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Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Jan 13, 2017

Jan 12, 2017: C-SPAN Hacked By Russia? - video (w Mercury-Pluto)

Well, it seems the Full Wolf Moon @22Cancer on the morning of January 12, 2017 brought interruptions of an unusual variety to Capitol Hill confirmation hearings though I had thought its orb of 2+ degrees from US natal Mercury Rx (which brings along its opposition to powerful saboteur Pluto in Capricorn) was perhaps too wide to cause much trouble in Washington. Apparently I was wrong as you'll see in this brief discussion:

Raw Story has more details.

Oct 12, 2016

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If ...

In black and white, we read Mrs. Clinton's email exchanges with John Podesta and learn what most Americans already knew: politicians lie, politicians illegally coordinate their campaigns with the media, and spin must be spun in an attempt to re-cover what's been uncovered (and possibly manipulated by the hacker to look worse than it is).

One point of interest to this astrologer is how such inconveniently uncovered truths tally with themes of the current the Solar Eclipse which perfected on September 1, 2016 @9Vir21--and with the September 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse @24Pis20 which fell within or very near the degree range of Hillary Clinton's natal Moon in Pisces in most of the multiple natal horoscopes with varying birth hours. Ah, secretive Pisces and reality-based, health-conscious Virgo! Actually, Virgo-Pisces eclipses continue into 2017 beginning in February so that, tiresomely, this sort of leak may continue to uncover worse warts than we've so far seen at least until The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 in Leo.

More details: September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe.

Now here's a report from Democracy Now! asking if these in-cahoots emails had been leaked prior to Hillary's nomination at the DNC, could Senator Sanders have won the nomination? By popularity he should have won, yet t seems doubtful to me for who knows what tricks and spin would have been perpetrated by Rockefeller-Rothschild media shills in an attempt to force war hawk Mrs. Clinton into the White House, a position she's waited for these many years?

Note: although many Clinton supporters are all-in, 'at least she isn't Donald Trump' is sad consolation to those of us who will vote for Hillary on November 8th. And do you ever feel purposefully swayed to vote for Hillary due to an opponent whose behavior and rhetoric put him out of contention for a job at 7/11, much less the US presidency? (Credit to President Obama or whoever wrote his remarks for the 'job at 7/11' perspective).

Related: Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump.

Aug 16, 2016

Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties To Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology)

August 15, 2016: no, I did not know that Donald Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has had for years lucrative business dealings with Russia and Ukraine to such a shady extent:

Watch The Young Turks Live.

Here's a link to the New York Times article on Mr. Manafort's foreign ties, a link which may or may not remain Live. He says the money was only for political activities but given how underhanded and underworldly Politics can be, that's not very comforting.

Paul Manafort: an April Fool of 1949

Billed as a lobbyist and political consultant, Paul Manafort was born on April 1, 1949 in New Britain, CT (hour unknown; Moon in Taurus for the 24-hour period). A Fire-Earth Sun Aries-Moon Taurus personality gives him a "straight from the shoulder charm", great ambition, and confidence. Mr. Manafort can be diplomatic yet tactless, intuitive yet pragmatic, and loves a challenge. Deeply possessive, his Venus-Mars conjunction in early Aries conjoins his Syzygy Moon @8Ari36 (last lunation prior to birth) so obviously this is a passionate man with what may be described as "a roving eye." Now I have no idea of his domestic situation or of his romantic arrangements but he is very much in the center of them.

His large streak of ambition of urges him to "make his mark upon the world" so it's no surprise that he's in Politics and active in several foreign regions of the world. Manafort is a natural entrepreneur with many irons in several fires and whether more of his past activities will surface and affect the White House chances of Donald J. Trump is a good question. There are two eclipses in September, Solar then Lunar, so we'll see if either lunation disgorges more scandals or inconvenient secrets for Manafort or for Trump.

Though self-centered (as is his client, Trump) Mr. Manafort is excellent company and can be loyal if he so chooses unless ego is allowed to get in the way of cooperation and getting the job done--two egos together have they. Still, Manafort has stamina and is quite magnetic so we'll see how Paul and Donald manage to trot along together on the path to the White House or whether a divergence will take place. I suspect a divergence between them or from the path--but we'll see.

A Bit More Astrology

April 1, 1949: all day a YOD pattern was overhead when little baby Paul (and anyone else born that day) arrived, a YOD pattern of special task or purpose, crossroads, turning points, or crisis implications at some point in his life (health issues may also be indicated). Wonder if the Donald Trump brouhaha circus and recent financial revelations have triggered Manafort's natal YOD because Trump's natal Sun is at the point of progressing into Virgo which means '00Virgo', the precessed position of royal star Regulus which, as you know, rises with Mars in Leo in the natal chart of Mr. Trump.

