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Nov 24, 2018

2018--2019 Transits for Donald John Trump Jr

Brief Astro-Notes on Donald Trump Jr and Transits to Natal 2018--2019

by Jude Cowell

If you wish a peek, the natal horoscope of Donald John Trump, Jr, is rated A (from memory or news reports) and shows a birth hour of 5:20 pm est on December 31, 1977 Manhattan, New York City, New York. A New Years Eve baby was he! And if you haven't, check out his Wiki bio page for more details on 'Little T' where you'll find him perennially yoked to Reality TV, thanks to his dad Big T. But his yoke is loosened from wife Vanessa Kay Haydon as of their divorce announcement on March 15, 2018. A contested or uncontested divorce seems imminent although its status remains a secret, last I heard.

Now theirs has been an intensely passionate partnership which may have included quite a bit of antagonism and volatility (Sun Sco-Moon Ari: "best of friends or worst of enemies" -- and moodiness, with a lack of sensitivity to the partner's feelings--this is a "riding roughshod" combo, say Charles and Suzi Harvey). And if you look at their Wedding Day planets for November 12, 2005, Mar-a-Lago, Florida you'll see their steamy Water-Fire blend--Sun = husband, Moon = wife, theirs a Mars-Pluto (Scorpio)-Mars (Aries) combination of ambition, pride, and subterfuge.

So with Donald Jr's natal Venus @5Cap02 in 6th house, we know that transit Saturn has recently come to call bring sobering conditions to his relationships and the potential for breaking them off. For Donald Jr, this Saturn-to-Venus transit occurred three times in 2018: February 2, July 8, and November 2. Then there's his 6th house Sun @10Cap08 with restrictive Saturn approaching for a direct conjunction only once: on December 21, 2018. This is a period when his responsibilities must be faced and he must deal with the consequences of past decisions and events. He may be or go into isolation as often as he possibly can as 2019 nears. One must wonder if a prison term is being described here by legal eagle Saturn's dampening of his Sun-Venus conjunction of self-satisfaction. If so or not, Donald Trump Jr is definitely dealing with feelings and issues of restriction, limitation, and the specter of a possible future prison term, just as most media outlets report.

Another heavy transit that has occurred all through 2018 is transit Pluto conjunct his natal Descendant (19Cap53) and bringing relationship upheavals. Exact conjunctions of transit Pluto to his natal Descendant in 2018: February 3, July 17, and next on December 9, 2018. This transit marks a period when he is forced to face any relationship problems or issues he has accumulated so of course divorce and divorce settlements concerning his wife and five children are part of the plutonian picture. What this means for his relationship with his father remains to be seen.

Will 2019 Improve for Donald Trump Jr?

Leaving such a value judgment up to you, dear reader, here are a few prominent 2019 transits to Don Jr's natal chart to consider. First, there's the start of three conjunctions of transit Jupiter to his natal Neptune (16Sag44): January 25, July 3, and September 19, 2019. This is a period when pretense and illusion may expand, imagination is enhanced, he may lose whatever touch he's had with reality (or freedom?), paranoia and/or fanaticism may increase, mysteries abound or perhaps are solved, incorrect diagnoses can occur, and scandals and schemes can continue. There is even a possibility of bankruptcy under Jupiter-to-Neptune's inflated, fraudulent influences. Of course, spirituality may increase as well but I'm not suggesting it for the son of a con man such as Trump--unless his mother Ivana provided her first son with such a possibility or interest.

Now one 2019 transit that is particularly fretful is Saturn square natal Pluto (16Lib35 in 4th house conjunct Trump Sr' natal 2nd house Jupiter Stationary). For Trump Sr this transit is a question of economic growth and political success being hampered by imposing authority figures and by endless laws, rules, and regulations. For Trump Jr it's a more existential period when he is being stripped of unnecessary baggage and may have a feeling of stepping into unknown territory. For Junior the exact transit dates are: February 16, July 17, and November 15, 2019.

Then there's a significant Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019--significant for America since it manifests so near Independence Day 2019 in between our nation's Venus and Jupiter in Cancer (more on this in a future post). Obviously, finances are implicated although business-loving Cancer is a also tribal sign of family and security issues so white nationalism may be part of the eclipse picture as well as the Trump family.

Solar Eclipse @10Can37 July 2, 2019; 3 North Saros Series (a lunation @00Cancer in 3 South is the Prenatal Eclipse of the 9/11 attacks). Themes of 3 North eclipses: 'news involving young people or news that transforms a situation and causes worry or obsession; large plans and activities are taken but don't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

The July 2019 Solar Eclipse is significant for Donald Jr because, among other things, it opposes his natal 6th house Sun (10Cap08) and manifests in his natal 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing...and hidden places such as Prisons. Besides any eclipse influences, this 'cosmic blink' marks an 'unbirthday' transit for Don Jr when one is meant to reassess current plans and activities and make a change of course if results have not been not favorable up to that point (6 months after a birthday). But how free will Donald Jr actually be to make any necessary directional changes toward better outcomes? Will he turn witness for Robert Mueller against his father? Doubtful, yet a strong sense of self-preservation runs in the family and reduced sentences are usually cat nip at times of indictment. Well, surely his Pa-pa' will pardon him if at all possible!

