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Showing posts with label US government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US government. Show all posts

Nov 23, 2011

Bradley Manning court date: Sun Sag/Moon Virgo

At last, whistleblower Bradley Manning, who dared taunt the US war machine, has been given a court date of December 16 (2011) when the Sun is in Sagittarius, Moon in critical Virgo for the 24-hour period.

This Fire-Earth combination of energies may be described as a 'bull dozer' and indicates tremendous drive toward a desired direction. Old J. P. Morgan was born with a Fire-Earth combo (Aries-Virgo.) The combo tends to have a strong, rational bias with enormous certitude about beliefs. Seems this may describe both sides of the issue--the Manning-WikiLeaks side v the US military/government, so invested in their seeming infallibility. Does might make right? Not to me it doesn't!

Yet the Sun Sag-Moon Virgo blend in particular can shift between certitude and deep doubt. Its sense of drama may shrink if placed under the spotlight for too long, and nervous tension becomes a problem. Aims are focused on the greater good, not just on behalf of the individual, and presenting the Big Picture is a talent with Sag's macro-view and Virgo's attention to detail. This reminds me of the leaked tape of the US helicopter showing troops' behavior that Private Manning leaked to WikiLeaks and which began this difficult odyssey for him.

With Sun Sag-Moon Virgo, there is a tendency to be shocked by disloyalty and again, this seems to me to describe both sides especially with the combo's dedication to ideals. Clear arguments will be made on December 16 and calm integrity will be demonstrated but narrow-mindedness, moralism, and obsession will also be shown on that day.

One of the blend's 'Images for Integration' is: The Ten Commandments but there is little space within the theater of war for following such good advice--Thou Shalt Not Kill being the stand-out admonition though Not Bearing False Witness must be on the court's menu, of course.

My own feeling is that Bradley Manning carved out a little space for morality when his actions revealed the true face of US imperialism and his trial will be a mad scramble to put the Pentagon's idealistic mask back in place for the American people--even though it's way too late. Pvt. Manning is in the raptor's embrace, God help him, for the raptor is blind to all but its own interests, and sacrificing One Lone Soldier is a no-brainer solution when global domination goals are at stake.

The Sun Sag-Moon Virgo combo is shared natally by philosopher and historian Thomas Carlyle and here's one of his famous quotes which I hope won't define Bradley Manning's court appearance on December 16:

"Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight."


Inspiration: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Jul 1, 2011

Ode to Independence Day 2011 w Uranus in Gemini

Ode to Independence Day 2011

by Jude Cowell

"Perhaps it's time to shut down $17 billion worth of money going for reconstruction projects, when our track record really stinks," Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) asserted on Thursday.

And if I'd found a visual of the June 30, 2011 hearing already posted in the
C-SPAN Video Library in case you missed appreciating Senator Claire McCaskill's justified performance on the subcommittee (one of many chaired by McCaskill on the topic of waste), the video would be added here but I may have tried too soon.

The formidable lady once again is not hearing the answers she wants and seems to be unimpressed with the unaccountability factor so rampant whenever Pentagon and private contractors toss in their lots with the US Department of Defense, the big-daddy bank roller in our messy Mesopotamian Occupations.

Among those called upon this week to testify as to who's in charge of our financial fiasco overseas, an Oath of Un-Accountability seems to have been taken yet perhaps McCaskill's pointed questioning will cause a majority of the American people to insist that Saturn's lessons of accountability and frugality be honored as August 28, 2011 nears. This date brings orbiting Saturn's return to sign and degree in America's natal chart of July 4, 1776 (14Lib48) and is under girding the current Debt Ceiling 'crisis' on Capitol Hill and the global financial results if the US defaults on her debts for the first time in our nation's history.

Can you imagine that the ones now driving the Washington jalopy of government want that little item of default to appear on their precious political resumes? They're total dolts, if they do.

Electric Uranus, the Brilliant Awakener

As you know, INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM are words and concepts from the realm of planet Uranus, discovered by William Herschel in 1781 at a time betwixt the American and the French Revolutions, with US natal Uranus @ 8Gemini55 and ruled by Mercury.

(Q: can lower octave Mercury be said to 'rule' a sign of higher octave Uranus' placement? Hmm. Perhaps. As a pair, the combo of tech-savvy Mercury/Uranus = Thesis: business groups formed for purposes of initiating policies; labor coalitions or unions at work; modernization in transportation networks; Antithesis: riots, protests, strikes, or rebellions start due to ambitious goals that are ill-explained or undefined; reforms cause disruptions in transportation systems; use of propaganda in emergency situations. - M. Munkasey.)

Actually, I often think of Uranus as America's 'totem planet' or 'cosmic mascot' due in part to the centuries-long use of such slogans as the iconoclast and reformer inspires (exs: "Give me liberty, or give me death!" - Patrick Henry; our beloved 'freedom documents', etc.)

As in any horoscope, the sign of Uranus describes basic behavior, and we, as a nation and a populace, generally behave as if we're merely a bunch of youth-idolizing, never-grow-old, communicating, sometimes duplicitous, of-two-minds, quick-witted yet superficial Geminis, sign of the Jack of All Trades, and The Trickster. Meanwhile, our Saturn Return demands maturity!

Interestingly, transiting Hermes, aka, the trickster, magician, and alchemist, now sojourns beside traveler Uranus in early Aries! And Ebertin gives Uranus in Aries as, Utopians, which may well describe the sectarians who now force their slight-of-hand ideology upon congressional legislation on Capitol Hill in order to gum up the wheels of government. As you know, neocon Utopians want to drown all government (except for their own brand of anarchy) in a big'ole bath tub.

Uranus brings the chaos!

So this post is meant to be my Ode to Independence Day 2011 and I hope that if you've not yet witnessed or read Senator McCaskill's questions and remarks to certain contractors and others associated with construction projects in Afghanistan, you'll check it out with a sense of the true "Spirit of '76" as we may express it in 2011.

