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Showing posts with label NWO agenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO agenda. Show all posts

Sep 11, 2014

Leuren Moret: "Roots of the New World Order and Its Permanent War Economy"

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied with this fact than I am." -- First President and the 'Father of Our Country', George Washington, Freemason.

The above quote is cited in an article by Leuren Moret which covers several topics the results of which we see more clearly now. As last evening's presidential address detailed, more years of war in the Middle East will now be waged in a not-so-veiled fashion. That a consequence for the American people will involve the old 'guns'n'butter' issues seems to me a given.

Neocons Say, Bombs Away!

So I ask you, dear reader: do you support the military efforts partially discussed by President Obama last night? Approval polls are said to indicate that the US public is now swayed by the recent brutal beheadings of two American journalists by ISIS-ISIL-IS militants. Will you support providing more US funds for waging costly wars if it means that more American children go to bed hungry at night? Well, you know how austerely Republicans behave when it comes to marching off to fight the enemy out there vs feeding the hungry, extending unemployment benefits, and repairing our infrastructure at home. We the People pay and languish while they and their cronies fatten stock portfolios and simper around on cushy salaries and pensions.

So if you wish to read or re-read Leuren Moret's article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target I do recommend it considering that the certainty of Permanent War can no longer be denied nor can our 'war economy'. Professor Moret includes such topics as: Samuel Russell and the China Opium War (which fattened the fortunes of several top American families and funded wars and revolutions), the Illuminati (a Uranus-Neptune Age of Reason pair full of so-called Enlightenment, a code word for Luciferianism--jc), Weather Modification, and more concerning many of their tactics to attain World Domination (NWO.) Just look at what they're doing and are about to do again to the Middle East!

Plus, you'll find a handy dandy definition of the NWO's political philosophy: Zionism + Fascism = neo-conservatism That's our tiresomely psychopathic 'neo-cons' such as Dick Cheney and the gang of robbers. Shh-h! Don't look now but I think President Obama is in on the Great Plan, whether willingly or not for it may have involved 'an offer he couldn't refuse'...for 'the Big Picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise'.

Aug 18, 2014

"A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Globalists"

Jude Cowell has shared a video with you on YouTube
A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Globalists
Welcome back to Truthstream's "Letters to the New World Order". Letter #3 goes out to the pig-faced world-rapping globalist monsters of the NWO who are busy clapping their hooves together with glee as they ramp up for World War III, complete with more created chaos than propaganda coming out of the State Dept.

Three down, only 8,740 left to go.


P.S. Got an idea for a good letter? Send your NWO noun to and we'll consider it for an upcoming vid!

(All footage included is in the public domain.)

Letter 1: Dear NSA
Letter 2: Dear Bill Gates

Twitter: @TruthstreamNews

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Jun 14, 2014

Iraq Has Multiple Natal Horoscopes

Historically there exists more than one natal horoscope for the region the West calls 'Iraq'. Here are a few that are listed in Nicholas Campion's The World Book of Horoscopes with a few current planetary transits added:

Iraq (Kingdom): August 23, 1921 6:00 BGT -3:00 Baghdad (proclamation ceremony); ASC 4Vir54; MC 2Gem22; Sun 29Leo26 conj chart-ruler Mercury 29:06; Jupiter-Saturn conj in Virgo in 1st house; 8th house Moon 19Ari04. Transits 2014: Mars opposite n Moon; Neptune to n Uranus 8Pis00 Rx in 7th house of War; tr Pluto in Capricorn opposite n Pluto, then opposite n Venus 19Can47 in 11th house; .

Iraq Independence: October 3, 1932 10:30 GMT Baghdad (British mandate terminated): ASC 16Cap41 (tr Pluto approaches); MC 6Sco09 (tr Saturn was there recently for what seemed like forever); 1st house Saturn 28Cap07 (conj US natal Pluto Rx); 9th house Sun 10Lib00 conj Mercury 13:06 (tr Mars and its Rx period has been vexing them recently); 8th house Jupiter/Neptune conj in Virgo; 3rd house Uranus 21Ari52 Rx will experience an upcoming Uranus Return; 10th house Moon 24Sco45 under transiting rays of restrictive loss-bringer Saturn.

Iraq Republic: July 14, 1958 4:00 GMT Baghdad; ASC 14Leo40 surrounded by Uranus 10Leo39 and Mercury 14:54; MC 8Tau19 (recently hit by April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse still in effect until October 2014); 12th house Sun 21Can13; Moon 19Gem01 conj Venus 20:22 in 11th house--both opposing natal Saturn 20Sag21 Rx; 1st house Pluto 00Vir42 conj Royal Star of Persia, Regulus; 9th house Mars 25Vir25 opposing n Jupiter 22Lib41 where tr Mars approaches.

As for the aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq, there are two horoscopes which may be valuable concerning the current take-over by I.S.I.S., an organization consisting of of Sunnis, the ones the Bush-Cheney regime kicked out of government in order to install Shi'ites, grab oil and loot antiquities, and to further Bush Sr's "heralding of a new world order" which he brazenly had announced as the justification for waging his "Operation Desert Storm" on January 15, 1991 and using Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait as the trigger:

1. A temporary constitution was signed "by Iraqi representatives on the US appointed Governing Council in Baghdad at 1:35 pm on March 8, 2004."

2. "The formal transfer of sovereignty to Iraq took place at 10:26 am on June 28, 2004 in Baghdad, and this should be the basis of a new national chart." (Campion.)

Now we see the lousy results of the Global Government's design as Sunnis viciously fight against the 'new world order' which the West seeks to impose upon the Middle East while hidden entities cheer on the furthering of their longstanding plan that Christians and Muslims should kill one another and take all belief in religion itself down with them as violence and chaos take over.

Meanwhile, US news agencies, reporters, and political operatives 'on the payroll' attempt to keep the American people divided and conquered with stupid R v D strategies, neglect-of-veterans travesties, congressional political theater, constant lies about presidents and politicians, NSA scare tactics, propaganda meant to instill fear that ISIS will send its members to US soil to commit terrorist acts (which may actually be a set up for future false flag ops), and any other method to interfere with our awareness of what's really going on in the you-broke-it-you-own-it Middle East--a circumstance well described by the ongoing and active midpoint picture of:

Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt by those responsible.

#evil #devouringspirit

Apr 12, 2014

Sept 2016 Solar Eclipse affects Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017

Electing a President Under the 19 North Solar Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

Since America's November Election of 2016 arrives just after the Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 (@9 Virgo) we call this the Pre-Natal Eclipse of the Election. And it's the same with the next Inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2017: the September 2016 Solar Eclipse in the 19 North Saros Series will have a background influence upon the swearing-in of our next president as well as the November Election.

The 19 North Solar Eclipse @9Virgo on September 1, 2016 describes themes of 'realism, coming down to earth and seeing an old situation for what it really is--a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Yet given the degree of propaganda used in America through campaign ads, pundits, reporters, corporate shills, politicians, and others, it will be interesting to see if the themes of 19N have a positive influence on Campaign 2016 and on the term of a new president. If felt in Politics, Law, or Business, 19N will be operative at least until the next Solar Eclipse which manifests on February 26, 2017 @8Pisces, the degree of America's natal Pluto-Chiron (plutocracy) midpoint which conjoined our national Ceres (security, food supply, corn = prosperity, etc) on July 4, 1776. As you know, feminine goddesses were a preoccupation of our Founding Fathers who created America based on the Enlightenment principles of Science and reason.

America's natal Uranus, Planet of Revolution, Freedom, and Independence in the Mix

19N's degree (9Virgo) squares US natal Uranus 8Gem55 and opposes US natal Ceres and our Pluto-Chiron midpoint (8Pisces.) Will the themes of the eclipse block or merely be triggered? Uranus is always unpredictable yet we may expect that here it denotes an uncaring attitude toward humanity! 'Indifferent to the needs of society' seems a perfect description of recent anti-government upstarts and anarchists in Congress most if not all of whom are Republicans. Curiously, the 19N is also the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854) which may increase their chances of election, this common-good populist blogger is sad to say.

Unfortunately, if rascally Utopian anarchists and social engineers hold sway in our 2016 Election results, their lack of community spirit will prevent karmic progress for our nation and we will continue to regress on many levels of the evolutionary scale. As you know, their brother's keeper they are Not and we shall all be forced to reap what they sow while Ayn Rand dances a jig in her grave.