A Mars Return Marks a New Two-Year Cycle of Activities and Efforts

Last I shall mention that 2019 is a year of a Mars Return for Donald Jr and it perfects once on July 16, 2019. Setting Don Jr's Mars Return chart for Manhattan, Mars (9Leo04) conjoins the Return IC (5Leo31 with Mars conjunct sexy asteroid Sappho!) from the 4th house side (more domestic troubles?) and shows his planet of motivation, energy, and activity to be under the quixotic rays of transit Uranus as it has squared his natal Mars. This Uranian transit marks a period when relationships with males are fraught with disagreements, disruptions, and possibly with danger--and when efforts may meet with unexpected results. In addition, transit Uranus, today @29Aries Rx, has been ruffling Donald Jr's natal 10th house Chiron (1Tau09 Rx) off and on suggesting feelings of rebellion and a tendency to act on impractical impulses (Nolle). Of course, his father is quite the quirky Uranian with chaotic impulses and notions shown every day as provided by Big T's guiding planet, his 10th house Uranus in duplicitous Gemini for it's the leader of all Trump Sr's natal planets.

Thankfully for Don Jr there is a grace note found in another aspect in his July 2019 Mars Return chart, an applying trine from Jupiter (6A29) to Mars indicating that a Jupiterian figure will provide Donald Trump Jr with beneficial aid in his hour of need and this may describe a pardon or other legal and/or financial help from his dad, Donald Trump Sr., or it could relate to benefits from wealthy financiers and promoters of the Trump Family...perhaps a cushy, pimped-up prison pad?

Image: Hubble's view of planet Mars

Nov 22, 2018

Chiron to Aries Point 2019 and America's Chiron Return

Image: tri-wheel of three Chiron to Aries Point transits 2018--2019: April 17, 2018, September 25, 2018, and February 18, 2019.

In a previous post titled Chiron to Aries Point 2018-2019, you'll find quite a few general details concerning centaur Chiron, the Wounded Healer and priest, plus, notes on Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries which happens to be America's natal placement of Chiron @20Ari08 in our national 4th house of Roots, Foundation, and Endings, July 4, 1776.

Upcoming in the New Year is the third of three conjunctions of Chiron to AP on February 18, 2019 (shown in tri-wheel, outer chart), and with the US natal IC @00Ari47 (in the US chart I prefer: July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), this transit which occurs approximately every 50 years to a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation marks the introduction or entrance of Chiron into America's 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland, and casts a glance toward our nation's eventual Chiron Return which will perfect three times, due to Chiron's retrogradation: on April 20, 2024, November 8, 2024 (Rx), and February 18, 2025. (More on this in a future post.)

Rounding up, the Sabian Symbol for US Chiron @21Aries = "A Pugilist Entering The Ring" as we did in 1775/76 and beyond; and with US Chiron in Aries we often express the 'sacred warrior' archetype of the Seeker on a Quest identified as "pioneers, trailblazers, and/or mavericks" charting an independent course, seeking our national identity, and endeavoring to lead the world into the future (R. Nolle). As a nation we have traditionally held high the ideal that America fights for what is right, tarnished though that principled position has become with the less noble "might is right" attitude of expansionism, greed, and lust for ever-increasing power and military conquests.

Yet America's 1776 chart contains a helpful Mars-Chiron sextile which Richard Nolle points out, "indicates one whose strongest energies are channeled into the social/aesthetic sphere as a crucible of the Quest for self-transcendence."

So as America's Chiron Return period of 2024/25 nears we may expect such principles to express within the Collective Mind once again in similar fashion to the events, personalities, and Quest of 1776 at the founding of our nation rising up as 'one among the many.' For after all, the 4th house is one of the Watery Psychological Houses (4/8/12--Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces) and relates to what is needed in order to feel that we are psychologically 'at home' with our inherent sense of identity, formerly wounded, but finally able to face our nation's inner pugilist and throw off the bonds of oppression.

For more details see Richard Nolle's Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, the Key to Your Quest and The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. If a modern version of the symbols is preferred I recommend Lynda Hill's excellent 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

And did you happen to notice that The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo 'eclipsed' Chiron's natal Saturn @29Leo which is the same position of one of our Founding Fathers' natal Saturn?! In other words, the Discovery of Chiron basically timed a posthumous Saturn Return for...guess who?

Nov 21, 2018

Late 2018 Lunations plus 2018 Solstices and Equinoxes

November 21, 2018: Coming soon is a significant lunation on December 7, 2018, a New Moon in mid-Sagittarius, plus, you may wish to consider a previous post containing links to the 2018 Spring and Autumn Equinox Horoscopes, the chart of the 2018 Summer Solstice, and a view of the Winter Solstice 2018 Horoscope. All charts are set for Washington DC as is typical here on Stars Over Washington (with DC representing America as well) and all have my study notes scribbled upon them for those who can appreciate if not benefit from my well-intended messiness. (Some artists write quite messily or at least this one does though yours truly can do better if she's not in a hurry.)

