter the General got his long-planned way and Washington invaded Afghanistan, then Iraq in 2003. Will the current Jupiter Return of July 22nd result in another war? Looks as if it will. And what is the Sabian Symbol for US natal Jupiter (5Can56) at '6Can'? "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

The negative (shadow side/unconscious) expression of the symbol = 'unnecessary concern over everyday security.' The symbol and negative expression for the karmic degree (just prior) of '5Can' = "An Automobile Wrecked by a Train"...'an insensitive recklessness.'

And what reckless birds might be included here? How about the symbol for US natal Pluto at '28Cap' which relates in many mundane horoscopes to the Pentagon's military industrial complex which so many of our politicians hold lucrative shares in? "A Large Aviary"...neg: loss of all character in sheer officiousness.' (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) Wonder if the US government realizes that no populations in the world believe that 'spreading democracy' is our national aim? For they have plenty of experiential evidence for disbelieving that particular crock of merde.

And I wonder if Colin Powell has dusted off his, "You break it you bought it" slogan for the Obama administration?

Original post continues here:

Two links? Syria June 2013: Knuckle Under for Global Government...or Else and this post contains an image with notes of the 1970 Assad coup horoscope (natal) where hard Saturn of authoritarian fame has been treading...

They're screwing over the whole world again, folks. Do you, dear reader, have a word to say about it?

Aug 19, 2013

Was CIA Chief behind Michael Hastings' death? (video)

If you've had your suspicions about the fiery car crash that (conveniently for The Empire) killed journalist Michael Hastings (who is said by his wife to have been working on an article about John Brennan), here's a 5-minute+ video with just such a theme:

And if you haven't seen the 'car crash' horoscope, click here but a warning: video taken just after the crash is included in my post.

You'll notice in the horoscope that America's natal Uranus @8Gem55 is rising as is warring activist Mars in transit. Also, restrictive authority Saturn @5Sco07 Rx conjoins the Vertex, a point of fated encounters which may include death and sudden endings, plus, the Moon @18Lib59 reflects US SP Mars, retrograde by progression since Summer 2006.

Aug 9, 2013

Horoscope: George Washington sworn in as President

Horoscope: The American Presidency; and, President Obama Has a Presser

by Jude Cowell

Since Congress is on break now, my blogging schedule is lighter than usual. However, at 3:00 pm est today, President Obama holds a press conference (his first in about 3 months) with '2Sag' rising which places Jupiterian issues of finance and investment on the front burner along with military concerns. The Sabian Symbol for '2Sag' = "The Ocean Covered with Whitecaps" which naturally reminds us both of the White House, Capitol Hill, etc, and may result in questions about foreign policy and the tense US-Russian relationship. The keyword for '2Sag' = IRREPRESSIBILITY and its positive expression is: "an indomitable resourcefulness and a naive delight in the problems of everyday living; negative: pointless irritability and nervous self-exhaustion." (Jones.)

Well, POTUS and family are about to leave for Martha's Vineyard to relax for a week, then he comes back to DC for the Obama v Republicans fiscal stalemates of Autumn 2013. Oh joy, it's another round of Political Theater for the American people who deserve much better than these sorry jokers, many of whom probably cheated their way to office in the first place.

So! On that grumpy note, the following is a reprint with a few edits from my WordPress blog Jude's Threshold:

Horoscope: American Presidency, George Washington Sworn In

Image (click to enlarge): April 30, 1789, 12:45 pm LMT, NYC, George Washington took the first Oath of Office as President of the United States (historical record.)

There is a crisis pattern formed, a YOD (Finger of God) which indicates a special purpose or task, a crisis, crossroads, and/or a spirtual opportunity which gives this picture: Saturn/Mc = Neptune: one’s position is vague; a lack of clarity; feeling fears; peculiar circumstances; disappointment (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Now you wouldn’t think so, would you? Of course, Neptune was yet to be discovered. Outer planets are brought into our collective consciousness upon their discoveries when we are ready to ingest their concepts and manifestations for as with the Scriptures, we must be ready for light before it is given.

Well, I won’t wax upon idealistic Neptune’s divine nature here, or its links to creative realms, for you may certainly Google your way easily into the Neptunian territories of American life if you so desire. Plus, Neptune's association with The Masses, The Media, and propaganda is well known.

And you see that America’s natal Neptune of 1776 is conjunct this chart’s 2nd cusp of Values, Earning Ability, and the National Treasury. Americans do love to make money through creative pursuits including Neptunian film, theater, and music-–and spend money on entertainment, too.

One of the more interesting features I found in studying this chart which stands for the US Presidency itself because it is the first Oath (even the time here is verified through historical record though technically there were other 'presidents' before George) is the placement of Chiron @18Gem17 in 10th house of Public Status in the world.

As you know, the asteroid/planetoid/comet Chiron (the Wounded Healer) was discovered by astronomer Charles Kowal on Nov 1, 1977 @3Tau08 Rx; Chiron returns to Discovery degree in the years 2027-28–-it’s a three-fer due to retrogradation.

So what’s the deal with a visible-to-the-world Chiron in 10th house?

Using Barbara Hand Clow’s book on Chiron, we find that the crisis with a 10th house Chiron is over manifesting one’s true purpose on Earth.

You are aware, of course, of the ongoing debate over America’s ‘Manifest Destiny’ which is her providential mission set in motion by her Founders and certain others, and which has reached the crisis stage in the New Millennium as our opinions on the ‘how and why’ are split in two.

Because of George Washington’s well-documented membership in the Freemason brotherhood and perhaps in other secret societies as well, the Great Seal’s mysterious rider who magically showed up at Thomas Jefferson’s house with the Seal’s design, and a few other indications that our Founders were in on the ruse of masking (yet passing on) the mission, it may be assumed that a secret destiny is afoot even as I type, for Chiron in 10th house is very quixotic.

(“–as I type” is an example of Chiron’s be-here-NOW influence!)

And with 10th house’s association with authority (natural house of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn), a 10th house Chiron relates to a ‘mantle of power’ which looms large as a daunting undertaking for one man…a mere president.

From studying Washington’s natal chart, I believe he was as unconsciously arrogant as the next president, yet it is said that he refused to be king and settled for the title of president with a built in time limit. Good idea–-use ‘em, then retire ‘em, is always the best course.

