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Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts

Jan 5, 2021

A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before

Democracy vs Authoritarianism in America - Again

by Jude Cowell

January 5, 2020: Most likely you're familiar with the Fascist plot in 1933 to induce General Smedley Butler to lead a potentially massive force of American Legion members against President Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to take over the White House and US government, thus putting a stop to FDR's New Deal plans. (As you know, certain corporatists, ideologues, and their political operatives have worked against our social safety net programs ever since with some success. After all, it irks them that such programs often benefit black people!)

So below is a horoscope of the 'visit' and sales pitch from the authoritarian conspirators to General Butler at his house on July 1, 1933 around 1:00 pm. Naturally, the culprits were fronting for big operators - the big bankers and other corporatists who were the leaders of the seditious plan in 1933, the ones who thought the straightforward Butler could be persuaded to their authoritarian cause. (At MC, The Goal Point, is starry Alhena: to have a mission; also asteroid Circe: to seek rescue). Note that Cupido @9Pis18 (Corporatism; The Syndicate; The Family) is in the risk-taking 5th house conjunct Pallas Rx (strategy) with the 7 North Solar Eclipse degree nearby. This fascist plot is well known for congressional hearings were held afterwards and General Butler testified against the men and their plot. And note that printed on the horoscope you'll see "J.P. Morgan firm behind it" (Mullins).

You'll also see expansive propagandist Jupiter unaspected in Virgo; some of its potentials are listed on the chart. In 5th house moving into 4th, Saturn @Rx @15AQ23 leads a Locomotive shape of planets (a high-powered, ruthless executive determined on success) with an interesting rounded-up Sabian Symbol: "16AQ" = "A Big Businessman at His Desk."

Now with Libra rising, 10th house Venus is chart-ruler but makes no major applying aspect to any planet (US natal Saturn, exalted in Libra, rises). Although Venus applies to no planet (going nowhere! but see lower left for the applying Venus-Chiron sextile, plus, note that Venus opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn, suggesting underhanded manipulation, obsession, possessivene$$, and cut-throat competition), the Venus-Pluto conjunction (5S43) in patriotic, nationalistic, tribal Cancer is revealing for together the pair tend toward 'elements of organized crime' and their combined energies relate to 'the breakdown of the fabric of society' (Munkasey) which is what such fascist plotters are finally managing to accomplish now under figurehead Trump. Do I think their take-over plot is this wide and far-reaching? Of course.

And an upcoming period of time to be especially wary of is around and beyond the April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @30Aries in the 7 North Saros Series for it will be a repetition of the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 (horoscope shown) with its theme of a 'deep, long-hidden passion' and 'lust' coming to the surface (Brady).

Based on the tendency of history to rhyme, 7 North's theme, plus, current events, I believe that this very passion, hidden away for decades, is what now motivates corporatists and ideologues in their ongoing attempts to throttle democracy right out of America, leaving a hollow shell of a country for authoritarian freaks to fill.

July 1, 1933 Horoscope: The Fascist Plot to Use General Smedley Butler

Data and details of the plot from Eustace Mullins' book The Federal Reserve which is available as a facsimile reprint appropriately titled, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy #ad.

Feb 16, 2020

Has Trump Taken Down Our Democratic Republic? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann with a timely and disturbing question:


A closely related post with complimentary Astrology included: Horoscope of the Third Reich where you'll see that the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 landed upon the Third Reich's Midheaven ('MC', the Goal) opposite 1933 Pluto in Cancer. Of course, Pluto in Capricorn as it is now = the dictator (Ebertin) and Saturn-Pluto with more Pluto, according to Michael Munkasey, provides potentials for:

"Seeing that there are two extremes: good and evil; choosing one and dedicating your life toward eliminating the other; a realistic look at life direction; elimination of ineffective practices; extreme times of change."

Yes, extreme times of change, Trump's and his backers' objective. But there's more on the line than America's form of government being dismantled and sabotaged by criminal elements. It's good vs evil. That's where things stand. Personally I choose good. How about you?

Sep 27, 2019

US Congress: Broken When We Need It to Get Busy

Has the US Congress disintegrated right before our eyes, now broken beyond repair? The sabotage of the US government has been in force for decades and infiltrators are having their merry way. Politico's When Impeachment Meets a Broken Congress lays out the case rather well (especially if readers scroll down a few paragraphs).

And astrologers are likely to be familiar with recent and current planetary transits to the US Congress First Session Horoscope and those affecting Inauguration 2017 planets, plus, a long-term transit of Pluto square natal Neptune with potentials for: 'psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration'. And since Congress is intended to represent We The People, this heavy plutonian influence applies to the entire population.

See the US Congress First Session Horoscope of March 4, 1789 for more transit details.

Now as you can see from the March 4, 1789 chart, the Midheaven (26Capricorn) of the US Congress (MC = Goals, Aspirations, Public Standing) is currently in turmoil from the approaching Saturn-Pluto pair of compressed, unyielding energies, and the same for US Inauguration Horoscope/s (January 20, 2017, 2013, etc, at noon Capitol Building Washington DC).

Karmic Saturn and Pluto are working together as they move closer and their energies peak @23Cap46 on January 12, 2020 (conjunct Trump' natal Vertex of fated encounters--an encounter with dictatorship apparently although personally I'm hoping for downfall). The Saturn-Pluto pairing denotes potentials for: turmoil in rigid or older structures, upsets in existing checks and balances, secret preparations for future restrictions, use of secret police or military agencies, blocked sewage systems, and/or lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction (Munkasey). But whether Trump stays on top or not, the ongoing sabotage, mostly by Republicans, is in process of achieving its objective of collapsing America and 'drowning her in a bath tub' as Grover Norquist promised. After all, everyone knows that no empire lasts forever--including the vengeful Vladimir Putin.

