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Aug 1, 2020

October 2020: Surprise, Zeal, Crisis, and Moon-Pluto

Moon to Pluto: Power To The People!

by Jude Cowell

In a Flurry of Full Disclosure: The following horoscope was recently published to my Stars Over Washington Patreon account and, for the sake of America, appears here with the author's permission (yours truly!); fresh notes on Moon-Pluto are added, below.

August 1, 2020: With a desperate incumbent crouching in the White House and a 'peaceful' passing of presidential baton on our national horizon many pundits and prognosticators are wondering aloud not if but when and what sort of October Surprise may be in store for US voters through the malevolent auspices of Trump, his monied backers both foreign and domestic, and his complicit Trump Party. However, many folks might say that the entire year of 2020 behaves as one huge October Surprise if disrupting the November Election/s, upending society as a whole, discrediting democracy around the world, undermining US systems, institutions, and laws, 'purifying' and reducing the populace, and keeping the scofflaw orange despot in the Oval Office are their primary goals. Apparently, hidden manipulators (ex: Plutonian Plutocrats) want We The People reduced to a more manageable size with politicians like mouthpiece Trump acting as figureheads of their authoritarian agenda.

Question: To Surprise or Not To Surprise?

Now as you know, Astrology provides several techniques to aid such a forecast of Uranian surprise, even shock, yet today let's choose only one timing device - the Secondary Progressed Moon of the USA ('SP'). Using America's founding horoscope for July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and progressing it a day-for-a-year, we discover that our nation's natal Moon in Aquarius soon progresses to 29Cap20 where Luna will conjunct US SP Pluto at that exact degree and minute on October 15, 2020 8:00 am edt. Below is the DC Horoscope of this cosmic moment - the intensity of which is building now - including notes concerning various components in relation to Politics and to other realms of concern. Added are the 'real world' transits and midpoint potentials for this symbolic moment which perfects only 19 days prior to Election Day 2020:

Image: Bi-Wheel inner October 15, 2020 8:00 pm US SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction @29Cap20; outer Transits: October 15, 2020 8:00 pm edt Washington DC.

SP Moon-Pluto @29Cap20 rounded up = "30 Capricorn": "A Secret Business Conference"; "Keyword: OPPORTUNITY; positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others" (Jones). Does this sound to you like a Biden administration (being planned) vs the Trump 'administration'?

Potentials for Moon-Pluto working as a duo: any, all, or none may express

From Tyl and Ebertin: Zeal; intensity; fanaticism; extreme emotions; exaggerated new plans; obtaining objectives without any regard for other people; offended vanity or conceit; jealousy; violent outbursts; inner shocks or emotional upheavals; rash actions. Biological: metabolism of liquids; blood disease; pressure caused by toxemia; the endocrine system; cancer indications.

Now quoting in Hegelian form from Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets:

"Thesis: The people's opinion about subjects like crime, war, or internal secrecy; the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises concerning an end to war, waste, etc. in appeals to the people.

Antithesis: encourages violence or crime; people become doubtful about how to exert the proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements; obsessions which bring a misuse of the resources available for country or business."

Sleuthing through a few past horoscopes for significant planets @29/30 Capricorn I found these potentials:

October 2020 Moon-Pluto 29Cap20 = Election Day 2016 Mars (29Cap51): 'using force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; active in assuring the promised protection is delivered; participants in clamor or emotional intensity; intense emotional crisis; deep irritation over delays in any form; anger, quarrels, frustration; too much energy not knowing where to go'.

October 2020 Moon-Pluto = Spring Equinox 2020 Saturn (29:50): 'pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; avoiding the need to look at what must change; realism about how to deal with gloomy or morbid thoughts; authority figures who have a profound effect; constraint; feelings of loss; depression; mental or emotional suffering; one-sided or overwhelming emotions; grave inhibitions'.

Additionally, we should note that Moon-Pluto contacts may suggest intuition or psychism, secrets and/or scandals, plus, the possible discovery of a child born out of wedlock, or perhaps a secret marriage in someone's past that becomes public knowledge.

If you know of more Moon-Pluto potentials, please leave your on-topic comment with this post! jc

A Previous Post Concerning US Pluto, Luna, and the authoritarian saboteurs of our country: Horoscope: RNC 2016 Full Moon Conjunct US Pluto. We may not have known it at the time, but we were so much younger then.

