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Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts

Mar 31, 2016

Is The DC Nuclear Summit A Sham? - Thom Hartmann reports

March 31, 2016: from Thom Hartmann on the Nuclear Summit 2016 which begins in Washingoton DC tomorrow, April Fools Day:

A related nuclear topic: Bruce Cathie's Harmonic 33.

Feb 29, 2016

Horoscope: Libra Lunar Eclipse March 23, 2016 Washington DC

Brief Astro-Notes on the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse @3Libra

by Jude Cowell

First, here's the Lunar Eclipse horoscope set for March 23, 2016 (Sun 3 degrees past Aries Point) manifesting at 8:00:48 am EDT the White House Washington DC with Aries rising and Mars as chart-ruler; a Mercury Hour with Full Moon @3Libra17 in 6th house (Wash DC):

No rigid Fixed energy, all active Fire and Cardinal/Cadent with Jupiter still leading the choo choo as the engine of a Locomotive pattern of executive ability and determination toward success (Tierney). Jupiter Rx is here @16Vir23 (North Node 21Vir50 stationing near US natal Neptune (grand spirit, large plans, fraud, bubbles. Through conjunction, the Jupiter-Neptune pairing echoes at least three things: Rubio's and Cruz's Jupiter-Neptune signatures though Rubio's is stronger), Bernie Sanders' Sun-North-Node-Neptune trio (drawing great crowds thrilled by a vision of a 'great future'), President Obama's natal Mars (hidden motivations, actions), and fixed star Denebola, keyphrases: out of the mainstream; and/or to go against society (Brady.)

Note that Jupiter turns Direct on May 9, 2016 @13Vir15:19, quite a mystical degree described by the Sabian Symbol, A Family Tree. The Jolly One once Direct will have another meet-up with the North Node, a Jupiterian point of encounters with the public) and the Jupiter-NN signature will again be triggered. In Politics, we may expect legal consequences from treaties with allies to be in the news along with interference in legal matters by religious organizations or people. Closed legal societies should probably be in the news more often than they are as they manipulate from behind locked doors--perhaps their actions will be investigated prior to November 8th. Disruptive imports/export issues and our hampered legal system will continue to be problematic so prepare for more erroneous decisions and errors in judgment.

Now with the Sun @3Ari17, Mars rules or disposits the Sun, another reason to closely examine Mars in Sagittarius in the natural house of Scorpio, the 8th (big business, spying, corporatism, shared resources, transformation, death, the occult) so be aware of males (Mars) between te ages of 25--35, give or take a year or two. A financial "Game of Cricket" is being played and it's amusing to me how often the sound of a cricket chirping has turned up in popular entertainment (ex: Baskets).

Chart-ruler Mars, in Sagittarius and ruling its domicile, 8th house--some would say, intercepted so perhaps unconscious) makes only one Ptolemaic (major) aspect in the chart--8th house Mars squares nebulous Neptune (11th house of Groups-Associations/Hopes), strong in its own sign of oceanic, bottle-chugging Pisces. Dissolution, dismay, and contagion abound for collectively Mars SQ Neptune brings potentials for: rationalized actions (to escape the consequences of guilt, one assumes), waste of time and energy, laziness, projection of negative traits onto others before they can label you first (ex: demigoguing), risk-taking, even perils or danger.

As for July 4, 1776 (a date with meaning that always catalyzes from behind the scenes), our national Saturn-Neptune midpoint @3Libra ensnares the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse at its 3rd degree of Libra. We may find info in the midpoint pictures thus formed using Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey to guide us:

Saturn-Neptune = Moon = Sun = Mercury: women's diseases, chronic or acute; pessimism; feeling inhibited; an emotional drain; increased drug dependency; drama and illusion; effective practices are deceptive; activities serving no real purpose; painstaking attention to hard work; strangely nervous; secret or hidden government activities.

Saturn-Neptune = poor, sick, depressed, suffering people; social programs for the needy; materialism v idealism; deluded leadership; deceptive leaders; respected person involved in questionable activities; misusing law officers; worthless policies; denials of responsibility; socialism, communism, marxism, bolshevikism, capitalism, etc. By the eclipse, Saturn and Neptune will have parted from their recent and ongoing square, a period of false hopes and promises, disillusion, disappointment; an imposition of reality is needed and will be supplied around the time of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse in discriminating Virgo. This 'coming down to earth' quality will be noticeable into 2017 and the first months of the next presidency.

Not to forget powerful Pluto @17Cap18 at Midheaven (the Goal Point) which should be noted though it's been done a zillion times on SO'W: this is the degree of the Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993 when they met in Great Conjunction for a modern 'new world order' horoscope. This forms the "the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" equation (Tyl) with stealthy, wealthy Pluto the manipulator triggering their conjunction and adding his evil magic wand.

Please enlarge the image to read my notes on the chart. Mea culpa! this post originally had quite a bit more chart details especially concerning Campaign 2016 candidates but Blogger ate that effort (waste!) and now my schedule doesn't include an attempt to compose the same text over again since as usual I have no notes to work from. Only the horoscope which you see before you.

"Even the gods fight stupidity in vain," Schiller.

Be sure to check out Astrologer Patricia's video report on the Lunar Eclipse of March 23, 2016.

Nov 28, 2015

4 Weird Things about the Washington Monument - video

This from the Stuff They Don't Want You to Know guys:

Do you know that the Washington Monument was constructed pointing to a particular star in the heavens that denotes fertility? Considering the obviously phallic intention of choosing an obelisk to commemorate our first official president and the prominence of feminine symbols around the city such as Virgo the Virgin, Columbia, and other Venusian archetypes (even the 'Oval office' shaped like the Cosmic Egg: fertility), DC is saturated with pagan Mars-Venus vibes of the hubba hubba variety--yet George never fathered a child of his own! Just a new nation in a new world--a 'new world order' circa 1776.

A fertility star, George as obelisk and 'Father of our Country' plus DC's abundant feminine symbology remind me of the controversial film Birth of a Nation. The film is a good example of how the power elite subliminally affect our perceptions via Hollywood. But instead of the awful film which is 3 hours long, how about an 8-minute analysis of Birth of a Nation? See below.

Related to Washington's esoteric monument dedicated to Freemason George Washington is a video, part 1 of Sacred Geometry Explained. The post includes a link to an intriguing site Washington DC's Chamber of Secrets.

Film analysis by Gordon Briggs:

Nov 22, 2015

DC Horoscope: Winter Solstice 2015 w North Node Rising

Washington DC December 21, 2015 11:48 pm est Sun to Capricorn: Pretense and Illusion

As you see, the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2015 is set for Washington DC and shows a favorable portent in the form of the Moon's North Node rising @26Vir11 (Ascendant in Nodal Degree suggests karma at work--reaping what's been sown) along with Jupiter @22Vir46 as leader of a Locomotive pattern of planets yet conjunct starry Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream). This pattern hints at a high-powered executive demanding success in his endeavors--a CEO, a corporation or syndicate of them, a religious leader, a military general, a priest or guru, a politician or political group--with expansive Jupiter perhaps all of these are represented here. Success seems near at hand for there is also a high-flying Kite pattern with the exalted-in-Taurus Moon as its tail posited in the 8th house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, and Transformation. A Mystic Rectangle is dotted, as you see, but it includes Chiron so let's assume its 'practical mysticism' vibes will be fortunate in the healing department along with Moon, Jupiter, and Venus.

During this dynamic Mars Hour, we find that with Virgo rising Mercury is chart-ruler so let's consider the Speedy One's major applying aspects to see how things will proceed this winter season--actually from the moment the Sun enters Capricorn since The Cosmos times this horoscope via The Great Cosmic Clock that is our Solar System. At 11:48 pm est, solar energies in the Collective morph from Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius into Saturn-ruled Capricorn and as you know, the entire sign of Capricorn is a mystical labyrinth with Saturn the traditional ruler of Astrology and anciently considered to be the devil.

Yet on a mundane level Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business, plus, systems, structures, the establishment, and lawmakers such as those who 'serve' the people on Capitol Hill. In Politics perhaps Saturn's 'devil' status and satanist tendencies hold true, would you agree after the way they've mucked things up?

Sun-Moon and Chart-Ruler Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2015 Horoscope

Now Winter Solstice 2015 brings much practicality with its Double Earth blend of Sun Cap-Moon Taurus, the Venus-ruled sign in which the Moon exalts. With Sun Cap-Moon Taurus we envision inherited wealth, self-made fortunes, and lucrative stock markets. Meanwhile, Mercury in Capricorn is an ambitious placement and provides thinking, planning, communicating Mercury with good concentration skills, methodology, and a conservative preference for the status quo in politics. Ideas are only useful if they are practical to a Cap Mercury and a serious, stern manner may be noted more often than not. Afflicted by squares from Mars and Uranus, this Mercury may also tend toward greed and doesn't mind using other people to attain materialistic goals with little if any thought to the human condition or the common good.

