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Showing posts with label the Fed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Fed. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2011

Civil War Apr 12,1861: Midpt Pictures and Hidden Hands

Were Hidden Hands Behind the American Civil War?

by Jude Cowell

The horoscope for the start of the American Civil War, its birth chart, is set for the first shot fired, April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT Charleston, South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

Rising is 27Pis05 with Mercury 24:56 and Neptune 29Pis57; a 12th house Chiron 00Pis56 is being transited by Neptune as I type; MC (The Goal) 28Sag14; at IC, the HOW? Point of the chart is '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY. It's an Hour of Mars, perfect for fighting a war; contentious Mars 6Gem02 and rebellious Uranus 9Gem21 are snugged around and triggering US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (which is now being transited by asteroid Midas, perfect for a post on a "Civil" War which was financed on both sides by the House of Rothschild for their own power-grabbing on.)

The closest you'll get to this sort of info in the Civil War's Wikpedia page is by scrolling to the section on Blocking International Intervention but if the Rothschild name is mentioned there, I've yet to find it.

In his centuries-encompassing book The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger states that the Rothschilds sent an agent, August Belmont, in 1837 (one year after the second Bank of the US had collapsed) to run a bank in New York, buy government bonds, and establish his credentials by advising President Andrew Jackson.

The objective was to create an incident that would establish an American central bank, and a war would require the US government to borrow from the Rothschilds in order to pay for it, thought they (it had worked for them elsewhere.) England and France were too far away; Mexico and Canada weren't strong enough so the House of Rothschild could easily take the reins and direct events from behind the scenes, much as they do now.

According to Mr. Hagger's research, the Priory of Sion wanted America back from the Templars so the Rothschilds planned an American civil war with the North a Sionist British colony, annexed to Canada and controlled by Lionel Rothschild, and the Templar South to be given to Napoleon III of France and controlled by James Rothschild.

To persuade the South to secede from the union, Illuminized Sionist-Rosicrucian Freemasons used the Knights of the Golden Circle (member: John Wilkes Booth) which had been formed in 1854 by George Bickley with the objective of spreading racial tension; its military arm was the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, Jesse James stole gold from banks and buried it to fund the war (nearly $7 billion!)

The states that seceded would be united in the Confederate States of America with each eventually becoming like an independent country. Abraham Lincoln (inaugurated March 4, 1861) told the American people that, "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states."

House of Rothschild Financed Both Sides

The Rothschilds financed the North through Belmont, Jay Cooke, Seligman brothers, and Speyer & Co.; the South was financed through their agent Judah Benjamin, who became Secretary of State for the Confederacy in 1862, and whose daughter was married to Frankfurt's Baron D'Erlanger, a relative and agent of the Rothschilds. Benjamin's law partner, John Sidell, was Confederate envoy to France; Sidell borrowed money on behalf of the South to finance the Confederacy.

In 1861, England sent 8,000 soldiers into Canada; in 1862, English, Spanish, and French troops landed in Mexico to collect debts; in 1863, France took over Mexico City with 30,000 troops.

Confederate Army General Albert Pike was a pro-French Templar Scottish Rite Mason and at the time, the most powerful Freemason in the world. Most of the political and military leaders of the Confederacy were Masons under Pike's secret command. The Confederates offered Louisiana and Texas to Napoleon III if he would send troops against the North. Lincoln, following the example of Tsar Alexander II who freed Russia's serfs, issued an order to free all slaves in 1863. Eventually, the Tsar sent the Russian fleet to support Mr. Lincoln.

The US Congress approved Lincoln's plan to borrow $450 million in return for bonds of states - greenbacks (created by the First Legal Tender Act of Feb 25, 1862) - to pay for the Civil War thus placing a big glitch in the Rothschilds' central bank plan for the US. This made international bankers' money unnecessary and as German statesman Otto von Bismarck said,

"The foreign financiers...understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."

You may wish to view an older post (sans edits) on Lincoln's natal and assassination charts, dual horoscopes included.

As we see from events since the beginning of the New Millennium, the international financiers' "grip" bwo the Federal Reserve Bank of America has turned out to be successful for them and has brought their dreamed-of collapse for America. As noted above, the horoscope of the Civil War has 28Sag14 at Midheaven where transiting Pluto has recently crossed. In 10th house is North Node of Destiny @ 17Cap24, and '18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies From a British Destroyer" which is the primary degree of the Illuminati pair's Great Conjunction/s of 1993, Uranus and Neptune...the New World Order. This degree's negative/shadow side expression = smug or strong-armed paternalism. (MEJ.)

We hear echoes from the 1860s in Washington when we hear of state v federal government, an old argument sporting gray whiskers.

Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale of April 12, 1861

Okay, I'll hush for now on the topic of the Secret Hand behind the American Civil War and type out for you the midpoint pictures of influence as the first shot was fired 150 years ago today.

Tyl and Ebertin are my midpoint sources with any, all, or none being applicable and subject to transits and progressions; you'll note fraudulent, misguided Neptune on the rise at a 29th critical-crisis degree which has contributed to the controversy to this day of Why the war was fought. As usual with secret machinations involved, a correct grasp of motivation and cause is quite impossible without knowledge of the fuller picture:

Mercury/Neptune = ASC: potential overreaction to others; being exploited, harmed, or deceived.

Mars/NN = ASC: comradeship; energetic cooperation; family ties.

