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Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Oct 22, 2019

Aug 5, 2019

Unelected Bureaucrats Run the US Government

At last! An American who tells the truth about who's actually running the US government and he's written a book on the subject. Discovered in the C SPAN podcast Q&A list, the video of the July 22, 2019 interview with Professor Benjamin Ginsberg of Johns Hopkins University has been placed in the sidebar of Stars Over Washington and a small amount of scrolling will locate it!

Professor Ginsberg goes into quite a bit of detail concerning the roles of Congress and the Executive Branch and their surrendering of authority in favor of the unelected officials (aka, career civil servants) who are really in charge as they wallow in their wealth and their disdain for the thoughts, opinions, and knowledge level of the American people.

No democracy this! The book was published in 2016, and hopefully, if you've missed it so far, you'll check out Benjamin Ginsberg's enlightening hour-long interview in one format or another. Here's a link to his book:

What Washington Gets Wrong: The Unelected Officials Who Actually Run the Government and Their Misconceptions about the American People available on Amazon.

And for the scroll-averse, here's a direct link to the Q&A video (same as the podcast but viewable).

As for Political Astrology on unelected 'career civil servants', this information provides a much stronger emphasis on the 6th house (and its polarity, the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, Karma, and Hidden Enemies) in mundane horoscopes for the 6th is the house of Service which includes 'civil service'.

Note: please pardon the lack of an image with this post. I've made attempts but for some reason Google (Blogger) isn't allowing an upload of any image that relates to the topic. Is it too controversial? If so, I dissent!

Nov 30, 2016

Power Elite Strategies: the Reality of Voting Revealed

When Donald Trump complained about our 'rigged system' he wasn't referring to the bigger (crooked) picture:

Morally Deformed Power Elite Strategies Against the People (sans Democracy)

"By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished." - American Bankers Association, 1924

Is this a reference to the secretly planned and sneakily implemented central banking Federal Reserve System?

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. It's not the votes that count, it's WHO counts the votes. It doesn't matter who the people vote for; they always vote for us." - Joseph Stalin

Well, thanks, Joe, for that clarification. And though the phrase may be bandied about by US politicians and their backers of a certain autocratic persuasion, I cannot and will not believe that America's Founding Fathers considered democracy to be "mob rule."

Nov 29, 2016

Criminalizing Dissent: This Is How It Begins - video

Apathy is a luxury we can no longer afford and is no longer any sort of excuse in America for non-participation in our 'democracy'. That's basically how We the People got into the political jam we're in today:

Read, watch, listen: Thom Hartmann.

Donald Trump? America is his cash cow now.

Jul 1, 2016

Judge Says Ohio Voter Purge Is Perfectly Legal – Goodbye, Democracy - video

Well, isn't this 'great' news for American democracy just prior to our July 4th celebration? Apparently, voter suppression is fashionable with the political class no matter the time of year. Farron Cousins reports:

Jun 9, 2016

The DNC Willfully Ignored Election Fraud in Chicago - video

US elections are riddled with fraud and I wonder how apathetic the American people can possibly be concerning an issue that should form the basis of a democratic society. Farron Cousins and Lee Camp discuss:


Mar 21, 2016

What Happens When Neither Political Party Answers to the Bottom 90%?

Here is Thom Hartmann on his interview with author Thomas Frank concerning a Democratic Party that ain't what it used to be. So you've noticed the hollowing out and the resulting lack of democracy, too?

Feb 3, 2016

Cruz’s Caucus Victory Is Terrifying for Democracy - Ring of Fire reports

Internet service continues to be capriciously spotty so here's a quick embed from The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins concerning Ted Cruz:

And if you haven't, please answer the poll question at the top of the sidebar-->>

Apr 29, 2015

Oct 7, 2014

"Hong Kong Protests Carefully Crafted, Not Spontaneous" video

An Interview from Hong Kong

Here is interesting information from journalist Peter Lee concerning the Hong Kong protests which delves much deeper into events than what Western journalism has presented to the American public.