Along with the solar emphasis on 4th house matters of Home, Roots, Security, and Real Estate (and the Sun unaspected and thus intense, isolated, unpredictable, taking intermittent actions, a genius by any planet), we find an out of bounds (OOBs) Mercury @18Cap05 which has recently moved beyond wealthy, stealthy Pluto @14Cap42 and this reminds us, of course, of secrets, spies, surveillance, and what once was our right to privacy. Mercury OOBs tends to act on its own without interference from others (planets) and we may tend to think of NSA agents or other Mercurial actors. This degree area of the Zodiac continues to provide oppositions to US natal Sun conjoining Egyptian goddess star Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred; The Scorcher). The heaviest is the ongoing transit of Pluto opposing US natal Sun = titanic power struggles and challenges to power/control and the spying it brings; President Obama and thus the American people have certainly been ensnared in invisible Pluto's creepy net, violence included--particularly since the New Millennium.

Plus, you'll remember that '18Cap' is the degree of the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment-Illuminati-Age-of-Reason planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993 and keys the 'smug of strong-armed paternalism' vibes in the Sabian Symbols (Marc Edmund Jones.) 'POLITICAL POWER' and "A British Destroyer Flies the Union Jack" are part of this disturbing picture--and if we expect reason (as in, the Age of Reason) to solve everything, compassion for humanity is left out in the cold. Add Mercury to the Uranus-Neptune mix and we get a variety of ideas and plans along with Artificial Intelligence (Munkasey) which relates to Technology of course, but also intelligence (info) that is false.

As for Mercury's applying Ptolemaic aspects there are three (not counting a Moon-Mercury trine since Luna applies to Mercury): 1. sextile Venus in 2nd house of the National Treasury @20Sco13; 2. trine Jupiter, the engine leader rising in the 12th house of Politics, Back Room Deals, and Karma; 3. square Mars, also in 2nd house @23Lib02 which stimulates two stars, Spica and Arcturus.

1. Mercury sextile Venus denotes potentials for holistic thinking, an ability to line up support for ideas, forming alliances, and the use of diplomacy. Challenging complacent people and debates that turn into bickering are possible (Campaign 2016) though charm may also be used. Why, someone may even send flowers!

2. Mercury trine Jupiter shows someone being in the right place at the right time with the necessary information. Grandiose ideas abound and caution is needed to stay in touch with reality and not be overconfident of abilities or of situations. This may be difficult for the president (Sun) or for anyone in charge due to the midpoint picture mentioned below. However, Mercury trine Jupiter does tend to favor political activities, religious endeavors, court decisions (depending on which side you're on!), publishing, advertising, and cultural projects. Foreign relations may also be benefited via good opportunities which is great if the cautions are heeded and a moderate attitude is kept in mind.

3. Mercury square Mars: now if we break up the winter season (ending at Spring Equinox March 2016) into three sections, we find in the last time period that Mercury squares Mars symbolically from about February 21 to March 21, 2016. Solstice Mercury's sextile and trine won't go away yet a square approaches. So there is Mars @23Lib02 in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earnings, and Values conjoining two fortunate fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus which are very much a part of the star lore of Washington DC. For in the original plans for the Federal City, Spica (The Spike, a phallic symbol) is reflected on earth by the Washington Monument and thus relates to the US presidency and its official archetype in the personage of *George Washington, the great stone face (30Pisces.)

Arcturus = the White House and there again we have presidential symbology with the Federal City's reflections similar to the Giza Pyramids on earth lined up like the Belt Stars of Orion, the Hunter (and Christ archetype in Christianity, Osiris in ancient Egypt.) These stars and imagery are spotlighted each time a planet enters the 23Libra degree area where Spica and Arcturus sparkle, of course, and both stars are considered beneficial and denote a fortunate realm within the malefic Via Combusta (the burning way in traditional Astrology: mid-Libra to mid-Scorpio.)

So with Mercury square Mars we may expect problems with incorrect information, frustration, and wrong directions. Aggression increases, mechanical snags and glitches occur, electrical issues may need attention (ex: US power grid), and competition gets down and dirty (but in politics who can tell a difference?); schedules may not function well so leave in plenty of time; public transportation is spotlighted negatively or via delays and cancellations; infections and contagions are potentials and I would be remiss not to mention them so please take precautions.

A Visionary Midpoint Picture for the Unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun

Yes, North Node rising seems to be a favorable portent for our nation's future direction manifesting during Winter 2015--2016 yet we find our 1776 Neptune @22Virgo rising as well with Jupiter @22Vir46 (leader of a powerful Locomotive pattern) along with its obfuscation of President Obama's natal Mars also @22Virgo. Many times I have fussed about this conjunction, this veil through which the public sees or understands his actions and motivations with great difficulty, if at all. Inspired actions are possible with Mars-Neptune of course but we're talking about politicians not saints--and an unstable shift in government has been set in motion. Plus, there's America's natal Mars-Neptune square on the angles of the solstice chart with its 'misguided actions and motivations' leading to what too many times has resulted in 'the fog of war'.

Although Washington and Wall Street may deny it, our great nation has been bankrupted by warmongers, cheats, gold-hoarders, and politicians!

For as you know, Jupiter-Neptune is the speculator pair of energies-- visionaries, spendthrifts, religious frauds, and a degraded legal system (Munkasey) and with the Jupiter-Neptune midpoint conjoining the unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun we find potentials for:

confidence and purpose where confusion or deception exist, visions used to enhance one's capabilities, prestige that helps others (political endorsements? Hillary has most of them so far), deceiving or being deceived, irresponsibility, squandering physical strength (military?), following a dream (or a secret destiny?), trying to capture the essence of things, potentially misguided states, feeling the spirit (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl; note that any, all, or none may apply.)

So Jupiter leading a Locomotive is a high-powered executive demanding success but he now conjoins US natal Neptune and the president's Mars which gives a boundary-crashing impetus to December 2015 into 2016, the last year of Barack Obama's presidency. This midpoint picture resonates with his first year in office which was imprinted by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune occurring upon US natal Moon in Aquarius, the dreamy 'going with the wind; emotional swoon; involved in speculation' spell many of us were under. Therefore, potentials for this Jupiter-Neptune-Sun winter season include:

pretense, illusion, deception, fanaticism, paranoia, scandals, bankruptcies, mystery, and oceanic occurrences. A tendency toward overconfidence is noted as above for President Obama's Mars as he leans toward expansive actions that actually need moderation. War is obviously on the agenda but we don't need Astrology to tell us that--yet as you see, US Mars @22Gemini has crossed the Goal Point of the chart (MC 25Gem47) and drags US natal Neptune with it in their problematic square formation. Deception is on Washington's menu as are Syrian refugees with Saturn (ruler of the solstice Sun) in Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner and the emigrant.

Now you may have noticed in my writings that, as a self-described dissenting American, I remain in a permanent snit of miffdom over our nation's lies-into-war condition made worse by the way criminal usurpers have infiltrated what we've always been told was our government.

To that I say Puh! Clearly it is not and probably never was 'ours'. It seems Freemasons and other secret societies had a lock on it from the start--or before the start for a new nation and "new world order" had to be planned before it could be implemented. Perhaps our July 4, 1776 Pluto in late Capricorn--out of bounds of the earthly plane and acting apart from the other planets--directed our Founding Fathers from abroad where secret societies were birthed. This could account for a secret operative who encouraged them in signing the Declaration of Independence when they seemed to falter--that mysterious voice coming from the darkened balcony, mysteriously missing from the locked building when looked for, as the legend goes.

After all, the Signers were faced with the death penalty for high treason as they labored shut up in that sweltering room of the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia with its windows covered for total privacy and a guard posted at the door. Many hours of debate passed and then, the legend goes, an unknown voice rang out, "God has given America to be free!" which sent the delegates rushing forward to sign. Well, that's the legend but as usual with so much American history, the Declaration of Independence was not fully signed until August 2, 1776 within two weeks of the initial solar eclipse in the 13 North Saros Series. That it began the series echos the establishment of a 'New World Order' and a new nation, the first country created for the sake of a noble idea (Plato's, Bacon's, Weishaupt's, etc) and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality and democracy (so they say but not so much anymore--the power elite want a new order now--you know, like the fabled Atlantis--that golden time before The Fall, man in no need of rules or laws. That Age of Reason nonsense will be their flimsy excuse for collapsing the US government anyway.)

Be all that as it may, perhaps you'll agree that the themes of 13N apply closely to the events of August 2, 1776. The solar eclipse manifested on August 14 @21Leo52 conjunct Venus @22:46, making the USA a fiery nation of dramatic show-offs and natural leaders with statues and symbols of goddess Venus (aka, Isis or Columbia) all around the Federal City--and later illuminating New York Harbor. 13N relates to: group endeavors, projects, and associations with a flavor of 'breaking an existing bond which requires separation but then there is joint achievement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Sounds like America to me.

And yet it's late days and we find that descendants of early social engineers of Bacon's and Weishaupt's ilk (or perhaps just the transnational bankers of the globalism persuasion) want to toss out the freedom, independence, and democracy model and substitute it with draconian surveillance and the strong-arm policing of Global Government, what some believe is the 'Secret Destiny of America'. Yet this would mean that humanity's enslavement is the ultimate goal of this nation and that I refuse to believe in spite of certain actors' constant undermining of our governmental institutions via such tactics as 'shutdowns' meant to suggest and herald a final shutdown and the chaos it would bring so that a new order would be called for.

All this I mention here because the very important November 8, 2016 Election is key to power elite plans along with whatever dirty tricks they play on us before then, propaganda included. Will America select her first female president? I suspect so as The Great Seal (modeled on the Illuminati seal dated May 1, 1776) symbolically turns its conscious side over to its feminine unconscious side and the American people finally discover the Seal's hidden messages and the true implication of,

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

--Barry Goldwater, a practical, shrewd Sun Capricorn-Moon Taurus personality. We can't say he didn't warn us.

