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Showing posts with label plutocracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plutocracy. Show all posts

Jan 13, 2013

Oligarch Jay Rockefeller retiring but Plutocracy 'safe'

Since creating this blog on October 17, 2005 I have groused my frustration many times concerning the high-handed arrogance of, and the condescension shown toward the common good by, the power elite or 'ruling class' which is clearly represented in America by the House of Rockefeller among others (ex: House of Morgan)--and in Europe by its related House of Rothschild.

Well, inspired by the retirement announcement on Friday of West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller (b. June 18, 1937), who will not seek re-election in 2014, the excellent blog The Oligarch Kings has published a report on the Rockefeller family tree with details on which modern politicians are related to the Rockefellers and to other of our nation's oligarchical plutocrat families, past and present.

Check out the article, if you wish:

Rockefeller: Twight of the Oligarchs?

Astrologically, I remind myself of the July 4, 1776 condition of powerful wealth-collector Pluto Rx @27Cap33--out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane (hidden as manipulative Mr. Invisible prefers to be) and posited in our nation's 2nd house of the National Treasury ('Sibly' natal chart for 5:10 pm LMT) us an early portrait of the American financial oligarchy.

Of course, 'OOBs' means that secretive, stealthy Pluto was not actually on-hand to interact with the other players in July 1776 (he wasn't in the room, you might say) yet powerful Pluto's association with The Unconscious made and makes his rule all the stronger especially because he was in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, business) and Saturn signifies control and the status quo.

Related reading: The National Journal explains why Senator Jay Rockefeller's retirement is a big deal.

Sep 2, 2011

Labor Day 2011: National Prosperity must include Social Justice

Uranus and Pluto Tangle, Income Inequality a Major Weak Spot

by Jude Cowell

Economic Recovery? Well, recent articles here have concerned the societal pair of expansion v contraction, Jupiter and Saturn, but also the Uranus/Pluto Square (mid-1960s social issues and ills return for further development at frustration point in the cycle of Uranus and Pluto which met in Great Conjunction/s in mid-Virgo) so I am very glad to discover Mohamed A. El-Erian's insightful and progressive Workers' Malaise Foreshadows Wider Social Issues piece on Huffington Post today.

Times of squares in a cycle (which begins at conjunction, 0 degrees) may take on two hues or flavors which are denoted by whether the square between two planets (SQ = 90 degrees = blockages, obstacles, blindspots) is applying (waxing; strengthening; results not yet complete; future direction) to a 90-degree relationship, or, separating (waning; weakening; shows past action or event, and unconscious content.)

Uranus-Pluto Cycle Approximately 127 Years' Duration

Tropically speaking, in the current case of Uranus in early Aries (3:28 Rx) and Pluto Rx @ 4Cap56, their retrogradation condition must be taken into consideration. With Uranus the quicker moving of the two yet both planets retrograde, I shall agree with what SolarFire software tells me and say that they are separating/waxing. We may be tempted to think that the separating square's lessening of frustrating energies and the hyped-up nerves that Uranus/Pluto dynamics inspire are not as pronounced now due to the planets' intense natures which undergird current global events such as riots and protests for Human Rights--the issues du jour of the 1960s return, as stated above.

Applying aspects in the 4th harmonic such as a square refer to a crisis in action phase while separating aspects refer to a crisis in consciousness phase so the much-touted 'Awakening' from false reality--ostensibly slated for debut in 2012--tallies with consciousness raising, yes?

And I suspect that the current semi-lessening of Uranus/Pluto's rebellious intensity is real yet temporary, don't you? That's what I thought.

You may wish to read more on Income Inequality as a Human Rights issue while difficult concerns from mid-1960s, protests and sit-ins, and stand-offs between larger forces haunt mankind's moral conscience once again.

Mar 22, 2011

After Citizens United, & Solar Eclipses 1993 = 2011

Perhaps you've seen the brilliant photo of the March 19, 2011 SuperMoon in Virgo rising above DC's Lincoln Memorial now posted on a new blog After Citizens United.

(Astro-Note: constellation Virgo and its stars have particular significance for the founding of America including the related archetype for nurturing asteroid Ceres ('security concerns') which in America's natal chart, conjoins our natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint @ '8Pis'...and Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy and its attendant class warfare and disenfranchisement.)

Well, if you're interested in the January 2010 SCOTUS decision on Citizens United which upped the corporate anty on the power elite's campaign contributions for 2012 and beyond (US gov bought and sold = Plutocracy), I hope you'll check out After Citizens United which contains an image of the SCOTUS Ruling horoscope of January 21, 2010, and links to related topics.

My feeling is that these birty dastards have a huge jump on the citizens of the US so pass around all pertinent info you can find! Apathy is no longer an excuse so it's imperative that as many Americans as possible pay close attention to all class warfare matters which are seriously undermining our democracy, and that obviously includes Citizens United v FEC.

Included on the blog you'll also find an essay by Joan McCarter entitled "Money's Sustained Assault Against Democracy" so if you're fond of democracy in America (or wish we had some rather than exporting it across the globe bwo lies and guns), Ms. McCarter's article is highly recommended. And a tidbit of info from the Citizens United blog: SCOTUS will hold hearings on March 28, 2011 concerning Arizona's public financing system; other related suits are pending so we must keep up!

Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya

Now some are saying that President Obama didn't have the authority to act in Libya as we're doing under cover of a 'humanitarian mission' to protect civilians (there we go again: bombing = 'saving'. Yeah, right.) Presidential overreach and the military action in Libya are facets of the global elite's Undermine America Agenda in order to set up a one-world-government and we're watching the US government further extending its imperial self into the region of the Middle East. It remains to be seen whether our incursion into Libya can be handed off to foreign entities in a few days.

Of SuperMoons and Eclipses 1993 - 2011

The last SuperMoon occurred in March 1993 which is of time-link interest since the two Solar Eclipses (SE) of 1993 are repeating in 2011 with similar influences upon society.

May 21, 1993's SE @ '1 Gemini' is in the 13 South Series as will be the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ '11 Gemini', a degree which falls between US natal Uranus 8:55 and US natal Desc '13Gem'...Uranus/ASC = Sun: friendships with leaders and important people; physical unrest; mobility; a restless colleague or partner; anxiety about putting one's best foot forward; hoping for success. Uran/ASC = Moon: getting excited through the influence of others; quick mood changes; emotionalism spills into view; needing support, sympathy, and approval (speaking of 'approval', Obama should've gotten that from Congress before he took us into Libya in what may be an extended piece of Hades - UN approval is not congressional approval - for a little while longer at least.)