A certain irony has not been lost around Stars Over Washington that Hong Kong's massive "student" protest against their election candidates being selected by China's power elite (as we're told) is exactly how elections have been rigged in America for years and accounts in part for the US voting public's depressing 'lesser of two evils' feeling we often get as we enter voting booths to consider corporate-backed candidates who are only cogs in an anti-democratic Global Government wheel of oppression, pretending otherwise as they may:

My thanks to The Real News Network and to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a heads-up on this informative 13-minute video.

Sep 18, 2014

A Few Words from President Teddy Roosevelt dated October 1, 1913

With his social crusader mentality on display along with a stern and ingrained moralistic tone, here is an excerpt from the Forward of Theodore Roosevelt's autobiography:

"We of the great modern democracies must strive unceasingly to make our several countries lands in which a poor man who works hard can live comfortably and honestly, and in which a rich man cannot live dishonestly nor in slothful avoidance of duty; and yet we must judge rich man and poor man alike by a standard which rests on conduct and not on caste, and we must frown with the same stern severity on the mean and vicious envy which hates and would plunder a man because he is well off and on the brutal and selfish arrogance which looks down on and exploits the man with whom life has gone hard."

Theodore Roosevelt Sagamore Hill, October 1, 1913

Timed natal chart details are available for Jupiterian President Teddy Roosevelt October 27, 1858.

Aug 17, 2011

Alexander Hamilton disses the Tea Party! And reviewing Inauguration 2009's midpoint pictures

Tea Party Approval Rate Trending Down with American Public

by Jude Cowell

Protest4Democracy quotes Alexander Hamilton on the sort of undermining of the US government which the Tea Partisans, theocrats (feelin' all righteously resurrected from their Ronald Reagan 'Religious Right' glory days), and other corporatist shills are espousing in 2011 into 2012.

So as Presidential Campaign 2012 heats up and the overblown rhetoric with it, I sincerely hope all US voters will be able to tell an patriot from a Utopian anarchist, a true Christian from a cold hearted not-my-brother's-keeper-er, a globalist from a real American.

Let's not toss such principles as separation of church and state, freedom to worship--or not--as we please, our national sovereignty, and compassion for our fellow Americans into the historical dustbin. Better to jettison the expectations of those who use political sloganism to steal a national helm which belongs to all of we-the-people, not just the chosen few who choose to tow the corporatist line for some promised reward they may or may not find at the end of a deluded Utopian, One World Government rainbow.

Besides, if corporate tax breaks, huge loopholes, and government subsidies were going to create jobs in America, they would have done so by now--and all through the l o n g eight years of the Bush-Cheney regime when the economy fell apart.

And I say all this even while knowing how the Horoscope of Inauguration 2009 showed the midpoint of the oppressive, disenfranchising, primally violent, racist, corporatist, fascist, communist pair of Pluto/Chiron sitting upon the Obama Inauguration's Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart.

For 'company' at Inaugural 2009 MC as well is US natal Pluto in Capricorn, and a 10th house Jupiter 3AQ25 (money; banking; bankers)--which conjoins China's natal Moon, signifying the people who have many jobs while the American people seem to have fewer jobs each day. Jupiter's Bottomline Economics will be with us a long time, tinged with Saturnian austerity.

Disillusioned with President Obama?

Click for a write-out of the midpoint pictures which were in effect at noon edt in Washington DC on January 20, 2009. In my post from November 2009, I optimistically characterized the pre-inaugural midpoint pictures as being mostly positive yet upon review (Mercury Rx now!) this evening, some of them in particular don't seem nearly as full of optimism on behalf of the American people as you and I had hoped on that 'Game Changing Day'.

That is, you had hoped--unless you're a corporatist, sour grapes Republican, or a Tea Partisan--then you want to see Pres. Obama 'fail', right? No matter who gets taken down with him, it's okay by you because (you think that) all your ducks are in fancy rows and ready for the paradigm shift of a New World Order.