So as noted, plans to deconstruct the US government have been simmering for decades--actually from the start--and many see the 2022 US Pluto Return/s as a major signpost on the way to...whatever conditions and events from the Revolutionary years will rhyme if not repeat by 2022.

And naturally, the saboteurs are banking on modern generations of Americans having little if any of the spunk and determination our forefathers possessed during the Revolutionary era so that fighting to rescue our Republic when time catches up with need will be a weak and wimpy affair, easily vanquished, our combatants soft and otherwise engaged with their phones and viral videos. For as you know stealth has been one of our opponents' handiest aids (as always with sabotage) along with infiltration, lies, fraud, cheating, political 'spin', propaganda, wedge issues, and the entertainment industry. Bribery and intimidation work well for them, too, with their mobster/global crime syndicate selves focused on dismantling democratic societies. That the US will no longer act as global leader seems evident to me and is one of the saboteurs' goals.

Plus, you'll remember that in December 2008, during the Bush-Cheney Financial Crash, America symbolically reached as far as she/we can go (or should go) in the world via our nation's Progressed Full Moon in Virgo. Now, despite the massive amount of rigging it's taken to hide the fact that our nation has reached its pinnacle, we're nearly 11 years beyond that point and the karmic imperatives are coming in fast. Are our crumbling institutional structures too weak to withstand the sabotaging forces of the global crime syndicate? For that's what the Washington establishment fights when it battles against Donald Trump although some politicians may be 'fighting' and resisting while secretly supporting the fascist cause he leads (or is the face of--an orange figurehead!).

Now as you know, even before America's Pluto Return/s in 2022 we must navigate several Solar and Lunar Eclipses of note, plus, two titanic planetary conjunctions occur after Saturn-Pluto in January 2020--Jupiter-Pluto begin their cycle anew with the duo's financial implications on April 5, June 30, November 12, 2020 between 22 and 25 Capricorn (tri-wheel charts shown). And the Jupiter-Saturn (the societal pair) conjunct and end 2020 with a bang @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and marking the beginning of a 20-year cycle. When Jupiter and Saturn combine forces there are more checks and balances issues and significant changes in governmental, religious, and social orders with a judicial system at breaking point (Munkasey)--and this must include the lawmakers of Congress.

So now I must regress because during all the years of writing Stars Over Washington (since 2005) I have encouraged readers to contact Congress with 'call often call angry' concerning their issues but now I strongly suspect that calls and emails to Congress offering our support and firm 'don't allow the institution to dissolve' messages would serve both the higher and lower purposes of We The People much better. Don't you?

Related Posts include: The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s; and, The Facist Plot to Overthrow FDR (documentary). My point is, the fascists are at it again and have learned much from their previous mistakes and miscalculations.

Apr 8, 2019

Anomie: Is the Trump Era Unraveling American Society? clip

April 8, 2019: Here is an informative segment from Thom Hartmann published April 5, 2019 concerning what yours truly sees as Trump's ongoing, undermining sabotage of America via what is apparently a fascist-stye Trump-GOP treason agenda:


In case you missed it: Has Trump Already Committed Nixon-esque Treason?, another Tom Hartmann segment (2016) with author Lamar Waldron.

A related astro-post: The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump.

Oct 23, 2018

Trickle Down Racism: The Not So New Platform of The Republican Party

From October 19, 2018, here's a disturbing topic recently addressed by Thom Hartmann:


Astrologically all the -isms are children of the Pluto-Chiron combination of energies and include racism, exploitation, oppression, abuse of the weak, primal violence, criminality, and plutocracy. The pair by transit last conjoined on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22. Rounded up we have '12Sag': "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" which spotlights the natal Ascendant of America (for those who use a late afternoon chart for our nation's founding on July 4, 1776) and with the American Empire's totem animal the American Eagle, as everyone knows.

This personalizes the Pluto-Chiron conjunction to our nation (Ascendant) as the New Millennium was about to begin and considering the Republicans' use of the 9/11 attacks (Patriot Act, power grabs, erosion of our constitutional rights, HoSec and total surveillance, etc, etc), I'm suggesting that the Pluto-Chiron pair tragically describes what certain US politicians were and are--now acting under the tutelage of Putin-compromised Donald Trump, an asset who 'does just what Putin would do', who owes much to and conspires with Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea--and who idolizes dictators past and present and longs for their kind of extreme power.

A handmaiden to this topic is the ongoing Republican Party's Neptune Return with Neptune in Pisces bringing a boatload of paranoia, fear, lies, fraud, conspiracy theories, and propaganda. And of course, infiltrating saboteur Neptune enables identity change or the masking of it via the party's current label as the Trump Party (Republicans are 'hiding behind Trump', some pundits have said). The fifth and final exact return of transit Neptune to the party's 1854 position of Neptune (14Pis01) occurs on December 29, 2018 and floats America into 2019 with fascism as one of Mr. Trump's 'secret' -isms and an anti-democratic authoritarian agenda.

As in, authoritarianism.

Jun 22, 2018

Tweet from Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic)

As Donald Trump shows his true colors more and more clearly, comparisons between Trump, Hitler and the Nazis continue to occur (including here on Stars Over Washington). Some folks use trolling, 'whataboutism', and other methods to defend Trump's actions and rhetoric in vain attempts to deflect criticism from his dictatorial sorriness. And many are quick to triumphantly cite Godwin's Law on Trump's behalf in every online discussion with non-trumpsters.

Well, in case you haven't seen it, here's a tweet from Mike Godwin himself although you may have to copy/paste to follow his link:

Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic) Tweeted: By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you.

