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Showing posts with label US economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US economy. Show all posts

Jun 17, 2015

Caller: What Does the U.S. Have to Export under TPP? #thomhartmann

#Nixon #China #Reaganomics #FreeTrade #USexports #TrickleDown #VooDooEconomics #Eclipses #1981 #2008

Related but not updated since 2011, the horoscope of the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in #Leo posted September 15, 2008 when I was in a major snit of miffdom over the 2008 Financial Heist. Actually I still am.

Feb 5, 2015

Transit Saturn and the United Arab Emirates (Dec 2, 1971); plus, Nixon's Golden Error

1971 Solar Eclipses: 9 Old South ends, 9 New South begins

For astrological purposes, a previous post details the proclamation of December 2, 1971 which created the United Arab Emirates. The federation, now in the news, is one of four Arab member states in the anti-ISIL/ISIS coalition.

The UAE proclamation date seems fairly auspicious falling within the 9 New South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses which first manifested on August 20, 1971 @27Leo (conjunct the Descendant in the UAE natal horoscope and thus prominently angular.)

Now, in February 2015, transit Saturn @3Sag conjoins the UAE's natal Neptune (the 'grim reality' or 'wish come true' transit) while opposing natal Saturn, a period when authority is challenged by another authority. Therefore, the UAE's Saturn-Neptune opposition of paranoia is being activated in a fearsome way by karmic Saturn so that reaping what's been sown may become prominent as the past catches up with leadership (Saturn; MC/IC)--on one level in the sphere of security measures. Plus, citizens of the region may be seriously affected with tr Saturn soon to oppose UAE natal Moon.

Hopefully other planetary influences will mitigate the Saturnian picture and provide protection for the good people of the UAE no matter how their leaders proceed to act or not act for a natal Sun-Neptune conjunction when activated by tr Saturn denotes a time of persistence and consolidation alternating with frustration and delay.

Usury vs the American People

Another event of historical importance occurred in 1971 and was influenced by the ending of the 9 Old South Saros Series, the Pre-Natal Eclipse of President 'Tricky Dick' Nixon's economic measures concerning gold convertibility. As of 1971, our debts became ever-lastingly unpayable into infinity....perpetual debt.

There's even a name for it: Nixon Shock and much has been written in hindsight about its deleterious effects on the US economy, a collosal mistake as noted in a commentary published in Forbes on August 15, 2011, the 40th anniversary of the profound changes Nixon proclaimed as directed by the secretive Fed (the central world bank). To quote, August 15, 1971 "...marked the beginning of the worst 40 years in American economic history." {Edit June 5, 2023: The article link is no longer Live for me, but if you know your way around Forbes Magazine perhaps you can locate it, if interested.

So Fare Well, 9 Old South, you did your part to serve Planet Earth before your energies ran slap dab out.

Wait. What? A beginning described by an ending? Yes, 'twas an ending influenced by a never-ending monetary end to being able to end one's debt burden? Well, eclipses do herald change so thanks, privately owned 'Federal Reserve' and your cat's paw, the White House. Eclipse conditions of 1971 demonstrate that our debt-based economy is wrong on a cosmic level as well as on every other level of decency, fairness, and justice that can be named.

Included in the Forbes feature is a link to Nixon's Sunday night address from the Venusian Oval Office on August 15, 1971 during which he slipped in the announcement of the ending of the post-WWII Bretton Woods era...ah hah! There's our 'ending' and it's proven to be a very unfortunate cluster 'ef', as you know. And note that the current Jupiter Rx period--Jupiter, the banker, the politician, guru--activates August 15, 1971's Sun @22Leo and Venus @19Leo; tr Saturn has recently conjoined--and will again--1971's Neptune @00Sag, ruled by moneybags Jupiter, which suggests to me the 'grim face of reality' for the US economy and US workers but a 'dream come true' for global bankers and those they fund and enable to oppress us with perpetual debt and usury interest rates while implementing their 'new economic order'.

Yes, how wonderful the Fed's grand promises that were to result from the monetary changes of 1971: more American jobs, smaller trade deficit, avoiding recessions, international competitiveness for US workers (job loss), price stability, and more--which all now show themselves as the lies and fraud they were from the start. And the liars--including mouthpiece Nixon--knew it all along.

Dec 30, 2014

Beware: Republicans Reprise That Old Black Magic To Deal w The Budget

Check out this from Down With Tyranny.

Yes, it's almost January and the 2015 Congress is nearly sworn in--are your bank account and budget ready for that Voo Doo that they do so well?

#Reagan #GOP #Plutocrats #Tyranny #USeconomy #SocialSafetyNet #AynRand #UselessEaters

Aug 31, 2014

Wall Street against US Economic Recovery - video

Are you surprised that Wall Street doesn't want the US economy to recover? And after the American people bailed them out! Two words for what these fraudsters who gamble with other people's money are: thieves and crooks.

And yes, as you probably know, the natal horoscope of Wall Street shows a wastrel-spendthrift-fraudster-speculation combination, a conjunction between expansive, over-indulging Jupiter and bubbly, deceitful Neptune. And this relates directly to comments in the video concerning the Obama administration--the last (current) Jupiter-Neptune cycle began with the pair's 3 conjunctions all through 2009, the first year of Mr. Obama's term and right after the Bush-Cheney Heist of 2008.

And all the Jupiter-Neptune fraud and fluffiness fell directly on US natal Moon--We the People!

Jupiter-Neptune = Moon: becoming involved in speculation; little sense of reality; instability; wastefulness; losing oneself in plans. (Ebertin, 'The Combination of Stellar influences.')

As you see, the potential expressions of this midpoint picture perfectly describes, not just Wall Street's scams upon us, but also the culpability of those who took out mortgages and other loans they could not afford. Even 'balloon payments' that increase as payments proceed can be placed under an inflated Jupiter-Neptune umbrella.

