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Showing posts with label Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neptune. Show all posts

Jul 12, 2012

Neptune in Pisces floats up mysterious drownings as Romney is booed in all the right places

Speaking of mystical Neptune now traversing its own oceanic sign of Pisces, on July 9, History Today published an article by *Christopher Winn on concerning Mysterious Drownings which spotlights the 190th anniversary of the drowning off the coast of Italy (July 8, 1822) of romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Shelley, born August 4, 1792 @10:00 pm in Horsham, England, died age 29 which to astrologers denotes his leaving the earthly plane at his Saturn Return. Some have thought he may have committed suicide or that his boat was a victim of a pirate attack yet it seems certain that a squall at sea did hit and upturned the boat. In any case, he'd left (temporarily) wife Mary after yet another loss of child which smacks of running away from responsibilities, something which taskmaster Saturn does not appreciate. Honestly addressing one's responsibilities is a basic theme during times when Saturn returns to 'his' natal position.

Interestingly, Shelley's Saturn Return of May 9, 1822 shows sea-ruler Neptune Rx @ 5Cap00..."Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance." (Jones.) Were the "Indians" Shelley and friend rowing what would soon be a capsized boat, or pirates on the attack? Who can say yet it's a tantalyzing picture to consider. Plus, in his Return chart, Neptune conjoined the planet of sudden events, Uranus Rx @7Cap05. '8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which may indicate the rebel was in a good mood before Neptunian tragedy struck by whatever means. And Shelley's death (Pluto) was ultimately a World Event with Pluto @00Ari28 (Aries Point) and rising in his 1822 Saturn Return chart.

As you know, Mary Shelley authored Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus, as Uranian a title and story arc as you'll ever find in literature--'sky god' Uranus is often referred to as, The Awakener, perfect for the cobbled-together Monster and the catalyst for life, electricity, all provinces of Uranus.

Both Mary and Percy were born with Sun-Uranus conjunctions, his in dramatic Leo, hers in book-writing Virgo which relates to their unorthodox alliance which broke societal boundaries by an elopement against her father's wishes (yet William Godwin continued to borrow money from Percy!) And with their Jupiters (how one relates) placed in opposite signs--his in Libra, hers in Aries across the Relationship axis--theirs was a romance 'written in the stars' as they say. Perhaps with his Sun-Uranus conjunction near his natal Venus in Leo added to her natal Mars in bookish Virgo near her Sun-Uranus, their willfulness in love (Mars-Venus) simply would not be denied.

Now here are Mary's birth details in case you don't have her natal horoscope in your files: August 30, 1797 @11:20 pm London, England; Sun 7Vir58, Moon 27Sag57. I am happily indebted to Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker, author of Jupiter Meets Uranus for sharing her excellent research on Mary and Percy Shelley and the dream (Neptune!) which inspired the writing and publishing of the classic Uranian novel, Frankenstein.


*Christopher Winn, not to be confused with Jonathan Winn, author of Martuk...the Holy!


Desperate Republicans and Wasteful Votes

Regular readers may note that up until now, this post contained no mention of Politics, arrogant politicians, or of the time and money wasting efforts yesterday of the Republican Party as they voted in the House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 which was upheld as constitutional by SCOTUS on June 28, 2012. The GOP's 31st performance of Capitol Hill Political Theater shows our tax dollars not at work on behalf of the American people and I refuse to type much more about their sham for the moment as the jackassian politicians of Washington--including turncoat Democrats--continue undermining our national government (and state governments, for that matter) while making idiotic fools of themselves for the sake of the dumbleheaded, anti-social, anti-American ideology by which they hope to re-take the White House.

Yes, I must agree that current GOP ploys defy all reason and the only plan they seem to me to have is to cheat in November 2012 and play dirty tricks (such as Mitt Romney speaking to the NAACP yesterday so he could be booed to impress his 'base'--how simplistic and transparent!) All very Neptunian of them with the Party's natal Neptune @15Pis53 Rx in n 3rd house of Communications, and Neptune sextiles Uranus in stubborn Taurus (15:48) which forms a YOD (crisis pattern) with US natal Saturn 14Lib48...Uranus-Neptune = Saturn has potentials for: a clash among ambitions and projects; need for recognition; changes of direction; staying put causes depression and loss of confidence (Tyl.)

Additionally, the Republican Party's current progressed Ascendant @29Gem50, a critical-crisis 29th degree, shows a sense of desperation, and the Party's progressed Mercury @29Sco39 (voting; ideas; plans) is @29Sco39..."30Sco" = "The Halloween Jester" which may indicate an October Surprise on the GOP menu which is meant to sway the American people away from President Obama and toward the GOP's daft austerity measures. After all, Inauguration 2009's Moon (The People; the masses) remains at @29Sco45 until Inauguration 2013 rolls around when The People's Inaugural Moon will be posited in the much lighter sign of Gemini at noon--almost four hours from Mr. Obama's Lunar Return (back to the White House?) which occurs at 3:54 pm est on Monday, January 21, 2013.

The natal chart I use for the Republican Party: July 6, 1854 @5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI, which shows natal Sun conjunct US natal Sun; plus, the Democratic Party's Moon in Aquarius conjoins US natal Moon....our Papa and Momma? Arghh! No wonder the two parties can't get along and are able to constantly and easily divide and conquer the American people's loyalties with the strain between Sun inconjunct Moon which is an echo from America's natal chart and psyche of July 4, 1776!

Jun 29, 2012

The Weekend of 6.29.12: "In the United States Today..."

June 29, 2012: Some Quotes and Notes on America and the SCOTUS Decision

by Jude Cowell

First, two quotes on America:

"In the United States today, the Declaration of Independence hangs on school room walls, but foreign policy follows Machiavelli."

- Howard Zinn

"Whatever it is that the government does, sensible Americans would prefer that the government does it to somebody else. This is the idea behind foreign policy."

- P. J. O'Rourke

Well, the weekend is here and most Democrats, Independents, and Liberals are celebrating yesterday's SCOTUS decision to uphold the president's Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 (which I said all along should be titled a 'Health Insurance Act' for it does little or nothing to curb medical costs as they need to be.)

An interesting tidbit is that yesterday, Mercury (decisions; announcements; pronouncements) was at 2Leo51 and thus on its degree in the natal horoscope of President Obama, and in Washington DC, Mercury was the 12th house of The Unconscious (and of Politics, Self-Undoing, Karma) as FOX 'News' and CNN acted as "victims of the unconscious' those first 7 minutes by reading and reporting what they expected to read and discover. Yes, Trickster Mercury was at work! To add complexity to the circus along with elements of the media and the masses, too-speedy Mercury was aided and abetted by confused, confusing, deluded Neptune. The inconjunct aspect (150 degr = adjustment) between them (0A08) was almost exact and lead to (some of) the media's misinterpretation and misunderstanding in their crazed attempts to be "first" with the news. They reported what they wanted to report, not what was before their eyes.

Republicans Throw Justice Roberts "Under the Bus"

As for Chief Justice John Roberts who sided with the Court's more liberal Justices and wrote the opinion upholding 'Obamacare', his natal Mars is now triggered (conjoined) by transiting Uranus 8Ari27 marking a period of time when unpredictable actions disrupt his typical behavior. Tsk tsk!

Meanwhile, you may have noticed the top of this blog's sidebar where I've recently added the feed to The Political Astrology Blog which trumpets the tidings that a birth time has been found for Rep. Paul Ryan of Ayn Rand fame. His details are: January 29, 1970 @2:37 am Janesville, Wisconsin if you wish to set up a natal chart for the "Path to Prosperity Plan" fellow. By his daft idea to "tax the poor"--the 'blood out of a turnip' school of economics--I think he means prosperity only for those who already heave it, don't you? Anyway, this gives Rep. Ryan an Ascendant of 00Sag+ with Neptune rising at 00Sag+...he's a thespian wearing a mask!

Plus, as you know, the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' is: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Well, the GOP does consider itself to be very Grand (as in, Old Party) and envisions itself to be the only political party worthy to helm the White House--ever. Guess they're just a little ole' army of never-give-up-win-at-any-cost Machiavellian soldiers on a take-over campaign who stunningly had their marching orders diverted somewhat by yesterday's SCOTUS decision.

A hearty Thank You to the excellent Information Clearing House for sending along the above (distressingly descriptive) quotes concerning the nation I love dearly--the one my ancestors fought and died for. But For Best Results: Keep Sovereign.

Plus, you'll find more about the on-again-off-again Mercury/Neptune inconjunct and its effects on President Obama in the July-August-September 2012 issue of Stars Over Washington Monthly set to go out just before and in honor of Independence Day 2012 and including Horoscopes for America's Solar Return 2012, President Obama's Solar Return 2012, and Autumn Equinox 2012--subscribe if you dare!

Here's a previous post concerning the birth data of Niccolo Machiavelli with his natal planets listed if you're interested; added are some plantary links to President Obama's natal planets for curiosity's sake.

Jun 16, 2012

6.19.12: A Gemini New Moon, TPP, and Obama v Romney

A Gemini New Moon, Romney, Obama, and A Draconian "Free Trade" Pact

by Jude Cowell

Wondering about the significance of the June 19th New Moon @28Gem43? Then let masterful Dipali Desai fill you in with pertinent astro-details and insights!

Coming so close to Summer Solstice 2012 (Wednesday June 20), this New Moon perfects at 11:02 am in the edt time zone, is disposited by Mercury (ruler of communicative Gemini) during a Mercury Hour, plus--Mercury is the only planet out-of-bounds. Whew! Lots of Mercurialism going on next week with a New Moon signaling a new cycle of activity beginning in the realms of Mercury (trade, commerce, journalism, travel including air and space, plans, thinking processes, teaching, speechifying, and more.) Plus, '28Gem' is a degree of BANKRUPTCY in the Sabian Symbols and the June 19th New Moon stimulates the Moon of 9/11/01 for it's something of a Lunar Return to the 9/11 horoscope.

