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Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts

Dec 15, 2018

Year 2019 Forecast for America

Don't languish fretfully upon the Edge of Petrified Forest... dare to check out the Astrology of 2019 with Robert Cosmar!

Just a quick post this evening concerning upcoming Year 2019 for the United States, a year which promises to continue 2018's legalisms, tensions, nervousness, and that irritating sense of teetering on the edge--yet good portents exist as well for the American people and for society as a whole.

As Above, So Below!

When wishing to consider the entire year, it is obviously helpful to consult a horoscope set for January 1, 2019 12:00 am est Washington DC which is readily available for viewing thanks to expert astrologer and cosmic guide Robert Cosmar speaking to us from his YouTube channel (which includes his informative 'Trump Watch' series). Robert discusses the January 1, 2019 horoscope, its portents both positive and negative, and sums up his overview of the year as it affects America and the American people in a video presentation not to be missed!

Forewarned is, as they always say, forearmed.


Now here are a few 2019 cosmic events which have so far been posted to SO'W and meant particularly for the curious among us:

The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

January 21, 2019: a Lunar Eclipse 'eclipses' US POTUS Sun and simultaneously 2 of Trump's natal 12th house midpoints will be 'eclipsed'...significant karma surrounds Inauguration 2017's second anniversary.

Trump Inauguration's Solar Return 2019 (horoscope shown).

February 2019 Full Moon conjuncts Royal Regulus and Trump's natal Ascendant.

Some 2019 Transits Affecting Donald Trump Jr plus, his upcoming Mars Return.

April 2019: 'Wild Card' Uranus activates 'The Tower' Eclipse.

Jul 8, 2018

July - August 2018 Eclipses: Karma and a Slideshow!

July and August 2018 Karma Returns: first on July 12th a Solar Eclipse perfects @20Can41 in the same Prenatal Eclipse (PE) Saros Series (2 Old North) as that of Donald Trump - everyone feels it - these are critical times. Fixed star Castor is eclipsed which activates the star's potential expressions depending upon conditions and the individual's planets and motives.

Then it's a secrets-revealing Lunar Eclipse @4AQ44 conjunct US natal South Node--more karma for the reaping as scandals continue surprising.

Finally, August arrives with The Tower Solar Eclipse @19Leo in the 2 New North series which happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms. The US Election System collapsing? Voter suppression and other fraudulent schemes and foreign hacking negate election results? A financial crash? Trump's political/financial House of Cards falls into rubble and dust? None of the above? One clue: the last manifestation of 2 New North occurred on July 31, 2000 @8Leo so we'll see if New Millennium issues surface again from that era with new solutions possible. Also note that the 2000 eclipse @8Leo hit the natal Mercuries of Senator John McCain and the Republican Party, and if memory serves, the August 2018 repetition of 2 New North is a cosmic heads-up for karmic progress to be made because it is the PE of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trey Gowdy, Dennis Kucinich, and Courtney Love.

And speaking of karma returning and history rhyming, have you noticed that the Summer 2018 Eclipses are repeats from those of 1928?

Okay, here's a new experiment: I attempted to create The Tower 2018 Slideshow with a bit of cosmic art, a solar and a lunar eclipse horoscope, and a little mysticism tossed in to honor George wearing his best Apron:

May 30, 2018

Trump's May 30 2018 Moon Return: an eventful month

Donald Trump's Very Karmic Lunar Return of May 30, 2018

by Jude Cowell

Today, May 30, 2018, at 11:56:20 am edt, a Lunar or Moon Return for Donald Trump perfected. The horoscope you see below of the Return is set for today at the White House and predicts for him a prominent, eventful, and important month because the horoscope features angles and cusps that are basically those of Trump's natal angles and cusps. This cosmic condition makes his personal month which begins this very day significant for him until his next Lunar Return on June 26, 2018.

As you know, Lunar Returns reveal insights into how our daily lives will proceed for a particular month and the prevailing emotional mood or trends but for a public figure, more info can be gleaned from a Return chart (of any kind including Lunar) since their lives are usually more eventful than the average bear's anyway. And of course, the astrological Moon relates to multiple areas of life such as unconscious motivations, reigning emotional needs (Tyl), health issues or concerns, and the women in one's life, plus, family members--his ruled by the expansive moneybags planet, Jupiter.

Also a significant factor in any planetary, lunar, or solar return chart is that whatever natal aspects the celestial body held in the natal chart are re-activated on various levels of the personality. So as you know, Trump's Moon conjoins natal South Node and opposes natal Sun-NN, a cosmic picture of his relationship axis which involves his current marriage issues with wife Melania and his family ties disappointing, jeopardizing, or otherwise displeasing him. Any Moon-South Node contact can be a lonely, isolating proposition especially when one is haplessly motivated by unconscious, neurotic impulses and obsessions defensively formed in the past. Neurotic because these defenses worked okay in past situations but no longer serve a constructive purpose in the present--yet they are relied upon anyway similar to constantly using the 'head against a brick wall' stupidity.

Now I don't have to mention here all the scandals and legal issues Mr. Trump is dealing or not dealing with currently or the fact that most of them are due to his own actions in the past (karmic Saturn's realm) for most of his troubles are, in a word, self-created. He likely feels he's caught in a vise that's closing (a la Mr. Mueller and his team) and normally I would feel sad for him--well, I do, but mostly I feel sad for America that we've all been put in the position of accepting (or not) an Oval Office tenure for a man like Donald Trump who was placed in position by dark forces. Perhaps this is primarily due to the fact that any brand of mobsterism is a no-go for yours truly, and the old 'ends justifies the means' attitude of Machiavellianism sucks heartily in my personal opinion--and always has. We are our brothers' keepers even though the unprincipled Mr. Trump does not subscribe to that common-good principle and has no apparent means of appreciating or adopting any mode of existence but that which exalts his own self-interest.

But that's part of the point--transit Neptune continues to square Trump's natal Moon (@22Sag = "A Chinese Laundry"--hint hint!) while other Saturnian transits add to his difficulties for lesson-bringer Saturn demands accountability, realism, and authenticity, while Neptune lies, confuses, attempts to cover up, and brings paranoia and fear into any overwhelming situation and involves flooding, leaking, subterfuge, betrayal, fraud, and disguise. Transit Neptune in mid-Pisces also squares his Nodal axis--with his natal Moon conjunct natal South Node (of the Moon), a karmic, reap-what's-sown condition for him (and thus by extension, for America and the American people) and it very much includes his unconscious compulsions learned during childhood--one reason he's sometimes called a 'man-baby'.

Because as you know, the adolescent stage of life never fully developed or evolved into Saturnian maturity! Actually, his natal Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer denotes an emotionally hypersensitive, discontented fellow, an emotional loner. And yes, uncertain Neptune square his Nodal axis muddies his public image and tries to hide the ties, contacts, encounters, and meetings now under close scrutiny. Note that Neptune can also bring loss, fear, disappointment, and/or theft of possessions.

Then to complicate matters for all of us, add Trump's Mars rising--testy, hypersensitive, and red-faced--in arrogant Leo, sign of a natural leader, and we've got plenty of troubles of our own, thanks to Trump's emotional complexes, impulsive nature, lack of self-esteem, feelings and fears of inferiority and of being considered 'wrong' or insignificant, criminal underworld connections, and tremendous anger and rage issues. Among many other things he's a brooder and a pouter!

A Magnificent May 2018?

So May 2018 began for Mr. Trump with yet another in a series of Saturn transits seen via The Establishment challenging the ideas, plans, commercial interests and transactions, and the attitudes of Donald Trump and his Mercury (@8Cancer). Here karmic Saturn times an ongoing Saturnian period of depression, obstacles, blocks, delays, scrutiny, and demands from authority figures. Add to this transit Neptune square natal Moon and potentials include emotional depression (did wife Melania really move back to NYC?), obstacles, shifting alliances, issues of unreliability, and scandals based on his own past (and current) behavior (ex: crimes, overstepping legal boundaries of the Executive Branch, and other outrages). Tragically, he made his crooked bed and now We The People must recline in it.

See 2018 Saturn to Trump Natal Mercury-Neptune Square, aspect of a pathological fantasist now being held to account by realistic, law abiding Saturn.

And yet at least a partial reprieve may arrive once the predicted 'Blue Wave' (Neptune!) occurs in November 2018 at the Midterm Elections with as many Democratic victors as possible in order to 'turn the tide' in Congress. Or that's the narrative the public is being sold in a nation where most if not all politicians and media figures are compromised by corporate 'big bucks' and glowing promises of continuing elite status--which, with oceanic Neptune involved, may or may not be the case for each one of them who now carry water for the Global Crime Syndicate/s.