(See his red face for his Mars rising and his retaliating temper--also note that asteroid Tisiphone of 'retaliation' fame, conjoins Trump's natal Moon and South Node of the Moon along with starry Ras Alhague as we've discussed previously).

But the thing is, Mr. Manafort has a karmic planet in his natal chart @00Vir04 Rx and that planet is Saturn. His natal Mercury sextiles Jupiter in late Capricorn (conjunct US natal Pluto--a wheeler dealer across the globe with a potential accent on military and surveillance matters) which forms the base of the YOD, and whether his Mercury is @29Pisces or 00Aries, it conjoins the Aries Point of Recognition, Prominence, and Fortune.

When Saturn is apex in a YOD configuration there can be a self-induced sense of frustration or failure especially if a respected social position has been achieved but is undermined by a denial of natural limits and neglect of the requirements of authenticity, accountability, and maturity that astrological Saturn demands so that 'fateful consequences' result in the reaping what was sown category.


For more on YODs and other planetary patterns, see Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney; also see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jul 9, 2016

Horoscope: NATO w/ July 9, 2016 Warsaw Summit Planets

Warsaw, Poland July 9, 2016 "Landmark" Summit of NATO countries: Putin Haunts Summit as Leaders See Threat on All Fronts, says Bloomberg News today. Projecting its own shadow upon Russia, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) once again demonstrates its inherent disposition as shown in the organization's natal horoscope of August 24, 1949 11:42 am EDT Washington DC when NATO was signed into force by President Truman:

Founded at a New Moon phase (Virgo Sun 6-degrees-45-minutes Virgo Moon, Saturn in Virgo), NATO can be described as a New Moon entity to which people, events, and conditions are symbols upon a visionary screen on which the organization projects its own shadow (Rudhyar). This tendency is supported by the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which it was founded, the 5 North (see themes on chart, lower right). Disruptive Uranus is out-of-bounds and it's a Mars Hour; transit Mercury, planet of treaties and signings, has just hit US natal Neptune, distorting facts and figures, and confusing issues.

So today, as warmongering 'world leaders' heat up their rhetoric of aggression and send NATO (and other?) troops nearer Russia in order to provoke an ill-advised confrontation that may spiral into World War III (as planned--the power elite's set is incomplete with only I and II), I am posting the NATO natal horoscope for future reference. If you enlarge the chart image you can perhaps read my typically messy notes penned on and hopefully you can see Harry Truman's natal planets (in blue), plus, today's planets (in red) entered around the chart. Note that when President Truman created NATO, transit Uranus, planet of revolution, had conjoined US natal Venus in Cancer and Truman's Venus for they are conjunct @3Cancer. This is penned on as: unusual or unexpected alliances.

And with Scorpio rising, Mars is chart-ruler (Pluto is sub-ruler) from within the 9th house of Foreign Lands so we look to the applying aspects of Mars for hints of how things will proceed for this, another example of a new world order project. Only one major (Ptolemaic) aspect is made by warrior Mars and that's an opposition to Jupiter (1A57), marking the organization as an inflationary entity that assumes (or allows others to assume) that it is capable of greater achievements than it is. Actions tend to go too far too fast so that control isn't possible in spite of any grandstanding or bravado. Unpleasant outcomes are usually the expected result especially since Mars is in Moon-ruled Cancer.

This denotes that the forces of NATO don't have a lot of perseverance or self-control and actions tend to be impulsive or rash with instincts in the lead rather than following well thought out plans. Such tendencies may have improved over the decades but that is what its natal chart tells me.

Now I checked NATO's progressions and Solar Arc charts for today but don't have time now to type about them though I wish to close with one Angular contact to the natal chart--NATO's Solar Arc Chiron today sits upon its natal IC @8AQ27 and the emphasized Sabian Symbol with its political flavor may give us clues about the current troop build-up and threats of aggression that NATO is being used for in order to bully Russia's Putin (not that he doesn't deserve it--I don't know if he does or doesn't--but that's NATO and Washington propaganda in the article linked above):

"9 Aquarius": "A Flag Is Seen Turning into an Eagle"...'Keynote: The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values. We have here the ACTING OUT of the vision' (Rudhyar).

To this symbol Marc Edmund Jones adds a keyword: DRAMATIZATION, with a negative expression of: vindictive pride.

And projecting shadows or not, both sides can rightly own up to that.

Cited: An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Data: Freemason Harry S. Truman May 8, 1884 4:00 pm CST Lamar, MO ('Lamar' = the Mars!); ASC 10Libra30; Sun 18Tau39; Moon 4Sco59 gave him a ruthless desire for power and fixed prejudices (Harveys).

