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Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts

Sep 6, 2012

2012 noms: Romney Moon-Neptune--Obama Moon/SN

2012 Nominations: Romney = Moon-Neptune, Obama = Moon/SN

by Jude Cowell

Since in America the astrological Moon signifies We the People, the public, and publicity and is an excellent timer of human activity, let's consider the Moon-Neptune combo of August 30, 2012 under which Mitt Romney accepted his party's nomination for president along with tonight's lunar portents as President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination of his party in Charlotte, NC. Both Neptune and the Nodes relate to public contacts/encounters and, the masses and media.

Mitt Romney's Moon-Neptune conjunction in early Pisces is supported by his progressions for SP Moon at SP MC is opposed by his SP Neptune and I blogged last week about this synchronicity--that the Mormon hierarchy is at the base of his aspiration to be president (SP Moon = MC @'11Aries" = "The President of the Country") though I may not have mentionedclearly enough that Neptune's relationship to falsehoods, fraud, lies, and deceit are found in many news reports, blogs, articles, and fact-checkers' conclusions concerning RNC 2012 which spouted little reality or truth as it attempted to frame issues and present a one-sided picture of the president's term in office.

Romney's SP Moon to SP MC perfects on October 3, 2012, date of the first presidential debate:

So what about tonight's DNC event? Is a Moon/South Node (of the Moon) combination a beneficial imprint under which the president will accept his party's nomination?

As you know, the SN of any planet has a Saturnian quality indicating such things as separation, isolation, and the past--so will the American people prefer to separate themselves from President Obama in November 2012--to"break up" with him, as Republicans now advise? If the approval shown during Bill Clinton's exalted nomination of Barack Obama last evening--and the excited reception of other excellent speakers such as Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren and activist for women's rights Sandra Fluke--are indications, then We the People already have our presidential dance partner for January 2013, thanks, and he does not fly a Cayman Islands flag on his luxury yacht nor does he dance with horses!

Now a Moon/SN conjunction does have a Moon-Saturn tone, yes, but it can also be a 'direction-strategy-ambition' marker (Tyl), plus, it shows one who must achieve without cooperation from others (such as that of obstructionist Tea Party members of the House and GOP leaders determined to undermine yet another Democratic president--Rs really are sore losers, aren't they?) Plus, when well-managed, Moon/SN denotes one who is capable of well-planned, concentrated, disciplined efforts. And just like Mr. Clinton last evening, this describes someone I have in mind: President Barack Obama. To paraphrase Mr. Clinton last night, no president including himself could clear up the 8-year economic mess left by Republicans in only four years.

Now Moon/SN also indicates bad timing and separative circumstances of a karmic nature so I'm seeing this duo--which conjoins and stimulates the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse 00Gem20 conjunct Alcyone ('something to cry about'; lots of rain; exile; evacuation)--as a picture of the president's acceptance speech tonight being held at the smaller venue of the TIME-Warner Cable arena due to expected thunderstorms around Charlotte which would possibly necessitate a huge and difficult evacuation unless moved indoors, for the venue change will bump thousands of audience members off the attendance list and make them a little grumpy, I imagine.

And thanks to America's ridiculously over-done, clownishly irrational security measures--even though it may be raining like the dickens umbrellas allowed.

Yet we'll ALL be super-grumpy if President Obama is re-elected and Republicans continue their self-serving no-compromise act of non-governing in what I think is an attempt to collapse America:

Yes, certain mysterious and secret forces do like to keep We the People riled up against one another, aka, divided and conquered.


Speaking of Election Day 2012, for more Political Astrology you may wish to view a few astro-notes on the karmic Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @22Scorpio which conjoins US natal 12th cusp of Politics in our Declaration of Independence natal horoscope:


Sep 5, 2012

The Taurean Moon of Bill Clinton at DNC 2012

Since this is the closest hint I can find concerning former President Bill Clinton's nomination of President Barack Obama for a second term tonight in Charlotte, NC I set up a horoscope for 10:30 pm edt and found the Moon 17Tau21 rising (ASC 17:08), a handy way for on-the-payroll astrologers to time an important even that requires major publicity. We saw the 5-6-degreed Taurus Moon rising last evening at DNC 2012 as well (previous post) which hinted at the evening's themes of Home, Family, Nurturance, Security, Military Families' Needs, Gardening, etc, and spotlighting First Lady Michelle Obama.

But tonight, it's Bill Clinton's turn to shine, though on behalf of Mr. Obama, and he will with his sensual Taurus Moon @20Tau18 in natal 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Business, and High Finance. (His natal MC--The Goal--conjoins US natal Jupiter 5Can56 (July 4, 1776) with the Sabian Symbol for '6Can' being descriptive of Washington then and now: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

with his natal Moon exalted in Taurus and ruled by lovely Venus, Mr. Clinton's Taurean Moon gives him a placid emotional nature--though he's perhaps a bit on the stubborn side emotionally--and lots of common sense for handling finances; it's also known as the 'green thumb' position (Sakoian) which I find amusing because of his habit of pointing his thumb at audiences and TV cameras during speeches. Wonder if he'll do so tonight?

Sept 5, 2012 Charlotte, NC 10:30 pm edt

Now in Charlotte, the Moon rises around 10:30 pm edt this evening which according to the article linked above is just about when The Man From Hope will be speaking or will be about to begin his remarks (after the address of Elizabeth Warren who, being a woman, is also signified by tonight's rising Moon in Taurus, a money sign. This blogger wishes her well in her Senate bid. The American people need her advocacy on our behalf.) The Roll Call vote for Obama'as nomination is set for about 11:00 pm so Clinton's speech should wind up by or just before then yet as we know from experience, the DNC 2012 program may run long with Bill about the place.

As for Bill Clinton's Lunar Return during DNC 2012, it perfects in Charlotte on Thursday September 6, 2012 @4:27:37 am edt--with Barack Obama's natal Sun in Leo rising!--yet Luna has sailed past a beneficial trine with the Sun 14Vir09 (6S09); this Lunar Return horoscope shows some health concerns (as does his recent Solar Return and transits) with two minor appying aspects--semi-square Uranus and sesqui-square Pluto

so hopefully Bill won't be partying all night long! One would have to check all his Lunar Returns for the year for more conclusive health information along with transits, progressions, his Venus Return since Venus is his natal chart-ruler (ASC 5Lib30, and his current Mars Return as well.

