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Showing posts with label The Great American Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Great American Eclipse. Show all posts

May 28, 2017

Safe Glasses for watching August 2017's 1 North Solar Eclipse @29Leo

Safe Eclipse Glasses and the August 2017 Eclipse of Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Retailer Amazon offers NASA-recommended safety glasses for watching August 21, 2017's The Great American Eclipse, a Total eclipse which cuts a swat across the US beginning in Oregon and leaving landfall in South Carolina.

Also offered is a handy guide (e-book) How to View the Total Solar Eclipse, plus, a view of two horoscopes of the eclipse set for Oregon and South Carolina.

Astro-Notes: Rounding up its degree, this Total eclipse of August perfects upon a critical 29th degree of Leo in the 1 North Saros Series and will conjoin the natal Ascendant of Mr. Donald Trump. A planet or point at a 29th degree of any sign is impatient, unstable, and denotes risky business, or possibly a crisis that must be resolved. Plus, it indicates a 'change of state' (A. Louis) as it struggles toward the next sign (here, Virgo, and royal Regulus, the king or kingmaker: success if revenge is avoided). Fixed stars 'work' through critical or sensitive degrees and eclipses (solar or lunar) and History is affected--but the working is via individuals' charts--such as Donald Trump, in this case. Will his desire to be taken more seriously be satisfied by Mercury-ruled Virgo, a sign more serious, humble, and studious than entertaining Leo, sign of ego and pride? Mr. Trump will be 71 years old in June so I for one remain fairly dubious of much improvement.

Astrological signs point to significant events in August 2017 which must be expected in relation to Mr. Trump and, by extension, affecting the United States of America (assuming the White House doesn't crash down around his ears in June or July). Eclipses are often called 'wild cards of the Universe' due to their Uranian unpredictability so weather and other natural events may be triggered along with other disruptions in society. And as you know, 1 North last manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo and is the infamous 'Nostradamus Eclipse', aka, the King of Alarm (or, Terror) Eclipse that imprinted its turmoil upon the New Millennium including the attacks of 9/11.

The Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: '29Leo' = A Mermaid

Keyword: IMPORTUNITY...positive expression: a completeness of quickening to early instincts of the being and a real willingness to trust them; negative (shadow side--jc) expression: a lack of discrimination and an awkward sensitivity (Jones).

(Speaking of awkwardness, cringe along with Trump's Most Awkward Moments on His First Foreign Tour.)

This Is the The Mother of All Eclipses

1 North solar eclipses have occurred in the years 1909 (26Gemini), 1927 (7Cancer), 1945 (17Cancer), 1963 (27Cancer), 1981 (8Leo), and 1999, as noted. Its initial eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48--opposite US natal Sun @13Can19 (this time links the 1 North to the American presidency and government) so there is a Capricorn lens through which to view the Leo eclipse--not a good fit of energies (Saturn-Sun; 'conceit increases with age'!) which may trigger our US natal Sun-Saturn square, the base of a Fist of God (or Thor's Hammer) pattern that points to US natal Moon (We The People) in our nation's late-afternoon natal charts on July 4, 1776. (See Sun-Saturn info, below)

History and Themes of the 1 North Series

Aside from recent events of the New Millennium, for previous historical events influenced by 1 North eclipses we look first to the years 1945 and 1963. 1N is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) Series of President Truman's dropping of the first Atomic Bomb, and is PE of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the swearing-in of LBJ (27Cancer opposes US natal Pluto Rx, planet of plutonium and destruction). 1 North themes include: great pressure on relationships looms large due to unexpected events involving groups or friends (or sons-in-law? jc); it's unwise to make hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false (ex: "fake news"? jc); tiredness or health problems are also potentials (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

Tiredness and health problems? Is that like in Sicily yesterday when Mr. Trump opted to ride in a golf cart while the other G7 leaders walked a mere 700 hundred yards? One of my guesses is that his 70-year-old knees aren't what they used to be! Or perhaps Mr. Trump chose to putter along in a golf cart because of his Victorian-era view that Exercise Will Kill You?!

Astrology and Astronomy

Now naturally a majority of astronomers discount the astrological implications of The Great American Eclipse lest Science suffer by association. And if all the warnings of astrologers turn out to be fallacious or misdirected, we shall all be very much relieved. But considering how the amateurish Trump administration has been behaving so far and the constant undermining of his reputation by Deep State actors and others, no one needs astrological portents to forecast a very long hot summer for Donald J. Trump and his White house denizens, and what may be a lasting imprint of crisis and change that are due in August 2017, compliments of The Cosmos.

Note that there is also a Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017 @15AQ (horoscope set for Washington DC) with the sign's Aquarian Saturn-Uranus vibes. Lunar eclipses give insight into how people instinctively react to the karmic situations and conditions brought by the accompanying solar eclipse and since a lunar eclipse obviously involves the Moon, past behaviors and reactions, plus, inherited traits and other unconscious factors are at play. Notable is that the August 7th Lunar Eclipse is in the sign of US natal Moon (We The People) and Leo-Aquarius is the 5/11 Self-Will polarity of Risky Speculation/Creative Pursuits and Groups/Associations; with 11th house involvement some type of 'social escape' may occur (Rudhyar) for Mr. Trump--perhaps more golfing?

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey):

Thesis: the will of the people as defined in the principle founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations; form and definition in an enterprise.

Antithesis: pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; older and more distanced leaders; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement.

Add We The People's Moon to the Sun-Saturn 'Hammer' pattern and we have potentials for: fear, feelings of inferiority, personal needs under wraps (that's in large part the fault of a purposefully dysfunctional Congress whose members are hired to 'do the people's business' jc), hurt feelings, and a sense of loneliness (Ebertin; Tyl).

May 25, 2017

Horoscope: Donald Trump Solar Return 2017

Mr. Trump's Solar Return June 13, 2017 2:39:08 pm edt 9th house Gemini Sun; White House

Hour of Mars; contentious Mars, out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and emotionally touchy when in tribal Cancer, conjoins torturous Hades by degree and rules the 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies. War and conflict continue...

Chart-ruler Venus @7Tau27 just barely into 7th house makes no major applying aspect so her sign, house, house rulerships (1st and 8th), and degree are emphasized.

Evaluating Venus in Taurus suggests conservatism, loyalty, love of luxury, and materialistic values and the 8th house is the house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, and such. Death, transformation, and the occult may also be involved.

Significantly, the Solar Return Sun rules the 11th house of Groups and Associations (Leo cusp) so new alliances should form especially with the Leo North Node (encounters) posited there, with Leo the sign of leaders, rulers, and monarchs (weddings, funerals?), and meetings with male personages (possibly involving officers of the law) will occur with transit North Node precisely conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Mars @26Leo (watching transits to this chart during the year will be useful for those who have the time). Plus, speculative ventures and a love of pomp and ceremony will surely be noted through his solar year.

Please enlarge the image to read basic chart notes unmentioned in the following text such as the two Grand Trines, one in Air, one in Fire, representing closed circuits of energy and potentials for laziness and/or protection!

When Old Man Saturn, Lord of Karma, Comes Along

Natal Sun @22Gem55 is in Return 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, Foreign Travel, and Legal Affairs. His Sun applies to opposition with restrictive, karmic planet Saturn Rx in 3rd house of Communications which shows Mr. Trump's ongoing troubles and scandals since transit Saturn continues to oppose his natal Sun and North Node (both posited in natal 10th house along with quirky Uranus in Gemini), and conjoin his natal 5th house Moon (22Sag) and South Node (family and/or health issues; separation; lack of popularity). As you know, during this Saturnian phase in his life (which we've discussed in previous posts) Mr. Trump is experiencing increased responsibilities, difficult demands, criticism, and oversight that his enlarged ego does not appreciate. He thought the presidency would be "easier" he said, but taskmaster-lesson-bringer Saturn commands otherwise because unreliability, irresponsibility, superficiality, immaturity, and refusing accountability are completely unacceptable now. Past actions are under a microscope and his typical slipshod, ad lib way of working tends to undermine what must be a more responsible and serious position in the White House.

Wouldn't better organization be helpful?! For cosmic Saturn often brings failure and loss to those who will not heed his instructions for prudence and care and the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse in August (see link below) may tell a disruptive and unpredictable tale for Mr. Trump and, since he's The People's representative, for our nation, especially with judgmental Saturn bringing Trump's executive order/s on immigration under scrutiny and knocking them down (so far). Judges have ruled in ways that limit the power of the presidency in the immigration matter and Mr. Trump's past statements have been used as justification.