Sun/Uranus = Moon 15Tau36: rashness; emotional excitability; impulsiveness; a demand for need fulfillment.

Moon/Neptune = Sun 22Ari28: illusions and deceptions; receptive power.

Mercury/Jupiter = Mars: the execution of plans; energetic opinion is well-accepted; making one's point effectively.

Jupiter/Neptune (the speculators and fraudsters) = Uranus, the revolutionary: liking the shades; experiencing the contrast between imagination and reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation.

And such a difficult situation has spread across the globe through the auspices of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the global central banking system, and the monied ruling class of plutocrats who control the US money supply and thus the destiny of our nation.

For further reading try the Civil War's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus blend which links back to this post.


May my several ancestors who fought in the Civil War R.I.P.

Feb 12, 2011

Ron Paul: US to blame for chaos in Egypt (video)

If you've ever read this blog before you may be aware that this dissenting American's distrust of the US government runs deep as it does for many people. Yet I did think that news of the US (and UK) instigation of the popular revolts in Egypt (Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, etc) would take at least a few days to come to light after yesterday's ouster of Mubarak.

But theories are surfacing already as International Forecaster's Bob Chapman very ably explains. Beware: the article contains his Bernanke/QE2 insights, and an interview with Rep. Ron Paul on such topics is included as well.

Mr. Chapman also mentions that Hosni Mubarak is still in charge, a potential I feared even as I celebrated yesterday with the good people of Egypt!

As you know, in this world, all is not always as it seems.

For those atop the pyramid of power have secretive ways of insuring win-win situations for themselves which they insist necessitate more and more loss-loss for the rest of us...just as old win-at-any-coster and political theorist *Machiavelli recommended!

*Post includes Nicolo Machiavelli's birth data and natal chart details.

Feb 10, 2011

A few illuminating quotes on Plutocracy in America

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."

George Washington (Master Freemason initiated in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, VA in 1752)

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson

"Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws."

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (banker extraordinaire and war-bankroller)

"Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible."

Adam Weishaupt (aka, "Spartacus"; founder of the Illuminati May 1, 1776)

"You are a den of vipers! I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."

President Andrew Jackson on the US central bank

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson (speaking of his collusion in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of America in 1913)

Financial Collapse 2008 sealed and revealed the satanic deal - and the plot continues apace under President Barack Obama - you expected something different?

Jude Cowell

Jan 29, 2011

AQ New Moon 2.2.11 and Leo Full Moon 2.18.11

Our February 2011 Lunations

by Jude Cowell

Image: New Moon 13AQ54 Feb 2, 2011 9:30:36 pm est Washington DC; Moon Hour (changes, fluctuations, publicity, daily concerns); ASC 2Lib52 = chart-ruler Venus 28Sag42; Venus applies: square Jupiter (3A28) and conjunct Pluto (7A45 - see below); New Moon conjunct Mars 14AQ16 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits.

Neptune 27AQ51 continues bedeviling the American people (US natal Moon 27AQ10) with fraud, deception, disillusionment, massive propaganda campaigns, refugeeism, homelessness, and a sense of rootlessness - here, in 5th house of Risk-Taking.

Setting Jupiter 2Ari10 conjoins DESC 2Ari52 and has moved into a quindecile aspect (165 degr) with authoritative Saturn Rx in 1st house (delays, restrictions, limitations.)

Having our two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in a compulsive-obsessive QD dynamic brings benefits through use of ethics and morals, yet it has a running hot'n'cold effect, tendencies toward indecision, overdoing things and taking on too much responsibility, pushing to make one's point with an authoritative manner about one's beliefs and opinions, successful planning, and a tendency to retreat within one's success. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

(During my natal chart consultation with the great Noel Tyl, he pronounced quindecile as 'kween day chee' lay. I'm not kiddin'.)

At Mc, the Goal Point of any chart, we see US natal Venus, Jupiter, and in tandem, Sun (the leader) along with the transiting South Node, a separative, Saturnian point relating to past behaviors and thus, to the karma of bad decisions. SN to US n Venus (valuations, relationships, smaller amounts of money, beauty, the attraction principle) with tr Pluto opposing Venus and here opposing Jupiter, too, which makes this New Moon horoscope a picture of plutonian manipulation.

Tr Pluto opposing US n Venus: joint ventures and legal affairs are not favored; jealousy and manipulation target relationships; motivations of others are questionable; values, principles, priorities, and relationship values are in conflict with current conditions in society; overspending has disastrous consequences (which bodes ill for US deficit and debt level concerns.)

Tr Pluto opposing US n Jupiter: unknown people or forces stand in the way of financial and professional success and expansion; measures taken to increase prospects are defeated; an unfavorable time for advertising, sales, and long-distance travel; political aspirations are best put on hold for now; power struggles are prominent.

Mc '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse", a Sabian Symbol that always reminds me of
Louis McFadden's lawsuit against the Fed for fraud in 1933 (he was on to them), and of NY Mayor John Hylan whose famous quote is reproduced below, beginning with a statement from Teddy Roosevelt for context's sake:

President Theodore Roosevelt, who died in 1919, was posthumously quoted in the March 27, 1922 edition of the New York Times with the following statement:

"These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."

The New York Times ran the article because New York Mayor John Hylan had been quoted in the same paper the previous day, March 26:

"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation...It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection...To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers.

This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make cat’s paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business...these International Bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country."

