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Showing posts with label SCOTUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCOTUS. Show all posts

Oct 26, 2020

October 26, 2020: Senate to Vote under Moon-Neptune

An Alt-Right Court: Moon-Neptune Delusions about Popular Support for Policies

by Jude Cowell

October 26, 2020: This morning as I've watched the US Senate "debate" the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court (aka, SCOTUS), tonight's vote at an undisclosed hour deserves some measure of scrutiny especially since Judge Barrett's views on important issues have been left tucked away from public view.

Now everyone knows that a Pisces Moon is one of secrecy, vulnerability, supersensitive emotions, impressionability, irritability, and love of seclusion. Judge Barrett's religious views have her under sway of her husband, as you know, so I must wonder if hubby will have a bumper seat underneath the SCOTUS bench. Yes, Barrett is technically qualified to serve, but it's her ideology that concerns and although her recusal from certain cases has been suggested and may resonate with tonight's Pisces Moon, recusals would negate the aims of Trump and the jackbooted GOP.

Now if afflicted, irrational dominance by the unconscious mind is often an issue with a Pisces Moon (suggestible and easily led if firmer planetary factors don't mitigate and break any hypnotic spells) and I don't know about you, dear reader, but I consider tonight's Moon-Neptune Conjunction to be such an affliction which was also shown by the extreme, even subversive, tenor during the recent Barrett senate hearing. And the area of the Zodiac under which tonight's illusive conjunction takes place (10:00 pm edt: Neptune 18Pis27 Rx/MC (The Goal) 17Pis55/Moon 14Pis35 conjunct Achernar, star of crisis) is familiar in recent years as the area where the natal Neptune of the Republican Party (1854) resides (and has had a Neptune Return full of conspiracies, deception, paranoia and, as it turns out, a debilitating pandemic).

Now in Politics and Business, the Moon-Neptune = MC picture suggests notoriety concerning explanations of future options, and/or giving personal guarantees that cannot be fulfilled (paraphrasing Munkasey).

In addition, Moon-Neptune can indicate heeding the opinion and emotional climate of constituents vs an inability to utilize information about the public mood when setting a course of action. Naturally, scandals tend to follow in the wake of the Moon-Neptune pairing of energies which I think relates in part to the ongoing sabotage of America's justice system and other legal institutions, as we've seen, and which will be further undermined by a Barrett confirmation and tenure. And although one might expect sympathy and receptivity from the Moon-Neptune influence (certainly from the Democratic side), the possibility exists of a Justice Barrett acting under strange and peculiar influences instead. Spirituality is implied here, but spirituality can be misguided and Scriptual truths are often taken out of context and twisted for some deceptive end. Evangelical Christians are not the only perpetrators of such spirtual degradation! We should also note that most of the SCOTUS justices are of the Roman Catholic persuasion and with Barrett's seating the lack of balance increases.

Significant as well is Barrett's natal Venus @14Pis45 so another midpoint picture is formed tonight of Moon-Neptune = natal Venus potentials such as: 'odd or perverse inclinations; peculiar and strange tendencies in the expression of love; over-enthusiastic adoration' (Ebertin), and/or 'enjoyment of mystical contacts' (Munkasey). Plus, as noted above, in mid-Pisces Achernar, the star of crisis, 'crisis at the end of the river', and 'risk of rapid endings' is activated tonight as it was by Venus at Barrett's birth.

Adding to Moon-Neptune is another major influence in play tonight which relates directly to Judge Barrett's natal planets (a 'noon' chart is shown for January 28, 1972 New Orleans, LA).

Of course, I refer to the current Mars retrograde period which is providing Amy Coney Barrett with an extended Mars Return 2020 - her natal Mars at or near 21Ari31 and opposing natal Uranus Rx in Libra (@18:18 - conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter identifying their religious and political affiliation). Basically, transit Mars in activist Aries is triggering or activating her natal Mars-Uranus opposition into expression. Her three-fer Mars Return 2020 perfects on or near August 8, October 12, and December 16 - 'on or near' due to the lack of an accurate birth time for her. (View her 'noon' natal chart, linked, above.)

So let's close with indications for a natal Mars-Uranus opposition especially since it looks as if the American people will be stuck with hers for decades to come. Mars-oppo-Uranus suggests someone who is drawn to reactionary political movements and/or the criminal elements in society. (Hitching her professional star to the corrupt Trump jalopy must have been her dream come true!) Yes, it's revolution for Amy who doesn't mind seeking status in destructive ways. Concerns (or scandals) over corporate resources and joint finances are possible but so far a veil has been cast over them, last I heard. However, this may not remain the case for veils are notoriously thin. And with this particular opposition, adverse actions taken against her are unpredictable and can have disastrous results. In fact, this is an unfavorable period for Barrett to partake in new activities and projects with the potential for quarrels and resentment at a high level. But a Republican steamroller driven by a bruised Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell is rushing to save Amy's dream by crushing opposition to her urgently sought SCOTUS confirmation.

Meanwhile, her natal Mars-Uranus tendencies of stubbornness, ill temper, explosive outbursts, and recklessness simmer behind a curtain of calmness with current challenges to her objective to gain the freedom and status of being a lifelong SCOTUS Justice with the power to influence court decisions which can shove American social policies toward the alt-right. And this, no matter how unpopular with the majority of Americans such paternalistic, authoritarian, draconian, theocratic policies are. Mars-Uranus also indicates potentials for the perpetration of violence, thievery, using collective power for self-aggrandizement, and indulging a deep need for ruling over and remaking others. For as we know, once seated on The Bench, all progressive policies and laws within US society will be in Barrett's line of fire - unelected by the populace as she'll be. This is traditionally so and for her, directly so because her SCOTUS confirmation is being rushed in case Trump is hounded from office after November 3rd. The ole timey phrase bum-rushed comes to mind but since Barrett is completely dependent on the efficacy of the GOP steamroller for her successful seating, it's debatable just who the 'bums' actually are. Well, we can guess that she would be bummed out if their effort on her behalf should collapse of its own misbegotten weight.

As it seems, her natal Mars-Uranus opposition also suggests that Amy Coney Barrett's aspirations have driven her into unstable situations denoting a time in her life when drastic alterations are possible so it's understandable to assume that promotion to the SCOTUS bench will fill this cosmic indication for her. And with her inherent tendency toward conflict, plus, the sentimental religiosity of tonight's Moon-Neptune influence on her natal venus, sober pause is necessary for anyone wishing for a deeper consideration of how Barrett's theocractic ideology and anti-democratic activism will alter America for Mars-oppo-Uranus is determined to sweep away the status quo with no thought or consideration of what could sufficiently replace it.

Now of course there are other cosmic factors in play tonight so (as always) you are cordially invited to add your on-topic comments and insights with this post if and as you dare, plus, a Share would be much appreciated, too! Jude

Jun 29, 2020

Fighting The Most Corporate Friendly SCOTUS In History (w/ David Sirota)

June 29, 2020: From progressive broadcaster-author Thom Hartmann and his guest David Sirota:


Related Astrology: Horosopes: SCOTUS and Minerva 1789 and 1790. Archetype Minerva: 'to be accomplished'. As it turn out, the US Supreme Court is extremely accomplished at protecting corporations and a huge fan of preserving American Plutocracy (as is the US Constitution but that's another day's post).