Well, perhaps Saturn's Direct Station upon his natal Moon on August 25, 2017 (4 days after The Great American Eclipse which hits Trump's natal Ascendant @29Leo (with rising Regulus) and sizzles his 26Leo Mars will bring at least some of his legal difficulties to conclusion since Saturn @21Sag10 will (seem to) stand still upon his natal Moon on that date--and is within range of his (separative, Saturnian) South Node simultaneously. Of course, this transit may indicate a trial of some sort, an indictment, an impeachment, an important hearing, another legal decision, an event relating to the three 'Russiagate' investigations, or even a divorce or other separation (such as a WH staffer leaving employment).

Will Fortunate Jupiter Step In?

Difficult outcomes for Mr. Trump--unless protective Jupiter, here rising, mitigates Saturnian conditions so that the Trump administration can manage to keep itself intact enough to continue its White House residency. He is, after all, in process of benefiting from a three-fer Jupiter Return, with the third and final conjunction (return to 17Lib27) occurring August 4, 2017, and Jupiter Return horoscopes are 'good for' approximately 12 years. But even his Jupiter Return chart shows Pluto closely squaring natal Jupiter (0A04). However, transit Jupiter's Direct Station is within 2 minutes of this Solar Return Jupiter and occurs on June 9th @13Lib12 under the rays of a Full Moon @18Sag53 (ruled by Jupiter). If feelings of up-down, stop-go energies assail Donald Trump this summer it wouldn't surprise me. Plus...

Transit Pluto Continues His Blockade

Yes, another ongoing karmic condition for Mr. Trump this year is saboteur Pluto Rx @18Cap44 in the Return 4th house (Basis of the Matter; Security; Real Estate; Mining) which continues to square Mr. Trump's buoyant natal Jupiter (Station Direct in natal 2nd house of Money and Values). Of course, Pluto is lord of the Underworld which also relates to the multiple criminal syndicates across the globe, and wealthy, stealthy Pluto is 'the dragon' guarding the riches tucked away in hidden places. (With Mr. Trump I always have the icky feeling that mobsters are hiding just behind the curtain!) Of course, the Deep State (Pluto in Capricorn) and other status quo elements entrenched within the US government are dogging Trump every chance they get and Pluto's association with Publishing identifies the media touting his scandals and alleged scandals 24/7 although Trump and his favorite Neptunian media types are muddying the waters in efforts to rescue him and his presidency while avoiding mention of his glaring incompetency and disdain for rules, traditions, and laws.

Puppet master Pluto square his natal Jupiter may also be playing a role in the blocking of Mr. Trump's legal maneuvers although the sabotage may only be from behind the scenes (as with most sabotage--and leaving behind incriminating fingerprints is a no-no for the win-win crowd of manipulators!)

Now let's consider the double Air Sun Gemini-Moon Aquarius blend of energies in this Solar Return Horoscope since Mr. Trump will have a year of its influence which is quite different from the usual Gemini-Sagittarius influence instilled within him at birth:

Sun Gemini-Moon AQ is a sober yet serious/bright vs light combination. A tendency toward wit and intellect may be noticed as well as an increase in curiosity (much needed!) His natal restlessness and Geminian quest for youth continues but the Aquarian input may help him gain a more in depth understanding of his duties. A search for Truth will continue to be a preoccupation although illusion and deception still swirl around and within him (we mustn't expect too much clarity from his indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square which tends to distort perception, garble words, and inconveniently reveal secrets to the wrong people).

This is a 'reformer' and 'negotiator' combo which should feel quite familiar to him, plus, an increase in reasoning ability may be noted and will hopefully be beneficial to all, thanks to a more detached Aquarian Moon which may resonate more easily with the American people's Aquarian Moon. Actually, a broader view and less subjective viewpoint would be very helpful in his current position as president though this blend's negatives are disturbingly a part of his nature already: talking far too much, allowing his mind to run too fast and neglecting the realities of life, and being disconnected from the painful, darker aspects of himself'. (Paraphrasing the Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign).

Now there are several other important chart factors in Mr. Trump's Solar Return 2017 horoscope, of course, and I trust you to ferret them out at your leisure. But for now I want to close this post with a statement I have made here and elsewhere but which perhaps needs repeating, that:

Although I consider him unqualified and sadly overly flawed to uphold his presidential position, I much prefer that Mr. Trump do well in the role of US president because it means that America does well. And I add here that there are multiple forces, domestic and foreign, determined to undermine his presidency, and these efforts, as a Child of the Revolution, I do not appreciate and certainly do not applaud. Tragically, in effect, it is the US presidency that is being undermined just as it was for 8 years of Mr. Obama. And you know the culprits, the visible ones anyway.

And so I dissent because I care! And if my writing and chart reading seem 'partisan' to you, as some say they are, I completely agree for I am partisan on behalf of the Common Good--and am cheering for a sovereign America to give up the empirical roles of Global Cop and World Conqueror so that the American people may be decently treated by Washington (my former residence) as we should be...a Government Of, By, and For...We The People!


Jude Cowell

Related posts and horoscopes include:

August 2017 full of Mr. Trump's Karmic Returns; Summer Solstice 2017: Saturn at Midheaven; and The Oregon and South Carolina Horoscopes of The Great American Eclipse.

May 20, 2017

How to View the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017

Are You Prepared for The Great American Eclipse?

For such a rare once-in-a-lifetime event as the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 I was glad to receive a heads-up from astronomer Brian Ventrudo that a handy and informative e-book How to See the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: A Practical Guide for the First-Time Eclipse Watcher is now available on Amazon for free download if you order by May 23rd! Brian co-authored the Guide along with Manish Panjwani.

Yes, I have downloaded it and appreciate its details of the August eclipse which conjoins royal Regulus (Tropical Zodiac). In Astrology, an eclipse 'hitting' a star ramps up the potential for earthly events to occur on the physical plane. For as David Ovason writes in his book Eclipse,

"If an eclipse hits a star or a planet, node, or angle" (as this eclipse does for Donald Trump--his 29Leo Ascendant, Regulus (00Virgo), and nearby Mars (26Leo)--"the influence can be explosive and extraordinary." It seems there's more drama ahead for the Leonine Mr. Trump though given his tendencies toward scandal, publicity, indiscretion and chaos, we don't actually need Astrology to tell us that, do we?

Well, be that as it may or may not be for his nibs, we all want be prepared for August 2017 Solar Eclipse watching, an eclipse that 'splits' America from West Coast to East, Oregon to South Carolina and promises to still the tweeting of every bird in its shadow. Perhaps even Mr. Trump will be stunned enough to forget to tweet!

May 17, 2017

DC Horoscope: US Mars Return May 22, 2017

Perpetual War Proceeds: please enlarge the horoscope to read my scribbled astro-notes concerning America's upcoming Mars Return which perfects on May 22, 2017 at 2:42:42 pm edt Washington DC (return chart based on natal chart: USA July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

As you see, warrior Mars conjoins Midheaven (MC) for all the world to see (Mr. Trump and his first overseas tour?) while transit Saturn @26Sag10 Rx conjoins the IC and has been opposing US natal Mars off and on since December 2016 and will do so again including a Direct Station @21Sag11 a few days after The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (hitting Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and royal Regulus and singeing his natal Mars @26Leo), a rare 'cosmic blink' event which will be visible from West Coast to East--and which can be seen here conjunct the 12th cusp of this return chart--the 12th house of karma, self-undoing, politics, large institutions, and backroom deals:

As for aspects to and from Mars (the star of this show) its only applying aspect is the opposition to Saturn, however, the Moon (the public) sextiles activist Mars (2A14) which denotes opportunities for self-reliance, discipline, but also compassion to be shown. Holding back or repressing feelings in order to conform is a possibility as is having the wisdom to avoid conflict. Others are accommodated until the sense of fairness is violated or some other provocation triggers a firm stand and battle is entered.

A very prominent aspect is Tr Saturn opposing natal Mars: resistance, frustration, gridlock. Chart-ruler Mercury @6Tau51 in 8th house of Corporatism makes no applying aspects (or any other) and is out-of-bounds; radical Utopian Uranus continues its lurch through Mars-ruled Aries where it is joined by Venus, the lady traveling with asteroids Isis and Toro, a power asteroid that hints at nuclear power. Bucket handle Jupiter @13Lib41 Rx rises in 1st house offering some measure of protection (as ruler of 4th house, Saturn, and 7th house) while conjoining US natal Saturn (a partial lifting of burdens).