Another factor about the 19N eclipse--it manifests in Virgo, sign of Health, Work, and The Critic, and ruled by Mercury hints that President Obama's ACA program will be on the GOP menu as they've constantly threatened particularly if a Republican takes the White House. Now astrologically speaking I believe a Democrat will win but intrigue of a desperate kind could possibly interfere. Plus, other health care issues may come to the fore as well especially with nurturing Ceres involved with the eclipse--and likely security issues will be prominent. And there is one thing we know about Virgo when blended with politics and political campaigns: criticism will abound.

As for the next president, whoever is selected will continue the implementation of the Great Plan's 'new world economic order' whether male or female, Democrat or Republican. They will have no option to do otherwise as has been the case all along though I'm not entirely convinced that 18th century Illuminati proponents such as Thomas Jefferson expected that eventually such a major dismantling of our nation would occur as it's doing now under our noses--morphing into a totalitarian state. Maybe Jefferson knew, maybe he didn't. Did Benjamin Franklin understand the ultimate goal of global domination in the way it's being forcefully implemented now? If any of them did, my suspicion is that Dr. Franklin knew.

What form of government did the founders create?, Ben was asked by the man in the street. "A republic, if you can keep it," Franklin is said to have pithily replied.

Often we can get an idea of the sort of energy contained within a Saros Series by reviewing the events of the years in which it manifested. 19N = 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016), and next: 2034. With presidential politics, a remembrance of which presidents were in office during those years and the issues and laws with which they dealt may yield information related to modern day circumstances because history repeats in similar ways and sometimes with the same topics up for revision.

For the genesis of 19N themes, you may wish to take a look back at its date of inception, July 5, 1331, @20Can32 and consider the events occurring around that time. Naturally, 19N originally contained a Cancerian vibe, ruled by a nurturing yet tribal Moon. As for me, that must be a post for another day.

Mar 15, 2014

Putin, Russia's natal chart, and a Full Moon on March 16 2014

Virgo Full Moon March 16, 2014 conjoins Russia's Natal Ascendant 26Virgo11

by Jude Cowell

A Full Moon can be quite auspicious when it falls upon a natal planet or Angle and in the case of tomorrow's Full Moon @26Vir01, that would be the Ascendant of Russia's sovereignty horoscope (June 12, 1990; 9:45 am GMT, ASC 26Vir11; Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes.) Some kind of fulfillment of a project, a separation, or a culmination of a plan is indicated along with 'awareness in relationship' vibes attend Full Moons. And as you know, a referendum vote will be held tomorrow (March 16, 2014) to 'decide' if Crimea wants to hitch its star to Russia's wagon--either now or later, rather than unite with the European Union. That's a pretty sorry vote, if you ask me--a 'rock and a hard place' kind of deal for the people.

As the world sees, the 'project' involves troop movements and war for if we set tomorrow's Full Moon chart for Moscow, warrior Mars @26Lib06 Rx and North Node @28Lib37 are rising (ASC 12Lib33 which brings up America's natal Saturn @14Lib48. Can the US perform as a Saturnian barrier to events? We have been citing agreements signed by Russia concerning invasion of national sovereignty which Putin now ignores. And why not since everyone has noticed that the US didn't play by the rules when it invaded Iraq, for example. Hypocrisy much, Washington?)

For more info check out The Taipai Times' Ukraine braces for Crimea vote as violence flares or The Guardian's Russia vetoes Crimea motion as Kiev claims it repelled Russian troops in south Ukraine--live updates.

Additionally, the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse @11Sco15, which is still in force, conjoined, triggered, or eclipsed the natal Venus (11Sco42) of Vladimir Putin. Venus relates to jealousy, envy, and revenge and with his natal Venus in vengeful, secretive Scorpio, something was bound to happen. Venus in Scorpio can tend to waste its energy through excessive passion and self-control often wavers or vacillates with this placement. Unfortunately, the diplomatic skills of Venus seem to be lacking on Putin's part in current circumstances with belligerence holding sway. Plus, the attraction principle of Venus attracts spying Scorpio types of activities, interests, and people to the side of this 'former' KGB agent.

Mr. Putin's natal Sun Libra-Moon Gemini blend (Air-Air) indicates that he may spread himself too thin to accomplish all his goals but perhaps it somewhat depends upon who aids him in his current take-over endeavors.

Now if you haven't, you may wish to view President Putin's natal horoscope by visiting astrodatabank set for October 7, 1952 at 9:30 am, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. However, his birth data's accuracy is in question so the horoscope has a Rodden Rating of C.

Of interest concerning the March 16, 2014 Full Moon may be its Water-Earth Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend's Images for Integration: "Small events bring enormous consequences...A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself...Faith and reason shake hands." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

The reference to 'faith' and 'reason' reminds me of the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse with its Uranus (reason)/Neptune (faith) influences which also relate to the 'new world order', a massive global project we're watching develop under our noses in Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea with major US involvement--because all the little dictators want to be The Boss of the 'nwo'!

Nov 6, 2013

More Big Bank Scandals and Manipulations

Wealthy Pluto Manipulations: There Are No Accidents

by Jude Cowell

Following perfectly the truism that eclipses tend to uncover scandals and secrets--and since the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 was in the financial sign of secretive Scorpio--Rolling Stone has just published Matt Taibbi's article Chase Isn't the Only Bank in Trouble in which he informs us of a looming, worldwide Libor-like manipulation scandal about to headline the news and cause inestimable trouble for financial markets.

Or maybe not if the financial industry and the mainstream media collude for as long as possible to keep the bad news under wraps. After all, how much did you hear or read about Libor: The Crime of the Century?

And how easy is it to say that fraudulent developments and practices such as these are part of the Global Government agenda to crash the world economy so that everyone will plead for a new system to be set up--a "New World Economic Order"?

Very easy.

A current marker of trouble may include the cosmic occurrence of banker Jupiter turning retrograde tomorrow, November 7, 2013 (in an opposing dance with wealthy Pluto), at 12:03 am est on a critical degree (20Can30:39), a degree in the Zodiac between US natal Sun (13Can) and natal Mercury Rx (24Can) which indicates that financial matters are on leadership's and the people's minds along with a potential for optimism and a hopefully increasing sense of protection. Hmm. Perhaps the optimism comes from the unconscious Uranus-Neptune content of the November 3rd Solar Eclipse with its resolution-solution vibes which the world so sorely needs.

Sep 24, 2013

Sept 24, 2013: Pres. Obama's UN Address w UN natal chart

In New York City today during a Mercury Hour, from 10:07 am edt until 10:52 am edt, President Obama addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations. The president's Lunar Return to 3Gem21 occurred at 10:09 am edt so the separating trine with the Sun and the separating square from Neptune affect his natal Moon as well as today's Moon. The ongoing Neptune square to natal Moon denotes a difficult time for establishing steadfast alliances, and as you know, the entire world of nations is said to be angry at US spying on governments and world leaders via the NSA. Neptune is associated with spying just as is master spy Pluto.

At 10:07 am edt (NYC), 10Sco26 was rising along with authoritative Saturn @9Sco19, North Node of public contact @8Sco14, and orating Mercury @23Lib25, a degree that conjoins Arcturus (taking a different approach) and Spica (a potential for brilliance, but also The Spike.)

Venus @15Sco15, the Eagle Point, was on the rise as well--in company with transiting asteroid Toro (power, including nuclear) but with Mars as the chart and speech ruler (along with Pluto @8Cap59 as sub-ruler) at Midheaven--MC, The Goal), we find that American militarism was certainly on display for the world to see. Need an example? "The United States is prepared to use force in the region," President Obama asserted. As if anyone doubted it.

Plus, in a curious synchronicity, asteroid Atlantis ('America', but also 'where we feel doomed' and 'abuse of power') conjoins Mars and MC at 10:07 am edt. The MC degree of 18Leo53 puts the 'Mother of All Eclipses' that Nostradamus touted centuries ago smack dab at MC and is in the same Saros series (1 North) as the Pre-Natal Eclipse of the UN! The UN's PE manifestation @16Can57 is marked in the 4th house of this natal chart and today its degree is triggered by tr Jupiter @17Can34 in 9th house, thus expanding or increasing 1N's influence on current events.

