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Showing posts with label Regulus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regulus. Show all posts

Nov 5, 2018

Nov 23 2018 Full Moon: The Really Big Picture

This is the DC Horoscope of the November 23, 2018 Full Moon @00Gem52 conjunct weeping Alcyone (keywords, "something to cry about").

Perfecting at 12:39:06 am est in Washington DC during a Mercury Hour (changes), we find chart-ruler Mercury Rx suggesting delays, reviews, and re-assessments which possibly refers to the November 6th Midterm Elections and the contesting of results via election fraud lawsuits and/or re-counts. As you know, a Gemini Moon is ruled by Mercury and there's little voting Mercury Rx at IC but in the 3rd house of Communications conjunct royal Antares, keywords: obsessed with success, but Antares is also a star of war.

In fact, the first of two applying Ptolemaic aspect made by chart-ruler Mercury is a square to warrior Mars @4Pis32 which also conjoins a royal star, Fomalhaut, keywords: success through noble ideals. Where Americans will find those 'noble ideals' is unknown by yours truly unless the Democrats grab control of the House and its committee chairmanships so that Trump's bone-spurred tootsies are held to the legal fire. If Republicans keep control of the House, the criminality of Trump and the GOP will continue and worsen for it will inflate authoritarian Trump's fantasized "mandate."

Mercury's second applying aspect is a conjunction with Jupiter which indicates a high volume of political information and ads, news about court decisions (once Mercury turns Direct on or about December 6th), international communications, and the expansion of very large plans.

Also note that in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions (ex: Congress), Backroom Deals, Self-Undoing, and Karma is the current Solar Eclipse ('PE') which I have termed The Tower Eclipse due to its collapsing theme. No planets are posited therein but the wide conjunction of Mars and deceptive Neptune oppose from the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service. Yet Partnerships, Open Enemies, and Legalities are also involved with Neptune @13Pis41 Rx setting at Descendant and its rounded-up degree of '14Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur." Plus, 14Pis01 is the position of the natal Neptune of the Republican (now, Trump) Party who seem to follow Fox 'News' instructions at every turn.

And in the 4th house of Real Estate, restrictive Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, may be alerting us to a downturn in housing sales, in speculation and other financial schemes (Capricorn on the 5th cusp of Risk-Taking and Gambling, as in Wall Street), or possibly the Lesson Bringer is hinting at trouble in the mining industry. Yet with Sagittarius on the 4th cusp, is karmic Saturn a marker for limiting legal decisions? Disturbingly, the transiting South Node of The Dragon now swipes its tail at US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a negative indicator in the 5th house suggesting large events out of personal control.

That said, we see the 5th house Pluto @19Cap26 as apex planet of the Mars-Jupiter midpoint = "The Really Big Picture" (Noel Tyl) which echoes the recent midpoint picture that formed when transit Pluto hit the 1993 degree of Uranus-Neptune--'The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise'..."18Cap" = POLITICAL POWER: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones). In three words, authoritarian Donald Trump, dictator wannabe.

Now there are too many planetary patterns to mention in this brief post (which resists becoming a book!) so I trust you, dear reader, to ferret them out if you care to. But a few more factors should be mentioned in closing such as the 2nd hou$e Venus @26Lib08, leader of a Locomotive shape identifying a 'ruthless, high-powered executive' and this brings monetary policy and evaluations (currency) into the cosmic picture--and with shocking, disruptive Uranus at a critical-crisis 29th degree and retrograde in the corporate 8th house. Plus, as you know, the Venus-Uranus pair tends toward extravagance, eccentricity (including with money), unfaithfulness, and separation in relationships. Perhaps this is a reference to the Trump marriage since the Sun-Moon (marriage/husband-wife) midpoint, which I neglected to pen into the 12th house @00Vir52, conjoins the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump and conjoins royal Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. But as we know with Donald Trump, it never is.

Sep 25, 2018

Who Is Noel Francisco? August 21, 1969

September 25, 2018: If or when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is ousted or steps down, Solicitor General Noel Francisco is likely candidate to step in and begin overseeing the Mueller investigation into Trump and Russia. Word is, Francisco has an 'expansive view of presidential power', which may be one of his best qualities as far as un-indicted conspirator Mr. Trump is concerned.

With his birth hour unknown, here's a 'noon' horoscope for Noel Francisco born August 21, 1969 in Syracuse, New York:

As you see, his law-abiding Saturn in Taurus is 'conservative' and at Station Retrograde which strengthens and emphasizes his Saturn. Transit Venus in Scorpio is currently opposing his Saturn which marks a sobering time of 'business only'. Once transit Saturn eventually opposes his natal Venus (21Can14), partnerships and alliances will be under tremendous strain. Natal Saturn leads a Locomotive pattern (a ruthless drive toward success; a high-powered executive--Tierney) and is parallel royal star Regulus. See upper right for the stars in paran at rising with his planets, among them Sirius, The Scorcher.

But today his natal Uranus 2Lib10 is spotlighted by the Sun (2Lib34 as I type) which points to a decision of whether to be part of a certain group or not; either way, Mr. Francisco receives special attention under this transit. Meanwhile, natal Jupiter (6Lib10) is called on by speedy messenger Mercury (6Lib10--00:00 as I type) which denotes expanding ideas and plans, and engaging in political activities.

Natal Venus in Cancer is oriental (last to rise before his Sun) denoting that he tends to work with things of value. Noel Francisco's Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series is the 7 North and his PE is marked in orange on the chart with 7N eclipse themes listed, lower right.

And of course, there's the massive pile-up of Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter across two signs (Virgo and Libra) for such are the births of late August 1969. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests his dealings with secret and/or dangerous information, possibly with spying implications. It also hints of deep powers of thought, like a detective seeing through people and events into their deeper meanings and motives. Unfortunately, a desire for revenge often comes along with a Mercury-Pluto conjunction so Mr. Francisco may remind us at some point of the vengeful, retaliating Donald Trump--or he may simply take part in Trump's vendettas against his 'enemies', real and imagined.

The rest of the dissociate stellium is formed by a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction denoting a man with an insatiable curiosity for rooting out the truth and a respect for knowledge especially that of intellectual giants of the past--and yet he himself is a 'futurist'. He's also an opportunist who never lets a chance go by without taking advantage of it and he gets quite a few chances with this conjunction of 'lucky breaks' and 'breakthroughs'. An interest, if not a talent, in Politics is also indicated although he'd do best to use his talents elsewhere such as in Education. Plus, natal Mercury 22Vir41 is a writing-teaching-dedicated-work sort of placement, a book author perhaps, although his Mercury conjoins US natal Neptune 22Vir25. With this transit-to-natal consideration (1969 vs 1776/USA) a faint whiff of occultism may be noticed.

So Who Is Noel Francisco?

He's all that and more and his double Fire personality blend of Sun Leo-Moon Sag reveals him to be a passionate, adventurous hero-worshiper, an independent, restless, romantic visionary who is proud, loyal, and generous, yet can be imperious and impatient. A tendency to jump to conclusions has had to be re-directed or re-purposed and hopefully he has done this for his best results. He does lean toward dismissing the ideas of others out of hand and too brusquely which wounds far more than he intended. But why intend harm to others at all?

A bit of a 'gambling gypsy', Mr. Francisco is a restless explorer (physically or mentally) who detests dishonesty (and he can put up with fantasist Trump who considers them all employees?) and may have a turbulent domestic life. Now admittedly I don't have his accurate birth time so house cusps and Angles of his natal chart must be left out of this babble, but even so, his Sun-Moon blend paints a picture of a man who can exhaust those around him with his volatile double Fire approach that comes from a deep self-centeredness. And with his Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Luna can be as early as 2Sag+ or as late as 16Sag+ from 12 am--11:59 pm), then he shares the Sun Leo-Moon Sag personality blend with the likes of Sir Alexander Fleming, Ray Bradbury, 'Lawrence of Arabia', and Herman Melville who informs us of,

"Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal."


For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey ~ now on Kindle!