Saturn and Uranus trine one another and, with North Node, form a Fire 'Grand Trine' of protection and connection which suggests those with many plans for the future but who may also demand loyalty from others. (If this sounds like Mr. Trump, it's meant to.) The aspect is a natal echo from America's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine (then in Air: Libra-Gemini) which is/was compatible with future generations of Americans who can/could easily identify with our original form of authority. Our government's current perpetual war stance? Not so much.

Now a few quick words about Venus @16Ari33 since she's traveling with asteroids Isis and with Toro, a power asteroid that hints of nuclear power potential--in the 7th house of Partners and Open Enemies. Those are the few quick words.

Conscious + Unconscious Energies

Air-Fire Sun Gemini-Moon Aries is a personality blend of a 'beguiling trickster, a natural leader, a great persuader and salesman', and 'an egotist who shows partiality and rides roughshod over others'. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). Here is a descriptive quote by Robert Morley who shares this as his natal Sun-Moon blend:

"Show me a man who enjoyed his schooldays and I'll show you a bully and a bore."

Considering the present conditions now embroiling the White House, 'nuff said.

Update 5.17.17: former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been appointed Special Counsel in the Trump-Flynn-Russia situation.

May 16, 2017

CNN: The Many Paths from Trump to Russia (plus, Uranus)

CNN, Donald Trump, Russia, China, and Astrology

by Jude Cowell

CNN has published an interactive feature The Many Paths from Trump to Russia yet there are two Sabian Symbols in Donald Trump's natal horoscope that point, not to Russia, but to China. Of course, it may be that these symbols can apply to any foreign governments and his dealings with them.

For plainly Mr. Trump is certainly shaking things up the world over and stirring up chaos in the US just as Uranus, oriental planet (last to rise before the Sun) likes to do. Mr. Trump's disruptive natal Uranus @18Gemini is posited in his public 10th house of Career...

Natal Uranus: '18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd"...DIFFERENCE: positive expression: the effective mobilization of self and others for life's more specialized objectives; negative (shadow side--jc): a thorough dissipation of selfhood through alien relationships."

Okay, so his chaos-creating Uranus, the radical eccentric, 'leads' the nation but it's his natal Moon (conjunct his South Node opposite natal Sun) that may turn out to be an even bigger issue:

Natal Moon: '22Sagittarius' = "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION: positive: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation (really? jc); negative (shadow side): unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). So he constantly needs approval to bolster his sense of inferiority which accounts for at least some of his over-the-top boasting. Ex: boasting about US intel to the two Russians he allowed into the Oval Office.

Now assuming that the American people make it through May, June, and July in one piece, we have steamy August and The Great American Eclipse to navigate as does Mr. Trump (the August 21st eclipse @29Leo hits his natal Ascendant and singes his warring and belligerent Mars) for the month of August 2017 will be Full of Karmic Returns for the occupant of the Oval Office--and thus, for the American people via Donald Trump, aka, the blabber-in-chief.

Related: 2017 Transit Neptune Veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces (US Sun = POTUS). And there's also a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ on August 7, 2017.

Peering Ahead: 2018: Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes. Also in 2018, the Midterm Elections are just in time for the US Constitution's Progressed New Moon...or is it the other way around?

Astro-Note: Russia's sovereignty horoscope data (June 12, 1990; 9:45 am GMT, ASC 26Vir11) is found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes - which formed during the early stages of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, exact three times in 1993 (and totem pair of the 'new world order' that all the bankers' wars are meant to implement). The Russia sovereignty horoscope shows the Mercury-Pluto spying and surveillance pair in quindecile aspect (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) which identifies the cunning, persuasion, and manipulation in their use of communications and information. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves).

May 7, 2017

August 2017 full of Mr. Trump's Karmic Returns

Image: The August 30, 2017 Lunar Return of Donald Trump set for the White House (although who stays in DC in any given August?) showing transit Saturn, a planet of karma (reaping what's been sown) hitting his natal Moon for the third and final time @21Sag12 in Return 2nd house of Money, Values, and Self-Worth; in Mundane Astrology 2nd house represents the National Treasury. Note also that Saturn is within range of conjoining his natal South Node, a separative point, and has opposed Mr. Trump's natal Sun (22Gem55) on July 7, 2017.

During this transit, Saturn has conjoined natal Moon twice before: December 30, 2016 and August 3, 2017. Considering Saturn's 28-30-year cycle, the last (previous) Saturn transit to natal Moon occurred once on November 25, 1987, a year when transit Jupiter opposed his natal Jupiter in Libra, a period of overblown enterprises and unflattering comparisons when resources may be lacking.

Rolling Stone's Timeline of Donald Trump's life and career replete with Saturnian events. Exs: 1987 publication The Art of the Deal via a ghost writer to do the actual work of putting Trump's ideas into Saturnian form; January 1989 - first appears on the cover of TIME--and Saturn rules Time; separation from wife Ivana in 1990, divorce (official ending of relationship) in 1992; also in 1990 - Trump is deleted from the Forbes 400 list; 1991 losses result in first bankruptcy filing; March 2000 The Simpsons airs 'Bart to the Future' in which Donald Trump takes on the job of US president (age 53), etc.

Now as you know, when transit Saturn hits natal Moon, it tends to bring feelings of loneliness, rejection, privation and denial of the usual comforts, and family/relationship issues so now that Mr. Trump is somewhat isolated in the White House with weightier responsibilities on his menu (and more open to hurtful criticism), such lowering feelings may be more difficult to handle to the point of his physical and/or mental health being affected (as some have noted--other astro-charts show an erosion of thought processes and disrupted communications but that's a brainy topic beyond the scope of this meager post). Plus, he is, after all, no spring chicken--and was a mere 41 years old in 1987, wasn't noticeably forgetful, and spoke more clearly in complete sentences.

But he just had to play president and thought it would be easier! (He expected the easy Jupiterian side of the White House, not the hard Saturnian side). So with curious synchronicity, the Universe sees fit to pile a Lunar Return onto his noggin on the same day that transit Saturn stomps upon that very Moon position--and in a calendar month when two Saturn-infused Lunar Returns occur (August 3rd and 30th). Will Saturn's imperative lessons of maturity, accountability, soberness, authenticity, honesty, concentration on tasks at hand, and serious efforts 'get through' to Mr. Trump in his role as leader of the 'free world'? Or will he continue to brood and chafe under the presidential work load that universal task master and lesson bringer, Saturn, demands?

Well, we know that he and the American people must make it through a long hot summer and navigate whatever comes via The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52, visible from West Coast to East. Its degree conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant, as we've discussed previously, and affects his natal Mars as well (26Leo46). In fact, on August 31, the day after this Lunar Return, Mr. Trump has a Mars Return, signifying the start of an energizing two-year cycle of new activities and projects. Yet even a Mars Return can have some negativity attached because fever, inflammation, infection, or even surgery may follow if other planetary and health factors agree.

And yet 2017 is, on some levels, a year of Jupiterian protection for Mr. Trump via the third of his current Jupiter Return, a three-fer which perfects for a final conjunction on August 4, 2017 (@17Lib27). But even this rewarding Return chart shows an ongoing difficulty in effect all year--transit Pluto squares natal Jupiter (0A04 on August 4th!) denoting a time when over exaggeration, bombast, and the overestimation of self-importance is unacceptable to the powers-behind-the-throne. Frustration mars politics, diplomacy, financial projects, and other Jupiterian expansion areas which must on some level include the granting of funds for the building of a Saturnian border wall.

Apr 27, 2017

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Wed April 26th - Trump Tax Plan

April 26, 2017: Ed Schultz discusses the Trump tax plan designed to aid the wealthy and billionaire corporations with massive tax cuts that, as Ronald Reagan's 'trickle down' scam exposed in the 1980s, will not add jobs or investments to the US economy but will further line the pockets and pad the offshore accounts and stock portfolios of rich elites. Of course, Mr. Trump's bottom line and those of his family members will greatly benefit as well. Is this rob-the-poor recklessness the 'great' that Mr. Trump promised to 'make' America again--a return to Reagan economic policies that hollowed out the middle class the first time around and caused harm and suffering across the land?

Actually, just as with Reagan's Voo Doo Economics, the irresponsible Trump tax and deregulation plan will increase the deficit and will not "pay for itself," which is the very same argument used by Reagan!!

But naturally Mr. Schultz explains it better:

History Rhymes via Solar Eclipse Cycles!

