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Nov 18, 2019

Cold War Horoscope 1945 meets Saturn-Pluto 2020

Cold War-Yalta Astro-Notes: 1945 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

It's probably not good news that one of the planets in a historical horoscope soon to be 'hit' by the harsh January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is Mars in the February 4, 1945 Cold War Horoscope of the postwar Yalta Conference between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin which suggests potentials for 'brutality, violence, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence' (Ebertin). Additionally, the January 12, 2020 conjunction of compressed energies manifests upon the Cold War's 19 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE' of January 14, 1945 @23Cap41 = 'lucky breaks'--Brady) and it conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex ('VX' @22Cap51), all of which are penned on the right side of the chart; Roosevelt's birth data is listed, upper right; and a Vertex is a point of 'fated encounters' and/or 'changing work conditions':

Also listed on the chart underneath FDR's natal data is a depressing cosmic occurrence--Yalta's Saturn Rx @4Can36 conjoins FDR's natal Moon, and Yalta's Moon conjoins FDR's natal Saturn--a double whammy, we could say. So obviously, the conference was held during an emotional low point in Roosevelt's life, plus, Moon-Saturn contacts often have health connotations. We can see this in Yalta photos and the dark circles around his eyes.

Then sadly, as you know, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died of a brain hemorrhage about 2 months after the Yalta Conference ended, his "willful ignorance" about Stalin and communism no longer influencing him. Yet due to recent events and Trump's turns against traditional US alliances, one may wonder if in 2019 and beyond the tendency toward such 'ignorance' continues to influence certain denizens of Washington DC who thereby work against the better interests of our nation.

Recommended: Roosevelt's Failure at Yalta from the Hoover Institute circa 2004 which touches uncomfortably upon the current day relationship between the US and Russia via Donald Trump's transactional, subservient union with Vladimir Putin. Alternatively, here's a different view, Why Roosevelt was right about Stalin - that we could do business with him because at heart Stalin was a businessman. So was FDR naive about the Russian leader of his day? Does Donald Trump behave like a Kremlin asset? The horoscope, above, has some indication of threatened violence and of course many folk (such as yours truly) suspect that Putin controls Trump bwo blackmail and/or threatened violence--and perhaps Stalin controlled Roosevelt in a similar fashion. If so, are current events and those of the Roosevelt administration and the Stalin regime more alike than we know?

Well, for more info on 1945 events, try a Politico article by Andrew Glass Roosevelt departs from Yalta, February 11, 1945 which details some of the aftermath of the Yalta Conference such as FDR's assurance to Congress that, "I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace." But it soon became clear that Stalin would not honor his promise of free elections for Poland. Naive? Willful ignorance? Complicity under duress?

So I surmise that the upcoming planetary pile-up upon the 23 Capricorn degree indicates a cosmic time link involving events of 1945 and today, with the same nations participating. And on the horoscope you see (mid-center, top) a notation replete with on-topic cosmic synchronicity: 23 Capricorn = Governmental authority, according to fabled astrologer Nicholas Devore.

So as 'they' always like to say, timing is everything which suggests to me that whatever upcoming shift "this is," it has been in the planning stages for a very long time meant to coincide with the beginning of a new order timed by Saturn conjunct Pluto, then at Winter Solstice 2020, Jupiter conjunct Saturn upon US Inaugural Sun (the Office of the President), and with three conjunctions of the wealthy plutocrat duo Jupiter and Pluto sandwiched in between.

Nov 17, 2019

August 12, 2019 Messenger Mercury whistles at Trump

When a CIA analyst became alarmed at Trump's shadow foreign policy after hours of going over records, he compiled his concerns into a report and hit the 'Send' button on August 12, 2019 thus blowing the whistle on scofflaw Trump and thereby triggering the current impeachment inquiry chaired by Rep. Adam Schiff.

Imagine my surprise yesterday when I finally got around to setting up an August 12, 2019 horoscope (exact hour of the 'Send' unknown so noon was used) and found Mercury, planet of communications and messages, @00Leo59 - and triggering potentials of the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse that 'eclipsed' US Inaugural Sun; this was previously posted upon as significant for Donald Trump and the office of the presidency in 2019 with the lunar Eclipse reflecting and revealing all manner of unsavory things. This also means that during that time message-sender Mercury conjoined a couple of Trump's natal midpoints that surround his natal 12th cusp which thresholds the house of Self-undoing, Karma, the Unconscious, behind-the-scenes activities, Secret Enemies, and...Politics.