In the Feb 2, 2011 New Moon chart (shown above), US natal Neptune 22Vir25 and Saturn 14Lib48 (the invisible government duo) form a midpoint picture with the New Moon's ASC (in DC): Sat/Nep = ASC: feeling confined; sense of being out of the group; the loner; noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; easing the focus on past errors or lax practices; oppressive family circumstances; a depressing environment; limitation of freedom. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

You see sneaky Pluto and NN (Plu/NN = powerful associations; destiny of a large mass of people) at the foundation of the chart (Ic) and tr Mercury 28Cap43 conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap10 Rx in our natal 2nd house of Earning Ability and Valuations/Worth.

It seems that the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011 relates closely to financial and currency issues (devaluation of the US dollar, ceasing its use as the world's reserve currency, etc) and with both transiting and US Saturn rising and testy Mars ruling 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, and Death, we may readily expect news media to continue reflecting these issues.

Tr Mercury to US natal Pluto is a time when ideas, info, and activities involve gaining personal power; strategies are developed relating to finances, investments, and surveillance; research, detection, psychoanalysis, renovation, and property assessment are on the menu. (Foreclosure crisis? Spying? Revealing secrets? A message from the Fed?)

As mentioned, chart-ruler Venus makes two major applying aspects in the chart which gives us an idea of how things will proceed over the next two weeks:

1. square Jupiter (3A27) = temptation to overstate (earnings? evaluations? income?); carelessness, thoughtlessness, or extravagance with money and expenses; a reconciliation is needed between the law and true justice.

2. conjunct Pluto (7A45) = an urge to take charge of events; strategy is necessary to control outcomes especially in groups or in diplomatic matters; bankruptcy issues surface (of states? corporations? countries?)

And since we speak here of financial concerns, the applying square (obstacles; blockages) between rich Jupiter and wealthy Pluto (4A17) is important in the New Moon chart and relates to rebellion against existing codes of ethics, large scale endeavors and the wheeler dealers who run them, questionable or shady projects which lead to legal difficulties, those who tend to exploit others, a lack of assistance when one does get into trouble (and probably, the NYSE.)

This aspect appears in the natal horoscopes of shot-gunner Dick Cheney (b. Jan 20, 1941) and Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzenski (b. Mar 28, 1928); as you know, Jupiter is the significator of the Republican Party in Mundane Astrology; Saturn = the Democrats.

The Jupiter/Pluto square will be closer to exactitude during the Full Moon two weeks from now when the seeds planted at the Feb 2 New Moon will sprout.

The Full Moon of Feb 18, 2011 @ 29Leo20, conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia: Regulus (success if revenge is avoided; with Fixed Stars, there's always an 'if' caution.) By way of precession, Regulus has recently reached 00Vir00 after being at 29 Leo for several years. The 29/30 Leo--00Virgo degree area of the Zodiac relates to the Sphinx in Egypt.

Full Moon Feb 18, 2011 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter" which is traditionally linked to the Bible. In current times, it may relate as well to revelations (banking? more embassy cables?) released by WikiLeaks.

Pluto will trine the Full Moon but Mars will oppose it.

One last word about the chart you see here, the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011: asteroid Atlantis Rx (abuse of power; feelings of doom) rises with US natal Mc 00Lib53 and with asteroid Terpsichore (the orchestrator) so we might expect America (Atlantis, New Atlantis, etc) to orchestrate much of the planning and seed-planting. Yet with all planets in the northern (bottom) half of the chart (the private sector - jobs creation?), the orchestrations will probably remain mostly behind the scenes until the light of the February 18th Full Moon reveals at least some of what's now being put into place.

Now if you'd like a great analysis of this weekend's concentrated line-up of planets (from Sag to AQ), try Julie Demboski's excellent article Keeping Our Balance which will take you through into next week!

Dec 16, 2010

Shrinking the US economy IS the point! (video)

The president's deficit commission and the actions of the Fed, Wall Street, corporate America and others are focused on shrinking the US economy and hurting labor so that power elite fatcats can continue skimming trillions a little while longer even though they know the jig is up.

Today Timothy Geithner sang and danced on Capitol Hill trying to boost the idea that the TARP (black hole) did what it was supposed to do. Perhaps it did but was any of it paid out on behalf of the American people?

Now here we have Professor Michael Hudson (University of Missouri) offering his assessment of what's going on and why as the Fed's 'quantitative easing' sends more US billions abroad to purchase foreign stocks and assets. With so many connections between the White House and Wall Street (Goldman Sachs) it seems a no-brainer to me that the president had to know what he knew when he knew it - about the true financial condition of the US and what his bosses expected from him as he played the role of president 'going forward'.

Puts me in mind of the Inauguration 2009 horoscope that glorious January day full of Hope for Change (suckas! the ruse works every 4 years!) with moneybags Jupiter '3AQ' in 10th house next to the president (Sun '1AQ'.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '3AQ' as DESOCIALIZATION. Don't know about you, but as an American, I'm feeling quite desocialized by my own sorry, traitorous government right about now as our social fabric - what used to be a contract between the generations - is 'under scrutiny' and in line for being ripped apart by Catfood Commissions, party politics, secret deals, and in-cahoots presidents.

Yes, the world's financial party has been sent elsewhere (watch the above 10-minute video) like a rave though most Americans refuse to admit such things if they can see them at all. However, it will be impossible to ignore such new perspectives much longer.