1N themes include 'unexpected events put pressure on relationships or groups; issues loom large but it's unwise to make decisions because information is distorted and possibly false' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). This eclipse last occurred on August 11, 1999 and ushered in the New Millennium of terrorism used to control populations, not the least of whom is the American public. 1N's next manifestation will be on August 21, 2017 @29Leo, which conjoins Royal Star Regulus, which, btw, is at MC (00Vir31--Regulus has precessed to 00Vir+) when President Obama finished speaking today at 10:52 am. Undermining Neptune (The Masses; The Media) @3Pis13 Rx conjoined the IC (Foundation; Endings) of the speech's chart.

To my cynical ears, it seemed the president hinted at more violent terror attacks being perpetrated for global government types will do anything to fulfill their long term goal. And many Americans now admit--however reluctantly--that false flag ops have been used by our government to emotionally inspire us to march into ill-advised wars.

And yet, diplomatic Venus was on hand this morning to 'sugar coat the message' as much as possible yet her jealous and vengeful nature is visible quite clearly whenever the planet is posited in vengeful, spying Scorpio--ruled by the forceful duo of Mars-Pluto. Scorpio is the sign where another Solar Eclipse will manifest on November 3, 2013 @11Sco15. Around that time and after, there is potential for more hidden meanings and inconvenient secrets to be unveiled and if you click to view the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC, you'll see that warrior Mars @11Vir11 is at MC, a militaristic echo of today's UN Address. The November 3, 2013 eclipse will conjoin the Ascendant of today's speech chart--the speech itself--but with its Sabian Symbol as a possible saving grace: '11Sco' = "A Drowning Man Rescued." (Jones.)

Now for future reference and for those who may not already have this chart in their astro-files, below is the natal horoscope of the United Nations which was officially set up in Washington DC on October 24, 1945 at 4:45 pm est when the 'US Secretary of State signed a protocol of deposit of ratification' (Campion). The organization, a prototype of the 'new world order' sports the stop-go energy of a Mars-Saturn conjunction in 4th house, an excitable Moon-Uranus conjunction with the Moon conjoining US natal Mars in Gemini, and a goddess worhiping Venus-Neptune conjunction in Libra which reveals the involvement of the Vatican in its formation. Enlarge to read a few basic notes concerning the UN where you'll see that today's Neptune (at 12th cusp) and Pluto (at MC) are penned outside the chart along with a few US natal placements...such as our natal Chiron rising:

For me, the most telling midpoint picture of the UN natal chart is penned on for Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment planets, form a word picture with Pluto in Leo...Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: 'the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, there is very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl)--the 'big picture'? A totalitarian agenda which we're now seeing implemented before our very eyes as the US war machine marches across the globe and the West challenges the East for global dominance. The ancient fight continues between Abraham's sons...

Please note that in my haste, I neglected to add to the chart that it's a Mars Hour, and that Pluto is apex planet of a second midpoint picture (Venus-Uranus = Pluto) which adds vibes of notoriety, fated unions, and exhibitionism to the character of the UN.

Aug 12, 2013

"The Neuro Revolution" Zack Lynch (video)

A disturbing presentation but posted here on a need-to-know basis...

America's defense spending--our tax dollars--underwrites this research for use against us. Talk about Global Government promoters and engineers destroying what the American people once believed was their constitutional right to privacy!

Jun 4, 2013

Secrets Not So Secret For the People

Saturn-Neptune: Secrets Not So Secret For The People

by Jude Cowell

If you dare and have the time, here's a site that's new to me in case you wish to check out such topics as Who the new world order aggressors are and What their agenda's Something for the People which also links to Cutting Edge.

Cutting Edge provides a Timeline of events that most people remember but may not have realized their full significance while they were occurring. One such is the "Fall" of the Berlin Wall, an important timer on the road to the 'new world order' (or, 'new world economic order' as some call it including Pope John Paul the-whatever.) Apparently the Vatican is the chosen vessel of the new order's "religious" content as if that makes the slightest bit of sense to a Protestant like me! Plus, some say that the "Mark of the Beast" in Scripture is Sunday worship which doesn't jive at all with the 7th-day Sabbath keeping of this blogger or with that of other believers who take seriously the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Not to mention those of other faiths who worship on Fridays or on other days!

The solemnity of Saturday ("Saturn's Day") has not been changed by the Vatican, they just pretend it has and use the fact that almost all Protestant denominations misguidedly follow them into Sunday worship--24 hours too late! The Sabbath is a 24-hour window of Time through which we may see Eternity, all the way back to Earth's Creation Week and as such it has not changed or been changed from its Fourth Commandment sacredness which admonishes us to "Remember the Sabbath Day". In fact, Jesus rested in His tomb on the 7th-day Sabbath and arose on the First Day of the Week, the day of the Sun, the day the Vatican is determined that everyone will eventually observe--if they want to 'buy or sell'.

Planetary Markers of a 'new world order'

Now if you're an astrologer you know that on the night the Berlin Wall was torn down (November 9, 1989), the *Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune were occurring (from 10 to 12 Capricorn, where transiting Pluto--the Pope; the Secret Hand--now treads. This creates a midpoint picture which links 1989 with current day so let's consider its potentials for manifestation while remembering that the pair of Saturn-Neptune denotes such things as Communism, Socialism, Bolshevikism, Capitalism, Materialism v Spiritualism, secret/invisible government, martyrs, poor and depressed people, suffering, leaders who deceive, strong v weak, etc--and walls (Saturn) dissolving (Neptune):

1989 Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto 2013+: rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt by guilty parties; new ideas on evolution upset long-held but weaker historical theories; punishment for those who've let decay and decadence persist (the IRS' spend thrifty parties and dance videos? A Joy Coach?? jc); feeling downtrodden; tremendous fear of loss; fear.

And of course, emotional manipulation especially via fear is one of the main tools by which propagandists sway the public toward acceptance of a 'new world order' in which, as we've already seen in Newtown, CT, our children are not safe from their gun-toting grasp.


Further reading may be found concerning what was the next Planetary Marker of a new world order, the Great Conjunction/s of the Age of Enlightenment Planets, Uranus and Neptune, which conjoined in Capricorn all through 1993 and hinted at "smug or strong-armed paternalism" vibes of totalitarian control. Here are a few astro-notes and the primary natal horoscope I use to study the NWO in our era.

Speaking of our children not being safe from these reptiles, the 1993 chart particularly pertains to the presidency of Bill Clinton who presided over the Siege at Waco (military force used to kill innocent US citizens including children--did the American people protest overmuch?) and the Bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK (1995) where papers and records concerning the Waco conflagration were stored--and where children attended daycare, much to our sorrow, but little to our protest.

Also see my 2008 unedited post on the Oklahoma City Bombing which includes the horoscope. You'll see, among other things (click the horoscope to enlarge) that America's natal Uranus @8Gem55 rises with its indications of rebellion, revolution, uprisings, separations, and explosive actions and upsets--and of course Gemini and its ruler Mercury relate to young people, children, papers, and records.

*1989: Saturn conjunct Neptune: 1. March 3 @11Cap55; 2. June 24 @11Cap14; 3. November 13 @10Cap22; the "Fall" of the Berlin Wall occurred 4 days prior to Conjunction #3 with transiting Jupiter opposite @10Can38 and Rx...

1989 Saturn-Neptune = 1989 Jupiter: expanded ideas that reality is just a vision ("life is but a dream"? sing along!); deceptive practices are further concealed by religious ceremonies (Munkasey); depression; narrow-mindedness; egoism; easy upsets (Ebertin); very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight (Tyl.)

Feb 17, 2013

Sec of State John Kerry: a 'new world order' (video)

There's a 'higher' agenda and has been for many years in Washington DC about creating a 'new world order' or as some call it, a 'new world economic order'. We saw evidence with the attacks of 9/11/01 and Financial Collapse 2008.

Since I didn't bother to watch Senator Kerry's recent (certain) confirmation hearing for Secretary of State, I missed his repeated reference to a 'new world order' and the fact that he actually cited a book authored by a war criminal (and fellow perpetrator of war criminal Richard Nixon), one Henry Kissinger.

I hereby remedy my neglectful omission of Senator Kerry's draconian remarks:

It seems that John Kerry didn't learn anything useful after all about lying us into war from his stint in Vietnam. Or, he willingly succumbed to 'playing the game' in Washington in order to get ahead and receive plum assignments for his Skull'n'Bones self. After serving in the war, Kerry's famous testimony about who wants to be the "last man in Vietnam," etc, was probably more for future political maneuvering than high ideals, or so I've suspected for a long time. (I watched him on TV the day he gave his testimony to a Congress full of warmongers and agreed with his lofty rhetoric. But I was younger and more gullible then...constant lies from my government through the years have cured the condition.)