Jul 29, 2020

When Rep. Pramila Jayapal Questions Bill Barr

Photo: William Barr

July 29, 2020: Yesterday on SO'W I typed aloud my dream that it could be Senator Kamala Harris who would question Trump's interference-running Attorney General Bill Barr during his testimony before Congress for Senator Harris is Barr's favorite interrogator, as you know. After all, it was Senator Harris' natal Pluto @15Virgo and Venus in Virgo (17:53) that peeked over the horizon on Capitol Hill as the congressional session opened at 9:30 am edt. Here's yesterday's DC Horoscope set for 9:30 am edt. Perhaps her powerful style of dealing with prevaricators was present in spirit!

However, with the testy proceedings occurring in the House not the Senate, lady Venus in the questioning sign of Gemini at apex of a YOD configuration and with a special task to perform at the appointed time turned out to be reflected by Rep. Pramila Jayapal which suited the situation just fine. Her characterization of Barr's actions concerning Black Lives Matter protesters (he's against them) vs Barr's coddling (my word) of armed right wing extremists who threatened to lynch a governor is based in reality unlike so much that spews out of fantasist Trump and his scofflaw regime which Barr was hired to protect like Trump's mentor Roy Cohn used to do back in the olden days.

So in case you missed it (and it's a doozy!), here's a clip of Pramila Jayapal questioning the very dodgy Bill Barr yesterday. Oh, and like Kamala Harris, she controls her time!

Two Related Posts: July/December 2020: Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn, and the Natal Horoscope of Kamala Harris (RR:AA); note that rising just prior to her Pluto is Uranus in Virgo, the revolutionary pair of the mid-1960s Civil Rights Movement. Their three intense conjunctions in mid-Virgo are now being re-activated (opposed) by the transiting midpoint in mid-Pisces of Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn - reminding us that Civil Rights Matter!

Jul 28, 2020

July 28, 2020 Horoscope: Bill Barr to Capitol Hill

July 18, 2020: Unless a cancellation, rescheduling, or delay occurs (chart-ruler Mercury opposes Jupiter Rx), Trump's AG William Barr is scheduled to testify today (9:30 am edt) before Congress and defend ongoing militarized actions in Portland, Oregon, among other acts of the Trump regime.

Since it's almost 9:30 am as I type, this is a quick posting of the morning's horoscope and as you see, Barr's Saturn, then Mars, rise on Capitol Hill and the natal Pluto @15Vir27 of Senator Kamala Harris (his favorite questioner, no doubt!) precisely rises at 9:30 am along with her natal Venus (17:53).

A high-flying Kite pattern (success) with testifying Mercury as its tail is shown along with a YOD pattern of crisis, special task, and/or karmic opportunity with lady Venus (Senator Harris?) at apex in Mercury-ruled Gemini. Questions! Yet Mr. Barr is there to restrain and cover-up, his usual political gig.

And with chart-ruler (and Midheaven-ruler) Mercury applying three times we may expect severe disagreements and conflicts (opposes Jupiter Rx), perhaps a lack of logic, inspired ideas that can be misused or glamorized (trines Neptune), and a display of opposing forces during these intense proceedings as information is manipulated to someone's advantage, withheld, or the wrong answers are deliberately provided in order to mislead. Obviously with Barr protecting Trump, damaging secrets will be closely held (opposes Pluto).

Oh! and Pluto Rx @23Cap25 continues his powerful opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery, tribal, business-oriented Cancer (Saturn, planet of authority and control).

Now much more info is embedded within the chart but time is short so I'll trust you, dear reader, to sleuth away if you're so inclined!

Jul 26, 2020

US Pluto Return: a Western Sidereal Astrology lens

Of Inner and Outer Spaces

by Jude Cowell

July 26, 2020: In 2005, as Stars Over Washington was getting underway, I determined that Western Tropical Astrology would be used to scrutinize (and criticize!) American politics and politicians, plus, as my lens to check out historical and current events with a leaning toward the common good. After all, life on Earth is complicated as is any system of analysis used to describe it in some sort of manageable fashion for the curious reader. My choice was more or less intended to keep things squashed down to a "dull roar" if you know what I mean even though trying to limit infinity via Astrology or by any other means is a sisyphusian task. Topics are too broad, problems are too deep, secrets too hidden, and most events occur due to long-standing karmic conditions mishandled in the past and often left unaddressed. Astrological Pluto, with its 248-year cycle, knows all about karma and past mistakes left uncorrected - until permanent change takes the lead as if unbidden.