For more on the Stars of Washington DC, the Washington Monument, and other such related topics try this August 2015 post which contains starry info plus a few links to previous SO'W articles that may be of interest especially for those who see merit in valuing America, her beginning and principles, while our tenuous grasp upon her as a sovereign nation still holds.


*George Washington February 22, 1732 10:00 am LMT Popes Creek Landing, VA with Venus exalted in Pisces and at a critical degree of 'brilliant talents or genius': 29Pis25 conjoining the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Recognition, Reward, and Prominence (he of the Star Families.) General Washington's lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio sits upon his natal Descendant of Partnerships and the Winter Solstice 2015 Moon @17Tau02 rises in his natal chart!. George is known to have deserved a phallic symbol for his legacy as a ladies' man though never fathering a child of his own (that we know of for certain) probably due to early illnesses that caused sterility. Too much information?

Sep 21, 2015

Jupiter-Neptune Infuses the White House

As you can see in the Autumn Equinox Horoscope 2015 set for this Wednesday September 23rd at the White House (above, as if you didn't know!) it's now time in the Jupiter-Neptune cycle for the Grand Spirit duo of planets to oppose one another after their three great conjunctions all through 2009, the first year of the Obama presidency.

Their three airy conjunctions manifested at 24-27 Aquarius directly upon US natal Moon (We the People) and this trio accounts for some of the dreaminess of 2009 as our 'rock star' president, who was early on awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for mere good intentions, dealt with the fraud and thievery left behind by the Bush-Cheney administration along with the threat of inflation, frothy market bubbles, and our inflated hopes, dreams, (self) deceptions and illusions that the Jupiter-Neptune combo tends to favor.

As you can't help but remember, the Bush years had peaked in a morass of speculation, waste, over spending, grand schemes and plans, wispy fantasies, over promising, over expansion, watery sentiments, religious flim flams, and the resulting disappointments, discontent, and sense of loss most of us felt as Jupiter-Neptune's overblown energies necessarily gave way to more practical, clear-eyed assessments, and Saturnian realism prevailed. 2005's Hurricane Katrina, certainly a Jupiter-Neptune event, brought transiting Saturn to George Bush's natal Ascendant and harsh criticism and accountability for his sorry response to its victims landed upon his neglectful doorstep.

Even political conflicts may be identified through the auspices of the Jupiter-Neptune pair of energies along with natural disasters involving Neptunian realms such as water, oceans, rivers, oil, gas, poisons, contamination--and scandals. Lots of scandals.

Their Conjunction Leads to Opposition

Now in 2015 into 2016, boundary breaker Jupiter and merging Neptune oppose one another across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis and we find a culmination of their cycle, the current one of which began in 2009. Their opposition may be described as a Full Moon phase of awareness and fulfillment, and a high point for their faith vs reason energies. Of course, Saturnian boundary, border, wall, and fence issues are ongoing as refugees displaced by Bush-Cheney-Obama wars and destruction reap what profiteering warmongers have sown against the East and Neptune (planet of Islam) in its own watery sign of Pisces supports a massive, collective urge to merge, aided by massive Jupiter, ever hopeful for broad horizons and new vistas.

So if you're curious, here's a relic--a post written years ago concerning Financial Astrology and the Jupiter-Neptune-Moon Conjunction/s of 2009 (sans edits.)

Note that SO'W's most often used US natal chart is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania horoscope with Cardinal Point 00Libra at Midheaven, 12 Sagittarius rising, the people's Moon @27AQ33, and a 13-Cancer Sun (leader) conjunct Egyptian goddess star Sirius, aka, The Scorcher.

Related: the horoscope of the Washington DC, the Federal City, with brief astro-notes added for the daring, and a 2011 post concerning and displaying the Natal Chart of Barack Obama, current occupant of the White House.

Sep 16, 2015

Abraham Lincoln's Greatest Speech: The 2nd Inaugural Address (2002 video)

Have you 58 minutes to devote to a presentation of Abraham Lincoln's second Inauguration Address delivered on March 4, 1965? The president's future assassin and the co-conspirators were in the throng that day and listening to his lofty words but being bent on revenge, nursing grudges due to Union war atrocities, and holding a deep hatred toward him for signing the Emancipation Proclamation, the men were ill disposed to appreciate the message in Lincoln's sentiments upon that historic day:

#SoreLosers #1865 #CivilWar

In case the above video mysteriously disappears from SO'W at some point, here's its YouTube link.

For further reading why not try Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Horoscope with details.

Sep 9, 2015

Dr. Don K Preston: False Prophets, Jonathan Cahn and the Shemitah - video

This video was helpfully posted on YouTube by Rob McConnell, host of The 'X' Zone Radio Show. The pastor asserts that, "The world will not end on September 15, 2015" which is great since the September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse only contains themes of a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength' according to Bernadette Brady in her book Predictive Astrology.

But soon we have the prominent-in-the-news 'blood moon' and tetrad moon--the September 27, 2015 Lunar Eclipse @4Aries40 to add to the fretful flavor that some have attached to the month of September 2015. Tap or click the link if you wish to view horoscopes of the two September 2015 eclipses set for our goddess-idolizing capital of Washington DC, where so many of the cauldrons of tragedy are brewed.

Sacred Geometry Explained - video (and: DC's Chamber of Secrets)

As many of you know, Washington DC, the place most of the horoscopes published on Stars Over Washington are set for, was built based on universal measurements used by our Creator. Though Sacred Geometry is usually credited in the West to Freemasonry it is actually 'older than the hills' and dates back as far as our imaginations stretch and beyond. The megalithic measuring system was employed by the designers and builders of Washington just as with henges and other ancient buildings, monuments, and standing stones.

Parts 1 and 2 (unless removed for some reason):

For more information on such topics as the Megalithic System of Measurements (based on the 366-degree circle) visit Washington DC's Chamber of Secrets.

Aug 22, 2015

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox Sep 23, 2015 (Libra Ingress)

Autumn Equinox 2015: Venus and the Statue of Liberty

by Jude Cowell

With the equinox Sun @00Lib00:00 and Moon @24Cap29 (in 2nd and 5th houses, respectively) we find the moment of Autumn 2015 begins during an Hour of warrior Mars with Mars @28Leo54 rising, Ascendant 27Leo55, royal star Regulus @00Vir in tow. Plus, expansive Jupiter @9Vir15 in 1st house provides what we may hope is protection in what looks to be difficult circumstances this Fall season. For only 10 days earlier, a Solar Eclipse perfected @20Virgo and as most people know, Washington DC is heavily imprinted with the stars of constellation Virgo, the Virgin.

And of course, as the 6th sign, Virgo is naturally identified with the 6th house of Work (employment), Service (military, police, civil, domestic), Health, and our Daily Schedules. Autumn Equinox Sun, North Node (Future Direction), and communicating/trading Mercury @14Lib08 Rx spotlights for the country the National Treasury, owned as it is, by the Federal Reserve System of worldwide central banks. Saturn, in its retrograde process, has turned Direct and again reached 00Sag23--here, in 4th house of Domestic Scene across the Security axis of the 4/10. At "1Sag", Saturn (lawmakers, government, business) keys the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree in the Sabian Symbols, and in the Angular 4th house, hints at Saturnian events or tasks during the first of Autumn 2015 but also at the end of the season as Winter approaches.

Horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC: September 23, 2015 4:20:55 am EDT

Some US natal planets from 1776 are listed around the outside of the chart; please enlarge to read my scribbled notes if you wish since all may not be mentioned in this text.

Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn is an Air-Earth blend of rationality and practical idealism, an androgynous combination of energies which hints on one level at transgender issues (Sun = male principle; Moon = feminine principle) and other relationship concerns. The 90-degree square between Libra and Capricorn denotes blockages or obstacles in the attainment of desires unless major adjustments are made in relation to the opposite sex (GOP's 'war on women'? age-ism haunting Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency--if her campaign is viable by Autumn?) Actually, ego is perhaps the biggest obstacle to success with a Sun-Moon square!

So with Sun in Libra and Moon in Capricorn the cosmic atmosphere of Autumn 2015 into December contains political vibes of conflict, tactful diplomacy efforts surfacing, prominent executive talents emerging, and opportunities appearing as mentioned, below. Blatant self-interest will conflict with a sense of cooperation and sensitive types will take offense too easily as they often will.

One of the Sun Lib-Moon Cap's Images for Integration of the solar consciousness and lunar unconscious is descriptive in relation to the USA:

"The Statue of Liberty". Another Image is apt for the financial implications of the September 23, 2015 horoscope which are mentioned, below: "At the annual company Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationery for everybody." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.) For 'everybody'? Really? Gosh, that'd be swell! And as you know, the Statue of Liberty is an Illuminati symbol of Venus (and goddesses by other names), is constructed of copper, the metal of planet Venus, and was shipped from overseas as a gift from French Freemasons to American Masons.