Seems that the master plan to destroy America for the sake of 'global government' is going as envisioned including a hint from the attacks on 9/11/01 with the void-of-course Moon (the people) that morning at '28 Gemini', a degree of Bankruptcy. And Heist 2008 continued the master plan with the bankruptcy of our National Treasury. (Setting up global governance is an expensive enterprise, you know.)

Of course, these financial and governmental psychopaths have power only to the extent that we believe they have it--so let's stop believing in them and in their paper society!

Feb 6, 2014

Feb 7, 2014 US Debt Limit Reached as 2012 Eclipse Is Triggered

February 7, 2014: US Debt Limit Reached, Says Treasury Secretary Lew

by Jude Cowell

See US teeters towards debt default, cash could run dry by end of Feb for Treasury Secretary Lew's warning and his plea to Congress to act quickly to renew the legal $16.7 trillion debt cap so America can pay bills that Congress has already racked up.

Will Republicans listen to Lew's warning or does 'governing by crisis' remain their primary tactic for boycotting common sense and a reliable economy in favor of demonstrating their extreme disdain for a Demcratic president who dares to be half African American?

An interesting thing about Friday February 7, 2014 is that the Moon, often a trigger or stimulant in horoscopes, will conjoin at 1:44 pm est the degree of a certain Solar Eclipse which manifested on May 20, 2012--almost two years ago when 'fiscal cliffs' and the dire specter of being shoved over them were much touted in the news. So in a spirit of re-view of past events--for Mercury turns retrograde today at 4:43 pm est--I add below a previously published list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2012 in order to provide a fuller picture of the year but with emphasis on the Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 of May 20, 2012:

A Total of Four Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2012:

1. 14 South Saros Series: Solar Eclipse May 20 @00Gem21 conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone (potentials: mystical but judgmental; exiled; unlucky; something to cry about); (has a Mercury influence); 14S contains Mercury-Pluto (secrets; spying; control of communications; toxic transport) vibes and first manifested on August 29, 984, OS, @10Vir59: Sun-Moon = Mercury-Pluto; its themes include 'an obsessive idea finally accepted leads to Jupiter's promised success--a long-awaited breakthrough'--Brady; the horoscope is linked, below;

2. Lunar Eclipse June 4 (intros the rare Venus Transit June 5/6 in mid-Gemini) @14Sag conjunct US natal Ascendant (Sibly); Moon = We the People; (has a Jupiter influence);

3. 15 North Solar Eclipse November 13 @ 22Sco (sign of Big Business; Corporations; the Underworld; Endings; Regeneration and Healing (has a Mars-Pluto influence); conjoins two Fixed Stars: Unukalhai (Alpha Serpentis; potentials: achievement, then a fall; legal problems; accidents; success in Politics, war, writing; shipwrecks; forgeries; and Agena (potentials: honors; success with the masses; high status; scandal and gossip)--A. Louis;

4. Lunar Eclipse November 28 @7Gem conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55, and transiting Midas and Pan; Sun/Moon = Uranus: unusual twists of fate; sudden developments or conflicts; acting independently; the urge for freedom--Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin; (a Mercury influence aqain which may affect communications, planning, trade, commerce, and vote counts and re-counts).

And here's my original post concerning the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse (horoscope shown set for DC) if you care to take a look.

Now if, like this southern blogger, you think all of Washington DC's financial Political Theater of stalemates, shut-downs, and defaults signal much larger issues than ruining the 'full faith and credit of the United States' and the debt limit brouhaha's use of the tiresome R vs D divide-and-conquer ploy, here's an interesting excerpt from a December 2008 article citing a Financial Times editorial (linked below):

{Gideon} Rachman writes that “global governance” could be introduced much sooner than many expect and that President elect Barack Obama has already expressed his desire to achieve that goal, making reference to Obama’s circle of advisors which includes Strobe Talbott, who in 1992 stated, “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

If this sounds like the projected results from current secret trade deals that dissolve our national sovereignty, 'FastTrack' presidential authority to sign them so that Congress can deny any responsibility--particularly the #TPP--you may wish to read on...

Is Congress allowing the president 'FastTrack authority' to sign away US workers' rights and what little national sovereignty remaining the promised Jupiterian 'breakthrough' from 2012? Well, Washington is obsessed with global government implementation, isn't it?

Ah, the anti-democratic things men (and women) must do in order to be selected by the power elite to play the role of 'President of the United States of America'!


Oh look! Here's a link to a video interview of Strobe Talbott in India talking about bilateral ties, how "democracy around the world" is under-performing, and whatnot on the 2014 road ahead.

Dec 30, 2013

2014 a year of Financial Trio Jupiter, Pluto, and Venus

2014 Financial Planets Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto: Tango or Tangle?

by Jude Cowell

With Year 2014 about to begin with a New Moon @11Cap57 conjunct Pluto, the position of banker-guru-general Jupiter is mightily important because, for one thing, the Jolly One and the Stealthy One (Pluto) lock horns in their annual opposition which perfects on January 31, 2014 @12:17 Cancer/Capricorn. Plus, Jupiter rules America's natal horoscope as well if one uses the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT chart.

Obviously, we may expect that America's ongoing stalemate between investment wealth vs hidden wealth, along with debt ceiling fusses and called-for spending offsets, will continue as the international banking syndicate jerks around the 99% of us who don't appear to have their allegedly exalted blood(lines) in our veins or DNA.

And speaking of veins, evaluating Venus plays into the financial picture as well and makes a Direct Station on January 31, 2014 @13Cap33:23, the day of the second New Moon in January 2014. A second New Moon within a month is often called a 'Black Moon' since the New Moon phase shines no light until Sun and Moon begin to separate, and we have the first New Moon on New Year's Day 2014, as noted above.