From Brady's Predictive Astrology we find that the influences of 13S include: expansive energy under which lies a sinister flavor; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively; urge to expand brings frustrations, inhibitions, and loss or separation. And for Australia in 1975, 13S included a Constitutional Crisis (which may be brought to the White House circa 2011 due to Libya invasion or ___?___.)

The second Solar Eclipse of (November 13) 1993 @'22Sco' which repeats on November 25, 2011 @ '2Sag' is in the 14 North Series with vibes that include: draining of energy; an acute time of confusion in relationships, and unexpected happenings in financial matters; despair; a peculiar turn of events; too much confusion and delusion to make clear judgments (paraphrasing Brady, as above.)

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the '11Gem' Jun 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse, "Something to Cry About" (though that's usually reserved for '00Gem' because it conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, of the Seven Sisters.) She states that its nearness to US natal Uranus indicates surprising developments in government which may be dealing with a "lack of support"; falling in 8th house in DC, this eclipse heralds issues of taxation, mortality, burial concerns, sanitation, or contagion (radiation from Japan?).

Other possibilities for the June 1, 2011 SE are that trade agreements are strained in foreign relations, workers' strikes and protests continue, military controversies surface, and there may be an urgent health situation, hospital condition, or prison crisis to deal with. Plus, a particularly mysterious crime/s may be in the news (bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler? Someone new?)

Teal's title for the 14N SE of Nov 25, 2011 is: "Blazing New Trails" - yet workers will still be discontent, there are concerns over secret enemies, and there's an "extension of power of nation in the world, although some complications to overcome." Is Libya only the US government's first 'no-fly-zone' justification?

Well, on that New World Order note I must leave you for my pesky old day job and a sincere hope that we'll reconnect another day while remembering what Herbert Hoover said on such topics: that old men make wars and young men fight them. How correct he was.

Now if only we could get the world's young men and women to turn their backs on war.

Mar 2, 2011

Will Apr 3, 2011's Mars/Uranus conjunction heat up Politics?

You betcha! And House Speaker John Boehner has already used graphic Mars/Uranus-style gun rhetoric concerning labor unions. One assumes it's okay with Mr. Boehner if the powers that be are holding the "machine gun" of Mars/Uranus to our heads but unacceptable when we-the-people stand together to protect ourselves from political and social abuse.

Yet rhetoric isn't all that sizzles with a Mars/Uranus conjunction if history serves as our model. Riots, revolts, strikes, uprisings, wars, battles, and natural disasters are on the global menu - even volcanic eruption cannot be ruled out (I'm looking at you, Mount St. Helens, among other sensitive locations.)

An example is September 9, 1943, when Mars and Uranus conjoined @ 8Gem+ (during a US Uranus Return) and the Allies invaded Italy in what turned out not to be the quick resolution they'd dreamed of. Will their April 3, 2011 hook-up trigger a US invasion? Perhaps, though my prayer is that Washington will not add to our tattered plates yet another violent military meddling in the Middle East or elsewhere. However, Secretary Clinton has already put the 'on the table' threat of intervention on the table concerning Gaddafi's massacre of his people in Libya for protesting against him.

Haven't a majority of we-the-people already agreed that the US cannot afford to continue acting as global police force? You'd think common sense would win out on that one on Capitol Hill, but apparently not. This gives the 'crash America' argument more fuel, imho, since that is, in fact, what our politicians are in process of doing on behalf of the much-vaunted 'new world order' - see link to Plutocracy quotes, below.

An Historical Overview of Mars/Uranus Conjunctions

Master astrologer John Townley's Desert Lightening! Mars-Uranus strikes again feature will fill you in on present and past conjunctions and their effects with Astro-Cartography maps showing the pair's swaths of influence including the conjunctions of 2009 and the upcoming one on April 3, 2011 which is strongest over Alaska, Hawaii, and the West Coast of the US.

And since April's Mars/Uranus meet in Aries, a Fire sign, we may expect a continuation of upheavals along with wildfires or even explosions especially since April 3 falls within the time frame of the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse 13Cap38/9 conjoining Fixed Star Manubrium with its 'flaring heat' indications (Eclipses, Celeste Teal.)

Besides the previously discussed increase of refugeeism, there's also the Jan 2011 eclipse's 'turbulent spirit against those in high places' vibe which we're experiencing across the globe in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Wisconsin...seems there will be more outbreaks very soon if Mars/Uranus has its way. Keep an eye on Alaska, Hawaii, and the West Cost prior to the next solar eclipse which manifests on June 1, 2011 in a sensitive spot: 11Gem02 conj US n Desc = 'surprising developments'. Whatever Mars/Uranus conjs may trigger, things can erupt prior to the actual conjunction or just before the next conjunction two years one month later and particularly within the swath cut on the global map.

With Mars conjoining Uranus so near the Aries Point (00Ari00:00) in April 2011, the potential for manifestation of their explosive energies upon the world stage is greatly magnified - quite certainly predicted by myself and others, in fact.

Plus, another thing about the April 3, 2011 conjunction of Mars/Uranus @ 1Ari18 is that it falls upon the Ic of America's natal chart (n Ic 00Ari53 in the Sibly version) which 'personalizes' the conjunction for the US. So because all houses (departments of life) in a horoscope have their polar opposites, we may use US natal Midheaven (Goals, Aspirations, Public Status, The World Stage) to form a midpoint picture while noting that Ebertin gives the Mars/Uranus combo as 'intervention', 'sudden application of effort', 'striving for attainment of power and authority', 'oppressing others', etc, as channels for possible expression:

April 3, 2011 tr Mars/Uranus = US n Mc: putting a pistol to some one's head (click above to read Boehner's remark); an inflexible character (Gov Scott Walker and his ilk? jc); executing violent measures; injury, accident, operation; the desire for independence.

Note: America's natal Mars 21Gem23 and Uranus 8Gem55 indicate a recent conjunction took place between them prior to July 4, 1776 - on June 15, 1776 @ 7Gem52...'8Gem' = "Around a Closed-Down Factory, Strikers Mill Defiantly"!! Transiting MIDAS is @ 8 Gemini now and has been for a while.)

To this midpoint picture affecting US n Mc, Michael Munkasey adds: 'new approaches to effecting social changes'; undermining the collective bargaining power of labor unions would be one approach that would do it; plus, the tactic's ultimate goal of undercutting union support for Democrats in the 2012 election couldn't be more obvious. It so often boils down to grasping the megaphone and the nuclear button of the White House, isn't it?

As for timing, we may wish to consider the parallel (similar to a strong conjunction and helpful for timing purposes) between Mars and Uranus which becomes exact around 8:42 am edt on the morning of April 4, 2011.