Aug 22, 2018

DC Horoscope: Saturn Direct Station September 6, 2018

August 22, 2018: In my last post we made note of yesterday's legal matters in the Manafort and Cohen cases and the fact that August 21, 2018 was the day of the first Solar Return to the horoscope of The Great American Eclipse of 2017 @29Leo which 'eclipsed' the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. And of course, eclipses that conjoin fixed stars tend to activate the gifts or cautions of said star--in this case, royal Regulus which rises in Trump's natal chart. In a sense, he is Regulus.

So on the day that transit Saturn, authority and legal eagle that he is, turns direct and begins moving forward, transit Mercury @00Vir38 conjoins Regulus in the 12th house of Politics, Back Room Deals, Secret Enemies, and Karma, as you see in the following DC Horoscope:

Legal matters should move ahead once Saturn turns Direct yet the karmic planet won't reach his shadow degree where he turned Rx on April 17, 2018 (9Cap08:55) until December 12, 2018 (see chart, lower left). Two days prior (December 10, 2018), transit Saturn makes his third of three oppositions to Mr. Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) as notated on the chart, lower right and upper right, in blue. Unfortunately, loss-bringer Saturn, when in his own sign of Capricorn, isn't positive for finances or the economy so there could be forward movement in those departments as well with negativity suggested.

These Saturnian oppositions to Trump's natal Mercury began on March 30, 2018 with the second exact opposition May 6, 2018 as listed, chart right. Therefore, Saturn is in process of winding up review mode during which he's been getting his facts lined up (on both sides--Trump's and Mueller's) yet we may not see major developments in the RussiaGate inquiry until December 12, 2018 or just before or after. That's unless Saturn's case is strong enough and helpful witnesses have cooperated to fill in the gaps in the case/s so that the report from Mr. Mueller that we're all waiting for can be finalized around September 6, 2018 or during the month (pre-Midterms 2018!) then perhaps the report will be publicly revealed by December 2018 whether Mr. Trump's 'interview' with Mr. Mueller is accomplished or not. If Trump is deposed, there's no telling how matters will develop...or how they will blow up in his red face.

Actually, transit Saturn opposing Trump's natal Mercury is only part of his ongoing Saturnian troubles because he was born with a fact-challenged Mercury-Neptune square. Here's a previous post with a list of Saturn's affects on both planets in the square and the dates of exactitude when influences are strongest.

As for chart-ruler Mercury in its own sign of Virgo (also ruler of the MC, The Goal Point), two applying Ptolemaic aspects are shown: Mercury trine Uranus in Taurus (1A34; organized groups, beneficial info arrives, larger social and/or tech issues on the menu) and Mercury trine Saturn (1A54; support from authority figures, practical solutions are found). As you see, these three form an Earth Grand Trine, a soothing indicator of protection, stability, persistence, and endurance, yet negatively, 'stuck in a rut' may also describe this conservative, common-sense, routine-loving pattern which tends to shrewdly evaluate matters before making important moves.

Mr. Mueller and his staff come to mind. Mr. Trump and his staff do not.

Now there are multiple factors worth noting in the chart other than the ones noted, above, such as Denebola rising (to go against society), planetary patterns (2 YODs, a Grand Cross), house ruler-ships, a Syzygy Moon in early Pisces (August 26th Full Moon), the Solar Eclipse in force ('The Tower' @18Leo41), the stressed out Sun-Neptune opposition square MC with royal Rigel upon it (to bring knowledge to others), and more. Please enlarge the image to read a few basic notes, aka, my messy scribbles. jc

Very Much Related: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?

Aug 18, 2018

Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?

Starry Regulus: the Heart of the Lion and the Destiny of a Roaring Mr. Trump

by Jude Cowell

In the natal horoscope of Donald Trump it has often been observed here and elsewhere that at the time Baby Donny was born, royal 'kingmaker' star Regulus arose on the Ascendant just after his natal Mars in the royal sign of Leo. The Mars Rising signature we see each day through Trump's belligerence, brashness, impulsiveness, boastfulness, competitiveness, and street-fighting nature which punches back at every slight, whether real or imagined. But these days, due to his own actions, the slights and criticisms are real and have no better example than the John Brennan-Donald Trump feud currently in the news.

How predictable that vengeful Trump would take action against the outspoken former CIA director by revoking his security clearance and planning to do so for others on his 'enemies list' (those who stand in his way). Of course, as some pundits have pointed out, security clearances for former officials are left in place after their service for the sake of a current administration in case such expertise is called upon. But the current denizen of the White House never listens to anyone else so what's the point of pretending? For even in a national crisis such as a terrorist attack, Mr. Trump might only depend upon his own opinions and gut feelings to guide him in his chaotic, quirky Uranian manner--or else call upon one of the dictatorial mentors he prefers to mimic as he misguides the American Blimp of State.

So today Trump's battle to silence his critics remains in the news cycle as CNN reports that Trump blasts former CIA director John Brennan as 'loudmouth, partisan, political hack' which continues the drama of this particular Political Theater performance. And it would be amusing how the insults, labels, and nicknames Trump throws at people actually describe his nibs to a T if only his tenure in the White House weren't proving so tragic for our nation. Of course, Republicans, who are compromised themselves, cannot be depended on to stop the monster from crashing our blimp into the ground yet navigator Trump's own inherent nature and grand hubris may be what it takes to eventually crash him as the failure he fears he is.

Now it's often asserted that revenge is sweet, a handy reference to Trump's rising Regulus for all the Royal Stars of Persia, when linked to an individual's chart via planets or angles, contain great promise, but they also come with particular cautions when and if their energies are mishandled, their commands ignored. Of course along with Regulus rising at Trump's 29Leo Ascendant, we also see 'sun god' Apollo rising and expanding his ego, plus combative Mars which adds hyper-sensitivity to his touchy emotions and an annoying me-first attitude.

So what do we know about Regulus? As noted, this major historical star promises great success if revenge is avoided--and what if it isn't avoided but is a regular part of a personality such as we see in the actions and reactions of Donald Trump? Then all that has been gained will be taken way, a difficult destiny certainly but one that in Trump's case is self-inflicted. Yes, Leo (the lion) is the proud sign of ruler-ship and 'the natural leader' yet there are many ways of acting as leader and the natural law of karma--reaping what's been sown--still applies to even the loftiest among us! Plus, as we so often like to say in America, no one is above the law. Well, in the form of Donald Trump as 'leader' We The People with the aid of the US justice system now have a great opportunity to prove it. We're waiting to see how earthly justice plays out for Mr. Trump and his comrades-in-arms.

And if we consult ancient texts and mythologies concerning the stars of the Leo constellation and their early implications we find that Regulus, the Watcher of the North, was linked to king Feridun who once ruled the entire world. Similar to Zeus, Feridun was known as a good and great king much as Mr. Trump wishes to appear to us now--and ruling the world appears to be on top of his personal agenda.

For as Brady's Book of Fixed Stars informs us, "Regulus indicates power and success and so is active in the charts of successful people. But the higher this star takes a person, the more they must guard against revenge." {} "Always strong and hot in nature, this star will make its presence felt in a chart. Much depends on how it connects to the chart, but its meaning will have to do with the striving for success and the potential for ambitions to be fulfilled. However, at the same time it will suggest issues of revenge, always tempting and testing a person. If, out of anger or hurt, the person takes revenge, then as promised with all Royal Stars, there is a falling from grace. If revenge is taken then there is a loss of what has been gained. This loss may be public or private."

Strong and hot? So is Mars rising in Leo with his red ties and red face yelling a colorful tale!

As for other astrological references to Regulus, Ptolemy gives the star in the heart of the Lion a martial and expansive nature 'like Mars and Jupiter' while Robson links it to 'destructiveness and violence' and to 'honor that is short-lived'. Ebertin is generous and gives Regulus 'royal properties' and 'a noble mind, frankness, and courage', elusive qualities Mr. Trump seems to assume for himself. Rigor basically agrees with Robson and adds that the star 'gives the ability to command and to be successful but that any greatness suffers an "eclipse".' Might we agree that this refers to The Great American Eclipse @29Leo which in August 2017 precisely 'eclipsed' the natal Ascendant and rising Regulus of the very vengeful Mr. Trump? Add to that the disruptive 'cosmic blink' or 'wild card' energies of his very own Prenatal Solar Eclipse with themes of 'separations, endings, and unfortunate news' for it repeated on July 12, 2018 @20Cancer, conjoined starry Castor, and perfected quite near his natal Saturn, planet of law, government, business, karmic loss, and accountability.