And I'm sending out a prayer for the future of our nation on this Fourth of July, a future without the throttling of life and the thievery of our treasury by the military industrial complex and their in-cahoots operatives and bankers, parasites as they be.

For your convenience, here's an image of the chart...

America's Scorpio Rising horoscope July 4, 1776 2:21 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA

As noted, this chart is useful as a natal horoscope for America (visit Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe for more info - he champions this chart), or as a Spying Agencies horoscope timed by our first postmaster - aka, spymaster - Benjamin Franklin smiling enigmatically upon the US 100-dollar-bill as the Hour is shown upon the face of Independence Hall Clock, Philadelphia, just behind Old Ben, the Uranian genius.

As for the exact time for setting up a Scorpio Rising horoscope, I'd use 2:21, or 2:22, if you wish; however, adding up the digits, '6' was not, as far as I know, considered an auspicious number in the 18th century whereas '5' possesses different vibes all together, then as now. For '5' is in the quintile family of aspects - 72/144 degrees (talent.) The amiable Ben Franklin was an astrologer, Freemason, Rosicrucian, doctor, scientist, inventor, money printer, almanac publisher, and who knows what else, really.)

Plus, my point is that Dr. Franklin organized our early gaggle of scouts and spies into a more cohesive network of surveillance operatives. And my, how their web has grown.

No chart details are given today (for our holiday weekend is here!) But if you wish to read a few brief notes previously published concerning the US Scorpio Rising chart (the above image is shown there as well), then of course you freely may.

You'll find that the post focuses on the hidden square which appears in any version of the US natal chart you choose to use: 256 degrees between Uranus and Neptune, the enlightened ones. This aspect has an unconscious flavor which is why it's "hidden" so at first, some Americans may experience a 'that's not me!' or 'that's not us!" reaction. But if you will, let its implications and assertions sink in especially considering the dire circumstances our society is dealing with for Independence Day 2011 - and considering that it's the citizens of GREECE protesting Saturn's austerity cuts in the streets while we-the-people lounge next to our hamburger grills, freedom fries supposedly on our menus.

Do enlarge the image if you like, by clicking to read a few basic chart details though additional magnification may be necessary.

As a sample, here's one sentence from the Uranus/Neptune aspect's 'hidden square' traits which amounts to good advice and is just in time for our Fourth of July 2011 celebration since it relates to many of the ongoing and upcoming kerfuffles at the top of Washington's one-upsmanship political agenda which so often leaves the American people hanging by a thread:

If freedom is truly important to you, then you must have the courage to fight for it. (Planets in Aspect, R. Pelletier.)

Now with that Uranian message, I wish us all a Happy 235th Birthday, America!
Though foes undermine you at every turn, you remain my only nag in the race.

Yet it's only fair to say that for individuals and for nations, troubles are often self-created - especially when Congress continually neglects its oversight duties - what Senator McCaskill tries to improve upon - while leaders lie us into ill-advised wars begun with Jupiter the General retrograde, a sure signal of a war with a bottomless money pit, and no clear victor left standing.

Now either America is a government of-by-for The People, or she isn't.

The decision as to which one we'll have "going forward" has now plopped upon our national plate like a slice of birthday cake baked by the universal law of karma for everyone must reap what they sow. Even politicians and their chaos-mongering sponsors are not outside natural law as they grandly imagine themselves to be.

So in the Spirit of '76, I'll close with a paraphrase of what progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann says at the end of each of his shows, and let that 'do':

Democracy begins when you show up...tag, you're it!

May 7, 2011

President's Weekly Address May 7, 2011 (video)

President Barack Obama speaks from Indiana for his Weekly Address to the nation.

May 5, 2011

Doubting the bin Laden assassination story?

If all the governmental flip-flopping and murky details concerning the story of the raid and death of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan on May 1, 2011 seem fishy to you and a certain Why Now? feeling persists, you are not alone for Dr. Roberts joins you:

The Agendas Behind the Bin Laden News Event

By Paul Craig Roberts

In Washington-think, a 24% rise in approval rating justifies a staged event. #

Justice? Revenge? False flag op? News event to boost approval ratings and a 2012 election ploy? Siege of Waco and Stand-Off at Ruby Ridge deja-vu? Is our nation's Mars/Neptune square expressing its 'deceptive motivations and actions' side? Or, was it an 'honest' and 'successful' assassination (as if killing is something to crow about)? What do you think?

Further reading: Wiki's Waco Siege page.

Apr 23, 2011

Are BP-Gulf Oil whistleblowers dying mysteriously? video

Are the several mysterious deaths and arrests since 2010 connected to knowing too much about the April 2010 BP-Gulf Oil Blowout? This video details 9 cases of interest relating to whistleblowers such as scientists and others who were or may have been threats to BP, to other companies involved in the Blowout, and/or to the US government concerning the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig (a horoscope of the April 20, 2010 event and the natal chart of Mexico are shown.)

The list of mysterious deaths includes the names of two high-profile men whose lives have been snuffed out since the BP Blowout occurred and whose deaths spotlight political implications: Senator Ted Stevens in an airplane crash (an easy sabotage for those who know how), and bio-weapons expert, Pentagon consultant, and aide to US presidents, John P. Wheeler, who was murdered in late December 2010 and his body stuffed into a trash dumpster where no one would ever find him.

But glad to say, the sanitation crew did.

The links to check out for yourself (as mentioned by the young men in the above video) are to be found at where you'll see this video with the links listed underneath.

Apr 19, 2011

Solar Eclipse of the Siege at Waco 1993

The US government-Branch Davidian stand-off which history calls the Siege at Waco began on February 28, 1993, ended on April 19, 1993, and was shown live on TV in the US around the clock, as I remember (or perhaps it only seemed that way. We were more easily shocked back then - and perhaps shocking the public was part of the motivation.)

