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Showing posts with label The Tower Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Tower Eclipse. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2018

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria - Crosses Trump

April 12, 2018: here's an excellent needs-to-be-heard segment with Jimmy Dore. If you've never checked out The Jimmy Dore Show--his comedy, news segments, and political commentary before then this segment is a great place to start. And if you're against America blundering into another war (collateral damage, plunder, crime, primal violence, soul sickness, death cults and other evils)--note that this time we're being force fed by John Bolton and others (including media heads like Andrea Mitchell, wife of Ayn-Rander Alan Greenspan, her boyfriend) are guiding a toolish Trump into setting off the powder keg--this time in Syria--as per their long-range plan--watch this!

Good news! The Jimmy Dore Show is now Steeming It!


Now on an astrological note (for timing purposes), a difficult Solar Eclipse will perfect on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North Saros Series with potential themes of towers and/or lifestyles collapsing, the necessary rebuilding once the dust has settled, and changes of direction (Brady). This causes me to think of 9/11 and false flag ops typically used by governments to emotionally scam a people into fighting and/or supporting a war even while the US Congress won't declare the 'conflict' as one. And actually, the West vs East conflagration is older than the hills and it's proven itself repeatedly to be at basis an endless round of revenge with machiavellian figures hiding behind dark curtains, clutching the reins--wealthy old men who somehow convince young men to fight proxy-style as crusaders and to fight to the death.

But really we felt forebodings, didn't we, when Donald Trump turned out to have royal Regulus rising with his warrior planet Mars in the last degrees of egotistical Leo, sign of the ruler. Yet only if the unforgivable can be forgiven can we prosper. How tragic to feel I must patiently wait for starry Regulus to fulfill its nature and grant its caution toward a man who takes revenge upon others (regularly and often--it's Mr. Trump's nature...Mars-Saturn = Pluto: the death of many people). For Regulus warns that if revenge is taken, all that has been previously achieved will be lost or suddenly taken away, a karmic situation where a man--or a government--must reap what's been sown.

Better the guilty varmint born with Regulus rising with a raging Mars than the innocent.

Midpoint picture of brutality: The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.

Apr 1, 2018

Astrologer Warns of Pluto Crossing October 31, 2018

April 1, 2018: since today is Easter Sunday (He Is Risen!), family doings are in progress here so this post is merely a quick heads-up concerning astrologer Chris Rogers' warning of an upcoming cosmic event which may, in that history-rhyming sort of way, affect finances of the masses (ex: the stock market) and potentially the power structure in Washington DC and elsewhere.

This is disturbing, I know, yet it seems to me that Pluto's Crossing tallies with the difficult 2 New North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which on Stars Over Washington (if nowhere else!) has been termed The Tower Eclipse due to its theme of 'collapse of existing structures and lifestyles' and the necessary 'rebuilding after the dust settles' (Brady). Basically, this eclipse describes #16 'The Tower' in the Tarot deck for those who use the cards. Notably, 2 New North also manifested prior to The Crash of 1929--follow the link for a few details. Also, 2 New North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the November 2018 Midterm Elections (hacked or crashed voting machines with plutonian Putin's claw prints all over the sabotage?)

Plus, astrological Pluto is also associated with underworld figures, networks, criminal cartels, mobsters and other financial crooks, plus, transnational bankers and foreign power brokers so given the Mueller investigation into the political and financial ties of Donald Trump and his dubious 'associates', major events may be expected before the end of 2018 and into early 2019. Certainly, conclusions will be reached and reports revealed which involve potentials for destruction, transformation, and/or regeneration of a plutonian nature.

Now I could parrot here more details concerning Pluto's Crossing and its mass power effects on the stock market, etc, but you'll fare better letting Chris fill you in if you're curious:

Pluto Crosses the Ecliptic October 31, 2018 from north to south.

Related info: a harbinger? Lexell's Comet.

Mar 25, 2018

Trump and Mercer and the 2018 Summer Eclipses

March 25, 2018: With communicator Mercury now retrograde, a review of videos on the topic of svengali-esque Trump-funder and social recluse Robert 'Bob' Mercer (Renaissance Technologies) and/or daughter Rebekah is actually quite easy to accomplish these days especially since the Cambridge Analytica scandal surfaced into mainstream awareness (and Mercer's funding of it, Breitbart News, Bannon, Conway, Cruz, Trump, etc.)

In one such video posted to YouTube on October 24, 2017, Seth Myers, in one of his The Check In segments, discusses Mercer and his far-right government-hating agenda, and more. Billionaire Mercer's aim is to reduce the US government to the size of a pinhead and he wants "it all to fall down" which perked up my ears since Robert Mercer's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series repeats on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 as The Tower Solar Eclipse for its themes of 'collapse of an existing structure or lifestyle' and the 'rebuilding that begins once the dust settles' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

What we can't know ahead of time is whether 'the tower that collapses' refers to the Washington establishment, Trump--his towers and administration, a Wall Street casino crash (where Mercer has worked as a hedge fund manager), the Mercer-Bannon-Trump campaign to destroy our nation, or all such possibilities during the season of influence of the 2 New North eclipse. It seems that all these potential scenarios have been set up by one group of actors or another but which one or ones will be triggered into reality by external events in the form of planetary transits and progressions? Will outcomes be determined by which event occurs first and either swoops the others along or perhaps makes any one of the possibilities moot?

Summer 2018: Eclipse Time Links May Be Activated

My previous thoughts before today have been that The Tower Solar Eclipse relates closely to financial events, in part because of certain US economic conditions brewing in recent years (exs: 2017's massive GOP tax cuts for the wealthy, and Trump's ill-considered trade wars), plus, because of two eclipse-related conditions--that Donald Trump's PE (2 Old North) repeats on July 13, 2018 @20Can41 (chart w details will soon be posted here--stay tuned) and the initial manifestation of Robert Mercer's PE (2 New North) which first manifested on June 17, 1928 @26Gemini during the run-up period prior to the Crash of 1929 (aka, 'Black Tuesday'--a noon horoscope is shown with destructive if wealthy Pluto @20Cancer where Trump's July 13, 2018 Solar Eclipse @20Can41 will 'hit' and thus will be made stronger as it activates the difficult fixed star Castor, one of the dark-light Gemini Twins with potentials for: sudden fame or loss, murder, crippling of limbs, and/or mental illness (A. Louis). Of course, Castor and his twin, Pollux, are also creative stars particularly in the form of writing so journalistic input such as publishing about the potentials just listed will surely be a factor.

