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Showing posts with label Algol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algol. Show all posts

Dec 19, 2018

The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces

On December 17, 2018, former FBI director James Comey delivered bracing remarks concerning the failure of Republicans to stand up and speak the truth, and their role in the undermining of the rule of law in this country by supporting Donald Trump with nary a murmur of dissent. Undermining Neptune at work!

Following this came former Republican congressman David Jolly's recent comments to Brian Williams on his The 11th Hour program who stated that, "History's going to cast a long shadow over Republicans..." for their weakness and lack of upstanding behavior during this time of American crisis. So here again is the horoscope of the fifth of five Returns of Neptune to its shady position (14Pis01) in the 1854 founding chart of the Republican Party, details following:

GOP Neptune Return #5 December 29, 2018 5:45:09 am cst Ripon, WI; Neptune returns for the fifth and final time to the exact position it held on March 20, 1854. In Ripon the MC = 5Lib49 conjunct the natal Neptune of Donald Trump, his natal Chiron, then natal Jupiter Stationary @18Libra; rising in Ripon is 13Sag24. Here's another view of the GOP's Ripon Neptune Return Horoscope with chart details.

However, as an update, please note that the following details concern this chart relocated to Washington DC and is composed with the advantage of hindsight from my original post: Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity) which leads a Locomotive shape of planets (ruthless determination toward success) from the 9th house (Philosophy; Legal Matters; Foreign Lands). Is this leading Moon the America public? Or is this Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi? Or even Trump with his lunar issues? Perhaps all three? Surely it doesn't denote Putin and his undermining minions!

Whatever the lunar case, the natal Moon-South-Node conjunction of Donald Trump rises (21--23Sag) with his quirky, chaos-loving Uranus-North-Node-Sun trio setting; ASC 26Sag58 makes Jupiter chart-ruler and Jupiter @11Sag14 in DC (conjunct US natal ASC 12Sag) is in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing. Chart-ruler Jupiter applies only once--to a square with the GOP's Neptune which is posited in the 2nd house of Values yet conjoins the 3rd cusp of Communications (14Pis12) in the Placidus House System. Republicans expressing Jupiter-square-Neptune values are they?

Well, a Jupiter-Neptune square (ruler and sub-ruler of secretive Pisces) identifies the current delusions, illusions, pretense, deceptions, inflation, speculation, schemes, disguises, sabotage, propaganda, and fraud ongoing from and by the Republican Party and its under-fire leader, Trump. The square also points to the disappointment and losses of society via the GOP-Trump-Putin campaign to undermine the US government. My feeling is that whatever happens to Donald Trump resulting from his legal troubles, saboteur Putin has 'won' in his take-down of America--and mitigating the damage is what most American must hope for along with the rebuilding of our institutions which must occur once the dust settles. Best outcome from this saga is that America will emerge stronger than before! Of course, undermining of structures is an effect of the current Solar Eclipse, 'The Tower Eclipse' @18Leo41, which perfected on August 11, 2018 with themes of collapse and rebuild (Brady).

We also see the eclipse's influence via yesterday's court ruling against the Trump 'charity' Foundation now collapsing under the weight of its own illegal funny business as the judge ordered it to dissolve a la Neptune and distribute its remaining funds to actual charities. As you know, the gentle side of Neptune approves of and promotes compassion but in Trump's case, the enforced kind must suffice.

Now as you know, this first-ever Neptune Return of the Republican Party has been ongoing since 2017 but the horoscope above shows Neptune's last exact conjunction, as noted, which repeats its natal aspects of 1854 and reflects the planet's fraudulent, undermining, disappointing qualities affecting society and which now "cast a long shadow" over the Party of Trump, as Mr. Jolly says of history. ('Jolly' suggests a Jupiterian figure!)

And the Sabian Symbol for the GOP's natal Neptune in shady Pisces, now activated under a bright spotlight? "A Lady in Fox Fur"...'negative expression: "amoral opportunism"' (Jones), a trait which Donald Trump, operating from the Oval Office, now shows he shares with Republican Party members on Capitol Hill. Yes, Neptune's mask has slipped! But will we hear about it on Fox 'News'? Lately it seems that's a 'maybe'.

Oh and btw: in DC Trump's natal Jupiter conjoins the Midheaven (18Libra) (the most visible point in a chart) which denotes their shared value of pursuing financial and political gains above all else. And there's the natal Jupiter of Nancy Pelosi (18Aries) at the IC, The Basis, of the chart just in time for her gaveling-in on January 3, 2019 as she and Trump face off on Jupiterian issues such as budgets, deficits, and border wall building.

Related: Trump's natal horoscope with Pelosi's planets penned around--her Mars conjunct his Midheaven and furious Algol!

Also see the horoscope of 'The Tower Eclipse' with Pluto Unaspected (as is the natal Pluto of Donald Trump, a man 'overshadowed by shadows').

Dec 13, 2018

February 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus!

February 19, 2019: POTUS and a Full Moon with Lots of Stars

by Jude Cowell

If the Trump administration remains in the White House until February 2019 as I suppose it will, the Full Moon horoscope of February 19, 2019 seems significant to me for multiple reasons: royal star Regulus @00Vir05 ('the king' or 'the kingmaker') will be reflected and revealed by the light of the Full Moon along with the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald Trump. Note that prominent New and Full Moons sometimes act in Uranian fashion as if they are 'wild card' eclipses, and fixed stars express or are activated via eclipses (Ovason).

Alcyone rises at the moment the Full Moon perfects (10:53:29 am est) at the location of the White House, with the star's key phrase, "something to cry about." Plus, Trump's natal MC (25Taurus) with furious Algol upon it (and Nancy Pelsoi's natal Mars!) has just risen and languishes in the 12th house of Politics and Karma. The Sun-Moon midpoint (00Sag42) sets upon the Descendant along with asteroid Kassandra, key phrase: "a prophetess telling the truth but no one believes her" which may suggest someone's testimony in the Mueller investigation or to Congress. As you know, Lying vs Truth is such a problem for Mr. Trump and his associates with so many activities to cover up. (Confession: I still wonder if there's a love child behind Trump's curtain!)

Also of interest in the Full Moon chart is the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in mid-Pisces, sign of secrecy, for it conjoins fixed star Achernar, key phrases: crisis at the end of the river and risk of rapid endings. This conjunction is particularly notable since Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square has always given him much to lie and leak about and has provided our nation with a fantasy-prone, indiscreet, unreliable, unable-to-learn, emotionally immature man playing the role of US president. As you see, this conjunction falls in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. And legal eagle planet Saturn @16Cap53 (conjunct steady, strong Rukbat = Mr. Mueller?) has just conjoined the January 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25 (which conjoins the 9th cusp of this chart) in the 2 South Saros Series--theme: 'joining a new group and gaining a great deal by it' (Brady). In a previous post I related this eclipse theme to the new members of the 116th Congress which seems appropriate, agreed? Perhaps Mr. Trump will soon join a new group!

Now notice in the center of the chart I've penned an 'Image for Integration' for the practical Water-Earth Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo combination: "Small events bring enormous consequences" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey). Another 'Image' for this combo: "Faith and reason shake hands." (btw, this is the natal personality blend of Senator Ted Kennedy.)

Well, there are several other chart factors worth noting here and many of my study notes are penned upon the chart if you don't mind enlarging the image to read them. See if you agree that the February 19, 2019 Full Moon may represent a significant signpost on the Path of Donald Trump with Full Moons the phase of culmination, fulfillment, awareness, and relationships (or perhaps the ending of them) - perfecting as the Full Moon does upon Trump's natal Ascendant, replete with several activated stars--plus, a Thor's Hammer pattern with its midpoint picture notated on the right side of chart:

Of course, perhaps I fret over nothing for a Full Moon conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant could simply indicate a larger, more revealing publicity event than unusual. But really now, how is that even possible?

Dec 1, 2018

Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2019 - Virgo Moon Rising

Image: Spring Equinox March 20, 2019 at 5:58:20 pm edt White House Washington DC; ASC 14Vir25; Moon @27Vir48 rising; MC 12Gem10 conjunct Uranus-North Node midpoint (see chart, lower right); Sun 00Ari00:00 in 7th house of Partnerships, Open Enemies, and Legal Affairs/rules 12th house of Politics, Karma, Large Institutions, and Back Room Deals. Chart and MC ruler Mercury Rx @18Pis58 conjunct Neptune = "the illusionist" (A. Oken); Mars @23Tau08 in 9th house of Philosophy and Foreign Lands soon conjoins Trump's natal MC where raging star Algol twinkles. And we should mention that Donald Trump's natal Neptune @6Libra is his 'first to rise' planet at Spring Equinox 2019 bringing along his expansive, inflationary trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter of speculation and schemes.