If you wish, please enlarge the chart for better viewing:

Eclipses Are Karmic and Affect History bwo Individuals

So as you see, 'The Great American Eclipse' of August 21, 2017 @29 Leo rises precisely along with Trump's natal ASC, Mars, and royal Regulus (a star whose caution to 'avoid revenge' Trump has not heeded). You'll remember that this Total Solar Eclipse 'split' America across its middle--separating North and South, a symbolic cosmic condition with fated undertones which I believe (you may disagree) involves issues created by adherents of such groups as the white supremacy ('Brotherhood'), the Klan, and the NRA. Russian (Chinese and Arab) agents infiltrating and sabotaging the US government are entangled in there somewhere, with the Oval Office being one spot we can reliably find at least one. As someone recently said, Shake any tree in the Trump forest and a Russian falls out.

Lunar Return ASC = Trump's natal ASC: "29 Leo" = "A Mermaid Emerges From The Ocean"...image: Maya as Mermaid:

The day flees and so the rest of Mr. Trump's Lunar Return for May 30, 2018 I shall leave up to you, dear reader, for Mr. Trump is a fascinating personality full of greed, revenge, lust, bigotry, deception, and other components made creepier by his natal Pluto in Leo unaspected.

So in closing, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning Trump's unaspected Pluto:

Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters (exs: all-hours tweeting about former Miss America, Alicia Machado and her weight gain, and other crass behaviors and remarks that set him back in the polls).

Unaspected Pluto is the essence of overwhelming compulsions and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto (the plundering plutocrat and manipulator) needs aspects to other planets in order to modulate its extreme tendencies. But with Mr. Trump, Pluto doesn't receive them, and nor do his other planets which could use the regeneration principle that Pluto could supply via aspect. And we have to say that Pluto's association with nuclear weapons is difficult to accept if under the thumb of Mr. Trump, the plutonian.

Pluto Gone Wild, Trump Off the Leash!

Now we must put a double emphasis on the condition of Mr. Trump's natal Pluto in egotistical Leo since Pluto is out-of-bounds as well as unaspected. When OOBs, Pluto embodies the lawless, mold-breaking, zaniness of an OOBs planet along with an outside-the-box style of thinking and speaking that breaks boundaries and cannot be under anyone's control. Pluto grabs power (and publicity) and we don't need Astrology to tell us that this describes Mr. Trump to a T.

However, disturbingly for our country, an OOBs Pluto, archetypal god of the Underworld, may also indicate one who is a sociopath and/or a criminal, particularly in the Leonine realm of gold and finances. So perhaps there is more to the infrequent whispers of mafia ties than have so far been revealed (edit 5/30/18: yes! Russian mobster ties and money laundering in which I include China and Arab countries Trump's natal Jupiter-Neptune pairing is the sign of a speculator). Certainly his oppressive business dealings are in the news via contractors and others who have worked for him but not not been paid, plus, the tax avoidance made possible by laws that favor the wealthy--legal, yes, but anti-societal and hypocritical of him. And the primal violence of Pluto has been part of his campaign--even to the point of hinting at Second Amendment gun violence as an antidote to certain problems via Pluto, the assassin, aided by aggressor Mars (edit 5/30/18: his enraged Mars rising).

Nov 10, 2017

Hidden History: the Eugenics Record Office Is for Sale

Few people now realize that Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Laurel Hollow, NY was once the 'seat of eugenics in America' and its Wikipedia page gives its date of establishment as 1890 which times the budding of the endeavor near the *Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto in early Gemini. In more recent decades it has been an award-winning research facility in genetics, cancer research, etc, though some people may claim that 'genetics' is eugenics lurking under another name.

The following video concerns a tour that Doug and Melissa of Truthstream Media enjoyed in August 2015 which means that you and I have probably missed the sale of this secretive property:

Of course, eugenics relates to Nazi Germany and the white man's superiority complex so for more information see Who Would Really Want to Live in the Eugenics Record Office?.


*As you know, the current cycle of Neptune-Pluto began with their precise meetings on August 2, 1891, November 5, 1891, and April 30, 1892 at 8Gem38, 8Gem19, and 7Gem42, respectively. These degrees activated America's natal Uranus (8Gem55), quirky planet of novelty and progress. This trio created a midpoint picture: Neptune-Pluto = Uranus: flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, and supernatural; hyper-sensitive nerves...and, most tellingly--peculiar discoveries (Ebertin). The pair's cycle is approximately 492 years long so we're only 126 years into it and good-to-go.

Michael Munkasey gives the pair when activated by Uranus (a permanent condition for America) as exhibiting potentials for: unusual means to escape from or change reality; additions to impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities; going to extremes with drugs.

For the Neptune-Pluto pair itself, Munkasey adds psychiatry, mass medical care, organized crime, pollution control (what they probably thought eugenics would achieve), and breakdowns in health.

And for a bit concerning the more modern-day influence of Neptune-Pluto in transit see Karma: the Neptune-Pluto Septile.

Recommended: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Oct 25, 2017

4 Virgo and the Midpoint Pictures of Trump and Hitler

by Jude Cowell

Is it some sort of hellish alt-right synchronicity that the current and the soon-coming Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moons of Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler fall so near one another at 3:28 and 3 degrees of the Mercury-ruled sign of Virgo?

Hitler's SP New Moon recently perfected on February 24, 2017 @3Vir28:15 (at 12:28:29 pm CET; natal location: Braunau am Inn, Austria). Rounded up = 4 Virgo; 3 Virgo is the karmic confrontation degree which is not included in this brief post).

Trump's SP New Moon @3Vir00:12 perfects on September 19, 2019 (at 7:19:51 pm edt; Queens, NY, in case you want to set up transit charts to compare with their natal and progressed charts).

SP New Moons issue from, or are based on, natal horoscopes; view the horoscopes of Adolf Hitler (RR: AA) and/or Donald Trump (RR: AA).

So as you probably already know, the Sabian Symbol for '4 Virgo' is particularly revealing of these two egomaniac snake oil salesmen who use racism, Goebbels' Big Lie tactic, and other emotionally based rhetoric to manipulate and divide the masses. (edit: with topics such as this):

'4 Virgo' = "Black and White Children Play Together Happily...keynote: The overcoming of sociocultural prejudices."

"At this fourth stage the basic technique which applies to all truly spiritual progress is clearly stated. Every human being should be seen, approached and warmly met as a 'child of God,' or in less religious terms as an exemplar of Man. Such a status gives to every social and interpersonal group the character of a BROTHERHOOD." (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

Spiritual Progress...Karmic Progress

Unfortunately for the entire globe, the "Brotherhood" envisioned in the 4 Virgo Sabian Symbol is not at all the vicious type of 'Brotherhood' these dividers-not-uniters prefer, is it? (The prison gang/crime syndicate the aryan brotherhood is closer to the black vs white truth kept continually stirred up into a simmer, then a boil by vested financial interests--profiteering warmongers who start wars for other men and women to fight; many of them are bald and "dominate gatherings.")

So both Trump's and Hitler's mdpt pictures show emotional issues if not outright neuroses and both have separation ingrained in the chart (aka, 'closeness vs freedom' complexes). Both these self-defensive actors have potentials for attacks from others and both have a Midpoint Rising in their natal charts: Saturn-Neptune = ASC for Donald, and Jupiter-Saturn = ASC for Adolf.

(Mdpt pics from The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.)

'Herr Trump' and 'Mr. Hitler'

Below is an image that I hope you may enlarge for reading. These are the natal midpoint pictures of both Trump (in red, on the left) and Hitler (in green, on the right). Potentials for expression are messily penned on; any, all, or none may apply and are forever subject to eclipses, planetary transits, and progressions...even Adolf's:

Trump and Hitler: Apex Planets of Their Natal Midpoint Pictures

Trump: North Node (NN) 20Gem48, 10th house; Pluto 10Leo02, 12th house; Mercury 8Can51, 11th house; Saturn 23Can48, 11th house; ASC 29Leo55 with warrior planet Mars rising.

Hitler: Pluto 4Gem40, 8th house (conjunct Neptune 00Gem50); Uranus 19Lib29 Rx, 12th house; Venus 16Tau41 Rx, 7th house (conjunct Mars); Saturn 13Leo27, 10th house; Mars 16Tau22, 7th house, as noted; ASC 26Lib41 (conjunct his own Syzygy Moon @26Lib07, a Full Moon on April 15, 1889).

Oct 13, 2017

Mr Trump is in a Dark Mood and so are We The People

As POTUS Goes So Goes the American People (and the World)

by Jude Cowell

Gabriel Sherman's recent Vanity Fair article describing Donald Trump as "unraveling" and saying that he "hates everyone in the White House" also mentions that Mr. Trump is in a "dark mood" which resonates astrologically with his current progressed lunar Balsamic phase, the 'dark' endings and separations stage that everyone must go through at times in their lives. No one on Earth is 'above' the Cosmic Calendar or can escape their own karma, the reap-what's-been-sown imperative of the Universe.!

Then at the end of a Balsamic lunar phase, a Secondary Progressed New Moon (SP) occurs yet it is a few years before one sees with clarity the road ahead. Symbolically, Mr. Trump's SP New Moon will perfect in 2019 @3Virgo00, as noted in the Balsamic lunar phase post linked above.