Now it's true that both Summer 2018 Solar Eclipses are partial and so are not as strongly influential upon events or people as they could be. However, between them a Total Lunar Eclipse occurs and perhaps that is where most of the secrets lie--and will be revealed. Below is the DC horoscope of the Lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44 (near US natal SN) with my usual messy notes penned on. The chart is packed full of details with potentials for: strong emotions (furious outbursts), challenges to authority (Trump, Mueller, Putin, or other?), rash actions, even violent measures which, if taken, will result in severe karmic consequences. As you see marked in blue is Mercury Rx, unaspected, and ruler of 7th and 10th houses. Mercury unaspected suggests someone Mercurial who's isolated and/or hyperactive (Mercurial Trump the tweeter? Don jr in hiding?) and it looks as if retaliation is upcoming (trade wars?) via asteroid Tisiphone conjunct North Node.

As you see, it's an Hour of changeable Mercury Rx with chart-ruler Jupiter in Scorpio making only one Ptolemaic applying aspect, a trine to Neptune Rx in its own sign of shady Pisces. This applying aspect denotes that tricky conditions will continue or worsen, illusions and delusions will continue to abound, disguises are worn or attempted, and/or someone benefits from a run of 'dumb luck'. What I didn't add on the chart is the typical Jupiter-Neptune speculation which implicates the stock market and the usual tendencies toward over-promises, grand gestures, bubbles, and/or get-rich-quick and other schemes. Caution is advised! This eclipse affects the 2/8 money axis which can also tag sexual, corporate, or other antics now ripe for spotlights and the revelations uncovered by the 2018 Summer Eclipses.

Now attractive Venus at Midheaven suggests that critical perspectives and more modest values may be desired yet with US natal Neptune (22Vir25) at Lunar Eclipse Midheaven, the deluded/deluding conditions mentioned above may be already in play and too ingrained for much improvement from valuable Venus (possible currency wars too?). Of course, the exalted position in the chart of Venus in Mercury-ruled Virgo, sign of the virgin, may also be pointing directly toward Trump's ongoing scandals with the ladies--or perhaps another public figure's sexy behavior or finances will become public fodder for the media (MC). Either way, legalities will ensue with Venus in 9th house and more indictments or trials may occur. We should also note that 22Virgo+ is the degree of golfer Donald Trump's natal 2nd cusp, a money house--and he does love to spend (waste) large amounts of taxpayer money on vacation get-aways.

Then cosmically speaking, there's the 'natal echo' in the chart via one of Trump's natal midpoint pictures repeated here by transit--marked in orange, upper right, and posited in 2nd house is Mars-Saturn = Pluto: rage, fury, destruction, bodily harm--and what there was no space to write--brutality, all potentials compliments of Reinhold Ebertin

The last chart factor I want to mention in the Lunar Eclipse chart is a dynamic T-Square between the challenge-prone Sun-Mars opposition and quirky Uranus in money sign Taurus (in 5th house of Speculation) which forms a midpoint picture of potentials for: premature action, rash behavior, over-taxing of strength, sudden events, new conditions, and/or military call-up as in times of war--or in times when an Oval Office occupant needs more 'soldiers' in the war he wages on whomever or whatever gets in his way. And synchronistically enough, the July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse @4AQ44 falls within Mr. Trump's natal 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service.

Mar 20, 2018

Eclipse Horoscope of the 2018 US Midterm Elections

Here you see the DC Horoscope of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections, aka, 'The Tower Eclipse' which perfects on August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North Saros Series:

The 2018 US Midterm Elections will be held Tuesday November 6, 2018 with 36 states and 3 territories actively balloting, last I heard--and all House seats are up for grabs.

For the curious, this horoscope with details can be found in a previous post.

Mar 1, 2018

Manafort Trial Reset for September 17, 2018

By DonkeyHotey (Paul Manafort - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Of Kingpins and Squealers

by Jude Cowell

March 1, 2018: since yesterday, word is that the Paul Manafort trial has been reset for Monday September 17, 2018. It had been scheduled for March 15, 2018, a date of cosmic occurrences such as a seed-planting New Moon @24Taurus36--conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, and the day transit Uranus enters Taurus, sign of The Bull, though the disruptive planet of chaos will back into Aries once again in November 2018 and re-enter Venus-ruled Taurus for good in March 2019.

A glance at the general transits of September 17, 2018 show an excitable if not explosive and dangerous Mars-Uranus square, tr Mercury (planet of testimonies, deals, and such) @21Virgo and conjoining fixed star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), and a sobering or depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in very early Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And since world events tend to occur when Cardinal World Points of Manifestation (00Ari/Lib and 00Can/Cap) are triggered, we find wounded-wounding Chiron at Aries Point on that day and conjunct difficult fixed star Scheat with its potentials for malevolence of sublime scope, imprisonment, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide (A. Louis, N. DeVore, Ebertin-Hoffmann).

Additionally, transit Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, sits upon the disturbing degree of 19Scorpio (traditionally an 'evil degree'--Devore, who also says it's a crucial point of Ego vs Supreme Will) so Jupiter may not show the protection usually afforded especially since two malevolent stars inhabit the degree: North Scale with potentials for hasty words that cause problems, tragedy, and violence, and Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) with vibes of tragedy, misfortune, immorality, accidents, and/or danger of poison. Wonder of Mr. Manafort should use the services of a royal taste tester?!

Also of interest is the fact that moving Mr. Manafort's trial to September places the proceedings into the more difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 2 New North, with themes of The Tower that collapses (Brady). This includes plans and lifestyles collapsing and of course, Trump Tower comes easily to mind and although a complete financial and political collapse may be indicated for America (2 New North is the PE of Midterm Elections 2018--and as a POTUS goes, so goes America). However, it's Donald Trump who is closely linked to towers, even imprinting his name on them. Now this cosmic condition may very possibly bode ill for the Trump White House and for all he has gained so far in life because he regularly tends to ignore the karmic caution of his rising star, royal Regulus: success if revenge is avoided. And if it isn't avoided, at some point all that has been gained will be taken away.