Now with Gemini being the sign of communication, oration, writing, and the Eternal Youth archetype (America’s obsession with youth is quite tedious–Chiron is the “blindspot”), we know that mass consciousness is part of the presidential package–and Chiron in Gemini is highly attuned to it. The Geminian crisis here is to find new ways of integration and perception; the keyword is: awareness–-awareness that thinking creates reality. This Chiron is meant to learn how We-the-People think in order to change our mental realities, a concept that Science is just now catching up with.

Scripturally speaking it reminds me of, “As a man thinks, so he becomes.”

Moon is in Cancer, sign of Home and Domestic Scene. Most Americans seem to forget that there’s anywhere else in the world-–a love of home is typical, but we revel in things which are as American as apple pie. This brings in appetite and the nurturing qualities of Cancer along with comfort foods such as apple pie!

This Saturnian Hour, which was chosen for the American Presidency to be born, is perfect for exercising authority, management, and control; and with a Leo Ascendant, sign of the natural ruler–but also the sign of monarchy–the philosophical 9th house Sun in Taurus is the chart-ruler. Taurus relates to Freemasonry as the sign of the architect and builder. “I preserve,” says Taurus.

However, responsible, authoritative Saturn is Watery in mystical Pisces, a placement given by Ebertin as: self-sacrificing, modest, and struggling with opponents. This is an interesting sign for Saturn who is actually a master of disguise (was Washington really the leader of the country? Or was Britain and its banking system actually in charge as it is now?), and as Liz Greene says in her book, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil, “No event or mundane circumstance can occur without having first been set in motion by an idea, charged with emotion, and then manifested as action.”

It is my contention that as the “Father of Our Country,” this Piscean Saturn perfectly describes George Washington, the mystical Freemason and archetypal significator of the Presidency of the United Sates of America, a nation based on the Utopian ideal of Atlantis, charged with much revolutionary feeling, and manifesting in action toward her destiny...whatever it may ultimately turn out to be.

Your thoughts on this horoscope and the history it represents are invited!

Jul 24, 2013

7.24.13: US Jupiter Return inspires Obama speech on Economy

Obama's Speech on the economy begins with a Void-of-Course Moon

by Jude Cowell

Today at 12:55 pm edt, or 1:00 pm cdt, depending on the source (and probably not beginning on time but the official time seems to be 12:55 pm) at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, President Obama speaks about the US economy in a effort to refocus attention on finances and jobs.

At 12:55 pm cdt, we find 24Lib28 rising which makes evaluating Venus chart-ruler during this Hour of the Sun (the president.) The speech's Sun @1Leo59 will soon cross the Midheaven (MC) of Goals and Aspirations with MC @28Can51. The president's natal Saturn Rx in Capricorn conjoins the IC (Foundation of the Matter; The Drain) along with America's natal Pluto Rx which, when the energies are taken together, show concerns about rising from difficult situations and the hard work and privation the rising involves. The VOC Moon denotes that today's event will proceed without interference, or, that nothing turns out as expected--unless he speaks until the Moon enters Pisces.

Still, there are adjustments (inconjunct) to be made between leadership (Sun) and the people (Moon) for an inconjunct between the luminaries denotes his attempt to win approval from the public (and thus pressure Republicans to cooperate), along with the expression of an altered perspective that can provide many advantages if successfully utilized and directed. Yes, generous, advantageous, investing, monied Jupiter is well-represented here.

Venus-Neptune: unrealistic dreams

As for chart-ruler Venus' two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects, we find that the planet of money and attraction first opposes Neptune (4Pis48 Rx--the masses; the media) which hints that once trust has been shattered as it has, it will be difficult for Washington politicians to gain it back, and that some of them follow an idealism which is based on a clouded vision. I would ascribe this to the Global Government-NWO crowd of faithless politicians and their financial backers but maybe that's just me. At any rate, few can deny that America is being collapsed in a methodical way particularly since the 1980s and the deregulation of Wall Street firms made Global Corporatism our government's 'god'. Their anti-sovereign campaign is doing quite well against the 'old-fashioned' nation-state that citizens of nation-states prefer to live in, thanks very much.

Now on Monday July 22, 2013, America's natal Jupiter @5Can56 returned to natal position in the 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) marking a new round of Jupiterian activities for our nation. This includes finances but also denotes expansion, investment, broadening of vistas, Jupiter the General's war and conquest efforts, religion, philosophy, and broadcasting from the Bully Pulpit such as President Obama does today--concerning economic issues.

However, he begins today's speech (assuming it starts on time or thereabouts) with austere Saturn rising @5Sco02 and North Node (a Jupiterian point) @13Sco17 also in 1st house. This Nodal position hits the US Inaugural Descendant (partnerships; open enemies) so transiting SN of the Moon now languishes upon the Ascendant of the Presidential Oath-Taking. 'Outstanding in his field', separation, or some mixture of both? Saturn in 1st house indicates stoppages or at least, delays, while NN in 1st provides an indication of good fortune.

the only midpoint picture is the ongoing Neptune/NN = Pluto where perspectives are difficult to blend with that of others. Plus, the Neptune/NN combo indicates a lack of community spirit, something powerful, manipulative Pluto now uses for his propagandistic purposes that keep the American people divided (and thus, conquered.)

Activist Mars, god of war and drone strikes. is out-of-bounds (OOBs) @7Can31 conjunct Mirzam, a star of The Announcer and of one who has something to say or express. Orating Mercury @14Can06 conjoins US natal Sun and Dog Star, Sirius (the mundane becomes sacred) which supports the 'announcement' theme of the speech's horoscope. Plus, Mars by degree joins in with the closed circuit of energies and urge for security and protection seen in the Water Grand Trine between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune so perhaps Mrs will trigger action on the level of Social Responsibility.

The Moon's entry into Pisces will allow her to join in the Grand Trine as well, yet it's doubtful that such triggering will affect the GOP considering the party's recent progressed opposition of SP Moon and SP Neptune by which delusions, confusion, lies, fraud, and deception were handed to Americans who are felt by Republicans to be social burdens and parasites.

Apparently the Rs think that using US taxpayers' funds to invest at home for our sakes interferes with their next misadventure abroad when there are new territories to conquer, more natural resources to plunder, and a Global Government to set up as their ideology demands from atop the heights of Jupiter's expansive realms.