And Inauguration 2009's Midheaven, the goal/aspiration point of the Obama administration? Besides having US natal Pluto upon it, there's a disturbing midpoint picture: Pluto/Chiron = Mc.

Dec 15, 2010

If Ron Paul runs for president in 2012 (video)

Here's a video of 2008 candidate Ron Paul where he expresses precisely and succinctly what an out-of-control US government has done and why the Republican Party cannot fairly exclude him for his conservative views: of all the Ron Paul videos, this may be my favorite and shows why Dr. Paul's candidacy should be viable in 2012 if we want America to continue to exist as a nation.

Not that he'll be the next war profiteering GOP neocon warhawk candidate, of course!

Even then-super-popular Barack Obama had to play ball with the global elite bankers and be bankrolled by them in order to get himself installed in the Oval Office with the Fed's collapse-and-bailout deals made before and during the 2008 campaign. :-(

Dec 5, 2010

Ron Paul: "What we need is more WikiLeaks" (of the Fed)

Perhaps you heard that the astute Rep. Ron Paul has weighed in on the value of WikiLeaks especially if its whistleblowing results in leaks of memos and other secret communiques from within the world banking syndicate.

I'd be all for those revelations, wouldn't you? Pass 'em around! Maybe some of Paul Wolfowitz's love letters are nestled in the packet for those of a more romantic nature than I.

Here's the video:

And if you may, please answer the WikiLeaks poll, upper right, thanks!

Nov 13, 2010

The Fed's 'quantitative easing' made simple (video)

The Fed's wrong streak continues with even the high-stakes G-20 Summit nations agreeing that another round of 'quantitative easing' in the US is a bad economic idea - unless collapsing the global economy is your ultimate goal, Mr. Bernanke.

Why, many people (like myself) see the Fed's culpable clawprints on every financial bubble and collapse in history. Guess the Federal Reserve Bank's natal Sun/Pluto opposition foreshadows its future (now?) realignment which such an opposition promises as they vie for more power with the defensive-when-challenged energy of a Sun/Pluto opposition.

Many thanks to Alex D'Atria for sending along this excellent and instructive video. jc


Well, for both of you keeping up with the Fed's natal chart (Dec 23, 1913), its natal Sun/Pluto opposition (using '12:07:10 pm est' Capitol Building: 1Cap18/00Can05 Rx) has been under fire from transiting Pluto in early Capricorn - on one hand, conjoining the Fed's natal Sun, on the other hand, Pluto opposing natal Pluto which describes the grand proportions of one power locking into a no-compromise struggle with another power - with the rest of us and our budgets caught in the middle.

Pluto to natal Sun shows the recent ploys of the Fed to gain more power and control though the 'no-compromise struggle' of tr Pluto in Cap seems to be interfering with those plans. One thing is certain: where powerful, subversive Pluto lurks and catalyzes, complete transformation will be the ultimate result.

And now, here's a limerick I published in September 2008 concerning
Mr. Bernanke
; the post contains a link to a news article of the day in which the IMF was threatening to peruse the Fed's books...wonder what happened to that little endeavor? Is it Pluto perusing Pluto?

Nov 5, 2010

The Fed: "Return to Jekyll Island" w a Scorpio New Moon

In what may be considered by some a 'return to the scene of the crime', today and Saturday, members of the Federal Reserve Bank are again meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, where their shadowy entity, the private and central bank of America, was hatched in response (allegedly) to the bankers' Panic of 1907.

If the script sounds familiar since Financial Collapse 2007/2008, it should.

Here's something I wrote on the topic in February 2010 with a link to an article by astrologer Jessica Murray who shares many of my feelings about the Creature from Jekyll Island...the Fed.

Now their meeting is taking place under the rays of a New Moon 13Sco40 which conjoins the retrograde station degree of Venus (October 8, 2010) and with Venus' role in evaluations, she's proving important in financial considerations with the steps the Fed has taken this week to dabble in and tinker with the US economy.

Now Venus performs her station direct in 2 weeks (Nov 18) @ 27Lib40 and will leave her shadow (move past the degree of Rx station 13Sco13) the third week of December 2010 - just in time for Christmas but in tandem with the financially worrisome Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 which seems to indicate market problems (crisis-turning point YOD directed toward the eclipse's 8th cusp when set for Washington DC; asteroid Midas and Pan nearby in 8th house; chart image included.)

Let's look at the Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio of the New Moon which signifies the Fed meeting today and tomorrow on Jekyll Island. A Water-Water blend can 'go with the flow' and is highly imaginative and intuitive; Scorpio is the sign of Big Business,
Finance, Secrets, and Transformation.

New Moons in Scorpio are about gathering all info and becoming an adept (as mentioned in my American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun article in the just-released Fall 2010 issue of Eclipse magazine - the US had a Progressed New Moon in Scorpio in relation to the article's topic.)

Sun Sco-Moon Sco: astutely perceptive, intensely private, wary, and stubborn with uncompromisingly strong convictions. There is a jealous and sarcastic flavor, too, with relentless willpower and a crusading nature.

This double Scorpio combo is loathe to share its fears and tends to take itself too seriously; its cynicism can be limiting.

Sharing this blend in his natal chart is Dracula author Bram Stoker, whose words may apply to today's topic:

"Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

(Since I'm typing from near Athens - up the road from Jekyll Island where we once frolicked on the beach as children - I guess that makes me a city dweller, of sorts. And I don't think highly of the power elite's style of financial vampirism.)