Chart-Related Astro-Notes Concerning Autumn Equinox 2015

A prime factor in our consideration of Autumn Equinox 2015 is chart-ruler Sun (ASC 27Leo55) (the focus of an equinox horoscope) in the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values. The Sun applies to a sextile (60 degr; 0A23) with 4th house Saturn denoting that opportunities will be presented for maturity and good planning to pay off, productivity to increase, and those with expertise to garner new clients while others are invited to lecture or consult. Though some advantage may be given to careers in 4th-house/Saturnian fields such as mining, real estate, geographical re-location (immigration? deportation?), genealogy, ecology, psychology, history, government, law, and business management or leadership, these opportunities generally apply to all professions and are particularly useful for those who are well prepared to accept such offers as they arise. As you know, authoritative Saturn rewards hard work and perseverance!

America's Natal Horoscope Affected on the World Stage

As you see, activist Mars (the warrior) is rising @28Leo54 and conjoins the natal Mars and Ascendant of real estate mogul Donald Trump, a 2016 candidate. But this article isn't about Donald Trump so let's not discuss his campaign here! Except to say that his popularity may still be in effect for Autumn since the Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon (the public), and Leo Ascendant and Mars are in a beneficial Cardinal Grand Trine which affects Trump's natal Mars-Ascendant-Regulus! A caution for Mr. Trump may be that royal star Regulus @00Virgo has a limitation--a 'success if revenge is avoided' command but what are the chances when he verbally attacks his attackers on a regular basis?

So as you see, Saturn @00Sag23 again triggers the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree in Sabian Symbols but there is warrior Mars with *Regulus square Saturn (1A28) which denotes quite a trio of archetypal energies. Mars square Saturn indicates that lack of preparation and organization will cause delays or setbacks with someone's authority being challenged and links to the 6th house of the Military, Police, Civil Services, and Employment. And with 6th cusp having a critical-crisis 29th degree upon it in Washington DC, (same opposite with the karmic 12th cusp = 29Cancer), we may expect issues of bad timing to be part of a frustrating, stop-and-go Mars-Saturn picture.

Let's include symbols for the 6/12 axis of "30Can" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" and "30Cap" = "A Secret Business Conference" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Still, there is evidence of cheer and pleasant social events displayed in the horoscope with the Venus-Jupiter midpoint rising on the Ascendant--perhaps this echoes back to the two planets' lovely conjunction @22Leo on July 1, 2015!

But on a more karmic note of reaping what's been sown, transit North Node ('NN", the head of the dragon; future direction; fated encounters) @1Lib00 Rx is listed on the chart, bottom left, for it conjoins America's natal Midheaven ('MC' = Goals, Public Status; the most visible point) in the 5:09/10 pm LMT 'Sibly' chart, July 4, 1776), as is transit Sisyphus (determination to succeed), and political asteroid, Juno @2Lib16, also in transit. These degrees are near the US natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint (3 Libra) which highlights the Socialism-Communism-Capitalist debates ongoing in the public discourse along with the elderly, weak, ill population of this country and whether America intends to be compassionate toward her non-rich citizens, or takes more austere measures in order to weed them out of the herd. You know--the Ayn Rand/Darwin model of "survival of the fittest" where "useless eaters" need not apply. This may also be seen with the tail of the dragon (SN) at IC (endings; The Drain), which lends 'support' to current immigration-deportation debates. Perhaps it's obvious that the current political campaign season with its issues and talking points are depicted here. Be that as it may, NN to MC and SN to IC favors the career sector over the domestic scene where restrictive Saturn lends heaviness.

Pisces on 8th Cu$p (Jupiter-Neptune) with a Jupiter-Neptune Opposition

On the financial level, there's the MC with the May 28, 2000 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn (23Taurus) upon it and with their dynamic square phase occurring off and on (Jupiter and Saturn are not actually square in this chart.) However, expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn are intimately involved with Financial Cycles but also with Government concerns--the pair is our exalted 'checks and balances' planets even though the concept has been seriously undermined in recent decades. (I primarily time such dissolution by the Wilson's signing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 but perhaps you time it otherwise for many other events have marked America's downward spiral via sabotage.)

Related: Shemitah Exposed: Financial Crisis Planned for September 2015.

It may be useful to note here that the combined forces of Jupiter and Saturn represent potentials for: changing fortunes, attainment of far-reaching goals, patience, dissatisfaction, changing of employment or residence, irritability, vexation, and/or angry upsets. As for professions, the Jupiter-Saturn combo describes civil servants of the administration, other government officials, bankers, philosophers, law professors, clergymen, fellow tenants, relatives, and politicians. (Ebertin.)

Then there's often shady, always mutable and changeable Pisces on the corporate 8th cusp with Jupiter its ruler, Neptune as co-ruler (or higher octave planet.) For me this triggers unpleasant memories of their three conjunctions all through 2009 at or around 27 Aquarius, the position of US natal Moon (We the People) when the public was ensnared with a glamorous rock star dream of Obamian 'hope' and 'change' we could 'believe in'. Much was fretted about this here on SO'W and elsewhere concerning the dreamy, unrealistic midpoint picture of Jupiter-Neptune = US natal Moon which, I alleged, imprinted its energies upon the entire presidency of Barack Obama with 'speculators, wastrels, spendthrift' vibes as the National Treasury was robbed for the sake of corporate bail outs (TARP, etc), the Fed printed more funny money, and years of Wall Street greed resulted in mortgage defaults, evictions, and pension thefts that beggared many of the American people and undermined the US economy.

Noting that by Winter Solstice 2015 transit Jupiter will conjoin US natal Neptune, a time of illusions, pretense, fanaticism, paranoia, and possible bankruptcies, I'll fret no more for now about the inflationary Jupiter-Neptune duo but if you're concerned about a financial crash many economists and others are predicting for September 2015 (see the link, above), I direct you to financial astrologer Bill Meridian and his article on the Horoscope of the Federal Reserve and the secretive central bank's history. Details include its natal Mars and Neptune rising opposite expansive Jupiter showing unreliability and inflationary Jupiterian-Neptunian tendencies which by natural law must be followed by Saturnian deflation for what goes up must come down.


*Regulus represents the Capitol Building and therefore, the US Congress. For more info see A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington.

Aug 15, 2015

August 15, 2015: What's New at Stars Over Washington!

Yes, that's a new logo and image you see at the top of the page. You can hardly miss it, can you? The night sky is cloudy so the stars are hidden and so far, the image has yet to display on my phone so I'm reserving my opinion for now and may remove the image eventually. Plus, if I had the tech skills, I probably would have created an image with the three stars that are reflected by the Federal Triangle (as originally planned by Pierre L'Enfant): Spica for the Washington Monument as it points toward earth in the Reflecting Pool below--the Hermetic As above, So Below model that our Founding secret society members were completely aware of; royal Regulus for the Masonic temple we call the Capitol Building (and thus, the US Congress), and Arcturus representing the White House.

And perhaps it would be even more descriptive to include starry Porrima above our national phallic symbol, the Washington Monument, since Porrima is the 'star of prophecy' and the 'goddess' the ladies prayed to in olden days to assure fertility and safe childbirth. Curious how Freemason George, The Father of Our Country to whom the monumental obelisk is dedicated, never fathered natural children of his own (that we know of--there is some controversy there.)

As a curiosity, let us add here the Sabian Symbol for '19 Taurus', George Washington's natal Ascendant (the Self point, the physical body, etc): "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean" which speaks of the mind being emptied and light purifying the consciousness freed from its attachment and contaminations...a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, "the Virgin SPACE." (Rudhyar.) "Keynote: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis"...SPONTANEITY" which means "to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor." Well, the Founders and subsequent Masons did deify George Washington as a purified solar god which the Egyptian obelisk represents as a symbol of Ra. As you know, constellation VIRGO the Virgin (Isis-Mary-Columbia, etc) and its stars are found all over the Venusian city of Washington DC!

And what of Porrima? If the Washington Monument pointing toward this star-goddess was intended by the Founders to vouchsafe the birth and establishment of America, the Utopian, Baconian 'New Atlantis' on a new continent, the Founders and designers of the Federal City of Washington, District of Columbia have been successful these 239 years and counting though their far-sighted 'experiment' based on an ancient ideal of perfection (via Plato and before) seems in 2015 to be under more threat than ever by Utopian usurpers and fanatics (Uranus in Aries--Ebertin) who are determined to crash America as the 'old order' of 1776 and establish a 'new world order' that no population in the world could prefer nearly as much as a nation based on independence, freedom, and equality--imperfect as it has been and ever a work in progress.

Yet to my mind, that's what we get whenever and wherever mankind is involved...imperfection, and it's tragic how this natural fact runs completely counter to the Utopian 'Illuminati' scheme of a 'new world order' which upholds tenets of the Age of Reason--the Enlightenment--in which man allegedly needs no laws (chaos) and can evolve toward a perfect condition all by himself...with Science leading the way!

To which yours truly can only sputter, puh! to the misguided knaves and death-worshiping fools.


Related Reading includes but is not limited to:

Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791; A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington; "America Unearthed", three NYC Obelisks, and the Belt Stars of Orion; June 1, 2015: George Washington's Progressed Full Moon!; and The Venus Cycle and US Presidential Elections

For more posts with similar topics type a keyword or words into the sidebar Search field--examples: Regulus, fixed stars, Washington DC, etc.

Aug 3, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Washington DC Statehood (HBO)

In case you missed it: last night's commentary on Washington DC's lack of representation in Congress by John Oliver is a must-see!