However, one As Above So Below topic now rears its fire-breathing head above the rest in 2020, while a certain culmination draws near and its primary protagonist is known to even the least astrologically informed Earthling. That is the US Pluto Return creeping into Collective awareness in part due to the plethora of plutonian themes we're now swamped by including income inequality out of control and the deadly pandemic invading American society. (Not to diss pandemic and economic losses and problems elsewhere but this is a post about Washington DC as representative of America, hence its title, SO'W.)

Even the sign through which predator Pluto the Invisible now stealthily creeps as he vultures toward his 1776 degree in Saturn-ruled Capricorn adds fuel to our feelings of general alarm with Reinhold Ebertin labeling Pluto in Capricorn as, "the dictator." When draconian-totalitarian-fascist regimes arose in the 1930s with their destructive spirit on brutal display and bigotry in their shriveled hearts, Pluto was moving through Capricorn's opposite sign of Cancer (Ebertin's "the magician" placement). But these days, fascists in the US and elsewhere are banking on a culmination of Plutonian control and manipulation shown by Pluto-opposite-Pluto (from tribal Cancer to governmental Capricorn) as a Full Moon timing device for their devilish 'dream of transformation becomes reality'. During decades of preparation they have extended their methods and influence since the Nazi era and are expecting global success once America is 'taken down' a la Trump and his totalitarian backers.

Loss Leaders of The Fray

Of course, the January 2020 Great Conjunction of compressive, harsh Saturn and Pluto timed a major signal or shift of draconian intentions and activities for conjunctions of any planets are actually New Moons that express the seeding of a new cycle of activity in relation to the particular planetary energies involved. A watershed moment of global difficulties was reached with Year 2020 acting the role of 'cosmic star' of that particular Saturn-Pluto drama of brutality, control, and loss. Waiting in the wings of 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic soon made itself felt and its release was touted as a giant 'oops!' although on several occasions suspicious me has termed it purposeful and targeted for mismanagement, especially in the US. Because to this Daughter of the Revolution it seems no coincidence that the catastrophic pandemic was timed to sabotage Election 2020 and add its destruction to the collapse of America. Now you, dear reader, may disagree but there it is.

So today with the ramping up of complicated situations in full swing as the world careens toward 2021, many folks are searching for all the Pluto Return info they can find. Therefore, I'm recommending an expanded view of the US Pluto Return/s by expert astrologer Kenneth Bowser using his preferred system, the Western Sidereal. For as you know, in the Tropical system, America's Pluto 'returns' to its July 4, 1776 position of 27Cap33 multiple times (due to retrogradation) during the year 2022. But in the Sidereal system, the key year is 2024.

Does this timing difference indicate a conflict? Perhaps. Yet we know that all planetary cycles describe processes over periods of time so perhaps you agree that the Pluto-esque year of 2020 has brought events and conditions revealing that the world has entered a years-long dark tunnel of sorts, a tunnel leading to Pluto's Cave where The Dragon stands guard over piles of gold and precious jewels secreted far far away from - dare I type it - the 99%. We might even wish to begin counting our cave exploration jaunt from late January 2008 when transit Pluto entered Capricorn, a year of Collective losses on the rise via financial collapse while bankers, corporatists, and politicians made off like the bandits most of them are. But no matter when the modern Plutonian era began, it seems obvious that the global tunnel of turmoil extends into 2022, 2023, 2024, and beyond.

And despite Pluto's potential for regeneration, I'd even say that Humanity has messed things up on Earth very badly when we could have behaved so much better. That the elite class, its enablers, and wanna-bes now scramble in their attempts to blast off into outer space hoping to 'conquer' other planets seems more than a little pathetic to me considering how they've abused and plundered Mother Earth. Can anyone think the greedy wastrels would act any better in space? A puh! and a lol to such vain hope from yours truly! Of course, ridding our tattered Earth of their sorry selves would most likely be a bonus for humanity, wouldn't it?

