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Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts

Jun 23, 2017

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2017 (Libra Ingress)

Autumn Equinox 2017 September 22, 2017 4:02 pm edt White House Washington DC with Capricorn, transit Pluto, asteroid Nemesis, and US natal Pluto rising (and US natal Mercury Rx setting). The chart and season are ruled by the 11th house Saturn @21Sag49 (alliances with senior and/or mature people) which again conjoins the natal Moon and South Node of Mr. Donald Trump, as we've discussed previously. The star of the show, the Sun 00Lib00:00 is in the 8th house of Corporatism, Insurance, Debt, Credit, Shared Resources, Legacies, the Occult, and Transformation (including Death).

Obviously, early on such issues as control, surveillance, coping, government systems, government, legal, and business concerns, plus, other Capricornian things will need dealing with during the autumn season along with issues of violence and war.

Saturn as chart-ruler makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a trine with quirky anarchist Uranus, the leading and oriental planet of Donald Trump. This trine has been in effect for some time and here hints at how things will proceed from Autumn to Winter Solstice 2017. And there's an important factor that occurs prior to Autumn 2017 which is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series which last manifested on August 11, 1999 @18Leo and is the famous 'King of Terror' Eclipse (aka, the Mother of All Eclipses) seemingly predicted by Nostradamus. This is why I penned "A 'new war on terror'?" on the chart for such propaganda is already being heard in the public discourse, thanks to pundits and reporters who shill for the Deep State and other corporate masters, international banking cartels, and crime syndicates. Perpetual war is their game.

Now as you see, The Moon (We the People) has left her conjunction with planet Jupiter (26Lib15) who can play roles such as The General, the politician, the banker, the broadcaster, the CEO, the religious leader, the thespian, guru, professor, and wears many other faces. Their conjunction is posited in the 9th house of Philosophy, Legal Affairs, Foreign Lands, and Travel (Jupiter's home territory) while asteroid Eros (the piercing) conjoins the Moon @1Sco24 which is the Sun's position in the Oct 24, 1993 'new world order' natal chart. Is such a piffling synchronicity a factor in light of the current Trump vs Deep State and other battles occurring during the first year of a Trump White House?

Most crystal balls would probably say, it's too soon to tell.

But besides a Lunar Eclipse on August 7th and the America-splitting Total Solar Eclipse noted above, there are various other cosmic events manifesting in August 2017 which must be navigated by the American people, Washington DC, and by Mr. Trump whose third of three Jupiter Return/s completes on August 4, 2017 (@17Lib27--conjunct US Progressed Mars Rx = militarized police, expanded gun carry laws, criminality, wounded veterans, etc) and whose next Mars Return (@26Leo and rising just before royal Regulus) begins a new (2-year) cycle of activity on August 31, 2017. All of Mr. Trump's Mars Returns are made more prominent due to his contentious Mars-the-warrior rising in dramatic, egocentric, often pompous Leo.

Related posts include: The 'Cosmic Blinks' of Donald Trump and Trump Tower (eclipses); Donald Trump is an Eclipse Baby!; and Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return (Saturn, planet of realism, truth, authenticity, accountability, and honesty!)

May 4, 2017

Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle

Are We All Pagans Now?

by Jude Cowell

Over at The Maddow Blog a headline appeared May 2nd saying that the Trump Team flubs the first ad of the 2020 election cycle so, on the topic of a 2020 Trump campaign for a second term, it behooves interested astrologers to discover the position of planet Venus on Election Day November 10, 2020 since goddess planet Venus links to our every-four-year election cycle (eight if a president is re-(s)elected).

For as you know, the White House's 'Oval Office' is a not-so-subtle shout-out to Venus and the World Egg, aka, the Orphic Egg, and America's Founding Fathers, mostly members of secret societies of a pagan persuasion, honored the goddess with statues and symbols all over the District of Columbia--including the feminine statue atop the Capitol Dome, and by their descendants' acceptance from French Freemasons of Lady Liberty with her Illuminati torch held aloft in New York Harbor.

And perhaps you're aware of the many Zodiacs the Founders sprinkled around Washington DC and certain Egyptian obelisks positioned in certain high places?

According to the Venus Cycle of US presidential elections, the outcome can be ascertained by the position of planet Venus on election day (with only two exceptions involving FDR and Reagan) that if Venus is Morning Star and in the sign of Libra, the current party occupying the White House will retain the presidency for a second term. If Venus is Evening Star and in the sign of Sagittarius on that date, a rival party candidate will be the victor as was the happenstance on November 8, 2016 with Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner. And I know you heard the words "an outsider" touted often during the lead up to November 8th and that's what we got--a businessman, real estate mogul, and beauty pageant/wrestling promoter all bundled into one regressive Republican named Donald Trump (his mobster ties notwithstanding).