Lower right is a Note: Speaker of the House Pelosi's Mars Return (25Taurus) occurs on or about March 25, 2019 beginning a new 2-year cycle of activity for her with the House as of January 2019 ruled by congressional Democrats. Interestingly, the Moon leads a Locomotive shape of all the planets in the chart indicating a ruthless drive toward success by an executive--is this Speaker Pelosi representing the Democrats, plus, We The People? I suspect on one level 'tis She of The Gavel. Yet the Moon's Sabian Symbol suggests otherwise: '28Virgo' = "A Bald-Headed Man Dominates a Gathering of National Figures." Trump is balding, so obviously Spring 2019 is gonna be Trump vs Pelosi for the duration of the year (Aries Ingresses symbolize entire years) with a Virgo Moon signifying practicality and methodical procedures. Also see the Sabian Symbol of the Sun ('1Aries') at the top of the horoscope - America's Great Seal is hinted at along with the Founders' pagan worship of goddess Venus.

Future Direction: 11th house North Node in Cancer (conjunct US natal Mercury Rx) denotes contacts, meetings, and encounters of a Cancerian nature which includes; business, security, family, and domestic matters along with Cancer's penchant for tribalism (ex: Trump's 'nationalism'.)

Eclipse-wise, Spring Equinox 2019's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') manifested on January 6, 2019 @15Cap25 (2 South: 'joining a new or unusual group and gaining a great deal' - Brady; perfect for new Congress members). The PE conjuncts the 5th cusp of this horoscope (15Cap51)--5th house = risk-taking, speculation, creative pursuits, children (such as the ones Trump cages and tear gases). The Equinox 2019's Syzygy Moon, a New Moon, occurs on March 6, 2019 @15Pis47 conjunct Neptune = illusions, delusions, illusions, pretense, and disguises. This may denote a new cycle of deception beginning for or by the Trump administration or the seeding (New Moon) of them. Either way we'll know more very soon by the bright light of the next Full Moon @00Lib09 (March 21st) which conjoins the natal MC of the US natal chart (5:09 pm lmt) with the Sun @00Ari09 conjunct our national IC, the Foundation of the Matter, but also The Drain and the HOW? Point. America's public status and reputation in the world should be in the spotlight more than usual around that time, such as they are thanks to asset Trump and the Kremlin. (Have you ever wondered if Melania is actually Trump's handler?)

Good news is that protective Jupiter in his own sign of Sagittarius is in the 4th house of Domestic Scene, Real Estate, and Mining which happily is ruled via Sag by moneybags Jupiter, the financier, politician, guru, broadcaster, and The General. Between February 20th and 23rd, transit Jupiter passes over Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction (20-22Sag), a real mixture of both positive and negative feelings (Moon) for him (will he relocate back to NYC? it's a transit of 'conflicts of interest' plus, 'happiness' - and he misses his penthouse so!). Yet if we look below the surface, we find the Hopi Blue Star of Prophecy, Ras Alhague waiting patiently for expression--apparently through mouthpiece Donald Trump. For more details on this star, see Donald Trump's natal Moon and the Sapphire Star.

Now as you see, unpredictable Uranus @00Tau41 (a degree of violence--Devore; and Hitler's natal Sun degree) is in the corporate 8th house of Shared Finances, Credit/Debt/Insurance, Death, Transformation, and the Occult, and is unaspected which emphasizes the detached, isolated quality of astrological Uranus, the chaos-creator (and Trump's guiding planet). Disruptions, shocks, or upsets may occur. And when unmodulated by aspects from other planets, quirky Uranus's energies are difficult for any individual to handle and denotes one who acts independently of outside influences, is restless, nervous, and discontent. There may be spurts or flashes of genius (positively or negatively) in the house (area of life) where Uranus is located. Then with Venus in detached Aquarius, Uranus has something to say about finances (8th house) of such things as the military, police, and civil services (6th house), and about perspective (Venus). Even health issues could be in the Uranian barrel (6th house) especially since the Venus-Uranus pair when acting negatively tends to indicate extravagance and waste. One is reminded of the sad state of America's Veterans Administration along with the EPA and every other government department suffering underneath the hefty Trump.

Yes, there are a many other chart factors worth mentioning here but I shall keep to my aim that this be a post, not a book, and shall leave them for you, dear reader, to admire. However, of special interest is the 5th house Saturn-Pluto conjunction which perfects @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 - conjunct the natal Vertex of Donald J. Trump. Yet in this 2019 Equinox horoscope, Pluto @22Cap51 already conjoins Trump's Vertex, a point in Astrology of 'fated encounters' or 'appointments with fate'. This may suggest a meeting between Trump and one of his idolized dictators or it could suggest a cosmic picture of something even more sinister, something that's been brewing for a long time in that karmic reap what's been sown sort of way.

For there is one thing everyone in the Universe agrees on: the piper must always be paid!

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish and you'll spy some of Mr. Trump's natal placements penned around the chart and highlighted in a lovely lavender pink shade.

A Related Post: on February 18th Chiron again conjoins the Aries Point, America's natal IC Point of Home, Roots, and Endings, and which is, of course, the degree of the Spring Equinox Sun.

Nov 27, 2018

2019 'Wild Card' Uranus Activates 'The Tower' Eclipse

Wild Card Uranus Returns to Its 'Wild Card' Solar Eclipse Degree of August 2018: Eclipses Are aka 'Wild Cards of the Universe' and 'Cosmic Blinks'

by Jude Cowell

Now you might think the following cosmic event pictured in a DC Horoscope, below, is insignificant and perhaps you're correct. You may also believe that once a new solar eclipse manifests, all previous eclipses are no longer subject to activation, whether the eclipses were Total or not. There we disagree.

So in consideration of the crisis-ridden political climate in America these days as led by chaotic Uranian Trump, and the themes of the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 which is also known as 'The Tower Eclipse' for its karmic collapsing/rebuilding energies in similar fashion to the planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus (Donald Trump's guiding planet in his natal horoscope) here is Uranus conjunct the Sun on April 23, 2019 as it returns to its partile degree of 2Tau33 in 'The Tower Eclipse' horoscope of 2018:

Most of my notes are penned upon the chart so please enlarge the image for better viewing as you wish--although I should point out a few factors: that the transiting Mars-Uranus midpoint sits upon the natal MC of Donald Trump along with enraged star Algol of Medusa fame and this suggests that any, all, or none of the potentials you see penned inside the horoscope may express--plus, transit Mars will soon hit Trump's natal Uranus (17Gemini) in his 10th house of Career and Public Status and this will activate what could be an especially explosive or dangerous period for him; also note that chart-ruler Venus makes no application (other than her conjunction with Chiron), and the chart's BOWL shape is led by an 8th house Moon in Sagittarius (Moon = women and children; the public; Sag is the sign of foreigners and immigrants).

Plus, it's impossible to ignore the cluster f**k at Midheaven with Saturn in Nodal Degree (doubly karmic, or fated) and conjoining South Node, a Saturnian point of separation (see chart notes). Plus, there's power-mad Pluto nearby as the two heavy-weights prepare for their rendezvous on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (see link, below) which conjoins the natal Vertex ('VX') of Mr. Trump. Some of Big T's natal placements surround the chart and are highlighted in lavender pink, a perfect shade for cowardly bullies, don't you think?

Related: Saturn Conjunct Pluto January 12, 2020 showing the 2020 horoscope, plus, the current Saturn-Pluto Conjunction horoscope, the cycle we remain in (since November 1982) until their next conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, an Earth sign of government, law, business, and materialism.

Nov 20, 2018

Horoscopes: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions

Because we remain in the Saturn-Pluto cycle which began on November 7, 1982, as shown by the fact that we're still living in the Reaganomics wealth-favoring economy, below is a DC Horoscope for the planets' exact meet-up in 1982 with November 7, 2018 transits penned around the chart (highlighted in turquoise blue). Significantly, November 7, 2018 was the day of a New Moon @15Sco11 which basically timed a Solar Return to the 1982 Saturn-Pluto chart and, as with all new moons, suggests the seeding of new ideas and/or plans as a new cycle of activity begins. The January 12, 2020 horoscope follows.