A New Moon Joins the Mars/Uranus Fray

Also on April 3, 2011 at 10:32:16 am edt, a New Moon occurs @ 13Ari30 (in 11th H of Groups and Associations) with US n Desc rising 13Gemini. This plops America's natal Mars upon the Asc 23Gem31, our first natal planet to rise in the New Moon chart when it's set for the (Masonic) Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

N Mars/Uranus = New Moon's Asc (Desc): becoming verbally abusive to those who impede your progress; enjoyment from agitating others; an upsetting event; acts of violence; an accident or injury; arrest.

And perhaps the April 3rd New Moon's Sabian Symbol applies to our topic especially if we round down rather than up (one degree morphs into the next - if nothing else, a later degree represents something recent and perhaps, unconscious); the following symbol is from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology with my own addition of 'shadow side/unconscious' and other remarks:

'13Ari' = "An Unsuccessful Bomb Explosion" = IMPETUOUSNESS...

positive expression: a dramatic rejection of any accomplishment falling at all short of very deep or hallowed purpose (WI Governor Walker, is that you? Well, buyers' remorse has set in and shouts for your recall are getting louder - and voting Mercury 23Ari33 is Rx - re-call - on April 3! Fascistically locking Wisconsin citizens out of their State Capitol Building this week will not do - jc);

negative/shadow side/unconscious: a waste of opportunity and a futile expenditure of self through vanity and conceit.

A particular midpoint picture of great concern in the New Moon chart (DC) for it points directly at the Mars/Uranus conjunction is' note that Pluto and Asc are *quindecile (QD) one another which means that tr Pluto 7Cap30 is QD-ing US n Mars, both aspects of manipulation, greed, dominance, and taking over control:

Pluto/Asc = Mars: loud and persistent arguing when calmness is called for; exposure to danger; foolhardiness and daring (another US invasion would be that - jc); ruthless energy deployment; courage; upsets.

Pluto/Asc = Uranus: unusual events fan the fires further; success at all costs; living with constant anxiety; restlessness. (My italics and bold, as usual.)

Well, this is certainly a disturbing look at the Mars/Uranus conjunction and New Moon of April 3, 2011 yet no one needs Astrology to tell them the world is erupting. And if forewarned is forearmed (a descriptive slogan for this gun-toting pair of planets, Mars and Uranus), I hope everyone stays out of harm's way and yet are free to stand up for their rights in an honorable and successful manner.


Additional Topical Reading Suggestions:

The Right to Work Law which Gov. Scott Walker is determined to impose on Wisconsin workers;

Natal Horoscope of Libya w Feb 21, 2011 Transits;

A Few Illuminating Quotes on Plutocracy in America;

The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann; Thom is calling Gov. Walker, "Scott Gaddafi Walker" because of his dictatorial stance and no-compromise demands...j'agree.

And, as always, my permanent recommendation for your more personal astro-insights are readily available at Julie Demboski's Astrology.

Note: at noon today, NPR reports that the temporary spending bill has passed the Senate and is headed for the president's desk for signing; this is the two-week extension bill to keep the government open until at least the Full Moon of April 19 (or April 18, depending on how they count the two weeks in Washington.

Sundown on Saturday April 19 is also when the joyous celebration of Purim begins.


Blog Note: all midpoint pictures from Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey: any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions; *QD info from Quindecile, by Ricki Reeves.

Feb 10, 2011

A few illuminating quotes on Plutocracy in America

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."

George Washington (Master Freemason initiated in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, VA in 1752)

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson

"Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws."

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (banker extraordinaire and war-bankroller)

"Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible."

Adam Weishaupt (aka, "Spartacus"; founder of the Illuminati May 1, 1776)

"You are a den of vipers! I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."

President Andrew Jackson on the US central bank

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson (speaking of his collusion in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of America in 1913)

Financial Collapse 2008 sealed and revealed the satanic deal - and the plot continues apace under President Barack Obama - you expected something different?

Jude Cowell

Nov 4, 2010

Bill Moyers: Welcome to the Plutocracy

Here's an excerpt from Bill Moyers new book, Welcome to the Plutocracy:

"On another site – “” – you can find out how the multibillionaire Koch brothers – also big oil polluters and Tea Party supporters – are recruiting “captains of industry” to fund the right-wing infrastructure of front groups, political campaigns, think tanks and media outlets. Now, hold on to your seats, because this can blow away the faint-hearted: Among the right-wing luminaries who showed up among Koch’s ‘secretive network of Republican donors’ were two Supreme Court Justices: Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. That’s right: 2 of the 5 votes to enable the final corporate takeover of government came from justices who were present as members of the plutocracy hatched their schemes for doing so." #

Bill Moyers: Money Fights Hard and It Fights Dirty.

(My bold. Didn't want the SCOTUS names to be lost in the shuffle: Scalia and Thomas. jc)

Further reading: We're No# 49.

My thanks go to Alex D'Atria of Modern Astrology for the heads-up.

Aug 30, 2010

'To abolish poverty, abolish plutocracy' (Rutherford B. Hayes)

Here's the rest of the above quote from our 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes (1822 - 1893) but I wonder which modern day Republicans (or Democrats) would like to hear it much less implement it. For then their over-stuffed gravy train would have to be brought to a screeching halt instead of honest people's incomes dissolving into thin air:

"Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty. As millionaires increase, pauperism grows. The more millionaires, the more paupers."

That pretty much explains the widening gap between haves and have-nots. And his statement sounds as if Mr. Hayes didn't consider the government he was part of as a plutocracy already in authority and ruling their shriveled little hearts out.

But then he did say "if you would" abolish poverty, didn't he?

So now you know what I'm about to type, don't you? That 'pauperism' is another of Pluto/Chiron's words of oppression, another -ism from their very long to-do list. Yep.

And it amuses me that President Hayes was perhaps the first-ever multi-tasker for he was the first president to have a telephone and a typewriter in the White House at the same time!


From SO'W's In Case You Missed It Department: Ron Paul calls for an Audit of US Gold Reserves. Great idea. As if.

Jun 29, 2009

What Wilson said after creating the Fed

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve Bank into existence

"Unwittingly ruined"?

Now that's the part I must wonder about most when it comes to Mr. Wilson's role in the financial and political farce we Americans often call 'government.' If you wish, read Woodrow Wilson and the Invisible Empire for my notes on his natal chart and for another of his enlightening quotes about the US government.

Hindsight being perfect in the rear view mirror of life, I wish President Wilson could have remarked strongly upon the subject before he signed the Fed into law and then promptly run out of ink. But actually, since the presidency of Andrew Jackson the banking system has ruled our government, but it's taken slow increments to seal the totalitarian deal which was ratcheted up mightily in 2008.