Making these cosmic events specific to our nation and to our commander-in-chief is the fact that Jupiter in Cancer conjoins US natal Sun (the president) while Pluto opposes US natal Sun. And the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint, a planetary pair of collective social systems such as socialism, communism, and capitalism (along with suffering, asceticism, loss--and invisible government), conjoins the trio of Jupiter-Pluto-Venus within the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security, Business, Career, and Domestic Concerns.

And of course, the 2014 Jupiter-Pluto opposition is the culmination stage (a 'full moon' of sorts) of their Great Conjunction of December 11, 2007 @28Sag23 during the Bush administration. The Jupiter-Pluto duo has 'concealment of wealth' and 'large-scale projects' vibes, as you know. Well, I guess that beggaring the entire world population via austerity measures and using the US military as part of a global police force may easily be described as 'large-scale projects', yes? And so can collapsing the US government in preparation for total control by global government, more's the pity, though we can refuse to allow it by community actions.

Although 2014 may not entirely be a year of 'smooth sailing' for the American people (or for President Obama with powerful, secretive Pluto opposing him), perhaps politicians will finally sort through ~our~ issues enough to keep America afloat into 2015--but that's not even mentioning Elections 2014, a whole other ballgame that we have to 'look forward' to. No, not much gets done in an election year, yet perhaps that also includes the harm that Congress can do. At least, many economists are not prognosticating 2014 to be a year of financial collapse and, if they're correct, that's something that even evaluating Venus may find worthy of appreciation.

Highly recommended for further reading is an excellent article concerning the cosmic events of January 2014 at Auntie Moon's Blog and joyously, it's a post free of Politics!

And in case you missed them, here's a handy list of 2014's Direct and Rx Planetary Stations in order of occurrence, plus, a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2014 which will be discussed here in full as the days go by.

So if I don't 'see' you again, dear reader, here or there before January 1st, I want to wish a Very Happy New Year to Everyone! Jude

Dec 29, 2013

A Message from My Friend Barack

When Plutocrats Are in Need

by Jude Cowell

A rather astonishing email has arrived from a special Friend asking me to provide $3 for work that Washington Democrats should already be doing. For they do draw quite generous salaries from public coffers after all.

Yet admittedly I do prefer Democrats to control the House especially considering how cravenly Republicans have mooned the American people since 2009 and even now, as of December 28th, they withhold benefits for the unemployed while they themselves enjoy another undeserved holiday break.

We don't even know if Republicans will cooperate well enough to extend unemployment benefits after Congress returns to Capitol Hill on January 6, 2014 but I hope on the way to casting a vote they don't trip over their selfish, austere ideology which has proven many times to be excessively generous toward the wealthy elite who are in need of nothing yet they can't muster a dime for those who actually are in need--and who would bolster the US economy by spending it pronto. Why, monarchic Republicans and their enabling Democrats act as if tax monies are only theirs to spend and funnel however and wherever they wish, and that We the People should butt out of such lofty elitist decisions.


Well, this dissenting American asserts once again that the majority of our politicians and other public officials are in breach of the public trust and, of course, have been for many decades. Many of them no longer pretend to do the tasks for which they were elected, it's just that after several years of Corporate Governance, embezzlement, theft, and fraud become much more difficult to hide successfully from the prying eyes of the fleeced. However, upping the level of outright brazenness helps their anti-American cause progress and that they've certainly been accomplishing while continuing to scam voters with glowing campaign promises and with political slogans that, as it turns out, have no merit in them for those who wish to retain a sovereign America.

And yet, no matter how outrageous Washington's sorry behavior becomes (and it will), we must not give them the fight they really want--millions of Americans in the streets with symbolic 'pitchforks' for government forces are surely amply armed and ready for us with tanks, drones, and otherwise. Besides, violence is never the answer to any problem and its use on our parts would shove us down to their reptilian-brained level where oppressive Pluto-Chiron's plutocrats and oligarchs dwell in the squalor of bad intentions.

Anyway, I hope my special Friend doesn't mind that I'm hereby publishing his email to little ole' me for it's certain that many of you received the same or a similar missive recently. Perhaps only the amount requested is different, but the cheekiness remains the same...

Friends --

They said it couldn't be done.

When our first Presidential campaign began, the naysayers dismissed the chances of a grassroots campaign powered by everyday folks organizing in their communities. Together, we proved them wrong.

Now those same critics claim we will fall short of regaining a Democratic House for the final two years of my term. But once again, you're building something truly incredible.

Friends -- Our campaign to defeat the Republican House and take back the majority is within range of a mark never before seen in Congressional campaigns -- one million online donations from grassroots supporters like you.

I'd like nothing more than to see us pull off this feat before this week's year-end fundraising deadline.

Can you chip in $3 or more today? Your donation could be the one that puts us over the top.

Let's get to work.


So. Are you persuaded?

Nov 23, 2013

Rachel Maddow with Senator Elizabeth Warren: Expand Social Security! (video)

Click to watch Rachel Maddow interview Senator Elizabeth Warren on how we need to expand Social Security benefits, not reduce them which would thereby increase poverty levels in America.

Unexpectedly I had to miss the original msnbc broadcast of this discussion so I'm embedding its link here. The page includes information on signing a pertinent petition recommended by Senator Warren along with a chance to donate to the cause, if you so wish, but viewing the video is a must, if you haven't seen or heard it yet. It's inspiring and seems to me to be issuing from the current November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse influence of Uranus-Neptune!

It all boils down to what sort of country we want America to be--one that puts seniors, the ill, the orphaned, and our vets out on the sidewalks of our cities and counties, or one that takes care of its own. Astrologically, I'd say that our 'community spirit' needs to be re-developed, wouldn't you?

And of course, it would be excellent for the US economy since the funds would be plowed back into local, state, and even national budgets causing businesses to flourish. To paraphrase what a wise economist recently stated recently about income inequality, The better-off would be better-off if more Americans were better off.

Or something along those lines.

Want an improving economy for America? Then while we're at it, let's raise the minimum wage!