Of course, I cannot yet rule out the possibility that the 'see Obama fail' political script is just another cynical planned-at-the-top ruse to hide a deeper agenda while keeping we-the-people divided against one another--and thereby conquered!

Anyway, read the midpoint pictures for yourself. Looking back during a Mercury retrograde phase is often profitable and it may serve to take you down memory lane to that bitter cold day in Washington DC which now seems so long ago...


The plutocratic duo Pluto/Chiron's favorite equation? Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

America is ruled by corporations who, it has come to light, actually write the bills for Congress to sponsor and push giving the term 'Corporate America' a deeper level of meaning.

In case you haven't, you may wish to check out Move To Amend and get involved! For if you're American, this is your country, too.

Oh, and speaking of corporations, the ground underneath the Fukushima nuclear core reactors has begun to crack. Things are seriously out of control in Japan, the MSM is blacking out the truth, and the world can 'thank' the nuclear industry and their transnational backers for the disaster.

Read more or watch broadcast videos by Thom Hartmann who covers the real news such as Japan's ongoing 'China Syndrome' situation.

Feb 3, 2011

Brightest object in the sky Feb 2011? Jupiter!

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to search the night sky for a view of planet Jupiter just after sundown and until 9:00 pm when the Great Benefic sets. The royal planet is putting on a royal show!

These days, Jupiter traverses Aries, sign of the Ram and the Warrior, and the Grand One's typical function seems to be increasing the stubbornness of the Ram and the confrontational nature of the Warrior...both here and abroad.

Tonight Jupiter 2Ari22 pauses for a moment upon an interesting Sabian Symbol degree:

'3Ari' = "A Cameo Profile of a Man in the Outline of His Country"...EXPLOITATION:

positive expression: man's capacity for giving full play to every ramification of the reality he has created for himself;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: an unimaginative conventionality which leaves him in bondage to every current stereotype of human relations. (Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology; the 'unconscious/shadow side' addition by yours truly.)

We naturally think of Hosni Mubarak and the stand-off in Egypt, and of President Obama and the quandary of our democracy-spreading state apparatus which couldn't invade Iraq quickly enough in order to (allegedly) spread democracy whether the people of Iraq (who escaped our bombs) wanted it or not. Now a majority of Egyptians want it - and what does Washington really want and who does Obama really support?

But I digress. Sort of. This blog is dedicated to Political Astrology after all.

The thing about Jupiter's position in the cosmos this evening (EST) is that the Royal One is making an opportunistic sextile (60 degr) with negotiating, orating, trading Mercury (2A08), an aspect bringing a challenge to express opinions without worrying about other people's reactions. A Mercury/Jupiter sextile sounds good and has a philosophical bent yet it can also have a tendency to be condescending toward others due to intellectual pretensions; there may also be a lack of confidence and a need to keep others off balance. We see this everywhere, Washington included, but as a despotic ruler under stress, Mubarak (Jupiter) may be indicated in particular.

Next in closeness of orb is an applying square between Jupiter and Venus (2A33) which shows irresponsibility, self-indulgence, and a tendency toward making empty gestures (Mubarak again? Et tu, Obama?); this energy shows those who are difficult to deal with when things don't go their way, yet great generosity - but only when it satisfies an ulterior motive. Any tactic or deception is resorted to in order to achieve one's aims (Hosni? Is that you, Hosni? Get off the throne!)

Then there's the biggie now moving into orb (4A07): Jupiter square Pluto which has been discussed here in a recent post. A Jupiter/Pluto square is the 'wheeler dealer' aspect indicating those who rebel against existing codes of ethics and mount challenges to authority; a caution with a Jupiter/Pluto square is not to count too heavily on the assistance of others when in trouble - which sounds to me like the peaceful demonstrators in Cairo who hoped the army would come to their aid. With a few exceptions, they have not, last I heard.