Fake (Neptune) News (Mercury) a Frequent Refrain

Moody and emotionally needy to begin with (natal Moon conjunct South Node of the Moon--mother is implicated), Mr. Trump has been described here and in many other places as unequipped psychologically (natal Mercury in self-protective, tribal Cancer) and emotionally driven (Moon) and therefore unfit for the job of US president. Described as uncontrollable in childhood, he seems determined to remain so now.

Perhaps it is in part Mr. Trump's much-discussed Mercury (thinking processes; communication) square (blockage) Neptune (confusion; veiling; falsehood; fraud; delusion) which makes it difficult to impossible for Trump to listen to those around him and to perceive facts correctly so that his knowledge increases on the various topics his position demands that he understand. Awareness of reality suffers as he drifts into his own little imaginary world where everyone bows to his kingly majesty (Regulus rising) and applauds his (self-imagined) mastery. As he said, the indiscreet Mr. Trump 'thought the job would be easier', the mark of a man who assumes he knows better than anyone, even experts. Anyone who assumes the role of US president must learn on the job yet the Mercury-Neptune-squared Mr. Trump seems--or is--incapable of it. Tragically, his short attention span has become legendary!

Jupiterian Trump Behaves in Uranian Fashion

Emotionally sensitive and always impulsive, the radical (unstable, quixotic) Uranian Mr. Trump is certainly shaking up Washington as his voters assumed they wanted though chaos for the sake of chaos was not the best idea the American voter ever had. A Trump White House has become reality because unfortunately and simultaneously, there existed a wealthy class who realized that Trump was a handy tool to be used against the American people--taking away health care insurance while giving the wealthy large tax cuts, roiling the entire US health care system, privatizing more of our school system, deregulating common sense limits, and other deconstruction efforts that Pluto now in Capricorn favors.

Meanwhile, undermining Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces aids in the dissolution of our republican style of government, increases fear and paranoia in society, and makes the press seem even more deceptive than it already had. (Not that it's a bad thing to unmask media as a major government propaganda promoter--who hasn't read Orwell?)

Astrologically, both Pluto and Neptune can act as saboteurs as can quirky Uranus, the disruptive shock agent that is Donald Trump for he is our Uranian-in-chief with his oriental 10th house Uranus in Gemini, sign of tweets, news, negotiations, duplicity, multiplicity, off-kilter remarks, and gaffes that when made, inadvertently reveal the truth.

Related: Trump, the Presidency, and the GOP? Neptune at Work!.

Image above: Donald J. Trump, official portrait

May 7, 2017

August 2017 full of Mr. Trump's Karmic Returns

Image: The August 30, 2017 Lunar Return of Donald Trump set for the White House (although who stays in DC in any given August?) showing transit Saturn, a planet of karma (reaping what's been sown) hitting his natal Moon for the third and final time @21Sag12 in Return 2nd house of Money, Values, and Self-Worth; in Mundane Astrology 2nd house represents the National Treasury. Note also that Saturn is within range of conjoining his natal South Node, a separative point, and has opposed Mr. Trump's natal Sun (22Gem55) on July 7, 2017.

During this transit, Saturn has conjoined natal Moon twice before: December 30, 2016 and August 3, 2017. Considering Saturn's 28-30-year cycle, the last (previous) Saturn transit to natal Moon occurred once on November 25, 1987, a year when transit Jupiter opposed his natal Jupiter in Libra, a period of overblown enterprises and unflattering comparisons when resources may be lacking.

Rolling Stone's Timeline of Donald Trump's life and career replete with Saturnian events. Exs: 1987 publication The Art of the Deal via a ghost writer to do the actual work of putting Trump's ideas into Saturnian form; January 1989 - first appears on the cover of TIME--and Saturn rules Time; separation from wife Ivana in 1990, divorce (official ending of relationship) in 1992; also in 1990 - Trump is deleted from the Forbes 400 list; 1991 losses result in first bankruptcy filing; March 2000 The Simpsons airs 'Bart to the Future' in which Donald Trump takes on the job of US president (age 53), etc.

Now as you know, when transit Saturn hits natal Moon, it tends to bring feelings of loneliness, rejection, privation and denial of the usual comforts, and family/relationship issues so now that Mr. Trump is somewhat isolated in the White House with weightier responsibilities on his menu (and more open to hurtful criticism), such lowering feelings may be more difficult to handle to the point of his physical and/or mental health being affected (as some have noted--other astro-charts show an erosion of thought processes and disrupted communications but that's a brainy topic beyond the scope of this meager post). Plus, he is, after all, no spring chicken--and was a mere 41 years old in 1987, wasn't noticeably forgetful, and spoke more clearly in complete sentences.

But he just had to play president and thought it would be easier! (He expected the easy Jupiterian side of the White House, not the hard Saturnian side). So with curious synchronicity, the Universe sees fit to pile a Lunar Return onto his noggin on the same day that transit Saturn stomps upon that very Moon position--and in a calendar month when two Saturn-infused Lunar Returns occur (August 3rd and 30th). Will Saturn's imperative lessons of maturity, accountability, soberness, authenticity, honesty, concentration on tasks at hand, and serious efforts 'get through' to Mr. Trump in his role as leader of the 'free world'? Or will he continue to brood and chafe under the presidential work load that universal task master and lesson bringer, Saturn, demands?

Well, we know that he and the American people must make it through a long hot summer and navigate whatever comes via The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52, visible from West Coast to East. Its degree conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant, as we've discussed previously, and affects his natal Mars as well (26Leo46). In fact, on August 31, the day after this Lunar Return, Mr. Trump has a Mars Return, signifying the start of an energizing two-year cycle of new activities and projects. Yet even a Mars Return can have some negativity attached because fever, inflammation, infection, or even surgery may follow if other planetary and health factors agree.

And yet 2017 is, on some levels, a year of Jupiterian protection for Mr. Trump via the third of his current Jupiter Return, a three-fer which perfects for a final conjunction on August 4, 2017 (@17Lib27). But even this rewarding Return chart shows an ongoing difficulty in effect all year--transit Pluto squares natal Jupiter (0A04 on August 4th!) denoting a time when over exaggeration, bombast, and the overestimation of self-importance is unacceptable to the powers-behind-the-throne. Frustration mars politics, diplomacy, financial projects, and other Jupiterian expansion areas which must on some level include the granting of funds for the building of a Saturnian border wall.

Feb 15, 2017

February 2017 Karma: White House natal Saturn Eclipsed

The White House natal horoscope that I typically use is set for the day second President John Adams moved in (November 1, 1800). This was a day of a Full Moon @8Tau55 which perfected at 8:35:31 am LMT and times a horoscope with Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, accountability, reliability, maturity, and conservatism, at a position of 22Leo59. So as you see, the natal Saturn of the White House has been eclipsed this month by a revealing Lunar Eclipse @22Leo28 as the early weeks and scandals of the Trump White House careen on. In this karmic eclipse season there are more secrets and leaks to come, no doubt, for what has been sown will be reaped.

Plus, the eclipsing is made more sad because the demands of Saturn in Leo are for loyalty, trust, realism, and reliability but these have been betrayed, it seems, by Mike Flynn, now a disgraced casualty of 'Flynngate'. Refusing to learn the lessons of Saturn is a very bad idea in any circumstance yet unaddressed so far by the White House is the fact that Mr. Trump is disappointing the American people in the very same areas that should be uppermost in a president's character which for Trump is distorted by his problematic Mercury-Neptune square of indiscretion and loose lips.

John and Abigail

Soon after he moved in, President Adams wrote wife Abigail a letter in which he opined his wish that, “none but honest and wise men [shall] ever rule under this roof.” Ruh-roh! Do you think that Mr. Adams sleeps soundly at his eternal rest under a worst-foot-forward Trump administration? (Some say that 22 Leo is the "worst foot forward' or "being one's own worst enemy" degree and in my past consulting work I have noticed this bearing out. And many times, so-called political 'gaffes' can fall into the foot-in-mouth category.

So considering how active, leaky, disappointing, and eroding transit Neptune in its own secretive sign of Pisces is proving to be, it seems to me significant that the White House began with the Sun (POTUS, as we call the archetypal role now) @8Sco55 and approaching nebulous scandal-bringer Neptune (16Sco40), planet of fraud, corruption, falsehoods, propaganda, masks, disguises, the media, the masses, flooding--and leaks of all kinds. Somewhere I've read that leaks from the White House (Executive Branch) began under the administration of third President Thomas Jefferson, but no matter when the problem began, it is now on steroids from within and without the Trump White House.