This November 7th New Moon resonates with Democratic victories at the 2018 Midterms on Nov 6th so that Republican control of the three branches of government will end once the new 116th Congress is sworn in on January 3, 2019 (last I heard, Jan 3rd), the start of a new congressional cycle. Plus, any conjunction of planets is a 'new moon' within that pair's cycle and 'peaks' of activity may be followed by the planets' sextiles, squares, trines, quincunxes, and oppositions subsequently issuing from the conjunction which starts a particular cycle's 'cosmic clock' ticking toward the next conjunction. Round and round we go!

So as you know, in late 2018 we are nearing the close of the current 1982 Saturn-Pluto cycle (appr 33-38 years' duration) with their January 12, 2020 conjunction coming sooner than we'd like for its 'new social order' implications. Below is the 1982 horoscope, then the upcoming 2020 chart with brief notations included.

Please enlarge the images to read details penned upon the charts:

The Leo Moon is chart-ruler in the November 7, 1982 horoscope (Cancer rising) with the Jupiterian North Node conjunct US natal Jupiter (5Can56), a double Jupiter inference, plus, the Moon also rules the 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Possessions (cusp 21Can48). Busy Luna in Leo leads a a BOWL formation of all the planets denoting an advocacy of a cause or a mission to fulfill; as chart-ruler the Moon and applies twice: 1. Moon square Sun (15Sco16 as noted, Sun is in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling and conjuncts Reagan's natal Jupiter in mid-Scorpio as does Venus, another money planet); the square suggests potentials for conflicts between leadership/authority figures and the people/the public, distorted information and propaganda, and much frustration--self-control and hard work are needed; 2. Moon square Venus which denotes distortion of priorities, rebellion or defiance within relationships and diplomacy, illicit alliances, and a sense of being threatened or intimidated.

2020 minus 1982 = 38 years - half of which = 19 years so I'd say the first half of their cycle ended in or about 2001 just in time for the New Millennium to begin; therefore, we're in process of winding up the Moon-square-Venus phase now.

Setting on the 1982 Descendant is testy warrior planet Mars @5Cap17, so recently limited or restricted by transit Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn which is always a difficult placement for the old man financially. Saturn-to-Mars indicates a period when taking shortcuts or circumventing rules, laws, or regulations is ill-advised (tell that to Trump!), and there are difficulties in relationships with males--or they may break off entirely (ex: former AG Jeff Sessions fired--5Cap is his natal Mars positionand he was born in 1946 with a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, both Rx in Leo!). Also, Mars @5Cap17 opposes US natal Jupiter (see details on the chart, lower right).

Check the 1982 chart's 12th cusp (24Tau06) and you'll see Trump's natal Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Career) conjoining 1982 wounded-wounding Chiron upon the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma (also where raging star Algol resides). Comparing both conjunctions and eras, we now have Saturn and Pluto energies combined in Airy Libra--on the mental or intellectual plane where theories cavort--and describing current trends (a la Reagan, as previously noted) but we will meet compressing Saturn-Pluto energies within the pragmatic Earth sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn as of January 2020, not the best portent in the social or financial areas of life. That more 'earth changes' and shifts will ensue seems a given to me, how about you? Especially since foreign and domestic corporatists have plundered and mined Earth's natural resources to our detriment.

Then as you see, the transiting North Node, the 'head of the dragon', is at 29Cancer, a critical 29th degree, and will soon conjoin the degree (27Can43) of the 1982 Saturn-Pluto conjunction's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which occurred in the 1 North Saros Series on July 20, 1982. This, I should inform you, is 'The Tower' Eclipse under which we now labor for a subsequent eclipse manifested in the 1 North series on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41. 'Collapse of structures, lifestyles, and plans', plus,'rebuilding', are the themes of 1 North (Brady) as we've discussed in several recent posts so if you type 'Eclipses' in the sidebar search field you'll discover a plethora of posts concerning these 'cosmic blinks' of the Universe. Or, tap one of the labels below this post.

You know, it always amazes me that many folk assume that God isn't watching events on planet Earth yet if they attended the sight of a Total Solar Eclipse they could sense His 'blink' if they had any sense at all!

Be that as it may, both Saturn and Pluto are slow moving karmic planets which influence many levels of societies the world over, and it can be instructive to consider historical events of November 1982 (and all of 1982). These include Nov 3: the DOW soared to a record high, the first time since January 11, 1973; Nov 12: former KGB head Andropov succeeds the deceased Brezhnev as secretary general; Nov 13: in Washington DC the Vietman Veterans Memorial is dedicated; and Nov 28: 88 countries send representatives to a meeting in Geneva to discuss world trade and free trade issues. Here's a more complete list for the entire year.

Naturally, 2020 history and beyond has yet to be written but here's the January 12, 2020 horoscope in a meager attempt to look ahead toward the future:

For further details see Horoscope: The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 2020.

Aug 9, 2018

Aug 9, 2018: Nixon Resigned 44 years ago today Will Trump Follow His Excellent Example?

Photo: After Resigning Richard Nixon Departs Washington DC

August 9, 2018: Forty-four years ago today, Richard Nixon resigned from the Office of the Presidency in order to avoid impeachment and the parallels between Nixon's actions in the White House and those of Donald Trump are revealing. Perhaps you've seen today's CNN segment with John Avlon pointing out the similarities between the two men--up to the point where Nixon resigned. Editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast and a CNN political analyst, Mr. Avlon is the author of Washington's Farewell which yours truly is currently reading along with several other books, a habit I can't seem to break because I don't want to.

As we learned 44 years ago, resigning from the presidency is an easy task as evidenced by Nixon's resignation letter sent to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger which may be viewed here. In a SO'W post of August 4, 2007, I included a link to the letter and some natal details on Nixon himself noting that his Sun Cap-Moon AQ personality blend suggests a very descriptive 'Image for Integration' concerning Mr. Nixon's presidential destiny:

"Having struggled unaided to the peak, a mountaineer hitches a ride on a passing helicopter." (Sun-Sign Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Perhaps you agree that the 'struggling' and 'hitching' are exactly what Tricky Dick did thanks to his 'fall from grace' which can be astrologically associated with taskmaster Saturn in 10th house or near Midheaven. That's because law-abiding Saturn, planet of The Establishment and the status quo, demands that human beings abide by laws and rules, honor worthy traditions, wisely administer their responsibilities, and stand up when accountability comes to call. Past mistakes that are never made whole eventually overwhelm when karmic Saturn's imperatives are neglected.

Yet power-mad control freak Nixon was born with Saturn @27Tau29 in his 9th house and power-broker Pluto in late Gemini--also a karmic planet--in his 10th house of Career, Public Status, and Aspirations so that the planetary pair of hardship and severity straddle Nixon's natal MC (Saturn-Pluto = MC). And now, with Mr. Trump under siege and hunkered down in the White House--and many of the 'best people' he hired turning out to be crooks--we shall note that Nixon's natal Saturn conjoins the natal MC of Donald Trump who was born with the nasty star of rage and violence Algol at Midheaven. And this is how Donald 'Algol' Trump is seen by the world (MC). Then significantly enough, the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 precisely conjoins Donald Trump's natal Vertex, a point of fated encounters.

Another interesting chart factor is that, assuming Trump's birth data is accurate with a birth time of 10:54 am, royal Regulus rises, a star carrying a serious imperative of its own: 'success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away.' Why, 'revenge' is what exactly Donald Trump loves to take--just like Nixon did! Did I hear you say 'enemies list'?

Plus, there's yet another link between Donald Trump and the Nixon administration and resignation which you can read about in a previous post Trump and the 1973 Eclipse of the 'Saturday Night Massacre', a popularized term for Nixon's firing of the Special Prosecutor investigating him--you know, like Trump longs to do to Mr. Mueller (a vengeful firing which would not stop the investigation).

Now do any of these markers and cosmic links signal in America's future a Trump resignation as he treads the Nixonian path? We must wait and see!