And as we know, corporatism + statism = fascism. We've been repeatedly warned of this. And here it is under a stark, constraining Saturn-Pluto banner in January 2020 and a 'new order' ushering itself in with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020 - conjunct the US POTUS Sun's degree (00AQ+).

May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020: SCOTUS Oral Arguments w Astro-Notes

May 12, 2020: At 10:00 am edt this morning the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is scheduled to begin oral arguments (made public by telephone) concerning the release of Trump documents such as his income tax returns. No time to print and publish the 10:00 am horoscope for you but there are three factors worth mentioning if only because for me, they stand out in relation to current conditions and events.

Of interest is what's rising at 10:00 am edt and that would be 20Cancer54 conjunct fixed star Castor--along with the first eclipse of 2020--the significant January 10 2020 Lunar Eclipse (DC horoscope shown, plus the Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 which influences today's SCOTUS session).

Comparing this morning's horoscope with that of SCOTUS First Session (February 1, 1790 NYC--I use 9:00 am LMT) we see an eye-popping transit of today's Neptune @20Pisces conjunct SCOTUS Saturn, revealing a time when structures and traditions are being eroded or are disintegrating due to current conditions. Of course, this could refer to the contagion sweeping the Earth inspiring SCOTUS' use of technological methods to make their deliberations public. But considering previous and current undermining assaults upon America's traditions, structures, and systems by Trump and his comrades, I think Neptune to Saturn indicates deeper problems, don't you? This is supported by the fact that at 10:00 am edt today, Trump's natal Neptune @5Libra simpers upon the IC (Foundation) of today's chart. Deception will turn up in his tweets, as always, with Neptune-IC denoting his urge to undermine the proceedings.

Opposite the IC at Midheaven ('MC"), the Goal Point of any horoscope, is a disruptive, even violent midpoint--Mars-Uranus. By ricochet this creates a midpoint picture of potentials: Mars-Uranus = DJT Neptune: 'cunning and deceit; desire to harm others; a person with bad intentions; rage; raving madness' (Ebertin). Note that Trump will be live tweeting his thoughts and insults so you may wish to visit his Twitter feed today and check out his mood!

Now with Mars-Uranus conjunct MC, let's dare add the potentials of this picture: 'drastic measures', even 'violence' and/or 'putting a pistol to someone's head', according to Ebertin. Plus, there's a distinct possibility that someone will be abandoning resistance and/or experiencing a weakening of strength as mourning continues to wash over our land and the entire globe.

To this tragic picture of gloom and bereavement, a majority of Americans may have to add the refusal of Supreme Court Justices to uphold the rule of law when it comes to Donald Trump, unless by the end of June they deliver We the People their decisions which show they recognize evil when they confront it and will thereby retain (at least some of) the Court's integrity by exhibiting the strength to stand up against the underworld criminal network now operating out of the White House.

Related: US Judicial System hit by the June 2020 Lunar Eclipse.

Nov 10, 2019

Justice Roberts to Head Senate Impeachment Trial

Crunch Time for America 2019--2020

by Jude Cowell

Although his natal horoscope is based on 'date without time' data (RR: X), you may wish to check out the natal horoscope of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts if you haven't since he will be the one to rule over the Senate impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump if there is to be one. Justice Roberts is said to favor protecting his reputation for non-partisanship and a Senate trial concerning Republican Trump will certainly provide an ultimate test of such a high-minded self-image--and I hope he's correct in his self-assumption because a balanced approach is imperative in this risky situation which must be American, not Democrat or Republican.

Born John Glover Roberts on January 27, 1955 in Buffalo, New York, John Roberts is an Air-Water Sun Aquarian with Moon in Pisces for the entire 24-hour period (Sun ranges from 7 to 7:30 Aquarius, Moon from 15 to 29 Pisces). This identifies his personality as an independent thinker and a humanitarian with a social conscience; he is intuitive, reverent, and eccentric. Somewhat gullible, Justice Roberts has a scientific bent and may be attracted to metaphysical or mystical subjects. Plus, he's sociable and friendly yet few people really know him. Sun AQ-Moon Pisces folk want to be of service to the world so presiding over a Senate impeachment trial is quite a significant way to accomplish this objective. His time has come, in fact, and there's much riding on this impeachment endeavor for Justice Roberts personally as well as for the nation and its future direction as a democratic republic vs a despotic monarchy. I say this after glancing at 2020 transits to his natal planets.

Justice John Roberts in 2020

A few examples include the harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 (exact January 12, 2020) with the two karmic planets taking turns opposing his 'lucky' Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction (both Rx @23--26 Cancer). Saturn opposes natal Jupiter once on January 17, 2020 and Pluto opposes natal Jupiter three times beginning on or about January 29, 2020. Transiting oppositions to natal Uranus will raise his chances for additional political, financial, and/or possibly legal battles and conflicts which may very well affect Justice Roberts personally (and not just as spotlights on the topics he deals with as a Chief Justice of SCOTUS). If he takes a wrong path now, the odds of future conflicts increase.

November-December 2019

As for astrological factors during a potential Senate impeachment trial, we have no date to investigate so let's compare the planets of Wednesday November 13, 2019, the first public impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump's activities which apparently is set to open at 10:00 am est on Capitol Hill.

Of course, we have no houses for Justice Roberts without a birth time (12:00 pm is used) but three transits 'pop out' on that date--and note that the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 manifests @4Capricorn upon the natal North Node of Justice Roberts, a major karmic indicator for him and for America (post contains an image of the 3 South Horoscope as well as the first eclipse of 2020 which occurs in tribal Cancer). Additionally, the 3 South December 2019 Solar Eclipse of 'traumatic transformation' conjoins and activates by degree the 11 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of John Roberts. As I said, his time has come:

1. Sun @20Sco55 conjunct natal Saturn (20Sco16) denotes a time of serious situations that require trustworthiness, reliability, and probity. His seniority and past loyalty (to Republican objectives?? allegiance to Opus Dei?) can bring rewards, and current matters concern issues of authority and the senior position of others. Of course, this refers to his nibs and may also involve various culprits mired within Trump's Ukraine and/or other abuse-of-power capers, scandals, and deceptions. (And note that 20 Scorpio is the natal North Node degree of SCOTUS (1789), a karmic link to John Roberts' Saturn.)

2. Mars @26Lib11 conjunct natal Neptune (28Lib14) suggests a period when frustration is a potential due to others misunderstanding the Justice's methods or objectives, confusion and deception will (attempt to) undermine circumstances, unrealistic or deceptive enterprises are not favored, and issues involve matters of fraud, bankruptcy, charities, drug-trafficking, criminality, and/or penal institutions.

3. Pluto @21Cap03 opposes natal Jupiter (23Can20 Rx and conjunct Trump's natal Saturn) indicates that his best course will be to keep his aspirations on hold especially in relation to politics, and that titanic forces will block him in a power struggle which has huge consequences.

The Pluto-Jupiter opposition influence can at least partially describe the entire political process of a Republican Chief Justice who apparently possesses a social conscience attempting to protect the reputation of the Supreme Court (1789 chart shown) while fairly presiding over a Senate impeachment trial of a shady president with Republican partisans yapping at his heels in a desperate bid to hide their own crimes, foreign ties, and vulnerabilities.

And hopefully transit Neptune Rx @15Pis58--conjunct Achernar, star of crisis and endings--isn't floating too near the natal Pisces Moon of Justice Roberts for this can denote all manner of mysterious potentials including hidden threats to family members.

