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Showing posts with label US Pluto Return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Pluto Return. Show all posts

Apr 18, 2018

The Prenatal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s

Image: Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 December 4, 2021 surrounding US Natal Horoscope July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This Solar Eclipse falls into the 5 New South Saros Series with themes of benefits and peak experiences and its initial manifestation perfected on June 15, 1787 @24Gem20, near the New Moon degree (25:07) of the Uranian Mr. Trump's 'escalator announcement' of his presidential bid in June 2015. It is also the degree of the 1781 discovery of planet Uranus (24Gem27). Will the senior Mr. Trump still be around in 2021 or 2022? We'll see for it may depend on how many cheeseburgers and greasy chicken thighs he scarfs down between now and then (I'm not wishin' I'm just sayin').

Now the US natal chart here is the one I usually tend to favor because it places Cardinal World Points on the MC and IC angles of the chart along with two applicable Sabian Symbols. '1 Aries' = IC, the Foundation of the Matter) = "A Woman Rises Out of Water, a Seal Is Embracing Her" (Jones) which to me sounds like the New Atlantis as America, a 'her', across the sea from England--and America's Great Seal intended to certify official documents and based on Weishaupt's Illuminati Seal design of May 1, 1776. This, plus the natal horoscope's Ascendant degree/s ('12Sag' and '13 Sag'--see chart, lower left) suggests our nation on various levels--one of which is its Freemasonic birth of an idea/ideal that is the Founders' 'New Atlantis' in which men are capable of enlightened self-government for as Thomas Jefferson asserted,

"I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves." (TJ July 2, 1787.) Do you think that remains the case in 2018 much less by 2021/22? If not, it's primarily due to infiltrators that have infested our country for decades now and their devilish, undermining machinations which are really paying off as they planned long ago. (See my 2005 description of Stars Over Washington under the title, above!)

Some well known historic events that are associated with the Mercury-Pluto duo include: Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Alaskan Earthquake, FDR's first election, East Coast Power Blackout, and Bolsheviks take power (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

Note: Now I'm using the 5 New South Eclipse as the PE of America's Pluto Return phase in general, plus, its degree conjoins our nation's July 4, 1776 natal Ascendant in Sagittarius (late afternoon charts). However, two other Solar Eclipses perfect in year 2022 with themes that are notably plutonic and I intend to cover them in a different post as soon as I can get to it. Check back if you're curious, or subscribe if you wish.

And so as creepy Pluto in Capricorn (planet of the Underworld, secret manipulators, hidden wealth, sneaky stealth, death, sex, research and investigation, transformation and regeneration) continues plodding toward his natal degree (27Cap33) and reprises his opposition to US natal Mercury (24Can11: '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power") off and on along the way, we can see in the above Eclipse chart some of the general cosmic background influences upon the first-time-ever phase of our exact Pluto Return/s--three in number. Our Pluto Return phase will activate America's surveillance pair of planets ('total awareness' aka, Big Brother) with the duo's (continued!) propensity toward secrets, gathering of information (intelligence activities), top secret communications, security clearances, self-destructive impulses in business operations, political talk of abrupt changes and reforms, breakdowns in road networks, paranoia about secrets or scandals and the leaking or disclosure of them, ruthless behavior, obsessions, eroticism, news about space exploration, orbital weapons, and/or toxins, and the need to control other people (Munkasey) when it's actually The Manipulators who need controlling.

Jul 3, 2017

Universal Basic Income - Why It Should Be Embraced

Returning to share his thoughts with Stars Over Washington readers is millennial astrologer Kevin Estes in an article that originally appeared on his Left Wing Astrology blog, June 19, 2017:

Universal Basic Income - Why It Should Be Embraced

by Kevin Estes

Similar to gay marriage 10 years ago, one of the ideas that is slowly building steam today is that of a Universal Basic Income for everyone. What is Universal Basic Income? It is an unconditional fixed amount of money, similar to Social Security, but given to everyone in the country. It is an idea praised by people on the left because it combats economic inequality, and praised by Libertarians because it grants freedom from being a wage slave to the state, yet not embraced by people on the right because it's "socialist" and enables people to be lazy. That being said, here are eight reasons why Universal Basic Income should be embraced, and eventually be reality:

Freedom - In order to survive comfortably in today's society, you have to work for an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for around 40 years before retirement, which is a nice way of saying "you're too old to produce for us, so here's a fixed amount every month because you're not useful anymore". Life should be more than being away from your family 5 days a week in order to survive. A work/life balance is extremely important, yet many, if not most, don't have that. Universal Basic Income would allow for a balance between work and family life and give people the freedom to be what they want to be without struggling for survival.

Wage Increases - With a Universal Basic Income, employers would need to implement higher wages in order for employees to feel justified in working for that company or business. If everybody got $5,000 a month, which would equal $60,000 a year, unconditionally (if they save a certain amount every month, they could live extremely comfortably), they wouldn't HAVE to keep working at a job that is unsatisfying if they don't need to.

Growth Of Technology - With cars that drive themselves in the works, it is very likely that technology, mainly in the form of robots and computerized machines, will be doing the jobs that humans have done (Pluto will enter Aquarius, the sign of technology, in early 2023). With humans being replaced by machines, there won't be enough jobs for everyone, hence why Universal Basic Income will soon need to be reality.

The Old Ways Are Outdated - With the US Pluto return coming up in 2022, then Pluto entering Aquarius, a sign that represents individuality and freedom, systems that suppress those qualities simply won't cut it anymore. At the time of the Pluto return, the oldest Neptune in Aquarius natives will be 24 years old, and the oldest Pluto in Sagittarius (another sign that is about freedom) natives will be 27 years old. These people will demand freedom from oppressive systems, just like how us Pluto in Scorpio natives (the oldest being 38 years old at the time of the Pluto return) demand the truth.

Fewer Programs - With everybody of working age having a Universal Basic Income, the rest of the safety net programs wouldn't have to exist outside of Medicare, which should be free for everyone (the doctors and nurses would all have Universal Basic Income, and would be getting higher wages for their services, so they'd be compensated very well). One program and one fixed wage for everyone would mean A LOT more simplicity.

Less Class Warfare - Right now, the middle class is declining rapidly, as a result of the wealth of select billionaires (Koch Brothers, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Walton Family, etc.) ballooning to a point where they can purchase every property in certain cities, which results in an extremely large poor and working class. This is an issue that needs correction, and needs to never happen again when it is fixed, and Universal Basic Income will prevent that from happening.

Less Crime - It's a fact that most crime occurs in low income neighborhoods. With everybody 18 and over having Universal Basic Income, low income neighborhoods will become high income neighborhoods, which will heavily reduce crime in those neighborhoods, making the people in those neighborhoods feel safer.

Better Working Conditions - With a Universal Basic Income for everyone, working conditions would need to be improved in order for people to justifiably work at places that historically have poor working conditions.

Because of these reasons, the positives far outweigh the negatives in regards to Universal Basic Income, which is why it needs to be implemented sooner rather than later, regardless of the fear of it from conservatives due to its being a "socialist" policy. The needs of humanity as a whole trump the need for some to have a higher status than others, which is another result of the divide and conquer scheme.