May 22, 2018

The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control

Astro-Notes: The Powell Memo and Corporations as 'People' Like Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

The significance of the Powell Memo (or, Manifesto) cannot be overemphasized when pondering the ongoing assault on American institutions by corporate interests, transnational and domestic. It is not the first or only assault but one of many by wealthy elitists of the anti-Constitutional kind, those opposed to democracy and who plunder resources and wage wars across the globe and at home for their own profit.

Naturally, the term 'manifesto' must conjure for us the Communist Manifesto and the anti-worker doctrine of Marxism which has been shown to have been invented in order to destroy the Middle Class--invented though plagiarized by Karl Marx who was financed by the wealthy class of his day including his wife's family, the von Westphalens of the Prussian aristocracy.

So with no precise hour known, I'm finally getting around to publishing a 'noon' horoscope for The Powell Memo:

As you see, the Memorandum occurred within a 9 New South Saros Series with its Solar Eclipse ('PE') @27Leo15 which was activated on August 21, 2017 by The Great American Eclipse whose path of visibility split our nation in half. You'll remember that this is the Total eclipse that Donald Trump looked at 6 times without safety glasses--and its degree conjoined his natal Ascendant (29Leo) and by extension, his rising Mars (26Leo). Themes of the 1971 Solar Eclipse are messily penned upon the above chart along with the themes of the August 2017 Eclipse in the 1 North series, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' of Nostradamus fame (August 11, 1999 @18Leo).

So far, the Trump regime has fulfilled 1 North's themes extremely well: 'unexpected events' and 'information is distorted and possibly false'. Plus, we should note that the August 1999 eclipse will be activated by another Solar Eclipse this very year on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North series, the eclipse I have unhappily labeled The Tower Eclipse for its 'collapsing tower' and 'rebuilding' themes (Brady). This eclipse happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms.

Now as you know, history is often said to rhyme (if not repeat precisely) and it seems to me that the study of eclipses, solar and lunar, is one way of revealing 'time links' between years and the historical events that were influenced by the applicable eclipse themes. This does not discount whether or not a particular eclipse is visible in a certain location where an event takes place yet the significance and symbolism of eclipse degrees are my primary focus along with the themes of the series in which an eclipse falls. Of course, visible eclipses would have stronger influence upon events as would Total eclipses but degrees are sensitized by eclipses, stars, and other factors and remain so through centuries.

As for the Powell Memo horoscope itself, its lack of timing prevents a full consideration here although there are a few chart factors I wish to point out:

First, that Neptune, planet of fraud, corruption, propaganda, disguises, get-rich-quick-schemes (with nearby Jupiter), the (corporate-controlled) media and the masses, is @1Sag, a degree with a Sabian Symbol (penned on) well known for its link to the US military--in America's case, to the military industrial complex that's bleeding America's National Treasury dry at the expense of We The People.

Then @11Leo01 there's Cupido conjunct Midheaven (at noon) with keywords: Corporations, Organizations, and The Family which includes crime families, Chambers of Commerce, political parties, and religious cults.

Pluto-Chiron at Work

Another factor is the midpoint of Pluto-Chiron, the Plutocracy pair of oppression, exploitation, primal violence, racism, and other -isms such as Capitalism, Communism, Marxism, Bolshevikism, Fascism, Socialism, and Zionism, which conjoins US natal Jupiter (5Cancer56) with its enlightening Sabian Symbol for '6 Cancer': "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests." In the Powell Memo chart this would refer to Mr. Powell and his Chamber of Commerce co-conspirators and others of the corporate persuasion--and to America's Founding (plutocratic) Fathers of 1776 and our modern-day financial fanatics who exploit others at every opportunity and have pulled a major scam with their ridiculous assertion that "corporations are people, too" (codified by Citizens United 2010). In the same vein, SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote an opinion about two days ago siding with employers and corporations over US workers, so there, America. Scr*w you, say corporate elitists.

And for those of us who use a late afternoon founding chart for America (July 4, 1776), its Ascendant in the range of 11-13Sag was the spot in the Zodiac where Pluto and Chiron last met in conjunction December 1999--and helped usher in the dawning of the New Millennium under the auspices of the 'Mother of All Eclipses', the 1 North @18Leo which will soon be triggered in August 2018.

Donald Trump in the White House: the Corporate Tradition Carried On

And finally, let's close by noting that in 1971 the asteroid of ethics and strategy, Pallas @27Tau27 opposes 1971 Jupiter in corporate Scorpio while conjoining 1971 MIDAS (26:49) -- and greedy MIDAS happily sits upon the natal Midheaven (The Goal) of gold-lover Donald Trump (age 25 in 1971). And that's Trump's very visible MC where the nasty, malevolent star of violence, rage, and viciousness is found: Algol of Medusa's Head fame.

Now in case either of you need it, here's what some say is an apt description of the Trump regime by Dr. Lawrence Britt; this controversial definition is also known as The Britt List.

Plus, every chance he gets Trump Is Using 'The Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels, a post which includes some Astrology and an interesting video.

A Possibly Related Post: 4 Virgo and the Midpoint Pictures of Trump and Hitler...some weird cosmic synchronicity is going on.

Mar 23, 2018

March 23, 1919: Mussolini's Fascist Party (an Eclipse Timeline)

March 23, 2018: 99 years ago today, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini founded the ring-wing Fascist Party as 'Fasci di Combattimento' ('Fighting Bands') based on the struggles of 19th century Italian peasants. Advocates of Italian nationalism and wearing black shirts as uniforms, Mussolini began a campaign of terror and intimidation against his leftist opponents.