For further reading concerning the Republican (echo chamber) game plan of talking points against "Obamacare" visit Robert Reich.

And here's an astrological snapshot of Robert Reich if you're curious.

Nov 6, 2013

More Big Bank Scandals and Manipulations

Wealthy Pluto Manipulations: There Are No Accidents

by Jude Cowell

Following perfectly the truism that eclipses tend to uncover scandals and secrets--and since the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 was in the financial sign of secretive Scorpio--Rolling Stone has just published Matt Taibbi's article Chase Isn't the Only Bank in Trouble in which he informs us of a looming, worldwide Libor-like manipulation scandal about to headline the news and cause inestimable trouble for financial markets.

Or maybe not if the financial industry and the mainstream media collude for as long as possible to keep the bad news under wraps. After all, how much did you hear or read about Libor: The Crime of the Century?

And how easy is it to say that fraudulent developments and practices such as these are part of the Global Government agenda to crash the world economy so that everyone will plead for a new system to be set up--a "New World Economic Order"?

Very easy.

A current marker of trouble may include the cosmic occurrence of banker Jupiter turning retrograde tomorrow, November 7, 2013 (in an opposing dance with wealthy Pluto), at 12:03 am est on a critical degree (20Can30:39), a degree in the Zodiac between US natal Sun (13Can) and natal Mercury Rx (24Can) which indicates that financial matters are on leadership's and the people's minds along with a potential for optimism and a hopefully increasing sense of protection. Hmm. Perhaps the optimism comes from the unconscious Uranus-Neptune content of the November 3rd Solar Eclipse with its resolution-solution vibes which the world so sorely needs.

Oct 9, 2013

Uh-oh! Jupiter Stations Retrograde on November 7, 2013

On October 7, 2013, Robert Reich published Their Real Goal: To Make Us All So Cynical About Government, We Give Up in which the professor explains much better than I can do what this blog has been primarily about these last 8 years. (SO'W turns 8 on October 17th!)

Guess I can hang up my blogging spurs, right? But then how will I deal with my frustration with Washington DC, my favorite city of residence even though I relocated to Georgia years ago? Yes, I still miss its green parks and streets of stately embassies though I can't say much for what 'they've' done with the place lately--that 'Shining City on a Hill'. And yes, I know I've usually added "built on a swamp" to the glowing description that Ronald Reagan used so effectively but the District of Columbia was built on a swamp as selected by George Washington, wasn't it? And since Astrology teaches that the End is in the Beginning, well then...?

Anyway, the ongoing government shutdown and looming default on our debts (if Tea Party congress members are allowed to keep showing their patooties) is on the minds of many Americans, on tongue's tip for all TV and other pundits, in the news, wafting through the airwaves, and meanwhile, Moneybags Jupiter the Banker in Moon-ruled Cancer will soon prepare for a Retrograde Station on November 7, 2013, a mere 4 days after the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 at 11Sco15.

Today's Mercury @11Sco38 (thinking, communicating) conjoins what will be the November eclipse degree (11:15) and the position of austere conservative Saturn conjoined it in the Jupiter Direct Station chart of January 30, 2013 which denotes acceptance of responsibilities, or accountability if not. You'll note that several indicators of an improving economy have been apparent during 2013--until lately with shutdown-default fever hitting the overly excited Tea Party-Republican House. Now that Jupiter is about to Rx, money sources and investment may dry up or at least be stalled or delayed; this planetary about-face bodes ill for the staged "of course the US won't default" assurances being touted by many of the hostage takers on Capitol Hill (when there are cameras around.) Of course, a review of ideology may also be on Jupiter's menu which would perhaps be a good thing if it's hostage-takers doing the review of their success-at-any-cost tactics.

These upstarts (Uranus in Aries) seem to imagine that they'll have control of the situation once they put in motion their plan to undermine President Obama's agenda. How wrong they are for things will spiral and ripple out from their foolishness into what, after all, they may actually want--global meltdown, or at least circumstances where they can establish their Austerity Flag over our republic. Have Republicans accepted President Obama's victory in November 2012? Obviously not. And saying things over and over don't make them so.

Today, POTUS nominates Janet Yellen as head of the Fed and transit Jupiter will Station Rx @ 20Can30:39 on November 7, 2013 at 12:03:06 am est and in a horoscope set for the Capitol Building, falls into the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. This Rx period of The Banker may even affect Yellen's confirmation hearing in a negative way or simply indicate a nominee who's already been (Rx) working at the Fed.

Then, adding tension to the stalemates in Washington over budgets and fiscal responsibility, '20Can/Cap' are critical degrees, and since Jupiter increases or expands whatever he contacts, we may expect some of the themes of a certain Fixed Star @20Can to be potentially influential within current events...Castor: mental illness, sudden loss or fame, crippling of limbs (or of governmental branches?), murder. (A. Louis.)

Of course, a bright side may be the November 2013 Solar Eclipse itself with its Uranus-Neptune 'bright idea-break through-solutions' content along with the fact that as Jupiter seemingly moves backward through the Zodiac, Mr. Moneybags will again contact US natal Sun (13Can19) around January 20, 2014, then the Great Benefic will Station Direct @10Can26 on March 6, 2014. Direct Jupiter to US natal Sun (the leader) occurred during the last week of August 2013 and denotes a culmination of something begun 12 years prior (war?)--things must move to the next stage or level, or be discontinued. It also may bring recognition or some kind of honor or reward though ego inflation, over-promising, or over-expansion are possibilities.

As for the theatrical antics of the Teas and Republicans, perhaps you remember a discussion we had here some time ago concerning the Secondary Progressions of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI) which, beginning in May 2010, showed a worrisome YOD pattern (crisis; turning point) formed between their SP 6th house Mercury @27Sco01 (conjunct Mr. Obama's natal MC) sextile SP 8th house Jupiter @28Cap01 (conjunct US natal Pluto). The sextile pointed toward the SP Ascendant, the Party itself, at '28Gemini', a degree of Bankruptcy in Sabian Symbols--and the GOP idea to bankrupt our nation was apparently sanctioned by the international banking syndicate (Pluto.) Plus, they had worked hard at it through the 8 years of Bush-Cheney!