Stay turned for more coming soon from your West Coast millennial astrologer Kevin Estes!

Feb 25, 2017

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return

February 26, 2017: From West Coast to East! SO'W is pleased to present a second Guest Post by astrologer Kevin Estes who writes the Left Wing Astrology blog:

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return

by Kevin Estes

We are in a time period where we are becoming more aware of how governments and big business are in cahoots to screw over the average person, and it is also a time period where we are becoming more aware of our own innate natures. There will eventually be a turning point when enough people notice these things and realize that the current ways of doing things just won't work anymore. All three of these things are because of major astrological transits: Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the US Pluto Return.

Pluto in Capricorn:

January 27th 2008 to June 14th 2008

November 28th 2008 to March 23rd 2023

June 12th 2023 to January 22nd 2024

September 3rd 2024 to November 19th 2024

Pluto entered Capricorn around the time the Great Recession hit, then went back into Sagittarius for the summer and fall, then went back into Capricorn for good in the winter of 2008. Before Pluto went into Capricorn, people were spending money they didn't have (housing bubble), global issues were at the forefront (War on Terror), and people tended to actually trust their governments. All are related to the sign of Sagittarius. When Pluto went into Capricorn, people began being more thrifty with their spending, the global issues took a backseat to the US economy and domestic issues such as gay rights, and people have begun to be aware of how their governments are screwing them over in favor of large corporations, whose owners are experiencing substantial increases in their wealth at a time when the middle class is disappearing rapidly. The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, as well as the Arab Spring began in the early days of this transit, when Neptune was still in Aquarius, the sign of activism.

Neptune in Pisces:

April 4th 2011 to August 4th 2011

February 3rd 2012 to March 30th 2025

October 22nd 2025 to January 26th 2026

Neptune entered Pisces in the spring of 2011, then went back into Aquarius for the late summer of 2011 until the late winter of 2012, when it went into Pisces for good. Before Neptune went into Pisces, people were pretty much addicted to technology and social media. People still are today, but I've been noticing more and more people getting rid of their Facebook accounts, which would have been unheard of a few years ago. Aquarius is the sign of technology, while Neptune represents culture, so 1998-2012 was basically the technology culture, which is quite fitting. Pisces is the sign of sacrifice, spirituality (not religion, that's Sagittarius), and compassion, and it is no coincidence that alternative spirituality (which includes astrology) is being embraced more and more during this transit, as well as veganism and healthier lifestyles in general. I've noticed many innate cultural conservatives embracing gay marriage during this time as well, which would have been taboo in the Pluto Sagittarius/Neptune Aquarius era.

America's Pluto Return

The US will undergo its Pluto Return in 2022, though transit Pluto will still be conjunct natal Pluto before 2022, as early as the time of the 2020 election. What does the Pluto return mean? In generational astrology, your Pluto sign represents the core reality of your age group, and Pluto itself represents transformation. While nobody alive will undergo a Pluto return, countries will. When the US undergoes its Pluto return, our country will basically have to transform, or die. This will likely mean the transformation of values that are outdated. Outdated ways of doing things include the two party political system, where the Democratic and Republican parties get all the media coverage because they work for the globalist agenda, the financial system, which requires you to be a "wage slave" in order to survive until a certain age where you're no longer useful (make no mistake, that's still slavery, just not as in your face), the education system, which basically trains you to memorize and not question authority from a young age (as an Indigo adult, I've always saw through this), and religion, which tells you that you were born in sin and that in order to be "saved", you have to believe in Jesus or else you'll go to "hell" (once again, as an Indigo adult I always saw through this).

These systems can still exist, but need to be radically transformed in order to serve humanity's best interests. Knowledge of people's innate political and ethical natures, which this blog highlights, would allow people to determine if their leaders will work for humanity's best interests or enrich and empower themselves. For the financial system, people can still choose the career they want, but should be given a fixed amount every month in order to survive (and with Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of technology, technology will likely do a lot of the jobs humans currently do) and have free health care. For the education system, the real history of the world should be taught (the Illuminati should be taught in history classes so nothing like that happens again), as well as astrology, in order to get people in touch with their own innate natures (Sun, Moon, ascendant, inner planets, outer planets/generational values, and political viewpoints/ethical natures) from a young age and not feel like they're "right" or "wrong" for being a certain way.

Hospitals should also produce natal charts for every baby along with the birth certificate, so each person can be raised according to their own innate natures rather than how the parents think they should be. Pluto and Neptune signs should be used to define generations rather than years, as they can't be debated. For religion, the truth should be taught rather than that you need a savior because you were born in sin (Jesus' teachings were way different than those of the OT God who is more vengeful, who is the central figure of Judaism. Zionist Jews are at the top of the Illuminati pyramid so there is likely a connection), which is a way of saying that you were born a bad person. The media should always tell the truth and make sure everybody is well informed on every issue. Basically, these systems need to work for the best interests of everyone, not the Illuminati agenda (the Illuminati's Pluto is one degree away from that of the US, so they'll have to transform or die as well).

As I mentioned in my last writing, the elites know that this is coming, and thus have manipulated humanity into ideological and generational warfare, while knowing that political viewpoints and generational values are things we're born with. Thus, these issues will never be settled unless we coexist and embrace our differences and focus on the real enemy, the Illuminati and the politicians, religious leaders, and celebrities they control, who want the New World Order at the expense of innate liberals and innate conservatives. That is their biggest fear, as there are way more of us than there are of them, and innate liberals and innate conservatives embracing their differences and uniting as one will overwhelm them, as will the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Digitals born in the late 90s-2000s embracing their differences and uniting as one.

If we do that, we can create a better society for all of us.

Post originally appeared on Left Wing Astrology.

Check out Kevin's first Guest Post: Divide and Conquer: The Illuminati Agenda.

Jul 8, 2016

Today's Violence Started With Nixon's War on Drugs! - video (w/ Astrology)

July 8, 2016: since yours truly is in complete agreement on the issue, I'm posting Thom Hartmann's explanation of what began the current violence and police militarization and led to a police state condition in the US:


Planetary Cycles and Eclipses of 1968

Obviously the year 1968 is imprinted by ripples from the mid-1960s Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto with tyrannical, explosive, and violent unrest flavors of a titanic generational clash, and the last few years the world has been under the influence of the Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square from that cycle in which issues and ills of the 1960s have been grievously stirred up (so they can be dealt with--but...politics).

Even Jupiter and Uranus entered the collective scene of 1968 via their one conjunction on December 12, 1968 @3Libra which conjoined America's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint of oppressed classes and social ills and added narrow-mindedness, egoism, excitability, and upset to the secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) picture.

Plus, one of the planetary pairs of Plutocracy met on October 13, 1968 @23Virgo--corporate Jupiter and Pluto. This conjunction occurred on US natal Neptune (mass media; propaganda) which helped to veil the true intentions of Jupiter-Pluto plutocrats, adding potentials for deception, seduction, cheating the people, omitting key facts, lies by omission, and suffering harm or loss through others without being aware of it. (Ebertin; Tyl). Are we aware of it now?