Political maneuvering and large-scale enterprises which affect many people are a mark of this aspect between a heavy-weighted pair: Jupiter, the well-rewarded ruler, and Pluto, the power behind the throne and guardian of massive wealth.

As for the upcoming Uranus/Pluto square, we may not have seen rebellion across the globe until these two make their final aspect of blockage and obstacles which issue from their Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo. Even some non-astrologers - pundits, broadcasters, and writers - have been mentioning a feeling as they watch the upsetting yet thrilling events unfold in Egypt (since Jan 25) that they may be seeing the beginning of a World Revolution.

One thing we know: this difficult aspect between rebellious, disruptive Uranus (America's 'totem' planet of freedom and independence) and controlling, manipulative string-puller Pluto (assassin, spy, and pope that he is) has been in effect when dramatic events swept the globe. A Uranus/Pluto square was within orb from 1931 to 1934 as Hitler rose to power while many were looking elsewhere due to the Great Depression and lack of jobs. He pretended to restore order from chaos (a chaos Adolf helped create) just as the Fed and Washington have done since 2008.

So what will the upcoming Uranus/Pluto square require from those who prefer to breathe free?

Constant vigilance concerning those who wish to rise to power and the elite already in power, plus, a willingness to get off our apathetic duffs, set up or defend legal safeguards, and respond quickly to any popular movement or political development that threatens our...dare I say it?...democracy.

Jan 18, 2011

Washington DC iced in Today, Hu Jintao lands 1.18.11

It's been years since I lived in the District of Columbia but if you do, you awoke today to major iced in conditions.

Here in Georgia, we received a layer of crusty ice over several inches of snow last week, now it's DC's turn to slip'n'slide. Bridges are especially treacherous under these conditions yet I suppose President Hu Jintao, leader of the Communist Party in China, will be landing on US soil all the same for four days of meetings with President Obama and (our mostly corrupt, self-serving) business leaders.

Then on Wednesday at 4:20 pm est, there will be a Full Moon over Washington. You may be interested in viewing its horoscope and reading about its crisis-degree condition during Hu Jintao's visit, and for its revealing Sabian Symbols: Moon '30Can' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" and Sun '30Cap' = "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference".

A revolutionary spirit does seem to be in the air as many people have felt, yet continuing trade between China and the US is in the best interests of both nations and the world. And as for secret conferences, it's seldom easy to keep things hidden or secret in the light of a Full Moon, in spite of any one's inscrutability!

Yet realistically, it's always easy as pie in Washington DC and in Politics to lie about what was really discussed yet they say that Hu Jintao doesn't do press conferences. Guess our guys will have to do the spinning. But not to fret, for they have plenty of experience - it's truth they have trouble with.

C-SPAN is billing Hu's visit as a US-China Summit and notes that a small dinner will be held tonight at the White House in President Hu's honor.

And since US taxpayers are responsible for tonight's dinner tab, we may wonder if Democracy and Communism will drink a toast to one another this evening.

Mar 4, 2009

Origins of Public Relations and Consumerism: video link

Zeeks! Propaganda Galore! Our Brains on Propaganda! Pluto-Chiron's consumerism yet another -ism!

This four part BBC series captured on video, The Century of the Self, concerns the rise of consumerism, the business and political uses of it, and reveals its guru, Edward Bernays, and his role in inventing public relations in the 1920s based on his Uncle Sigmund Freud's work on the Unconscious.

Turns out...funny America, the very foundations of democracy were cracking fissures while Dr. Freud was spouting on and on about the irrational, dangerous desires and fears lurking just underneath Average Joe's calm surface - a threat which totally crumbles the concept of democracy as run by rational people making well-considered choices.

Freud's unleashed monsters had been seen expressed in street riots and in the barbarism of Nazi Germany, and they were definitely not invited to tea in a status quo society of button-down types and their quiet little wives making apple pies and brewing Maxwell House at every opportunity.

Now if you haven't time to view all four parts of this BBC-produced series, my recommendation is to watch Part Four at the very least.