Yet if total collapse is on the kingpin-in-chief's karmic agenda, would his Libran Jupiter's motto of "it's not fair!" agree that even a self-exalted, ego-based Mr. Trump must eventually reap what he's sown?

Related Posts include: A Noon Horoscope for Robert Mueller; Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull; and Chiron to Aries Point (3x--and please note that on the tri-wheel horoscopes I mislabeled the first conjunction as '2019' though the horoscope shown (April 2018) is correct.

Feb 25, 2018

We Don't Work for the Government - the Government Works for Us

Today SO'W is pleased to present another post written by Kevin Estes who provides us with a millennial perspective on the current condition of the US government.

We Don't Work For The Government, The Government Works For Us

by Kevin Estes

Years ago, the US Government actually performed its duty and worked for the people.

Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason for programs like Social Security.

Dwight Eisenhower is the reason for our highway system, allowing us to travel longer distances in a shorter amount of time.

Lyndon Johnson is the reason for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Food Stamp Program.

Even Richard Nixon, who is most known for the Watergate Scandal, is the reason for Supplemental Security Income, better known as SSI, and for the EPA.

Yes, upon a time Government actually worked for the people (the Democrats were becoming the left wing party, while the Republican party was more moderate). When did it go wrong?

In 1981, Ronald Reagan signed the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, lowering the top income tax rate from 70% to 50%, and then in 1986 signed the Tax Reform Act Of 1986, which lowered the top rate from 50% to 38.5%. After these tax cuts, the economy entered a recession in the late 80s and didn't recover until the time Clinton entered office. Reagan is also known for the Iran Contra Scandal, which involved the sale of weapons to Iran.

Bill Clinton, despite presiding over a strong economy throughout this two terms in office, signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act in 1996, which significantly reduced welfare benefits. He also repealed the Glass Steagall Act in 1999, which lifted strong regulations on the banks that were implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The repeal played a big role in the Great Recession that took place in 2008-2011.

George W. Bush is well known for his two sets of tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, both of which heavily benefited the wealthy, and also played a major role in the 2008 recession, as he refused to raise taxes while two wars were going on. He also signed the Patriot Act into law, suspiciously shortly after 9/11, rightly making people wonder if it was a planned attack for the purpose of suppressing freedom of speech by labeling violators as "terrorists".

Barack Obama is well known for Obamacare, which is a federal mandate to purchase health care, and likely a ponzi scheme to make health care providers richer, as premiums increased under this law.

And Donald Trump recently signed a huge tax cut for the wealthy into law, while taxes will go up for everybody else in 2025.

All of this, in the name of making their donors richer at the expense of the "little people".

How To Fix This

Simple. Get the money out of politics! If it was made illegal for corporations to bribe politicians, politicians wouldn't feel the need to make the rich richer, and have more freedom to govern according to the political indicators in their astrology charts. In Obama and Clinton's charts, the left wing economic and cultural indicators are very strong, so it's very likely that if they didn't have to be owned by multi million dollar corporations in order to get elected, they would have run the country in a much more progressive manner, similar to the likes of Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. As long as big money is involved in politics, the rich will continue to get richer at the expense of the poor.

Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008, and will be there until shortly after the 2024 election. It is no coincidence that the Great Recession started when Pluto first went into Capricorn, and that the issues regarding money in politics have been at the forefront throughout this transit. The Mueller Investigation, with Trump, Kushner, and many other Republicans being investigated for collusion with Russia, as well as money laundering, is likely a precursor to future laws prohibiting big money from influencing elections. With Pluto, the transformer, in Capricorn, the sign of government and big business, laws making the bribery of politicians illegal will be inevitable.

And these oligarchs know this, which is why the US Government is growing more and more authoritarian every year, in an attempt to slow down these changes, before Pluto enters the humanitarian sign of Aquarius for good in 2024. However, nobody beats astrology in the end, and it's foolish to believe that you can.

Eventually, the government will once again serve its original role, to work in the best interests of its citizens, keep us safe, and ensure us a good quality of life, but that won't happen until the oligarchy that has been in place for close to 40 years collapses.

Thanks Kevin! Perhaps the upcoming August 2018 Solar Eclipse--'The Tower Eclipse' with its theme of existing structures collapsing--will spark such a collapse of oligarchy in the US! After all, the US government was and is meant to be afraid of We the People--not the other way around. jc

Feb 16, 2018

A Few Astro-Notes on Sarah Huckabee Sanders

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was born on August 13, 1982 in Hope, Arkansas, hour unknown. Let's look at her 'noon' natal horoscope to glean a bit of cosmic information concerning Sarah Sanders, daughter of former AR governor, Mike Huckabee:

As you know, Mrs. Sanders, wife of Bryan Cranfield Sanders, became White House press secretary after the resignation of Sean Spicer. Sanders assumed office on July 26, 2017.

A horoscope set for August 13, 1982 Hope, AR 'noon' shows:

Sun @20Leo36, Moon @6Gem50 (Gemini, sign of communications, news, reporters, and duplicity--and near Mr. Trump's Prenatal Eclipse degree and US natal Uranus @8Gemini). Planet of communications and the press, Mercury, is around 8Virgo. Virgo is the sign of her father's natal Mercury as well and indicates one who is capable of attention to details, has specialized skills, is practical, and suffers from an inability to comprehend the whole. Criticism is also part of the Virgoan Mercury picture, both given and received. Well, she's in the perfect job for that working under the yoke of Donald Trump, ace critic.

Now the earliest possible position for her natal Moon is 29Tau47 (conjunct Midas!) so the chances are good that her natal Moon is in Gemini. However, below are the weaknesses of both Sun Leo-Moon Taurus and Sun Leo-Moon Gemini personality blends for the sake of comparison and because emotionally she seems to have more of a stubborn Taurean streak than that of a bright, witty, butterfly-like Gemini. Perhaps you know better. If so, please share!