Naturally the pair of plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, racism, tyranny, exploitation, misogyny, Capitalism, and other -isms was active in 1968: Pluto-Chiron, a natal midpoint that conjoins our natal Ceres (events and conditions that affect large masses of people; safety and security issues) in America's natal horoscope of 1776.

For deep background influences during 1968, two Solar Eclipses also apply:

March 28, 1968 @8Aries an eclipse occurred in the 6 North Saros Series with themes of relationship to authority (father) figures; accepting commitments that present; the need to take responsibility and control.

Then on September 22, 1968, an even more descriptive eclipse occurred at a critical-crisis 29th degree of 29Virgo in the 6 South Saros Series with themes of being forceful and taking power; manic energy with great force or strength manifesting in relationships; sudden events; huge effort in a group activity (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Yes, as Thom relates, above, Nixon gained control of the Oval Office by inventing a law-and-order issue to run on, and tragically for our citizens his 'huge effort in a group activity' continues to reverberate to this day.

Both 6N and 6S manifested most recently in 2004 and will do again in the prominent year of 2022 when America will experience her first-ever Pluto Return/s to natal degree of 27Cap33. And 2022 predictions are off the table at Stars Over Washington though a few may eventually peek out from under the table!

Feb 8, 2016

FDR's "a test of our progress" outs the Plutocrats of 2016

Way back in 2006, 2007, and 2008 on Stars Over Washington a frequent mention or quote involved the following excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inauguration Address of January 20, 1937 (the first inauguration that was switched from early March to January 20th and which gave the presidency an airy, more rigid Aquarian Sun of leadership instead of a watery Pisces Sun). Since then the US economy has tanked and somewhat recovered (in an illusory way for the 99%) and many economists, pundits, and prognosticators are predicting another meltdown in 2016 or later.

As an astrology novice, I, too, have been guilty of such doubts if only because of the natural law that 'what goes up must come down' and the bubbly, fraudulent Jupiter-Neptune influences of 2009 and beyond. But one thing as an American and a Child of the Revolution (30 Cancer) that has never seemed doubtful to me is that the following excerpt full of the humanitarian flavor of Aquarius describes a timeless measurement and perfectly encapsulates our current worsening conditions brought on by the steady campaign fought by wealthy, secretive plutocrats against the American people in order to dismantle our social safety net, create chaos and misery, and set up a global government of pernicious proportions. Echoing from 1937, here are the words of President Roosevelt:

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

Did he mean karmic progress or simply economic and societal progress? Perhaps all three or something else. And yes, I know that FDR was a 'new world order' promoter himself but with a Democratic flair. As for the Aquarian nature of his words it displays in his natal horoscope with Sun in Aquarius and Uranus rising in Mercury-ruled Virgo which identifies him as one who can cope with whatever arises--and, as he himself is recorded as saying--gave him talents such as those required to be an actor, juggler, and magician. As you know, Mercury is also The Trickster, and genius Uranus is considered the planet of progress, progressive politics, disruption, originality, novelty, shocks, and radical reforms.

Also of interest is that at the moment of his Inauguration Address of January 20, 1937, transit Pluto (plutocracy, the papacy, assassins, and such) @27Cancer34 precisely opposed US natal Pluto (27:33) denoting two great powers locked in a titanic struggle for control, wealth of nations included. Well, it's been 79 years since FDR spoke those Aquarian sentiments and Pluto now approaches his natal Capricorn position in our nation's July 4, 1776 chart. My thought is that whoever and whatever groups 1937 Pluto represented now consider themselves in the final stages of their campaign to rule the world in time for, or around the time of, America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022. That this destructive plan so long Pluto's obsession has spiritual as well as societal, financial, and political implications is beyond the scope of this post.


Blog Note: annoyingly my Internet connection problems continue off and on which makes publishing articles rather spotty as well. Even so, here's a hint of the more immediate topics through Spring which are now on my Coming Soon list and awaiting a publish for those who may wish to stay tuned, follow, or subscribe to SO'W (and a Big Thank You to those who do!):

More info on the March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse @19Pisces; the Lunar Eclipse of March 23 @3Libra; Mars' Rx Station conjunct Antares in April (followed next day by a Pluto Rx Station--already posted); the Transit of Mercury in May; June's Aries Ingress (or Spring Equinox 2016, as I prefer to call it--chart good for an entire year). And since New and Full Moons can act much as 'wild card' eclipses do, uncovering hidden things and timing other Uranian disruptions, I'll post on as many of those as possible given my schedule and interruptions due to Comcast X-finity's so-so service.

Related posts and an article:

The Inauguration Horoscope 1913 of warmonger President Woodrow Wilson, another 'new world order' promoter as duly noted on the official White House website! Wilson secretly pledged America to enter World War I although he had campaigned as a peace and democracy candidate. You know--like politicians do now.

A few brief astro-notes on Henry A. Wallace, FDR's mystic Vice President and occultist.

FDR signs the Social Security Act August 14, 1935 (the signing video with brief astro-notes).

From 2011, FDR Assesses "Economic Royalists" in 1936 (video), includes brief astro-notes.

A list of famous quotes from FDR and a few words concerning his natal horoscope.

Social Democracy Is 100% American (video interview).

Perhaps Bernie Sanders will be president come November--check out a related article from January 26, 2016's Technocracy News by Jeremy Rifkin, Flashback: Radical New Economic System Will Emerge From Collapse of Capitalism, which was "the exact prediction of the technocrats in the 1930s, during the worst of the Great Depression--"

Jan 31, 2016

Stealthy Pluto Creeps into His Own!

Is a great philosopher turning over in his grave at the news? It is reported that Plato's mythical Ring of Gyges is no longer a myth but reality.

On an astrological level, we have sneaky spy, saboteur, and assassin Pluto continuing its plod through Saturn-ruled Capricorn and approaching America's first-ever Pluto Return in 2022, and now years of research and development are reported to have come to fruition. This draconian scientific breakthrough sounds like worsening levels of mayhem and destruction to me but perhaps you disagree: Quantum Stealth Invisibility Cloak, From Canada's Hyperstealth Biotechnology, Gets Pentagon Backing. Well, of course it's backed by America's Death Star Pentagon, invested in no doubt. After all, the degree of US natal Mercury (July 4, 1776) has a revealing Sabian Symbol full of Pluto's influence: "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" (Jones)...and US Mercury in Cancer opposes natal Pluto in Capricorn across the security axis. Creepy.

Plus, the troubling effects of a US Pluto Return are heightened by the fact that by degree, transit Pluto will first oppose US natal Mercury @24Cancer+, a time of mental manipulation, transformation in our ways of thinking (already on Science's accomplished list), and the misuse and abuse of knowledge, secrets, and confidential information. Transit Pluto will be within a 5-degree orb of opposition to US natal Mercury as soon as March 2017, denoting mind control projects, total awareness technologies, and the evolution of propaganda methods. These Pluto transits wildly activate America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition which has always intruded upon We the People! Unintended consequence or not, this entire Pluto power grab should be a real boost for the criminal underworld--and it has nuclear implications as well.