Here is a list of the applicable Solar Eclipses and their themes which influenced the Fascist timeline of events:

Party Founded March 23, 1919: 11 North December 3, 1918 @11Sag = changing groups and making greater commitments; last manifestation of 11 North: 2009; next: 2027;

Fascists March on Rome October 1922: 15 North September 21, 1922 @27Virgo = joy through commitment; last 15 North: 2012; next: 2030;

Mussolini Proclaimed 'The Leader' (Il Duce) January 1925: 17 South January 24, 1925 @4Aquarius = good news and sudden success in group matters or projects. And oddly enough, 17 South is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series of Herr Adolf Hitler. Last 17 South: Spring Equinox 2015 @29Pisces (conjunct Cardinal World Point 00Aries00) and PE of Trump's POTUS bid announcement in June 2015; next 17 South: 2033.

Besides the disruptive actions and nationalist rhetoric of Donald Trump, it's no wonder that a 'history rhymes' time link between Trump, Mussolini, and Hitler has been effortlessly easy for most people to realize whether they wanted to or not.

And to me it seems that the one useful thing Mussolini provided the world is a clear equation which keeps on giving--in our day through the machinations of Donald J. Trump and his wealthy corporate backers and political operatives:

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.

And I suppose that since the above Solar Eclipses repeated during the tenure of the more popular and more like-able Barack Obama (2009, 2012, 2015) we must toss his presidential actions and rhetoric into the same barrel with Mussolini-Hitler-Trump. For after all, that's what America's much-touted 'pass the baton' really means--the same old empire-building regime and agenda merely with a new hand on the White House helm. And tragically for the entire world, that's how the 'death star' Pentagon's US war machine bombs on and pilfers all our money and resources.


Eclipse Notes: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Mar 14, 2018

The Fascist Plot to Overthrow FDR - documentary

And now in 2018 we find that although the fascist spirit may be driven underground it never really goes away. Constant vigilance required!

Sep 26, 2017

Are There Fascists In America? Yes and They Aren't Who You Think They Are

Sept 26, 2017: an excerpt from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast with a question that seems more appropriate each day:


For years Stars Over Washington and other blogs and sites have featured warnings about such potentials. Here are eight posts closely related to the topics discussed by Thom Hartmann in the video excerpt, above:

Hitler's Progressed New Moon Exact: February 24, 2017: Is It Fair to Compare Trump to Hitler?

The Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse February 24, 1933 (chart shown).

At least two planetary returns stimulated the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse horoscope since Mr. Trump slithered on to the political scene--during his 2016 campaign, in fact, and both planets are prominent in the natal chart of Mr. Mars Rising: Violent Protests as Rebel Uranus Returns to its Fascist Solar Eclipse Degree and Jupiter in Virgo Now Triggers the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933: If Not Nominated Candidate Trump Signals Riots for RNC 2016.

Major General Smedley Butler and the Fascist Take-Over of the US - video w/ Eclipses.

Remembering Henry A. Wallace: Our Mystic Vice President.

National Journal: The Rise of Dark Money and the Koch Party.

The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump (Berlin's parliament building set ablaze under the influence of the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse).

Apr 6, 2017

Millennial Astrologer Analyzes Economic Systems

Stars Over Washington's ongoing series of articles authored by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes continues as Kevin shares his astro-analysis of the four main economic systems in society and how to recognize the indicators in a horoscope:

Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism Defined: Which Is The "Right" System?

by Kevin Estes

The US is commonly labeled as a capitalist country, but when looking at the definition of capitalism, the US is clearly not a capitalist country, at least not anymore. The four main economic systems, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, will be defined in this post, and the system that fits the current US economic system will be quite surprising for you if you don't know what all of them truly are.


"An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

In a capitalist society, there would be no public schools, no public colleges and universities, no state funded highways, and no safety net programs. This sounds good to many with strong right wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, with cultural indicators and Pallas aspects varying), which indicate a preference of capitalism, but many people need those safety net programs, especially those with low incomes, disabilities, and people who get laid off. Of course, it's easy to say "that's what your family is supposed to be there for!", but quite a few people don't have family members in close proximity to be there for them, as they can be living in another state, not on speaking terms, or even worse, not be alive at all. And some will also say that it should be the church's job, but many aren't religious at all.


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

In a socialist society, the needs of everyone are met. Safety net programs for people who are laid off or just can't work at all (retirees, mentally ill, disabled), free public schools for children, health care for everyone, business regulations to improve the quality of the work environment, etc. The US is much closer to socialism than capitalism, though not purely socialist. Socialism in the natal chart is generally indicated by left wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, the sign of Pisces, Neptune, and the South Node), with defensive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node), and often with left wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, Neptune, and the South Node), as making sure the needs of everyone are met also involves social issues like abortion rights, gay rights, minority rights, environmentalism, etc.


"A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

Communism is basically an authoritarian version of socialism, in that private property is not allowed and society is completely devoid of economic classes. Basically, everyone's needs are met, outside of freedom. Communism is indicated by left wing economic indicators and aggressive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter), generally with left wing cultural indicators. The US has never been communist, as economic classes are still prevalent to this day, though they're dwindling rapidly, which brings us to:


"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization."

Fascism is a right wing economic system, where the corporations control the government, opposition is stifled, and is occupied by nationalism. Sound familiar? That's because it is. Ever since 9/11, many have been arrested as "terrorists," just because they were true patriots and whistle blowers. In the current Pluto in Capricorn era, corporations have gained more and more control over the government, and as a result, the wealth gap has been expanding rapidly every year.