Although it's difficult now to see how Mr. Trump can 'grow' into a state of suitability for the presidency enough to warrant a second term, and barring more scandals that reach the impeachment standard, the disturbing news is that on November 3, 2020, Venus will be @15Libra and bright and shiny in her Morning Star capacity which presages a retaining of the White House for the incumbent party (whether it's Trump, Pence, or Paul 'Ron' Ryan). Oddly enough, 15Libra is the exact position of planet Jupiter as I type today and Mr. Trump, the Uranian CEO and broadcaster, is also very much a huge Jupiterian!

What will transpire over the first term of Mr. Trump is unpredictable with his quirky oriental Uranus in Gemini leading all his natal planets from natal 10th house of Career and Public Status. Is there a scandal serious enough to take him down and leave the American people with a Puritan Mr. Pence who left his state of Indiana in turmoil? It would seem America's days as a sovereign nation are numbered and the political class's blending of church and state now in process may lead to revolt among our Puritans who are originally more pagan than they seem to know. Of course, Pagans vs Christians is exactly what Utopians have wanted for centuries along with East vs West and global turmoil.

For more on such topics, you may wish to see Prince Charles: "I Am a Descendant of Dracula" (w/ video and more). For as you know, Founder John Adams and his ancestors such as Henry Adams were members of the Order of the Dragon who immigrated to America under the Puritan guise to escape England's persecution of their paganism, a form of 'founding America for the sake of religious freedom' that current day Christians are convinced describes only them!

Note the (dragon) snake wrapped around the Orphic Egg:

By Jacob Bryant (A New System or Analysis of Ancient Mythology) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Related posts: a modern-day natal horoscope of the 'New World Order' and A Question about American Utopianism.

Mar 30, 2017

New World Order speech George H.W. Bush - video

Lest we fail to fully appreciate all that Bush 41 'did' for our nation, here again is the creepy old video of his 'new world order' speech (threat), or rather the gist of it:


You know, Bush Sr is a Sun Gemini-Moon Libra fellow if you wish to view his B-rated (data via biography) natal horoscope or even if you don't. His double-Air personality blend has provided him with a gift for diplomacy, cleverness and charm, a restless temperament, and a talent for 'unobtrusive' ambition.

And with 26Leo+ rising, The Great American Eclipse in August 2017 @29Leo will 'hit' Bush Sr's Ascendant (physical body; self) as it will also do for the belligerent Mr. Trump and his Mars rising with royal Regulus.

Also born under the auspices of Sun Gemini-Moon Libra are occultist Alice Bailey, James Arness (of Gunsmoke fame), composer Edward Elgar, positive thinker Norman Vincent Peale, Martha Custis Washington, and (perhaps more to the point) Henry Kissinger. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Mar 13, 2017

What Do Franklin Roosevelt and Lord Byron Have in Common?

Monday March 13, 2017: for those who consult Sun-Moon personality blends of politicians and poets, the discovery of who shares a natal Sun-Moon blend with another famous person can be revealing although we may not always understand what is being revealed since sometimes the pairs who share personality blends seem more different than similar. Yet often their personalities can be perfectly described by their Sun-Moon blends. For illustration, we might refer to the shared blends of Mr. Trump and......guess who?

Now if you wish, check out the (Uranus Rising = coping ability) natal chart of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the natal chart of George Gordon Byron and you'll see that they share the Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer personality blend of the 'humanitarian idealist'.

(Speaking of idealism, it's curious that both men's lives involved them in war efforts on the 'white hat' side, wars that were fought ostensibly for the sake of liberation. But war must always begin under a pretext, mustn't it? Otherwise, very few people would sign up to do the fighting.)

Now this misty, ethereal Air-Water combination of energies tends to possess 'a wonderful sense of humor' due in part to its cooperation between mind (AQ) and emotion (Cancer). This poetic, romantic combo has great insight and sensitivity, communication talent, and is quite theatrical. 'Conscious reflection upon the mysteries of life' is typical of this blend. Very creative, Sun AQ-Moon Cancer maintains a detached attitude toward others and is quite subjective (Cancer) when using its reasoning power.

Unconscious prejudices are likely to influence actions along with an ability to rationalize the irrational; a talent for expressing universal insights via personal images is evident (for Roosevelt through his speeches and Fireside Chats, and for Lord Byron through his romantic poetry). There is, on some level, a 'devotion to truth' embedded within both personalities (though I must wonder what Mr. Roosevelt the 33rd-degree Freemason, and member of the banking Roosevelts, did with such a devotion while serving as president).

And on that presidential note, it's time to close by typing for you the two Images for Integration for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend of FDR and Lord Byron:

"A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey; my italics).

You may also wish to compare the Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson, and here's a post about the day's Sun-Moon blend of Thomas Jefferson's First Inauguration in 1801. Watery!

Or why not compare the Sun-Moon blends operating during Inaugurations 1993 and 2017 of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump?

For those who don't think that 'FDR' and the label 'new world order' belong in the same sentence try this from a previous post:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

And yet in 2017 that sounds a lot like what we have now--a stark revolutionary crisis.