Meanwhile, Plato's question in The Republic (Book 2), Would people act morally if their actions were undetectable and unaccountable? is automatically answered since acting morally is no consideration for the hidden hand of cave dweller Pluto in governmental Capricorn. Curious that news of Pentagon backing for this project of immoral proportions is revealed under the current Saturn (government, law, business)/Neptune (hidden, secret, invisible) square from seeker Sagittarius to secretive Pisces. Telling, I would say.

So even if a cloak of invisibility 'revolutionizes' the military industrial complex (the war waging industry), it seems an illegitimate way to conduct business. But if announcing 'the cloak' is meant to increase the level of fear, anxiety, and paranoia in the world it's perfect for that along with creating unfair advantage and thus such gains create massive amounts of negative *karma. And now, with draconian flourish, the dream of a Ring of Gyges finally comes to life...ready to steal lives and other treasures without being seen or suspected while acting as an agent of the Deep State. Oh Canada.

Related posts: 2016: the Saturn-Neptune Square - What Does it Mean? includes a Barbara Goldsmith video presentation, and Natal Chart of the Pentagon containing a bi-wheel with the January 2010 Solar Eclipse added to the Death Star's natal chart which makes for quite a messy double horoscope image thanks to my chicken scratch notes. Sorry.


*As a Saturnian astrologer, my preferred definition of the natural law of karma is: reaping what was sown; and in military terms: blow back.


And for readers who prefer lighter fare than heavy Pluto and ancient philosophers, check out my new glamour-drenched blog Neptune's Silver Screen for horoscopes, video clips, movies, documentaries, and bios of your favorite classic film stars! And if you like 'NSS', please encourage me to continue publishing the blog by sharing! Jude

Jan 9, 2016

Edward Snowden on America's Secret Government (plus, Mars and Bacon)

Somehow I had missed this informative excerpt from an interview of November 2014 conducted by former 2016 candidate Lawrence Lessig with shunned NSA official and exile Edward Snowden. Being a presidential election year you would think that such topics would be prominent in our current public discourse! Yet listen for surveillance topics within the current presidential debate cycle and you'll hear little more than crickets. Ask Trump, Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, or even Sanders to comment on or describe America's secret government or to uphold its antidote government by consent of the governed and evasions and diversions begin though you might get a fevered rise out of Sanders or Trump (to give us the impression that our concerns are 'being heard') while studied non-responses from the rest must suffice. They'll have to leave it there, as their bosses often advise them to say...

This interview with Ed Snowden seemed totally appropriate since the Saturn-Neptune square is upon us all for as you know, mundane Saturn = government, law, business while mundane (as if!) Neptune = secret, invisible, illegitimate, fraudulent. My opinions is that we're brainless fools if we allow the 'ruling class' to tell us we can't even discuss aloud such topics as surveillance, illegalities, and anti-constitutional provisions since our lives and the futures of our children are closely and adversely affected. Too many of our officials are in the raptor's grip and trying desperately to hold on to their positions of power and their generous incomes but constantly act in breach of the public trust and contract. So few of them actually represent the interests of the American public that it would be hilariously amusing were it not so riotously tragic.

Now I wonder if the '30Cap' Sabian Symbol we spoke of earlier will be part of the secrets to be revealed under the auspices of Mars' retrograde period during April into October 2016 which takes us right up to the position of transiting Mars on Election Day 2016 and "A Secret Business Conference" which may possibly be made inconveniently public? For a deeper look, I do feel certain that the symbol of the Illumination Point for '30Cap'--right across the axis at '30Cancer' may be informative for it is, "A Daughter of the American Revolution," a reference to our past political revolution that inspires me to begin quoting (some of which you may have read here in prior posts or elsewhere) as I think of how 2016 candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has been calling for one:

The American Revolution "was not a revolt against an existing indigenous system of government but rather an anti-colonial movement against the English"...that "involved a change in political authority rather than a transformation in the power structure of society. Therefore it does not conform to the model of other revolutions.

The full revolutionary dynamic of the American Revolution can be stated as follows:

Heretical occult inspiration: Scottish Jacobite Templarism (via Gosnold/Bacon)

Intellectual expression: Weishaupt/Franklin/Jefferson/Paine

Political expression: Washington

Physical consolidation: Jackson

The American Revolution brought about a constitutional transformation that ended Britain's colonial rule and created republicanism, the political expression of Templar Masonry. The new Atlantis of America was a Templar-created Masonic State.

The revolutionary dynamic of the ideas behind the American Revolution can be stated as follows:

Heretical occult inspiration: *New Atlantis

Intellectual expression: Illuminism

Political expression: Republicanism

Physical expression: Conquest/westward expansion."

And so the astrological puzzle remains: what structural and political reforms will America's first-ever Pluto Return/s all through 2022 perpetrate? And since the Return of powerful, wealthy Pluto to its 1776 position will soon begin triggering our national Mercury-Pluto opposition (Cancer/Capricorn) of propaganda, secrets, spies, and surveillance, will the spying industry grow by then into the beast it now strives to be? Or has it already?

*New Atlantis by (Sir) Francis Bacon; for more information see Old and New Atlantis: a Mysterious Legend that won't fade.

Quotes from: The Secret History of the West: The Influence of Secret Organisations On Western History From the Renaissance to the 20th Century by Nicholas Haggar.

Apr 16, 2011

Bretton Woods dreams meet dark economic clouds as Pluto plods on

The Bretton Woods economic conference just ended sees a dark outlook for America and the global economy and these top leaders should know since I believe they've been in on the engineering of Financial Collapse all along in order to establish the kind of economic system they want.

Their goal of global financial and governmental collapse is proceeding nicely for the Chaos Creators and has become quite evident even to those who prefer not to pay attention to what movers and shakers are up to in secret places and ivory towers. All institutions are now infiltrated with agents who are actually duped into believing they will be part of the Luciferian hierarchy of favored subjects when all is in place and the world is ruled from Jerusalem or elsewhere...basically, they desire an earthly kingdom as if that will stave off God's ultimate judgment and the End of Days. It will not.

(And here's some news for the world's chaos-creating minions: Satan would just as soon destroy as look at you for he has no loyalties. His aim is to take as many souls down with him as he goes for he knows his days are numbered - his efforts will be ramped up and technological tricks using light and sound will become more fantastic than ever. In 2011, we feel the political and economic forces' hurry-up-NOW energies and attitudes being demonstrated in Washington DC and elsewhere as the Cosmic Clock runs down. My best advice is for everyone to make their spiritual base secure for the challenges ahead - and participate in democracy!)

Perhaps you read a recent Guest Blogger post presented by New World Order 2012 concerning such topics as 2012, the Illuminati, and the NWO with more articles and info promised.