Of course, as I type it's still November so prior to the December 7th New Moon we must navigate this Friday's Full Moon @00Gem52 on November 23, 2018--nearly a Thanksgiving Full Moon yet the activation of weeping star Alcyone (00Gemini) might complicate certain conditions or events especially in relation to water, accidents, or blindness (inner or outer).

How 2018 Began Affects the Entire Year and How It Ends

Perhaps we should again note the lunation which opened 2018, the New Year's Day Full Moon in Cancer with its Sabian Symbol (12Cancer) pointing toward China and messages. Next a fresh cycle of activity began with the January 16, 2018 New Moon @27Capricorn which significantly conjoined America's natal Pluto with all the implications that transforming, deconstructing, sabotaging, spying, assassinating, wealth-hoarding underworld 'god' Pluto brings along whenever he's hiding behind the curtain and invisibly manipulating people and events from afar. This 'plutonian' lunation conjured visions of the 2016 RNC's Full Moon @27Capricorn in July which spotlighted our national Pluto in bold relief along with major power plays which transformed the Republican Party platform in Russia's favor and heralded the ongoing sabotage of the US government in the form of Donald Trump, as we now see so obviously. For as you know, Plutocracy and its just-as-evil twin Autocracy are on the rise here and across the globe and Big T is all for it as a lucrative endeavor benefiting his personal coffers and his power-wielding social status.

At least, his continued prominence is what Mr. Trump desperately assumes will be the case.

A related post: Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 with the RNC 2016 Full Moon Horoscope shown as it activated America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of surveillance, mind control, censorship, and propaganda across the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn.

Also of note between RNC 2016 and the first half of 2019 (a 'time link' of sorts) is the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 5, 2019 @15Cap25 which 'eclipses' the rising Pluto in the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart and, as 'wild card/cosmic blink' eclipses tend to do, will probably uncover or spotlight more information, scandals, or secrets concerning the Trump-GOP-Russia situation with the 2 South eclipse's 'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal' implications (Brady) with possibly a Mueller report revealed in late 2018 or early 2019. Or perhaps the Mueller report will be uncovered for public viewing, at least in part, by a significant Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019 @00Leo52 which will 'eclipse' or blot out the light of the US POTUS Sun as 2019 proceeds and influences the Collective Unconscious.

Above image: Moon Shining Across a Lake, the Sabian Symbol for 8 Scorpio; an illustration in pencil by Jude Cowell.

Nov 20, 2018

Horoscopes: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions

Because we remain in the Saturn-Pluto cycle which began on November 7, 1982, as shown by the fact that we're still living in the Reaganomics wealth-favoring economy, below is a DC Horoscope for the planets' exact meet-up in 1982 with November 7, 2018 transits penned around the chart (highlighted in turquoise blue). Significantly, November 7, 2018 was the day of a New Moon @15Sco11 which basically timed a Solar Return to the 1982 Saturn-Pluto chart and, as with all new moons, suggests the seeding of new ideas and/or plans as a new cycle of activity begins. The January 12, 2020 horoscope follows.

This November 7th New Moon resonates with Democratic victories at the 2018 Midterms on Nov 6th so that Republican control of the three branches of government will end once the new 116th Congress is sworn in on January 3, 2019 (last I heard, Jan 3rd), the start of a new congressional cycle. Plus, any conjunction of planets is a 'new moon' within that pair's cycle and 'peaks' of activity may be followed by the planets' sextiles, squares, trines, quincunxes, and oppositions subsequently issuing from the conjunction which starts a particular cycle's 'cosmic clock' ticking toward the next conjunction. Round and round we go!

So as you know, in late 2018 we are nearing the close of the current 1982 Saturn-Pluto cycle (appr 33-38 years' duration) with their January 12, 2020 conjunction coming sooner than we'd like for its 'new social order' implications. Below is the 1982 horoscope, then the upcoming 2020 chart with brief notations included.

Please enlarge the images to read details penned upon the charts:

The Leo Moon is chart-ruler in the November 7, 1982 horoscope (Cancer rising) with the Jupiterian North Node conjunct US natal Jupiter (5Can56), a double Jupiter inference, plus, the Moon also rules the 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Possessions (cusp 21Can48). Busy Luna in Leo leads a a BOWL formation of all the planets denoting an advocacy of a cause or a mission to fulfill; as chart-ruler the Moon and applies twice: 1. Moon square Sun (15Sco16 as noted, Sun is in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling and conjuncts Reagan's natal Jupiter in mid-Scorpio as does Venus, another money planet); the square suggests potentials for conflicts between leadership/authority figures and the people/the public, distorted information and propaganda, and much frustration--self-control and hard work are needed; 2. Moon square Venus which denotes distortion of priorities, rebellion or defiance within relationships and diplomacy, illicit alliances, and a sense of being threatened or intimidated.

2020 minus 1982 = 38 years - half of which = 19 years so I'd say the first half of their cycle ended in or about 2001 just in time for the New Millennium to begin; therefore, we're in process of winding up the Moon-square-Venus phase now.

Setting on the 1982 Descendant is testy warrior planet Mars @5Cap17, so recently limited or restricted by transit Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn which is always a difficult placement for the old man financially. Saturn-to-Mars indicates a period when taking shortcuts or circumventing rules, laws, or regulations is ill-advised (tell that to Trump!), and there are difficulties in relationships with males--or they may break off entirely (ex: former AG Jeff Sessions fired--5Cap is his natal Mars positionand he was born in 1946 with a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, both Rx in Leo!). Also, Mars @5Cap17 opposes US natal Jupiter (see details on the chart, lower right).