Nov 18, 2015

Canada, Russia, and France Engage ISIS! - video

A human failing is that vengeance only brings more vengeance. But that's what global government types depend on...

Jan 29, 2015

Feb 3 2015 Leo Full Moon conjoins fixed star Dubhe

On Tuesday February 3, 2015 a Full Moon @14Leo47 perfects at 6:08:54 pm est across the 6/12 axis in a horoscope set for Washington DC. Along with Dubhe, the Full Moon rises with Jupiter Rx @18Leo00 conjunct the degree of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse which heralded New Millennium 'terror' and our subsequent global economic woes. Jupiter continues as the handle planet of a Bucket planetary pattern thus linking chart hemispheres and the actors (planets) opposite.

Sun @14AQ47 falls in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (military, police, civil, domestic), and Daily Tasks and with the Moon is part of a Focused YOD along with the Pluto-Chiron sextile.

Pluto-Chiron = plutocracy, oppression, exploitation, primal violence

The Pluto-Chiron sextile (the base of the YOD pattern pointing toward the Moon and by opposition, the Sun) denotes spokesmen and those who have a "finger on the mass pulse" (Nolle). Pluto @14Cap18 in 5th house applies to a final square (0A55) with Uranus--here @13Ari22 in 8th house (exact on March 16). The ongoing Saturn-Neptune square from 4th house to 7th continues to bellyache over its social burdens such as the funding of America's safety net programs and other social needs of the populace. Also, 7th house Neptune denotes the ongoing unreliability in February 2015 of partnerships and alliances domestically and in American foreign policy. A 7th house Venus, exalted in Pisces, brings in a potential link to the Vatican.

My suspicion is that the Full Moon's close encounter with fixed star Dubhe points primarily toward US foreign policy for fixed star Dubhe is the alpha star of constellation Ursa Major, the Great She-Bear, and as everyone knows, this is a traditional archetypal symbol for Russia. Potential expressions of Dubhe include: destruction, arrogance (A. Louis), a martial nature (Ptolemy), nastiness (Ebertin), strong feminine powers, intuition, psychism, persistence, endurance, and quiet strength (Brady).

Visions of an angry, protective she-bear appear with the February 3rd Full Moon in dramatic Leo! Yes, paternalistic egos may be viciously defended yet examples of the star's Mars-inspired energies include Princess Diana's natal Venus which is linked by paran to Dubhe and, as Ebertin notes, Dubhe links with the natal Moon of China's Mao Tse Tung who advised his political operatives (and all future politicians with an infiltrating mission) that,

"Wherever we go, we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them..."

Hmmm..I confess, this reminds me of The Americans returning to TV last evening and how Russian and other spies are embedded among us.

Note: a brief bio of Chairman Mao Tse Tung and his natal horoscope may be found here.

And for additional information on the February 3, 2015 Full Moon you'll find a comprehensive analysis showing lunation horoscopes set for various locations including the Middle East at Grand Trines.

Update 1/29/15: the 8th house Uranus is prominent in the Full Moon chart for it acts as the Thales Point (trine Moon, sextile Sun)--the negotiator--that can ease tension between the opposing Sun and Moon.

Mar 15, 2014

Putin, Russia's natal chart, and a Full Moon on March 16 2014

Virgo Full Moon March 16, 2014 conjoins Russia's Natal Ascendant 26Virgo11

by Jude Cowell

A Full Moon can be quite auspicious when it falls upon a natal planet or Angle and in the case of tomorrow's Full Moon @26Vir01, that would be the Ascendant of Russia's sovereignty horoscope (June 12, 1990; 9:45 am GMT, ASC 26Vir11; Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes.) Some kind of fulfillment of a project, a separation, or a culmination of a plan is indicated along with 'awareness in relationship' vibes attend Full Moons. And as you know, a referendum vote will be held tomorrow (March 16, 2014) to 'decide' if Crimea wants to hitch its star to Russia's wagon--either now or later, rather than unite with the European Union. That's a pretty sorry vote, if you ask me--a 'rock and a hard place' kind of deal for the people.

As the world sees, the 'project' involves troop movements and war for if we set tomorrow's Full Moon chart for Moscow, warrior Mars @26Lib06 Rx and North Node @28Lib37 are rising (ASC 12Lib33 which brings up America's natal Saturn @14Lib48. Can the US perform as a Saturnian barrier to events? We have been citing agreements signed by Russia concerning invasion of national sovereignty which Putin now ignores. And why not since everyone has noticed that the US didn't play by the rules when it invaded Iraq, for example. Hypocrisy much, Washington?)

For more info check out The Taipai Times' Ukraine braces for Crimea vote as violence flares or The Guardian's Russia vetoes Crimea motion as Kiev claims it repelled Russian troops in south Ukraine--live updates.