Pluto Opposes from Controlling Capricorn

Meanwhile, transit Pluto @9Cap44 Rx in the speech's 3rd house of Communications continues to firmly oppose US natal planets in Cancer--today Mr. Underworld is between exact opposition to US natal Jupiter (5Can56) and US n Sun (13Can19) so Mr. Obama's titanic struggles with global internationalists continue to mar America's future prospects even though austerity measures both here and abroad have proven themselves to be fruitless for growth, development, and economic improvement, but are a requirement for those Utopians and neocons determined to collapse governments and ruin economies so that a 'new economic order' will be accepted by the people as 'the only remedy'.

A Venus-Saturn contact

Chart-ruler Venus then goes on to sextile Saturn (2A@@) which signifies those with good investment and business sense, interests in future growth and development, and good communications skills. And with the speech's Sun @1Leo59 conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury (2Leo20), we may expect that today's speech will be bracing and thoughtful yet taken as antagonistic in the ears of his Republican opponents who are determined that his will be a 'failed presidency'.

Uranus-Pluto and the Moon at a 29th degree

Naturally, the tiresome, rebellious Uranus-Pluto square energies under gird all issues (until 2015)--here 2S45, and the Moon (We the People; the public; publicity; emotional moods/trends) @29AQ43, a critical-crisis degree, in 4th house of Real Estate and Domestic Scene is anxious to move into mystical if confused Pisces which Luna does at 1:23 pm edt. America had a Lunar Return today--27AQ10--at 9:43:34 am edt, White House, in Return 6th house of Military and Police Service, Work and Employment, Health Concerns, and Daily Rounds so We the People remain acutely aware that job creation is the key to our lagging if slowly improving economy. Now if only Washington kept our dwindling social conditions in mind long enough to accomplish worthwhile changes and implement the investments our nation needs.

One more note about the speech horoscope--it has a splay pattern of planets which denotes an intensity that can't be limited to a single point of application (M.E. Jones) so that we may expect several ideas for solving economic woes to be offered by President Obama as he kicks off today a series of speeches on the US economy--and then by the Saturnian austerians on the rise in 1st house in corporate-minded Scorpio, sign of spies and betrayals. The Leo Sun (the president) is squared (blocked) by Saturn (3A03) @'6Scorpio' = "A Gold Rush" (Jones) so Republican obstructionism toward the policies put forth by the president remain suspect in the eyes of those who would cause this administration's Saturnian downfall as this difficult transiting aspect echoes America's natal Sun-Saturn square.#

And since Jupiter's realm also includes ideology, we find the concepts of expansion/investment v restriction/austerity at the base of the stalemate in Washington economically, politically, and otherwise.

For a broader view of America's Jupiter Return of July 22, 2013 with the Return horoscope shown and notated by yours truly (as seen through a common good lens), you may wish to order the 19-page printable Stars Over Washington Report on Jupiter 2013 (PDF format) from the sidebar of this blog. Our recent Solar Return 2013 is also available. Thanks! jc

Great reading is Gary P. Caton's recent TMA article The 79-Year Cycle of Mercury and Mars in the USA Horoscope with the Mercury-Mars duo a signature for political opinions and arguments.

7.26.13: notable in the president's speech is his "get back to basics" theme which tallies with our national Jupiter 'getting back' to its natal degree!

Jul 3, 2013

Eric Francis finds Edward Snowden's correct birth time

Here's an update with video on the whereabouts of asylum-seeker Edward Snowden.

July 3, 2013: It's raining frogs, dogs, and felines here (near Atlanta) so this is a quick post to make certain you're seen the article on the natal horoscope of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden who at last check, remains on the lam from the US government for yanking down its frilly underpants of spycraft. With the Moon void-of-course all day today, not much will work out for very many if it occurs at all, and this must include the flight of Edward Snowden who has yet to find a safe place to lay his weary head.

Can't Find The Man But We Find His Birth Hour

Edward Joseph Snowden's birth certificate (or record) shows that he was born at 4:42:00 am EDT (June 21, 1983 Elizabeth City, New Jersey) and in my previous post concerning his natal planets I had used 'noon' for his horoscope. Now I shall be pleased to update my chart files to reflect the improved data for Mr. Snowden, thanks to expert astrologer Eric Francis!

You may wish to check out the elusive Mr. Snowden's natal horoscope at Planet Waves with its 12th house (secrets; Politics; self-undoing; karma--reaping what's been sown) Mercury the Messenger rising in communicating Gemini.

Perhaps Mr. Snowden will be again in flight once flighty Mercury turns Direct on July 20, 2013 @13Can21 (or maybe be brought back to the US to face charges--this Mercury Direct Station conjoins US natal Sun, the president), or, perhaps the Direct Station of Saturn (accountability; authority; control; lawmakers) on July 8, 2013 will trigger action in this situation, legal or otherwise, though before very long, Saturn's forward direction will land the restrictive planet smack dab onto Snowden's natal 6th house Moon @13Sco25.

And as you know, ancient Saturn can play a grim-reality tune on his pan pipes!

May 27, 2013

US Venus Return June 2013: Saturn leads a locomotive pattern

US Venus returning to natal degree on June 5, 2013

by Jude Cowell

On June 3, 2013 at 11:10:39 am edt, White House, transiting Venus returns to her natal degree in America's 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) of 3Cancer06. Having an approximate cycle of one year, Venus Return horoscopes tell how the year will proceed within the realms of Venus: relationship-partnerships-alliances, financial matters including monetary evaluation, diplomacy, art and music, social and cultural events.

As you know, Venus rules the principle of attraction (to and from) and in shrewd Cancer, America is attracted to Cancerian-Lunar concerns such as home and business, security needs, food supplies, parental and emotional concerns, creative endeavors, art, beauty, and finances (their supply or lack thereof--here, quirky disruptive Uranus @11Ari49 The Rebel is at a sensitive point in the 8th house of Corporations, Taxes, Debt, Credit, Death, Transformation, etc--near the 9th cusp.)

In any planetary return chart, the natal aspect or aspects of the planet under consideration is very important for interpreting the Return horoscope which in the case of Venus, 'looks ahead' about one year until Venus' next return to natal degree in 2014.

In America's natal 'Sibly' horoscope, Venus only applies to a conjunction with natal Jupiter @5Can56 ('6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--they certainly do) yet in our Venus Return 2013 horoscope, Venus has already moved beyond investing Jupiter (25Gem18.) Both planets are posited in Venus Return ('VR') 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. Also, Venus rules VR 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status.