Check the 1982 chart's 12th cusp (24Tau06) and you'll see Trump's natal Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Career) conjoining 1982 wounded-wounding Chiron upon the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma (also where raging star Algol resides). Comparing both conjunctions and eras, we now have Saturn and Pluto energies combined in Airy Libra--on the mental or intellectual plane where theories cavort--and describing current trends (a la Reagan, as previously noted) but we will meet compressing Saturn-Pluto energies within the pragmatic Earth sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn as of January 2020, not the best portent in the social or financial areas of life. That more 'earth changes' and shifts will ensue seems a given to me, how about you? Especially since foreign and domestic corporatists have plundered and mined Earth's natural resources to our detriment.

Then as you see, the transiting North Node, the 'head of the dragon', is at 29Cancer, a critical 29th degree, and will soon conjoin the degree (27Can43) of the 1982 Saturn-Pluto conjunction's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which occurred in the 1 North Saros Series on July 20, 1982. This, I should inform you, is 'The Tower' Eclipse under which we now labor for a subsequent eclipse manifested in the 1 North series on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41. 'Collapse of structures, lifestyles, and plans', plus,'rebuilding', are the themes of 1 North (Brady) as we've discussed in several recent posts so if you type 'Eclipses' in the sidebar search field you'll discover a plethora of posts concerning these 'cosmic blinks' of the Universe. Or, tap one of the labels below this post.

You know, it always amazes me that many folk assume that God isn't watching events on planet Earth yet if they attended the sight of a Total Solar Eclipse they could sense His 'blink' if they had any sense at all!

Be that as it may, both Saturn and Pluto are slow moving karmic planets which influence many levels of societies the world over, and it can be instructive to consider historical events of November 1982 (and all of 1982). These include Nov 3: the DOW soared to a record high, the first time since January 11, 1973; Nov 12: former KGB head Andropov succeeds the deceased Brezhnev as secretary general; Nov 13: in Washington DC the Vietman Veterans Memorial is dedicated; and Nov 28: 88 countries send representatives to a meeting in Geneva to discuss world trade and free trade issues. Here's a more complete list for the entire year.

Naturally, 2020 history and beyond has yet to be written but here's the January 12, 2020 horoscope in a meager attempt to look ahead toward the future:

For further details see Horoscope: The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 2020.

Nov 17, 2018

Relationship Horoscopes and Ethics Analyses: Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh

Good news! Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes returns to Stars Over Washington with an in-depth analysis of Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh including their Composite, Synastry, Natal, and "love" horoscopes.

Note that Kevin favors the Regiomontanus house system for chart calculations and you'll want to check out his intriguing post which also analyzes each of the Kavanaughs in the ethics department of life at his Left Wing Astrology blog.

You might just find a surprise or two!

And in case you missed them, here are two previous posts by Kevin Estes with overviews of generational topics which apply to every person born upon Mother Earth:

Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Our Society

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society.

Nov 16, 2018

Documenting Donald Trump's Lies: Do Americans Care About the Truth? with Guest Daniel Dale

Recently I caught a TV interview with Toronto Star's Daniel Dale and was encouraged by the thought that someone objective was keeping such close tabs on the many lies of prevaricator Donald Trump. Other journalists are doing so as well, of course, but I do like the cut of Mr. Dale's jib.

Yet after all, it isn't as if multiple astrologers hadn't warned over and over about Trump's unfitness for office, his loose relationship with the truth, his magical thinking tendency that allows him to live in his own fantasy-prone world in spite of reality, his misconceptions, and loose-lips-sink-ships indiscretion--all unfortunate features of being born under a Mercury-Neptune square without other chart factors to mitigate the difficulties. And you know that Trump's inability to hear others and his lamentable resistance to learning and lack of curiosity can also fit neatly under the Mercury-Neptune-square umbrella with cloudy, confused Neptune permanently stuffing cotton balls in his Mercurial ears and brain cavity. It's an umbrella he can't close.

Then there's his natal Saturn, karmic planet of realism, authenticity, authority, responsibility, accountability, and limits. However, Mr. Trump's natal Saturn is in its detriment in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, a hypersensitive placement full of discontent (Moon-Saturn), a bottomless need for approval, defensiveness, and attachment to material possessions.

And of course, with dysfunctional Saturn in a natal chart and psyche, Papa is always implicated unless Mama wore the pants in the family but in Big T's case, a Cancerian Saturn points toward both members of the parental unit. Sorrowfully adding to the drama, Baby Donnie even sports from birth a dreaded Moon-South-Node conjunction, a Lunar-Saturnian combination suggesting early estrangement from Mom. Talk about a big mess!

Add to all this Trump's negative Geminian tendencies toward duplicity and superficiality, his lack of morals, shifting standards and then, thanks to the 2016 Election, the American people are yoked to a raging dumpster fire in the Oval Office--hunkering down, lashing out, and blaming anyone but the one person responsible for his current woes.