Additionally, the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse @11Sco15, which is still in force, conjoined, triggered, or eclipsed the natal Venus (11Sco42) of Vladimir Putin. Venus relates to jealousy, envy, and revenge and with his natal Venus in vengeful, secretive Scorpio, something was bound to happen. Venus in Scorpio can tend to waste its energy through excessive passion and self-control often wavers or vacillates with this placement. Unfortunately, the diplomatic skills of Venus seem to be lacking on Putin's part in current circumstances with belligerence holding sway. Plus, the attraction principle of Venus attracts spying Scorpio types of activities, interests, and people to the side of this 'former' KGB agent.

Mr. Putin's natal Sun Libra-Moon Gemini blend (Air-Air) indicates that he may spread himself too thin to accomplish all his goals but perhaps it somewhat depends upon who aids him in his current take-over endeavors.

Now if you haven't, you may wish to view President Putin's natal horoscope by visiting astrodatabank set for October 7, 1952 at 9:30 am, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. However, his birth data's accuracy is in question so the horoscope has a Rodden Rating of C.

Of interest concerning the March 16, 2014 Full Moon may be its Water-Earth Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend's Images for Integration: "Small events bring enormous consequences...A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself...Faith and reason shake hands." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

The reference to 'faith' and 'reason' reminds me of the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse with its Uranus (reason)/Neptune (faith) influences which also relate to the 'new world order', a massive global project we're watching develop under our noses in Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea with major US involvement--because all the little dictators want to be The Boss of the 'nwo'!

Mar 5, 2014

Fall of Berlin Wall Horoscope: Jupiter Rx having a Jupiter Return 2014

Such an awkward title for this post! The point is that on the evening the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, expansive Jupiter, planet of freedom and overstepping of boundaries, was retrograde @10Can38 and so a Jupiter Return to the Wall's chart has been taking place since August 2013. Due to the planet's regression cycle, the three conjunctions of Jupiter to its 1989 natal position are:

1. August 14, 2013; 2. February 23, 2014 (Rx)--the current phase; and 3. March 17, 2014. So what, if anything, does the Fall of the Berlin Wall have to do with the current crises between Russia, the US, the EU, Ukraine, and Crimea?

For a refresher, you may wish to check out The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Well, for one thing, Jupiter's freedom and expansion principles and Saturn's restriction and control principles are once again vying against one another--and the Fall of the Berlin Wall is one of the signposts on 'the march' to a new world order, aka, Global Government, which intends to disrespect all national boundaries since such antiquated concepts are considered old fashioned and past their expiration date.

3.7.14 Update: see The Reverse Berlin Wall? Russia, Ukraine And Markets with 'markets' having a Jupiterian flair.

That the intrigue going on now in Ukraine and Crimea is related to new world order chaos and the establishment of global totalitarianism, I have no doubt. Yet you, dear reader, may retain your doubt if you prefer.

Below, you see the Fall of the Berlin Wall horoscope set for Berlin and for 6:57 pm CET, the time a government official made the announcement that the Wall was now porous and would be opened. According to the details in Campion's World Book of Horoscopes, the official told a journalist that the decision (see powerful Sun-Pluto = Mercury of decisions--'lording it over someone') was effective "immediately" which was actually not their intention. The people were stunned and exalted at the prospect of being allowed to see family members they'd not seen in 28 years.

Soon crowds gathered at checkpoints along the 100-mile Wall but the guards had not yet been alerted about the change. The first entrance/exit to open was the Bornholmer Strasse Checkpoint at 8:15 pm CET and a horoscope for that moment is relevant as well. Another interesting horoscope is that for 'just after midnight' of August 13, 1961 near a *Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn when the Wall was first erected as most Berliners slept. That must have been a true nightmare to wake up to since whatever side, East or West, they'd gone to sleep on, there they remained for decades with the emotional and financial depression the government caused:

November 9, 1989 6:57 pm CET Berlin Germany; Hour of Jupiter which is Rx and rising along with Chiron @16Can27 Rx; ASC 5Can19 (which is America's natal Jupiter position--hmmm...?); chart-ruler is the Moon in merge-loving Pisces which makes two major applying aspects which show upcoming tendencies: a square to independence-loving Uranus @2Cap50 in the house of Work and Health (2A08) and a second square to Venus @4Cap22, also in the 6th house of Police, Military, and Daily Rounds which were now curtailed and restricted.

Moon square Uranus indicates understandably that emotional outbursts and erratic behavior ensued along with feelings of restlessness and, by some, a defiance of authority. (Tap or click the first link above about the Wall's history for details on attempts to scale the barricade.) Moon square Uranus is the 'born fighter for equal rights' aspect (Pelletier).