Quoting Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, the weaknesses of a Sun Leo-Moon Taurus combo of energies ('the bulldozer') include, "Tendency to be intensely subjective and biased, proud and inflexible with inferiors; to be overtly selfish and withholding if offended and to speak out scathingly without thinking when a little diplomacy would win people over and magically move the obstacles that seem to stand in (your) way." This personality blend is shared by Bill Clinton and Carl Jung.

Sun Leo-Moon Gemini weaknesses include, "A tendency to rationalize; general restlessness and fickleness in emotional affairs; proneness to manifest all the undesirable qualities of the rebellious child when it pleases (you) to do so." This 'live wire' personality blend is shared by dictator Benito Mussolini and Amelia Earhart.

Also of interest is Sarah Sanders' Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series which manifested @28Cancer (conjunct her natal Venus) on July 20, 1982. Disturbingly, 2 New North repeats on August 11, 2018 @19Leo very near her natal Sun degree and has been termed by yours truly as The Tower Eclipse (DC horoscope shown) due to its themes of collapsing structures, plans, and lifestyles and the rebuilding that begins once the dust clears (Brady).

An eclipsed Sun in hot August by 'The Tower' Eclipse is quite enough to make me wonder if the White House tenure of press secretary Sarah Sanders will end before 2018 is over or in early 2019.

Now you may wish to check out Nine Things to know about Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House press secretary.

Above photo: Sarah Sanders; By The White House ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Jan 26, 2018

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2018 w Neptune at MC

Spring Equinox 2018: Kassandra Rising, Sun conjunct Nemesis, and Neptune at Midheaven

by Jude Cowell

March 14, 2018 Update: additional astro-notes are now posted regarding the Sun-Moon cosmic weather of Spring EQ 2018 if you're curious! Original post begins here:

In a December 10, 2017 post I published a dual image of the Spring Equinox 2017 and Spring Equinox 2018 horoscopes for the sake of comparison and I labeled planet Neptune the "star of the show" for its angular prominence in both charts. As you know, the 164-year-old Republican Party is in process of a Neptune Return and this can be related to their current nebulous control of the three branches of government, plus, a conservative majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. Neptunian back room meetings are prominent on Capitol Hill as always but perhaps more so these days, thanks to Mr. Trump and the GOP.

And we should note that Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces indicates potentials for pathological leanings and inclinations, mysticism, cravings, and pessimism (Ebertin); to this I would add such things as paranoia, fear, propaganda, instability, secretiveness, contagion, and shady activities. You may disagree, but there it is.

Below is a stand-alone horoscope of Spring Equinox 2018 (aka, the Aries Ingress) set for Washington DC. You see the 10th house Neptune @14Pis32 conjunct Midheaven (the Goal-Public Status-World Stage angle) and most visible spot in any horoscope. Neptune here suggests people on a spiritual mission--or public disgrace and since we're talking Politics (and considering all that's going on in DC), I must expect the latter, plus, some form or forms of dissolution as more congressmen step down or vow not to run again). Hidden motivations are also suggested by Neptune-MC, and written above the MC is "GOP natal Neptune 14Pis01" so they are the party most heavily affected as the GOP's Neptune Return trundles on through 2018 with disappointment, disillusion, delusion, dishonesty, instability, and perhaps inspiration in tow. As for a spiritual mission, the furthering of America's Secret (Neptune) Destiny may be referenced here. In the chart, the 2nd house North Node of future destiny is in Leo, sign of leadership, so America's next Nodal Return occurs this summer.

And if We The People play our cards right, perhaps karmic progress can be made especially since the Equinox's Prenatal Eclipse (PE) @27AQ07 on February 15, 2018 (here in 9th house) conjoined (or eclipsed) the US natal Moon of July 4, 1776 in the 1 South Saros Series with its themes of: flooded with ideas and options (Brady). Actually, Solar Eclipses in Aquarius, sign of humanitarianism, suggest just that--karmic progress is made when the past is used as a guide to future development rather than being seen as a burden (Rose Lineman). Open-mindedness is a must so obviously, Trump-style bigotry, misogyny, and zealotry must be overcome--and now is our opportunity to do so once and for all--if a majority of us take it advantage of it.

Now as you see, rising is 4Can54 which brings up asteroid Kassandra (the prophetess who tells the truth no one believes), plus, US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (POTUS) and hints that US currency evaluation issues are rising (as they are) along with budgets and funding (as usual). The chart-ruler Moon @8Tau035 is in the 11th house of Groups and Organizations with Taurus a money sign further indicating financial concerns of the public (Moon) and suggesting the lunar tendency toward publicity. However, as chart-ruler, the Moon makes no major applying aspects to other planets though there are waning trines to both Mars and Saturn snugged 'round the Descendant angle of Partnerships. (See the above link for additional Solar-Lunar info.) Plus, austere, conservative Saturn conjoins fixed star Facies (key phrase: ruthlessness or the victim).

All this bodes ill for partnerships and alliances with Washington (Trump), and also points toward the ill will between Mr. Trump and his many opponents. Note that Trump's first natal planet/s to rise in this chart are his 11th house Venus and Saturn in Cancer (partnership break-up/s?); his natal Ascendant is in 3rd house so no doubt we'll hear and read much about and from the put-upon Mr. Trump. Meanwhile, we must attempt to keep up as best we can with what the government is doing behind our backs while the distracting turmoil is going on for the Trump Distraction is very useful for saboteurs, foreign agents, and the current crop of coup-mongers in our government. Yet the Moon is apex of a midpoint picture with ASC-MC denoting feelings and intuition in the lead, plus, attitudes toward the feminine sex in general. This picture is emphasized along with the Moon's sign and house position. Plus, there's Luna's ruler-ship of both the 1st house (Spring season) and 2nd house (National Treasury; Values, Earning Ability; Issues of Self-Worth).