#WashingtonDC #DistrictofColumbia #USCongress #democracy #JohnOliver

Jul 29, 2015

July - August 2015: transit Saturn activates a 2013 Lunar Eclipse

Here is a previously published image of the 2013 Lunar Eclipse horoscope (4 Sagittarius) which will be activated by transit Saturn again once the old man of the Zodiac and lesson bringer of accountability, restriction, authority, change, and sometimes loss seems to move ahead into the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius (The Seeker). The forceful Mars-Pluto vibes of Scorpio will be left behind for approximately the next 28-30 years along with (as you see) the Midheaven of this eclipse horoscope @24Sco, the Career-Public Status-Aspiration-Point of the chart which is set for Washington DC.

Of course, the transit Saturn to Lunar Eclipse energies echo Saturn's recent and current visit to the US Inauguration 2009 Moon @29Scorpio with its descriptive Sabian Symbol: "A Halloween Jester" as the American public continues to deal with (or ignore! now stop that!) repressive, oppressive, restrictive, austere, melancholic events and lessons in the Collective due to the Moon-Saturn pairing--doubled if we expect the difficult 2013 Lunar Eclipse to have any influence within current matters.

And yet there are positive possibilities within a Moon-Saturn pairing as well since organization and practicality may increase which boosts those who resonate with these energies and spur the on to more practical ambitions, realistic structure-building, and better directed and efficient strategies. And if plans, programs, or projects are delayed or ended via a Moon-Saturn contact, the delays or endings may only be temporary. After all, when the responsibilities and the lessons of Saturn are respected, our long-time efforts and work may be rewarded with permanent rewards even though initial delays or cautions may apply.

Please enlarge the image to read my always messy notes. Artists can be quite messy, you know. jc

Additionally, there's another consideration: Saturn simultaneously opposes the Sun @4Gemini, sign of communications, trade, commerce, transport, speeches, negotiations, treaties and deals such as the #IranDeal and trade deals, reporters, you name it--Gemini covers a slew of realms and people--even young people, students, teachers, and astrologers. And of course, all Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons which spotlight relationships, culminations, fulfillment, and total awareness. With transit Saturn opposite the Sun (leaders) we may expect personal goals and someone's pride to suffer in some way. This opposition is another indication of frustrating delays (transportation?), and challenges to authority, integrity (President Obama should be accustomed to that before now), honesty, seniority, and generosity.

Rule-Breakers Be Forewarned!

This Saturnine period which builds now and is exact in early November 2015 (not 2016!) points in other directions as well: toward the tea party faction in Congress and their ongoing challenges to the authority and honesty of Republican leaders as well as the usual GOP accusations against any and all Democrats especially 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton, or anyone else who threatens the Republicans' imaginary monarchic 'right to rule'. One has only to remember the nightmarish 8 years of the Bush-Cheney regime for a hint of the dread to come under any of those varmints of the Vulcan war hawk persuasion. Saturn is a planet of karma and when yours truly uses the word it's a reference to the natural law of reaping what's been sown. No one escapes this universal requirement, says Saturn, though the high-and-mighty power elite class imagine that they do.

So all together, it may be that Saturn activating the 2013 Lunar Eclipse @4Sag brings up hidden aspects of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis (such as over expansive plans: Jupiter-Mercury) along with relationship and alliance issues especially in relation to certain conditions we faced, ignored, or neglected in 2013 and that still hanker for resolution. Whether Washington and other politicians intend to correct their past mistakes and neglect as good Saturn requires is quite another question entirely.

Jul 27, 2015

Republican House says No! to Senate Highway Bill--Venus Rx concurs

Late July 2015 Washington DC: Venus Rx and Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn Say No to Funding

by Jude Cowell

11:48 pm Update from The Hill.

Original post begins here...

Well, it had to As above, so below, didn't it? The Republican House refuses to take up the Senate Highway Bill leaving in-progress projects stranded and project starts hanging without funds.

With the fairy dust sparkles of the recent Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Leo fading, we must trudge back to DC for more cantankerous behavior by Washington politicians who think acting "in breach of the public trust" is governing.

Reflecting yet another Republican vs Democrat stalemate of blockages, obstacles, delay and frustration, investing Jupiter and restrictive, austere Saturn now square one and add stubborn behavior to the July 25, 2015 Retrograde Station of Venus, another money planet along with generous Jupiter. The Jupiter-Saturn fuss will continue while evaluating Venus (archetype of the feminine goddesses that America's founders idolized to the point of placing a statue symbolizing 'Columbia' atop the Capitol dome--and Virgo symbols all around the District) won't pass her shadow degree until October 10th (groan.) Plus, the July 25th Rx Station of Venus occurred precisely upon the royal star Regulus @00Vir46 with its keywords: success if revenge is avoided.

And yes, Regulus is representative of the Capitol Building and thus the US Congress in the starry layout of L'Enfant's original Federal Triangle along with the White House as fortuitous Arcturus and the phallic Washington Monument spiking upward toward lovely Spica. But really now, can you imagine Washington politicians taking no revenge upon one another? Why, that would be totally unbelievable!

And though the Direct Station of Venus may bring some improvement in funding, investing, and diplomacy matters (another province of astrological Venus) she won't pass her shadow degree (00Vir46) until October 10, 2015--almost one month after the September 13th Solar Eclipse with its 'high stress level' and 'overtaxing of strength' background influences. Surely by then the public will be spared the Venusian envy, spitefulness, and scorn with which Republicans pretend to govern while acting in the Political Theater of Washington DC.

#PoliticalAstrology #WashingtonDC #JudeCowellAstrology


Now if you'e really concerned about what Lady Venus is up to over the next few months, visit Jessica at Moonkissed for advice on What to Do During Venus Retrograde!

May 14, 2015

Senator Bernie Sanders: Sun Virgo-Moon Aries

At noon on Bernard Sanders' day of birth (September 8, 1941 Brooklyn, NY), the Moon @19Ari11 neared planet Mars Rx @23Ari41 and natal Sun @15Vir35 neared the Head of the Dragon, the North Node @22Vir43 (future direction). Neptune clocked in @26Vir58 while speedy Mercury had recently moved into Venus-ruled Libra @2:40.

Curiously, since Senator Sanders rails against corporatism, inequality, and plutocrats whenever he has a chance, his natal Pluto @5Leo93 had recently been conjoined by Chiron (9Leo41), a definite marker for plutocrats and their oppressive deeds. You'll remember that Pluto and Chiron last met on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22 and rose in their conjunction horoscope set for Washington DC (@5:52 am EST). This plutocracy pair helped the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 announce the primal violence, terror, corporate empire expansion, exploitation, and pure evil with which the New Millennium has been stained by international financiers, syndicate criminals, and corrupt politicians who follow a police-state Global Government script.

So let's consider the personality blend of Bernie Sanders even though we have no birth time for him. (If you, dear reader know his birth time, please share!)

Sun Virgo-Moon Aries is an Earth-Fire blend which can give a 'scorched earth' quality to his life and temperament. Positively, pragmatism combines with creative spark and off he goes with his natal Mercury, planet of oration, in Libra, the sign that prefers balance and fairness. A preponderance of Virgo energy in his chart resonates well with Washington DC, a city infused with Virgoan energy as can be seen in its many goddess symbols, horoscopes, and Zodiacs sprinkled liberally across the District on architecture and statues.

Another chart factor is that September 8, 1941 was in the midst of a Saturn-Uranus conjunction though out-of-sign with Saturn @28Tau32 and Uranus @00Gem20 Rx. Natal Uranus was hit by a Solar Eclipse on May 20, 2012 @00Gem, an important cosmic event for the senator since Fixed Star Alcyone shines there. Alcyone of the Pleiades is the 'something to cry about' star and also carries a 'mystical but judgmental' implication (Brady; Solar Fire).

Saturn-Uranus conjunction types are not afraid of responsibility, are ambitious to achieve something of importance, and have much to offer the world due to knowledge and understanding. The pair is also related closely to the Middle East and to Israel in particular which spotlights the senator's Jewish heritage. And another aspect is found between his Venus @22Lib17 opposing Mars @23Ari41 Rx denoting relationship issues due to a lack of cooperation, aggression, and great sensitivity.

His natal Venus link to Arcturus by degree is the only White House connection I've noticed in his chart so far but interestingly, transit Jupiter beneficially conjoins his natal Venus @22Libra on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017! (Arcturus = the White House in the L'Enfant plan of the Federal Triangle; Regulus = the Capitol Building, Spica = the Washington Monument, as previously discussed here.) Yet an opposition from Saturn to his natal Jupiter denotes more failure and a negative period than victory. Still, forcing issues of inequality and other topics into the 2016 debates is said to be his primary motivation and for this I thank him.

How Senator Sanders relates to others is shown by the sign of his Jupiter which is Gemini and hints at versatility, an obliging manner, voluminous communications, and a talent for making social connections (good in Politics!) One negative, however, is a potential for superficiality and recently I've heard radio pundits accusing him of not really caring about the poor. But we must consider the source and the fact that with all the publicity his presidential campaign is receiving he simply must be denigrated by Republicans, mustn't he? Same with Senator Elizabeth Warren. Both of them broadcast too many facts plainly laid out!

