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Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts

Sep 29, 2012

Sep 29, 2012 Aries Full Moon conjunct Uranus Rx!

In about 20 minutes edt, the Full Moon perfects @7Ari22 after sailing past Uranus Rx @6Ari31. Crackling excitement is always in the air with a Moon-Uranus contact and since this is a Full Moon, the opposition of quirky, surprising Uranus to the Sun makes for willfulness and provocative circumstances.

Naturally with a Full Moon we think of relationships and this one in particular since the Aries-Libra axis is being reflected in the Moon's glow. Sun Lib-Moon Ari is an Air-Fire blend of energies so the phrase "live wire" comes quickly to mind.

This sociable combo is perfect for a Saturday night of parties! Yet it contains political vibes, too, and is shared natally by a comedian-activist and a poet, both of whom are quoted here:

"Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned."

-Dick Gregory

"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man."

-E.E. Cummings

Well, I'm quite certain they each had very good reasons for saying so...


Astro-Note: the event-packed 2nd issue for Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 of Stars Over Washington Monthly just went out tonight! Get your printable copy delivered to the Inbox of your choice by subscribing here for a Special Holiday Price of $15 for 3 months of Political Astrology aimed at Washington, DC! jc

Sep 16, 2012

Uranus-Pluto square ramps up w Occupy Wall Street abuses by cops

Riots, protests, and violence from Uranus-Pluto square energies are occurring worldwide, as astrologers expected, and no less so than in American cities such as New York where police officers are abusing power and injuring peaceful, inconvenient demonstrators on orders, no doubt, to protect the status quo of corporate interests.

We may never know if 'black shirts' are involved (political agents planted to trigger police brutality toward peaceful protesters and make a movement 'look bad') on this the First Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street (Sept 17, 2011) but depending on how neocon Romney operatives inspired by such characters as Karl Rove spin the current mayhem against Occupiers and President Obama's re-election campaign, it may eventually become transparent that someone is in Mitt's woodpile and trying to score points for his deservedly-desperate presidential aspirations.

Now I've never embedded a Tweeted photo before so I hope you can view the following *Occupy Congress image:

Astrologically, we may take the 2010 conjunction to the Aries Point (00Ari00, a World Point of Manifestation) by political revolutionary and rebel Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries as zealots and radical 'Utopians', as Reinhold Ebertin describes in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences. And, of course, Uranus remains in one sign of the Zodiac for approximately seven years. Perhaps you'll agree that this astro-description covers folks of the Tea Party Movement (co-opted by corporate interests such as the Koch Brothers--'blind zealots'), and simultaneously the Occupy Movement. One group wants genuine and beneficial change for society, and the other is faking it on that score and is determined to implement and shove dire conditions, austerity, misery, and an Ayn-Randesque "survival of the fittest" government that rides roughshod over the lives of all non-wealthy American people--particularly the weak, elderly, ill, and poor among us. And the austerity would affect rank and file Tea Party members, too--now won't they be surprised if their favorite radical Utopians get their sinister way?

So! November 6th soon cometh--which America do You prefer to live in?

*Interesting that tomorrow's first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street--September 17--is also the anniversary of the US Congress--September 17, 1787...creaking along with very poor aprroval ratings and under constant threat at 225 years old. And non-amusingly for those of us who prefer a sovereign, intact United States of America and working, honorable Congress, we can use the one-year-for-one-degree method for insight into the present condition of Congress: 225 years = 225 degrees = 7 signs (7 x 30) + 15 degrees = '15 Scorpio' (= year 2012) which in Sabian Symbols is quite descriptive of the negative, shadow side of how most of Congress behaves itself these days:

"Children Playing Around Five Mounds of Sand" (the wrong thing to build any House upon): "NAIVETE...neg: wholly purposeless ineptitude."

Plus, 15 Scorpio is the Eagle Point! Sounds more like the ethereal phoenix some have always claimed represents our nation rather than the Eagle. Guess the fire the ancient phoenix myth requires--so that a 'New Order' can spring from the Old--is part of the Republican Party's Austerity Plan for America a la the Romney-Ryan ticket. For after all, Pluto-Chiron's Statism + Corporatism = Fascism, said Mussolini.

But,'s painful to type it but President Obama is under the sway of Pluto-Chiron and its Plutocrat warmongers, too. Exs: 1. US Secondary Progressed Pluto-Chiron midpoint @8Pis18 = US SP Sun (the leader.) 2. US Inaugural 2009 Midheaven @26Cap10--the Goal of the US Presidency--was conjoined by the transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint @25Cap48 at noon est on January 20, 2009 at the Capitol Building, which also highlights US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx opposite our spying, propandistic natal Mercury Rx at Inaugural IC 2009, aka, The Drain.

Now what are We the People willing to do about all the corruption? Support Occupy Congress and the occupation of the Wall Street lairs of Big Casino Gamblers whom We the People were forced by Congress to bail out after Bush's Big Heist???

('15Sco': The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Aug 14, 2012

Nikola Tesla: Sun Cancer-Moon Libra w a rare film on video!

Update September 5, 2015: the following text is being retained so that the post title makes sense however, the video referred to gives a message, "this video no longer exists." My original post begins here and includes a few astro-notes concerning the natal planets of inventor (and possible murder victim) Nikola Tesla:

A message has arrived from Alexandra Bruce which sets up the following rare film about the intriguing Uranian, Nikola Tesla:

"This is a rare English-Language film produced in the former Yugoslavia that tells the story of Nikola Tesla's arrival in America and his encounters with Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse and the mighty financier J.P. Morgan, played by Orson Welles.

It portrays one of the most pivotal periods of modern history, during Tesla's development of alternative current, as the global standard for electrification, and the tragedy of this great inventor who aspired to change the world for the better."

-Alexandra Bruce

This is where the Tesla video was embedded before it was mysteriously 'disappeared'.

A Sprinkling of Astrology upon Nikola Tesla

by Jude Cowell

Horoscope: Nikola Tesla July 10, 1856 (NS) 12:00 am -1:01 LMT Smiljan, Yugoslavia 14N35 015E19

Sun 18Can17 (conj Castor and Venus 15Can27--transit Moon 18Can41 conj his n Sun as I opened his chart in my file for the first time in years--such synchronicity is common when a name from the past resurfaces via a reference or a memory which inspires an astrologer to view the natal chart); n Mercury 28Gem26; n Mars 19Lib11 conj n Moon -- he's recently had a Mars Return (with Mars today @24Lib28) but with no activity of his own--he died on or about Jan 7, 1943, NYC; n Jupiter 8Ari37 with today's tr Uranus, The Inventor/The Genius/Electricity, conjunct at 8Ari06; n Saturn 5Can38; n Uranus 23Tau57--Taurus, the intelligent sign of The Architect, Builder, Grower, and Preserver, ruled by Venus; n Neptune Rx @20Pis22 (strong in its own mystical sign); dragon planet Pluto 5Tau33 (some say Tesla's family lineage included the Order of the Dragon as was Count Dracula--that he was a member of the Dragon family line as were John and son John Quincy Adams); Chiron 3AQ48; NN 20Ari06.

Tesla's Sun Cancer-Moon Libra is a Water-Air combo of energies (Sun = conscious mind, Moon = the unconscious), a very creative, misty, and ethereal blend (he was not a practical man especially with finances). With Sun ruled by the Moon and Moon ruled by Venus, Tesla's personality was socially aware, perceptive and super-sensitive yet challenged in the realm of relationships (plus, Venus square Mars). He was a shrewd Cancer who preferred to isolate himself within his protective emotional shell. And with wily old financier J. P. Morgan around (played in the film formerly embedded above by Orson Welles), Tesla was out-foxed in the financial realm which may gave been easy since Tesla was highly focused on his own thoughts and ideas and was largely uninterested in money.

Sun Cancer-Moon Libra: "Images for Integration: Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairy-tale creatures...A family holds a lucrative sale of its artistic heirlooms to the neighborhood." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Oddly enough this ethereal personality blend is found in the natal charts of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Bruce Springsteen, and Angela Lansbury.

And to the Sun Cancer-Moon Libra blend, master astrologer Noel Tyl adds that "the emphasis will be on the romantic" (not for Tesla!) and that planet "Venus will be especially important in the horoscope." In Tesla's case, Venus is spotlighted by first squaring Mars (3A44), then NN (4A39), and finally trines Neptune (4A55). Venus trine Neptune added inspiration to his pioneering (Aries) Jupiter (broadened horizons; science; discoveries; breakthroughs) and was greatly activated by the innovative spirit of speedy Mercury in its own sign of Gemini, The Messenger to the gods.

Birth data: Rodden Rating: B; source: bio/autobiography, The Life of Nikola Tesla by John J. O'Neill..."midnight between July 9/10, 1856"; O'Neill was a personal friend of Tesla who was said to have been born during a thunderstorm," astrodatabank; "at the stroke midnight," according to his biography.

And with transformer Pluto rising we see his magnetic charisma and--aided by visionary Neptune in its own creative sign of Pisces, Tesla's extraordinary visualization ability because Pluto rising gives a sort of x-ray vision into the workings of the Cosmos, into the deepest layers of the Universe. And of course, Saturn is the traditional planet of Science, along with Mercury, and add Uranus for lightening, electricity, flashes of brilliance, innovation, inventiveness, and pure genius.

This page updated May 3, 2016. jc

Aug 10, 2012

Saturn-Neptune, The Drought of 1953 and Wilhelm Reich's 'cloudbuster' (video)

Of Saturn-Neptune, Droughts, and Controversial Rainmakers

by Jude Cowell

The current drought in the US got me thinking about the drought of 1953 and the triple Great Conjunction/s of Saturn (restriction, stoppages, loss, and drought a long time coming) and Neptune of water, rain, gas ('orgone energy', in this case), and oceanic tendencies, with Neptune also a planet of loss and both planets karmic in nature (reaping what was sown, or in the case of drought, perhaps not reaping it.)