Well, this morning Georgia awoke to damage from another massive storm system overnight with perhaps more to come. 'Sunshine after a storm' hasn't happened yet but the air is cool, the wind blows lightly, and the trees and foliage still standing look green as can be. Thunderstorms are not on par with nuclear meltdown, of course, but not to fret because in Georgia we have our own nuclear plants to worry about for potential future disasters.

So! On this green morning I type at you from my rain-drenched cave about horrific topics and financial woes that are being engineered by some of the same scoundrels mentioned in the first article linked above.

That regulations and wisdom from the Bretton Woods Treaty are under fire from those who want to build a totally different system, or order of things, cannot be ignored any longer, and I apologize for passing along today their dark-clouds propaganda.

Yet the extent of the damage they have and will cause may be mitigated by how closely we pay attention to what they're up to so that its true nature may be revealed, and the decisive actions taken to push back against the NWO tide. My hope is that entire populations will band together for the good of civilization itself - and say a resounding NO! to the devilish forces now throttling the global throat.

In the US, the success of the ruling elite in keeping us divided against one other and alienated from our own best interests must be faced down as the 2012 presidential campaign heats up. Yes, this will be a monumental task and a major test of maturity, especially with partisan politics purposefully stirred up as they are. In America we are known for our trend-loving immaturity and Geminian energies of never wanting to hear or face the bad news of others' dire intentions - this is a tendency our national psyche must move beyond if America is to survive.

Plus, the old debate of Democrat Party v Republic Party in America is a mere iceberg's tip compared to what's at stake and all that is being done by operatives underneath the surface of our daily lives. The ancient battle of Swords v Torches goes on yet only represents dreadful factions jockeying for position at the helm of a satanic hierarchy intended to dominate the world. (See 112th Congress = Swords vs Torches.)

For it is the next US president (s)elected in 2012 who will preside over our evolving global future as he or she builds upon a string of past presidents' efforts on behalf of an over-arching (over-reaching!) agenda to set up a worldly kingdom which will then lead the unwary into misery, not improvement. Few, if any, church hierarchies have answers (other than to succumb to the NWO, the sell-outs!) and most have participated in the ruse against decent people who want to live their lives, raise their families, and treat others with respect and dignity while working for adequate incomes with which to manage these noble things.

Astrology Spins a Plutonian Tale

Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business, is taking its toll on us with restrictive Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn. In a mere 11 years from now, we will experience our first Pluto Return in American history on:

1. February 20, 2022; Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @ 20Cap (a crisis degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @ 12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @ 27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2011; Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces, and opposing Sun 20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars 5Tau is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others; eclipse @ 10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022; Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors; eclipse @ 2Sco01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004, same years as 6N. (Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion-US bombs Tripoli-and Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East now escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

But first we must navigate 2011, 2012, and 2013.


Solar Eclipse details are gleaned from Brady's Predictive Astrology and you may wish to check out Amazon's Bernadette Brady Page..

Blog Note: my plan to publish this week on Summer Solstice 2011 has had to be moved into next week due to power outages and household responsibilities; it's quite an involved picture with many astro-details needing inclusion in order to gain for ourselves the larger view which the lens of Astrology readily supplies. jc

Sep 7, 2010

Francis Bacon, Uranus/Neptune, and Pluto

If you like to read about America's founding, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and other such mystical topics, you may be interested in a discovery I've just made of a site that has so many links and articles to check out, I'm just getting started. But I want to be certain you knew about it, too, though much investigation is required to find out how much it contains concerning America.

As you know, Sir Francis Bacon was an early activist within the 'New World', 'New Utopian' crowd and is thought to be the founder of English Freemasonry.

My own discovery is intriguingly titled Nine Degrees of Francis Bacon and is chocked full of some fascinating stuff!

And while I'm on such topics, here's an excerpt from J. R. Church's Guardians of the Grail:

It is reported that Benjamin Franklin was a Rosicrucian. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington were Masons...Though these men were part of these orders, George Washington warned the Masonic Lodge in America of the dangers of the Illuminati, while Thomas Jefferson and John Adams later disagreed over the use of the Masonic Lodge by the Illuminati.

"Dangers of the Illuminati"? I'll say.

So when we see the Illuminati symbol of the 'eternal flame' over an assassinated president's resting place (or over those of other world stagers' tombs, those who've mysteriously or violently died such as MLK, Robert Kennedy, Princess Diana, and Ground Zero), we may assume that the early warning against the Illuminati Society overtaking America either wasn't heeded or was, in stages, overcome by the Uranus/Neptune-inspired 'Illuminati' and their ilk and enablers.

It is my belief that our modern day New World Order types, the 'one world government' promoters such as Bush Sr, *David Rockefeller, the UN, and others you know by name, are part of the agenda's original 'vision' of America as a Utopian social experiment which uses chaos and what Naomi Klein has termed 'shock doctrine' to send mankind back to the jungle.

Seems to me that we would have to characterize the attacks of 9/11 as 'shock doctrine' and sadly for civilized people the world over, transformative Pluto's transit through the structural sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn is mightily aiding the Uranian-Neptunian agenda as Mr. Hades, wearing his cape of invisibility, slowly approaches his natal position in **1776 at America's founding.


*David Rockefeller, in his speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991, stated:

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Actually, no. It isn't preferable at all. You plotter.

**fyi, here again are the dates of America's Pluto Return/s 27Cap33:

1. February 20, 2022
2. July 11, 2022
3. December 28, 2022

Aug 19, 2010

Will US billionaire donors aid Americans, too?

Excerpt: Two weeks ago, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and 40 other billionaires pledged to donate at least half of their fortunes to philanthropy, either while still alive or after death. Is America a country so blessed with affluence that it can afford to give away billions, just like that?

Oh yes, I've wanted to post something about this since it was announced because if Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett and pals want to aid someone, why not struggling Americans? Didn't much of their fortunes generate from US shores, at least originally? The Land of Opportunity needs a little help from her friends, if she can only find them. Bill?

For a view from abroad on the topic, here's the Der Speigel article I snagged the above excerpt from which discusses the American Middle Class, now perilously at the top of the endangered species list, and the generosity of US philanthropists.

America's demise is simply part of the power elite/world crime syndicate's stealthy globalization agenda. We see it now 2+ years after the worst financial collapse since the 1930s as big banks hoard and squirrel away billions in profits while US jobs that were 'outsourced' over the last decades are never to be applied for again.

Perhaps Mr. Gates can donate some mega moola to protect Microsoft jobs from the axe next time, hmm?

And you know, it enraged me years ago when it was revealed that phone service jobs sent to other countries meant that the private account information of US citizens were then available for viewing (or whatever) by foreign workers and other entities who might wish to nose into our private business in an unsavory fashion. This is precisely the kind of foreign economic intrigue that President Andrew Jackson fought against though its exact form was unimagined in his day, of course.

Say what you will about Jackson (and my Cherokee heritage will be right there with ya), he knew what dangers lurked in the merging of US interests with who-knows-whom and the extreme stupidity (if you care about US sovereignty) of America intra-banking with nations which we might one day wage war
against. A narrow view perhaps, but a salient point nonetheless.