Now who was it said Reality Bites?

And yet we know that, tragically, as Donald Trump goes, so goes America. But does he remind you of an embarrassing trail of bathroom tissue stuck to the bottom of America's shoe? Me, too.

Even so, we'll keep our chins up while checking out an informative segment from the Thom Hartmann program featuring an interview with Daniel Dale himself. And maybe with the help of a still-breathing US Justice Department we can snuff out the raging dumpster fire, its lies, crimes, sabotage, scandals, insults and all!

Nov 14, 2018

Jan 2019: 2 of Trump's 12th House Midpoints 'eclipsed'

Recently we discussed how the Lunar Eclipse of January 21, 2019 @00Leo51 'eclipses' US Inaugural Sun (@0AQ49 on January 20, 2017 = Trump as POTUS) which thus affects or influences the role and office of the presidency as performed by Donald Trump. Well, a quick peek at Mr. Trump's natal 12th house midpoints and midpoint pictures reveals a couple of points which may be worthy of note for the astro-inclined Trump watchers among us, be there any besides myself. (Ya know who ya are!) However, since Mr. Trump's 12th house midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto (violent destruction, brutality, cruelty) has been noted multiple times here and elsewhere, it won't turn up again in this post.

Using our astrological lens to look behind the scenes (12th h) of Politics and politicians (a practical endeavor which some astrologers critique me for while occasional trolls prefer to agonize over my liberal viewpoint of brother's keeper and retaining a democratic Republic, aka, a sovereign America--but not an America of intolerance and hatred spewed by a lewd, indiscreet racist bully who considers himself above the law and fails to protect and defend the Constitution), we find a couple of Trump's midpoints to consider which will be spotlighted by the January 2019 Lunar Eclipse as it 'eclipses' the US Inaugural Sun. Significantly, both midpoints conjunct his 12th house cusp (1Leo55), 'hug' it, in fact, from 11th and 12th house sides in the Placidus system.

But First: Stars and Eclipses

As you know, eclipses both solar and lunar tend to trigger revelations and awareness as secrets, leaks, and scandals inconveniently emerge into a glaring spotlight. Eclipses are often called 'cosmic blinks' or 'wild cards of the Universe' similar to astrological Uranus' disruptive, often shocking interference in earthly events. All eclipse energies work through individuals who can make or change history. If a fixed star is present by degree, eclipse energies are increased, strengthened, and/or more focused, and a cosmic 'caution' from the star involved combines with the eclipse's themes and possibilities. A recent example is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus (cosmic caution: success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that's been gained will be taken away-Brady)--and the 1 North Eclipse directly conjoined the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald Trump. One theme of all 1 Norths: information is distorted and possibly false. Ya think?

12th House: Politics, Large Institutions, Backroom Deals, Karma, Self-Undoing, the Unconscious hides Trump's Saturn-Pluto and Neptune-Midheaven Midpoints

Mr. Trump's natal 12th house cusp @1Leo42 (Placidus), ruled by the Sun which, when associated with the 12th house = unconscious arrogance; politics, lurks behind his 12th house curtain and conjoins his natal Saturn-Pluto midpoint (@1Leo55; potentials: turmoil in older structures; upsets in checks and balances; keeping affairs secret; restraints on destructive weapons; secret preparations for future restrictions; hoarding resources; use of secret police or military agencies) yet another midpoint snugs just on the other side of the 12th house cusp and it's Neptune-Midheaven @00Leo04 (dreams and visions of the leadership hint at future plans; leaders who allow others to deceive them about intentions and motives; official scandals of very large proportions). Certainly that last implication gathers steam as I type and threatens to increase once Democrats chair congressional committees in a snowball rolling downhill.

Now as you know, the Saturn-Pluto duo suggests potentials for compression, hardship, cruelty, and violence (Ebertin). Historically, civilization is now mired within the duo's current cycle (which began with their last conjunction on November 8, 1982 @27Lib36 where transit Venus Rx now tarries, forming a temporary off-and-on midpoint picture of 1982 Saturn-Pluto = 2018 Venus: estrangement, alienation, love of seclusion, self-discipline, renunciation). Coming soon is their next Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46--conjunct the natal Vertex of Donald Trump (as I continue tiresomely to mention in my posts) with Vertex the point of fated/karmic encounters, endings--yet possibly of wish fulfillment.

Then encountering such harsh energies at Vertex in early 2020, will Trump manage to use the destructive Saturn-Pluto energies against others (he has lots of practice) or will its portents somehow 'happen' to him? Significantly, the 2020 conjunction @22Cap46 opposes Trump's natal Saturn in Cancer as well--ouch! And since both planets are considered to be of a karmic nature and karma is 'reaping what's been sown' then it would only be fair if the Saturn-Pluto cruelties he drenches and projects onto others returned to a non-repentant man such as his nibs. Actually, this reminds me of the old, 'he can dish it out but he can't take it' critique which, as others have observed, applies to a raging Mr. Trump whose shaky hold on self-esteem and power don't protect him in the direct-challenge department--and the Saturn-Pluto blend is also 'transforming forces meet immovable object'. Well, he who makes enemies has enemies. And tragically, this applies all too well to America.