The series is a fascinating view of public relations and the manipulation it is based on and has old film footage interspersed - including some cheesecake of Dr. Freud himself (just kidding about the cheesecake.)

Also revealed is the tight team effort of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, whose similar ruling styles were not as coincidental as they may have appeared at the time. Yet one thing I must disagree with the BBC on - I assert that Clinton and Blair knew very well that the manipulative Freudian techniques had been developed by people in order to control the masses, not to "liberate" them. I mean, puh! give me a break on that one.

So given my fascination with propaganda, its methods and supposed justifications, it seemed a good idea to make this video report available here in case someone else has a similar fascination...and so I can find it again quite handily.

You know, I published the first-ever US Inauguration chart with hour verified by historical record (George Washington's Inauguration, of course), and I remember writing on the chart image that changing we-the-people's mentality was a goal because of its 10th house Chiron in (mental) Gemini...if you wish to view the chart and read my notes, try American Presidency Apr 30, 1789 which, being the first, is the archetype of all US presidencies following.

Now I must mosey because my favorite new show comes on at 9 pm...Tim Roth in Lie to Me.

I love how they divilge what various gestures mean, including politicians' rhetoric tricks, flourishes, and avoidances which the show drops in by way of tapes of modern day political thespians - at podium or elswhere - because Lie to Me is all about reading faces and gestures, and with great acting, too.

Just my style - steamy Lie to Me Tea served with crusty Propaganda Biscuits nestled on one of the dessert plates Madison Avenue told me I had to have to make my life complete.

So as we-the-dupes know, completing-the-set in this manner simply never works. But it will send you a snowballing credit card balance from h*ll - as enabled by the politicial thespians of Capitol Hill.

Feb 13, 2008

Guantanamo to Main St USA

Rape By Any Other Name

Guantanamo Comes to Main Street USA

By Mark A. Goldman

~~Warning: This Article Contains Very Disturbing Video~~

They say that the difference between how democracy in Europe has evolved compared to that of the United States is that in Europe the government is afraid of the People whereas in the United States the People are afraid of the government. That's a dangerous state of affairs and it looks like it's going to get worse.

Informatiom Clearing House has Goldman's article and video here.

Dec 27, 2007

Benazir Bhutto dies 12.27.07 at 6:16 pm

With Bhutto's birth time unknown, I decided to post her sad death chart with natal placements (in blue) around the outside.

Click to enlarge the image, for as usual I've smooshed "too many notes" upon it but I tried to hold back so it would be somewhat readable.

The time has been given as 6:16 pm as her moment of expiration after being shot and blown up after speaking at a large rally where she was undoubtedly strong with persuasion--and worrisome to her enemies and to those who like to mess up US efforts no matter what violence it takes.

Moon is chart-ruler and the feature that pops out is Moon conj her natal Pluto, planet (yes, planet) of death, transformation, and power, natally placed at 21 Leo21.

Moon to Pluto: reckless determination to fulfill desires; zeal; upheavals; turmoil; emotional devastation (Tyl.)

Before I go on, let me say that my heartfelt condolences go out to the Pakistani people for their loss.

Moon is separating from opposition with Neptune in AQ (the masses--she was leaving a large rally) and applies to a square with Scorpionic Venus and a trine with Pluto (a certain meeting scheduled for later in the evening?)

South Node (SN--a separative point) 29Leo02 is at critical/crisis degree and is midway between Moon (and thus her natal Pluto) and tr Saturn. Moon/Saturn is a signifier of control, restriction, and oppression of the people (Moon), and Saturn/Pluto = cruelty, hard work, and loss.

As you remember, the attacks of 9/11 occurred while Saturn and Pluto were in opposition. All of this is happening with a 9/11, 'war on terror' backdrop, of course, with missing US billions now lining someone's pockets, although Pakistani officials are understanably denying it. See Pakistan Link for news, if you like.