And speaking of never-worked-never-will Reaganomics, do you know there's a Solar Eclipse for that? Well, sadly for our nation, I regret to inform you that the 1981 eclipse @7Leo51 manifested in the 1 North Saros Series which repeats this August with what some folk are calling The Great American Eclipse. My suspicion is that transnational banking cartels and their US politicians completing the Heist of 2008 using 'Trumponomics' in 2017 will go a long way toward the total eclipse of America.

Apr 14, 2017

Cosmic Flavors and Images of April 15 and 16, 2017

These days at Stars Over Washington my schedule is limited so I prefer writing about wider issues and broader cosmic influences such as Solstices, major planetary conjunctions, inaugurations, and other political and astrological concerns and events. But considering recent world events involving the US (unpredictable leader drops the MOAB on Afghanistan tunnels), North Korea (unpredictable leader threatens another missile launch), China, Russia, plus, other concerns, here's a bit about the cosmic flavors of this weekend, Saturday April 15th through Sunday the 16th.

This weekend the (Tropical) Sun is in Mars-ruled Aries and the Moon floats through Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius into Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business--plus, Luna triggers the Cardinal World Point of 00Cap00 as she floats so a consideration of the weekend's Sun-Moon blend just could be illuminating, don't you think?

In Today's News: The US Military Defends Its Use of 'The Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB).

April 15 (and April 14, today): Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius is a double Fire blend of volatility, brash aggression, passion, and 'grandiose philosophizing' with a self-centered mentality that is little concerned with the feelings of others. What double Fire is sensitive to are the hidden opportunities in every situation. And to Sun Aries-Moon Sag add impatience with limitations, outspokenness, and adventurism. High energy and vitality also characterize this combination but leaning only on intuition and hunches can lead to instability, even chaos. A need to drop everything and go away for the weekend is typical of Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius (Sag, the sign of travel). Hopefully this does not mean more bombs dropping. In addition, this blend's tendency toward committing daredevil acts can sabotage material security while its capacity for relating to others remains childlike and stunted.

Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius is the blend of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775 5:00 am LMT Lexington, MA), philosopher Thomas Hobbes, artist Vincent Van Gogh, and sitarist Ravi Shankar.

Sun Aries-Moon Sag is revealed by one Image for Integration: "A child shoots an arrow toward the enchanted castle in the distance as he follows the road less traveled." (Arrow, missile, MOAB?)

April 16 Sun Aries-Moon Capricorn is a Fire-Earth blend of scorched earth, aka, the bulldozer. Specifically it is a blend of ambition, force, and tough-mindedness and denotes a domineering maverick at home in the realm of Politics where its headstrong aggression can be demonstrated and its tendency to be "a thorn in the side of the status quo" is evident. A good organizer, Sun Aries-Moon Cap can be sensible and pragmatic as it "wages war against oppressive laws and traditions." This blend denotes a natural leader with a mix of risk-taking and caution when problem solving is approached.

Hinting of Mr. Trump, Sun Aries-Moon Cap is shared by both entertainment and political figures such as: former US VP Al Gore, German statesman Otto von Bismarck, former British PM John Major, actor-comedian Eric Idle, film director David Lean, composer Steven Sondheim, and actor Rod Steiger. Its Images for Integration are revealing: "A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual human rights...Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born." (my italics).

And in 2017 that would be the 'new world order' that global power elites are working so hard to repeal and replace via bombs, missiles, and a refreshed 'war on terror' which will be made more obvious as The Great American Eclipse approaches manifestation on August 21, 2017 in vain, arrogant Leo at a critical 29th degree and eclipses the natal Ascendant (Self; Physical Body) of Donald J. Trump.

Related posts: After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump (hint: it's America's war planet) and The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017. Also see 2017 Neptune Hits the American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse.


Note: Most Sun-Moon blend info from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Apr 3, 2017

Oregon and South Carolina Horoscopes of The Great American Eclipse

A Cosmic Blink Directed Toward America!

Here are two horoscopes for the 'first touch on US soil' at Depoe Bay, Oregon, and what I've labeled the "buh-bye" chart where the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse--aka, The Great American Eclipse--last touches US soil at Cape Island, South Carolina.

Perhaps you can enlarge the image and read a few notes?

There wasn't a lot of space to add Mr. Trump's natal Mars Rising in late Leo (with Regulus) so you won't see that listed around either chart but you will see that transit Saturn is again hitting Trump's natal Moon and South Node (divorce? his approval rating trends even lower?) which denotes a difficult time unless mitigated by the good planning and hard work that have taken place. Uranus in Aries marks the spot where friends, colleagues, and/or groups may provide karmic resources (from 7th house in Oregon, from 5th house in S.C.) so that evolutionary progress can be made.

Hello, Depoe Bay, Oregon!

And as you see, the chart-ruler in Oregon is Venus (24Can41 near Trump's natal Venus and Saturn and conjunct US natal Mercury Rx = good news?) which makes only one applying aspect: a square to Uranus (is someone blocking those karmic resources?) so that awkward social events take place; however, conditions and situations can turn pleasant before they end. US natal Sun (13Can19) sits atop the Oregon chart at Midheaven (MC) along with two fixed stars, Sirius (The Scorcher) and Canopus (The Plumb Line) joining in by degree.

Fare Thee Well, Cape Island, South Carolina!

In South Carolina, chart-ruler Jupiter holds sway @20Lib11 in 10th house (and still in progress of completing Mr. Trump's three-fer Jupiter Return to 17Lib27). As you see, Jupiter applies only once to an opportunistic sextile to Saturn, an aspect suggesting that hard work and careful planning will pay off and that limitations must be accepted in order to avoid over-extending ourselves. Of course, this is also a transiting sextile to Mr. Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction and though his Saturnian SN involvement complicates matters, it hints that on some level, Donald Trump's dreams may come true--even with a Total Solar Eclipse hitting his natal Ascendant (physical body) and rising Mars in royal Leo! Plus, its last touch in S.C. puts US natal Neptune @22Vir25 at Midheaven (MC), the Goal Point of the chart. Neptune in Virgo identifies the many scientists and artists involved with this rare eclipse.

Now as you know, a Solar Eclipse in Leo spotlights the need to avoid Leo's more negative qualities such as pride, vainglory, bossiness, and pomposity. what do you think are the chances of that? Especially when "fixed stars work through eclipses" (D. Ovason) so that the caution of Regulus may be the primary take-away here: success if revenge is avoided (if not, then all that has been gained will be lost). And that's another 'what are the chances?' when it comes to Donald Trump, America's avenger-in-chief.

Still, I'm typing this on April 3, 2017 when Trump 'scandals' litter the news cycle like Russian fleas on Chinese pups. But will his crises in office be sufficiently damaging to his administration by August so that the Solar Eclipse reveals a 'stepping down' or impeachment situation for an eclipsed Mr. Trump? Or will he, his policies, colleagues, and enablers eclipse America as they seem inclined to do?

Final Notes: neither of the charts above show the Solar Eclipse perfected (28Leo52); according to my Solar Fire Gold v9+ software, perfection occurs on August 21, 2017 at 2:30:07 pm edt.

Like yours truly, Stars Over Washington is a work in progress so here's my original post concerning The Great American Eclipse showing a horoscope set for McClellanville, S. C.

Mar 18, 2017

America, Pluto, Ceres, Chiron, and Two Eclipses

Pluto, Ceres, Chiron, America, and the 2017 Solar Eclipses in Pisces and Leo

by Jude Cowell

Since the early days of Stars Over Washington (2005) my attention has sometimes been drawn to a certain trio: power planet of domination, Pluto (27Cap Rx), security-minded nurturer Ceres, and wounder/wounded healer, mentor, and blind spot, Chiron (20Aries) in America's July 4, 1776 natal horoscope. As you know, the midpoint of the Pluto-Chiron duo in society can be associated with plutocrats, Plutocracy, and the consequences they engender such as exploitation, oppression, various -isms, and primal violence, among others.

Need any plutocrats? America's got plenty to share!

Now it seems to me that Election 2016 preceded by the 2016 Campaign of Insults brought us to the ill-attended Inauguration 2017 oath-taking and presidential theater, dahlink which heralded the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12, the degree of America's Pluto-Chiron midpoint and her natal Ceres so that they are activated or triggered to express. The natal midpoint and asteroid were simultaneously eclipsed.