Jun 21, 2018

Summer 2018 Eclipses are repeats of 1928

2018 Summer Solar Eclipses: Time Links to the Eclipses of 1928

Of Time Links and Cosmic Blinks by Jude Cowell

Since the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) in the 2 Old North Saros Series occurred on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini (conjunct US natal Uranus--descriptive of Mr. Chaos), 2 Old North has repeated in the years 1964, 1982, and on July 1, 2000 @10Cancer among the US natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, Sun). An eclipse in this series will manifest again on July 12, 2018 @20Can41, a critical or sensitive degree in the Zodiac. However, this post partially concerns an earlier manifestation of a 2 Old North eclipse--the one that perfected on May 19, 1928 @28Taurus among the stars of The Pleiades a constellation which also happen to contain the natal Midheaven of Mr. Trump (25Taurus) conjunct the nasty star of rage, fury, and violence Algol of Medusa's Head fame.

Now as we've discussed previously, 2 Old North themes are difficult and include 'separation, the ending of unions' (or alliances, one imagines), and 'unfortunate news regarding personal relationships although quick action can bring positive results' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). So Donald Trump has that goin' for him from late June into July and beyond.

But then, it so happens that another cosmic blink manifests on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 as The Tower Eclipse with its theme of 'collapse of lifestyles or plans' and the necessary 'rebuilding' which must follow once the 'dust settles' (Brady). This is the 2 New North series repeating from its manifestation of June 17, 1928 @26Gemini--the initial--the very first eclipse in the 2 New North series. On the level of current physical events, we already know that The Tower Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms and we may expect (if 'wild card' eclipses ever bring expectable results!) that any or all election losers will feel its collapse theme in similar fashion to drawing Tarot card #16.

And is it cosmic synchronicity that in 1928 Ireland's William Butler Yeats's The Tower collection of poems was published?!

Some Things We Know We Know

Now since we know that history rhymes (rather than precisely repeating) we may wish to consider historical events of 1928 especially given what's been going on in the US this year with the kidnapping and caging of children at the border by the Trump regime, a self-created fiasco that threatens to continue into 2019 and probably beyond for Trump slightly changed his tune and now intends to imprison and criminalize entire families. Yes, the arrival of waves of refugees is a crisis for any country, I agree, but Trump's ways are not my ways--and his are not traditionally those of our nation toward asylum seekers and small children. His harsh actions demonstrate the ways of a man without a conscience and having not a speck of empathy toward humanity.

Furthermore, Trump and his handmaidens are said to have no plan to ever reunite the children they separated from their grieving parents since April and, in fact, are attempting to blame anyone but themselves for their cruel decisions and craven actions. My first thoughts upon hearing of this nightmare is that it shows what lengths a man like Trump will sink to in order to score political points and grasp the money to build 'the wall' he demands--and I can't help but wonder if the kidnapped children will be auctioned off at some point to the highest bidder. Well, obviously, this idea shows how little yours truly thinks of Trump and his ilk who pretend to be better than they actually are.

Other things we know include the fact that eclipses influence history by working through individuals whose natal charts are activated by said eclipse, and the repetition of one's Prenatal Eclipse can certainly suggest a person who becomes a participant in historical events of the day especially if other conditions are ripe--such as a man playing the role of the so-called 'leader of the free world' which does not include migrant children and their parents in lock-down whether they are asylum seekers in the US or not. Such is Donald Trump with his 2 Old North PE repeating on July 12th though its influence can begin any day now--and it brings the influence of one of the dark vs light Gemini Twins along--Castor with its themes and potentials for mental illness, crippling of limbs, sudden fame or loss, and/or murder (Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, A. Louis). An eclipse perfecting upon a fixed star is a strong indicator of events manifesting in the wider world.

As for history 2018, those who are curious may wish to follow a link to a brief World History Timeline 1928--1929 for clues or comparisons of events which may rhyme once again during Summer 2018 and into 2019. Or perhaps echo is the better word for as a certain child thief psycho of earlier decades asserted, “The weak must be chiseled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel.” And they called it the Hitler Youth Movement.

Jun 9, 2018

Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order

June 9, 2018: Trump-Putin and Current Events

by Jude Cowell

Image: 19 North Solar Eclipse Sept 1, 2016: Realism Opposed By Fantasy and Deceit

Below is an excerpt from a previous post which concerns Donald Trump and the lingering 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Virgo with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing, veiling, and confusing. This is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of both the 2016 Election and Inauguration 2017 and involves the basic themes we've been plagued by ever since: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what (we) thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (Brady's Predictive Astrology):

Excerpt: "19N's degree (9Virgo) squares US natal Uranus 8Gem55 and opposes US natal Ceres and our Pluto-Chiron midpoint (8Pisces.) Will the themes of the eclipse block or merely be triggered? Uranus is always unpredictable yet we may expect that here it denotes an uncaring attitude toward humanity! 'Indifferent to the needs of society' seems a perfect description of recent anti-government upstarts and anarchists in Congress most if not all of whom are Republicans. Curiously, the 19N is also the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854) which may increase their chances of election, this common-good populist blogger is sad to say.

Unfortunately, if rascally Utopian anarchists and social engineers hold sway in our 2016 Election results, their lack of community spirit will prevent karmic progress for our nation and we will continue to regress on many levels of the evolutionary scale. As you know, their brother's keeper they are Not and we shall all be forced to reap what they sow while Ayn Rand dances a jig in her grave." #

Excerpt from my original post April 12, 2014

Note that the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 also squared the 2 Old North Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree of Donald Trump (9Gemini) which repeats @21Cancer on July 12, 2018 with 'glum' themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'separations' (Brady). In 'real time' transit Neptune @9/10Pisces opposed the 2016 Eclipse (9Virgo) while squaring Trump's PE (9Gemini) - so that warring Antares @9Sag completes a difficult Cosmic Grand Cross. A Mutable Grand Cross (or Square) reveals unstable conditions of indecision, anxiety, and mentally running in circles. Bil Tierney says its conditions are like "a windmill in a windstorm" which is one way of describing the 'presidency' of Donald Trump. Nervous strain and exhaustion are the predictable results and those who lack conviction and/or fail to uphold higher principles are spotlighted and challenged. The saving grace is that many people may become more discriminating and aware during this time.

Now why does the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 'linger' with us? Because its descriptive themes continue to influence both the 2016 'Election' of Donald Trump, his tenure in the White House, and his January 20, 2017 'Inauguration' as engineered by Vladimir Putin and other foreign and domestic operatives so that those events and conditions 'linger' and bedevil America in the form of congenital liar Donald Trump, who prefers and supports dictator Putin instead of America's traditional allies.

Plus, transiting gaseous giant Neptune floating through its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces continues on its own to bring lies, deceit, betrayal, propaganda, paranoia, fear, contagion, water damages, loss, disappointment, and fraud to the American people as oceanic Neptune washes over the globe. 2016 Neptune opposing the 19 North eclipse (9 Pisces vs 9 Virgo across the victim-savior axis) continues to bode ill for it has obfuscated and muddled the forces of truth and realism embedded within the 19 North eclipse so that we continue to suffer under the influence of Trump's "fake news" propaganda and the support of his lies and deceit from the Republican Party, members of which must be mightily compromised by foreign governments with information hanging over their heads--and large amounts of money lining their pockets. Trump knows all of this which is why he could insult and destroy the campaigns of other 2016 candidates and why he can continue to oppose the Republicans in Congress and fail to uphold the traditional party platform. We could even say that Putin 'has Trump's back'.

Meeting in Canada: Canada's Trudeau Says Nyet to Russia's Return

So now with this weekend's G7 Summit in Canada which is said to be more of a G6 +1 due to the threat of America being kicked out (as was Russia for 'annexing' the Crimea!) since Trump played his usual isolationist role of 'odd man out' in Canada and the other nations say they can vote without the US, there seems to be an obvious campaign to establish a 'new world order' of strong-armed dictators (which is being reported or suggested now by journalists and pundits--any of whom may be part of The Agenda). So in spite of what Canadian PM Justin Trudeau says now, this means that a global overthrow is happening right before our eyes and the entire world is about to change in a big way. Will it be authoritarian and draconian 'just like Putin would do'? At this unstable point, it would seem so.

As Above, So Below

For astrologers who use the generational planets, the shift of disruptive, separative reformer Uranus into Venus-ruled Taurus is a descriptive part of this political and societal picture. (See Uranus into Taurus which includes Trump's natal chart with the Uranus into Taurus chart of May 15, 2018 surrounding it--and shows the New Moon @24Taurus which perfected upon Trump's natal Midheaven and thus activated malevolent star, Algol.) The New Moon in mid-May marked a new cycle of activity in Trump's career and public reputation on the world stage (MC) with evil Medusa overseeing.