Incendiary Mars Rx 1Can33 is now between Bhutto's natal Sun/Mars conj so her assassination has happened during her Mars Return, a triple one due to Mars' retrogradation. If her natal Sun is at 29Gem (another crisis degree), then contentious activist Mars is headed back that way in early January, and again reaches today's degree on appr March 9, 2008.

This sensitive degree in early Cancer triggers 9/11's Mars and the Solar Eclipse prior to 9/11/01. On Nov 3, Mars was at 11Can26 (when Musharraf declared emergency rule--a euphemism for martial law or police state, suspended the Supreme Court, and imprisoned thousands who don't agree with him, etc) and the god of war will return to 11Can33 during the first couple of days of April, 2008. This will continue the same issues for Pakistan and despotic Musharraf.

The pile-up now opposite Mars--Pluto in late Sag, Jupiter, and Sun--are conjunct asteroids Hopi (ambush; prejudice ), Bacchus (denial), and Morya (death.) This is a grouping I have fretted about before in a recent post--the one on Winter Solstice 2007. It was ugly then, and it's produced ugly, rotten, tragic fruit today.

Benazir Bhutto's book will be coming out in spite of her untimely death, says NPR but with her hopes for Pakistan interrupted, her dreams for moderation dissolved, and her people in chaos and grief.

~:~Update May 18, 2009 11:06 pm edt: want to add that transiting Mercury (writers; books; young people; speeches, one of which she gave just before her death) is at 11Cap and opposes her natal midpoint of Mars and Uranus, the explosive, radical pair.

This indicates on one level the nature of the speech she so recently gave at the rally and other recent remarks and statements, too, if applicable to the tinderbox politics of the region or to feathers she may have ruffled elsewhere. The pictures relate to Capricornian matters such as law, business, politics; plus, management, control, and/or mining.

Banking may be involved as well for Capricorn energies tend to appreciate a fat paycheck (particularly when it's paid for one's efforts), and we mustn't rule out the mystical realm of Capricorn's ancient mer-goat symbol. Even the nasty old Goat of Mendes could have had a hoof in the heinous, overbearing take-r-out plot.

So for this momentous event we then have possibilities - *any, all, or none may apply, and they may describe Bhutto's actions and/or feelings, and perhaps those of someone else...probably a combination of each with Mercury signifying on one level the additional environmental factor of the moment (including the vehicle Benazir Bhutto rode in):

Natal Mars/Uranus = tr Mercury: planning independent action; strategy; nervousness; drawing heavily upon one's nervous energy reserves; a test of strength or power calculatingly carried through; an invention or an achievement thought out well or in great detail; injury; operation. ~

>Original post begins here:

Meanwhile, the plutocratic, racist, oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint is on the Descendant (of Other People/Partnerships/Legal Affairs/Open Enemies) at 6:16 pm so if she was partnering with the corporate types, where were they when she needed them? Or perhaps it hasn't been a trusty partnership, as it turns out.

A "grim" Bush was quick to tout his brand of democracy as soon as he could get a mike in front of his gob. He said that those who committed this crime must be brought to justice. Since that guy is dead, old Bush must've meant those who sponsored this crime, aka assassination, aka terroism. (If they're hanging out with bin Laden, we know that Bush and Musharraf won't be finding them.)

Asteroid, Icarus, associated with assassination, is conj the New World Order degree of "18Cap." Mmm, no comment. Venus is in the secretive sign of Scorpio at the "A Military Band on the March" degree, and with the chaos created today, it is marching for sure as Pakistan's military arm shows its strength in a way opposite to what the common man and woman might prefer.

The negative/shadow side of this degree is: foolhardy self-exploitation. But who are the fools? There seem to be so many of them on all sides...who can keep them sorted?

'They say' that Musharraf didn't take Bhutto's safety seriously (I'm being generous here) and emergency rule is surely on one of the cards he holds in his graspy claw, with perhaps the promised January "elections" being cancelled as well. Hey--Putin's staying in, so Pervez wants to stay in power, too.