A Venus-Jupiter conjunction indicates generosity, optimism, and financial good fortune but may lead to indolence, laziness, and too much ease when effort is what's called for. Additionally, Venus rules the separative SN conjunct MC, a time when career moves may be thwarted, bad timing interferes, and old habits are out of sync with current trends--thus, recognition is slow in coming, if at all. Yet with the Nodal axis spotlighting the IC conj NN and 4th house of Domestic Scene, we may expect a few improvements to express there including in Real Estate.

Later in 2013, the 2013 Venus Return chart may tell us something of the financial stalemates in Washington DC which are virtually promised by the GOP-Tea Party with their anti-anything-Obama manner of sore-losership and weird ideology of Weishauptian dimensions, an ideology which includes a centuries-old plan for global governance and domination.

Our June 3, 2013 Venus Return Ascendant is @23Leo46 and thus the chart is ruled by the Sun @15Gem06 which makes no applying aspects to other planets at all. However, the Venus Return Sun does inconjunct NN showing a leader (Sun) and the public (NN) needing some type of adjustment between them in relation to Venusian issues. And since US natal Venus conjoins Fixed Star Mirzam (to have one's say--and VR Mercury @7Can55 conjoins out-spoken Mirzam, we may hear announcements concerning financial and/or diplomatic-pacts-alliances with the day of our VR 2013 showing a peak of such activities and events.

Yet naturally Venus and other planets transiting this return chart's planets and angles, plus, the perfection of return aspects, describe peaks of activity as well.

Now if we use the rounding-up method for America's natal Venus degree (3Can06) we find that the word picture or symbol for '4Can' is: "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse" and here is what Marc Edmund Jones says about this symbol:

"4Can" = JUSTIFICATION. Positive expression: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends"; Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) :interminable quarreling with the nature of things.

US Venus is looking at You, Capitol Hill-ers of a jackass persuasion!

Then there's the chart's locomotive pattern with Saturn Rx @5Sco39 in 3rd house. Power, genius, persistence, and prophecy are some of the gifts in a horoscope containing a locomotive pattern of planets. Karmic planet Saturn when in Scorpio has a 'survival of the fittest' vibe which points directly to Ayn Rand objectivists and the Social Darwinism that certain politicians wish to impose upon everyone but their exalted selves.

And with Taurus the Bull at MC (The Goal; MC 17Tau17)), we may expect the sign's shadow side of greed, bigotry, intolerance, and racism to continue arguing with the Venusian cat in the House on Capitol Hill when all the cat wants is a warm and cozy spot in the sunshine with perhaps a slice of apple pie as comfort food.

What may aid us is that locomotive Saturn emphasizes the protective Water Grand Trine between Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune so that social and civic concerns are addressed if not entirely solved or improved. See my recent post on Summer Solstice 2013 for more details on the transiting Water Grand Trine with its Saturn-Neptune trine (120 degr) which favors those who work on secret projects such as military strategies and other government enterprises involving skillful analysis; social welfare is also spotlighted by Saturn-Neptune and progress can be made with their trine of opportunity--if no one interferes unduly.

Also at MC is the South Node (SN) of the Moon--and the Moon (We the People) is nearby as well, though on the 9th house side of Midheaven. Lady Luna @11Tau49 is in a fated septile aspect (51 degr) with Return Venus denoting possibly chaotic conditions, and VR Mars @3Gem41 in 10th house conjoins President Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21), a period when feelings lie close to the surface, anger may be expressed, and the pace of life picks up even more.

Well, these are a few considerations of America's next-up Venus Return which leads the list of America's 2013 planetary returns--here they are in order of occurrence; all natal positions are based on our nation's 'Sibly' horoscope of July 4, 1776:

1. June 5: Venus 3Can06

2. June 30: Mars Return 21Gem22

3. July 5: Solar Return 13Can19

4. July 22: Jupiter Return 5Can56

5. August 4: Mercury Return 24Can11 (August 4 is President Obama's birthday.)

Wishing for America and for you & yours many happy returns in 2013!

Apr 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher: iron Saturn rising

April 8, 2013 UK PM Margaret Thatcher Passes Away Peacefully

by Jude Cowell

Since former Prime Minister of Britain Margaret Thatcher passed away today I want to make note of the event on Stars Over Washington though a complete analysis of her natal horoscope has been published elsewhere many times over. You may wish to view her natal horoscope along with that of Meryl Streep who played her in the film at Solaris Astrology.

One basic way to describe the 'Iron Lady' is to point out key planetary contacts in her natal chart which I am about to do.

A-rated birth data: October 13, 1925 9:00 am GMT Grantham, England; Hour of Venus @2Sag04 in 1st house; ASC 15Sco16 (the Eagle Point which is shown clearly by her beakish nose--no disrespect intended); MC (The Goal) 3Vir51 with Moon 28Leo37 (conjunct Royal Star Regulus--she ended life as a Baroness) and Neptune 24Leo13 in 9th house. As my post title implies, Saturn 13Sco46 rises in 12th house of Politics and Karma giving harshness to her early life as the working class daughter of a grocer, but Saturn also supplied her with a conservative demeanor and steely self-discipline later on, building upon success one brick at a time.

Jupiter-Pluto (Plutocracy), Sun-Uranus (willfulness), and Moon-Neptune

A powerful Jupiter-Pluto opposition (0A15; 14Cap29-14Can44) across the 2/8 money axis indicates a deep determination toward material security and a tendency to challenge others by questioning their ideologies and asserting her own deeply held dogma. This opposition has a 'savior' quality to it which may use other people's finances or financial circumstances against them in order to gain victory and advantage.

However, using one's Jupiter-Pluto energies in an anarchistic rise to power only creates resentment and bitterness, and Lady Thatcher was, as you know, a deeply divisive figure within her own country at the height of her power and seems to be more revered in the US than at home particularly by American conservatives who sometimes include her in their idolatry of Ronald Reagan.

Actually, her natal Mars applies to a square of dynamic tension with moneybags Jupiter and powerful Pluto, so Jupiter-Pluto = Mars: leadership; a desire for great achievements; organising talent; publicity; application of controls to suit one's particular purposes. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Mars (energy, action, motivation) square Jupiter shows her as having a need for self-discipline in order to put tremendous physical and mental energies to best use. Time refined her goals and her ability to deal with them; a talent for public speaking is denoted by this aspect, as are feelings of impatience and of being threatened by competitors--yet much determination is given toward achievement. A certain accident-proneness is there and is echoed by her PE's theme (see below.)