FDR image in the public domain; Lord Byron painting by Thomas Phillips [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Nov 18, 2016

Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017)

Visions of Power Past and Future

by Jude Cowell

In case we need this chart as the Trump-Pence administration with its alt-right flavor begins officially operating, here is the natal horoscope of the Third Reich which came into being as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rose to power. Noted on the horoscope, top right, you see that Hitler assumed personal power on August 2, 1934 at noon in Berlin, three hours after President Hindenburg died. Details are based on historical record and may be found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

As you see, a KITE configuration (high-flying success) hinges upon a Venus-Pluto opposition with Venus (and MC) as the Kite's tail. First of Hitler's natal planets to rise is his Neptune-Pluto conjunction (marked in green) which suggests his mystical, occult, and supernatural leanings, plus, the magnetic charisma his contemporaries said he possessed. Venus (@19Cap59 9th house) is at the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (3x in 1993), a signature of New World Order craziness; chart-ruler, Venus first applies to opposition with Pluto (cutthroat competition; underhanded manipulation, obsessive behavior), then trines 5th house Jupiter (@22Vir28 Rx, conjunct US natal Neptune) which times a period of unpredictable outcomes but has a definite gambling vibe full of exaggeration, overindulgence, and waste if not handled well.

In addition, Jupiter in Virgo is part of the 'Marseillaise Trio' of planets (with Mars and Neptune) active during the French Revolution. Neptune conjoins the Third Reich's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) in the 6 South Saros Series--here, it manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 with themes of: forcefully taking power; huge group efforts (Brady) which certainly describe the events in Berlin during the fascist era.

We must also note that the 6 South Solar Eclipse of 1932 links to our current Solar Eclipse Series by degree--the *September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 (19 North: realism, tackling the truth, seeing things for what they really are--Brady), and, as you see in 5th house, deceptive Neptune of the masses and the media, conjoins the South Node in Virgo and does the same thing now--in Pisces; today's North Node (future direction) points to the September 1st Solar Eclipse (9Virgo) but as noted previously, its imperative for realism and truth is less clear because murky Neptune opposes it @10Pisces.

1933 into 2017

By progression, the Third Reich is now in a Balsamic phase with a SP (Secondary Progressed) New Moon due on June 6, 2017 @4Tau06 conjunct SP Venus @4Tau55. The SP New Moon chart shows a Locomotive shape with Saturn as the engine and a difficult, violent midpoint conjoining the New Moon: Saturn-Pluto. And if you look at the 2nd house of the chart shown above you see in red the Third Reich's Pluto-Chiron midpoint (primal violence, oppression, exploitation, fascism, nationalism, and other -isms) which conjoins America's natal Mars and president-elect Trump's natal Sun. This is not comforting for those of us who see parallels between the next administration and the rise of dictator Hitler especially since Pluto in Capricorn is The Dictator (Ebertin).

Of course, this chart's Pluto @21Can59 Rx (conjunct IC) will soon be opposed by transit Pluto in Capricorn (power vs power, no-compromise) as Predatory Capitalism continues to break down across the globe due to its own sorriness. And with tr Pluto reaching the Third Reich's Venus, we know that karmic alliances of great power are forming as power struggles evolve but if their only motivation is self-serving, ruinous consequences will be their result.

For more on such curious topics, you may wish to view a video on Hitler's Vision for a new global order with his nibs in control: Germania.

*As noted in previous posts, the current Solar Eclipse in the 19 North Series is the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 and I don't know about you, but for me, truth was a casualty and only a revelation when it was leaked and had to be dealt with.

Jun 13, 2016

Did US leaders and candidates get Orlando wrong?

Our hearts go out to victims, their families and friends in Orlando. And as Steve Benen of MSNBC notes, President Obama and 2016 candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have each made statements and remarks concerning the tragedy this weekend in Orlando, Florida.

Occurring quite close to July's political conventions and not so long before November Election Day 2016, Americans might get the idea that their emotions are being swayed toward voting in a certain direction. It's been done before and the accusation of 'false flag op' will surely turn up at some point if if hasn't already.

And yet for this American 'child of the Revolution', Obama, Clinton, and Trump have touted off-kilter lessons from the violence in Orlando so I'm posting here the lesson that all acts of terror have demonstrated to me--especially since the 1 North 'King of Terror Solar Eclipse' of August 11, 1999 which repeats as The Great American Eclipse in August 2017 due to the 18.6-year cycle of solar eclipses. The tango sparked by this manifestation of 1 North will naturally appear on the next president's dance card.

So here is the lesson I take from acts of terror against Americans--that while Washington and the Pentagon commit violence across the globe in their role as military arm of the corporate criminal banking syndicate enforcing a 'new world order' for the sake of Global Government, the American people are, and will continue to be, caught in the cross hairs of retaliation as we suffer blow back from the paternalistic strong-arming being done in our names.

Now you may suggest that there is more to it than this and of course you are correct. But without forgiveness, life is just an endless round of vengeance begetting vengeance which is something *the powers that think they be ought to know considering the 'unerring wisdom' they (incorrectly) assume themselves to possess. The tragic thing is, they do know but they only care for their own--and for retaining and expanding control via the ends justify the means tactics in which the rest of us are completely expendable--much as Satan, prince of this world, takes as many down with him as he goes. Thing is, he's already lost the battle so those who follow him follow a loser.