But surely a desperate Trump and the anti-government GOP wouldn't stoop that low to save their sorry bacon, right?

Above Image: Chief Justice John Roberts, official portrait; Steve Petteway [Public domain]

More personality details may be found in Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 5, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio

Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States; by Steve Petteway [Public domain]

Brief Astro-Notes re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

November 5, 2019: Since the natal horoscope and data of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, pictured above, are rated X (date with no accurate time), and because she likely will be the Justice who will decide on an upcoming case involving scofflaw Donald Trump (poetic justice!), I'm typing a few notes concerning Justice Ginsburg's personality blend using her double Water Pisces-Scorpio Sun-Moon combo of conscious + unconscious energies.

Related: Ian Millhiser's November 4th Vox article A federal court of appeals just demolished Trump's claim of immunity from criminal investigation.

Born Ruth Joan Bader on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, King's County, New York, her Sun-Moon blend reveals her as an individual with tenacity, courage, acute perception, and a deep intellectual capacity. Emotional and intuitive, the personality of Justice Ginsburg is passionate, dedicated, and possesses deep psychological insight into other people's motives. She exhibits strength in adversity and stubbornness once a decision has been made. Unafraid of the truth, the Justice may not be easy to live with, yet has an innate desire to help and heal others who are in despair, an admirable quality in my estimation.

Her complex Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio blend is shared by the natal charts of some interesting folk including: Johnny Cash, George Harrison, Bernadette Peters, explorer David Livingstone, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and author John Steinbeck who informs us that, "It is the nature of man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

And according to Longfellow,

"Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong."

Well, I'm not certain how the Steinbeck quote applies to her but perhaps you'll agree with me that tenacious, notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, cancer survivor, definitely has that last concept well covered!

In closing, here are several inspiring Quotes by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and I'd like to cherry-pick three of my favorites off the list for your consideration:

"A gender line...helps to keep women not on a pedestal, but in a cage."

"A constitution, as important as it is, will mean nothing unless the people are yearning for liberty and freedom."

"I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability."

For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Sep 25, 2019

Horoscopes: SCOTUS and Minerva 1789 and 1790

Head of Minerva Elihu Vedder [Public domain]

On September 24, 1789, George Washington signed the Judiciary Act in order to set up the US Supreme Court, aka, SCOTUS. The Court's first session was held in New York City on February 1, 1790 with John Jay presiding as Chief Justice, plus, associate justices John Rutledge, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison, and James Wilson (6 in total). SCOTUS was established as the ultimate arbiter of the laws of the United States particularly those dealing with constitutionality and we find the institution of the Supreme Court ensconced and empowered within Article 3 of the US Constitution.

Below is a dual-chart image of both September 24, 1789 (lower left) and SCOTUS' first-session February 1, 1790 (upper right). Highlighted in green on both horoscopes are heavy-weights Saturn 'the judge' and Pluto 'the power behind the throne' (possibly the Pope!). Both timings are speculative--1789 is set for noon LMT and 1790 is set for 9:00 am LMT; both are located in New York City (as they should be based on historical events) and a few asteroids and midpoints are sprinkled around the charts.

Astrological Minerva Provides Big Answers and Solves Problems

Significant is that in the 1789 chart, asteroid Minerva conjoins Pluto Rx @17AQ07 (with planet Pluto undiscovered until 1930 and, in both charts, out-of-bounds of the earthly plane). Therefore, Pluto, planet of psychology and hidden control (among other things) operates unconsciously, if at all, upon people and events of the era but certainly in a behind-the-scenes or invisible capacity. Perhaps Pluto's relationship as the higher octave planet of astrological Mars sneaks into play and in the 1789 chart, Mars @24Can32 not only leads a Locomotive shape of planets denoting a high-powered executive determined on success (George W., I think), but Mars also conjoins US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776) which denotes a time when ideas become reality, thinking is energized and enthusiastic, and activities are vigorously undertaken. However, challenges may be encountered and impatience and/or disagreements may temporarily interfere with carefully planned endeavors, plus, political activities and opinions are indicated by Mercury-Mars contacts.

Clues to Minerva's influence in September 1789 are shown by Pluto's sign and condition. In Aquarius, Pluto signifies a strong communal sense, a wealth of plans, and an urge to reform; life advancement comes with the help of other people (Ebertin). Since the timing of both charts is speculative let's leave out Pluto's 2nd-house position and emphasize Pluto's condition as shown by aspects from other planets to Pluto: a sextile from the Sag Moon was within orb for the afternoon suggesting an ability to 'unclutter' issues; Sun sesqui-square Pluto is a complex aspect which implies a square-within-square relationship identifying leadership ambitious for power and a strong will imposed upon others; Mercury trine Pluto suggests an ability to get at the root of issues and good powers of concentration; Jupiter opposite Pluto provides ambition, an urge to acquire wealth and power, a tendency toward dogmatism, and an autocratic attitude that feels it must reform the morality and standards of others. All rise!

Of course, the Neptune-Pluto trine, active during both years and beyond, is generational and identifies a period when mysticism, the occult, clairvoyance, and strong intuition featured for those in tune with such energies but considering our topic, let's say that the trine relates to reformers who work for improved societal conditions and gain the power and social positions to do so. You know--like Supreme Court justices do.

Then in the 1790 chart, Minerva conjoins lawmaker and judge Saturn in Pisces, a modest, reserved placement for the taskmaster planet whose hard, concentrated work in seclusion is somber, serious, and may never receive much if any recognition. (This applies to law clerks as well). A struggle with opponents is also indicated by Saturn in Pisces (Ebertin) and the planet's rising position with Minerva is significant if 9:00 am happens to be the hour, or near the hour, that the first court session opened. Obviously, answers and solutions within the biggest picture were on the institution's Saturnian agenda that day and this remains the case.

Now let's take a look at Saturn's condition in the 1790 chart via planetary aspects: with the Moon square Saturn aspect within orb, we find austere attitudes and support for the above 'somber work in seclusion' indication; Venus sesqui-square Saturn denotes stiff formalities and ceremonial events (probably done with Masonic flair behind closed doors--many of the Founders and their contemporaries were a bunch of goddess worshipers, you know--see goddess Columbia's statue atop the Capitol Building, for one example!); Mars trine Saturn provides ambition, an authoritative mindset, capabilities for shouldering heavy responsibilities, taking purposeful actions, working hard and long, and acting shrewdly when it comes to politics.

Finally, a Saturn-North Node trine suggests careful, conservative justices who followed the moral, social, and business codes of their day--and the trine favors conservative politicians and our first justices who studied the issues before them without favor and delivered well-considered, fair decisions.

Well, congratulations to both readers of this post who managed to get this far as I'm certain few will! In closing I'll add that we might wish to say that knowledgeable Minerva on her path from September 1789 to February 1790 may be said to have "translated light" in a symbolic sense and carried her rays from Pluto to Saturn, and to me this says that the Supreme Court of Saturnian justices was intended to act as a beacon of Minerva's brilliance on behalf of The People of the United States of America. That SCOTUS is now corrupted by two illegitimate justices and the lax morality of the current White House administration marks yet another tragic turn in America's destiny and sullies all SCOTUS decisions forward unless and until Supreme Court integrity is reestablished.