Adding to the complexity, Trump's natal Neptune-MC midpoint @00Leo04 is part of the 'eclipsed' implications via the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @00Leo51--and Neptune-MC in Politics and Business suggests, as noted above, "official scandals of very large proportions" plus, "Utopians, crooks, and swindlers" (we should add 'deception used in career'), and on a personal level suggests insecurity, peculiar ideas, Utopians, crooks, swindlers, depressive psychoses, succumbing to unusual influences, big talkers of little action, weaklings, and/or the pursuit of wrong ideas.

Curiously, America's Natal and Progressed Pluto positions (27--30Cap) oppose Trump's Neptunian midpoint so here I shall parrot the excellent *Michael Munkasey who notes that these deceptive energies were active during and around the Resignation of Richard Nixon and for Trump, contains the added participation of saboteur and ace manipulator, US Pluto. So is it strange that, as I type, transit Pluto of the Criminal Syndicate-Underworld, languishes @19Cap13, the very position of Richard Nixon's natal Sun which suggests a period when issues of power, control, and the abuse of power are atop our nation's political agenda and are expressing through the hefty form of Donald J. Trump?

*Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; also referenced in this post, The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology

If you may, look ahead with Inauguration 2017's Solar Return 2019 (horoscope shown with Trump's natal Jupiter conjunct Putin's natal Saturn rising, both planets @17Lib27), or check out the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

Nov 13, 2018

Jan 21 2019: Lunar Eclipse 'eclipses' US POTUS Sun

Could This Be The Cosmic Blink Anti-Trumpers Are Waiting For?

As you see in the above horoscope set for the White House on January 21, 2019, a Total Lunar Eclipse @00Leo51 will 'eclipse' our US POTUS Sun (Inaugural Sun @00AQ49 on January 20, 2017 = Trump playing president) and transit Saturn, legal eagle, time keeper, and karmic lesson-bringer, will oppose US natal Sun (13Cancer 19 on July 4, 1776) bringing restriction and possibly an ending to some if not all of Trump's Oval Office role playing as America's commander-in-chief, a job he was ill-prepared for but that was the point for those who placed him in that particular position. For all those who placed Trump in charge had to know of his unstable, substandard, know-nothing, compromised, corrupt condition beforehand but they socked it to America anyway. That he was highly suggestible and didn't ask any questions made him the malleable choice especially after being 'groomed' for years to play the role he'd always coveted anyway. Gemini the thespian!

Now it's true that the previous Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 occurred on August 11, 2018 as 'The Tower' Eclipse for its theme of collapse of plans and lifestyles, then rebuild once the dust settles. It's also true that The Great American Eclipse @29Leo (August 21, 2017), a Total eclipse that split America into two halves, North and South, landed by degree directly upon the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump and activated royal star Regulus and his rising Mars--and you'll remember how he famously took off the safety glasses and looked directly into the eclipse while it was happening like a total buffoon--blindness is said to threaten at a future date). Such a golden Apollo! (Well, if 10:54 am really is his birth time he was born with asteroid Apollo rising.)

Now both solar eclipses affected--affect--him, yes, so the Lunar Eclipse shown above could very well be a third-times-the-charm direct hit to Donald Trump via his role-playing as POTUS or it could be simply a blow to the US presidency itself, its power and authority and not the ending of the amoral Mr. Trump as we've come to know and dislike him. Note that the eclipse perfects only hours after Inauguration 2017's Solar Return 2019 occurs (exact on January 20, 2019 at 11:36:15 pm est with ASC 17Lib57 thus bringing up Trump's 2nd house Stationary Jupiter - exact to the degree plus 30m--17Leo27).

If you wish, see my study notes penned on the chart upper right for a few more details.

Nov 10, 2018

November 23, 2018 Full Moon activates 2012 Eclipse

Image: 'Cosmic Blinks' collage

Recently we discussed here the Full Moon of November 23, 2018 @00Gem52 conjunct weeping Alcyone of the Pleiades constellation. For those who keep up with solar eclipses, it comes as no surprise that the November 23rd lunation of 2018 spotlights or re-activates a previous Solar Eclipse by degree (00Gemini), an eclipse which manifested during the watershed year of 2012 and this suggests a return to certain topics of that time. Therefore, the themes of said eclipse may also come into play again for they have continued 'running in the background' all along with Collective implications (plus, another previous solar eclipse from a different Saros Series may be triggered as well--see below). And perhaps you agree that New and Full Moons can sometimes 'behave' much as an eclipse would do--New Moons in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses, Full Moons like Lunar Eclipses with their more unconscious potential for total awareness. Such catalyzing action and the changes they portend would depend, of course, on an eclipse activating the horoscopes of individuals through which history is made.

Yet all eclipses are "wild cards of the Universe" with their disruptive, sometimes shocking abilities for sudden changes of direction similar to planet Uranus and they may also be termed 'cosmic blinks' for light on Earth is temporarily removed or reduced by a Higher Power.