Fascism is indicated by left wing economic indicators (because the wealth of the people is being dissolved and going to the 1%, which is why there's such a large gap between the rich and the poor, while the middle class is disappearing rapidly), along with aggressive Pallas and right wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 4th house, the North Node, and the sign of Cancer). The left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators are present in numerous GOP politicians, including George W Bush (he has defensive Pallas but his VP Cheney had a strong aggressive Pallas), Ronald Reagan, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Condoleezza Rice, which is basically a "who's who?" of the GOP establishment. Out of the four systems, fascism is what the US is closest to right now, and what the economic system will likely be if the NWO actually comes to fruition.

Many Republicans who are anti-socialism and anti-communism, yet claim to be capitalist, may actually be supporting fascism instead, especially if they're in favor of deficit spending on the military rather than the safety net programs, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans regardless of how much job growth they're creating, and not batting an eye when GOP politicians like Trump attempt to suppress freedom of speech. Not everyone with left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators is fascist though (ex: the Catholic doctrine is known for promoting a socially conservative doctrine, while promoting a very leftist economic view).

The Right Economic System

With all these economic systems defined, which one is the right one? Technically, none of them. Out of the four, socialism is the closest, as it makes sure everyone's needs are met, while being significantly less authoritarian than communism, though the government plays a huge role in socialism, which brings the risk of its growing into communism over time. However, as I've mentioned before, the economic system itself is a modern version of slavery, in that in order to make a good living, you need to work an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for over 40 years until you reach the age where you're no longer productive enough for the elites anymore, which means you'll be eligible for retirement. I am not saying that people should sit at home all day, but that it's immoral to force people to be "wage slaves," or else have extreme difficulty surviving. If you cannot survive without being a "wage slave" to the elites, then it is not true freedom.

Personally, the "right" economic system is one where everyone's needs are met unconditionally with free health care for everyone by way of Medicare expansion, with the freedom for people to pursue whatever career they want, yet not rely on that career just to survive, as work life and family/social life would be more balanced and everyone would have enough to survive comfortably unconditionally, which would happen by way of something like a Social Security expansion for everyone (jobs would give people the extras, such as traveling and seeing the world). That system doesn't exist right now, as it would have to be created when the current system, which encourages people to want more and more in order to get ahead financially, collapses. With Pluto in Capricorn and the Pluto return coming in 2022, and Pluto entering Aquarius right after the Pluto return in 2023, this could actually become a reality.

Be sure to check out more articles by Kevin Estes at Left Wing Astrology.

Feb 26, 2017

June 6, 2017 Third Reich: Progressed New Moon in Taurus

Feb 26, 2017: this morning a Solar Eclipse manifested at 9:58 am ET @8Pis12 and tonight activist Mars catches up with radical *Uranus @21Aries, an explosive, often violent combination of energies. This got me thinking about how the Third Reich recently had its Uranus Return/s to natal Uranus degree (19Ari53). These returns were exact on June 17, 2015 (the day after Mr. Trump first announced his presidential bid from behind the shadows of a New Moon @25Gemini), September 4, 2015 (Rx), and March 31, 2016, dates which cover America's 2016 Campaign period and as we now know, the Klan and 'alt-right' folks were preparing to move into the White House under the coattails of Mr. Trump. And so a new cycle of Uranian activities (ex: politics) has begun for Old World Nazis, and I assume, for neo-Nazis, with a devilish force still plaguing the world.

Here's a view of the Third Reich natal chart of 1933 which is the horoscope and data from which issue the following Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon of the Third Reich, a symbolic 'new cycle of activity' for an organization that is much much less popular than its adherents seem to believe it is:

SP New Moon @4Tau06: It's an Hour of Venus with Venus in one of her own signs, Taurus (the bull), a placement denoting conservative values and a love of jewels and luxury. Also, Venus is in the same degree as the SP New Moon giving a karmic flavor to the chart and cycle yet it is radical zealot Uranus @23Ari58 (the Utopian in Aries) that is nearer the Midheaven (MC = The Goal). Could Uranian favorites chaos and anarchy be on the organization's agenda? The Sun rules the chart but makes no applying aspects at all so 'Sun in 10th house in Taurus' sums up the solar influence while the Taurean Venus rules the roost.

Sun Taurus-Moon Taurus is a double Earth blend of pragmatism, rigidity, and obstinacy. This security-seeking blend saw a certain propagandist and 'social scientist' born under its rays, a man known as 'Karl Marx' (Levi's pen name) who famously promoted the tenet, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Who decides what everyone needs and how much I shall leave to your imagination. Just remember that 'Karl Marx' was funded by the House of Rothschild (N. Hagger, The Secret History of the West).

And as you see in SP 2nd house of Money and Values, the 'Marseillaise Trio' of Mars-Neptune-Jupiter remain a trio as in the natal chart and suggesting violence, terror, and cruel oppression as keyed during the French Revolution. A midpoint picture is formed: Mars-Jupiter = Neptune: falsehood; unfaithfulness; failures; plans without a chance of realization (hopefully so! jc) -- are the potentials, according to Reinhold Ebertin. No fascist USA! is one slogan on display during some of the many protests across the nation since Mr. Trump moved into the White House.

In addition, the violent Marseillaise Trio was a factor on the night of Hitler's Reichstag Fire through which his fascist dictatorship was firmly established. That night, the line-up was Jupiter-Mars-Neptune which emphasizes the speculation and conflating ability of the trio with arsonist Mars in the middle and the Jupiter-Neptune pair relating to political conflict and monetary fraud and waste.

Another 'as you see' in the SP chart is the stunning and disturbing conjunction of the SP Saturn-Pluto midpoint of cruelty, brutality, and violence (see upper right) with the New Moon. This dynamic should be unsurprising to most people who have no trouble mentioning the Nazi's treatment of the Jewish people when speaking of the Holocaust Memorial (unlike Mr. Trump who has himself been the cause of turmoil, use of the military for domestic actions (so far, against immigrants), and 'upsets in existing checks and balances' within our three branches of government. This is a crude man who uses a private police force causing some to assert that Mr. Trump is "playing with fire"...though not a Reichstag Fire, one wants to assume.