One more thing about DNC 2012: there's a 'political propaganda-secret information' trio in force this week and I shall type out for you its potentials since Mars is at apex and also conjoins Pres. Obama's natal Neptune, planet of secrets, the media, and the masses--any, all, or none may apply:

Mercury-Pluto = Mars (@8Sco44): attacking issues without reservation; acting confidently; sharp criticism; indefatigability; the desire to attack others; a blackmailer.

Mercury-Pluto = BHO's n Neptune: cunning; slander; pursuit of peculiar plans; overdoing issues wears out one's welcome. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Oct 5, 2011

Washington's Oath on a Wall Street Balcony and our First Amendment

George Washington's Wall Street meets Occupy Wall Street's First Amendment

by Jude Cowell

Have you ever noticed the horoscope for the ceremony of our very first presidential oath-taking on a Wall Street balcony at Federal Hall (26 Wall Street) just across from the NYSE building in lower Manhattan, NYC?

Among other factors, the horoscope shows a YOD pattern (special task; crossroads; turning point; crisis; paradox) on April 30, 1789 at 12:45 pm LMT which is the moment our then-Freemason-in-Chief of some wide repute, George Washington, elected to take the very first US Presidential Oath of Office.

And the same site, Wall Street's Federal Hall, is the place where the First Amendment was created and ratified, 222 years ago this very week. Here it is now:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

So, gathering their filly skirts about them, you'll find that the official website of Federal Hall now opens with a Notice saying that for the 'duration' of the Occupy Wall Street protests, the *front door of the site where President George Washington took the first-ever oath of office will be barricaded...yes, barricaded against The People.

It is within the nature of Temples to be defended. Of course.

Yet the Notice carries such an 18th century vibe, even for the chronically self-protective, I do declare! (My spats and top hat are at the cleaners, if you're wondering.) Guess the authorities are cooperating with the well-heeled of Wall Street in case something valuable needs guarding against the younger generation.

So if we look to Sabian Symbols for a descriptive word picture concerning the Occupy Wall Street presence of 2011 as they issue from the 1789 brouhaha that started the whole shebang and a branch of government--with a pageant on display upon a Wall Street balcony since our nation's capitol was then situated at Federal Hall NYC--therefore, we may wish to snoop using the one-degree-for-a-year method of looking at outcomes bwo evolutionary Symbols.

And because Astrology describes universal energy flowing in an AC-DC fashion--one of the following signifies on some level the protesters, the other the self-exalted swelled-heads whom the marchers and chanters wish to reach with a message of we-the-people's grievances against them and against the sorry ways in which American society has been run the last decade or so. We're so scammed.

(Time for a shout-out to Pres. Bill Clinton's 'free' trade frenzy that really got the outsourcing of US workers' jobs rockin' back in the 1990s. If millions more Americans had jobs that paid at the least a living wage, most of our financial issues would go poof!)

But wage setting is merely a goalpost the power elite keep moving at their will or fancy, but always to our detriment, after they've had The Creatives drape gauzy veils of political assurances over it to disguise their true intent. Don't look too closely!

Math Produces Symbol: **12 Scorpio

2011 - 1789 = 222 (7 signs = 210 + 12 degrees = 222 = 12 Scorpio) = "An Embassy Ball"...Keyword: DISPLAY; positive expression: an absolute stability of self as contribution to group integrity; negative (unconscious/shadow side): a smug demand for special privilege.

Like barricading Federal Hall against the rambling natives?

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; 'unconscious/shadow side' added by yours truly.)

*An instruction for using a side door is listed on the website. Which reminds me of self-protective Cancer, sign of The Crab, that will scuttle sideways (or through side doors) in order to avoid inconvenient (and possibly superior) challenges to its authority.

**Interestingly, Nicholas deVore gives '12Sco' as a degree of business in his Encyclopedia of Astrology (1947; Philosophical Library, New York.)

Aug 15, 2011

Dec 14, 1996: US Sec Saturn Rx Station @ 3Sco25

An Astro-Peek at When US Authority and Authenticity Changed

by Jude Cowell

In the Fall 2010 issue of Julie Demboski's Eclipse e-zine (subscription only, now an email subscription and worth it!), I wrote a column called American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun which detailed my views on one of the signposts along the way of America's change of trajectory toward overreach, over-expansion, overspending, quixotic notions leading us astray, and excessive arrogance and greed.

This is not our Founders' country anymore, as many Americans feel!

Astrological Jupiter's connection to idealism, broadened horizons, philosophy, and finances figures into the path-diverted picture as well for a planet moving direct at birth (July 4, 1776 US natal Jupiter 5Can56 conjunct US natal Sun and Venus) may turn retrograde by progression depending on whether it turns Rx in real time (1776), and a progressed chart is based on a natal chart when the 'clock' starts ticking by degree as well as moment--for America's founding, Jupiter began @ 5Can56.

So, you ask, just when did America's planet of Jupiterian realms turn Rx onto a more inward-looking, subtle, distanced course which transformed its participation with other natal planetary energies? Precisely on November 15, 1905, and right away we think of President Teddy Roosevelt, the Progressive Social Movement, the soon to blowup Panic of 1907, and the resulting creation of the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank. Other events and changes occurred as well, and perhaps you can locate my article in Julie's Eclipse issue for more details.

Besides, today I want to focus on US *Sec Saturn's Rx Station on December 14, 1996 during the President Clinton era--especially with the final conjunction of US Saturn by transit to US natal Saturn @ 14Lib48, our national Saturn Return, occurring soon on August 28, 2011--the date that the new Martin Luther King Jr Memorial is to be dedicated in Washington, DC. Plus, Saturn rules stone and stone markers, of course, in an attempt to create a permanent (Saturn) remembrance of a person or event.

Astrological Saturn, as you know, rules such things as authority, accountability, responsibility, austerity, reality, restriction, constriction, restraint, constraint, reserve, inhibition, Time, delay, endings, discipline, loss, lack...but also form, function, structure, walls and boundaries (even bones, teeth, skin), prisons, membranes, old age, the elderly, etc. You know the senex scoop.