Now I'm no numerologist so these triple digits hold no particular place in my thinking about such matters other than astrologically--8th house, 8th sign, 6th house (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 = 6), 6th sign so naturally health concerns are involved through Virgo and Scorpio. Note that the mid-degree of Scorpio is the Point of Regeneration (15Sco), aka, the Eagle Point. Therefore, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto influence the proceedings via their sign rulerships, and of course, Pluto, Mars, and sign Scorpio relate to such medical issues as surgeries, surgical tools, scientific research, medical personnel, and more. Mental planet Mercury represents the knowledge to treat, operate, and cure, and adds health insurance into the mix.

These health topics and issues shown by Pluto, Chiron, and Ceres make timely descriptors of the current 'debate' in the news concerning the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (aka, ACA or 'Obamacare' turned 'Trumpcare') with something wonderful!. Puh! Recklessly, the GOP's knife points toward Medicare as well which I consider to come under the oppressive primal violence tendencies of Pluto-Chiron while our caring Ceres in compassionate Pisces takes a break with the Republicans at the helm.

Another potential is that food and food contamination, false product information, 'Frankenstein' GM foods, adulteration, etc, come under the banner of Pluto-Ceres, and Pluto-Chiron, too. The EPA's poison control and other departments are in process of being severely restricted or closed down by the GOP to one degree or another. Ask me in about a year when Congress and the Trump administration will have done as much damage as their cold, perfidious hearts can manage. The congressional enablers in Congress follow a be-shadowed 'austerity agenda' for the 99% and produce legal-sounding documents and the papers for Trump to blindly sign with a flourish.

Trump Land is a blighted land and the EPA and the protection of clean water are now under threat (not that there aren't waste, fraud, and abuse issues in this and other government agencies).

Actually, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 at a critical-crisis 29th degree is a cosmic repeat performance of the Prenatal Eclipse of the Clean Air Act of 1963 so environmental topics and problems will continue to pop up everywhere and will not be denied under the Act's own revealing solar eclipse in the egocentric sign of leadership, royal Leo, part of the 1 North Saros Series which last manifested on August 11, 1999. The August 2017 Solar Eclipse across America will be personalized for Donald Trump since his natal Ascendant and Regulus rising (and by association if not degree, his aggressive, litigious Mars Rising) are 'hit' or somehow stimulated or activated by the eclipse.

And so this August, the great eclipse's cosmic blink winks at Don Don. He is, in the role of US president, quite unbelievable, isn't he? But not in a good way. "People come to him," said Kellyanne Conway recently and it sounded more than a little mafia 'donnish' as if "for favors" should have been the end of her sentence. Maybe Conway's remark sounded that way because this is a pay-to-play White House under Trump's extensive ballast and gold-hoarding hands.

However, this is also a non-mandated administration of a nude emperor, folks! Highly unpopular legislation awaits enforcement, let the blighting increase! But will the governed remind the compromised 'governors' of their true responsibilities to The People, whether said 'leaders' are acting from within a state of blackmail, bribery, and intimidation...or not?

On a happier if similar note, I'll hush and embed a link to an article I discovered just today written by Shirley Soffer. It's a revealing look at the deeper levels of Pluto and Ceres and I suspect you'll want to check it out if you haven't already!


Further Reading: Monday March 20, 2017 - Spring hits! even in our compromised, infiltrated, infested, toxic capital of Washington DC (horoscope shown) with its weather-damaged cherry blossoms this year...clearly a Thanks Trump situation.

Above photo of the Jefferson Memorial and (previous) Cherry Blossoms: By Staff Sgt. Christopher Reese, USMC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Mar 5, 2017

Acrux of the Southern Cross and the Eclipse of Donald Trump

Starry Acrux! The Great American Eclipse Ruffles Mr. Trump and His Warring Mars

by Jude Cowell

Once upon a time the constellation of the Southern Cross was visible in Jerusalem. Was it followed by the Maji as the Star of Bethlehem? Doesn't seem probable to me but then there are several theories as to what that cosmic Star may have been. However, we do know that the three Maji of gold-frankencense-and-myrrh fame were Eastern astrologers and seers who knew what they were looking at and what they were compelled to do: follow its guidance to honor the new king.

The Southern Cross constellation's brightest star is Acrux (Alpha Crux), a triple star that can be used in astrology though my own use of fixed stars tends toward the symbolic side with star positions (sign and degree) aligning in horoscopes with various planets (if they do--conjunctions and the occasional opposition only). Parans between stars and planets (whether rising, culminating, setting, and/or lower-ing together) are often noted by yours truly but are not always mentioned in texts (for then posts would soon become books) and for Acrux this is moot anyway since the star is not visible in most northern hemisphere charts and may not be used at all unless symbolically.

And of course, in Astrology the archetypal symbol of The Cross in essence denotes The Cross of Matter upon which the human body manifests on the earthly plane and when prominent in a horoscope suggests the ability to bring things to fruition, to give them substance (as when Jesus Christ was physically born and died--on The Cross of Matter, the first death). Actualizing one's potential (ex: materialism that leads to financial wealth, success), moving and taking action, and getting things done are keynotes of Acrux.

And we know that, "Fixed stars work through eclipses." (The Book of the Eclipse, Ovason.)

So if we add to a study using fixed stars an intriguing and highly flawed individual like Donald Trump we have a sensational story fit for novelists whom no one would believe if they read them. His natal Uranus in Gemini (he behaves like a Gemini and in fact, is one with natal Sun there) leads all his natal planets from his 10th house of Career. Meanwhile, America's natal 'totem planet' of revolution, Uranus @8Gem55, was activated in 1946 by Mr. Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse when it occurred May 30, 1946 @9Gemini in the 2 Old North Saros Series.

2 Old North's difficult themes include: unfortunate news concerning friendships and/or other relationships, endings of unions, separation issues, and action regarding personal relationships (Predictive Astrology, Brady).

2 Old North last manifested on July 1, 2000 @10Can15 and will repeat on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer during the second year of the presidency of Donald Trump. We may expect 2 Old North themes of separation and endings to express for and through him around that time (whether he still acts as president or not).

Uranian Donald Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse = US Natal Uranus: Sudden Conflicts

It's always instructive to look at the initial eclipse of a series--for Mr. Trump (born June 14, 1946) his 2 Old North series began manifesting @5Can49 (conjunct the future degree of US natal Jupiter!) on June 24, 0792 (OS) giving all subsequent interpretations a lunar cast. 2 Old North ends with a last solar hurrah on July 23, 2036 @29Leo, the same degree as The Great American Eclipse which will be visible from Oregon to South Carolina on August 21, 2017 @29Leo (horoscope linked, below).

The August 21, 2017 eclipse is personally significant for Mr. Trump (and thus for America) for it conjoins (or activates or eclipses) his natal Ascendant and is squished between his rising Mars (26Leo) and Ascendant (29Leo), with royal star Regulus in the mix. Curiously, Trump's Secondary Progressed (and Solar Arc) Sun, originally in Gemini, has recently and symbolically left Leo and entered Virgo--and the precessed position of Regulus is now @00Virgo+ which hints that Regulus is his 'essence' and 'objective' at age 70--if we were to use fixed stars in Progressions! Personally, I think timing issues may be seen through them but use of stars in Progressions is your choice and is frowned upon by astrological tradition.

America Affected

Yet how tragic for America if our nation in need of a competent president and civilian Commander-in-Chief partakes too freely of the archetypal theater in Mr. Trump's life at age 70, that of Regulus reflecting upon him the fatal flaw inherent in this most royal of stars: success if revenge is avoided. For coupled with his aggressive warrior Mars (in proud Leo, the lion), Regulus, star of power and success, gives an ability to lead, yes, but if one takes revenge any greatness will suffer an "eclipse" and consequently bring a "fall from grace."

Such is the potential of Mr. Donald J. Trump. If he manages to avoid the negative caution that attaches to Regulus he may be the first yet considering his petty, perverse, retaliatory, tweeting and insinuating nature, it isn't likely that he can avoid the ultimate consequences of failure though it may seem so for a while. After all, while playing the presidential role, there are many people both hidden and otherwise who continually 'prop him up' in spite of what could, should, or by all rights will, bring him down from high office and plunk him into the shadows.

And America with him.


Related Posts: August 21, 2017 The Great American Eclipse, its shadow up to 70+ miles wide--talk about being followed by a moon shadow!

And with June on the way, here's the Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope set for Washington DC and showing Mr. Trump's natal planets around the outside. See his first natal planet to rise...