Additionally, Moon and Mercury (the 'heart v head' combo) are engaged in supportive mutual reception for Mercury (what I think of as our solar system's 'tofu planet' for Mr. Speedy takes on the flavor of whatever it contacts) is now zooming through the zodiacal sign of Cancer, sign of Home, Nurturing, Self-Protection, crabbiness, caginess, and shrewd business maneuvers. And with its New Moon position @21Can15, we know that a US Mercury Return will soon occur, another 'new cycle' indicator for our nation.

However, restrictive Saturn 22Lib47 Rx in Mercury's natural 3rd house of Communication provides a bit of braking or delay by squaring Mercury in 11th H of Groups where the New Moon occurs (edt) while the Venus 8Gem45 Rx-Jupiter 1Gem47 duo in the New Moon's 10th H of Public Standing (both disposited by Mercury) contact US natal Uranus 8Gem55 and continue to affect the Republican Party's assumed presidential candidate Mitt Romney's natal ASC 1Gem01 and 1st house NN 5Gem29.

These expansive contacts are giving Mittens an airy lift of his thinking, plans, newsworthiness, and visibility though with all the unstable Mutable energy, the good effects may be temporary or alternating. As you know, in Washington DC, Mercurial thievery seems to be a constant and methinks we're very wise to mistrust any politician of any partisan persuasion who expresses a desire to join that particular club of elites! Yes, Mitt has been rapping at the club door for years and this former resident of DC had a good chuckle this past week when Mr. Romney said of Mr. Obama that 'talk is cheap'--for Mitt was talking when he said it.

Now with Venus to US n Uranus (plus the June 5/6, 2012 Venus Transit in mid-Gemini), unusual or unorthodox alliances are being formed, one of which is the super-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a draconian "free trade" deal (Mercury) between Asian nations and America which, among other Global Governance goals, will set up an international authority (tribunal) to which the US will bow, thus totally destroying US sovereignty with no legal recourse for the American people--ever. This makes a visit to an imperative for We the People--and we must forget Washington's tiresome 'con v lib/R v D' divide-and-conquer tactics and propaganda before all is lost.

And yes, my fellow Americans, communist China may join later as and when it will. Although an official site makes it all sound quite mild, others such as myself aren't nearly as complacent. If the radical reforms are so beneficial, why was the pact formed in complete secrecy during its nascent stages (2008--2010)? More offshoring of US jobs is afoot! This is a negative for President Obama's re-election campaign dreams for details and text now emerge in the light of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 (conjunct Alcyone--this pact is indeed something to cry about) along with the June 6 Lunar Eclipse (conjunct US natal ASC) and its uncovering-of-secrets function for TPP's "free trade" details have been leaked in line with the current (un-)veiling Neptune in oceanic Pisces influence. Such a leaky White House! Makes me wonder if the identity of the GOP mole will soon be leaked!

Now Back to Mitt Romney: March 12, 1947 9:51 am EST Detroit, MI

The political nature of these transits to Romney's Uranus-NN pairing in the personal 1st house denotes a 'political association advocating reforms' flavor (R. Ebertin.) Romney's natal 2nd H of Money and Earning Ability is affected as well with the June 19th New Moon occurring therein--cusp 25Gem00; some fluctuation in his campaign funding efforts--up or down--may be forthcoming as well once the new cycle begins and culminates two weeks later at the July Full Moon in Capricorn. Of course, revelations of financial double-dealing are possible for Romney with Gemini, the sign of multiplicity and duplicity--here in money matters (2nd H.)

President Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii

Yes, the Gemini planets of June also affect President Obama's natal 4th H Moon 3Gem21 which sextiles his n 6th H Mercury 2Leo20 but is squared by n Pluto 6Vir59 in 7th H of Partnerships. Natal 7th H also contains his 'political associations advocating reforms' duo of Uranus-NN in Leo which is in much closer orb than Romney's Uranus-NN in Gemini.

In addition, it may turn out to be politically significant--especially in the realms of speeches and goals--that Mercury's Rx Station @12Leo33 on July 14, 2012 is a direct 'hit' to President Obama's natal Sun @12Leo33--and will recur with a direct Mercury--but I can't type about that now since I'm in process of adding such notes to the first-ever issue of Stars Over Monthly which is coming soon!

Jun 11, 2012

Summer Solstice 2012: Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer

On June 20, 2012 the Sun reaches 00Can00:00 and summer begins in our hemisphere. The Moon at that precise moment will position at 15Can so we have a Sun Can-Moon Can flavor for the season with the Moon ruling over all from its own sign of Cancer--home, domestic scene, family, security needs, real estate, shrewdness in business, protection, and a range of every emotion. And since the astrological Moon relates to the physical body, our natural mind-body connection is of the utmost importance along with the gut-immunity link. As Brenda Watson says, "The road to perfect health is paved with good intestines."

Here's a brief video of Brenda Watson lecturing on Probiotics. Perhaps you've seen her lectures on PBS:

Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer (Water-Water = imagination, feelings, nostalgia for the past, going misty with emotions, an ocean of subjectivity, leaks) is a cagey and defensive blend of energies indicating huge mood swings along with brooding or sulking. Yet on its best days there's a talent for inspiring others through art, literature, music, and poetry.

Ordinarily this is a kindly, emotionally intelligent combination yet over-sensitivity is problematic and will affect our gut-immunity connections which can lead to 'leaky gut' syndrome where toxins enter the blood stream causing itchy skin rashes, tummy aches, and dis-ease. Adding to our Cancerian picture is oceanic Neptune now in its own sign of Pisces indicating that leaks, contagion, flooding, tears, and other water-related concerns are on our collective menu for Summer 2012. And of course, the Moon in Mundane Astrology signifies The People and the public--plus, US natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury Rx are in Cancer within the 3--24 degree range of the sign of The Crab making protectionism a constant and traditional issue in public discourse.

Leaky Boats Afloat?

Ask the denizens of the White House because they know something about leaks already and it isn't even Summer Solstice yet! Apparently Summer 2012 may bring more allegations and emotionally disturbing investigations into who leaked what to which journalists with every actor struggling to protect his or her own position and turf as Cancerian-Piscean undercurrents threaten to spiral them down into the depths of ruin and despair. Such is the practice of Politics but who will be tossed under the bus?

Rocks, Stones, and Gardens

Interestingly, the creative Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer blend is natally shared by Tom Cruise, now appearing in the film Rock of Ages (a Saturnian romp of musicality which is very Capricornian for putting lyrics and notes into Saturnian form--even rock music's drug connotation is Saturnian, as in 'stoned', an attempt to lift one's heavy Saturnian mood of depression), Woody Guthrie (This Land Is My Land--very Cancerian and once what we believed as Americans--We the People need to get back that lovin' feeling!), and George Orwell, born during the Balsamic phase of the Moon, the darkened phase of The Prophet.

Now let's see what the Harveys have to provide us in the way of their Images for Integration which refer to the balancing of Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) minds, the left brain-right brain duality:

"A gosling peeks out of its shell as mother goose chases away the farm cat...A theatrical family performs Midsummer Night's Dream in their own garden."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Arghh! Not Politics Again...

You may wish to view the Horoscope for Summer Solstice 2012 set for Washington DC where you'll see that the Solstice Moon 15Can06 in 7th house conjoins 8th cusp of Big Business, Corporations, Shared Resources, Transformation, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies and the Occult indicating fluctuations in markets, a potential for changes in America's financial condition, and possible moodiness over the economy. Will this relate to the Republican threat to cause another credit downgrade just to make their ideological point? Let's hope not because the Supreme Court is due to release their decision on President Obama's health care act later in June which is liable to cause all sorts of ill feelings to begin Summer 2012.

Jun 7, 2012

Amy Goodman interviews Joseph Stiglitz June 6, 2012 (video)

On Global Governance, Madrid 2012, and the Evils of Inequality

by Jude Cowell

Having much respect for the journalistic work and integrity of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, I am pleased to bring you her June 6, 2012 interview with economist Joseph Stiglitz in which topics included in his book The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future are discussed.

You'll find a continuation of the interview with Prof. Stiglitz by clicking afterwards.

According to census data, nearly 1 in 2 Americans have now fallen into poverty or can be classified as the 'working poor' which is an outcome that I believe has been long-planned by generations of intermarried global elites (who direct Washington politicians--wonder what goodies and powerful positions they've promised them after the Utopian-minded Weishauptians have collapsed the world economy--if their Great Plan for global governance eventually works to its ultimate and engineered conclusion? Want to bet the elites' political operatives and agents in America will be discarded like last year's smartphone if in the end it should suit some shady international banking house's top cats?)

But of course that's just silly, isn't it, and only a 'theory', the sort of theory that no well-known economist in this country would dare add to his public discourse, admit to, or include within the pages of his best selling books. Yet what he whispers in private behind closed doors may be quite another matter...

Is Mass Hypnosis and Collective Denial Peaking with Neptune in Pisces?

Amazing that Americans see right under their noses how our national treasure and resources--men, women, blood, finances, weaponry, and more--are being used to strong-arm nation-states across the globe as they reshape and reconfigure the balance of power yet We the People behave as if global governance isn't threatening to become a reality on our dimes--and on our watch!

For example, see what UNESCO-funded political scientists will get up to at Madrid 2012, the XXII World Congress of Political Science. Its theme? "Reordering Power, Shifting Boundaries." Now that would be a Saturn-Pluto-Neptune-Saturn agenda, I do believe. What do you think?