If such a Rx change of direction by progression occurs simultaneously with major transits (as they did with US Sec Jupiter's Rx Station of 1905--lots of powerful Mars/Pluto action in the early 1900s), then a "backdrop for new perspectives" becomes evident although it will be subtle at first. However, something tangible may happen during that year (1996), perhaps directed by those who are aware of the planetary change, and some US leaders are nothing if not aware of such subtle forces which they attempt to engineer to suit their wills--the old win-win way of playing the game for those in charge. Plus, a need-to-know-basis is used for keeping the strings of power within certain hands.

With Saturn Stationing Rx, a progressed trine to the Sun follows in about 11 to 13 years when a fruition of some kind is achieved which stems from the year of the directional change--1996, here, so the years 2007--2009 are implicated (US Sec Full Moon Sun 4Pis10, December 2008, occurred less than one degree past the Sec Sun/Saturn trine.)

This info, of course, provides us with a time frame linking the internalization of America's Saturnian functions (such as authority, authenticity, realism) during the Clinton era 1996 (his second term) into the era of George Bush and on into the Obama Inauguration of January 20, 2009--and beyond to this very moment, for Mr. Obama is still in office.

Yes, the presidential baton was passed from Dubya to Barry in 2009, yet on many levels, the new boss of Saturnian authority acts much the same as the old, doesn't he? And we have basically the same problems grinding on.

So looking back to the Clinton era we may one day be able to see a suspension or weakening of Saturnian functions more than we can now. And it would take months or years for me to study and blog at you concerning the effects of Saturn's directional shift as evidenced by actual events. (My Sec Jupiter Rx Station article took about 5 months off and on to compile and compose.)

Besides, you probably remember some of the authoritarian actions or non-actions of the Clinton administration (the February 28, 1993 Siege of Waco comes to mind as Sec Saturn was slowing down in preparation, already on its Station degree @ 3Sco24 and had just crossed Sec IC by progression into 3rd house where it remains) but here is a brief list of December 14, 1996 events to whet the whistle of those who are concerned with the condition of the US government and the inverted condition of our Saturn, planet of government, law, and business.

Yes, it's 2011 and America's 'broken systems' have been in the news every day now since 2007/08--and tottering, they tell us, on the brink of Saturnian collapse with transit Pluto (transformation; destruction) in Capricorn working his toppling magic.

The rest of 1996 applies as well but why not use the actual date since we have it?

Now you'll note from these news stories the use of Saturnian words such as loyalist, rigid rules, big conservative, hostages, governor, law-politics-labor-business, blockages, obstacles, and other terms which tie in directly to Saturnian themes and issues.

All 5 articles are from the Baltimore Sun and the list begins with the nation that is now our biggest creditor and a man who, it states, once worked for General Electric:

China's new man in Hong Kong Governor-elect Tung Chee-hwa was a big conservative in the US;

Clinton taps Reno, Richardson, Daley Commerce, U.N. posts go to loyalists (contains 'free' trade agreement mention--current lack of US tariff barriers now pose a huge problem along with Ross Perot's predicted "sucking sound" of US jobs being shipped overseas, aka, the NAFTA SHAFTA);

Daley has ties to law, politics, labor, business Son of Chicago mayor ran Clinton's '92 Ill. campaign (Daley 'managed' it: Saturn!);

Businesses challenge Glendening lawsuit planned to block Governor on collective bargaining;

Richardson has knack for freeing hostages abroad Nominee for U.N. envoy also is Clinton loyalist with Hispanic roots.

Well, do you feel that 'something changed in America' during Clinton's presidency as his 'authority' was constantly under challenge and threat from the GOP? Our legal system certainly was affected by the brouhaha. But I'm not so certain that the legal challenges by conservatives to his administration weren't just staged Political Theater meant for public consumption (and for the usual dividing-and-conquering of the people, plus, a financial boondoggle) for it isn't as if the Clinton presidency ended over Ken Starr's investigation, now is it?


Some key themes and potentials for Saturn in Scorpio: skill, obstinacy, occupation with spheres of metaphysical knowledge, endurance, a serious outlook, transformation, delving into difficult problems, spiritual rebirth, melancholy. (Ebertin.) As I type, US Sec Saturn Rx is @ 3Sco14.

Station Rx info inspired by Erin Sullivan.

*I tend to use 'Sec' for Secondary Progressions (aka, SP) to distinguish them in my notes from Minor and Tertiary Progressions. The three represent the 27:13:1 planes of existence: mental-causal, emotional-intuitive, and physical. jc

Apr 19, 2011

Solar Eclipse of the Siege at Waco 1993

The US government-Branch Davidian stand-off which history calls the Siege at Waco began on February 28, 1993, ended on April 19, 1993, and was shown live on TV in the US around the clock, as I remember (or perhaps it only seemed that way. We were more easily shocked back then - and perhaps shocking the public was part of the motivation.)

The 50-day Waco stand-off happened within a certain Solar Eclipse Series, the 13 North, which actually manifested on December 24, 1992 @ '2 Capricorn' and repeated on January 4, 2011 - we're in the 13N now. Interestingly, something else portentous occurred during this Series: the first of the three Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune (#1 on February 2, 1993 @ 19Cap34), the Illuminati other words, Uranus and Neptune = the New World Order duo.

Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology, we have then and now a theme of groups and associations, large ambitious group projects, the breaking of an already existing bond (such as when joining a cult), separation then joint achievement. The next occurrence of 13N will be in the year 2029; for historical comparison, 13N also occurred in 1902, 1920, 1938, 1956, and 1974.

One assumes the 'joint acheivement' part was on the side of the FBI, Janet Reno, then-President Bill Clinton, and their globalist masters hidden in the shadows of our invisible government. (See sidebar near top for quotes from presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson on a very similar topic.)

Natally, 13N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of Rod Blagojevich (remember him and his hair?), Patsy Ramsey (mother of Jon Benet Ramsey), and poet Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830.)