Meanwhile back on Earth, the debris piles up - nuclear waste, garbage, and otherwise - as Americans face the return of Pluto to its 1776 degree which will activate any and all aspects and conditions of 1776 Pluto's position in the US founding chart/s - primarily, our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of crisis and social problems that cause anxiety yet which must be resolved one way or another. With psychological planet Pluto active we become aware that karmic progress, though much needed, is difficult now with transit Pluto making a series of oppositions to US natal Mercury (25Cancer) revealing that information (Mercury) is intense and subject to manipulation and 'adjustment' (Pluto) even more than previously; total control and vast power are sought by plutonian actors via US Election sabotage, among other fraudulent tactics that include the destruction of our laws, systems, and traditions. Yet our nation's Pluto Return marks a period when we must fight to preserve the continued existence of America as a Republic and must rebuild once the dust has settled!

So as I continue preparing my next post concerning our US Pluto Return (with a vast array of current events constantly interrupting that require attention) my hope is to keep the topic on the briefer side by using Western Tropical Astrology to view the July 4, 1776 horoscope that I most often prefer, set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Sagittarius rising ruled by expansive Jupiter exalted in Cancer. For the 5:09 pm horoscope shows two Cardinal World Points of manifestation upon the MC-IC axis (Aries-Libra on the WHY? and HOW? Points). That's Jupiter the Thespian in his many roles as the explorer, adventurer, discoverer, boundary-breaker, land-grabber - and banker, financier, corporatist, politician, guru, priest, and The General.

2020--2024 Solar Eclipses Echo 1930--1934

Since eclipses influence historical events, let's add a few solar eclipse notes comparing 2022 and 2024 with 2023 in between. Now the eclipses of 2021 may provide some respite but buckle up in 2022 for two Solar Eclipses occur, one on April 30th @10Taurus in the 6 North Saros Series ('relationship to authority figures') and the second on October 25th @2Scorpio, a 6 South eclipse that in 1932 timed the Nazi Rise to Power in Germany (and rise of FDR in the US) with themes of 'forcefully taking power' and 'expending huge efforts in group activities'. In 2023 comes a repeat of the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse, this time @30Aries in the 7 North series ('deep passion long-hidden'). Plus, 7 South on October 14, 2023 @21Libra is highly troublesome as well with Mars-Pluto vibes and themes of 'immense power, anger, force', and/or 'crisis'. Then in 2024, another significant Great American Eclipse manifests, this time @19Aries in the 8 North series with themes of 'new-found inspiration, vivid dreams, inventiveness, and/or flashes of genius'.

Now naturally I agree with you that 8 North themes sound pretty good considering the eclipse themes of 2022 and 2023, even those of 2020. But that's only the case as long as its cosmic blink/wild card energies don't trigger evil genius on steroids. Am I right?

A Related Post: America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses.

My Thanks to some FB friends for the heads-up on this important article by Sidereal astrologer Kenneth Bowser. Visit his website for more!

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Above Image: Pluto, NASA.

Jul 24, 2020

Horoscope: Uranus to AQ 1996 = Jupiter-Saturn 2020

DC Horoscope: Uranus to futuristic Aquarius January 12, 1996 2:12:57 am est Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuation) which leads a BOWL shape of planets; 1996 Sun and Neptune @25Cap06 have been 'met' by the 2020 Capricorn trio of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto, here in the 3rd house of Communications (Technology!) which, combined, suggests potentials for dreams come true vs the grim face of reality (Saturn), fanaticism, paranoia, scandal, pretense, bankruptcy (Jupiter), Civil Rights struggles, control issues in the realms of politics, economics, society, and religion (perfect timing for Jupiter-Saturn's game-changing input), and/or the illusion of power, or power that erodes over time (Pluto). It all sounds familiar, yes?

The 1996 Uranus to Aquarius Ingress Horoscope is posted here because of the Winter Solstice 2020 Great Conjunction (or, Great Mutation from Earth to Air, if you prefer) of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn for the pair will also conjunct 1996 Uranus @00AQ+ then and thus create a midpoint picture of potentials (listed on the chart, upper right) for shifts, changes, and reforms. And noted in 3rd house are Jupiter and Saturn 2020, highlighted in blue, and Uranus 1996 highlighted in green.