Now let's consider the Images for Integration for the Sun Sco-Moon Sco blend which infuses the darkened atmosphere of the New Moon 13Sco40 and the Fed meeting on Jekyll Island:

'A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.'

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Seems to me that that's what the Fed and their colleagues have left the rest of us: a pile of manure.

Aug 18, 2010

Video: How can America keep financing the deficit?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts's articles have been favored on this blog for a while now. Here he discusses the purposeful destruction of America which I've been fussing about on this and other blogs for years. My typing finger is fairly falling off from all my fussing...but honestly, if we-the-people would realize en masse the power we have in numbers and the raging class warfare which has so far successfully kept us divided and conquered ('Rs vs Ds' and other political fairytales), we could take back a government that's supposed to be quite different and people-based than the monster it has become under neocon-Zionist corporatism.

Of course, we'd be taking back a bankrupt government but I'd rather America start from scratch than have what Dr. Roberts agrees is a bunch of 'desperate lunatics' continuing to man the helm as they crash our Swiss cheese ship of state.

So if you're marveling at how Washington and the Fed can continue financing the trillion-dollar-plus deficit, watch this video then click here to view the next 2 videos (about 17 minutes' worth between them.)

Mar 17, 2010

The Fed will be raising interest rates: Peter Schiff video

Here's a 7-minute-17-second video concerning the Fed having to raise interest rates in spite of the recession. Sad to say, 'this is only the beginning' of economic woes is supported by astrological influences over the next few years. Sorry, guys. American supremacy is basically over. Guess we got too big for our britches - and you know that pride comes before a fall.

(Ex: US Secondary Progressed Full Moon Dec 24, 2008 - a natural cycle of being extended as far as we can reasonably go in the world; pullback necessary, but so far quite ignored) unless our 'team' can manage to wrest control of the New World Order helm from other vying governments as our 'team' is struggling to do.

But if so, the American people won't like that situation either, surfs as we'll be.

Mr. Schiff is probably correct, but it's the 'will have to raise interest rates' part I don't trust because I think the Fed and other entities are behind the engineered, long-planned financial collapse of 2008, aka 'done on purpose'...transiting Pluto now in opposition to US natal Venus, then opposing natal Jupiter and later on, Pluto opposing US natal Sun, the leader. Perhaps Britain will take back the keys to the US jalopy, the keys that Congress, the bankers, and industrialists have virtually handed over to China. Yet America may need Daddy to drive.

So if the Fed 'feels compelled' by circumstances to raise interest rates, which will further squeeze the little guy and further wipe out what once was a middle class, it's because it's part of the plan to collapse the world economy and build a new (crappy) one-world-government model based on totalitarian control and founded upon the ruins, the slimey lucifer-worshiping sots.

To again paraphrase FDR: 'Nothing in Politics happens by accident. If it happens you can be sure it was meant to be that way.'

How very true.

Remembering James Madison, March 16, 1751

March 16 is the birthdate of the Architect of the US Constitution James Madison so this is a belated birthday post in his honor.

Madison was born March 16, 1751 (NS) in Port Conway, Virginia @ 11:59 pm (RR: B) and you may view his natal chart here though I published it in 2006 before I began scribbling notes all over charts (which may seem an improvement to you but the chart looks rather forlorn and empty to me.)

Even so, you'll see his Sagittarian Ascendant with Pluto Rx rising, his Sun in Pisces/Moon in Scorpio (Water-Water, an intuitive and emotional fellow), and his sparkling mental brilliance mirrored in a Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius.

The Sun Pisc/Moon Scorpio blend is shared natally by author John Steinbeck who could not possibly have been thinking of America's current reforms now in grand struggles to be born when he wrote, "It is the nature of man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

Saturn and North Node in Sag are rising in 1st and speak of Madison's taking on obligations easily, having a sense of pride, an air of authority, and of honoring long-standing ties to old friends. Serious meetings are part of Saturn/NN as well and he certainly enjoined his share of those.

A focused-energy Mars in Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business is there, too, with Jupiter in Taurus giving him a fortunate-for-endeavors Mars/Jupiter trine, so check out President Madison, if you wish.

Nowadays, most Americans remember the Constitution fondly, shredded and tattered as it's become in recent decades with a big boost given to its undermining by eight years of Bush-Cheney, featuring the 'Patriot' Act, undeclared and illegal war, and, prior and subsequent to all that, a private central bank, unfondly known as the Fed, printing and minting currency and coins it has no constitutional right to print or distribute.

And that's only the short list of attacks upon our cherished-by-the-people Constitution, written to protect us from tyrants - and thus precisely one of the documents that certain entities are determined to destroy.

You'll note that Senator Chris Dodd's financial 'reform' bill announced on Monday is said to give more power to the Fed when more power to the Constitution is what we need. And that would make the Fed moot or illegal at best.

James Madison is also known for being the first US President to actually live in the White House; he moved in on November 1, 1800. No, it wasn't ideal but Dolly made do and livened up Washington considerably while making it do.

Now here is a SO'W post from 2007 with a few words from the man himself, including his last words to the American people. It's entitled James Madison on tyranny so you know right away that we need to hear from the birthday boy in 2010 in spite of his well-advanced age.