The initial eclipse in the Series occurred on August 14, 1776 and its horoscope contains quite a descriptive midpoint picture which may relate to the heavy-handed Siege at Waco; Mars was @ 18Can13, North Node @ 5Leo28 conjunct US natal NN, and power-mad Pluto Rx was @ 26Cap38 - less than one degree from US natal Pluto and the degree of the Midheaven (Aspirations) in all modern-day presidential inauguration charts:

Mars/NN = Pluto: the performance of record achievements; a violent or forced separation from a partnership or union; deterring the competition; increased need to be in control of groups and associations which wield influence in your professional areas of interest.

Here's part of what Dane Rudhyar (An Astrological Mandala) has to say about '2Cap' which includes reference to the disruptive consequences of war. See if you think '2Cap' applies to the Siege at Waco.

"Three Rose Windows in a Gothic Church, One Damaged by War."

Keynote: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.

...The "capital" of group-energies is partially squandered in armaments and death. WASTE is the opposite of group-integration.

On a similar theme is the Massacre at Ruby Ridge. And 'ruby' is red and red is 'Rose' and it's possible that "Rose" in the Sabian Symbol for '2Cap' refers to Rosicrucianism and we're back to 'Swords vs Torches' once again.

Sep 6, 2010

Newt Gingrich then and now: (im) peaches and tea

Newt Gingrich last won political office so long ago the chads have whiskers.

And though he's up to something GOP-ish with the big corporation Koch Brothers funded Tea Party movement, this article comparing him in his political heyday (think 'impeach Clinton') to his current machinations leaves me sputteringly speechless. Almost.

As I like to remind people whenever necessary: Mr. Gingrich is not from Georgia. I am from Georgia. He is not. And yes, there be many home-grown jackasses from Georgia and I may very well be one of them.

But Gingrich is from elsewhere.

So if you must, here's Newt back in 2009 accusing President Obama of 'coddling terrorists' while visions of Joseph McCarthy danced in his head.

You know, if it weren't so tragic for the entire world, I'd say, Crazy Washington! You impeached the duly elected president the American people liked while ignoring our calls to impeach the usurper, the One Who Should Have Been Impeached along with his side-winding sidekick who speaks out of the side of his mouth.

Aug 3, 2010

Steamed over Chelsea's $11,000 wedding cake?

If you're steamed over Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky's extravagant, multi-million-dollar wedding last Saturday, your blood pressure won't likely simmer down from reading an article on the topic by Paul Craig Roberts, I assure you.

Oprah was in attendance and she could have bankrolled the Secret Service protection which American taxpayers paid for to keep the wedding guests safe and snug (from us, one supposes.) Therefore, we taxpayers should each have a slice of Chelsea's wedding cake tucked in our freezers, at the least!

Plus, Mr. Roberts asks some interesting questions in his article concerning the exorbitant incomes of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and others. And notice that George Bush's compadre in war, Tony Blair, was invited to the uppercrust wedding at the Astor mansion.

This hints at what I fuss about here all the time: could it be that they're all in this together against we-the-people (and all other people)? And the sight of Bill and Poppy Bush traveling around collecting millions in disaster relief donations from the likes of you and me?


Jul 4, 2010

More on the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse in Cancer

If you're looking for more astro-details on the upcoming Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 Virgo Magic may have just what you're looking for, including info on the recent Lunar Eclipse 4Cap46 conjunct Pluto of June 26, 2010.

With Capricorn ruled by Saturn (fear) and Pluto's deep fear factor involved in the cosmic picture, the fear of loss (Cap) and how to cope with it (Pluto) is on every one's menu on into 2011, which will be The Year To Get Through as best we can!

The July 11 Solar Eclipse is in the 12 South Series which has a time link to its last manifestation so we may expect similar issues from that year to reappear - or, the exact same issues in various guises may re-rear their hoary heads for the world's reconsideration and, hopefully, for better solutions.

Last time, 12S manifested on June 30, 1992 @ '9Can' so Cancerian issues of security, safety, domestic concerns such as real estate, homelessness, refugeeism, food, grains, and milk - anything that nurtures and protects - were on our minds and in the headlines as they are again. Plus, nowadays we have genetic engineering of seeds and food supplies to worry about along with changing weather patterns interrupting growing seasons; famine cannot be ruled out.

And of course, 1992 is one of the years of the 90s decade that the New World Order was rearing its (ugly) head in a more public way than ever before with Bush Sr's mentions of it as a venture which will be successful. Then came 1993, studded with the Great Conjunctions of enlightening planets Uranus and Neptune, the pair which this reluctant astrologer considers to be a signature of the Illuminati and their plan for world domination. You may disagree, and that's okay.

In 1992, Uranus and Neptune were within orb but not as strong as they would be in 1993 when partile (exact.)

Yet it seems obvious to me that Bill Clinton's election to the presidency was part of the NWO agenda with NAFTA's 'free trade' pretending not to be code words for the dissolving of borders, nation states, currencies, and, yes, the United States of America. In the news now is the UN calling for dumping the US dollar.

Yes, 'thanks' must go to Bill NAFTA Clinton, as I call him.

Also, the first bombing of the World Trade Center took place under his watch as perhaps a sort of a dry run for 9/11 though I doubt any WTC attack victims of either year would appreciate my typing that. Still, both attacks are part of a process which is my point today on America's 234th birthday as the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse draws near - and occurs one week into our nation's Solar year.

A bright spot has to be 12S's astrological implications that 'things at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) but if the Eclipse influence helps any of the dire conditions we face, the 'then clear' part could come in early 2011, or later this year since a Solar Eclipse's influence lasts from one to the next, approximately 6 months. (Though a strong one may take effect up to 2 weeks prior to its actual occurrence.)

So will BP's efforts to stop the Gulf Coast oil gusher bear fruit in mid-July as they've said it might, before their previous estimate of August? Well, Cancer the Crab does live in Gulf waters after all! Or should I say, lived?

A Few Historical Events of 1992

Britain's Queen Elizabeth dubbed 1992 her 'annus horribilis' with Windsor Castle damaged by fire (and eventually she had to foot some of the bill, poor thing!), plus the marriages of three out of her four children ended in divorce (Charles and Diana formally announcing their separation in December.)

Financial scandals were in the news as usual, and a loss-infused Saturn/Pluto square brought a bleak, heavy mood similar to what their 2010 square brings now (though their square didn't become exact until March 1993, prolonging its effects.)