Sep 16, 2019

Beyond Brett Kavanaugh's Crimes & Cover Ups - Thom Hartmann

Published September 16, 2019: here Thom Hartmann ventures beyond the usual topics that concern beer lover Brett Kavanaugh including the Republican cover-up of Kavanaugh's days working within the warmongering administration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney:

Wonder if Kavanaugh, in league with Bush and Cheney, had anything to do with the attacks of 9/11/01--used as a pretext for war and invasion of the Middle East? At the very least, we know on whose watch the attacks were perpetrated as the Saturn-Pluto opposition fell across America's natal ASC-DESC axis and this stirs up questions about the upcoming Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and the fact that the conjunction hits the natal Vertex (22:51) of Donald J. Trump. The harsh Saturn-Pluto duo meets his Vertex at the crossroads, we might say.

So will Trump meet fated encounters? Changing work conditions? Both? Or something entirely different?

Sep 1, 2019

Trump Bank Loans and SCOTUS funny business

The related stories of Justin Kennedy's Deutsche Bank loans to Trump allegedly signed by Russian oligarchs linked to Putin, and Justice Anthony Kennedy suspiciously stepping down from SCOTUS so that Brett Kavanaugh could be shoved onto the bench continue to linger and, unresolved, have cycled back into the news along with the inconvenient fact that Justin Kennedy is Justice Kennedy's son working at an international bank that has a policy of hiring relatives of major power brokers, like say a Supreme Court Justice.

That something stinks in Trump's vicinity is definitely not news but such mob-style activities and personalities lurking behind Trump's curtains should be and should have been taken into consideration before the first vote was cast in November 2016 but the unsavoriness was kept just barely under wraps and out of sight and smell of the gullible lemmings who voted for Big T. Of course such voters may not have grokked the importance of such criminal tendencies and connections but we'll never know if such information would have made a difference in their selection of Trump. Probably not.

Of course, packing the SCOTUS bench with 'conservative' (radical reactionary) justices was a primary motive for zealous political and evangelical players, while the DNC's firm insistence on nominating Hillary Clinton as Trump's opponent makes it seem now (at least to me) that members of the Democratic Party hierarchy were complicit in the rigged 'election' of Trump whose illegitimate ties hide within his secretive 12th house of Politics represented by his belligerent Mars and creepy Pluto in Leo, sign of the natural leader. Descriptively, his unaspected Pluto, 'god' of the (criminal) Underworld, suggests a man overshadowed by shadows as he certainly is--and behaves like it. And some sources say that the co-signed Deutsche Bank loans go far in explaining Trump's subservient attitude and glowing praise of Vladimir Putin--and that 'King of Debt' Trump is actually bankrupt. Unsurprising, if so.

Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch willingly joined in with the SCOTUS-packing game which naturally boosted their social standings and incomes. (Apologies for I cannot say or type 'Justice' in front of sniveling Kavanaugh's name nor can I say or type 'President' in front of wastrel Trump's name, nor have I ever, for their charades and machinations have made an illegitimate mess that we're stuck in and yoked to but that should never have happened. Not that they didn't have help!)

So here is a previous post with a few astro-notes on Brett Kavanaugh (no hour of birth available last I heard) and another on his Prenatal Solar Eclipse, a post which contains a link to a now-timely-again article on the shady Kavanaugh-Kennedy-Trump trio and their sketchy financial dealings. You may remember that Justice Kennedy was said to be Kavanaugh's 'mentor'. Mmmm. Is that what they call it?

Then there's The Noble Family Tree of Justice Neil Gorsuch, a rather popular post, and The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Neil Gorsuch because it looks as if these jokers' names and flaws will 'grace' the news for a while longer--or we might say, cling like a square of paper stuck to the bottom of America's proverbial shoe.

Dec 5, 2018

Is Republican Party Policy Leaving People With No Choice?

Dec 5, 2018: Now here's a very good question posed and discussed by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann:


And let's remember a significant cosmic event arriving soon for the Republican Party for on December 29, 2018 comes the fifth conjunction in a series of five Neptune Return/s for the Party--with Donald Trump's natal Neptune @6Libra at Midheaven in their December 29th Neptune Return horoscope (shown)! Yet we don't need Astrology to tell us that tragically for our nation, scandals, rumors, conspiracy theories, leaks, veils, subterfuge, 'fake news', false propaganda, fraud, corruption, bribery, schemes such as Medicare "Advantage", underhandedness, sabotage, paranoia, fear, fanaticism, delusions, falsehoods, deceit and lies are major parts of the GOP's disappointing Neptunian-Piscean agenda which nowadays includes compromised politicians and those who actually act on behalf of foreign governments--exactly as the Founding Fathers feared!

Nov 17, 2018

Relationship Horoscopes and Ethics Analyses: Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh

Good news! Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes returns to Stars Over Washington with an in-depth analysis of Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh including their Composite, Synastry, Natal, and "love" horoscopes.

Note that Kevin favors the Regiomontanus house system for chart calculations and you'll want to check out his intriguing post which also analyzes each of the Kavanaughs in the ethics department of life at his Left Wing Astrology blog.

You might just find a surprise or two!

And in case you missed them, here are two previous posts by Kevin Estes with overviews of generational topics which apply to every person born upon Mother Earth:

Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Our Society

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society.

Oct 7, 2018

Oct 8, 2018 Libra New Moon conjunct US natal Saturn

A New Cycle in the Saga of America's Libran Scales of Justice?

by Jude Cowell

On Monday October 8, 2018 at 11:47 pm edt, a New Moon perfects at 15Lib48 conjunct US natal Saturn (14:48) and denoting the beginning of a new cycle of activity in the realms of Saturn. That the Libra New Moon conjoining our national Saturn relates currently to the highly unpopular Kavanaugh seating on the Bench of the Supreme Court as a new term for the Justices begins seems obvious but in this complex universe of ours, this can hardly be the only result.

Upon reflection, my suspicion from within our two-tiered justice system, is that one result has to do with legal planet Saturn's realms of lawmaking and enforcing, responsibility, realism, authenticity, and accountability. For more details see David Sorota's article America's New Aristocracy Lives in an Accountability-free Zone in which Brett Kavanaugh is mentioned along with several other topics that lesson-bringer and taskmaster Saturn cannot possibly be pleased with. Naturally, Donald Trump's imperative that it be Kavanaugh on the Bench is noted because Brett is in favor of expanding presidential power (without accountability thus placing POTUS above the law) and will work to destroy states' rights to hold the powerful accountable for their crimes through state prosecution. Other far right SCOTUS decisions will be forthcoming, their degrading effects unknown but suspected at this time.

Yes, America's exalted-in-Libra natal Saturn has been under fire for decades (if not centuries!) and it became notably obvious in recent memory during the presidency of Bill Clinton when, in 1996, US natal Saturn turned retrograde by progression and has for years, been in early Scorpio rather than the legal eagle planet's more upstanding, comfortable position in Libra so that America's tradition of (Saturnian) reliability began to fade into Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio's brooding darkness and obstinacy.

And note that today's position of transit Saturn conjoins US Progressed ('SP') Moon (The People) which, as I type, falls at 2Cap31, a depressive, oppressive influence that a majority of the populace feels via the Kavanaugh confirmation and the expected negative results from Bart's future SCOTUS decisions which are expected to sway the court toward far right conservatism.