And in the Lunar Eclipse chart the ongoing Jupiter-Neptune square of dream worlds and rude awakenings formed the base of a Fist of God, or Thor's Hammer pattern pointing toward August 12th Mercury and the eclipse Moon 00Leo52 (and Sun opposite--instability, deception, risk-taking, grand schemes) so a cosmic imperative was at play for the CIA analyst as he defended the rule of law against a lawless president and his syncophant cronies. Even governmental planet Saturn chimed in for transit Saturn @13Capricorn opposed US POTUS Sun, a time of delays, frustrations, criticism if responsibilities are not lived up to, and authority, integrity, and leadership are challenged by law-abiding legal eagle Saturn!

And hence we have Impeachment Inquiry 2019 into Donald Trump, the current thespian appearing in the POTUS role which always comes with a limited engagement.

NASA photo: Mercury

Nov 16, 2019

Dec 2020 Solar Eclipse hits Trump Lunar Eclipse 1946

As you know, Donald Trump is an "eclipse baby" because the day he was born, June 14, 1946, a Lunar Eclipse perfected @23Sag04, just a few hours after he was born. This degree is near Trump's natal Moon position 21Sag12 (which conjoins his natal South Node and we've heard there was an estrangement from Mother on day one which the Lunar Eclipse and his Saturnian South Node confirm--perhaps a health issue for her, and/or for him, or perhaps a difficult birth, one may assume). Be that as it may or may not be, an eclipse child will have an eventful life and Trump certainly has had that.

The following horoscope is set for Washington DC (the Capitol Building actually--my bad but basically the same as the White House--if he still resides there by then!) when a Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series manifests upon Trump's Lunar Eclipse degree and thereby activates it:

This cosmic event is significant by degree although how so is anyone's guess. To me it denotes that 4 South themes will affect Trump on a personal level and his flaws and foibles in those departments (relationships and finances) will be more starkly cast under a public spotlight and/or there will be some type of closure or culmination in his life possibly in the realms of relationships, partnerships, and/or marriage (Sun to Moon). Plus, inconvenient secrets may be uncovered or leaked to the press.

Yes, scandals and changes of direction are always potentials with 'wild card' eclipses and here one disruptive eclipse is piled upon another creating a cosmic time link between 1946 and 2020 and bringing a boatload of karma his and our way. Of course, finances, resources, budgets, and investments are also suggested by the 4 South Eclipse ('strong emotional feelings about money and/or relationships; obstacles; sudden endings of relationships; a feeling of fate'--Brady). Then when we search for events of 1946 we find that on Trump's day of birth, the Bernard Baruch Plan was proposed to the United Nations. This proposal involved an international organization for the regulation of atomic energy, plus, the UN itself is brought into the 2020 eclipse picture along with post-war America and Germany, and potential threats and disruptions to various other international alliances and networks that Trump works hard to destroy on behalf of his pal Putin. But Trump 2020 + atomic energy?? Not an equation fit for musing upon in my book.

Meanwhile, many things positive and negative can and will happen between now and December 2020. Of course, one scheduled event is the 2020 General Election on November 3rd, hints of which may very well be indicated in the December 2020 eclipse chart, above, whether Trump games the electoral system as in 2016 or not.

So if you discover any such hints, please let me know, will you?! Plus, you my wish to check out a related post: Is Election 2020's New Moon Prior Predictive? Your on-topic comments and shares are always welcome!

Note: Look for Stars Over Washington Reports on Facebook and join us!

Making America Radical Again! - Thom Hartmann (via Uranus)

From his series the Thom Hartmann Book Club, here is Thom reading from Harvey J. Kaye's Take Hold of Our History: Make America Radical Again. Now I don't yet own a copy of the book but I see from its Table of Contents that my favorite chapter (16) will probably be one dear to my heart, "Let Them Call Us Rebels - We Are All the Heirs of Thomas Paine." Here here!

Now naturally, all astrologers familiar with America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope, no matter the hour used to set it up, know of the radical planet of our Revolutionary era, Uranus, @8Gemini55 in most US founding charts. Check out Thom's reading, then you'll find the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for America's radical Uranus (9Gemini), plus a few Paine-inspired notes are added below the video:


US Uranus at "9 Gemini": "A Quiver Full of Arrows" = "PREPARATION...positive expression: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience; negative: querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions." (Jones). The positive we aspire to, the negative sounds just like Uranian Trump!