So thank you, Mr. Madison, for all your work on behalf of America's founding, and I'm very sorry that usurpers have royally screwed things up so badly. I only wish more Americans had paid much closer attention to the termites in the woodwork a lot sooner than 2010.

Since 2005: Stars Over Washington...astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them.

Jan 8, 2010

Is a new US dollar on the Fed's agenda?

No comment for the moment from this gnat of a blogger - just listen, if you wish.

Dec 22, 2009

TIME interview with coverboy Bernanke

Here is a link to Time Magazine's extended interview with Ben Bernanke who says he doesn't think the monetary policy of the Fed merits any blame in the 2008 financial collapse.

Whaa-a-a? Then Bernanke and Greenspin apparently drink from the same heady brew in the secret chambers of hallowed financial wizards.

Financial effects from the attacks of 9/11 ripple still with subsequent low interest rates to plump up our economy looking like a ploy, a wizard's trick to impress Osama bin Laden...see, that didn't hurt one bit!

Oct 6, 2009

Ron Paul speaks on returning to a Gold Standard

Here are some of Ron Paul's ideas about returning the US to a gold standard and repealing legal tender laws which force us to use worthless paper money.

In his conversation with Fox News, Dr. Paul mentions a bit of siver-gold history, a debate still raging after all these years, for as you may remember, presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan framed the gold-silver issues well and famously in his Cross of Gold speech at the 1896 DNC convention. (Some Astrology involved, but post also contains a link to Bryan's Cross of Gold text which you can read with your own eyes. Plus, he made a recording of his speech later on because it was so popular with the American people.)

So for a little history on the gold standard vs worthless money debate (and Congress' delegating the creation and issuance of our money to privateers like the Federal Reserve Bank against the US Constitution, as Paul notes), Bryan's speech is a great place to start.


And I just thought of two more players who should be noted. Here's what President Woodrow Wilson said after he created the Fed with a flourish of his pen; plus, the post contains a link to Andrew Jackson info, the president who fought against central banks and their throttle hold on the US government.

Oct 3, 2009

The Fed hawks + Michael Moore's Sun Virgo-Moon Taurus

Well, everyone is linking to an article by Tim Duy on the Fed's hawkishness vs the doves' embracing of 'green shoots' so I will, too. Duy's Fed Watch is an excellent resource for financial info.

Speaking of financial crashes, yesterday I actually attended a movie theater (unusual due to its overly loud volume - do they think we're deaf?) to see Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story, which I thought was excellent, and left the theater revved up for action while wiping tears from these American eyes.

Take some Puffs with you if you go because watching bank foreclosures on 'real people' is difficult to bear unless you're a bank officer or CEO - the ones who should be required to see the film before they're allowed to put another child out on the street.

And here are three chilling words from the film that come as close to the GOP's oft-touted "death panels" as one might ever imagine: dead peasant insurance.

Plus, if you missed it, dear peasants, here's the Sept 25, 2009 interview between Naomi Klein and Michael Moore on his film about the history of capitalism, the system's inherent evils, and how the (manufactured) financial collapse is impacting American families as it ultimately leads America to the 'new world economic order' that's been in the making for decades (or some say, since America's founding. Yet our founding plutocrats foresaw these problems and warned against them - modern-day plutocrats don't have to be evil, they choose to be that way. Money isn't the root of all evil but the love of it is. And as the film accurately points out: Jesus wasn't a capitalist.)

So what can we make of this Michael Moore and his AA-rated (accurate) birth chart?

Born in Bakersfield, California on Sept 11, 1949 @ 2:15 am pst, MM has 6Leo21 rising (with US natal North Node, a point of public contact with a Jupiterian flavor.) A lucky duck!

At Midheaven ('Mc' = Career and Public Status) is 26Ari46 with a 10th house Moon 1Tau53, and NN 16Ari49 in 9th house. Moon/NN = Mc: cultivation of soul unions; ego-involvement intensified in relationship (Tyl; Ebertin.) Naturally, Moon/NN relates to public outreach, publicity, and fame - and being Angular his fame is worldwide.

Chart-ruler Sun 18Vir20 (in 2nd house with responsible Saturn 10Vir42) makes only one applying aspect: a trine with hierophant, priestly Jupiter 22Cap25 Rx in the humble 6th house, which plays in to his stated childhood desire to be a Catholic priest.

Powerful Pluto 17Leo10 is in 1st house of Self, and what interests me in his natal chart considering his documentary film career is a sextile (60 degr) between 1st house Pluto and Mercury 14Lib53 (3rd h), the planet - and house - of Communication.

Mercury conjuncts Neptune 13Lib56 which gives much creativity and writing ability; Venus is in 3rd house as well, conj Ic 26Lib46, all indicators of a communicator for the masses (Neptune) concerning practical subjects (3rd house.)

Checking Alan Epstein's wonderful Understanding Aspects series for The Sextile (out of print), this fortunate aspect between Mercury and Pluto indicates a propagandist with a penetrating analytical mind, one who delves into facts and forms his own independent conclusions - great traits and inspiration for an 'independent filmmaker' to have.

Some folks with this aspect tend to control the scope or direction of investigations or are involved with people who do. Moore has been criticized for doing just that, and he has certainly interacted with people who are reluctant to share all the facts, especially the negative ones. I'd say he's made a career of it, wouldn't you?

And it's not as if a tendency to 'control the scope or direction' isn't useful to a film 'director' - you'd have a garbled mishmash of a movie if you had no control or editing talent!