But look! Here are some of the US power elite and their own now:


*the powers that think they be is a quote from Max Igan.

Jun 2, 2016

Why Do Many Brits Want To Vote For #Brexit? - Thom Hartmann (EU Nov 1, 1993)

Thom Hartmann gives some background concerning the EU and 'Brexit' (the potential exit of Britain from the European Union) and I add a few foundation details, below, if you wish to set up horoscopes for the EU, the United Kingdom, and NAFTA:


UK: January 1, 1801 NS 00:00:28 LMT Westminster, England; Sun 10Cap11, Moon 19Can26; ASC 7Lib10 with Uranus rising @1Lib54; MC 9Can20;

EU: November 1, 1993 00:01 CET Bruxelles, Belgium; Sun 8Sco32; Moon 24Tau20; ASC 17Leo27; MC 2Tau02; 1993 saw three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune on or about 18Cap (POLITICAL POWER; New World Order)--this EU foundation made official after the third conjunction on October 24, 1993 @18Cap33;

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association linking the US, Canada, and Mexico): passed the US Congress "shortly before 11:00 pm" on November 17, 1993; came into effect at 00:00 hours on January 1, 1994; Sun 10Cap32; Moon 21Leo09; ASC 6Lib57; MC 7Can54; restrictive planet of control and austerity, Saturn @27AQ01, conjoins US natal Moon; by this time Neptune is at critical degree 20Cap28, and Uranus @21Cap35; the Leo Moon inconjunct Uranus and Neptune denotes enslavement of workers to low wages and debt both here and abroad.

Source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion (from historical records).

May 13, 2016

Friday May 13, 2016: History of Freemasons and The Skull And Bones - video

UPDATE May 31, 2022: The originally embedded video has been removed from this post as, 'no longer available' so with a few mild edits, my original post begins here:

The Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templar legend relates to the founding of America, including Francis Bacon's New Atlantis vision, America's Great Seal symbols, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum', Freemason George Washington's ceremonial roles with silver trowel and apron, our scam-filled 'Manifest Destiny', the money lenders' 'Federal Reserve' central bank of 1913 (creating money out of thin air and loaning it to enslave governments), Freemason FDR's placing the freaky Eye-of-Horus pyramid of power on our currency, the 'New World Order' political agenda of World Government which implicates the EU and various 'free' trade deals, our empiric take-overs of sovereign countries in order to plunder treasures, depopulate, and to institute their enslavement to the International Banking Cartel (all relating to a centuries' long dream of setting up a 'King of Jerusalem')...well, the list goes, doesn't it?

Now We the People are mired within the Campaign 2016 season with our typical lesser-of-two-evils choice ahead on November 8th--as if We the People actually elect presidents!

Running as a Democrat, Senator Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who comes across to me as genuine while complaining against income inequality and the oppression of the elite banker class which officially took control of the US government in 1913, as noted. And though I have yet to hear the Senator mention such terms as 'Templar Knights' or 'Illuminati', we can simply gaze at New York Harbor for a view of the Illuminati symbol of the Eternal Flame held by the Venusian goddess statue sent us by french Freemasons to know who rules this nation. Or, we can check out America's Great Seal which is basically same as the seal of Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati founded May 1, 1776.

No, candidate Bernie Sanders cannot "do it alone" and restructure the government of this nation, even with transformative, destructuring Pluto in governmental Capricorn approaching its natal position in our nation's 1776 horoscope (27Cap33). And if by a miracle he is elected to the presidency, a monumental task awaits if he attempts to best the Banking Cartel on behalf of the American people. Yet decades of divide-and-conquer tactics by the power elite have guaranteed them primacy over us since we would need to Speak as One Voice along with Bernie in order to make any real difference in our national plight.

Yet between social wedge issues like transgender bathroom use, abortion, and racial inequality, what are our chances of banding together en masse against the shadowy figures who are our true oppressors?


From 2015: It's Friday the 13th and Superstition Lingers which includes info on the number '13' and a link to the horoscope of 2013's Illuminati Solar Eclipse, so named due to NWO Uranus-Neptune content; Horoscope: the Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791; and US Eclipse August 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket.

Also recommended is a recent post which includes this:

H.G. Wells described FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

That was quite a Geminian mask FDR was hiding behind in his day, wasn't it?

Feb 23, 2016

Wedding Day Astrology of Donald and Melania Trump

Update Feb 1, 2017: theories about the Trump marriage have circulated wildly since Inauguration Day 2017 and many of them are based on disturbing videos of the couple that show little--if any--affection between them. Have you noticed that Melania's face tells a sad story?

Original post written pre-inauguration begins here:

If you check the Wikipedia page of Melania Trump you'll find all I know about the current wife of 2016 candidate Donald Trump, the lady who may turn out to be America's First Lady on January 20, 2017.

Check out a noon birth chart for Melania here with her practical Sun Taurus-Moon Capricorn personality.