The Serbs bombarded Sarajevo, heating up the Balkans conflict and the UN condemned 'ethnic cleansing' by the Serbs as a war crime. (War is a crime, imho.) More marriage troubles appeared as Nelson Mandela and his wife separated (like Al and Tipper Gore?); the venerable Lloyd's of London revealed massive losses; in New York, John Gotti was convicted of murder and racketeering.

(Gotti may be gone, but murder and racketeering remain.)

Also in 1992, race riots erupted in Los Angeles after Rodney King's video-taped beating by police was shown ad infinitum on TV, Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida and the Bahamas, and women priests were allowed to minister in the Church of England after much wrangling and controversy.

On January 8, 1992 while visiting Japan, President George Herbert Walker Bush was poisoned (my theory) at a state dinner, vomited into the lap of Japan's Prime Minister, then promptly fainted. Influenza was said to be the cause. Perhaps. But if I'd felt that ill before dinner, I would have begged off and had a tray sent up!

Oh, and did I mention that Bill NAFTA Clinton was elected US President? Bet Poppy B threw up again when he heard that.


A more complete list of the events of 1992 by month may be found here.

Moon Phases, a drawing from my Secret Moon Art collection of cosmic images with an occasional bit of Astrology blended in.

Apr 23, 2010

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video)

Yes, I know that former Clinton adviser Dick Morris is appearing here with Sean Hannity to promote his new book, 2010. But to me, little has ever seemed or been right about the Siege at Waco or the Oklahoma City Bombing which Timothy McVeigh said was his answer to the take-over of the Waco Compound by President Bill NAFTA Clinton.

Mr. Morris says in the video above that he doesn't know what Attorney General Janet Reno held over President Clinton's head concerning Waco which prompted him to reappoint her for a second term as US AG.

Yet some of us suspect that the 'what' related to the Inslaw Corporation's PROMIS software which the US government had stolen from Inslaw in the 1980s (Reagan!)

PROMIS (or its upgraded progeny) was originally created for legal firms to use but was soon seen as much more than that: a way to track anybody's financial dealings and whereabouts worldwide - in any language. The software was subsequently sold to the governments of many nations and, some say, to Osama bin Laden as well - but with a backdoor for eavesdropping which the US could use in whatever secretive, damaging ways it thought to devise.

One of My Sources for This Post

In Michael C. Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon, he titles Chapter 10 as, 'PROMIS: Controlling the Data' and says the software was 'rigged' when it was sold to the Canadian government, and that it is "peering into Americans' private lives," among other uses.

He also says that PROMIS "crossed a threshold in the evolution of computer programming." And it was first developed in the 1970s! Mr. Ruppert also asserts that PROMIS was part of and connected to "insider trading on 9/11."

This is one of the many things that makes me wonder how the attacks of 9/11 could have been such a 'big surprise' to the US government, or to those who profited from the crime by way of insider trading (one culprit I'm looking at is you, Cheney.)

Yes, the whole Inslaw-PROMIS factor was part of what investigative journalist Danny Casolaro was researching back in *August 1991 (think 'Bush, Sr', too - don't forget Operation Desert Storm which Bush hailed then as "a triumph of the New World Order") when Casolaro was brutally murdered/assassinated in a West Virginia motel after going there to meet with a mysterious foreign man in order to nab more evidence on the worldwide crime syndicate he dubbed The Octopus.

When Is a Mystery Not So Mysterious?

Taking the bait, Mr. Casolaro expected the new evidence to tie up loose ends for his book's publication, and needless to say, the murder scene contained nary a scrap of the painstaking notes that he was known to have had with him that weekend.

(New Moon the afternoon of Casolaro's murder @ '18Leo' which would turn out to be the degree of the August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' or 'Alarm' Solar Eclipse which continues to have a 'financial terrorism' flavor to it. His murder occurred under the rays of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the New World Order planets, @ '18Cap' = strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER.)

Slick Willy On the Scene

Now don't assume for a moment that I don't think Bill Clinton was protecting a boatload of shady dealings by the US government, politicians, and others when he ordered the destruction of David Koresh's Waco Compound, for you would be wrong.

But do Clinton, Koresh, and the Siege at Waco tie in with Inslaw and PROMIS? They do if what I've read is true: Koresh's compound had PROMIS (or its illegal progeny) on-site in what was quite a communication hub, or hive, of activity. Was Koresh using a version of PROMIS software to spy on the US government's, CIA's, and Clinton's shady dealings? Was 'CIA asset' Osama bin Laden being protected for future use?

Does any of this relate to what Janet Reno blackmailed President Bill Clinton over?


*Casolaro's brutal murder occurred during the 11 South Series of the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 1991 @ '19Cancer', the same degree of our next Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 which is in the 12 South Series. The two Eclipses are linked by degree so both conjunct Fixed Star Castor, the writer, with keywords: murder, crippling of limbs, sudden loss or fame (A. Louis, Horary Astrology Plain and Simple.)

With his global criminal syndicate expose, Danny Casolaro was reaching for fame but got loss instead.

(Plus, '19Can' is one degree from Pluto's Discovery degree of 1930 adding plutonian spy, death, nukes, and 'secret hand' connotations to these Eclipse pictures; nuclear topics are turning up often in the news already and in this realm, the ongoing Saturn/Pluto square and Uranus/Pluto square are of no comfort whatsoever, are they?)

Therefore, we may soon expect similar events or more mentions of early 1990s events to come up for re-examination this summer, with 11 South's (1991) flavor: a need for sudden reforms to deal with events; old ideas, methods, and/or systems will fail; any blocks (Casolaro, US consumers, and bankers' debts?) may be violently or tragically removed (parphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

As you see, 11S is the Series that repeated in Summer 2009 (Eclipse of July 22, 2009) when the systemic financial collapse reached its current fulfillment - or the first stage of it, sorry to say; July 2009's Ecl @ 29Can27, a crisis 29th degree, with '30Can' having a "A Daughter of the American Revolution" influence - when the world financial system was said to be on the brink of complete failure 2009. Crime-syndicates-are-us?

Well, since you may have noticed that the MSM never reports on the $550 billion electronic run on US banks for about two hours in September 2009, I shall ask you...PROMIS, anyone?