Okay, I'll hush for now. In closing, here are two links--one to an essay concerning The Rise of Nazism in Germany (opinions are the author's own). The other contains Astrology and also an interesting video concerning The Fascist Plot to Take Over the US in 1933.

Thankfully, America had General Smedley Butler to foil the plot then...who do we have now?


*This evening's Mars-Uranus conjunction @21Aries at 7:19 pm ET is basically a Mars Return to the Economic Unification chart of Germany as given in The Book of World Horoscopes (chart #132), by Nicholas Campion. The simultaneous transit of Uranus to natal Mars supports the notion of the Third Reich's SP New Moon 'new cycle of activity' since it relates to taking a new approach or direction made suddenly necessary due to circumstances. Actions are highly charged under a Uranus-to-natal-Mars transit, outcomes are unpredictable, there may be separation or estrangement within relationships with males, and it's a dangerous time to confront adversaries. Mars-Uranus when paired also indicate potentials that include operations, accidents, injuries, premature actions, willfulness, intolerance, a test of nerves, fighting for freedom, courage, and/or a struggle for survival (Ebertin).

And speaking of Economics, as of December 2016, Germany now heads the 2017 G20 Summit with the prominent Leaders' Summit scheduled for July 7 and 8, 2017 Hamburg, Germany. Later on we'll have to Moon Track that pretentious gathering of social and economic tinkerers in case there are influences they prefer we not see. Here's a page with a Timeline of G20 2017 events for your perusal.

Germany: Economic Unification July 1, 1990 00:00 CET Berlin; Ascendant 10Pis37 where eroding Neptune, planet of propaganda, the masses, the media, confusion, fraud, and disguises, hangs out these days.

View a brief bio and the natal horoscope of Karl Marx born May 5, 1818 during the 19th century Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius squared by Pluto in Pisces and, as previously discussed, via transit Pluto @18Cap-- 1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) which is the intimidating command that world domination types are currently acting under and why Hegelian chaos is underway via Mr. Trump and his minions. Or is he one of their minions?

Nov 18, 2016

Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017)

Visions of Power Past and Future

by Jude Cowell

In case we need this chart as the Trump-Pence administration with its alt-right flavor begins officially operating, here is the natal horoscope of the Third Reich which came into being as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rose to power. Noted on the horoscope, top right, you see that Hitler assumed personal power on August 2, 1934 at noon in Berlin, three hours after President Hindenburg died. Details are based on historical record and may be found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

As you see, a KITE configuration (high-flying success) hinges upon a Venus-Pluto opposition with Venus (and MC) as the Kite's tail. First of Hitler's natal planets to rise is his Neptune-Pluto conjunction (marked in green) which suggests his mystical, occult, and supernatural leanings, plus, the magnetic charisma his contemporaries said he possessed. Venus (@19Cap59 9th house) is at the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (3x in 1993), a signature of New World Order craziness; chart-ruler, Venus first applies to opposition with Pluto (cutthroat competition; underhanded manipulation, obsessive behavior), then trines 5th house Jupiter (@22Vir28 Rx, conjunct US natal Neptune) which times a period of unpredictable outcomes but has a definite gambling vibe full of exaggeration, overindulgence, and waste if not handled well.

In addition, Jupiter in Virgo is part of the 'Marseillaise Trio' of planets (with Mars and Neptune) active during the French Revolution. Neptune conjoins the Third Reich's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) in the 6 South Saros Series--here, it manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 with themes of: forcefully taking power; huge group efforts (Brady) which certainly describe the events in Berlin during the fascist era.

We must also note that the 6 South Solar Eclipse of 1932 links to our current Solar Eclipse Series by degree--the *September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 (19 North: realism, tackling the truth, seeing things for what they really are--Brady), and, as you see in 5th house, deceptive Neptune of the masses and the media, conjoins the South Node in Virgo and does the same thing now--in Pisces; today's North Node (future direction) points to the September 1st Solar Eclipse (9Virgo) but as noted previously, its imperative for realism and truth is less clear because murky Neptune opposes it @10Pisces.

1933 into 2017

By progression, the Third Reich is now in a Balsamic phase with a SP (Secondary Progressed) New Moon due on June 6, 2017 @4Tau06 conjunct SP Venus @4Tau55. The SP New Moon chart shows a Locomotive shape with Saturn as the engine and a difficult, violent midpoint conjoining the New Moon: Saturn-Pluto. And if you look at the 2nd house of the chart shown above you see in red the Third Reich's Pluto-Chiron midpoint (primal violence, oppression, exploitation, fascism, nationalism, and other -isms) which conjoins America's natal Mars and president-elect Trump's natal Sun. This is not comforting for those of us who see parallels between the next administration and the rise of dictator Hitler especially since Pluto in Capricorn is The Dictator (Ebertin).

Of course, this chart's Pluto @21Can59 Rx (conjunct IC) will soon be opposed by transit Pluto in Capricorn (power vs power, no-compromise) as Predatory Capitalism continues to break down across the globe due to its own sorriness. And with tr Pluto reaching the Third Reich's Venus, we know that karmic alliances of great power are forming as power struggles evolve but if their only motivation is self-serving, ruinous consequences will be their result.

For more on such curious topics, you may wish to view a video on Hitler's Vision for a new global order with his nibs in control: Germania.