In addition, Sun reaches Aries Point during a Moon Hour so fluctuations and changes are in store within various realms, financial included (US natal Pluto is in the corporate 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Death, and Transformation). Note also that unmarked on the chart is the Moon conjoining two fixed stars: Hamal, the alpha star of Aries (to follow one's own path) and Schedir, the Queen. News of change for Elizabeth II? Perhaps. She will turn 92 years young on April 21st this year and the transiting North Node will very soon point toward her natal Leo Moon.

Now on the evening of March 20th, Luna does go on to sextile Neptune at 10:42 pm EST which denotes a need to guard against delusion, deception, fraud, and falsehood. But since we're talking Politics here, I know you're continually aware of such a need! For after all, astrological Neptune is planet of the masses, and also of the media whose mission of spouting propaganda at We The People on behalf of the power elite seems never-ending. This may be part of the Neptune-at-MC picture, I suspect, along with the dissolution of various government agencies now ongoing.

And although I neglected to enter it on the chart, 'dog star' Sirius @14Cancer (The Scorcher) rises in 1st house and can represent many concepts: the goddess, goddess worship, renown, dog bites, and, according to Nicholas Devore, denotes great dignity when rising. But whose dignity I cannot say! Can you? Special Counsel Robert Mueller's dignity perhaps?

Also in the public 10th house are wounded-wounding Chiron @28Pis24, Sun @00Ari00:00 conjunct transiting asteroid of divine retribution, Nemesis (POTUS vs The Establishment, the 'unbeatable foe'?), and Mercury @16Ari32 conjunct Venus @16Ari59, the Kabbalistic Shekinah pair with its 'divine presence' and 'sacred feminine' vibes. So considering the currently touted 'rise of the feminine' in America, perhaps Sabian Symbols for '16Aries' (the 'karmic confrontation' degree) and '17Aries' will be revealing:

"16Aries": "Brownies Dancing in the Setting Sun" = INVIGORATION: positive: simple good fortune together with unlimited opportunity as the direct fruitage of effort; negative (unconscious/shadow side): delusions of adequacy with a complete inability to act in real self-interest.

"17Aries": "Two Prim Spinsters" = DIVORCEMENT: positive: utter fidelity to self and all its special idealizations of its own capacities; negative: an increasing exaltation of shallow interests and a witless pretense of distinction and great virtue." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones).

Well, that's all I have to say for today about Spring Equinox 2018 in Washington DC. You may certainly find more chart factors worth noting in your own opinion and I hope you will!

Evaluating Venus-related News: Trump vs Mnuchin: Strong vs Weak Dollar.

Related Posts include: GOP's March 6, 2018 Neptune Return (#3 of 5) chart if you're curious; other Return dates are listed in the post. Also see Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms, aka, 'The (structure-collapsing) Tower Eclipse'.

Now here are some 'Kassandra Blessings" for us all:

Jan 17, 2018

Trump Money Laundering and Kazakhstan natal data

Wednesday January 17, 2018: by now you've heard of more money laundering accusations apparently being leveled against Donald Trump having to do with the Trump SoHo Hotel (now The Dominick) and kleptocracy Kazakhstan, plus, the fact that Trump welcomed the autocrat of Kazakhstan to the White House yesterday. Guess they had stuff to catch up on! (Or stories to get straight). Well, here's the country's foundation data for its declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in case you don't have it yet:

Kazakhstan December 16, 1991 14:00 GMT Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan; ASC 29Cap45; MC-IC 12:41 Aries-Libra (critical degrees); Sun 24Sag01 in 5th h; Moon 19Ari51 10th h; unaspected Pluto 21Sco35 5th h (foreign control); Prenatal Solar Eclipse (July 11, 1991) 11 South 18Can58.

11 South themes: old ideas/methods fail, new systems needed to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed (Brady). Set up specifically for money laundering ventures and other financial crimes, was it?

Last 11 South Eclipse: July 22, 2009 29Can26--conjunct Kazakhstan's natal Ascendant.

See the BBC Timeline of Kazakhstan history which includes four events in 2009 (check out the French action).

Is it curious that two descriptive asteroids are angular in the Kazakhstan independence chart? They are Nemesis Rx rising @29Cancer and Panacea at the critical-degreed Midheaven. Banking Jupiter (also plays The Politician) is in the 2nd house of Money and Values and traveling with asteroid Cupido which contains several archetypes within, any of which may apply: The Family (religious, criminal, or other type of large organization), Corporatism, the Criminal Underworld. Actually, the word 'mafia' comes to mind.

Interesting that all the transiting planets now in Saturn-ruled Capricorn are snugged within the chart's 6th house with the national North Node 9Cap57, Uranus 12Cap47, and Neptune 15Cap39, the 'Enlightenment Planets' shown as they were lining up for their three Great Conjunction/s in 1993 @18Capricorn: smug or strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER..."The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer." And with transit Pluto @18Capricorn off and on these days, the trio forms the stark midpoint picture: 'the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise' (Noel Tyl).

And on this towering financial topic we then look to the upcoming Solar Eclipse due on August 11, 2018 @19Leo in the 2 New North Saros Series, the themes of which mimic the meaning of Tarot card #16, The Tower which collapses in a cloud of dust. Perhaps 2 New North eclipse energies refer to the global economic system on course for demolition and rebuilding in The Dragon's image, and/or, on another level, to Donald Trump's much touted, now weakened 'empire' of gilt and illusion. After all, some Trump buildings have been taking 'TRUMP' off their facades for a while now in vain attempts to hide past links to the man. And personally, I don't blame them. Do you?


For more info on the creation of Kazakhstan see Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes chart #175.

Dec 26, 2017

Horoscope: Leo Lunar Eclipse Jan 31, 2018 and more

Here is a DC Horoscope of the first eclipse of 2018, a Lunar Eclipse in Leo, plus, a brief review of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2018 and links to further details:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @11Leo37 January 31, 2018 8:26:39 am est Capitol Building Washington DC USA across the 6/12 Virgo-Pisces axis; Hour of the Moon; Moon conjunct North Node, Sun conjunct South Node and Venus. The Previous Solar Eclipse @28Leo52 of August 21, 2017 (The Great American Eclipse) was Total across America, 'splitting' it North and South, and manifested in the 1 North Saros Series.