Jun 6, 2012

Wisconsin Senate Democrats flip the balance!

This entry is actually an Update to last night's post on Gov. Scott Walker avoiding recall in Wisconsin yesterday. Yes, Walker somehow managed (infusion of big money from out-of-state; robo-calls sent out in Wisconsin yesterday saying that if you signed the recall petition, you don't have to vote!) to stay in office.

However, Wisconsin Democrats have flipped the balance in the state senate and and may now be able to stop the right-wing agenda of Walker and his corporate backers, the Koch Brothers.

Barring bribes, blackmail, and/or threats to their families, we'll see if Wisconsin's senate Dems have what it takes to resist the neocons' plan for America as they continue test driving it in Wisconsin. Sad to say but this is one example of a contagion brought to the collective by Neptune transiting Pisces.

Jun 2, 2012

Political Ideas, Astro-Notes, and dyslexic Romney (Colbert video)

June 2, 2012: A Meddly of Articles w a Few Astro-Notes Between

by Jude Cowell

From Information Clearing House comes a gob-smack of a Newsletter full of insightful op eds which 'run the gamut' from the Stuxnet worm to the private prison industry. You may wish to read a few especially if you prefer that your government act on behalf of the people rather than against them, an idea that once seemed novel, then didn't, and now seems novel again!

Not all the following opinions are endorsed by this blog or by this writer; authors' remarks are their own--but consider if you will:

Op-Ed Articles

Report: Obama Ordered Secret Attacks On Iran's Nuclear Program

by Haaretz

Stuxnet worm was part of joint U.S.-Israel effort to sabotage computers that control Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities.

(Secret: Neptune, attacks: Mars; US natal Mars and Neptune are forever locked in a square aspect denoting misguided, misdirected, and/or deceptive actions based on unclear or hidden goals. -jc)

Iran Nuclear Irony Lost On The West

By Jamal Kanj

The five-plus-one should be guided by reason, not by Israel's irrational paranoia.

Astro-Note: as you know, paranoia is a common contagion during times such as these when Neptune, planet of the unconscious, navigates its own watery realm of oceanic Pisces. My advice? Act steadily and maturely and don't let this be you! And remember that the Obama presidency was irrevocably imprinted during its premiere year (2009) by the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s which started the planetary clock over again for a new cycle of grand schemes, get-rich-quick offers, speculation, fraud, and glowing over-promises based on unreliable foundations like shifting sand.

Unending Wars against Mankind: Afghanistan and Iraq

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD

Wars are planned and orchestrated by the few, the privileged ruling elite; humanity becomes the targeted victims of the few for global hegemonic governance.

When You Hear About Massacres, Reach For Your Truth Detector

By Danny Schechter

When is a massacre a massacre, and how can we find truth in the fog of intense war propaganda?

(Reminds me of the Biblical prophecy, "There will be wars and rumors of war." Plus, truth: Saturn, fog: Neptune, intense: Uranus and Pluto, war: Mars, propaganda: Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune-Pluto. -jc)

"Might Makes Right" Says Conspirator of Syrian-Iranian Conquest

By Tony Cartalucci

2005 interview profiles psychology of those behind the Houla Massacre.

Zionism A Rebellion Against Judaism

By Uri Avnery

When Theodor Herzl raised his flag, almost all East European Jews were still living in a ghetto-like Orthodox atmosphere, ruled by the rabbis.

Will Americans Speak Out Against Obama's Drone Warfare?

By Medea Benjamin

While purporting to represent the world's greatest democracy, US leaders are putting people on a hit list who are as young as 17, people who are given no chance to be tried in a court of law.

Well, Will They? Or will karma (reaping what was sown) take control? Drone kills are radicalizing large numbers of survivors--brothers, cousins, fathers, and other family members--so the devilish tactic is extreme and extremely counterproductive to what is allegedly America's 'righteous cause'--unless perpetual war is actually what you intend to accomplish while hiding behind a 'righteous' mask of national 'pride' and touting our (tattered) flag. The US Constitution these days? Not so much. -jc

Hope Burning

By Robert Scheer

A steely warrior who, according to a lengthy leaked insider account in The New York Times, hurls death-dealing drones at anyone who threatens the good old USA. Including children.

(Hope: Jupiter and Moon-Jupiter, and possibly: Neptune, burning: Mars. -jc)

Obama At Large: Where Are The Lawyers?

By Ralph Nader

The rule of law is rapidly breaking down at the top levels of our government.

Rule of law: Saturn, breaking down: slow Neptune and sudden Uranus; Saturn-Neptune = secret government; weakened government; contracted ideals. -jc)

WikiLeaks, War Crimes and the Pinochet Principle

By Amy Goodman

"This week's developments bear crucially on the public's right to know, and why whistle-blowers must be protected."

Coming: Even more FBI Warrantless Searches?

By Nat Hentoff

Wow! Have presidential rivals Obama and Mitt Romney said a word about this? Don't they care when the Constitution is being ravaged? Will this come up in any of their debates or in press interviews during the campaign?

"Democracy" For Sale

Conservative Groups Plan to Spend $1 Billion to Retake the White House

By Suzanne Merkelson

The $1 billion total surpasses the $750 million that Barack Obama, one of the most prolific fundraisers ever, collected for his 2008 campaign.

(Now why did I think it was Gov. Romney collecting the biggest war chest?)

America's Corporate Immigrant Detention Racket

By Sadhbh Walshe

Who benefits from immigrants awaiting hearings being locked up in worse conditions than criminal convicts? Only private prisons.


Enjoy this handy recap of The Colbert Report for the week of May 29, 2012: my personal favorite--the "with Mitt" iPhone app that spells 'America' as 'Amercia'--is Mitt Romney or someone close to him dyslexic? Chant with me now, SUA, SUA, SUA...

May 11, 2012

FDR on "economic demoralization" plus, Morgan Chase revelations

A revealing quote from *Uranian President Franklin Delano Roosevelt seems applicable to current conditions in America as inner and outer forces continue undermining and destructuring our government and transforming the very lives of the American people:

"Here in America we are waging a great and successful war. It is not alone a war against want and destitution and economic demoralization. It is more than that; it is a war for the survival of democracy."

FDR June 27, 1936

Eclipses Reveal, Pluto in Capricorn Destructures, and Venus Shows Her Face

by Jude Cowell

As you know, June 24, 2012 brings earthlings the first of seven exact squares of frustration and unrest between upstart Uranus and Pluto the powerful (from Aries to Capricorn, a difficult Mars-Saturn, stop-go vibration.) These two generational planets' current cycle began with three Great Conjunctions in the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo, discriminating sign of The Critic, and of Work, Health, and Service. Virgo's 'The Virgin' archetype appears often in the iconography of America and is usually shown holding a sheaf of wheat. Ceres, Columbia, Mary, and Isis are a few of Virgo's many faces as well and the constellation's stars link our nation with Egyptian myths and goddesses along with an older goddess, Innana whose planet is Venus, now implicated in the Mayan Calendar long count which ends December 21, 2012 at Winter Solstice's alignment with Galactic Center. Plus, busy Venus is about to perform her rare transit of the Sun on June 5-6, 2012--while in mid-Gemini!

Then there's the soon-arriving May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini (communications; trade and commerce; travel; duplicity) which conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, keyphrase: something to cry about.) This may be of interest to you especially if you've heard CEO Jamie Dimon's sour news about the $2 billion-dollar trading loss riskily finagled by (the House of) JP Morgan Chase.

Astoundingly JPMC managed to effect their "flawed" strategy in only six weeks! Apparently fraudulent Neptune now in early degrees of its own murky sign of Pisces has helped lift London trader The Whale up from the depths and into the consciousness of the collective and into our bank accounts.

Are Globalists aiming for a World Economic Collapse? It seems so to me. The ongoing opposition between transiting Mars (males) and Neptune (loss and crime) is now separating but has been squaring the Nodal axis (direction)--lots of naughty, criminal, and misguided actions have resulted. Let's watch closely the next G-20 Summit in June in Mexico, home of The Maya, a Summit timed with Venus Transit 2012--as was the 2004 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia! Sea Island is, of course, very near Jekyll Island where the secretive meeting ('summit') of banksters planned in late 1910 the creation of the Federal Reserve System which The City of London (aka, 'the Square Mile'), backed by a certain European banking House, directs.

Predictably the announced losses by Morgan Chase are very unpromising for the US and global financial markets 'going forward'--and possibly for the re-election prospects of President Obama since financial revelations by other banks (ex: CitiGroup, weak banks in Spain, etc) will mount as Uranian "shock waves" are suddenly dragging things downward across the globe as the Geminian news spreads. Well, today is May 11 but solar eclipses astrologically can influence conditions for up to two weeks prior to eclipse manifestion and they often bring The Hidden to light, as you know--plus, keywords for the current Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 include "A peculiar turn of events." To add complexity to current conditions, these two Solar Eclipse degrees are opposite one another (00Gem21 v 2Sag37) thus yoking their indications.

Mittens Romney, Hairstylist

Even candidate Mitt Romney's bullying ways in high school are now uncovered in the Washington Post (yet he seems so mild!) His forcefully cutting another student's long hair, strapping the family dog to the top of the family car for a twelve-hour a pattern of arrogance at best, cruelty at worst, being revealed? 'Funny' how both Romney and Dimon have used the word "stupid" to describe their questionable actions. We have entered the May Eclipse season and there may very well be more of such awkward and unfortunate revelations in the news, sorry to many culprits and only a 24/7 news cycle!

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do," said J. P. Morgan, client and student of the great astrologer Evangeline Adams.