The 50-day Waco stand-off happened within a certain Solar Eclipse Series, the 13 North, which actually manifested on December 24, 1992 @ '2 Capricorn' and repeated on January 4, 2011 - we're in the 13N now. Interestingly, something else portentous occurred during this Series: the first of the three Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune (#1 on February 2, 1993 @ 19Cap34), the Illuminati other words, Uranus and Neptune = the New World Order duo.

Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology, we have then and now a theme of groups and associations, large ambitious group projects, the breaking of an already existing bond (such as when joining a cult), separation then joint achievement. The next occurrence of 13N will be in the year 2029; for historical comparison, 13N also occurred in 1902, 1920, 1938, 1956, and 1974.

One assumes the 'joint acheivement' part was on the side of the FBI, Janet Reno, then-President Bill Clinton, and their globalist masters hidden in the shadows of our invisible government. (See sidebar near top for quotes from presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson on a very similar topic.)

Natally, 13N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of Rod Blagojevich (remember him and his hair?), Patsy Ramsey (mother of Jon Benet Ramsey), and poet Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830.)

The initial eclipse in the Series occurred on August 14, 1776 and its horoscope contains quite a descriptive midpoint picture which may relate to the heavy-handed Siege at Waco; Mars was @ 18Can13, North Node @ 5Leo28 conjunct US natal NN, and power-mad Pluto Rx was @ 26Cap38 - less than one degree from US natal Pluto and the degree of the Midheaven (Aspirations) in all modern-day presidential inauguration charts:

Mars/NN = Pluto: the performance of record achievements; a violent or forced separation from a partnership or union; deterring the competition; increased need to be in control of groups and associations which wield influence in your professional areas of interest.

Here's part of what Dane Rudhyar (An Astrological Mandala) has to say about '2Cap' which includes reference to the disruptive consequences of war. See if you think '2Cap' applies to the Siege at Waco.

"Three Rose Windows in a Gothic Church, One Damaged by War."

Keynote: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.

...The "capital" of group-energies is partially squandered in armaments and death. WASTE is the opposite of group-integration.

On a similar theme is the Massacre at Ruby Ridge. And 'ruby' is red and red is 'Rose' and it's possible that "Rose" in the Sabian Symbol for '2Cap' refers to Rosicrucianism and we're back to 'Swords vs Torches' once again.

Apr 8, 2011

Gov Shutdown and a Mystery at Stars Over Washington 4.8.11

Author of Stars Over Washington Stumped (more than usual)

by Jude Cowell

As a US government shutdown looms large, Stars Over Washington has to wonder if the stars will dim tonight over our nation's capital at 12:01 am edt. Both sides will look bad in this stalemate though which party takes most of the blame remains to be seen. Republicans adding social issues to the budget agreement seems calculated to guarantee a shutdown since the GOP knows the Dems won't accept its passage with such controversial riders attached.

Plus, the upcoming debt limit debate seems stalemated before it gets a good start.

Astrologically Speaking

Can the current Mercury retrograde period have something to do with the impasse? Mercury rules agreements, bills, voting, orating, thinking, planning, and all manner of things which are intricately involved in the situation as Washington moons we-the-people and acts out like unruly children.

Yet Mercury won't make a Direct Station and change directions until Saturday April 23 and then must leave its shadow (May 11) before mercurial things can really move forward again. Well, Mercury did turn Rx at a critical-crisis degree (click for my notes on Mercury's schedule.)

If you missed it, here's my post on the possible April 8/9th shutdown at midnight showing America's natal horoscope with tonight's transits added.

So now I sit here typing and wondering - both noble mercurial pursuits - why in the last couple of weeks or so, the page views for SO'W have quadrupled and then some. That any of my posts could receive thousands of views in one 24-hour period is gratifying of course, if true, so yesterday I took time to add up pvs of individual posts. As expected, they did not add up to the total...not even close.

Then is SO'W under hack attack? Or is increased readership good news for my 6 years of blogging here? Mercury is the planet of Good News, after all, and rules my natal Ascendant and Midheaven.

Well, if the page view increase is for real, perhaps it's due to a blog link a kind person added to a forum on Planet Waves, an brilliant Astrology site containing much astro-info from expert astrologer Eric Francis and friends.

That, possible Blogger miscounting, or hacking are the 3 best explanations I can think of for this mysterious uppage of SO'W's readership. And this is where in my text a bemused 'head scratch' should be inserted...


Perhaps you'd be interested in reading Jesse Ventura's open letter to the ruling elite as provided by the excellent where you'll find information on topics the US government doesn't want you to know or think critically about.

Apr 5, 2011

Ron Paul 1988: drug trafficking by the CIA, Bush Sr, & the Ds (video)

In 1988, Rep. Ron Paul was interviewed and mentioned the CIA, Bush Sr (CIA Director once upon a time), Ronald Reagan, and the Democratic Party and their involvement in drug trafficking to finance illegal CIA operations which Congress wouldn't fund (or didn't want its fingerprints on as a body.)

Then in August 1988, George H. W. Bush gave his thousand points of light" acceptance speech in New Orleans (text or audio), if you wish to remember the words of a drug-trafficking 'president' who later affirmed that his "mission" was to establish a New World Order, the dire effects of which become clearer every day.

Mar 31, 2011

Shock Doctrine Politicians = America Going Nowhere

An Austere GOP Hearts the Ruining of America

by Jude Cowell

If you're anything like me, you're having some difficulty keeping current your Shock Doctrine Politicians scorecard, so you may benefit from a list with their names, birth data, and a few of their astrological details. And of course, the shock in 'Shock Doctrine' implicates the planet of disruption, upheaval, lightening, and chaos: Uranus.

The doctrine is doctrinaire Saturn now in an obsessive-compulsive (sound like any one-pointed GOPers you know?) aspect with revolutionary Uranus, an asepct known as a quindecile (165 degrees.) This is the 'disrupt governing systems, break rules through defiance of law and order, and feel driven to break old, outdated concepts through innovation' combo. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Excerpt from above linked article: Members of Congress are doing damage to the country with their pursuit of deficit reduction in the middle of the worst downturn in 70 years. This push for deficit reduction does harm to the economy and costs more jobs than 1,000 Bridges to Nowhere.