So now we find that Republicans have arranged everything skillfully (Mercury-Jupiter = ASC) and because of this planetary condition in the Party's evolutionary progress, I expressed deep concern then since the above-mentioned plan to undermine the US government (and shrink it till it can be 'drowned in a bathtub'--presumably along with a majority of the American people) seemed to be trotting right along for them and now, in 2013, even the most apathetic among us can plainly see evidence of their plan of attack as Ted Cruz & pals jerk around the US Congress in order to paralyze governmental functions while shouting "bankruptcy!"

Sadly, the fact that the rest of the world thinks America has gone mad doesn't begin to describe the problems the corporate infestation of our capital is causing and will cause to us and to global markets. And the coup is happening right under our noses.

So I ask you: are We the People so paralyzed into stupidity that we will allow the few to ruin the many?

Also see: Boehner Wants America to File for Bankruptcy.

Oct 8, 2013

Shutdown 1995/96 Solar Eclipse repeats Nov 3, 2013

A Cosmic Time Link Between Government Shutdowns 1995/96 and 2013

by Jude Cowell

In a seemingly curious twist of fate, the Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series in which the Newt Gingrich/Republican shutdown of the US government occurred (and was meant to harm the Clinton presidency), the 16 North, repeats on November 3, 2013 with a Solar Eclipse @11Sco15.

Previously, the Solar Eclipse occurred @00Sco17 on October 24, 1995 and you may recognize the 00/1Scorpio degree as the natal Sun position of the new world order, a position gleaned from the third of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune on October 24, 1993 @18Cap ("The Union Jack" = 'POLITICAL POWER...smug or strong-armed paternalism'--Jones.)

The unconscious influence of this transpersonal planetary duo is infused within the 16N Series due to its initial eclipse which manifested during a Uranus-Neptune trine back in 1599, and of course, you know that their signature involves The Enlightenment, rationalism, a blend of Science and Religion, and insights from the unconscious where solutions may be found. Plus, the duo's Utopian idealism of No Government continues to bedevil us now. Yes, the chaos-creators are at work and positively giddy at their presumed success in completely undermining America, the big gorilla nation-state that must be vanquished before total Global Government can be fully implemented.

Actually, we've already discussed such topics in my post on the November 2013 Solar Eclipse if you wish to take a peek, horoscope included. Hopefully, this cosmic time link isn't telling us the current shutdown will continue into November but even CFR shills and Trilateral pundits on TV agree that a several-week shutdown is possible. Forget global markets, I guess, because if global meltdown is what they're preparing us for, it will only require a 'quick jump off a short pier' the way the Syndicate has things staged at the moment.

But if the powers-that-be decide the meltdown moment isn't quite here, we'll know because a reprieve will be granted, perhaps around the time of the October 18, 2013 Full Moon in Aries which perfects just after October 17th, the date when Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew predicts the US will be out of cash to pay bills and enter into deadbeat status Full Moons indicate a culmination, a stage of fulfillment so I'm hoping we see resolution of the shutdown around then, if only a temporary one.

Oddly enough, America only recently--on July 22, 2013--enjoyed a Jupiter Return $$! Of course our last Jupiter Return/s occurred in 2001/02 when Bush, Cheney, and Congress were spending like drunken you-know-whats and racking up much of the debt we suffer under now--debt that current deadbeat Republicans want to skip out on! Then, the GOP played the role of Jupiter in mundane charts but with a Democratic president and Senate, they now play the Saturn-in-Scorpio role of austerity. And even their role-switching could provide political balance for our nation's economy if they would work together and compromise, for Jupiter's expansion principle and Saturn's restriction principle are meant to compliment each other in the Universe.

Well, if you wish, scroll down the sidebar a bit to order a printable US Jupiter Return 2013 Report (PDF) via PayPal, for the horoscope is good for approximately 12 years, the duration of a Jupiter Reward Cycle. Baked into our July 4, 1776 Jupiter degree, however, is always the descriptive Sabian Symbol for '6 Cancer': *"Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," an obvious reference to the typical behavior of America's ruling class, for feather they definitely do.

*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Jul 30, 2013

August 2013: Saturn and Pluto in the New Millennium

August 2013: Saturn and Pluto Trigger New Millennium Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

In June 2013, I published the New Millennium Horoscope so that the chart would be available to you and me for future reference--for transits, progressions, etc. Click to view the chart and my original post with brief astro-notes.

Looking at tonight's transits (7.31.13) and with August at our door and the potential for further financial stalemates in Washington DC on the 2013 menu as Republicans continue their campaign to collapse the US government and make a 'new economic order' seem the only remedy (with the enabling of Democrats), I report to you two items:

1. That transit Saturn (austerity, restriction, delay, stoppage, loss) has for some time been conjoining New Millennium Mars (5Sco03) which is posited in the NM 2nd house of America's National Treasury.

This constricting, inhibiting transit denotes a time when taking shortcuts, circumventing rules and regulations, or not following the prescribed course are ill-advised tactics, and much determination is required for future success even if things seem to be progressing very slowly at the moment.

Actually, the stop-go frustration of Saturn-Mars indicates that more focus and organization are needed for this period involves temporary delays (Saturn) of action (Mars). Yet old man Saturn moving through the rest of the 2nd house will eventually oppose NM Saturn (24Tau34 Rx) in 8th house of Corporations, Debt, Credit, etc, when regrets about the past are encountered and must be considered so that what failed won't be retried; Saturn will also oppose NM Jupiter (2Gem10 Rx) when it will be time for the Haves to give back some of what they've gained in the past. And they'll whine and whinge most loudly, no doubt, even over their dishonest gains (Gemini is the sign of duplicity and Jupiter = bankers and money lenders.)