For as you've heard, Trump Wants Russia Back in the G7 (just like Putin would do!) which would make it G8 again after President Obama championed the effort to jettison Russia from the group for its strong-armed tactics. Will the Trump-Putin team may get their way? Well, curiously the 2 South Solar Eclipse of early January 2019 reveals an interesting theme in light of this desire of Putin and his puppet Trump--'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from the involvement' (paraphrasing Brady)!

Related Posts include: The New World Order proceeds (1993 NWO horoscope shown--transit Pluto has repeatedly hit and transformed the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree/s multiple times = 'the big picture demands a certain course of action, little option to do otherwise'--Tyl--which is exactly what we're seeing 'followed' by Trump-Putin, China, and others now), and Washington Monument: Center of Political Power? which contains various links of interest for the curious.

Another Recommended Post with the 2018 Midterms soon upon us: The Sygyzy (Full) Moon of the 2018 Midterms (DC horoscope shown); note that Full Moons can activate conditions and events and uncover secrets much as lunar eclipses can do and New Moons sometimes behave disruptively in similar fashion to solar eclipses which bring unexpected changes of direction.

May 22, 2018

The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control

Astro-Notes: The Powell Memo and Corporations as 'People' Like Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

The significance of the Powell Memo (or, Manifesto) cannot be overemphasized when pondering the ongoing assault on American institutions by corporate interests, transnational and domestic. It is not the first or only assault but one of many by wealthy elitists of the anti-Constitutional kind, those opposed to democracy and who plunder resources and wage wars across the globe and at home for their own profit.

Naturally, the term 'manifesto' must conjure for us the Communist Manifesto and the anti-worker doctrine of Marxism which has been shown to have been invented in order to destroy the Middle Class--invented though plagiarized by Karl Marx who was financed by the wealthy class of his day including his wife's family, the von Westphalens of the Prussian aristocracy.

So with no precise hour known, I'm finally getting around to publishing a 'noon' horoscope for The Powell Memo:

As you see, the Memorandum occurred within a 9 New South Saros Series with its Solar Eclipse ('PE') @27Leo15 which was activated on August 21, 2017 by The Great American Eclipse whose path of visibility split our nation in half. You'll remember that this is the Total eclipse that Donald Trump looked at 6 times without safety glasses--and its degree conjoined his natal Ascendant (29Leo) and by extension, his rising Mars (26Leo). Themes of the 1971 Solar Eclipse are messily penned upon the above chart along with the themes of the August 2017 Eclipse in the 1 North series, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' of Nostradamus fame (August 11, 1999 @18Leo).

So far, the Trump regime has fulfilled 1 North's themes extremely well: 'unexpected events' and 'information is distorted and possibly false'. Plus, we should note that the August 1999 eclipse will be activated by another Solar Eclipse this very year on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North series, the eclipse I have unhappily labeled The Tower Eclipse for its 'collapsing tower' and 'rebuilding' themes (Brady). This eclipse happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms.

Now as you know, history is often said to rhyme (if not repeat precisely) and it seems to me that the study of eclipses, solar and lunar, is one way of revealing 'time links' between years and the historical events that were influenced by the applicable eclipse themes. This does not discount whether or not a particular eclipse is visible in a certain location where an event takes place yet the significance and symbolism of eclipse degrees are my primary focus along with the themes of the series in which an eclipse falls. Of course, visible eclipses would have stronger influence upon events as would Total eclipses but degrees are sensitized by eclipses, stars, and other factors and remain so through centuries.

As for the Powell Memo horoscope itself, its lack of timing prevents a full consideration here although there are a few chart factors I wish to point out:

First, that Neptune, planet of fraud, corruption, propaganda, disguises, get-rich-quick-schemes (with nearby Jupiter), the (corporate-controlled) media and the masses, is @1Sag, a degree with a Sabian Symbol (penned on) well known for its link to the US military--in America's case, to the military industrial complex that's bleeding America's National Treasury dry at the expense of We The People.

Then @11Leo01 there's Cupido conjunct Midheaven (at noon) with keywords: Corporations, Organizations, and The Family which includes crime families, Chambers of Commerce, political parties, and religious cults.

Pluto-Chiron at Work

Another factor is the midpoint of Pluto-Chiron, the Plutocracy pair of oppression, exploitation, primal violence, racism, and other -isms such as Capitalism, Communism, Marxism, Bolshevikism, Fascism, Socialism, and Zionism, which conjoins US natal Jupiter (5Cancer56) with its enlightening Sabian Symbol for '6 Cancer': "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests." In the Powell Memo chart this would refer to Mr. Powell and his Chamber of Commerce co-conspirators and others of the corporate persuasion--and to America's Founding (plutocratic) Fathers of 1776 and our modern-day financial fanatics who exploit others at every opportunity and have pulled a major scam with their ridiculous assertion that "corporations are people, too" (codified by Citizens United 2010). In the same vein, SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote an opinion about two days ago siding with employers and corporations over US workers, so there, America. Scr*w you, say corporate elitists.

And for those of us who use a late afternoon founding chart for America (July 4, 1776), its Ascendant in the range of 11-13Sag was the spot in the Zodiac where Pluto and Chiron last met in conjunction December 1999--and helped usher in the dawning of the New Millennium under the auspices of the 'Mother of All Eclipses', the 1 North @18Leo which will soon be triggered in August 2018.

Donald Trump in the White House: the Corporate Tradition Carried On

And finally, let's close by noting that in 1971 the asteroid of ethics and strategy, Pallas @27Tau27 opposes 1971 Jupiter in corporate Scorpio while conjoining 1971 MIDAS (26:49) -- and greedy MIDAS happily sits upon the natal Midheaven (The Goal) of gold-lover Donald Trump (age 25 in 1971). And that's Trump's very visible MC where the nasty, malevolent star of violence, rage, and viciousness is found: Algol of Medusa's Head fame.

Now in case either of you need it, here's what some say is an apt description of the Trump regime by Dr. Lawrence Britt; this controversial definition is also known as The Britt List.

Plus, every chance he gets Trump Is Using 'The Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels, a post which includes some Astrology and an interesting video.

A Possibly Related Post: 4 Virgo and the Midpoint Pictures of Trump and Hitler...some weird cosmic synchronicity is going on.

May 16, 2018

Robert Mueller appointed May 17, 2017 - w 2018 Eclipse

Tomorrow, Thursday May 17, 2018, is the first anniversary/Solar Return of the appointment of Robert Mueller III as Special Counsel to investigate Donald Trump, the Trump campaign, his associates, and their ties or conspiracies, if any, to or with Russia and Vladimir Putin. On Thursday, the Sun will precisely return to its 2017 degree at 5:44 pm edt (based on its 2017 degree at noon edt). In the Solar Return 2018 chart (not shown), Midheaven @2Leo27 sports the 2017 position of asteroid Atlantis @2Leo01 (abuse or misuse of power; divine retribution; feelings of doom). Obviously, the themes of astrological Atlantis are very much a part of the Mueller investigation into the affairs of Donald Trump and we may also wish to note that in 2017, Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, opposed Atlantis.

And here's a cosmic curiosity: 2Leo+ also happens to be the position of personal name asteroid 'Mueller' on the day of Robert Mueller was born! (you can't make this stuff up).

On May 17, 2017 (Washington DC), the Sun @26Tau55 conjoined the nastiest star in the heavens, Algol, of Medusa-Head fame, the occupant of Mr. Trump's natal Midheaven. Regretfully for Mr. Trump and for the country he now haphazardly leads, enraged Algol at Midheaven has an especially malevolent reputation for potentials such as mob violence, murderous tendencies, and the possibility of a tragic end (Devore). Along with royal Regulus rising (success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that's gained will be taken away--Brady), this has been the cosmic condition of Donald Trump since birth (natal MC) and the Mueller probe is now the spotlight shining brightly upon the star's turbulence and affecting the enraged Mr. Trump's career and public reputation on the world stage (MC).