Moon (the people) square Venus, a money planet of relationships, values, and beauty, denotes deep ties with the past, guilt about letting loved ones down (unavoidable under the circumstances), and rebellion against restriction in relationships. This aspect also describes the sad loss of good-paying jobs in West Berlin by those stuck on the Eastern side where economics weren't so rosy.


So with transiting Jupiter again reaching 10Can38, its freedom and venturing across boundaries implications are being played out, this time by Russian troops invading Ukraine and Crimea--though some people think that the US has stirred up conflict in the region as President Putin has asserted. In light of the globalists' austere new world order agenda to take over the world and the decades of misuse of the American military in the role of 'world cop'--plus, the foreign intrigues of the CIA, the US involvement theory is quite easy to believe or at least, easy to not discount all together.

As you see in the chart, the significator for Communism, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction @10Cap+, is now conjoined by wealthy, stealthy Pluto which simultaneously opposes the Wall's Jupiter in Cancer. So in the 1989 chart, it looks like happy Jupiter (freedom) in home-loving Cancer is opposed by Communism's depressive Saturn-Neptune on 'the other side'--of the Berlin Wall. Can we agree on that?

Therefore, if the events of 1989 and 2014 are related on a level or two, the third conjunction of freedom-lover Jupiter, the General and the Explorer, to its 1989 position on or around March 17, 2014 may bring resolution to the Ukraine-Crimea stand off between America, the EU, and Russia, if not before. At least, that's my best guess and my fervent hope!

*The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction exact @25Cap12 on February 19, 1961: freedom/expansion and restriction/control mush together; the 'societal planets conjoined again three times in 1980/81 @4--10 Libra, and again on May 28, 2000 @22Tau43. The Berlin Wall disintegrated on November 9, 1989 during their opposition phase 28 years after it was erected to keep in fleeing East Berliners so that Communism would appear better than it can ever actually be.

And I type that even though Capitalism is the flip side of Communism.

Here's a view of Vladimir Putin's birth horoscope (RR: C for accuracy in question) in case you desire a gander.

Blog Note: if you scroll the sidebar of this blog to the Search field and type in Russia, Crimea, Putin, or other related topics you should get a list of previous posts--there are natal horoscopes for Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea around here someplace! jc

Mar 1, 2014

Horoscope: Crimea w March 1, 2014 New Moon in Pisces

Image: Natal Horoscope for Crimea: May 5, 1992 16:00 GMT Simferopol, Russia; Hour of the Moon; Moon (the people) out-of-bounds @22Gem53 in 8th house denoting separation between the people and the country's leadership especially in the area of Shared Resources:

Since I'm having tech problems here I'll quickly post this chart and hope you can enlarge to read my notes written thereupon. The Ukrainian Republic of Crimea began moving toward independence on June 28, 1991 when Crimean Tatars in Simferopol declared sovereignty. Previously an autonomous region within the Ukraine and not a state, the Crimean Parliament approved their independence on September 5, 1991 and this act "allowed for a proclamation of independence but was not used, being kept in reserve for future use. The only indication of time points to around 5:00 pm BST..." (Campion's Book of World Horoscopes.)

I have italicized 'being kept in reserve' because I think it partially describes the out-of-bounds (OOBs) condition of the people's Gemini Moon which implies separation or isolation since the Moon is the only OOBs planet in the natal chart. You will also note that the current position of transformative, destructuring Pluto @13Cap04 in Crimea's natal 3rd house is triggering Crimea's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series, the 12 North with its themes of 'more responsibilities' and 'making greater commitments' (Brady.)

Related: Russia may annex Crimea.

You will also note that the current news from the region being touted in the US is that Ukraine is divided between Russian influence and that of the European Union. Perhaps the Ukrainian people feel divided on such issues with natal Moon in dualistic Gemini. However, it does seem that there's a lot more than meets the eye in the Ukraine-Crimea-Russia-EU-US situation than this.

Astrologically, Pluto in bossy Capricorn also represents the wealth and power of the World Bank and the IMF, organizations which stand to make huge profits from a Western-based outcome to this tense quarrel which some believe has been instigated by the US government and others.

Personally, my suspicion is that President Putin and the other presidents involved are reading from the typical new world order/global government script--and there in the chart/s above is anarchist, disruptor, and revolutionist Uranus at '11Aries', "The President of the Country" degree in the Sabian Symbols.

See: Obama talks Ukraine sovereignty, Putin touts Russian security.

New Moon: a New Phase of Activity Begins as Global Chess Pieces Move

Well, many sneaky things ten to occur during a New Moon and the Dark of the Moon in the previous hours to its perfection. How appropriate that the March 1, 2014 New Moon degree of '11Pisces' has this symbol: "Men Seeking Illumination" which is part of what the new world order duo, Uranus and Neptune, stand for, plus tellingly, their Great Conjunction/s of 1993 at or near '18Cap' = "POLITICAL POWER"..."smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones) fits the actions now being taken in Crimea, Ukraine, Venezuela, and across the globe.