And speaking of Morgan Chase, you may wish to check out a previous post on old wheeler-dealer financier and astrologer J.P. Morgan Sr himself which cites April 2008 transits to his natal chart (shown.)


*FDR is 'Uranian' because his natal chart shows quirky genius Uranus rising and the sign of Uranus describes the behavior of each 7 1/2-year generation, the approximate length of time that Uranus remains in each of the twelve signs--here, in Gemini. Yes, communication, acting, juggling, quick decision-making, trading, equality, and duplicity were some of his specialties!


On a lighter note:

Calling all Fine Art Lovers who find themselves in the Canton, GA area the weekend of May 19-20: the Canton Fine Arts Festival will delight--plus there will be a writer's workshop led by Terry Kay, author of To Dance with the White Dog so do drop in and bring the kids for art activities, a Serenity Garden, and more!

Apr 19, 2012

History Today on the Origins of Islam

Exploring the Origins of Islam

As you know, on 9/11/01, transiting Neptune was at its Origin of Islam degree (6AQ+, a Neptune Return) and conjoined America's natal South Node, a karmic synchronicity with a Saturnian undertone of loss, separation, and Neptunian intrigue and showing a basic disharmony in the spiritual realm between Eastern and Western cultures.

Remember after the attacks of 9/11 how spiritual many Americans became? TV ads became more...sensitive. How sad that the improvements haven't lasted better than they have as our old materialism has again asserted itself as Wall Street's greed and a morally corrupt system remind us each day. Actually, America's natal horoscope (Sibly: 5:10 pm LMT) shows Saturn (10th H) and Neptune (9th H) flanking Midheaven (The Goal) = wavering between materialism and idealism. (Ebertin.)

So here's an article from the excellent History Today which explores whether the roots of ancient Islam may be explored and better understood in much the way Christianity has always been and I hope you'll check it out!

Apr 3, 2012

The YOD in Thomas Jefferson's Natal Chart

Post Updated April 10, 2012--see below for new info on apex Saturn; original post begins here:

Discovering that the natal horoscope of Thomas Jefferson is replete to overflowing with intriguing facets describing an intellectual giant of The Enlightenment, his natal chart has been an off-and-on study about the place and here I shall make mention of one primary--perhaps The Primary--personality dynamic in President Jefferson's psyche as denoted by his natal planets. (Birth data below.)

This important determinate for understanding a small sliver of TJ is the pattern of a YOD, like a squished down triangle with two sides 150 degr or thereabouts, and both aiming at an apex planet or planets, and in Mr. Jefferson's case, that would be his natal Saturn (sense of authority; maturity; government) Rx in 7th house of Partnerships/Legal Relationships, and posited @ 29Leo04 (conjunct Royal Star Regulus--success if revenge is avoided--and at a critical-crisis 29th degr.)

The sextiled planets at the base of the YOD are Uranus 26Cap56 (conj US n Pluto Rx) just having risen though ASC = 00AQ29 (you note that this degree is the position of the Sun during our modern era presidential inaugurations since they've been held on January 20 (1937) rather than in early March. Is Thomas Jefferson secretively honored each US Inauguration by those who use whatever means necessary to stay in power? Was the 00AQ52 association--Office of the President = Thomas Jefferson's natal Sun? If so, this concurrence had to be synchronized by people who knew how.

Ex: Benjamin Franklin published an almanac for years and made his fortune therefrom; as a scientist and philosopher he was known to dabble in what today we term, Astrology. Now you know that astrological prowess is always passed down through generations, that's nothing new. So let us not fuss over whether Mr. Jefferson, whose aftereffects were found to include a Rosicrucian decoder in his possession (for writing and reading secret messages--they had code names, too) was in alignment or not with groups that are perhaps only now revealing their true designs. Being a loner, perhaps he wasn't a joiner, and being of an ivory tower temperament (so he could think without interruption) Jefferson would have been more of a spiritual adherent to a philosophy rather than a practical one (showing up at regular meetings, etc.) He was accustomed to coming up with his own concepts and developed his inner authority (Saturn, the father, Rx--didn't model authority well for young Tom for Dad was either weak when strength was needed, or absent on one or more levels.)

Jefferson was known for speaking publicly--in a whisper! If you could prevail upon him to do it. Natal Mercury (speaking; communication style; thinking processes; whispers, apparently) @ 26Pis36 was mystical and at-one and thrived on his gardening pursuits (Venus and NN in Taurus near natal IC 22Tau02 = Home) and intellectual wanderings--of course you know of his professions of longing for home and family whenever he was away.

So! What of TJ's YOD (special purpose; crisis; turning point; crossroads; a spiritual opportunity), what midpoint picture might fit the bill of Mercury-Saturn-Uranus (all associated with Astrology, btw)? Here are some possible manifestations for the emphasized trio in the horoscope of this deeply complex man:

Mercury-Uranus sextile (brilliant problem-solver; individual v group; rational thinker with high intuitions; can approach concerns with a fresh or different perspective; intellectually stands apart from the group; uncomfortable if ideas are too readily accepted--did his best when he rejected group assumptions; desired to awaken or convert others; society's critic; an emotional outsider; heretical views created controversy; little confidence in new situations; the spiritual debate between good and evil; a philosopher; foreign travel or self-exile brings insights that lead to wisdom. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

Here's the trio's midpoint picture which I shall ask you to consider in the light of US Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ (the leader.)

Mercury-Uranus = (apex) Saturn: a desire for personal liberation; suddenly overcoming inhibitions through acting quickly; a correct grasp of a difficult situation and attainment of success and life advancement; separating oneself from others or attaining safety for oneself.

(The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.)

I shall close with Jefferson's birth data and a few more details:

Thomas Jefferson
April 13, 1743 NS
1:53:48 am LMT
Shadwell, VA

38N00 78W23
True Node

ASC 00AQ29 conj Uranus 26Cap56 (an ability to cope with anything--FDR has Uranus rising); MC 22Sco02 conj Pluto 15Sco49 Rx (the Eagle Point); Sun 22Ari54 conj 3rd cusp; Moon 10Sag46 in 10th H of Public Status; Career; Mercury 26Pis36 in 2nd H of Values; lusty Mars 18Leo42 in 7th H conj Pan Rx, a trickster element quite suitable for conducting back door romances (in Leo-esque France); a scientific Jupiter 4Vir45 Rx (7th H conj Saturn in Leo.)

In a few days, he'll be 269 years old! And there's much more contained in the natal horoscope of the mysterious Mr. J, but you'll want to set up his horoscope for more details, if you don't have it already. Have you seen his close conjunction between Neptune 9Can26 and Chiron 9Can37 (6th H), a spiritualized duo which curiously was eclipsed on July 1, 2011 @9Can12 by a Solar Eclipse which began a fresh new Saros Series...

April 10, 2012: The following paragraph is hereby updated concerning Jefferson's apex Saturn in a natal YOD configuration:

Thomas Jefferson's natal YOD's apex Saturn indicates a karmic challenge which emphasizes what already contains karmic implications due to the presence in the natal horoscope of the YOD pattern--a 'fated' undertone is present in the life. This means that both timing and inner maturity were necessary leading up to 1776 for Jefferson to properly use and deal with the dynamic energy of the YOD at the turning point the pattern represents and from which issued the Declaration of Independence. That Thomas Jefferson was given a cosmic purpose to work out seems obvious in hindsight and imho, he was aware of it as well considering his extensive research and study into cosmic or occult subjects, and in light of the critical, soul-trying events of his day.

Though he was happier in solitude, it was a priority (said the Universe) for him to join with others of the New Atlantis persuasion and get the job done of creating a new nation free from religious persecution. His establishment of the University of Virginia further bears out his intentions on the matter.

Apex Saturn in a YOD configuration shows one who makes continuous adjustments when it comes to his ego-security and self-preservation at the start, then experiences much anxiety and self-doubt (part of his whispered speeches? natal 12th cusp of Karma, Self-Undoing, Politics = 5Cap56, ruled by Saturn) due to a lack of support in his early environment. Plus, natal Saturn Rx = weak or absent father; Jefferson's Moon out-of-bounds--his only OOBs natally--shows his well-known faulty relationship with his Mother which was never resolved in her lifetime.

Apex Saturn leads to a painful awareness of one's personal deficiencies and to feelings of being an unwanted outcast, an emotional and psychological condition which must be conquered in adulthood in order to take correct action at YOD's turning point or crossroads, and to successfully manage the special task which the YOD decrees. Yet Saturn's natural drive to overcome obstacles along with the corrective nature of a YOD (for those who cooperate with the Universe rather than selfishly balking) made Jefferson well-suited to take whatever actions and studies necessary to reorganize himself and his attitudes which assured efficient functioning in the world.

YODs are often considered cosmic tests, and Saturn is the planet of tests and lessons, so a great sense of freedom from past burdens may be experienced when a karmic YOD involving Saturn strengthens the character and its energies are thus well-managed. This leads to a definite life direction and an acceptance of social responsibility (something many modern day politicians fail in miserably--so are they 'politicians' at all?); plus, purposeful activity, steady focus, realized ambitions, hard work, and dedication to serious goals are uplifted and, as we know, a significant, well-respected social status results which his name continues to enjoy to this day.

Thomas Jefferson's karmic YOD with apex Saturn made his Saturn Return around the age of 28 highly important to the requirements of his natal YOD's purpose. His Saturn Return occurred three times: Nov 12, 1771, Jan 7, 1772 (Rx), and July 23, 1772; apex Saturn came into play again with a special purpose of karmic proportions at his next Saturn Return of Sept 2, 1801 for he had been inaugurated US president on March 4, 1801 with Congress deciding on his behalf on Feb 9, 1801.