Inner: Special Counsel appointed May 17, 2017 12:00 pm edt Washington DC; outer: Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 2 New North Saros Series August 11, 2018 5:57:39 am edt Washington DC--the collapsing tower:

Of course, you see that Mr. Trump's natal IC @25Scorpio is affected (family; domestic scene) as transit Jupiter in Scorpio approaches and readies to enter Trump's natal 4th house from whence his his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio will eventually be opposed--conflicts and unfavorable conditions are indicated for an extended period once the Jupiter oppositions begin in 2019. (Also see the penned note, bottom center of the chart: "transit Jupiter oppo 2017 Sun Oct 25, 2018".) Yet some respite may be felt for transit Jupiter will also conjoin Trump's natal Moon @21Sag, usually a happy time unless negative conditions interfere overmuch. For him this may be the case due to his natal Moon-South Node conjunction visited by tr Jupiter so perhaps happy expectations won't be met since a Jupiter-SN contact often denotes blocked endeavors and ethical clashes (as with current conditions). Actually, a look back at the period when this transit of Jupiter occurred about 12 years prior would be fruitful for those who have the time.

Many Towers Totter Across the Globe

As for the bi-wheel pictured above, the outer chart of The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 is shown because of the involvement of Trump Tower in the ongoing Mueller investigation and the structure's location of at least two significant meetings (June 9, 2016 and December 12, 2017) under Mueller's scrutiny when Russians came to call--and because Trump is so very proud of this building with his name upon it. Plus, this Solar Eclipse conjoins the noon Ascendant of May 17, 2017 (Washington DC) and so I have used it to show upcoming transits to Mr. Mueller's appointment. Also note that a Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo indicates that karmic progress can only be made if the negative qualities of Leo are avoided--pride, vanity, egocentricity, pomposity, and ostentatious display (Lineman). It also confirms a karmic relationship with one or more offspring--offspring such as Donald Junior whose involvement in the Trump Organization and actions during the 2016 Campaign such as contacts with Russians and others are in the cross hairs of Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation.

Now planet Pluto of the (criminal) Underworld holds an important position in both charts @19Capricorn+ but in 2018 Pluto is unaspected and thus detached from any planet in the Eclipse chart, and unable to offer its regenerative power. For Donald Trump this condition of a lonely Pluto is a 'natal echo' since his natal Pluto @10Leo02 is also unaspected which I have previously termed "overshadowed by shadows" as we recently discussed when we took a ginger step into Donald Trump's 12th house of the Unconscious.

And perhaps you remember that May 17, 2017 happened to be the very date of the first of five Neptune Returns (14Pis01, as you see!) of the Republican Party (of 1854). Synchronicity much? The last of the five conjunctions perfects on December 29, 2018 which takes party members into 2019 with a disappointing wilt rather than a bang. And as you know, a difficult star inhabits the region of 15Pisces--Achernar = crisis at the end of the river, or, the risk of rapid endings. Yes, many Capitol Hill resignations have been announced with the probability of more to come--plus midterm election losses in November if a 'Blue Wave' is allowed to wash over America and voters mobilize themselves in great numbers.

Well, there are many more chart factors of interest here but as usual this should remain a post not a book so let's close with a few notes on the May 17, 2017 Sun-Moon blend which sounds like a description of Robert Mueller to me--at least in comparison to the squishy, quirky, changeable Donald Trump whose natal Uranus @18Gemini (his guiding planet) hints of his China connections:

Earth-Air Sun Taurus-Moon Aquarius: independent, fair, honest, morally sound, shrewd, tenacious, objective, realistic, committed to principles, resourceful, trustworthy, and capable; can be stubborn and overconfident which can come across as conceited. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Related: 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms (horoscope shown with a link to eclipse details).

May 11, 2018

Caput Algol screams upon Donald Trump's Midheaven

Medusa Wikimedia Commons; circa 1878

If you could choose any star to avoid in connection to your natal chart and planets it would probably be the most malevolent of them all, Algol (aka, Caput Algol). Here are potentials for Algol, some of which may remind you of a certain public figure we both know all too well these days:

"Mass tragedies: war, mass murder, fanaticism, ruthlessness, bigotry, propaganda, horror, violence, mass vandalism, mob violence, being torn to pieces, extremes of brutality. Death by hanging, strangulation, electrocution, wounds to the throat and neck." (Algol has been in Taurus for more than 1800 years, and Taurus rules the neck and throat...perhaps when it gets to Gemini this will change to wounds to the arms and shoulders ??) "Often found in criminal or murder charts. In mundane charts it may presage great disasters such as mine cave-ins, fires, quakes, riots etc. Extreme sickness." Quoted from Diana K. Rosenberg's page Medusa's Head.

Of course, "wounds to the throat and neck' suggest decapitation which can also include a 'heady' experience that causes a person to overdo his reactions, to 'lose his head'--like, for example, taking over the Oval Office reins and assuming you're above the law. And many would describe demagogue Trump in the White House as "a great disaster" for America and the world. Watch for May 15, 2018's New Moon @24Tau36 (7:48 am edt) for it blinks at Algol, stimulates the natal MC of Mr. Trump, and denotes a new cycle of activity which tragically may include some of the malevolent potentials listed above. The lunation also occurs within a degree of the natal Taurean Sun of the State of Israel.

So as you know, the Midheaven (MC) in any horoscope is the most visible point and describes The Goal or Aspiration Point of the person, entity, or event described by the horoscope. This 10th house cusp is sometimes known as the WHY? Point (ASC = WHAT?; DESC = WHERE or WHERE TO?; IC = HOW?) so there in Trump's Goal department nestles nasty star Algol. Does any of this remind you of the horrendous photo that comedian Kathy Griffin published in which she pretended to hold up a decapitated head of Donald Trump in Medusa-Head style? Me too. Wonder if Ms. Griffin studies Astrology?

Jan 4, 2018

An Astro-Peek at the Furious Trump-Bannon Battle!

With fiery Mars-rising Donald Trump's upcoming medical examination on January 12, he really needs to keep his blood pressure under control by avoiding furious rage-outs. But what are the chances of that for Mr. Retaliation, the resident-in-chief, born not only with Mars rising in proud Leo but asteroid Tisiphone--retaliation--at his MC 24Taurus along with enraged star of violent fury Algol?

Well, expert astrologer Marjorie Orr has just published a piece on the Fire and Fury controversy of Mr. Bannon's criticism of Trump and Family that the book reveals if you wish to read her assessment (scroll past the Prince Harry-Meghan Markle charts which you may also wish to check out). An Amazon link to Michael Wollfe's book is linked, below.

Now previously, I've posted on Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter (with a nod to his conscience-free Saturn) and today I'll add a link to a previous post showing the natal chart of Julian Assange with Bannon's 'noon' natal chart around it. (And note Bannon's natal Venus (vengeful when scorned) is @19Scorpio which is traditionally an 'evil degree' and has two nasty fixed stars there. Devore says it's "the crucial point between the Ego and the Supreme Will".)

Transit Mars to Natal Mercury: Time for a Fuss

Looking at Mr. Bannon's planets, you can see that the current position of transit Mars (quarrels, fights, fires, activism, motives) conjoins Bannon's natal Mercury, planet of quotes and opinions, in mid-degrees of Scorpio, sign of betrayal and the need for self-control. And when transit Mars conjoins natal Mercury, verbal combat as he speaks his mind is a likely outcome and with subsequent chaos involved. Certainly another major bump on the Trump-Mercer-Koch-GOP road to chaos and government collapse has occurred.

Plus as you know, transit Mars and Jupiter are about to conjoin in Scorpio so the Trump-Bannon battle may be affected by this pair which in Politics and Business suggests potentials for: advice which angers or inflames others, action taken in response to legal judgments (also a hint concerning Paul Manafort's just-filed lawsuit against Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation?), and/or judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battle (Munkasey).

An so it seems (unless this is only another fascinating Trump distraction from what's really going on), a Trump-Bannon battle is now enjoined and with Mars and Jupiter about to meet, book sales of Michael Wolffe's Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House are already proving to be brisk and furious!

Sep 17, 2017

Horoscope: The Vietnam War August 4, 1964

September 17, 2017: In a 10-part, 18-hour documentary, the Vietnam War receives the Ken Burns and Lynn Novick treatment beginning tonight on PBS. Below is the horoscope for the start of the Vietnam War set for the alleged assault (pretext) of the second Gulf of Tonkin incident. The resolution giving President Johnson authority for use of force was voted on in Congress and passed the House by a vote of 416 - 0 and the Senate 88 - 2.

The two senators who voted against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution were Wayne Morse and Alaska's Ernest Groenig. "When the resolution passed, Morse declared that Congress had surrendered its authority, and therefore the authority of the people it was elected to serve. Morse also deplored the open-ended nature of the approval and condemned Congress for giving the President and the military a “blank check” which would be cashed with taxpayer’s money and citizens’ lives."