To the best of our abilities, it is obvious that everyone must prepare for the time when transiting Pluto reaches that degree area of the Zodiac (18-20Cap) for the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto threatens calamities, loss, and abandonment of resistance to what must be Pluto's Great Plan--global government--which in reality is already upon us if we allow Pluto a 5-degree orb from 13Cap to 18Cap.

Mar 26, 2012

Obama confident of re-election--or already selected?

Update Mar 27, 2012: the real story behind President Obama's hot-mic moment.

Original post begins here:

You gotta love it when open mikes catch unguarded conversation between global power grabbers like Obama's Nuclear Summit Gaffe which tells a lot.

Is President Obama that confident of his re-election in November 2012?

Or do his remarks support my constant grousing of the last few years that movers and shakers like the Bilderberg Group in June 2008 (at their Chantilly, VA meeting) selected Mr. Obama to play the role of US president over Hillary Clinton, in part because his rhetoric so thrilled the masses which therefore would make the American people more amenable to their global domination plans, at least for a while?

After all, the Electoral College decides our president and vice president, not We the People.

As I've mentioned before, in 2008 the GOP ran the Old Man and the Unread as 'candidates' against then-popular Mr. Obama and his star power (his natal Mars conjunct our national Neptune, planet of the masses, and together, Mars/Neptune gave him a rockstar glow and charisma which, as usual with unreliable Neptune, has faded to a large extent though Neptune still throws a veil over his true motivations and actions.)

Well, it must be quite easy to exhibit confidence as you reassure other world 'leaders' when the powers-behind-the-throne are in your corner and you're championing a rigged game.

Oddly enough, I've had the same feeling about the GOP and the clowns--a One Percenter, a Bedroom Spy, and Newt--they're parading about in 2012, taking up space in the news! Is this a fake campaign? Can they be serious?

Whether fake or not, Mr. Obama will 'win' in November and global domination policies (war) will continue apace which, of course, they will no matter who fills the role of Mouthpiece of the White House.

Jan 7, 2011

Jon Stewart unFriends Facebook (video) and so will I

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Anti-Social Network
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

Here's Jon Stewart's hilarious take on recent FaceBook developments. Personally I had already decided to 'unFriend' FB, too, ever since the news broke of Goldman-Sachs and RUSSIA sticking their camel noses under the FB tent.

It's only a matter of time before I leave FB, so if you want to check out my pages/wall/photos/artwork/astrology, whatever, I suggest you do it very soon! (See sidebar for link: 'Facebook? Really?' from which, perhaps, you can tell I had serious reservations about joining FB from the get-go. My misgivings are now confirmed.)

Of course, my dilemma is: will closing my FB account leave a sticky residue as experienced when I left MySpace a few years ago? Or will it be a clean break?

I suspect shenanigans will be afoot, don't you?

Oct 12, 2008

Bushes' 'new world order' hits snag

Or does it?

Bushes' 'New World Order' Is Yielding to 'Post-American' Era by James G. Neuger makes a case for Chinese and Russian supremacy over the seriously undermined U.S. of A. and Neuger makes excellent points, yet I'm not so quick to buy all of it hook, line, and sinker.

In my 'new world order' reading there is a certain list telling which entities will be the eventual leaders in hierarchical order and if it's to be believed, America is not and never was, slated to be top of the heap in the one-world-government endeavor. (Click link, then click through to an article, Planet Earth As Weapon and Target.)

Well, as I've groused on this blog and elsewhere, it's easy to say things like: Bush is a failure, and Iraq is a quagmire, etc...unless you agree that things, as Cheney and Rummy always said, are going well, thanks. For neocon purposes, perhaps they are! And they weren't just saying it, they were admitting it.

The lousy occurrences under Bush43's presidential terms, in all their gross splendor, have certainly contributed to the looting of America's resources and have decimated an entire generation of our youngest and brightest. It's difficult to ignore that population control is on the agenda in many regions of the world. You are expendable as am I.

Successfully Invading Scene One

So for any of this to be the case, you must accept that Bush-Cheney have been telling the truth all along, and that most of their so-called ineptitude is actually well-scripted orders being successfully followed and executed.

'Taking the heat' is easy to bear as long as no one will be removing you from the White House or arresting you, no matter what you do or how callously you do it...or in such cases as Hurricane Katrina "rescue," how you don't do it knowing that you'll pay little if any price for your sorriness toward your fellow man.