Recommended for more info on YODs and other planetary patterns, see Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney.

Mar 26, 2012

New Heart for Dick Cheney w Neptune in 6th house

Transits to Dick Cheney's Natal Chart

by Jude Cowell

All weekend you and I have heard of how Dick Cheney is in hospital after having a heart transplanted into his chest cavity. Yet whenever I think of Mr. Cheney, famous quotes like this come to mind:

"The common sense of mankind demands that law shall not stop with the punishment of petty crimes by little people. It must also reach men who possess themselves of great power and make deliberative and concerted use of it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world untouched."

Justice Robert Jackson (Nuremberg Address)

Justice Jackson spoke from a high moral ground after dealing with depraved WWII war criminals.

But for our time, we have Dick Cheney.

Mr. Cheney has recently had a Jupiter Return (7Tau17, in 9th H conjunct Saturn 8:19; Jupiter rules natal 8th house and n Mars in 4th H), usually a fortunate time for anyone, and this may have helped with his good fortune in receiving a heart, plus, he has had the transiting Neptune/Chiron duo in Pisces snugged around his natal Descendant (2Pis55) and affecting his 6th house of Health. As you know, Chiron is the Wound and the Healer. Natal Sun 10AQ48 and n Mercury 24:15 are in 6th H as well, and with a Virgo Ascendant, health issues have been a lifelong concern for him.

His natal 8th cusp 26Pis16 is the spot where tr Mercury has been crossing and re-crossing of late, and Sun and Uranus met in his 8th H @ 4Ari+ this weekend. Quite a bit of 8th H activity there. Also natal SN 2Ari55 in 8th H has received lots of cosmic stimulation lately showing past concerns being brought up for further consideration--here, a major surgery.

Tr NN, the path or future direction point, is in n 4th H after conjoining n Mars 17Sag46 so the Tail of the Dragon (SN, a Saturnian point of separation) will swish his n Midheaven 27Tau59 as the Dragon's Head (NN) will conjoin n IC. I leave it to you to decide if a forecast may be made as to Cheney's outcome at age 71 considering his longterm history of heart attacks and the fact that n Moon 22Pis41, a weakening sign for the Moon (physical body) especially when opposed by n Neptune 27Vir25.

Is his heart condition congenital? I don't know but it would seem so from his natal horoscope.

And of course Mars (sharp instruments; surgeons) Rx has been crossing n Ascendant 2Vir55 (Self; Physical Body) in the sign of Health, Virgo. This puts a weakening Mars/Neptune opposition across his n ASC/DESC axis with Neptune still transiting his n 6th H--Mars/Neptune when combined can bring infection.

The next 3 to 6 months will be key for him if the risks of infection and rejection can be avoided.

No more comments from me. I'm content to leave the preemptive Mr. 1% Gang's ultimate condition up to his Maker just as I leave my own.


Dick Cheney
Jan 30, 1941
7:30 pm CST
Lincoln, NE

Rated AA from B.C.

Blog Note: my personal thanks to the many readers who've stuck with me during my time of transition. In addition to a major relocation in early March, I was involved in a car accident (beware Volvos that blindside you!) on St. Patrick's Day and am in the early stages of treatment. All this to say that my blogging time hasn't been as planned but April should bring better days for Stars Over Washington!

And hopefully for America, my only nag in the race.

Thanks again, Jude

Jan 11, 2012

Neptune in Pisces = Pineal Gland concerns?

Neptune in Pisces, the Pineal Gland, and Our Dissolving Willpower

by Jude Cowell

Since boundary-dissolving Neptune will soon dip its toe once again into the deep waters of Pisces (on or about February 3, 2012) for a long-winded swim (until 2024/25), the planet's astrological association with the human body's light-affected pineal gland ('third eye'/intuitive function) seems due for quite a bit of attention since we will be affected on a global scale.

An increase of environmental issues and damages to lose sleep over may be noted as our brains' melatonin production lowers and may need a *supplemental boost.

Studies show calcification in the pineal gland from use of fluoridated water as noted in Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul, an interesting title considering Neptune's link to spirituality and The Divine Source, as denoted in Astrology.

Recent travels of Chiron (the Wounded Healer; the Wound) in tandem with transiting Neptune brought us the earthquake/tsunami in Japan and the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown in 2011 with radiation continuing in 2012 to leak into the Pacific Ocean, the realm of Neptune. Thus the boundaries of our DNA are weakened and breached on a cellular level, and environmental issues become more confusing yet more critical for all of mankind.

Of course, calcification is a Saturnian process, a hardening, and the blend of Saturn with Neptune indicates 'the chronic and unhampered progress of malady, organic decomposition, undermining circumstances that lead to illness', says Ebertin, along with 'poor, sick, depressed persons' and 'diseases with causes difficult to ascertain'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences.)

Along with the pineal gland, Ebertin also gives Neptune as representing the
solar plexus, the power and will chakra, and paralysis, and Neptune in Pisces as: reserve, an inclination to mysticism, reverie and artistic pursuits; the inner or psychic life open to external influences, pessimism, a craving for alcohol, nicotine, etc, pathological tendencies and inclinations'.

So though society's artistic creativity will flourish, it seems that many people's power and will may become weaker with Neptune in Pisces though perhaps knowing this may help us guard against much of the dissolution. Drugs, including alcohol, won't help matters, only increase the weakening effects upon The Collective of a Piscean Neptune and the secretive forces of destruction which beset us.

An increase in paranoia will be part of the Piscean Neptune picture as well.

And of course you're familiar with Neptune's link to poisons, toxins, and contagions with its 'urge to merge' tendency relating to the dissolving of Saturnian boundaries, as noted above.

Yes, We've Dreamed This Dream Before...

History repeats in similar if not exact ways so astrologers tend to look back to the last time a planet entered a sign to see past effects, and with Neptune to 00Pisces, that would be 1847--off and on from April 1847 to December 7, 1848 due to the gaseous planet's frequent retrogradation periods. (Neptune's cycle lasts approximately 164 years.) This historical info hints at what sort of trends and conditions to expect during the current planetary transit.

Neptunian Events 1847

Several events listed for 1847 have Neptunian flavors to them. One such is July 10 when Leverrier and Adams, the co-discoverers of Neptune, met for the first time at the home of John Herschel, son of William Herschel, discoverer of erratic Uranus (1781.)

The association of these men creates a time link between the planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, by way of human beings and their astronomical activities and encounters.

Then there's July 24, when Brigham Young and his Mormon followers schlepped into the Salt Lake City, Utah area with Neptune as a spiritual indicator and significator of bodies of water--this one full of Saturnian salts!

Neptunian Events 1848

Plus, some events of 1848 resonate closely with our Neptunian topics as well: James Knox Polk became the first president in office to be photographed, one of Neptune's filmy, glamorous roles (the 'silver screen'; the arts; illusion.)

On February 26, 1848, Marx and Engels (with the backing of --?--) published the Communist Manifesto, a grand bit of Neptunian propaganda with its Saturn/Neptune 'Communism' element (Saturn = government and control, Neptune = invisible, or secret--things We the People know a little about in the US with both planets elevated in our nation's July 4, 1776 horoscope set for 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.)

Another example occurred on May 29, 1848 when the flow of Niagara Falls ceased for 30 hours because of an ice jam which describes cold Saturn's crystallization (hardening) process acting upon a liquid (Neptune.)

Then on May 30, 1848, children could rejoice over the patenting of the ice cream freezer by William G. Young--yummy liquids hardened into flavorful, cooling treats.

But perhaps one of the more ironic events of 1848 occurred on June 26 when the first pure food law was passed in the United States. That its laudable attempts at protecting the American people have been adulterated through the decades making 'food and drug safety' in the US debatable (if it exists at all) is a Neptunian disappointment of toxic proportions and we are certain to hear more revelations of poisonings by the food, agricultural, nuclear, chemical, and other industries as Neptune lumbers slowly through its own watery realm of Pisces.

Of course, there's also the well-known connection of astrological Pluto to nuclear power, control, and waste disposal--and pipelines-- but today's post is written in honor of Neptune making a tremendously important ingress into its own sign which will soon come to pass whether we're ready or not.

With 2012 Upon Us

Naturally, the projected construction (Saturn) of Canada's Keystone XL Pipeline comes to mind with its potentials for gas and chemical leaks and the controversial, chemically-infused fracking process which threatens US water sources if the pipeline is built. Neptune's use as A Veil for secrets is on tap along with its scandalous implications of Neptunian fraud, deceit, and neglectful policies that can easily lead to lousy maintenance conditions and even to sabotage.

My personal conclusion about these difficult issues is that anything we can do to boost our and our family members' immune systems should be on top of our 2012 agenda! And please note these cautions: be careful when participating in water sports and when traveling in, on, or over bodies of water for mysterious conditions may be present--and beware gas leaks and oily schemers...


For further reading you may wish to try Significant Dates in Food & Drug Law History (pdf) or view the video of the January 10, 2012 announcement showing the nuclear Doomsday Clock being moved one minute closer to midnight so it's now judged to be 11:55 pm, as it was between 2007--2010.

And here's a link to an enlightening video interview with scientist-journalist Leuren Moret who doesn't buy the idea that the Fukushima Meltdown occurred only by Nature's fury. In fact, dear reader, type 'Japan' or 'Fukushima' into this blog's sidebar Search field and you'll find other content concerning Neptunian topics whose effects will soon be front and center with Neptune in Pisces, a perfect significator of radiation toxicity leaking into the sea and into the DNA of our present and future generations.
Yet let us not give in to nuke fears or be dismissive due to anxiety--let's get active against all forms of this worldwide nuclear threat to Planet Earth!


*Blog Note: no consideration whatsoever has been given to this blogger for embedding a link to VitaCost which I consider a cost-saving place to purchase health supplements & other stuff. Besides...I blog because I care!

SO'W's favored progressive links include:

Thom Hartmann (Thom broadcasts from Iceland again tomorrow!), Amy Goodman's masterful Democracy Now!, the young and ardent David Pakman, and Demand Progress, a good place to fight for protection of lacy Neptune's Internet, aka, The Web, which will forever change for the worse our entire Internet experiences while bringing draconian penalties (SOPA) for those who simply link to content! Links placed on blogs are what I consider to be free advertising for The Touted but it seems that Neptunian Hollywood doesn't agree.

(Of course, I say this as one who makes no income from my 'freebie' blogging which is quite different than if I made money from other people's content. But all my blogs including Stars Over Washington will be subject to shut-down by the US government if SOPA passes, and with no legal standing under which to complain. Plutocratic oligarchs play for keeps, m'peops.)

Plus, 2012 is a great time to Move To Amend the democracy-dissolving, deceptively-named SCOTUS decision they call Citizens United. (Shouldn't that be 'Wealthy Citizens United'?)


Noted Astrology

You will not want to miss Crystal Pomeroy's excellent January 10 column Mayan Metaphysics 2012 which may help to soothe the nerves of even the most anxious 2012 worrier! Crystal lives and teaches in Mexico, the realm of The Maya, so do check out her article. And as you know, the word 'maya' relates to illusion, a function of Neptune!

Plus, for personal-transpersonal astrological content, no one does it better than expert astrologer Julie Demboski who regularly provides balanced insights as she writes from the West Coast of the US concerning current planets and asteroids.

Now here's one of my Saturn (real) v Neptune (imaginary; undersea climes) drawings of a tropical fish which usually swim around in my Dreamyfish Art gallery of botanical fish portraits ensnared within favorite dream scenarios...

Yellow-eyed surgeonfish of Western Australia, all done up in pencil by Jude Cowell; if you wish, view other botanical fish portraits of a tropical nature in my Zazzle Art Shop.

Oct 28, 2011

Inauguration 2009's Void-Of-Course Moon 29Sco45

Oct 28, 2011: Does Inauguration 2009 Moon Haunt Us?

by Jude Cowell

The following is a copy-paste from a previous post on my WordPress blog and was written back in those early, heady days of the Obama administration when the future seemed to stretch out in front of us a VOC Moon sailing without interference toward a previously determined port.

As you know, the Moon in Mundane Astrology = the people, or, the in the US, it's We-The-People, and also relates to moods and popular trends.

Now my suspicion is that Alphee Lavoie's interpretation of a VOC Moon (see below) applies quite closely to the presidency of Barack Obama--except for the "nothing to worry about" part--for with transnational globalist banksters and gangsters in charge and calling the political tune, we have a lot of challenges to face, as has become extremely apparent.

(One of the transiting midpoint pictures in force for weeks and still in force as I type is: Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: sudden recognition of a difficult situation. Another of its potentials: real v imaginary, according to Reinhold Ebertin.)

Now here's the post on Inauguration 2009's VOC Moon in Scorpio, sign of regeneration, but also of betrayal. See what you think at this later date as the Obama admininstration rolls along--no edits have been made so there may be typos:

Since the Moon 29Sco45 for Jan 20, 2009, noon EST, Capitol Building, Washington DC, applies to no major (Ptolemaic) aspect with another planet while the Moon remains in Scorpio, it is being considered as having no course, or is ‘void of course’.

Indications for a VOC Moon are: impediments; things will not come to a good end except with great toil and trouble; good time for festivities (Bonatus); matters go hardly unless Moon is in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces; business seldom goes ‘handsomely forward’; nothing will come of the matter; no significant changes (Lilly.)

Yet in modern terms, Alphee Lavoie says that a VOC Moon means that a conclusion is already manifested, the outcome is already known, and/or there’s ‘nothing to worry about’!

One reason to hope for the best come Inauguration Day 2009 is that modern interpretations take into account whether the VOC Moon is applying closely with other planets from the sign she’s in – such as we see with Jan 20′s Moon sextiling the 10th house Sun/Mercury conjunction 00AQ+…which also happens to be Barack Obama’s natal Jupiter degree.

Well, we know that 29 degrees of any sign is a Critical/Crisis Degree and in the case of 2009′s Inaugural Moon in Scorpio, I’m relating the Moon’s condition (VOC) and degree (29) to the financial and medical crises the American people continue to suffer ungladly.

Plus, spying and surveillance relate to Scorpio, along with Big Finance, and for certain a whole lotta surveillance will be going on in the inaugural city, and a whole pack of till-raiding financial crooks are on the loose.

So…nothing to worry about? Dunno about that although some folk seem to feel (unrealistically) that having Obama, a Democrat, in the White House will solve everything. At least he isn’t a dratted Republican, right?

Will this Moon’s condition make the down-to-earth transit of restrictive Saturn to US natal Neptune (ideals; dreams) more of a shock…or will it bring solidity and realization (Saturn) to our ideals and dreams (Neptune)? (Saturn to US Neptune August-Sept 2009.)

But I suspect 2009′s Inaugural Moon is reaching forward into Sagittarius (which sextiles Aquarius) toward the change and hope of a new presidency’s promise to put the American people’s needs first in line over monied interests. Sextiles are aspects of opportunity, but willing efforts must be made in order to benefit from them.

Whether the ‘reaching forward’ results in eventual improvements for we-the-people is a question for the future to answer.

That there will be delays and difficulties in implementing plans is a given, but I pray the ineffectuality of a traditional VOC Moon doesn’t rule the day or the modern presidential term of Barack Obama which will be served, we hope, on behalf of we-the-people.


Oct 28, 2011: turns out that the majority of the reaching forward is being done by patriots--most of them of the younger generation--the demonstrators in the Occupy Wall Street Movement (aka, We Are the 99%) along with the other protests and sit-ins being done in solidarity across the country and the globe, and asking for the ('30 Scorpio') "Halloween Jester" phase of US politics to be put aside for good as we demand that the US government remembers from whence their only true power comes--not from shareholders, CEOs, or monarchists--but from the willing consent of We-The-People.

You may also wish to review the horoscope of the Solar Eclipse which forever marks the presidency of Barack Obama, what I've called the New President Eclipse of January 26, 2009 at 6AQ30--conjunct US natal South Node (SN) of the Moon, a separative, Saturn-ruled point where cosmic energy rushes or is drained out rather than new energy being infused into the proceedings.

But then, Mr. Obama has lofty connections and wealthy backers to neutralize or cushion problems indicated by the bend-or-break Saturn-Uranus opposition which was in effect on Election Day 2008 as well as in January 2009. Was it to be the status quo of Saturn or the progress of Uranus? I decided Mr. Obama's natal Saturn Rx in its own staid sign of Capricorn would lean him toward the status quo though his Aquarian Jupiter, also Rx, may idealize toward other directions.

Plus, the January 2009 Solar Eclipse degree (6AQ30) is the zodiacal position of transiting Neptune on the morning of 9/11/01 and qualifies as a Neptune Return since the religion of Islam was founded when Neptune was within that range of Aquarius.

Oct 7, 2011

Occupy Wall Street (Sat-Uran-Plu): Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts!

As I searched for a particular reference hidden in the almost 3,000 entries on this blog (whew!), I ran across a previous post detailing the frustrating yet dynamic Cardinal T-Square between Saturn/Uranus (in opposition) pointing toward an apex (focal) Pluto.

On one level, we could say that 'old' (Saturn) is being 'transformed' (Pluto) into 'new' (Uranus, and in Aries that means, 'Utopia'--but that's bosh!)

If you click, please scroll down a ways into the post for the explanation of the midpoint picture formed in May 2011 between three heavy-weight planets...

Saturn = the past, Time, tradition, form, function, age, systems, scaffolds, responsibility, accountability, restriction, constriction, boundaries, bones, skin, teeth, spinal column, the status quo, delay, decay, long term efforts, patience, perseverance, endurance, and such.

Uranus = the future, futurism, creative genius, sudden inspirations, innovation, behavior, originality, Science, Astrology, upheaval, upsets, restlessness, quickness, sudden shocks, lightening, electricity, like a bolt from the blue, group activities, disruption, The Witness (a 'sudden sense of self'), The Awakener (in Aries, Uranus = *Utopians, anarchists, and/or radicals with political inclinations), the Higher Octave/Frequency of Mercury, oddness, eccentricity, separation, and more.

And Pluto? You mean Mr. Underworld, the Dragon who guards the world's riches? The Oligarchy of plutocrats under which we toil and struggle as billions of people teeter on the brink of enslavement or extinction?

Well, he-who-employs-assassins has become tiresome to type about, frankly. Pluto is apex planet in the Cardinal T-Square pattern, and an ace manipulator of the high-powered corporate executive kind. The full Cardinal midpoint picture info may be found by clicking the link above, if you wish.

Actually, I'll go ahead and tell you my guess: that the midpoint pic's "rebellion against one's lot in life" sums up quite well the general motivation/s of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, don't you think? Our younger generations are the ones whose futures have been stolen, purloined, embezzled, and gambled away with verve and insouciance.

So where else should OWS protesters be than occupying Wall Street? America needs to cease her occupation of foreign lands though Corporate America wishes that we-the-people not pay attention to that very inconvenient, bought-on-credit-card fact. Seems global bankers are up to their old Rothschildian tricks: they make much more money by making 'loans' to governments and by pushing private debt and responsibilities onto the public ledger.

Wall Street, Main Street, Pennsylvania Avenue: Jupiter-Neptune-Saturn

In these difficult days, there are calls for the Philanthropy of Jupiter and Neptune, not the mean old-fashioned stinginess of a sour, grouchy Saturn. Wall Street gentry should want to take a closer look at themselves and their anti-social behavior--and the news for them is, I for one don't want their stanky money. But I do want their control of the US government to erode and their crimes to be addressed and tried in an honest courtroom, not a whitewashing one.

Plus, I believe that fair taxes should be levied to re-balance society's financial inequality for our see-saw has thudded to one side and we can't get off the ground--we are in a word, oppressed. So Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts or raise taxes on the wealthy 1% of Americans at least for a period of time--say, three to five years perhaps? And wouldn't it be logical if those in charge kept in mind the old "If that doesn't work, try something else" strategy, as FDR and others have often said and used.

Then blessings shall be showered all around!

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Boo CEOs but Mourn Steve Jobs.

Hurrah! The coming together of movements and groups in NYC such as Occupy Wall Street, Labor Unions such as the Nurses' Union, Code Pink, Civil Rights activists, Gay-Lesbian activists, and other organizations, groups, and persuasions (protests are now happening in 500 US cities and counting!) shows that the Global Spirit of Revolution has finally infected America big time and my prayer is that progressive reforms that lift up The People will sweep across the US and every land!

Jupiter/Neptune, ruler/co-ruler of Mystical Pisces = Religion/Spirituality and Grand Schemes

Watery Neptune is, after all, about to dip her toe again into the compassionate tides of Pisces...but where we ultimately wash up depends on how we handle things from now on.

Here's the usual-suspect list of the well-connected and the speculating Forbes 400. Discretion is advised.


*"Uranus in Aries = Utopians": Reinhold Ebertin, The Combination of Stellar Influences.

For much more on progressive topics try Thom Hartmann and Amy Goodman (texts or videos of their broadcasts are available.)

I Am The 99%!!! Are you?

Sep 10, 2011

Uranus (Youth Movement), Neptune (Floods), Gold/Silver 2011 (video)

Financial Astrology, Uranus/Neptune, Shifting Poles, old Henry Clay and youngish Rick Perry

by Jude Cowell

Here New Zealand astrologer Barbara Goldsmith gives her comprehensive view on 2011 events, financial and social conditions in a video presentation. First she goes over her 2011 predictions which have come to pass and it's a daunting list if you care to skip to the middle. I say this because we're all in process of experiencing these events of 2011 now and therefore may wish to avoid hearing them listed at this particular juncture.

Well, there are some moments when Astrology simply isn't needed, for we can hear about events in the news or peer onto our very doorsteps, can't we?

So the primary reason I'm publishing (belatedly--mea culpa!) Barbara's video on 2011 predictions in September is that around halfway through, she addresses the shifts of transpersonal (collective; outer) planets Uranus into fiery Aries and Neptune into its own watery sign of Pisces.

If you haven't viewed before, I hope you have 10 minutes to tune in. Plus, maybe like me you'll see that her bookshelves hold some of the same Astrology books as yours!

Barbara Goldsmith's predictions for 2012 will be useful now that we're entering the difficult period of Autumn 2011 into the oft-touted yet dreaded year of 2012. My fret is that the promised 'Paradigm Shift' will be purposely engineered by social tinkerers and Uranian chaos creators who are in process of collapsing the global financial system for their own rebuilding and control aims.

And although I don't like mentioning it, these potentially chaotic conditions could fulfill the ancient 'no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast' Biblical prophecy.

Is Neptune Holier-Than-Thou?

In her video, Barbara relates a stratification of society to Neptune in Pisces' desire for existence on a loftier plane and I have wondered (somewhere on this blog but with almost 3,000 posts, it's difficult to find mentions that don't have specific tags) if NASA's ISS and certain undersea capsules have been invented for Those Who Will Escape the Worst of Earth's coming travails until things settle down for their 'royal' emergence.

Thing is, no one born on Earth can escape karma for all must reap what they sow.

Futurist Uranus

Yet chaos-creating Chiron/Uranus types always keep handy escape hatches available for their exclusive use, you know.

If nothing else, my Capsule/Space Station as Escape Hatch theory shows you how deeply suspicious I can be of global corporatists and shady monarchs, doesn't it? ;p

Talk about plans with no prospects for fulfillment!

2012, 2012, and...2012

Another facet of the Paradigm Shift 2012 question is, of course, Earth's obvious physical changes (earthquakes, volcanoes, ice melting, all of which can be man-induced or encouraged through ecological assaults and unusually powerful weather events--HAARP? Hedron Collider? mad scientists!) These earth changes are cyclical--so are magnetic poles shifting? If more and more animals fly or migrate as if drunken by confused navigation systems, I'm guessing that could one small clue.

Speaking of mysterious events under the sea, here's a tidbit from April 2000 concerning the lost Henry Clay, named for a prominent and controversial US politician who is featured this weekend on C-SPAN's The Contenders.

With its spotlight on past presidential candidates who lost but "changed political history", my intention is to view all of The Contenders including the segment on Progressive Movement candidate Eugene Debs who helped champion the social improvements of the early 1900s, the ones that 2012 presidential candidate Rick Perry promises to abolish from high atop the perch of the Oval Office, a plan which to my dissenting American mind (a DAR persuasion peeking through!) should disqualify Mr. Perry from running for US President.

So I ask you: in what watery, upside down world can a secessionist, of all creatures, effectively govern as US president the United States of America?

Come on now! Perry makes it clear he's a divider, not a uniter.

Happy Campaign 2012, y'all.

Neptune to Our Solar Eclipse Degree 00Pis33

Yes, transit Neptune to 00Pis00 has simmered up a thick, murky broth for the American people to stew in, compliments of transpersonal forces which dissolve and undermine our nation as described on one level by Neptune's conjunction to America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, circa 1776 (00Pis33.)

A repetition of America's PE manifested once again on July 11, 2010 (12 South Saros Series) and its flavors resonate directly with the BP-Deepwater Horizon Blowout of April 2010 which decimated our Gulf Coast region through corporate-instigated environmental terrorism. About 4 days after the eclipse occurred, BP announced a successful capping of the well--finally:

12S = 'successful outcomes to long term worries; a situation or an issue will at first seem worse, then clear with good outcomes', to paraphrase Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology.

(Historical Note: after 12S, the next Solar Eclipse in the Founders' era occurred on August 14, 1776 and actually describes the founding of America to perfection. It's the 13 North Series which speaks of 'breaking an already existing bond for the sake of large, ambitious group projects; initial separation then joint achievement'! (Brady.)

This hints to me that the completion of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776 under the influence of 13N is an integral component embedded within our nation's identity, perhaps even more so than the July 4, 1776 date the Founders wanted us to celebrate as our national 'birthday'.

We do so slavishly, of course, with patriotic fervor and idolatry yet its seems that the Cosmos may have a slightly different calendar than mortal men! Is this one of the reasons some (possibly Astrology-informed) delegates waited until August to sign? (The 13N Series actually began on August 14, 1776 which resonates with the important new World cycle that started with America's founding.)

Traditionally, America relates to the world as a Water-Air, past v future Sun Can/Moon AQ personality blend, but the August 14, 1776 Solar Eclipse presents the US as a double-Air, idealistic, zealous-for-justice Sun Libra/Moon Libra nation!

Unfortunately for the populations of many countries, it's in 2011 and 2012 that eroding, nebulous, merging, self-deceptive, and often fraudulent Neptune softly stirs up 00Pis00/33 in the Tropical Zodiac, creating a karmic, watershed moment in World and US history as I suspect you may agree.

Ex: recently it's been reported that the Deepwater Horizon well is leaking again--that Neptunian erosion of the 'successful outcomes' which the July 2010 eclipse described in such hopeful terms. Of course, with media-loving Neptune's talent for confusion and deception, it remains to be 'seen' if the Macondo well is leaking or not.

All this and I didn't even mention transforming, sabotaging, destructuring Pluto in system-loving Capricorn, now creeped back into closer opposition to US natal Jupiter 5Can56...'6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests." (Rudhyar; Jones.)

Hmmm...wonder if those cozy, plush nests they've protectively feathered are orbiting in Uranian space or perhaps secreted beneath a Neptunian sea?

Related Posts w Horoscopes:

Naturally, Winter Solstice December 21, 2012; plus, the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse containing strong issues of 'Balance of Power', as astrologer Celeste Teal titled this 13 North eclipse from the August 14, 1776 Series--the 'breaking of already existing bonds, then success' as mentioned above.

Is that a Rs v Ds 'Balance of Power'? Capitol Hill's tiresomely theatrical 'default'/'debt crisis' stalemate of August 2011 timed quarreling Mars in Cancer as it triggered the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse by opposing the eclipse degree (among his other contacts such as conjunctions to US natal planets @ 3--14 Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun.)

And since 13N manifested just after New Year's Day 2011, its influence is strongly and irrevocably imprinted upon the whole of Year 2011 and upon the US presidency because the eclipse's degree (13Cap47) opposes US natal Sun (leadership; the president.)

You know, I have to say this: the wispy 'American' sentiments of politicians like Rick Perry strike me as lukewarm at best and traitorous in essence when I consider the passion contained in statements such as this:

"Believe me, dear Sir: there is not in the British empire a man who more cordially loves a union with Great Britain than I do. But, by the God that made me, I will cease to exist before I yield to a connection on such terms as the British Parliament propose; and in this, I think I speak the sentiments of America." -Thomas Jefferson, November 29, 1775

And the breaking of an already existing bond was less than one year away!

My fervent hope for America is that many of us now feel similarly about the lousy terms upon which ideologue GOPers propose to (again) misrule this nation. And if you agree, you cannot seriously consider sitting out the November 2012 presidential election. Seriously. Electing a president by default will not be an option.

Jun 23, 2011

Thomas Jefferson and the karmic Solar Eclipse July 1, 2011

If you've had a chance to read my column on the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12, then I don't have to tell you that the eclipse manifests snugly between America's natal Sun and Jupiter - actually precisely upon our national Sun/Jupiter midpoint.

The importance of the July 1st Solar Eclipse 'hit' to or triggering of the expansive point of Sun/Jupiter relates closely to financial and spending matters, material loss, and to issues of striving for more power and control, recognition, and/or to conflicts caused by arrogance, pretentiousness, or lawlessness.

Perhaps a crook or two will be outed by the light of the July 1, 2011 eclipse, the first to launch in a new Saros Series. Often an eclipse 'acts' early and you probably heard that a fugitive mob boss from Boston was arrested just today in California after 16 years of giving the FBI the slip.

Historical Horoscopes Alive!

There is another triggering of historical importance because the July 1st eclipse conjoins *Thomas Jefferson's natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction @ 9Can26 and 9Can37 respectively, in 6th house of Military and Police Service, Health, Daily Lives, and Work (Employment.)

Now the eclipse (Sun/Moon) forms a midpoint picture with Mr. Jefferson's nebulous, spiritually oriented Neptune (made more **sacred by Chiron's ministrations):

Sun/Moon = Neptune: illusions and deceptions; becoming easily upset; inner discontent; realizing the importance of thinking through plans and ideas; dreaming of options for redirecting plans; delusions about what can be done and how hard people will work to accomplish it; misunderstandings in relationship.

Solar Eclipses are of course oppositions of the Sun (consciousness) and Moon (unconscious) and in general denote relationship and/or awareness issues.

To the extent that our third president Thomas Jefferson may be taken as an archetypal symbol of America and the US government, I surmise that the midpoint picture formed synchronistically by the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse is instructive concerning the pertinent issues of our day.

And perhaps the Sun/Moon midpoint itself should be considered more specifically in the realms of Politics and Business. From Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, we find potentials that are up-to-the-minute on several levels including to raise or not to raise the US debt ceiling and war making decisions of President Obama:

Thesis: the international reputation of the country; how the will of the people is is applied (or not! jc) to taking the country into new or important directions; reading the attitude of the people when creating internal policy.

Antithesis: a loss of face in international politics (leaving Afghanistan? debt ceiling/default? jc); smears on the national reputation; pessimism flowing through the population or lawmakers (or both. jc)

You remember that the recent transiting Neptune/Chiron conjunction has mirrored disasters involving water such as regional flooding and levee breaches, BP's Deepwater Horizon Blow-Out of April 2010 which effectively sabotaged our Gulf Coast and its people, and which may have been an inspirational factor in this May 2011's World Will End prophecy with Chiron now in mystical, spiritual Pisces. And of course, 'water' is a stand-in for The Spirit in the Aquarian archetype of The Water Bearer, the sign in which the exact conjunction/s of Neptune and Chiron occurred last year.

Now what of such a close Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Watery Cancer in Jefferson's natal chart and psyche? Since it is about to be 'eclipsed' and highlighted on July 1, 2011, let's first take it apart including its apparent placement in Jefferson's 6th house (see below for his *birth data and the time I am using to set up his natal chart.)

Watery Neptune in Watery Cancer indicates a generation of folk with strong psychic ties to home, family, security, and the Earth (ecological interests.) Jefferson's love of home and family is well-known as are his regular rides across his lands with his daughter after his wife died and before, so naturally, his love of Monticello comes easily to mind.

Neptune in Moon-ruled Cancer denotes an emotionally sensitive and religious nature yet there is a still-ongoing debate as to Mr. Jefferson's religiosity (the Jefferson Bible; was he a Deist? an astrologer? etc) but these deep issues are beyond the scope of this column. However, his philosophical interests and talents are never in question.

Notable is the resonance between Neptune as the higher octave of Jupiter (the priest, guru, hierophant, philosopher) through their rulership of mystical Pisces, sign of Jefferson's natal Mercury. Thinking upon such inspired topics came easily to his highly idealistic nature; plus, Neptune in Cancer can also give mediumship or channeling abilities either from a higher or a lower plane.

His natal Neptune/Pluto trine indicates a response to the more positive side of the invisible realms but in modern times, we're stuck with a Neptune-Pluto septile (51 degrees 26 minutes), which is a fated, karmic 7th harmonic aspect.

Assuming that Neptune is posited in his natal 6th house, the placement emphasizes one whose work and service are done in a spiritual manner and/or for collective purposes. Yet with Neptune in detriment in 6th H, these issues will bring difficulties yet they had to be addressed for the sake of Jefferson's evolutionary progress (and America's, as it turned out.)

Many sacrifices are demanded by Neptune in 6th H, and we think of his desire to be home with his family instead of in Philadelphia attending and plying his penmanship of the Declaration of Independence at the Continental Congresses of 1775 and 1776. (The First Continental Congress was held in 1774 but Mr. Jefferson did not attend until 1775.)

Yet Jefferson's Sun in Aries Was Ambitious to Get On in the World

The red-haired young man arrived (unwigged yet Whiggish) in Philadelphia on June 20, 1775 with Neptune in Virgo (spiritual, devoted, and/or inspired work) snugged between Mars 18Vir55 and Saturn 2Lib18...hardworking Mars/Saturn = inspired Neptune: self-torment about identity (his fame and repute were yet to be established and his wordsmith genius known except by a few - he was a whippersnapper!); confusion; feeling threatened; pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness.

But the whippersnapper did all right by us, didn't he? Perhaps that's because the difficult placement and conjunction of Neptune/Chiron were greatly eased by a natal trine to Pluto at Eagle Point, near Midheaven (Career, Aspirations, Public Status.) Plus, without difficult natal placements, one seldom bothers to stir oneself to make a sustained effort, does one?

Chiron in Cancer describes a "crisis over cultural roots and/or a crisis of personal protection" (Clow.) Cultural roots of the American experiment and personal protection reminds me of how America's Founders would have been strung up if their secret deliberations on independence from Britain had become known abroad.

In Cancer, Chiron tends to be tied to the past (a conflict for such a visionary futurist as Mr. Jefferson: home life v career ambitions), and reveals insecurity issues which are underscored by TJ's natal Moon out-of-bounds in Sagittarius which, when Moon is the only OOBs planet, points to one whose childhood connection with the mother was faulty or non-existent; a wounding (Chiron) from the mother (Cancer) is indicated as well, and TJ grew to have contempt for his mother and showed little, if any, regret at her passing. Jefferson had chaffed under her parentage after his father's death.

With Chiron in Cancer, a tough battle ensues to break Saturnian control (of his personal father/controlling mother and of colony-oppressing Great Britain!) and thus utilize the brilliance of Uranian genius, a task which he certainly managed to do. For his natal Uranus in Capricorn had a willing container in which to pour by way of Saturn's rulership of Capricorn, sign of Government. The inconjunct between natal Saturn and Uranus, though indicating crises and turning points, was better to have than no contact at all since the inconjunct (aka, quincunx) gave the creative ideas of Uranus a form (Saturn) in which to become practically realized on the earthly plane.

However, extreme consciousness of aims and objectives were necessary for the success of his Saturn/Uranus endeavors and he was nothing if not self-reflective while answering the call of service to the collective.

Another interesting factor to note in the 1743 horoscope of Thomas Jefferson is that the position of **Fixed Star SIRIUS, so intricately linked to America's natal horoscope and founding, closely conjoins his natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction by degree and thereby increases the conjunction's sacred nature.

In Astrology, the key phrases for SIRIUS (Alpha Canis Major; aka, the Dog Star, the Shining One, or, the Scorcher and relates to the annual flooding of the Nile River, and to gaining much more than was expected - Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) are: the mundane becoming sacred and the fire of immortality.

Few would disagree that Jefferson's work devoted to the founding of this country by penning the Declaration of Independence and through his service as Secretary of State, Ambassador to France, Vice President, then President (1801 - 1809), has garnered him an immortal name as well as high recognition in his day. Of course, founding the excellent University of Virginia in 1819 has increased his renown as well.

So! Will the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 relate to Mr. Jefferson, his era and its politics, or to the very founding of our nation? Independence Day 2011 soon follows, after all. Will UVA be in the news? Or will another dance-off protest occur at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC with strong-arming police arresting peaceful American citizens? (I suspect the freedom-loving Mr. Jefferson would be very ill-pleased and disapproving of such arrests, don't you?)

These and other related concerns may turn up soon on the US menu and in The Press whose freedom he eloquently championed and my hope is that if they do, you will give a small, perhaps fond, thought to the Sage of Monticello!


For further reading you may wish to follow a link to the Monticello website or perhaps check out Thomas Jefferson's Wiki page. Also of timely interest may be The Cultural Contradictions of the American Media which contains his famous quote concerning the continuance of a free press in America:

"The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it up to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter."

*Thomas Jefferson April 13, 1743 Shadwell, Virginia; birth time most often used: 1:53 am LMT though a day time birth may be a possibility; at 1:53 am: ASC 00AQ52, Sun 22Ari54, Moon 10Sag47; Neptune/Chiron conjunction in 6th house; 9th house Pluto at Eagle Point (15 Scorpio) conjoins MC; NN 18Tau57 conjoins IC 22Tau02...he'd rather have been contemplating and studying at home (Monticello), thanks.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl, Ebertin, Munkasey.