And as my generation has known for decades, Senator Morse was all too correct, wasn't he? For more info, see The Wayne Morse Center. And here's another source of information on the Vietnam War.

So here is the Vietnam War horoscope set for August 4, 1964 at 21:30 -7:00 (9:30 pm USZ6 -7:00) at Vinh, Vietnam, the naval base from which the alleged assault on a US ship was launched. Please enlarge to read chart notes which include an unaspected Jupiter (Jupiter The General, large amounts of money, financiers, politicians, etc). The Great Benefic's unaspected condition denotes those who are disconnected from moral or religious standards, live an 'Ivory tower' existence, but are zealous toward the matters of Jupiter's house--here, the 2nd house of Money and, in the US, our National Treasury, from which the funds for weapons and war issued, thanks to US taxpayers (see Senator Morse's statement, above).

When North Vietnamese troops entered Saigon, capital of South Vietnam, on April 30, 1975, the Vietnam War came to an end. On that date, Venus @19Gemini27 was unaspected, a 'wallflower' condition for the usually sociable Venus. This condition of Venus suggests unusual perspectives, sporadic or unrestrained expressions, and an obsessive single-mindedness. Another April 30, 1975 cosmic condition of interest is karmic Saturn @13Can54 conjunct US natal Sun (POTUS = Nixon). This repressive transit indicates a time of disappointment, discouragement, and resentment toward limitations, rules, and regulations. It marks a period when past mistakes must be corrected so that moving forward is possible, aka, making karmic progress.

Tragically, through subsequent wars and their flimsy pretexts, Congress' continued negligence of its war-declaration duties and shady money management, Pentagon and CIA shadow activities, fear-mongering propaganda against We The People, and Washington's obvious plundering and global conquest obsessions, we see that 'the powers that think they be' (Max Igan's phrase) continue their Ivory Tower existences while perverting the course of our nation as 'global cop' and lining their pockets via several means including the racket that is war.

War Profiteering

Besides the Vietnam War's Jupiter in a Money house (and fraudulent Neptune in the 8th house of Corporations and Big Business), note that the IC (Foundation, Basis, the HOW? point, The Drain) of the war chart reveals, as you see, America's natal Jupiter @6Cancer: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" (Jones).

2 New North: Collapse of 'The Tower'

One more prominent chart factor to note is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) series under which this particular hell of war was unleashed, the 2 New North, which manifested @17Cancer27 (4th house) on July 9, 1964. Themes of 2 New North, also called 'The Tower' (see Tarot card #16) are: changes of direction, sudden collapse of plans, lifestyles, and/or an existing structure; confusion reigns but after the dust settles, reshaping and rebuilding have far-reaching effects (Predictive Astrology, B.Brady).

Also note that unaspected Jupiter is apex planet of a midpoint picture--the karmic Sun-Saturn pair = Jupiter: break-up of a value system (Tyl), plus, Jupiter @23Tau28 conjoins the difficult cluster in Perseus, Capulus ('the sword hand of Perseus'- Devore), star of intense male energy, blindness, turbulence, ruthlessness, penetrating action (Brady's Fixed Stars). Capulus is partner to the intense feminine star, Algol.

The last occurrence of 2 New North was @8Leo on July 31, 2000 (not quite 9/11's PE, but obviously still of influence). The next occurrence is @19Leo on August 11, 2018; 19Leo is a sensitized degree from the King of Alarm Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999, aka, the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' with its mid-degreed Fixed Grand Cross as described in the Scriptures' Book of Revelation. And on 9/11/01, transiting Venus activated the 19Leo degree and thus 1999's King of Alarm Eclipse.

3 Related Natal Horoscopes:

Lyndon B. Johnson; Richard M. Nixon; Ken Burns.

Vietnam War horoscope/data: The Book of World Horoscopes, N. Campion; chart #429.

Feb 22, 2017

Astro-Notes on the Capulus of Donald Trump

When one looks at the natal chart of Donald J. Trump the most visible point, the aspirational, goal-oriented Midheaven @24Tau18 ('MC') displays to the world at large a certain fixed star (23Tau26 in 1946) Capulus, a star of male aggressive energy, and partner to Algol (female aggressive energy). In fixed star interpretation, Capulus denotes blindness, turbulence, and passionate feelings with the blindness connection probably due to the fact that Capulus is actually a nebula and nebulae were used by the Roman army to test a prospective archer's eyesight.

Focused, direct, and penetrating action is a key concept of Capulus and when linked to a natal chart suggests rash anger, hasty action, and ruthlessness that has far-reaching negative effects if mismanaged. (Brady). Maturity is the necessary antidote for more positive, thoughtful, and nuanced expressions of this star. However, Mr. Trump also has egotistical Mars, the warrior planet, rising in proud Leo--with royal star Regulus (the king, or, the kingmaker; key phrase: success if revenge is avoided). Great energy is provided to Mr. Trump as described by Capulus at MC, Mars rising, and a solar-infused Leo Ascendant (physical body) yet as always, motive is all-important in every endeavor.

And so, Donald Trump was born with Regulus rising as Capulus culminated at Midheaven, a cosmic picture shared by at least two people pointed out by Bernadette Brady in her Fixed Stars book--one famous, the other infamous: mystic, artist, poet, and engraver William Blake and Jim Jones, cult leader and mass murderer. I'll call 'positive expression of Capulus' for seer Blake and very much a 'negative expression' for Jones and his 'People's Temple' outcome of tragedy and loss.

So as the stars impel, and the Trump White House term continues, We the People will see a starry cosmic picture unfolding in both positive and negative ways through a man whose mentality leans heavily upon the 'if it can be touched, weighed, or seen, then it has existence' model of Capulus which is supported by his leading planet Uranus and natal Sun in Gemini, and a Leo Mars and Ascendant, so demanding and needy for the constant reassurance of applause and approval just to believe that he truly exists on the earthly plane.

Jan 14, 2011

SOTU Address Jan 25, 2011: Sun Aquarius-Moon Libra

It seems a bit early to locate the precise hour of President Obama's State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress scheduled for the evening of January 25, 2011 or perhaps the time isn't yet settled, but an early peek at two possible horoscopes for 8:00 pm est and 9:00 pm est on that evening in Washington DC shows Sun in Aquarius with a 29th-degree Moon in Libra in both charts.

Moon 29Libra in crisis or critical degree describes dire straits for the American people in similar fashion to US Inaugural Moon 2009 (29Sco45) as the Moon strains toward the next sign (Scorpio) but with Moon (we-the-people; the public; our daily lives) ruled by Venus (mental Libra) here rather than by Mars-Pluto (emotional Scorpio) on Jan 20, 2009, the State of the Union in January 2011 may be Aquarian from a leader's standpoint, but the people remain in crisis mode, Mr. President.

So if the Jan 25th date holds firm, we may preview SOTU 2011's energies by considering a few planetary factors along with Jan 25's Sun-Moon blend of the address for it doesn't depend on an exact hour since the Moon remains in Libra.

If the address begins at 8:00 pm, 8Vir13 rises along with Mr. Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo (6:59) which actually brings up his natal Pluto/Chiron opposition: a Seeker whose Quest is to embody, express, and struggle on behalf of archetypal energies seeking to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle. ) Also rising is Fixed Star Thuban (Alpha Draco, The Dragon: protecting or making material or spiritual treasures; issues of giving and sharing. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

If SOTU 2011 starts at 9:00 pm, 20Vir18 rises with Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream) along with VP Biden's natal Midheaven; if the affair begins at 8:00 pm or so and lasts until 9:00 pm, Denebola's influence will be applicable.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is an Air-Air combo indicating graciousness and reasonableness, culture and elegance. Air-Air assumes independence as a right (a typically American theme.) This is the combination of the natural communicator who likes to soar into ideal realms where political, social, and philosophical schemes are invented to improve life (at least in theory.) Yet human feelings tend to be avoided and a keyword for double Air is cerebral.