*As noted in previous posts, the current Solar Eclipse in the 19 North Series is the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 and I don't know about you, but for me, truth was a casualty and only a revelation when it was leaked and had to be dealt with.

Jan 16, 2011

FDR quote on the Essence of Fascism

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. "

-Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Message from the President of the United States Transmitting Recommendations Relative to the Strengthening and Enforcement of Anti-trust Laws"


Quote compliments of Information Clearing House.

Aug 28, 2010

LeCarre outs James Bond as "neo-fascistic"

A few months ago I picked up my tattered, yellowed paperback copy of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold and happily reread it. The last time must have been over 20 years ago. Even yellowed, the drama kept its grim sparkle intact.

So when I heard that author John LaCarre, former MI5 and MI6 agent for Britain back in the day, had outed Ian Fleming's character James Bond as not really a spy but "something neo-fascistic and totally materialistic it seemed quite interesting to me.

So I smiled enigmatically (rather as George Smiley might do) and knew I just had to pass on this tidbit to you.

In fact, Raw Story's article has a link to LeCarre's opinion piece from 2003 which appeared in The Times of London entitled, "The United States has gone mad." And we had. And our mad spell continues 7+ years later with 'leaders' who promote the same old military and weapons economy that obscenely enriches the few while costing the many so dearly -- to their very lives.

Now I'm wondering if the world has been well-served by the British Empire morphing into the American Empire and the global crime syndicate's use of the United States of America as its military and enforcement arm.

Actually, I'm being a cheeky monkey here for I'm not wondering at all. For those who care for the common good of their fellow man and woman already know the answer.

Here's more on LeCarre's views of the US gone mad and then some.

Aug 8, 2010

On the Big Hole America Is In (Gerald Celente video)

The other day, Trends Research Institute's Gerald Celente called in to the RegularGuys Radio broadcast to explain a few things about the Big Hole America is in.

And as you know, there's no way to explain our condition without lambasting the politicians, banksters, and other social tinkerers who plopped us there in order to further their fascist, totalitarian agenda which now enforces the chaos of dire changes upon the entire planet.

If you notice on the Trends Research Institute's website, Mr. Celente's predictions are compared to Nostradamus' predictions which most people know about because of the King of Alarm Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999, in a difficult Series (1 North) relating to finances and which cautions on acting hastily since 'info is is distorted and possibly false.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) You'll remember how antsy Bush and Cheney were to march to war for they had to make the most of the emotions we Americans were feeling then as engendered by the attacks of 9/11.

Yes, 1N has been perking along every 18.6 years since its inception on January 4, 1639 with Sun/Moon 13Cap48. Interestingly enough, St. George's name (of Dragon fame) was in play in 1639 as the imperialist British Empire was making its staining mark upon the good people of India...and US-UK strong-armed paternalism continues apace in the New Millennium.

1N and the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse, though in the 13N Series, are linked bwo critical degree (13Cap) even though they're 372 years apart: both are in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, and both occur on January 4, as noted.

But 13N brings a different vibe to society:

The energy concerns large, ambitious group projects and associations; a previously existing bond is broken but joint achievement follows (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology.) This Series is seldom considered to be the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the United States of America yet its flavor certainly describes our nation's founding; yet one would have to use its date of initial manifestation for it to be used as our nation's PE: August 14, 1776.

This 'works' if one accepts August 1776 as the actual time that the complete signing (s) of the Declaration of Independence by all delegates was achieved (it was) with Sun/Moon @ 21Leo52 conjunct Venus 22Leo46, Mercury 9Leo52, and warring Mars 18Can13, conjunct the degree of the current Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 (19Can24.)

Yes, speaking of trends, the rigid Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse of August 1999 foretold the dire warnings spouted by George Bush and his team especially once the attacks of 9/11/01 had been carried out upon NYC's commercial complex, the World Trade Center, and upon the good yet unsuspecting people of NYC.

And of course, Bush's famously inappropriate 'just go shopping' advice might be considered merely chuckle-headed if it weren't so draconian and telling - particularly considering the 1999 eclipse's other title, the King of Terror Eclipse.

How apt a title for starting a propagandistic "war on terror" campaign to mark the New Millennium and undermine the laws and fortunes of America! So tell me again: who are the real terrorists who ushered in the New Millennium - al Qaeda, or the hole-digging, coup'd-by-neocon-Zionists US government?

Oct 9, 2008

The coup'ing of America: Naomi Wolf video

Author of Give Me Liberty, feminist, and social critic Naomi Wolf says that we-the-people are obliged by the Founding Fathers to speak freely.

America's Founders set up the people to be in charge and to be the engine of change. We have a right and a duty to depose tyrants whose totalitarian script has been followed in decades past. We must educate ourselves anew through the hazy mists of fearmongering and "emergency" passages of bills that are secretly laden with fascist-inspired fine print.

Congress has proven time and again that 'it' won't stop them.

We are our only hope.

Please watch this 27+ minute interview and take to heart the mess America is in - there's very little time left to toss out the criminals who have taken over our nation and now march us into fascism. And as America goes, so goes the world.

We-the-people have been coup'd. I am an American - a Child of the Revolution - and I dissent.

May 25, 2008

Is voting in November a waste of your time?

For Profit

By Malcolm Martin

The US government has been hollowed out during the rise to absolute power of the corporations. Elections have become an elaborate "reality show" that plays out on corporate television for viewers' entertainment.#


Yeah, political theater, dahlink...that's what I thought.

State + corporations = fascism.

Will we be put at pains to trade in dollars for an 'amero' currency by 2010? And will it have a 'phoenix' emblazoned upon it?

In July and August of 2007, when the global-elitist-orchestrated "credit crunch" began, Mars had been visiting the degree of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (the two societal planets--Jupiter = expansion, Saturn = restriction and control) at 23Taurus.