And since the horoscope of the New Moon in Libra links to the Pentagon's natal chart (plus, the New Moon chart's angles conjoin its natal angles--with US SP Jupiter Rx @15Cancer conjunct the Pentagon's natal ASC), below is our death star's natal chart with the Libra New Moon chart surrounding it. Notes are penned on if you care to enlarge the image where you'll see transit Saturn @3Cap24 in Pentagon's natal 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service inconjunct natal Pluto @3Leo30 (which conjoins its natal Chiron = plutocracy). Transit Saturn also opposes the Pentagon's natal Mars, the warrior planet (see notes on chart, lower right). Transit Pluto @18Cap46 is angular (conjunct Descendant) and, as you see, has entered the Pentagon's natal 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships from where Pluto squares the Pentagon's natal 4th house Moon @20Lib32, a period of obstacles placed upon desires. This Pluto also inconjuncts natal Jupiter (@20Gem59 in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing) indicating opportunism is underway--that someone is 'victimizing' the Pentagon to satisfy their own personal objectives. Now who in Washington would do such a thing?

Well, 20Gemini points directly toward Trump's natal Sun-NN-Uranus trio and also toward America's natal Mars in Gemini which brings in our national Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and wasted energy which happen to be the themes of the Pentagon's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@25Pis45--conjunct its Midheaven, the Goal Point!) in the 16 South Saros Series (see note on the chart). A 16 South solar eclipse last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus conjunct the Pentagon's natal Sun (8Tau38) and the next 16S won't occur until May 9, 2032 @19Taurus--conjunct the Pentagon's natal Mercury (19Tau07 in 11th house). Misdirection and waste indeed.

Now for more (soothing!) information check out an excellent overview of current planetary positions at Libra Seeking Balance concerning the New Moon in Libra.

Three Recommended Posts of a Saturnian nature: Trump Inauguration's 2019 Solar Return (horoscope shown) where you'll see transit Saturn @13Capricorn opposing US natal Sun (13Can19 = leadership), a time of challenges when failure to accept responsibilities in the past may come back to haunt in the form of accountability and/or limitations; and The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged; plus, The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Sep 30, 2018

Astro-Notes: Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the FBI

Now as we discussed in early September, the Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearing is a Jupiter-Neptune Affair replete with pretense and illusions. Due to many divergent paths that came to a crossroads on Friday, a "supplemental" FBI inquiry into allegations against Kavanaugh is ongoing as I type, and the FBI may or may not have until Friday October 5th to wrap up and present its findings to the Senate Judiciary Committee, findings the public may never see. A new SCOTUS term begins October 1st with no new member joining the Justices just yet, it appears, and of course the November 6, 2018 Midterms are only a month or so away. Delay of Republicans plans was not in the cards as far as they were concerned so congressional GOP members are about as hot under the collar as Friday's Brett or Lindsey Graham portrayed in thespian style.

So while they're all busy, let's search for clues ourselves by taking a quick peek at the personality blends of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the angrily 'privileged' SCOTUS nominee, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, as we fondly call the Bureau which was created on July 26, 1908 Washington DC, no exact hour known so 'noon' is used as it is for Judge Kavanaugh born February 12, 1965 in Washington DC) both born with watery, tribal Cancer Moons. Potential 'weaknesses' of each blend are included:

Brett Kavanaugh Air-Water Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer (Moon ranged from 00:28 to 15Can09 which falls among the FBI's natal North Node (5:03), Venus (5:21 Rx), Mercury (13:31), Neptune (15:18), Moon (9:43 to 21:43) stellium in Cancer:

"Unconscious prejudices; ability to rationalize irrational actions; a tendency to get absorbed in abstract causes which cuts (him) off from feelings and keeps (him) emotionally immature."

'Image for Integration': "A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order."

And by some operatives and saboteurs that 'new world order' must be draconian such as Republican politicians and their wealthy handlers would have it. Yet for those of us who care about the 99% and whether or not America is 'of-by-for' The People, Democrats seem a bit less creepy than the economic royalists of the GOP (who keep giving all our money away to the undeserving!) Plus, Democrats seem more amenable to progress rather than forcing our society to relive the 1850s and 1950s which is an irrational plan because it's impossible!

Now Kavanaugh's Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend is shared by romantic poet Lord Byron who aptly informs us in a timely fashion that, "The best of prophets of the future is the past." And Kavanaugh's past teen and 20-something years and activities are a major focus of the FBI investigation--or should be.

FBI Fire-Water Sun Leo-Moon Cancer:

"Prone to sulk if (it) can't have (its) way; so self-absorbed that all signals from the environment are drowned out; engulfing emotionalism." Hmm. Could be worse.

'Image for Integration': "A young child sits on a throne, and with great dignity and tenderness, crowns his father and mother king and queen." No idea have I on how this may apply to the Bureau unless it's a mild reference to stamping an FBI 'seal of approval' on the one being investigated if he or she passes Bureau scrutiny with integrity, or at the least, with no criminal record.

The FBI's Sun Leo-Moon Cancer blend is shared by Welsh novelist Bernice Rubens who, born in 1928 on July 26 as was the FBI, could helpfully inform us and Judge Brett Kavanaugh that,

"The secret is to be true to yourself."


Personality blend info: Sun Sign Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Above photo: Brett Kavanaugh being sworn in with his political mentor and current character reference, George W. Bush, watching on. Oh! Laura Bush is on hand, too.

Sep 26, 2018

Friday Sept 28, 2018: The Kavanaugh Vote?

An observation today rather than a post. That if Senate Republicans follow through on their plan to stage a vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court on Friday September 28, 2018 at 9:30 am edt the natal and unaspected Pluto of Donald Trump (@10Leo02) will be dominating and manipulating the scene, the vote, the hour from the Midheaven of the horoscope, the most visible point of any horoscope--the Goal and Aspiration Point.

Here's an excerpt from a previous post regarding Trump's unaspected Pluto:

Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters (exs: all-hours tweeting about former Miss America, Alicia Machado and her weight gain, and other crass behaviors and remarks that set him back in the polls).

Unaspected Pluto is the essence of overwhelming compulsions and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto (the plundering plutocrat and manipulator) needs aspects to other planets in order to modulate its extreme tendencies. But with Mr. Trump, Pluto doesn't receive them, and nor do his other planets which could use the regeneration principle that Pluto could supply via aspect. And we have to say that Pluto's association with nuclear weapons is difficult to accept if under the thumb of Mr. Trump, the plutonian.

Also note that astrological Pluto is the planet of the Underworld, death, waste and pollution, destruction, de-construction, sabotage, threats, and criminal organizations. When it comes to autocrats in government, any plutonian regeneration must include new forms and reforms that a majority of Americans will reject and resist. And rightly so.

Sep 24, 2018

Sept 27, 2018: Dr. Christine Ford vs Brett Kavanaugh?

A few days ago I published the September 24, 2018 horoscope as a tentative chart for Dr. Christine Ford's testimony on Capitol Hill to the Judiciary Committee against SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh whose natal planets are penned around the September 24th chart. There we can see that transit Jupiter in Scorpio currently conjoins the Judge's natal Neptune in Scorpio (pretense; illusion; scandal; fanaticism; paranoia; grand ideas) while opposing his natal Jupiter in Taurus (discontent with wealth and achievement; overblown efforts; discouraging comparisons; no one is impressed--J. Skalka).