Therefore, we may expect broad and intelligent viewpoints to be uplifted in SOTU 2011 with clever arguments woven together lacily, and though pundits will say what pundits will say, we the American people may find ourselves hungry again an hour later.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is a highly idealistic combo with a noticeable humanitarian streak, high intelligence, and tolerance giving a gentle dignity. It 'keeps the faith' (as Tavis Smiley would say) and expresses ideas with conviction and sincerity; this blend is long on theory, but short on practicality. Socially aware, Sun AQ-Moon Libra is concerned with promoting ideas (or, propaganda) and systems that produce a brighter outlook for humanity. (8:00 pm's ASC '9Vir' = "A Man Making a Futuristic Drawing"; 9:00 pm's ASC '21Vir' = "A Girl's Basketball Team" and you know how a certain someone likes playing basketball.)

(Note: if the 'system' promoted is a 'New World Order', I am not impressed. That's the NWO crowd that invaded and occupies Afghanistan and Iraq, you know, and you see where it's gotten us. By 'us' I refer to we-the-people, not the warmongering power elites who wish to rule the world under a fascist Zionist Imperialism. But I digress. Or do I?)

In the end, President Obama's approach as touted in SOTU 2011 may be considered too abstract to do our crisis-ridden populace much practical good, though most people agree that even when pragmatic and useful, the president's initiatives are tiresomely opposed if only because they issue from a Democratic administration. Plus, a SOTU Address isn't meant to be a laundry list of to-dos and already-dids as George Bush seemed to use it but a presidential report on how the nation is doing at this point and as a whole.

Given the times we live in, this may be a tough sell no matter how he approaches it and personally, I wouldn't want the job, would you?

Interestingly, Sun AQ-Moon Libra's Images for Integration are: Anarchists form a committee to overthrow the tyranny of committees...Good friends fall in love and get married. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

A Mercury-Saturn Signature

Since addresses, speeches, messages, and orators are ruled by Mercury, I should note that Mercury is chart-ruler (Virgo) and makes only one applying aspect to a planet: a square to Saturn. Mercury/Saturn squares tend toward traditional thinking which finds it difficult to stay in the mainstream (see Denebola) of progressive or current ideas; change can represent insecurity and perhaps it is our feelings of insecurity which will be expressed by our Orator-in-Chief.

Making plans to see that ideas are implemented is possible and success follows in politics, education, ecology, and science since determination is what is needed. Noel Tyl has called Mercury/Saturn the "signature of the professional writer" and squares (90 degrees) indicate that much effort and hard work has gone into SOTU 2011.

At 16Cap41/45, Mercury is in 5th house at 8:00 pm but in 4th house by 9:00 pm, and conjoins Fixed Star Rukbat (steadiness and strength.)

Sun 5AQ42/45 conjoins US natal South Node (not the best portent for the Sun,
the leader in a Mundane chart for it has a Saturnian separative tone yet underscores the serious vibes of the occasion; perhaps a separation motif will enter by way of the tragedy in Tucson.)

Jupiter @ 00Ari37, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, has left quirky Uranus 27Pis45 behind; disturbingly, expanding Jupiter rises with Algol, a difficult star of rage and fury.

Now let's close this speculative post (speculative for lack of a definite hour which will be announced soon) with a topically apt quote from one who shares the Sun AQ-Moon Libra blend, Nobel Prize winning novelist Boris Pasternak:

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth."

Well-said. And so true.


Text of President Obama's remarks at January 12, 2011's Tucson Memorial Service.

Natal charts: Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (from BC); Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 pm EWT Scranton, PA (from memory, Rodden Rating A.)

Jul 10, 2010

Close friend: Dr David Kelly's death cannot be suicide

Previously unreleased evidence seems now to be under consideration by the British government relating to the 2003 'suicide' death of UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly during the run up to the Iraq invasion and the toppling of Saddam Hussein.

Working as Dr. Kelly's translator in Iraq, US Air Force linguist Mai Pederson had her testimony disregarded in the past but new attention to the case has opened up her dossier of evidence to a level of public scrutiny.

Pederson asserts that Dr. Kelly predicted his own death in conversation with her - not that it would occur in Iraq, but in the woods near his Oxfordshire home. He unfortunately turned out to be correct.

You know, I spent many an hour in 2003 and 2004 studying the horoscopes of Dr. Kelly's death, his body being found (July 18, 2003 9:20 am BST according to news reports at the time), and his solar natal chart (birth time unknown; born May 17, 1944 in Rhondda, Wales; sunrise 5:24:56 am BST) and it's really too much to reconstitute all of my research now in only one post. Impossible actually for there are too many factors involved.

But here are some general highlights still in my files with 'death' North Node (NN - fated encounters) @ 27Tau45 conjoined with nasty, violent Fixed Star Algol intense feminine rage) which is traditionally associated with the Middle East along with its neighbor, Capulus (to lose one's head.)

The July 17, 2003 chart is set for a few minutes after his reported leaving of his house for a walk and because tr Jupiter 21Leo15 conjoins Mc 21L15 @ 2:59:36 pm BST, Oxford, UK...angular Jupiter or Moon are most often present at times of death: so Jupiter comes closest to fulfilling this angular condition, hence my precise timing.

July 17, 2003's NN also conjoined Dr. Kelly's natal Sun indicating an important meeting, encounter, or contact on that day.

Kelly's natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint was being transited by 'death' Venus: delays in destruction of things of value or beauty; troubled by the loss of love; a love of seclusion; renunciation of an association; estrangement and alienation.

You may wish to see this article on the looting of the Baghdad Museum in the early days of the US invasion. I can't get over the feeling that there may have been more going on with Dr. Kelly's last encounter than possible love matters or obvious war intelligence. There is an indication that the top UN nuclear weapons expert may have known secrets about the execution of the attacks of 9/11/01 as well with his natal Jupiter conjunct Venus' position on 9/11/01 which in turn conjoined the 'King of Terror Eclipse' degree (August 11, 1999.)

At his last encounter, Sun/Jupiter = Mercury: conclusion of a contract or agreement; reflecting on one's health (his was not so good - jc); a fast mind able to react to rapidly changing situations (his or someone else's - jc); traveling; a healthy outlook (which undercuts the case for 'suicide' - jc); publishing (did he plan to publish what he knew? Would he not be dissuaded? - jc.)

In Kelly's solar/sunrise natal chart, the Moon/Pluto midpoint is @ 27Tau44 which is conjoined on the day of his death by the karmic NN...

n Moon/Pluto = tr NN: upsets in associations due to lack of adaptability; being drawn to women of power or wealth. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey midpoint pictures, as always.)

Well, Dr. Kelly had a Lunar Return on July 18, 2003, about 12 hours after his death. Natal solar Moon 18Pis52 was in 10th house of Public Recognition as the story spread across the globe. Plus, there is an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degr) between testifying, negotiating, message-delivering Mercury with the Lunar Return's Mc...

Mercury QD Mc: driven to share ideas, info, or intell with others without any thought of the consequences; focus is on 'how do I get ahead?' (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

One must wonder if the focus also might have been on 'how do I avoid violent assassins while also saving my reputation and career?' But his walk in the woods turned out to be a fool's errand on all levels.

Also, just prior to his death, Kelly's 12-year reward cycle of Jupiter, his Jupiter Return (18Leo46), occurred on July 5, 2003 with n Jupiter applying to only one aspect - a semisquare to controlling Saturn (0A16.) Semisquares may have health consequences (though assassins trump them every time.)

And perhaps it's interesting in a synchronistic way that today's position of Jupiter conjoins Dr. Kelly's 2003 Jupiter Return Midheaven, the Goal Point for I have questioned in the past (long before reading the above-linked article about Mai Pederson who is stated to have had 'high-level links to US intelligence agencies' and who had rendevous'd with Dr. Kelly in various locations including in the US) whether a lady was involved with, or at least present at (or just prior to) his death since the horoscopes indicate the possibility.

His Jupiter Return Mc? '4Aries' = "Two Lovers Strolling Through a Secluded Walk." Perhaps knowledgeable, generous Jupiter is trying to share intell with us!

Okay, so the Jupiter Return chart is only based on a solar natal chart for Dr. Kelly, yet the Mc's Sabian Symbol seems too applicable to the events of July 17, 2003 to be ignored by this reluctant astrologer.

And my druthers would be that my more able Astrology colleagues are on the Forensic Astrology case, for time won't allow me to spend very many hours re-studying the strange death of Dr. David Kelly, much as I'd like to. So if you, dear reader, have any info or opinion on the situation, do leave a comment and/or a link here and we'll discuss.

And perhaps further news of the hopefully re-opened investigation will come forth sans the whitewash of the Hutton Inquiry.