Born Melanija Knavs ('Melania Knauss') on April 26, 1970 in Sevnica Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Melania has been a high fashion model with a degree in architecture who now designs jewelry. These endeavors resonate well with her Sun in Taurus, a creative sign of architecture (building) and good patterning ability. Now let's peek at the Solar (male)and Lunar (female) description of their marriage which began under the auspices of January 22, 2005's Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer unless the ceremony was held prior to 6:00 am (with a late Gemini Moon)!

Sun AQ-Moon Cancer (Saturn-Uranus-Moon) is a very creative Air-Water combination of energies that provides ethereal and romantic qualities to their union. The blend suggests that as a couple the Trumps tend to be companionable, friendly, and socially concerned. Although Donald Trump, the Aquarian here, is futuristic and eccentric, Melania's Cancer vibes add touches of traditional values such as home, domesticity, and family. (Yet Cancer is also a business-oriented sign ruled by the publicity seeking Moon!)

Naturally, the sign of Aquarius must have space and freedom to 'do its own thing' which hints at freedom-closeness issues in their relationship. 'Rationalizing irrational actions' is a potential at times and unconscious prejudices may interfere with their domestic bliss though we might say that Mr. Trump's campaign rhetoric, calculated toward certain voters as it may be, has made his prejudices well known to the public if not to himself. And some of the prejudices are against establishment politics as he demonstrates each day by his 'outsider' campaign style that 'tells it like it is' (or how his fact-distorting Mercury-Neptune square decides it is--his natal horoscope with notes may be viewed here).

The Sun AQ-Moon Cancer as natal combo is shared by some famous folk, two of which were politicians: Christian Dior, Clarke Gable, Humphrey Bogart, Lord Byron, John Hurt, Farah Fawcett, Norman Mailer, Babe Ruth, Boris Yeltsin, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Now let's consider two informative Images for Integration of the conscious Aquarian Sun blended with the unconscious Cancerian Moon according to Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey--the first sounds like the Trump style of politicking and the second leads to a result that is precisely what I dread:

"A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order."

Related: Wedding Day Astrology: Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Feb 8, 2016

FDR's "a test of our progress" outs the Plutocrats of 2016

Way back in 2006, 2007, and 2008 on Stars Over Washington a frequent mention or quote involved the following excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inauguration Address of January 20, 1937 (the first inauguration that was switched from early March to January 20th and which gave the presidency an airy, more rigid Aquarian Sun of leadership instead of a watery Pisces Sun). Since then the US economy has tanked and somewhat recovered (in an illusory way for the 99%) and many economists, pundits, and prognosticators are predicting another meltdown in 2016 or later.

As an astrology novice, I, too, have been guilty of such doubts if only because of the natural law that 'what goes up must come down' and the bubbly, fraudulent Jupiter-Neptune influences of 2009 and beyond. But one thing as an American and a Child of the Revolution (30 Cancer) that has never seemed doubtful to me is that the following excerpt full of the humanitarian flavor of Aquarius describes a timeless measurement and perfectly encapsulates our current worsening conditions brought on by the steady campaign fought by wealthy, secretive plutocrats against the American people in order to dismantle our social safety net, create chaos and misery, and set up a global government of pernicious proportions. Echoing from 1937, here are the words of President Roosevelt:

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

Did he mean karmic progress or simply economic and societal progress? Perhaps all three or something else. And yes, I know that FDR was a 'new world order' promoter himself but with a Democratic flair. As for the Aquarian nature of his words it displays in his natal horoscope with Sun in Aquarius and Uranus rising in Mercury-ruled Virgo which identifies him as one who can cope with whatever arises--and, as he himself is recorded as saying--gave him talents such as those required to be an actor, juggler, and magician. As you know, Mercury is also The Trickster, and genius Uranus is considered the planet of progress, progressive politics, disruption, originality, novelty, shocks, and radical reforms.

Also of interest is that at the moment of his Inauguration Address of January 20, 1937, transit Pluto (plutocracy, the papacy, assassins, and such) @27Cancer34 precisely opposed US natal Pluto (27:33) denoting two great powers locked in a titanic struggle for control, wealth of nations included. Well, it's been 79 years since FDR spoke those Aquarian sentiments and Pluto now approaches his natal Capricorn position in our nation's July 4, 1776 chart. My thought is that whoever and whatever groups 1937 Pluto represented now consider themselves in the final stages of their campaign to rule the world in time for, or around the time of, America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022. That this destructive plan so long Pluto's obsession has spiritual as well as societal, financial, and political implications is beyond the scope of this post.


Blog Note: annoyingly my Internet connection problems continue off and on which makes publishing articles rather spotty as well. Even so, here's a hint of the more immediate topics through Spring which are now on my Coming Soon list and awaiting a publish for those who may wish to stay tuned, follow, or subscribe to SO'W (and a Big Thank You to those who do!):

More info on the March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse @19Pisces; the Lunar Eclipse of March 23 @3Libra; Mars' Rx Station conjunct Antares in April (followed next day by a Pluto Rx Station--already posted); the Transit of Mercury in May; June's Aries Ingress (or Spring Equinox 2016, as I prefer to call it--chart good for an entire year). And since New and Full Moons can act much as 'wild card' eclipses do, uncovering hidden things and timing other Uranian disruptions, I'll post on as many of those as possible given my schedule and interruptions due to Comcast X-finity's so-so service.