And yes, the Founding Fathers were of the same mind - a select few rich men being top of the heap in perpetuity - so a plutocratic oligarchy of the rich we got and its becoming even more concentrated as they planned all along. This is one of the main reasons for the manufactured financial collapse of 2008 with massive public money 'bailouts' disguising the elite banking interests' unconscionable heist.

And the proof will be in the ultimate results of their whole crooked scheme.

Jun 14, 2008

the tyranny of vulgar plutocracy

"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy." -John Pierpont Morgan

And old Astrology buff J.P. should know, shouldn't he?

Although part of the Generation of Materialism (Neptune-Pluto conj 1892), aka the plundering Robber Baron class, JP's quote gives a truthful glimpse into a reality we've come to live with: that plutocracy cares nothing for anybody but its own.

Here's a Page at my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold, with Morgan's natal chart plus the transits for March 24, 2008 when markets were tumbling dice. Actually, imho, markets are always tumbling dice!

Feb 12, 2008

GM posts highest losses EVER

Generation of Materialism, New Moon 8Tau15; April 28, 1881:

Here's the chart I use to represent the robber baron class which directly influences and undergirds the current warfare the elite class wages against America's Middle Class.

(Chart found in E. Alan Meece's Horoscope for the New Millinneum.)

This New Moon in money sign Taurus, whose shadow side contains greed, possessiveness, and intolerance, occurred just after Jupiter-Saturn's Great Conjunction in conservative Taurus on April 18, 1881.

As you know, Jupiter and Saturn began a new cycle on May 28, 2000, 22Tau+, just in time to help usher in the New (sucky) Millennium.

Jupiter and Saturn are the societal planets and are said to define the 20-year Tecumseh's Curse cycle of US presidential assassinations and attempts at it.

And yes, it was Bush43's turn at the plate, and may lurk behind Gore's throwing the race to Bush, practically handing "victory" to him on a silver platter--the collective "knows" Gore actually won, but threat was held over his head. Okay, it's a long shot (bad choice of word) but there, I've said it.

Back to April 28, 1881:

Corrosion and dissolution are the "earmarks" of this chart which times the start of governmental regulations which were demanded after the awful depression of 1873-74 as nebulous Neptune entered earthy, practical Taurus.

Around 1880 the "liberal center" of US politics began declining and the extremes of "left" and "right" took over politics. Joy. It's a ploy that's worked well to divide and conquer the People ever since.

Even Britain swung toward conservatism after the death of Tory PM Benjamin Disraeli in 1881. In Russia, liberal tsar Alexander II, aka the great reformer, was assassinated, and cruel repression followed which included massacres of Jews, wouldn'tcha know.

Yet when it served them, the "right" sometimes cooperated with the "left" in an alliance against the liberal center which might actually have wanted to do something decent for the common good by rebalancing wealth on their behalf...a dynamic successfully in use today.

Just another legacy of the Generation of Materialism, a pile of royals, near-royals, and their wannabes who never gave the American worker anything it didn't have to, and the spawn of which have spent the last several years taking it away.

So here's my question concerning all the corporations whining about their millions and billions in losses they're admitting to in this recessive climate which their fraud and greed have designed, these current 'grandspawn' of the 1880s pilferers:

Beginning a few years ago, American corporations could hardly downsize (lay off) and outsource American workers' jobs enough to satisfy their excessive quick-profiting greed in honor of whatever higher devil's plan they have in mind for our nation's dissolution, so are they surprised in 2008 at how dire the economic picture looks for their slave, the consumer?

When you (they) dissolve jobs and job security from under the feet of millions of loyal workers year after year, get (buy) Congress to allow usury interest rates on credit card and other loans while legislating for corporations and monopolies as if they have the legal rights of an individual, how many new cars can GM expect a hungry man to buy?

And if you've ever closely read a new car contract you know you're stepping into merde as you sign on the dotted line. Commerce and trade make the world turn round but our conscienceless corporations--made legally "persons" by "our" representatives on Capitol Hill years ago--aren't worth the label, American.

Made in America has become a mocking phrase at the hands of these Midasses (not a typo) who, if their chagrin at posting such losses now are genuine, deserve to act sheepishly and hang their heads in shame at how they've shafted the American worker who is more noble that his/her bosses, more honorable by far than his "government" who lines its pockets at the public trough every chance it gets.

Sometimes he who shafts others shafts himself even more deeply--it may just take a while to know the full extent of the damage.

And as far as my unfinished post of this morning on the Potomac Primaries (chart below), I'm renegging and confessing to being overly fatigued with Clinton and McCain and the woes of campaigning and its attendant propaganda.

(Barack Obama is being projected as the winner in VA and DC, 8:00 pm est. Okay then.)

However, I did agree today to publish a new political limerick by Mr.A.Cat in the Lim's Limericks collection of rhymery:

Cat votes for McCain...guess I've still got a political meow left in me after all.

Dec 10, 2007

collapsing America going well, thanks

As this blog and many others have been saying for years:

The Planned Collapse of USA

By Peter Chamberlin

We risk blowing the world apart, to avoid watching America slowly choke on its own excesses. The government has known for decades that America is on a countdown to self-destruction. Among the elite it is common knowledge that our "global economy" must one day collapse from its own dead weight...

Read article here.

Got mortgage? Well, in 2001 Bush did speechify America as an "ownership society"--he just didn't say who'd be doing the owning in his poppa's New World Order.

My previous post, Cheney and 9/11 has Cheney's Secondary Progressed chart (the physical plane) set for 9/11/01 and voila! the pair of plutocracy, oppression, and class warfare, Pluto/Chiron, sits at the top o' the chart--the Midheaven, the WHY? or Aspiration Point of any chart.

As you know, a Progressed chart is always based on a natal chart, so I can't make this up.

It's ugly but quite a descriptive sight, in case you missed it 'ere this, so take a peek if you may...collapse of The Tower continues as per the globalists' plan.

Even with my natal Jupiter/Saturn trine and its sense of humor, I am not, nor have I ever been, kidding.

Dec 3, 2007

Congress back today (you mean they were gone?)

Returning for a brief, three-week 'holiday' session, Congress has returned to the scene of their crimes and misdemeanors, and to hear Bush tell it, they've been very naughty as well--for not toeing Bush's funding line.

Or at least that's the Dems according to Dubya.

When I opened the chart for this morning, Capitol Building, 9:00 am est, the Sun popped out at me--11Sag+, conjunct the Pluto/Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999. As you know, the Pluto/Chiron combo is the plutocratic, oppressive, corporatism-fascism energy which has the world in a stranglehold (plus, there's Jupiter/Pluto, also a significator for plutocracy and excessive power.)