The Solar Eclipse set to be re-activated by the November 23rd Full Moon occurred on May 20, 2012 in the 14 South Saros Series @00Gemini - conjunct, as noted, Alcyone, keywords: 'something to cry about'. Adding to this complexity is the fact that the May 2012 and November 2018 lunations @00Gemini may also re-activate another prominent Solar Eclipse in the 13 South Saros Series which occurred @1Gemini in 1993. All this said, the themes of 13 South and 14 South are handily listed, below, and please note that 1993 is the year of the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment-New World Order planets, Uranus and Neptune:

Potentials for 13 South May 21, 1993 (1Gemini) themes: 'conflicts, wars, constitutional crisis' (now, compliments of Trump), 'striving for group endeavors in positive or negative fashion', 'expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavor', 'an urge to expand but his contains frustration, inhibitions, loss, or separation' (all themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology). And note that a 13 South Solar Eclipse also manifested in 2011, next in 2029.

Now as you know, Uranus conjoined Neptune three times in 1993 @18Capricorn and with 2017/2018 Pluto, planet of the Underworld, coming along in an activating fashion, so that a midpoint picture forms: 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) which I've always thought sounds like the mobster's ultimatum, the 'offer that can't be refused'. Do US congress members, particularly of the GOP persuasion, hear such a sinister ultimatum whispered in their compromised ears? Perhaps you agree that thuggish Mr. Trump is implicated, not the least because the Sabian Symbol for '18Capricorn' is POLITICAL POWER with its negative expression: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' which of course echoes the potential for Trumpian authoritarianism on the rise (across the globe, actually, but my focus is America, my only nag in the race). This above all is the reason the Trump regime is unwanted and constantly criticized by those of us who prefer America as a democratic Republic over his style of vicious, sinister, self-glorifying paternalism.

Potentials for 14 South May 20, 2012 (00Gemini) themes: 'periods of hard work then success', 'Mercury-Pluto content' (contained in 14 South's initial eclipse @11Scorpio in year 984 OS) suggests that 'an obsessive idea will finally be accepted' which then leads to the 'promised success of Jupiter', 'pushing for acceptance of ideas or methodolgies' (or authoritarian ideologies? jc) 'as this eclipse can bring the long awaited breakthrough'. Of course, Mercury-Pluto suggests America's natal opposition between them (1776) and the potential for total surveillance which we now find lurking within AI which IS the 'New World Order', aka, 'the Matrix'. And btw, the NWO's Sun @1Scorpio was recently highlighted by the Full Moon of October 24, 2018 (1Tau13), the Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections. Synchronicity!

Now the next 14 South eclipse occurs in 2030, plus, 14 South also manifested on May 10, 1994 @20Taurus, the year that presented us with government shutdowns and the so-called Gingrich Revolution when Newt and the GOP took control of the House against democrat Bill Clinton and 'eclipsed' William Jefferson Clinton's natal Taurus Moon.

And one final note to this morning's dissenting fuss: if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Piper Piper for the two demagogues' personalities are very much alike.

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Check out a previous post on Nikola Tesla and his unaspected Uranus, planet of Technology, electricity, lightening, innovation, eccentricity, uranium--and genius. Curiously, considering this new phase of Tesla Technology now being revived and utilized, a cosmic synchronicity has recently occurred when his natal Uranus @24Tau56 was conjoined and thus in a sense 'set in motion' by a New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15, 2018!

And please note that the post linked above hooks you up with the B-rated natal horoscope of Nikola Tesla, born June 28, 1856 at 00:00 LMT during a major lightening storm. There you'll find that rising at midnight was 2Tau52, the spot in the Zodiac that transit Uranus now electrifies off and on (his natal Ascendant!) and his natal Pluto @5Tau32 rising and soon to be electrified by the abrupt changes brought to society by transit Uranus.

Nov 9, 2018

Astro-Notes on acting AG Matthew Whitaker circa 2006

The Wikipedia page of Trump's newly named acting AG Matthew Whitaker (politician) gives his birth date as October 29, 1969, Ankeny, Iowa so let's take a peek at the planets on that day to suss him out a bit for it seems we'll be stuck with him. His Sun is in Scorpio but naturally only a range of degrees for his natal Moon can be ascertained without an accurate birth hour. His Luna position during the 24 hours of his birth day varies from 21Gem16 to 3Can24 thus creating two potential Sun-Moon personality blends. Brief details of both are listed, below, and are taken from the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign:

Plus, details concerning Mr. Whitaker's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') follow along with a few of the transiting planets for November 7, 2018 which link to Whitaker's natal planets on that day (with the DOJ's chain of command ignored by Trump = unconstitutional).

An ethereal, misty Water-Air Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini denotes a passionate yet detached fellow gifted with the psychological understanding of a counselor and therapist. Endlessly curious and insightful about human emotions, Whitaker can be volatile, restless, satirizing, voyeuristic and tends to engage in off-again on-again involvements. One Image for Integration stands out: "Trivial Pursuits goes macabre."

A Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini blend also pertains to Fyodor Dostoyevsky who informed us that, "If the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own likeness."

A sentimental, emotional double Water blend of Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer suggests the 'mailed fist in a velvet glove' sort of person who is very perceptive, clannish, shrewd, and charismatic with a strong sense of duty. This is a tough-and-tender combo of energies which can suddenly morph into exterminator mode and can "feel where things are at," then take actions to restore harmony. He allows subjective hunches to replace objective reasoning and can sink into self pity via an egocentric sensitivity (which sounds like Donald Trump).