No, this isn't the best transit for financial endeavors with its continued belt-tightening, stop-and-go improvements, and delays, however, our obstructionist-infested America did have a Jupiter Return on July 22, 2013 (see sidebar to order a pdf of the full Report) so, though they may be off-and-on, some rewards are to be expected for new financial and political cycles have begun (ex: President Obama now back on the road and speaking about the economy and the Middle Class, something the GOP dearly wishes he wouldn't do.)

2. Transit Pluto is within orb of NM Sun (10Cap50) and has crossed the IC (Foundation) of the horoscope which signifies a time when total breaks from the past may be triggered. This supports the usual astro-analysis of transformative Pluto through Saturn-ruled Capricorn with its government-toppling ability. (Capricorn is the sign of law, too, so maybe the NRA's unnecessary 'Stand Your Ground' law/s can be toppled at some point!) Renovation, repair, and renewal of our Domestic Scene (4th house) are possible outcomes of this transit (exs: job-creating infrastructure projects funded, manufacturing concerns and urban areas revamped, offshore corporations return to the US.)

Transit Pluto to NM Sun echoes a similar transit during FDR's administration when the New Deal was instituted including jobs programs and other methods to renew our economy and benefit the American people (Pluto has extreme wealth hidden in secret places, y'know.) Pluto conjunct Sun indicates an even more aggressive drive toward power, and the courage needed to deal or cope with current circumstances which motivate our leader/s (Sun) to make a new start. Yet the past closely influences the present with Pluto-to-Sun and the duo's energies when combined denote on one level dangerous situations, yes, but also open potentials for sudden advancement, consolidating one's position, and/or the realization of new ideas.

These 'new ideas' we may hear within the public discourse, or even begin to see implemented, around the time of the November 2013 Solar Eclipse in Big Business Scorpio, the month when the US debt ceiling may be reached--or breached, and sore-loser Republicans threaten yet another shoot-self-in-foot government shutdown.

Look to your own natal chart for the houses where 5/6 Scorpio and 9/20 Capricorn fall--plus, any aspects these degrees and transiting planets make to your planets and chart angles--for clues on how these transits may be personally utilized.

Here's the New Millennium horoscope again so you don't have to click the link above to view the chart if you don't wish to:

Jun 29, 2013

Will Congress levy taxes on US Credit Unions and Community Banks?

Another Front Opens in the Plutocrats' Middle Class Warfare

by Jude Cowell

As powerful Pluto plods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of business, law, and government, the oppressive, disenfranchising Pluto-Chiron pair of Plutocracy keeps steamrolling along...

With only 6% of US financial assets held by Credit Unions and by banks that are actually banks (which along with non-profit credit unions) benefit the middle class, working families, and small businesses, the monarchical, corporate-ruled, foreign-infiltrated US Congress is being encouraged by Wall Street mega-banks to tax credit union banks. Wall Street and its handmaidens on Capitol Hill are working claw in glove to proceed with this economy-weakening plan in which We the People are the losers and the weedy grealthy win yet another jackpot at our expense.

For the big banks feeling 'disadvantaged' by their non-profit colleagues (exs: Bank Robbers of America, Goldman-Sucks--juvenile nicknames, yet descriptive), it's about undermining the competition so I hope you'll check out CU Tax Letters Stack Up at Congress' Door which explains the situation much better than I can grouse about it (I switched from a big-name bank years ago to a credit union bank and I much prefer its lower fees which will subsequently increase under the proposed taxing plan.)

So if we care about this issue, we mustn't only lament until the perfidy is made 'law' but we must make some loud noises with our own representatives!

Don't Tax My Credit Union.

May 28, 2013

"Entitlement Reform" a Hoax (Robert Reich video) and US Mars-Neptune

Okay, all you sly "entitlement reformers" of America, listen to Professor Reich's realistic ideas which make a world of sense instead of wasting time propagandizing the public with your ideology-driven, not-my-brother's-keeper jackassery:

Several SO'W posts are Reich-inspired. Here is one of them:

What Do Rs Want for America? Social Darwinism. Nice crowd we got there.

And if you're up for it, check out America's Morning Natal Chart, the Zip Dobbyns version for July 4, 1776 set for 10:36 am LMT with America's Neptune in Virgo rising and natal Mars at the most visible point of the horoscope. Unfortunately, given our government's decades-long determination to create enemies at every turn (and considering current drone strikes, kill lists, and the military industrial complex ruling everything), a chart with Mars at MC--actually, our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided action and misdirected motivation on two Angles--makes a lot more sense than I wish it does.

Why, if we listen to Robert Reich on GOP "entitlement reform" proposals which won't solve our problems, even there we find governmental misdirection and misguided action and motivation!

May 16, 2013

May 2013 Scandals Infuse Tea Party with new steam

Bubbling on the Hob: Reheat and Serve

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps current scandals and pseudo-scandals now plaguing the White House will keep boiling long enough to add steam to the near-deflated Tea Party movement, perhaps not. But for now we may as well pass the buttered scones and jam for we know Republicans won't let a good scalding cup go cold when there's a chance to further undermine the presidency of Barack Obama.

Here you'll find, if you please, some basic information on the history of the Tea Party movement which seems to have begun with blogger and Seattle mom Keli Carender (aka, Liberty Belle) and her organization of a "Porkulus Protest", plus, the rant by Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009. Was his supposedly off-the-cuff remarks inspired by corporate bank rollers who then backed 'grassroots' Tea Party rallies?