Nowadays, our globalist-minded politicians act like everything is hunky dory, we just need to 'prop up' the capitalist system and keep it creaking along. Obviously, and by all accounts, there's still big money to be made by following such a shakey course. Not for America's Middle Class, but for mysterious someones.

Meanwhile, astrologers know that Pluto's transit through Capricorn will eventually lead to a Pluto Return for America which, due to Pluto's 248-year orbit, naturally will be the first time in US history - and to the destruction and transformation of Capricorn institutions such as business systems, law, government, and banking.

Even America's history (Cap/Saturn) is ripe for a major rewrite by
He of the Invisible Helmet

Now 2022 brings us a Pluto Return for the US if our nation remains intact by the time the global power elite and world banking cartel get done fleecing us in the 12 years hence.

Here is a brief astro-snapshot of 2022's US Pluto Return/s (n Pluto 27Cap33 Rx - '28Cap' = "A Large Aviary") which, due to Pluto's retrogradation, is a three-fer:

1. Feb 20, 2022; Hour of Jupiter; Mercury/Mars = Pluto criticism with a pasion; knowing just what's wring with the world; involved in big arguments;

2. July 11, 2022; Hour of Mars; Mercury/Saturn = Mars: turning drive into tyranny; risking everything to make one's point; no compromise; Saturn/NN = Jupiter: rebellion; freeing oneself from stress; the generation gap;

3. December 28, 2022: Hour of Mercury; Moon/Pluto = Saturn: constraint; depression; pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; inclination to feelings of loss; Venus/Neptune = Saturn: a new look at realism is needed; fear of losing the dream; Sun/Mars = Neptune: difficulty concentrating; feeling off track; possible loss of vitality.

(All midpoint pictures from th eexcellent Noel Tyl; all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

Ah, yes: fear of losing The American Dream of Prosperity - which now seems to be morphing into The Chinese Dream. But maybe it will morph yet again by 2022.


A further note on the global elite take-over: it's being reported today that even Fidel Castro is interested in such plans being implemented by the shadowy Bilderberg Group!

Jul 28, 2010

One reason the GOP blocked Dems' DISCLOSE Act

Ignoring for a moment the constant one-ups-manship and 'ego games with important consequences' between our national-international political parties (based in Washington DC - you know the ones), I have an opinion about one of the reasons the DISCLOSE Act was blocked - with the ongoing Cardinal T-Square's Pluto at work squaring/blocking other planets which are engaged simultaneously in tangled opposition - relationships; awareness - with one another...well, I don't have to tell you that it's a difficult, noisy war being waged on a higher level above our noggins (for evolutionarily speaking, we are mere children in the universal scheme of things) and thus in our collective psyche yet it's a war that doesn't have to be expressed as violently against the common good as the power elite would have it.

Refuse to be manipulated!

Now we all know that the current Cardinal T-SQ and off-on Cardinal Cross bring times of tribulation, and it even includes things such as a minority party blocking progress (described by another exact opposition between status quo Saturn on - here, the Rs - and progressive (BHO) Uranus on Monday July 26 (2010; view chart) -- both are being blocked by apex (focal point) Pluto in Capricorn. And Mr. Hades holds all the puppet strings (as he wants us to think.)

Meanwhile, traditionalist Saturn and upstart Uranus are going at it hand to hand across the relationship/balance/war axis, Aries-Libra. But is Pluto interfering on subtle levels in their relationship dynamics? Primal violence is often the most effective arrow in his quiver and humankind pays the price through this dark force's frantic struggle for control of the human race, as down he goes. More guises of Pluto: devil, psychiatrist, Pope.

Eventually transiting Pluto, god of the underworld (and I mean that in every lousy, anti-social, psychopathic way you don't want to imagine), will return to his position in America's natal chart ('charts' for there are many potential birth dates and times for the US but basically Pluto = 27Cap33 Rx) and I think secret hand, wealthy bankster, saboteur and assassin Pluto has already left his psyche-you-out calling card on the world's hall tables, the fancy and the plain.

Well! WikiLeaks' Julian Assange is on TV now in a re-broadcast of last evening's interview conducted by journalist Amy Goodman on DemocracyNow! (which I get bwo of LINK TV.)

And Mr. Assange is correct, I think - America's wars are unsustainable, not easy to exit, and yet we must end them. It's a bitter pill for the Vulcans among us, but frankly, m'dear, I don't give a ham for the warmongers of the world who sit in their libraries and bank vaults while directing young men and women to their deaths as if they were pawns on a chess board.

Yes, the Crashing of America IS their goal and they're doing a good job of it, aren't they? Because now our nation is locked into a death spiral of war and bankruptcy engineered by dark forces - and we-the-people seem to be the only ones desperate for a 180-degree Turn of Direction!!!

Candidate Obama pretended he'd help end the madness, but this seems to have been a campaign ruse. Did he believe his NWO masters would withdraw their crusading footprints from the Middle East because President Obama said Pretty Please? He's a smart guy. And I think he knew the game very well, sorry to say.

So it remains for our citizen-zombies created by drugs both legal and illegal, programmed by entertainment trances and other methods meant to weaken the populace in every way - to awaken from their slumbers. And perhaps now that it's become of great financial consequence to so many, larger numbers of people will pay closer attention to what's really going on here and become active in non-violent displays of dissent.

They say that just recognizing and identifying a monster can go a long way toward lessoning his power and eventually vanquishing him. I submit that here is where monster Pluto comes in.

But sad to say, there's some ill news about the Horoscope for Inauguration 2013 (on Monday Jan 21, 2013): at Midheaven (Mc = The Goal; Aspirations; WHY?) lies not only US natal Pluto, but Vulcan; at Ic (Endings; The Drain; HOW?) lurks Vulcanus, both named for the myth concerning a jealous blacksmith, an iron-fashioner of war weapons.

Things were already bad enough but then his lady Venus betrayed him, you see, by messing around with lusty Mars - and these vulcanic archetypes turning up in the US Inauguration 2013 horoscope are indicative of vengeance, war, and strife or the preparation for war - made more apt to physically manifest in the world for the presidential term (2013 - 2017) because weapon-maker Vulcan has the Mc/Ic axis on both ends, going and coming, upon which to do his worst.

He has four years for the Inauguration 2013 horoscope to be in effect (or until the next US president, if we keep having them, takes the Oath, as mere titular heads or not.) Nuclear concerns cannot be ruled out. Pluto loves this since 'he' was discovered in 1930 and announced the atomic era. (More's the pity for all humankind when that natural law was broken for it brought the world the abomination of desolation and the subsequent contamination they can never be honest with us about.)

Yes, more chart study for Inauguration 2013 must be carried out, of course, for many other chart factors must be weighed in spite of such a strong signature of exactly what our world does not need - more war.

The good news is that we have time to divert the worst of it if we-the-people can manage soon to throw off the dark mantle that's been tossed over our collective right shoulder. More on that later if anyone is interested...because a certain Sabian Symbol describes a very telling and fateful picture.

Well. I almost forgot to say what I consider to be one of the reasons the GOP blocked the Dems' DISCLOSURE Act...