Update: in a similar financial vein of interest, I've just found a fresh article on Wall Street's and Goldman Sachs' market rigging.

And for further reading try David Rothscum's Crash course on why 9/11 was an inside job.

Oct 16, 2009

Of oil pipelines and Jupiter/Neptune conjunctions

Bill Sardi is asking if a long-hoped-for oil pipeline in Afghanistan is what's really going on with US war escalation there.

On Feb 12, 1998, UNOCAL's vp of international relations, John J. Marcesa, testified to Congress on a proposed pipeline through Central Asia, on the lack of human and women's rights under the Taliban regime, and how the oil and gas reserves in the region might shape US foreign policy.

Even the elusive Osama bin Laden was mentioned by inference, not by name, so the question begs: was the 1998 testimony a ploy to put this information into the congressional record to support future warmongering?

1998 was the year that corruption charges were brought against Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan, and oddly enough, Pakistan's The Crescent Group was (is?) in a multi-national consortium with UNOCAL along with Russia's Gazprom, plus, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and the government of Turkmenistan.

Also in 1998: President Bill Clinton presented a balanced budget - first one since 1969; impeachment attempts against Clinton began; US gov vs Bill Gates/MS for monopolizing; the central bank in Japan was raided and financial scandals mounted; President Boris Yeltsin dismissed all 29 of his ministers in a major power play; India and Pakistan both detonated nuclear weapons.

Oh, something else for 1998 that I almost forgot: US and UK naval forces threatened to bomb Iraq if Saddam Hussein didn't comply with weapons inspectors.

Astrologically in 1998, Neptune finally left staid Capricorn and entered boundary-breaking Aquarius where progressive, quirky Uranus already played with computers and such - and the information revolution was on.

I know of no Great Conjunctions of outer planets (plus Jupiter or Saturn, the societal planets) for 1998, but on Jan 9, 1997 at 27Cap09, a Great Conjunction between the inflationary, speculative pairing of Jupiter/Neptune took place upon US natal Pluto, and we're still suffering under its effects as global wheeler-dealers continue their plans for imperialist expansion and resource-plundering as mentioned in the above-linked article with 1998's congressional testimony part of the set-up and the attacks of 9/11 the major triggering event, as it turned out. (Americans won't go to war without a 'noble cause' as our politicians figured out several decades ago. Remember Pearl Harbor.)

The January 1997 conj was the last meeting of Jupiter and Neptune until 2009's three conjunctions, the final one being on Dec 21, 2009 @ 24AQ18 - again atop US natal Moon (the people): losing oneself in speculations; little sense of reality; the desire to dream; instability; wastefulness.

But then there's the one from 1997 - still influencing globalists' plans, imo:

Jupiter/Neptune = n Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; far-reaching speculations; self-projection out of hand; major adjustment of life circumstances; a great loss.

America. She is a great loss, isn't she?


(No midpoint pictures were harmed in the typing of this post and were taken from Ebertin and Tyl.)

Oct 6, 2009

Bill 'NAFTA' Clinton speaks on Jobs! video 10.5.09

Is this a joke? No, it's only Bill Clinton, the president who ushered in NAFTA and US jobs out the door, speaking Oct 5 on...wait for!

To be fair, Bill Clinton isn't solely to blame for outsourcing US jobs, closing manufacturing plants, and so forth. Corporate America's 'go cheap and sell out America' agenda had been underway for some time prior to Clinton's first term in the White House. But not only did President Clinton not stop the hemorrhaging, he sped up the flow with NAFTA - and, following Washington politics' usual 'call things the opposite of that they are and fool the fools' ploy - they called it and continue to call it - 'free' trade!

And I still say the US government has our armed forces waiting in the wings for chronically out-of- work Americans to sign up for perpetual war service. Now wouldn't that be a version of a 'jobless recovery' to die for?

Jun 16, 2009

Scotland founded in 1005 and Jupiter Meets Uranus

Of late it seems that mentions of Scotland keep popping up on my blogs by way of TV's Craig Ferguson, articles from the New Scientist, and from my reading of Anne Whitaker's new book Jupiter Meets Uranus which I've just reviewed on Amazon if you'd like to check out this excellent book about the 14-year Jupiter-Uranus cycle and its scientific, political, financial, and many other implications for society.

Anne covers personal charts with Jupiter-Uranus effects as well in her research begun around the time of their conjunction of February 1997 at 5AQ55 - and you know who was US president then - the just-re-elected Bill Clinton.

He was a real New World Order promoter, our Bill, and futuristic about the New Millennium. His natal Mercury in Leo opposes the Jupiter-Uranus conj of 1997 so we have a midpoint picture we may wish to consider...

Jup/Uran = n Mercury: planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks; confidence; ready-wittedness; a person with an abundance of ideas; the gathering of ample knowledge; a fortunate turn in one's occupation (re-election!)

Ready-witted Bill's natal chart and details are included in Anne's book as well, and much more - including the US' first landing on the Moon, the first landing at Cape Canaveral, Florida - linked through the centuries by the Jupiter-Uranus cycle (I know-w-w!, as Mr. Ferguson might say amusedly.)

From historical record we know that March 25, 1005 is the date that King Malcolm the Second was crowned at Scone thus founding Scotland, so full of talent and genius which it has so often shared with the world!

You'll find an image of Scotland's natal chart along with Anne Whitaker's astute analysis of the national psyche of her home country as she writes appealingly from 'the Twelfth House'!

Mar 4, 2009

Origins of Public Relations and Consumerism: video link

Zeeks! Propaganda Galore! Our Brains on Propaganda! Pluto-Chiron's consumerism yet another -ism!

This four part BBC series captured on video, The Century of the Self, concerns the rise of consumerism, the business and political uses of it, and reveals its guru, Edward Bernays, and his role in inventing public relations in the 1920s based on his Uncle Sigmund Freud's work on the Unconscious.

Turns out...funny America, the very foundations of democracy were cracking fissures while Dr. Freud was spouting on and on about the irrational, dangerous desires and fears lurking just underneath Average Joe's calm surface - a threat which totally crumbles the concept of democracy as run by rational people making well-considered choices.