After the January 31st Lunar Eclipse in Leo comes its accompanying Solar Eclipse on February 15, 2018 @27Aquarius, what I've termed the 'We The People' Eclipse in the 1 South Saros Series because it conjoins US natal Moon in our late afternoon US natal chart/s of July 4, 1776.

Now as you know, a Lunar Eclipse that occurs prior to an accompanying Solar Eclipse suggest a period of decline and a passive response to the influences of the Solar Eclipse since it's a waning period of time from Full Moon to New Moon. With these two eclipses the Leo-Aquarius self-will polarity vs humanitarian efforts are concerns as 2018 begins--all eclipses are 'wild cards' of the Universe for they can disrupt like quirky planet Uranus, with their themes acting in similar fashion to a computer program 'running in the background' of society. This Leo-AQ influence spotlighted by 'cosmic blinks' in early 2018 may be a veiled reference to the self-interested, strong-willed Mr. Trump's rising Leo Mars opposing US natal Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, a passionate pairing that suggests potentials for antagonism, anger, mishaps, or even danger. Unfortunately, his 'finger on The Button' comes to mind along with the certainty of breakdowns of various sorts.

Then there's the Solar Eclipse of July 13, 2018 @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series (Mr. Trump's PE series), and the last 2018 Lunar Eclipse @5Aquarius on July 27th conjunct US natal South Node so perhaps more than the usual amount of unconscious material and secrets may be revealed from our nation's (or Donald Trump's) past and weaknesses inconveniently exposed.

The final eclipse of 2018 is a significant Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 @19Leo in the 2 New North Saros Series, aka, The Tower Eclipse which for obvious reasons may relate directly to Donald Trump and thus to America and its crumbling infrastructure, neglected for decades by Washington politicians who'd rather militarize the world and fund construction projects in foreign countries instead of spending our tax monies on our needs here at home.

Nov 8, 2017

Eclipses and a few other Cosmic Events of 2018

Please note that the following list of Cosmic Events of 2018 is incomplete and does not cover the entire year because not all 2018 events have been written about and published yet!

As you know, each year begins under the influence of the Winter Solstice planets of the prior year which in this case is the Winter Solstice of 2017. Its solar influences extend at least until Spring Equinox 2018 in March.

Astrologically, year 2018 itself opens with a Cancer Full Moon at '12 Cancer' which is the "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" degree suggesting an "occult potential of being, one that requires a deeper or higher 'vision', a holistic perception...; Keynote: The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning." REVELATION."

The symbol for the January Full Moon's prior degree of karmic confrontation is '11 Cancer' = "A Clown Caricaturing Well-Known Personalities"; "Keynote: The value of humor in developing objectivity and independence of mind. DECONDITIONING." Mr. Trump pontificating from the White House has been a comedy bonanza for our erstwhile late night funny men and stand-up comics and a safety valve for Americans and others who appreciate their efforts to make us laugh to keep from crying.

Then, after a very long year 2017, the Trump (excuse for an) administration has its Inauguration 2018 Solar Return (horoscope shown with POTUS Sun in 6th house, quirky Uranus at Midheaven--is this Return chart showing a change of occupation or residence? Poor health due to too much fast-food eatin'? Use of military and police forces? Any, all, or none of these?) All bets are off on whether insulter-in-chief Trump remains in the White House into 2018 and/or beyond. After all, last evening's election results in Virginia, New Jersey, and elsewhere favored Democrats over Republicans as a rebuke to Peckerwood Trump and his party of billionaires and racists!

Now three Solar Eclipses occur in 2018 and are repeats of year 2000 (there was a fourth solar eclipse on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn, the repeat of which manifests in the 2 South series on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn.) Obviously these solar eclipses of 2000 occurred before the 'New Millennium' dawned and prior to the attacks of 9/11. Currently we are under the auspices of a 1 North Solar Eclipse which manifested as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself).

Next up is the 1 South Solar Eclipse or what I'm calling The 'We The People Eclipse' of February 15, 2018 @27AQ (conjunct US natal Moon of July 4, 1776). We receive a 'cosmic blink' from this 'wild card of the Universe' as more secrets are starkly revealed by eclipse light.

And on May 15, 2018 rebellious, disruptive Uranus Enters Taurus, a money sign ruled by comfort-loving Venus and signaling a period of risking everything in one toss, speculation, and/or seeking individual methods of financing (Ebertin).

Then on July 13, 2018 it's a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series which is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series of quixotic Donald J. Trump, swamp-drainer extraordinaire (not!) His 2 Old North PE occurred on June May 30, 1946 @8Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus which suggest potentials for revolution, resistance, protests, unrest of the people due to his actions and rhetoric, upsets in the nation, a break for freedom, and/or violence.

Note that one of the historical events of early 1946 include President Truman setting up the CIG (Central Intelligence Group) but he signed the National Security Act on July 26, 1947 and you may wish to view the CIA's Neptune Rising natal horoscope here. The secretive organization is a Saturn-Pluto/Mars-Uranus/Moon-Jupiter affair and will experience a three-fer Jupiter Return (17Sco52) on January 6, May 12, and September 5--all in 2018. See The History of the CIA for copious historic details.

The third and final Solar Eclipse of 2018 is The 'Tower Eclipse' of August 11th in the 2 New North series with its 'collapse of an existing structure' theme that resonates closely with Tarot card 16. This eclipse also resonates by degree (19Leo) with the 18 North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1961, the PE of FOX News personality Sean Hannity (in case you're a fan). Current-day, 18 North manifested on September 13, 2015 @20Virgo with themes of 'high stress level, taxing of strength, physical concern' (Brady).

And on November 5, 2018--around the time of the 2018 Midterm Elections--it so happens that US Constitution's Progressed New Moon perfects at 16Tau03 (chart shown). '17 Taurus' = "A POLARIZATION OF VALUES" (symbol: "Swords vs Torches"). This Sabian Symbol is so full of esoteric meaning concerning the founding of America that a book would have to be written!