And Mars square Pluto indicates a forceful nature, aggression when in pursuit of objectives, and a tendency to become abusive when denied or frustrated.

Now the closest applying aspect to natal Sun is what we want for describing her essence, isn't it? That would be a Sun-Uranus inconjunct (2A58)--but only because I'm counting the inconjunct (150 degrees) as a major aspect. Otherwise, there is no major applying aspect to natal Sun which highlights the Sun's natal house, sign, and degree of 19Lib30 in 11th house of Groups and Associations--good for collective endeavors such as Politics where she could shine. (Also in 11th house are Venus and Mars 9Lib27.)

Sun inconjunct (quincunx) Uranus denotes one who is susceptible to the 'you're the only one who can do it' guilt trip placed upon her by others--well, perhaps she was the 'only one' who could take over UK politics in 1979 with her isolated, controlling Saturn rising. In fact, being imposed upon and feeling challenged by others was part of her personality which is supported by Saturn, planet of responsibility, accountability, authority, and burdens, rising. Lady Thatcher was Saturn whose realm includes lead and other heavy metals such as iron and steel, as well as government, law, and business.

Another planetary pair to mention is her Moon-Neptune which supplied emotional sensitivity, imagination, and sometimes a tendency to daydream (!) A challenging professional life is a must with a Moon-Neptune conjunction in order to keep one productively busy, preferably in work that is publicly oriented and free from boring routines. When meeting new people she may have felt disoriented in some way so they were categorized according to her own manner of thinking. And perhaps she held an appreciation of poetry and art with her Moon-Neptune conjunction, and perhaps a liking for liquid refreshments.

Descriptively, Thatcher's 9th house Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (18North) now sets in her Secondary Progressed chart (SP) with SP Descendant @28Can20. 18N themes are: 'high stress levels, a taxing of strength, potential illness or accident, and obsessive thinking and worrying' (B. Brady.) During her lifetime, 18N also manifested in the years 1943, 1961, and 1997 (next in 2015.) Angular planets are often active at death, and in progressions, her SP Jupiter 00AQ39 is rising, thus angular, and her natal Venus 2Sag04 conjoins SP Midheaven signifying that her life will be popularly on display for the world to view and appreciate.

As for the most public angle of her natal horoscope, the Mercury-Pluto midpoint sits atop her natal chart thus relating to Career, Public Status, and guarding and/or dealing with important secrets as a goal--Mercury-Pluto = MC: leadership; great resourcefulness; deep perception of any situation; good coping ability; arranging matters well; prudence or circumspection; keen powers of judgment or discernment.

Let's close by considering potentials for one of the midpoint pictures from the initial solar eclipse of her PE Series (18N) which first manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34:

Mars-Saturn = Uranus (1Sag26): intense drive; breaking loose; accident; struggling to gain independence. (Mdpts pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

Well, today is the day that PM Margaret Thatcher finally broke loose as she gained independence from the earthly plane and now all her struggles are over. May the Iron Lady R.I.P.

Now here is today's Mother Jones article to burst the Thatcher bubble of lionization in the US of this divisive politician.

Feb 18, 2013

Feb 18, 2013 lawmaker Saturn Stations Rx as Congress vacations

Today's Saturn Rx Station Times House of Reps on Recess All Week

by Jude Cowell

At 12:02:16 pm today, stationing Saturn changes to retrograde motion at 11Sco31:34, in 6th house of the horoscope when set for Capitol Hill. This seems descriptive of current actions and non-actions in Washington politics for Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, sees over government, lawmaking, law, and business.

With the brouhaha Republican are now making over a mysterious leak of the White House's Immigration 'Backup' Plan and its alleged "smoking out" of Senator Marco Rubio (who has attempted to 'own' the issue yet now must balk because the president's name is on it), we find that Congress, Republicans and Tea Partiers in particular, to be acting in bad form with their accustomed ill grace toward a Democratic president who dares to be of a different race. They simply will not work with him and who doesn't know it? Apparently the heat became too much for tender-eyed Speaker John Boehner so that he felt a need to call a week-long recess for this week in the middle of serious issues which cry out for resolution.

According to the official House website, the House's first item of business upon returning to Capitol Hill next week will be a hearing on the state of the rural economy on February 26, 2013.

All in all, the GOP charade of pique is meant to further undermine the American people's trust in Congress and the White House and from what people tell me, it's working quite well. Or at least, it's 'working' much better than the Republicans are working at doing the people's business. And it's almost amusing that in recent months a transiting Saturn-Pluto sextile of opportunity (60 degrees) has been in effect and was and will be the base of a YOD pattern of special task/crisis/turning point implications pointing toward moneybags Jupiter (re-forming in March) but for today's Saturn Station Rx, the Saturn-Pluto pair point toward the Moon @9Gem27 (We the People) in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions at 12:02:18 pm est.

Thus a midpoint picture is created in relation to Saturn's inward-turning condition which contains certain potentials for manifestation--all, any, or none may apply:

Saturn-Pluto = Moon: renunciation; giving up giving; frigidity; tragic destiny of a woman (check current news events for murders and suicides of women); strong control over people's habits; inconsistencies in work, achievements, or records. (Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey.)


Now for something fun and completely different...I hope you caught Alabama Shakes on SNL Saturday. If not, don't miss the video of their fantastic roots rock performance! Maybe it can get the sour taste of a grandstanding Congress out of our mouths...

Oct 5, 2012

New Book on Saturn in Scorpio and "A Sight-Seeing Bus"

Today, October 5, 2012, Saturn moves into Scorpio from its sojourn in compromising Libra. Control is a major facet of the karmic planet of The Father, aka, the senex; other facets include: reality; fact; authority; authenticity; responsibility; accountability; restriction; constriction; boundaries; structure; status quo--and with the change from Libra, its sign of exaltation, we know that Saturn's concern with control is also one of Scorpio's primary interests or goals.

Enter master astrologer Donna Cunningham, who highly recommends a new book Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark by Mandi Lockley which contains info on Saturn transits to planets and follows Saturn's often heavy footprints through the houses. How timely!