Yes, for the president and his Fail-Obama Republican opponents, February 2009 was a very busy month and the first full month of the president's first term. Here's a ramble down memory lane with President Obama signing the Stimulus Bill on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. The horoscope I have is set for Denver when the Sun 29AQ15 conjoined Midheaven (The Goal Point) with Mars and Jupiter conjunct @10AQ08/11 and US natal Mars in Gemini rising (12:13:54 pm MST):

At 12:13:54 pm MST, there formed a 'Fist of God' planetary pattern (aka, Thor's Hammer) between austere Saturn @19Vir50 Rx in 4th house squaring the Ascendant @22Gem56 and pointing toward the Mars-Jupiter conjunction and the North Node @9AQ07.

In addition, the Moon (the public) @9Sag10 was in 6th house at that time and conjoining Royal Star Antares with its volatile theme of: obsessed with success..The People and the hot-natured Tea Party movement?

And of course Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion, money, investment, and expenditures and was on its way for a first Great Conjunction (of three all through 2009) with Neptune, the inflationary pair of bubbles, speculation, and spend-thriftiness. Their first conjunction perfected on May 27, 2009 conjunct US natal Moon--'little sense of reality; involved in speculation'--Ebertin.

Yet I don't recall the 2009 Stimulus Bill as creating millions of jobs as advertized and promised but I do believe it saved quite a few!

Apr 24, 2013

Austerity Spread Sheets Flawed (Colbert video)

Stephen Colbert interviews graduate student Thomas Herndon who discovered in writing a paper for his professor that the spreed sheets used to justify the benefits of austerity measures contain faulty numbers, plus, the much-cited Growth in a Time of Debt by Rogoff and Reinhart completely leaves out the improved economies of Australia and others in order to further support their faulty conclusions that austerity is beneficial.

As noted on this blog previously, austerity cuts are a huge mistake, the kind of 'mistake' people make in order to force their selfish ideology on to those who didn't cause the engineered crises that are allegedly being cured, and to grab more of the world's resources for themselves. "Austerity is counter productive," says Mr. Herndon, and the suffering caused in countries with austerity-implementing governments is now laid plainly at the hooves of such politicians--including those obstructionist Ayn Rand-ers of Washington DC.

Why? To crash the global economy to the point where populations plead for any system to be set up--even a devilish 'new world order'!

Mar 17, 2013

Horoscope: May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in Taurus

After Spring Equinox 2013 arrives, the Cosmos has a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse in store for us (secrets and leaks continue to be revealed?), and on May 9, 2013, a Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 manifests during a Moon Hour of changes and fluctuations. Here's a horoscope of the May Solar Eclipse set for the White House (as a representative of the United States of America):

Chart shown: May 9, 2013 8:28:23 pm EDT White House, Washington DC. Ascendant 24Sco23, MC 6Vir15 (conjunct President Obama's natal Pluto), and with unstable, gaseous Neptune @5Pis09 at IC, conjunct the president's 1st house natal Chiron (5Pis19 Rx), and opposing his natal Pluto which indicates erosion (Neptune) of power and control (Pluto)--unless his wealthy backers support him as president in spite of it. With transiting Pluto now opposing US natal Sun (the president), I'm not certain they will, are you? For huge power struggles ensue...

Please click to enlarge the image and perhaps read a few basic notes with the eclipse taking place in the Cadent (preparation) 6th house of Service (Military, Police, etc), Work, and Health in Washington. Venus @00Gem28 in 7th house of Partnerships conjoins the degree of the difficult Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 which triggered Fixed Star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation with its something to cry about and/or exile themes. Multiplicity and duplicity are characteristics of the dual sign Gemini, as you know, and an unaspected Jupiter @19Gem23 approaches US natal Mars @22Gem, planet of war, strife, and contention though it is often a fortunate transit for Jupiterian luck may favor Mars' physical endeavors.

Yes, the May 20, 2012 eclipse related and relates to the ongoing, reckless economic and budgetary stalemates now playing in our Capitol Hill Theater and which are damaging our nation's standing in the world along with Mr. Obama's presidency and the US economy with it. Odd really, since the Republican Party has always given much lip service to how 'strong' our nation must be perceived abroad. Yet sometimes since 2009, it feels as if the GOP is inviting attacks by staging their intransigent, provocative behavior. And the secessionist vibe? "A house divided cannot stand." But apparently that's what some entities want so that a full coup may be established in Washington DC.

Well, with the May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in the 15 South Saros Series, we may expect financial dramas to continue for Taurus is a money sign, ruled by evaluating Venus, as shown so obviously by the sculpture of the Taurean Bull on Wall Street. (Yet I still get the creepy feeling that the secret-ritual Cult of Mithras is lurking within our financial and governmental shadows! Click and scroll down to see a bas-relief of 'Mithras as Atlas'!)

Astro-Note: in 1776, US natal Pluto began @27Cap33 Rx and has now progressed to 29Cap+; along the way Mr. Invisible Power crossed '28Cap', a degree which *Adriano Carelli gives as "Atlas Carrying the World on His Back" which brings up Sen. Paul Ryan's favorite obstructionist and survival-of-the-fittest idol Ayn Rand because of her book Atlas Shrugged in which wealthy, pouty corporatists take their financial marbles and beat a hasty retreat from their ungrateful victims. There are no coincidences and apparently US stock-dumping has been going on for while now.

Themes of the 15 South Saros Series for May 9, 2013--until November 2013:

Release of tension as a lingering situation will suddenly clear but with a sense of loss or grief that is more collective or group-related than personal (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Chart-rulers of the Scorpio Ascendant you see above are Mars and sub-ruler Pluto but all we can surmise from their applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects (since Mars applies only to conjunction with the SN = war, violence, or a stepping aside from them) is a spotlight on the Uranus-Pluto square (0A39) in Cardinal (initiating action) signs from the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability to radical Uranus @10Ari44 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Speculation, Creative Pursuits, and Children.