So I'm feeling a bit fussy about doing another chart but for you I'll post here the September 24, 2018 horoscope set for Capitol Hill and 10:00 am edt when Professor Christine Blasey Ford is allegedly scheduled to testify. If at 10:00 am edt, Venus in Scorpio rises precisely, as you see. Sabian Symbols would be appropriate about now if you know of any. There's a rather rare Rosetta pattern between Saturn in 2nd, Moon and Uranus in 6th, Sun in 11th, and North Node ('NN') in 9th house. Does Saturn in earthy Capricorn trining the Moon-Uranus conjunction in early Taurus represent senators or possibly lawyers who support the woman/women's issues? Then Republicans are not indicated I guess. The Sun-NN sextile on one side of the Rosetta (marked in blue dotted lines) denotes the Kavanaugh side of the equation with NN in Leo, sign of leadership, lawyers, and suggesting legal societies or other types of organizations Kavanaugh has joined. In his hometown of Washington DC, he's part of the elite with the Federalist Society behind him.

Ascendant and Venus '10Scorpio': "A Fellowship Supper"...positive expression: an effective channeling of personal aspirations into the common place grooves of a shared experience; negative expression: a surrender of individual distinction and exaltation of naive animality." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones).

The Illumination Point of 10Scorpio is '10Taurus': "A Red Cross Nurse"...positive expression: a complete dedication of the self to the worthwhile and enduring projects through which it can lose all sense of separativeness; negative expression: a superficial pretense of humanitarianism in order to gain transient importance."

Importance he wants! Mr. Kavanaugh's first natal planet to rise in the above chart is his Neptune @19Scorpio with transit Jupiter just passed beyond it yet retained is his natal Jupiter-Neptune opposition of "lost objectivity" (Oken) which I believe he is being accused of in these stormy confirmation proceedings. And as you know, Jupiter-Neptune can be inspiring energy but this is Politics so together I'll have to say that they make a frothy and scheming pair, often to the point of fraud. We can also identify a midpoint picture between rising Venus @9Sco36 and Jupiter @21Sco26 with his natal Neptune at apex and we get potentials for negligence; lack of correct behavior; falsehood; hopelessness; a destructive relationship (Ebertin). Any, all, or none may apply.

Plus, Nicholas Devore says that '19Scorpio' (which has a centuries' long reputation for being an evil degree) is "the crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will" though I doubt Devore refers to the US Supreme Court which happens to be 229 years old this very day (September 24, 1789). Did you get it anything?

Encyclopedia of Astrology, 1947, N. Devore.

Here's an excerpt concerning Rosetta patterns that I posted a while back:

Well, all the planets involved have both 'enemies' and 'allies' with the configuration containing energies that 'go around in circles' (similar to the closed circuit of energies contained in a Grand Trine). But in a Rosetta, each planet (actor) tries to 'win the argument' with an opponent ('enemy') shown by opposition and its squares while the sextile and trine aspects denote cooperation from helpful 'allies'. Complexity is added to circumstances by inconjunct (aka, quincunx; 150 degrees) creating a paradox (a square peg in round hole required) and the adjustment is needed in order to reduce tension and stress. Typically, the tactic of scapegoating may be employed to divert blame or responsibility temporarily and the psychological method of triangulation may be used in an attempt to manipulate those who are uncooperative.

Sep 19, 2018

Kavanaugh accuser Ford calls for an FBI investigation

By now you've heard that the accuser of SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, has called for an FBI investigation into the alleged assault at a party in Summer 1982 and while this may seem to discount yesterday's post of the September 24, 2018 horoscope of what was characterized initially as the day of the dueling testimonies of Kavanaugh vs Ford--and a huge hiccup for Donald Trump in the flow of his preferred judge's confirmation process--it doesn't negate the horoscope at all since whatever events occur on Monday on Capitol Hill will be found reflected by the planets shown in the day's horoscope set for that location.

Perhaps more importantly, the notes in yesterday's post concerning 'The Tower' Eclipse now in force in the 2 New North Saros Series and the synchronicity of a previous 2 New North Solar Eclipse manifesting on July 20, 1982 cannot be dismissed for the two eclipses represent cosmic time links describing the 'background noise' between 1982 and 2018 and call to mind the unpredictable Uranian nature of all eclipses which, acting as 'wild cards of the Universe', tend to reveal what was hidden, however inconvenient or scandalous the uncovering may be for the individuals who are directly involved.

Sep 18, 2018

Horoscope Sept 24, 2018: Dr Ford vs Judge Kavanaugh

This post has an Update September 19, 2018. Original post begins here...

Until today only two posts have appeared here concerning controversial SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh: Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearing a Jupiter-Neptune Affair (as in, frothy; attempting to fulfill a dream or vision - my guess: the end of abortion's rights in America, a complex issue where men shouldn't tread). Circled on the chart is transit Jupiter @20Scorpio conjoining Kavanaugh's natal Neptune while opposing his natal Jupiter. A squishy foundation of overblown dreams'n'schemes! Oversell! But he does have his Nodal Axis (21Gem/21Sag) conjoining that of Donald Trump which necessarily brings in Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition on his Nodal Axis and suggests for them a cozy meeting of this a get-out-of-jail-free card for Trump with Kavanaugh On The Bench and following Trump's lead who is following the Kremlin's and China's lead?

Now today here's another 'Kavanaugh post' showing a 9:30 am edt time (speculative hour) horoscope set for Monday September 24, 2018 Capitol Building in DC, the announced date when Dr. Christine Ford and SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh are scheduled to testify concerning a disputed event from 1982.

A curious factor is that a solar eclipse in the Saros Series of the currently in-force Solar Eclipse (2 New North), which perfected August 11, 2018 @18Leo41, aka, 'The Tower Eclipse' for its *collapse of structures, lifestyles, or plans vibes, also manifested on July 30, 1982 (28Cancer). This may not be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the party and alleged assault but Dr. Ford has stated that she believes it occurred in 'summer of 1982'. See Timeline: How the Kavanaugh accusations have unfolded.

Now some hastiness is clearly noticeable in Republicans' 'shove him through' behavior concerning this particular nominee, as you know, and to some degree this may be attributed to the fact the new SCOTUS term opens October 1, 2018 with Pluto in Capricorn Station Direct @18Cap45 and an unaspected Jupiter--factors I hope to discuss in a future post.

* 2 New North's collapse theme: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Sep 4, 2018

Kavanaugh SCOTUS Hearing a Jupiter-Neptune affair

September 4, 2018: today as the congressional hearing on the SCOTUS nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh opens at 9:30 am edt, Judge Kavanaugh's natal Neptune @19Sco59 is his first natal planet to rise in the horoscope set for the Capitol Building Washington DC which suggests that a lack of candor will be in play. So far no birth time has been found for Brett Kavanaugh (born February 12, 1965 Washington DC) so 'noon' is used but since Neptune takes about 164 years to circle the Sun and traverse the degrees of the Zodiac, 19Sco59 is accurate enough for this general consideration of today's very important event. Additionally, 19 Scorpio has been traditionally called "the crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will" and an "evil degree" (DeVore) which I add for those who credit such things.

So as you know, astrological Jupiter, societal planet that, along with restrictive Saturn, describes the America's checks and balances form of government, also has judgment within its astrological purview, as does Saturn with its demands for accountability and responsibility. I refer to today's SCOTUS hearing's Jupiter @17Sco39 as it nears Kavanaugh's natal Neptune, a transit known for such potentials as pretense, illusion, fanaticism--and for the paranoia engendered by the prospect of an anti-abortion, tie-breaking judge being placed on the SCOTUS bench. Now this post isn't for debating the merits or the immorality of abortion yet I do not think a bunch of old white men have a right to insert themselves between a woman, her doctor, and her family, if involved, in such a difficult private decision. So that's all I shall say here.