Confusing, obfuscating, and shading America's reputation in the world and our national self-image a la Trump, during his campaign and ultimate selection to play the POTUS role, a three-fer series began in 2016 which culminated on February 16, 2017 (just after Trump's oddball "inauguration") when 2017 Neptune hit the American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces. Perversely, for Uranus is the planet of perversity, Trump's guiding planet is his 10th house Uranus @17Gem53 ('18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd") bringing forward his chaotic, erratic, contrary and disruptive style of so-called leadership, so perfect for foreign leaders to exploit in their ongoing campaign to sabotage America and our global alliances. And this makes my Child of the Revolution blood boil as my Revolutionary ancestors spin in their sacrificial graves. (To my knowledge, Trump has no Revolutionary ancestors. Can't you tell?)

Meanwhile, astrological Uranus is also known as The Awakener--and as we're currently hearing in the public discourse an echo from Thomas Paine, the times have found us, my fellow Americans.

So it seems clear that if Trump's authoritarian push to replace our constitutional Republic with a lousy, sub-standard Pluto-in-Capricorn dictatorship (effectively a monarchy such as our Founders so valiantly fought against!!) - if this misguided change of direction won't awaken the American people to the fight before it's too late, then tragically nothing ever will. Of course, it isn't merely Trump attempting such a coup, it's his wealthy backers, foreign and domestic. And my suspicion is that they too know about radical Uranus and about the usefulness of Astrology as a timing device.

So in closing my fuss, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post, sans edits, concerning misused or abused power, revolutionary Uranus plus Neptune, and our radical Founding Father Thomas Paine--born in 1737 with an arousing Uranus-Neptune opposition:

The Current Cycle of Uranus-Neptune Tells of Power Misused

In our era, Uranus and Neptune (reason + faith) met in Great Conjunction/s three times in 1993 at or about 18 Capricorn which implemented the degree's enlightening Sabian Symbol, "The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship...Keynote: the protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER" (Rudhyar). "Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of 'law and order'." Ah yes, pretexts are totally relied upon in Politics and I doubt politicians could manage without them for then truths would have to be told and their masks would slip.

Additionally, the symbol for '18Cap' highlights a warning "against using power for selfish advantage" and points toward the ruses and scams perpetrated by Britain (the City of London) and its never-really-severed alliance with the American government. For example, Uranus and Neptune in opposition identifies the era of freedom-lover Thomas Paine as a time of secret alliances, important information withheld from the people, apathy of the masses which allows leaders to undermine the people's natural freedoms, nationalism, unrest, strong economic and military developments, and countries hurled into a major world conflict a few years later (Pelletier).

This generational opposition also gave Thomas Paine and his contemporaries an intrinsic understanding of national and international politics for which he personally felt a responsibility to arouse the people whenever public opinion can reverse a threatening danger which may involve religious, social, and racial issues along with the political.

Such was the life and the mission of seeker Thomas Paine who died a pauper on June 8, 1809 and whose dedicated service to the Cause of Freedom I hereby honor with this post. jc.

Blog Note: the above Amazon link to Mr. Kaye's book may qualify as an #ad .

Nov 15, 2019

Eclipse Spotlights Eclipse: The Truth on Trial

A Solar Eclipse Activated by Degree: 1331 vs 2020

by Jude Cowell

With the first public impeachment inquiry into Trump and his machinations in Ukraine now in process on Capitol Hill and, as usual, truth being on trial via Trump, it seems interesting that the eclipse themes of "realism; coming down to earth and seeing a situation for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (Brady) continue to closely apply to and influence the misguided, misbegotten administration of Donald Trump who acts on behalf of Russia and other foreign entities while such themes continue as a mission--an imperative--of the United States government attempting to root out Trump's style of organized crime and corruption.

So because the 19 North Solar Eclipse which manifested on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo (opposed and gummed up by transit Neptune, planet of deception and confusion) influenced both the 2016 Election and Inauguration 2017, it may be significant that 19 North's initial eclipse occurred on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer, a critical degree and a Solar Eclipse that will be activated, triggered, and/or spotlighted by the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 @20Cancer (DC horoscope shown).