Additionally, in the center of the horoscope a few potentials are listed for 2020 Neptune in Pisces conjunct 1996 Saturn (@20Pis14, 4th house) which transit Neptune has done off and on of late and will again, plus, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'; highlighted in red) of the 1996 Ingress event is in 12th house @00Sco17 in the 16 North Saros Series with its themes listed, lower right. Basically, 16 North = 'Illumination of ideas' and the Collective rising up of 'unconscious material and insights' (Brady) thanks to the vibes of Uranus-Neptune (with their NWO, Illuminati implications) with The Enlightenment pair of planets moonlighting as 'New World Order' heralds of visionary idealism, awakening, (or, loss of consciousness), higher planes of knowledge, mysticism, the occult including Astrology, illusions, disguises, and/or the possible use of underhanded methods. (As you know, Uranus and Neptune conjoined three times in Capricorn all through 1993 where 2017 Pluto activated their 'Big Picture which must be followed' potential.)

Now prior to January 12, 1996, about 84 years earlier, transit Uranus entered its own sign of Aquarius on January 30, 1912. A busy year, 1912 brought several Uranian-style events of novelty, new beginnings, suddenness, and/or shock such as: the establishment of the Republic of China (January 1), New Mexico (January 6) and Arizona (February 14) becoming 47th and 48th states, a Suffragette Parade in NYC (May 6), US Marines landing in Cuba (June 5), the eruption of Mount Novarupta in Alaska (June 6-8), the RNC nomination of Taft (June 18) and the DNC nomination of Wilson (June 25), US Marines invasion of Nicaragua (August 4), break-away progressive Republicans forming the Bull Moose Party and nominating Teddy Roosevelt (August 5), an attempt on Roosevelt's life while he was making a speech in Milwaukee (October 14), the first novel in the series Tarzan King of the Apes, and quite a bit more.

So will the 2020 activation of rebellious Uranus by the combined energies of Jupiter and Saturn in December 2020 be noticeable or merely an unconscious blip for us all as we fret over the future? Might the planetary trio reflect a 'history rhymes' condition in society or signify absolutely nothing at all? Or, because of the unpredictable nature of planet Uranus can there be reliable answers to such pertinent questions at all?

Well, to me it seems that if Uranian energies are activated in or around December and do express in noticeable ways (echoing any events of 1912 or 1996 - or not), we must wait patiently to see if astrological Uranus follows its usual erratic course and acts early, late - or never. Yet beneath it all, it's possible that the 'new order' or 'reset' implications of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction could combine with 'Age of Aquarius' Uranian vibes and boost the old world into 2021 with something like, say, A 'Great Reset' Agenda manipulated by the World Economic Forum at Davos in January.

If so, my suspicion is that that high-handed agenda (aka, the 'Big Picture which must be followed'?) is what the calamities and purifications of 2020 have been preparing the world for. Whether we like it or not.

Jul 22, 2020

Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight 2020 Conditions?

Horoscope: 13 South Solar Eclipse January 9, 1777 10:47:04 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Ascendant: "3 Aries" = "A Cameo Profile of a Man in the Outline of His Country"

July 22, 2020: Once again I'm attempting to show that a past Solar Eclipse (January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the sinister 13 South Saros Series) can continue to describe conditions and events in the US by way of Secondary Progressions along with the real-time eclipse horoscope itself when triggered by current transits. Yes, I've written about this 'history rhymes' situation previously but today a view of the actual 1777 Solar Eclipse Horoscope may add to the picture in relation to current events and is based on Astrology's day-for-a-year method of progressions.

The horoscope for America I've used for today's Secondary Progressions ('SP') is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania version though of course other versions may be used as well. If you progress the US horoscope to today's date and check out its 'Prenatal Solar Eclipse' ('PE') you'll see 19Cap50 listed, and in real time that's the January 9, 1777 13 South Solar Eclipse you see pictured, above. Naturally, eclipses in Saturn-ruled Capricorn involve control issues, authority figures, and one's relationship to them. Plus, the negative qualities of the sign such as greed, avarice, coldness, ruthless ambition, and selfishness must be avoided if karmic progress is to be made. Obviously, these negative qualities now shown by regressive Authority Figure #1 and his anti-government, anti-constitutional, anti-humanity enablers are blocking the progressive policies that would improve conditions for the American people and would put corporate bad actors back on their heels. However, consistent efforts must be made along with the correct use of resources (eclipse in Earth). Again, the current regime interrupts what should be our progress, plus, with Jupiter opposing the eclipse, ethical and moral standards must guide and be upheld if we wish to succeed in any significant way. In 1777 General Washington possessed such a character. In 2020 we are hampered by certain low characters infesting and sabotaging our country - in a word, traitors. (See chart, lower left corner.)