Well, there's much more to say about this melancholy chart (with sacrificial Neptune in the 8th house of death) which well-describes the Pakistani people's miserable loss, so perhaps I'll be updating this post later on as more is known.

Curfew and disruption (Uranus conj Achernar: risk of rapid endings) is undoubtedly on the way, and at the moment I'm just very very sad for Pakistan, for Benazir Bhutto and family - and for the whole discordant world.

* midpoint pictures from: Tyl; Ebertin.

Dec 15, 2007

Eugene Debs still speaks convincingly

Information Clearing House Newsletter

News You Won't Find On CNN


"It is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world...

These are the gentry who are today wrapped up in the American flag, who shout their claim from the housetops that they are the only patriots, and who have their magnifying glasses in hand, scanning the country for evidence of disloyalty, eager to apply the brand of treason to the men who dare to even whisper their opposition to Junker rule in the United States. No wonder Sam Johnson declared that "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." He must have had this Wall Street gentry in mind, or at least their prototypes, for in every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the people...

Every solitary one of these aristocratic conspirators and would-be murderers claims to be an arch-patriot; every one of them insists that the war is being waged to make the world safe for democracy. What humbug! What rot! What false pretense! These autocrats, these tyrants, these red-handed robbers and murderers, the "patriots," while the men who have the courage to stand face to face with them, speak the truth, and fight for their exploited victims-they are the disloyalists and traitors. If this be true, I want to take my place side by side with the traitors in this fight."

Eugene V. Debs [The Canton, Ohio, Anti-War Speech; June 16, 1918]

Thanks for the above quote go to the excellent Information Clearing House#

An orator whose communication skills rivaled those of the great William Jennings Bryan, Debs' anti-war speech given in Canton, Ohio on June 16, 1918 is perhaps his most famous speech, while his appeal to the jury and statement to the court at his trial for treason (arrested and imprisoned for giving this speech against America's entry into WWI) are considered two of the great classic statements ever made in a court of law.

Born in Terre Haute, IN on Nov 5, 1855, Debs has a Sun Sco/Moon Virgo personality blend and Mercury in intense Scorpio (8Sco03 Rx, and opposite Pluto...Mercury/Pluto = the orator; a sharp critic; the propagandist.)

The Sun Sco/Moon Virgo combo is intensely passionate, a relentless perfectionist, witty, conscientious, loyal, and a dedicated worker. (Dedicated to workers' issues as well, in Debs' case. And he was devoted to his wife all his life--they had no children.)

His straight-from-the-shoulder honesty and excellent mind are still on display in his speeches and can stir the heart as well as the mind of anyone who appreciates honesty and forthrightness...anyone who believes America should change course and return to higher ideals than those of the lower road brought upon us by the Bush-Cheney regime (and others--it's been a drawn-out process since Carter or even since Eisenhower, some say. Guess that would have to be Ike's warning against the "military industrial complex" notwithstanding.)

An interesting feature of Deb's natal chart (Nov 5, 1855; Terre Haute, IN; using sunrise: 6:36:55 an lmt) is his Pluto/NN conjunction at 3Tau+--the Discovery degree of Chiron (Nov 1, 1977.)

This adds an oppressive Pluto-Chiron plutocratic flavor--the very people he spoke against all his life--to his North Nodal path (connections with the public; encountering the powerful.)

Pluto conj NN gives a special knack for seeing through prevailing social trends and the necessary drive and determination to take advantage of the ability. Negatively, this conj indicates a dangerous tendency toward attempting to manipulate social forces too large to be handled with safety--it's the tiger-by-the-tail aspect. Affairs get our of hand and there is danger of collapse (The Astrologer's Handbook., Sakoian)

Prison terms which ruin one's health would definitely qualify here.

Images for Integration for Debs' Sun/Moon blend:

An artist combines simplicity with intensity in a study of still life...A scientist probes into the mysteries of the cosmos...Britten's opera Billy Budd. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvery.)