Freud's unleashed monsters had been seen expressed in street riots and in the barbarism of Nazi Germany, and they were definitely not invited to tea in a status quo society of button-down types and their quiet little wives making apple pies and brewing Maxwell House at every opportunity.

Now if you haven't time to view all four parts of this BBC-produced series, my recommendation is to watch Part Four at the very least.

The series is a fascinating view of public relations and the manipulation it is based on and has old film footage interspersed - including some cheesecake of Dr. Freud himself (just kidding about the cheesecake.)

Also revealed is the tight team effort of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, whose similar ruling styles were not as coincidental as they may have appeared at the time. Yet one thing I must disagree with the BBC on - I assert that Clinton and Blair knew very well that the manipulative Freudian techniques had been developed by people in order to control the masses, not to "liberate" them. I mean, puh! give me a break on that one.

So given my fascination with propaganda, its methods and supposed justifications, it seemed a good idea to make this video report available here in case someone else has a similar fascination...and so I can find it again quite handily.

You know, I published the first-ever US Inauguration chart with hour verified by historical record (George Washington's Inauguration, of course), and I remember writing on the chart image that changing we-the-people's mentality was a goal because of its 10th house Chiron in (mental) Gemini...if you wish to view the chart and read my notes, try American Presidency Apr 30, 1789 which, being the first, is the archetype of all US presidencies following.

Now I must mosey because my favorite new show comes on at 9 pm...Tim Roth in Lie to Me.

I love how they divilge what various gestures mean, including politicians' rhetoric tricks, flourishes, and avoidances which the show drops in by way of tapes of modern day political thespians - at podium or elswhere - because Lie to Me is all about reading faces and gestures, and with great acting, too.

Just my style - steamy Lie to Me Tea served with crusty Propaganda Biscuits nestled on one of the dessert plates Madison Avenue told me I had to have to make my life complete.

So as we-the-dupes know, completing-the-set in this manner simply never works. But it will send you a snowballing credit card balance from h*ll - as enabled by the politicial thespians of Capitol Hill.

Aug 23, 2008

Sun-Moon phases and presidential electability

Using Progressed Moon Phases to determine a candidate's electability describes some background influences just as our own Secondary Progressed Moon Phase tells us where we are in life.

If you're familiar with the book, Passages, from some years ago, that word perfectly describes the astrological Moon's influence on, and description of, the stages of our lives.

Ex: it's most easy to see with New Moon personalities, (Sun/Moon conjunct), which 'start the clock' on the Moon's monthly progress through the zodiac in Progressions, and represent the beginning of a cycle - similar to Tarot's The Fool card of new possibilities not yet fully realized, but eager and enthusiastic to get started down the path of life.

Time and experience must bring enlightment and knowledge to New Moon types, and that's where Secondary Progressions chime in astrologically...kind of a "you are here" heads-up for whatever period of time you wish to consider...evolutionary progress on the march!

And so the Secondary Progressed Moon moves forward about one degree per month of life; the Sec Sun moves appr one degree per year based on the Bible's a-day-for-a-year concept, a natural law.

The above-linked article considers the time frame of 2009 - especially January 2009 - for obvious reasons. Obama and McCain are, of course, included.

When combined with the natal phase - the degrees between Sun and Moon at birth - a method develops which may elucidate a candidate's chances for success in office and what issues determine his/her opponents' basic strategies against him/ keep the candidate from winning or, if necessary, to undermine his days in office.

We saw this effect in action with Bill Clinton's presidency which amounted to an endless parade of character attacks the entire 8 years. This shows up in the Sun-Moon phasal relationship for Clinton and is included in the article...remember Slick Willy ?

My own thoughts lean toward the "they're all culpable" model as we watched 1990s Beltway ego games and power-tripping-as-usual in Washington DC, my former and still-missed abode.

And what about The People's Business? You know that fell by Washington's wayside years ago!

Jun 24, 2008

Thoughts of Bill Clinton 6.24.08

It's been quite a while since I posted on anyone's Minor Progressions which indicate the Mental/Causal plane of thoughts which are striving to be integrated into consciousness.

And since I've blurbed about Minors here before, I'll skip the long explanation (see astrologer Robert Blaschke's excellent work on Progressions) and give the midpoint pictures for Bill Clinton's Minor Progressed chart, set for this afternoon.

All, none, or some combination of these pictures may be in play for Mr. Clinton who now embraces the candidacy of his wife's victorious opponent, Barack Obama, so see if any seem to apply.

Remember the Minors are the '27' in the ratio: 27:13:1, with '13' being the Tertiary Progressions (Intuitive-Emotional-Spiritual plane), and '1' as Secondary Progressions (Physical plane.)

Now let's 'peek under the hood' of Bill Clinton, shall we?

Sun/Saturn = Uranus: unusual circumstances; relationships crises; a clash between new ways of doing things and long-established ways; the fight for individuality.

Sun/MC ('the goal') = NN: picking one's associates carefully; forming relationships.

Moon/Mars = Sun: solidarity between husband and wife especially felt by the latter; the power to establish oneself in the world; prosperity through harmonious cooperation.

Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: success with the intellect; creative ideas are born; solutions are illuminated.

Moon/Venus = Mars: living passionately; potential overindulgence.

Moon/NN = Jupiter: confidence; good fortune through interactions with others.

Mars/MC = Jupiter: promotion in professional status; great success; energy and opportunity; a good organizer; prudence; far-sightedness; clear consciousness of objectives; a happy attachment.

And the only really difficult in the bunch which is actually between generational planets and thus in effect for people born around the same time as Bill...

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary efforts; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; brutality; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss.

Well, there they are, the current Mental/Causal plane's midpoint pictures of former President Bill Clinton. Whether one chooses to act upon thoughts that swim up from the unconscious or not is, of course, up to the driver--obsessions and compulsions notwithstanding!

Apr 2, 2008

Got Hillary illusions?

Yes, I'm a couple of days late with this heads-up, but if you've missed it and you've got illusions of Hillary's viability for the Dem nom, read Chip Collis' article debunking Hillary matter how angrily red-faced Bill wags his finger at super delegates.