So now he's getting his 'dream job' of Secretary of State, the one he's prepared for all his life, some say. With Jupiter's Direct Station @6Gem19 on January 30, 2013, this hope is realized with Jupiter conjoining Kerry's natal Uranus 6Gem20 Rx--in natal 6th house of Work and Jobs (plus, the 6th H is Cadent = preparation.) Transit Jupiter will proceed to conjoin his natal Mars @10Gem36 Rx (6th H), move into 7th H from 6th H and hit his natal Moon, then natal Saturn @23Gem30 Rx. Here's a brief summary though other effects are in the mix such as tr Jupiter opposite n Sun and trine n Neptune 4Lib04 at MC 5Lib39:

Jupiter to n Uranus = political and financial expansion succeeds; Jupiter to n Mars = work success, favored in competition, dynamic energy and force but should avoid overconfidence for best results; Jupiter to m Moon = emotional satisfaction, popularity, and a higher social status; Jupiter to n Saturn = burdens are eased, hard work and patience merit success and recognition, authority is rewarded.

For a view of John Kerry's natal horoscope with details visit his astrodatabank page although his birth time is rated C for 'accuracy in question'. Yet his Sun 18Sag40 (rising) and Moon 17Gem31 (setting) seem to be the correct Sun-Moon blend, so we find a man of creative Fire and mental Air who is versatile, inventive, intellectual, and sociable. Good at giving practical advice, he's less able to deal with emotions, and can be tactless and short-tempered when things don't suit him. (Who isn't?)

A natural spokesperson, Senator Kerry is famously long-winded often doubling back on himself while speaking though he doesn't seem quite as bad about circuitous expression as he once did. (Plus, I have a young relative with a Gemini Moon who is very chatty and can talk in paragraphs without taking a breath!) President Obama has natal Moon in communicative Gemini as well and is known for his rhetorical talent (but with natal Sun in Leo.)

Yet there is a caution with Sun Sag-Moon Gemini which is a tendency to spread oneself too thin and not finish projects. May setting up perpetual war to establish a draconian 'new world order' of totalitarian global government be one of those projects.


Blog Note: if you wish, scroll to the sidebar's Search field and type 'nwo' and you'll have a list of posts, some with the modern NWO natal chart (timed by the third of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune in 1993) and others with lists of politicians and others who have mentioned--threatened--the creation of a 'new world order' through the decades. If you wish.

Jan 6, 2013

2013 Energies and 113th Congress = Sun Cap--Moon Virgo

2013 Opens with Earth-Fire Energies and a 113th Congress with Practical Possibilities

by Jude Cowell

With the January 3rd swearing in of the 113th Congress of the United States, we find its signature Sun-Moon blend to be Sun Cap-Moon Virgo, a practical Earth-Earth combo of energies which gives me a tad of hope that this particular gaggle of lawmakers (with obstructionists continuing their heel-yapping aimed at government shutdown and other mischiefs) will make serious efforts to treat our nation and the American people (such as Hurricane Sandy victims--and all women) better than did the non-productive 112th Congress.

And yet the Uranian anarchists who've wormed their rotten way into Congress (and joined the new world order shills and agents already there) don't cause me to think that the US government is dysfunctional or broken--though they're trying. But their outrageous behavior and obstructionist antics do cause me to think that traitors to America and American sovereignty should be expelled from government asap.

Year 2013 Imprinted with Sun Cap-Moon Leo Energies

Some key phrases that describe the atmosphere or flavor of Year 2013 based on its beginning Earth-Fire Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend (Jan 1, 2013 12:00 am ET Capitol Building) include: volcanic lava creates new land, a bulldozer pushes ahead no matter what, the enthusiastic doer, practical visionaries, eyes toward the main chance, sense of humor, rational bias, compulsive need for control and power, tremendous certitude concerning ideologies, dictatorial and insensitive to the needs of others (more of same), powerful egos, can make high-powered decisions and shove through policies, authoritative, authoritarian.

Actually, Fire-Earth describes the natal blend of old J.P. Morgan (Sun Aries-Moon Virgo), as you may know. Perhaps a famous quote from his nibs (a nwo agent, too, btw) might sum up the sort of mindset of the Washington varmints and operatives that the American people will suffer by during Year 2013:

"I don't hire a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do."

Plus, the Sun Cap-Moon Leo combo is shared natally by Mao Tse-tung who in his own nwo way suggested a ploy we now see implemented by infiltration of our federal, state, and local governments:

"Wherever we go, we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them..."

Welcome, dear reader, to 2013.

And on a more positive level, be sure to check out Dipali Desai's consideration of the January 11th New Moon in Capricorn.

Apr 1, 2012

Max Igan: Energy & 2012 (video)

No such thing as global warming. Everything is energy. We are all one. Change the world. Love is the Foundation of the Universe. The Mayan Long Count Calendar will end in December 2012. We all make mistakes--it's not correcting them that creates problems. Sunspots are implicated. The Illuminati is enthralled by numbers like '11'. Fibonacci was on to something...

Max Igan in 3 parts:

Part 1 of 3

Part of 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

Oct 20, 2011

The Fed, B of A, JP Morgan put US taxpayers on EU's hook

Are US Taxpayers EU Banks' Sugar Daddies?

by Jude Cowell

Don't spew your cereal but it has been revealed that our tricky old Federal Reserve Bank has put US taxpayers on the hook--in a word, responsible--for the financial fall out if European banks fail!

In the brew are two of our usual criminal suspects who got no regulatory approval for this scheme--Bank of America and J. P. Morgan. Meanwhile, the Fed and the FDIC are said to be tussling (my word) over whether the sneaky plan is "sound"!

Considering how much payback transnational bankers such as the House of Rothschild expect from America and her own debts, I can assure them that there is no 'soundness' involved but there is an abundant of injustice, fraud, and corruption.

And perhaps there is an agenda peeking out: to collapse the global economy for their own purposes of 'rebuilding anew upon ruins' (aka, a NWO, or 'one-world-government'.) The plutonians believe that we must be forced to see that nation-states simply cannot 'handle' the massive size of the world's problems--financial, environmental, social, and political--so, they think, we'll eventually plead for a new system of an illuminized design.

Through the decades they've set up a 'global economy' so it can be knocked down on their timetable--making a worldwide take-over possible. My hope is that the usual 'criminals are stupid' factor will gum up their 'Great Plan' before they do much more damage! Of course, normal people standing up to global banking corruption is an absolute must more than ever.

In Astrology, there is a descriptive midpoint picture to watch for in transits concerning this global take-over topic is:

*Saturn/Pluto = Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses. (Tyl.)

Well, click above to read The Daily Bail for there's no telling what anyone's total exposure is since Wall Street successfully lobbied during the passage of the watered-down Dodd-Frank bill so that there is no central exchange to keep track of net derivative exposure.

This massive scheme explains Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's recent hopping around Europe pleading with EU leaders to agree to bailout their own banks! Wonder why they have to be pleaded with? Germany's recalcitrance? The rich don't want to help out poorer nations?

Or...does the scheme also explain why EU leaders can't--or refuse to--come to a financial agreement? Let US taxpayers do it!

News flash for the EU: in America, we can barely pay our teachers, firefighters, and policemen. But of course, in America, banks are people, too.
Yes! I heard this morning that Libya's president-on-the-run Qaddafi was killed at dawn Thursday but have no time in today's schedule for more blogging. So I point you to the excellent coverage on this and other important topics at Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman.

*Of course, the US directly 'met' the cruel desires of the Saturn/Pluto pair when the two planets opposed one another on the morning of the 9/11/01 attacks, an event and a planetary signature that mark forever the illegal presidency of George W. Bush (may he be arrested in Canada soon for his torturing interests. Bill Clinton will be there, too--two birds with one stone?)

Jul 28, 2011

Horoscope: EU Flag w July 28 2011 transits

Is Something Bizarre Going On in Washington DC?

by Jude Cowell

Yes, it is. And though it's hot as Hades in Georgia lately, like you I am snowed under with news and propaganda concerning the purposefully manufactured debt-deal-crisis/default-threat now being waged for the cameras, microphones, and the public in Washington DC. Personally I am not impressed for in Politics, if it happens, it was meant to happen--almost without exception!

And you know that impeaching President Obama is on their freaky take-over agenda.