Excerpt from a previous post: A Solar Eclipse in proud Leo, ruled by the Sun (ego, hero's journey, natural leadership, royalty, creativity, vitality) denotes that karmic progress depends upon use of the positive Leonine qualities rather than pride, arrogance, egocentricity, vanity, pomposity, and other negative traits of Leo which retard or block karmic progress.

Actually, we currently remain under the auspices of a Leo solar eclipse and it's a perfect time for all kinds of towers, lifestyles, and plans to collapse, even those of the self-exalting Donald Trump whose empire is under sustained fire via the Mueller investigation. For as you know, the current eclipse manifested on August 11, 2018 as The Tower clutch your pearls and corral the horses because something is falling down!

And so for these and other reasons, when it comes to the karmic destiny of the retaliating Mr. Trump, whose troubles are so often self-created, my money's on the great and powerful Regulus. How about yours?

Two related posts: The 2016 Solar Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator and Consulting the Tarot Over Mr. Trump and Mr. Mueller.

Above image: Department of Justice, public domain photo

Jun 3, 2018

Trump Solar Return 2018 w his June 26th Moon Return

Jupiterian Donald Trump Gets a New Moon for His 72nd Birthday

by Jude Cowell

June 3, 2018: As you've heard, and unless something changes, defense lawyers reviewing Michael Cohen's seized papers, documents, emails, and other information for attorney-client privilege issues have been given a deadline of June 15, 2018, a date near the birthday (June 14) and the Solar Return 2018 of Mr. Trump (Sun to natal degree perfects June 13, as you can see). The following post concerns the early part of Mr. Trump's upcoming solar year coupled with his next Lunar Return of June 26, 2018 (21Sag12), plus, a few notes on the activities of transit Jupiter in Scorpio.

Previously posted is his May 30, 2018 Lunar Return, ongoing as I type and revealing a very busy month which includes mid-June events such as the deadline noted, above, and the much-hyped 'Singapore Summit' said to be back on the schedule for June 12--unless one or both of the two prima donnas take a quixotic notion to cancel again.

Image: Solar Return 2018 (June 13 8:24:47 pm edt, White House) of Donald Trump along with his June 26, 2018 Lunar Return, outer, to show that his natal/Return Moon conjoins the 2018 Solar Return Ascendant (both charts set for the White House for obvious reasons. This cosmic condition spotlights a significant year and prominent month for him. Lunar changes and fluctuations are indicated and possibly a change of job, residence, and/or public status). Also you see that a New Moon conjoins the Descendant in Trump's Solar Return 2018 horoscope which is a generally favorable indicator (unless negatives interfere) and acts as a timer for something new forming--here, in the relationship arena, although legalities may also be involved. Yet a New Moon conjunct DESC suggests potentials for a new cycle for foreign alliances or perhaps a new lady friend for the lonely, needy Mr. Trump. And yes, maybe he'll get out of his self-created legal messes after all--at least partially. But we should also note that the New Moon @22Gem44 of June 13, 2018 conjoins US natal Mars in Gemini and will activate our nation's tiresomely problematic Mars-Neptune square. Leaders who deliberately mislead lurk in the shadows of this New Moon and confrontations with reality prevail.

Cosmic Synchronicity At Work

Note that the New Moon is the Syzygy Moon of his 2018 Solar Return and in Gemini the lunation recalls candidate Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 @25Gem07--his paid-audience 'escalator' speech at Trump Tower. (Of course, a new cycle for US politics began then too and We the People continue to pay for it.) That Mr. Trump's natal Sun sets in his 2018 Solar Return chart may be descriptive of his current condition, plus, we should note that the Moon rules the 8th house of Transition, Corporatism, Shared Resources, Insurance, Credit/Debit, the Occult, and Death so changes are due in those realms as well.

As you see, both Return charts are ruled by Jupiter via the Sag Ascendants yet Jupiter applies to no planet in either Return chart which places the emphasis on Jupiter's sign and house positions. Here it's Jupiter in 11th house of Groups and in the big-business/scandal/surveillance-betrayal sign of Scorpio with transit Jupiter turning Direct @13Sco20 on July 10, 2018. Eventually, tr Jupiter will conjoin Trump's natal IC and enter his 4th house from where the planet of expansion will oppose Trump's natal trio of Uranus-NN-Sun. Of course, tr Jupiter to his natal South Node is part of the transit picture too and tacks on potentials for additional blockages, obstacles, ethical problems, and conflicts of interest coming to the surface--as could Mr. Mueller's report if it hasn't already been revealed by February 2019 when tr Jupiter hits Mr. Trump's natal South Node.

Jupiter in Scorpio Will Leave His Shadow

Prior to entering Trump's 4th house, transit Jupiter must reach and move beyond his shadow degree of 23Sco13 where he (seemed to) turn retrograde on March 8, 2018--stopping short just before conjoining Trump's natal IC (24Sco18) and entering his 4th house. Yet this Jupiterian shift is coming for the broadcaster-in-chief (Jupiter in 4th = expansion, redecoration, or change of residence?) for the first time in approximately 12 years. You may remember that it was in 2006 that real estate (4th house) mogul Donald Trump remarked that he hoped the real estate market tanked and that was about two years before it actually did. Was Trump prescient? Or merely tipped off? Was he in with the Wall Street in-crowd?

Now it's true that some improvements may be noticed around or just after July 10 when Jupiter turns Direct which involve growth, development, finances, or the promise of them by Jupiterian politicians. Yet before things can really move forward within the realms of Jupiter, the expansive planet of generosity must pass his shadow degree of 23Sco13 where he paused and turned retrograde on March 8, 2018 and this won't occur until October 6, 2018. Then the Great Benefic will be free to conjoin Trump's natal IC--once on October 12, 2018 from whence bossy 'Zeus' will do as he pleases. Does this describe Trump's happy release from White House occupancy and a return to his previous lifestyle? Or will freedom be denied? Perhaps a touch of house arrest?!? Well, another possible indicator should be factored in--the three conjunctions all through 2019 of tr Jupiter to Donald Trump's natal Moon, a 'feel good' transit if there ever was one! But will its soothing vibes be enough to mitigate or moderate the negative implications of other transits to his planets? Factual Saturn and corrupt Neptune may testify otherwise.

Jupiter @23Scor13 Midpoint Pictures: Any, All, or None May Apply

Now for the sake of comparison, here are potentials embedded within the midpoint pictures in the horoscopes of Jupiter Rx March 8 and Jupiter to shadow degree October 6 which may be of interest since the Jupiterian Mr. Trump was born within hours of a prominent Jupiter Station @17Lib27, with Mr. Moneybags then moving forward within his 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, Possessions, and Values--and in 2006, US Mars turned retrograde by progression conjunct that very same degree and we see how successful and fortunate (Jupiter) Trump's broadcasts and glowing promises (Jupiter) have used the inwardly turned, weakened males (US Mars Rx) of our nation while promoting (Jupiter) negatives in society such as violence, war, nuclear stand-offs, bigotry, playboy behavior toward women, misogyny, anger against males who impede him, denigration of traditions and institutions (Mars Rx) and divides Americans one against the another:

March 8, 2018 11:45:18 pm EST White House: Jupiter-Saturn = Moon: changing moods; annoyance via females; a changing relationship to a woman; becoming easily upset. Mars-Pluto = Saturn: desire to overcome difficulties and obstacles at all costs; leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task. Sun-Jupiter = Pluto: expectation of good luck; pursuit of fortune or wealth. Neptune-ASC = Pluto: suffering harm or damage through deceit, libel, or malice coming from others; depression caused by the environment. Uranus-Neptune = Mercury: plans without the possibility of realization; a peculiar imagination (Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square supplies it); occupation with metaphysical studies or practices; exploration of the unconscious; journeys.