And USA Reality Check has the Twitter feed of Wisconsin's AFL-CIO, plus, economist Paul Krugman's recent article American Thought Police.

Then we have The 8 Worst Governors in America and the crazy-making, future-destroying way they're doing things with their self-imagined mandate. Making President Obama look bad has to be one of their basic motives so we may be lead to assume that if the GOP grabs the White House in 2012, the Republican (corporate) largesse will begin flowing like golden doubloons and the American people will soon have more jobs and paychecks than we can handle (puh! The Republicans are acting coldhearted toward our families and it's 'worth it' to them as long as Barack Obama "fails".)

Ah, George Orwell, the Prophet!

His birth during a Balsamic phase of the Moon (just prior to a New Moon and thus during the mystical darkness when things go bump in the night) supports what the GOP and its handmaiden the Tea Party are busy fulfilling before our very eyes: Orwell's vision of the world's social and political future of totalitarian control and austere, extreme deprivation for the masses with population decrease the expected and planned result.

But you know that some pigs are just more equal!


You may be interested in reading the online version of the Orwell Diaries especially if you're a gardener or simply curious. Or how about Keith Balmers' article Libya and the Unstoppable War Machine?

Mar 8, 2011

March 7th Protests Shut Down Bank of America branch! (video)

Being no fan of Bank (Robbers) of America, I am happy to post a video of National Peoples Action protests yesterday which shut down a branch of the so-called Bank of America. Great job, guys!

Let's keep on the banks' sorry cases. In a fit of personal protest, I switched bank accounts from a big bank to a Credit Union bank two years ago (hint hint!)

Meanwhile, you may wish to check out Make Wall Street Pay and let's do just that...even if the US government and the politicians who infest it are - shall we say - shy about doing the right thing.

Mar 1, 2011

3.1.11: Pres. Obama in secret meetings, New Moon on Friday

ABC News' Jake Tapper reports that all day today President Obama will be in secret meetings behind closed doors including one with Biden and Gates. Hmmm...wonder what's hatching?

And I report my return last evening from a fun weekend with family in charming Raleigh, NC. Over the weekend, only one post made it online and you'll discover it @ Jude's Threshold, as you wish!

Naturally an out-of-town spree necessitates getting back in the groove for a couple of days so there's no time for a post on what I'm currently working on concerning the Full Moon of March 19, 2011 @ 28Vi48 (3rd house of Communications in Washington DC.)

My plan is to post on the Full Moon asap since its horoscope is quite a doozy and may relate to the threatened shut down of the US government in two weeks - unless compromise cannot be reached this week (now!) which will trigger a shut down on Friday March 4. As you know, March 4 synchronizes with a New Moon @ 14 Pisces on that afternoon (new beginnings), and a Full Moon (culmination; fulfillment) always follows two weeks later. (Some astro-details of the 1995/96 shut down are included.)

So the possibility of government shut down (if it happens) in March 2011 hangs upon the Virgo/Pisces polarity, the victim-savior axis of the zodiac - and the effects of a government shut down upon the people would fit that picture perfectly.

Feb 24, 2011

Government Shutdown New Moon 3.4.11 w Shutdown 1995

Thinking of a potential government shutdown on March 4, 2011 if Washington politicians can't do any better, I searched for info on the last time they came to outs (with the rest of us stuck in the middle.)

Government shutdown 1995 actually occurred in two clumps: Nov 14 through Nov 19, 1995 and from Dec 16, 1995 to Jan 6, 1996. I remember the disgust we-the-people felt that they couldn't do things any better than that, and the relief when the varmints infesting Capitol Hill resumed business.

The primary combatants in 1995 were President Bill Clinton and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich after Clinton refused to sign the budget bill of the Republicans.

For a glimmer of the budget shutdown issues entrancing Washington on December 7, 1995 I scouted out a video from the C-SPAN Video Library for you. It's about 3 hours long but is worth the time if you're interested. As you see by the date, the program was broadcast in between the two shutdown episodes and it includes several issues such as a discussion of the Gingrich ethics probe. An appearance by Sander Levin is worth noting as well.

One important midpoint picture from late 1995 into 1996 pops out:

Saturn-Pluto = Neptune disguised uses of power; defects in planning for important activities (my fret: that in 2011, they've refined their methods); improbable effects from excessive activities of the past; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable, because of fear; falsehoods, lies, frauds; a desire to harm others secretly; immorality; instability; shattered nerves. (Munkasey; Tyl; Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply, as below.)

There were several difficult transits to the US natal horoscope in 1995 and 1996. Some of the major ones are:

Tr Saturn opposes n Neptune 22Vir25: hidden agendas and secret activities are ill-tolerated and can paralyze circumstances; unfavorable time for financial speculation and for learning the truth. (exact: May 13, 1995, Aug 31, 1995, and Feb 3, 1996.)

Tr Uranus conjuncts n Pluto Rx 27Cap33: abrupt changes to familiar ways of life; situations are forced requiring adjustments; disturbing conditions create hidden fears; transitions interrupt past areas of control and manipulation. (exact: Feb 5, 1995, Aug 15, 1995, and Nov 25, 1995.)

Tr Neptune opposes n Mercury Rx 24Can12: facts and figures are confusing or elusive; accurate records are prone to error, deception, or loss; fanatic ideas take hold; networks of colleagues or friends become undependable or disappear altogether along with goals. (Their Goal? To make Clinton look bad to the American people just as the potential shutdown on March 4, 2011 is designed to trip up President Obama - along with the GOP's general take-over plan for a one-ruling-party government, then as now.)

This transit began didn't become exact until April 2, 1996; there were five hits, the last one occurring on Nov 14, 1997:

Tr Neptune conjuncts n Pluto Rx 27Cap33: dissolution of power; treachery, poison, or plague can remove the current leader or the system.

As you know, Bill Clinton was re-elected and sworn in for his second term on January 20, 1997 in spite of the R v D political theater which involved a shutdown of the US government - and Clinton's sexcapades. Bill was a wily cuss, wasn't he?

Will They Shut Us Down Again?

The potential shutdown date is March 4, 2011, and on that afternoon a New Moon occurs @ 13Pis56, in 8th house of Shared Resources and Debt with the chart set for the Capitol Building. Also in 8th H are Mercury, confused or deceptive in Pisces, and disruptive rebel Uranus at a troubling 29th degree of critical conditions (29Pis36 direct.)

ASC 17Leo19 brings chart-ruler Sun's applying aspects into focus yet there is only one (shared by the Moon, of course): an inconjunct from Saturn Rx 16Lib02 in 3rd H.

Sun inconjunct restrictive Saturn, planet of government, indicates taking advantage of others or of being taken advantage of; it describes a taking-things-one-step-at-a-time condition with a vibe of eagerness to be accepted by others. That Saturn is Rx may be help or hindrance to the question of a shutdown since delays are indicated. Unfortunately for the American people, the delay may describe the cessation of governmental workings.

Moon inconj Saturn shows undercurrents of guilt, uneasiness, and exploitation. The Moon in a mundane chart represents the people, as you know; representing the people on Capitol Hill has become an elusive goal for our recalcitrant politicians.

Now the New Moon falls at apex of two midpoints: one, Mercury/Mars is one of strong opinions and with Sun there, we find great determination to succeed; with Moon, we have a potential for clearing the air by talking things out, and emotional quarrels.

And last but not least: the Uranus-Neptune pair of enlightenment, the new world order culprits from their Great Conjunction/s of 1993 ('18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER = neg: smug or strong-armed paternalism, which to me sounds like the 2011 version of the Republican Party forcing their methods, fanaticism, prejudices, and agenda upon our nation.)

Uranus-Neptune = Sun: impassivity; impressionability; lack of vitality (uh-oh); vaunted self-regard.

Uranus-Neptune = Moon: a sense of being on the right track to do one's best; emotional convictions, real or imagined.

Well, that's a brief astro-peek at the issue of government shutdown 1995 v 2011. Let's close with the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon of March 4, 2011:

'14Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur"...TASTEFULNESS...

positive expression: high accomplishment through a consistent representation of the self's assets in the best possible light;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: amoral opportunism.

Hidden Agenda 2011

The 3 days prior to the New Moon and just after are the Dark of the Moon when secret activities and deals can easily take place under the table. That we-the-people would be harmed by a shutdown with 2011 financial conditions so dire for so many is a given, but we'll see whether a shutdown of Capitol Hill Theater proportions actually occurs and which political party suffers most for it during Campaign 2012.

Feb 22, 2011

John Wheeler death a "targeted hit" says widow

Here's a recent update on the mysterious December 2010 murder of former White House aide and bioweapons expert John P. Wheeler reporting his widow's opinion that her husband's murder was a professional "targeted hit".

And she and the Wheeler family have been treated like "criminals" during the police 'investigation'! Mr. Wheeler's body was apparently thought to be permanently hidden in a dumpster, but peep-eye!

In this entire sorry tale it sounds like the fix is in to me. What do you think?

Feb 18, 2011

Dropping the Mask: The Truth About FaceBook (video)

A few weeks ago I put my delete-account-clicking where my mouth was and left behind the warm coziness of FaceBook. The site retains all my content and personal data, however, as evidenced by the email I received next day assuring me that my password will still get me back in whenever I'm ready to rejoin the happy throng.

This is no comfort considering my concerns.

Well, the above video presentation doesn't mention the alleged infusion of mega-bucks into FB by Goldman-Sachs, a deal which has supposedly been nixed, or Russia's investment into FB which is, last I heard, in the works. These are the two camels' noses under the FB tent that caused me to bow out and was spurred by Jon Stewart's example.

Now that I've seen this video, it seems clear to me that the popular tale of the rise of FaceBook (as touted by MSM and seen in the glowing Social Network film) is a front for something more sinister...perhaps something not embedded within Zuckerberg's initial actions of creation, but hey! Turned out there was a mega-fortune to be made and he's making it, having dinner with topcats like President Obama (last evening), and publicly talking up the social aspects of his site. Yet Mr. Zuckerberg has had a lot of 'help' since FB's earliest days.

Of course, what you do with your own privacy-destroying FB account, a spider's web of major globe-spanning proportions and info-gathering, is totally up to you and I know that most people depend on it and refuse to look behind the Friendly mask of FaceBook (while following the Don't Worry Be Happy Model of trusting strangers.) But one quick peek underneath and the site isn't only social, it's surveilling and menacing.

So next time you add content about your personal likes, dislikes, interests, and what you're reading or writing, please give a thought to the shadowy figures who ultimately will become familiar with anything you post - for their own purposes.

They've skulked about for years here on Google.

But why make the implementation of totalitarianism government that easy for them?

Jan 4, 2011

Government Scams of the American Dream (video)

Here's a 30-minute video to rub some of the ways in which the American people have been scammed by the US government: the American Dream relates to our national Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work, Health, and Service which includes military, police, and other civic services such as our government bureaucrats.

As you know, the US natal Neptune is squared (blocked) by natal Mars (action, energy, motivation, the military, young males, quarrels, etc) so our nation eternally operates under difficult Mars/Neptune rays which include:

turmoil when asserting ourselves, fluctuations between action and complete apathy, an inability to face reality, sexual frustrations from repression, blaming others when things don't go as planned in order to deflect criticism and avoid accountability, defense against imagined abuses, self-persecution, lowering of standards which attracts unsavory characters, and a tendency toward feelings of bitterness when disappointed by others.

The chance for misdirected actions/motivations is greatly multiplied by our Mars/Neptune square along with natal Mars being posited in duplicitous Gemini and the fraud, deception, and confusion that Neptune so often brings to any table.

Of course, the Founders didn't see it that way since Neptune wasn't discovered until 1846, 40 years after 1776; it was the discovery of freedom-loving, disruptive, revolutionary rebel Uranus (1781) that marked their era and which continues to signify America, the New World.

Yet for the US, Neptune's inspiration and insight are possible, of course, but it requires that positive motivations (Mars) be completely aboveboard for this to be the case - which doesn't include lying the American people into illegal wars.


USA chart used: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT (Sibly version) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jan 2, 2011

WikiLeaks and Winter Solstice 2010's Mercury Return Jan 9, 2011

With the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act now signed by President Obama (while still vacationing in Hawaii), the 112th Congress scheduled to open January 5, 2011 at noon est, and myself just returned from a holiday family spree (if you can call the Atlanta area a 'spree' zone), Stars Over Washington's Julian Assange/treason poll is now closed.

Out of a total of 131 responders, 77% (101) voted, "No! He's doing the world a favor" to the question of whether Mr. Assange (who, though not an American citizen, has greatly embarrassed the US government) should be tried for treason.

1% (14) answered a moderate "Possibly, depending" while another 1% replied, "Absolutely!"

What might this unofficial poll attest to, if anything? Possibilities include:

That folks who read this sort of populist blog prefer that the US government follow its own laws (and not rewrite them for special occasions or in an attempt to save face), get over thinking it can lord it over anyone anywhere, and busy itself learning how to successfully keep official secrets closer to Big Brother's chest than heretofore.

Now if you, dear reader, are one of the 77% who voted No! to a treason prosecution yet don't agree with my personal assessment of the situation, please leave a comment here, if you wish to weigh in.

Oh, and I can think of at least one more very good reason - as taught by history - for the US government not to prosecute the message bearer who dares reveal the truth:

"First they came..." for him - then they came for you and me...


Now for the title of this post: the Mercury Return 25Sag25 to the Winter Solstice 2010 chart of December 21 which occurs on January 9, 2011 at 1:33:17 am est in Washington DC. This reflects a part of Mercury the Messenger's retrograde period which began on Dec 10, 2010 @ 5Cap+ with the speedy one's Direct Station on Dec 30, 2010 @ 19Sag35.

As far as conjunctions or oppositions to Julian Assange's natal chart (July 3, 1971 Townsville, AU 4:57 pm AEST), the Winter Solstice 2010's Mercury Return falls in his natal 2nd house opposite n Venus 25Gem25 (dualistic and sometimes duplicitous Gemini, sign of communications, and The Good News.) Yet the house position may be only speculative, based on whether his birth hour is accurate; it apparently has been snagged from his official birth records. (Kudos to whoever snagged it!)

Another possible link is to Assange's natal Moon/NN midpoint which will be conjoined by Mercury 25Sag25 on Jan 9, 2011, and in Politics and Business, the publicity-infused Moon/NN combo relates to: trade, ports of entry, roadways, canals, transit systems, etc. Also to: common people involved in the conduct of foreign trade, public opinion about foreign trade, agricultural failures, or blockages at ports of entry. (Munkasey.)

Here is the midpoint picture formed by tr Mercury to Assange's natal Moon/NN on or around Jan 9, 2011; any, all, or none may apply:

n Moon/NN = tr Mercury: adapting to events and communicating effectively; education opens opportunities; emotional group discussions; an association of convenience; contacts with females; immune system (as in 'cyber-security? jc); a critical attitude toward associations; building cooperation. (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl.)

2010's Winter Solstice chart itself must be considered for understanding any effect its Mercury Return may have collectively, such as what houses are ruled by Mercury (3rd h, and 12th h of Politics); aspects to Mercury are important as well.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2010's Mercury

Mercury applies in its Rx condition to a square with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Pisces. Merc SQs Jupiter (0A05, a very tight orb) while separating from its SQ with Uranus (1S22); the Messenger also moves away from conjunction with the Sun 00Cap00, both in 6th house of Work, Health, Service (Armed Forces) - the President has signed the 9/11 Health and Compensation bill, as noted above, and leaks have concerned the US military services and the US State Department of, diplomats. Mercury = the signing and the bill itself.

Merc SQ Jupiter shows discrepancies between beliefs and the truth with impulsivity in judgments which are based on insufficient information; accepting responsibility for one's actions is difficult; the phrase 'pathological liar' is a potential.

Merc SQ Uranus indicates an eccentric thinker whose opinions tend to be at odds with society's prevailing beliefs. Most people find this 'rebel with a cause' obnoxious or overly belligerent. Impatience may cause 'facts' or 'truths' to be manufactured.

(This may apply, of course, to WikiLeaks or to the US government - or both.)

Now you've probably noticed that Mercury 25Sag15 inconjuncts US natal Mercury, an aspect of great strain, for watery Cancer and fiery Sagittarius have little natural sympathy for one another. The inconjunct (or, quincunx; 150 degr) suggests the dynamics of Mars which brings in the god of war's typical aggression, aggravations, and threats and yet compromise is the only solution. (This aspects relates to Congress as well, but here I'm looking at Jan 9, 2011's Mercury Return mainly in relation to the Assange/WikiLeaks imbroglio.)

One aspect of note is the interesting inconjunct between Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2010 chart and the chart's Ascendant 24Can21 (the position of US natal Mercury Rx 24:12) with Mercury inconj ASC indicating evaluations and conclusions about others which are correct but make them feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Well, yes. We know.

Merc inconj ASC may also describe someone who is a "Jack of All Trades" with Mercury associated with trade and commerce, as noted above. A bit of a roustabout, perhaps? This Mercury is very much aware of the power of money, and may long nostalgically for simpler times.

Mercury Return to the Winter Solstice 2010 chart: Jan 9, 2011

In Jan 9's Mercury Return chart set for DC, there is a politically prominent trio: Mercury 25Sag25 in 2nd house of Values and Valuations, North Node 2Cap38, (3rd cusp = 2Cap41), and Pluto 5Cap38 in 3rd house of Communications. Pluto conjoins the degree of Mercury's Rx Station of Dec 10, 2010, a time when hidden meanings are revealed.

As you know, the Mercury/Pluto duo relates to propaganda, persuasion, deep thoughts, business secrets (ex: B of A), spies, surveillance and Intel agencies, communications satellites, and the drug trade; the two planets oppose one another across the Can/Cap axis in America's natal chart with Mercury Rx @ the "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree (the meaning of which then relates, of course, to powerfully wealthy, often invisible Pluto, the Spy, Saboteur, Assassin, and/or Underworld Criminal Network - and to the Bosses thereof.)

Mercury/Pluto = NN: contacts with those who help you obtain information or news(!); a desire for intellectual domination, or, to be a spokesman; contacts with powerful criminal elements; being recognized for one's persuasion or communication skills.

Now this particular phase of 'Mercury action' @ 25SAg25 actually began prior to the Winter Solstice of Dec 21, 2010: Nov 26, 2010, Dec 21, 2010 (Rx), and next on January 9, 2011. Given Mr. Assange's clear connection to mercurial functions, it may be interesting to note any further developments in the legal standing of the WikiLeaks' now-secluded founder who must try his best not to be extradited to face charges in the USA.

Dec 16, 2010

Shrinking the US economy IS the point! (video)

The president's deficit commission and the actions of the Fed, Wall Street, corporate America and others are focused on shrinking the US economy and hurting labor so that power elite fatcats can continue skimming trillions a little while longer even though they know the jig is up.

Today Timothy Geithner sang and danced on Capitol Hill trying to boost the idea that the TARP (black hole) did what it was supposed to do. Perhaps it did but was any of it paid out on behalf of the American people?

Now here we have Professor Michael Hudson (University of Missouri) offering his assessment of what's going on and why as the Fed's 'quantitative easing' sends more US billions abroad to purchase foreign stocks and assets. With so many connections between the White House and Wall Street (Goldman Sachs) it seems a no-brainer to me that the president had to know what he knew when he knew it - about the true financial condition of the US and what his bosses expected from him as he played the role of president 'going forward'.

Puts me in mind of the Inauguration 2009 horoscope that glorious January day full of Hope for Change (suckas! the ruse works every 4 years!) with moneybags Jupiter '3AQ' in 10th house next to the president (Sun '1AQ'.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '3AQ' as DESOCIALIZATION. Don't know about you, but as an American, I'm feeling quite desocialized by my own sorry, traitorous government right about now as our social fabric - what used to be a contract between the generations - is 'under scrutiny' and in line for being ripped apart by Catfood Commissions, party politics, secret deals, and in-cahoots presidents.

Yes, the world's financial party has been sent elsewhere (watch the above 10-minute video) like a rave though most Americans refuse to admit such things if they can see them at all. However, it will be impossible to ignore such new perspectives much longer.

And Inauguration 2009's Midheaven, the goal/aspiration point of the Obama administration? Besides having US natal Pluto upon it, there's a disturbing midpoint picture: Pluto/Chiron = Mc.

Dec 1, 2010

Julian Assange: article round-up w/ a Sun/Uranus square 12.01.10

With such a plethora of opinions spinning around concerning WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and the diplomatic cables leaked on Nov 30, here's a round-up of articles for you in no particular order but with many thanks for the excellent work of Information Clearing House:

Who, Precisely, Is Attacking the World?

By Paul Craig Roberts

Not a single "Iranian expert" was capable of pointing out that the tyrants who rule Egypt and Saudi Arabia fear Iran because the Iranian government represents the interests of Muslims, and the Saudi and Egyptian governments represent the interests of the Americans. (Includes remarks on NPR's less-than-honest handling of the US-Iran-Israeli situation revealed in the leaked cables.)

WikiLeaks vs. the Political Class: Why They Hate Julian Assange

By Justin Raimondo

A revolution is indeed possible. That's why the Establishment of both parties, and pundits on the neocon right and the Obama-ite left, are out to knife Assange and bring down WikiLeaks.

The cover-up: WikiLeaks Cable Reveals Secret Pledge to Protect US at Iraq Inquiry

By Robert Booth

Ministry of Defence told US that UK had 'put measures in place' to protect American interests during Chilcot inquiry.

The Folly of the Israeli AND Arab Approach to Iran: Is Wikileaks being manipulated by an intelligence service?

By Alan Hart

The Wikileaks revelation that some Persian Gulf Arab leaders wanted (and still want?) America to attack Iran is confirmation of what some of us thought we knew - that Arab leaders are not merely impotent but as dangerously deluded as their Israeli counterparts.

The Proper Response to WikiLeaks

By Karen Kwiatkowski

The great US stumbles over itself to be inoffensive, seeking simultaneously to be both submissive and warlike when speaking to Israelis. Pathetic little weasels, the lot of them. But their pathetic weaselness cannot be blamed on Julian Assange.

WikiLeaks: Pakistan quietly approved drone attacks, US special units

Cables obtained by WikiLeaks reveal that in private the Pakistani government was not unhappy about the strikes, and secretly allowed small groups of U.S. special operation units to operate on its soil.

Canada's Afghan ambassador being dragged into the WikiLeaks mess

Canada's ambassador in Kabul has put his job on the line in a secret memo that lays bare the extreme level of mistrust and antipathy that exists between the Afghanistan government and the NATO alliance.

And, last but not least, peace activist Cindy Sheehan weighs in:

Where To Go From Wikileaks? The Peace Movement Responds

By Cindy Sheehan

Secrecy, spying, and hostility have infected our entire government, turning the diplomatic corps into an arm of the CIA and the military. #

In case you missed it, you may wish to hear the audio (3 mins 40 secs) or read the text of today's NPR feature Prosecuting WikiLeaks: It's Not Going To Be Easy.

And here's NPR's Assange arrest warrant timeline.


At this early juncture, my 2 cents' worth about the diplomtic cable leaks is that many of the US government's tears over the current WikiLeaks outing seem crocodile-esque to me, partly because I thought that everyone knew or assumed that 'US diplomatic service' was a euphemism for a team of spies skulking about the world's embassies! But what do I know, right?

Plus, if you're interested in Mr. Assange's natal chart, try yesterday's post including the post's comments with a discussion of a few of his main planetary aspects such as a Mars/Jupiter square, a Sun/Uranus square, and a dissociate, retrograde Jupiter/Neptune may spy a 'holy crusader' within his complex horoscope. jc

Oct 12, 2010

Big Brother only a mouse-click away

As this disturbing article makes very clear, Big Brother is only a ping or a mouse-click away from where you sit.

Now Stars Over Washington, if it were read in Washington DC, would be fairly unpopular amongst governmental fear mongers, I'm quite certain, for this blogger is disdainfully distrusting of their 'New World Order' agenda. What the NSA can tell about me personally online is more than I'd like to reveal to strangers, I'm sure, though I've never been much of a 'joiner' odd memberships entered into around here and none sought.

However, I am a *Daughter of the American Revolution with Cherokee ancestry and I don't take kindly to the totalitarian direction this nation is being taken.

As I've typed many times before, America is my only nag in the race.

But my America does not include those who would usurp our government and dissolve US sovereignty. In my book, this makes those who would do these things traitors - not US citizens like me who care about America's future over that of the global syndicate and its agenda for world domination which now bedevils us. We are not the traitors!

So oversee my measly mouse-clicks, Big Brother. You won't find much more than a dissenting American woman past her prime who likes to offer all sorts of info on her blog about your doings...and the more secretively you go about your devilish plans, the better I like to reveal them.

Now tell me again: who honestly thought that a President Obama would be any different on these privacy-surveillance issues?


*Sabian Symbol '30 Cancer' (degree of the July 22, 2009 Solar Eclipse and linked to my natal Mars) = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" - INHERITANCE.

Positive expression: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit;

Negative/unconscious/shadow side: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.

This symbol speaks of 'a willingness to maintain (established tradition) through a sharp rejection of any modifying influence of unsympathetic times or events.'

That'd be usurpers falsely assuming 'superiority'. That'd be me, for one, expressing 'sharp rejection'. Now how about you?

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Sep 8, 2010

Looking ahead to November midterms 2010

While Democrats pushed through a jobs bill that kept the doors open at local schools, hospitals, and senior centers, Republicans voted to lay off hundreds of thousands of Americans.

While Democrats looked out for us, paying for this bill by eliminating corporate loopholes, Republicans looked out for CEOs who shipped jobs overseas.

It's a clear choice this November. Either we open doors to a better future, or we slam the door in its face.


The above words are not my own. They came with the video (thanks, Alex!) but I have to say that the Republican Party prefers Big Corporations even more than the Democratic Party does.

Or at least I feel less left out with Democrats in charge.

Yeah, that's some choice the American people have for November midterms but I've never ever voted for George W. Bush before so you certainly won't catch me voting for Bush-Cheney policies this November 2010. You?

For if the GOP should wrest control of the House or Senate in November, the resulting gridlock will tie this country into more knots than we've ever before seen at a critical time when things need to improve, not stagnate in Washington.

Now I'm not a big fan of the health insurance legislation that was passed because I don't think it addressed our issues well enough and will cause rising costs for the American people, at least in the short run. But the middle class will not appreciate Republicans fighting that battle over ad nauseum, along with other battles against a Dem White House, just to score political points for their side and make themselves look important.

One thing we cannot do in November, however, is stay home, not vote, and let the GOP trample over us as they did for 8 years under Bush-Cheney. How are we liking the wars Bush-Cheney started and refused to finish? Because those neocon warhawks are what we'll be voting for in November if we vote GOP. That, I refuse to do.

And all this comes from a blogging gnat who doesn't believe the US actually has a two-party system. More Independents, please!

Now imagine if everyone in the nation got behind President Obama - and if his policies didn't work, like FDR, he and we would try something else. Actually, I thought that's what our collective plan was from January 20, 2009. And no, the Democrats are no angels, but who tossed the monkey wrench of obstructionism into our plan out of sheer spite and cussedness for losing the White House?

Predictably, it's the rabid Republican Party which seems to think they have a 'divine right' to rule. They did no soul searching when they lost in 2008. They took their same old deficiencies and prejudices and beat Mr. Obama over the head with them. I was one of those who said, Shut up. You lost. But they plowed through led by Rush's "I hope he fails" ploy. One assumes the rest of Rush's sentiment involves the failing of the nation as well since presidents-r-us.

And that's after we crashed into the ditch the GOP drove us into under Bush-Cheney with Limbaugh cheering them on! So who profited most from those 8 years? Maybe you. But it certainly wasn't the majority of the American people.

Well, if Washington politicians aren't going to legislate on Capitol Hill led by the party in power without resorting to this sort of stubborn undermining and trickery by the minority party until the nation is in worse trouble than before, why not reduce our government to only one party in name as it acts in deed? Call a ruling class a ruling class and forget the tiresome theatrics.

When the power and ego games they play leave we-the-people and our pressing business out of the political process, it's our right to kick them out of Washington. In the 2010 midterms, I'll vote Dem or Independent, but I can't think of one single Republican who deserves a chance in November to show me what he or she can do. Their party's actions and ideology of the past 10 years have shown me too well what they can do and will do if they gain a majority of seats in either chamber.

They'll ramp up the nastiness against the White House, gridlock everything, and once again the American people will be the collateral damage of the 'win at any cost' tactics that much of Washington loves so well.

Is more gridlock what we need at this critical juncture?

Or should we support the White House we have while letting Mr. Obama know when we - not the power-seeking opponents trying to undermine him - don't agree with his policies?