Even this blend's Image for Integration sounds Trumpian whose natal Mercury (thought processes; communications) in Cancer tends to be clannish and shrewd as well: "A mother eagle defends her babies with immense courage." How amusing in view of the fact that Mr. Trump feels a need to declare that he's "not a baby"! So as you can tell, I'm leaning toward a secretive Cancer Moon for Mr. Whitaker to 'go with' Trump's clannish, shrewd natal Mercury in Cancer although a Gemini Moon would resonate well with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio.

Now two quotes from a couple of famous Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer natives:

"There is a homely adage which runs, 'speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far'." - Theodore Roosevelt; and amusingly, "So live that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." - Will Rogers.

So as you know, Matt Whitaker was named acting AG on November 7, 2018 beneath the darkened rays of a New Moon @15Sco11 (when shady activities can flourish). In no particular order, transits to his natal planets (sans natal Moon) include:

Mars trine natal Mercury (25Libra): thoughts can be turned into action, mentality is energized, good news and/or good fortune arrive/s, lots of meetings are held, and business ventures are favored.

Venus Rx conjunct natal Mercury (26Libra): agreeable meetings and communications with allies involved in joint endeavors.

Authoritative planet of karma Saturn sextile natal Sun (6Scorpio): an opportunity is provided via a more mature or senior authority figure to demonstrate leadership ability--a chance to 'get ahead' is offered.

Saturn trine natal Saturn (5Taurus Rx): making plans, lifestyle changes are stabilized.

Saturn square natal Uranus (6Libra): great tension, challenges, and upsets.

Pluto sextile natal North Node (20Pisces) - both planet and point are karmic: destiny beckons, reaping the benefits of past actions (he's written and given his opinion on legal matters in Trump's favor multiple times), and...powerful events change the future.

A 7 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse

As for Matthew Whitaker's PE, it manifested prior to his birth on September 11, 1969 @18Vir53 in the 7 South Saros Series with themes of: 'force, anger, and power' via the 'Mars-Pluto energies contained in 7 South's initial eclipse' of June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump's natal Mercury @8:51!); 'huge obstacles will suddenly, easily clear, or, negatively, a pending potential crisis will manifest with a sense that everything is moving at great speed' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). A 7 South eclipse last manifested on October 3, 2005 @10Libra (between Whitaker's natal Venus @15Libra and Uranus @6Libra) and will next perfect on October 14, 2023 @21Libra 'eclipsing' his natal Jupiter (20Lib41) and occurring near the natal Jupiter (17Libra) of Donald Trump.

So as it turns out, both men are charter members of the "it's not fair!" club of Jupiter in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice. A cozy connection, perhaps, but there are a few other planetary links not so cozy between their natal planets which I may discuss in a future post if Mr. Whitaker manages to hang on to his new exalted position in the Department of Justice.

Nov 8, 2018

AG Sessions fired with Saturn conjunct natal Mars

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions was fired yesterday, November 7, 2018, transiting Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, sign of law, government, and authority, was sitting directly upon the natal Mars of former Senator Sessions (5Cap30).

Now the Mars-Saturn duo describes many things, among them hard work, destroyed vitality, harmful or destructive energy, and the 'death axis' (Ebertin). And apparently, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly made the phone call for we know that Trump would use someone else to do his 'dirty work' like The Don he is. (But some "embraces" you just don't want.)

So when restrictive Saturn, planet of karma, visits natal Mars, there are potentials (in this case, born out) for male relationships to break off, physical efforts to be ended or stopped, and any chronic health conditions to flare up (plus, transit Saturn has just recently dampened his natal Sun in very early Capricorn and with his Moon (physical body) in the range of 9Cap25 to 21Cap50, we know that his Moon is Saturnized or will be, not to mention the current transit of powerful Pluto's transformative stylings as he trods through Capricorn--ouch! Or the recent contact of the North Node with Sessions' natal Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo--double ouch!)

Additionally, the Saturn-to-Mars transit also suggests that as AG, Jeff Sessions circumvented the authority of Donald Trump when he recused himself from oversight of the Mueller investigation, thus enraging Trump against him, as we know. Thing is, his recusal was warranted since Sessions was a member of Trump Campaign 2016 although Mr. Trump pretends otherwise--it was his mistake to nominate Sessions in the first place. My question today is whether or not Jeff Sessions could be indicted for his contacts with foreign operatives during the 2016 Campaign, the contacts he lied about (perjured himself) before Congress, then finally admitted.

Yet even if the topic of a Sessions indictment 'disappears' from view or isn't warranted or pursued, I doubt we've heard the last of Jeff Sessions who may regroup and focus on a future course of action--also a possibility with the Mars-Saturn duo. And of course Trump's naming of loyalist Matthew Whitaker as temporary AG (without Senate confirmation) now opens a new can of Trumpian worms especially since some believe that partisan Whitaker, who has conflict of interest links to various players in the drama, should recuse himself from involvement with the Mueller investigation, too.

Now here's a previous post with astro-notes concerning the natal planets of Jeff Sessions with emphasis on his natal Jupiter in Scorpio.