The Mercury/Pluto sextile is a fighter for the free exchange of ideas and is unshakable in his opinions - sometimes to the point of refusing to consider alternative ideas. Ignoring or hiding info that could lead to doubt ('controlling the scope') is possible - which I thought was a problem with Fahrenheit 911 when he didn't address possible Israeli involvement in the attacks (or if he did, I missed it entirely.)

This aspect is very useful for investigators, researchers, scientists, and psychologists, and those who seek to probe the past; expressing ideas with certainty and a desire to challenge misleading information is helpful in the field of journalism.

Wrapping crime scene tape around NY's AIG building and demanding our money back isn't all Moore is up to in his new film. I recommend seeing it for its overview of the capitalist system, the Greenspan/Clinton/Rubin/Bush/Paulson/Bernanke/Geithner heistings, and for a closer look at what central bankers - such as Bank Robbers of America and CitiGroup - are doing to our over-scammed, bankrupted-by-experts nation.

Now here are the practical Earth-Earth Sun Virgo-Moon Taurus blend's Images for Integration:

'A nun finishes washing up in the refectory, and then takes the keys to the Bentley and drives off to see the new art exhibition...A sculpture of still life.' (Sun Sign-Moon, by Chas and Suzi Harvey.)

I shall leave the Images as they may pertain to Mr. Moore to your very vivid imagination...

Aug 22, 2009

Propaganda of a Rising Star: Ben Bernanke

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that Fed head Ben Bernanke is a "rising star" who, after a "slow start", is managing the financial crisis quite well, thanks.

Perhaps he is, but knowing that Mr. Bernanke's Fed term is up in January 2010, my suspicious nature is more likely to see the current glowing reports on Mr. Bernanke's performance as propaganda meant to justify the fact that there's little chance President Obama will be replacing Bernanke in January.

And the Wall Street culture continues to rule plutocratic America as numbers reports are fudged and are strategically released to create a 'special effect' - a mirage - of financial improvement.

All in all, I'd have to say that the jury is still out on Mr. Bernanke's performance - at least it is on Main Street USA.

Here's a round-up of stuff I've previously blurbed about Ben Bernanke including his Pre-Natal Eclipse details - his PE manifested its 18.6-year cycle on September 11, 2007 (perhaps you remember that one, it was a doozy) @ '18Virgo' and the Eclipse obviously occurred on the 6th anniversary of 9/11.

'Sept 11, 2007' is well within the 'economy starting to slide' range of foreclosures and debt overburdens of the US consumer as ripples of financial turmoil issued from the WTC attacks, as someone planned.

The 9 New South Series indicates 'responsibilities with paperwork coming home to roost' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) -click above link to find the rest of this Eclipse' flavor - which points to all culprits including Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, whose PE it be.

9 New South is a 'young' are its details and history:

Initial Eclipse July 19, 1917 @ 25Can51 (conj US natal Mercury Rx); Mercury 3Leo13 (conj Pres. Obama's n Mercury 2:20); Venus *18Leo18 (conj Venus on 9/11/01 and the August 11, 1999 'Mother of All Eclipses" of Nostradamus fame); Mars 23Gem54 (just past a US Mars Return); Jupiter 3Gem48 (approaching US n Uranus 8Gem55 Rx); Saturn 3Leo04 (conj Mercury as noted); Uranus Rx 22AQ45 (where transiting Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron have been hanging out recently and triggering the behavior patterns - shown by Uranus' sign - of this Series); Neptune 4Leo16 (conj US n North Node and 1917's Mercury and Saturn as noted); Pluto 4Can28 (conj US natal Venus and Jupiter); NN 9Cap49, so the Eclipse's SN is in the middle of the US natal planets in Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun. Tr SN had already conjoined and left behind US natal Mercury '25Can.'

'July 19, 1917' is manifestation #1. This Series also occurred on the following dates and we may relate them to historical events, if we had the time:

2. July 30, 1935 @ '6Leo' (conj US natal NN);
3. Aug 9, 1953 @ '17Leo' (see '18Leo' above);
4. Aug 20, 1971 @ '27Leo' (opposes US n Moon 27AQ10 in 'Sibly' chart);
5. March 7, 1989 @ '17Pisc'
6. Sept 11, 2007, as above

Next 9 New South Eclipse: Sept 21, 2025 @ '29Vir'...29 degr of any sign is always considered a critical or crisis degree.


Key as always: conj = conjunct; n = natal (birth); NN = North Node of the Moon; SN = Moon's South Node; degr = degree/s; Tr = transiting; Ecl = Eclipse; PE = Pre-Natal Eclipse.

*'18Leo' is also the degree of two of America's natal midpoints and quite an oil/water mix of energies: Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Mc.

Jun 29, 2009

What Wilson said after creating the Fed

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve Bank into existence

"Unwittingly ruined"?

Now that's the part I must wonder about most when it comes to Mr. Wilson's role in the financial and political farce we Americans often call 'government.' If you wish, read Woodrow Wilson and the Invisible Empire for my notes on his natal chart and for another of his enlightening quotes about the US government.

Hindsight being perfect in the rear view mirror of life, I wish President Wilson could have remarked strongly upon the subject before he signed the Fed into law and then promptly run out of ink. But actually, since the presidency of Andrew Jackson the banking system has ruled our government, but it's taken slow increments to seal the totalitarian deal which was ratcheted up mightily in 2008.