Then beginning in December 2017, Ronald Reagan and his policies and political legacy of 'trickle down' economics has a three-fer Jupiter Return to his natal Jupiter position (13Scorpio) which extends into 2018 as transit Jupiter, banking planet of jackpots and lotteries, expands himself along through the secretive and ruthless business sign of Scorpio.

Well, there is my partial list of previously published posts concerning 2018. Knowing myself as well as I do, updates to this list as posts are published probably won't be happening but a reader can always plug '2018' into the sidebar Search Box and see what appears!


Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar; eclipse dates and themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Jun 11, 2017

The 'Cosmic Blinks' of Donald Trump and Trump Tower

Image: the 'cosmic blinks', aka, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, of Donald Trump born June 14, 1946; please enlarge for better viewing.

Themes of his 2 Old North Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) are listed along with certain conjunctions to US natal planets, and other factors such as his birth on the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse @23Sag04, and his PE repeating on July 13, 2018 at a critical degree (20Cancer) which will emphasize his 2 Old North's basic themes beginning in early July 2018 and lead directly into the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @19Leo (2 New North) with themes of 'sudden collapse of an existing structure' and 'lifestyle collapse' (B. Brady) - themes which hauntingly echo Tarot card number 16: The Tower:

Eclipses of a Gilded Trump Tower

Perhaps you're a bit curious about Trump Tower. Construction began in 1979, a year of two solar eclipses: 1. Feb 26, 1979 @7Pisces in the 17 South Saros Series--'sudden success with group projects and/or relationships', and 2.August 22, 1979 @29Leo in the 18 North Series--'high stress level, a taxing of strength, large expenditures of effort, accidents or illness' (there were accidents and deaths during construction, if memory serves--it has 58 stories though the top floor is numbered '68'). As I type (June 11, 2017), note that we're currently under the influence of a 19 South Solar Eclipse which manifested on February 26, 2017 @8Pisces.

You'll also note that the 18 North eclipse @29Leo is at the same degree as the Total Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 we're all waiting to view which suggests resonance on a Leonine level (cautions against pride, vainglory, egotism, pomposity, bragging, 'showboating'), plus, a 29th degree suggests impatience of some sort--and conjoins the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump (29Leo) and royal Regulus (caution: success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all gains will be taken away).

Now the PE of Trump Tower, which opened on November 30, 1983 (with a gilded flourish, no doubt) is the 3 North Series which manifested on June 11, 1983 @20Gemini (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal North Node (20Gem48) and snugged betwixt his natal Uranus (17Gem53) and natal Sun (22Gem55) in his 10th house of Public Status and Career. Plus, America's natal Mars 22Gemini is tucked in there somewhere.

3 North themes are of an 'over-excessive' series, news that transforms a situation and causes worry and obsession, undertaking large plans that work out successfully as long as one doesn't get carried away' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady). 3 North last manifested on the day of Summer Solstice 2001 at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer and is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the WTC ('Twin Towers') attacks of 9/11/01. A 3 North solar eclipse next occurs on July 2, 2019 (in time for America's birthday) @11Cancer.

NBC video: During a Campaign 2016 debate, Marco Rubio mentioned Trump's use of undocumented Polish workers during the construction of Trump Tower. Somewhat curiously, the video is dated February 26th.

May 6, 2017

2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes

Re: Cosmic Blinks! 'Wild Card' Eclipses Affect History

For better viewing, please enlarge the image of the 2018 list of Solar Eclipses (with themes) and Lunar Eclipses.

Occurring after what's being called The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 which 'splits' our nation from coast to coast, the 2018 Solar Eclipses fall into the 1 South, 2 (New) North, and 2 Old North Saros Series and, based on the Nodal cycle of 18.6 years, are repeats of the eclipses of year 2000 in the same signs (AQ, Cancer, Leo) but at different degrees. In addition, the year 2000 brought a fourth Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Series which manifested on Christmas Day @4Capricorn. This go-round, 2 South will repeat on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with themes of suddenly finding a new group to join and expecting great gains from such group involvement (Brady).

Since history tends to rhyme if not repeat, deeper insights into the 2018 Solar Eclipses may be attained by considering the historical events that occurred in the years that their initial eclipses began:

1 South occurred @1Vir15 on August 24, 1729 (ends September 22, 2973); 2 (Old) North began @5Can49 on June 24, 792 (OS) (ends July 23, 2036); 2 New North began June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 (ends July 16, 3172) and not only relates to the NYSE and finances but through the influence of its theme of collapse is understandably called, The Tower. Of course, the WTC Twin Towers were already brought down on September 11, 2001 but we now have NYC's Trump Tower (and various other Trumpish structures across the globe) to concern us in more ways than one. Significantly, 2 Old North is the Prenatal Eclipse series of Mr. Donald Trump and in 1946, his year of birth, eclipsed America's natal Uranus @9Gemini--our totem planet of war and revolt.

However, please note that "The Tower" Solar Eclipse of July 31, 2000 (which repeats on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41) was actually not the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) of the 9/11 attacks as we might expect. The PE of 9/11/01 was the 3 North which manifested prominently at Summer Solstice 2001 (June 21) upon the Cardinal World Point of 00Cancer, the stargate degree. And with glaring synchronicity as humanity entered the New Millennium, the winds of war and strife had already been let loose as described by the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse in the 1 North series, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' that Nostradamus warned us about so many moons ago with its Fixed Grand Cross of Oxen-Lion-Eagle-Angel (mid-degrees of Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius) which may be found prophetically described in the Book of Revelation.

Related: Signs in the Sky: Opening the Stargate, an intriguing book by Adrian Gilbert.

And speaking of Mr. Trump, US Uranus, and wild cards, here's a related not-to-miss 10-minute video Anonymous: The Truth About Donald Trump for those who dare.