With the personally ambitious Sun Virgo-Moon Aries combination of conscious-unconscious energies we find intellectual precision, skill and pragmatism, diligence--and a bossy workaholic. This blend tends to be a self-absorbed and emotionally detached, traits that may be what his critics have focused on in their attempts to undermine him. No, his sharp tongue and superior mental abilities do not suffer fools gladly, yet Vermonters obviously like him and I'm guessing they know Bernie well enough to vote for him multiple times. Plus, note that Moon in Aries is the 'I AM the people" placement which accounts at least partially for the senator's conviction these several years to speak out on behalf of our less fortunate citizens.

Now let's close with a quote from one who was also born under the auspices of Sun Virgo-Moon Aries, St. Francois de Sales:

"Heed well the precepts of the saints, who have all warned those who would become holy to speak little of themselves and their own affairs."

Apr 24, 2015

Confirmed: Attorney General Loretta Lynch May 21, 1959

Astro-Notes on the Natal Planets and Senate Confirmation of Loretta Lynch

by Jude Cowell

Since Loretta Lynch was finally confirmed by the US Senate as US Attorney General on April 23, 2015 after the longest wait for confirmation in US history, I peeked at her natal planets (May 21, 1959, Greensboro, NC, birth hour unknown so I'm using noon) and was little surprised that a significant transit was in progress: Jupiter stationed direct upon her natal Uranus @12Leo39 on April 8, 2015. Astrological Jupiter on one level represents politicians and legal matters and natal Uranus denotes genius and change, and by sign, how a native behaves.

In soon-to-be-sworn-in Attorney General Lynch's case, the sign of her natal Uranus is Sun-ruled Leo (leadership; pride) and a planetary stationing upon a natal planet designates a very strong emphasis on matters related to the planets involved. Uranus can also be a disruptive influence and there are indications in her natal chart and the transits of her confirmation-vote horoscope that tradition and the upholding of it (or not) will be one of themes during her term as Attorney General. With Jupiter to Uranus, certain skids are greased in the realms of Politics, Finances, and Group Causes and Activities. It's a very inspiring transit full of newness and promise and if negative factors don't interfere overmuch, she will benefit in her new position from the independence and freedom Jupiter suggests for both planets insist upon freedom.

Loretta Lynch, Harvard Law School Graduate

Of interest during the Senate vote for her confirmation which was scheduled for 2:00 pm or so Thursday (4.23.15), her natal Pluto @1Virgo was rising then--the planet of power, transformation, stealth, and wealth. Pluto in Virgo potentially indicates an ability to achieve much with the simplest means, pursuit of scientific objectives with fanatical zeal, a desire to collect, and an inquisitive mind (Ebertin). Natal Pluto conjoins Royal Star Regulus, the planet that represents the US Capitol Building in the original Federal Triangle plan with the star's keywords: success if revenge is avoided. As you know, her ultimate confirmation was never seriously in doubt. The long stalemate was for the sake of political gamesmanship.

You must have heard that her fund-raising opponent Senator Ted Cruz skipped out on the vote entirely since he didn't get his way on blocking Lynch's confirmation--that was a big laugh on Mr. Green Eggs and Ham!

So with such a lofty position in society, it's unsurprising that Lynch's natal planets form a Locomotive pattern of high-powered success and executive ability with natal Mercury @15Taurus leading the engine--her natal Mercury conjoined Midheaven at 2:00 pm Thursday as did transit Mercury (votes and meetings) and had just returned to natal position along with transit Mars in Taurus to natal Mercury denoting a faster pace of life and potentials for verbal combat, energetic discussions and meetings, and/or a large volume of communications.

Actually at 2:00 pm a midpoint picture formed: Mercury-Mars = MC hinting at courage, determination, readiness for action, and an ability to retaliate in a proper way if necessary (Ebertin).

Now 'confirmation Venus' @14Gemini (perhaps representing the lady herself) on Thursday, was and is out-of-bounds as is her natal Venus @12Can25 (near goddess star Sirius @14Cancer, The Shining One or, The Scorcher) and since power and control issues are at stake, we must note that in Lynch's natal horoscope, there is a Grand Cross between her Sun-Jupiter opposition and a Pluto-Chiron opposition which necessarily includes Sun square Pluto and Chiron, and Jupiter square Pluto and Chiron.

Sun square Chiron indicates a life in which socio-cultural issues of authority play a significant part; Jupiter square Chiron hints at severe conflicts at some point due to being at odds with socio-cultural norms; Pluto opposite Chiron (from Virgo to Chiron @27AQ conjunct US natal Moon, We the People) will struggle on behalf of certain archetypal energies that seek to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle).

Though in dissociate signs, Lynch's natal Pluto opposing US natal Moon we expect that there will be citizens who resent her authority and control. Transformative plans may be implemented that many see as threatening--and perhaps they will be. Or not. Either way, no easy ride as US Attorney General is promised her by such astrological contacts with the public, historical as her promotion may be. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in aspect with plutocratic Pluto denotes an influx of exploitation and repression vibes though if her tenure turns out to be oppressive, she's probably following The Script that all must follow if they wish to buy a ticket for the Global Government train. 'Offers they can't refuse', and all that, with no option to do otherwise.

A Sun-Pluto square person is the 'might makes right' kind of mindset while a Jupiter-Pluto square indicates a wheeler-dealer who may exaggerate burdens to justify neglect of responsibilities and engages in large scale enterprises where great returns may be expected from little effort! (Pelletier).

Solar-Lunar Notes

As for Loretta Lynch's Sun-Moon personality blend, the Moon remained in Scorpio for the 24-hour period of May 21, 1959 but the Sun changed signs--from very late Taurus to 00Gem00:00 at 2:42:05 pm EST. So if born before that time, she has a muddy Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend of Earth-Water; afterwards, the influence is a Sun Gem-Moon Sco blend of Air-Water energies.

Let's consider a few notes on both combinations:

Sun Tau-Moon Sco is an earthy blend of pragmatism and practicality. Taurus/Scorpio is the Desire/Money Axis and relates well to her position in law enforcement since intense Scorpio's realm includes death, investigation, and surveillance. Late Taurus is near the difficult Fixed Stars of the Pleiades constellation and her natal Sun @29Taurus (or 00Gem) conjoins starry, unlucky Alcyone, one of the seven sisters, with keywords something to cry about and exile.

As for her coming to public attention, the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem conjoined this star and Lynch's natal Sun simultaneously making the 29Tau/00Gem degrees very sensitive and significant for her and denote an eventful or famous life if other eclipses and Fixed Stars concur.

Star Note: In the confirmation-vote horoscope, transit Pluto @15Cap32 Rx conjoins Fixed Star Vega with potentials for 'luck in politics' and 'wealth through dealing with the government' but also 'fleeting fame' and 'double-dealing' (A. Louis). Additionally, the Sun is unaspected as are Saturn @3Sag39 Rx and the 2:00 pm Ascendant (the confirmation itself). Seems the Sun and Saturn are in league (president and Congress?) with the Sun @3Tau15 revealing a Sabian Symbol that supports the Vega implications--"4Tau" = "The Rainbow's Pot of Gold" (Jones). As you know, this is Chiron's Discovery degree (1977: 3Tau08) and it is opposed by Lynch's natal Neptune @4Sco56 Rx.

The claim-your-territory blend of Sun Tau-Moon Sco describes an impassioned leader of social causes and a shrewd business person. Independent, protective, 'bossy', and resourceful are hallmarks along with staying power, perception, and a willful stubbornness. Risk and challenge are sought and a change of mind seldom occurs. There is administrative power in this personality blend, a magnetic presence, and enormous self-confidence within the 'dark enigma' that is Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio.

The blend's negatives may include: 'strongly subjective responses, fixed prejudices, a difficult temper, and a ruthless desire for power'.

Taurus-Scorpio's conscious-unconscious Images for Integration are: "Persephone and Pluto...The Phantom of the Opera...The Mating Season...Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective. Note that this natal blend is that of President Harry Truman of "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" fame.

Sun Gem-Moon Sco is a lighter, breezier combo with a misty quality and may not tally with a legal official in high office. Plus, somehow I don't see her teary-eyed, do you? At least not in public. But let's consider the blend anyway for it could be hers if born after 2:42:05 pm--and her Locomotive leader Mercury, planet of intellect, is the ruler of Gemini after all:

Communicative yet secretive describes this blend along with a quick wit and a full heart. It may be totally committed or changeable, restless and superficial with a deep reluctance to face the darker side of life. How inconvenient for one who works with criminality!

Sun Gem-Moon Sco Images for Integration are: "An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...Elgar's Enigma Variations--'to my friends depicted within'"

Well, I can't say that the accomplished Loretta Lynch is not an 'elegant hostess' but I do think the gravity of her past and new positions in the legal profession call for the more serious Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend, don't you?

There are many other chart factors in her natal horoscope and in the confirmation-vote chart worth mentioning but my schedule doesn't allow so perhaps you'll set up the chart and have a peek for yourself! And wouldn't it be excellent if the birth time of Loretta Lynch turned up online or if someone took the time to rectify her horoscope?

Apr 20, 2015

Horoscope: Modern Humanity

A natal horoscope for Modern Humanity (our era) may be timed by the Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 during the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in Gemini. The chart is published here on SO'W for anyone's future reference such as transits and progressions that affect its natal planets, angles, and other house cusps; some US natal placements are penned around the chart:

Hour of Mercury Rx in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies; Cardinal/Earth strong; Angular. Tech genius Uranus rises in 1st house signifying such advances as Smartphones while conjoining US Progressed Saturn Rx @3Scorpio. Chart-ruler Venus @22Gem31 is posited in the 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands and Long-Distance Travel and makes two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects:

First, Venus squares Saturn Rx @24Vir00 in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Back Rooms, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies which denotes regrets over lack of money, wishes that once achieved may be disappointing, and neglect of burdens and responsibilities. Imitations of 'the real thing' may be prevalent and worry, anxieties, and obsessions too often permeates thinking particularly in relation to legal matters, relationships, and of course, finances. A preference for isolation and solitude may be noted and an antisocial quality is emphasized.

The only-planet-out-of-bounds condition of Venus, planet of relationships, romance, money, and evaluation, increases the isolation vibes of the horoscope and the general condition of humanity. You may wish to check out What If Being Single Weren't Stigmatized? and Marriage Not Included: The New American Dream?

Next, Venus inconjuncts the 4th house Mars @24Cap57 which further emphasizes relationships and romance (or the lack thereof). Venus also conjoins US natal Mars (desire for comfort and luxury) though in Business and Politics, it signifies the Venus-Mars duo's spirit of competition along with gaining satisfaction from fighting and from an exhibition of recklessness (as seen on TV?) (Munkasey). And of course, Mars (males) is in the 4th house of Domestic Scene which hints strongly at domestic disputes. Battles in Foreign Lands (I'm typing as an American, of course, since I am one) are also implicated by Venus and US natal Mars in 9th house--religious battles hardly describes the ongoing, centuries-long East vs West contest that now threatens all of civilization.

Another factor of interest is that the Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 conjoins a midpoint so we have this picture: Mercury-NN = Sun = Moon. The Mercury-NN (North Node, a point of encounter and destiny) involves mixed potentials for: new corridors of transportation, inefficient transportation methods, coordinated joint efforts, theft of material or information, and/or smuggling or other unlawful activities that use transportation systems.

Mercury-NN also relates to the Media, discussions and conferences, and joint plans. With Sun and Moon there we see potentials for the enhancement of communications, a focus on the importance of messages, details meant for the general public, locating people to gather information (GPS; NSA surveillance, etc), reactions about how others use information or data, using associates to research and/or disseminate info, intellectual associations, a desire to tell other people our troubles and to share thoughts and ideas (Munkasey; Ebertin). Naturally, tech advances and social networking come to mind.

Curiously, the Solar Eclipse @7Taurus conjoins fixed star Schedir (alpha Cassiopeia; demonic power), The Queen, which implies a nod to the super-wealthy British monarchy. The eclipse is in the 2 Old North Saros Series with themes of personal relationships (more Venus-Mars battle-of-the-sexes vibes), unfortunate news, separations, partings, and glumness though results may turn out more positively than they first appeared (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Also notable is the inconjunct (quincunx) between the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn from 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (Military, Police, Civil, etc). Of course, Saturn is in Virgo, the sign of Work of a Dedicated Variety and here it's working behind the scenes or in isolation. Jupiter plays many roles suitable for the planet of increase and expansion and wears the hat of The General when wars are waged. Their inconjunct signifies adjustments that need to be made between the principles of expansion and Saturnian restriction along with feelings of being burdened by responsibilities, neglecting duties, and guilt for past indiscretions and bitterness over binding restrictions. A need for moderation in all things such as diet and a healthy focus on exercise is highlighted by the Jupiter-Saturn inconjunct.

And since US natal Saturn (14Lib48) is rising in this chart (which emphasizes America's natal Sun-Saturn square on the Angles) we find that the tradition of political checks and balances that our nation has always touted to the world is on the modern menu and is being neglected and undermined on several levels--and tossed into the dustbin of history, if certain anti-government, anti-democratic politicians and their billionaire backers have their way.

And then there's starry Sirius at the top of the chart (MC 13Can46; The Goal) conjoined by US natal Sun (July 4, 1776; the president) and asteroid Panacea (illusions of cures). Has our cult-of-personality presidency been meant to calm and distract the public concerning America's true and ultimate goal of establishing a Global Government based on Zionism?

Well, in relation to Politics, Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred) one one level is a symbol of Venusian goddess worship (as America's Founding Fathers well knew and practiced in various ways--see the stars and architecture of Washington DC for clues--the District is simply lousy with horoscopes, Zodiacs, the sign Virgo, and symbols of Venus, Isis, Ceres) and with the mystical pair of Neptune and Pluto in the 8th house of The Occult (aka The Hidden, or Metaphysical Studies and Practices) we may expect a myriad of mysteries to continue along with research into them (#rabbitholes of distraction!)

The North Node (future direction) in Venus-ruled Taurus (the 'Bull of Wall Street') is in 8th house (Corporatism; Big Money; Insurance; Inheritance, Legacies) as well, with the separative SN in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (a great loss of US funds and resources trade deals, out-shoring of US jobs, corporate tax avoidance, the Great Heist and Bail-Outs of 2008, etc). Plus, in 8th house we see the drug use/trafficking and Organized Crime Syndicate tendencies of Neptune-Pluto whose Great Conjunction/s also identify the Era of the Robber Barons, and the environment-destroying mining for resources such as oil and gas.

Well, to me it all sounds much like a description of our 'modern world' doesn't it? And yet, there's nothing new under the sun...


For more info concerning the Horoscope for Modern Humanity, you may wish to see Alan Meece's book, Horoscope for the New Millennium.

Mar 25, 2015

"Why the 99 Percent Keeps Losing" - Common Dreams

In modern politics, moral deformity is the order of the day for it's 'success at any cost' and "the Big Picture becomes clear and must be followed--very little option to do otherwise." (paraphrasing Tyl). The 'cost' is always levied against We the People, of course, as required by the power elite's win-win agenda.

Beware politicians who claim to see The Big Picture for you can be certain the needs they address are not ours.

Don't miss this revealing analysis of current US politics from Common Dreams: Why the 99% Keeps Losing.

#PowerElite #Plutocrats #Politics #CommonDreams

Feb 15, 2015

"Who Is Albert Pike?" (video) with a view on Pike's natal planets

General Albert Pike December 29, 1809: Jupiterian Plotter

by Jude Cowell

Here's a brief video concerning Albert Pike, Confederate General, major leader of Freemasons, possibly a founder of the Ku Klux Klan and member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, World War plotter and strategist, and the only Confederate General immortalized via statue in Washington DC. Attached to his controversial legacy is a creepy tale that his body lies in a vault at the Scottish Rite Temple a few blocks from the White House yet he's listed among those resting at Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown, DC (scroll to the letter P).

Yet bodies can be dug up and moved under cover of darkness, can't they? Thomas Paine's was! Or perhaps only Pike's skull 'graces' the Temple in DC for you know how secret organizations with visions of global power are attracted to death, skulls, and bones. No matter where his remains are located, Grand Poo Bah Pike died at age 81 and is long gone since April 2, 1891...


For more info try this interesting site with articles concerning the Illuminati, Albert Pike, his fabled 1871 letter to Mazzini in which he details plans for three World Wars in order to take over the world, and many more such controversial topics, if you get into those sorts of curiosities. Pike's letter may have been written later by unknown sources since a few of its terms were not in use until after 1871. Hmmm...if so, a fake letter full of sinister intent sounds to me like plotters plotting against a plotter!

As for Albert Pike's natal horoscope, I am reluctant to post a version of it due to his birth hour being unknown and the fact that on December 29, 1809 the Moon left late degrees of Virgo and entered Libra at 3:27:28 am LMT (using Solar Fire Gold v9 software.)

Since Luna is the lead planet of a Locomotive pattern (an indicator of executive ability and achievement--Jones) it's quite inconvenient not knowing whether natal Moon was in earthy, practical Virgo or airy, sociable Libra--one sign ruled by Mercury (in Capricorn), the other by Venus (in Sagittarius.) Both Mercury (communication, thinking, planning, travel, the teacher, writer, magician) and Venus (values, relationships, diplomacy--but also, the goddess of love and war) are interesting in the chart with Mercury conjunct his Capricorn Sun and Venus sextile Mars (in Aquarius) and possibly his chart-ruler with Libra rising. In fact, the close conjunction of Sun and Mercury supports the legend of his genius (allegedly he spoke several languages, was a teacher in his early days, and a Jupiterian figure for certain--the General, the Guru, the Priest, the Professor, the Banker, etc.) Check his photos to admire his widened girth!

As you know, using the Sabian Symbols to rectify a chart is a fascinating, time consuming task yet the symbol for '29 Virgo' (Moon?) seems to me to be appropriate for Pike's occult activities and interests: "A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...DISCOVERY." Another curious one is '7 Capricorn' for natal Mercury: "A Veiled Prophet of Power...SUPREMACY." You may disagree as you wish for these degrees are rounded up from the 12:00 am chart until the Moon enters Libra which also moves Mercury ahead to '8 Cap'. Naturally there are many other factors to consider as well and perhaps one of you will take a little time one day and spend it with Albert's natal planets.

With Moon in Virgo, Venus May Be Chart-Ruler

Now since his natal Sun (personality) has no other major aspect to it other than the conjunction with Mercury making our picture here of Mr. Pike's character quite sparse, perhaps a few words about his Venus-Mars sextile are in order since the aspect is retained throughout the 24-hour period of his birth date. This aspect (60 degrees) between the relational Aries-Libra pair denotes a good organizer and a 'talent scout'--one who learns to use people, their talents, and resources in the best ways possible. Making necessary personal sacrifices to reach goals is indicated along with an ability to disguise aggressive tendencies though when needed, forceful assertiveness may be used to the point of bluntness.