And check this out from writer and astrologer Neil Spencer:

"The most high profile celestial event of 2017 is the total solar eclipse of August 21, whose path cuts across 14 states of the USA, from Oregon to South Carolina; surely a heaven-sent boon to the end-of-the-world brigades (who come in many guises), and the manufacturers of fake news. That almost all the states in the eclipse’s shadow voted for Donald Trump should add to speculation about its meaning; perhaps the Commander in Chief will tweet that he personally arranged it."

Yes, (Uranian-in-Chief) Mr. Trump just may tweet something along those lines if White House staffers fail to keep a phone out of his Geminian hands.

Mar 3, 2017

Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2017 w/ Trump's Planets

Last year the Summer Solstice horoscope showed difficulties and many folk would agree that the 2016 campaign and election were trouble enough for their oddities, insults, hacking, falsehoods, exaggerations, intolerance, and overly Republican outcomes. Now it seems that our Republic is being tipped off its rails to a point of chaos, some say, so let's look ahead to the horoscope of Summer Solstice 2017 (set for Washington DC) to see if perspective can be gained concerning our nation's summer season until Autumn Equinox (aka, the Libra Ingress) rolls around in September.

Actually, a Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) horoscope represents an entire year as a stand-alone chart or as a 'natal chart' for a given year with the year's equinox and solstice charts compared as transits to it. That's if one wants a fuller view and has a considerable amount of time, determination, and the software to effect it. But let's trudge on to June...

And note that Summer Solstice 2017 falls within the purview of the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse in the 19 South Saros Series while Autumn Equinox 2017 will occur after The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the problematic 1 North Saros Series (August 11, 1999's 'The Mother of All Eclipses' that influenced the current Age of Terror, and the New Millennium. As you know, eclipses provide background influences within the Collective and often bring a disruptive 'wild card' Uranian flavor of unpredictability, new elements or trends, revelations of secrets (via leaks and otherwise), disruptions, and/or sudden changes of direction to the proceedings.

A colorful chart, yes, but hopefully you'll enlarge the image and read my study notes for not all can be discussed in this text; Mr.Trump's natal planets are in blue around the outside of the chart; two US natals from July 4, 1776 are penned outside the horoscope, too, but are not colorfully highlighted--US natal Moon conjoined by transit South Node (tail of the dragon) in the 12th house of Karma and Politics, and US natal Saturn in mid-Libra once again hit by transit Jupiter, a period when restrictions or limitations may be partially lifted.

As you see, nebulous watery Neptune rises denoting on its worst day, large issues or catastrophes that bring tears to many eyes. Through its own sign of Pisces, Neptune is proving its importance within the Collective Unconscious that it encompasses with its 12th house association and rulership of shady Pisces. Chiron is in 1st house, too, and brings its mentor-ship when in Pisces along with its wounding/wounded-healer qualities that the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces can appreciate. Is this first-house picture a view of the Republicans' Obamacare 'repeal' that dis-insures millions of Americans?

Well, Neptune is one of the loss-bringer planets and was sitting atop US natal Moon when the ACA (Obamacare) was signed into law on March 23, 2010 giving the law a very iffy basis for its existence. For me, the GOP stance and arguments against Obamacare would have slightly more credibility now if they hadn't worked so hard to undermine it from the first. The ACA is a "failing law" they say, and they should know since they worked for years to make that happen.

Okay, many more chart factors are worth discussing and maybe we can do that later. For now, here's a view of the Summer Solstice chart with Donald J. Trump's planets scribbled around it and his quirky leading planet Uranus the first of his natal planets to rise in the chart. Looks like it's going to be a chaotic Uranian summer. Meanwhile, we can expect Mr. Trump to get in lots of golfing as the weeks go by. No worries on that score.


You may also wish to see: Summer Solstice 2017: Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus.

Edit March 4, 2017: heads-up on a new addition to the sidebar to your right - a link to an article concerning America's famous (or infamous) Manifest Destiny: Doing the Unsavory Work of God.

Feb 12, 2017

The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump

On February 11, 2017 I posted a video segment of Thom Hartmann discussing the Reichstag Fire that was used to boost Hitler's rise to power, plus, the unsettling correlations of the 1933 event and the un-mandated installment of Mr. Donald John Trump in the White House (with his sidekick, dodgy Steve Bannon, Aryan promoter extraordinaire).

The Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933 is detailed on the Eye Witness to History website if you're curious about what was done and said that night by those on the scene (who were secretly responsible for setting it). As you see, the date of the event reveals that its Solar Return 2017 occurs a few days from this typing--and a day or less (depending on your time zone) after the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse, a karma-laden affair. Such cosmic time links are worth remembering if Trump and colleagues find a more applicable 'Reichstag Fire' (or, another 9/11) than they have so far.

For you see, spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway's imaginary Bowling Green massacre never happened so the administration had to nix that as their Muslim-bashing smokescreen for who-knows-what reforms they intend to perpetrate, if allowed. Calling out their cow pucky must be done as loudly as possible and of course ridicule and mockery are always useful against fools who take themselves so very seriously while they wreck people's lives and sabotage governments.

Brief bio and natal horoscope of Adolf Hitler.

Related is a previous post displaying the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of February 24, 1933, a mere three days prior to the Fire started via arson which Hitler blamed on his opponents, the Communists, and then used the fire as 'justification' for the events and forced changes that came after. Curiously, the 1933 eclipse was in secretive, karmic Pisces (5:29) as is the upcoming Solar Eclipse on February 26th (8Pis12). Karma, the universal principle of reaping what was sown, is on the cosmic menu these days but with this much Pisces and the sign's own Neptune active as it floats through its favorite sign, humanity seems to be at loose ends when it comes to figuring out how to handle hidden karma, some of which has yet to be revealed. Perhaps this is where the old hindsight is twenty-twenty can come in--after the fact and once it's too late--and after another false flag op has flown. With incendiaries in the White House, what are our chances?

And so I post the following chart for those who may wish to keep tabs on transits to it and its progressions for I don't always have time to do so myself. The chart is set for February 27, 1933 9:45 pm using the coordinates of the Reichstag Building, Berlin, Germany; it's an Hour of an unaspected Saturn in Aquarius and a will that's out of control:

Please enlarge chart to read my notes and you may agree that the parts written on the right that are highlighted in bright yellow just may apply to Mr. Trump, his minions, and backers (foreign as they may be). The activation of the Reichstag Fire chart which describes Hitler's false flag operation with its Sun @8Pis52 is a possibility though not necessarily on the date of the upcoming Solar Eclipse (February 26th) but potentials will be strongest within about 6 months afterward. No, Sun positions are not considered karmic or fated, if memory serves. But then we have the The Great American Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 @29Leo which will be visible across our nation from Oregon to South Carolina (where succession began).

Just the fact that Mr. Trump slogans at us with the word 'great' ad nauseum is enough to bother, if not worry me, how about you? A coincidence? Well, at 29 Leo the eclipse does hit Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and is close to his rising Mars @27Leo, as well. Hmm. Therefore, its solar influence may be on a personal and/or ego level for Mr. Trump. Proud Leo, you know. Natural leader.

Additionally, the 1933 event's Solar Return for 2017 basically is the Solar Eclipse and look what we have in the White House--people with huge egos like our tweeter-in-chief and Mr. Bannon who are desperate for an excuse to enforce (more) unconstitutional laws and orders upon our nation, to weed out the undesirables (their opinion), 'greatly' enlarge the US military, cut benefits for people who actually need them, ruin what little health insurance we have, and bring on another world war as if Global Government is what the world needs more of. As you know, a 'new world order' was the goal of Adolf, too. Here's a previously posted video Germania: Hitler's Vision of World Government that you might want to check out. Astro-Notes concerning his Death Horoscope are included.

Herr Hitler and His Minions, Plus the Reichstag Fire

And if you're curious, here is a bi-wheel of Hitler's natal horoscope with the Reichstag Fire chart around it; actually, the Fire's planets conjoining his natal midpoint pictures tell an interesting tale, if you care to look:

As you see, the violent Marseillaise Trio of Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter is active as during the French Revolution, and there are indications of the occult, secret societies, and crusaders contained in various factors such as: Pluto conjunct Pollux, Jupiter/Chiron = Pluto, idealistic Jupiter-Neptune = mystics and visionaries and the wrong diagnosis which is what the Nazis gave for the arsonists who were themselves. Hidden karmic factors are shown by the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn intercepted in the philosophical 3/9 polarity, and priestly Chiron @23Tau57 exactly conjoins Hitler's natal 8th cusp, the house of The Occult and of Death. The fire was "under control" by 12:30 am and the Trio were at Midheaven (The Goal Point) so we see: Jupiter-Neptune = MC: visionaries, fortune-hunters, speculators, wastrels, spendthrifts, and squanderers (Ebertin).