For pandemic influences, see upper right (deadly Pluto conjunct the karmic South Node) and consider all the diseases that afflicted the Continental Army. Karma is also shown by Neptune and Pluto (a combo with criminal intentions, or, the use of drugs, the occult, or spirituality) for both are at Nodal Degree, an indication of fate at work, along with interceptions across the 6/12 axis of the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces polarity (yet a different house system might mitigate this particular karmic factor). Personally I think it belongs considering current Virgoan-Piscean conditions and the fact that the 6/12 is involved - health, hospitals, military/police/civil servants, karma, hidden enemies, etc, the very concerns we now struggle with.

So as you can see, I've followed my bad habit of squishing a bunch of study notes onto the image (please enlarge or print to read) but below I will add in this text the themes of 13 South Eclipses since my assertion here is that our nation's current conditions and potential events in 2020 are hereby described in part by 13 South themes 'running in the background' of society and basically unconscious. With US finances in turmoil and congressional disputes over bail-out funds, 1777's Jupiter Rx @20Can15, a critical-crisis degree, is significant and opposes the eclipse (19Cap50). In early 2020, a cosmic time link was formed when this degree and planet were 'eclipsed' on January 10, 2020 by a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Castor. Now as you know, fixed stars are most expressive when eclipsed and Gemini Twin Castor suggests either super creativity, a loss, and/or murder. (You can see the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse notated near Jupiter Rx in 4th house.)

Also notated on the chart and conjunct its IC (the Foundation or Basis of the Matter) is a major cosmic time link which also 'knits together' 1777 and 2020: the
Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse of June 21, 2020 @00Can21
, a Cardinal World Point of global manifestation, and its eclipse themes which we're now experiencing until the next Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 (or up to 14 days prior) @23Sag08 in the 4 South Series.

We should also mention that, although it's not officially a YOD pattern of crisis, turning point, a crossroads, health problems, and/or a karmic spiritual opportunity, the Neptune-North-Node sextile points toward Venus (26AQ34 in the karmic 12th house) which also happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People). The Neptune-NN pair relates to a lack of community spirit and their sextile of subtle evasion forms the base of a YOD for those who use points or angles other than planets. YOD or not, we have potentials of some midpoint pictures to consider which include Trump's natal Mars (26Leo) for it opposes 1777 Venus and US natal Moon (1776):

Neptune-NN = Venus: misconceptions about other people's relationships and associations; wrong liaisons; unfaithfulness; with Moon: lack of adaptability and community spirit; disappointments; with Mars: disharmony; inability to adjust to circumstances or conditions; association with sick people (R. Ebertin).

Now here are the themes (via Brady's Predictive Astrology) of the 13 South Solar Eclipse that I believe now have influence upon society as shown by cosmic time links and by 2020 transits, particularly the Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto:

13 South Themes: 'sinister energies; urge to expand which may be frustrated; loss; separation; constitutional crisis and possible dismissal of a leader' (General Washington avoided dismissal but will Trump?); and/or 'evacuation' (Brady). To 'evacuation' I regretfully have added, evictions since many Americans are being unfairly threatened with it by a corrupt administration and a Republican-led Senate so often derelict in its duty.

As for Trump's violent intentions against peaceful protesters, you see notated one factor: Ascendant = Uranus-Pluto: 'applications of force' (Ebertin). By transit, the current position of the Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces opposes and activates the Great Conjunctions in mid-Virgo of revolutionary planets Uranus and Pluto 3 times during the mid-1960s and the Civil Rights Movement and again we see street protests and instigators sent to disrupt the peace and muddy issues.

Yet if we look up and beyond our earthly trials for only a moment, we may find the Sabian Symbol of the 1777 Solar Eclipse degree of '20 Capricorn': "A Hidden Choir Singing", a lovely word picture described by Marc Edmund Jones as, "a symbol of the eternal music of the spheres" and its positive expression of: "a unique gift for establishing a common interest and making it a power for the good of all"!

Note: If this is not your first visit to Stars Over Washington and you're fond of historical eclipses (because who isn't?) perhaps you recall that we've discussed the July 1777 Solar Eclipse in the 14 North Saros Series in a previous post: Is This a Haunting Eclipse from 1777? For then as now, it was difficult days for American Patriots fighting to establish this country, and today we must fight to preserve it.