Their conjunction was exact on May 28, 2000, when globalist plans for a one-world government really kicked into high gear in expectation of seeding or impregnating the New Millennium with nation-state dissolution and the ruin of the US dollar leading to world financial collapse and the chaos they need for their fatheaded plan to succeed.

And prior to that was the conjunction of Pluto with Chiron, the plutocrat-corporatism-racism-sexism-oppression-violence pair on Dec 30, 1999 which conjoined the 12Sag Ascendant of the US natal chart ('Sibly' version: July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT. Even stronger is their parallel in mid-August, 2004.)

The New Millennium was the watershed moment:

You can ask George, Dick, John, Bill, and Hillary--they were there along with other 'world-server' cronies of the elitist persuasion. And please include Bush Sr, the new world order chanticleer of the late 80s and early 90s.

The midpoint picture in summer of 2007 created by transiting Mars with 2000's Great Conjunction might further explain...

Jupiter/Saturn = Mars: the desire to enforce changes of circumstances and conditions in life; separations; ambition emerges out of discontent; feeling unrewarded and making a change; not wanting to toe the line.

If "the line" is the border (s) of the United States, and the "enforced changes" are what the nation is seeing now with unstable banks, squirrelly stock markets, irredeemable debt, and our devalued dollar--in other words, a world economic meltdown, we'd better be welcoming ourselves to the new world order.

Now it's 2008, and it isn't on America's doorstep--it's in the hall taking off its helmet and sitting down to dine on our children's and grandchildren's futures.

So if we think that the Sibly chart (one of many proposed birth charts for our nation) is a correct chart to use for America'a birth, then the Sabian Symbol should relate to the above situations...but does it?

Rudhyar, whose version uses the same ASC degree, says 12Sag = "A Flag Turning into an Eagle That Crows"...ANUNCIATION...

Keynote: The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestation.

Oh, their pretty minds are great all right.

As Rudhyar goes on to explain...

In the background of this strange allegory we can recognize the deep-seated belief that the American nation and its basic democratic institutions were constituted to be the cradle for a new step in human evolution.

The "flag" is the abstract symbol of the nation; it becomes an "eagle"--another US symbol--when the concept is made alive by bold and transcendent action.

The eagle synbolizes spiritual will and the power to rise to the highest possible altitude of consciousness and purpose. Flying at such an altitude, the eagle is the first living creature to perceive the rising sun.

Having perceived it, it heralds it--and by so doing is identified with the crowing chanticleer, who had convinced himself his resonant cry was responsible for the rise of the sun and coming of a new day.

So the new world government is being burped in the cradle of America.

This means that the next presidency really isn't of such importance because America faces so many "dire problems" as the media and the candidates commonly expound in the current campaign, but because the clincher of amero acceptance, and the further dissolving of America's sovereignty is timed for the next few years which include the mouthpiece presidency of the next "winner" whose rhetoric, it is believed by the globalists, will go down the collective gob of the populace the easiest like the sugar pill it is.

It breaks my heart to say it, but our "voting" has so little to do with the election's outcome or with America's "direction," that its exercise would be laughable if our situation weren't so dire, and I don't believe America will be getting any better with the panacea of a Democratic presidency or the tragic illusions of a neocon shill.

Dec 5, 2007

George and Adolph: 2 peas in a pod?

"Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise" --Adolf Hitler, German Chancellor, leader of the Nazi party

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." --
George W. Bush-43rd US President, leader of the neocon chickenhawks

Now both of them were/are backed by big spenders and you know that Prescott Bush supported Hitler...the devouring spirit is alive and active in the world and seeks his own.

He doesn't have far to look, does he?

Sabian Symbol for Bush's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself):

"8Leo": "A Bolshevik propagandist"...LEAVEN...recurrent battles over social and political concepts.

pos: a determination to share the soul's vision and to make a permanent impact on history;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: futile ranting against a multitude of superficial ills (Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Adolph Hitler (Apr 20, 1989 NS; 6:30 pm; Braunau am Inn, Austria; Rodden rating AA for accuracy) was born with Sun 00Tau48/Moon 6Cap38.

His Moon is conj one of the nastiest of Fixed Stars--Facies (Fah' sheez)...its darkest shadow is the cruelty of war;

keywords: ruthlessness or the victim. Facies is linked with Hitler's Moon and Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn--and Jupiter arose with Facies on his day of birth increasing the star's cruel tendencies (Brady's Fixed Stars.)

When I progressed his chart by Solar Arc Direction for today I found that his S.A. Moon (00Tau24) is in process of conjuncting natal Sun...seems his mission's needs are being fulfilled in our time...not comforting, is it?

Sun Tau/Moon Cap's Image for Integration:

A royal banquet honours the longest-serving headmistress of the oldest and most pretigious school in the land (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Apparently she's still serving her pupils all too well.

Jul 6, 2007

Bertrand Russell on fascism

"The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other."

Bertrand Russell: Freedom, Harcourt Brace, 1940

Prolific writer, social critic, mathematician, and philosopher Bertrand Russell (May 18, 1872--Feb 2, 1970) has the 'practical mystic' Sun Tau/Moon Libra personality blend (natally shared with the Pentagon! Odd bedfellows esp considering Russell's loud opposition to the US invasion of Vietnam with which I agreed at the time...whippersnapper though I was.)

This combo gives a flair for persuasive diplomacy, a strong social sense, a gentle wit, and a love of life. The Images for Integration are:

A computer produces a beautiful painting...Cream tea for two...A loaf of fresh bread in an art exhibition. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas. and Suzy Harvey.)

Hmm-m-m...bread, tea, and a computer...sounds like some bloggers I know!