Why, to keep their true faces hidden within the shadows, as you know!

Mar 21, 2009

Got 'resolution authority'?

Pres. Obama and his team have an idea for stepping in with large financial institutions ahead of crises.

It's being labeled 'resolution authority' which has, we may suspect, an Orwellian flavor which might show its true colors at any moment if the increased governmental authority goes through as planned.

Seems to me it shouldn't be too difficult to intervene ahead of financial crises - especially when they're designed, manufactured, and delivered by the power elite - which will make 'resolution authority' a win-win for the rich and powerful once again.

Yet perhaps the masses will gather a few crumbs from Midas' table just to 'keep hope alive.'

Guess the plutocratic duo of wounded, disenfranchised Chiron and powerful, secretive Pluto - or more specifically their midpoint, an oppressive blending of their energies - at the Goal/Aspiration Point of the Inauguration 2009 chart (Midheaven) is working its 'magic' as more and more control is given to the Fed and to other elected and non-elected entities.

Yes, America's natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) is currently being stimulated by the transiting Chiron-Pluto midpoint which makes the timing of the much-touted economic collapse even more suspect to this reluctant astrologer.

So because US natal Pluto is retrograde, I got to wondering when America had her early Pluto Return to 27Cap33 and found that July 4, 1776 was actually the second pass Pluto made to that exact degree - the Rx pass.

The first time Pluto reached that degree was Feb 25, 1776 (*NS); July 4, 1776 makes #2; the third time qualifies in my book as a Pluto Return: Jan 1, 1777.

These additional dates may mean more to history buffs than to anyone else, but there's more Astrology to consider...

Our nation's Pluto Return of Jan 1, 1777 falls into the 13 North Solar Eclipse Series which was, in fact, the Initial Eclipse in the 13N Series at '23Leo' (conjunct Venus.) This Series will next manifest at '14Cap' opposite US natal Sun on Jan 4, 2011.

Sun opposite Sun is a time when priorities and plans should be reviewed and revamped, if necessary, to be certain that goals are being targeted correctly.

On this blog or on Jude's Threshold I have previously commented that the 13N Series seems to describe the founding of America better than the actual Series into which 'July 4, 1776' falls, the **12 South - and the Declaration of Independence was missing some signatures until August, 1776. Eclipses are 'wild cards' and may influence events for two weeks prior or after their actual date of occurrence.)

See if this sound like the birth of America to you:

13N's flavor is one of large, ambitious group enterprises that require the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

'Existing bond'? England. 'Joint achievement'? America and the New World of Sir Francis Bacon's and Adam Weishaupt's illuminated dreams.

So as America looks ahead to her Pluto Return in 2021-22, we may want to look back and consider that technically it will not be our nation's first Pluto Return at all for plodding Pluto has been there, done that before - way back in 1777.


*NS = New Style which refers to the Gregorian Calendar - minus 10 days from the OS, or Julian Calendar.

**USA's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 12South: successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; draining issues will at first seem worse then clear (Brady, as above.) Next 12S Eclipse: '19Can' on July 11, 2010.

Jan 6, 2008

CIA and Pentagon: Pluto into Pakistan?

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government Jan 6, 2008:

Read the Breaking News at LegitGov

CIA to get broad powers to act inside Pakistan: Report Jan 6, 2008

The administration of President [sic] George W Bush is considering granting the Pentagon and CIA new authority to conduct covert operations in the tribal areas of Pakistan, The New York Times reported on its website late Saturday. Citing unnamed senior administration officials, the newspaper said the plan calls for giving Central Intelligence Agency agents broader powers to strike selected targets inside the country, in some cases using intelligence provided by Pakistani sources.#

Isn't this what Sen. Obama said he would do if/when president in the ABC-Facebook debates of last evening?

These forums were a little closer to being actual debates than we've seen in years which was...refreshing. Some actual testiness showed through, and the pile-ups on Romney by the Rs, and on Clinton by John Edwards and Barack Obama were predictable fodder for the Sunday morning pundits. Once again, Tim Russert and his tv colleagues managed to avoid any real discussion of issues in any meaningful way.

Change is as change does, says Hillary (I paraphrase liberally--accent on does.)

But she can't hide from the fact that she's been part of the establishment for several years now, female though she is. A woman president would be a major change--but not if it's imperialism and corporatism as usual. If selected, she won't be able to hide behind her own skirts (if she has any) for long if that's what's in store for America with a Hillary presidency.

John McCain seems to be preferred by the GOP...Mr. One Hundred Years in Iraq. Well, astrologically he has natal Pluto opposite US n Pluto, and natal Moon conjunct US Pluto. This speaks to his Vietnam experiences and now--to his attachment to US power which includes Pluto's nuclear connection.

This places McCain's ambitious Capricorn Moon at MC in the Inauguration 2009 chart along with US natal Pluto--and his natal NN (path; connections with the public)conjuncts Inaugural Pluto in the 8th house...Scorpio's natural house.

So on Inauguration Day it's tr Pluto 1Cap57 conj McCain's n NN 1Cap28 which links to the attacks of 9/11/01. His powerful connections (Pluto/NN) are also with those whose power-behind-the-throne has been in effect since America was born...US n Pluto is unaspected and works on his own as it suits. Our CIA and other intell agencies were formed in the early days and continue to work outside the realm of the American people's knowledge.

The nature of the beast? Sure. And this beast is a large part of present troubles created by perfidy, betrayal, unreliability, and meddling (to transform--Pluto the catalyst.) Overthrowing elected govenments, installing and propping up dictators, drug-running, assassinations (you know the list)--our unaspected Pluto has perpetrated it all.

And America's Pluto Return in 2021-22 may be the culmination of our nation's long march toward a fall from grace.

As mentioned in a previous post, switching prez Inaugurations from early March to Jan 20 (for one of FDR's installations) has put US natal Pluto at MC
(the Goal, Aspirations, and Objectives Point of the chart) ever since.

The date switch also had the obfuscating effect of removing US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint from MC (8Pis+)--not that anyone was aware of Chiron at that time. But plutocratic oppression and class warfare certainly existed, didn't it?

Now Pluto is going into Pakistan bwo the CIA and Pentagon. History, and the planetary cycles that mirror them, repeat.

Dec 29, 2007

"Unmasking" Eclipse Feb 6, 2008

Here is the chart for the Solar Eclipse of Feb 6, 2008, set for the White House, 10:44:27 pm est.

Eclipse is in 4th house, the Foundation of the chart and representing the Domestic Scene, Home, Homeland (in this case), the White House itself, and the End of the Matter. The 4/10 axis is the Security Axis. In the US natal chart (Sibly) this Eclipse falls in the 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and Values.

~~UPDATE 3.22.08: the Eclipse in 4th House--the subprime housing fiasco is ongoing as Bear Stearns is bailed out by the Fed, a NWO plan that will be underwritten by the hoodwinked US taxpayer.~~

It's being called the Unmasking Eclipse (by yours truly) because it occurs on the "18AQ" degree, Sabian Symbol: "A man unmasked."