Now let's consider the Sabian Symbol of Saturn's degree today at its most Scorpionicness: 1 Scorpio:

'1Sco' = "A Sight-Seeing Bus": FRIENDLINESS:

Positive expression: a basic impersonality which capitalizes on the opportunity of the moment and helps reorder the situation whenever there is difficulty or dissatisfaction;

Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): a genius for avoiding any and every actual expenditure of self.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Now on this dark Saturnian topic we could mention a few cosmic connections to the October 3 Obama v Romney debate and the disassociation from truth that we witnessed. But why do it here, when so many are busily fact-checking for us?

Besides, we have a Scorpio Eclipse coming soon on November 13 @21Sco56 which conjoins the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma in the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT 'Sibly' version of America's natal horoscope.

And since all eclipses have an ability to uncover or leak darkly hidden secrets, I wonder what tidbit or scandal may turn up on the peep-eye! menu for any and all political candidates as 2012 careens on?

Oh, and one more thing about Saturn entering Scorpio: The Taskmaster will conjoin the natal Sun of the New World Order @1Sco19! Here's a bit I wrote about the NWO natal chart way back in 2005 and here's a copy of the natal chart I published then with its birth date and time based on one of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune (The Enlightenment planets) which occurred all through 1993:

You'll note that the November 13 Solar Eclipse hits NWO Mercury 22Sco25 which is encased by its natal Mars 19Sco00 and Pluto 24Sco29. Try this midpoint picture of the NWO: Mars-Pluto = Mercury: desire to realize plans fanatically. (Ebertin.)

NWO Sun = "2Sco" = " A Broken Bottle of Spilled Perfume."


Pos: persistence in creative effort and utter fidelity to the inner essence of selfhood;

Neg (unconscious/shadow side): witless dissipation of every resource of self and society. (Jones.)

And turning all our public institutions into privatized entities that benefit the wealthy while implementing vast schemes upon the 47% in order to effect massive population control.

Aug 29, 2012

RNC 8.29.12 Paul Ryan to speak tonight

And Yet They Go On Speaking Without Saying Anything...

by Jude Cowell

Let me be the nostalgic one this Dad (b. 1908) had a favorite joke after watching political speeches on TV...What's he sayin'? He ain't sayin'...which for me sums up the narrow scope of the Mitt Romney 2012 campaign for president and the hidden cards Mitt is keeping guarded so close to his vest.

Therefore, there seems to be little reason for the GOP to continue conventioning in Tampa, Florida this week (except for the dancin' babes!) since the nominee's name is known--but would someone please clue in Gov. Chris Christie that the nominee isn't him--for he seemed to think so during his 'keynote address' last evening which was mostly about him and more him, and not about a grim-faced Mitt Romney at all. Yet Republicans now appear in their costly 3-day PR ad to promote Mitt and the GOP 2012 platform which if implemented will completely undermine women's health and financial prospects 'going forward' and do more damage besides. Gotta rip up that social safety net they call the New Deal!

Conflicting Messages, Anyone?

Well, as you noticed Tuesday night, Ann Romney spoke before Gov. Cristie and she said it was all about LOVE, then Christie spoke and poo-pooed LOVE and said, No, it's all about RESPECT. His Mama drummed that into him you see, and it sounds as if little Chris must have been born with a retrograde Saturn for he asserted last evening that Mom drove and Dad was only a passenger. Too much personal info? Agreed!

And yet I heard on Current TV today that Mr. Romney expects his VP pick, Rep. Paul Ryan, to perform in a similar fashion tonight: to talk about his past and growing up in a small town. If Ryan complies, will it make for a riveting address from Mr. Austerity Plan himself? We'll have to see...of one thing we may be fairly certain--few details of a proposed Romney presidency will emerge but generalities will be star of the show. Hmm. Must be quite a disturbing political platform--even worse than we fear--when politicans with microphones and cameras pointed at them keep mum about details to keep from frightening folks away from even Republican voting booths!

Well, here's a previous, brief astro-peek at Paul Ryan's Sun-Moon personality blend with a few other notes besides.

But wait! Aren't you missing a certain austerity-minded Republican at RNC 2012 so far? Me, too. Wonder where they're keeping Eric Cantor? Will he turn up in Tampa? Too many strippers on the scene? Then you may wish to check out a few astro-notes concerning Cantor along with the planetary transits of the 2011 "debt talks" on Capitol Hill, location of America's primary Political Theater venue.

You remember the financial drama of 2011: where the Republican Party was oh-so-willing to drive the US economy over bankruptcy's cliff just to make their favorite (obsessive) point that a half-black fella simply doesn't deserve to live in a White House and play the role of US president.

Jul 19, 2012

Jon Stewart on the Libor Rate-Rigging Scandal (video)

Interesting that this scandal has broken open just prior to Saturn entering the Corporate/Big-Business/Occult sign of Scorpio where squirmy things tend to hide along with criminals and other plutonians...

Astro-Notes on Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio and November 13, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you're looking forward to the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @22Scorpio for it occurs close enough to the November 6, 2012 elections to influence them (within two weeks.) Plus, the eclipse degree conjoins the 12th cusp in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Phildadelphia, PA, and as you know, the 12th house in Mundane or Political Astrology is the realm of Politics, Back Door Deals, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing.

Yet nothing can stay hidden forever and eclipses, Solar and Lunar, are well known for revealing scandalous goings-on of all kinds. Thanks to Big Banks and their lousy bankers, Libor rate-rigging has been around a few years but is just now coming to public attention, thanks in large part to Matt Taibbi's excellent Rolling Stone article of July 3, Why Is Nobody Freaking Out about the Libor Banking Scandal? Click for more articles and videos including a piece by the NYT's Gretchen Morgenson. Also see this blog's sidebar for a link to an important Libor article by Robert Scheer.

Scorpio Eclipse Notes

The emotional Water-Water Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio blend is intense, uncompromising, wary, and suspicious. Its energy is fearful, brooding, introspective, very private (like Mitt Romney), zealous for truth (not like Mitt Romney), and can be vengeful (and vulturous, I imagine--in fact, "vulture capitalist" sounds about as Scorpionic as you'd ever want to be, right? A predator with a corporatist mentality: 'I got mine'.)

Plus, the double Scorpio tendency toward passionate commitment supports the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse theme of "joy through commitment" (Brady), and Scorpio is attracted to science, business and banking, psychology, medicine, and making good use of what's been discarded. Here is a formidable foe who accepts no authority but his or her own!