Let's close with a view of the intriguing natal horoscope of the Third Reich dated January 30, 1933 11:15 am CET Berlin, Germany. Data source is the historical record and Nick Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #128. You'll see virtually the same position for Chiron which is rising and Rx in the chart (The Quest; the Great Guru (Nolle); wounding, blind spot, mysticism, mentoring) and is part of a KITE pattern with power grabber Pluto conjunct IC as the nose and Venus @19Cap as the Kite's tail. And Chiron rising? Going a very long way in an attempt to force a mentor's value judgments on others (Nolle) which aligns with Venusian concerns and pagan worship.

How curious that Mars-rising mogul Trump sees himself in a similar fashion--as something of a 'Great Guru' (aka, a materialistic Jupiterian) who's all about money and gold and loves to say, "You're fired!" Now surely that wouldn't be Reichstag Fired, would it?

Jan 11, 2017

Horoscope: Donald Trump w Mike Pence's natal planets

In this image the natal planets of VP-elect Mike Pence (R-IN) are penned around the outside of President-elect Donald Trump's natal chart which shows a few descriptive links between the men, one born in June 1946, the other in June 1959. Mr. Trump's chart and planets are highlighted in orange, Mr. Pence's planets are in blue-green with no angles shown since I don't have Mr. Pence's birth time; therefore, 'noon' positions are entered on the chart:

Naturally, Mr. Pence's natal planets were transits in 1959 for the almost-13-year-old Donald Trump.

DT = Donald Trump; MP = Mike Pence; MP's natal Moon ranged from 23Gemini to 6Cancer over the 24-hour period of his birth day.

The links that pop out at me (and are not dependent upon an accurate birth hour for Mr. Pence) are:

DT's late Leo Mars and Ascendant are conjoined by MP's natal Pluto @1Virgo. All three conjoin royal star and 'kingmaker' Regulus (success if revenge is avoided); this creates midpoint pictures with potentials, one of which is penned, lower right: DT Mars/MP Pluto = DT ASC: daring (Ebertin); coercive measures; intimidation (Munkasey); also: DT Mars-ASC = MP Pluto: violence; a love of quarreling; desire to rule others; premature action; forcible adjustment to new circumstances and conditions (Ebertin). As always, any, all, or none may apply.

Together they concentrate Mars-Pluto force with its potentials for chaos, aggression, suppression, and/or oppression.

MP Sun @16Gemini conjunct DT Uranus @17Gemini: quirky, rebellious Uranus which not only leads all of Mr. Trump's natal planets but is oriental (rising just before his Sun) has MP's natal Sun shining upon it which suggests that pride may interfere with group endeavors and cause separation or disruption, and loyalty issues may ensue. This connection shows DT inviting MP to take a leadership role and hints that MP was selected for his traits and abilities that DT lacks (obviously!). Yes, they are a team yet trouble may develop unless MP accepts DT's non-traditional ways of doing things, and/or if their egocentric personalities cause too many quarrels over authority issues--especially with DT's planet of authority and responsibility (Saturn) in Cancer opposed by MP's natal Saturn strong in its own sign of Capricorn. Plus, MP's Saturn widely opposes DT's Mercury which suggests MP's need for DT to become more sober in his communications--if not, then restriction, criticism, or resentment may occur.

Perhaps Mr. Pence's Solar Return in June 2017 will reveal their Sun-Uranus link either positively or negatively, and it will be a Sun-to-natal-Uranus transit for Mr. Trump.

MP Mercury @21Gemini conjoins DT Sun and North Node of public contact and future direction. This connection suggests the ideas and goals of DT which are in sync with MP's thoughts and expression of them to the public via the media or via speeches, meetings, and/or pressers. It also indicates the more aggressive and dramatic forum that MP has now thanks to DT; Mr. Pence may add his input to DT's ideas and plans but this must be done gingerly by MP or the super-sensitive DT may take offence (or perhaps MP will manage to turn DT's ideas and plans into something totally different than what DT intended. This is perhaps not a good idea.

An interesting link is formed on MP's Nodal Axis in DT's 2nd house of Money and Values which holds Trump's Jupiter-Neptune 'speculator' pair (and which rule DT's natal 8th house of Corporatism and Debt via its shady Pisces cusp). DT's Juno (a political asteroid) is there are well along with guru Chiron, the blind spot. This picture is fraught with complexity beyond the scope of this meager post but with MP's North Node conjoining DT's 2nd house trio, Mr. Pence may find himself dealing with such monetary themes in his public contacts before their first term ends. The presence of wounded/wounding Chiron between DT's Jupiter and Neptune seems to be a sign of Mr. Trump's many bankruptcies and over-extensions of credit to the point of massive debt to foreign banks. DT's chronic non-payment of workers he hires may be pictured here as well along with his over-inflated boasts of his wealth.

Now there are other chart factors between them that are worth considering such as MP's Jupiter Rx conjunct DT's IC--opulent surroundings, gain via real estate?) but these are the primary ones I see. You may see others, of course, and a study of their progressions and return charts will yield more information about their association (and make for a much longer post).

There is one more thing I want to mention: Mr. Pence's natal Chiron Rx @27AQ38. As you know, Chiron is the Wounded Healer, priest, guru, mentor, and blind spot--and signifies the Christ archetype in a horoscope. Here we find that MP's natal Chiron conjoins US natal Moon (We The People) of July 4, 1776. This conjunction suggests the religious aspect of Mr. Pence but perhaps also a kind of wounding which may occur due to Theocracy being brought into the US government where it doesn't belong. I say this as a Christian myself and as a Child of the Revolution--one who demands that church and state remain as separate as possible in America for the sake of religious freedom. For it is my belief that morality cannot be legislated but must come from within each individual. Externally enforced morality is a false morality and only serves to enslave not free!

Disagree if you must but there it is. And if I've missed a link between their natal planets that you consider important or you have info to add to the above assessment please let me know in a comment or at judecowell at gmail dot com.

Related posts: The Asteroids and Dreams of Mike Pence; The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump; Horoscope: Inauguration 2017; and Horoscope: The Great American Eclipse of August 2017--the 'splitting' energies of which will imprint upon the presidency of Donald J. Trump. Or should I say, the Trump-Pence presidency?

Jan 8, 2017

Big Bankers Behind All Wars (Jupiter-Pluto) - Trump's First Term

And This Includes the American Revolution

As you know, General Smedley Butler is famous for advising us that, War is a racket.

Political Astrology, Jupiter-Pluto, and Plutocracy

For an astrological portrait of big banker plutocrats and the politicians whose actions they control and direct, more than one planetary signature may be employed. The 'Plutocracy' pair of Jupiter-Pluto with its 13-year cycle is a prominent factor worth considering when it comes to financial, political, and militaristic topics.

Where are we now in the cycle? Jupiter Square Pluto

The current Jupiter-Pluto cycle began with their conjunction on December 11, 2007 @28Sag24 (where transit Mercury turned Direct early this morning--Jupiter-Pluto = Mercury: a propaganda campaign; the desire to influence many people - Ebertin). When I think of Jupiter-Pluto, I think of The Federal Reserve Banking System and how its insertion into the US government was secretly planned on Jekyll Island, Georgia in December 1910. Tap or click here to view a horoscope of the New Moon that perfected while the traitors sneakily hunkered down together during the dark of the Moon...Senator Aldrich, immigrant Warburg, Morgan agents, and the rest.

Currently, the off-and-on-again square between Jupiter and Pluto suggests a time when wheeler-dealers such as Mr. Trump are prominent and a tendency toward political maneuvering such as gutting ethics rules oversight is in evidence. As you know, the de-fanging of the congressional ethics office was the very first thing the new Republican-led 115th Congress attempted and they will try again as contributing to questionable endeavors, large-scale enterprises that affect many people, dubious financial schemes, and other exploitative attitudes continue through the first term of Mr. Trump. Under this plutocratic square, large gains will be expected from little effort, although with a square's blocking potential, some measure of disappoint may occur.