Now disruptive planet Uranus is always cast as the rebel, the revolutionary, the catalyst, the Genius, and the Awakener, right? Well, with Ebertin cluing us in to the hidden identity of Uranus when in Mars-ruled Aries--as it was during Hitler's rise to power--as 'Utopians', I believe Utopians of the secret society kind are now in progress of completing a total coup and collapse of the US government and US financial system in which Financial Collapse 2008 played its role.

So I've set up a noon horoscope for the *EU--NWO Flag Unfurling and thought you might wish to view the chart with today's transits (noon) in Brussels (where The Beast of a Super-Computer has every one's data squirreled away for the luciferian-satanic New World Order elite to use however its directors will. We're not going to like it either.)

Meanwhile, with Speaker Boehner's plan to be voted on in the House today if he can muster enough troops, most of us feel America is at a 'bending or breaking point' (brittle Saturn v Uranus with controlling Pluto squaring them in a titanic T-Square for months, off and on....'brutality; harm through force majeure'--Ebertin.)

Will the American public be swayed toward the lesser of two evils--the Obama solution--to 'improve' our economic condition? How will the rest of the global economy behave if the US defaults on her legal debts and renegs on all the responsibilities which will have to be neglected because of Washington ideologues shoving their fanatic agenda onto our country? Most Washington politicians operate as the political arm of a larger globe-striding organization, I keep tellin' ya!

Plus, one reason I'm posting the EU--NWO Flag chart here is for my own future reference and I hope any Astrology buff reading this post will take the chart into consideration especially with such precarious conditions now affecting the European financial system along with that of the United States, and the world.

UPDATE August 3, 2011: economist Paul Krugman's NYT op-ed This Morning's Grim Eurothought is brief yet elucidating on the EU situation which is now being repeated from the past when financial crisis in Europe helped precipitate the 1929 Crash in the US. He makes this post's case! And a new study of the chart can shed light on the baked-in weaknesses now causing trouble in the EU and hamstringing efforts at financial improvement. OF course, a look at the natal chart of the EU itself is also instructive.

Original post continues here:

Above, you see a noon chart for the European Union (EU)--slash 'NWO'--Flag Unfurled enterprise set for July 14, 1989 Brussels, Belgium. This was the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution's Bastille Day and was probably chosen for just this reason. Occult symbolism applies.

Please enlarge the horoscope by clicking and perhaps you can read my chicken-scratch notes since blogging time is rather limited today for I have lots to do.

ASC 27Vir34 MC 26Gem52 conjunct Jupiter; Hour Jupiter; NN of Destiny = US natal Moon (we-the-people); 1st quarter (crisis in action phase); **pile-up in structural, governmental, business-oriented Capricorn of Uranus 2:34, Saturn 9:45, and Neptune 10:42 in the 4th H (Foundation) of the noon chart. Two midpoint pictures now form in July 2011 through the efforts of transiting Pluto the Powerful--you see them listed on the chart, bottom left:

1989 Saturn/Uranus = 2011 Pluto: desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary efforts; brutality; concealing changes to activities (peep-eye, Capitol Hill! jc); drastic reforms in a previously liberal atmosphere (balancing the US budget on the backs of the ill, poor, children and the elderly?-- jc.)

As you see, tr Mars today conjoins 1989's Jupiter at MC which expands the part activist Mars is playing in events--monetary and social status may be improved if negative factors don't interfere; however, the temptation is to give people more credit than they deserve!

Oddly enough, 1989's Moon @ 29Sco44 was conjoined by US Inaugural Moon 2009--we-the-people during Mr. Obama's presidential Oath Taking...'30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester", a Sabian Symbol with all sorts of implications including that of Grand Master Templar Jacques Demolay whose untimely death by execution long ago seems to be revenged ad nauseum even now and which is marked through history, as some folk say, by the unlucky 'Friday the 13th' superstition.

As you see in 10th house, our current Solar Eclipse 9Can12 of July 1, 2011 is posited with its Cancerian emphases on democracy, power struggles, restrictions, inflexibility, money difficulties (conjunct US natal Sun and Jupiter), trade, commerce, and transport disturbances, real estate, food supplies and shortages (famine), homelessness, foreclosure, and refugee issues, and misfortune concerning buildings and property. Plus, Moon-ruled Cancer the Crab is the 'side-stepper'!

(One of the basic tenets of the 'Great Plan' or 'Secret Doctrine' of the Utopians is to abolish ownership of all kinds along with the dissolution of all civilized institutions including family ties--as Hitler managed to do for a time. The same spirit attempts to hold sway over the world in 2011. Note: the July 28, 2011 noon transits show Venus/Pluto rising, a combo that relates to bankruptcy or forced bankruptcy as in Greece, and now--in America; also Venus/Pluto = extremes of wealth hidden in secret places--Munkasey. Venus/Pluto - ASC: wielding great infuence or a fascination upon others; focus on a need for political response to those with a destructive or punishing intent--YES!)

On Capitol Hill, the GOP is all but giddy at the thought of the financial precipice America teeters upon as they implement their plan to "see Obama fail." And it seems that President Obama is walking right into the trap! Is he secretly on the side of these particular Utopians? Probably not. Others? Yes, or he wouldn't be in the White House. Yet these brigands hope to 'build anew upon the ashes' of our nation...remember The Phoenix was preferred by certain of America's founders to serve as our national symbol, and not the eagle.

A synchronistic chart factor is a repeating midpoint--in early Aries on July 14, 1989, and on July 28, 2011 as well. It involves the Jupiter/Neptune pair of inflationary practices, grand schemers, speculators, spendthrifts, and wastrels--and guess which planet sits upon its apex, then and now?

1989 and 2011 Jupiter/Neptune = 2011 Uranus: disruptive events which have no real explanation (but the media goes round and round); basing decisions on odd or supernatural theories; unaccustomed confusion (Capitol Hill is playing this well--jc); impersonal treatment for those with drug dependencies (private prisons in the US are chocked full of people arrested for getting high--a medical condition--jc); imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Well, Mr. Boehner held a presser a while ago so I'll mosey along for now. Let me know if you wish to comment on-topic concerning this horoscope, or on the societal conditions now prevailing. If the GOP is allowed to set the timeline of the 'debt crisis' for December 2012--aka, the can down the road tactic to affect the 2012 election--Americans can go ahead and kiss their Merry Christmas 2011 good-bye.


*Source for EU-NWO Flag Unfurling July 14, 1989: Nicholas Hagger's book The Syndicate: The Story of the Coming World Government which I highly recommend to those interested in uncovering such topics.

A news note from Thom Hartmann's broadcast today: GE is moving its x-ray technology business to China so more US jobs will be disappearing. Besides undermining the American economy further, GE's move to Beijing also 'pokes a stick' in the President's eye--compliments of his reputed 'jobs czar', Mr. Immelt.

**Notes on the 1989 chart's pile-up (trio) in Capricorn

Saturn conjunct Uranus:

1. Feb 13, 1988 @ 29Sag55
2. June 26, 1988 @ 28Sag47
3. Oct 18, 1988 @ 27Sag49

Saturn conjunct Neptune:

1. March 3, 1989 @ 11Cap55
2. June 24, 1989 @ 11Cap14
3. Nov 13, 1989 @ 10Cap22

Uranus conjunct Neptune (planets of the Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Reason, and the NWO):

1. Feb 2, 1993 @ 19Cap34
2. Aug 20, 1993 @ 18Cap48
3. Oct 24, 1993 @ 18Cap33

1989 Solar Eclipse at Crisis Degree

The 1989 chart's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) is at a critical or crisis degree, '17Pisces'. In July 2011, the transiting midpoint Of Uranus/Neptune is, as marked, @ 17Pis19 thus stimulating 1989's EU Flag Unfurling PE which is in the 9 New North Series: 'violence, great or sudden physical efforts and/or events; accidents; guarding one's safety.' (Brady.) 9NN last manifested on March 19, 2007 (George Bush!) @ '28Pisces' and will next occur in 2025.

9NN is the PE of the WikiLeaks release of the US helipcopter carnage video, of Julian Assange himself (1971), of Abraham Lincoln (1809), Bobby Jindall (1971), of assassinated President Garfield's inauguration (1881), Edgar Alan Poe (1809), and the Generation of Materialism (Robber Barons, 1881)...aka, the Great Bubble Creators who now desert America where they first made their fortunes.