And you may wish to check out my continuing series, Wedding Day Astrology, on the weddings'n'marriages of the Clintons, McCains, and Obamas at Jude's Threshold where the tent flap of luv has the inquiring camel's nose poked right in!

Mar 30, 2008

The Clinton's Wedding Day: Oct 11, 1975

Rodham, Clinton, whatever you call her, presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton married William Jefferson Clinton 32+ years ago...for better or worse:

Here are a few notes on their wedding day astrology.

Feb 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Feb 20, 2008

Bethinking myself to publish this Lunar Eclipse chart set for the White House, I now find the hour grows late.

Still I must point out a few basics for 10:30:27 pm est Wednesday comes all too soon and a looming Lunar Eclipse may reflect deep issues which have been simmering under the surface and now float to the top of everyone's consciousness.

Hillary and Bill seem to be involved with this Eclipse--her Secondary Progr'd Venus is now at *3AQ so you see transiting Venus, the Eclipse's chart-ruler and 8th house ruler, at IC which happens to be conj a personal name asteroid called "Bill." No, I'm not kiddin'.

Tr NN is sitting upon US natal Moon (the Public) and Chiron the Wounded is conj the most recent Solar Eclipse at the "A man Unmasked" degree. Chiron may wound but may also spiritualize---we'll have to see about that.

One midpoint picture concerning World Point 00Cap must be mentioned in case I don't get to finish this post upon the morrow...

Sun/ASC = Pluto: power play through personal persuasion; a turn of destiny; fated events; the desire to gain influence.

The chaos-creating Uranus/Chiron midpoint is conj the Sun 1Pis53, and asteroid Siva (destroyer or creator) is conj Ic and lady Venus who is inconjunct the Moon so adjustments must be made.

Mars, still out-of-bounds and working on his own to cause problems, is the tail of a Kite pattern if you don't mind including the ASc 28Lib57. Kites favor...kites, and I've marked this one in green. More on them later, if I get a chance.

Activist Mars has just crossed the 9th cusp which is conj Hillary Clinton's natal ASC (the 8:00 pm version of her chart) at the moment of the Lunar Eclipse.

~Tr Mercury is opposite Bush's natal Mercury so it's hard to believe that all has gone so peachily for him in Africa--at the least his ideas have met with resistance and travel plans may have had to be changed due to delays. But I've been blessedly without much news of him and have used his being off the continent as a much-needed relief from His Most Heavy Presence.~

You see the Moon heading for Saturn, whose traditional authority may be gained by the Moon but there's an equally good chance of gaining depression as well or instead.

Actually Moon-Saturn is often an indicator of fame due to one's insatiable need for attention and validation which were not forthcoming in childhood.

Then there's the unaspected Uranus in 5th house of risk-taking which probably has tech connotations, being Uranus and all.

And Sun and Neptune are snugging up closely against NN so we have a picture...

Sun/Neptune = NN: support of the needy; deception within relationships.

We may hear more rhetoric concerning the needy, and Washington is nothing if not deceptive in relationships. Why, even blackmail is not unheard of!

Sun/Neptune is also pointing to the US natal Moon (Sibly): high impressionability; moodiness; emergence of the unconscious; external influences affect moods or feelings.

Well, there's a lot more info in this chart but the sandman has been whispering my name for hours--it's 2:27 how did that happen?

*3AQ is Jupiter's 10th house position on Inauguration Day 2008...Lady President and Bill the consort?

Oct 21, 2007

Hillary abandons her Socks: 2008 deal breaker?

Ouch! Hillary's softer image is clawed over dumped cat is one of the more insidious character attacks you'll want to read. And it uses little Socks, the former White House First Pet, as its amunition while accusing Hillary Clinton of what the article does--cynical and jaded pet use.

Clinton's book, Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets, will now be trotted out like Buddy's ill-fated romp into the street just after his First Dog tenure ended...thus ending the life of a chocolate lab who deserved better.

Was a vast right paw conspiracy behind Buddy's demise? Was Buddy threatening to bark out about the Clinton years?

Socks, that black'n'white kitty who, said Hillary at the time, caused the White House to finally "become a home" was adopted by Bill's personal secretary, Betty Currie. This may represent abuse, but I doubt it--and I have no report of Socks' current mindset, if any, concerning Hillary's plans to move back into the First Feline's former cushy digs. Rrraorrrwwww!

May I suggest that if Hillary's prez-run results in a W-House reinstallment that she consider a different type of First Pet...perhaps a parrot for practicing the agenda's talking points, or a ferret to aid the secret service and intell community for ferreting out the truth which ran into the street years ago.

May 19, 2007

May 19: Venus and the Crescent Moon

Space Weather News for May 19, 2007


When the sun sets tonight (Saturday, May 19th) go outside and look west. Venus and the crescent Moon will pop out of the twilight barely 1-degree apart. It's a spectacular pairing of the two brightest objects in the night sky.

The display will be visible from brightly lit cities and even through thin
clouds. Visit for a sky map and photos. #

A Crescent Moon always puts me in mind of the Middle East--and of New Orleans.

And since there's just been a New Moon, we're creeping toward the Full Moon of May 31, 9:03 pm edt at the White House, with Moon 10Sag12 (too close to Fixed Star, Antares, for my liking; keywords: obsessed with success), and Sun 10Gem12.

This Full Moon will occur somewhat near the US natal ASC/DESC (Relationship) axis in the Sibly chart.

But for tonight:

Venus and the Crescent Moon "13Cancer"...DETERMINATION...

"One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb" (a la Bill Clinton?)

Amusing how many politiicians have taken up the thumb-at-audience device in recent years--since Bill showed them how--for playing the determination card.

pos: exceptional steadiness and and a high sense of self-responsibility in every issue of moment;

neg/shadow side: unnecessary aggressiveness and a self-defeating shortsightedness.

Hillary was campaigning in New Orleans this weekend--does she affect Bill's determined thumb ploy when playing sincere? Perhaps so, but I've yet to observe it. Ah-h-h, but the campaign is young!

Crescent = crisis, Venus = jealousy (in her shadow side.)

So with Venus' triggering of the King of Alarm Eclipse degree (Aug 11, 1999) on Sep 11, 2001, I'm more wary of vengeful Venus than I used to be...especially when she's been about you?