That raiding archaeological relics of inestimable value was part of the invasion-of-the-Holy-Land scheme seems obvious to me for secret scrolls and manuscripts are craved by such "elite" powermongers who will be rewarded for their services to a larger cause.

What they were really looking for I don't pretend to know. Perhaps YOU have an idea? Control of Iraq's oil is a duh, but there was more, including breaking up a black market in oil.

Yet even if you buy none of this conspiracy crapola you must admit that the same results have acrued - the US has squandered her role of supremacy, our nation's wealth has been redistributed away from we-the-people, and the party is all but over.

The ship has listed badly under the Bush-Clinton dynasties and safe haven is no longer in sight...our options are limited, m'peops, and we will not be passing on to future generations anything like the America we once knew and loved.

Sad to say, if Barack Obama has any possibility of restoring our nation back to her former glory - or some semblance of it - the world syndicate of powermongers will see to it that he is not successful in any meaningful way. His chance of staying in office will be to cooperate with them, tentacles and all.

If McCain nabs the Oval Office, his indebtedness will be plain to see, plus, he'll topple easily if/when necessary...which will leave Palin "in charge" and she will be an indebted pawn and a half, won't she?

Yes, these people play for keeps. And America will fulfill her prescribed role when she takes her place down the list of leading nations in the new world order regime.

Now, if I haven't put you off completely, please read the above-linked article and notice Neuger's mention of the lighting of the 'eternal flame' at the Beijing Olympics as Russia invaded Georgia - and the date, August 8, 2008...halfway between the Solar Eclipse of August 1 and August 16's Lunar Eclipse.

You know, the 'eternal flame' is an Illuminati symbol of their victory over an enemy.

Seriously. It is.

Sep 6, 2008

Woodward's book and American state terrorism

Turning Away From American State Terrorism

By: Peter Chamberlin

In Pakistan we find the complete history of the American "war on terrorism,"from its Cold War origins nearly thirty years ago to its present incarnation in the illegal American aggression in Pakistan's Frontier region (FATA, Federally Administered Tribal Areas) and in American attempts to reignite the Cold War with Russia.

Read more here...


US Spied on Iraqi Leaders, Book Says; Woodward Also Reveals That Political Fears Kept War Strategy Review'Under the Radar'

By Steve Luxenberg

During the interviews with Woodward, the president spoke of the war as part of a recentering of American power in the Middle East. "And it should be, "Bush said. "And the reason it should be: It is the place from which a deadly attack emanated. And it is the place where further deadly attacks could emanate."

Read more here... #


NPR at noon Sept 6: slain leader Benazir Bhutto's husband has easily won the vote as Pakistan's president.

Sep 1, 2008

Missing nukes feared in Georgia

The region in the Caucasus where Russia, Georgia, and South Ossetia are currently entangled are hiding deeper fears than most people care to consider in the light of day.

Read the world news from The Telegraph.

This is a good demonstration of how 'civilized' countries should keep their differences with one another under better control so that rogues don't take advantage of chaotic situations for their own purposes.

Aug 10, 2008

August 1 Solar Eclipse: video

Considering the Beijing Olympic Games, with heinous murder to their credit within the first 24 hours, and the aggressions going on between Russia and Georgia (which may involve the US and NATO and be the start of WWIII, some fret), the recent Solar Eclipse of August 1 deserves a second or third viewing - its effects may be with us way longer than we wish them to be.

Now you may see a brief *Saturn ad first, but that will soon pass. Actually I drive a Saturn and it's a great car as cars go!

*I just checked the video and got a Brita ad but can't say I've used Brita in years...guess it's an ad smorgasbord...take your chances!

Bush's term: credit crisis and loss for America

Credit Crisis Triggers Unprecedented Response

Worst debt turmoil since Depression sparks government action

By David Cho and Neil Irwin

Since the credit crisis erupted a year ago, the Bush administration has presided over one of the broadest expansions of the government into private lending in US history, risking public money to prop up financial firms both large and small.

Read article at ICH #


Currently George Bush's natal Mars 9Vir18 is being squelched by transiting Saturn...well, for most of us this transit would be a squelching by old man Saturn, planet of grim reality, of our action and energy. That Bush's cushy life will feel the effects of Saturn's authority and his tendency to bring things to account is debateable.

Ordinarily this would be a transit of head colds, loss, and other restrictions yet Bush is livin' large in Beijing and schmoozin' with Vladdie and the boys - while elsewhere on the planet aggression causes loss to others.

If anything, perhaps the outbreak of aggression (authority) between Georgia and Russia may be considered somehow part of the Saturn-to-Mars transit of Bush whose Mars has certainly made itself apparent on the world stage and who now plays a part due to US backing of Georgia.

Firm determination to succeed no matter what is right up Dubya's alley and may be enough to use this transit to accomplish goals, along with more focus (uh oh - the raptor's gaze) and better organization is needed now as well.