(btw: Oct 24, 1993 is the date I use to time a natal chart for the New World Order;
Uranus/Neptune @ '19Cap' = "POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism"--M. E. Jones.)

My heartfelt condolences go to the good people of Norway for this would be the type of Uranus/Neptune paternalism the social freak on his political rampage wishes to shove upon the world with his 'awakening' massacre of defenseless teenagers in Norway on July 23, 2011--a 'New Knights Templar', as he styles his racist self. He's a Utopian similar to, and reading the works of, America's right-wing crazies who now intrigue to impeach President Obama and crash the US economy to make him look the culprit.

Links of interest may be: Free Press and Conversations With Great Minds.

Jun 14, 2011

Video: Bilderberg Conference 2011 St. Moritz (NWO)

Care to consider what's up with some of the real world leaders and deciders? Then I'm passing this Bilderberg video on to you along with my translation of an admonishment we're hearing frequently in the news as it's given to certain national leaders the US wishes to topple: "You're on the wrong side of history."

My translation: it's useless to fight against the New World Order - we propped you up, we can take you down. Now get with our one-world-government agenda or else.

Now here's an outsider's video report from St. Moritz on Bilderberg Conference June 2011 which was provided to me by the excellent

Posted: 13 Jun 2011 09:49 AM PDT

Corbett Report viewer Chad Buchanan of submits this video report from the site of this year’s Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Implementing Those Utopian Dreams

by Jude Cowell

In the video above, we learn that old David Rockefeller turned up in St. Moritz as did known war criminal Henry Kissinger, both hoping to seal the NWO deal before they kick off to the Great Beyond. Hopefully, neither will 'let the screen door hit their bums' on the way out. (No, I never tend to wish for anyone's demise, but really!)

Well, you remember David Rockfeller's famous speech before the Trilateral Commission in 1991 about establishing a New World Order (aka, one-world-government), right? Here's an illuminating snippet:

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

And former presidential candidate Nelson Rockfeller was squawking about the same totalitarian bilge back in the 1960s when it was reported by the AP that, "as president, he would work toward international creation of a new world order." He'd have to in order to become US president! Yet another took his place at the helm.

Often I think of Rockefeller's pledge in 2011 as national leaders are shown the door (in the Middle East and elsewhere.) One assumes they're not cooperating well enough while wishing to retain a nation-state status for their own purposes and for NWO types, nation-states just won't do.

If such topics interest you, check out this NWO Timeline to see who's been touting world government through the decades. But the list doesn't go back in history nearly far enough! We'd need to consider such luminaries as Sir Francis Bacon & cohorts for that - those who inspired the founding of the 'New Atlantis' aka, America.

And prior to that European crew's exalted utopian vision of dominating the entire world, we'd have to go back as far as their guiding light, Satan. (Note: some Luciferians are alleged to think that the concept of 'satan' is a myth. In past studies, I learned that the entity was called Lucifer while in Heaven, but 'Satan' once he was cast out of Heaven, then tempted and corrupted the Earth through lies of insinuation against God. But pursuing either idol - Satan or Lucifer - results in worshiping death rather than life.)

For more on such topics check this out. It includes much info along with a list of the then-top 8 stockholders of the Federal Reserve System which I reproduce below to whet your sleuthing appetite. These are the dudes in control of America's money supply (instead of the US Congress minting our money.) Note that Lehman Brothers was high handedly taken out of commission during the engineered Financial Collapse of 2008:

Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
Lazard Brothers Banks (sounds like, Lizard) of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
'Lehman Brothers Bank of NY'
Kuhn-Loeb Bank of NY
Manhattan Bank of NY
Goldman-Sachs Bank of NY

What amazes me is that anyone with a connection to the Internet can doubt that there's a massive, long term conspiracy afoot to crash governments and financial systems and establish a new totalitarian system in Satan's image which the power elites so lovingly call a New World Order!

Astrologically, in 2011 we see much of the strong-arm energy playing out brutally and forcefully through the auspices of an apex Pluto in Capricorn squaring the opposition between status quo Saturn and futuristic Uranus, an opposition which is stressful enough on its own without wealthy saboteur and assassin Pluto's intervention!

And though regular readers of SO'W are probably quite fatigued by it, I'll close by again typing out from Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, the midpoint picture formed these several months by the Cardinal (outgoing, initiating energy) T-Square (frustration; blockages) between the trio of globalist culprits:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: concealing changes to activities (ex: secretive world-directors the Bilderbergers meet in St. Moritz June 2011! jc); drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; termination of extreme practices which have been hindering progress; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation.

Jun 6, 2011

Dancing w Thomas Jefferson June 4, 2011 (video)

No Dancing Allowed, Says Saturn!

by Jude Cowell

Since the early days of America's existence, the powers that be have built up founder and Declaration of Independence author Thomas Jefferson to be our Icon of Freedom. Indeed, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial on the lunar Tidal Basin in Washington DC contains an imposing statue of our American Sphinx, a Francophile who must have turned a musical toe or two while enjoying the Parisian society of his day.

Video below: On Saturday, June 4, 2011, another 'dance-off' occurred only 3 days after a Solar Eclipse manifested @ 11Gem02 atop the Jefferson Memorial's dedication ceremony Saturn 9Gem21. The Memorial's dedication was held in 1943 during the transit of America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 (planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, revolution, and disruptive protests) by authoritarian and lawmaker Saturn.

President Franklin Roosevelt presided over the Memorial dedication on April 13, 1943, the 200th anniversary of Mr. Jefferson's birth (April 13, 1743 NS; Shadwell, Virginia; birth time usually listed as 1:53 pm LMT but is conflicted/unverified.)

May and June 2011

With rebellious Awakener Uranus (America's planetary totem) now @ '4Aries', it is interesting to note that the noon horoscope of the dedication ceremony of April 13, 1943 for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial now has transiting Uranus crossing the Midheaven of the chart (The Goal; Aspirations) and bringing disruptive dancing By, Of, and For The People with it while we remember and honor the principles of freedom and independence which Jefferson embedded and ingrained within our national documents!

The 1943 Saturn to US natal Uranus transit sounds suspiciously similar to current events such as being arrested (restrictive Saturn) for dancing in a public memorial space (free-wheeling Uranus.) Ramping up the political stakes, the US is now in the midst of a (30-year cycle) Saturn Return with the third of three conjunctions occurring on August 28, 2011.

Yes, a Saturn-to-Uranus transit occurred under Nixon's watch in the 1970s along with a reciprocal transit: Uranus to US natal Saturn (14Lib48.) Obviously, dynamics of the Saturn-Uranus dichotomy (status quo v progress; old structures fall so the new can be established; stagnation v reform) were heavily highlighted during the Nixonian era. As you know, Nixon removed the US from the gold standard which, among other things, made full payment of the citizenry's debts difficult if not impossible.

Here are brief descriptions of the reciprocal Saturn-Uranus transits of the early 1970s; Saturn and Uranus were precisely opposing one another on Election Day 2008 which marks the Obama administration with their brittle vibrations:

Saturn to n Uranus: circumstances restrict personal freedom and independence and attempts to take new approaches are stymied or delayed; unorthodox methods are nixed by authority; frustration results from a lack of planning; endless red tape creates delays but don't give up since thoughtful and careful organization can still win the day. (Or, Win the Future, as you prefer.)

Uranus to n Saturn: circumstances challenge or bring change to areas governed by tradition, rules, regulations, and laws as re-evaluation and review become necessary. These areas may be considerably altered while retaining the basic structures of society.

Fast forward to 2011, and it's tradition and stability on the chopping block as Pluto now deconstructs Capricornian systems and forms and topples world leaders and economies, and our national Saturn Return highlights the debt ceiling impasse now challenging America's ability to pay her debts if the nation's credit limit is not raised by August 2, 2011, as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner insists it must be...or we'll be in for a world o'hurt which may crash the remnants of a shaky global economy.

Yet total global financial collapse of the old is just what the New World Order ordered so their carefully planned agenda seems to be running on schedule.

Meanwhile, all this makes me want to dance the night away with Thomas Jefferson who warned us against many policies (standing army, foreign wars, a debilitated press, etc) now used and bedeviled by the Utopian Usurpers among us whose best ideas include criminal activities such as the resource plundering and population control allowed by endless war and brash anti-sovereignty invasions.

Further reading: America enters WWII.

Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe serving up Political Astrology articles, horoscopes, and more.

What I'm reading now: American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson.