You may wish to visit the Eugene V. Debs official website where you'll find, among other things, a list of recipients of the Debs Awards Program given for contributions to the advancement of the causes of industrial unionism, social justice, or world peace. Some recipients include Molly Ivins in 2003; Howard Zinn 1998; Edward Asner 1987; and Studs Turkel in 1983.

Eugene Debs ran for US president as the Socialist Party candidate in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920 (in 1920 from fed prison in Atlanta, Ga) and he must have been quite a thorn in the imperialist-robber barons' sides. Pres. Wilson "vigorously denied" a request for pardon in 1921, but Pres Warren G. Harding released him under a general amnesty on Christmas Day, 1921.

Harding then invited Debs to stop by the White House and told him, "I have heard so damned much about you Mr. Debs, that I am very glad to meet you personally."

Well, I'm glad someone in the White House (ever) showed some shame and humility. Debs' humility and friendliness in prison had won him the respect of fellow prisoners, and personally I would have been honored to have met him myself.

Needless to say, Debs' health was broken by his years in confinement and he died in a sanitarium on Oct 20, 1926.

Now perhaps you read "Socialist Party" and cringe a bit, yet no one can deny that Eugene V. Debs gave his all for America and for social justice--losing his health and his citizenship in the process.

Whenever I read the words of Eugene Debs I feel proud of America and feel her spirit of decency--whenever I read the words of recent US administrations I feel anxious, depressed, and above all--threatened. Our liberties are their toys, and our freedoms are to be dispensed with asap. The attacks of 9/11 were about just that for we've been couped from without and, even more debilitatingly, from within.

But just what have I done for America lately? Grouse, complain, and dissent against Washington DC imperialists and warmongerers...while it's still permissable. Is this "extremely dangerous"? Probably so, for somewhere in Bush's back pocket there must be an imperialist's signing statement covering the abolishment of sassy blogs such as this! If not, perhaps I may up the sass (no, I don't have a Pluto-NN conj!)

Hear an excerpt of Debs' presidential campaign speech of 1904.

And now some final bon mots from Mr. Debs:

"When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority is wrong."

"Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization."

update: here are my comments about this post at Jude's Threshold.

Oct 13, 2007

You say, Kremlin...I say, White House

It's a ROFLMBO Day!

Here's the source of my Saturday hilarity: the AP article promoting the riotously ironic idea that Secretary of State Rice is Worried by Putin's Broad Powers, an article in which we find Condi Rice saying, "In any country, if you don't have countervailing institutions, the power of any one president is problematic for democratic development."

!!!!! (Expletive deleted. What does she know about it and when did she know it?)

Hey Condi, in America it's supposed to be called checks and balances before your boss and his cronies undermined it like all get-out.

More irony from Condi, but beware--stitch may form in side:

"I think there is too much concentration of power in the Kremlin....Everybody has doubts about the full independence of the judiciary."

You say Kremlin, I say White House, let's call the whole thing off, shall we?

Oh Condi, come on home--you sound (if possible) even more idiotic and unaware of your pot-kettle tendencies when in Moscow while Vladie Putin will be laughing his buns off all the way to the premiereship.

Besides, you know Bush longs to hang onto the White House if he can--even if it takes a false flag op to do it. Girl, you know it's true.

Jul 29, 2007

Gonzo impeachment makes sense

In what may yet turn out to be an alternate universe, it seems that the NYT endorses Gonzales impeachment as mentioned today in The Carpetbagger Report.

If, as Einstein said, you can't fix problems using the same thinking that created them, it seems just crazy to keep Gonzo around a Justice Department whose credibility is shredded and whose staff is now ragged and sparse.

Unless, of course, you're part of an agenda to gut justice in the first place.

So the undermining of America continues while a toothless Congress wastes time and our money debating ad nauseum. Debate in a democracy is a great thing if you can just get people to shut up and actually DO something of worth and merit.

And you don't have to be an Einstein to figure that out.