Chiron adds a wounded and disenfranchised quality to Pluto's behind-the-throne power tendencies.

Moon 4Lib00 (just past the Sibly USA natal MC) had just crossed the MC (4Lib15) in the Pluto/Chiron chart (5:50 am est; Dec 30, 1999) at 9:00 am in Washington, reflecting this degree publicly (although it's the backroom deals that guide them in House and Senate, not the Public's wishes, as we've noticed insufferably.)

Using the rounding-up method because it seems to apply to Washington more than the previous Sabian Symbol, let's peek at Lynda Hill's book on the Symbols, 360 Degrees of Wisdom, for the Moon's degree, "5Lib":

"A Man Teaching The True Inner Knowledge Of The New World To His Students":

Some Keywords: guidance and protection; being a guiding light for others; imparting wisdom; seeking answers to complicated questions (yes, please!); pioneers, teachers, students; secrets of the new age (oops.)

And Lynda always gives a Caution for each degree: dogmatism; feeling that one person has the only true answer (impossible!); feeling highly "evolved" and holding it over other people's heads; evangelism; arrogance; telling others "how it is" regardless of their feelings; gurus and cult dogma; the blind leading the blind.#

Sadly for America, that last one is the fear of all of us who sent Representatives to Washington to "serve" the People. Some members still attempt this "serving", or give a good performance of it for the record. And with so much on their plates for this three-week session, we may not see much more than stopgap measures, nostril flaring, and veto pens brandished tempestuously.

From adjustment of the AMT to the funding of the neocon's Iraq occupation, their arrogant imperialsm continues to defy reason, sanity, and the US piggybank they smashed with a hammer long ago.

Three short weeks? So much to do, so little time...and so much grandstanding and bluster to act out. Washington Theater, Dahling.

Diversions-r-us. Pocket-lining complimentary.

Nov 17, 2007

Astrology of a gaseous odor in Newark

Perhaps you've read of the strange gaseous odor at the Newark Airport today.

Here's the chart of the time a natural gas odor was noticed by people in Terminal B, Newark, N.J. today, Saturday, at "around 11:00 am."

With all apologies to the goddess of pristine charts, the image you see here (which may be clicked to enlarge) has a bunch of my chickenscratch notes upon it. Quite a big bunch, perhaps readable, perhaps not.

A lack of time (my usual complaint of late since I relocated my real world business and became...busier) prevents much keyboarding on the issue, yet I confess to having a difficult time not viewing this calamity in Newark as connected in some way to Bush's recent announcement of air lane openings for the holidays.

Thanks, Army! But if this airy holiday boost should turn similar to 9/11's pretend drills and charades which were allowed to infere with the nation's defense systems when we needed them most, no thanks.

Back to Newark Airport, Nov 17, 2007, 11:00 am est:

All in all, it looks as if a message has been sent...the Moon (a lady? tribal-based individual/s? someone from a 'network' or Family of some kind?) "met" Neptune, planet of gases and mysterious odors, poisonings,and veiled subterfuge, at 6:47:34 am est--near sunrise, in Newark, at 19AQ20, where Neptune still hovers at 11:00 am.

Odorless natural gas has scent added so that it can be smelled, so I'm assuming this is what may have been snooted out, if it was gas at all. It could have been un-natural gas--something concocted in (gov?) lab or garage. Who knows?

With the Mars/Pluto duo (violence; zeal; fanaticism) currently locked in an obsessive-compulsive Quindecile aspect of 165 degrees, there's a 'ruthless forcing of one's will upon others' everywhere we look--in Pakistan, Russia, and, no less, in America. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Rebellious, disruptive, original, and innovative Uranus (science; progressive or radical movements; politicians) in Pisces the last few years, has sparked new research (incl genetics and cells--Pisces, etc), experiments and flu shenanigans are underhoof...under someone's hooves where the buck will eventually stop.

Mars/Pluto energy is the environmental background of late, so honk! if you can feel it.

Especially when you consider Mars' recent RX Station 12Can27 (on Nov 15--the day Musharraf was supposedly changing directions...but he's still bumbling along, clinging by hairy claw, using Pakistan's nuclear arms as his collateral for staying in power--as a threat against the dire thought of losing control.

Naked Power Grab covers it well, just as with Putin, Chavez, Bush, and their ilk. Funny how they imagine themselves as being very special, but they act like bums to me. Bums and worse.

Musharraf is mad like the rest of 'em, plus: Pervez has Very Bad Hair Days each and every day. Please! someone, remove all bottles of Nice'n'Easy from his grasp. His hair frightens little children. And reluctant astrologers. It is pretty hilarious looking though.)

Asteroid Atlantis and its abuse of power/sense of doom is conjunct Venus, both significators of America herself. Venus-Atlantis, a powerful partnership and one that is perhaps linked to archaeology and/or to ancient cultures and myths, 'the legend of Atlantis' being the more obvious connection. After illegally invading Iraq, Bush-Cheney looted their museum of all its treasures, you'll remember.

Chart-ruler Saturn is everyone's favorite planet of delays, control, restriction, oppression, and lessons that need learning, and is posited in Virgo, sign of health and health issues; Virgo is also the sign of book writers, scientists, researchers, authorities, conservatives (esp judges, lawyers, and business managers)--and Democrats-in-America (such as they are--who can really tell the diff anymore? Is there a diff to be told? Corporations rule...fascism.)

Some midpoints arose as gas permeated Terminal B which created 'midpoint pictures' with the ASC:

Pluto/Chiron (plutocrats); Jupiter/Neptune (speculators); and Sun/Uranus (revolutionary spirits; upsets.) Quite a pile-up, si?

With Jupiter's expansion of Neptunian substances, such as poisons, gases, liquids, we see:

Jup/Neptune = ASC: speculating; living in an unreal world which is lighted by an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others.

Sun/Uranus = ASC: sudden events; high excitability; new associations.

And Pluto/Chiron = oppression, class warfare, racism, and corporatism...ascending--the WHAT? Point of this event chart.

At MC (The Goal; WHY? Point at 11:00 am est), there's a certain Saturnian midpoint presenting this picture:

Saturn/ASC = MC: suffering from other people's actions; oppression; inhibition; hindered in the fulfillment of one's objectives. Hmmmm. Could this refer to HoSec's on-the-spot foiling of the plans of vicious mystery culprits? Or to passengers being tampered with...or to one passenger in particular being diverted from a task? Perhaps someone didn't want his luggage to be checked too closely, to become "The x-ray"...Sabian Symbol of the Sun's degree, "25Sco."

(Note: at sunrise, Saturn 7Vir38 was conj MC 7Vir10, with South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, had just passed over Midheaven (the objective), so basically, the day began with: Saturn/SN = MC...a target?)

Security-minded Ceres is at the HOW? Point, the IC, of the chart and the matter. The "14Tau" degree area = the US Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20, noon, Wash DC) so it equals the president or the president's office.

Seems Mars, the instigator, is still busy causing trouble in Cancer, Retrograde and making himself felt in all quarters--and conj USA's and Bush's natal Suns.

~And the last Solar Eclipse of Sept 11 (18Vir24) is being triggered by the Sun/Mars midpoint now--Sun/Mars is a very dynamic point of action and energy manifestation. Is today's HoSec story and event a diversion from email problems, or is it among false flag ops which we must expect yet not wish for?~

Mercury, planet of air travel, is in sometimes treacherous Scorpio in the 9th house of foreign enemies. Think what you will.

Well, I shall leave you to your own calculations and am sending well wishes for anyone victimized by this 'accident' (as it may be billed by the media, which is also Neptune-flavored.)

Yes, there's undoubtedly more current info online about it now, yet there's no time for me to check it this evening. But if called for, an attempt will be made to add to this post as things unfold.

Not that we'll ever necessarily know the truth about this mysterious matter.

Stay safe, Y'all.

NPR reporting 5 pm: World Leaders will meet in December to discuss climate change...ahh, December, when Jupiter conjuncts Pluto...Dec 11, one of the Great Conjunctions last seen in Scorpio, Dec 2, 1994.

Issues of that time recycle and bedevil society beginning Dec 11, 2007 and onward for this appr 13-year-cycle of Jupiter-Pluto's love of power and strong-armed plutocratic rule.

Oct 17, 2007

how the 'haves' got richer and you didn't

The Origins of the Overclass gives one of the fuller pictures starting in the mid-70s if you'd care to know how the rich-elite class have catapulted themselves into the stratosphere of wealth and privilege.

Author Steve Kangas says the origins of the overclass can be traced back to the CIA--this article spares no one's feelings, so watch your toes.

Between FDR's New Deal programs and LBJ's Great Society leveling, something had to be done to stop the redistribution of wealth!

Plutocratic Pluto-Chiron's oppression, racism, and class warfare have reached scandalous heights. Their conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 was at "11Sag" and there are interesting insights on this degree by Lynda Hill in her book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom which help to describe what I've been barkin' about with the Democratic-Republican melding from which we and the truth suffer--also described by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (Rs) with Saturn (Ds) on May 28, 2000.

But here are some details from Lynda's book concerning "11Sag"...

Light workers; grounding reality (double Saturn); concentrating on physical needs; connecting the right and left sides (very descriptive.)

"Light workers" reminds me of The Fellowship, the secret 'Christian' society that Cheney, both Bushes, Rove, Condi Rice, and many others whose names you know, are associated with and which has squirelly relations with all manner of groups and people who aren't on the side of the common man or woman..and don't mind a little mayhem and murder for the cause. The ends justify the means crowd, a la Machiavelli.

And remember the much-touted Y2K flap at the end of the 90s and into 2000? It had such PROMIS, didn't it?

Shout-Out to Alex at Astrology Communications Media for the article link!

Oct 4, 2007

Inauguration Jan 20, 2009

Such as it is, here is the chart for Inauguration 2009 using Noon EST, Jan 20, Washington DC. Sometimes the public ceremony begins a minute or two after twelve but it makes no discernible difference. My theory about the secret ceremony they hold is that it probably happens when Sun is conjunct US's Capricornian n Pluto (power.) We have Jupiter 3AQ32 in 10th house along with the Sun (as always--it's noon) and in 2009 we have Mercury 00AQ41 Rx and cazimi the Sun (an ancient term for a very close conjunction thought to strengthen the Sun...cazimi, Arabic for "heart of the Sun") this at the least emphasizes the Sun's degree. This Jupiter will soon conjunct US's natal South Node which makes me wonder if we'll be suffering a president from our past (SN)--in a word, George Bush--esp since Jupiter signifies Republicans--or perhaps one who carries on Bush's globalist policies (which include Bush Sr's and others' NWO policies as well.) My own opinion is that the globalist agenda has gone to far to be given up now--they will do what they must to "win" the US presidency again even though cheating isn't "winning," it's stealing what you don't deserve. And with Jupiter nearer MC than the (Democratic) Saturn, a GOP prez is a distinct possibility (barfy as that is to say...and not that I think a Dem prez would make any difference with the NWO ball rolling along as it is. It's Pluto/Chiron's class warfare, baby.) Now you may prefer using "1AQ" for the Sun and Mercury 00AQ+ degree when it comes to Sabian Symbols but I prefer "30Cap" because it seems to apply to the top CEO of America... "30Cap": "A secret business conference"...OPPORTUNITY... pos: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; neg/unconscious/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others. With the 2009 Mercury Rx at the same degree, I think it's correct to say that this is the operative word picture for our learless feader because the Sun represents the leader of a country in a national chart. And the Moon represents The People (and Publicity)--this one at a 29th critical degree. You do know that critical degrees may not be negative necessarily, but a matter which must be dealt with pronto. "29Sco": "An Indian squaw pleading for the lives of her children"... EFFECTIVENESS... pos: personal accomplishment through an exceptional gift for holding first things first; neg: naive willingness to truckle to others. (Truckling to politicians must cease--taking back America is overdue and more critical than anyone can express! This Moon's Symbol indicates to me our military's overextension and the resultant problems for our families as we play the world's police force.) If you click-to-enlarge the chart you'll see a 9th-house Mars at the New World Order's Uranus/Neptune degree of "18Cap" which is the smug or strong-armed paternalism mess the world is mired in...see NWO here. Uranus/Neptune = Mars: misdirected energy; lack of stamina; instability; impatience; nervousness; feeling of foreboding (midpoints pics: Tyl; Ebertin.) The Prenatal Eclipse Series which the 2009 Inauguration falls into is the 10 South Series--you see it in 4th house conjuncting South Node 9Leo20--and 4th house is the Basis of the matter. This PE at 9Leo 32 is conj Republican Party's n Mercury, George Bush's n Mercury, and the n Mercury of Al Gonzales.) See Adriano Carelli's info on the 8, 9, and 10 Leo area of the zodiac. Brady's Predictive Astrology gives this Series as: breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen; there's an apparent lack of options but then a worry will suddenly clear; the solution must be taken up without too much delay. The PE occurs Aug 1, 2008. Wonder what they have up their tricky sleeves between August 2008 and the Nov election? 10South's last occurrence: July 22, 1990; "30Can": "A Daughter of the American Revolution" (opposite "30Cap" mentioned above)... INHERITANCE: pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit; neg: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority. Inaugural Pluto is unaspected and is liable to run away with the chart and thus the 4-year term (this chart is good for the entire 4 years.) Pluto's position is not so good near the 9th cusp yet in the 8th house, plus there is quite a pile-up with Pluto 1Cap57--asteroids: Toro, Morya, and Eros (I will refer to these later on and link back to this chart when I do), plus three midpoints of note: Sun/Moon = Pluto: biased attitude or changed circumstances lead to critical phases in life; separation from others to start anew; a soul torn by inner conflicts; potential new relationship perspectives. Moon/Mercury = Pluto: persuasion or being persuaded; the force of thought; the necessity to adjust one's thinking to new conditions or circumstances; a reorientation of thinking caused by special events or experiences coupled with destiny (Pluto is a very karmic planet.) Moon/Jupiter = Pluto: an extraordinary and unusual striving for possessions and wealth; desire to start great enterprises; the big picture and the power to make it appear. America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 is conjunct Inaugural MC (Goals; Aspirations; WHY Point) which has been the case since the Inauguration was switched from March to January in the we get: Sun/MC = n Pluto: very strong drive to fulfill objectives; a violent attainment of one's aims; attaining leadership by use of force; realizing extraordinary plans; a tragic destiny (The Sun/MC midpoint = the Goal; Ambition.) Mercury/MC = n Pluto: pursuit of fanatical aims; excessive ambition (well you'd have to have this to be prez, wouldn't you?); a turn in one's career. Now here are the other midpoint pictures which will form for Inauguration 2009: Jupiter/MC = Sun: striving happily for attainment of aims; optimism; a person who makes the best of life's opportunities; illumination of one's life purpose; recognition and success. Jupiter/MC = Mercury: successful plans; lots of ideas; voluble communications; publishing; far-sightedness; large-scale projects or ventures. Saturn/NN = Moon: qualifying for responsibility; appealing to senior persons; standing alone in life; widows or orphans. Mars/Jupiter = MC: making favorable arrangements; love of enterprise; the excitement of being "on top"; opportunity for success. MC also has the oppressive plutocracy midpoint conjunct it--Pluto/Chiron. That curdles my bippy and puts US plutocracy "out there' for the world to see as America's objective...and US citzens may be seeing it without the rosy glasses we've so loved donning in previous years. Actually the rest of the world has deja-vu'd it long seems to have taken Bush Jr.'s miserable tenure to make it excruciatingly obvious here in the US. Jupiter/Pluto = Mars: organizing talent; applying controls to suit one's particular purposes; desire to achieve great things. Uranus/MC = Neptune: suppressed anger, paralyzed will; powerlessness; expecting recognition, withdrawal if frustrated. (Neptune here may be representing spies, jihadists, propagandists, spiritualists or religionists, idealists--anyone Neptunian, including governmental types.) ASC/MC = Uranus: excitable and adventurous people; upsets; a spoiling of one's plans. There are two midpoints focusing upon the NN (the path)... Venus/Pluto = NN: meeting people presents a gamble instead of security; a fascinating personality. Neptune/MC = NN: peculiarities; difficult relationships; sharing bad intentions with others; unpleasant associations. There are no patterns formed--no T-Squares, Grand Trines, etc. It's an hour of Saturn, planet of control, responsibility, and fate. And Moon is in an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degress) with the ASC--the Inauguration itself: Moon QD ASC: unpredictable, moody; need for emotions to be recognized; emotional dependency or emotional convictions prominent. There are more factors to consider but I will continue this grump later on for I have a theory that few people read long posts anyway--so if you made it this far, it's kudos for you from me!

Sep 5, 2007

Pluto-Chiron conj of 1999 being triggered

Having updated my notes on the great Pluto-Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 as you see here--if you're visiting on-blog, please click-to-enlarge the chart with messy notes thereupon for more details.

2007-2008: Pluto is in process of triggering the 1999 Mercury 28Sag43--which will be also stimulated by the upcoming Great Conj of Jupiter-Pluto on Dec 11.

Tr Pluto to 1999 Mercury's appr dates in 2007 are:

1. Mar 2;
2. May 2 (Rx);
3. Dec 21.

The imperial madness continues in 2008:

4. Aug 10;
5. Oct 9 (will we have an "October Surprise" in time for the 2008 election?)

We see there are plenty of opportunities for transformative, secretive Pluto to change our nation forever for as you know, the Mercury/Pluto pair = wielding influence through writing or speaking; propaganda; crafty subtlety and cunning; the spirit of opposition...among other things.

Natally George Bush has a Mercury-Pluto conj in 1st house of Self, so he's perfect for the propaganda-catapulter job. He would, no doubt, agree.

If you're on-blog, you see that the Moon 18Lib18 is conj US Sec Progr'd Mars (the military; police; male population) in 10th house of World Status, and there is a corresponding tr Mars to US natal Moon near the 3rd cusp...war to the people; emotional upset; anger...all the things which Moon/Mars implies; and Moon in any national chart signifies The People or populace.

Will return asap to complete these comments, for the Pluto-Chiron pair with its plutocrat/oppression/corporatism/racism implications needs close watching...hope you can drop back by. And that crisis-infused 29th-degree Venus looks in need of consideration as well, doesn't it?

Jul 9, 2007

Reopen 911?

Reopen 911 is a member of the 911 Truth movement and you'll find that Christine Boutin said last year that Bush is behind 911.

But since it takes at least two to tango, it's my belief that Cheney was the...shall we say, ramrod, of the plot.

Then there's the Sabian Symbol, a word picture which can be surprisingly descriptive of a person or event...the word picture for the Rising degree (the WHAT? of the chart, the horizon, what's coming up) at 8:46 am edt, NYC, 9/11/01 is:

"15Libra" = "Circular paths."

And who do we know who flew in lazy circular paths after leaving Sarasota on that black day?

Perhaps you've read my post on Cheney and 911 from April 2006. Above you see Cheney's secondary chart (the physical plane) progressed to Sept 11, 2001 with Cheney's oh-so-obvious Pluto/Chiron midpoint perfectly astride the most Public Point of any chart--the Midheaven ('MC' = Aspirations; Career; Public Status.)

(I had removed this chart from the 2006 post due to legal considerations which turned out to be no problemo and I've meant to republish it, so with the current heated-up calls for Cheney's Impeachment (and Bush's) it seems like a good Monday to do just that, so here ya go, if you haven't had a gander at the chart before. Even so, you do remember 9/11.)

Sometimes a chart can look chilling...this one's frozen and petrified all at the same time, isn't it?