Jun 3, 2011

Contagion, Neptune in Pisces, and Alan Watt on video 6.3.11

From June 2, 2011, the following series of videos present to you the Alex Jones Show featuring Alan Watt with updated details concerning the one-world-government agenda. The interview begins by discussing contagion and super-bugs as planet Neptune, dissolver of boundaries (such as cell walls), keeps a toe just inside its own sign of Pisces, yet is poised to return for a brief spell into late degrees of scientific Aquarius.

As you know, murky Pisces, ruled by expansive Jupiter and co-ruled by higher octave planet Neptune, relates, along with its opposite of Virgo (health, discrimination, categorizing function, digestive tract where much of our immune system is centered) to such topics as contagion, epidemics, contamination, poisons, and disease in general. Treachery is also indicated and population control is on the menu.

Of course you've been hearing in the last several days of an E. coli outbreak in Europe particularly in Germany where I'm sad to say people have been sickened and some have died from what sounds like a Frankensteinian bug (two strains
combined - by human hands of a reptilian persuasion?) First the powers that be blamed cucumbers! Turns out they blamed too soon.

(Click E. coli article link above for updated news about the outbreak with video. It's being named 'the worst ever seen'.)

Meanwhile the Russian government has stopped importation of food products from the affected region, another economic blow for the EU and a new example of food supply issues previously detailed on this blog in recent Solar Eclipse posts. Disturbingly, the June 1, 2011 eclipse in Gemini (trade, commerce, transport, communications, news, duality) is one, but the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 in Cancer (food, sustenance, nurturing, domestic scene) is even more worrisome.

Plus, the Cancer eclipse's influence is strengthened because it marks the birth of a brand new Saros Cycle - and manifests @ 9Can12 which is very near America's July 4th Independence Day 2011 and snugged between US natal Jupiter and Sun by degree.

The world can't seem to catch much of a break anymore, can it? It is my belief that there are social engineers making sure it can't and for their own selfish purposes which they consider to be more important than you, me, or our children.

So check out the June 2nd interview with Alan Watt, if you dare though I can't say it's for wilting flowers who wish to get their mainstream news served daily on a plate of roses laced with candy canes and lemon drops. Want unicorns with that?

Even in constantly propagandized America it's become obvious that there are two tiers of Medicine, one for the power elite, the other for the rest of us (if you can get treatment at all.) Discussed here are the two tiers of Science where superbugs don't invade (Neptune) the cells of the elite class who get the 'real' inoculations. You may disagree, but it's worth a listen just to see if the information rings any bells with you.

And if you don't care for Alex Jones, a bombastic sort of speaker, I do understand but please look beyond style to the basic info being provided, would ya? Keep a grain of salt handy, yes, and don't draw any conclusions before you take in the entire presentation at your leisure.

Warning: an open mind may be required!

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Related links:

Prison Planet
Info Wars


The Neptune in Pisces phenomena we're experiencing through health and contagion issues are also manifesting in the current upping of computer viruses and hackings but that's a topic beyond the scope of this article. And of course, invasion across sovereign boundaries also qualifies along with water and flooding catastrophes.

May 27, 2011

Bob Chapman on The Greatest Fraud - video (Jupiter/Neptune)

May 27, 2011: Yes, the info shared here from Bob Chapman is dreary, I know. And so are the world's financial circumstances, thanks to the global banking syndicate of gangsters. Historically Mr. Chapman relates the ongoing financial crisis through which we're being defrauded to how Hitler 'did it' in the 1930s.

The Frothy Inflation of Bubbly Jupiter/Neptune

Yes, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction/s (the speculation/grand plans pair) that occurred all through 2009 (on May 27 - I began typing this on Friday, the first anniversary, July 10, and December 21) tangoed together squarely atop our US natal Moon (we-the-people) all three times and the trio just keeps on giving...I mean, keeps on taking.

You remember the midpoint picture, right?

Jupiter/Neptune = n Moon: instability; insecurity; wastefulness; becoming involved in speculation; little sense of reality; a desire to dream; uncertainty about what is real and unreal. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Simultaneously this timed a Neptune to US natal Moon transit which brought fraud, deception, lies, loss (Neptune) of homes (Moon), confusion, and a sense of rootlessness to our collective psyche and emotional lives so that even with tr Neptune just barely into Pisces now, the orb is still near enough to affect and undermine us. Unfortunately, Neptune will be backing into Aquarius again for a continuation of The Gaseous One's dissolving effects before re-entering Pisces which it co-rules with Jupiter.

And of course, oil, gas, water, and poisons are ingredients in the fraudulent Neptunian brew of damage and harm as well, with both Moon (ruler of Cancer, the Crab) and Pisces relating to the oceans and all things marine.

Oh, and on that Hitler 'did it' thing? Jupiter and Neptune conjoined @ 8Vir25 only once in the 1930s: on September 19, 1932...conjunct Hitler's natal 11th cusp of Associations, Hopes and Wishes, and opposite America's natal Ceres (security issues and needs; food supply) which conjoins US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, the Plutocracy duo of oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, Corporatism, Fascism, and other such cruelty-based -isms that no decent person cares to receive or perpetrate against his fellow man.

For the German despot (who wished to establish a New World Order to be run by himself), events of 1932 occurred during an expansive Jupiter trine natal Jupiter transit, a time when success with attainment of personal goals seems easy and the circumstances and people one encounters are compatible with Jupiter's desire for broadened horizons and gaining more more more. (*Hitler's natal horoscope shows a Sun 00Tau48/Midas conjunction and the Robber Barons' planetary signature, Neptune conjunct Pluto in Gemini.)

Note: since the video above is only Part One, click after the video ends if you wish to hear more of the discussion.


*Adolf Hitler born April 20, 1889 (NS) 6:30 pm -0.52:08 Braunau am Inn, Austria; natal Jupiter 8Cap15; Moon 6Cap38 (both are being triggered by tr Pluto now); ASC 26Lib41 with Syzygy Moon, Morya Rx, and Jupiter/Saturn midpoint rising; Jupiter/Saturn = ASC: the tactician. And physically, this midpoint picture may also indicate liver and/or gall bladder conditions and the testy moodiness that liver impairment can cause.

(Rodden Rating AA from baptismal certificate.)

May 20, 2011

Horoscope: Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 June 1, 2011

On June 1, 2011, a partial Solar Eclipse occurs @ 11Gemini02. Below you see its horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC; Hour Saturn 10Lib33 Rx in 12th house of Karma and Politics; Saturn trines the Eclipse which falls in the 8th house (in DC) of taxation, shared resources, credit, debt, insurance, big business, other people's money, and transformation.

The helpful trine from Saturn to the eclipse indicates that respect, persistence, and shouldering one's burdens will aid the karmic implications and potentially difficult results from this Solar Eclispe which sits upon the Partnership angle in the US (Sibly) chart and conjoins US natal Uranus 8Gem55: Sun/Moon = n Uranus: creating new ways of revealing old ideas; setting oneself apart from others; unusual twists of fate (Munkasey.)

If you're interested, NASA provides a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2011.

June 1, 2011 5:02:31 pm edt at the White House

Chart-ruler Mars 16Tau03 is in 7th H with Venus 20Tau36 and Mercury 28Tau06, the Lord of the Eclipse so we know that mercurial realms may be affected, such as: Communications (including Media), Transport, Trade, and Negotiations, Pacts, and Agreements. Young people and the news should be included.

The only applying aspect made by Mars is a quindecile (165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) with the Ascendant 1Sco00 (the Sun position in the NWO natal horoscope for October 24, 1993 - the Uranus/Neptune conjunction, # 3 of 3 @ '18Cap' = "The Union Jack" = smug or strong-armed paternalism...Uranus/Neptune are the planets of Illuminism.) Competition and agression are described.

With money sign Taurus on 8th cusp and at a 29th degree, evaluating Venus rules 8th H matters yet with a sense of expediency or even over-eagerness as a critical 29th degree implies. Someone or something is in a hurry! But there's difficult Alcyone, one of the Weeping Sisters, awaiting.

Pluto is co-ruler of the chart and applies to a square with Uranus (Uranus/Pluto = 'collapse of the old order of things, construction of the new' - Ebertin); upsets and violence as a new order is forced upon society. Yes, we know.

Nebulous Neptune 00Pis56 ('1Pis' = "A Public Market" = trade, commerce, or the NYSE?), planet of fraud and deception, is posited in 4th H (Foundation or Basis of the Matter; Real Estate as the Mississippi River floods people's farms and adds to potential food shortages and upticks in food and other prices) along with wounding Chiron now on its degree in President Obama's natal chart. And of course, we've seen other examples of water damage since Neptune and Chiron have been transiting together including the Deepwater Horizon Blowout and the Nuclear Meltdown at Fukushima, Japan - both catastrophes that 'keep on giving' into Infinity.

The Jupiter/Neptune pair (speculators, wastrels, religiosity, and/or those with grand imaginings and plans) rule and co-rule the 5th H of Gambling and Risk-Taking, and their midpoint conjoins Aries Point, a degree of World Manifestation and Recognition.

The eclipse Moon rules 9th H and indicates changes and fluctuations in 9th H matters, plus, all of our nation's Cancerian planets are posited there: Venus, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury Rx. Eclipse Sun rules 10th H of Public Status and Career. Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations) 6Leo12 is conjoined by US natal North Node (NN; destiny; future direction) and both are at apex of a YOD (Finger of God = special task; turning point; a crossroads; crisis) formed at its base by a sextile between plutocratic Pluto/Chiron. And of note: Chiron here is Barack Obama's natal Chiron.

America's NN at MC places our nation's SN at IC (Home; Homeland; Domestic Scene; Security Issues; Endings) which seems to indicate that career and public status matters may go better for us than home matters. However, IC 6AQ12 has the oppressive, corporate Pluto/Chiron midpoint upon it which relates to violence and to home foreclosures as the Oil Can Harry plutocrats continue knocking at our doors and tossing Americans out on the sidewalks to live in their cars (Mercury's 11Gem02.)

8th H ruler Venus applies to a sesquisquare (135 degr) with manipulative string-puller Pluto 6Cap51 Rx (Lord of the Underworld) from 7th H of Partnerships and Open Enemies to 3rd H of Communications and Neighborhoods; this 'interlaced squares' aspect is usually considered minor (an octile...irritation; health issues) and indicates intense interaction with an urge toward promotion of ideas (M. Meyer.)

The Venus/Pluto combo of energies relates to bankruptcy, extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places, volcanic activity (including in financial centers), and breakdown within the fabric of society. (Munkasey.)

Are you still with me? This is depressing, believe me this Saturnian astrologer knows, which is why I've put off this post as long as possible. Yet identifying and facing monsters is the only way to vanquish them. And after the predicted-by-some Judgment Day of May 21, 2011, perhaps this analysis would be different (if it occurred at all) though I doubt it. Well, since May 21st is tomorrow, I shall proceed without such hindsight especially since the popular idea of a 'Rapture' and how the Second Coming will play out does not tally with my own studies of the Books of Daniel and Revelation....though I do agree that there are signs that The End is near if not here. Of course, the smartest thing is to be ready whenever He returns!

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles this eclipse, Something to Cry About which I assume refers to its 8th cusp at critical or crisis degree: 29Tau24 and the nearness of a difficult Fixed Star, Alcyone 00Gem00: Something to Cry About; sorrow; misfortune; exile; suffering. Any or all may apply.

The above mentioned 8th H and mercurial themes are implicated in this sorrow and we must expect that the enlarged US deficit and debt ceiling imbroglio are factors in where the implied misfortune plays out especially considering that the US dollar is under fire and being abandoned by creditors along with America's dimming reputation in the world and the potential for a US default on debts...if the GOP succeeds in crashing the US economy to make President Obama look bad for 2012.

Other possibilities for this eclipse's influence include: loss of support for the government (political? financial? debt ceiling extension?), sanitation, burial laws, morbidity, imports, and contagion (did you notice that anthrax is back in the news this week?), with attention and discussion relating to taxation, as mentioned. There may be death or resignation (more?) of statesmen, literary figures, educators, or - chillingly - injury to or death of travelers; foreign treaties and pacts are under stress as well. (Teal.)

And with transiting asteroid MIDAS now conjoining US natal Uranus 8Gem55, both bodies are 'eclipsed' or stimulated by the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse. This doesn't sound positive for US gold reserves which would affect the global financial system.

Please click chart image to enlarge for further info such as Fixed Stars, midpoints, some US natal placements, and the Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy; corporatism; oppression) conjunction of December 30, 1999 in 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values with the conjunction's degree (11Sag23) opposed and potentially triggered by the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse.

As you see, the ongoing T-Square of Saturn/Uranus = Pluto remains in effect causing the world harm, violence, rebellion, and war; Pluto is a prime actor in this eclipse chart as one leg in the YOD configuration as well as being apex planet of the Cardinal T-Square with such an apex Pluto indicating those with a willful desire to fulfill their ambitious plans through force, manipulation, and subversive actions (ex: secret societies; the Global Crime Syndicate); the Cardinal quality gives Pluto an overt and ruthless determination to overwhelm any and all opposition to 'his' (their) criminal objectives; explosive endings may be anticipated. (Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspects Analysis.)

One other factor I wish to mention: Lord (ruler) of the June 1, 2011 eclipse, Mercury, squares Neptune (2A50) which describes conditions of distortion of truth, fears of responsibility, lack of realism, fraudulent communications, and an inability or lack of courage for dealing with life's harsh realities. Negative escapism comes to mind but please use in moderation for whoever tries to escape their troubles by use of drugs (including alcohol) should be advised that troubles can swim!

Well, that's it for today. If you have on-topic and courteous opinions, remarks, or queries to make, please leave them in a Comment and I will reply as time permits.

And like the eclipses at the end of 2010 which seemed to indicate further financial collapse, this is one eclipse analysis where I'd love to be so very very wrong.


Mea culpa! I just now realized that I neglected to complete penning in (lower right) the name of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who now visits the White House one day after President Obama's major policy address on the Middle East (Saturn/Uranus) yesterday which began with '23Leo' rising and ended with Royal Star Regulus at Ascendant - Regulus = success if revenge is avoided - and as the world knows, endless acts of revenge and retaliation are all the region seems able to manage these days.

Also on the chart, I added that his visit is tomorrow, May 21, but apparently the Israeli eagle has already landed in Washington today and is said to be "disappointed" over Mr. Obama's speech which offered the 1967 borders as the way to go if one actually does want Peace for Palestine and Israel. However, it's actually the 1947 borders which may be the fairest and most legal even though this would put Galilee in Palestine, not Israel.

It is my personal belief that radical National-International Zionism does not want peace in the Middle East but rather a 'King of Jerusalem' and a world capital from which to dominate the entire globe of serfs and pawns...aka, a New World Order, the Utopian dream which inspired the founding of America as the New Atlantis.

For it isn't as if the White House would have sprung Obama's policy speech upon the Israeli government without telling them in advance what would be touted! And the political intrigues and theater performances least until May 21, 2011 at 6 pm Eastern Time.


Coming a mere month later, you may wish to check out the Horoscope of the karmic July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse which @ 9Can12, plops itself amid US natal Jupiter and Sun.

May 14, 2011

Joining the NWO? See "IllumiCorp" the film (video)

This creepy video presentation mimics what an Illuminati initiate's introduction could be like if such a toady were inclined to join and carry the water for the New World Order's one-world-government agenda.

It explains methods of infiltration, demonstrates Illuminati hierarchy, and reveals how the world has been inundated with their propaganda of "inevitability" from all directions - from inside our societal institutions (Politics near the end of Part I, Media near the beginning of Part II, plus, Banking, Religion, Education, etc.)

No, this isn't at all easy to watch or consider yet its imaginary way of delivering information is worth checking out whether the fright factor is haunting or not. Actually the content riles me no end but I managed to get to the end of it.

Now if only the reptile-brained, bold-hearted casterds would slink away to their lusty dairs and leave fecent dolk alone. (That's code for They Su*k.)

Part 1 of 2:

Part 2 of 2:


Many thanks from SO'W to for the heads-up on this presentation.

And you know, the film's theme echoes a book I've just begun reading and which I recommend to you: Nicholas Hagger's The Syndicate: The Story of the Coming World Government which gives a behind-the-scenes look at such topics as above, which include the secret and undermining machinations through the centuries of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others too numerous to mention know: those who own governments and fund both sides of wars and revolutions.

Well, if you've visited this site before, perhaps you noticed a quote in the sidebar from Woodrow Wilson:

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

And (in a whisper, she typed) that "something" is most often called: Illuminati, a very Uranus/Neptune affair.