Now Sun-Pluto fanatically craves power and Pluto-Chiron certainly signifies Plutocracy, plutocrats, and their centuries-long oppression and exploitation of the masses and this would necessarily include The US Fed and other transnational bankers coup'ing countries across the globe--one of the topics of the above video. Actually, it was the announcement of Fed Head Ben Bernanke on December 11, 2007 at 2:15 pm est (I was watching on Live TV) that perked up my ears since the last conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto began that very same day at 2:34 pm with Mr. Bernanke at the podium! I posted on the topic on December 10, 2007 if you wish to view the 2:15 pm horoscope which shows (unsurprisingly!) Plutocracy's Pluto-Chiron midpoint at MC, the Goal Point of the announcement about interest rates.

2017 Jupiter Retrograde: Hold That Tiger

As for the Trump-Pence administration, their first year in office will be imprinted by a Jupiter retrograde period of delay which lasts from February 6, 2017 (@23Lib08 conjunct starry Spica and Arcturus) until June 9, 2017 when Jupiter turns Direct @13Lib13 conjunct US natal Saturn (suggesting a partial easing of responsibilities!), and less than an hour prior to a Full Moon @18Sag53. As you see, an eventful year is promised on many levels and it is directly personalized for Mr. Trump (and thus for the American people) thanks to his being born with a strong Stationary Direct Jupiter @17Lib27. In addition, February 2017's Lunar and Solar Eclipses up the anti and may reveal more inconvenient truths followed in August by two more eclipses--one of which is The Great American Eclipse and its path of visibility which 'splits' our nation from Oregon to South Carolina.

Toward the end of Trump's first term as president, many astrologers including yours truly are concerned about the Great Conjunctions of year 2020. Included are the next conjunction/s of Jupiter and Pluto which perfect on April 5th @24Cap53, June 30th @24Cap06, and November 12th @22Cap52. I intend to post more Political Astrology details concerning 2020 as my schedule permits.

Jan 3, 2017

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017 (Aries ingress)

Below is the Spring Equinox 2017 horoscope set for Washington DC (in its role as representative for all of America). As you see, the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 is rising and you'll find a link to my notes concerning this eclipse and the August 21, 2017 eclipse ('The Great American Eclipse') at the end of this post:

March 20, 2017 Washington DC: Ascendant @10Pis37; Neptune, planet of dissolution, deception, and fraud, rises which makes the speculation-wastrel-inflation pair of Jupiter-Neptune chart-ruler and co-ruler. Neptune in 1st house with the ASC bracketed by Neptune-South Node (intrigue and unfortunate circumstances, scandals, water damage) also denotes uncertain, unstable conditions that are too big to handle; following Neptune are Chiron, Sun (at Aries Point = World Events), Venus Rx, Mercury at a critical degree, and disruptive zealot Uranus, still opposing Jupiter Rx but separating. This is a full 1st house so a very busy Spring season is on tap.

edit: Plus, as you see, the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse (Spring EQ 2017's Prenatal Eclipse, or PE) @8Pis12 also rises and suggests that its 19 South themes will be affecting the Spring season agenda. Its themes are 'a pleasant surprise; a joyful event, sudden happiness, a lucky break or win, positive changes' (Brady). That's awfully good for a South Node eclipse which tends to indicate a draining of energies but I'll patiently wait all Spring for our ship to come in on Piscean seas, won't you?

19 South last occurred on February 16, 1999 (conjunct US natal Moon @27AQ) and will next manifest in 2035 @19Pisces. Original post restarts here:

We The People React

Then in 10th house we find a very close conjunction of Moon (We The People) and restrictive, depressive, austere Saturn @27Sagittarius, planet of laws and lawmakers. 'Overambitious pretensions' (27Sag) may be in evidence though strategy, ambition, and a sense of direction are positive potentials of Moon-Saturn contacts. Obviously, extreme apprehension (Saturn) affects the public (Moon) concerning the experiences that are coming up as Spring 2017 unfolds.

Also of concern is testy Mars @7Tau28 in 2nd house of the National Treasury. At the Goal Point (Midheaven, aka, MC) is 19Sag13 with moneybags Jupiter ruling there as well. Plus, Jupiter again leads a Locomotive of all the planets in his role as CEO and roughshod executive in a power position ('full steam ahead') leading onward toward fulfilling objectives which have been desired in some quarters since FDR's New Deal programs were instituted. Mr. Trump is simply the latest 'face' upon the austerity monster.

Social and political stability in 2017 are lacking in this horoscope as might be imagined with enemies of our social safety net now in charge of House and Senate and with their mouthpiece-of-sorts (the tweeter-in-chief) and Mr. Pence in control of the White House helm thanks to the Electoral College who overrode the popular vote in November 2016. Here we have another president with No Mandate from The Governed yet he'll act, talk, and tweet as if he's following 'the will of the people'! Yet in this chart the themes of the rising Solar Eclipse are positive and I'd prefer to hold positive expectations for the presidency of Mr. Trump but I think we all know what sort of things to expect instead from his highly suspicious anti-government/anti-New-Deal Cabinet choices and the overly Republican Congress, the 115th.

The 7th house Syzygy Moon (last lunation), a Full Moon @22Vir13, perfects on March 12th conjunct US natal Neptune, a further example of the instability in our society and current fraudulent political conditions in the US. Of course, Neptune also rules the masses, propaganda, poisons, and the media, most of whom colluded with the political class and their shared financial backers during the 2016 Campaign in order to produce such a 'president' to mislead our nation which will be dismantled along with the social safety net the elderly, ill, and weak depend upon. Survival-of-the-fittest guru Ayn Rand didn't believe in coddling the weak, you know (though she herself applied for and received social safety net benefits in her old age, the hypocrite). Apparently, age rendered her a "useless eater" too but don't tell Paul Ryan and his GOP cohorts (and the duplicitous Democrats who helped enable this whole scam). So it seems that the GOP depopulation program has now been officially established.

Well, today is my birthday and I'm rapidly getting a headache just looking at this horoscope and thinking about how these knaves intend to line their and Wall Street's pockets at our expense (as always but on steroids) as 2017 plods along so I'll close for now and hope to add more details to my astro-notes concerning this horoscope at a later date. As I said, social and political stability in 2017 are lacking in the Spring Equinox 2017 horoscope.

And yet we must not falter for our only hope is ourselves.

A Related Post: 2015--2017 Solar Eclipses - see numbers 5 (February 2017) and 6 (August 2017).

Dec 20, 2016

Why Is It That Americans Always Get Screwed??? The Banksters! - video

If you've wondered why We The People seem to be every plutocrat's dupe, guinea pig, and cash cow, try this from Thom Hartmann:

One astrological factor in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 which relates to the exploitation and oppression of the American people is the plutocratic Pluto-Chiron duo with its midpoint conjoining US natal Ceres (grains, food supply, security needs...) @8Pisces, the position of the upcoming Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 in the 19 South Saros Series.

And in a fit of cosmic and political synchronicity, 19 South also manifested on February 4, 1981 @16Aquarius - conjunct the natal Sun of Ronald Reagan yet it wasn't a 19 South but a 19 North Solar Eclipse that affected the 1980 Presidential Election and the 1981 Inauguration of Reagan just as 19N does now with Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017. These are the sort of astrological factors that support the idea that Reagan's first term and Trump's upcoming first term may share more tendencies in common than many people yet realize. Yes, 1981's favor-the-rich trends are repeating in 2017.

And of course revealed is the ongoing plutocratic Republican agenda to dismantle New Deal and New Society programs that aid the non-wealthy (enabled by corporate Democrats) which will be on steroids under a paternalistic Goldman-Sachs Pence-Trump administration - Trump the tweeting mouthpiece and diverter-in-chief, and Pence the actual administrator.

Related: Horoscope: Reagan Inauguration 1981, January 20, 1981, with wound and blind spot Chiron in Taurus rising (crisis in values) at noon, Capitol Building Washington DC. A link to Reagan's first inaugural address is included in the post. A comparison with Mr. Trump's inaugural address should be interesting although incomplete sentences may prevail over Reagan's eloquence.

Eclipse Note: an eclipse in the 19 South Series repeated once between 1981 and 2017 on February 16, 1999 @27AQ08 and conjoined the July 4, 1776 position of US natal Moon (We the People) and set us up for the delusions, illusions, and distortions of the fabled August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' (or 'Alarm') Solar Eclipse with its Revelation-based Fixed Grand Cross. 1N is often called The Mother of All Eclipses being in the 1 North Saros Series which first manifested on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 (opposite a future US natal Sun). One historical event of 1639: it was the year of the first Colonial Constitution.

1N repeats on August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant and has a label of its own: The Great American Eclipse.