And yes, the Founding Fathers were of the same mind - a select few rich men being top of the heap in perpetuity - so a plutocratic oligarchy of the rich we got and its becoming even more concentrated as they planned all along. This is one of the main reasons for the manufactured financial collapse of 2008 with massive public money 'bailouts' disguising the elite banking interests' unconscionable heist.

And the proof will be in the ultimate results of their whole crooked scheme.

Jun 20, 2009

Financial Reform and the July 7, 2009 Lunar Eclipse 15Cap

If you want a Capitol Hill flavored view of the July 7 Lunar Eclipse, read my post below.

But if you'd prefer a more balanced view to go along with the politics - or in spite of them (possibly the wiser choice!) - check out Julie Demboski's take and advice on the July 7 Lunar Eclipse with the four major asteroids as archetypes that Julie blends so seamlessly into her analysis!

Original post begins here:

On June 11, 2009 Paul Weinstein, Jr called for regulation of Wall Street by the Fed and the FDIC, two entities he says will be "independent super-agencies" that, among other tasks, will regulate hedge funds, insurers, and derivatives markets.

Will this great financial reform be accomplished with the aid of the Lunar Eclipse of July 7, 2009?

Comparing the July 7 Eclipse chart with America's natal chart (Sibly version), we see that the Lunar Eclipse, a Full Moon at 15Cap24, conjuncts the Sibly 2nd cusp of Earning Ability and Values, leaving the Sun 15Can24 to sit directly upon the (Sibly) 8th cusp of Shared Resources, Insurance, Debtors, Creditors, and other high-stakes wheeler-dealers and those under contract to pay them. The 2/8 axis is the Money/Values Axis, as you know.

(If I drift off-topic before I'm done composing this, it's because C-SPAN is on the TV behind me re-running Tuesday's Democratic Leadership Council tribute to Al From - and I'm getting cavities just listening to it. No disrespect intended, and they have a right to uplift whomever they want, for service to the party, of course. And you thought Barack Obama walked on water!)

The Lunar Eclipse occurs so soon after July 4 that we might expect it to be pertinent to US affairs on several levels, but my question is: will it affect the economy of our nation and the implementation of the Obama administration's financial reform initiatives?

Let's keep peeking under the univeral hood, shall we?

The speculator pair Jupiter and Neptune are dancing now upon the US natal Moon '27AQ' (the people; the public) yet I won't bark again about the midpoint picture formed since I've howled so many times here and elsewhere because its influence takes up all of 2009 and goes into 2010. Plus, these two wildly imagining planets of liquidity and grand plans are in another Air sign in the *NYSE natal chart: Libra.

Well, I've yet to give you the details for July 7's Lunar Eclipse chart:

ASC 12Can04; MC 21Pis05 (note that the ASC/DESC and MC/IC axes are nearly the same as the NYSE's angular cusps as listed below); Sun and Moon you know, Mercury 7Can24 which makes Mercury the oriental planet (rising last before the Sun) - the 'dot the Is, cross the Ts' influence of one who deals with minute details; Venus 2Gem14 in 11th house; Mars 26Tau39 in 11th h and conj Fixed Star Algol of intense passion and rage; Jupiter you know; Saturn 17Vir04 conjunct NYSE's natal Mars 18Vir43, a transit of actions restricted, a need for better organizaiton becomes evident, and trying to circumvent rules and regulations ends badly.

The Lunar Eclipse's Uranus 26Pis36 is in 10th house indicating career disruptions or reforms, plus Uranus in now within orb of its transiting square with transformative Pluto 1Cap38 in 6th house of the Lunar Ecl chart.

Saturn in Virgo is actually at Thales Point in the chart for its aid to the opposition of the Sun and Moon - Saturn trines Moon and sextiles Sun.

And when the chart is set for Washington, DC, Sun, Moon, Saturn, and MC (17Pis48) form a Mystic Rectangle, although the 4th point as a chart angle should really hold a planet in order for it to be properly called a Mystic Rectangle (a pattern of practical mysticism.) Well, '17Pisces' is a critical degree, however, and Washington is a mystical place with its buildings based on Masonic principles: the Pentagon's 5-pointed star, White House as White Lodge, Capitol Building as Masonic Temple, and more.

Well, is that enough for now? Perhaps this post can be updated as the Eclipse nears or inspiration occurs. Until then!

*New York Stock Exchange: May 17, 1792; timing varies, but I use 7:52 am LMT, 'under the Buttonwood Tree', NYC - ASC 13Can51; MC 23Pis21; Sun 27Tau12; Moon 18Ari39 approaching Saturn 26Ari22; Jupiter 22Lib57 in process of conjoining Neptune 27Lib42. So when Jupiter and Neptune conjunct about every 13 years, this astrologer naturally thinks of the NYSE.

May 7, 2009

NY Fed Chairman abruptly resigns: Mercury Rx!

An early casualty of Mercury retrograde?

The Chairman of the NY Federal Reserve Bank has abruptly resigned thus making 're-signs' an obvious re- of retrograde Mercury (contracts; agreements.)

Yes, Stephen Friedman was a naughty Fed boy with lots of Goldman Sachs in his portfolio so he's leaving with - my guess - his millions of marbles intact...the golden kind, I mean. Or is he simply attempting to clear out of Dodge before the sheriff shows up at the door?