Related posts and an article:

The Inauguration Horoscope 1913 of warmonger President Woodrow Wilson, another 'new world order' promoter as duly noted on the official White House website! Wilson secretly pledged America to enter World War I although he had campaigned as a peace and democracy candidate. You know--like politicians do now.

A few brief astro-notes on Henry A. Wallace, FDR's mystic Vice President and occultist.

FDR signs the Social Security Act August 14, 1935 (the signing video with brief astro-notes).

From 2011, FDR Assesses "Economic Royalists" in 1936 (video), includes brief astro-notes.

A list of famous quotes from FDR and a few words concerning his natal horoscope.

Social Democracy Is 100% American (video interview).

Perhaps Bernie Sanders will be president come November--check out a related article from January 26, 2016's Technocracy News by Jeremy Rifkin, Flashback: Radical New Economic System Will Emerge From Collapse of Capitalism, which was "the exact prediction of the technocrats in the 1930s, during the worst of the Great Depression--"

Nov 2, 2015

The Problem with "Good Guys with Guns" interview - video (w US Mars Rx)

David Pakman conducts an informative interview with Ladd Everitt regarding gun violence, gun safety regulation, and the NRA:


US Mars: Guns Against The People: From Gemini Direct (1776) to Retrograde (2006 - 2086)

As you know, America's progressed (SP) Mars symbolically turned retrograde during Summer 2006 and is visiting its thwarted, frustrated energies upon home soil while being only partially successful in the wider world. Our SP Mars continues to represent police state violence against the public, mass protests on various issues, gun and other violence against the innocent including children, veterans' health problems and lack of timely care, distorted actions and motivations at home and abroad, and many other events and conditions we both could name.

Mars the Warrior Planet

During the Bush administration I blogged here and possibly elsewhere that US Mars turning Rx in Summer 2006 symbolized on one level Washington's misadventures and misguided interventions in the Middle East and US troop re-deployments and over extensions--that Bush had 'broken' the US military as shown by our Rx Mars, planet of soldiers, troops, and war. This was simplistic of course since W. Bush (and Jeb who signed on for the Iraq War even before his brother did) was in league with certain shadowy elements who control the US government and determine who is nominated and subsequently selected to play the role of 'US president' and who decide our war waging abominations. President Obama would not be president if he were not in league with 'higher forces' as well. You may naturally disagree but there it is, and it is the reason why Senator Bernie Sanders will never be president though you may have read or heard lately that it's because he is Jewish. In spite of that, unless the senator falls in with the supranational-global-conquest narrative, he will not be the Democratic Party nominee--though thankfully his #FeeltheBern platform places many of our most dire issues into the public discourse and under Hillary Clinton's hawkish nose.

As for the above interview (very informative I might add), we find our Mars Rx being discussed whether David or his guest, Ladd Everitt, know it or not. Astrologers know it for the ancient art of Astrology is an excellent tool and language with which to understand events, conditions, and people on a deeper level. And of course Astrology has the advantage of adding the element of time to any analysis so unfortunately we must see the 80-year retrograde period of Mars as a long slog, a time when the US government should reign in its global conquest urges rather than attempting to expand US influence in the world.

This need to reign in US power in the world is also shown astrologically by America's SP Full Moon of December 2008 (horoscope with Dec 2008 transits shown) which was spotlighted in the Financial Collapse of 2007--2008 (aka, the Great Bush-Cheney Heist.) Sadly for the American people (and the world) the US government, its minions in Washington, and its supranational bosses did not heed that call for limitation and moderation either and such irrational hubris will eventually lead to more hardship than we've already experienced along with what many people, non-astrologers included, recognize as the dissolution of America in preparation for global governance, aka, as a "new world order". This leads me to believe that the 'power elite' in charge, the shadow government, never intended to reign in US dreams of eternal glory at all because collapse and dissolution of America was and remains their devilish goal.

Related: Thom Hartmann on Why the Crash of 2016 Will Happen (with notes on Antares added by yours truly.)

Please note that the above dates for US SP Mars Rx issue from our natal horoscope of July 4, 17776 5:10 pm LMT with Mars @22Gemini and are based on an approximate Rx period of 80 years which began in Summer 2006 (US SP Mars now @18Libra.) Also note that recent news items concerning the 'Shemitah reset' spotlight 'exceptional' America and its refusal to moderate its activities such as reigning in usury interest rates, corruption, military invasions, etc--much of which is timed by Bush's theatrical bullhorn performance atop WTC rubble--the wrong response to a critical evolutionary lesson brought by the attacks of 9/11/01. However, current releases from the US prison population actually do resonate with Shemitah imperatives. Hopefully there will be adequate follow through to welcome those released back into society with jobs and places to live as they begin their lives over.