But there is another thing I can say astrologically: that today's Jupiter @17Sco39 precisely opposes Kavanaugh's natal Jupiter @17Tau56 ('noon') which indicates a period when impressing others is difficult (probably only Democrats are described here by transit Jupiter) and discouraging comparisons are made against him. The transit also suggests that the judge is feeling discontent with his wealth and level of achievement and intends to improve his social status (which makes sense considering this is a job interview--and pretty much in the bag if Republicans and their billionaire backers have their way). Yet Jupiter in Scorpio in opposition says that if he and his backers are wise they won't push too hard for this nomination or take its eventual success for granted especially since Brett Kavanaugh's recent poll numbers with the ladies amount to less than zero. See The Historically Unpopular Brett Kavanaugh. His past legal work in the Bush White House is chilling enough as it is so it's no wonder that Republicans have hidden as much of Kavanaugh's paper trail as they can.

Now other chart factors apply, of course, for this post is only a brief Jupiter-Neptune consideration of today's Kavanaugh hearing but I'm calling the duo the nomination's cosmic imprint by the planetary pair of speculation, grand or inflated dreams, little sense of reality, get-rich-quick schemes--and with potentials for fraud and/or overblown efforts. And thus will the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court always be.

Yet powerful hidden forces are determined to shove him onto the SCOTUS bench to overturn laws and otherwise gum up the US legal system so where does such an influence show in the astrological picture? One place is in Kavanaugh's Prenatal Solar Eclipse which repeats on January 6, 2019 in Saturn-ruled Capricorn with its theme of 'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from them' (Brady). If you wish, read more in a previous post: Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Public domain photo, above: US Supreme Court Building Washington DC completed in 1935 during the first term of FDR.

Jul 10, 2018

Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Brett Kavanaugh; June 1, 2006 Judge Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Kennedy in the Rose Garden

All over the news cycle today is Trump's SCOTUS nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Someone at The Hill opines that Kavanaugh Will Not Uphold Roe. On The Federalist Society's short list, Trump could hardly go 'wrong' choosing any of the names to nominate since they were all pre-vetted for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade and for other decisions intended to shove US society further toward the right, our civil and other rights notwithstanding. Plus, for Trump, Judge Kavanaugh has that extra quality--that apparently his vote will be Trump's trump card to get out of jail free if a case against Mr. Trump should ever come before the Supreme Court. Yet because Judge Kavanaugh may not be the one to take a seat on the SCOTUS bench, let's not spend much energy on him at this point. But we should note that, as reported by The Boston Globe, Born inside the Beltway, Brett Kavanaugh is part of the GOP legal elite so what could possibly go wrong for the rest of us non-elites with Brett on the exalted bench?

Brief Astro-Notes: Brett Kavanaugh

Born in Washington DC on February 12, 1965, the 53-year-old Brett Kavanaugh sports an Air-Water personality blend of Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer with both luminaries remaining in their respective signs for the 24-hour period. Therefore, the humanitarianism of Aquarius and the subjective, clannish tribalism of Moon-ruled Cancer mix to form an idealistic man with a social conscience, a progressive thinker but one who is also emotionally old-fashioned. This makes sense if his aim is to regress American society back to the 1950s by playing the role of an 'activist judge' for he prefers the values and morals of the past. And his Cancer Moon may reveal emotional immaturity at times and is sympatico with Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer.

Actually, this Sun-Moon combination of energies suggests that underneath a friendly veneer Judge Kavanaugh can be naive and detached when scrutinizing others and tends to rationalize the irrational. The unconscious prejudices of this 'kind-hearted rebel' may be somewhat hidden by a warm demeanor while his eccentric ideas may or may not motivate the masses. Motivate them toward protest and rebellion, as his nomination has already done, most likely!

Now Charles and Suzi Harvey provide two Images for Integration for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend: "A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." Within my common-good way of thinking, the first image is difficult to fathom for an anti-government Trump Man but the second is easily believed. After all, this natal personality blend is shared by FDR (and by misogynist Norman Mailer and former Russian president Boris Yeltsin).

Consider the following excerpt from a previous post:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

2 South: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Judge Kavanaugh soon repeats

What an apt solar theme for being named to the SCOTUS bench! A solar eclipse in Kavanaugh's 2 South Saros Series perfects on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with a theme of: joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from them (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Prior to the birth of Baby Brett, the eclipse manifested on December 4, 1964 @12Sagittarius, the position of the US natal Ascendant in our late afternoon charts. And if born near midnight of his birth date, Brett Kavanaugh's natal Moon is @15Cancer and thus will be eclipsed on January 6, 2019.

A Few 2018 Transits to Kavanaugh's Natal Planets (Noon positions)

Not knowing his birth time clouds the astro-picture of Brett Kavanaugh yet we can make a few general observations using a noon natal horoscope set for February 12, 1965 Washington DC. Born during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo, Kavanaugh shares the generational influences of this conjunction which suggests possibilities for higher consciousness, inventiveness, and/or perhaps tendencies toward violence, revolution, and anarchy.

His natal Jupiter-Neptune opposition is about to be visited by Station Direct Jupiter, today @13Sco20, its Station degree and minute. As the expansive planet moves forward for Kavanaugh, transit Jupiter in Scorpio will again oppose his natal Jupiter (17Taurus) with the third and final opposition occurring on or about September 6, 2018. During this period opportunity knocks but 'no one is impressed' with his efforts which may be seen as overblown yet he's feeling an 'urge for greener pastures'. (Obviously, the 'no one' is not a member of the GOP, his sponsors.)

Also, transit Jupiter is in process of conjoining natal Neptune (19Sco59) with the third and final 'dreamy' conjunction on or about September 19, 2018--and the rose-colored glasses are in constant use. However, going on a spiritual retreat would be more beneficial for him than falling for any pie-in-the-sky schemes which may be presented, successful SCOTUS bid or not.

Now as you know, transit Mars turned retrograde on June 27, 2018 @9AQ13, a shift of direction which occurred upon Brett Kavanaugh's natal Venus. This suggests the forming of new alliances, renewed physical efforts, and enthusiastic social events. Legal matters are a major focus under this transit which will re-occur due to Rx Mars. Groups are somehow involved due to Mars and Venus being in Aquarius so this transit seems to look ahead toward the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019, as noted.

Not nearly as rosy is the fact that Kavanaugh's natal Moon in Cancer has or will be opposed by transit Saturn in Capricorn though it's difficult to time this important transit without an accurate birth hour. Using the Moon's noon position of 7Can47, transit Saturn has begun its three oppositions, the third and final of which will perfect on November 30, 2018. A depressive influence, this Saturnian year for him may merely involve the professional realms such as the law, the court, judgeship, and taking on major responsibilities, or it can suggests family, health, or other personal problems--or a blend of both (Career vs Home Life) and with timing issues involved. And of course if his Moon is in a late degree of Cancer, this restrictive, delaying Saturnian influence could continue into 2019. Yet this transit to Moon by solid, sober Saturn is one of only two transits listed here without an element of dreaminess so perhaps it will provide the Judge with real possibilities he can count on. For when working together Moon-Saturn can indicate ambition, strategy, and direction (Tyl).