This blend is shared natally by Howard Baker, Whoopi Goldberg, Georgia O'Keefe, and Dracula author Bram Stoker, who wrote, "Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

But apparently, good sportsmanship is not part of the job description in the banking mecca they call the City of London--or, at any of its tentacles in the US and elsewhere.


For more Sun-Moon blend info I highly recommend Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Astro-Note: the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse will deeply affect Syria and President Assad. The nation's 'Coup by Assad' horoscope of November 13, 1970 will be 'hit' by the eclipse which will fall on its natal Sun (leader), and on its natal Ascendant since the coup took place "at dawn" (Campion's Book of World Horoscopes) on that date. So the Assad regime has a Solar Eclipse for its Solar Return 'anniversary' of the coup when he took power and control of Syria. And since he's said to have flown the coop from Damascus to a coastal town, one may expect Assad may go into exile if he isn't arrested or killed first.

Sadly, thousands of Syrians, in fear for their lives, are streaming across borders into exile. Meanwhile, Assad has just appeared on TV!

In addition, until the November 2012 eclipse energies 'take over', the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone, portends themes of exile, suffering, and something to cry about. This eclipse has greatly affected the Assad regime's natal chart as well for 00Gem20 opposes the 1st house Mercury-Neptune conjunction ('following hunches'; 'delusions about how the world works') in the 1970 chart ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire".)

So for these and other reasons, my heart and prayers go out to the good people of Syria--may your tribulations soon be at an end.

Jul 3, 2012

Happy July 4th 2012 from Stars Over Washington!

July 4, 2012: America Is 236 Years Old!

by Jude Cowell, your friendly political astrologer

Just a note on the day before America's Independence Day 2012 to wish everyone Happy Independence Day, America's official birthday! Around here we'll bow to tradition with a turkey burger cook-out though any sort of meat is seldom a first-choice for my family so I guess that makes it a special and somewhat nostalgic treat of sorts. How about you? Will you be passing the mustard or perhaps the ketchup?

On an astro-note, a fresh post has been published to my WordPress blog *Jude's Threshold (where I've been MIA of late!) on behalf of July 4th and including a few tidbits concerning Campaign 2012 and the horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2012 (September 22; aka, Libra Ingress, if you prefer) which may be of interest to you with its Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Sagittarius blend of energies. Naturally, the horoscope precludes both RNC and DNC 2012 of late August into early September.

Once there you'll also see a rather mild sales pitch on behalf of my new Stars Over Washington Monthly newsletter chocked with Political Astrology which is being electronically delivered this very day in time for our July 4, 2012 celebrations. But you don't have to visit WordPress to find a subscription link--check the very top of this blog's sidebar, if you wish to sign up. It would be very supportive of you!

However, if curious about the contents of issue 1 (July-Aug-Sep 2012), click the Jude's Threshold link above to discover the topics and horoscopes included this quarter!

And be super-careful with those fireworks now!


Celebrate America with Some Interesting Reading and/or Videos:

Julie Demboski's Astrology, Astro-Cocktail, Neptune Cafe, Thom Hartmann, David Pakman,, Information Clearing House, and Democracy Now!.

*Blog's title refers to boundary-loving, time-keeping Saturn as 'gatekeeper of the threshold' which particularly applies to those of us with natal Saturn in the 12th house of The Unconscious (and Politics!) The placement is, as you know, good for concentrated work done in solitude such as Astrology with Saturn the original ruler of the ancient art. Uranus, The Upstart and The Witness, was added as Astrology's co-ruler much later!

May 19, 2012

Forget December 2012: earliest Mayan Calendar found!

Fabulous news! An older than dirt Mayan Calendar has been found in the deepest jungle and its moon cycles and other calculations do not support the hype over the alleged Mayan 'prophecy' of the end of the world occurring at Winter Solstice 2012, the Galactic Center Alignment we've all been waiting for. No seriously, we have.

And curiously (for astrologers!), one of the archaeologists involved in the amazing discovery (click link above for smashing photos) is William Saturno. How's that for being aptly named since Saturn rules rocks, stones, dirt, old relics, and the study of Archaeology itself? Wonder if he knows of this synchronicity...

My thanks for the article link to the excellent Crystal Pomeroy who writes a regular and meditative column for Daykeeper Journal, as you probably already know!

Jan 11, 2012

Neptune in Pisces = Pineal Gland concerns?

Neptune in Pisces, the Pineal Gland, and Our Dissolving Willpower

by Jude Cowell

Since boundary-dissolving Neptune will soon dip its toe once again into the deep waters of Pisces (on or about February 3, 2012) for a long-winded swim (until 2024/25), the planet's astrological association with the human body's light-affected pineal gland ('third eye'/intuitive function) seems due for quite a bit of attention since we will be affected on a global scale.

An increase of environmental issues and damages to lose sleep over may be noted as our brains' melatonin production lowers and may need a *supplemental boost.

Studies show calcification in the pineal gland from use of fluoridated water as noted in Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul, an interesting title considering Neptune's link to spirituality and The Divine Source, as denoted in Astrology.

Recent travels of Chiron (the Wounded Healer; the Wound) in tandem with transiting Neptune brought us the earthquake/tsunami in Japan and the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown in 2011 with radiation continuing in 2012 to leak into the Pacific Ocean, the realm of Neptune. Thus the boundaries of our DNA are weakened and breached on a cellular level, and environmental issues become more confusing yet more critical for all of mankind.

Of course, calcification is a Saturnian process, a hardening, and the blend of Saturn with Neptune indicates 'the chronic and unhampered progress of malady, organic decomposition, undermining circumstances that lead to illness', says Ebertin, along with 'poor, sick, depressed persons' and 'diseases with causes difficult to ascertain'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences.)

Along with the pineal gland, Ebertin also gives Neptune as representing the
solar plexus, the power and will chakra, and paralysis, and Neptune in Pisces as: reserve, an inclination to mysticism, reverie and artistic pursuits; the inner or psychic life open to external influences, pessimism, a craving for alcohol, nicotine, etc, pathological tendencies and inclinations'.

So though society's artistic creativity will flourish, it seems that many people's power and will may become weaker with Neptune in Pisces though perhaps knowing this may help us guard against much of the dissolution. Drugs, including alcohol, won't help matters, only increase the weakening effects upon The Collective of a Piscean Neptune and the secretive forces of destruction which beset us.

An increase in paranoia will be part of the Piscean Neptune picture as well.