Below is a list of Saturn-Neptune conjunction dates and degrees of 1952/53 though they did meet again in 1989 in the 10--12 Capricorn degree range, where transiting Pluto soon will trod (Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of a potential for loss; fear--Tyl; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories--Munkasey.)

Saturn conj Neptune:

1. November 21, 1952 @22Lib47; 2. May 1, 1953 @22Lib39; 3. July 22, 1953 @21Lib12, as Saturn 'stopped' the Neptunian 'rain' from falling.

You'll note that the Libra degrees from 1952-53 are recently being re-visited by dry, drying Saturn, today @24Lib28. Also today, Neptune is @2Pis07 Rx ('3Pis' = "A Petrified Forest," a very dry scene) yet you'd think there would be no droughts at all in any location with Neptune in its own watery sign, wouldn't you?

Drought 1953

Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich's invention, the cloudbuster, was demonstrated on July 6, 1953--just before conjunction #3, above, near Maine's Bangor hydro-electric dam (hydro = Neptune, electric = Uranus) in what's called The Blueberry Experiment, beginning at 10 am (yes, it rained and crops were saved!)

Well, if you set up a horoscope for July 6, 1953 you'll see a vital, interesting planetary conjunction with a major star: Sun, Mars, and SIRIUS in Cancer, a water sign (the Crab.) In an appropriate synchronicity, SIRIUS is linked with the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egypt. Plus, in 1953 Sun-Mars-SIRIUS were quite near electrical Uranus @18Can29.

Read more details if you wish...and here is a 44-minute video on quite a dry and curious topic:

The next Great Conjunction of Saturn (government; boundaries) and Neptune (invisible, secret; merging) is on February 20, 2026 at Aries Point (@00Ari45), a World Point of Manifestation and/or Recognition, which will greatly enhance the significance of the Saturn-Neptune combination of antithetical energies while emphasizing the year 2026. Perhaps a drought will occur then and if so, its threat of famine could well be of global proportions (AP.) Or, maybe the masks of the global syndicate's secret government officials, agents, and operatives will be finally washed away for all the world to see their dirty, vicious faces.

Yes, it's true! There is a variety of curiously intriguing videos available at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Jul 12, 2012

Neptune in Pisces floats up mysterious drownings as Romney is booed in all the right places

Speaking of mystical Neptune now traversing its own oceanic sign of Pisces, on July 9, History Today published an article by *Christopher Winn on concerning Mysterious Drownings which spotlights the 190th anniversary of the drowning off the coast of Italy (July 8, 1822) of romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Shelley, born August 4, 1792 @10:00 pm in Horsham, England, died age 29 which to astrologers denotes his leaving the earthly plane at his Saturn Return. Some have thought he may have committed suicide or that his boat was a victim of a pirate attack yet it seems certain that a squall at sea did hit and upturned the boat. In any case, he'd left (temporarily) wife Mary after yet another loss of child which smacks of running away from responsibilities, something which taskmaster Saturn does not appreciate. Honestly addressing one's responsibilities is a basic theme during times when Saturn returns to 'his' natal position.

Interestingly, Shelley's Saturn Return of May 9, 1822 shows sea-ruler Neptune Rx @ 5Cap00..."Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance." (Jones.) Were the "Indians" Shelley and friend rowing what would soon be a capsized boat, or pirates on the attack? Who can say yet it's a tantalyzing picture to consider. Plus, in his Return chart, Neptune conjoined the planet of sudden events, Uranus Rx @7Cap05. '8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which may indicate the rebel was in a good mood before Neptunian tragedy struck by whatever means. And Shelley's death (Pluto) was ultimately a World Event with Pluto @00Ari28 (Aries Point) and rising in his 1822 Saturn Return chart.

As you know, Mary Shelley authored Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus, as Uranian a title and story arc as you'll ever find in literature--'sky god' Uranus is often referred to as, The Awakener, perfect for the cobbled-together Monster and the catalyst for life, electricity, all provinces of Uranus.

Both Mary and Percy were born with Sun-Uranus conjunctions, his in dramatic Leo, hers in book-writing Virgo which relates to their unorthodox alliance which broke societal boundaries by an elopement against her father's wishes (yet William Godwin continued to borrow money from Percy!) And with their Jupiters (how one relates) placed in opposite signs--his in Libra, hers in Aries across the Relationship axis--theirs was a romance 'written in the stars' as they say. Perhaps with his Sun-Uranus conjunction near his natal Venus in Leo added to her natal Mars in bookish Virgo near her Sun-Uranus, their willfulness in love (Mars-Venus) simply would not be denied.

Now here are Mary's birth details in case you don't have her natal horoscope in your files: August 30, 1797 @11:20 pm London, England; Sun 7Vir58, Moon 27Sag57. I am happily indebted to Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker, author of Jupiter Meets Uranus for sharing her excellent research on Mary and Percy Shelley and the dream (Neptune!) which inspired the writing and publishing of the classic Uranian novel, Frankenstein.


*Christopher Winn, not to be confused with Jonathan Winn, author of Martuk...the Holy!


Desperate Republicans and Wasteful Votes

Regular readers may note that up until now, this post contained no mention of Politics, arrogant politicians, or of the time and money wasting efforts yesterday of the Republican Party as they voted in the House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 which was upheld as constitutional by SCOTUS on June 28, 2012. The GOP's 31st performance of Capitol Hill Political Theater shows our tax dollars not at work on behalf of the American people and I refuse to type much more about their sham for the moment as the jackassian politicians of Washington--including turncoat Democrats--continue undermining our national government (and state governments, for that matter) while making idiotic fools of themselves for the sake of the dumbleheaded, anti-social, anti-American ideology by which they hope to re-take the White House.

Yes, I must agree that current GOP ploys defy all reason and the only plan they seem to me to have is to cheat in November 2012 and play dirty tricks (such as Mitt Romney speaking to the NAACP yesterday so he could be booed to impress his 'base'--how simplistic and transparent!) All very Neptunian of them with the Party's natal Neptune @15Pis53 Rx in n 3rd house of Communications, and Neptune sextiles Uranus in stubborn Taurus (15:48) which forms a YOD (crisis pattern) with US natal Saturn 14Lib48...Uranus-Neptune = Saturn has potentials for: a clash among ambitions and projects; need for recognition; changes of direction; staying put causes depression and loss of confidence (Tyl.)

Additionally, the Republican Party's current progressed Ascendant @29Gem50, a critical-crisis 29th degree, shows a sense of desperation, and the Party's progressed Mercury @29Sco39 (voting; ideas; plans) is @29Sco39..."30Sco" = "The Halloween Jester" which may indicate an October Surprise on the GOP menu which is meant to sway the American people away from President Obama and toward the GOP's daft austerity measures. After all, Inauguration 2009's Moon (The People; the masses) remains at @29Sco45 until Inauguration 2013 rolls around when The People's Inaugural Moon will be posited in the much lighter sign of Gemini at noon--almost four hours from Mr. Obama's Lunar Return (back to the White House?) which occurs at 3:54 pm est on Monday, January 21, 2013.

The natal chart I use for the Republican Party: July 6, 1854 @5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI, which shows natal Sun conjunct US natal Sun; plus, the Democratic Party's Moon in Aquarius conjoins US natal Moon....our Papa and Momma? Arghh! No wonder the two parties can't get along and are able to constantly and easily divide and conquer the American people's loyalties with the strain between Sun inconjunct Moon which is an echo from America's natal chart and psyche of July 4, 1776!

Jul 3, 2012

Happy July 4th 2012 from Stars Over Washington!

July 4, 2012: America Is 236 Years Old!

by Jude Cowell, your friendly political astrologer

Just a note on the day before America's Independence Day 2012 to wish everyone Happy Independence Day, America's official birthday! Around here we'll bow to tradition with a turkey burger cook-out though any sort of meat is seldom a first-choice for my family so I guess that makes it a special and somewhat nostalgic treat of sorts. How about you? Will you be passing the mustard or perhaps the ketchup?

On an astro-note, a fresh post has been published to my WordPress blog *Jude's Threshold (where I've been MIA of late!) on behalf of July 4th and including a few tidbits concerning Campaign 2012 and the horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2012 (September 22; aka, Libra Ingress, if you prefer) which may be of interest to you with its Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Sagittarius blend of energies. Naturally, the horoscope precludes both RNC and DNC 2012 of late August into early September.

Once there you'll also see a rather mild sales pitch on behalf of my new Stars Over Washington Monthly newsletter chocked with Political Astrology which is being electronically delivered this very day in time for our July 4, 2012 celebrations. But you don't have to visit WordPress to find a subscription link--check the very top of this blog's sidebar, if you wish to sign up. It would be very supportive of you!

However, if curious about the contents of issue 1 (July-Aug-Sep 2012), click the Jude's Threshold link above to discover the topics and horoscopes included this quarter!

And be super-careful with those fireworks now!


Celebrate America with Some Interesting Reading and/or Videos:

Julie Demboski's Astrology, Astro-Cocktail, Neptune Cafe, Thom Hartmann, David Pakman,, Information Clearing House, and Democracy Now!.

*Blog's title refers to boundary-loving, time-keeping Saturn as 'gatekeeper of the threshold' which particularly applies to those of us with natal Saturn in the 12th house of The Unconscious (and Politics!) The placement is, as you know, good for concentrated work done in solitude such as Astrology with Saturn the original ruler of the ancient art. Uranus, The Upstart and The Witness, was added as Astrology's co-ruler much later!

Apr 24, 2012

'Global Astrology' forecast: May-June-July 2012

Portents of May, June, and July Herald a Harsh Summer 2012

by Jude Cowell

Well, I couldn't avoid reading it any longer with the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse nearing fast so today I checked out Theodore White's forecast for May-June-July 2012 in his latest edition of Global Astrology--and the rest of 2012 sounds just as dangerous as I suspected from my own astrological studies, some published, some not.

As you know, I tend to focus on only the Political branch of Mundane Astrology which actually includes Meteorology and World Transits, Mr. White's areas of expertise. And most of you are aware that the more serious effects of the ongoing Cardinal square/s (blockages; obstacles; blind spots) between rebellious Uranus, planet of sudden shocks, lightening bolts, revolts, and disruption, and powerful transformer Pluto, planet of hidden wealth, assassins, spies, and secret control, begin 'for real' on June 24, 2012 with their square exact--and after the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse conjunct worrisome Fixed Star Alcyone 00Gem00 (something to cry about, as noted in previous posts), and the rare and awesome Venus Transit of June 5-6, 2012 with Venus in mid-Gemini in the Tropical Zodiac (at '20 Taurus' sidereally.)

Yes, things are about to go wonky, my friends, and Theodore White provides a comprehensive rundown of what to expect (the unexpected! for all eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and as such have Uranian qualities to them--plus, our Mother Gaia now groans under our bad treatment of her.)

Astrological indications show our Summer 2012 calendar to contain a coming season of seismic activity, high winds, odd occurrences (some possibly from space or inexplicably mysterious), floods, hailstorms, tsunamis, volcanoes, and other natural and unnatural disasters of great significance especially for those directly affected, but really for everyone due to the economic interferences, confusion in the social and political affairs of humanity (leading up to November's Election 2012 with a Solar Eclispe on November 13 at '22Sco'), the harsh emotional tolls such difficulties can distribute among the people.

So if forewarned is forearmed, perhaps you'll take a look at the latest edition of Global Astrology which also covers financial implications and helpfully displays graphics of the May 20, 2012 eclipse path across planet Earth. The western and southwestern US are particular regions where things could go seismically shaky for cities like Lubbock, Texas, Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, and points along and near the eclipse path.

Even the predictions of Nostradamus have a featured spot in the May-June-July 2012 edition of Global Astrology, as you'll see.

And as Theodore notes, the last time a Solar Eclipse raced visibly across central USA was in 1994, due to a Solar Eclipse at--wait for it--'20Tau', the sidereal degree of the June 5-6, 2012 Venus Transit--occurred. Is this only a cosmic coincidence? Actually, 1994 and 2012 are inter-related since both eclipses fall in the 14 South Saros Series which contains Mercury-Pluto content with a theme of 'an obsessive idea finally being accepted; long periods of hard work are finally rewarded with the promised success of Jupiter; a breakthrough' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Worth a Historical Study? Year 984

14South originated long ago on August 29, 984 (OS) at 10Vir59 (Mercury 25Leo47 opposing then-unknown US natal Moon, We the People; Venus 25Can28 conjunct US n Mercury Rx; Mars 5Can40 conjunct US n Jupiter 5:56; Jupiter 16Vir48, near US n Neptune and conjoined by Mars 16:50 in the Venus Transit 2012 horoscope; Saturn 14Sco46 opposing US Inaugural Ascendants since 1937--the Office of the President; Uranus Rx 1Cap02 conjunct 9/11's Mars and SN = violence; Neptune 20Vir10, near US n Neptune 22:25; Pluto 24Vir34 conjunct US n Neptune--political and economic power struggles; NN 22AQ39, near our n Moon 27:33.)

The Mars-Jupiter-Neptune links indicate potentials for unreliability, and/or plans without prospect (Ebertin); they are also known as the Marseillaise Trio from the era of the French Revolution, another violent indicator. (This trio may have been originally named so by astrologer Ed Meece but I'm not quite certain.)

The planetary time links listed above personalize for America all eclipses in the 14S Series (which ends in year 2228--the Seires, not the country--we may not make it that far if current operatives have their sorry anti-sovereign way. And that includes the subversive agents working on Capitol Hill and masquerading as our representatives in government.)

So what makes this puppy angriest (so far!) about the obsessive theme of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse (14S) is that it sounds too much like a 'new world economic order' finally being "accepted" due to an engineered collapse of global proportions (follow current EU happenings, for one--Germany seems willing to crash the place and make toast of the Union for the sake of Saturnian 'austerity measures'--in a word, for control.) And of course, the Mercury-Pluto duo has its spying activities to force upon the innocent, as we've recently experienced--drones across America?


Now as you know, the NWO natal horoscope (that I use) is timed by the last of 1993's three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, planets of The Enlightenment, at or near '18Cap' (POLITICAL POWER = smug or strong-armed paternalism--M. E. Jones) on October 24, 1993 with Sun at 1Sco19. That's 1993, not 1994, but it is during the same time frame and with the same political will of forcing ideas onto us all--the 'success at all costs' model--or, 'the Big Picture must be followed--very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl.)

Or is there?

Well, as Theodore White kindly advises us, "Do not panic...Pray for peace and calm"--and since I whole-heartedly agree with him, I'll certainly be doing just that with Summer 2012 drawing near. And I hope you will, too, as astounding and difficult things begin to occur on Planet Earth...and 'even the very elect may be deceived'. ~:~

For more artful and poetic considerations of Planet Earth, you may wish to check out the latest edition of Emerging Visions art-zine, Gifting Gaia!

Sep 13, 2011

Wild Card of the Universe: Solar Eclipse Nov 25, 2011

Eclipse as Wild Card, Financial Uproar on Horizon, & Gerald Celente's Crash Forecast

by Jude Cowell

In general, eclipses in a horoscope (and in the life Astrology describes) function as 'Wild Cards of the Universe' as they're often termed, acting as catalysts that precipitate changes with consequences that they will never be affected or changed by, ever.) Plus, the unexpected quality of astrological Uranus's dynamic energy and its tendency to act early, late, or never upon other planets in a horoscope adds to its mystique as a "Wild" Card, introducing The Unexpected and possibly upsetting process, action, or event.

As you know, Uranus rules lightening, and the spark of genius which God may bestow upon a man or woman. Electricity and Shock naturally The Sky god's provinces as well and its trademarks of Independence, Freedom, Dissent, and Revolt are well known and are obviously a big ole clue to the particular importance of revolutionary Uranus in America's natal horoscope @ 8Gem55.

And we know that the radical Utopians, anarchists, usurpers, and secession promoters in thin disguise, are signified by the sign position of transiting Uranus, currently passing hrough Tropical Aries, a sign ruled by fiery Mars, archetypally the god of war and turmoil. It is from the brilliant Reinhold Ebertin that I take a clue of the true identity of Uranus in Aries, with Aries Point conjunct US natal IC (The Drain; Endings; Home; Real Estate--World Manifestation Point 00Ari00 = AP - tr Uranus, at America's Foundation Point.)

For the spear's point of such riotous enterprises, the position and condition of Mars is implicated, with higher octave, saboteur Pluto motivating activist Mars to commit even more nefarious crimes than he otherwise might (like the FBI setting up would-be terrorists with bombs and money.) And though the Mars figure or figures may be completely unaware of such manipulation, at least for a while--Pluto's Psychology talents fit perfectly with his penchant for Propaganda.

As Chris Hedges has said, We're living in Orwell's Oceana, not Huxley's Brave New World.

Well, if you missed it, here's the Horoscope with details of the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse, titled, a peculiar turn of events which may refer to what's in store from the report due November 23 from the 'Super Congress' ('Super Committee') with its supra-congressional peculiarities, or to other things...wild.


A possibly related video: economist Gerald Celente's 'Money Addicts!'

Sep 8, 2011

Obama Address to Congress = Chiron in Pisces! 9.8.11

"That's Not the Story of America," says Barack Obama!

If Washington Politics is broken, I think we know who broke it. It took lots of them decades to lead to this impasse, but do they or do they not want America repaired?

Well, if you didn't listen or watch President Obama's Address to a Joint Session of Congress live tonight you missed a fantastic lightening show over the Capitol Dome as he began. Uranus is mighty feisty in Mars-ruled Aries!

And so was President Obama tonight.

Guess it's true what they say: if you have bolts of real-time Uranian lightening backing you up, you don't need a word like stimulus to galvanize the populace if not your Republican colleagues.

The president's speech hit all the right notes for those who want America to continue existing. Mr. Obama began speaking at 7:09 pm edt and finished with a traditional "God Bless You and God Bless America!" after covering pretty much every issue we-the-people care about and bandaging them with tax breaks and other incentives:

Wounded Healer Chiron in compassionate Pisces rising!

Rising over Capitol Hill at 7:09 pm edt was 6Pis25 with Chiron 2Pis23 Rx and Neptune 29AQ04, Rx and co-ruler of the Address's Piscean Ascendant chart. The president's natal Chiron in Pisces arose with his natal Pluto in Virgo setting. It was a Chiron/Pluto opposition performance and seemed somewhat like our old orator. Perhaps transit Venus conjoining US natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work, Employment, and Service gave some ease to the entertainment.

Independent, radical Uranus itself @ 3Ari15 Rx arose in 1st house indicating surprising or shocking events hard to control--perhaps a reference to an 'incident' that Homeland Security was tracking down today, something about a threat from out of a tribal region of Pakistan. HoSec backed off a bit and did not use the alert system. Obama was briefed and said Find out what you can...then went on to deliver a crowd pleaser of a speech--unless you're of the Dismantle America Now persuasion. Betcha didn't like it then.

Alert: at 8:34 pm edt, a "disturbance" rings out from the hall outside the first meeting of the Joint Deficit Reduction Committee ('Super Congress')--people chanting very loudly!!! Now there's the 'unexpected event' from Uranus in Aries in first house! (Yes, I typed the beginning of this post several minutes ago, no edits. Back to original post on the Address...)

"You Should Pass This Bill," said the president several times. Well, provisions in his American Jobs Act do sound like improvements over the crap they've been serving us of late and I hope it passes. Things will be even more tragic than ever if the GOP keeps its Grand Old Patootie in the way of such beneficial progress meant for all the American people, not just the more-entitled-because-we're-rich-so-God-loves-us-more-than-poor-people people. (An anti-Biblical view, as you know.)

Since it's already after 8 pm, I'll publish now and return later to add a link to some brief notes on President Obama's Chiron in Pisces (with its preacher-like vibe as he expressed in tonight's Address), especially important since he's now in the midst of his Chiron Return. It's a numinous time for the president and an iffy period in more ways than one as he heads out on the road tomorrow to talk about the bill's provisions and cheer us on to supporting it bigtime.

The square tonight between the Moon (the public) and Jupiter Rx in money sign Taurus indicate that the American people may have been on the apathetic side concerning yet another speech. Perhaps they'll catch up with it later online or on phone. I'll plan to add the video here as soon as possible, too, because I want it here (and for You to watch, of course!)

Mr. Obama wants all of us to call, text, email, write, or terra-mail our Reps in Washington (we still have a few I guess) and let them know what we think about his proposed legislation. After all, the president knows whose poll numbers are @ rock bottom and they aren't his.

Oh, and when the Address ended, the powerful Pluto/North Node midpoint was precisely at Midheaven (The Goal; Career; Public Status)...

Pluto/NN = MC: the future depends on contacts with others.Well, call or write Capitol Hill. Because in these perilous times--it really really does.

Note: for Chiron in Pisces stuff you may also wish to scroll a little way down the sidebar and type Chiron in Pisces into SO'W's Search Bar, provided by Google. Thanks! Jude

As I type it's now 7:56 pm edt and Eric Cantor has just been featured on TV braying basically what you'd expect. So let's see how the Jackassians spin things in order to undermine Obama's American Jobs Act plan and continue their reckless dismantling of America.


Image above: Pisces from the Secret Moon Art collection of drawings.

Aug 17, 2011

Why Obama, the GOP, and the US Gov won't lift a finger to help our nation stay a nation

So Many Questions, One Big Fat Answer

by Jude Cowell

Why doesn't President Obama get tough with Republicans? Why aren't Wall Street banksters in prison? Why are so few companies hiring? Why is the Supreme Court acting like royal monarchists? Why can't foreclosed home mortgages be redeemed and families kept in their homes? Why are our war vets sleeping under bridges? And why did the dog bark at midnight?

The people's list of puzzling questions seems endless and most Americans feel that little of consequence has been or is being done to really improve our financial condition and jobs market since Financial Collapse 2008 which blew up officially on September 15, 2008: because no one believable is answering them.

If you want a sincere answer, New Dawn Magazine has published perhaps the best explanation of the long-devised goal of a World Government that I've yet to find, and perhaps you may agree.

Twelve Triggers Driving Mankind Towards World Government lays things out in easy-reading detail including what's going on now with a fracturing European Union (as Nostradamus predicted) and Germany's stubborn refusal to provide financial aid to the EU's poorer nations (which are in process of being enveloped while Middle Eastern 'rogue nations' have been poised to take their falls, too. Future puppets wait in the wings.)

History a Process

If you were around in the late 1990s, perhaps you noticed that the Soviet Bloc 'fell' just as the EU was being implemented (1999) and Putin became the Soviet darling. Although it was murky at the start, the EU now shows itself to be a proto-World Government struggling--or dramatizing--their own demise as its Nation-States mull over returning to their traditional currencies...all part of the World Government script.

Now if you've read this blog before this moment, you've noted my use of the term 'New World Order' ('NWO') or 'one-world-government' which are all the same entity and agenda...World Government. Very few politicians on the public stage are not part of the agenda though they only know the part of the plan in which they collude--the old 'need to know' ploy is used because it works. The more secretly they can act, the more efficiently things go--for the manipulators, that is.

World Capitals Will Be...Transformed

Brussels, Luxembourg, Frankfort, Strasbourg, Washington DC (Military center, of course), London, Rome, Jerusalem--all figure into the dissolution of the Nation-State now in progress. And if you don't know this, perhaps you can feel it: their plan is that the USA must be collapsed because no one country can be allowed power concentrated in one place when dispersed, de-centralized power is what the Global Power Elite have envisioned for centuries, such good little 'Utopians' all.

Lurking Somewhere in Astrology...

So with transit Uranus now in Mars-ruled Aries until 2018/19, the revolutionary Utopians have plenty of time in which to fully implement their agenda of world domination with other planets (actors) and dynamic planetary patterns aiding and abetting by aspect, off and on by transit.

In fact, if you use the 'Sibly' version of America's *natal horoscope with its 00Ari53 IC (4th cusp of Home, Domestic Scene, Homeland; AP = a World Point of Manifestation), Utopians have entered the Foundation of our national structure more deeply than since the last time Uranus reached Aries Point (AP) in 1927/28 (see below for dates and a few events that may seem similar to today's happenings. Pluto was in the sign opposite to its current one, Capricorn indicating that plutonian masters were With America then--conjoining, not challenging our natal Venus, Sun, Jupiter trio in Cancer--but now wealthy stealthy Pluto opposes the US trio. Plus, Mr. Organized Crime is within orb of conjoining Britain's natal Sun--and London is the intended Financial center of the World Government.)

Yes, quirky, explosive, political operative Uranus in US natal 4th house--which can act earlier or later than the transit promises--introduces unstable conditions, temporary arrangements, and circumstances over which people who once did, have no control. Unanticipated events and unusually odd people may appear as independence concerns vie with traditional responsibilities. Things begin and end abruptly and family ties change, often due to unexpected crises. Chaos is on the Uranian menu, sorry to say, and strikes, riots, and protests are on the upswing.

If this 4th house info sounds familiar to you, you may have just verified the correct American natal horoscope! But be that as it may, the above linked article is a must-read for those who wish a fuller understanding for Why President Obama and others are not 'helping' our financial circumstances any more efficiently or quickly than heretofore.

Also implicated are the Uranian weirdos who used the word "default" during the staged 'debt ceiling-default crisis' we were 'treated' to in July--morning, noon, and night until August 2, 2011 when the staged 'crisis' was allegedly 'averted' (Whew! we were expected to say in trembling unison as the media beat its importance into our noggins. Personally I said, Political Theater--puh! create a crisis then pretend to 'solve' it, but that's just how I am. Seriously, my church clued me in to the World Government agenda over 30 years ago but I was hoping the totalitarians would hold off until I'm history, chicken that I am. To paraphrase Scripture concerning the latter days: 'No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast'. You doubt? Then you must not be watching the news much these days! Don't blame you actually. Their plan reeks of starkness.)

So! All this to say that the New Dawn Magazine article is highly recommended for an overview of what's really going on and why nothing is being improved as we-the-people would expect so please do pass it around if you may. For in sharing the info you may be doing some sand-headed ostrich a favor--and maybe the coming Holograms of Fakery won't be such a big surprise, and more of us will know exactly who to blame for the false flag ops now being planned to keep us in line. These are operations designed to make the MSM-touted World Government seem to be the only entity big enough to 'deal' with such massive problems--some we've seen (environmental disasters, terrorist plots and schemes, credit crunch, etc), and some are being tweaked right now for unleashing at the moment the Global Power Elite decrees it will have the most effect on psyches and notions of decent futures.

Theirs is an interlocking, interfacing, complex and holistic matrix which is tactically flexible but strategically and rigidly unbending with the prospect of collapsing the US dollar and undermining the Euro as European countries potentially separate from the EU turning up every day in the news like a steady drumbeat.

Therefore, if this agenda to crash America and other nations is even remotely true, it makes them all traitors. Not just Ben Fedhead Bernanke.

And even, possibly, the anti-Bernanke candidate, preacher Rick Perry.


*Sibly horoscope for America: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising and a 10th house 'fallen from grace' Saturn if responsibilities aren't honored and authenticity isn't upheld.

The Last Time Uranus Conjoined US natal IC and Burst into 4th House

1. April 16, 1927
2. Oct 9, 1927
3. Feb 5, 1928

A few Events of 1927 which may resemble those of 2010/2011:

In US, Herbert Hoover is elected president (heard of comparisons between Hoover and Obama lately?); the Irish parliament decrees revolutionary societies treasonable; Allied military control of Germany ends; in Portugal a revolt erupts against military dictatorship (now it's financial dictatorship); diplomatic relations are broken off between China and the USSR; Hitler publishes volume 2 of Mein Kampf; exciting (Uranus) archaeological discoveries are made at the site of the ancient Babylonian city of Ur of the Chaldees (like Uranus!); Werner Heisenberg regales the world with his Uncertainty Principle--how Uranian of him.

Then Came 1928:

Stalin introduces the first Five Year Plan for a state-driven economy; borrowed money is used to buy shares on the NYSE (wish we could walk that back); in the US the first African-American congressman of the 20th century is elected, Oscar De Priest,
the French franc is devalued; and in Paris, 65 countries sign the Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounced "war as an instrument of national policy."

Click to read the Pact and the names of the signators. Here's its lofty, now very lamentable, beginning:

"Deeply sensible of their solemn duty to promote the welfare of mankind;..." How soon they forget.

When was the last time you heard a US politician tout the "welfare of mankind"?

In closing, here's a blast from a more distant American past:

"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all His laws."

John Adams

Aug 5, 2011

Uranus in Aries, the History of Utopia (video), and ALEC

Of late I've complained often about an active Uranus in Aries representing visionary Utopians as Reinhold Ebertin mentions in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences.

For the DOW's 500+-point plummet yesterday, the midpoint picture of Uranus in Aries at apex between Jupiter (@ '10 Taurus' = "A Red Cross Nurse" which on one level implies Rosicrucians) and nebulous Neptune (@ '1 Pisces' = "A Public Market"--our 'consumer economy' and the NYSE) was in force as its been during the 'debt-deal/default' theater we've just been treated to by Washington (ad nauseum.)

As you know, Jupiter with Neptune is the speculation/wastrel/inflation/grand scheme pair of planets, a perfect dynamic for a pie-in-the-sky illusion such as Utopia...

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation; imagination v reality (Ebertin.)

And of course, progressive, futuristic Uranus itself relates to Plato's Ideal which remains but a dream unless and until it finds Saturnian form (practicality; solidity; status quo) to pour into in order to manifest on earth, the physical plane.

The Form Returns...

On August 28, 2011, Saturn for the third time in this 28-year cycle returns to US natal Saturn's degree (14Lib48) which should be a resolution phase for issues of accountability, responsibility, and--as the US government is determined to enforce upon the have-nots rather than upon the rich who caused financial collapse--austerity measures.

Since Uranus has an approximate orbit of 84 years, the last time Uranus was in Aries, Herr Hitler rose to power. This is an important astrological tidbit to know as you consider James Corbett's overview of Utopia while thinking of all that is transpiring to gridlock the US government, lower the people's approval of it, and overthrow our democracy--what little we have left to overthrow as Uranus Rx prepares to hit Aries Point (00:00) again, and recross the IC (Homeland; Domestic Scene) of the US natal horoscope--Utopians in America...

For further reading on another historical Utopian (and a definite villain of our piece), you may wish to try Sir Francis Bacon, Uranus/Neptune, and Pluto. And don't be surprised if there's a Rockefeller involved...

Then there's Plato's Ideal State and his Theory of Forms if you're in a seriously philosophical mood.


Americans, the totalitarian coup d'etat is in progress and time's a-wastin'! If you're not a fan of corporations writing US legislation for a complicit Congress (as I type ALEC meets in convention in New Orleans, Marriott--to decide America's future), please visit ALEC Exposed and get involved. For if you haven't noticed yet, the American Revolution for freedom and independence must now be fought all over again.

Jul 28, 2011

Horoscope: EU Flag w July 28 2011 transits

Is Something Bizarre Going On in Washington DC?

by Jude Cowell

Yes, it is. And though it's hot as Hades in Georgia lately, like you I am snowed under with news and propaganda concerning the purposefully manufactured debt-deal-crisis/default-threat now being waged for the cameras, microphones, and the public in Washington DC. Personally I am not impressed for in Politics, if it happens, it was meant to happen--almost without exception!

And you know that impeaching President Obama is on their freaky take-over agenda.

Now disruptive planet Uranus is always cast as the rebel, the revolutionary, the catalyst, the Genius, and the Awakener, right? Well, with Ebertin cluing us in to the hidden identity of Uranus when in Mars-ruled Aries--as it was during Hitler's rise to power--as 'Utopians', I believe Utopians of the secret society kind are now in progress of completing a total coup and collapse of the US government and US financial system in which Financial Collapse 2008 played its role.

So I've set up a noon horoscope for the *EU--NWO Flag Unfurling and thought you might wish to view the chart with today's transits (noon) in Brussels (where The Beast of a Super-Computer has every one's data squirreled away for the luciferian-satanic New World Order elite to use however its directors will. We're not going to like it either.)

Meanwhile, with Speaker Boehner's plan to be voted on in the House today if he can muster enough troops, most of us feel America is at a 'bending or breaking point' (brittle Saturn v Uranus with controlling Pluto squaring them in a titanic T-Square for months, off and on....'brutality; harm through force majeure'--Ebertin.)

Will the American public be swayed toward the lesser of two evils--the Obama solution--to 'improve' our economic condition? How will the rest of the global economy behave if the US defaults on her legal debts and renegs on all the responsibilities which will have to be neglected because of Washington ideologues shoving their fanatic agenda onto our country? Most Washington politicians operate as the political arm of a larger globe-striding organization, I keep tellin' ya!

Plus, one reason I'm posting the EU--NWO Flag chart here is for my own future reference and I hope any Astrology buff reading this post will take the chart into consideration especially with such precarious conditions now affecting the European financial system along with that of the United States, and the world.

UPDATE August 3, 2011: economist Paul Krugman's NYT op-ed This Morning's Grim Eurothought is brief yet elucidating on the EU situation which is now being repeated from the past when financial crisis in Europe helped precipitate the 1929 Crash in the US. He makes this post's case! And a new study of the chart can shed light on the baked-in weaknesses now causing trouble in the EU and hamstringing efforts at financial improvement. OF course, a look at the natal chart of the EU itself is also instructive.

Original post continues here:

Above, you see a noon chart for the European Union (EU)--slash 'NWO'--Flag Unfurled enterprise set for July 14, 1989 Brussels, Belgium. This was the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution's Bastille Day and was probably chosen for just this reason. Occult symbolism applies.

Please enlarge the horoscope by clicking and perhaps you can read my chicken-scratch notes since blogging time is rather limited today for I have lots to do.

ASC 27Vir34 MC 26Gem52 conjunct Jupiter; Hour Jupiter; NN of Destiny = US natal Moon (we-the-people); 1st quarter (crisis in action phase); **pile-up in structural, governmental, business-oriented Capricorn of Uranus 2:34, Saturn 9:45, and Neptune 10:42 in the 4th H (Foundation) of the noon chart. Two midpoint pictures now form in July 2011 through the efforts of transiting Pluto the Powerful--you see them listed on the chart, bottom left:

1989 Saturn/Uranus = 2011 Pluto: desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary efforts; brutality; concealing changes to activities (peep-eye, Capitol Hill! jc); drastic reforms in a previously liberal atmosphere (balancing the US budget on the backs of the ill, poor, children and the elderly?-- jc.)

As you see, tr Mars today conjoins 1989's Jupiter at MC which expands the part activist Mars is playing in events--monetary and social status may be improved if negative factors don't interfere; however, the temptation is to give people more credit than they deserve!

Oddly enough, 1989's Moon @ 29Sco44 was conjoined by US Inaugural Moon 2009--we-the-people during Mr. Obama's presidential Oath Taking...'30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester", a Sabian Symbol with all sorts of implications including that of Grand Master Templar Jacques Demolay whose untimely death by execution long ago seems to be revenged ad nauseum even now and which is marked through history, as some folk say, by the unlucky 'Friday the 13th' superstition.

As you see in 10th house, our current Solar Eclipse 9Can12 of July 1, 2011 is posited with its Cancerian emphases on democracy, power struggles, restrictions, inflexibility, money difficulties (conjunct US natal Sun and Jupiter), trade, commerce, and transport disturbances, real estate, food supplies and shortages (famine), homelessness, foreclosure, and refugee issues, and misfortune concerning buildings and property. Plus, Moon-ruled Cancer the Crab is the 'side-stepper'!

(One of the basic tenets of the 'Great Plan' or 'Secret Doctrine' of the Utopians is to abolish ownership of all kinds along with the dissolution of all civilized institutions including family ties--as Hitler managed to do for a time. The same spirit attempts to hold sway over the world in 2011. Note: the July 28, 2011 noon transits show Venus/Pluto rising, a combo that relates to bankruptcy or forced bankruptcy as in Greece, and now--in America; also Venus/Pluto = extremes of wealth hidden in secret places--Munkasey. Venus/Pluto - ASC: wielding great infuence or a fascination upon others; focus on a need for political response to those with a destructive or punishing intent--YES!)

On Capitol Hill, the GOP is all but giddy at the thought of the financial precipice America teeters upon as they implement their plan to "see Obama fail." And it seems that President Obama is walking right into the trap! Is he secretly on the side of these particular Utopians? Probably not. Others? Yes, or he wouldn't be in the White House. Yet these brigands hope to 'build anew upon the ashes' of our nation...remember The Phoenix was preferred by certain of America's founders to serve as our national symbol, and not the eagle.

A synchronistic chart factor is a repeating midpoint--in early Aries on July 14, 1989, and on July 28, 2011 as well. It involves the Jupiter/Neptune pair of inflationary practices, grand schemers, speculators, spendthrifts, and wastrels--and guess which planet sits upon its apex, then and now?

1989 and 2011 Jupiter/Neptune = 2011 Uranus: disruptive events which have no real explanation (but the media goes round and round); basing decisions on odd or supernatural theories; unaccustomed confusion (Capitol Hill is playing this well--jc); impersonal treatment for those with drug dependencies (private prisons in the US are chocked full of people arrested for getting high--a medical condition--jc); imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Well, Mr. Boehner held a presser a while ago so I'll mosey along for now. Let me know if you wish to comment on-topic concerning this horoscope, or on the societal conditions now prevailing. If the GOP is allowed to set the timeline of the 'debt crisis' for December 2012--aka, the can down the road tactic to affect the 2012 election--Americans can go ahead and kiss their Merry Christmas 2011 good-bye.


*Source for EU-NWO Flag Unfurling July 14, 1989: Nicholas Hagger's book The Syndicate: The Story of the Coming World Government which I highly recommend to those interested in uncovering such topics.

A news note from Thom Hartmann's broadcast today: GE is moving its x-ray technology business to China so more US jobs will be disappearing. Besides undermining the American economy further, GE's move to Beijing also 'pokes a stick' in the President's eye--compliments of his reputed 'jobs czar', Mr. Immelt.

**Notes on the 1989 chart's pile-up (trio) in Capricorn

Saturn conjunct Uranus:

1. Feb 13, 1988 @ 29Sag55
2. June 26, 1988 @ 28Sag47
3. Oct 18, 1988 @ 27Sag49

Saturn conjunct Neptune:

1. March 3, 1989 @ 11Cap55
2. June 24, 1989 @ 11Cap14
3. Nov 13, 1989 @ 10Cap22

Uranus conjunct Neptune (planets of the Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Reason, and the NWO):

1. Feb 2, 1993 @ 19Cap34
2. Aug 20, 1993 @ 18Cap48
3. Oct 24, 1993 @ 18Cap33

1989 Solar Eclipse at Crisis Degree

The 1989 chart's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) is at a critical or crisis degree, '17Pisces'. In July 2011, the transiting midpoint Of Uranus/Neptune is, as marked, @ 17Pis19 thus stimulating 1989's EU Flag Unfurling PE which is in the 9 New North Series: 'violence, great or sudden physical efforts and/or events; accidents; guarding one's safety.' (Brady.) 9NN last manifested on March 19, 2007 (George Bush!) @ '28Pisces' and will next occur in 2025.

9NN is the PE of the WikiLeaks release of the US helipcopter carnage video, of Julian Assange himself (1971), of Abraham Lincoln (1809), Bobby Jindall (1971), of assassinated President Garfield's inauguration (1881), Edgar Alan Poe (1809), and the Generation of Materialism (Robber Barons, 1881)...aka, the Great Bubble Creators who now desert America where they first made their fortunes.

(btw: Oct 24, 1993 is the date I use to time a natal chart for the New World Order;
Uranus/Neptune @ '19Cap' = "POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism"--M. E. Jones.)

My heartfelt condolences go to the good people of Norway for this would be the type of Uranus/Neptune paternalism the social freak on his political rampage wishes to shove upon the world with his 'awakening' massacre of defenseless teenagers in Norway on July 23, 2011--a 'New Knights Templar', as he styles his racist self. He's a Utopian similar to, and reading the works of, America's right-wing crazies who now intrigue to impeach President Obama and crash the US economy to make him look the culprit.

Links of interest may be: Free Press and Conversations With Great Minds.

May 25, 2011

Horoscope: the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011

Today's post is one I'd prefer to skip but since it concerns the Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12 and deeply affects America's natal chart, my fret is that it cannot be avoided and must be addressed on Stars Over Washington.

With America's birthday coming on July 4th (Sun 13Can+ depending on the birth time you use: today I'm looking at our nation's horoscope for July 4, 1776 5:10 pm EDT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - aka, the Sibly chart) and with our government's placing our country into serious debt to other nations - precisely what our founders hoped to avoid - our annual "Independence Day" becomes more and more of a cynical joke against the American people whose natal Aquarian Moon perpetually longs for freedom and independence.

And since Summer 2011 marks major financial and political time bombs (such as to raise or not to raise the US debt ceiling which Congress has never yet failed to do - one of the many reasons the US in such high debt now), plus, a deficit amount gone into the stratosphere, along with the Democratic Congress' failure to pass a viable budget) this Solar Eclipse and that of June 1, 2011 @ 11Gem02 are all the more pertinent for our astrological and political considerations.

Now some politicians continually tell us that America is "broke" while some say, p-shaw! to the notion. And since it's primarily Republicans who say we're broke (Financial Collapse 2008 occurred on Bush's watch, I remind them - the heisting crescendo of his disastrous 8-year presidency), it's easy to see that the GOP wishes to tar'n'feather a Democratic president with the bankruptcy brush in order to make way for the next - what they hope is a Republican - president who'll conveniently band together with Corporate America to 'save the day'.

The implication is that with a Republican back in the White House (Lodge), millions of decent-paying US jobs will magically appear! This, of course, ignores how many such jobs disappeared during the 8 years of Bush-Cheney and during the terms of other presidents, both D and R.

So if you've read this blog once or twice before, you may know that this reluctant astrologer considers 99% of our ruling elite politicians to be floating along in the same golden yacht and lined up against the American people's best interests, a populace whom they come nearer to drowning every day. In that sense, we're all Katrina victims left upon flooded rooftops.

So with that populist/common good slant in mind, I hereby offer you my take on the Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 which manifests as you see between America's natal Jupiter 5Can56 and Sun 13Can with transiting Pluto (The Wealthy hiding beneath an invisible cape of power) in Capricorn still in opposition to our natal planets in the business-oriented, security-minded sign of Cancer.

Image shown: July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 9Can12 4:53:50 am edt Washington DC ; eclipse conjoins Fixed Star Alhena: to have a mission; this 'mission' may be of the Manifest Destiny kind and may be part of what is described below as 'the goal'.

Hour Mars 7Gem17 in 12th house of Politics, Self-Undoing, and Karma conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which conjoins asteroid MIDA$ 9:03; Mars conjunct Hera (women's issues = Republicans' "war on women"?); ASC 26Gem15 (WHAT?), MC 3Pis34 (WHY?) with Neptune 00Pis43 Rx and Chiron 5Pis15 Rx snugged around it along with Fixed Star Fomalhaut = humanitarianism, idealism, spirituality, and Pisces = The Two Fishes, so the Mississippi River flooding and its effects on New Orleans comes to mind even as seafood and Gulf Coast livelihoods continue to be affected by oil from the Deepwater Horizon blowout of April 2010; plus, crop failures from flooding may affect food prices, transport, state budgets, and homeowners and residents in the flood plain.

ASC 26Gem15: South Node (separation) 23Gem28 and Venus 26Gem34 are rising indicating conditions of separation in relationships, isolation, issues of bad timing, and/or feelings of inferiority. Positively, it may indicate a sincere desire to relate to and aid those who are truly in need which will bring spiritual rewards.

Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception but are 49 degrees apart; ruler of the 8th house, Saturn 10Lib43 in 5th H has turned Direct since its Station on June 12, 2011 (10Lib27); a Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled, Watery Cancer is of a karmic nature and aspects to the eclipse are very important due to the Moon's 'past' connections; a Cancerian Moon 'soaks up' the energies of the aspecting planets, and Cancer = the homeland, America.

Here are the 3 planets aspecting this eclipse; all are from the Cardinal T-Square; both Saturn and Pluto are considered karmic planets for their affects are a long time in the making:

1. A restrictive Saturn Square to the eclipse indicates that lack of discipline and irresponsibility have played major roles in the problems associated with the eclipse (as we know); resisting the temptation to take the easy way out is an imperative for karmic progress to be made (which to me sounds as if raising the debt ceiling won't help matters, only hinder them - common sense, really, though I suppose Congress will do it anyway.)

Playing into this difficult karmic situation is our national Saturn Return (14Lb48) which peaks with the third of three conjunctions on August 28, 2011 (the resolution phase); having Saturn in natal 10th H of Public Standing has a 'fall from grace' potential, in which case, the global domination/one-world-government crowd will be so very very pleased as their astrological representative - plutocratic, deconstructing/rebuilding-upon-ruins Pluto in structurally-minded Capricorn - continues to oppose our natal planets in Cancer.

2. The Uranus Square to the eclipse indicates that karmic progress is prevented by an uncaring attitude toward humanity at large; indifference to the needs of society interferes with improvement in the conditions described by the Cancer eclipse - it's the vise we're in. Genuine concern for one's fellow man is what is needed yet how to generate genuine concern in those who don't consider themselves to be their 'brother's keepers'? Radical, political Uranus says, Talk to the hand. Yet We know that concern for others cannot be forced externally for it must occur on an inner spiritual level with the aid of a Higher Authority, otherwise, it is short-lived at best.

(We're sunk here, folks, for many Americans have been led to believe that they'll never need the compassion of others even as they see the occurrences of natural disasters increasing! Let 'freeloaders' waste away or collapse on our streets! they seem to say. How odd that many people who exhibit this cold-hearted attitude are holding a Bible in their hands as they ignore the basic needs of their fellow Americans. But depopulation is a major goal of the one-world-government folk for there will be more resources left for them, you see.)

3. Pluto opposes the eclipse which shows conditions of illusion, deception, and chaos rather than the awareness an opposition usually provides. That Pluto's actions are so often hidden or secretive only makes our lack of awareness more possible as we're pulled between reality and fallacy; Pluto's associations with media, propaganda, publishing, Big Banking, Politics, and the Vatican (Pluto = the pope, and other powers behind the throne) shows that we'll get no relief from Pluto's direction.

Jupiter 4Tau59 in 11th H of Groups and Associations trines Pluto and rules the 7th H of Partnerships and Open Enemies in which Pluto is placed; as significator of the Republican Party, Jupiter seems to be aiding (trine) Pluto with his agenda of gaining complete power and control of the US government and its people. The GOP has made it clear they'll do anything to see 'Barack Obama fail' - and the nation along with him as they and the corporate-backed Tea Party hold the nation hostage to austere requirements which may or may not help our debt situation since it's short-sighted (ex: cutting Medicaid or other programs for those of lower incomes will further burden our already-stressed hospital emergency rooms and clinics. Duh.)

In spite of it all, we-the-people must approach our problems as honestly and compassionately as we can, facing our monsters and vanquishing them on our own terms - whether Washington does this or not.

For honest information, Independent Media is one avenue I would suggest for this such as LINK-TV, one of the broadcasters of non-corporate supported programs such as Democracy Now! (Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez) and Thom Hartmann, among others; LINK-TV is where we're much more likely to find truth, especially since the sign Gemini can be duplicitous, and...

A Geminian Mercury Rules the Way Forward into November 2011

Chart-ruler Mercury 28Can32 is in 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values; through earthy Virgo, Mercury also rules the 4th H of Real Estate and Domestic Scene. How things will proceed is shown by Mercury's two applying aspects: a quincunx to Neptune (2A11), and what may turn out to be a helpful trine with Uranus (6A00.) Plus, this tr Mercury opposes US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx with potentials for: ideas and information received and presented are intense yet possibly subliminal; people refuse to listen to others due to forceful exertion of their own ideas; manipulation of ideas, thoughts, and communications occur in order to gain advantage over others; incorrect information is given with intent to mislead; people withhold what they know to create paranoia and/or to protect their own turfs; not a good time for free speech as surveillance increases and propaganda ramps up.

Sounds like the general tenor of our nation since 9/11, doesn't it?

Well, I intend to monitor the news all summer for such Mercury/Pluto topics to be placed on the front burner as we are led by propaganda and manipulation toward the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse (@ 2Sag.) Yet we may expect that some info or intell may seep or leak out under the rays of the June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag in 1st house of the US Sibly natal chart giving it a 'personal responsibility' vibe. Of course, WikiLeaks comes to mind yet it may be manipulated by controlled leaks from the US government and others.

Mercury quincunx (inconjunct) Neptune details a condition where facts are elusive or purposefully hidden and promises are hard to keep so we may be hearing the wimpy excuse out of Washington, "Well, at least we tried"; extra tasks are taken on to gain another's approval and nervous energy is spread too thin to accomplish much.

Mercury trine Uranus offers a ray of hope for it brings in much creativity and original ideas with opinions that are based on sound principles; truth-seeking can bring intellectual freedom with this trine, and spiritual values can be well-integrated within our materialistic concerns and tendencies.

As you notice, this position of Mercury indicates that a national Mercury Return has just occurred (on June 28, 2011 in 8th H of the Return chart set for DC.) In this chart, Return Mercury's only applying aspect is an irritating semi-square (45 degr) to Mercury Return Moon 7Gem07 which conjuncts Mars in the July 1st Eclipse chart's secretive/Unconscious 12th H; '8Gem' = "Around a Closed Down Factory, Strikers Mill Defiantly"...protests will be on the rise with Mars to Moon indicating riled up feelings, restlessness and physical actions taken, with a focus on domestic conditions (US unemployment, 'free' trade agreements, etc. We need more employee-owned factories and co-ops, m'peops!)

Note: Our natal Mercury Rx 24Can12 opposes n Pluto Rx (in n 2/8 Hs) making it one of our premiere natal aspects for our eye-in-the-sky country (United Spies of America?); even our paper money is stamped with a symbol of encompassing surveillance. The other aspects that describe the US are a natal Sun/Saturn square (lawmakers restrain the executive branch, or used to) and a n Mars/Neptune square (spying; confused or inspired motivations; deceptive actions; misguided energy; a massive military force.) Plus, the US has a hidden square - 256 degr - between Illuminati planets Uranus and Neptune which is most closely seen in our Scorpio Rising chart.

The Karma of a Cardinal Grand Cross

Now in the July Solar Eclipse chart, above, (which is basically an early birthday gift from the Universe to America) you see a Cardinal Grand Cross highlighted by dotted line between Sun/Moon, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. This configuration greatly enhances the ongoing Cardinal T-Square between the Saturn/Uranus opposition with its apex Pluto pulling the strings of power and control since the Solar Eclipse, along with US natal Jupiter and Sun - fill in the missing point of the T-Square to form a 'Cross' on the material/physical plane.

A Cardinal Grand Cross (or, Grand Square) is created by two oppositions squaring one another and contains tremendously dynamic energy. The Cardinal oppositions indicate that cooperation is necessary in order for the energy to be well-managed: the assistance of others is needed to achieve goals. Yet the impatience and impulsivity of Cardinality can cause bad timing and poorly-planned action as people tend to rush into new activities before completing what was started with verve and enthusiasm. This interferes with accomplishment of one's mission (Alhena, noted above) because reckless behavior is exhibited.

Pitfalls include over-assertion and head-on confrontations. (I'm focused here primarily on financial conditions since US natal Jupiter is affected, yet debilitating war expenses, further involvements in foreign lands, and other issues may be shown as well...also involving Jupiter's over-expansive tendencies.)

A Cardinal Grand Cross describes energy which may flare at the start yet is lacking when it comes to follow-through, and if either Mars or Uranus - here, Uranus - is involved in the configuration, we can expect accident-proneness due to thoughtless impulsiveness, plus, extreme aggression may be indicated (hot-headedness or hair-trigger tempers.)

Is there an upside to this Grand Cross in the Solar Eclipse chart?

Eclipses are 'wild cards' that may affect conditions in a fashion similar to Uranus' sudden, disruptive quirkiness which may act or stimulate at any time: early, late, or never.

This stressful Cardinal pattern shows that frustrating obstacles are causing blockages on the path to fulfilling our needs yet persistence is the key to applying the energy so that one major goal at a time may be realized.

Hopefully, the goals favor the American people for a change rather than corporations and other special interests, so if you think that Washington politicians can handle this vast energy and put Politics aside long enough to do so, I congratulate you on your optimism and faith in our elected officials who have had a very large share in creating the messes in which America is mired. Yet you've noticed, I'm certain, that many of the bigger players and culprits on Capitol Hill have recently retired from public office. We shall meet many of them again in their lobbying capacities.

The July 1, 2011 Grand Cross also tells us that taking premature action through an unnecessary sense of urgency will not result in improvements in our situation. This hearkens back to the Political Theater during Campaign 2008 when John McCain 'suspended' his presidential campaign and rushed back to DC to 'save' the US banking system (Mr. Obama rushed back, too, but not quite as theatrically and fake-ily.)

So considering this Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 and its manifestation between US natal Jupiter and Sun, we may expect much drama and excitement to be shown this summer concerning political, financial, and other issues, though at least some of the performances will be pure theater for public consumption and persuasion.

Midpoints Paint Word Pictures

Now let's consider the midpoints of the chart; I will include the pictures created by the Grand Cross with US n Jupiter; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to stimulation by transits and progressions; for the sake of brevity, only Ebertin's midpoint pictures will be used, and I shall refrain from again adding the brutal Saturn/Uranus = Pluto picture. You'll see that the Venus/SN/ASC theme of separation is echoed along with some other themes mentioned previously:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn: ruthless overcoming of obstacles; restriction or separation by a Higher Power; imprisonment.

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden adjustment to new circumstances; arrest.

Moon/Pluto = Saturn: grave inhibitions; mental or emotional suffering.

Moon/Pluto = Uranus: extreme emotions; fanaticism; a desire to fight; an urge to do something; nervous crises through excesses; sudden upsets.

Saturn/Uranus = Sun: inflexibility; severe tests of strength; separation; rebellion; the power of resistance.

Saturn/Uranus = Moon: strong emotional tensions and strains; inconstancy; depression; separation.

Saturn/Uranus = US n Jupiter: fortunate powers of adaptation; release from tension; a sudden turn of destiny; getting into difficulties; losses; damage to motors or to buildings.

US n Jupiter/tr Pluto = tr Saturn: inhibited development; lack of progress; difficulties; separation.

US n Jupiter/tr Pluto = tr Uranus: fanatical striving for improvements; the quick exploitation of every situation (politics!); sudden reforms; adjusting to new circumstances.

There are other midpoint pictures to consider as well, all of them involving Jupiter in Taurus:

Sun/Neptune = Jupiter: achieving success with little exertion; optimism in spite of impaired vitality.

Moon/Neptune = Jupiter: sympathy; a good understanding of others through a compassionate attitude; far-reaching wishes; fantasy; artistic success.

Mars/Uranus = Jupiter: a correct grasp of a situation coupled with timely action; successful contests of strength; a lucky hand in unusual enterprises; good fortune with injuries or accidents.

Jupiter/MC = Uranus: fortunate new ventures; an ability to utilize the right moment; a fortunate adjustment to new conditions; sudden success; optimism.

Well, those are certainly great if minor notes upon which to end this Solar Eclipse article, aren't they? And once again, catalyst Uranus - now in US natal 4th house and closely linked to the founding of freedom-loving America - may somehow manage to bring surprising improvements to our current situation!

Now if only Congress will agree to stop delaying decisions that would move things forward rather than tiresomely painting the Other Party as the main culprit and trying to score political points while deflecting well-deserved criticism.


Got opinions on this post or eclipse chart? Please leave an on-topic comment!

Related posts: Summer Solstice 2011's Sun Can-Moon Pisces (contains a link back to SO'W and the Summer Solstice 2011 Horoscope.)

From May 8, 2011, economist Paul Krugman's explanation of how we got here and who's to blame: The Unwisdom of Elites with his additional comments on the financial condition of the European Community.

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin (midpoint pictures); Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney (Cardinal Grand Cross.)

May 10, 2011

Visible Alignment of Planets: a presaging of 2012? 5.10.11

1999, the New Millennium, 2012, and Planets All in a Row 2011

by Jude Cowell

May 10, 2011: as of today it is possible to see with the naked eye a fabulous celestial show: a line-up of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the wee hours of the morning for the next few weeks.

Even quirkily inclined Uranus and shy Neptune may be viewed if environmental conditions are right and you have a decent pair of binoculars! (Do let me know here in a Comment if you spy them. Or message: judecowell at gmail dot com.)

Now some folk are relating the current line-up to the potential devastation expected in 2012 though astronomers at NASA are poo-pooing the idea. They say that no similar configuration is on the Universe's schedule for December 21, 2012, the end date of the Mayan Calendar. Yet what the date is the end of, no one really knows. Apparently planet Venus is involved and is said to have been the culprit in an earlier cosmic disaster some millions of years ago; the Sunspot Cycle is also implicated.

For further investigation on such topics as 2012, you may be interested in a website I recently discovered called Shift of the Ages along with New World Order 2012 which addresses such head-scratching topics.