For some people born with a Venus-Mars sextile, the 'killer instinct' can be in evidence with a strong need to be in charge. Since Pike was in charge--as a Confederate General, as a global leader of Freemasonry--I surmise that he used the opportunities and abilities contained within this sextile to much advantage. And since a determined imperative for reaching closure is also a trait of a Venus-Mars sextile person, my guess is that leaving things 'pending'---especially a 'new world order' or a Utopian global government--is an envisioned goal passed down through the generations which now inspires our current crop of infiltrators and power-grabbers to complete the job. For we now see the plan outlined in "Pike's letter to Mazzini" occurring across the Middle East and elsewhere with America's "authorization of war powers" that will further the goal of perpetual war and collapse.

But with the current theatrically hesitant 114th Congress, our Commander-in-Chief President 'Nobel Peace Prize' Obama has now asserted that he doesn't need the approval of Congress in order to wage war, war, and more war. After all, even the most apathetic of Americans cannot fail to notice that the Pentagon is waging disastrous war in several 'theaters of operation' already.

"War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it." - George Orwell.

And as truth-teller General Smedley Butler correctly surmised, "War is a Racket."

Add to those common sense truths some freakish thing like Pike's-Bacon's-Weishaupt's Utopian plan and the whole corrupt conglomeration has a distinct odor of depopulation, fraud, and psychosis, don't you think?


Recommended Reading: Understanding Aspects: The Sextile by Alan Epstein; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, both by Marc Edmund Jones.

Jan 30, 2015

New Millennial Politics: a Feb 18, 2015 New Moon @29AQ

February 2015: In the Waning Darkness of an Aquarian New Moon

by Jude Cowell

Aquarius is the sign so often associated with New Age ideas and ideals leaning into a Utopian vision where Reason alone allegedly uplifts humanity. Certainly Politics as a practice and a profession is not exempt from Aquarian influences which now are at a peak within this the 15-year-old New Millennium with code words such as 'new order' and 'global government' being openly touted every day.

This 'new order' means the old order will be destroyed and US sovereignty and the nation-state are considered things of the past. Trade pacts and ill-protected borders do their parts in the dissolution game along with infiltrated courts and institutions.

Wealth-hoarder and transformer Pluto of The Underworld now creeps through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business, toppling heads of state and causing irrevocable damage to protective laws and useful traditions. In year 2022, America will experience her first ever Pluto Return and some say that 2016 will be the last presidential campaign in US history--if so, 2022 arrives only two years after a 'last presidency' ends for the term of office begins, of course, at noon on January 20, 2017 assuming that all goes as traditionally planned.

As Above, So Below

Astrology is a study, a language, and a tool that is useful (though not infallible) for 'peeking under the hood' of Politics to assess the squirmy creatures underneath as Stars Over Washington has attempted to do since 2005. And as a former resident of the District, this Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter Capricorn can do no less while dissenting against misguided leadership corrupted by criminal elements not of a democratic persuasion who act in cahoots with the current crop of Utopian power-grabbers.

So if we look to the Cosmos on February 18, 2015 we find a new cycle of Aquarian influences beginning as marked by a New Moon at a critical-crisis 29th degree. Yet the Aquarian influence wanes and an anxious eagerness may be in evidence as 00Pisces looms upon the solar and lunar calendars for the Moon enters Pisces at 6:47 pm and the Sun enters at 6:50 pm est. Perhaps the lunation manifesting at 29AQ denotes that the time has come for certain actions to be taken for the planning stage has been successfully completed. And symbolically the murky realms of Pisces can provide high inspiration--or much cover for unsavory actions and events as 2015 proceeds.

Curiously, February 18, 2015 is the date set by the White House for a 'Security Summit' of global leaders which is ostensibly justified because of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, a tragic event which some believe was a false flag op so that new security measures could seem justified in France and across Europe. You know--like the 2001 WTC attacks that 'justified' the pre-prepared US Patriot Act and the Germanic sounding Department of 'Homeland Security'.

Here, the plutocratic pair of Pluto-Chiron in sextile form the base of a YOD (a pattern with potentials for crisis, crossroads, turning point, special task, health issues) that points to Jupiter Rx @16Leo02 and on the verge of leaving the 12th house of Politics and Karma (12th cusp 15Leo01, a degree that recalls the Full Moon of February 3, 2015 @14Leo). With the Leo-AQ axis emphasized, we may expect self will and humanitarianism to be on the collective menu until we morph into the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis at the March 20, 2015 Spring Equinox and Solar Eclipse.

As noted in previous posts, transit Jupiter turns Direct on April 8, 2015 @12Leo (again conjoining President Obama's natal Sun) and passes shadow degree in early July when investment, expansion, and political plans and actions may proceed more freely.

Jupiter-NN: Compromised Legal Societies and SOTU Plans Retracted

Now in the February 18 New Moon horoscope set for Washington DC 6:47:13 pm est the Jupiter-NN midpoint rises @12Vir34. This midpoint was prominent in similar fashion (rising) in the horoscope of President Obama's SOTU 2015 address on the 6th anniversary of his 8-year presidency--an Inaugural Solar Return and a symbol of a new 2-year phase beginning for him and for his style of global implementation of a 'new order'. As you know, our military guided by the Pentagon, a 5-pointed death star, acts as the military enforcement arm on behalf of global government though the armies of other nations and entities are in process of being fitted up for the task once ours is totally used up.

As you know, archetypal Jupiter plays roles such as the General, the Banker, the Religious Leader, the Broadcaster, the Professor, and the Politician and is prominent in all horoscopes this year. When coupled with the North Node (NN) of future direction, he makes contact with the general public quite often, sometimes pleasant contact.

In the New Moon chart, the only applying Ptolemaic aspect made by chart and Midheaven ruler Mercury (in 5th house @4AQ05) is a sextile with Saturn (in 3rd house @4Sag27) and this denotes needs for better organization and management, setting priorities, and the protection of privacy (especially for communications), plus, a tendency toward bickering, not heeding warnings, and/or for listening to alternate opinions (Epstein). One of boundary crossing Jupiter's loves, freedom of expression continues to turn up in the news and spying on the conversations of others is a default position for many (I won't name names but ya know who ya are).

Other chart factors in the Feb 18 New Moon horoscope are important as well yet for the sake of brevity I shall mention only a few more, many of which have been discussed in recent posts (exs: the Cardinal square between Uranus and Pluto, investing Jupiter Rx acting as the handle planet of a Bucket pattern, Neptune @6Pis59 as Final Dispositor, and the Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 in this chart's 2nd house of the National Treasury which occurred in October 2014. Type 'eclipses' into this site's sidebar Search field and you'll find a list including the powerful upcoming Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse @29Pisces, the position of testy Mars in the Feb 18 New Moon horoscope).

For these and other reasons, the New Moon of February 18, 2015 emphasizes financial matters

especially with Uranus @13Ari59 in 8th house squaring Pluto in the 5th house of Speculation, and golden Midas Rx @9Gem25 and trickster agent of panic, Pan Rx @10Gem33, topping the chart at Midheaven (The Goal Point in DC) in tandem with US natal Uranus (8Gem55) representing technology, genius, radical Politics, revolution, and a potential for disruption and upset. We may also expect the wealthy financial donors of our sold-out politicians to continue working toward their ultimate goal of total ownership of the tattered-on-purpose US government as February fades into March and Spring 2015.

Note: the Feb 18 New Moon conjoins America's reputed Pre-Natal Eclipse degree of 00Pis33 in the 12 South Series that manifested prior to July 4, 1776--I say 'reputed' because the August 14, 1776 Solar Eclipse in the 13 North Series--the initial eclipse of the Series and thus indicative of a major new start--seems more descriptive of our nation and its founding than the 00Pisces eclipse. Plus, as you know, the Declaration of Independence was signed in full on August 2, 1776 which falls within the required two-week window of influence by the August 14, 1776 eclipse.

For comparison, here are the themes of both 12 South and 13 North (12S, 13N):

12S (initial occurrence September 19, 1541 @6Lib10; also occurred on April 3, 1307, the year the Order of the Knights Templar was decimated and run out of France though some say the ones who escaped sailed to the New World of America where their descendants have worked for centuries to establish the 'new order' you see before you): 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; draining or worrisome issues seem worse, then clear'--a theme which does relate to our Founders who met and deliberated an American Utopia at risk of their lives and fortunes, and many of whom were members of secret societies and orders such as Templar Freemasonry. 12S last manifested on July 11, 2010 @19Cancer and influenced the successful capping of the oil well due to BP's Deepwater Horizon fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico, a watery Cancerian event. Next 12S occurs in 2028 @30Cancer during Chiron's 3 returns to natal discovery degree (3Tau08) in 2027 and 2028.

13N: 'large, ambitious group projects that require separation via the breaking of an existing bond; the separation leads to joint achievement' (both themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology). Obviously, this describes America's break from Britain and its King. 13N last occurred on January 4, 2011 @14Cap where transit Pluto now plods opposite US natal Sun in Cancer. Next, a 13N eclipse occurs in 2029 @25Cap within two degrees of US natal Pluto Rx which was out-of-bounds of the earthly plane in July 1776.