So will another 'wild card of the Universe' eclipse uncover inconvenient facts for the guilty and disrupt any or all proceedings? Why of course!

Plus historically, in 1331 the Battle of Plowce was fought between Poland's army and the German army of Teutonic Knights--which reminds me of Teuton Donald Trump and his Germanic roots! Wonder if Cadet Bone Spurs plays such a "knight" in his fondest fantasies?

Nov 14, 2019

DC Horoscope: December 2, 2019 Jupiter to Capricorn

With 00Capricorn00:00 one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation, Jupiter's entry into the Saturn-ruled sign is a big deal which occurs approximately every twelve years. Here you see a DC Horoscope for the moment transit Jupiter reaches 00Capricorn00:00 on December 2, 2019 at 1:21 pm est--conjunct Midheaven ('MC'), the Career and Public Status Point, suggesting events occurring on the global stage, and in Washington DC since the cosmic shift happens at MC in our nation's capital.

Now if you're reading this you may already know all the roles that astrological Jupiter can play with politician, banker/trader, corporatist, guru or hierophant, broadcaster (propagandist), and military General being the primary ones who make cameo appearances on SO'W. And if you've visited here before, perhaps you know that when it comes to Jupiter, I tend to use the Great Benefic as the traditional ruler of Pisces as well as of Sagittarius, with Neptune as co-ruler or higher octave ruler of Pisces. (I refuse to divorce Saturn from the traditional ruler-ship of Aquarius but that's another fussy tale for another grumpy day.)

All that said, let's consider the December 2, 2019 Horoscope for its Jupiterian qualities, plus, for a few interesting cosmic factors and possibilities which may apply. The large-girthed Donald Trump is a Jupiterian for several reasons, one being his natal Jupiter in Libra at station and turning Direct 3 hours after his birth. Oh! that, and his greedy, materialistic nature exhibiting a love of money (the root of all evil--the love of it, not the money) so we have his nibs to consider as well. Actually, we tried this before with Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter. We've also previously discussed Trump's natal Mercury @8Can51 (conjunct Alhena: to have a mission) which is here on a future path via the North Node in 4th house. His apparent relocation to Florida may be part of this Mercury-NN picture although potential meetings, negotiations, and communications cannot be ruled out as well as contacts with reporters and/or with young people.

So in the DC Horoscope pictured above, basic chart factors are penned on if you don't mind enlarging the image to read my study notes. The energy shift of Jupiter, happy as a puppy with two tails in his own sign of Sagittarius, moving into sober Capricorn, sign of Jupiter's detriment due to his exaltation in Cancer, is supported via the Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes), plus as you see, the Aries Point rises along with star of misfortune Scheat and wounded/wounding Chiron Rx @1Ari29 following--Chiron, the blind spot, here conjunct US natal IC (Roots; Foundation) in America's late afternoon charts of July 4, 1776. (It seems to me that our country has certainly been undergoing a season of wounding as transit Chiron crosses and re-crosses our national IC--along with an opportunity for honestly dealing with our wounds and making karmic progress.)

Then on the chart, upper right, you see a list of planets that rise with stars on this particular day and there are quite a number of them including Sun, Venus (OOBs), Jupiter (and MC--both rising with Acumen), plus, Neptune, North Node ('NN'), and the Ascendant rising with difficult Scheat, as noted.

Thing is, the Ascendant, the What? Point of the chart @30Pisces, reveals an interesting Sabian Symbol: "The Great Stone Face" which speaks of destiny as character. Once upon a time I attempted an illustration of this symbol which may be viewed here if you wish, with Sabian Symbol details for '30 Pisces' included.

Now in closing, a few notes on how Jupiter relates in society when traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (a labyrinth unto itself!), sign of Jupiter's fall, as noted. Negatively, Jupiter in Capricorn suggests potentials for egotism, distrust, hypocrisy, and over-concern with the letter of the law rather than upholding its spirit. Yet when well-aspected, this placement tends to provide moral integrity, ethics in business and in general affairs, a sense of duty, and support for status quo traditions and/or for the prevailing value system. A conservative slant and positions of responsibility are indicated so those who hold them are the sorts of folk who may be cast in a bright spotlight while Jupiter is in Capricorn--basically until around Winter Solstice 2020 when Jupiter catches up with karmic Saturn @00AQ29, the US POTUS Sun degree, and the Jupiter-Saturn cycle begins again, lasting for approximately twenty years. As the 'flywheel of the Universe' keeping the planets in their courses via the natural law of expansion vs restriction, their conjunction times the genesis of a new order in society, and in Politics their combined energies express often as checks and balances and as our (alleged) two-party system.

As for the conjunction's synchronicity with US POTUS Sun (00AQ+ from our January 20th Inaugurations, the Presidential Oath of Office), a midpoint picture forms of Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: 'Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things' (Tyl).

Now that sounds like a status quo we'd prefer to avoid.

Nov 12, 2019

June 2020 Transits to Inauguration 2017 Chart

June 18, 2020 a Significant Day for the White House

by Jude Cowell

November 12, 2019: You know it's fairly rare that a line-up of planets affecting a particular horoscope become exact on the very same day yet June 18, 2020 is just such a day in relation to Trump's Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. Below is a list of said transits with brief indications added--including a Trump White House Mars Return suggesting a new two-year cycle of activity which actually stretches beyond Trump's first-term time frame.

The following transits perfect on June 18, 2020 within the hours of 12:43 am edt and 7:22 pm edt:

A Related Post: Trump Inauguration's Solar Return 2019, a horoscope in effect now and until January 21, 2020 at 5:30:32 am est. You may wish to consider karmic Saturn and Pluto, soon to join forces on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46, hovering in 4th house near the IC of the 2019 Solar Return; their conjunction occurs while the 2019 Return chart is in effect.

Nov 10, 2019

Justice Roberts to Head Senate Impeachment Trial

Crunch Time for America 2019--2020

by Jude Cowell

Although his natal horoscope is based on 'date without time' data (RR: X), you may wish to check out the natal horoscope of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts if you haven't since he will be the one to rule over the Senate impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump if there is to be one. Justice Roberts is said to favor protecting his reputation for non-partisanship and a Senate trial concerning Republican Trump will certainly provide an ultimate test of such a high-minded self-image--and I hope he's correct in his self-assumption because a balanced approach is imperative in this risky situation which must be American, not Democrat or Republican.

Born John Glover Roberts on January 27, 1955 in Buffalo, New York, John Roberts is an Air-Water Sun Aquarian with Moon in Pisces for the entire 24-hour period (Sun ranges from 7 to 7:30 Aquarius, Moon from 15 to 29 Pisces). This identifies his personality as an independent thinker and a humanitarian with a social conscience; he is intuitive, reverent, and eccentric. Somewhat gullible, Justice Roberts has a scientific bent and may be attracted to metaphysical or mystical subjects. Plus, he's sociable and friendly yet few people really know him. Sun AQ-Moon Pisces folk want to be of service to the world so presiding over a Senate impeachment trial is quite a significant way to accomplish this objective. His time has come, in fact, and there's much riding on this impeachment endeavor for Justice Roberts personally as well as for the nation and its future direction as a democratic republic vs a despotic monarchy. I say this after glancing at 2020 transits to his natal planets.

Justice John Roberts in 2020

A few examples include the harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 (exact January 12, 2020) with the two karmic planets taking turns opposing his 'lucky' Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction (both Rx @23--26 Cancer). Saturn opposes natal Jupiter once on January 17, 2020 and Pluto opposes natal Jupiter three times beginning on or about January 29, 2020. Transiting oppositions to natal Uranus will raise his chances for additional political, financial, and/or possibly legal battles and conflicts which may very well affect Justice Roberts personally (and not just as spotlights on the topics he deals with as a Chief Justice of SCOTUS). If he takes a wrong path now, the odds of future conflicts increase.

November-December 2019

As for astrological factors during a potential Senate impeachment trial, we have no date to investigate so let's compare the planets of Wednesday November 13, 2019, the first public impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump's activities which apparently is set to open at 10:00 am est on Capitol Hill.

Of course, we have no houses for Justice Roberts without a birth time (12:00 pm is used) but three transits 'pop out' on that date--and note that the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 manifests @4Capricorn upon the natal North Node of Justice Roberts, a major karmic indicator for him and for America (post contains an image of the 3 South Horoscope as well as the first eclipse of 2020 which occurs in tribal Cancer). Additionally, the 3 South December 2019 Solar Eclipse of 'traumatic transformation' conjoins and activates by degree the 11 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of John Roberts. As I said, his time has come:

1. Sun @20Sco55 conjunct natal Saturn (20Sco16) denotes a time of serious situations that require trustworthiness, reliability, and probity. His seniority and past loyalty (to Republican objectives?? allegiance to Opus Dei?) can bring rewards, and current matters concern issues of authority and the senior position of others. Of course, this refers to his nibs and may also involve various culprits mired within Trump's Ukraine and/or other abuse-of-power capers, scandals, and deceptions. (And note that 20 Scorpio is the natal North Node degree of SCOTUS (1789), a karmic link to John Roberts' Saturn.)

2. Mars @26Lib11 conjunct natal Neptune (28Lib14) suggests a period when frustration is a potential due to others misunderstanding the Justice's methods or objectives, confusion and deception will (attempt to) undermine circumstances, unrealistic or deceptive enterprises are not favored, and issues involve matters of fraud, bankruptcy, charities, drug-trafficking, criminality, and/or penal institutions.

3. Pluto @21Cap03 opposes natal Jupiter (23Can20 Rx and conjunct Trump's natal Saturn) indicates that his best course will be to keep his aspirations on hold especially in relation to politics, and that titanic forces will block him in a power struggle which has huge consequences.

The Pluto-Jupiter opposition influence can at least partially describe the entire political process of a Republican Chief Justice who apparently possesses a social conscience attempting to protect the reputation of the Supreme Court (1789 chart shown) while fairly presiding over a Senate impeachment trial of a shady president with Republican partisans yapping at his heels in a desperate bid to hide their own crimes, foreign ties, and vulnerabilities.

And hopefully transit Neptune Rx @15Pis58--conjunct Achernar, star of crisis and endings--isn't floating too near the natal Pisces Moon of Justice Roberts for this can denote all manner of mysterious potentials including hidden threats to family members.

But surely a desperate Trump and the anti-government GOP wouldn't stoop that low to save their sorry bacon, right?

Above Image: Chief Justice John Roberts, official portrait; Steve Petteway [Public domain]

More personality details may be found in Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 9, 2019

DC Horoscope: 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry

Image: A speculative '10:00 am' Horoscope for the 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry into Donald Trump scheduled for November 13, 2019, probably opening at 10:00 am est Capitol Building Washington DC. US diplomat to Ukraine William Taylor is expected to present a damning case against Donald Trump--and note that personal name asteroid Taylor @22Lib53 sits atop the Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of the chart and of the inquiry. Also at MC are starry Arcturus and Spica (the spike), and in L'Enfant's original plan for the District of Columbia, Arcturus represents the White House while Spica is the Washington Monument, or, the presidency as archetypally modeled for us by George Washington.

Asteroids America (10th house), Columbia (5th house), and Washingtonia (7th house--conjunct US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer) are penned inside the chart as well; opposite Washingtonia is Hopi (ambush or prejudice) conjunct US natal Pluto Rx (1st house). The chart's Vertex @10Leo, a point of fated encounters, points directly toward Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02), his Underworld planet and part of his natal midpoint picture of which to be afraid--Mars-Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage, fury; murder; death of many people -Ebertin). As you know that Trump has already caused tragedies for many. That's his creepy, subversive Pluto in egotistical Leo.

Just crossed the 10:00 am MC is Trump's natal trio in Libra: Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter. He of the speculative ventures, fraud, and grand schemes of bubbly proportions (aided by his natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasies, lies, inability to learn, and confusion). He's having morbid thoughts now (Mercury-Neptune = Saturn @16Cap23 in 1st house).

Lower right is marked transiting Icarus (who flew too high) @24Scorpio39--conjunct Trump's natal IC of Endings (round up to "25Scorpio" = "An X-Ray"). What is an impeachment inquiry if not an x-ray, a scrutiny looking beneath surfaces? As you see in the 12th house, Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction has already risen so his next natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem53) all the way over in the 6th house of this chart (unmarked). His North Node, then natal Sun in perverse Gemini soon follow Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos. And notice that the transiting North Node @9Can16 (conjunct hellish Hades!) still points in the general direction of the current 3 North Solar Eclipse ('PE" marked in red) with its 'news that transforms a situation'/'large plans are wanted--but don't get carried away' vibes (Brady), news that the first and other inquiries are certain to provide.

Now sprinkled around the outside of the horoscope, highlighted in blue, are a few of Trump's natal placements (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY), plus, there's US natal Moon (We The People; the public) in 6th house with the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy @26AQ26 sitting atop it/us. I can feel the weight of plutocrats' boots on our backs, can't you?

Edit January 24, 2020: this month the Pluto-Chiron midpoint by transit has conjoined with America's natal Moon (We The People) in late Aquarius. Ouch. Exploitation and power abuse. Both perpetrated and experienced.

At 10:00 am "30 Sag" rises ("The Pope Blessing the Faithful"--and I'm sure he does) so let's not forget that a key player in Trump's so-called administration is pretend-AG Bill Barr, an ultra-right ideologue they say in league with Opus Dei. This gaggle of gangster kleptocrats surrounding Trump don't believe in democracy (asteroid of democracy, Ceres, is rising with passionate Eros, the piercing) so why are we allowing them to sabotage America? Besides, starry Acumen also rises with keywords: attacks which weaken and I sincerely hope that this and other political performances we're being 'treated' to these days bring a loosening of the grip around the necks of decent people the world over by global mob syndicates, networks of gangsters, bankers, corporatists, and other criminal elements banded together and now clawing and grasping for total control.

That my expectations for our nation's better future are very high, I know. But what better can a Child of the Revolution pray for?

Nov 8, 2019

Richard Wolff Proves Medicare For All Saves Money - Thom Hartmann

For your consideration here's some timely information concerning Medicare For All and healthcare costs from Professor Richard Wolff speaking with Thom Hartmann during Thom's November 7, 2019 broadcast:

Yet tragically, there are evil conspirators who lurk behind dark curtains, possessed by the destructive spirit, who don't intend that our lives are saved!

A previous post and Thom Hartmann video: Anomie: Is the Trump Era Unraveling American Society? Personally I would have to loudly say, Yes. And Spanky must be stopped.

Nov 5, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio

Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States; by Steve Petteway [Public domain]

Brief Astro-Notes re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

November 5, 2019: Since the natal horoscope and data of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, pictured above, are rated X (date with no accurate time), and because she likely will be the Justice who will decide on an upcoming case involving scofflaw Donald Trump (poetic justice!), I'm typing a few notes concerning Justice Ginsburg's personality blend using her double Water Pisces-Scorpio Sun-Moon combo of conscious + unconscious energies.

Related: Ian Millhiser's November 4th Vox article A federal court of appeals just demolished Trump's claim of immunity from criminal investigation.

Born Ruth Joan Bader on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, King's County, New York, her Sun-Moon blend reveals her as an individual with tenacity, courage, acute perception, and a deep intellectual capacity. Emotional and intuitive, the personality of Justice Ginsburg is passionate, dedicated, and possesses deep psychological insight into other people's motives. She exhibits strength in adversity and stubbornness once a decision has been made. Unafraid of the truth, the Justice may not be easy to live with, yet has an innate desire to help and heal others who are in despair, an admirable quality in my estimation.

Her complex Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio blend is shared by the natal charts of some interesting folk including: Johnny Cash, George Harrison, Bernadette Peters, explorer David Livingstone, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and author John Steinbeck who informs us that, "It is the nature of man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

And according to Longfellow,

"Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong."

Well, I'm not certain how the Steinbeck quote applies to her but perhaps you'll agree with me that tenacious, notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, cancer survivor, definitely has that last concept well covered!

In closing, here are several inspiring Quotes by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and I'd like to cherry-pick three of my favorites off the list for your consideration:

"A gender line...helps to keep women not on a pedestal, but in a cage."

"A constitution, as important as it is, will mean nothing unless the people are yearning for liberty and freedom."

"I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability."

For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 2, 2019

Trump Flees To Avoid Taxes! - Thom Hartmann commentary

Here's a brief segment from November 1, 2019 by Thom Hartmann commenting on Donald Trump's latest financial scheme: to abscond from New York state to Florida in order to avoid taxes and protect his assets in case of bankruptcy:

New York! If you can make it there you can make it anywhere. But if not, just high tail it down to Florida with your bad self.

A possibly related post: Trump's Mar-a-Lago and 1 North Solar Eclipses of 1927--2017; 1 North: 'information is distorted and possibly false' - isn't it always with tax evaders, deadbeats, and cheaters like Trump?