From The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (Dr. Marc Edmund Jones) we see the keyword for "18AQ": ANALYSIS...

pos: a considered dedication to greater or more wonderful reasons for being;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude.

This is a symbol of the human mind's illimitable power for penetrating into the deeper stirrings and underlying motivations of human nature, and of a very modern determination to gain a scientific mastery of every psychological process.

Here is a repudiation of all individualism as other than the common divisions of labor in social reality, and a demand that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it. Life becomes a laboratory for an immortal curiosity.

In her book on the Symbols, 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Australian astrologer, Lynda Hill, gives "18AQ" as: "A man being unmasked at a masquerade" and gives keywords as:

secret motives exposed; facing the truth about oneself or others; being able to see through characters and trickery; wearing a 'mask' that suits the situation (campaign 2008?); dropping pretense; stripping away cover-ups (oh goody!); aliases; the desire for authenticity.

Lynda always gives 'Cautions' for each degree...

"18AQ": detrimentally revealing yourself too quickly or too early; being found out to be a fraud; finding unwelcome answers; charades; pretense and ploys to manipulate; layers of deception discovered; lies; assumed identities.

Ah! good reasons to set this Eclipse for the White House. Charades, masquerades, and campaigns with their annoying and bogus debates--as candidates argue past one another and threads of reasoning end nowhere and with no one the wiser.

Naturally this Eclipse's influence will be in effect until the next Solar Eclipse of Aug 1, 2008--the Series in which the 2008 (s)election takes place.

Unmasking Eclipse in 10 North Series:

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the influences of the 10N Series as:

frustrating or inhibiting events concerning paperwork, news, or a young person; strong emphasis on communication; people may feel tired and drained and it's time to take things quietly and work through difficulties one at a time.

Previously the 10N Series manifested: Dec 14, 1917 (22Sag); Dec 25, 1935 (3Cap); Jan 5, 1954 (14Cap); Jan 16, 1972 (25Cap); and Jan 26, 1990 (7AQ--conjunct Bush43's natal Descendant--partnerships; legal matters.) Next time: Feb 17, 2026 (29AQ.)

One feature of the Eclipse chart which I've highlighted (click to enlarge chart) is the off-and-on-again Quindecile (165 degrees) aspect of obsession-compulsion between societal Saturn and nebulous Neptune (fraud; crooks; spirituality) so we have: deception within societal leadership; idealism dissolves old systems; rigid structure disappears; dreams become reality.

Of course some people's dreams may be other men's grim realities.

You may notice that Neptune is triggerng the Mars/Asc midpoint by opposition...

Mars/Asc = Neptune: withdrawal as an option (a candidate withdraws? surely not the US from Iraq while Bush is infesting the White House); out of the mainstream (a typical, if tiresome, political complaint esp if you consider what the self-styled 'mainstreamers' have wrought); maintaining one's position only with great difficulty; disharmony in working together.

There are all sorts of political and campaign levels to this picture. We'll see.

And there's Pluto at World Point 00Cap21, a much-discussed topic online--toss your mouse and you should find many articles on the subject...with Capricorn the sign of politics, law, and business. Eventually, America will have her first-ever Pluto Return (fall from power? or rededication to it?) and it will be a three-fer, all in the year 2022:

Feb 20; July 11 (Rx); and Dec 28.

A few of the 'Cautions' which Lynda Hill gives for Pluto's "28Cap" are: false sense of freedom (sounds familiar); mental confusion brings lack of discernment; peace, harmony, privacy are hard to find (yep); abandoned living spaces; too much chatter with not much being achieved.

Thing about America's Pluto is that when the presidential Inaugurals were moved from early March to January 20--as of FDR's second Inauguration, Jan 20, 1937-- it permanently placed US Pluto conjunct Inaugural MC (MC= Aspirations, Objectives, Goals.) Nice for elite plutocrats, one supposes, manipulative for the rest of the world.

But back to the Feb 6, 2008 Eclipse:

Neptune 21AQ34 is conjunct asteroid, Bacchus: religious fervor; drunkenness; ecstatic joy. Red red wine, y'know--Neptune is associated with the Divine Source--and with all forms of negative escapism.

Asteroid Astraea, justice and law, is rising, and Saturn is at the ASC/MC midpoint...

ASC/MC = Saturn: conservatism is comfortable; austerity is important for reliability and maturity; feeling inferior; depression; separation.

Marked in red is a Grand Trine between the Eclipse (plus Neptune and NN, with NN conj US n Moon, the people), Mars 24Gem24 in 9th house of Education; Foreign Enemies; Philosophy and Religion), and the ASC of the chart.

Yet my pc, IE, and isp are all crashing left and right today--it's taken hours to get this post this far along, so I'll skedaddle for now and refer to this chart later on...for after all, chart-ruler Venus 17Cap01 is applying to the NWO degree, "18Cap" and you know how I love to grouse about their "smug and strong-armed paternalism"...and the Unmasking Eclipse may be turn out to be helpful as we listen to the promises and assertions of candidates 2008.

As Rudy would say, 9/11.

See current Eclipse chart of Sept 11, 2007.

Nov 7, 2007

About-Face! US' 'Nuclear Posture Review'

In April 2002, expert astrologer Maya del Mar wrote Where Is the U.S. Headed? concerning the US' natal Mars/Neptune square = fantasies of aggression; media glamorizing violence (and Hollywood, too--jc); and the Jan 8, 2002 about-face in nuclear policy titled, the Nuclear Posture Review which was signed by Donald Rumsfeld and surreptitiously delivered to a rubber-stamping, anthrax-threatened Congress.

As Maya points out, this was the very day of the first of tr Mercury's conjunctions to Neptune in Aquarius (first of three.) Then on March 10, the LA Times broke the story, the day that tr Mercury conjoined Uranus in Aquarius--and Pallas Athena (strategy) took Mercury's old place conjunct Neptune.

These Mercury conjunctions in AQ occurred at the time the US' secondary progressed (sec) Sun conj'd US n Moon (27-28 AQ) which began a 360-year cycle of US Aquarian thinking. Mercury describes what's on our minds and with AQ it can be anything from humanitarian and brotherhood issues to weird science and the iciness of space.

Our n Mars/Neptune square has always indicated a tendency toward denial regarding national aggression and it's timely to re-read Maya's thoughts from 2002. The article includes a link to her brilliant Saturn/Pluto articles as well.

America's world domination desires are driving toward the US Pluto Return of 2022 with devouring, nuclear-minded Pluto's power-behind-the-throne reputation--the dragon roars--even from space, so they plan.

Dates of US Pluto Return (27Cap33--Rx natally) based on the US natal 'Sibly' chart of July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm lmt are:

1. Feb 20, 2022

2. July 11, 2022 (Rx)

3. Dec 28, 2022

The Sabian Symbol for "28Cap": "A large aviary"...COMMUNITY...

pos: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: loss of all character in sheer officiousness.

Will we have character left to lose by 2022? It's only 15 years ahead!

"If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them." --Paul Wellstone