So as you know, the blending of Pluto/Chiron energies results in oppression, racism, kicking the disenfranchised when they're down, class warfare, predatory lending, and in a word, plutocracy. Vulturing Vulcans, descended from or friends of the robber baron classes, or as they prefer to be called, the elite.

Once again I mention the date of the Great Pluto/Chiron conjunction: Dec 30, 1999 which ushered in the much-hyped New Millenium for the plutocrats to go hog wild and have at it. And the two heavy weights, Pluto and Chiron, were parallel (similar to a strong conjunction and invaluable for timing purposes) for Two Days in Mid-August of 2004.

Don't get me started.....

Jul 6, 2007

Bush: Solar Return 7.6.07

You can be sure I didn't want to spend the morning thinking about the 61-year-old cuss infesting the White House but our crook-in-chief has only one birthday per year, so here goes.

Sol returned to natal degree at 12:56 am edt today with Sun conj IC indicating a pivotal year which will be esp eventful the first few months. (In other charts there are some indications of danger to his nibs in August and September but if he makes it through September, he'll be resonably home free.)

Natal Jupiter 18Lib09 is conj DESC (others; partners) as is US secondary progressed Mars, now Rx. "19Lib" is the "Gang of robbers in hiding" degree (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

This angular connection highlights Bush's extravagant and ostentatious natal Sun/Jupiter square, an aspect that wants to accomplish too much too fast and which resorts to egotism as a defense mechanism. "Foolish optimism" is another unfortunate result of having a Sun/Jupiter square.

One thing we always consider in a Solar Return chart is the Sun's applying aspects to see how the year may progress:

1. Sun inconj Chiron: this is the loaded stick of dynamite aspect mentioned in the US Solar Return just below.

2. Sun QD Pluto: this is the ruthless, manipulative, intimidating "focused on success" aspect...perfect for a politician.

3. Sun square SR ASC: not good for popularity (what little he has left. He'll be acting all Arian (Mars) while his protective, nurturing Cancer Sun won't compute with his outer stance.)

4. Sun trine Uranus: help will arrive, obstacles may disappear thanks to others with similar goals, and being in the right place at the right time will bring accomplishments. Uranus = technology and thus is related to Bush's spying tendencies--and Uranus is in the behind-the-scenes 12th house from whence his help cometh.

Chart-ruler Mars, god of war, violence, and quarrels, is in first house of the Return chart...more fighing, disagreements, contentiousness, and activism.

Mars makes no applying aspects to the SR's planets, but he does sextile NN (helpful opportunities for his projects), and trines MC--his aspirations and goals for the year will gain support from Mars. Are so-called insurgents keeping him in office?

SR's Sun/Pluto midpoint is conj Bush's n Neptune so we see:

Sun/Pluto = Neptune: vocation or health are undermined; impressionability, sensitivity; lack of vigor; physical or mental impediments. (This picture is in SR 6th house of work, service, and health--and in natal 3rd house which also has a health connotation.)

There are only two midpoint pics in the SR chart and both point to NN (North Node = the path; destiny; encounters; associations):

Moon/Neptune = NN: projecting passivity or confusion (I'm confused as to why he's still infesting the Oval Office and our airwaves);

Mars/MC = NN: imposing one's will upon others; leadership (if you call it that.)

The Jupiter/Chiron midpoint is opposite Bush's n Sun these days and you will see it in SR 10th house, if you click the chart to enlarge (you'll see a few other notes written in chicken scratch as well.)

This combo is the "maverick with a superiority complex" (Chiron, Clow) so we'll suffer another year of that merde (pardon my French.)

You see that Rx Jupiter 11Sag26 is conj the Pluto/Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999, in SR 8th house of debt, insurance, credit, the occult, legacies, transformation, and death. Jupiter expands the oppressive, plutocratic Pluto/Chiron pairing. He's a foolishly optimistic 'man on a mission' with a messianic complex, a virtual Sisyphus for Globalism.

Well, hopefully you'll click to enlarge the chart if you want more--I've had enough of this ornery old cuss for now--imho, he's not improving with age as he imagines himself to be...but becoming more cuss'ed by the moment.

Uploading fresh, new Art to Cosmic Persona Designs is next on my agenda. How 'bout you?

Chart Correction: mistakenly the 9 New North Solar Eclipse (28Pis07) info was added to the Sun/Moon midpoint in 1st house rather than to its position (PE) in 12th house.
My oops.

Mar 25, 2007

Gonzo: meet in November, fire in December

These charts are from 2006: Nov 27, day of Al Gonzales' meeting about firing the US attys general, and Dec 7, day of the firings. Dec 7--Pearl Harbor Day--such a drole sense of humor, haven't they?
Time of meeting unknown as of yet but after experimenting with sunrise charts and Mercury rising charts--Mercury having to do with meetings and communications--I decided that Pluto (planet of power, control, manipulation, and sabotage) rising might be interesting to take a peek at--and what do you know--AG's n NN (encounters; meetings; associations) is being transited by Pluto and so therefore rising with power-mad Pluto.
Hopefully you can click to enlarge, for I've put some notes around the charts and haven't time to type the same here. You'll see midpoint pictures, and some Sun/Moon blend info for both Nov 27 and Dec 7.
You'll also see that on Dec 7, tr Mars caught up to Nov 27 Jupiter = a fortunate course of action; clearing the air; making waves. They meet at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree which I have related to the Iraq, this is conj George Bush's n 5th cusp, house of Speculations and Risk-taking.
And Nov 27 has the midpoint of Pluto/Chiron (oppression; plutocracy, class warfare) conjunct the Sun/Moon midpoint--both at 15Cap41 as Pluto rises.
The Sun/Moon midpoint relates to the higher/lower nature or conscious/unconcious point in the chart...vitality + feeling. Seems they were 'full-steam-ahead' for their plutocratic plans supported by a small provision slipped into the Patriot Act to "give" them this kind of authority to expand their agenda.
The 11th cusp (groups; associations; friends; hopes/wishes) at 14 Scorpio is conjunct Gonzo's n Saturn, and on Nov 27, tr Mercury was conjunct his n Saturn...Mercury to Saturn = hard work; analysis.
And he said he had nothing to do with the decisions on who would be fired! Tsk tsk.
In both charts tr Saturn is conjunct AG's n Pluto, a time of power and control issues with the possibility of losing control in situations which are simply too large to handle. Yup.
Also: tr NN on Dec 7...."22Pis"..."A man bringing the new law down from Sinai":
pos: self-sacrifice and a determination to further the ultimate upliftment of all men;
neg/shadow side: self-exploitation and impenetrable egotism.
Well, I'm moseying now--please attempt to read the rest from the charts, okay?
Alberto Gonzales: Aug 4, 1955, sunrise 5:59:22 am CST, San Antonio, TX