Plus, there's a classic A&E program that mentions the Mayan Calendar 2012 question and is narrated by the excellent Leonard Nimoy - click for a video of Part 1, then click through for the rest, if you wish, for it remains quite watchable as Planet Earth nears 2012.

Is Fear of 2012 Really Necessary?

Personally I suspect that one-world-government types have for decades played upon and manipulated public fears (perhaps assisted by the ancient cataclysm mentioned above involving Venus which, if so, rests deep within our Collective Unconscious) for their own power-grabbing purposes. Something is coming up that they will use to justify their increased control and reordering of our lives.

Such social manipulators use Astrology, too, you know!

And their agenda was ramped up after the Biblical portents in the Book of Revelation became visible astrologically in the horoscope of the King of Terror Solar Eclipse (aka, the 'King of Alarm Eclipse', or 'The Mother of All Eclipses') which Nostradamus predicted centuries ago and which manifested on August 11, 1999. The article lines you up with the eclipse horoscope if you wish a view.

1999: A Major Shift of Cosmic Energies

The mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are spotlighted in the August 11, 1999 chart and in Astrology have been known for ages as the Oxen Point, Lion Point, Eagle Point, and Angel Point.

So I must ask you: since the New Millennium began have we not experienced an abundance of misery and fear-mongering upon the Earth since God's angels (timed by the 1999 eclipse and predicted in Revelation) let go the four corners of 'the winds of war and strife'?

The Ultimate Dilemma

In an ultimate and eternal sense, all I can say is that everyone who ever lived, lives now, or will be born of Planet Earth has a true condition before God - what our Creator thinks of each one of us, not what we or anyone else thinks. (Mankind's ego need not apply!)

So to me, given the current climate of natural and other disasters - with more to come - it seems that the most important thing anyone could ever do in his or her life is to examine one's heart of hearts and attend to and repair His opinion - the only one that truly matters - in order to improve one's status according to The Light one has received!

May 3, 2011

NPR turns 40 today with a Uranus/Chiron opposition

Looking at the natal horoscope of NPR's first-ever broadcast of All Things Considered, it's interesting to note a few of the astro-factors shown.

Broadcaster Jupiter Rx 3Sag58 ('4Sag' = "A Little Child Learning to Walk"!) is in process of its Great Conjunction with Neptune 2Sag13 Rx in 2nd house with Neptune representing media and its masses of listeners. Let's consider - not all things - but a few of the basics in the natal horoscope set for 5:00 pm edt Washington DC on May 3, 1971. We see from the date that NPR launched in the midst of Richard Nixon's two terms and with anti-war protesters marching and being arrested on DC streets for speaking truth to power (my generation!)

The Jupiter/Neptune combo represents speculation, grand plans, and sometimes, sympathy for people at a disadvantage.

You may wish to see NPR's Wiki bio for more of its historic details.

May 3, 1971 at 5:00 pm in Washington DC saw 7Lib19 rising with Uranus 10Lib15 Rx in tow indicating NPR's newness, progressiveness, technological innovations, individualism, originality, and the ability to cope with whatever occurs.

It's an Hour of Jupiter, perfect for Jupiter's broadcasting function, and Jupiter in his natural sign, fiery Sagittarius, shows international interests in foreign lands and peoples, a liberal mindset, and a capacity to inspire people with a vision of how much better everything might be. (Self-righteousness must be guarded against.)

Chart-ruler Venus at critical degree (12Ari18 and snugged between Chiron and Mercury in 7th house of Partnerships) makes no applying aspects so its sign and house positions are important factors in how things proceeded for the then-new radio network-syndicate. Venus = '13Ari' = "A Bomb Which Failed to Explode Is Now Safely Hidden", a Sabian Symbol which speaks of having a "very deep or hallowed purpose." (M. E. Jones.)

This 'hallowed purpose' tallies with NPR's Midheaven (The Goal; Aspiration) 8Can20 which showcases Fixed Star Alhena, 'to have a mission' and which falls, of course, between US natal Jupiter '6Can' and Sun '14Can'.

Venus also rules the monied 8th H and its inhabitants, Sun and Saturn.

An 11th house Moon 29Leo59 is at a critical 29th degree as well but conjoins Fixed Star Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, keywords: 'success if revenge if avoided.' All the Royal Stars have cautions showing what flaws will cause the promised success to slip away if the particular caution is not heeded - in this case, revenge.

In 8th house of Shared Resources is natal Sun 12Tau46 which receives this evening's New Moon 12Tau30 (8:49 pm edt) indicating a new cycle of activity of some kind; hardworking Saturn 24Tau11 is in 8th H, too and shows its conservation-preservation duties in Taurus which are expressed with reliability and persistence. For managing Saturn in Taurus, financial security is very important as it tends to develop a well-balanced sense of the value of material resources.

Plus, Saturn is helpfully trined by powerful publisher Pluto 27Vir17 Rx in 12th H of Behind-the-Scenes and I wouldn't care to guess who or what group Pluto represented in 1971 relating to the beginnings of NPR. Would you? But asteroid Lilith Rx conjoins Pluto so I will add that Lilith isn't always or only the glamorous woman for its archetype also has a link to Israel.

And what of action-oriented Mars? Mars 00AQ00, a critical degree, is in 4th H of Endings and Foundations - at "An Old Adobe Mission" so there's another reference to having a mission. This degree appears every January 20th at noon in Washington DC for its our presidential Sun's degree. Mars remained in AQ from May 3 until November 6, 1971 and was stationary part of that time which greatly strengthened its Aquarian instincts and interests which spearheaded a new way of life (NPR driveway moments forthcoming?)

Mars in Aquarius shows a desire for independence to follow an unusual or unorthodox course of action with reformist tendencies; in 4th H, Mars describes some testy interchanges taking place 'at home' with efforts made toward improvements.

We may well ascribe NPR's wish to 'dot all the Is' and 'cross all the Ts' to the fact that Mercury 23Ari10 is oriental, that is, the planet that rises just before the Sun.

There's only one midpoint picture in the chart other than those formed by a multiple-planet T-Square and an Earth Grand Trine: Mars/ASC = Jupiter: harmonious teamwork; the ability to lead others; a good organiser; agreement with others on pursuit of the same objectives (that mission again); enthusiasm; harmonious public outreach.

The T-Square/s all point to MC and Alhena's mission: Chiron/Uranus = MC, Venus/Uranus = MC (getting to like someone quickly; focusing on the modernization of tastes), and Venus/ASC = MC (harmony; art and music appreciation.)

Earth Grand Trine: Mars, Saturn, and Pluto which shows the hard work it took to get up and running, but also seems to relate to the anti-war protests on the streets and the heavy-handed governmental response for brutality is indicated. Mars = protests and activism, Saturn = control and government, and Pluto = power, wealth, subversive actions, and ultimate control. Perhaps these are the forces that now regularly threaten to withdraw government funding of NPR for its 'too liberal' stance.

A 5th H North Node (NN) 19AQ55 shows NPR's path is to serve mankind and its 5th H position makes finding its unique destiny a must.

And last, the Uranus/Chiron opposition on NPR's Identity axis (ASC/DESC) is telling considering Uranus' link to radicalism and politics (yet not forgetting the excellent traits of Uranus Rising mentioned above.)

Uranus opposite Chiron shows 1971 to be a time when people were very stressed out and feeling that things were 'too much' - as in 2011. The aspect's ferociously intense energy tends to burn itself out or push NPR to great transmutative levels of awareness as it dramatizes individualism (and individualistic, freedom-loving Uranus rises.)

I shall leave it to you, dear reader and NPR listener, to decide which result NPR has achieved over the last 40 years. Happy Birthday, NPR!


Midpoint pictures: Tyl, Ebertin, Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply; Chiron info from Barbara Hand Clow and Richard Nolle.

Sep 22, 2010

DHS targets activists in PA; Mercury/Uranus busy

Magenta Alert! This HoSec-related article with video arrived in my mailbox from and I thought you might wish to know about some squirreliness going on in the excellent state of Pennsylvania:

In this edition of the Reality Report, Gary Franchi blows the lid off the Pennsylvania DHS list targeting activists. He also sits down with Arizona State Senate Libertarian Candidate Andrea Garcia to talk about her race for the Senate seat. Obama gets schooled during his own Town Hall meeting on CNBC, and we have the video. Nina breaks down the headlines including who is funding the Ground Zero Mosque and how the US is in bigger debt than the Government is letting on.

She also plays the controversial video of the middle school students praying at a Mosque during a field trip and reports on a new tax concept being proposed in the UK. The viewers brand a new “Enemy of the State” and the mailbag is sifted. #


View a basic image of Department of Homelnad Security's
2002 natal horoscope
where you'll notice its North Node in Gemini conjoins US natal Uranus opposite HoSec's Mercury at South Node. The Nodal axis, as you know, signifies the path or future direction with US natal Uranus, planet of revolution and rebellion, at NN.

Uranus/NN blends of energy represent political groups advocating radical reforms and new efforts to alter the course of events. The attacks of 9/11/01, the purported justificaton for setting up DHS, have certainly played an integral part in the altering of our nation and at the time, gave an alleged legitimacy to the disputed SCOTUS installment of Bush-Cheney administration.

(Note: HoSec's birth horoscope was published in 2005 before I developed the bad habit of scribbling my notes all over the charts I publish; the text does include a few details all the same.)

The Nodal contact lends a Mercury/Uranus flavor to the enterprise and has a 'propaganda used during emergencies' quality along with advanced technological (Uranus) surveillance (Mercury) and a potential for riots, rebellion, or protests which begin because information on HoSec's goals is not well explained.

My feeling is that there would be many more such riotous outbursts from we-the-people if the true info on neocon goals of HoSec were well explained.