Sep 14, 2015

Lies You Have Been Told! Wake Up! - Max Igan (w/ Uranus-Neptune)

Somehow I managed to miss this excellent broadcast posted in May 2015 by Max Igan so here is a 16-minute excerpt which opens with a quote from H. L. Mencken:

Visit Max Igan's website The Crowhouse for more.

Sept 14, 2015: tonight during the Rachel Maddow hour on MSNBC (with Ari Melber sitting in for Rachel) clips of Australian PM Tony Abbott were featured showing him eating raw onions (ew) and making some of his stupid remarks. Naturally I was reminded of the many times Max has revealed Abbott as a psychopath and a criminal, an assessment with which I must agree for he and other 'world leaders' behave as though they are psychotically divorced from reality.

Maybe all the shiny vehicles they're whisked around in should sport wistful bumper stickers that read, I'd Rather Be Cavorting in the Nude at Bohemian Grove.

Now if we can just wake up en masse from this state of collective hypnosis so many of us slumber under which in large part has been induced during our school daze and deepened by such things as degrading entertainment, brain numbing drugs, propaganda of all sorts, a false reality environment drenched in hormone inhibiting pharmaceuticals and heavy metals, and the fear tactics governments use to control populations like stupid sheeple and mesmerized lemmings--while convincing many of us that things have to be this way. They don't.

Astrologically, it seems curious to me that the Uranus-Neptune pair of planets (Uranus The Awakener; Neptune the Sleeping Dreamer) combine energies to provide us with potentials for inner vision, insight, intuition, and enlightenment yet can alternately express as the elimination of waking consciousness! (Ebertin.)

Then there are other roles for the Uranus-Neptune duo to play in society such as under girding The Enlightenment-Age of Reason (during which time they met in Great Conjunction thus combining their powers at a Science vs Faith crossroads) and again three times in 1993 at 18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree in the Sabian Symbols (Jones) which in my estimation provides Political Astrology with a modern natal horoscope for the new world order/global government that we now can easily recognize being implemented right under our drowsy noses while we busy ourselves changing the batteries in our remote controls.

Related: a James Corbett video detailing a New World Order reading list and more about Uranus-Neptune including a view of what I prefer to use for a modern New World Order natal chart (enlarge the image to read basic chart details.)

Aug 13, 2015

Cultural Illusions & Global Transformation - Terence McKenna

Awakening Warriors! A 'new world order' based on materialism and anti-democratic control by government isn't the only possibility for how the process of transformation unfolds. The Awakening continues...


Aug 5, 2015

"Americans are hungry.." for Government that Works for Every Citizen

"Americans are hungry, indeed starving, for candidates who will take action to ensure that government works for every citizen, not just those who are able to write big checks to candidates, parties, and political action groups." — Miles Rapoport, Common Cause

The above excerpt is from Facing $5 Billion Campaign, Hunger for a '21st Century Democracy Agenda'.

Pathethic, isn't it? That the democracy, the republic, and the Enlightenment principles our ancestors fought and died for have been under attack from usurpers whose goals include a dismantling and collapse of all civilized institutions, a "drowning" of the US government, and the anti-constitutional establishment of a draconian global government where freedom, independence, liberty, human rights, and personal conscience dissolve as an anti-sovereign regime grasps power in its hot little claws.

Many people feel it these days especially with *Pluto in process of returning (in 2022) to its July 4, 1776 degree in late Capricorn: that powerful transnational entities have grown tired of the Novus Ordo Seclorum--the new order--of 1776 and presume to have the right to replace it with a crabbed plutonian model of their own design!

If you are an American by birth or by inclination, do you beg to differ?


*One of the roles of Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin.)

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

Jul 25, 2015

New World Technocracy - a Max Igan broadcast

Is there a solution? Yes. Max Igan talks common sense about the Technocracy that ensnares and weakens us all:

#Technocracy +MaxIgan #GlobalGovernment #GlobalElite #Globalism #Elitism #Totalitarianism

It's late days in their Utopian scheme, so you must be feeling mighty manipulated by now, folks. I know I am. Speaking of manipulation, here is global elitist Zbigniew Brzezinski writing in his book, Between Two Ages (1971):

"Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillation that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very large population in selected regions over an extended period."

Yes, one could, couldn't one?

Updated for you: the Solar Horoscope of Zbigniew Brzezinki.

Jul 18, 2015

Astro-Notes on VP Joe Biden with cameos by Cecil Rhodes, President Obama, and Rachel Maddow

Astro-Notes on Vice President Joe Biden: November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, Pennsylvania, Cecil Rhodes, and a Few More Things...

by Jude Cowell

"From memory" says the data source for the natal horoscope of VP Joe Biden and if we take his data as factual we find that VP Biden's natal Sun @27Sco34 conjoins the natal Midheaven (MC = Goals; Aspirations; Public Status) of President Barack Obama. How nifty for the pair of them, heads bent together in the White House, Biden a Council on Foreign Relations man, a group that began originally as The Round Table founded by British empiricist and "Diamond King" of South Africa, Cecil Rhodes.

Rabbit Holes of Power: Makes No Difference Who Plays the Role of US President

An overview of the entire Global Government scheme is available for the hardy to read so if that is you, please see Chapter 22, Cecil Rhodes and his Knights of the Round Table where the submerged role in the US government and the Obama White House of VP Joe Biden may be revealed to you in all its splendid subterfuge and ultimate Utopian distopianism (though some Democrats are said to prefer subtle persuasion and propaganda while Republicans go more for the brutal conquest-enforcement model of Global Governance; either way, chaos and subsequent rebuilding are on the purposefully engineered Plutonian political and financial agenda.) As you know, VP Biden is also a member of the Bilderberg Group of World Planners, not one of the more popular secret-cabal packs of so-and-sos and self-imagined 'overlords' using the Hegelian Dialect ruse upon the public where they create the chaos (Thesis), then 'save' us from it (Anti-Thesis) while merrily shredding the US Constitution as they go.

Now on this difficult topic there is another page I recommend if you dare titled, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Round Table Group. You probably know a bunch about the Rhodes Trust and Rhodes Scholarships that were established under Rhodes' will (1902) and administered by his pal, international banker Nathan Rothschild of the House of Rothschild, master manipulators of the Plutonian kind. Naturally, this firmly ties into the Great Scheme viathe British Empire and its central banking system with the US banking system ('the Fed') along with top scholars who get to study at the University at Oxford.

Why, even my political 'splainer-in-chief of complex topics, the very intelligent (Rockerfellerite) MSNBC news host Rachel Maddow is a former Rhodes Scholar. Tap the BuzzFeed link, then scroll down a bit if you wish to see a photo (#13, no less) of her tossing the sign of the goat, Satan's sign, at you. Wish she hadn't let herself be photographed doing that.

So if you're unfamiliar with the centuries-old 'Great Plan' for a New Millennium 'new world order' to replace the then-new order begun with the founding of America in 1776, why not try a previous post Astro-Notes and Famous Quotes on the New World Order and see if it fits what you see going on around you in 2015? Okay, the post may be a dud but you won't know if you don't try it and please Re-tweet any of my articles for I've spent quite a few years at this freebie blogging thing and an occasional Re-tweet would be mighty nice of you! @judecowell

Arghh! Once More the MSM Touts the Will Biden Run for President? Memo

Now let's step off the 'new world order' ledge long enough to take a detached peek at the Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus personality blend of Joe Biden and see if its potentials ring true based on the public persona that VP Biden has projected during these many years of political activity. If not, his Moon @00Tau59 may denote an earlier birth time with an "I AM the people" natal Moon in late Aries, ruled by activist Mars and denoting a workaholic crusader with a mission temperament when paired with the secretive, mystery-loving, hidden control, big business sign of Scorpio with its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes.

Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus describes one who is drawn to the joys of life and to death matters and has an interest in the corruption of innocence, and as a US senator, he is known for sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) with broad support in Congress. This blend contains the typical practical-and-supportive vibes of a Water-Earth combination though it may have a chauvinistic streak. Talents include a natural understanding of financial and economic realities, along with full dedication to loved ones.

Although stubbornness and a total blindness to the motivations of others may be noted, this blend's pragmatic wisdom is extremely valuable and may be noticed in its supportive role of a Vice President who may be something of a power-behind-the-throne actor in a similar mold as Dick Cheney to George W. was purported by pundits to be.

With Biden's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend, we find intense idealism which resonates with his CFR and Bilderberg leanings, plus, I heard him say to Bill Maher a few years ago that he's a Zionist though the clip seems to have disappeared (see video, below.) An ability to be a reliable touchstone for his friends is evident and it seems clear that President Obama leans on the rock that is VP Biden, a man who is, I believe, one of Mr. Obama's mentors as required by the president's natal 1st house Chiron in mystical Pisces. (Remember that the president experienced his 3-fer Chiron Return while in the White House.) Mr. Obama's natal Chiron opposes his 7th house Pluto (6 Virgo) denoting his ability to express such Pluto-Chiron themes of oppression and exploitation within the mass consciousness as he plays the White House mouthpiece, we might say, which is a primary role of the US presidency.

So! I just noticed while typing how easy it is to get off the topic of Joe Biden and onto other political actors! Well, maybe it's time to consider the Scorpio-Taurus Images for Integration provided so helpfully by Charles and Suzi Harvey in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign which is a visual method for sussing out the integration of one's Solar conscious mind with the Lunar unconscious which results in a whole and fully functioning personality:

"A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld."

Of course I know that you, dear reader, can freely associate these images with what you know of the life of VP Joe Biden--one such being that he underwent two brain surgeries in 1988 and wasn't given very good odds of being 'normal'. And this isn't counting his son Beau's recent and tragic death from a brain tumor at age 46.

Now on a Global Politics level, let's close today's astro-notes with a clip of Joe Biden avowing himself to be a Zionist which makes him part of the political movement called Zionism (which is not the same as Judaism):

Natal data for Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; BC/BR online.