Jul 21, 2020

Unmasking Portland's Secret Police Kidnapping Peaceful Protesters - clip (w/ Astrology)

From July 20, 2020: Well, the current Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces continues to oppose and activate the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto of the mid-1960s Civil Rights era (conjunct in mid-Virgo) as demonstrated in the streets of Portland, Oregon - with Trump's combative 'secret police' possibly being dispatched to other US cities (that have Democratic mayors) if they displease the scofflaw-in-chief and don't fall in line with his authoritarian imperatives.

Concerning this very topic, here Aaron Mesh joins Thom Hartmann for a discussion of Trump's secret police and sneaky renditions including an overview of what's being perpetrated since Trump issued his June 26th Executive Order (with malevolent Mars 'the warrior' conjunct murderous star, Scheat @29Pisces, and Virgo-Pisces as the victim-savior polarity):


Below are a few astro-notes concerning political potentials of the erratic, incendiary pair of dogmatism, Mars and Uranus which will conjunct in intolerant, greedy Taurus in January 2021 and thus will imprint upon Inauguration 2021 and on the entire year of 2021. To me their combined energies seem part of a well-discussed Trump plan to retain control of the US government no matter how many heads must be concussed into submission - or worse:

"Using security forces to control strife; malice or unrest accompanied by violence; radical movements within the military; sudden attacks or outbreaks of hostility; rebellions against modernization efforts" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

But prior to that, we should be aware of an approaching Mars-Pluto square in August 2020 (Aries/Capricorn) which in general suggests potentials for abusive actions, aggression, powerful conflicts, foolishly reckless behavior, domestic and/or work-related antagonism, stress-fueled rage, use or misuse of overwhelming force, and/or trouble with authority. This planetary pairing can also describe a police state, plus, war/s and chaos. You know - the societal conditions and events that Trump was installed to stir up and mismanage.

Meanwhile, transit Pluto, creeping along on his darkened mission to fulfill our US Pluto Return/s in 2022, continues to conjoin off and on the natal Vertex (22Cap51) of Donald Trump with its 'fated encounters and/or wish fulfillment' possibilities.

However, it's completely understandable if you, dear reader, prefer to forget all of this cosmic vs earthly turmoil. But I just thought you might want to know about some of the intense energies clashing over our heads as We The Collective struggle toward 2021.

Jul 17, 2020

Capitalism's Biggest Bubble Is About To POP! (w/ Richard Wolff)

July 17, 2020: Here's progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann spotlighting another insightful interview with economics Professor Richard Wollf:

However you can, support independent media!


You know, Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (bubbles, speculation; waste, grand schemes, financial fraud and corruption - with his wounded/wounding Chiron snugged between!) is the perfect vehicle through which a financial collapse of America is being implemented, as we now see. And of course, these conditions are aided mightily by Pluto's creep through structural Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Yet there is a small amount of comfort in knowing that transit Pluto has been opposing Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer and bringing him challenges and a few failures in his abuse-of-authority-and-power department!

Jul 16, 2020

March/July 2020 Interloper! Comet Neowise

An Invading Comet Signifying Nothing?

by Jude Cowell

July 16, 2020: Some say comets are no longer omens for a superstitious world. Perhaps not, but have they no meaning for Earthlings at all? It's still possible to view comet 'NeoWise' (C/2020 F3 first seen in March 2020 by the NEOWISE spacecraft), so I'm adding a couple of related links, below.

And I'm proposing that there may be cosmic connections between the interloping comet with 'neo' (= new or novel) in its name and visible in the northwest directly under the Big Dipper (Ursa Major, aka, 'The Big Bear' - you know, as in the symbol for Russia), the 'novel' (neo/new) corona virus, and the ongoing hacking (aka, interloping or invading) of corona virus research and development organizations, health care facilities, pharmaceutical companies, etc, in the US, UK, and Canada. The hacks are reportedly perpetrated by Russian intelligence services under the names 'Cozy Bear', 'the Dukes', and 'APT29'.

And so yes! I'm relating the invading interloper comet NeoWise with invading hackers, bears, contagion, and all. Now really - can you blame me?

Related Links: NeoWise photos (Space dot com) and Russia Trying to Hack and Steal Covid-19 Vaccine Data (Reuters).

Image: 'Comet Skies'; a drawing.