As for opponents of the SCOTUS nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, today's position of opinionated Mercury in mid-Leo opposes the Judge's natal Mercury in mid-Aquarius which provides a rather clear image of what's in store as his pre-vetted nomination hearings get underway (assuming he makes it to Capitol Hill to play his role in the Capitol Hill Theater production, Let's Rubber Stamp Kavanaugh! If the GOP can get away with it!)

So any time transit Mercury opposes natal Mercury we expect such potentials as verbal disputes, differing opinions, and questions left unanswered. Sounds like a typical day on Capitol Hill, yes, but the result of this particular charade is pre-determined, no matter what Mercury thinks or says. For after all, Kavanaugh's natal North Node @21Gemini (NN = future direction; destiny) conjoins the 10th house Gemini trio of Donald Trump--his Uranus-NN-Sun--and all conjoin US natal Mars in Gemini--so therefore, all square US natal Neptune in Virgo which can only add to the confusion, deception, and fantasy elements of the Kavanaugh-Trump relationship.

And one more transit--Neptune today @16Pis22 Rx conjoins Kavanaugh's natal Chiron (16Pis49) which suggests to me that something involving his mentor (Chiron in Pisces) is not fully revealed or is being purposefully evaded. Judge Kavanaugh's mentor is said to be Justice Anthony Kennedy whose recent retirement has made Kavanaugh's seating on the SCOTUS bench possible at this time. Is masking Neptune, planet of scandals, fraud, falsehoods, and propaganda, attempting to veil secrets concerning the Kavanaugh-Kennedy-Trump trio and their past financial dealings?

A Saturnian Transit Note re: Donald Trump

As we've previously discussed, all through 2018 'legal eagle' Saturn in transit has been performing a series of squares and oppositions to the natal Mercury-Neptune square of Donald Trump, a fantasist who seldom if ever discriminates between fact and fiction. The next exact such transit by realistic Saturn is another square to his natal Neptune on November 11, 2018, then a final opposition to Trump's natal Mercury befalls on December 10, 2018. As goes POTUS, so goes America.

May 29, 2018

Epic Systems vs Lewis Decision - Kevin Estes

May 29, 2018: The following post was originally published May 21, 2018 on Left Wing Astrology and is published here by the author's express permission in order to more broadly air the views of a millennial astrologer:

Epic Systems vs. Lewis Decision, Closer to Slavery? It's Already Here

by Kevin Estes

In the big news of the day, the Supreme Court voted 5-4, with Neil Gorsuch casting the deciding vote, in favor of Epic Systems, thus allowing employers to block employees from grouping together in order to fight legal disputes in employment arbitration agreements. This basically makes it easier for employers to underpay their employees, known as wage theft. The reaction to this verdict is basically that it's another step closer to slavery, but to be honest, slavery is already here. Wage slavery.

In the current economic system, in order to maintain a decent standard of living, you basically have to work a 9-5 schedule every day, outside of holidays and weekends, for around 40-45 years until you're eligible for Social Security, which is basically their way of saying that "you're too old to produce reliably for us, so here you go and hope you die soon". If you don't go through that type of lifestyle, it is very difficult to survive, that is, unless you're a celebrity, and you'll notice that there are numerous pictures of celebrities making Illuminati hand signs, just like our elected officials. So that's basically a way of telling people that they need to sell their soul to the Illuminati if they want to have a comfortable life without all the hassle and grind. Where is the freedom in that? This verdict has basically made an already repressive system even more repressive, which will only hasten the end of the system.

Pluto in Capricorn

Ever since 2008, Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of government and big business. Pluto is known as the transformer in astrology, and surely enough, it is transforming these areas. This transit, along with Neptune in Pisces, is playing a major role in the people wanting a government that works in their best interest. Universal Health Care and Universal Basic Income are gaining major traction, along with free tuition. Self-driving cars are also likely to be in the future, eliminating the need to pay oil companies in order to travel. The Stoneman Douglas High School activists' push for gun control is exposing the GOP's favoritism of money from the NRA over children's lives. Pluto is doing its job, but as expected, the people in power are becoming more repressive in order to maintain their power. Nobody is able to defeat astrology in the end, though, especially when the transit has yet to reach its peak, with the US undergoing its Pluto return in 2022. This is basically telling the country to transform, or else Pluto will do it for them. Also, with the Pluto in Sagittarius generation starting to come of age, by then, the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius generations will be the majority of the voters at that time, and all three of these signs are in the second half of the zodiac, which had more to do with the collective, rather than the individual like the first half of the zodiac.

This exposes Trump as part of The Establishment

Trump's campaign was all about him being anti Establishment and "draining the swamp", despite him being exactly what we're fighting against, and his actions since becoming President have been anything but anti Establishment, as he has numerous Establishment Republicans in his cabinet, such as Jeff Sessions, Nikki Haley, Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry to name a few, and he has been more pro corporation than any other President since Reagan. Trump picked Neil Gorsuch, who was approved by the GOP Congress. This exposes Trump as being part of the problem, and a big part of the problem at that, rather than a solution.

In turn, this verdict didn't push us closer to slavery, but it made the wage slavery we already have more oppressive than it already is. All I can say is that this is just another reason I'm grateful to NOT be a taxpayer, as it must be very self defeating to send your tax dollars to these people every year so they can screw you even more. Hopefully there are tax revolts soon, as it would be impossible to arrest everyone if a significant majority of people refuse to file out of protest. We the people need to send a message that corporate welfare will not fly anymore.


Thanks, Kevin, for sharing your views! Readers may note that Illuminati hand signals (aka, symbols) Kevin mentions are quite revealing such as the 'OK" sign that Donald Trump flashed repeatedly during his 2017 Inaugural speech and continues to use often when pontificating. This may not be curious since Trump's Leo Ascendant with royal Regulus rising, star of 'the king' or 'the kingmaker', echoes the 'OK" signal which is said to be the sign of 'the divine king' for that is obviously what he considers himself to be as he works to undermine America (just like Putin would do!). Of course, 'Regulus rising' is the case if Trump's hour of birth is accurate! Jude

Jun 26, 2017

Trump Travel Ban Partially Enforced (Jupiter to US Saturn)

Political News June 26, 2017: In keeping with the current transit of Jupiter (13Lib38; freedom, expansion) conjunct US natal Saturn (14Lib48; laws, legalities, courts, limitations) which brings a partial lifting of restrictions, Mr. Trump's travel ban has been somewhat upheld by SCOTUS and Trump's man, Justice Neil Gorsuch. Trump's (or should I say, Bannon's?) ban can now be partially enforced and the rest of its provisions are to be considered by SCOTUS in the autumn:

Here Jason Chariton, one of the Ring of Fire reporters, fills us in on today's news:

Related: The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch and The Noble Family Tree of Neil Gorsuch.

Plus, the DC horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2017 shows lawmaker Saturn @21Sag again which conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Moon and soon opposes his natal Gemini Sun as family and relationship matters and legal issues continue to bedevil him, and thus, We The People.

However, Mr. Putin the Troublemaker is doing fine as we see from his natal horoscope for transit Jupiter @13Libra now conjoins his natal Sun which expands his confidence, ego, and sense of self-importance and suggests the culmination of a project he began approximately 12 years ago which must now end or rise to a higher level. Any bets?