October 6, 2018 8:49:44 pm edt White House: Sun-Saturn = Jupiter: a fortunate separation; corpulence and/or a phlegmatic temperament; good fortune of a sick, old, or serious person; happy in solitude. Jupiter-Neptune = Pluto: unreasonable plans; a far-reaching speculation; a great loss. Saturn-Neptune = Mars: listlessness; lack of creative energy; inactivity through emotional depression or illness. Saturn-Neptune = MC: a peculiar character; frequent mood changes; a tendency to quickly lose courage; wavering between materialism and idealism; emotional suffering; the state of illness. Pluto-NN = Mercury: desire to dominate others mentally or intellectually; exercising a compelling and magnetically powerful influence upon the public. Moon-Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers; protective care of the family; marital love.

Paraphrasing The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Related Reading: In the Realms of Jupiter: Donald Trump.

Now naturally there are multiple chart factors still worth considering but there's yet another storm system approaching the Atlanta Ga area so I'll close for now by mentioning that this upcoming week contains a medical procedure for yours truly so this may or may not be my final post for the week. For as they always like to say, we'll have to see how it goes! jc

May 16, 2018

Robert Mueller appointed May 17, 2017 - w 2018 Eclipse

Tomorrow, Thursday May 17, 2018, is the first anniversary/Solar Return of the appointment of Robert Mueller III as Special Counsel to investigate Donald Trump, the Trump campaign, his associates, and their ties or conspiracies, if any, to or with Russia and Vladimir Putin. On Thursday, the Sun will precisely return to its 2017 degree at 5:44 pm edt (based on its 2017 degree at noon edt). In the Solar Return 2018 chart (not shown), Midheaven @2Leo27 sports the 2017 position of asteroid Atlantis @2Leo01 (abuse or misuse of power; divine retribution; feelings of doom). Obviously, the themes of astrological Atlantis are very much a part of the Mueller investigation into the affairs of Donald Trump and we may also wish to note that in 2017, Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, opposed Atlantis.

And here's a cosmic curiosity: 2Leo+ also happens to be the position of personal name asteroid 'Mueller' on the day of Robert Mueller was born! (you can't make this stuff up).

On May 17, 2017 (Washington DC), the Sun @26Tau55 conjoined the nastiest star in the heavens, Algol, of Medusa-Head fame, the occupant of Mr. Trump's natal Midheaven. Regretfully for Mr. Trump and for the country he now haphazardly leads, enraged Algol at Midheaven has an especially malevolent reputation for potentials such as mob violence, murderous tendencies, and the possibility of a tragic end (Devore). Along with royal Regulus rising (success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that's gained will be taken away--Brady), this has been the cosmic condition of Donald Trump since birth (natal MC) and the Mueller probe is now the spotlight shining brightly upon the star's turbulence and affecting the enraged Mr. Trump's career and public reputation on the world stage (MC).

Inner: Special Counsel appointed May 17, 2017 12:00 pm edt Washington DC; outer: Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 2 New North Saros Series August 11, 2018 5:57:39 am edt Washington DC--the collapsing tower:

Of course, you see that Mr. Trump's natal IC @25Scorpio is affected (family; domestic scene) as transit Jupiter in Scorpio approaches and readies to enter Trump's natal 4th house from whence his his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio will eventually be opposed--conflicts and unfavorable conditions are indicated for an extended period once the Jupiter oppositions begin in 2019. (Also see the penned note, bottom center of the chart: "transit Jupiter oppo 2017 Sun Oct 25, 2018".) Yet some respite may be felt for transit Jupiter will also conjoin Trump's natal Moon @21Sag, usually a happy time unless negative conditions interfere overmuch. For him this may be the case due to his natal Moon-South Node conjunction visited by tr Jupiter so perhaps happy expectations won't be met since a Jupiter-SN contact often denotes blocked endeavors and ethical clashes (as with current conditions). Actually, a look back at the period when this transit of Jupiter occurred about 12 years prior would be fruitful for those who have the time.

Many Towers Totter Across the Globe

As for the bi-wheel pictured above, the outer chart of The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 is shown because of the involvement of Trump Tower in the ongoing Mueller investigation and the structure's location of at least two significant meetings (June 9, 2016 and December 12, 2017) under Mueller's scrutiny when Russians came to call--and because Trump is so very proud of this building with his name upon it. Plus, this Solar Eclipse conjoins the noon Ascendant of May 17, 2017 (Washington DC) and so I have used it to show upcoming transits to Mr. Mueller's appointment. Also note that a Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo indicates that karmic progress can only be made if the negative qualities of Leo are avoided--pride, vanity, egocentricity, pomposity, and ostentatious display (Lineman). It also confirms a karmic relationship with one or more offspring--offspring such as Donald Junior whose involvement in the Trump Organization and actions during the 2016 Campaign such as contacts with Russians and others are in the cross hairs of Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation.

Now planet Pluto of the (criminal) Underworld holds an important position in both charts @19Capricorn+ but in 2018 Pluto is unaspected and thus detached from any planet in the Eclipse chart, and unable to offer its regenerative power. For Donald Trump this condition of a lonely Pluto is a 'natal echo' since his natal Pluto @10Leo02 is also unaspected which I have previously termed "overshadowed by shadows" as we recently discussed when we took a ginger step into Donald Trump's 12th house of the Unconscious.

And perhaps you remember that May 17, 2017 happened to be the very date of the first of five Neptune Returns (14Pis01, as you see!) of the Republican Party (of 1854). Synchronicity much? The last of the five conjunctions perfects on December 29, 2018 which takes party members into 2019 with a disappointing wilt rather than a bang. And as you know, a difficult star inhabits the region of 15Pisces--Achernar = crisis at the end of the river, or, the risk of rapid endings. Yes, many Capitol Hill resignations have been announced with the probability of more to come--plus midterm election losses in November if a 'Blue Wave' is allowed to wash over America and voters mobilize themselves in great numbers.

Well, there are many more chart factors of interest here but as usual this should remain a post not a book so let's close with a few notes on the May 17, 2017 Sun-Moon blend which sounds like a description of Robert Mueller to me--at least in comparison to the squishy, quirky, changeable Donald Trump whose natal Uranus @18Gemini (his guiding planet) hints of his China connections:

Earth-Air Sun Taurus-Moon Aquarius: independent, fair, honest, morally sound, shrewd, tenacious, objective, realistic, committed to principles, resourceful, trustworthy, and capable; can be stubborn and overconfident which can come across as conceited. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Related: 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms (horoscope shown with a link to eclipse details).

Apr 12, 2018

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria - Crosses Trump

April 12, 2018: here's an excellent needs-to-be-heard segment with Jimmy Dore. If you've never checked out The Jimmy Dore Show--his comedy, news segments, and political commentary before then this segment is a great place to start. And if you're against America blundering into another war (collateral damage, plunder, crime, primal violence, soul sickness, death cults and other evils)--note that this time we're being force fed by John Bolton and others (including media heads like Andrea Mitchell, wife of Ayn-Rander Alan Greenspan, her boyfriend) are guiding a toolish Trump into setting off the powder keg--this time in Syria--as per their long-range plan--watch this!

Good news! The Jimmy Dore Show is now Steeming It!


Now on an astrological note (for timing purposes), a difficult Solar Eclipse will perfect on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North Saros Series with potential themes of towers and/or lifestyles collapsing, the necessary rebuilding once the dust has settled, and changes of direction (Brady). This causes me to think of 9/11 and false flag ops typically used by governments to emotionally scam a people into fighting and/or supporting a war even while the US Congress won't declare the 'conflict' as one. And actually, the West vs East conflagration is older than the hills and it's proven itself repeatedly to be at basis an endless round of revenge with machiavellian figures hiding behind dark curtains, clutching the reins--wealthy old men who somehow convince young men to fight proxy-style as crusaders and to fight to the death.

But really we felt forebodings, didn't we, when Donald Trump turned out to have royal Regulus rising with his warrior planet Mars in the last degrees of egotistical Leo, sign of the ruler. Yet only if the unforgivable can be forgiven can we prosper. How tragic to feel I must patiently wait for starry Regulus to fulfill its nature and grant its caution toward a man who takes revenge upon others (regularly and often--it's Mr. Trump's nature...Mars-Saturn = Pluto: the death of many people). For Regulus warns that if revenge is taken, all that has been previously achieved will be lost or suddenly taken away, a karmic situation where a man--or a government--must reap what's been sown.

Better the guilty varmint born with Regulus rising with a raging Mars than the innocent.

Midpoint picture of brutality: The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.

Mar 22, 2018

The Washington Monument: Center of Political Power?

Image: the Washington Monument which was built in the form of an obelisk, an Illuminati symbol of power. In fact, the Monument marks the spot on earth where the power of these legends-in-their-own-minds is centered and politically that's Washington DC (for the moment, at least). Of course, obelisks also stand in various places across the globe such as London and New York where they mark the secretive organization's centers of financial power.

Now these mystical tidbits and many more were well known to America's Founding Freemasons, some of whom were also Rosicrucians and/or Illuminatists, and some were members of whatever other knowledge-is-power esoteric, satanic, and/or Utopian groups were around during the 18th century for occultism didn't wear the stain upon it then that it wears today. Yet the groups still exist in one form or another and perhaps you've noticed that in the last few years we've seen a preponderance of their machinations speeding up via infiltration as attacks from within and without American society become more brazen--especially since transit Uranus left mystical Pisces in late May 2010 and entered Mars-ruled Aries (crossing Cardinal World Point 00Aries00) and bringing along disruptive Uranian tendencies that inspire actions by anarchists, fanatics, blind zealots, dream enthusiasts, radical reformers, Utopianians--as the great Reinhold Ebertin informs us about Uranus in Aries in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences (I'm not making this stuff up, y'know!).

Actually, we discussed such topics in early 2015 concerning New York City's three obelisks and the prophetic Belt Stars of Orion. This was back when Scott Wolter's America Unearthed was airing on TV. Of course, that post was written prior to the political elevation of amateur Donald Trump, Uranian extraordinaire and a man on a mission. That his aims differ from Illuminati goals is not proven to me though some folk may feel differently especially if they fell for Mr. Trump's 'drain the swamp' rhetoric. Personally, I see Trump's disruptive, chaotic way of doing things part of 'the big picture', the 'Grand Plan' that's been Washington DC's blueprint all along, thanks to Utopians like Bacon and others who envisioned America as the New Atlantis.

For as you know, the whimsical if Freemasonic Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his oriental planet (last to rise before natal Sun) and as such, the planet of chaos and sudden shocks is his guiding planet. It seems tragically chilling, doesn't it? Especially for those of us who prefer a sovereign America with much less satanism, thank you very much. Still, Trump has his marching orders with his quixotic notions, lack of political knowledge and skill, and poor behavior as cover for what he's instructed to perpetrate. Tattered cover, if you ask me, but there that's the set-up for their 'great design'.

In The Cycle with Trump's Purposefully Chaotic Leadership (Even If He Is a Big Dummy)

So this is as good a time as any to remind you that transit Pluto, planet of destruction, the Criminal Underworld, hidden wealth, and transformation, has been activating 1993's Great Conjunction degree of the Illuminati-Enlightenment pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune (18Capricorn) and thereby creating a disturbing midpoint picture--activated under the quirky, bigoted leadership of Uranian Donald Trump...the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl). Yes, bribery, threats, intimidation, and blackmail are only some of the tactics used to keep politicians and others in line and marching forward. Maybe we should ask Trump and Putin about the effectiveness of such draconian tactics some time.

Well, it's a tiresome reminder, I know, but to yours truly, the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto midpoint picture and the timing thereof makes Trump's 'election' and his odd behavior and fawning toward Putin and other totalitarian dictators easier to understand--as orders from on high. After all, Pluto in Capricorn is 'the dictator' and the element of timing is extremely pivotal to the plans of transnational social tinkerers who think they know best how to rule the world. These are obviously the sort of reptile-brained degenerates the world is oppressed by as their control grid tightens upon us all. In Politics and Business we can even say that the reptiles act under the guise of Pluto-Chiron plutocrats and use dividing tactics such as primal violence, racism, Capitalism, Socialism, corporatism, and other anti-societal -isms too numerous to mention here. By their lousy anti-democratic fruits we know them. And it certainly isn't written in stone that America necessarily has to provide the top leader of the global government-new order the chaos-creators are in process of setting up (1776--2025 or so?). (Though Trump probably assumes the top dog position will be his--at his age!!)

And although orbiting centaur Chiron has since bustled ahead of slower moving dwarf planet Pluto, we remain ensnared within the current Pluto-Chiron cycle which began at their Great Conjunction of December 30, 1999 @12Sagittarius (rounded up). For those who use a late afternoon natal chart for America (July 4, 1776) this conjunction (11Sag22) perfected upon US natal Ascendant...'12Sag' = "A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows." And no one has to guess which nation the 'eagle' represents in our day or which national flag is depicted in the well-timed symbol of the plutonian conjunction which helped usher in the much-touted New Millennium. Of course the 'crowing' is, in part, the illegal, preemptive, unconstitutional 2003 invasion of the Middle East with the WTC attacks of 9/11 as pretext. How threadbare Washington's alleged justifications have become! How craftily they stirred the hornet's nest! How the blow back of violence affects the entire world now! Yet oppressive Pluto-Chiron approves on behalf of the so-called New World Order (its October 24, 1993 horoscope shown).

And though Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2023, passing over US natal Pluto Rx along the way, soon a new energy shift within the Pluto-Chiron relationship begins with Chiron to Aries Point for the first exact conjunction occurs April 17, 2018. And soon a different shift occurs when quirky Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018. Post shows Trump natal chart with May 15, 2018 transits--and a New Moon @24Taurus36 conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven which holds asteroid Phaethon within the turbulent stars of the Pleiades--including nasty Algol. Also see: Uranus to Taurus 2018, Pluto to Aquarius 2023.

Back to Washington DC's Starry Significance

Now speaking of stars and the founding of the District of Columbia (an archetypal Venusian goddess), we've also discussed previously L'Enfant's original plan for the Federal Triangle and how our three primary buildings represent on earth three particular stars overhead--the Capitol Building = Regulus, the White House = Arcturus, and the Washington Monument = Spica, the Spike. Plus, DC's obelisk (George's phallic Monument) points upwards toward another star that we seldom hear about these days--Porrima, a star of fertility and prophecy (George is said to have had a visionary mystical streak himself). Yet the obelisk's spotlight on Porrima has always struck me as somewhat odd since Freemason George Washington could father no natural children (due to a case of smallpox as a teen?) yet his public image has been carefully crafted through the years as The Father of Our Country. Okay, on a symbolic level he was. And perhaps the more prominent role of Porrima in our 'future' times of Now is prophecy, particularly that found in Scripture: Signs in the Sky: Prophecy and Israel's Fig Tree Prophecy. Trump scooted things along by announcing the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an announcement which further stirred up turmoil in the Middle East. He is, after all, the announcer-in-chief with starry Alhena (to have a mission) conjunct his natal Mercury, planet of announcements, messages, deals, commerce, and magic tricks.

For Donald Trump is the announcer in the White House now just in time to aid and abet Israel's Scriptural Fig Tree Prophecy (linked above).

Okay, I'll hush for now and send congrats to anyone who has read this far for you are mighty. Here are three links to previous posts concerning similar topics:

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism, The Founding of the Federal City (horoscope shown), and Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle.

Mar 1, 2018

Manafort Trial Reset for September 17, 2018

By DonkeyHotey (Paul Manafort - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Of Kingpins and Squealers

by Jude Cowell

March 1, 2018: since yesterday, word is that the Paul Manafort trial has been reset for Monday September 17, 2018. It had been scheduled for March 15, 2018, a date of cosmic occurrences such as a seed-planting New Moon @24Taurus36--conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, and the day transit Uranus enters Taurus, sign of The Bull, though the disruptive planet of chaos will back into Aries once again in November 2018 and re-enter Venus-ruled Taurus for good in March 2019.

A glance at the general transits of September 17, 2018 show an excitable if not explosive and dangerous Mars-Uranus square, tr Mercury (planet of testimonies, deals, and such) @21Virgo and conjoining fixed star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), and a sobering or depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in very early Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And since world events tend to occur when Cardinal World Points of Manifestation (00Ari/Lib and 00Can/Cap) are triggered, we find wounded-wounding Chiron at Aries Point on that day and conjunct difficult fixed star Scheat with its potentials for malevolence of sublime scope, imprisonment, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide (A. Louis, N. DeVore, Ebertin-Hoffmann).

Additionally, transit Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, sits upon the disturbing degree of 19Scorpio (traditionally an 'evil degree'--Devore, who also says it's a crucial point of Ego vs Supreme Will) so Jupiter may not show the protection usually afforded especially since two malevolent stars inhabit the degree: North Scale with potentials for hasty words that cause problems, tragedy, and violence, and Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) with vibes of tragedy, misfortune, immorality, accidents, and/or danger of poison. Wonder of Mr. Manafort should use the services of a royal taste tester?!

Also of interest is the fact that moving Mr. Manafort's trial to September places the proceedings into the more difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 2 New North, with themes of The Tower that collapses (Brady). This includes plans and lifestyles collapsing and of course, Trump Tower comes easily to mind and although a complete financial and political collapse may be indicated for America (2 New North is the PE of Midterm Elections 2018--and as a POTUS goes, so goes America). However, it's Donald Trump who is closely linked to towers, even imprinting his name on them. Now this cosmic condition may very possibly bode ill for the Trump White House and for all he has gained so far in life because he regularly tends to ignore the karmic caution of his rising star, royal Regulus: success if revenge is avoided. And if it isn't avoided, at some point all that has been gained will be taken away.

Yet if total collapse is on the kingpin-in-chief's karmic agenda, would his Libran Jupiter's motto of "it's not fair!" agree that even a self-exalted, ego-based Mr. Trump must eventually reap what he's sown?

Related Posts include: A Noon Horoscope for Robert Mueller; Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull; and Chiron to Aries Point (3x--and please note that on the tri-wheel horoscopes I mislabeled the first conjunction as '2019' though the horoscope shown (April 2018) is correct.

Feb 26, 2018

The Powerful Midpoint Pictures of Donald Trump

The following midpoint picture interpretations are gleaned from the natal chart of Donald John Trump born June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, New York USA and are quoted here from The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin (lest someone fuss that I made them up!)

Well yes, I'm a messy artist but perhaps you can somehow read my scribbles of Mr. Trump's natal planetary pictures and their potential expressions (any, all, or none may apply and all are subject to activation by various cosmic means, a lifelong condition here on Planet Earth):

If possible, read them all together (unless you know them already) for they paint quite a picture of this flawed individual whose personal flaws and foibles are now our own to some extent--even for those who 'resist' his White House tenure. Uncomfortably, we are all under the sway of Trump's 10th house Uranus @17Gemini, his oriental or 'guiding planet', which inspires in him a wide variety of shocking behaviors and erratic ideas and intensifies his odd or unusual communications style (Gemini), wouldn't you say? And though people get excited when seeing him in person (Sun-Uranus = NN of public contact), chaos attends sky god Uranus, planet of lightening, electricity, novelty, disruption, separation, and--perhaps more to the political point--radical reforms. As you know, the totally skeptical Mr. Trump (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn) is a quixotic, quirky reformer (Uranus in Gemini) who becomes overwhelmed with extreme emotions (Moon-Pluto = Chiron, the wound and/or blind spot) and has a tendency to be easily seduced and to speculate wildly (Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron--in his 2nd house of Money and Values). Plus, hypocrisy is often a part of any bubbly, frothy Jupiter-Neptune action and with Chiron in the midst of it he may be completely unaware of his hypocrisy although it's excessively obvious to most observers (and victims!)

And since I have often here and there complained of Mr. Trump's indiscreet, fantasy-prone, dishonest Mercury-Neptune square of the sneaky mind (A. Oken), I give it small mention since we're talking mostly midpoint pictures yet it is a major feature of his public persona and habitual behavior in which he prevaricates without having to think about it.

And so we see in current events and in these pictures that Gemini messenger Mr. Trump, who rules spontaneously by whimsy and notion, has a mission to fulfill and announcements to make (Mercury conjunct Mirzam, The Announcer who precedes Sirius, the Dog Star). His oppressive family conditions early in life (and probably even now with the Mueller investigation) gives a tendency toward emotional depression (Saturn-Neptune = ASC) which he endeavors to hide from himself in the many ways we've observed. A primary way is to go overboard in one's love life and to talk of such private matters too often and too familiarly. Then Venus-Neptune = ASC provides him with potentials for holding peculiar attitudes about love and women, impressionability, a lack of good taste (a gilded penthouse? ridiculous!), and....surprise--disappointment in love. This potential may sometimes aggravate the discontent seen in his Venus-Saturn conjunction in 11th house of Associations. As we've noticed, loyalty (Saturn) in relationships (Venus) is a must for Mr. Trump no matter how wrong or offensive he is on any topic or issue, or how disloyal he himself is.

And with such an attitude toward others he's bound to face disappointment in relationships, including marriage. Still, appearance is everything (Venus-Neptune) for Mr. Trump and an exalted public image must be maintained by hook or by crook (remember his alter ego, "John Miller"?) We can see Mr. Trump's intense interest in love, sexual encounters, and relationships showing here as well like a terrycloth bathrobe left askew for effect. Woman as goddess on a rose-festooned pedestal--until she disappoints, that is. Well, Mother did as we see in his Moon-South Node conjunction of separation and estrangement. With Moon-SN, his sense of timing isn't so fabulous either and perhaps we should watch as transit Mars nears his Moon-SN conjunction (20/22Sag) and opposes natal Sun-North Node in early March 2018. Potentials of this Mars transit are vindictive anger, rash actions, challenges to leadership, ego-bruises, and physical strain or injury, most of which sounds like the usual but a male (Mars), or Mr. Mars-Rising himself, may activate or trigger the energies to a higher level.

Then There's the Most Negative Midpoint Picture in His Natal Chart

As the current leading representative of America and the American people, the most disturbing midpoint picture on the list considering Trump's social position and influence over society is listed, upper left, and that's one of brutality, rage or fury of destruction, and the death of many people...Mars-Saturn = Pluto, deadly planet of the Criminal Underworld, the Occult, Psychology, Raw or Primal Power, and of Nuclear Power--here, in ego-based Leo. Plus, his Midheaven (Aspirations-Goals) falls within the stars of Perseus (the prince--and Trump's frisky Mars rises with royal Regulus) and at MC spotlights the passionate, aggressive energies of starry Capulus. Yes, his aspiration came true for he reached the head (Capulus) of the entire enterprise--again by hook or crook. And yet he often seems like the dog who caught the bus and... you know the rest.

Now according to Reinhold Ebertin concerning Mars-Saturn-Pluto constellations, the potential is available for him-of-the-massive-ego to push precisely the Wrong Button so let's pray (or fervently hope if that's all we can manage) that the remaining potential in this death-axis (Mars-Saturn) midpoint picture expresses in a way that overrides its most negative implications, whether an override comes by way of a Heavenly Source or from someone who will rein Trump in...the intervention of a higher power.

A Related Post: May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus Enters Taurus.

Additional Note: our do-nothing Congress returns to Capitol Hill tomorrow, Monday February 26, 2018, and there's no time to type about it now yet it may be noteworthy that tomorrow's Cancer Moon will turn void-of-course at 4:51 pm est once she squares radical Uranus in Aries so those who wish to actually accomplish something in Congress with some small measure of cooperation may wish to do their best work prior to 4:51 pm even though actions during the Moon's VOC condition can indicate that no one can interfere or limit--or, that results will be totally unexpected. Luna enters Leo at 11:42 pm est and floats on to make a series of quincunxes of adjustment and strain all through Tuesday, February 27, 2018.

Dec 27, 2017

January 30, 2018 Horoscope: Trump SOTU Address

January 19, 2018 UPDATE: just adding a link to the Lunar Eclipse in Leo which perfects near Trump's natal Pluto at 8:26 am est January 31st--the morning after Mr. Trump's SOTU Address.

Original post begins here:

On November 30, 2017, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan sent Mr. Trump the traditional invitation to address a Joint Session of Congress on January 30, 2018 which technically will be Mr. Trump's first State of the Union Address, or, SOTU.

Most SOTU Addresses have begun at 9:00 pm est in the House Chamber of the Capitol Building so if the unconventional Uranian Donald Trump follows suit (and for broadcasting purposes, why wouldn't the limelight hog?), we can set up a horoscope for January 30, 2018 9:00 pm est Capitol Hill and see what we see. Just such a horoscope is pictured here, plus, a dual chart of SOTUS 2015 and 2016 is shown below for the sake of comparison:

Hour of the Sun; chart-ruler Mercury (planet of speeches and SOTUs) makes no applying aspects and is at a critical 29th degree (Capricorn) in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits. On this day, Mercury rises with a difficult fixed star, Scheat, which usually acts as a malefic so if I were you, I wouldn't expect a sunny SOTU from Mr. Trump whose Inaugural 2017 Address described a bleak America. Under one year of his administration, bleakness has certainly arrived if it wasn't here before.

Now the SOTU 2018 Sun AQ-Moon Leo blend is penned on the chart, upper right, and imho closely fits Mr. Trump's personality. This blend is shared by astrologer Evangeline Adams and by despot Frederick the Great (see a quote from Freddy, lower left, which quite describes the state of the union under Donald Trump.

As you see, the recent Solar Eclipse influences remain in force and for SOTU 2018 at 9:00 pm est conjoins the cusp of the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing. This is the 1 North (aka, 'the Mother of all Eclipses') Total Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus and Donald Trump's natal Ascendant--The Great American Eclipse, so-called. Have you felt Mr. Trump and his minions eclipsing America yet? Why not?

Below: SOTU 2015 (lower left, with cyber issues) and SOTU 2016 (upper right, realism, tackling the truth):

Dec 16, 2017

A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny

Facing Year 2018, America as Bacon's Utopian Dream of a 'New Atlantis' Careens On

by Jude Cowell

First, here is a C-rated natal horoscope for (Sir) Francis Bacon if you're curious. And here's an informative web page that displays and compares Bacon's natal chart with that of his mother, Queen Elizabeth I. Yes, she was apparently his mother so Bacon was a 'Tudor'.

Now Francis Tudor Bacon's birth name was Aron Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, in case you were wondering. The little prince was born in London, England on January 22, 1561 (OS)/February 1, 1562 (NS) at 7:42 am LMT (original source unknown, hence its C-rating though legendary astrologer William Lilly may have something to do with it).

Now, as we face year 2018, why bring up Sir Francis and his royal lineage here on Stars Over Washington? Not because the Mars rising with royal Regulus (the 'kingmaker' star) fellow named Trump now playing the role of president is a 'monarch' in his own mind (he is), but because I've always included posts here concerning America as the New Atlantis and have added other of the more esoteric topics and mysteries which include what some call The Secret Destiny of America. And that 'secret destiny' is very much linked to Sir Francis Bacon his cousin Bartholemew Gosnold, and others of their ilk who did what they could during their life times to bring Utopian ideals into reality upon this particular continent. That they had plenty of financial, political, religious, astrological, and occult help through the ensuing centuries implementing The Great Plan seems plain to me, but if not so to you, then yours truly has done a lousy job disseminating such intriguing information these 12+ years (and mixed in with my continual 'common good' dissent against rubbish government officials in breach of the public trust; turns out, it's a huge job).

Actually, this post is inspired by my re-reading of Final Warning: A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera who has investigated the mystery of the Bruton Parish Vault where Nathaniel Bacon, nephew of Sir Francis, is said to have secreted an unabridged version of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis (America as Utopia)--perhaps along with several other documents, artifacts, maps, and more. Noted author and researcher Graham Hancock has quite a bit to say about this mystery as well and you may wish to see his The Treasure of Destiny page which tells of Marie Hall's famous search for the Vault--she, the wife of esteemed astrologer and author Manley Palmer Hall.

Now for years I've been interested in the Bruton Parish Church and its Vault mystery. President Thomas Jefferson is thought to have been the last person to see its contents in 1803! (Then was it reburied elsewhere? perhaps under the Washington DC Ellipse during the Civil War?) So when my genealogical research pointed toward Jamestown's earliest days and then on to Colonial Williamsburg, I was intrigued to discover that Colonel John Page (1628--1692) had donated the land on which Bruton Parish Church was built (plus, he donated a generous offering to fund it) for there is a Page in my 'family woodpile', you might say.

So were John and/or other Page family members 'in on' the secreting of the historical treasure? Will America's 'Secret Destiny' ever be revealed by its contents or by other means? What did Williamsburg renovator John D. Rockefeller know and when did he know it? And is our national destiny encoded on the reverse side of America's Great Seal (image shown) where, "The mystery and vagueness of these 'disembodied' symbols conceal their meaning?" (Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, Robert Hieronimus, PhD.)

The pyramid shaped grave monument in the Bruton Churchyard is that of Colonel John's son David Bray and wife Elizabeth Page Bray and is said by some to hide a passageway to the hidden Vault. No, they are not in my direct ancestral line for David died young and the couple had no issue, as they say. But if one wanted a mystery to ponder which included elements of history, archaeology, early America, genealogy, secret societies, and esotericism, the Bruton Parish Vault could be a good place to start, don't you think?

Yet for those who prefer modern times, a visit to the Church or the website of the Bruton Parish Episcopal Church may be more to their liking.

Related Posts include:

The History of the Freemasons and the Skull and Bones (video) posted in May 2016 on Friday the 13th; A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC; Is This the Most Important Date in US History?, a video (Astrology added) in which an event in 1588 is discussed and subsequently 'bolstered increased interest in the colonization of the North American continent' along the lines and blueprint of Sir Francis Bacon's Platonic Utopian dream. And here, facing year 2018, we remain plopped and wondering.

Yet is it curious that the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse @22Leo shone upon a certain planetary conjunction in the 1588 event chart? Follow the link to view the horoscopes of the February 2017 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with both charts set for Washington DC. Or, perhaps you'd rather look ahead toward the Eclipses and a Few Other Cosmic Events of 2018.

Dec 6, 2017

Trump to move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (Phaethon?)

Of Prophecy, Fate, Phaethon in Taurus, Israel, and Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Dec 6, 2017: Today Mr. Trump announced the relocation of the American embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to Jerusalem just in time to aid in the fulfillment of the Scriptural 70-year prophecy concerning Israel and its Holy City (see Daniel 9:24). It is reported that the embassy relocation and construction will take a few years to complete.

In a previous post, I published the May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET chart of the State of Israel but today I'm posting the horoscope that Nicholas Campion says many Israeli astrologers use. It is set for 32 minutes later when Ben-Gurion stated that,"The State of Israel has arisen" (independence from Britain).

In the bi-wheel image, below, Israel's Solar Return 2018 planets (May 14, 2018 @3:59:21 pm EET Tel Aviv (since it's the natal location in 1948) is shown around the May 14, 1948 natal chart. All founding data from which the Solar Return chart issues is gleaned from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Please enlarge the image to read chart notes for as you see, Israel's natal 12th house Neptune @10Libra Rx rises in the Solar Return 2018 chart and natal Sun @23Tau41 is the engine leading a Locomotive pattern of planets in 1948 indicating ruthless achievement. Neptune rising suggests instability, deception, and/or potentials for fraud to occur yet Neptune also represents the Divine Source and this can relate spiritually to Biblical prophecy

A Locomotive pattern also shows up in the 2018 Return chart but it is lead by Jupiter @17Sco39 Rx. Another planetary pattern that appears in both charts is a Thor's Hammer (aka, Fist of God) which contain elements of fate or karma (reaping what's been sown). In 1948, the Hammer formed between the Pluto-NN square pointing toward natal Jupiter @27Sag38 Rx in 2nd house; in SR 2018, it's between the Saturn-ASC square pointing toward natal/Return Sun in 7th house of Partnerships.

We may wish to read the 1948 and 2018 Hammers as midpoint pictures: in 1948 the potential is for 'power attained through force with the help of others' which obviously came true. In 2018, the potential is for 'difficult conditions or circumstances' and/or 'separation' (Ebertin), spotlighting such conditions that have already been in effect for years now particularly for the Palestinian people.

Note that a natal or foundation chart for the state of Israel also applies to the same for Palestine). Also note that the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse 'hit' Israel's 1948 Mars (28Leo18)--and royal star Regulus (keyphrase: success if revenge is avoided). Yet so far, an endless round of revenge tragically characterizes Israel and Palestine since ancient times.

As for the timing of the 70-year prophecy related to 2018, note that there will be a New Moon on May 15, 2018 @24Tau36--within orb of Israel's natal Sun and denoting a new cycle of activity. Another curious factor in the SR 2018 chart is that one of the asteroids of fate, Phaethon (the Greek version of Icarus who flew too close to the Sun, crashed, and burned) is snugged between the Taurus Sun and Moon, however, in relation to the 70-year prophecy, Phaethon @11Tau02--about to make its own Return to Israel's natal Phaethon (16Tau23)--may be merely a minor detail.

And yet, is it a fated synchronicity that 3-mile wide asteroid Phaethon hurls extremely close to Earth just before Christmas 2017? A certain meteor shower peaks on December 13 with Phaethon traveling among the Geminids. A Super Moon (Nolle) veiled them from sight in 2016 but here are details on where, when, and how to see the 2017 Geminid Meteor Shower.

And where is Donald Trump's natal Phaethon, you may wonder. Born June 14, 1946, Mr. Trump's natal Phaethon is @23Tau02 conjunct his natal MC--conjunct Israel's natal Sun!

So if you look up and manage to spot Phaethon among the starry throng on December 13 or during the wee hours of December 14, tell him Donald Trump says Hello.

Oct 6, 2017

The Emotionally Driven Donald Trump: Moron-in-Chief

In light of the many posts published here the last two years concerning the intellectually challenged, emotionally driven (natal Moon conjunct South Node conjunct Ras Alhague) Donald Trump, this post is a shout-out to the new book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump compiled by two dozen psychiatrists and psychologists and made ethically necessary for the sake of our country due to their professional duty to warn.

Today the book is trending number 3 on Amazon's Best Seller list. Yet alternately, voters on November 8, 2016 could have simply listened to the multiple warnings concerning this unfit-for-office moronic bully (Leo Mars rising with royal Regulus, 'the king') which were repeatedly provided the American public by mundane and other astrologers.

After all, the Jupiterian Mr. Trump is his 10th house oriental Uranus, planet of chaos, shocks, disruption, and radical reforms (see link, below), a know-nothing who cares not at all for the unintended consequences of his poorly thought out plans and quixotic notions that are intended to boost his reputation, keep his name trending atop the 24/7 news cycle, and further line his off-shored pockets.

Related posts include:

After the Revolution: The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump, his 'guiding planet' in often duplicitous, always chatty, Gemini;

Trump Current Lunar Phase and SP New Moon 2019 (the entire world is mired within his darkening Balsamic phase now);

Donald Trump's natal horoscope w/ VP Pence's planets (not what you'd call a love match).

And from July 29, 2017 a 3-minute video Psychiatrists Lift Gag Rule to Allow Doctors to Publicly Discuss Trump's Mental Decline.

Oct 2, 2017

Horoscope Feb 15, 2018: 'We The People' Solar Eclipse

Image: 'We The People' Solar Eclipse February 15, 2018 @27AQ07 so labeled because it eclipses US natal Moon in the 'Sibly US foundation horoscope' (July 4, 1776, late afternoon LMT with Moon in third decan of Aquarius. A late afternoon chart is one of many versions although other dates are potentially more foundational; some charts are set for Philadelphia, Pa).

Feb 15, 2018 4:05:08 pm EST Washington DC: Hour of Venus, Venus exalted in Pisces, corporate 8th house with a critical-crisis 29th degree on the cusp; Solar Eclipse Saros Series = 1 South (key themes listed, upper right, paraphrasing Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology); eclipse has just barely passed into the 7th house along with Mercury @25AQ49 and health asteroid Hygeia (repeal legislation again? Yes, the GOP promised tax cuts! They promised Charles Koch and other billionaire donors, that is.)

As seen in the horoscope, the opposite sign and degree, 29Leo21, is on the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury which in part stimulates themes of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 (info is distorted and possibly false; unexpected events place great pressure on relationships; fatigue or illness possible) and spotlights the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump along with royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). Have more waste and fraud of taxpayer money been perpetrated? If so, my suspicion is that some Trumpsters have engaged in additional pilfering, embezzlement, and/or theft via other areas besides private airline travel. Is this eclipse indicative of our National Treasury dangerously at risk? It so often is, you know. And there's quirky maverick Uranus at MC (Goal Point; Aspirations), planet of radical reforms, revolts, disruption, upsets, activism, fanatic zealotry, Utopianism, and those with unusual reputations in the world.

So you can suss out more factors in this chart and the solar eclipse for yourself, right? And you see listed on the chart under the eclipse info that 1 South's last manifestation was on February 5, 2000 @16AQ01...and you know what lay ahead at that point just prior to the much-touted practically magical and numinous 'New Millennium', don't you? The propaganda, paranoia, and glowing promises? Y2K madness? Tech bubble bursting? If you're old enough or can read, that is!

Now as this eclipse perfects at 4:05:08 pm EST, rising in Washington DC is dwarf-planet-archetype Ceres (food supplies, grains, milk, motherhood, sustainment, distribution, symbolic sheafs of wheat of a Virgoan goddess variety, and more) and she's retrograde suggesting a slow down or delay of some sort (FEMA difficulties come to mind). Yet with the fortunate North Node of the Moon in 1st house some development or growth with beneficial results is possible. Then in 7th house South Node @15AQ59 conjoins the degree of the Lunar Eclipse of August 7, 2017 so that similar issues or events of that period may return for further development, or may reoccur in similar fashion. Plus, North Node in Leo suggests festivities, entertainment, and a love of pomp such as an acting POTUS might have to endure. Or demand, depending on his personality--mild or brash.

Video: The Ceres Lights (13+ minutes).

And then with thinking Mercury in Aquarius nearby the eclipse, logic and common sense are needed for best karmic progress to be made for the sake of society, as suggested by a solar eclipse manifesting in cool, detached, rational Aquarius, the sign of We The People's Moon, as some believe, and a Tech, Science, and Futurism indicator.

As the BOWL Tips

Leading a BOWL shape of all the planets is Jupiter @22Sco31, 4th house, with Jupiter the General, CEO, politician, and/or preacher as the basis of it all and watery Scorpio as the sign of Big Business, Stealth, Wealth, control and/or betrayal. Are there more leaks of private information on the way? A BOWL shape emphasizes one hemisphere over the other and here we find signs Taurus through Libra 'missing' along with the related experiences described by those realms. Only the 1st house North Node links the two halves of the chart across the self-other axis.

The orientation of BOWL personalities can be advocacy of a cause, the furtherance of a mission, or perhaps it's based on divisions (and the furtherance of them? Trump!) The strongest point of application is the leading planet if it is in a Grand Cross pattern or in strong opposition which this Jupiter no longer is for the Jupiter-Uranus opposition is weakened with money-bags Jupiter in financial Scorpio and Uranus still in Aries. And yet, BOWL folk have something to give their fellow man and it may be "constructive or vindictive" (Jones) and will probably come by way of Jupiter in Scorpio (which is Reagan's natal Jupiter sign = massive tax cuts for the rich as Democrats in Congress enacted October 22, 1986?)

Now all this eclipse action is on the Leo-AQ self-will axis so Mr. Trump, the most famous Mars Rising in Leo fellow of bravado and quarrels that we know, is suggested on various levels of activity and events brought by the eclipse. However, it's important to note that it's Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo that is his first natal planet to rise in this particular horoscope so make of its power potential and wealth-grabbing-and-hoarding what and as you will or may.

For as you know, all eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that indicate times of change, pay attention--and those changes may involve sudden disruption, like astrological Uranus tends to do. Or not. Sooner or later. Or not at all. Because you know what they say about The Sky God: Expect the Unexpected and you'll never be disappointed.

A Previous Post: The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2018 with Themes.