Now as you know, the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse pairs with the February 26th Solar Eclipse in the 19 South Saros Series which, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse (@24Libra45) Series of the White House (Nov 1, 1800)! This personalizes and emphasizes the eclipsed Saturn condition. In addition, the eclipse degree is now approached by transit Jupiter, planet of increase and expansion, though the Great Benefic sometimes provides 'too much of a good thing' and/or a slippery slope to calamity. Transit Jupiter will reach 24Lib45 in mid-September 2017 and has been performing a three-fer Jupiter Return for Mr. Trump who was born on June 14, 1946 with a Stationary Direct Jupiter @17Lib27 (in his 2nd hou$e within a Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio, a bubbly description of his inflationary financial style). Lunar and Solar eclipse charts are linked for viewing, below.

My basic point today is that the chaos, dishonesty, scandals, and conflicts of interest (transit Jupiter-Uranus opposition = political conflicts--Ebertin) of Donald Trump playing the presidential role is setting us up for Global Government and soon we shall hear how our and the world's problems are simply too big to be handled and solved by a little ole' nation state like us. Whether Trump is incompetent or is playing his role as such doesn't matter yet as I've typed before, I want him to do well as president because it means that America does well (same as I said for Mr. Obama). But so far, Mr. Trump has been masterful at damaging our nation's international reputation and 'doing well' seems more and more like only a Neptunian dream...

Here is a very much recommended video report which reveals part of what the Trumpian chaos is for: WikiLeaks: The US strategy to create a new global legal and economic system: TPP, TTIP, TISA. As it turns out, the new 'trade deal', the TISA, is even worse than the much maligned TPP--a corporate power grab which was set up and expected to fail. And shill-in-chief Trump signed an executive order that 'removed' the US from the TPP as if on cue.

Astro-Note: November 1, 1800 Full Moon: Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus, a muddy (the trail to the White House was very muddy that day) Water-Earth blend that suggests an all-or-nothing approach, possessiveness, and a tendency to be blind toward the motives of others. And given the dubious and possibly criminal nature of its current denizens, you may find that one of the blend's Images for Integration is again descriptive of the modern-day White House: "Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

No, the well-wishing John Adams would not be impressed with the Trumpians at all.


If you wish, view the horoscopes of the Lunar Eclipse and the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse in murky, karma-laden Pisces with notes included. As usual, the charts are set for Washington, DC which in Mundane Astrology represents the entirety of the United States of America.

Nov 11, 2016

Major Gen Smedley Butler & the Fascist Takeover of the US - video (w/ Eclipses)

Did the Attempted Fascist Coup of 1933 Finally Succeed via a Donald Trump Presidency?

by Jude Cowell

For those who may be unfamiliar with certain political events of 1933, here is a brief video concerning the attempted Fascist plot that General Smedley Butler refused to take part in and which he subsequently revealed to the US government and the public as a plot to take over FDR's presidency. The plotters first approached General Butler on July 1, 1933, a few months after FDR was first sworn into office and his New Deal programs have been under attack by 'conservatives' ever since.

Update Feb 7, 2022: Video has been removed from SO'W but there's this if it's still available -

Video posted to YouTube by Wakeymedia3; here's the video link. And note that in the video the narrator says "1934" but it was 1933, just after FDR's first Inauguration.

On a cosmic level we may wish to consider the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 and its horoscope which shows that rebellious Uranus @20Ari48 (conjunct our July 4, 1776 Chiron) was recently rejoined by transit Uranus. This may be termed a 'Uranus Return' and is, I believe, a time link from 1933 to 2016/17, as are the two Solar Eclipses mentioned, below. Here is a link to the 1933 Solar Eclipse Horoscope with details. And here are a few notes previously posted concerning the chart and written during the Trump campaign and suggesting the violence that his rhetoric has invited if not incited:

Added to the disruptive shock of the current Uranus Return (2016 to 1933) are the two interlaced YOD patterns with their turning point-crossroads-special task vibes of crisis. (For more info on the Fascism Rising Horoscope, click or tap the link, above). You will note other current transits to the planets of 1933 and, of course, the recurring Uranus-Pluto square (Aries square Cancer in 1933) of a titanic generational clash as we've been experiencing again in this, the New Millennium, but with Pluto in Capricorn (signature of 'the dictator'). It seems to me that megalomaniac Trump's rhetoric triggers the violent Marseillaise Mars-Jupiter-Neptune trio to march again to the Bastille with fists and elbows ready to strike all who disagree.

Now as you know, Uranus in Aries is the 'blind zealot' and 'fanatic anarchist' (Ebertin) and along comes candidate Trump born under Mars Rising with kingmaker star Regulus in tow--in egoistic Leo. Mr. Trump has made himself a willing vessel for violent Mars-Uranus energies that seek expression in our era for we know that fascist authoritarian elements in the Collective never disappear completely, they simply cower in darkness in preparation for another government take-over attempt as they re-arm to fight another day.

Actually, another planetary return to the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart has occurred in our time--a Jupiter Return. This spotlights Jupiter-Uranus (now opposing one another), a fortunate pair of energies in many cases but which also contains a dark side with potentials for: 'fortune-hunting, conflicts over philosophy and religion', and 'zealous representation of one-sided views' -- all of which I expect to hear a lot of with authoritarian huckster Trump and theocrat Pence in the White House.

Now the two Solar Eclipses of 1933 are revealing: 7 North and 7 South. The Fascism Rising horoscope (Feb 24, 1933, linked, above) is background energy for the events of 1933 and its Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) is the 7 North with its theme of 'deep and hidden passions' bursting forth. But what really concerns yours truly is the second Solar Eclipse of 1933 in the 7 South Saros Series for its themes include its initial eclipse's Mars-Pluto square with potentials for: 'immense power, anger, and force' and 'huge obstacles that suddenly clear or move very rapidly' (Brady).

Why be concerned? Because a man that some have equated with Fascist dictator Mussolini has just been 'selected' president (not by popular vote, only by Electoral College) and the ruthless Mars-Pluto vibes of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of 1933 will constellate again--not via a 7 North Eclipse but by degree: Feb 24, 1933 7 South @28Leo activated by the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 1 North @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus. Now if you're familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump you know these degrees hit his rising Mars and Ascendant (and rising Regulus), with late Leo being a very sensitive degree area in Mr. Trump's natal chart and in his entitled psyche.

And if you're familiar with the 'Nostradamus Eclipse', the 'King of Alarm' or 'Terror' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 (which descriptively ushered in the New Millennium and the pre-planned, so-called 'War on Terror' of the neocons), you know that the August 1999 Solar Eclipse is also in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, the Mother of All Eclipses. And the same neocons such as Bill Kristol, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and their ilk are now skulking back to the White House on the coattails of Donald J. Trump which is why I say, the Fascist Coup of 1933 is now about to be completed.

A Final Note: the upcoming 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, occurring during the first year of the Trump-Pence regime, is also the eclipse that cosmically splits America in two and is being referred to as The Great American Eclipse (which seems to be the one no one has been waiting for). Plus, it may be interesting to note that the karmic implications of any Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo include cautions against vainglory, pomposity, pontificating, and other negative traits of the proud sign of Leo, for egocentricity thwarts karmic progress.

So what are the chances a president Mr. Trump can avoid the Leonine traits he has already exhibited now that he's coup'd the top CEO position in the land? My next question is: to what year will Trump and his cronies regress America now that 'karmic progress' is off the political table?


Eclipse themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology and Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse.

Aug 21, 2016

September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe

by Jude Cowell

September 2016 begins on the 1st of the month with a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo21 uncovering what may be stark facts and secrets and this provides constructive conditions conducive to a tackling of the truth. (Brady)

Two weeks and a day later, a Lunar Eclipse @24Pisces manifests and further spotlights the Virgo-Pisces polarity of the victim-savior axis. Naturally, Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (co-ruled by Neptune if we wish to call it so since we are typing about larger trends in society). The transiting Neptune-South Node covers much intrigue, loss, propaganda, and crime (with a Neptune-Saturn flavor) but the period will pass although its effects will last a while until they fade and dissolve.

19 North: The Virgo Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016

With this particular 19N Solar Eclipse, a Virgo filter allows the sign's energies to express in such a way that discrimination, discernment, purity, and a sense of duty are sought, engaged, or, in some cases, neglected. As an Earth sign, Virgo indicates physical demands of some kind are presented or called for. Keen observance and deep perception are best utilized wherever possible while the 19 North themes are in effect if forward progress is to be made--themes of realism and constructively tackling the truth. Harvest is a word often associated with (goddess) Virgo and there is actually a *karmic asset here if things are kept in perspective for too much criticism, degradation, (--"that's disgusting!," says Mr. Trump quite often); plus, neglect of health, and/or overuse of restraint when action is called for may interfere with progress.

Note that Virgo health connotations also involve Genetics, DNA, Family Roots, and Genealogy Research into them. Those like yours truly with a current Saturn transit to natal 4th house may be involved in such an investigation as I type!

The September 16th Lunar Eclipse in Pisces suggests the primary reactions and instincts of the Collective concerning events and conditions that the Solar Eclipse has wrought. Compassion, confusion, infection, mystification, denial, and other Piscean characteristics will come up for air as a result of the Virgo Solar Eclipse which, as it happens, is the Pre-Natal Saros series of both Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017 so that eclipse themes will apply to both events and have actually begun to express early in tandem with the current 18 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on March 9, 2016 @18Pis55 and includes themes of separation, endings, and partings--yet new situations may lead to positive results so that all may turn out in the end (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady).


Blog Note: * as always, here on SO'W "karmic asset" and "karma" are used in the sense of reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe, and since Virgo-Pisces and the 6/12 axis are all about that, there we have it, with Genetics, Heredity, Cells, and such reserved for Astrology's Saturnian branches of study rather than the Uranian past-life model created within the Strain At a Gnat Swallow a Camel School of Philosophy. jc

Jul 3, 2016

Can Juno Unlock the Secrets of Jupiter? and Saturn to US Ascendant

Secrets of Jupiter the Target as Astrological Saturn Stomps on USA

It's being reported that the Juno spacecraft's mission to Jupiter, launched on August 5, 2011 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, will insert itself into Jupiter's orbit on the evening of July 4, 2016, America's Independence Day. The secrets of gas giant Jupiter are awaiting discovery, thinks NASA scientists.

Naturally as an astrology novice I wanted to open my Solar Fire software to see where asteroid Juno and planet Jupiter were and are in the Tropical Zodiac on those dates. Curious? Here is what I found along with observations on the current Saturn transit to America's natal Ascendant at the 12Sag degree of "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows":

August 5, 2011: Jupiter @9Taurus21; Juno @2Libra38 (conjunct US natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, in our 'Sibly chart' of July 4, 1776 with 12 Sagittarius rising--where transit Saturn Rx is again crossing, a period when the US is expected to take responsibility for past and present actions rather than denying guilt, when anxiety is evident in the populace and also within government officials (ex: Hillary being allegedly held to account by the FBI email server probe), and when karma becomes the b*tch that she is as our nation (and other nations and peoples via their own neglect of Saturnian principles such as honesty and reliability) reaps what's been sown.

Tragically for the world's innocent who are caught in a round of the power elite's endless retaliation, the reaping can include blow back thanks to corporate Washington's export of violence, fraud, occupation, oppression, and globalism. And as Thomas Jefferson knew when it comes to America, 'God's justice cannot sleep forever'.

July 4, 2016: on Earth it's the dark of a New Moon @12Cancer with Jupiter at the critical/crisis degree of 17Virgo38; Juno is again in Venus-ruled Libra but now @29Libra47, a critical/crisis 29th degree that strains toward Mars-Pluto-ruled sign of Scorpio. All this makes me wonder, what hath man wrought upon humanity? Especially since karma is the b that she is.

Feb 17, 2016

Did America 'peak' in 2008? What will the February 2016 Full Moon reveal?

America's Progressed Full Moon 2008 and the February 22, 2016 Full Moon

by Jude Cowell

The Full Moon @3Vir33 on February 22, 2016 has me thinking: did 1776 America 'peak' in December 2008? For that is when our nation's natal (birth) horoscope reached a Full Moon phase by progression with Sun @4Virgo10 and Moon @4Pisces10--less than one degree from the February 22nd Full Moon positions across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis. Below is a version of the US SP (Secondary Progressed) horoscope as published to my WordPress blog back in the day. The chart is set for the moment of exact opposition between progressed Sun and Moon and issues from our July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA natal chart:

Please enlarge the image to read the messy scribbles!

You'll find details concerning this chart at Jude's Threshold, sans edits. Also from the site is a Banking Crisis Timeline where the closest event to December 24, 2008 is this entry: "American Express will get $3.39 Billion in TARP funds" dated December 23rd. And remember that the Great Heist itself and subsequent TARP give-aways were set up and perpetrated under George W. Bush, Jeb's brother.

Campaign 2016 Under a Virgo Full Moon

Now as you've noticed, the rhetoric of Campaign 2016 has included certain events that occurred during the 8 years of the Bush-Cheney presidency (or, regime, as some describe it) such as expansion of US war efforts and the stupidity of invading Iraq. The national debt limit may soon be a featured GOP talking point as 2016 proceeds, and yet, karma rides side saddle with December 2008 marking what some consider the crescendo of Financial Crash 2008 when the mask of disguise could no longer be worn by America.

As a blogging astrologer, I have used America's 2008 SP chart for such a timing purpose because SP Full Moons cosmically identify the external limits to which a person or entity may reach in the world given the capabilities they began with (the natal potential). If this is so for our nation, it seems that only the less prepared--the 99% of us--were deeply harmed by the crash and by what has turned out to be a continuance of Wall Street's fraudulent ways and now big banks are bigger than ever and home mortgages are being sold over radio and TV as if they're hot cakes--yours for the asking! But not so fast, for victimized Americans have traveled this rocky road to ruin before...

My thought is that although you can presume to cheat natural laws for a while, at some point karma--the law of reaping what was sown--will catch up with you. Even power elite manipulators and their cat's-paw politicians must learn this basic universal lesson in the end when all cosmic litter boxes shall be cleansed. Perhaps you disagree, but to me, Senator Bernie Sanders is the only 2016 candidate offering to wield a giant pooper scooper!

For after all, our symbolic SP Full Moon and the real-time Full Moon of February 22, 2016 fall across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis and we may find again that various types of impure shenanigans are under our Piscean feet and may be revealed by the light of the February Full Moon.

Jan 12, 2015

Manly P Hall: Reap What You Sow (video)

Know Thyself

As a Saturnian astrologer I read in horoscopes South Nodes, the Moon, the Unconscious 12th house of karma and self-undoing, the Vertex and Anti-Vertex, and other karmic points and indicators as reaping-what's-been-sown rather than as past-life-reincarnation information. For me, past-life karmic material means genetic inheritance and I adhere to the theory that certain chart factors such as YOD patterns alert us to issues, circumstances, and behaviors that were not successfully or positively handled or resolved by our ancestors and which must now play out in the current life and be dealt with--hopefully with awareness and skill. The over-used word 'closure' comes to mind.

Astrology is not a belief system. Yet I do believe that the revelation of one's inherited tendencies is one of the better reasons to know and understand one's natal chart and thus to know thyself which includes unconscious motivations!

Yet on the other palm...

Though quite the Uranian, astrologer, author, lecturer, genius, showman, and pioneer Manly Palmer Hall remains a valuable source for Astrology studies and was a fascinating, complex character as well. See what you think about this excerpt from one of his talks on the topic of the natural law: Reap What You Sow...

Nov 30, 2014

Week of Dec 1, 2014: Congress returns as Mars conjoins US Pluto Rx

Early next week and for ten days, the US Congress will be back in session prior to their holiday/end-of-year break. At the end of the week on Saturday December 6, a Full Moon @14Gem18 spotlights relationships, alliances, full awareness, and possibly opposition at the fulfillment or culmination phase of the Moon beginning with the seeds planted at the previous New Moon (Nov 22, 2014 @00Sag04.) As a pair, the two lunations may relate to several levels of events, activities, and enterprises of a Geminian-Sagittarian nature, of course, and these may include military concerns, plans, actions, and transport of supplies and troops ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire," a Sabian Symbol and degree which may also refer to the might-makes-right Republican Party and their recently finagled majority in the 2015 House and Senate.)

Note that the Full Moon @14Gem18 is quite near Fixed Star Rigel in Orion--its key phrase 'to bring knowledge' so education may be on someone's agenda. Royal Rigel can also have a civilizing effect on proceedings but it may take several more chart factors and influences in order to improve the behavior of the anarchists and zealots (identified by disruptive Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries) now 'serving' in Congress--and this is the 'old' Congress about to dissolve to make way for the 2015 group of hog castrators and whatnot. Who knows what neglect of duty and breach of public trust may be foisted upon the American people in 2015 and 2016 as President Obama's presidency grinds on down with as many problems and scandals as the undermining GOP can muster. Over-making their point (that the GOP is the only real leader of this nation) seems to be part of their deluded obsessions which hit something of a peak during the 2012 presidential election with Mitt Romney while the party's progressed chart showed a paranoid, self-deceived opposition between progressed Moon and fraudulent Neptune. The public watched political operative Karl Rove express their misguided impressions in real time on live TV!

But next week we find a Moon-Uranus flavor to the proceedings and in Politics and Business that denotes that some members will express great insights into the nation's problems but showing such care may involve use of unconventional methods. Executive orders come to mind. However, many leaders will be acting on their own whims and fancies with little idea of how they are seen by the rest of the world--the American public, or, the wider world. They've already made us all look like blathering idiots, imho, and no less so themselves. And what about Jonathan Gruber's Obamacare-related remarks about Democrats thinking the American people are stupid? Even if they do, it hardly compares to the stupidity (and misbegotten idealism) repeatedly shown these last years by many members of the US Congress who are supposed to favor better behavior and exalted thinking and debating.

Instead, the morons of Congress and their wealthy enablers served us "Green Eggs and Ham" delivered--as if we were children--with a self-important bravado that I admit was embarrassing--and I don't care even a fig for gasbag Ted Cruz!

Yes, it's true that the public has been in many ways 'dumbed down' (by toxically contaminated food, water, air, deviant entertainment, etc) yet our elected 'lawmakers' seem to be dumbing down themselves or pretending to in order to keep from doing the jobs they were supposedly elected (or installed) to perform, especially if strengthening our social fabric is involved. And they act the fool within such an esteemed institution and have made a mockery of it before the entire world!

Okay, I could fuss on, you know I could, but let's discuss the transit of Mars this week to US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33. This transit comes around approximately every two years or so and is prominent now due to real world events: more war in the Middle East, protests and riots at home with a lamentable Police State mentality in force, murder and other violent acts, settled Civil Rights laws under fire--plus, Obamacare to receive more Supreme Court attention, total surveillance, DNA collection, criminalizing and imprisoning the populace, too many laws on the books, the secessionist movement rearing its sheeted head, crimes of rape--all supported by the Mars-Pluto pair's forceful, intense, and perhaps secretive Scorpionic undertones.

'Purposeful' is a good description of the Mars-Pluto effect in Politics though a me-first attitude with its narrow interests hints at anti-social motives as efforts are perverted away from the public good. Karma--reaping what's been sown--is also an element within Mars-to-Pluto transits and the CIA term 'blow back' comes easily to mind along with the Pentagon's tiresome tendency to make enemies where there were none before via furtive plutonian tactics. Well, they must chow down on a lot of un-indicted ham sandwiches over at the Pentagon cafeteria because they can act awfully ham-fisted.

Other concerns within this Scorpio-drenched picture are potentials for revenge, jealousy, perilous actions, natural disasters, and risk-taking. We all remain, after all, under the vibrations of the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco24, a 'very Scorpio' degree area at the beginning of the sign and its first decanate.

Positively, some folks will use this transit as a period for rejuvenation and recuperation, discovering new uses for old things (Mitch McConnell? I kid!), investing one's assets, conducting deep research projects, performing comprehensive investigations, having surgery, engaging in daredevil sports competitions, practicing better self-control, studying metaphysical subjects, or perhaps for finding long-buried hidden talents and resources.

What will you be up to as 2014 draws to a close?

Personally I plan to use the next few weeks into January 2015 for family preparations and gatherings, relaxing whenever possible, blogging a bit (including Winter Solstice 2014--coming soon), and, as much as possible, completely ignoring the brazen fools who act like entitled monkeys hooting around the rafters of the Capitol Building of Sacred Geometry style architecture, a Masonic temple reflected from DC's Federal Triangle and aligned with Royal Star, Regulus.

Now if only the 'royal' monkeys of Congress were aware of and suitably embarrassed by who and what they actually are.


Blog Note: if you wish, type 'Eclipses' into the sidebar Search field for a link to the October 2014 Solar Eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC, plus, a list of related posts which includes an overview of the Solar Eclipses of 2015 into 2017.

Nov 30, 2014: just adding an article link for those who may be interested in Uranian Hollywood types. It's a freshly published post concerning the Astrology of James Dean's life and death: James Dean's Fatal Car Crash: an Eclipse Triggered by yours truly. Just as eclipses can be, this teen idol was a unique 'wild card' all his own! jc

Oct 7, 2014

Discovery of Uranus: America's totem planet of War and Independence

William Herschel's discovery of planet Uranus in 1781 was the first of the 'modern' (transpersonal, or, outer) planets to enter human consciousness from beyond the boundary of Saturn's orbit. Its discovery date times its synchronicity with both the American and the French Revolutions and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality, brotherhood--and anarchy and rebellion against the old established order denoted by status quo Saturn.

Although Mercury, planet of ideas, thinking processes, and communication, is the traditional ruler of Astrology, Uranus--as co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius and, some say, the higher octave planet of Mercury--has come to signify the 'New Age' and its realms of Astrology and a variety of otherworldly pursuits and studies. Certainly aspects between Mercury and Uranus represent intuitive thinking occurring in a flash like a bolt of lightening, and the inventions and new ideas that may come from such moments of enlightened realizations, devoid of Saturnian steps in between.

Yet even Uranian ideas, plans, and visions need reliable containers in which to pour and be manifested upon the earthly plane and these must be supplied by Saturn, ruler of form, substance, and reality. Most people know someone who often has marvelous new ideas yet who seldom if ever manages to bring them to fruition by putting them into practical form and utilization. Their ideas tend to remain on the Uranian 'drawing board' for lack of an aspect between 'old' Saturn and 'new' Uranus in the natal chart and can give the person an otherworldly vibe and an impractical aura that can keep more reality-based folks at arm's length.

As for the Political Astrology lens used on this blog, the more mundane associations between Uranus and political thought and policy, radicalism, and disruption are uppermost and this is predictable (though Uranus never is!) Uranus may disrupt, separate, isolate, or interrupt at any time--either early, late, or never, and is linked with the 'wild cards' of the Universe, Eclipses, two of which are occurring this month of October 2014. Tomorrow, October 8th, times a Lunar Eclipse @15Aries05 with its potential effects made even more unpredictable by a close conjunction to quirky Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, an astrological portrait of zealots, anarchists, and Uranian Utopians (as described by Reinhold Ebertin.)

Two weeks later on October 23, 2014, the Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 occurs, when karmic progress can be made thanks to its manifestation in Scorpio, sign of regeneration. Yet Scorpio also denotes betrayal, revenge, and secrets so what are our chances? After all, karmic progress entails making better decisions concerning how to deal with current events rather than relying on past mistaken choices and behaviors that may have been appropriate then but will no longer serve if improved outcomes are desired.

And that, as I'm certain you recognize, is a handy definition of the obsessive neurosis that grips Washington DC politics as the "shining city on a hill" continues its draconian attempt to remake the world in its now-quaint 'New Atlantis' image.

Thanks to the help of sister Caroline Herschel: Discovery of Uranus March 13, 1781 "between 10 and 11 pm" according to William Herschel's account, Bath, England. At 10:30 pm LMT: ASC 11Sco43, Moon 14Sco59 rising, 1st house Jupiter @27Sco25 Rx, 2nd house Pluto 6AQ09 (discovered in 1930), IC 27AQ12, 4th house Venus @2Pis54 (sister Caroline selflessly giving her all to brother's work?), Sun 23Pis45 (the self-denying William?), 5th house planet of sight, Mercury @11Ari45, a degree that transit Uranus has so recently electrified), 6th house of Chiron @3Tau20 (conjunct the healing Centaur's discovery degree of 3Tau09, November 1, 1977), North Node of Future Destiny @5Tau08 (which puts SN rising showing the Herschels' isolation and "outstanding in their field" status), Desc 11Tau43. The 8th house of occultism and hidden things holds Uranus @24Gem27, with Gemini ruled by insightful Mercury; MC @27Leo12, The Goal Point, showing perhaps some desire for achieving prominence within the scientific community of his day, modest though he was. Perhaps the proud Leonine Midheaven refers to some amount of unconscious arrogance within his nature and his discovery of Uranus did lead to his acceptance by the scientific establishment and to being favored by the king.

Finally, as-yet-undiscovered Neptune @4Lib48 is Rx and in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes, an idealistic placement by house and sign for the planet of dreams and visions.

Source for Uranus discovery data: Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad)

May 30, 2014

An Astro-Peek at the Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 (updated 9.27.14)

Solar Eclipse October 23, 2014 @1Scorpio in the 17 New North Saros Series

by Jude Cowell

Update Sept 27, 2014: unfortunately the Mars-Pluto influences via Scorpio of this eclipse have included the forceful pair's weapons-of-war implication along with its forcing one's will on others tendencies as we now see by US airstrikes in Syria and more military action in Iraq. Congress has negated its constitutional duties once again by absconding from Capitol Hill without tending to the business of war and will slink back into the District around November 12th--after the midterms of course. Speaker Boehner has remarked that he will not call for any votes on the war until 2015--the next Congress. You may notice that I purposefully neglected to mention such warrior topics in the post below for I was praying it would not be necessary.

I now turn you over to my original post though I expect alliance (coalition) and financial issues to arise as 2014 careens on--not everyone will experience the predicted 'fun' and parties from this karmic Scorpio eclipse especially since its karmic vibes are due to the evolutionary progress that can be made under a Scorpio eclipse but waging more war does not fall under the category of 'progress':

With its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes, the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse in the 17 New North Saros Series contains a passionate, exciting, impulsive, and possibly 'fun' flavor with issues that emerge concerning financial matters and/or relationships. This is a "it's party time!" eclipse! Since the beginning of the 20th century, 17NN has manifested in the years 1906, 1924, 1942, 1960, 1978, 1996, (2014), and next: 2032.

Hmmm...sounds like a few amazing Halloween parties will be thrown this year!

17NN is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of a few people I can think of such as: VP Joe Biden, former President Jimmy Carter, current FBI Director James Comey, former Senator and Monsanto lobbyist Blanche Lincoln, astrologer-author Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, and artist Edgar Degas. 17NN is a fairly new Series with its initial eclipse manifesting on July 28, 1870 @5Leo05 (conjunct US natal North Node.)

Here is a non-chronological list of events that occurred under the rays of 17NN:

The First Atom Split, JFK's Inauguration, Bill Clinton's 2nd Inauguration, the Jonestown Massacre of 1978, Nikolo Tesla's death, and the wedding of President Obama's parents.

This post may be my sign-off for the weekend. Have a happy! jc

And if you're curious, here are a few notes on the Solar Eclipse that will influence both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

May 27, 2014

Name of CIA station chief in Afghanistan ham-fistedly outed

CIA hatched under Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio, a steamy combination

by Jude Cowell

Some time ago I published a version of the CIA natal horoscope if you wish to view it. In July 2014, the CIA will be 67 years old and you'd think they'd be better at this secrets thing than to allow the name of their station head in Afghanistan to be on a list sent to the White House so that the pool of the president's advisers could be published.

Of course, the White House dropped the secrets anvil on its own foot with this one.

Now if we take the CIA's natal Sun-Moon personality blend to be Leo (Fire)/Scorpio (Water)--a group of proud, arrogant (Leo) spies and betrayers (Scorpio)--we find that this combo of energies produces a fanatical 'by hook or crook' determination toward success, the Machiavellian model. Phobias and cynicism abound in tandem with 'an inscrutable self-belief'. This blend's tendency to be upfront on the outside while hiding a labyrinth of secrets within is a perfect description of the agency.

Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio may sometimes undermine itself, usually via its darkly suspicious nature, or by over-extending itself. Interference from others is never appreciated to say the least and this 'outing' of the station chief's name must be excruciatingly embarrassing for them (unless it was done on purpose--perhaps by a rogue agent? just a thought!) For continuing their secret work in Afghanistan the outing is definitely a rain on their secrets parade if not a thunderstorm soaking into their imagined infallibility.

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave: Awkward!

Yes, CIA imperiousness has received a pinprick, all right, but it isn't enough for the organization to deflate from its overblown influence in the world though many wish it would. Even the creature's creator, President Truman, expressed regret at what he had unleashed upon the world--after it was too late to rein in its illuminating, infiltrating presence. No doubt he was 'advised' on its creation.

My suspicion is that the agency's extremist qualities prevail and its not-a-good-loser personality is squirming a little but its mission and self-belief remain intact. Ever loyal to its own, it will be interesting to see if the one who made up the 'manifesto'--the list of names of the president's advisers on his weekend trip to Afghanistan--will be revealed though I don't expect that any proverbial 'heads will roll' for the mistake, do you? At least not in public--unless a show of improvement and accountability are deemed necessary for public relations purposes (or to save a little face for the White House where someone should have noticed the glare sooner.)

The CIA's imperious Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio blend is shared natally by Steve Martin ('King' Tut!), Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, and King Louis XVI. The blend has two 'Images for Integration' which may or may not to seem to apply to the CIA:

"The conception of a divine child takes place during a total eclipse of the Sun...A fateful, passionate love affair between the queen and a mysterious, wandering peasant."

Of course, the 'divine child' refers to Leo, and the first image makes me think of the CIA being more powerful than any president (they've certainly overthrown a few presidents and dictators, haven't they?) with the US president as 'the Sun' (America's cult of personality); the second image reminds me of collusion between monarchs and certain entities that pull strings across the globe..."mysterious" being the CIA and its reputed Jesuit connection to the Vatican and to money laundering via Big Banks and the Corporations protected by the CIA.

The 'fateful' quality reminds me of the natural law of karma--reaping what was sown--and this is a Higher Law that no organization, group, or person, no matter how powerful and controlling, will ultimately avoid: paying for past actions.

For more info on personality blends, see 'Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Feb 18, 2014

Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse April 15, 2014

Here is the horoscope of the April 15, 2014 Lunar Eclipse @25Lib15, in 8th house when the chart is set for the White House. As you see, the Uranus-Pluto square again participates in a Cardinal Grand Cross which also involves Jupiter (conjunct US natal Sun, the president) in 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking, activist Mars @16Lib29 Rx (in process of aggravating US natal Saturn @14Lib48), and a conjunction of Mercury and Uranus, both at 13+ Aries and indicating Science, Technology, communication, and innovation.

In fact, the Mercury-Uranus combination denotes a 'propaganda campaign'--Ebertin.

The Jupiter-Pluto opposition across the Can-Cap axis of Security and Authority continues to bedevil America's natal Sun (13Can19) via a titanic power struggle and many challenges in financial, social, political, environmental, and military realms. Even religious and philosophical beliefs are embroiled in the plutonian melee ongoing as systems and structures break down and are purposefully broken down by hidden forces. See The Changing Face of Christian Politics. Here, Pluto is especially strong because the 'god of Hades' is stationary, having turned Rx 7 hours 54 minutes prior to this eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse @25Lib15 April 15, 2014 at 3:42:18 am EDT,Hour of Mercury, this Lunar Eclipse falls upon the karmic Nodal axis with Moon-NN conjoined (good fortune in 8th house matters such as Corporatism, Big Business, Shared Resources, Insurance, Debt, Credit, Legacies, the Occult, Transformation, Death) and Sun-SN, a sign of limiting conditions in the power and leadership arena. The karmic part comes in from reaping what was sown in the past--abuse or misuse of power, etc. It is this dissenting American's opinion that our nation has much to answer for due to its dealings with others.

With my blogging time brief today, you may hopefully be able to read my chicken-scratch notes on the chart if you enlarge the image, and I shall simply add the applying aspects of the chart-ruler (Saturn with 16AQ04 rising) and sub-ruler (Uranus) to see how the proceedings may go.

However, austere Saturn makes no major applying aspects to another planet (actor) in the chart, and the Uranus-Pluto square is the only applying aspect made by tech-savvy Uranus in the 2nd house of the National Treasury. Speedy Mercury as what I call our 'tofu planet' (because it soaks up whatever flavors from a planet it touches) denotes a scientific flair to the Lunar Eclipse which may perhaps relate to the current issue of Comcast and Time-Warner merging into a communications leviathan.

Uranus is squared by Mars and Jupiter (in the Grand Cross pattern). The Mars-Uranus square brings in an unfortunate amount of danger, foolhardiness, recklessness, and quarrels into April's lunar picture and since all eclipses act as 'wildcards of the Universe', we never know what secrets may be revealed. Having the Pisces trio rising in 1st house (Neptune, Venus, and Chiron) can actually spotlight the Vatican or the Vatican Bank which is known to have laundered money, among other anti-social activities. I mention the Vatican because of its veneration of Mary as a goddess (Venus-Neptune) and Chiron's role as The Priest. (Plus, POTUS travels to Rome to kiss the Pope's golden ring in March; Queen Elizabeth to do the same in early April. Pluto may also represent the Pope.)

1st House Neptune: Dissolution, Fraud, Erosion, Propaganda?

With Neptune rising, we may meet with conditions that are out of anyone's control and which cause tears to flow. Neptune oversees water, oceans, rivers, wells, and catastrophes such as the disasters the world is already experiencing in West Virginia and elsewhere. See Water in America: Is It Safe to Drink?. Yes, April 2014 is a good time to question water safety issues and to find inspired solutions--and I freely admit to being one of those who see the Keystone XL Pipeline as a major threat to water tables within its leaking grasp, not to mention earthquakes and water contamination caused by fracking. And of course, Neptune rules oil and gas, too!

As for the Jupiter-Uranus square we may expect much impracticality, idealism, and misguided speculations that lead to loss. Unforeseen events and a lack of reliability may also be noticed so avoid grandiose schemes that are promoted to you as 'sure things' while this influence lasts--including schemes that are presented with religious overtones for this square tends to boost the activities of gurus, charlatans, and so-called mystics and mediums.

Up next is the 16 South Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 @9Taurus in the 3rd house of this Lunar Eclipse chart. 16S denotes issues of wasted energy especially when dealing with groups, misguided motivations, and sudden inspiration that is potentially unfulfilling. 16S last occurred in 1996 @28Aries, conjunct the South Node of this chart--perhaps the GOP's insistence on airing the dirty laundry of the Clintons from the 1990s is on tap as shown by the SN's karmic 'dependence on past behavior' habit. How tiresome. Let it go. (Brady's 'Predictive Astrology'.)

Oct 31, 2011

Illuminati Protocols, then Midas and Pan show up

Video: Anonymous Explains the Illuminati Protocols The following presentation contains what may be a few controversial statements and as one blogger I cannot vouch for all that is asserted. Yet much of the information tallies with my research last year for an article in the November 2010 edition of Julie Demboski's Eclipse E-Zine (now an excellent Newsletter) titled, American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun. In my attempt to meld Astrology with American History for a bit of insight into how, why, and when America's ship of state changed course so drastically (as it seems to many of us), the gist is that in November 1905, America's progressed Jupiter symbolically performed a Station Retrograde, seeming to stand still on its Secondary Progressed degree, and the periods of actual time on either side of the date of this change of ideological and financial direction to a more inwardly focused level, marks a significant time frame of important events that I highlight here for further study. Have at it, if you may! You'll find the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of the US and more. Neocons, Intriguers...and My, How Time Doth Flee Yes, we Americans do tend to forget the recent past very easily (traits of butterfly Gemini--natal sign of US Mars and Uranus--and foggy Neptune, in Mercury-ruled Virgo on July 4, 1776.) Perhaps this post may spur someone to follow up on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a long-standing, mysterious, and notorious piece of propaganda and--well, see what you think. Some sources say it's a vicious forgery (pdf of text.) And I've read that The Protocols first turned up in France in the late 1890s so you know what Great Conjunction that identifies as a mover-and-shaker in this matter--the two that together make up what astrologer E. Alan Meece has presented as the Horoscope of Modern Humanity which is timed by the beginning of the current Neptune/Pluto cycle on the dates listed here: Neptune conjunct Pluto: 1. August 2, 1891 @ 8Gem38 2. November 5, 1891 @ 8Gem19 3. April 20, 1892 @ 7Gem42 In the 1890s, the Robber Baron Era (aka, the Gilded Age), three titanic Great Conjunctions occurred upon US natal Uranus 8Gem55, planet of Technology and Progress, so we're looking at a series of formations of a Historical Midpoint Picture between planetary titans. In Mundane Astrology, I usually look at planets in horoscopes as archetypal (and sometimes particular) actors, plus, quirky genius Uranus operates as America's 'totem' planet of Freedom, Independence, and Equality:
1891/92's Neptune/Pluto = US n Uranus: rebellion against artificial pursuits; impersonal attitudes toward antisocial activities; unusual means for changing reality; unusual, mystical, or supernatural experiences; peculiar discoveries; adventurous ego-thrust; making waves to reach the shore; possibly aberrant behavior. (Munkasey; Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)
And you know which objects now travel within the 8-10 degree range of Gemini, right? Midas and Pan--the gold-hoarders of the world hanging around with the satanic goat of mendes folk. Symbolically speaking, of course. The following video contains an explanation of the Illuminati Protocols which were first published for public consumption in 1905, the year that America's Progressed Jupiter performed its Station Retrograde and stopped moving in Direct motion. Was there a synchronicity at work between the US government and Illuminati agents? Perhaps so. And the position of US Progressed Jupiter in 2011? Still Rx and in mid-Cancer which conjoins the natal Ascendant degree in the Horoscope of the Pentagon, America's 5-pointed Death Star now serving as the military-enforcement arm for the Illuminati's New World Order agenda. Midas, Pan, Jupiter (Jove or Zeus!), the three outer, transpersonal planets of The Sky, The Sea, The Underworld--Astrology provides us with powerful archetypes for describing powerful arch deceivers as they play their roles on the World Stage! ~:~ *The Pentagon: April 29, 1942 10:30 am ewt Washington DC, historical record; a dual midpoint picture involves the Pentagon's feisty Mars @ 2Can02, the testosterone-driven planet of war and conflict which goes badly awry when he's ill-used and his energy misdirected and mismanaged: 1. Saturn/Pluto = Mars: brutal efforts to start a new order (Tyl); ruthlessness; brutality; activating plans for much destruction or upheaval; continuing restraint on activities that adulterate, contaminate, or poison (nuclear, uranium, anthrax, bird flu, etc--'restraint'? oh dear); a need to use power in order to continue activities. 2. Uranus/Pluto = Mars: fanaticism; coercion; the mania of destruction; the stage of bending or breaking; purposefully loud, disruptive activities that make others uncomfortable (torture? bombing?); headstrong and demanding when forcing ideas or plans. Both pictures contain indications of torture, among other psychotic behaviors which, considering the natural law of karma--reaping what is sown (as mentioned by Anonymous in the video)--portends ill for those who ruthlessly visit brutality and upheaval upon others. And the US government pretends to do it all in the name of We The People!

May 26, 2011

G-8 Summit in France: Pisces into Aries 5.26.11

Having checked out several sites concerning the current G-8 Summit being held in Deauville, France, I'm settling on Oxfam International for news about and out of this gathering of top leaders. Most of the other sites contain a lot of bosh and what have turned out to be broken promises with the usual patootie-covering spin attached.

As Oxfam says, They've got a lot of explaining to do.

Not a lot of Astrology time is available to me today but let's take a quick peek at the Sun-Moon blends for May 26 and May 27 (Friday) to snag a hint of the general flavor of this time during which the G-8 nations have chosen to meet. (Actually meetings began earlier in May 2011 concerning drug trafficking, for one.)

May 26, 2011: Sun in early Gemini (communications; sharing ideas; lots of schmoozing) and Moon in Pisces (one half of the victim/savior axis, confused or confusing, hidden) shows a chameleon, versatile quality and a dreamy 'blowing with the wind' tendency. Worry about what's already been said may be prevalent with this Air-Water blend yet the public may never know about it given the group's closed-to-the-press directive.

This is an adventurous and very self-aware combination of double Mutable (changeable, unstable) energies which is impressionable, sensitive, and open to new ideas. Group coordination is highlighted and though concentration may be weak, someone may actually stand up to defend the underdogs among us! But lack of boundaries is a problem (open to new ideas) so approaching topics on a superficial level may be the easiest way to deal with the day's issues.

Interestingly, the Sun Gem-Moon Pisces is shared natally by Blackwater's (Xe's? or whatever name his mercenary band uses now) Erik Prince so I wonder if he is in attendance. It is also found in the natal horoscope of Allen Ginsberg and novelist Arnold Bennett who famously informed us that,

"Journalists say a thing that they know isn't true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true."

Now that's a perfect quote to describe mainstream media "reporting" on such secretive, chaos-dealing groups of world 'leaders' and puppets, don't you think?

Luna Changes Her Tune

Now early on Friday morning (around 1:38 am local time, France), the Moon reaches Aries Point (a World Point of Manifestation; Recognition; Fame) which changes the vibes to an Air-Fire Sun Gem-Moon Aries blend which remains in effect into Saturday. Yes, Mars-ruled Aries (god of war) changes the tone of the proceedings quite a bit into a stronger Mutable-Cardinal (planning; taking initiative action.)

Sun Gem-Moon Ari has a clearer vibe than Friday's Piscean dreaminess but with Sun in communicative Gemini, the discussions can become argumentative, and persuasion in the theme. This a forceful, decisive, impatient blend of a race car driver! An essentially self-centered and intense willpower rules the crowd and Thursday's sensitivity to the needs of others melts away on behalf of wit, satire, and pointed words.

In fact, the 24-hour news cycle was invented by this type of personality which describes the formidable lawyer, politician, broadcaster, writer, and debater. Thoughts are put out for review but never true feelings; empathy is often missing within a pugnacious, rough-shod approach, and convictions are delivered with much enthusiasm as conversations are monopolized with a persuasive power and a strong measure of egotism.

No fools of lesser minds are suffered with Sun in intellectual Gemini and Moon in pioneering Aries!

This blend is shared natally by King Albert II of Belgium, and, oddly enough by journalist and broadcaster, the mild-seeming Bill Moyers. It is also found in the natal chart of actor Robert Morley who instructively proposed,

"Show me a man who enjoyed his schooldays and I will show you a bully and a bore."

I suspect there may be more than one bully on the scene so outcomes may come down to who can out-bully the other and sway the rest.

Now I don't know if you're expecting magical improvements for our global ills to issue forth from this year's G-8 Summit but it seems to me that these are some of the very same syndicate criminals who engineered the financial and social chaos to begin with. Yet even the power elite and their puppets sometimes experience the unexpectedness of unintended consequences which must then be dealt with for they are not the masters of karma they believe themselves to be.

No earthly mortals exist outside the reap what you sow natural law of our universe - aka, karma - so when it comes to politics and social engineering, my tendency is to wait for the pudding to set. For if the G-8 Summit ends and policies change and are implemented in the real world, the proof of any culpability they may deserve will be shown by what happens because of their top-down policies which harm and hinder rather than help populations.

A Higher Power Exists

And of course, we have not one but two Solar Eclipses coming up and eclipses are the 'wild cards' of the universe; they can affect conditions either positively or negatively. Both eclipses trigger planets in the US natal horoscope of 1776.

The first manifests near US natal Uranus 8Gem55, planet of freedom, independence, revolt, and sudden events on June 1, 2011 @ 11Gem02, and the second is a karmic Solar Eclipse on July 1, 2011 which falls between our US natal Jupiter (finances) and Sun (leadership) in self-protective Cancer, and is opposed by karmic Pluto in Capricorn.

So try to keep your feathers dry for it's going to be quite a long summer.


Recommended: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.