Jan 13, 2017

Issues Of The Day w/ Congressman Mark Pocan! - Thom Hartmann (plus, Eclipses)

January 13, 2017: In this segment Thom Hartmann discusses current issues with US Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI), member of the AFL-CIO as a small business owner of a printing company:

Astro-Notes: Mark Pocan

Mark Pocan was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 14, 1964: natal Sun @22Leo will be revealed or activated by the Lunar Eclipse @22Leo on February 10, 2017; natal Moon ranges from 11Sco--23Scorpio in the area of his natal Neptune @15Scorpio - a Moon-Neptune conjunction denotes interest in public service but also a tendency to drift off into daydreams if not focused. The North Node of public contact and future direction conjoins one of the World Points of fame and recognition (00Cancer) and Jupiter (politics, finances, religion, etc) @24Taurus conjoins natal Midas. His Saturn @2Pisces indicates struggles with opponents, modesty, reserve, working in isolation, and respect for the past. Saturn is the handle of a Bucket shape so that Saturn in Pisces reveals a special capacity or gift which apparently is to work in government (Saturn) as a politician serving the masses (Pisces).

For background cosmic energies: Rep. Pocan was born into the 2 New North Saros Series and his Prenatal Eclipse (PE) manifested on July 9, 1964 @17Cancer which contains unfortunate themes of: collapse of lifestyles or plans, confusion reigns but after the dust settles rebuilding begins with far-reaching effects; sudden collapse of an existing structure--as described by the Tarot card: The Tower. Last occurrence: July 31, 2000 @8Leo, and of course everyone thinks of the attacks of 9/11. 2NewN is the PE of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Laura Bush, all born in 1946 (themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology). The slightly older Mr. Trump was born into the 2 Old North series which repeats in 2018 as does the 2 New North Solar Eclipse--'The Tower Eclipse'--which (I regret to inform you) manifests on August 11, 2018 @19Leo, presumably Mr. Trump's second year in office.

Bucket info from The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation by Marc Edmund Jones (1941).

Oct 17, 2008

George Bush + Oliver Stone natal charts

Lower left chart, George W. Bush (July 6, 1946), upper right chart Oliver Stone (Sep 15, 1946, rating B.)

From what I'm hearing about director Oliver Stone's new film W, he and George W. Bush share something - each has a father complex.

Yet from the looks of their close-in-time natal charts, they share more than that.

Both men were born within the same Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 2 New North, the Series that concerns collapse of plans and lifestyles with long-term effects of rebuilding and transformation. If you relate this Series to the Tarot deck's #16 - The Tower card, you have it in a nutshell.

Brady's Predictive Astrology adds that after the dust settles and the rebuilding starts, the consequences of the re-shaping will have far-reaching effects; this Eclipse Series tends to change people's directions through a sudden collapse of an existing structure.

Now we know that Solar Eclipses can leave their marks for years by sensitizing the degrees at which they manifest, and this particular Series is still having, imo, far-reaching effects (along with the 'King of Terror' - or 'Alarm' - Eclipse of August 11, 1999; 18Leo+, the position of Venus on 9/11/01.)

Both Eclipses are part of the ongoing financial crisis and collapse of our world economy which I have previously stated stems from the ripples issuing from the attacks of 9/11 ("The Tower" x 2.)

That I believe the economic collapse has been on the drawing board for years in order to usher in a new financial world order is beside the point - the point is, you're feeling these effects and so is everyone you know. Fear is what they want us to feel. Notice Warren Buffett's comments about when he buys up stocks.

So the media is helping to prepare us now with "our financial system will never be the same" - things will be 'different', and questions like, Is capitalism dead? You've heard it all, I know you have, as Pluto's transformative power moves into the business-politics-law sign of Capricorn, sign of The Father.

Synchronistically, another 'heralding' event occurred within the 2NN Series: the bombing of the USS Cole (Oct 12, 2000.) And I believe that much of the final plans for the 'New Millennium' switch toward totalitarianism were laid under the auspices of this difficult Eclipse Series along with that of the August '99 Eclipse. The secret hand of Pluto has an ephemeris and Astrology software, too, oh yes it does.

So July 31, 2000's 2NN Eclipse occurred at '7Cancer' which, as you see if you click the image to enlarge, is conj Bush's 12th cusp, and teh Unconscious 12th house is the house of Karma and Self-Undoing, while in Stone's chart '7Can' falls in his 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, and the Higher Mind.

The degree of George Bush's natal Ascendant - and the Midheaven of Oliver Stone - WHAT? in Bush's chart, WHY? in Stone's is '8Leo.' This is also the natal degree of Mercury for Bush, the GOP, and for Alberto Gonzales.

So Bush thinks (Mercury) like a Leo, while Stone thinks like a more somber Virgo. Bush's essence (Sun) is self-protective, crabby Cancer (sorry Cancers, but you know Bush!) while Stone's essence is dedicated worker, Virgo...Stone thinks as he is with Sun and Mercury in the same sign.

This is because by Sept 15, Mercury had moved on to 22Vir41 conj Stone's natal Sun, both of which are conj US n Neptune (film; photography; subterfuge; camera tricks; the masses, including mass delusions) - all of which are conj Barack Obama's natal Mars. That's quite a pile-up of planets at 22Vir+ - esp for transiting Saturn to stomp upon at the end of August, 2009.

And both Bush and Stone have the ruthless pair, Saturn and Pluto snugged around this Bush's Asc, Stone's Mc...'8Leo' = "A Bolshevik Propagandist."

Now Oliver Stone was born during a Moon (publicity) Hour in a Disseminating phase of the Moon (communicator; teacher; propagandist), and Bush was born during an expansive Jupiter Hour during a 1st quarter Moon (which I neglected to note on his chart - 92 degr 56 mins - the 'crisis in action' phase); Bush was born when Pluto was out-of-bounds (oobs), Stone in September when Pluto was back in bounds of the earthly plane and cooperating with the chart's other energies (planets.)

Well, I just wanted to peek at their natal charts since the two men are being compared now because of Stone's bio-pic of Bush (I guess you'd call it a 'bio-pic')'ll see their midpoint pictures listed with quite a bit of 'pile-up' to them, too, and I can type them out for you later if you want, just let me know if you don't have another source for them, okay? I don't mind, but I'm just a wumped-out puppy at the moment.

Perhaps I'll add the rest of their *Sun-Moon Images for Integration later as well since, as you see, I put brief but telling descriptions...thumbnails, if you will...

Oliver Stone: "A sculpture of still life..."

George Bush: "Mother Goose recites a poem..."


* Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey