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Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Jul 21, 2012

On Romney's Progressed Lunar Phase (Balsamic)

(The following should be filed under Sometimes You Just Want to Be Wrong...)

A Few Astro-Reasons Why Mitt Romney Could Take the Cake on November 6th

by Jude Cowell

Now I know that Mr. Romney won't know what to call the cake, but he may just take it and rush into the White House on January 21, 2013, much to my chagrin...

In 2011, I mentioned on this blog that Mitt Romney enters a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase by progression on September 22, 2012, just in time for the November 6, election/s. As you know, Balsamic phases are the dark of the Moon, just prior to a New Moon whether by transit (real time) or progression (moving the natal chart ahead approximately one degree per year of life to gain hints about one's evolutionary progress and 'time of life'.)

The Balsamic phase of the Moon often relates to 'taking over where another has left off' and/or may bring endings, partings, and separations. Natally, this phase describes one who is born with a prophetic streak (ex: George Orwell) but here we're talking about progressions. Now if you follow the link above, you'll find some info on Romney's Secondary Progressions and his Natal Chart data with the correct birth time--9:51 am, though some of my earlier posts here about Mr. Romney do not have his birth time (which Astrodatabank provides, as I discovered later on, for SO'W is quite gray around the muzzle, you know!

Therefore, today's post is an update due to the fact that November 6th is upon us, and I had not fully considered in 2011, as Romney entered the presidential race (again!), that the November 6, 2012 election/s will be affected by the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio with its 'joy through commitment; taking on responsibilities' theme (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) My point is that I'd taken Romney's SP Balsamic phase as inauspicious for starting a new presidency when it could also describe a 'taking over' of duties when another (President Obama?) could not, for some reason, carry on. I don't want to believe it, but there it is.

Yet when endeavors are begun under the influence of a Balsamic Lunar phase, they often do not last the duration or end suddenly which may indicate a presidency of less than four years if Romney wins (or, 'wins' if the election is skewed and marred as in November 2000 with voting Mercury moving retrograde on Election Day 2012 as in 2000. And you know what miseries that wrought for America. Say, one of the Romney sons isn't named Chad by any chance, is he?)

Another consideration is what Secondary Progressed Lunar phase has President Obama reached in life? Well, he's on the downside of a SP Full Moon which was exact on November 6, 2011 (precisely a year before this year's election!) @1Ari10 which conjoins US natal IC (The End of the Matter; The Foundation) in America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Phildelphia, PA.) This degree was recently transited by radical Uranus and conjoins the Aries Point of fame, recognition, and prominence of course, but this may not be enough cosmic fuel to garner Mr. Obama a 2012 election victory though the 'light' of his SP Full Moon certainly hasn't faded completely (his Disseminating phase begins March 13, 2015.) And 2012's election outcome may depend almost entirely on how successful GOP dirty tricks against him turn out to be.

Will the American people succumb to a vulture capitalist as CEO-president? For a different outcome, a landslide for Mr. Obama will be necessary, sans dancing leave your sofa on November 6th and it will be there when you return.

Meanwhile, candidate Romney, who seems to be in possession of the greater campaign chest of gold and rubies, has a boost from the Sabian Symbol of the degree at which his SP Moon enters the Balsamic phase which may possibly be supported by the theme of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse occurring within the two-week time frame of influence upon the 2012 election/s. His SP Balsamic Moon degree (10Ari24), rounded up is:

'11 Aries' = "The President of the Country" which I confess chills my soul with its "1% president" implications that intend to gut our social safety net programs to the bone in order to gift even more Corporate Welfare to those who have no need of it--plus, the degree's word picture has a negative/shadow side connotation for something which Romney seems to me to possess in great Jupiterian abundance: vain pretense.

Now, a la Ann Romney, that's all You People need to know about my concerns that Mitt Romney and clan will take all the cake. And being greedy, they'll gobble up all the crumbs, too.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (Sun Leo.)

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am Detroit, MI (Sun Pisces.)

Jul 3, 2012

Happy July 4th 2012 from Stars Over Washington!

July 4, 2012: America Is 236 Years Old!

by Jude Cowell, your friendly political astrologer

Just a note on the day before America's Independence Day 2012 to wish everyone Happy Independence Day, America's official birthday! Around here we'll bow to tradition with a turkey burger cook-out though any sort of meat is seldom a first-choice for my family so I guess that makes it a special and somewhat nostalgic treat of sorts. How about you? Will you be passing the mustard or perhaps the ketchup?

On an astro-note, a fresh post has been published to my WordPress blog *Jude's Threshold (where I've been MIA of late!) on behalf of July 4th and including a few tidbits concerning Campaign 2012 and the horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2012 (September 22; aka, Libra Ingress, if you prefer) which may be of interest to you with its Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Sagittarius blend of energies. Naturally, the horoscope precludes both RNC and DNC 2012 of late August into early September.

Once there you'll also see a rather mild sales pitch on behalf of my new Stars Over Washington Monthly newsletter chocked with Political Astrology which is being electronically delivered this very day in time for our July 4, 2012 celebrations. But you don't have to visit WordPress to find a subscription link--check the very top of this blog's sidebar, if you wish to sign up. It would be very supportive of you!

However, if curious about the contents of issue 1 (July-Aug-Sep 2012), click the Jude's Threshold link above to discover the topics and horoscopes included this quarter!

And be super-careful with those fireworks now!


Celebrate America with Some Interesting Reading and/or Videos:

Julie Demboski's Astrology, Astro-Cocktail, Neptune Cafe, Thom Hartmann, David Pakman,, Information Clearing House, and Democracy Now!.

*Blog's title refers to boundary-loving, time-keeping Saturn as 'gatekeeper of the threshold' which particularly applies to those of us with natal Saturn in the 12th house of The Unconscious (and Politics!) The placement is, as you know, good for concentrated work done in solitude such as Astrology with Saturn the original ruler of the ancient art. Uranus, The Upstart and The Witness, was added as Astrology's co-ruler much later!

Jul 1, 2012

Election 2012 Mercury: Nov 6 and Nov 26 Horoscopes

Election Day Nov 6, 2012's Mercury Rx Station with the Mercury Direct Station of November 26, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Below you see an image of Election Day 2012's Mercury Station Retrograde of Nov 6 at 6:03:47 pm est (@4Sag18, lower left) and a second horoscope for the moment on November 26, 2012 when voting Mercury turns Direct at 5:47:32 pm est (@18Sco10) with both horoscopes set for the White House, the main prize for the victor.

Mercury is chart-ruler of both horoscopes and thus the determinant of both events which relate to the November 6, 2012 Presidential and Congressional Election/s. All astrologers are predicting trouble due to Mercury turning Rx on Election Day 2012 so let's consider the condition of the planet of voting, announcements, and--when Rx--disputed outcomes.

As you see, out-of-bounds Mars 22Sag23 is unaspected (who knows what Mr. Fussy the Activist is up to?) in 7th house of Legal Affairs and Open Enemies is at '23Sag', the "Immmigrants entering a New Country" degree and for this reason, and bedcause of the obvious issues with Mercury's Rx Station on Voting Day, plus, Mercury's aspects to other planets (actors), I read the charts as having immigrant/voter purge implications--a tiresome Republicn tactic--along with computer voting machine 'glitches' and possibly outright tampering or fraud.

Naturally with Mercury re-trograde, the word re-count is in the political air especially given the cantankerous nature of the 2012 Campaign and Election for much is at stake for each party. However, this common-gooder would be remiss if I didn't add that the American people have, as usual, the most to lose, and even though I believe that whoever inhabits the White House come January 21, 2013 will continue to follow a larger global agenda with few options to do otherwise, there is hopefully a difference in how the agenda is implemented, or at least that is my deep desire for the We the People.

That a One-Percenter like Mitt Romney, the watery Sun-Mercury-Mars Pisces and equal-opportunity bully, should take the helm after what Bush and Cheney perpetrated upon this nation for 8 years (culminating in Financial Heist 2008) would be an outrage! Haven't we learned anything???

Okay, I'll hush my fussing and give you a chance to appreciate both charts:

The following is meant to throw a spotlight upon what I consider to be prominent features in both charts yet I'm certain you can see many other factors of importance. As always, feel free to leave a comment if you wish!

Nov 6, 2012 6:03:47 pm est White House: Mercury's first moment Rx in 6th house of Health, Work, and Military and Police Service after just dipping below the horizon. This is a Cadent position and a natural house of Mercury (Virgo) yet Mercury is debilitated in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius; a mentally inspired Geminian Jupiter Rx (Republicans weakened due to several factors including a battle with an incumbent president) is rising in 1st house; ASC 5Gem39 is the WHAT? Point of the matter and in this case, the WHAT? is Mercury's Rx Station. It's an Hour of Saturn (restriction, control, authority) so it may be expected that the Jupiterian GOP will have managed tamperings of the voting process by and on November 6. We cannot discount that Politics is a win-at-any-cost game with powerful consequences and Jupiter is relating from a weakened position opposite his natural sign of Sagittarius and Rx as well.

Chart-ruler Mercury applies to a square with Chiron (0A42), and a trine with technology-lover Uranus (0A52) with disruptive rebel Uranus 5Ari09 Rx in 11th H of Groups and Associations, and the sub-ruler of the 10th H of Career and Public Status (MC 13AQ00.) At Midheaven you see the midpoint of the combustable pair of Mars and Uranus which gives a midpoint picture of potentials for extraordinary achievements, and/or taking drastic measures such as 'putting a gun to someone's head' (Ebertin.)

Whether a threat of gun use is actually necessary to manipulate Election 2012 we'll probably never know. But this picture may simply be a reference to the NRA gun lobby of fanatics who really really want Mr. Romney in the White House, or so I've heard.

Now where in the Election Day chart are We the People? Moon 14Leo12 conjoins IC, (Home and Domestic Scene) and the HOW? Point of any horoscope.

Now don't stay home, m'peops, for We are the How! Yes, certain undermining forces are making it more and more difficult to vote but let's not give in to them. Especially with the high-flying Kite pattern you see in the November 6 horoscope with the people's Moon as spearhead--conjoining President Obama's natal Sun in Leo!--and sextiles to the Moon from Jupiter Rx and a 5th H Venus 11Lib28. Now I agree that it's speculation and popularity (5th H) plus our innate intuition (US natal Moon in Aquarius) which must tell us that Mr. Obama is our best bet going forward given all the conflicting campaign rhetoric and distortions but the president's argument that a Romney presidency would take us backward is easy enough for a majority to agree upon unless you're of the One Percent or on their payroll.

Disagreements, quarrels, recounts, disputed outcomes, voting machine brou-ha-has, voting roll purges, and more issues may be in the news from November 6 until...November 26? Well, probably. Yet Mercury won't reach its Shadow Degree of 4Sag18 (where it retrograded) until December 14, 2012 and quickly moves beyond it so we may have another December to be anxious over--centering on or just after December 14. Hopefully the SCOTUS Justices won't underwhelm the people's middling-to-poor opinion of them as they did with Bush v Gore in December 2000 and we'll appreciate an early if legality-decorated Christmas gift to settle Election 2012, if we must.

Chart 2, upper right, shows November 26 at 5:47:32 pm est (Hour of Venus--jealousy and revenge? or attraction?) when speedy Mercury takes a stand and performs a Direct Station @18Sco10 ('19Sco' = "A Parrot Listening Then Talking"--whose script will he read?) As you see, US natal Moon is at MC, and Mercury is again in the same preparatory Cadent house in DC. Forceful Mars and Pluto are about to converge in Capricorn with Jupiter still Rx and hiding in the 12th H of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Deals.

Wishy washy Neptune 00Pis25, ruler of Mr. Romney's natal Sun, Mercury, and Mars, is strong in its own sign and at MC (the 'hiding in plain sight' position); US natal Sun conjoins the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury, and the Pluto/ASC midpoint @00:05 is prominent at Aries Point (10th H) showing that the tendency toward the use and abuse of power and persuasion are of utmost importance for determined US politicians who wish to rule the day and don't mind being ruthless in their attempts to have their way. Foreign control and plutonian global meddling may also be shown by Pluto/ASC = AP, a World Point of Manifestation.

Now I know that most if not all astrologers have predicted victory for President Barack Obama in 2012 and I wish to whole-heartedly concur. Yes, this is probably the case--and yet there seems to me to be quite a few circumstances where the Romney camp can manipulate the outcome of Election 2012 as well as provide GOP interference to affect congressional races. And why should we think otherwise when they've made themselves perfectly clear by obstructionism and bald-faced statements and lies against Pres. Obama, for in their pride and arrogance they imagine themselves to be the only suitable residents of the White House! How tiresomely they brag.

Yet you know what they say: sometimes you just want to be wrong!

So with Election Day 2012 Mercury turning Rx on the exact day of the elections, the eventual results are certain to be in dispute or clouded by murky conditions (exs: computer 'glitches' or tamperings, robo-calls meant to confuse voters, etc) on into December, and may never be as clear as the American people would prefer and deserve them to be. It seems that our best chance to renounce neocon hawks is a grand turn-out for the President which will make election outcomes as perfectly clear as they can possibly spite of all the jackassian political tricks Washington underminers have to offer!

Jun 30, 2012

Full Moon 7.3.12 inspires video embed of Mysterious Structures

The Entire Sign of Capricorn a Mystical Labyrinth

by Jude Cowell

On July 3, 2012 a Full Moon occurs at 12Cap14 at 2:52 pm edt (Washington DC), the day prior to America's Independence Day 2012. Using the rounding-up method to determine degrees, the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon of July 3rd is '13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper" which relates to how man knows he must "--demonstrate his ultimate independence of his circumstances or else surrender his own potentialities forever. Here is ideality brought to the point of miracle. The keyword is MAGIC. When positive, the degree is extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions; negative: consistent overestimation of personal capacity."

Now in Campaign 2012, we are being encouraged--or propagandized, depending on your political viewpoint--by President Obama to move in a Forward direction, or, as some say, to Lean Forward. Then let's do so now with the July 3rd Full Moon and consider the next degree's symbol--'14Cap', for it is after all the Illumination Point of America's natal Sun degree @14Cancer (Sun = the leader) which will be triggered on July 4th at America's 236th birthday--a ritual of sorts:

'14Cap' = "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite" relates to "--the ability of man to capitalize on opportunities thus brought to focus in himself and his world at large again and again. Here is an absoluteness of self as it proceeds to express itself with a true conviction, and a completeness of its achievement as it acts with the over-all perspective of which it is capable. The keyword is FOUNDATION. When positive, the degree is a gift for bringing all things into a pattern of convenience and thereupon precipitating an inevitability of desired results; negative: meaningless limitation."

(Source: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones born Oct 1, 1888 8:37 am St. Louis, MO: ASC 10Sco08, Sun 8Lib50, Moon 16Leo34, Mercury 3Sco01, Venus 00Sco50, Mars 14Sag15, Jupiter 3Sag08, Saturn 17Leo14, Uranus 17Lib04, Neptune 2Gem08 Rx, Pluto 5Gem44 Rx, 3rd cusp = '12Cap'; as given by the author himself.)

And so, having '14Cap' prominent in my own natal chart, I hereby embed the following 43-minute video from which was sent along by the excellent Forbidden Knowledge TV and illuminates all manner of ancient bas-reliefs, megaliths, henges of stone, and other mysteriously built monuments and observatories, as well as constellations such as Cygnus the Swan (or, The Vulture in some cultures.)

But this blogging Capricorn of a Saturnian Astrology persuasion isn't an 'alien-UFO' sort of gal so the video is presented in a spirit of entertainment for our July 4th holiday yet is meant also for those with archaeological interests, or even those with an artistic eye!

Now when the narrator goes into the "did aliens build it?" mode, that's when I feel expected to "strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" to paraphrase Scripture. For it seems much more likely to me that the mathematical principles--natural laws--which undergird our Universe and the architectural forms with which great structures were built in ancient eras--pyramids being a prime example--were discovered and understood by various cultures throughout history, or, as is probably the case--the knowledge of which were passed down through generations and this is how great structures such as cathedrals and henges were constructed in many spots all over the globe.

Why, the 'Sacred Geometry' of Freemasonry (aka, the Architecture of the Universe) is a perfect example of this passing down of information which provides mankind with the templates for understanding and utilizing universal principles as set forth by The Great Mathematician, our Creator.

Just look at the architecture of Washington DC and think of all the Founding Fathers who are known to have been Freemasons. If the Capitol Building and other structures in The District (with their domes topped by artful representations of goddess Venus as Isis, Freedom, Columba, Innana, etc) aren't Masonic 'temples', I'll lunch upon this keyboard...

Okay, I'll hush for now...enjoy!

Q: Did you know there's a Labyrinth Society? Neither did I.

Jun 12, 2012

Sun-Pluto obsessions of the US, Obama, and Romney

The Power Desires of Obama and Romney

by Jude Cowell

It is my personal conclusion that America's obsession with Sun-Pluto power issues and control makes the use of fear as a tool against the populace easy to latch on to for the US natal horoscope shows an obsessive-compulsive-don't-know-when-to-quit Sun-Pluto quindecile aspect (165 degrees) between the executive (Sun) and power (Pluto.) Other levels of Pluto (exs: the Pope, extreme wealth hidden in secret places, spying and surveillance, string-pullers from afar, wealthy banking houses, the Underworld) certainly may apply as well but for this post let's stop at 'power, control, and the use of fear for persuasion'. When conjunct, the Sun-Pluto duo shows a willfulness that makes 'offers difficult to refuse'.

Now it seems significant to me that in the pivotal year 2012, with a presidential election at hand (guided by mafioso Pluto's Hidden Hand?) and both candidate's qualifications for office under scrutiny, that both President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney have natal charts (psyches) containing Sun-Pluto midpoint pictures--that is, the midpoint of the two bodies whose psycho-dynamics so obsess Washington DC with its imposed cult of personality (Sun) as instituted upon the citizenry by the first presidency in the form of Freemason George Washington. In an ironic twist (or with an eye toward posterity) Washington is famous for refusing to be king of America, and for walking away from the power of the presidency so that the next guy could step in and further the mission.

Note: in 1937, US inauguration days were switched from early March to January 20, or 21 if the 20th falls on a Sunday. This positions America's presidential Sun @00AQ+ and the Sabian Symbol for '1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission." Check it out!)

Focusing on Sun-Pluto positions, here are their birth particulars:

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 @7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (Sun 12Leo33 in 6th house; Pluto 6Vir59 in 7th house; ASC 18AQ03; MC 28Sco54) and Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 @9:51 am Detroit, Michigan (Sun 21Pis11 in 11th house; Pluto 11Leo22 Rx in 4th house; ASC 1Gem01; MC 6AQ43.)

Here are the willful, powerful midpoint pictures involved with details from Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin, any of which may or may not apply though they are subject to stimulation by transit and progression:

President Obama--Sun-Pluto = Uranus 25Leo16: sudden obsession to acquire additional power and control; a surprising suspicion of basic powers; use of scientific methods to achieve progress or gain power; powerful ideas; carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; new individual perspectives; sudden change; rebellion.

Mitt Romney--Sun-Pluto = ASC: enormous power projection; being forced to fight; ruthless establishment of one's own personality; suppression of the environment for the attainment of one's own aspirations; a crisis of self-preservation; experiencing the ruthlessness of others; making changes through applying the will; noticing the weakness in others and using the knowledge for personal advantage; efforts to rid the environment of corruption or immoral practices.

(For Mr. Obama, the above reminds me of drones and health care reform--for Mr. Romney, Bain Capital and Mormonism!)

Additionally, Mr. Obama's natal Sun-Pluto midpoint @24Leo46 contacts US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) by opposition so his Sun-Pluto = US n Moon: fluctuations in attempts to appear strong-willed; attempts to project power and persuasion; brutal suppression of feelings.

And Mitt Romney's Sun-Pluto midpoint @ 1Gem17 falls upon the rising Moon 1Gem26 in the Inauguration 2013 horoscope. Hmmm....are the two men more alike than most people realize? Well, at the least this dual Sun-Pluto-Moon circumstance reminds me of that disappointed every-four-year feeling that when it comes to swearing in new American presidents, it's six of one, half dozen of another and hardly a doughnut of difference in between.


If you wish, view a previous post concerning the natal horoscope (shown) of George Washington whose natal Sun, like Mitt Romney's, is in mystical, murky Pisces; Washington's n Mercury @6AQ34 conjoins Romney's n Midheaven (The Goal; Career) and US n South Node. So here comes 'Mitt Romney for President'--again.

Jun 11, 2012

Summer Solstice 2012: Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer

On June 20, 2012 the Sun reaches 00Can00:00 and summer begins in our hemisphere. The Moon at that precise moment will position at 15Can so we have a Sun Can-Moon Can flavor for the season with the Moon ruling over all from its own sign of Cancer--home, domestic scene, family, security needs, real estate, shrewdness in business, protection, and a range of every emotion. And since the astrological Moon relates to the physical body, our natural mind-body connection is of the utmost importance along with the gut-immunity link. As Brenda Watson says, "The road to perfect health is paved with good intestines."

Here's a brief video of Brenda Watson lecturing on Probiotics. Perhaps you've seen her lectures on PBS:

Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer (Water-Water = imagination, feelings, nostalgia for the past, going misty with emotions, an ocean of subjectivity, leaks) is a cagey and defensive blend of energies indicating huge mood swings along with brooding or sulking. Yet on its best days there's a talent for inspiring others through art, literature, music, and poetry.

Ordinarily this is a kindly, emotionally intelligent combination yet over-sensitivity is problematic and will affect our gut-immunity connections which can lead to 'leaky gut' syndrome where toxins enter the blood stream causing itchy skin rashes, tummy aches, and dis-ease. Adding to our Cancerian picture is oceanic Neptune now in its own sign of Pisces indicating that leaks, contagion, flooding, tears, and other water-related concerns are on our collective menu for Summer 2012. And of course, the Moon in Mundane Astrology signifies The People and the public--plus, US natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury Rx are in Cancer within the 3--24 degree range of the sign of The Crab making protectionism a constant and traditional issue in public discourse.

Leaky Boats Afloat?

Ask the denizens of the White House because they know something about leaks already and it isn't even Summer Solstice yet! Apparently Summer 2012 may bring more allegations and emotionally disturbing investigations into who leaked what to which journalists with every actor struggling to protect his or her own position and turf as Cancerian-Piscean undercurrents threaten to spiral them down into the depths of ruin and despair. Such is the practice of Politics but who will be tossed under the bus?

Rocks, Stones, and Gardens

Interestingly, the creative Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer blend is natally shared by Tom Cruise, now appearing in the film Rock of Ages (a Saturnian romp of musicality which is very Capricornian for putting lyrics and notes into Saturnian form--even rock music's drug connotation is Saturnian, as in 'stoned', an attempt to lift one's heavy Saturnian mood of depression), Woody Guthrie (This Land Is My Land--very Cancerian and once what we believed as Americans--We the People need to get back that lovin' feeling!), and George Orwell, born during the Balsamic phase of the Moon, the darkened phase of The Prophet.

Now let's see what the Harveys have to provide us in the way of their Images for Integration which refer to the balancing of Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) minds, the left brain-right brain duality:

"A gosling peeks out of its shell as mother goose chases away the farm cat...A theatrical family performs Midsummer Night's Dream in their own garden."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Arghh! Not Politics Again...

You may wish to view the Horoscope for Summer Solstice 2012 set for Washington DC where you'll see that the Solstice Moon 15Can06 in 7th house conjoins 8th cusp of Big Business, Corporations, Shared Resources, Transformation, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies and the Occult indicating fluctuations in markets, a potential for changes in America's financial condition, and possible moodiness over the economy. Will this relate to the Republican threat to cause another credit downgrade just to make their ideological point? Let's hope not because the Supreme Court is due to release their decision on President Obama's health care act later in June which is liable to cause all sorts of ill feelings to begin Summer 2012.

Jun 7, 2012

1934 v 2012 in Politics (video)

Upton Sinclair 1934 and Greg Mitchell 2012

by Jude Cowell

Yes, Republicans have been attempting to 'roll back New Deal programs' since FDR set them up in the 1930s and it seems that he was inspired by Upton Sinclair's EPIC efforts in California (kind of like Obamacare being inspired by Mitt Romney's healthcare program when he was governor of Massachusetts!) Turns out the year 1934 is significant to our current circumstances as Greg Mitchell writes today in The Nation in Wisconsin: When Big 'Outside' Money First Dominated a Key Political Campaign


Here is a video concerning Sinclair's campaign which may remind you of our 2012 embroilments and debates on poverty vs wealth via 'trickle-down economics' in unequal, listing badly America:

You may wish to follow the above link to Mr. Mitchell's article where you'll find other such videos on the California governor's bid of social-ill-exposer Upton Sinclair, and more.

Now here's one of my favorite quotes from author Upton Sinclair, a Sun Vir-Moon Can personality born September 20, 1878 at 9:00 am (he supplied his birth data to the AFA Data Exchange) in Baltimore, Maryland with 5Sco26 rising and compassionate Neptune conjunct Chiron in Taurus, both Rx. A critical 29th-degree Saturn Rx (29Pis39--conjunct the Aries Point of Fame) forms the nose of a high-flying Kite pattern opposite natal Sun 27Vir27; the sides of the Kite are formed by idealistic Jupiter (27Cap20 Rx) trine powerful Pluto (26Tau22 Rx.) As you know, the Jupiter-Pluto collaboration may indicate politics, publishing, banking, and those who mount large-scale projects--aka, 'special achievers'.

Here's Mr. Sinclair now:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

To which I always reply to myself, Yes. It is. Being excessively greedy is how they acrue massive wealth, that and using others to get ahead. Curiously, the social change/unrest pair of Uranus and Pluto were square one another in 1934 as in 2012 (to 2015.) In 1934, Uranus was in Aries as now (Uranus in Aries = Utopians--Ebertin), then spent some time in early Taurus, and 1934 Pluto from his position in late Cancer opposed US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) rather than just creeping up on our n Pluto in Capricorn until eventually Mr. Hades will return to his US natal Pluto position all through the critical year of 2020.

May 31, 2012

Bilderberg meeting Chantilly VA May 31 - June 3 2012

The following video is about one month old but it relates to the policy-setting Bilderberg meeting of May 31 - June 3, 2012 being held this year in Chantilly, Virginia. We discussed previously how during Campaign 2008 Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton 'disappeared' from the campaign trail and were confirmed to be attendees of the meeting in June 2008, also in Chantilly, VA.

This was the meeting at which Hillary Clinton was given the news that it would be Barack Obama moving into the White House (though she'd waited so long to occupy the Oval Office in her own right.) I imagine one reason for his selection was Mr. Obama's natural talent for swaying the masses with his rhetoric, don't you? Must be his natal Mercury in dramatic Leo! Plus, the conjunction between easily deceived Neptune in the US natal horoscope (if you use our national Sibly chart, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--Neptune 22Vir25), planet of the masses, and President Obama's natal Mars at the same degree, our 'rock star' connection, still manages to keep many Americans from seeing his actions and motivations clearly through obfuscating Neptune's veil.

And it pains me to say it because I love America, the America my ancestors fought and sacrificed for, but whether January 21, 2013 brings a presidential oath by neocon puppet Mitt Romney or a second term for President Obama--both funded by basically the same entities, sceptors, and crowns--we get a continuance of the globalist agenda now beggaring our coffers to establish world domination through war. We the People must now stand up for ourselves and for our country and so I must agree with Alex Jones that one way to do this is to: Occupy Bilderberg!

So please don't even think of staying home from the polls on November 6, 2012 because it gives these arrogant jokers the idea that we're apathetic and don't care what happens to our country--or to our children. Their children will be just fine, thanks.

Now here's a previous post concerning the oh-so-secret Bilderberg Group and how people the world over are awakening to their madness.

May 17, 2012

Default Theater returns and the Eclipses of 2012

Reuters reports on the "fiscal cliff" that Washington 'lawmakers' are in process of setting up for January 1, 2013, a re-run of Summer 2011's dramatic debt limit-default theater that caused the US credit rating to be downgraded thanks primarily to Tea Party members of Congress and those who bankroll them.

Yes, these are basically the same tax and budget matters left over from 2011, a summer with two Solar Eclipses one month apart (June 1 and July 1. The issues must be re-negotiated in November and December 2011--just in time for Election Day November 6, 2012 and the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 (more on that later including its horoscope set for Capitol Hill; see 2012 Eclipse list below.)

For shopping and the US economy (assuming America has an economy by then once these play-acting jokers get done scoring what they hope are points on November 6), we may find Christmas 2012 to be a casualty of Washington along with the paychecks of the working class, plus there's Winter Solstice 2012 and the Galactic Center Alignment to be concerned about, if you pay attention to such things.

Well, I do declare! How easy to type scathingly when you're in a major snit of miffdom over a most sorry US Congress and the super-corrupt system of government that certain operatives and agents have engineered to fail on purpose!

A Total of Four Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2012

1. 14 South Solar Eclipse May 20 @00Gem21 conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone (potentials: mystical but judgmental; exiled; unlucky; something to cry about); (has a Mercury influence)

2. Lunar Eclipse June 4 (intros the rare Venus Transit June 5/6 in mid-Gemini) @14Sag conjunct US natal Ascendant (Sibly); Moon = We the People; (has a Jupiter influence)

3. 15 North Solar Eclipse November 13 @ 22Sco (sign of Big Business; Corporations; the Underworld; Endings; Regeneration and Healing (has a Mars-Pluto influence); conjoins two Fixed Stars: Unukalhai (Alpha Serpentis; potentials: achievement, then a fall; legal problems; accidents; success in Politics, war, writing; shipwrecks; forgeries; and Agena (potentials: honors; success with the masses; high status; scandal and gossip)--A. Louis;

4. Lunar Eclipse November 28 @7Gem conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55, and transiting Midas and Pan; Sun/Moon = Uranus: unusual twists of fate; sudden developments or conflicts; acting independently; the urge for freedom--Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin; (a Mercury influence aqain which may affect communications, planning, trade, commerce, and vote counts and re-counts);

Well, 2012 is turning into an eventful year both below and above, isn't it?Hope you and yours are faring well.

May 11, 2012

FDR on "economic demoralization" plus, Morgan Chase revelations

A revealing quote from *Uranian President Franklin Delano Roosevelt seems applicable to current conditions in America as inner and outer forces continue undermining and destructuring our government and transforming the very lives of the American people:

"Here in America we are waging a great and successful war. It is not alone a war against want and destitution and economic demoralization. It is more than that; it is a war for the survival of democracy."

FDR June 27, 1936

Eclipses Reveal, Pluto in Capricorn Destructures, and Venus Shows Her Face

by Jude Cowell

As you know, June 24, 2012 brings earthlings the first of seven exact squares of frustration and unrest between upstart Uranus and Pluto the powerful (from Aries to Capricorn, a difficult Mars-Saturn, stop-go vibration.) These two generational planets' current cycle began with three Great Conjunctions in the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo, discriminating sign of The Critic, and of Work, Health, and Service. Virgo's 'The Virgin' archetype appears often in the iconography of America and is usually shown holding a sheaf of wheat. Ceres, Columbia, Mary, and Isis are a few of Virgo's many faces as well and the constellation's stars link our nation with Egyptian myths and goddesses along with an older goddess, Innana whose planet is Venus, now implicated in the Mayan Calendar long count which ends December 21, 2012 at Winter Solstice's alignment with Galactic Center. Plus, busy Venus is about to perform her rare transit of the Sun on June 5-6, 2012--while in mid-Gemini!

Then there's the soon-arriving May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini (communications; trade and commerce; travel; duplicity) which conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, keyphrase: something to cry about.) This may be of interest to you especially if you've heard CEO Jamie Dimon's sour news about the $2 billion-dollar trading loss riskily finagled by (the House of) JP Morgan Chase.

Astoundingly JPMC managed to effect their "flawed" strategy in only six weeks! Apparently fraudulent Neptune now in early degrees of its own murky sign of Pisces has helped lift London trader The Whale up from the depths and into the consciousness of the collective and into our bank accounts.

Are Globalists aiming for a World Economic Collapse? It seems so to me. The ongoing opposition between transiting Mars (males) and Neptune (loss and crime) is now separating but has been squaring the Nodal axis (direction)--lots of naughty, criminal, and misguided actions have resulted. Let's watch closely the next G-20 Summit in June in Mexico, home of The Maya, a Summit timed with Venus Transit 2012--as was the 2004 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia! Sea Island is, of course, very near Jekyll Island where the secretive meeting ('summit') of banksters planned in late 1910 the creation of the Federal Reserve System which The City of London (aka, 'the Square Mile'), backed by a certain European banking House, directs.

Predictably the announced losses by Morgan Chase are very unpromising for the US and global financial markets 'going forward'--and possibly for the re-election prospects of President Obama since financial revelations by other banks (ex: CitiGroup, weak banks in Spain, etc) will mount as Uranian "shock waves" are suddenly dragging things downward across the globe as the Geminian news spreads. Well, today is May 11 but solar eclipses astrologically can influence conditions for up to two weeks prior to eclipse manifestion and they often bring The Hidden to light, as you know--plus, keywords for the current Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 include "A peculiar turn of events." To add complexity to current conditions, these two Solar Eclipse degrees are opposite one another (00Gem21 v 2Sag37) thus yoking their indications.

Mittens Romney, Hairstylist

Even candidate Mitt Romney's bullying ways in high school are now uncovered in the Washington Post (yet he seems so mild!) His forcefully cutting another student's long hair, strapping the family dog to the top of the family car for a twelve-hour a pattern of arrogance at best, cruelty at worst, being revealed? 'Funny' how both Romney and Dimon have used the word "stupid" to describe their questionable actions. We have entered the May Eclipse season and there may very well be more of such awkward and unfortunate revelations in the news, sorry to many culprits and only a 24/7 news cycle!

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do," said J. P. Morgan, client and student of the great astrologer Evangeline Adams.

And speaking of Morgan Chase, you may wish to check out a previous post on old wheeler-dealer financier and astrologer J.P. Morgan Sr himself which cites April 2008 transits to his natal chart (shown.)


*FDR is 'Uranian' because his natal chart shows quirky genius Uranus rising and the sign of Uranus describes the behavior of each 7 1/2-year generation, the approximate length of time that Uranus remains in each of the twelve signs--here, in Gemini. Yes, communication, acting, juggling, quick decision-making, trading, equality, and duplicity were some of his specialties!


On a lighter note:

Calling all Fine Art Lovers who find themselves in the Canton, GA area the weekend of May 19-20: the Canton Fine Arts Festival will delight--plus there will be a writer's workshop led by Terry Kay, author of To Dance with the White Dog so do drop in and bring the kids for art activities, a Serenity Garden, and more!

May 9, 2012

A Good Idea to Occupy Bilderberg 2012?

Bilderberg Group Stirs President Soup

by Jude Cowell

Just one link for today: Occupy Bilderberg which concerns shouting out the elite group that in June 2008 called Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton off the campaign trail to their meeting in Chantilly, Virginia (site of this year's meeting) to inform them of their selection for President of the United States--oh, okay--their decision of which Democratic candidate of the two should stay in the race.

UPDATE May 10, 2012: just found an article mentioning the potential for Mitt Romney's VP running mate to be decided upon at the May-June Bilderberg meeting. Hmmm...interesting. Will the Oval Office baton be passed from Democrats to Republicans on January 21, 2013? Well, Romney's expansive, 'entitled' Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio, sign of Big Corporations, may play well with the kingmakers of Chantilly, VA.

Bilderberg Group meets May 31 - June 3, 2012 12:00 am EDT Mariott Hotel Chantilly, VA.

Unless an exact hour is known, I tend to use the position of the Sun to 'begin' or open the meeting, here Sun @ 10Gem07 with the tricky planet of plans and encounters, Mercury @ 14Germ41, and Venus 19Gem19 Rx and out-of-bounds (isolation; secret associations and evaluations) and Moon @ 10Lib13.

Sun Gem-Moon Lib (Air-Air = ethereal) a blend shared natally by globalist Henry Kissinger (able to attend the meeting? then peep-eye!) who famously mis-directed the public that, "Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

The peace! Why to these propagandists, war is peace, as you know. Yep--gotta bomb a lot of innocent women and children before their brand of "peace" can be established!

This Airy intellectual blend has three *Images for Integration, one created to describe the well-traveled, high-flying, fancy-heeled Mr. Kissinger:

"An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...Elgar's Enigma Variations - 'to my friends depicted within'."

The Party's Over: Time to Determine an Election Outcome?

June 3, 2012 11:59 pm edt: energies morph into an Air-Fire (a 'live wire'; the scholar) combo with the Sun ranging to 13Gem57 and Moon @ 9Sag43 (175:46) conjunct Fixed Star Antares (Alpha Scorpius: the need to avoid obsession; obsessed with success--Brady), just prior to the Lunar Eclipse of June 4, 2012 @ '14Sag' which falls near US natal Ascendant '12Sag'. Will the American people (Moon) be 'eclipsed' by plans made at this secret gathering of international globalists who perhaps use the president as their cat's paw--or as a willing tool actually in on The Big Game? Is an attack against our nation imminent in order to herd us together?

Let's note the blend's Images for a flavor of the meeting's conclusion:

"The Pied Piper leads his merry band of youths to the amphitheater on the hill for an afternoon of music lessons, philosophical teachings and baseball...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent."

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Sounds to me like a second-term President Barack Obama accepting the nomination in Charlotte, NC with perhaps the power elite's assurance of a successful election given with a wink. Now what do you think?

Apr 21, 2012

Has America gone bad because of milquetoast preaching?

The American Revolution, Uranus, and the May 2012 Solar Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

The Shot Heard Round the World on April 19, 1775 marked the beginning of the American Revolution. Preachers played important parts in that time as Chuck Baldwin ably points out in his synopsis of events. But do they still?

Overhead on April 19, 1775, Uranus, planet of revolution, revolt, and sudden upsetting events was at 00Gemini33, the current position of Fixed Star Alcyone, mention of which has turned up in multiple posts here on SO'W of late. To add to the guns and violence of 1775, Mars (militia) and Uranus (rebels) were squaring one another, an explosive condition which visibly and loudly played out in Lexington on that day.

Also, Uranus rose on April 19, 1775 with Menkar from the constellation Cetus the Whale adding a 'victim of the unconscious' flavor of confusion to the proceedings--who fired first, the Americans or the British soldiers who'd come to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock?

A Mars/Jupiter square added impatience and carelessness to events of the day, and Pallas (not discovered in 1775, of course, so unconscious then, conscious now) conjoined Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius which echoes US Moon in Aquarius (co-ruled by none other than Uranus) conjunct Pallas in our nation's July 4, 1776 horoscope. Mythologically, one of the faces of Pallas was as protector of the nation-state, as you know, and in Mundane Astrology, Moon = We the People. Our sovereign nation needs our protection once again in 2012, as it turns out, just as on April 19, 1775!

And curiously, 237 years later, 00Gem21 is the position of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse which creates a time link from 1775 to 2012 as described by their midpoint picture with these potentials:

Sun/Moon = Uranus: intensification of independence within relationships; the urge for freedom; sudden developments; possible break-up; application of ingenuity to complete goals or create new ways of revealing old ideas; unusual twists of fate; lack of adaptability; inner rebellion; shared upsets; sudden conflicts. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Can you hear The Shot Heard Round the World echoing through the centuries?

Apr 19, 2012

GOP finally finds a voter fraud perp! (Thom Hartmann video 4.18.12)

Will this justify the GOP attempt to disenfranchise elderly, poor, and urban voters in November 2012 with 'voter ID laws' in order to skew elections toward Republicans? Uh oh! Turns out the vote fraudster found is one of their own...

Watch live streaming video from thomhartmann at

In his April 18, 2012 broadcast, Thom leads with the astounding GOP-voter-fraud revelation then continues reporting on this week's news.

~:~ Visit Protecting the Vote if you wish to participate in protecting the vote. Of, by, for, people!

Apr 11, 2012

Mars Direct Station April 13, 2012 at 3Vir40

If you've been feeling the sluggishness and frustration of the long Mars retrograde period--and Mars tends to be extra frustrated when in Mercury-ruled Virgo--you will notice in the next several days that the planet of action will begin to move forward once his Direct Station simmers a while as of Friday April 13.

Meanwhile, what a find! My friend, astrologer Dipali Desai, has published an article with the full scoop: Mars Turns Direct at 3 Degrees Virgo on April 13, 2012 which you won't want to miss if you've not glommed onto it by now!

Dipali uses '3Virgo' for the Station degree but considering that this is a Political Astrology blog and since current news contains an abundance of mentions of racial issues and events in America (from President Obama's daring occupancy of the White House to the Trayvon Martin tragedy and more) I shall round up to '4Virgo' for its Sabian Symbol, and the Illumination Point degree opposite for a fuller picture--quoting in part from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

'4Vir' = "A Colored Child Playing with White Children" = INTIMACY.

positive expression: successful participation in every possible variety of experience;

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): lack of capacity for psychological adjustment.

'4Pis" = *"Heavy Traffic on a Narrow Isthmus" = CONVERGENCE.

pos: an unusual gift for organizing all transient enterprise in patterns of a rewarding and overall effectiveness;

neg: stubborn blindness to the general welfare.

Now I don't have to say that the last negative expression reminds me of America's current crop of Social Darwinists in Politics, do I? "General welfare" just isn't their thing at all for they are not their brothers' keepers--it's 'survival of the fittest' for these jokers. How odd that many of them purport themselves to be 'Christians' while backing Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan, what someone--sorry I don't remember who first used the term--called Mr. Ryan's "Starve Granny Plan".

And hopefully, April 13's forward direction of contentious Mars won't inspire and bring to implementation an unfolding plan by the Pentagon to lead the American people into yet another disastrous war while austerity-implementing politicians continue beggaring our citizenry--and spying on us as if we're America's problem!

Yet the 2012 Direct Station of Mars shows the 'god of war' opposing nebulous, fraudulent Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, a military sign. A Mars-Neptune opposition hints at the 'fog of war' and at suspicion of motives where it's what we don't say that later incriminates us. And of course, there's that problematic, confused and misdirected energy of the Mars/Neptune square in America's natal horoscope of July 4, 1776. History repeats...

So with its constitutionally granted war-declaring power, where does our special-interest-loving US Congress fit into yet another duplicitous war-waging scenario? Well, here's a quote from Thomas Jefferson from his Notes on the State of Virginia:

"In Great Britain it is said their constitution relies on the house of commons for honesty, and the lords for wisdom; which would be a national reliance if honesty were to be bought with money, and if wisdom were hereditary."


Also recommended:

Dipali Desai's Spheres of Essence website, and the 'politically direct' Stephanie Miller now broadcasting on Current TV.

*I think of Florida and the Trayvon Martin case with this Symbol of a "narrow isthmus" though I suppose 'peninsula' would be more correct--plus, Mars Station Direct reminds me of Florida's 'stand your ground' legislation which seems highly suspect (Mars opposite Neptune) to me. jc

Apr 4, 2012

Is 'conservatism' the default position of Americans? (Thom Hartmann video)

This video may be a day late--Thom Hartmann reporting on Tuesday April 3, 2012, but is relevant to Campaign 2012 and the 'default position' taken by a majority of Americans when we're too busy and harried to pay much attention to the issues that dearly affect our lives--the position is 'conservatism'!

But as Thom points out, the current crop of 'conservatives' are not conservative at all, they're radicals. In Mundane Astrology I tend to describe them as the Uranus-in-Aries crowd, or, to paraphrase Reinhold Ebertin in The Combination of Stellar Influences: 'reformers' (of the radical kind), and 'utopians' who are ambitious, stubborn, violent (ex: 9/11/01 occurred under Bush-Cheney as did Financial Collapse 2008 and it's cruel and violent to tear to pieces our social safety net), 'blind zealots', 'fanatics who fight for ideas', 'restless', and 'dreamy enthusiasts'.

And these radical reformers have been 'in the house' more than ever--US natal 4th house (Ic 00Ari53) since transiting Uranus reached Aries Point the first time in 2010. And you know what election that hgihlights: the 'Tea Party' take-over.


Thom Hartmann
Sexy Liberal
Democracy Now!

Mar 31, 2012

2012, Maya, and the Milky Way

A May Solar Eclipse, Winter Solstice 2012, and a Royal Star of Persia make 2012 eventful

by Jude Cowell

Probably the best info on Winter Solstice 2012 and the Mayan Long Count 'prediction' that's giving many people the heebie geebies these days may be found at Neptune Cafe along with reading suggestions for those who wish to know more.

Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012 conjunct Alcyone

Also noted, if you're of the 2012 Awareness mindset, is the Mercury-ruled May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem21 (amongst the stars of Pleiades and with links to the Middle East) which master astrologer Celeste Teal has entitled, "Property Agreements" in her book Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation.

Disruption of communications or of power grids are some of the possibilities along with strong winds (Gemini, an Air sign), storms, and other natural disasters.

Winter Solstice 2012 Aligns with Galactic Center

Now at some point I shall update my 2008 post concerning Winter Solstice 2012 (horoscope shown is set for Washington DC) but until then you may wish to view the chart which in DC match the cusps of America's Sibly natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) Naturally this makes it a breeze to see which US natal houses are affected by which actors (planets) at Winter Solstice 2012 as it aligns with Galactic Center (as the Mayans knew--visit Neptune Cafe for the scoop!)

Plus, the December 21, 2012 horoscope contains a YOD pattern ('Finger of God' which I believe should be credited to Erin Sullivan) with Jupiter in Airy Gemini at apex (details included.) Jupiter is actually transiting US natal Uranus 8Gem55, a time when We the People will have reason to become more aware of freedom and independence issues, group activities may be highlighted, and our personal networks expand (not another new social media site to join? Argghh!)

Other themes or interests during a Jupiter-to-natal-Uranus transit include one of my personal faves--Astrology--plus, fund-raising, finances, investment, technology and computers, and travel-related industries including space.

Growth and discovery (Science; Exploration) are in the spotlight and breakthroughs of all sorts may be experienced on both collective and personal levels. And of course '9 Gemini' fingers one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Aldebaran (Mars-Mercury-Jupiter) with keywords: warmongering, courage, military leadership, and danger from illness or violence. (Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis.)

As you know, the last conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus occurred from 2010 into 2011 which makes it our current phase in their 14-year cycle:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (Aries Point, a World Point & US natal IC 00:53);
2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;
3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02.

You note that the late Pisces degrees have recently been traversed in its retrograde phase by speedy Mercury and will be so again...Jupiter/Uranus = Mercury: abundant thoughts; a fortunate turn (Ebertin.) The 2010/2011 time frame has many political implications which I have no time to detail for you now but a Search Bar is located in SO'W's sidebar if you wish to sleuth. However, my first thought is last week's SCOTUS arguments on 'Obamacare', the Affordable Health Care Act.

There was also a significant Bilderberg Meeting in June 2010 held in Barcelona, Spain and relating to the ongoing 'debt crisis' that's been trumped up by the global banking syndicate in an attempt to set up a world central bank of totalitarian proportions--a lousy idea, imho. During the conference, the Moon reached Aries Point conjoining Jupiter and Uranus, squared by wealthy Pluto 4Cap36 Rx (June 6, 2010 7:49:35 am CEDT Barcelona, Spain, with US natal Jupiter 5Can56 rising...'6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests." And de-feathering ours.)

Well, in any case, May through December 2012 will finally 'tell the tale' and our long period of expectancy will soon end, if not the world as we know it. And I'm quite convinced you know of other articles, books, and websites of note concerning the thorny topics of 2012, Mayan prophecies, eclipses, and galactic alignments so feel free to leave them here in a Comment, if you wish!


For more on Jupiter/Uranus dynamics Anne Whitaker's excellent Jupiter Meets Uranus is recommended and includes information on past conjunctions and what they've meant for humankind through the centuries. Ex: if you're a Mary Shelly-Frankenstein fan, heads-up!

Feelin' like an April Fool? Then check out Lynn Hayes' Tarot's Fool: An Airy Aquarius and beware mercurial tricksters tomorrow!

Mar 28, 2012

An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012

As Above, So Below--Even When There Be Political Conventions

by Jude Cowell

Some say that the earthly and the celestial may be successfully blended once inner harmony and patiently learned skills are meshed and in sync. Completely out of step with this harmonious dream arise Politics and political conventions in America. Like a chronic condition that should have been tended to and healed long ago, they afflict us every four years on the presidential level.

In the public realm much political pontificating goes on in between for our consumption and it's not as if propagandists can sit on their laurels for more than the shake of a lamb's tail. Unrelenting brouhaha is our fate along with endless war while the globalists have their way, an ancient way of Reason and Enlightenment when man's reasoning was thought to have usurped the perceptive intellect ("I think, therefore I am"--Descartes.) And of course, the Uranus-Neptune pair represents the very broadest concepts of the Enlightenment for they are the planets of the European movement of the 17th century in which it became unfashionable to admit that truth may be revealed to man's perceptive intellect.

As you know, Uranus and Neptune have gone on to become the planetary reps of the New World Order with their energies concentrated all through 1993 as they met in Great Conjunction three times (Feb 2, Aug 20, Oct 24) at and near '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER ("negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism"--The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Yes, some revolutionaries glow with noble aims while other men of lower characters play their roles in the drama and are aware enough to manipulate and use the noble to create cacophony masquerading at times as a symphony, a constant babble really, in the great Piscean struggle: will humankind swim up or swim down? With oceanic Neptune now ensconced in his own watery realm of perceptions, dreams, and visions, it's time to set our higher courses individually as well as collectively.

Back to Earth with a Thud?

Can we by use of Astrology's lens investigate the celestial Cosmic Clock and cast its information upon Earth's actors now embroiled within their tasks and intent on gaining success, power, wealth, and the opportunity to lord it over others?

Well, your personal level of involvement in political matters, dear reader, is your own affair, but disclosure: I cannot promote an idolizing of the characters playing upon the world stage (past, present, or future) whether politician, preacher, guru, pope, mogul, general, scientist, academic, celebrity, or other. This blog was never meant for that!

Still, the American people and the rest of anyone who pays attention to US Politics (and the Conventions are like giant super bowls of power mongering, aren't they?) will be dragged through the political mud from August 27 until the evening of September 6, 2012, a time frame which covers both parties' political Conventions.

For use in this post and in subsequent posts on this topic, I shall limit my inquiries to 12:00 am the first day to midnight of August 30 with horoscopes set for Tampa, FL. An astro-peek at DNC 2012 will be forthcoming and may appear in the now under construction Stars Over Washington News, a monthly report by electronic subscription which perhaps you will consider sampling when it hits the pavement.

No matter who the nominees are and the victors turn out to be, on Monday January 21, 2013 at noon est, a caterpillar hatches, the butterfly's wings spread, the much-touted presidential baton will, we presume, again be passed to the next Oval Office dude with ceremonies and embassy balls--or handed to oneself in the case of Barack Obama. A lamentable question: does the Office of the Presidency remain the American Ideal we've been sold as The Model which Washington has always followed, and has never sullied by fraud, deception, or greed?

It is this Capricorn's belief that somewhere deep within the hearts of We the People, we know that the usurpers' taint has left a permanent stain and that our presidential choices are directed and selected, not elected. And yet we must rise to the occasion and Vote in the November 6 election. Discouraging a large turn out of voters on November 6 is a main tactic of political agents and operatives so one way for us to counter their ill effects upon our political and social systems is to show up en masse at voting booths, as crooked as the count may be.

For democracies only work if the people who are governed give consent to be ruled--and it turns out that they appreciate the results of services rendered by public officials on behalf of the collective, aka, society. Yet those in public office who break trust with the American people while hiding their true motivation and darker purposes may deceive us for a while as they work to tear down civilization--by their fruits we shall know them.

In order to further society's downfall and assure their own primacy at the pinnacle of worldly success (where there are more resources--the I Got Mine You Get Yours Mindset of The End Justifies the Means cabal with a Social Darwinism twist as informed by Ayn Rand Objectivism), they depend upon the public's apathy about what they do and how they do it, 'quaint' ethics be da**ed. But as a famous public speaker once said while slouching at a lectern, Fool me once shame on......well, you get the idea.

The Big Show Begins: RNC 2012 and Political Astrology

From August 27 to August 30, 2012 the Republican National Convention will heat up in sizzling Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. What cream will rise to the top? Will the GOP entertain and impress the voting public with a brokered convention?

Or is a Romney-Santorum ticket the perfect foil to a second-term Barack Obama? And, can either GOP candidate keep his foot out of his mouth and old scandals under wraps long enough to be nominated? Plus, is Jeb Bush only kidding about not accepting the nom?

Such exciting questions! Such nail-biting considerations!

Following on the boot heels of RNC 2012, the Democratic National Convention 2012 will be held from September 3 to September 6 in Charlotte, NC. The event's first three days will proceed from the Time Warner Cable Arena but the last night (September 6) will be held at the larger Bank of America Stadium where President Obama is expected to accept his party's nomination to serve a second term and to use stirring rhetoric in an acceptance speech that thrills the masses.

Yet we must look away from the Obama/Bank of America connection! Especially if you've read Matt Taibbi's Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail. (When Mr. Obama's DNC speech location was announced weeks ago, I cringed. Isn't this one of those tone deaf political decisions? Of course, Charlotte NC is where BoA headquarters are located so...)

Now just for the record, if during one or both Conventions we should hear a bunch of "Democrat Party" childishness, "Republic Party" must also be parroted. And then they'll both sound equally lame and foolish. So be it.

Let's Start with August 27

In this basic bit of astro-tracking for the dates of RNC 2012 there may be a message in the stars that reflects upon actions and events below. Naturally, the Saros Series of the Pre-Natal Eclipse during which both Conventions take place is the 14 South in which the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 fell (horoscope shown) so events will express all or some of the flavors and themes of 14S such as: an obsessive idea (Mercury-Pluto content = propaganda galore) is finally accepted and leads to a breakthrough (Jupiter) after a period of hard work, and to political conflicts (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

RNC 2012's planetary portents open with a shaking Fist of God pattern having the Uranus/Pluto square at its base, a generational conflict. In Cardinal signs (Uranus 7Ari47 Rx v Pluto 7Cap05 Rx), we find them in fated degrees since both = 7, or 8, if you prefer to round up. The Fist is shaken at speedy little Mercury 20Leo41 and we think of such correspondences as the Occupiers of the 99% Movement, of reporters and bloggers, communicators of all kinds, thinkers, plus, all mercurial pursuits such as trade, commerce, transport, travel, and speechifying. Showy (Leo) speeches and/or tricks (Mercury) may be expected, of course, for there's a lot riding on this election for everyone, as you know.

The horoscope for August 27, 2012, Tampa, FL, at 12:00 am edt shows 26Tau23 rising with Jupiter 14Gem04 in first house, a fortunate portent; this makes Venus (valuables, evaluations, relationships, the attraction principle) @18Can58 in 3rd H of Communications the chart-and-convention-ruler, so Venus' applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects hint of the proceedings and their results of RNC 2012. Yet Venus makes no applying aspects at all of major concern which emphasizes her sign and house placements and any other factors such as conjunctions or parans with Fixed Stars, midpoint involvement/s, chart angle connections, etc.

('19Can' has significance to be mentioned in a later post.)

Cancer is our national Venusian sign (@ 4Can) and you know that US natal Jupiter 6Can and Sun 14Can are posited in the self-protective, business savvy sign of The Crab. Naturally, Neptune's sojourn in Pisces resonates on deep levels with our Cancerian Moon-ruled Venus (July 4, 1776.)

It is, in fact, an Hour of Mercury and there are two T-Square patterns which create midpoint pictures though neither involve Venus. Still we may wish to consider them:

NN/ASC = Neptune 1Pis40 Rx (near Chiron 7Pis29 Rx, both in 10th H): wrong impressions and perceptions; weakened or terminated unions or associations caused by lies and deceit (well, we seem to have ensnared a slimy fish on our cosmic hook from the get-go!); (the midpoint of NN/ASC = personal relationships.)

Sun/Neptune = NN (public contact; Sun = leadership, Neptune = acting, propaganda, the masses, veils and masks, fraud, etc): demonstrating a negative or weak attitude in the company of others; links to people or groups which have ties to the occult; ridding oneself of bad ideas.

Now Mars 2Sco16 and Saturn exalted in Libra @ 25:48 are in the 6th H of Service, Work, Health (insurance reform), and the Military denoted a certain stop-and-go vibe to the Convention. Will the stage show run smoothly? The NN mentioned in the midpoint picture, above, @ 00Sag24 in 7th H shouts out the military again for '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" and the Republican Party has definitely staked out that territory these last decades (with certain Democrats as enablers--most of them actually even if they seem not to--they follow the same global governance script but with different styles.)

So we may expect American wars, weaponry, troops and other related issues (in the House of Others)--and Venusian evaluations--to be on the RNC 2012 menu. And with Sun (nominee) opposing deceptive but inspired Neptune in its own sign of sneaky, often confusing Pisces (and representing the masses and the media) it's way too idealistic to expect that we'll get real info from the GOP candidates' RNC speeches concerning their plans for what's actually in store for our nation if we should fall for, or be pushed toward, another neocon presidency.

Yet I type the above in spite of potentials in 2012 for poorly directed SCOTUS decisions to affect election outcomes and the possibility of re-counts because the Justices may again overstep the bounds of what was meant to remain a three-branched government with royalty and all allegiances to monarchs left back in the olde countrie.

To be continued...

Mar 18, 2012

2012's 5 Super Moons begin April 6

2012's Super Moons, their Sabian Symbols, & more

by Jude Cowell

Here is a list of the five Super Moons occurring in 2012 with three cosmic events added for a somewhat fuller celestial picture of this pivotal year:

1. April 6: Full Moon @ 17Lib23

2. May 6: Full Moon @ 16Sco01

>>May 20: Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem21

3. June 4: Lunar Eclipse @ 14Sag14

>>June 24: Uranus/Pluto square perfects (one of seven in years 2012 to 2015--civil unrest and generational clashes continue across the globe)

4. *Nov 13: Solar Eclipse @ 21Sco57

>>Nov 28: Lunar Eclipse @ 6Gem47

5. Dec 13: New Moon @ 21Sag45

As you know, 2012 lunations will emphasize the Aries/Libra (1/7), Taurus/Scorpio (2/8), and Gemini/Sagittarius (3/9) polarities and houses with all their usual concerns and issues.

Below are the Sabian Symbols for each lunation's rounded-up degrees with Keywords and their negative (unconscious/shadow side) expressions since we're talking Politics, that **"organized system of hatreds":

1. '18Lib' = "Two Men Placed Under Arrest"...CONSEQUENCE...

neg: total inappropriateness of impulse and act; conjoins US Secondary Progressed Mars Rx--a Full Moon brings a culmination of some kind--US troops (SP Mars) pull back (Rx) from Afghan villages as Pres. Karzai requests? Yet perhaps his request is for public consumption only! More police actions on US soil are on America's Mars Rx menu as well, sorry to say.

2. '17Sco' = "A Woman the Father of Her Own Child"...NUCLEATION...

neg: a characteristically anarchist self-sufficiency;

SE: '1Gem' = "A Glass-Bottomed Boat in Still Water"...CURIOSITY...

neg: a lack of effective participation in reality because of continual indecisiveness;

3. LE: '15Sag' = "The Ground Hog Looking for Its Shadow"...REASSURANCE...

neg: lack of self-stability and ingrained timidity;

4. SE: '22Sco' = "Hunters Starting Out for Ducks"...ENTERPRISE...

neg: a callous exploitation of all life;

5. '22Sag' = "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION...

neg: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority.

(Note: for the positive expressions of these degrees and for further explanation of them, please refer to The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones, or to other versions of the symbols as you wish.)

Now speaking of topics relating to Earth's silvery satellite, here's a suggested post on Saturn and the Moon's South Node with South Node being a Saturnian point in any horoscope.

Plus, you'll never haplessly wander astray from Luna's intuitional path by visiting your Auntie Moon...definitely a recommended destination on the Web.

And here are a few astro-notes concerning Spring Equinox 2012 (aka, Aries Ingress with Sun @ 00Ari00:00) which arrives this very week although warm temperatures have preceeded it--in Georgia, we expect more 80+-degree days coming up!

For a few Campaign 2012 astro-notes you may wish to check out Candidates' Sun-Moon personality blends though a brokered convention for the GOP seems likely since the 2012 offerings from the Party of Special Interests are quite shabby which makes me wonder if they're aiming for the White House in 2016 instead--you know, like 'the Elder and the Unread' duo the GOP 'ran' against Bilderberg favorite, Barack Obama, in 2008.

Yes, the name of Jeb Bush comes annoyingly to mind...annoying, after 8 disastrous years of Bush-Cheney neoconnism which include the Attacks of 9/11, the Constituion-busting 'Patriot' Act and boondoggling 'Homeland Security' money pit, Bush's Hurricane Katrina sorriness, two pre-emptive wars still being fought on credit card, the unfunded presciption drug mandate, No Child Left Behind which has weakened our schools and the future prospects of our children, and Financial Collapse 2008 which must be the largest financial heist in history and has led to the Bush Depression.

Plus, I suspect you can easily add other items to Bush's list, can't you?


*The Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 looks dificult enough with its progandistic, obsessive Mercury/Pluto content (and conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone's 'something to cry about' which also has a wet weather connotation, or even 'disrupted Internet and/or Power Grid' implications) but the November 28 SE may be even more fraught with difficulties--plus, it's the Pre-Natal Eclipse of the much-touted Winter Solstice 2012 (horoscope displayed is set for DC and shows Jupiter Rx under stress.)

The November Eclipse degree itself is at apex (focal point) of a YOD (crisis; Finger of God pattern in the horoscope indicating paradoxical and/or dire situations which demand attention and correct action.

How often do you suppose correct action is taken by Washington politicians in spite of what it may mean for re-election goals and power-grabbing purposes? Seldom if ever? Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

Another factor is that the Nov 2012 SE hits US natal Uranus (8Gem55), planet of sudden events, disruptions, and anarchy (especially with Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, says R. Ebertin); plus, the midpoint pictures formed by the YOD pattern on Nov 28, 2012, with Moon at apex and Sun within the sextiling planets, gives these potentials according to R. Ebertin--as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Mars/Saturn = Moon (the people): illness; weakness of will; moodiness or depression; with Sun (leadership): an inability to meet all demands or to master all situations (so often of DC's own making--jc); illness or death.

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: cold feelings; melancholy; tragedy; with Sun: sparing no pains in one's work (will the powers-that-be again sway public sentiment bwo false flag ops as with 9/11 and the Saturn/Pluto opposition? Mars and Pluto are conjoined in the eclipse horoscope indicating force, zealotry, and war weaponry--jc); renunciation; privation; physical toil and overexertion.

Venus/Pluto = Moon: overly intense emotions; strong creative powers; (in Mundane Astrology, contacts between evaluating Venus and wealthy Pluto can have revenge and/or bankruptcy connotations--jc); with Sun: great creativity; peculiar relationships.

Venus/Mars = Moon: strong emotional impulses; with Sun: an urge to establish unions (including sexual ones with this passionate duo--jc.)

A current don't-miss from economist Paul Krugman: The Power of Plutocratic Pettiness.

**From Henry Brook Adams' quote which astutely defines the practice of Politics--and We the People are the dupes and pawns they organize against in order to gain wealth and retain power, and to make it all possible, they keep the people divided and conquered. "R v D"? Puh!

All midpoint pictures from Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.

The term 'SuperMoon' is happily credited to master astrologer Richard Nolle of AstroPro.

Feb 24, 2012

2.24.12: CoffeePartyUSA Rally @ Supreme Court (video): overturn Citizens United!

Fewer than 300 people turned up at the CoffeePartyUSA Rally, several groups were represented including Boomers For Democracy ('enough is enough'!), and here you see former congressman and current President/CEO of Common Cause, Bob Edgar, speaking on our extreme need to overturn the globalism-boosting monstrosity known as Citizens United which has led to massive funding of political campaigns by SuperPACs with no public disclosure of the identities lurking behind the billions.

Now foreign entities meddling in US politics isn't new, of course, and earlier US presidents fought against it vociferously for they understood its dangers--yet thanks to SCOTUS 2010 and Justice John Roberts, the practice has now been placed on steroids in Campaign 2012. Is the Silent Coup of America basically a fait accompli?

To me it seems that the Supreme Court decision of January 2010 was a court overreach shoved onto the American people as if corporations and political ideologues needed help tipping the Scales of 'Justice' in their favor against The Little Man. If we need a real world example of 1% v 99%, the Citizens United decision resembles that remark and 'legally' embeds the inequality.

So perhaps the inclusion into our election process of mysterious donors from afar was one of the ruling's objectives. What do you think? After all, a US law that disenfranchises the American people (with the founders' insistence on setting up a by-for-of the people government) by allowing interference from invisible entities who care not a fig for democracy should, if justice prevails, be considered automatically null and void.

Citizens United's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series

The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2010 were no picnic and you may remember the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ '5Cap' conjoining powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto. The Citizens United decision (Jan 21, 2010) falls into the 12 North Saros Series of solar eclipses and will forever influence the democracy-undermining ruling in some way, on some levels of its existence.

12N occurred on January 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01 (in 3rd house in Washington DC = mercurial 'decisions') with Mercury 5Cap34 Rx and Pluto 3Cap49 in 2nd house of Money and Values (Merc/Plu = political speech, mind control, excitable 'opinions', propaganda as heard in political campaigns ads and during what passes for 'debates') and its flavors include:

opportunities to accept greater responsibilities come suddenly, new commitments due to another person not being able to carry on; events may be difficult but outcomes for self-esteem are good. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

25Cap01, besides joining President Obama's natal Saturn Rx 25Cap20 (and his Jupiter Rx 00AQ52, both in his n 12th H of Politics and Karma) is also at Midheaven of US Inauguration horoscopes (as of 1937 held on January 20, Capitol Bldg), the point in a chart which describes The Goal of the swearing-in of US presidents--and these days, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx, planet of subversion and control, is always The Goal of the US government and of the White House, our Masonic White Lodge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Click for some curious details including historic Freemasonry in Ireland.)

Plus, the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoined Inauguration 2009's MC, spotlighting their combined energies in the Wider World (MC) of oppression, disenfranchisement, and primal violence which are being demonstrated in our quickly evolving police state at home, global police force abroad, and by the disenfranchisement of American voters with the implementation of Citizens United.

Besides global war for world domination, I wonder what other anti-sovereign, America-dissolving antics global-elite, transnational corporations have hidden inside their polluting pipelines?


Blog Note: okay, dear reader, it's back to packing for my office relocation next week. The month of March should bring this blogger--and Stars Over Washington--more settled conditions! jc

Feb 20, 2012

Feb 21, 2012: Pisces New Moon w Regulus Rising

New Moon @ 3Pis42 w Regulus Rising in Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

Happy President's Day!

On Tuesday, February 21, 2012, a new cycle of activity and projects begins with a New Moon @ 3Pis42 in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies when the horoscope is set for Washington DC. Perfecting on Tuesday at 5:34 pm est, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus 00Vir01 (success if revenge is avoided) rises, ASC 00Vir01.

At The Goal or WHY? Point of the chart (MC 25Tau12) are two stars associated with the Middle East (Capulus and Algol: rage!) so perhaps a new phase of action concerning US occupations in the region will be on display (MC) or is to be announced.

It's a Moon Hour, suitable for changes, fluctuations, and concerns of our daily lives, and chart-ruler Mercury 14Pis29 (7th H) conjoins another Fixed Star, Achernar, indicating a potential for crisis, particularly at the 'end of the river', or relating to liquids.

Mercury-Mars Tells the New Moon Tale

Mercury applies to only one aspect with another planet in the chart--Mars 17Vir47 Rx (at critical or crisis degree); Mercury rules 1st H as noted, 2nd H (cusp 23Vir41 which is conjoined by US natal Neptune and President Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35) showing some confusion, deception, or over promising in the area of Money (2/8 axis with Venus 15Ari56 inconjunct Mars---adjustments needed in Venusian evaluations v Mars reactions with Mars Rx)--and a crisis-degreed 11th H--cusp 29Gem42 showing stress in Groups and Associations.

An unaspected Uranus 2Ari45 is also posited in 7th H and once again conjoins asteroid Hermes (magician-trickster) so we may 'expect the unexpected' during the next two weeks with possibly a culmination or fulfillment at the next Full Moon.

Obviously the unaspected condition of disruptive, quirky planet Uranus means that anything may happen--early, late, or never--and this can be positive or negative. I think of the lady skier who survived the avalanche disaster--she pulled the cord on a new-fangled airbag and it saved her life--Uranus advances new-fangled technology and by its Sky rulership, relates to Air--my warm congratulations to her!

Since a chart-ruler's applying aspects tell us how things will proceed, I'm calling the Mercury-Mars opposition (3A19) across the 1/7 axis the main driver of this New Moon even though it is ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled by Neptune (the speculator-wastrel-grand schemes pair--and with Neptune in its sign of Pisces @ 00:42, what are the chances We the People are being shined on once again in economic matters? ("1 Pis" = "A Public Market", the symbol for America's Pre-Natal Eclipse degree 00Pi33; this gives a potential Sun/Moon = Neptune picture of deception, delusions, discontent, mistakes, misunderstandings, shared suffering, and/or undermined relationships for the US.)

Jupiter and Pluto's Last Exact Trine March 9

Of course, the Big Banking-Fed combo of Jupiter 5Tau38 (in the Jolly One's own house of Philosophy and Education) and Pluto 8Cap58 (in 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Children) are trining one another helpfully so opportunities abound for finances, perhaps in banking and almost assuredly in campaign funding. However, as ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter rules the 5th H at a critical-crisis 29th degree (29Sag42--'30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful"--and Pluto in one guise = "The Pope" so any 2012 candidates of the Catholic persuasion come to mind.)

Oppositions always denote relationship and/or awareness issues; thinking Mercury opposing action-taking Mars (still Rx, so the planet of conflict is reacting and reviewing Mercurial plans more than acting at the moment) indicates restless impatience, mental superiority that may cause others to feel threatened, and a tendency to quarrel when compromise would achieve more positive results for everyone involved.

However, there will be others provoking confrontations and conflicts, lots of criticism, and a lack of popularity that issues from such cantankerous behavior. If Mars Rx can refuse to argue (Mr. Obama's Mars Return still in progress with its third and last conjunction June 18, 2012), then things can be resolved especially since there is much mental acuity and, when made steadier by maturity, an ability to listen to others before making or acting on decisions.

(We'll see the results of what's under consideration now once Mars turns Direct and begins moving forward--often with an unexpected or surprising burst of Martian energy. Mars' Direct Station @ 3Vir41 occurs on April 13, 2012 at 11:52 pm edt--opposite this New Moon.)

So! Don't draw conclusions until all sides of an issue have been expressed or considered, and try 'playing dumb' under the Mercury-Mars opposition; diplomacy is a must since burning bridges with others is stupid for their cooperation may be needed later--and watch how one 'says things', too--what good advice for all 2012 candidates--and for opinionated, dissenting-American bloggers like me!

Now since packing for my early March re-location proceeds apace, I shall turn you over to a Sabian Symbol expert for the pictures that attach to the Feb 21 planets in the Pisces New Moon horoscope, the excellent Lynda Hill and her post Purposeful Movement Vs Petrified Motion: February's Pisces New Moon for more details...

Image: Edge of Petrified Forest...are you 'on the edge'?