Thus, the Uranus-Pluto square of titanic generational clashes may gobble up the May 2013 Solar Eclipse cake, or at least the crumbs left over by an unaspected Jupiter which, as such, works in a one-pointed, intense manner--"all or nothing" is a good phrase for an unaspected planet, and here moneybags Jupiter in Gemini, sign of trade, commerce, transport, and communication, insists on providing growth and investment in our country although at the moment, he is not tied in with the energies (planets) of the May 9th eclipse horoscope. However, this Jupiter can be highly influential when he acts and this may denote what the president is able do toward investment without interference from the obstructive input of Congress. Or, perhaps the GOP will finally get wise to itself and cooperate for the good of our nation!

Now Uranus is the catalyst or apex planet of two midpoint pictures:

Mercury-Neptune = Uranus: going 'far out'; sudden new ideas.

Mars-Neptune = Uranus: reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following the dream.

Plus, one picture is angular at Midheaven (The Goal Point) where it may manifest, and its combined energies also affect President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo:

Jupiter-ASC = MC: successful positioning; being in the right place at the right time.

Jupiter-ASC = natal Pluto: strong image; influential; leadership.

The Sun and Moon are involved in pictures, too:

Sun-Mars = Mercury: alertness; ready for action; fast talk; busy travel.

Moon-Mars = Mercury worrisome preoccupations; irritability; nervousness.

Other midpoint pictures appear as well and include the 'lucky break' pair, Jupiter-Uranus:

Jupiter-Uranus = Mars: changing fortunes; drive and determination toward success.

And since Mars @14Tau29 conjoins US Inaugural Ascendant (the Office of the Presidency) on January 20th at noon, Capitol Building, we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Inaugural ASC: knowing the best will happen; optimism and self-confidence; success; fortunate twists in the way things transpire.

Well, I like that last one as long as the American people are included in the Jupiterian festivities. So maybe I'd better stop typing on that fortunate note!

Other topics in the news include threats from North Korea; here's a previous post: Astro-Notes on North Korea's Natal Chart.

*Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Today's midpoint pictures from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs; as always, any, all, or none may apply.

Mar 2, 2013

Astrology of Lurching Budget Crises and Sore Losers

Of Saturnian Budget Control and Other Astro-Considerations

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps of interest to you may be the Social Security Legislative Bulletin dated August 2, 2011, the day that President Obama signed into law the Budget Control Act of 2011 (S. 365.) The bulletin includes details of the limits established on government-wide discretionary spending until year 2021 and implements a goal to save at least $1.5 trillion in budgetary savings over the next 10 years--which amazingly leads to 2021.

Also listed are the dates of the 'super committee' ('Super Congress') which failed to reach agreement thereby setting up the current 'sequester cuts' we shall now enjoy (she typed with sarcasm.) And you know that establishing a major policy of job creation would go a long way toward solving many if not all of all our budgetary problems, right? As usual, current Washington politicians focus their exalted energies on misguided targets to the point of treason.

One of my main take-aways from the ongoing financial charade--the Political Theater of recent years--is that if we can't manage in 2013 to legally remove congressional anarchists seeking to undermine the US government out of existence before they do us more harm, let's uplift the Common Good and Vote Them the Heck Out in 2014!

Here's an excerpt from President Obama's public statement of August 2, 2011 and sounding quite gullible concerning his future prospects of working with Republicans on debt and budget issues by way of "...a balanced approach where everything is on the table":

Now for a Little Astrology as We Lurch from Crisis to Crisis

August 2, 2011 Washington DC saw Sun in Leo (10Leo+) and Moon in the sign of The Worker and The Critic, Virgo. Mercury (signings, laws, agreements, debates, commerce, orators and speeches--here, from the Rose Garden) was stationary @1Vir11 (at noon edt) and there were some telling midpoint pictures in play. No matter the precise hour of the Act's signing, one such picture involved the wastrel-speculator-inflation-grand-schemer duo of Jupiter-Neptune; as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Jupiter-Neptune = Uranus (4Ari20 Rx): disruption by events that have no real explanation; basing decisions on odd or unusual theories about the effects of the supernatural; unaccustomed confusion (Munkasey): imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation (Ebertin.)

Another picture is created by a T-Square pattern with radical reformer and utopian anarchist Uranus in Aries as apex planet and catalyst and the forceful, manipulative Mars-Pluto duo opposing one another yet working in tandem:

Mars-Pluto = Uranus: using whatever power is available to reform, disrupt, stir up, or otherwise alter conditions (Munkasey); cruelty; violence; sudden disasters or calamities of great importance (Ebertin); dangerous sense of attack; fight first, talk later; a chip on one's shoulder (Tyl.)

One of my suspicions is that President Obama mainly wanted to 'control nagging uncertainties' by signing the Act since it was intended to replace budget resolutions not proposed: Moon-Mars = Sun (the leader.)

And you know, sore loser Republicans do behave as if they have a chip on their shoulders, don't they? Weakening America in the eyes of other nations as they undermine President Obama seems to be one of their primary goals, oddly enough. And now that the sequestration cuts have been signed into reality, one of my many frets for the Common Good is the next natural disasters the American people will suffer under a government that has purposefully fixed itself into a can't-be-bothered-to-send-aid mode of alleged frugality, the beap chastards.

Well, there was also a planetary pattern some call a Mystic Rectangle in effect on August 2, 2011 between Mercury, Pluto, Chiron, and an out-of-bounds Mars (off on his own and up to no good) at a critical-crisis 29th degree but that's enough of such dreary topics for the moment, as I suspect you'll readily agree!

Even so, let's add two quotes, the first from someone born with the Fire-Earth, King-Servant combination of Sun Leo-Moon Virgo which is imprinted upon the Budget Control Act of 2011. His words could be a description of the ongoing crises manufactured by the GOP and which are meant to cause the public to criticize the president and his Democratic administration--as if Republicans deserve a good review from their victims!

"A good review from the critics is just another stay of execution." Dustin Hoffman

"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all His laws." John Adams, our 2nd US president

Amen, Mr. Adams.