And of course you're familiar with Neptune's link to poisons, toxins, and contagions with its 'urge to merge' tendency relating to the dissolving of Saturnian boundaries, as noted above.

Yes, We've Dreamed This Dream Before...

History repeats in similar if not exact ways so astrologers tend to look back to the last time a planet entered a sign to see past effects, and with Neptune to 00Pisces, that would be 1847--off and on from April 1847 to December 7, 1848 due to the gaseous planet's frequent retrogradation periods. (Neptune's cycle lasts approximately 164 years.) This historical info hints at what sort of trends and conditions to expect during the current planetary transit.

Neptunian Events 1847

Several events listed for 1847 have Neptunian flavors to them. One such is July 10 when Leverrier and Adams, the co-discoverers of Neptune, met for the first time at the home of John Herschel, son of William Herschel, discoverer of erratic Uranus (1781.)

The association of these men creates a time link between the planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, by way of human beings and their astronomical activities and encounters.

Then there's July 24, when Brigham Young and his Mormon followers schlepped into the Salt Lake City, Utah area with Neptune as a spiritual indicator and significator of bodies of water--this one full of Saturnian salts!

Neptunian Events 1848

Plus, some events of 1848 resonate closely with our Neptunian topics as well: James Knox Polk became the first president in office to be photographed, one of Neptune's filmy, glamorous roles (the 'silver screen'; the arts; illusion.)

On February 26, 1848, Marx and Engels (with the backing of --?--) published the Communist Manifesto, a grand bit of Neptunian propaganda with its Saturn/Neptune 'Communism' element (Saturn = government and control, Neptune = invisible, or secret--things We the People know a little about in the US with both planets elevated in our nation's July 4, 1776 horoscope set for 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.)

Another example occurred on May 29, 1848 when the flow of Niagara Falls ceased for 30 hours because of an ice jam which describes cold Saturn's crystallization (hardening) process acting upon a liquid (Neptune.)

Then on May 30, 1848, children could rejoice over the patenting of the ice cream freezer by William G. Young--yummy liquids hardened into flavorful, cooling treats.

But perhaps one of the more ironic events of 1848 occurred on June 26 when the first pure food law was passed in the United States. That its laudable attempts at protecting the American people have been adulterated through the decades making 'food and drug safety' in the US debatable (if it exists at all) is a Neptunian disappointment of toxic proportions and we are certain to hear more revelations of poisonings by the food, agricultural, nuclear, chemical, and other industries as Neptune lumbers slowly through its own watery realm of Pisces.

Of course, there's also the well-known connection of astrological Pluto to nuclear power, control, and waste disposal--and pipelines-- but today's post is written in honor of Neptune making a tremendously important ingress into its own sign which will soon come to pass whether we're ready or not.

With 2012 Upon Us

Naturally, the projected construction (Saturn) of Canada's Keystone XL Pipeline comes to mind with its potentials for gas and chemical leaks and the controversial, chemically-infused fracking process which threatens US water sources if the pipeline is built. Neptune's use as A Veil for secrets is on tap along with its scandalous implications of Neptunian fraud, deceit, and neglectful policies that can easily lead to lousy maintenance conditions and even to sabotage.

My personal conclusion about these difficult issues is that anything we can do to boost our and our family members' immune systems should be on top of our 2012 agenda! And please note these cautions: be careful when participating in water sports and when traveling in, on, or over bodies of water for mysterious conditions may be present--and beware gas leaks and oily schemers...


For further reading you may wish to try Significant Dates in Food & Drug Law History (pdf) or view the video of the January 10, 2012 announcement showing the nuclear Doomsday Clock being moved one minute closer to midnight so it's now judged to be 11:55 pm, as it was between 2007--2010.

And here's a link to an enlightening video interview with scientist-journalist Leuren Moret who doesn't buy the idea that the Fukushima Meltdown occurred only by Nature's fury. In fact, dear reader, type 'Japan' or 'Fukushima' into this blog's sidebar Search field and you'll find other content concerning Neptunian topics whose effects will soon be front and center with Neptune in Pisces, a perfect significator of radiation toxicity leaking into the sea and into the DNA of our present and future generations.
Yet let us not give in to nuke fears or be dismissive due to anxiety--let's get active against all forms of this worldwide nuclear threat to Planet Earth!


*Blog Note: no consideration whatsoever has been given to this blogger for embedding a link to VitaCost which I consider a cost-saving place to purchase health supplements & other stuff. Besides...I blog because I care!

SO'W's favored progressive links include:

Thom Hartmann (Thom broadcasts from Iceland again tomorrow!), Amy Goodman's masterful Democracy Now!, the young and ardent David Pakman, and Demand Progress, a good place to fight for protection of lacy Neptune's Internet, aka, The Web, which will forever change for the worse our entire Internet experiences while bringing draconian penalties (SOPA) for those who simply link to content! Links placed on blogs are what I consider to be free advertising for The Touted but it seems that Neptunian Hollywood doesn't agree.

(Of course, I say this as one who makes no income from my 'freebie' blogging which is quite different than if I made money from other people's content. But all my blogs including Stars Over Washington will be subject to shut-down by the US government if SOPA passes, and with no legal standing under which to complain. Plutocratic oligarchs play for keeps, m'peops.)

Plus, 2012 is a great time to Move To Amend the democracy-dissolving, deceptively-named SCOTUS decision they call Citizens United. (Shouldn't that be 'Wealthy Citizens United'?)


Noted Astrology

You will not want to miss Crystal Pomeroy's excellent January 10 column Mayan Metaphysics 2012 which may help to soothe the nerves of even the most anxious 2012 worrier! Crystal lives and teaches in Mexico, the realm of The Maya, so do check out her article. And as you know, the word 'maya' relates to illusion, a function of Neptune!

Plus, for personal-transpersonal astrological content, no one does it better than expert astrologer Julie Demboski who regularly provides balanced insights as she writes from the West Coast of the US concerning current planets and asteroids.

Now here's one of my Saturn (real) v Neptune (imaginary; undersea climes) drawings of a tropical fish which usually swim around in my Dreamyfish Art gallery of botanical fish portraits ensnared within favorite dream scenarios...

Yellow-eyed surgeonfish of Western Australia, all done up in pencil by Jude Cowell; if you wish, view other botanical fish portraits of a tropical nature in my Zazzle Art Shop.