Saturn to n Mars may indicate difficulties within male relationships which may be broken off at this time. Seriousness permeates the air around Bush, but that's nothing new for a man accustomed to sending people to their deaths and following along with NWO plans to dominate the world.

And with Bush's elite connections, who always pull his bacon out of the fire when he messes up, perhaps a tooth ache (quite common with Saturn's visit to Mars) may be too much to expect for a man who loves to authoritate all over the place.

This is a good example of Astrology's ability to describe life on many levels - and that Bush obviously has other transits and chart factors softening the effects of what would be a difficult transit of loss and restriction for anyone else.

Come to think of it, this transit of our learless feader seems to manifest more as restrictions on cash and credit-strapped Americans than for him and is a fairly good example of the Bush/US natal Suns being conjunct...where he goes, we as a nation go. For eight long years.

Hopefully the situation with Russia and Georgia will not tempt Bush and the hawks into another war now that "Georgia's territorial integrity" is said to be on the table.

But for this crowd, it all returns to Politics, doesn't it? So if they can, the unfortunate conflagration abroad will be used by neocons to bolster the flacid, lackluster candidacy of John McBush.

Let's wait and see if it does.

Jan 1, 2008

that New World (Dis) Order

From Hyperpower To New World Disorder

By David Olive

For the first time since the end of the Cold War, America isn't alone on top. What's replacing the unipolar world of the 1990s? A gang of five superpowers: China, Russia, India, the Eurozone and the US.

Read article from Information Clearing House#

And when it comes to the worldwide crime syndicates shoving the rest of us around, the US is actually at the bottom of the pecking order! Which is one of the reasons US resources (booty? loot?) have been sent elswhere.

And where do 'hyperpower' or 'superpowers' fit into an astrology chart?

Mainly bwo of such midpoints as Sun/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto (and who can forget the so-recent meeting of Jup-Pluto Dec 11 in late Sag--at the "The pope blessing the faithful" degree?) ann-n-nd....wait for it...Pluto/Chiron, of course...the plutocrats, corporatism, The Family, crime syndicate, oppression, racism, class warfare, misogyny duo that fairminded, decent people would run away from if they could.

With the aid of the scientific community, they've tried to disappear saboteur and assassin Pluto from our view--and consciousness, but he still keeps turning up in all my charts--how about yours?

Sad note on the US diplomat's assassination: Mercury conj Icarus as mentioned below. There will be more.

Dec 2, 2007

Bush irony strikes Putin--no scratch reported

With transit *Jupiter conjunct Putin's natal Mars and tr Neptune conj his natal NN (the public), Vladimir Putin's party has "won" the elections in Russia.

And George Bush has mildly called for investigation into election "irregularities" in Russia which is not as surprising as it is ironic. After all, where does Bush think he'd be without election irregularities (and a complicit Supreme Court)?

As I've mentioned here before--cheating isn't "winning"'s stealing.

When election irregularities really needed investigating in the US, Bush stayed mum for all the obvious he dares to comment on Putin's situation which is sure to bring him understandable--if mock--scorn from Putin concerning our own election "process" which has turned against the populace like a piqued dictator on a rampage.

The Holier-Than-Thou Theater is tres dramatic, is it not?

And the win-at-any-cost Machiavellians among us would be comedically entertaining if they weren't totally vile and psychotic.

*Jupiter to Mars: a fortunate period if overestimation of abilities is avoided; luxury consciousness prominent; on the winning team. Or in this case, on the cheating team which passes for winning in today's political world.

Neptune to North Node: inspired use of illusion or deception in dealing with the public (who sees what they want to see!)

Oct 13, 2007

You say, Kremlin...I say, White House

It's a ROFLMBO Day!

Here's the source of my Saturday hilarity: the AP article promoting the riotously ironic idea that Secretary of State Rice is Worried by Putin's Broad Powers, an article in which we find Condi Rice saying, "In any country, if you don't have countervailing institutions, the power of any one president is problematic for democratic development."

!!!!! (Expletive deleted. What does she know about it and when did she know it?)

Hey Condi, in America it's supposed to be called checks and balances before your boss and his cronies undermined it like all get-out.

More irony from Condi, but beware--stitch may form in side:

"I think there is too much concentration of power in the Kremlin....Everybody has doubts about the full independence of the judiciary."

You say Kremlin, I say White House, let's call the whole thing off, shall we?

Oh Condi, come on home--you sound (if possible) even more idiotic and unaware of your pot-kettle tendencies when in Moscow while Vladie Putin will be laughing his buns off all the way to the premiereship.

Besides, you know Bush longs to hang onto the White House if he can--even if it takes a false flag op to do it. Girl, you know it's true.